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·, · : Home Ee. Cflapter Th' e' s .- : Caters .for Campus '. pectator t6c Vol. 51 McP l/Jldtr the mo "M!'cllng Ss\l scholanhlp each f2mil1 Ne<ds." tho 36 members I or 111c College Homo .:;;,.::;btr home RatJiffe, Penher ' £t<>nomlc, Chnptor ore Olliccr, or the Home Etono- Suare T -a - cl .s programs and mies Chopter ore Carolyn Picrau .... sr. E'mmcuburg. iowo, <hair- In Spr_ ine Play In the club Is mDn; Jonnctle &rtel, sr. lfil f.S. The <3St for v .. r_ , Blow 0 -n lo oil McPherson College boro ""'"" ,,.. .- Kn re n Your llom," .drnmnlic ' coetls who hold. on Interest In Johnso p, s r, McPherson, sccre. production, . U1ls . !he nekl of home ocoriomlcs. A ta<)• p 1 Eckhn major in home economics is not Ion ; M,:':. 11 ST. CJin. "'Cek by Loren • D. Rc yher, 1st . Deputation Team Visits Three States ' - ' U=>Uf'tt; Shir• assb!Mt professor in Erl&Jish ,,quirtd. Jc_y Blough,' sr, Iowa, Md th l R hoa B7 ARI" McA,llLEY Paw W4'00Cr, associate di- Stvtrat ol the proJttlt .,;.. historinn: nnd Eileen Clnnsscn; J 'JOea er. c !'SDls bet!nn DeputnUon hos opened r ector ol development, la nctlng In BDrtlcsvillc: the Big Crcclc In Cushing; and tho cburdlcl In Oltlnhoma City, Tbomat, aud Enid; 'and tho Pleasant Plains Church In Ollvo. rlod out llnt ••mater "'ttC sr, Newton, publicity. "r':; .fu,; · "* " nal J once again, with tho !Jrst' tour M llfllclnl spokesman ol the ...,-lllg • meal lo' Bloodmobllc lllUllle, soph, Parll Rld(e, rn., concentrotlnil its elfo!U in Oklt>- group. - rttrtshmeats ' Mclh A I bo --· ·" M . n-• ··--· '-"" be ' (or lhe Bltllncer, 11110 dedlOll· . Ont 10_ llCJI.( .. •w Alu Balrer,• ud .... w. •CXM ...... new = ., .... """' WW """"""'8 lion .and •'ahoellOelt Hall's ope 1 { Bethel Inauguration . 10 M.,..ill r......,., Jr, Mcl'ber- Five repre$CDl4Uves of Mc. on the t"'O be spent In , 'on, who .. 111 pll>y Alu'• bN>lh· Pherson College Jolt Sunday, Europe M on alternnUve ser- Tbe Nae on a and Clovla churches In New Mexico wUI be visited. Also, the PB111pa and Waka Cllurcboa In Texas wlJI bear the Mcl'bcl'bl &tudenta. """"· and !acuity• Dr . J. Jock Melhoru, pres!· .,, Buddy, Jan. 29 nnd ' plnn to return Sun- vlec volunteer. He worked his diao<r. dent of the CoU.g.. auqded SmJ dll) Feb !inst ca conslnlctlon . F.i;:ht delc'gatcs were sent 10 :_: 1 a.mOf. J u. 30 aaaUAJ board ejgc, eo":o .. w:·:.:.;:; lrom this.first d6- V.'Ort..,: lnr •foll home economics workshop ni lhe Col-' i;;,•nns, Md Undo Kurtz, sr, SWckaU lllYOl•ed are Dale '!be ensuing clcwn ' mcnths \ al lhc College ol Emporia. 1"1 I Kansas •I ll<lh· 'McLouth, will CoMle .Neal , ar, McPherson; Canllo SDW hi ll\. ' In Poian<£ Involved in Tb( chapter al.lo spgo.son A c egc, nCM 100 Dnyton. MuUcadore Neal, Jr, McPbenoia; nn a.gricullural cxchango pro- Bctbnny Will Ho8t K.alcidol!Cope Playere New Oas ·ses ' Atl'd Interest On Sunday lie "111 ttluni lo oa Marlin lloo\•cr, sopb, Rocky MU7 Aue !llDJer, Waterloo, lo. jccL Neal aUendcd an tntcma- Swiclay, Ftl>. 5, to rtPr<Sall Font Colo.. and Peggy Slo(t,r, wa: Ud Doau Brabaktr, sopb, llonaJ pe.>cc aemln4r tho last Tbe Kaleldotoopc ol tho New Mexico Schoel !or the Performing Atta. will preecnt "John B1'\IWll'I llod,y" Ill llelh· McPherson at tho In· soph, Denver, Colo.. ploy Mr. Lyons. month, IMllore he returned to the ouguratlon ol Dr. Orvlllc L> nnd Mrs. Bnl<er. Floralyn Flory, United S!Jltcs. · \'oth as president ol Bclhcl Col· soph, McPherson, M Aunt Cus- lr ge. sic, eomplctcs Uio cast. . .. . Catholic Present ),fcPherson College SlUo -:. - dents ore reminded ol the Sun· G L doy School c1nsscs org•nizcd nest ecture Sessions :ll tho Church or lite Brclhren for t he interests nnd needs or Chopcl will assume n new for· 1ti. students. mot next Tuesday when lhrec °™' closs. When Prolcstanls \isiting Roman Calhollc Priests Worship. is studying di!ferent · from St. College, St. dcw1minntions. 111ey will nlso Mury's Knnsns, will conduct o be mnking V iSilal iOJlS both Jocnl• CnthoJic lJtur gicaJ Scn 1 icc. f11lhcr Brown nt 3 p.m. At 7:'JO p.m. F:ither Kessler will di rect t he l inDJ Jcclure ses- sion, "Science \' S. Religion." All lcclures will be held i? Mohler 125. ly and out of town. . nicy are Father Poul J. Mc- BuJJ. Scssioo is lhc gan. s. J .• clircctor or lhc com- Tcilhord de O>anua .; .ns a ollwr class and dil;cusses variOllS mlUee on non o. thcism ond con· Roman Cnlhollc priest who wrs lopics · llS tlotc' mllncd by tho temporory lheology: Fnlber unnblc to publish his works due <lass . Man·in R. Kcssler,'S. J .. choir· to the fact thnt' the . Church Sludcnt leaden In both clnss- man o! lhc 0n the would · not sanction his clforts. rs "ould like more studcnls' to spiriiuolity ol de Char· Sinre his dcalh, his wrilinis ond 'f come . i;lJ that they would be din: nnd Father Bcmnnl lectures have been published: t.i crC3lc new sections or s. J. . - lhis will form n basis !or the rlnsscs. Another phase· or the ir vis it three lecture sessions. · There is also intel"CS in or· is to eonducl thtte lecture •cs- Dnizing n cl= to mcct on slons on lhc thought o! TcilbJrd co1111""· possibly nl the Sludent do Chnnlin. , Discussion sessions are also planned. belinlte Drrangem<rits will be announced Inter. " Peaslee to Talk About Ques tion Of Far East Alexander Latt y PCDSlee, De- partment ol Stoic, will discuss the Far Eostem Question nt student eonvocaUon Feb. 16, nt 9 a.m. Peaslee ls Deputy Director Jn the O(lire of Far Eastern Pr<>- Grnrns of the Dcflartmcnt or Stole. lie served os vice-consul lo in 1!»6 and ' WDJ vice-consul to Porto Alegre Iii J. 9'19. lie wllS consul to Porto Alegro in · 1951 nnd consul to Hong Kong in 1952. Peaslee bccDme an inlcnu>· tiorutl economist Jn the State Department in IOC>S nnd was nppointcd First Secretary · Con· sul lo Taipei in 1957. Following bis speech. Peaslee ,. ;n hold · an II o'clock press conference. li111011 or in h donnilory. J'.o. Father MeG an will direct lho t:iuon :md topics will be an· t irst Jeci urc·scssiQ.n on OOUIK'\. '<l later. . Feb. 6 at 7: 30 p.m,: II is · """ .\nycne interested in bccom· lilied "A Tu-cn1ic1h Cenlury n part or these discu ssion St-.S:,ittrts mnr .rail U1c church D!lil'o, Cll 1·1109, or Robcrt Sto,er, Cll t-1411. or conl'1ct Hocer Schrocf', Jr, Metzler. or GJcnn Frazier, Jr, Metzler. Visionnr )'." The second anti third IC<.."turc sessions will be held on Tues .. c:l.a;' . Etb. , 7. 'Ille second. titled " A New \rssion or S.11· valion," will be by BetJiany Holds I . KFPC Funds Received Set: New Year Record Confetence Bclhany Theological men ond SOflhomores who hove ><)'. lhe Jlr>dWltc school ol thco- a special desire to ollcnd thlJ logy or the Church ol lhc Brclh· year wlll not he excluded. rcn, . Onk Brook, 111.1 noor Chi· Bclhany will flrovi<lc !roo ca,Go. is sponsoring u c.hurch room nnd board on the campus . vocations conference !or college during the eonferenre and .,Ill donated to Kansas are in\'iling corh donor to · con· students the wcclccnd ol Mor. PDY 8 cents 0 mile tra• · cl CX· f-'oum)u!Jon Cor private sider nn increase oC 15 per cent 3-S. McPherson students om In. pcnscs for each car bringing fur which Dr . 1 J. Jnck M elhorn. in his next cifl. vilcd to attend. four or more students 1 1 rt-sitlcn t of the colleg' "' licits, The lnrrr ... wltt hcl1• to pro· TI1e conrerence is tleslgnt-0 to · : >et n new r«ord for Ilic ycor tdurallooat opportunllles students in ll""*'glcnl Tho eonlcrenco 1'111 begin with or.ding Dec. 3i: • 1 9G6. neccrding ro: s llll mott yo' an.o: )• cJd'cotion nnd to introdure them' d 1 • • • r ""I Friday cv...U.,:, lo Alccne G. HebCl rlinli. CXCCU· oop<J:es whtre •\"dcnll , ' ihc \\' ide rnnge or opportun- I 3 ud wUt end. Satanla)' live sccreta !1 '. thAn tupoycrs, tctji'oy · which exist tn church • 1 4 Durin.r: 1 966, lour hundred the larger shore or , related \'OCOtlons today.' ::i bl u •Y l!igluccn gilts to be &hared by 19 costs. Partlclpaall ill coefettace at .._, alld rclum Korisns pri,· ate colleges and uni· lr:tdependcntly • controlled col· will bave an opporlwllly to be- lo l cPbttsoo oa Suaday •. •·crsltlcs totnlcd $302,413, grenl· Jegcs and univorsi1les which conic ocquatoted wllb U.tban_y Thomos "'.· 0.aJ. assiSUlDI er than tho previous year by shore in received by the and to visit personi Involved phrtosoflhY. nod rell· Kansas Fouridation !or Private In a nrlcl)' or cburch • ttlated g1on, wi ll accompnny the group. Since t he f•\Uld•tloa ltaned Colleges ore Baker Uni\'crsily, vocations la t he Chica&• areL ,.;u bCl •ceded to •cllvlty la Janunry, 1m. II ljos . llelh<?I College, liethl!ny Ccl· Students who attended J a s t dri\ 'e cors Dnd to help orgnnlio received 3,419 i;Uu totnllnn $:!,· lege, Central College, Donnelly year's eonlcrenee reported this onrloods. :IS3,G75 from state and nallunat COiiege, Friends University, lies· 10 be on interesting nnd slim· liltcr cstcd students may eon· iorporaU..S. i>a"'1cnblps, I•· stOI\ College, ulnting experience. · , ta ct Dr. Wn.yno L. Milter. n&o dMdw proprldonlUJS alld Ju- Wcsleynn ni\'crsil.Y, Any McPhcnon CotJcac stu- soclntc prolcssor or speech, w"91'e baaloess illter- Coll ege, , Mcl'henson dent who has a lentative Inter- pbliofOphy nnd rtJliion: David csu Include the 1 tate ot Kuau. College, Mt, SI. Scholnstlc Col- est in theological educnUon or L. Eller, professor ol All funds' rocclu<I by 1hc . Jcgc. O!tawn Ur;Uvc1'$11.)'. Sacred In n church - ttlatcd · vocation philosophy .and religion: ?r Prof. Foundntioo '\'° ror 1eneral oP- Heart CoUegc, St Benedict's Is eligible to 1nuen<1. Studen4! peal for {!IOI'• lnlormntion and eraUng nill&Pf Ille member col- College, Saint MDrY Coll ege, St. from several other eolleles Wilf appUcaUdn blanU. · lcgcs, ani! are npt used for • .Mary of the Plains College' , also participate. • ' . AppliCiltioa blanki' should be cnpllal. il"provcm,cnt.s. •I Southwestern· College, ,Steeling . Junlm 1111d' .>see1orl. " wJU. :. be· !Wpcd jn by l'cb, 10 , · Foundnthlo l't'prcscntnUves Colleac nod Tabor al\'cn first prelcrcnce.,Bd\' to Prof ., Eiler. , . 1 '. . • ', . . \ . ' • Carole Neal will p..-nt the any College on Thursday, Feb. 11>e 'ratllered wbllo 9. falllllJar her two yurs ot YOJ. Under the progrnm ol the 'Mc. llDlttr worlc at the mDcrest J!bcrson Coont.y Foundnlton. II Scbool la Ntrerta. 11 possible to be ndmltt.ed to Mary Anne Miller wlll sing th11 prcscntnUon on a McPbcr· geycraJ selected solOJ, "ith Don· son College Qtllural Serie. sea· na Brubaker nccompaeying on son ticket. the piano. · The Knleidoscopc Plnycn ore Brethren churches being visit· one or the lending touring re- cd in Oklohomn are t he High· portory stock eomponlcs In the\ land Part and the First Church country. Meetings. _ Orgarilzf! Faculty TCOITl1''0rt and a><>pcratior1 between professors and dcpart- mentS nro important to uic smooth functioning oC nn ed· ucollonal Institution. Mucb o! the bchind·the-sccncs coopcrnllon nnd organizing nt McPherson College tokes plocc in the regularly scheduled Inc · ulty mceUngs and worlt>t.ops. Gcnenat faculty mttllap aru held !Mice month Immediately lollowlng the Tuesday c h a p e t period. Deparlmealal and di· visloaal mcdlop are held ooce a monlh. The. four major df\oislons ore noturot sciences, soclnl scionccs. humanlUcs, and prnctlc:il ruts and applied scionces. Mtetlnn Involve discussions on such llems u cat&logue pwnl••· eflec:llTe utlU..Uoa ol ACT ptaeemcal lesll and <ur· rkulwn cJwaies. The lacull.)' also held a two day, Jan. 11 and 12. F'our study groupS were organ· !zed !or consldcrnUon of UIC an· nunl acndcmlc calnndor, the lmpro\'CIT1"1t ol teac:blml. pos. slblUUcs !or bcttcr eommunlcn· lions on campus, ond llutlcnt affairs. The workshop rulminntod nt a faculty dlnt1Cr at which Dr. E:i.sterling. president ol the As- sociated Colleges ol Cc.nlral Kon· s:is. spoke. "The Chulk Garclcn" Slatccl For Brown "The Chntk oGnrden" will be shown in Dro"11 Auditorium on S:llurclay, Feb. 4. 3\ 7:'JO p.m .. ncco nlini; lo Jan Burnhnm, jr. Pierson. Jowu l'hoirrnnn oC the McPhcnson College. Social Com· mluee. The dromD sbrs ll:l)'ley Mills, Mills ond Deborah Kerr. Wiij...)Iosk I . . . Four-State Youth Meet College will i- fcrenre youth April I, lo• " the Churtit ol the Brethren spccch contest, Faculty mcm· Youth Conference, which Is to bcrs will judge the district be held on cnmpua Morch 31- speech April 2, ncconllng to Poul Wng. Dr. J . Jock Melhorn, presi· oner. assoclDtc dirccto; of de- .DI the College; will be the velopmcnt. . fcolured sl)«lkcr at a banquet Youth (n>m aiureh of the w&icb will be held Saturday Brethren dlatrlcts In !own, MID' cvcnfog. nesota, Alluourl and Aitansas Dr . Rlllomond L. Flory, vice are· expected to attend tbe Coo- Pte$ldent ot tho •ill rcrcnce. Jead the 9 o.m. dlicus- "' 'l1hc CoUegc A Cnppejln Choir 1Jon group, 11ncr which o wor· will present proamm Friday lhlp service wlll be hold Jn ·t'Yeninl. March , I, for the pat• Jbe' C)urcb ol tbe Brctbren. tidp:l1lni J:OUlh. w.,_.. llated that 1ntorma- ' Members ol the College Ill- Uoo will b9 .! - to cllureb 6.Jty will meet with . tbC- aroui>S that l"JU .

