· web viewmy daughter came on so much and my nursery credits those early months of interaction...

Savings: 5.01 – Review of Children's centres activity through restructure, joint commissioning and buildings rationalisation Comments 1. I think the childrens centres are a good thing in communities to use and should not be shut down to save on money there are hardly any green areas anymore with houses being built on them children will have even less places to go. 2. Concerned about the affects this will have on childrens centres. These were a godsend for me after having my baby. The groups got me out of the house most days and were needed. I feel without them I would have suffered. I made friends, I learnt so much about me and my baby. The groups are fantastic for babies development with activities for different ages. 3. Please do not cut children's centre or library budgets 4. I used to use children's centre's when i was younger and loved everything we used to do. I believe the children are the future, we should acknowledge this and continue to invest in their development. 5. Children's Centre's have been a valuable part of my children's early years. I firmly belive if you want knowsley to have a bright future invest in our children. 6. This service has already seen huge budget cuts, staff have left and not been replaced, services slowly withdrawn. What is more important to the community than well-socialised, well balanced children. All staff at the Children's Centres offer a fantastic service for families, children, foster families. An area especially one such as Knowsley not only deserves but needs Children's Centres. 7. Have used the children's centres in the knowsley area since before my child was born, for pre-natal classes whilst pregnant, also once my child was born I used most local centres in Knowsley for sessions with my

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Savings: 5.01 – Review of Children's centres activity through restructure, joint commissioning and buildings rationalisation


1. I think the childrens centres are a good thing in communities to use and should not be shut down to save on money there are hardly any green areas anymore with houses being built on them children will have even less places to go.

2. Concerned about the affects this will have on childrens centres. These were a godsend for me after having my baby. The groups got me out of the house most days and were needed. I feel without them I would have suffered. I made friends, I learnt so much about me and my baby. The groups are fantastic for babies development with activities for different ages.

3. Please do not cut children's centre or library budgets

4. I used to use children's centre's when i was younger and loved everything we used to do. I believe the children are the future, we should acknowledge this and continue to invest in their development.

5. Children's Centre's have been a valuable part of my children's early years. I firmly belive if you want knowsley to have a bright future invest in our children.

6. This service has already seen huge budget cuts, staff have left and not been replaced, services slowly withdrawn. What is more important to the community than well-socialised, well balanced children. All staff at the Children's Centres offer a fantastic service for families, children, foster families. An area especially one such as Knowsley not only deserves but needs Children's Centres.

7. Have used the children's centres in the knowsley area since before my child was born, for pre-natal classes whilst pregnant, also once my child was born I used most local centres in Knowsley for sessions with my newborn on a daily basis, including baby massage, stay and plays, adult courses. These centres were important for me as not to be isolated whilst off work with my newborn and valuable in getting out within the local community, getting advice and guidance at a time when it was very much needed with a newborn. The childrens centres would be missed and leave a huge gap for families to access support within the community.

8. I started as a volunteer in the children's centres. With the support from the children's centres, I have grown in my knowledge and understanding of how the skills I have got can help the community that I not only work in but live in too. Through the skills and confidence I have been given through working within this amazing outstanding team I am the person I am today. I am also a parent of a healthy active 3 year old. I have had concerns about my child's speech and language and through the children's centres I

have been able to attend chatterbox sessions with him, speak to a speech therapist within them sessions to gain information and support for my child, this is just 1 example of how Children's centres have helped me. I know a lot of people especially in this area who feel the same.

9. *families will be effected if face to face/ services are cut- then this has a knock on effect later on with youth services also being cut who would the families be referred to? will they 'slip through the net if services are being taken away. * job losses and redundancies . * staff not knowing what their role is and/or stretching staff due to work load.

10. Stop cuts in children centres far to important to local people and families. It has helped reduced depression and strain on other mental health Better investment and thoughts are needed to.put local people at heart of decisions i am not seeing this from our local council. Since i become a paying council tax resident i seen.... - council houses built on private estate which has caused upset to those wanting private estate. - a crap elephant and chairs but in town centre where better investment is needed i paths and shop fronts. - reduce space of green play spaces and no investment to parks which are in bad condition. - knock down of a performance arts building. - over crowded swimming baths and no sport facilities for disabled people. Stop the cuts here,

11. Knowsley children's centres are vital to the community I have taken my little one along to their sessions since he was 6weeks old and he is now 3 years old and has thrived and made many friendships when attending also vital support for me when I was feeling down and alone it enabled me to engage with other parents I enjoyed the work they carry out so much that I now volunteer for the children's centres.

12. I am against the proposal of reducing the budget for Children’s Centres in Knowsley as this service is much needed in our community. Children’s Centres support parents & children to have the best start in life. Reducing the budget would be tragic for our families.

13. I am a parent that uses the offer of the children centers services. The effect of closing children centers not only effects parents but also effects our children, especially children with disabilities who our dependent on the children centers session and also the effect that it will have onexperience the children as it's a place that they feel except for who they are. Also the children centers offer a life skills to the children preparing them for school. I hope the children centers do not close as it will be devastating for not only pedants but children as well. Please find it in your hearts to not close them.

14. My biggest concerns about reductions to the Children's Centre's is the number of job losses that might occur as a direct result of services being cut. my second concern would be the impact that reducing the services currently being delivered will have a negative impact on supporting early intervention through targeted group delivery for families who are most in


15. My wife and I attended Children’s Centres and I cannot speak highly enough of the support they offered as my wife suffered with severe depression after the birth of our children. Without their support and encouragement to attend sessions such as baby massage, my wife would be in a very different position than today. Whoever it is that has decided to reduce the budget for Children’s Centres should be ashamed of themselves as they have obviously never been to a Children’s Centre and doesn’t understand how much this service is needed in our community. I suggest you visit a Children’s Centre and you will then see how much of a difference they make to the lives of families.

16. I feel that the potential cuts to children's centres would be extremely detrimental to those families who need additional support within walking distance of their homes. Knowsley has high levels of deprivation particularly within single parent households (above average lone parent population in Knowsley) Children's Centre have high skill levels to support parents and they are a trusted and valued part of the community. I have real concerns for these parents should Children's Centres close!

17. Children's Centres are the heart of a community and help the most vulnerable and targeted families access a variety of support. You can see from the Liverpool closures that the impact of reducing Children's Centre provision is devastating to all involved. However hard the cuts are I think this service should be protected. There is savings which could be made amongst the service I appreciate this but that level of budget reduction would risk the effectiveness of the essential work they do.

