vincent de paul society newsletter · perspectives of others, the more empathetic we can be....

St. Vincent de Paul Society NEWSLETTER Published by and for Vincentians August 2020 Diocesan Council of Phoenix, AZ Vol. 21 No. 6 “It is for your love alone that the poor will forgive you the bread you give them.” St. Vincent de Paul In option A of our Vincentian closing prayer, we ask God to bless us with hearts that are genuinely open to the struggles, challenges, and successes of those whom we serve. And so we pray, “Help us to love and respect them, to understand their deeper needs and to share their burdens and joys as true friends in Christ.” In other words, what we are seeking is in large part, is the ability to be empathetic. Often times empathy is mistaken for sympathy, however, they are not the same. Sympathy, is used to describe when one person shares the same feelings of another. Empathy, on the other hand, means being able to understand the needs of others. It means that you’re aware of their feelings and how it impacts their perception. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with how they see things; rather, being empathetic means that you’re willing and able to appreciate what the other person is going through and how they see the situation. Empathy opens up relationships, and allows people to interact without fear or intimidation. It creates a space where individuals feel safe enough to share their stories without the fear of being dismissed or judged negatively. Empathy challenges us as Vincentians to understand the root cause behind the struggles and challenges others face. And, it allows us to build deeper relationships with one another and those whom we serve. Empathy encourages self- discovery, growth, and self- sufficiency. Although the capacity for empathy appears to be an inborn human trait, it is in large part, a learned behavior. Being well connected to our own emotions increases our ability to feel and understand the emotions of others. Additionally, the more we strive to learn and understand about the experiences and perspectives of others, the more empathetic we can be. Empathetic individuals actively listen to others, ask real questions, and allow time for silence instead of offering quick fixes, standardized referrals, and superficial advice. Empathy is real, warm, and genuine and it allows us to touch people’s lives and hearts in real and meaningful ways. Why then, if all of us have a natural capacity for empathy, do we often find it lacking in ourselves and others? The main reason for a lack of empathy is that developing and sharing it is hard; it takes time and effort to demonstrate awareness and understanding. It is not always easy to understand why another person thinks or feels the way they do about a situation. It means not being judgmental, not feeling like we have all of the answers, or that we have a better handle on life. It means making ourselves vulnerable and admitting that we have not always made the right decisions in our own lives. It means putting others ahead of ourselves and trying to authentically imagine how we would feel if we were in their shoes. Continued on page 2 Sharing their Burdens & Joys Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. – Theodore Roosevelt

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Page 1: Vincent de Paul Society NEWSLETTER · perspectives of others, the more empathetic we can be. Empathetic individuals actively listen to others, ask real questions, and allow time for

St. Vincent de Paul Society


Published by and for Vincentians August 2020 Diocesan Council of Phoenix, AZ Vol. 21 No. 6

“It is for your love alone that the poor will forgive you the bread you give them.” St. Vincent de Paul

In option A of our Vincentian closing prayer, we ask God to bless us with hearts that are genuinely open to the struggles, challenges, and successes of those whom we serve. And so we pray, “Help us to love and respect them, to understand their deeper needs and to share their burdens and joys as true friends in Christ.” In other words, what we are seeking is in large part, is the ability to be empathetic. Often times empathy is mistaken for sympathy, however, they are not the same. Sympathy, is used to describe when one person shares the same feelings of another. Empathy, on the other hand, means being able to understand the needs of others. It means that you’re aware of their feelings and how it impacts their perception. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with how they see things; rather, being empathetic means that you’re willing and able to appreciate what the other person is going through and how they see the situation.

Empathy opens up relationships, and allows people to interact without fear or intimidation. It creates a space where individuals feel safe enough to share their stories without the fear of being dismissed or judged negatively. Empathy challenges us as Vincentians to understand the root cause behind the struggles and challenges others face. And, it allows us to build deeper relationships with one another and those whom we serve. Empathy encourages self-discovery, growth, and self-sufficiency. Although the capacity for empathy appears to be an inborn human trait, it is in large part, a learned behavior. Being well connected to our own emotions increases our ability to feel and understand the emotions of others. Additionally, the more we strive to learn and understand about the experiences and perspectives of others, the more empathetic we can be. Empathetic individuals actively listen to others, ask real questions, and allow time

for silence instead of offering quick fixes, standardized referrals, and superficial advice. Empathy is real, warm, and genuine and it allows us to touch people’s lives and hearts in real and meaningful ways. Why then, if all of us have a natural capacity for empathy, do we often find it lacking in ourselves and others? The main reason for a lack of empathy is that developing and sharing it is hard; it takes time and effort to demonstrate awareness and understanding. It is not always easy to understand why another person thinks or feels the way they do about a situation. It means not being judgmental, not feeling like we have all of the answers, or that we have a better handle on life. It means making ourselves vulnerable and admitting that we have not always made the right decisions in our own lives. It means putting others ahead of ourselves and trying to authentically imagine how we would feel if we were in their shoes.