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Page 1: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · •foll ho me economics workshop ni lhe ~lated Col-' i;;, •nns,

·, ·

:Home Ee. Cflapter Th' e' s .- : Caters.for Campus '. pectator

t6c Vol. 51 McP l/Jldtr the mo "M!'cllng Ss\l scholanhlp each ~mcsttt ;~~:;:---::---::---=::..:h.:.:c:::rs::o::,:n~C;o'..'..11'..'.c~g~c:..., ,:::M~c~P~h~e:!rso~n~·~K~a~n~sa~s~,...;F~e~b~r~u~· a~_:2~.2_19~6~7~------2~~·~1~

f2mil1 Ne<ds." tho 36 members I or 111c ~lcPherson College Homo .:;;,.::;btr ~, ill home RatJiffe, Penher

' £t<>nomlc, Chnptor ore c~rry. Olliccr, or the Home Etono- Suare T -a-cl.s '.:!;'~/various programs and mies Chopter ore Carolyn Picrau ~ .... sr. E'mmcuburg. iowo, <hair- In Spr_ine Play

~Jcn1bcnship In the club Is mDn; Jonnctle &rtel, sr. lfilf.S. The <3St for v .. r_, Blow

0-n lo oil McPherson College boro vi~·•-· • ""'"" ,,.. .- "~'"''rm•n: Kn re n Your llom," ~ring .drnmnlic

' coetls who hold. on Interest In Johnsop, sr, McPherson, sccre. production, . wns~ontlO""""" U1ls .