18. The proposed savings for children's centres in Knowsley are very steep. This is an area which is needed to support families and children who may struggle in their early years affecting them for the rest of their lives. The work these centres do is brilliant and they help families to obtain stages for their children they may not get to otherwise before they start school. This is so important for their development; speech and language, communication skills, reading, writing, health and helping families to bond. These cuts will mean a sharp decline in the amount and quality of the services offered which will have a lasting, negative impact on the community. Children are our future and they need the best start in life. Therefore these cuts need to be seriously reconsidered!

19. The potential loss of children's centre would be detrimental to the local area. It provides many important services for both children and parents. The majority is free to attend including adult and first aid courses. It's also a hub for other organisations I.e family first, building bonds etc. With the closure of kirkby's contact centre the children's centre's now hold a lot of contact visits with social services. It is an asset we cannot afford to lose.

20. I have used the Kirkby children's centres since my daughter was born in April 2016 and I feel they are an amazing resource which provide invaluable learning, reassurance and social support. I feel without these

centres many parents and their children would be isolated. Without the support of bosom buddies I feel I would not have continued to breastfeed for as long as I did and attending groups, such as baby massage and baby sensory, have allowed both myself and my daughter to socialise and interact with other like minded people. I would ask you to consider not cutting funding in this area as it is an important resource for parents and children alike. Thanks.

21. I am very disappointed to hear about the plans for children's centre budget cut. This is a ridiculous idea the centre's provide an invaluable service for the community from before birth during preschool and right up to Adult learning. To cut these services would cause so much pressure and problems for families who use the services regularly. I myself would not have been as confident as I am without the help and support received from the centre's over the 12 years I've accessed them. Not to mention the jobs which will be lost ! Please reconsider this proposal and find the money elsewhere as the children of knowsley depend on this service.

22. Please do not cut children's centre or library budgets.

23. I am very concerned that these cuts are going to mean that families and children who most need support will not be able to access. That Children's Centres will close and families will be unable to travel to venues further from home.

24. the Childrens Centre I have attended the Huytons Childrens Centre for the past 3 yrs since my little boy was born. It has been my lifeline. I have met new friends n learnt new skills and my child has had interaction from other children where without this we would have been stuck at home. This would be a very sad thing for you to do if you close the childrens centres as they help so many young families in the area. Please can you rethink this.

25. Save childrens centres

26. Good facilities for parents, always helpful. What you cut now will cost more in the future. Surely there are other ways to save money rather than taking it all from the children's centres. Does an outstanding service mean nothing!

27. The children's centres are brilliant for both babies and children. These help parents along and gives the confidence in becoming parents, these also help the babies develop social skills.

28. Total closure would be a bit difficult and hard on both parents and children. I think there can be a way to cut down cost, reduce number of sessions or activities rather than complete closure. Thankyou

29. I am absolutely disgusted that such a vital part of OUR community is under threat of being closed. As a parent of two young boys the price centre ha splayed a huge part of their development. Surely this will cost more in the

long run.

30. I regularly come to the pride centre in Kirkby with my 10 month old daughter. We love baby sensory, it gives me an opportunity to talk to other parents and my daughter loves to interact with other babies. I also often hire out the sensory room

31. The kirkby children's centre has been a fantastic support for both my daughter and me. My daughter has really enjoyed attending weekly classes and interacting with the other children. It has also provided me with helpful tips and advice on parenting

32. Without the centre I wouldn't have anywhere to take my daughter to help her socialise and develop basic interacting skills with other babies. For myself I gain advice from other mums as well as social interaction whilst on maternity leave. The centre provides all this and more and plays an important role in the community.

33. I think children's centres are really good, I have attended the childrens centres with both my children and found them to help me mix with other mums. Also my chidren have benefitted from mixing with other children and knowing how to behave in a social group

34. I think children's centres are a very valuable resource. I enjoy bringing my daughter to baby sensory, it's good for her social and cognitive development and it is good for me to meet other mums

35. I love the childrens centre. I have attended classes with both my children. There are lots of helpful classes and information and training for parents

36. Please keep the childrens centre services running. The groups, especially those run in tesco community room in Prescot are widely used by myself and other service members. The centre provides an important service to the public and helps to encourage vital child development steps which help to strengthen children's attainment and has a positive influence on children and their families.

37. I have great concerns around point 5.01 and the amount to be saved from children's centres. I understand the need to put money into services that deal with families in need/crisis, however I have seen the great work that the frontline staff in children's centres provide in terms of early identification and intervention for many issues including child development and family support and I truly believe that this has led to less families reaching the need for more targeted intervention. I have seen families supported through isolation issues, bonding issues with their child, speech and language issues. I believe that if we cut this much money from those services these families will be left vulnerable until situations escalate.

38. i use the childrens centre in my area once a week and the staff are very helpful

39. I would have been lost without our local free children's centres throughout both of my maternity leave with my children. The help and advice invaluable the support and the safe environment for us to learn along with our children. I think cutting their budget will isolate families in need and deprive our children of a wonderful community base. I was also able to mix with other mums and learn new things in my Motherhood journey. I cannot thank them enough. Please don't cut the funding.

40. I have used huyton children centres with my young children and they have been a godsend. The chance to get out the house and socialise woth other mums helps those who may be going through post natal related health issues such as anxiety and depression. They reach out to mums to allow a place to get out for an hour and mix with other people. I believe if services are cut then this will only increase the possible increase of mothers suffering with post natal problems that they may have got through whilst engaging g with other mums. An invaluable service that should not be overlooked.

41. I used the the children's centre with both my after moving to the area from London having no family or friends locally. I found the centre and staff helped me so much and it'll be such a loss to lose and big mistake. Please invest more money not less in the chidrens centre.

42. Hi, please don't make.cuts on the children's centers. I used the centres every week for baby groups for over a year until returning to work and still attend groups on my days off now. These grouos/ classes were invaluable in meeting other mums, getting support and really helping as a first time mum as well as developing my baby.