Continued on page 2

Sharing their Burdens & Joys

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.

– Theodore Roosevelt

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Prayer for Empathy

Lord, grant me the wisdom to see the good in each person I meet. Help me to listen to them with not only my ears but with my heart. Grant me the empathy to understand each person, their life, their situation and to respect them enough to extend support or guidance when needed. May I be a reflection of your love and mercy and may I instill in others the freedom to fail and to grow. Help me to guide and serve others with kindness, mercy, and a heart open to listening to the needs of those around me. Allow me to recognize opportunities to care and to grow in empathy and holiness. May my words and actions bring others closer to one another and to you my God.


Sharing...Continued A worldwide pandemic with serious health risks and the resulting social and physical distancing requirements it has placed upon all of us, the current climate of racial and economic unrest, and the pressures of an election year have created an environment where empathy is vitally important but hard to find or at times even to offer. As members of the Society, we can become dulled, distracted, or so despondent that we lose sight of the fact that we are a society founded on caring, sacrificial love, and holiness. We are meant to be hands and feet of Christ and to be a sign of God’s love and mercy to the poor and the vulnerable. In order to do that, we must be empathetic towards one another and with those whom we serve. We must not lose hope or let the challenges we currently face distract us from our vocational call. Regardless of what services we are able to offer, we can reach out to our brothers and sisters with genuine concern and empathy. We can care and we can work towards achieving a deeper understanding of the struggles that others face

Conference & Council Proof of

Insurance Requirements

Because the Society of St. Vincent de Paul functions as an outside independent Catholic lay organization, the liability insurance policies for most parishes do not cover our conferences, councils, and our members in their duties and activities. Since our conferences and councils are incorporated as one entity under the Diocesan Council of Phoenix, we have one insurance policy that covers everyone. Your parish administration may ask you to submit a copy of your proof of insurance. Most parishes will ask for that proof at the beginning of each fiscal year or when that proof expires. If you need a copy of our proof of insurance, please contact Marc Anderson at [email protected] and he will email you a copy. Please contact Sandy Edwards if you have any further questions.

Page 3: Vincent de Paul Society NEWSLETTER · perspectives of others, the more empathetic we can be. Empathetic individuals actively listen to others, ask real questions, and allow time for


Society of St. Vincent de Paul August 2020

The Endowment Distribution Checks are in the Mail (and Received).... all 81 conferences we hope — $952 per Conference is 9% more than last year, and a real blessing for all, we're sure. Many Conferences are focused on the CARES grants, but just wanted to share with you what some Conferences were able to do with the 2019 Endowment Distribution:

One used it to fund transportation to an out-of-state medical clinic for a client.

A second was able to pay the auto registration and bring insurance current for a client so he could drive to work rather than taking the bus or hitchhiking.

Heartwarmingly, a third conference was able to pay the deposit and first month's rent for a woman so she could escape a potentially abusive relationship.

What wonderful stories! All made possible by the "found" money from the distribution check. Finding (and funding) more cases like these can begin with a simple monthly contribution to the Endowment (maybe just $5, 10, or $20 dollars a month). As I've said many times, this is EZ by way of a debit from one's checking or savings account. Just ask me for the simple form at [email protected] or call me at (602) 919-0261. Remember 100% of your help goes directly towards growing the Endowment exclusively for the benefit of the conferences. Of course, it's eligible for the State Tax Credit ($400 individual or $800 for a couple). May each of you continue to remain safe and healthy in the hands of the Lord!

By Bill Klink

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2020-2021 Budget

Did you know…

We have BRICKS! So, what is a Brick? In 1996, the Conference Resources Committee developed the concept of the BRICK as a means of communicating, informing and training Vincentians. A Brick is a foundational building block - one of many available to us to help them strengthen their Conferences. BRICKS are available on our website:

I have included a BRICK on Spirituality, its located on page 10. Please share with your conference members.