!he nekl of home ocoriomlcs. A ta<)• p 1 Eckhn -.-~

major in home economics is not Ion ; M,:':.11 ,_~1• ST. CJin. "'Cek by Loren • D. Rcyher,

1st .Deputation Team Visits Three States

' - ' U=>Uf'tt; Shir• assb!Mt professor in Erl&Jish ,,quirtd. Jc_y Blough,' sr, W~terloo, Iowa, Md th l R hoa B7 ARI" McA,llLEY Paw W4'00Cr, associate di-

Stvtrat ol the proJttlt .,;.. historinn: nnd Eileen Clnnsscn; J 'JOea er. c !'SDls bet!nn DeputnUon ~nson hos opened rector ol development, la nctlng In BDrtlcsvillc: the Big Crcclc In Cushing; and tho cburdlcl In Oltlnhoma City, Tbomat, aud Enid; 'and tho Pleasant Plains Church In Ollvo.

rlod out llnt ••mater "'ttC sr, Newton, publicity. "r':; • .fu,;· "*" nal J ~.:~ once again, with tho !Jrst ' tour M llfllclnl spokesman ol the

...,-lllg • meal lo' Bloodmobllc lllUllle, soph, Parll Rld(e, rn., concentrotlnil its elfo!U in Oklt>- group.

- p~ rttrtshmeats ' Mclh A I bo ~.. ~'-- • --· ·" M . n-• ··--· '-"" be' ---~L (or lhe Bltllncer, 11110 dedlOll· . Ont 10_ llCJI.( .. •w ~ Alu Balrer, •ud .... w. •CXM ...... new = .,.... """' WW """"""'8

lion .and •'ahoellOelt Hall's ope1{ Bethel Inauguration . 10 M.,..ill r......,., Jr, Mcl'ber- Five repre$CDl4Uves of Mc. on the t"'O >~ be spent In

, 'on, who .. 111 pll>y Alu'• bN>lh· Pherson College Jolt Sunday, Europe M on alternnUve ser-Tbe Nae on a and Clovla

churches In New Mexico wUI be visited. Also, the PB111pa and Waka Cllurcboa In Texas wlJI bear the Mcl'bcl'bl &tudenta.

""""· and ~rvilll • !acuity• Dr. J. Jock Melhoru, pres!· .,, Buddy, Jan. 29 nnd ' plnn to return Sun- vlec volunteer. He worked his

diao<r. dent of the CoU.g.. auqded ~14rib SmJ dll) Feb !inst ca conslnlctlon

. F.i;:ht delc'gatcs were sent 10 :_:1

a.mOf. Ju. 30 aaaUAJ board ejgc, eo":o .. w:·:.:.;:; ·pu~ i.;~. lrom this .first d6- V.'Ort..,: lnr ~

•foll home economics workshop ni lhe ~lated Col-' i;;,•nns, Md Undo Kurtz, sr, SWckaU lllYOl•ed are Dale '!be ensuing clcwn ' mcnths \

al lhc College ol Emporia. lelgCo~ 1"1 I C•n.~al Kansas •I ll<lh· 'McLouth, will portray~ CoMle .Neal, ar, McPherson; Canllo SDW hill\.' In Poian<£ Involved in

Tb( chapter al.lo spgo.son A c egc, nCM100• Dnyton. MuUcadore Neal, Jr, McPbenoia; nn a.gricullural cxchango pro-Bctbnny Will Ho8t K.alcidol!Cope Playere

New Oas·ses 'Atl'd Interest On Sunday

lie "111 ttluni lo ~c"ioa oa Marlin lloo\•cr, sopb, Rocky MU7 Aue !llDJer, Waterloo, lo. jccL Neal aUendcd an tntcma-

Swiclay, Ftl>. 5, to rtPr<Sall Font Colo .. and Peggy Slo(t,r, wa: Ud Doau Brabaktr, sopb, llonaJ pe.>cc aemln4r tho last Tbe Kaleldotoopc ~. ol tho New Mexico Schoel !or the Performing Atta. will preecnt "John B1'\IWll'I llod,y" Ill llelh·

McPherson Collc~c at tho In· soph, Denver, Colo.. ploy Mr. Lyons. month, IMllore he returned to the

ouguratlon ol Dr. Orvlllc L> nnd Mrs. Bnl<er. Floralyn Flory, United S!Jltcs.

· \'oth as president ol Bclhcl Col· soph, McPherson, M Aunt Cus-

lr ge. sic, eomplctcs Uio cast.

. ~ .. . Catholic ~Priests Present .~II ),fcPherson College SlUo -:. -

dents ore reminded ol the Sun· G L • doy School c1nsscs org•nizcd nest ecture Sessions :ll tho Church or lite Brclhren

for the interests nnd needs or Chopcl will assume n new for·

1ti. students. mot next Tuesday when lhrec

°™' closs. When Prolcstanls \isiting Roman Calhollc Priests

Worship. is studying di!ferent · from St. ~fnry's College, St.

dcw1minntions. 111ey will nlso Mury's Knnsns, will conduct o

be mnking ViSilaliOJlS both Jocnl• CnthoJic lJturgicaJ Scn1icc.

f11lhcr Brown nt 3 p.m.

At 7:'JO p.m. F:ither Kessler will direct the linDJ Jcclure ses­sion, "Science \'S. Religion." All lcclures will be held i? Mohler 125.

ly and out of town. . nicy are Father Poul J . Mc-

Chr~ian BuJJ. Scssioo is lhc gan. s. J .• clircctor or lhc com- Tcilhord de O>anua .;.ns a

ollwr class and dil;cusses variOllS mlUee on non o.thcism ond con· Roman Cnlhollc priest who wrs

lopics · llS tlotc'mllncd by tho temporory lheology: Fnlber unnblc to publish his works due

<lass. • Man ·in R. Kcssler,'S. J .. choir· to the fact thnt' the . Church

Sludcnt leaden In both clnss- man o! lhc cOO!e~ 0n the would · not sanction his clforts.

rs "ould like more studcnls' to spiriiuolity ol de Char· Sinre his dcalh, his wrilinis ond

'f come . i;lJ that they would be din: nnd Father Bcmnnl Brow~. lectures have been published:

fon~-o t.i crC3lc new sections or s. J. . - lhis will form n basis !or the

rlnsscs. Another phase· or their visit three lecture sessions. ·

There is also intel"CS in or· is to eonducl thtte lecture •cs­Dnizing n cl= to mcct on slons on lhc thought o! TcilbJrd

co1111""· possibly nl the Sludent do Chnnlin. ,

Discussion sessions are also planned. belinlte Drrangem<rits

will be announced Inter.


Peaslee to Talk About Question Of Far East

Alexander Latty PCDSlee, De­partment ol Stoic, will discuss the Far Eostem Question nt student eonvocaUon Feb. 16, nt 9 a .m.

Peaslee ls Deputy Director Jn the O(lire of Far Eastern Pr<>­Grnrns of the Dcflartmcnt or Stole. lie served os vice-consul lo ~ in 1!»6 and ' WDJ

vice-consul to Porto Alegre Iii J.9'19. lie wllS consul to Porto Alegro in · 1951 nnd consul to Hong Kong in 1952.

Peaslee bccDme an inlcnu>· tiorutl economist Jn the State Department in IOC>S nnd was nppointcd First Secretary· Con· sul lo Taipei in 1957.

Following bis speech. Peaslee ,.;n hold · an II o'clock press conference.

li111011 or in h donnilory. J'.o. Father MeGan will direct lho

t :iuon :md topics will be an· t irst Jeciurc·scssiQ.n on ~tonday.

OOUIK'\.'<l later. . Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m,: II is ·"""

.\nycne interested in bccom· lilied "A Tu-cn1ic1h Cenlury

in~ n part or these discussion St-.S:,ittrts mnr .rail U1c church D!lil'o, Cll • 1·1109, or Robcrt Sto,er, Cll t-1411. or conl'1ct

Hocer Schrocf', Jr, Metzler. or GJcnn Frazier, Jr, Metzler.

Visionnr)'." The second anti third IC<.."turc

sessions will be held on Tues .. c:l.a;'. Etb. , 7. 'Ille second. m· titled " A New \rssion or S.11· valion," will be conduct~ by

BetJiany Holds I .