43. I have loved attending the children's centres and doin classes there with my daughter over the last year, I intended to keep attending so please keep them open

44. I spent most of my mat leave using whiston & Kirkby children's centre. My daughter came on so much and my nursery credits those early months of interaction with the speed at which she is learning and developing. As a breastfeeding mum I met other mums who supported me through tough times. I have made new friends, who supported me through those tough early months were I could have felt alone. I can understand how post natal depression can develop. I talk to friends who live out the borough who never had this support and wish they had have done.

45. Children centre was invaluable to my little girl, such an amazing service. Excellent / please keep it up.

46. I feel if the services are reduced with job losses and cuts to the services provided it will affect families and the close contact they have with the children's centre which could affect the readiness for school and isolated family. Children's centres positively encourage isolated families and open

doors to further opportunities, including developing parents skills to go back into employment.

47. My 1yr old daughter has really improved with learning. Behaviour and social interacting with the Star Centre play group, I hope the budget cuts don't affect the Star Centre.

48. My granddaughter/ grandson visit the star every week its a great place for the kids to meet other ones there's not many places you can do this by us so I do hope they keep this one open. All the staff are great here.

49. childrens centres have a lot to offer for families and without these services there will be a huge gap within the early years.a childs first 2yrs is crucial time for them to develop their learning to give them the best start in life.reduction in performance and potential job loses this would have a huge impact on the community as there will be nothing for families to access.children's centres pick up families at a universal level and we also work with targeted families if this service is cut then family first and childrens social care may see a rapid reduction in there services.a lot a families in need will slip through the net as they will be missed and not seen at universal level.it is really worrying for children's learning and development if these services are cut.

50. I have great concerns about the knowsley council saving budgets affecting many public services most of all Knowsley children’s centres. Through my working role as a (CDL) Children’s development learning practitioner i work alongside families/vulnerable families who have lots of support, early intervention, guidance, and most of all positive reinforcement to help give them the skills and support within their family environment. To take these services away I feel it will have a negative knock on affect on knowsley families’ futures and lives especially the large amount of families that attend Knowsley Children centres that use and appreciate the above services.

51. i live in the huyton area I feel these services will be a big lost to local families and community.As a resident who attends huyton Children’s centres with my granddaughters who are both under 3 (and not entitled to the 2yr offer) myself, daughter, and daughter in law are regular users of the free universal stay and play sessions which allows them to socialise with children of their own age and gives them the skills to get them ready for their first big step in life starting school nursery and most of all it has a positive effect on their overall development.So i really do hope Knowsley council take careful thought when making cuts and taking in affects it could have on Knowsley residents and most of all children when making these important decisions.

52. I have huge concerns as a council employee & resident regarding the council’s proposals &the impact this would have on children centre staff &families that access the service.The support childrens centres offer is vital for both children and families & the planned cuts would have

detrimental effects with many slipping through the net.Children’s centres are pivotal in cementing the early years, with outreach and family support a key source of early intervention;this is far more cost effective then if problems begin to get identified at a later date.In recent years a number of services that young people can access have dramatically reduced or are no longer available such as the youth and play service.If there are any more cuts there will be no services to access. This needs to stop

53. I am a full time working parent. When I was on maternity leave for 9 months in 2015 I often went to these children's centres. They were so friendly, supportive and a way for me to make friends with other women in similar situations. Being off (which was strange for me), often left alone with a young baby all day is hard. The service is fantastic and I was so pleased that these were free. I am never entitled to any benefits and pay for everything, so to have this was fantastic. Maternity pay isn't great and I wouldn't have been able to attend if the classes weren't free. I appreciate cuts need to be made but the women who attend need this support and it also helps bring the young babies on, such as the sensory rooms!! Thanks.

54. I have three children, one in primary school and two younger (three year old & twenty three months) just beginning the adventure of outdoor education). Except the play group outside and meeting with friends, childrens centres are our very likeable places. As English is our second language were me and the children learn local language and get to know the local customs and culture of other children. Also the childrens centre staff was and is very helpful in obtaining information such as courses for adult or other concerns regarding the development of children therefore I would ask you not to close them and to support themselves the Childrens Centre and the staff are important to us and needed.

55. I have two children and have used these centres during both my maternity leaves. My own mother and mother in law continue to use these groups to socialise and help our little people learn. Childrens Centres allow parents who maybe feel isolated at home to come and meet other local mums and gain friends and support. The groups help to expand and give ideas to do at home and allow any concerns to be raised. I have also used the parenting courses etc too. Invaluable services which shouldn't be cut.

56. Closure of the childrens Centres would have a devastating effect because, Sure Start Childrens Centres are a very valuable start to a childs development and education. The sessions offer a child the freedom to learn and experience new things in a safe and welcoming environment with trained staff to offer good educational learning opportunities for children. This is the first step to building a bright future for further learning as the child grows.

57. Fear of service/activity losses especial universal services that would have a knock on effect to higher level service provision, creating an increased need for more intensive help for family’s just about coping/not coping. Fear

buildings will close and families will lose much needed services in the heart of their communities, delivered by their own community (local volunteers) thus engagement with services may suffer as a result leaving families without that local support they need for early years child development/family support.

58. I feel it would be extremely detrimental to Children within local area if early help is reduced as often this is a necessary support for families before they reach crisis point

59. I love the children centre my little boy went there at 15 weeks and now my little girl is going too x

60. I do not agree that cuts should be made to Children's Centres because the services provided by these Centres are very much needed for parents and their young Children. These Centres are already finding funding tough and they try their best to provide services to families despite this. To make cuts would cripple these Centres and Families with young Children and they will not have access to learning and social activities. please DO NOT make these cuts!!

61. cuts should be used elsewhere, places limited to take babies/toddler groups are beneficial

62. there should be no cuts to the Children's Centres, through the Children's Centre I attend a variety of groups with my Children and also they helped me return to work after being made redundant. They do an amazing job

63. Money is being taken from Childcare. These groups mean a lot to the Children and the Adults. It's a chance to socialise and is so important

64. I have brought my three Children to Children's Centres, I have found them very helpful and supportive. They really helped me and I would be lost without them.

65. The Children's Centre has been brilliant in terms of support for myself and activities for my son. We really look forward to spending time at the Children's Centre and all of sessions. It would be a shame if they were to go.

66. It would be a shame to see any cut backs on Early Years groups as there has been since I had my daughter 11 years ago

67. We need the Children's Centre. I wouldn't mind paying a small fee for the room and it's facilities. We could bring our own arts/crafts material each time we visit. Promote the room we use more. Maybe they could charge for the Sensory Room. Maybe offer the room out during the Summer Holidays with specific invites to Childminders at a small cost with time slots so numbers are safe and open up the playground at the back.