The 2020-2021 Diocesan Council Annual Budget will be up for a vote a the September General Membership Meeting. Marc Anderson will be presenting the budget at each District Meeting. Please share that information with your Conference Members for discussion. If you have questions on the budget, please email Marc at: [email protected] or call him at 602.261.6802. The General Membership is set for September 19, 2020, in the event we do not have the GM at our Dan O’Meara Center, because of Covid-19, a ballot will be mailed to each Conference President.

Special Note

If you have anyone on our Prayer Line, please let me know if I can remove anyone or add anyone. Its been awhile since it was updated.

Thank you, Sandy Edwards

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul August 2020




Each year for the past 39 years The Men of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) and the OLPH SVdP Scottsdale Conference have hosted an event to facilitate Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul holding Food Drives to stock their pantries with food. Over the years the food drive has grown to include some 70 or more SVDP Conferences. At the Saturday, September 19

th Quarterly Meeting in the Hall of Banners at

420 W. Watkins St. in Phoenix we will have Food Drive supplies for all who wish to participate. Please check with your Pastor for his agreement. After the program, conferences and churches may pick up the free supplies which they have ordered for conducting their local food drives. These include grocery bags, holy cards, envelopes, and flyers suggesting appropriate types of food for donation by parishioners. Typically, these materials will be stapled together, distributed to parishioners one weekend, and returned with donations the following weekend. The Men OF OUR LADY of PERPETUAL HELP (Scottsdale) will be available to assist at the Quarterly Meeting. If the quarterly meeting is cancelled, you may pick up your supplies at the warehouse. Lucy Meraz (602-850-6761) will be sending out further information in August asking Conference Presidents to sign up. This annual food drive allows parishioners to donate over 30,000 bags of food for our SVdP food pantries each year. In addition, donations are made that provide for food to be purchased. The total value to conference pantries is well in excess of $1 million each year. Please conduct a food drive for your own local use, or plan to donate your excess food to be picked up by another SVdP conference of your choice.

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It is with a heavy heart that I write this memorial in memory of Nellie Gonzales. During Nellie’s seven (7) years as a volunteer with Saint Vincent DePaul her dependability, motivation and competiveness helped fill the store with lots of items for the shoppers. She achieved her mission with glory to make money and be number one in houseware sales. It was a joy to share this excitement with her. Nellie’s main focus was always to support SVDP in helping people. Nellie will always be remembered for spreading joy, laughter and abundance of love for people throughout the Surprise store. She was bossy at times and demanded only the best from herself and others all the while creating a belly laugh that we all loved to share … Nellie had a way of making everyone feel like they were the most important person. When I first came to the Surprise store, I had lost both my parents weeks apart. I was orphaned. Nellie showed me such love. Every morning she hugged me and every day when it was time to leave she hugged me and said I love you. When my twin sister would come to visit she would pour the love out on her too. What a precious and sweet lady God had placed in my life to help with my healing. She always shared unconditional love with everyone. Nellie always made our pot lucks feel like a special family holiday, sharing her spirit for family, friends and good food. Nellie never had a bad day, and we learned by watching her servant heart give daily. We are going to miss her love, hugs, faith and life stories. We will do our best to keep her legacy alive by sharing our hearts and talents with those who need it the most. Rest in Peace out Sweet Nellie Love your #1 Surprise Store

Remembering our wonderful Volunteer, Nellie

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul August 2020

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Attention All Presidents

Please fill out New Officer form and return to Sandy Edwards at [email protected]. We will need this information to update the Conference Directory which will be distributed at the December General Membership Meeting. If that is not possible, because of the Corona virus, we will get them to you either by mail or we will deliver them to you. If you do not have any changes, please indicate so and return to me.

PLEASE...don’t forget to update your pantry hours. Thank you.

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul August 2020

SET Renewals All Vincentians must complete the Safe Environment Training requirements set by the Diocese of Phoenix. Vincentians who have previously completed their requirements and received an approved status for 2019-2020, must now complete an online renewal. The Safe Environment year runs July 1st through June 30th. Because of COVID-19, this year’s renewal is available only online. Renewals must be completed annually and background checks every five years. The 2020 SET Renewal is available now and must be completed according to the deadline set by your Parish and no later than December 31st. Visit, and access the file you created last year, update any information and click on the online renewal box. If you cannot remember your user name and/or password, contact your parish SET Coordinator. See example below.