KFPC Funds Received

Set: New Year Record

Confetence Bclhany Theological Semi~· men ond SOflhomores who hove

><)'. lhe Jlr>dWltc school ol thco- a special desire to ollcnd thlJ

logy or the Church ol lhc Brclh· year wlll not he excluded.

rcn, . Onk Brook, 111.1 noor Chi· Bclhany will flrovi<lc !roo

ca,Go. is sponsoring u c.hurch room nnd board on the campus

. vocations conference !or college during the eonferenre and .,Ill

~liq<U donated to Kansas are in\'iling corh donor to · con· students the wcclccnd ol Mor. PDY 8 cents 0 mile tra•·cl CX·

f-'oum)u!Jon Cor private Collc~cs. sider nn increase oC 15 per cent 3-S. McPherson students om In. pcnscs for each car bringing

fur which Dr.1 J. Jnck Melhorn. in his next cifl. vilcd to attend. four or more students

11rt-sitlcnt of the colleg''· "'licits, The lnrrr ... wltt hcl1• to pro· TI1e conrerence is tleslgnt-0 to · :

>et n new r«ord for Ilic ycor \'I~ tdurallooat opportunllles jlnt~ students in ll""*'glcnl Tho eonlcrenco 1'111 begin with

or.ding Dec. 3i:• 19G6. neccrding ro: s llll mott yo'an.o: .,.;,~I• ) • cJd'cotion nnd to introdure them' d 1 • • • r ""I Friday cv...U.,:,

lo Alccne G. HebClrlinli. CXCCU· oop<J:es whtre •\"dcnll, ra~r' ~ ' ihc \\'ide rnnge or opportun- I ~Urch 3• ud wUt end. Satanla)'

live sccreta !1'. thAn tupoycrs, ~allnuc tctji'oy · ltJ~s which exist tn church • ·~~nl::!, 1 Marc~ 4• 1;;";,.~'::1'

Durin.r: 1966, lour hundred the larger shore or edu~tloonl , related \'OCOtlons today.' ::i bl ~--~~n u •Y

l!igluccn gilts to be &hared by 19 costs. Partlclpaall ill coefettace I~ a t .._, alld rclum

Korisns pri,·ate colleges and uni· lr:tdependcntly • controlled col· will bave an opporlwllly to be- lo • lcPbttsoo oa Suaday • .

•·crsltlcs totnlcd $302,413, grenl· Jegcs and univorsi1les which conic ocquatoted wllb U.tban_y Thomos "'.· 0.aJ. assiSUlDI

er tha n tho previous year by shore in gif~s received by the and to visit personi Involved p~or~r phrtosoflhY. nod rell·

~.890. Kansas Fouridation !or Private In a nrlcl)' or cburch • ttlated g1on, will accompnny the group.

Since the f•\Uld•tloa ltaned Colleges ore Baker Uni\'crsily, vocations la the Chica&• areL V~luntcers ,.;u bCl •ceded to

•cllvlty la Janunry, 1m. II ljos . llelh<?I College, liethl!ny Ccl· Students who attended J a s t dri\'e cors Dnd to help orgnnlio

received 3,419 i;Uu totnllnn $:!,· lege, Central College, Donnelly year's eonlcrenee reported this onrloods.

:IS3,G75 from state and nallunat COiiege, Friends University, lies· 10 be on interesting nnd slim· liltcrcstcd students may eon·

iorporaU..S. i>a"'1cnblps, I•· stOI\ College, ulnting experience. · , tact Dr. Wn.yno L. Milter. n&o

dMdw proprldonlUJS alld Ju- ~ Wcsleynn ni\'crsil.Y, Any McPhcnon CotJcac stu- soclntc prolcssor or speech,

di~lduali w"91'e baaloess illter- ~!o.rymount College, , Mcl'henson dent who has a lentative Inter- pbliofOphy nnd rtJliion: David

csu Include the 1tate ot Kuau. College, Mt, SI. Scholnstlc Col- est in theological educnUon or L. Eller, n~tant professor ol

All funds' rocclu<I by 1hc . Jcgc. O!tawn Ur;Uvc1'$11.)'. Sacred In n church - ttlatcd · vocation philosophy .and religion: ?r Prof.

Foundntioo '\'° ror 1eneral oP- Heart CoUegc, St Benedict's Is eligible to 1nuen<1. Studen4! peal for {!IOI'• lnlormntion and

eraUng nill&Pf Ille member col- College, Saint MDrY College, St. from several other eolleles Wilf appUcaUdn blanU. ·

lcgcs, ani! are npt used for • .Mary of the Plains College', also participate. • ' . AppliCiltioa blanki' should be

cnpllal. il"provcm,cnt.s. • I Southwestern· College, , Steeling .Junlm • 1111d'.>see1orl. "· !Wpcd jn by l'cb, 10, oceo~inJ

· Foundnthlo • l't'prcscntnUves Colleac nod Tabor Col~ac. al\'cn first prelcrcnce.,Bd\' (~h· to Prof., Eiler. , .

1'. . • ', . . \ • ~. . . '

• Carole Neal will p..-nt the any College on Thursday, Feb.

~ 11>e 'ratllered wbllo 9.

falllllJar her two yurs ot YOJ. Under the progrnm ol the 'Mc.

llDlttr worlc at the mDcrest J!bcrson Coont.y Foundnlton. II

Scbool la Ntrerta. 11 possible to be ndmltt.ed to Mary Anne Miller wlll sing th11 prcscntnUon on a McPbcr·

geycraJ selected solOJ, "ith Don· son College Qtllural Serie. sea·

na Brubaker nccompaeying on son ticket.

the piano. · • The Knleidoscopc Plnycn ore

Brethren churches being visit· one or the lending touring re­cd in Oklohomn are the High· portory stock eomponlcs In the\

land Part and the First Church country.

~ee~!Y Meetings. _Orgarilzf! Faculty

TCOITl1''0rt and a><>pcratior1 between professors and dcpart­mentS nro important to uic smooth functioning oC nn ed· ucollonal Institution.

Mucb o! the bchind·the-sccncs coopcrnllon nnd organizing nt McPherson College tokes plocc in the regularly scheduled Inc· ulty mceUngs and worlt>t.ops.

Gcnenat faculty mttllap aru held !Mice • month Immediately lollowlng the Tuesday c h a p e t period. Deparlmealal and di·

visloaal mcdlop are held ooce

a monlh. The. four major df\oislons ore

noturot sciences, soclnl scionccs. humanlUcs, and prnctlc:il ruts and applied scionces.

Mtetlnn Involve discussions

on such llems u cat&logue

pwnl••· eflec:llTe utlU..Uoa ol ACT ptaeemcal lesll and <ur·

rkulwn cJwaies. The lacull.)' also held a two

day, Jan. 11 and 12.

F'our study groupS were organ· !zed !or consldcrnUon of UIC an· nunl acndcmlc calnndor, the lmpro\'CIT1"1t ol teac:blml. pos.

slblUUcs !or bcttcr eommunlcn· lions on campus, ond llutlcnt affairs.

The workshop rulminntod nt a faculty dlnt1Cr at which Dr. E:i.sterling. president ol the As­sociated Colleges ol Cc.nlral Kon· s:is. spoke.

"The Chulk Garclcn" Slatccl For Brown

"The Chntk oGnrden" will be shown in Dro"11 Auditorium on S:llurclay, Feb. 4. 3\ 7:'JO p.m .. ncconlini; lo Jan Burnhnm, jr. Pierson. Jowu l'hoirrnnn oC the McPhcnson College. Social Com· mluee.

The dromD sbrs ll:l)'ley Mills,

J~hn Mills ond Deborah Kerr.

~herson Wiij...)Iosk I . . .

Four-State Youth Meet ·~lcl'hcrsoo College will i- fcrenre youth April I, lo• "

the Churtit ol the Brethren spccch contest, Faculty mcm·

Youth Conference, which Is to bcrs will judge the district

be held on cnmpua Morch 31- speech contd~,

April 2, ncconllng to Poul Wng. Dr. J . Jock Melhorn, presi·

oner. assoclDtc dirccto; of de- ~nt .DI the College; will be the

velopmcnt. . fcolured sl)«lkcr at a banquet

Youth (n>m aiureh of the • w&icb will be held Saturday

Brethren dlatrlcts In !own, MID' cvcnfog.

nesota, Alluourl and Aitansas Dr. Rlllomond L. Flory, vice

are· expected to attend tbe Coo- Pte$ldent ot tho •ill

rcrcnce. Jead the 9 o.m. ~ dlicus- "' 'l1hc CoUegc A Cnppejln Choir 1Jon group, 11ncr which o wor·

will present o · proamm Friday lhlp service wlll be hold Jn

·t'Yeninl. March , I, for the pat• Jbe' C)urcb ol tbe Brctbren.

tidp:l1lni J:OUlh. w.,_.. llated that 1ntorma­

' Members ol the College Ill- Uoo will b9 .! - to cllureb

6.Jty will meet with . tbC- co~ aroui>S that l"JU ~clpate. .

Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · •foll ho me economics workshop ni lhe ~lated Col-' i;;, •nns,


The- Spectator; Feb. 2, 196~; Page 2

.Minds. Live :oµ Kri~wiedge'

Foreign Me~ Like COilege

Arnone """' stu<lcn!S Oii camp. ua this · sem~cr ore John Uu­bumba Crom South Ellstcrn KCl>­ya arid Nwosu Nnodozlo Nwosu .from OVim, Eastern Nigcs:)a.

· ' d ' I : .1 t • John Who boa lly<:jl in the · · A "i-4utch1naon News'! e iloz:.,.. !'Oftll'.Den con- Unllcd• siat f three e..ri, cerTiing a bill introdul!ed in tho legislature:!.-which 15 a trnmter~ from ~usb­Wf?Ufd pi;ovide· !re~ education at .any of the state's {llOtt JUn!Or ~e In Soulh'.

universitiJ or colleg,es to· pCtSOI!J 65 ~r older..,-was: D~ . · "By all meani


ir;ve the elderly a free educati<ln. -M~,. ~r lllcl'bersoof bis.• . • . t' I d on u~ uu"CO 0 ono '

It is too late .f or them to put 1t to !1"Y.Pr~.c 1ca. goo : professors Ill. Rushmore. , .He but it would keep them ~ut o.f· 1:rus l!,h1ef. • •lated that he· le<;ls ns though

• Does the editor tho primary importance ~~·~ Colleao ~ill . olf~r of educa tion is, 'llot to teach one to live, l\ut to tench ho~pl~ocuorr m his

_ one to earn n living? lC mak_ing money Is the "prnc- nc wosuc is ~ bis first , . lical good" be mentions, his opinion that it is "too yeor in the · Unfuld Slates.I He

Jato" is probably right. fhose to attend ~lcPhcrson Co~ •

But the h~n mind nelld• 1r owth to remnin 1

1?gc beawl • se 0

D1 nthrcconullmissicnwt

I. 'd .h . h ·t .- "t - 100 rom 11 re rcn on- · a An 11-0 ma~r w at ·t .~ age, 1 ts neyer oo -(bry in N'ogcrin. · , • late" for the "practical good'1 of growth. : N"VsU · commented that tlic

. • . • • cine· thing he noticed ol!ool the

Schools .Begi~ ' United ·Sbtes ond McPherson

is the rriendtincss ol. the people ""'°!"he~ met_

Commiuee Sc.he1Jules

5 Y T r . ·" · Semester Activ.ities .''.. ·- ear ·e ms The second semester Socizil >: • • ' ' Committee met Tucsdizy evening

:Educa tora' predictions of five-year baccalaurc- Jan. ii. Old plans were revicw­ates have begun to come true. ed along with new .pJ4ns for the . · Y~le Univenlty now, has eleven students· en- semester.

Lee.·!)s Return to, Hong Kong Rihgs<H~appy, -Somhff: No(cs{ 1'""'1~-"!"!"":l!~rn~~--.~r"!':;;/':t;1~nl:r.:'il1~ ~nset 0£ ocooomlc ~ilfiCUIU,,

w ~\TING :LEE holds a CbJnct1• lea~ picture.

~ U.e happy side was Pro!,

Ue's ttunion with h is family.

Allhough be bad ~n his !nlher. o ret1re.i grocer, in t:os ¥&•1cs. Calif. , six years oco. Prof. Lee had not been ""i th his mother or brothers for II yeors.

Twenty.three· <!al's· it\ Ho n g Kone. Pllrt of 01ie of the 11torld's most :indent ci\"iUz.atio1U. cnr· ried bolh haWY nod sorubcr notes !or S3i Awing La:, as. proCcssor of chemistry.

two yeara ago, bolldnys h,,.. been morltedly Sllbdued.

;.;;i;..., ~ iiersons in ll<q Kana art\ not Cbriltians. l'briil. ~ beamea 8 l!oi&trous ~ day. when tho Cblltese play Llil\

• Jong with their relatives IOI - f~mlllc.•," P~f. Lee said.

Sbopplna In the sidewalk be<> Uques !Wed severzil dais d Prof. Lee'• 1111)' in l.loog K<q cine- of ~" purclla•es was 1 \lelitale print made of ii:!

r leathers.

Sobe; tones p_reyaded Pnt Leo'• vllll lo hll nnlive citr. He drove within two or lhrtt miles o1 the Red Chinese bonltt, allhough he pointed OQl be ... little. The NaUonallsl OU.... arc not. pcnnlued to cross u. bor\ltt·

"People In Hong Kong an more nervous lhan they _,,. 11 ye ors ago," Prof. Lee cun. mealed. " the Corrunuoili.i control a mojor portion o/ tit waler supply to Hong Kong. tit people must be too depeodeU '" them. .. be said.

rolled in n five-year B.A. program, and the Peace The Social Con\mlttec has Corps, in co-pperation with Wilmingtop Colr'cgo, scheduled movies throughout the · ProC. Lee jctled to Hong Kone Ohio, will begin a similar program this Sl?ptember. , semester for tho •h\denti enter· over the Oiristmas bolidlys.

. These prorrams, which incorporate one year · of° tninment. Also scheduled · ""'

• "We celcbroted Christmas quicUy;· ·commented Prof. Lc-C. as he pointed out that since the

"There is nervousness obott the world sltunUon in lhc u~ Slates, loo," be coolinuCd, "Bit people In · Now York, for "· ample. do not need to rear r .. lhclr lives os do people in l!a:i Klmg. who ore more W>ttrbio about the future - and tUi cannot define their f~r."

k d d b d · · d f b two big . dnnces. o VolcnUnes wor nn · stu y a roa , prov1 e or achelor's de- Dll11ee and n spring formol. grees' to be gr1v1~ed in eight m.njor fields. · . Several · other dances, hoolcn·

If the tN>nd continues, students can look for- ~ics. and an nll·scbool party ward to an extra year of education and an incrclll!ed are planned by the students. ·opportunity to create understanding among the A big name group is hoped 1o . peoples of tho world. • . be scheduled for this sprint\.

Coppo~k A~tends:. Conference · ·Dr_ Doris 'eoppock: pro!ossor of physical edUClltion, for 1v0m· en, rclumcd Jan. 29 from a

...o\'nsJ:Fgton D . . C. conJerencc for college · tinchers who are preporin~ clcmcntnry /Jllliors to

"tench phy• ical education, While in Wn.<hing1on, D. C.,

'l she. conferred with Howard Sol-lertbergcr. OS31stant director o!

Nhe lnslilu1" of Foreign Affairs. of A portion ' ' btt trip ~ w:as ' sptnl In Ntw \'ortc. where she

visited tho !amity cl Marvin nu'ckmslofh lonnei College In· stnzctor. saw 1everlt1 Broadway

Ke im Rctnrns On I:.ate Train

shows. aod alleoded ,!>ollel and modtni ""- COD<Ul.s. " The Wa.sbingtan. D. p. ~~ fcrence Jan. 2'1-Z7, "ilicb empha­sized lhc problem-so1"ing ni>' pronch nnd movement explora­tion. wru; sponsored by the Am·

. erican Association for llcnllh,

language 1"boratory which con­tains tapes or 'more than 30 languages. and '' ""'Cd a new e~tronic system. "iticb. by stonng more than SO million words, providCs instnntnneous in· formation· ror 'the scerolnry o! stnlc.

:;i~~ical EducaUonT and RecrC3· Dr. Cop~ also conle.rttd

·-niere is agfttment th.i t with Dr. Alldttw Conlltr, dun cl:issroom te:icher.i shouRl be p! !nlt ruUoilai AllAln. Colum-

::~ .. '~~· P:::~~~~. :~:m~rttl::~~tn;; ~erdJ~ tion spocialists will not · lx.'C<lme lllry g.ncral or the United No­

m•niloblc fosl enough. thn to"er lioos.. i . grndcs will conUp uc 1.; depend • While on New York, Dr . . Cof>­upon the ·cfosSroom tcnchcr for pock altendcd two B':°~dwny pl\yslcal education." .shows-. the New York City Ila!·

Dr. Ccppock's dbcusaloo with let. '!Jld a modem dance con­SoUeobergtt "'"""'l'll<d wbot 11i..' cert.