68. we use Oak Tree Nursery currently for our 2 Year old and previously have for our daughter who is now 4. we also attend Stay & Play weekly. My wife attended Baby Massage with our Children also. We have used the Centre for C.A.F meetings for our daughter. We value the Centre and its variety of services that are readily available to the community.

69. on a personal level, I am quite sure I would have suffered from depression and loneliness if there hadn't been a close Sure Start when I had my first child. It developed my confidence with breastfeeding. I forged friendships and developed my child socially. From a professional point of view as a secondary teacher, if you don't INVEST in Children's Centres then Primary and Secondary constantly play catch up with Children and they never/rarely achieve their academic or social potential

70. I cam to the Children's Centre when I had my first Child 12 years ago the classes are really good for them. Now I come with xxxx, she enjoys it here at the Oak Tree Centre. We come to a lot of classes here, it would be a shame if the Children lost the groups here as it is great for them to help learn and share

71. Really enjoy the Centre, its brilliant for the kids all ages, nice mixing and meeting other Mums and Babies. Would really be a shame if we had to loose it

72. My daughter and I have been attending Halewood Tots at Cherry Tree for 3 1/2 years. It has been great for her to learn about playing and sharing with other Children. Also the puzzles, musical instruments etc. have been very useful learning resources. My daughter also attends Oak Tree once a week with her Childminder we have another Child due in 2 weeks and it would be a real shame if these resources were no longer available to us.

73. I strongly believe that there should be groups that parents can come to, It is important for Children to have these groups and for Parents who have little money. Don't close these groups down!!!

74. I have been attending the various playgroups at each Children's Centre for three years and it would be a tragedy if the groups were to shut down, I think the SP groups are essential; for new Mums to socialise and meet other Mums, swap stories and get advice on everything

75. Don't cut as much from the children center budget. It is a very important service and helps lots and of families. If the council budget can't help because of government cuts then the council should help children centres find money from things like lottery bids.

76. Prescot had 3 children's centres a few years ago, now it only has 1 at Southmead. If you cut all the buildings then soon we won't have any accept for Huyton and Kirkby as usual. Knowsley will end up like St.Helens soon with almost no Centres or just working with social services families 5.01

77. My family all live in Knowsley & use the Centres. We are very concerned about the huge cuts to our Children's Centres. We are keen that the Centres continue to provide the high quality of service on a universal basis. A lot of staff & volunteers at the Centres are Knowsley residents & parents to small children. Considering the dreadful Secondary Education in Knowsley, the Children's Centres are the starting point for learning in Knowsley. They also important for strengthening families in our community with parent support classes, short courses, baby-parent sleep support and baby bonding with baby massage, toddler speech support, etc. We feel that the Centres are brilliant for our children, but also 'make sense' for the long term benefits to our community.



80. I am currently volunteering at the Children's Centres and also doing adult courses so it would be very upsetting if the centres closed as all my hard work will come to an end. They have helped me in countless ways with my own childrens development, my confidence and problems I have had. I would have been lost without them.

81. I feel that the amount of savings that cc has been proposed to save is ridiculous.cc provide a high standard of services within the local community,if these are reduced and buildings and staff cuts are done this will have major affects on 0-5 children within the community this will have affects on later life. Which will have to be payed three times over.Early intervention is critical and that is what cc provide.Many outside agencies use cc daily if buildings go this will be drastic to the local residents who use the services and the ones who are pregnant. I as a local resident and worker know how these services can have such positive effects on the local community if these are reduced or taken away this would be drastic. Children and families would slip through the net.



83. I feel that the amount of savings that cc has been proposed to save is ridiculous.cc provide a high standard of services within the local community,if these are reduced and buildings and staff cuts are done this will have major affects on 0-5 children within the community this will have affects on later life. Which will have to be payed three times over.Early intervention is critical and that is what cc provide.Many outside agencies use cc daily if buildings go this will be drastic to the local residents who use the services and the ones who are pregnant. I as a local resident know how these services can have such positive effects on the local community if these are reduced or taken away this would be drastic. Children and families would slip through the net. (this was received twice)


85. closing such an outstanding service will cost hugely in the future. Whoever is making these decisions needs to have a serious think about the implications this will have and the cost it will be to put it right in the future.

86. why have only children's centre reception staff been named as the ones likely to be cut in the whole of the report. How insensitive is that? Those reception staff are from an outstanding service!! look around at other services before you make cuts that are going to have such devastating affects to local communities. The cost in the future to put this right will be huge. Think about these decisions, I am sure you can find other ways to save money rather than closing ALL the children's centres.

87. The proposed cuts to children's centres would mean that children 0-11 who according to the government league table already come from one of the most deprived areas in the country will be hit even more as this valuable service will not be able to continue with such extreme cuts. This will have a knock on effect with health education and family life and general as this service offers support in all these areas as Early Help intervention in the long run it will cost the government a lot more if children's centres are not available

88. Vital information and support to local families will be at a loss, children will suffer parents will go without early important messages. The savings seem so drastic towards the amount that has to be saved. Staff, families, children and communities will suffer drastically. 511K is not a realistic amount. There seems to be a complete lack of understanding by the decision makers.

89. I feel the proposed savings for Children's Centres will decimate the current

service we deliver to disadvantaged children in Knowsley. This is short-sighted of Knowsley. The impact will be greatly felt, and we will only have to find additional funding in the future to support children and families to reach their full potential.

90. I am the father of a young child and we use the service to attend Chatterbox Sessions. This is a vitally important service that is needed for children's development. Without children's centres this service will not be available anywhere else at this level.