Safe Environment

Training Update

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul August 2020

Blessed Frederic Ozanam Intercession Prayer Line

O God, our Father, You alone have the power to bestow those precious gifts of Yours which we rightly call miracles. If it be Your will, be pleased to grant such a gift on behalf of...

ALL SAINTS MESA Tom Margalski Judy Allard Nancy Hackert Veronica Nord Maureen Julian CHURCH OF THE RES-URRECTION Caroline Steele Bob Bruce HOLY CROSS Traci Fay IMMACULATE CONCEPTION James Reed Mike Vize Barbara Reed Lindsey Plas Lynn Treimer Lee Martealer Al and Regina Gilson Pam Willis Diane McCann MOST HOLY TTRINITY Jackie Hennings OLPH SCOTTSDALE John Corcoran Forrest Dougherty Dale Nickekl Mary Zarlengo OUR LADY OF GUADA-LUPE Joe DiGiovanni OUR LADY OF THE DESERET Richard Gordon OUR LADY OF THE LAKE Cindy Smith QUEEN OF PEACE Susan Petrie Mary Kay Dunlevy Martina Bonilla

SACRED HEART—PARKER Karen Rath Mary Gonzales Sandra Woulms Dora Gloria Lopez


SACRED HEART—PARKER Karen Rath Mary Gonzales Sandra Woulms ST. BRIDGET Cheryl Crame Sandra Jarr ST. DANIEL THE PROPHET Bob Rissi Alice Santana ST. JAMES Diane Stofko Abel Noble SACRED HEART—PRESCOTT Richard Howell Herb Bourgault ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE John Winters ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Vince Kempton ST. TIMOTHY Karen Wilson ST. LOUIS THE KING Ed & Esther Escarcega Raul & Elvia Lujan Mario & Mary Fierros ST. CLARE OF ASSISI Kathy Ford Joyce Murphy

ST. GERMAINE Pat Caldwell Joe Zambito Sue Christian Freda Jeffries Fred Widmer Kathy Ferguson Sandy Smith ST. GREGORY Frank Sano Robert Staten ST. MARGARET MARY-BHC Rev. Peter Dobrowski ST. MARTIN DE PORRES Sammy Valencia ST. MARY—KINGMAN Patty Couch Roger and Rita Gaumond Diane Schatz ST. MARY MAGDALENE Nancy Weise ST. JEROME Nancy Barnes Yvonne Hurley ST. MATTHEW Evelyn Guerra ST. JOACHIM & ST. ANNE Gene Harmeling Irene Sosnicki Harry Steckler Mary Taylor Lucia Mastroianni Terry DeYoung Al and Alice LaRocque ST. JOAN OF ARC Paul Parent ST. STEVEN’S Pat Krause ST. FRANCES CABRINI Andre Carrillo Rosemary McClair

SVDP EXECUTIVE OFFICE Brother John Braydon Shindler Charles de Queljoe Mike McQuaid Caroline Reedy Tom Van Boven Kathi Fidel Jerry Tong Linda Chambliss Karen Woodhouse Daniel Nepveux Ella Cotroneo Jim Novotny Mark (Anonymous) Frank Barrios Joyce Zabilski Jordon Lees Evan Arriola Ray Daoust Cathie Nelson Adam Snavely Mike Pazzaglini Gabriel “Gavin” Rivas Jerry Baily John Mulligan Jayden Southern Jake Doyle Aleena Who Dr. David Goldfarb Barbara Cabin Don Meis The Delbrocco Family Dick Hannon Alice Ehmann Arden O’Connor Michelle Small Jerry Simmons Catherine Mulhern John Jakubczyk Cindy Coons Peter McQuaid Kathleen Nageotte Sharon Ehmann Paul Joseph DeMuro Daniel Mark "Bear" Johnson Thomas Bugai Bryce Yarbrough Mary Raymond Betsy Adams Gabrielle Chung Dick French

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul August 2020

Requiescat In Pace

May the Angels lead them into Paradise, may the martyrs receive them at their coming

and lead them into Jerusalem, the Holy City. May the Choir of Angels welcome them

and, with Lazarus, who was also poor, may they have everlasting rest.

Kathy Ford St. Clare of Assis

Frank Kubinski St. Bernadette

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul August 2020