Stuco Elects 3 Members

' Oedipus Rex' Slntcd ·· For Next Convocnt.ii>n

' . Condidotes ro~ ilic upcoming

Student Council elcctiens. whicll will take' place in the Student U'nloo, todny lrom 10:30 o.m. through I p.m .. have been on· noonced ·by George Snavely. sr, Lebonon. Pa. '

Thero will be one sophomore elected lo the position or rep. rcscntlve to the Student Coun· cil. Those sOphomores running arc Hnl Hayes, Kini;s. Ill.: Cor·

' oi)'n Doll, Enid, Okla. and F ronk Folciolo,. Rldge!icld, N. J. ·

· Thero will be· two represent· h~ •l l•rce elected \\ilh four students running. The caodidntcs arc Deb Thielrrum. sr, McPher­.son: Tom Brubiikcr, jr, Rocky Ford. Colo.: Stanley Bucher. fr, I..ebnnon. Pn.: and ·Mike Fox, jr .. Valley Center.

.,. Eicclion results will be posted ot 9 p.m. Thur>day on the Stu.

·dent Union bulletin bo:lrd.

Oedipus Res will be present­ed at camx:atioo on 'lbursday. Feb. 9. The classicnl piny will lcoture JlllPPels under 4he mnni­pulallqn of Prorcssor Pctcr Ar­nott, of the State University o! Iowa . Deportment or Classics.

His combination vacation d the serious and the happy al " end. Prof. Lee anticipates ,.,. ing Hong Kong again ..:. bdDlt the passing of another II years.

ln-dustrial ·Arts Courses

Cover History;· Principles lly MANFRED ClllPE

This semester the Industria l Arts 'Department is crrering two special courses lor lnduslriol Arts students. These courses arc History and Method< of l odus­lrial - Aiis, and Machine Tool Opera tion.

" Teaching these courses are Al­vin Willems,. o.ssoclntc profe"l.c::ur in industrial arts nnd mcchori­ic:s: and Arlie Regier. assis\­ont proCessor of industrial &ts.

inc and tooled projects on Ur lothe, shaper. ond milling 1113<1> inc. Some of the past project! ore now on display in Fri~ ship Hall.

Tbe objective or lhe M> cblor Tool Opttatloo coane Is lo l•ach th• prloclples ln\'oh·cd ~ runnlng lndlvldual - opc1111d maoblnes. Thia lldll is a P"' ttqublle to bancll1n& lb• laP" oporaled ~ of lodusltf .

Ilea,; · snow storms "ilich bst week immobilized Chi~ogo, de· Joyed Rob<'.rt I~. Keim. assist· ant prDfCS.l\Or in sociology, os he returned holl\C fiom 1hc P ro­lcstont conlCf.=~C~ f~r 1Iospi"1ls

oral arts coll•g .. should do to -----,,...-- - ----------- - -­Tbe nm alne "ttU of nis-­

tory and M•lbods or lodu<hilll Arts ,..ill covor tho historical de\•elopmcnt or lndu•trlal arts, rrom lls early Grode orl~ln to the present trends In \'OCallonal tducaUoa.

This summer the Jru!ustr'.il Arts Department is olleri"3 • WO<kshop in Mota! Design. ~ will include the principles d design ond mctol proccssilll­This course will also he- oHertd to tcnchers In the field o/ In­dustrial Am.

_and Welfore l '!"tilulions. Snows prc\'ented orie schcdul·

cd spc:tkcr from arriving a~

the Jon. 2-1-25-:IG tonlermce.\ which wru; plnnned to "help ad· ministrnto~. trustees nnd thosC associotcd with hOspiLDls and wcllorc iosliluUons to lcnm their trodes. 'illnll)' of those who nt· Wnd,ed were forced lo remoin

pttpare students lor It-cir part In world afJalrs. r '

Sollenberger. who is rcspon· slblo ror lhe education or dip. lomats, is concerned nbout the small amount ol slui1y ot nqn· western cultures in colleges ntid universities. _reported Dr. ~ poclc.

Dr. CoA>oci<• SDW tlY-' U. S.: ~f ~~ . . .. ~ ,,. " " \. ~ .,, . '

Com1cil Reviews ~ ' 'ri~~ ' / Seven.. Budgets ~- "'

ln Cbic:igo Dlttt the cocl~cnce Chairmen ol. seven' orianiJa. ended. • lions "-ere asked tl> sul:mit a

Prol. Keim. niter a two-and- fktalled budget to George ' Jones one-bnll hour delay. was able sr. ~· by Feb. t. ' lo board n • trnin. and finally These organizations - Oiccr­nr.rived 1n· Newton more lhan leodc[S. ~j~n·s Council, Poster· four hours Into. . boo<\er, ~DI Committee, Worn·

The weather was the only iu- en's counCit, Quadraogio. w!d COG'!l'Oiencc reported py Prof. the Spectator ~ were oslted to Keim ol uie lrip which included . subnlU their bud&ets in TC11ard' an nlternoon tcur· ol. the Coo- lo this semester's ndivlUes. gregatlonal Home for the A4;ed Tbcoe' bud&eb will be · rev1....,. at La Gr811f". dlJcussions ·about od by <the liaance cormnlllee ol. lin1111Ce9 Jm<I fund Aaisi'6i. ancf tho SW4ent Couos:il and ._. aplanalions ol. • Medicare ,eD<! riato stllns: will be made avnll- . Ila reintlonlblp. to ilistilu&oi. iltlc. · t' • ...-( . , •

' '

~i..;::i..-''>il'.:l~~ The second nine \'l\.'Cks will :~ ~ include class discipline in indus~

trial '1115 \¥m S31cty rcatures l im-oln"CI in using modem power

:..,~/equi~l. .,. The course ln Machine Tool · · Opcra4on \\ill invol\IC the pro.

ccss of'lnaking indMduol mach­.., 1


. ),

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · •foll ho me economics workshop ni lhe ~lated Col-' i;;, •nns,

The Spectator, Feb. l!, 1961, Page .& I

· sporUcO~ .Bethel Falls

BqJld~gs'" Bow : ..

Spr~~· Sp9rts Show· Promises Of Good Year

Spe,.~lllatiau. Adds Humor To MpPJienop In Roundhouse

. To· ·Kwu Flve By GENE ~.INSKJ lae<d th<! type or secondary WO The Bull""·· held "" • cJ... Mcl'benon College students ' ' .. ha Ith " · • """" ~

will again p1u1jclpate In sprin• Spcculntlon cnn be n humor- ve. c er. , ---......Jlcrmmcd IOCODCl-bal! Bell~ ro~

rts lf •·-· •- ~ oua endeU\'Or na well ns n very Aronold Pnlmer: "An4 then ly to d.own Ibo .,.,,resbe ... a;. ape : go • ..,,..... . ~a<"k. rI.k ' lnlly I rta ' ..

Knnsna .. Wesleyllll Coyotes 21· to l4ke game scoring honors; !'rl!CIJCll for lhcse e will ~ one, cspcc n Ill?" . we got lo Ibo .Mat1ter11 and my TUesdny night In lhC Round overcame an .early McPherson Jell Lambert nddod 16 peints begin ns soon ns the w~nlhcr Is Here Is n arunpllng ol. imllll· pulttr rtnl b•d ud J..,k won hOUM!.

r lend to slop th~ Bulldo~s TI·71, nnd Doti . W6odcock 1q points. wnnn enough ·for participation. lnnry quotos from >Porta 'l_Uot· llr11t prise and i took ICCOnd, Tho Mnc cnacrs Jumped

Jan. 26 00 the Wesleyan ccurl. Sassct led KWU scoring with Both CC11chos Widrig and Ray, ables on whom Ibo results Dl'jl J couldn1j help bul feel I'd luld IO nn' enrly alx.. point le{ld

.ibe Blllldop led ior Jiu! ltnl 20 points. assistant professon In physlcnl already lo. Those ''quotes" we~ II u • pro •• I wheeled my 10 were never hel\(lcd. Willl alJCht!. I• •. mm..tea of , U... came, !'old· educnUon, urged lhat particl· made before Ibo IA~ llCCCmJl' · thousand doU•,., lo Ille bank." ly more lhnn six mlAula Jed lnC Ieada of t\i-o lo llve . polnt1. W ~ pants lo golf, ~1tls nnd lrnrk llltuncota of the ' epcnkcn, Sandy Koolnx: "Mc - rctlrc1 In the game, Bothel thlW i

, Wilb IO:U Jell In Ille ltrwl Juatr, omen's Team Attemls start J:elllng In . condition for UCLA'• Jateat victim~ "I lotd Arc you klddhil!'r Pnln or no Cull court press Al the Bulldop'

. i'1IV1 ftlllrm Sasser tipped Em11oria Sports Dny the upcoming season. ·, you oAe man would never heal pain, 1 could Mvcr mn'e n drop nnd enmc bock IO lrnlJ by only1

. ·• 10 l•'O lo tie Ibo · ... .,, at. IS.IF. The · McPhcrson women's tins· The golf ICOJQ will have · its u1. eon· 1 help 11 lf lhe "!her nt anything clac. Besides. I owo Coor, 51-47. 'Ibo Bulldop llocd