91. Childrens Centres carry out preventative work which is imperative every £1 spent in EYs is equivalent to £7 spent in Youth to eliminate this service would put more strain on level 3/4 work CCG buildings are too formal to host CC sessions CC’s buildings have a family atmosphere and are warm and welcoming. CC make children School Ready and prepare and support parents to gain employment taking families out of poverty giving them more life chances. CC buildings are like a home from home for most CC families where they are known on first name terms and welcomed warmly

92. Knowsley Childrens Centres are a vital service and must not be closed. They provide an invaluable umbrella of services which help families in need, child poverty, speech and language, baby massage,breastfeeding support,child obesity advice, courses for adults to help with mental health, stress, family cookery on abudget. Our CC buildings are an open door for needy and vulnerable families, we are an essential point of contact for families with concerns.we hold supervised contacts in our centres since the family centres closed, where would those parents go to see their children. Children 0-11 will suffer even more if our children centres close

93. I have great concerns of the Knowsley council budgets cuts,what is the future for the Huyton area if children's centres are closed i regularly attend stay and play sessions with my daughter which gives her lots of opportunities to help with her development as she is not entitled to a 2yr offer it's gives her a chance to socialise with others in a safe playful environment,there has been lots of cuts in which are not for the better e.g. Play services,free swimming sessions,youth clubs what future has our children got living in the Knowsley area .

94. The early years services are very important to the people in Knowsley. I have used the children centres for myself and my nephew and it been amazing and very helpful. I think it would be detremental to the people of Knowsley if we were to lose a lot of centres. They provide a lot in the community and have been great.

95. I believe the Children's Centres is essential in the area to help with early intervention. To help with isolation and to promote stimulation in local children's lives which in turn will aid their development. For this reason I am against the proposal.

96. It would be a great shame if children's centres were to close as I attend

courses there to further my knowledge and career regularly and they provide a valuable service to the families of this community.

97. Cutting this much from CC's will have a detrimental impact upon the outcomes for Knowsley in families. Limited preventative services will result in families reaching crisis point resulting in draining social care resources and costing more in the long term. Every £1 spent in Early Years is the equivalent to £7 in Youth. Closing centres will impact on other services who are co-located and use the centres i.e. contact visits.

98. I am very unhappy that this is even being considered. I believe a substantial amount of children and families will loose out on a worth while course and feel the locak community will suffer if we loose our centres. Please re-consider your proposal. Myself and all of my children use these services regularly and we would be sad to see it go.

99. I am against the budget proposal because: 1. It would decrease communities coming together 2. It would prevent people having somewhere sociable to go to mix and interact. 3. It would decrease opportunities people have to improve their skills. 4. It would prevent children from learning and increasing their knowledge and skills. 5. There would be no support available for new parents e.g. bills. No guidance on situations they need help with.

100. I think it is disgraceful. My boy is 9 and I still use the Children's Centre for help and advice and a listening ear. I also attend some of the courses provided there.

101. As a parent of 2 children under 5 years old, I regulary use the children's centres in both play activities and to study , and have the chance to do adult courses. These children's centres are a god send to me as they are there for advice and the staff within the centres are very friendly and professional when I attend.

102. My children and myself use the children's centres a lot and with out them we wouldn't have the knowledge of activities and events that go on within the area. Also they are a place to go if we need advice on either the children or myself. If these centres was to go I think all families would suffer as centres help a lot of families.

103. I have seen with my own eyes what a difference Children's Centres make to parents and children's lives. If we want a world where every person is valued for who they are, in a community where people feel left out and forgotten by politicians. Children's Centres have been the shining light and given the community the chance of education and life skills.

104. I think it would be a shame to close the Children's Centre. I have took all of my children, two of which are at school and the third in nursery. I believe it got my children ready for school and they learned a lot. I still use the morning sessions even though my son goes to nursery. Also the Children's

Centres give you somewhere to go to bond with your child and meet new people and get out of the house. So not only are they important to the children, they are important to the parents.

105. My daughter has been coming to the Children's Centre since she was born 3 years ago. They have taught her so much and made her so outgoing. She looks forward to coming each week. It seems such a shame that you are considering closing them as so many children are going to miss out on a wonderful experience.

106. After reading your proposals regarding savings and Children's centre closures in Knowsley, I find it hard to comprehend how you consider this to be ok. Do you actually realise how much of a negative impact this would have of children 0-5 and their families if this was to go ahead. I would advise you to rethink what you are doing as actions like these will have a bigger impact on your funds in the future.

107. Sure Start centres are really needed in Kirkby. They are great for our children. They help them meet new friends, socialise and mix. I have used the centres for many years. I am against the budget cuts

108. I have been bringing my grandson to the play groups. He gets out of the house mixing with other children in a learning environment. I am disgusted at your proposal to cut funding for Children's Centres.

109. The Eden Centre at Westvale School has been a fantastic help regarding my child's progress. We would be very sad if the council decided to not give it the funding it deserves.

110. Children's Centres I am appalled that Knowsley Council can even consider closing some of the Children's Centres in Kirkby, by cutting jobs and reducing the service that is currently offered in areas that are already deprived to increase the level of deprivation that people in the local Community are already experiencing on a day to day basis. Instead of enhancing Children's development and School readiness, improving Child and Family health, life chances, Parenting aspirations and Parenting skills. This could have a detrimental effect and negative impact on the Children and Families currently supported by Staff from a group of Outstanding Children's Centres as rated by Ofsted 2013/14.

111. Due to proposed cuts of the Childrens Centre I feel this will only have a negative effect on our children's development it would also have an effect on adults mental health as some adults only speak & meet other parents at childrens centre groups.

112. The Children's Centre is amazing because mothers meet together and it stops post natal depression and allows parents to have a social life and stops intervention of social services. They are essential to the community. Other proposed budget savings could be jobs at the top of the council, where the top jobs are earning £100's of thousands instead of taking lots

of jobs at the bottom. Look at library services, lots of people aren't using them. Garden maintenance- could you get this done on community pay back schemes. Thanks

113. I think its disgusting that the Children's Centres are closing. Our Children need these and not just the children, I myself suffered from post natal depression and this helped me because I was getting out the house and talking to other mums in a relaxed environment. Plus all the classes I have been to the girls work so hard for our children to enjoy and learn through their play.

114. Fantastic centre at the Star & Eden. XXXX loves baby massage and sensory babies. Great for mums too. Getting out and meeting all the other mums & babies.

115. I have been attending the Children's Centres for the past few weeks. The baby and I benefit from the classes. They allow us to meet fellow parents and babies.

116. The amount of parents I have spoke to whilst attending the Children's Centres who have suffered from post natal depression and have been helped along through attending the Centres and having regular activities to attend is very very high. To think that these Centres could be closing makes no sense at all. This would cost the NHS and other services an awful lot in the future to try and put things right. I am sure that there are other avenues to "propose savings from. Please rethink this proposal before its to late!

117. We lost the Play service and now we're looking at a closure of Children's Centres. What happened to early intervention?? What happened to trying to help these children before they get to youth age and its too late. Do people not look at the bigger picture when making these decisions. The cost in the future to right these wrongs is going to be shocking!! It may even be too late to right the wrongs this proposal is going to cause!

118. Really are the council considering £511,000 in Early Help in children's centres!This is exactly were we should be pouring money into .. Early intervention is crucial in children's education!Knowsley children's centres are vital in this

119. this children centre is on my doorstep and my 2 year old loves coming to stay and play. I also took him to other groups and I will plan to do this with my new baby. it is really good and it would be such a shame if anything was to happen.

120. Children's centre across Huyton provide lots of support to children and adults and I feel they provide excellent services that benefit the community and should remain open.

121. Jubilee children's centre can not shut down! I take my baby here at least 4

days a week and she loves it, only 10 months but loves socialising with other babies and I like socialising with other mums. I have been going here since she was 6 weeks old done baby massage, baby sensory and now doing stay and play and baby exploeres. The nearest one to me would be the hilltop one and that's a hell of a walk! Don't not close jubilee centre down as it means a lot to me and the other mums.

122. I love the jubilee centre if you close it down it will affect a lot of us. Please do not close any of the centres down as you already have closed a lot down!!!

123. I suffer with bad anxiety and this centre (jubilee centre) has helped me a hell of a lot, I will start a petition against closing the centres as it helps so many mums and babies. Some children don't qualify for the 2 year free nursery hours so what do you expect them to do??? The robinsons centre went without a word I won't let it happen. WE LOVE THE JUBILEE CENTRE

124. Believe closure of children's centres would affect a lot of children's learning in a negative way. If it wasn't for children's centres I would not have been able to take my daughter to the classes we have been due to the cost of these courses elsewhere and she wold not be able to interact with other children of similar ages.

125. The jubilee centre has helped me so much with financial problems such as no electric or gas and they have gave me food etc helped me get on my feet. I take my girls here they love it means so much to them and me watching them play with other children and me making friends with other mums. Do not shut the centres down.

126. These centre are very good for the children to get out and meet other children and I think they benefit out of all the play groups and other things.

127. I think its disgusting of Knowsley to do this as it is an unrealistic amount to expect children's centres to save. To close them would effect me and my children massively I not only use the centre for play groups for my daughter to socialise. I use the play groups for adult courses when my baby was born I was given lots of advice and support as I had no family living near to me. I have also gained new friends.

128. I have found the groups ran at the knowsley centre really beneficial for my little boy to the point I am willing to travel to use the centres it has helped me to meet and socialise with other mums leaving me less isolated and helping my boy to move friends also.

129. I have found knowsley children's centres invaluable in raising my child as a first time mum it has given me so many opportunities to meet other mums and learn many helpful tips. it has taken a lot of the stress & questions I have which are associated with parenthood I honestly cannot praise the centres enough I would genuinely be lost without them and they are an asset to knowsley. I have used so many of their services & would be lost

without them.

130. The Children's centres are so important, they are the future of the community. If we lose them it will have an impact on a lot of families. Many parents have learned to read, write, learn Mathsand have gained a quality standard of education inc level 1 & 2 in maths and Englsh. We cannot afford to lose there places. Knowsley should stop this now. They are destroying this community and area.

131. The children's centres are so important the groups help to stimulate my baby which will improve his development it has also given us the opportunity to meet new mums which has reduced our isolation at home. The staff are so friendly and their knowledge is invaluable if the children centre shut we would lose the above

132. I think the children's centre are vital to new mums getting out with babies isn't easy and finding suitable places to go is even harder children's centres save mums from being isolated and becoming lonely also as a breastfeeding mum I have received all my support from children's centres without which I might have given up.

133. As a new mum I would feel alone if I didn't attend baby groups all family & friends work so support from these groups is needed my daughter also enjoys meeting new babies and learning new things.

134. I am against closing children's centres as I believe they help children come on in their development stage also it helps parents & families to be able to build up there confidence I went to a bump baby and me course which helped me to understand a lot of things as I am a first time mum I also now bring my baby to classes baby massage for me to interact with other adults and to talk about and learn about experiences I feel it is very helpful fro the babies as they are learning new things in class each week it creates bonds between us all by having people take the class builds my confidence and they are always happy to help and provide us with useful information which can we can take home with us.

135. I would be so sad to see any of the children's centres close whilst on maternity leave al of my close family and friends are at work the children's centres provide me and other new mums with access t other adults especially those in similar situations some days this is my only adult contact during the day I look forward to attending sessions and fee this really helps promote a positive mental wellbeing.

136. I use children's centres frequently and more than one, for play groups and adult education. I have completed Baby Massage Baby Sensory Health Eating I have used the crèche services also. I have met many good friends, my daughter has also. We look forward to the play groups each week. I have learned skills for life there. If it wasn't for the centres I'm sure I would have been very isolated at times. Its almost a break coming here. All staff are lovely and friendly always wanting to chat they are very approachable and always wanting to help with children. Please do not

close the Children's centres.

137. The children's centre has helped me as a first time mum to get out the house with my baby and interact with other mums as maternity can be lonely and difficult and everybody is in the same postion it is also a very welcoming place nothing is too much trouble the closure of children's centres would be devastating on the community.

138. I can see the benefit for all families in attending children's centres but we talk a lot about the hard to reach families and the postcode related targets but from meeting new mums every day the mums who will not be seen as being needy because they come from affluent areas and are working and on maternity leave these are not recognised enough as being vulnerable a lot of them struggle with being isolated as their network of friends will not be stay at home mums some of them will not have contact another adult all day and these mums can easily slip into depression without the help and guidance from children's centres this could easily be the case costing the local authority more in the long run with the problems that could develop from this for the mother and also the child.

139. I think they need to keep the children's centres as they help mums specific to other to other mums and gives us confidence with our babies it also helps our babies interact with one another and is good for there development it will affect us if they cut some of the centres as less mums and babies can't do these things.

140. As a grandparent I like to take my granddaughter to stay and play's at the children's centres. I enjoy watching her playing and it brings them on ready for school. I would hate to see a lot of services go from them.

141. I have used knowsley children's centres with both my sons the4 services they offer have been great and very useful in the development of my child's needs everyone is so friendly and gives new mums support and guidance also a great way t meet new friends.