'S<condp laltt be dt<1pped w ••· ketbrill ieam•wrn attend n Sports entire squad bncl! ngnln this lfUY• JICO~ HO pclnlaT" It to the rnns." me. ,rccenlly the lesl howcvor and came back"

other bOlkri lo put Ibo Coyotes Day ·at Emporia on ·Feb. 18. yenr. The mcmbcrw are George UCLA's next \\lcUm: "Suro 1lgncd n mnllon dollar TV con· to build Ibo llllAI eleven point

abilld lo Jtay. ·• . Eight colleges partfcipate in this Jones, sr, canton: Gene Czap- we .got a way -.10 stop hlni. t'ract.J mnrgln. •

Al hal!time, the Coyotcs held event. · · ' · linskl, sr, McPhcnOd; La o c e Moc of

• 4~.. advantage, larg•'" ·aue . Hwiger!6rd, acph, Wilkes llm!re, Haven't you henrd about the ~1lu1 Clny oa Clerelaqd Wll· Jin! Wright led the •

" -~~ •v There Is • new trend In the Pn . Dave lkcnbc soph MW d r a It lnwa1 Yep, no)" llama: ''TW1 wltt uDdoublcdly renac with 20 polnta. aided by

"to the clrorts ol Sasser • .who sporta world today leadllll io. Ja~ksonvllle, Fin:·, ~~ Chris • . Ibey'~ 1a1c.1.?g nny!hlng n b o v e bo my tl!Ugheal lli:hl u 'a pro· i Gene Phlll{pe and Don Wood-

. collected 14 points In the lirsl ward• tl!Ott and belier ll)lerco~ Lc\•i, Jr, Berryville, VIL , eight feel. leulonal. Wloy, do '1ou know cock with t4 each, and Tom

hair. le~te sporta !or women. Lea· · Jlnnlt Slrrun. COllCh or the K lhAt from my clrouln« room lo Wof'thlng with 13. Oltlt Roberti

With 52 second$ lc!t 'in the ll'Ut1 11ltt being 1el up; heeding ·,.Those lettei:mcn returning !or . .. ' . the -'·• II the Aalrodome, 11'1 or the Threshers took n•- boo-. tcnniJ · ore Loren Boughlman C. Chlcls: Sure we know· nll • '"'" ..-·-

game, the Bulldogs trimmed the ~= ... ~~=-·~dT::,u:;~ P..': jr,. McPherson; Tom Crago, Jr: nboot SUlrr, but they've never nearly a block1 Whew!" ors• wllh 21. '

::'!"'me to a: ~~~ere unable .. t up ~NII !or partlclpa • • -Laverne, Call!.; Lorry Evnns, The "B" team took an IJ.77

• ' Uon IA llllen:olleglate 1po.U for sr, Llpcolll, Nlib. and Gary "a" Te~m E"''.e' ns Reco1' ·d ' dcciJlon In lhC cwly ,_ to The Balldop oulabot the Coy· • ·omen. Blackwell, soph, Pawnee Roj:k. 1 " boost U)cir acnJOn' rccc<d ·to 6-

oles lroni tbe lleld. '44 lo C! per The· trnck- team has six ...,. s. Jim Paul ecorcd 23 polnta

=~ but Jwued tbe ball o•« r The first or these is that par- tu 1' I Ue · Af D £ ) KWU I d lb ' m ng e nnen . They ore ter• . e eat )y , en C Wll)'.

1o KWU !I· limes on miscues ticipation should not intorfcre Jim Bcnchcll, soph, Princeton, ----------"'

whllc tbe Coyolet lost posses. with•primary educational ob1"ct· N. J .; Torri w9rthlng,, sr, Warne- KING'S- · d oo IS UmOI, Tbe Coyotes ' bll h'es. • go; ·B<>b Klockers, j r, Glen . El· McPherson ecillcge's Junior en· Pnul ciich added 13 and Jim

··on 13 of 17 r...., 1bola, while I • • - • I pol DRIJiG 'ibe Bulldogs Mnlt 23 · ol :it. yo,• DI.: John Coleman, soph, gers were dOwned SS. 73 by lhclr nlowry to~ n 12 nts .

Hal \Vright ·cqunled hls sea· Coffeehouse Fonuu Haven; Jim Guenthner, soph, KllllS4S Wosleyan countcrpnrts nie loss gave · Ciq "B"

son high as · he connected for Talks o{ Entertainment Piqua, Ohio and Jeµ Lnmbcrt, nller leading through most ot tcartl n 5-5 record for the sen·

The CoCICchouse Commiltee, Jr, Inman. Ibo li!Sl bnll. They once more aon.

%01 N. Main

· Doo:s· Travel . e lo a Jnn. 29 Corum. discussed > look lhc lead mkJ.way through

. plans ror lho ccU!'cllous<'. • in- Coed Begins Tcachi1,1g the 1CCOnd bnJI but were unllblc

To Winfield eluding types or en ertainmcnt1 Clothing Constm.ction to bold IL

to be presented there. , · Carol Klotz. sr, Fredericks- John Coleman led the "B"

Folk singing by rneiOOcrs ot burg, Iowa, begins tonight t.o team ocrense as he collected 2'I

· The Bulldogs wiil ·tra\'el 10 lho student body wns suggest. tench' a course in clo!hlng con. pOmts. Gary Bllickwcll and Jim

Wulficld, Friday, Feb. 3. to tnke ed. and ·it "illS proposed that structiOn !or lhc VocaUonnl

Cl!' Jhc Soolhwestem Builders. groups ol cnter111incrs from SW" Tedmical School. o government

The Builders are +o in con- rounding communities be pre- program !or adults.

lor"'1ee play ror lhc CUITCIJl sea· _,.scnted each week under lhc au, Classes \\ill meet in °the high

SQn, leading Jhc Bui~ by spices or the social commiuce. school building. IUchard Raihs­

one game in the KCAC stand. . George Snaveb•. sr, Lebanon. clnlc is «><>nlinDt.or for the pn>.

ings. Jn lho l'1SI mce1ing be- Penn.. indiCf'!ed that lhore grain.

tween the two schools. the Bull· \\'OUld be a stcrcopbOfl.ic record

dogs squeeuc1 out a n:r. .... e,.. plnY!'f pro\'ided to lhcse stu-

tinie margin. ' · dents who wish to plai- their

College --··-··- w L own rttords. College of Emporia .: B Possibilities cl art and ocri>· O!ta\\'llf Unh·orsity - · · - 9 mic displays Crom the Art J>c. Kansas Wesle)·iii U _ 9 panmcnl ore ~ in,·estignted.

~thel College -·-·- 6 Baker Unh·ersit)' ----- s Bethany Collc1:e -·-· 5

'!Southwestern ___ 4 ·SPIRAL THEATRE McP!Jerson College ~- 3 ~·rlini College ··-· _ 2 9 l'riends Uni»ersity -· 10

McPhen on '

Feb. 1-4 For ·The B~st

In 5elf-Ser-yice LaW.dri~~l

"The Professionals" Co To Fe bruary The 5.9


LAUNDRY Baby" 213 S. Main

Who ~eeds~To Study? .,

•.. Youl Do! <

' ' But ~en You Get:'Tircd .~

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-ColJege Students l Ask. For Yoar 15 90 Dis coon I


On1 llOUR

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Hamburger• Chicken Shrimp Pizza

Sandwjchea Sort Drinlta


520 N.·Mnin

Bader <;Ican~rs -


Paula Sissel Dotzour B:ill

or Tom Coolc

Metzler Ball


SUNSfttNE EXPRE~S· h3s conlr3st-color faggottlng .spreading out frqM

:the colladlke rays of brigh!_. ~ring sU'nshlrtel Lln~n-texturcd · rayon In lil.c or IUtquolse rayt!d

with green; white with navy. Siies S ti> 15, :

MORDIS & SON Lacliee Dept. ... .. .. "'{.·


Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · •foll ho me economics workshop ni lhe ~lated Col-' i;;, •nns,


Sto. ry of Boy, ::!. ·;~'.::100 E.E':!~';.. . Ddlta Delta Women

D • · Pl · T;::.:~~~~:;:.. lhe~~== Bake For Students og Ill· ay · ~ ~ . .:n~~ o:ia:~ ::1 =~-~ nic Joca1 Del~ Delta•r 1o b& dtll_:

BJ DEE NOR'I11Ev J\ln • . J."" J.C.. Mdbom, ~ l:anton, Jan. JO. 1· RecentlY com I n g to the ol Bela Sigma Phi sorority baa When nslccd bow she !clt the

"Under. the ·Lilacs." written . ~Undcol ~th°'e 1J~" .15

one ol . A$ n inember bl L~e board Grounds Department ii Russell undertden a projccl cnUUcd project .\\•as prot:reSSing. M" • ~· ol dlrcctOrs, Jones will review Yoder or McPhel'IOO. Yoder "Happiness is Unlimited." II o w'n r "<I Christensen S!otOO: by Loul¥ MD.Y Alcolt. wltl bo o series ol lhr<e i:hildren's thca- lonn eoUclcs nnd scctirlty pur· provlously wns·employcd by the Under the chnirmnnShJp ol "Tho ~ has not yc1 ,.. prod~· lor !he chlkl~'•· the"" tcr producUpns oC this o&.de- cbnsca, utoblish ci'edlt limits Poehler Wbolcsnle · Grocery · In Mrs. Lauren' Molson, tho new celvcd • !air chnnci! ns we ore ter B,rvwn Audltonum, Feb. · mlc year:.,l'hc flnt piny wns or customers, oUend <iuartcrly McPborsen !or the M!.I !oyr project will enoblo McPherson : now nwolUng response from p;ir. 4• nt 4 p.m. "Alnddln tind ·his Wonderful mceUngs, review. !cderol · nnd years. Ho ls inorrled ojld has College ' students to rccclvo n cnts.''