142. I feel it is extremely important for the children and parents to have the option to attending the amazing services the centre's provide. I have attended Baby Sensory, Baby Massage, Chatterbox and Stay & Play sessions & found each one to be very important for my child's development as it has helped hi develop his social skills & give him the chance of interacting with other children. I know he wouldn't be where he is now with his development if it wasn't for the Children's Centres and I haven't seen services like this elsewhere. It would be detrimental to future families lose.

143. The children here in the Centres at the sessions are encouraged to develop and learn all about communication & social skills. I feel like this is a very important issue. They Stay & Play's I attend are not just a play session they are structured for the children's development. Without places like this the children take longer to adapt when going into fill time


144. To take away the benefit of children's centres will have a detrimental impact on the community for mums really benefit from the facilities for their children t develop but also fro their own emotional wellbeing it is a chance to meet other parents and provide help and support I personally would be extremely upset if the centres were to close because I would miss the classes and support it provides

145. These centres provide a really vital support and service t knowsley CSC without these centres parents and CSC would find it very difficult to facilitate the family contacts play therapy etc.

146. I really enjoy coming to Hilltop the staff are extremely friendly and helpful it is a life line attending not not only meeting other mums but learning new skills to help my child it would be a huge loss if the centre was to close.

147. It would be so sad to shut the children's centres the children would suffer massively from this the centres provide a warm friendly environment with fantastic opportunities t meet new friends learn to mix and interact with others and explore some fantastic activities that they wouldn't do at home all my children have attended the children's centres I have 4 children my eldest is now 12 and all benefited from these centres.

148. I think Knowsley Children's Centres are very important for children & parents because it gives them both the chance to socialise and make friends and gets children ready for nursery and gives them the confidence they need and teaches them social skills. I would be very disappointed if centres close and services are greatly impacted.

149. It would be a shame to close all the children's centres as it helps people of the community and helps people make friends and mix with others all the benefits of these centres are amazing they look out for both child and parents look after health issues and point people in the right direction of needs they also help people and children get ready for nursery and school.

150. These centres are vital to children and carers and I think the 511k figure is far too steep. I started coming with my grandchildren the eldest now 11 and I have introduces them to my sister and her grandchildren. It provides companionship an confidence to children and company for carers. Confidence is much needed for when they start nursery. When they go to nursery you can tell which children attended Children's Centres sessions/services. Without them Later on through school you would have to probably pay out more for extra help as they haven't had early intervention.

151. I would be mortified if lots of the centres closed, it's the only chance for me to get out the house and interact with others apart from family in the week. I attend adult courses that the centres offer and this has helped me gain lots of confidence and experience for the future. I already can't do as many activities as I would like as budget cuts have stopped the crèches provided

for the 6 week taster sessions.

152. in my opinion I think it is terrible shutting any children's centres the workers look out for both parents and the child looking at health and safety of the both the look for any learning speech or language problems they do a very important role in the child's well being it also is learning children to mix and speak to other people which will benefit the child going into nursery or school

153. I would hate for the children's centres to be greatly hit by this. I would hate for our adult course to close as I love it so much and time to myself and away from the house and kids. I can focus on me for a second and the centres and staff are amazing in making you feel comfortable and welcome.

154. I am currently volunteering at the Children's Centres and also doing adult courses so it would be very upsetting if the centres closed as all my hard work will come to an end. They have helped me in countless ways with my own childrens development, my confidence and problems I have had. I would have been lost without them.

155. Me and my baby look forward to all the sessions at the Children's Centres I've made lots of friends and the staff are helpful and understanding. It would be so sad to see them close

156. Good place to socialise with other mums and babies of the same age. Good for parents and babies. Parents on maternity leave cannot afford to fund massage, sensory, play classes so would effect child's development

157. I have used Children's Centres since having my baby, I wouldn't like any to shut down as they really helped me and my baby. They have provided lots of information and helped me bond with my baby

158. I have found Children's Centres a fantastic resource to attend classes and gain support and advice and to meet other Mums. If any further funding is cut to these services I feel this will have a detrimental effect on the development of children and the support available to parents

159. Very disappointed children's centres provide an excellent services and children and families They have helped me through difficult times

160. Its important to have children's centres it brings new babies on and not many people can afford to pay for things like massage sensory and many more. Brings mums closer to get advice off other mums

161. Children's Centres are helping me to learn new skills and take time for myself away from my 6 year old and 7 week old. Also doing baby classes with my 7 week old is helping us build a fantastic bond

162. Children's Centres were a huge support helping me bond with my twin sons outside of the house with baby massage. The taster courses have

made me realise how much my confidence in myself had decreased and is making me feel more positive in Ref: 5.01 finding employment for myself. It is also the only time I get to myself away from my children.

163. The Children's Centres are such an important part of parents with young children lives. I myself use them on a weekly basis, not only for play groups but for advice and support also. It would be such a shame for any drastic closures to happen.

164. These centers are beneficial to babies an even adults to get to interact with new mums an babies to interact. These shouldn't be closing we wouldn't have anywhere to go if these close.

165. I work for Busom Buddies who provide support for women who breastfeed. We have a number of groups in Knowsley. One at Jubilee These groups offer support to women who are breastfeeding and they gain support from each other. We are trying to increase attendance in these groups and the breastfeed rates in knowsley. Closures of Children's centres will have a big impact on the women and their families in Knowsley. The staff are helpful and supportive.

166. I've been using Children's centres for the past 8 months since I had my son. The courses like Baby Massage and Sensory are really important for bonding with the babies and giving them important new experiences. There is also the breast feeding support group based at Jubilee which has been a really good source of help and advice to me. My son loves coming to the centre and interacting with other babies and it has been great for my emotional and heath well being. This is a deprived area and every one of these centres are very much valued and needed by this community.

167. I personally think that it would be a shame to close the Children's Centres, not only does this Centre provide education but it helps people meet others,also helps improve their self-esteem and mental health by doing these courses.

168. Childrens centres are extremely valuable asset to the community, reductions in staffing levels and finances will hit them very hard as they are already running on low budgets. There are known issues in the Knowsley community regarding poor oral health, Infants not weight bearing, obesity, families in poverty, without the services offered by these centres what are these families going to do, where will they go to get help? How will the correct information & education get the community? This is a serious concern. I understand money needs to be saved, but at what cost to the community? Resources are low already.

169. these groups are invaluable for the development of babies from a young age and for the parents who feel isolated and are struggling with the demands of having a new baby. For Mothers who feel they aren't doing things 'right' or their baby doesn't sleep and groups are a great place to share stories and put your mind at rest.

170. I have just had a baby and this is how I socialise, this will affect me by having to stay in the house. My baby really enjoys the classes.

171. Children's Centre is really good for me and my baby, helps us both interact and I would really miss it if it was to close.

172. The Children's centre provide vital services to my area. They are there to help, be a friend, listen and sometimes be a voice. It is also a point of contact and they seem like a part of my family.

173. Please reconsider the savings on the Children's Centres as these offer great services for parents & children, offering great opportunities for children's early development. And 9 job losses from one area is simply too many.

174. Please reconsider the cut backs on Children's Centres. This would be a great blow to the parents & children as they offer great services for children's early development

175. Please keep the children's centres open, especially Jubile. I use this place a lot and would be lost without it.

176. Keep the children's centres open

177. We need to keep these services to support vunrable children and families

178. I would be really disappointed to see any childrens centres closed .(5.01). The service they provide is invaluable to new mums. It gives the opportunity for new mums to get out and talk to others at what can feel like a very isolating time. My son and i are on the baby massage course now, its amazing.

179. My grandson attends the jubilee children's centre it's so important for children to interact with other children and for mums/dads to interact with other mums/dads

180. We need this valuable resource for our early years children. The Children's centres are key to assist in making our children school ready. I have been coming to the centre for 6 years on my day off. This has helped my children grow in confidence and develop their social skills as well as make friends.

181. I have found the Children's Centres classes and staff invaluable over the last 3 years since I had my first Child. I now have another baby and we are enjoying the classes all over again. They not only provide entertainment at the classes and ideas to try at home, they provide encouragement and support and a haven to discuss worries etc. with staff and other parents.

182. My grandson attends the jubilee children's centre twice a week, play areas are essential for children to play and share their experiences with other children. It's a community.

183. as a mum who is on maternity leave from working full time so being able to interact with my children but in an environment with other adults to talk to has helped me mentally and socially and my two children have developed better communication and social skills assisting them and equipping them getting ready for me to return to work after 12 months maternity leave.

184. I bring my granddaughter XXXX every week to Jubilee in Twig Lane. she is only 2 but absolutely loves it, it helps her immensely mixing and playing with other children. Also helps her development. It would be terrible if the centre were to close.

185. the baby groups I have attended with both my children over the last 2 years have been detrimental to the development of their social skills, as well as helping with their speech and language development. They have also provided me with support to enhance my parenting skills and make new friends. It would be such a loss to the community to loose such valuable groups.

186. Children's Centres are essential for both Children and parents/carers. They enable socialisation, support and the opportunity for building friendships. already so many Centres have been closed so it would be criminal for more to be lost.

187. it is a good way for mums to socialise and for babies to play together. it is local and if it wasn't for his group I would feel very lost and isolated

188. Children's Centres help me and my Son bond more and meet new people as it can be lonely for new mums

189. we need the Centres for mother and child well being. They provide a fantastic service.

190. My son goes to the jubilee Center twice a week and loves it! It's a chance for him to interact with other children his age

191. In addition, an email was received from the Chair of a Children’s Centre Advisory Board in Knowsley as follows:

Understandably, Chairs and Deputy Chairs are most anxious about the scale and depth of the savings target. Children’s Centre are currently in the midst of identifying a £300k savings target for the period 2016-18; to this is now added a savings target of £511k for the period 2017-2020. This is an overall savings target of £811k which , on top of the savings achieved from 2013-16 and the sideways move of the Family First Service, leaves it hard to imagine how the service can realistically operate by 2020. Chairs and Deputy Chairs also wish to discuss the feasibility of linking the savings targets to a rationalisation of buildings, in terms of service delivery.

192. A meeting was held with the Chairs and Deputies to discuss these concerns. It was agreed that they would formulate a response. We have received the following on behalf of the Southern Locality Children’s Centres Advisory


Statement on behalf of the Southern Locality Children’s Centres Advisory Board

Whilst we appreciate the unprecedented financial challenges facing the Borough, the steep savings target proposed for Children’s Centres will impact on services in the future. Noting that the target is a mathematical calculation based on performance for a high performing service, the savings target focuses mostly on savings to be achieved by buildings and associated costs, but it is not plausible that £511k can be achieved solely through building rationalisation. In simple terms, Children’s Centres will need some form of venue to work for service delivery and this will need to be financed somehow. It also appears no account has been taken of current £300k budget savings required of the service for 2016-18. In reality, the savings target for the service is therefore £811k between 2016 and 2020.

The average combined running cost of a Children’s Centre setting is £69k per annum (building costs plus staff associated with running the building). There are 10 Children’s Centres settings meaning the approximate overall cost of all buildings is £690k per annum. It would therefore theoretically require a closure of most buildings (2.5 buildings would remain) simply to get to the proposed target figure of £811K. We appreciate the figures are a simplistic extrapolation and that efficiencies can be made elsewhere across the buildings function, but it is useful for Members to be aware that from the perspective of Advisory Boards generally, that the current proposed figure is not realistic nor achievable from buildings alone. The figure would only be realised from cuts to frontline services in addition to the closure of buildings.

Our fear is that making the service commit to this figure will lead to service cuts and serious, adverse impacts on the life chances of children and families in Knowsley. In plain terms, if the service can only realise e.g. £300k of savings by 2020 through building rationalisation then the extra £211k will still be required and this can only come from services.

Therefore, we seek a reduction or change in stance of the £511k figure to something that reduces both the emotional impact of the proposed cut, and the stark reality that services may need to be savagely reduced if £511k was not achievable through buildings.

We therefore urge Members to strongly consider a reduction in the savings target figure of £511k to £300k. This would still mean Children’s Centres are reducing their budget by £600k across the 4-year period of 2016-2020 but will still enable us to provide quality services to children and families. If this proves difficult, we request that a formal statement is shared via the Leader and Cabinet that the savings target is focussed solely on buildings and that the figure of £511k will be reviewed (and reduced) once work is completed to analyse the true saving from building rationalisation. This would also allow Children’s Centre Leaders to progress with bids for external funding to support delivery which may in turn make the achievement of a steep savings target easier for the service.