1bc .production ii sponsored Lamp." , Tlic flnol piny, "fu?. state bnnk cxomlMUon$, elect • tllrOe children. cnke !or their birlhdl!Y or-other Tho cnkcs nnd ·cookies nre . ::!, ~ McPbcnoo ~~=r ~ gin:l. lbe lriquois ~pUve," will officers ol the bon'lt a~d pro- Joel L. Frey oC Gocascl ii ·~ occnsions. bnkcd by member$ ol Dl!lto lhilversity :"omen. n: P\I~ be bold April 7. • mote aoocl will • cilmpleting his second mo'nlb 05 ApproximaidT sso ldltn wllla Delta Cha(llA)r. and then """"'1· is to brioa the tbealer to chll· ' Jona hns .been acquainted· electricinn ror tho Mnlnl=ct • rduna 1...- ~"' btta an °11Y <!<>livered . to the stud<nt . dn!n ' oC Ibis area. Nelson; Alexander with b3nk1nJ llnce the age of n-. • .--. lo pamata ol. 00Hl1llle 1tu- oloni; with o ·verse ol "Hoppy

_,...,. for ,Ille 'stace bJ Mor- ol Mtaf6nl. Ott., lll1llOWlCC Ibo ctdurcs !rom personal ' obser· Belor< aiming to McPbcrsc1i, ~ ol tllis projed. ne Durtar ' eum wttk • •P«W

'll'rtelea la Jll'l ~p was Mr. ~ Mrs. Olarles Nelson 14 ,..b<D he lc•rocd ' many pro- ~ ..... u~ dalls ~ Ille - aad Blrlbilay." ·

ca1 ClltnlMtt. u 1s lll«J' cnaas~ of their daughter. vance In hls gl1l!ldfatber's bank. Frey """'eel !or the Topd<4 partllls ~· complde • 1...- bl• bll&bt Is •ddtd lo U.. cboltt el • ,_ boJ ldclt CarolYD. to Bernard Alexander "I lcnrocd bow ,to operate hook· Foresby Department, lrinunlng l&allaf Ille aame ol Ille -1. ol i:etl'tlluDtals. , A "Ain i • 11 doC ,... .... ru' ..... , .,,...,. oC LakN'OOd. New J el$e)', ne kce~ing :md cnk:alalinl: ' mncb- ll)!e5 In the ·91ty Ol Topt:i(n. dormllory, IJpe ol cue, -"ks ldt," ~~ f r_ e 1 b fniits. -. la. ·- of llae boJ'• Conner McPbCrson College sfu. Ines nnd to pick. ~ic~ custo- Frey ls alto" crirolled ns a or bnnnilel lo be IClll '8" dAlo saack f~, spreads aad fruh !oilier - lie bu aol ,... dents .m planning a February mer• were good risks, ;<1"1"" part-time sludenl af McPborsen aad nldabie Ja!cu m•y bf few ..- ,earo. wcddlnll. Jones. College. · SNEA Plans i\leeting parcbued lo. eae tbooe tedious

'l1le boy, BeQ Brown. nnd his , • • To Inform Teachers bours of stacly( . dog Sancho, encounter many c II . D ·g . . G t d Movie Po. rtrays ' Aller dcllvery. Mrs':<-~tolson adventures In lhclr quest• !or 0 . ege e. rees ran e ;here wlll be a'mceUng or the will send rui acknowledgement Ben's father. Dilrlng their trnv·· . Young People Student NaUonal Education As· or tho cnkes received and a els they ~ boUsed by a aqulre To McPherson Sem"or' s soeiotion nl 7 p.m. on Feb. 8. thnnk 'you note to parents "ho and bll crippled son who is "! bigh!y rccemmcnd 'Tho ·In Mobler-212. Tbls monthly hove co-operated with the pro-nbab~ .!o apln wn)k. • · ResUcss Ones' because It groplr· meeting is nimcd toward pre- gram. •

, "TbO , ,l'Ul ~ude ~ bkvo ~ granted to Gregory Duguta, McPherson: icolly portr:zys the mnny de- senting interesting information Types ol cnkcs vary !rnm u - l'llDcb aad Jodi oc.t 23 icnlors occerding0 to E.


Deoo Deon Dilger, Hutdilnson: Deao cisions young people hove to to lulurc teachers. chocolate and white to spice. - ~ be ol •peqal m· Reynolds. regimar. Elliot, M~ and Jco.hette make," stated Paul Wagoner, M- Al lhe Feb. 8lb meeting. Mrs. yellow ancl .. angel lood. Sheet - le 11ae cblldml," stated 'lbose. who nt~ their de- Hall. New Enterprise. Pn. sociatc director ol dc\•elopmenl. Homer E. Brunk, aisociatc Pro- ca1t.S ore also nviilabie !or

grees from the sccood session . Other stud<nts "i>o graduated ''Th"' Restless Ones" will be lfessor English nod ] parU ol summer 'school were Robert • udilb sbo ,.; n inform future teachers oi cs . B•mcu, Flushing. N. Y.: Gail a"'. J • J"";"""· l'!llsboro. • wn nl loo Spiro! Theotrc .----------. Art Club Elects · 3 New Officers

Col i Den Col . w·w JO)ce Mishler. New Pans. Ind. : Feb. 10 : 16 nt 6:30 p.m. nod ,lhe correct procedure used in PRESCRIPTIONS


0n.:.,,n, Denver.,·er. oCo .. lo .• ·' om Kcnnll Mishler. New Pans . • Ind. : 9 p.m. written job applicotlous: m·d ·- LruTy Myers Undsborg The ·u T<-d Washburn. assistant super- COMPOUNDED

: 'New orflcers -'= etccicd !or the McPherson College /,n Club !or lbe sccend Semester or the 1900-67 school year,,_ ·

Rosie Engdahl: Ro6ert ,F.rulis. . • : re WI also be matinees intendent ol McPherson Unified RALEIGH'S Denver. Colo.: Grace Kemp. El· · Ed Sbnpley, Sparta. N. J .: on Salunl:ly a~d Sunday, t' eb. Schoo llnwood: . Patricia Scantlin. Me- Poul Swnnson,,Norlh llcndcrson, U and 12 al 2:30 p.m. Is, will give !nets on per- -Pherson nnd Zane Smith Ank· Ill.: Clnri< Thompson. lndepcnd- Seats for ''The Restless Ones" sonal job interviews. '----"D""r:..;;u;,:...l!'.::S~to:.:r:..;;e;___..1

David .,S..itzcr. Ir, .\Ylehltn. was the newly elected 1>rtiidcnl. PaUI Allen, Jr. Scoll City'. was elcclcd vice president nod Kor· en ·Mathes. aoph, McPh<:rson, was elected secrcl.'.lr}'.

cny. Iowa. ' cncc, Mo.: S:mdra· Troge, Mc- will be reserved. Tickets wlli 'Mlose· 111udents who rocclvcd Pherson nnd Wiillom Winkley, be $1 coch•ond con be purchnscd

their degrees from the !irst se- Marl'!I'. at the switchboard in . Mohler. mcSlcr ol the 196!Hi7 year arc MOurinc Arnold. McPh~non; Donn4 pi!Ung, Nanty Glo. Pa.:

Switu!r sl4ted lb:lt member· ship to lbe Ar1 Club is open to au students. •

'Tbe club meels on L~~ !irst · and lblrd Thursdays ol • rod! month. at 9:15 p.m. in tbc -Stu· dent Union.

)Vben The. Time Cornea To Select Your Diamond

· See

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.....~ Bet ore You Buy. Ghtt? Us A Tfl

ELDON'S· FOODLINER "Try A Snack From Our Delicateuen"

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629 W. Kansas

' inside ihe bright turbulent . world of todays.youth ••.


February 10-16 6 130 "'9:00 p.m.

ftla tlnee-SaturdlQ' ond Sunday, Z:30 p.d.. ' Oit..Campµ• •

• Ticket Salel-F a'b. 2-3, 1967

Mohler ffall·ROC?l!l 103 Ailmi11ion $1.0o ·