vincy joseph prospective assessment

Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved. Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool c reated by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. ProSpective Assessment  Vincy Joseph's Assessment Results These are your Top 5 Leadership Characteristics: Acting with Honor and Character You know what you stand for. Your actions are rooted in a stable set of values. You can be counted on to act consistently and stay true to your word. Others trust you because your beliefs and actions match. People see you walking your talk. They sense your authenticity and your character. Communicating Effectively You are clear and credible when you communicate. You are knowledgeable about the topic. You have an interest and a passion in the message. And you are in tune with your audience. You adjust your message and delivery appropriately for the audience. You are an articulate, engaging speaker and a strong writer. Your use of stories, visuals, descriptions, and tone captivate the reader or the listener. You effectively inform, persuade, coach, and inspire. Understanding the Business You have earned a seat at the table. You have regular interaction with senior executives, and they see you as a credible partner. You speak the language of business. With your high level of acumen, you are able to analyze and speak intelligently about customers, competitors, and business strategy. You have a clear point of view. The payoff is that many leaders seek you out to ask your opinion about the potential impact of business decisions. Caring About Others People matter to you. You take a personal interest in their well-being. You care about others, and you’re willing to help them when they are in trouble. You may be focused on getting results, but you make time for people. You take time to check in and see how they are doing. You are not afraid to show kindness and compassion. You recognize that you can be both a Page 1 of 11

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment Results

These are your Top 5 Leadership Characteristics: 

Acting with Honor and Character 

You know what you stand for. Your actions are rooted in a stable set of values. You can be

counted on to act consistently and stay true to your word. Others trust you because your 

beliefs and actions match. People see you walking your talk. They sense your authenticity andyour character.

Communicating Effectively

You are clear and credible when you communicate. You are knowledgeable about the topic.

You have an interest and a passion in the message. And you are in tune with your audience.

You adjust your message and delivery appropriately for the audience. You are an articulate,

engaging speaker and a strong writer. Your use of stories, visuals, descriptions, and tone

captivate the reader or the listener. You effectively inform, persuade, coach, and inspire.

Understanding the Business

You have earned a seat at the table. You have regular interaction with senior executives, and

they see you as a credible partner. You speak the language of business. With your high level

of acumen, you are able to analyze and speak intelligently about customers, competitors, and

business strategy. You have a clear point of view. The payoff is that many leaders seek you

out to ask your opinion about the potential impact of business decisions.

Caring About Others

People matter to you. You take a personal interest in their well-being. You care about others,

and you’re willing to help them when they are in trouble. You may be focused on getting

results, but you make time for people. You take time to check in and see how they are doing.

You are not afraid to show kindness and compassion. You recognize that you can be both a

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment ResultsCaring About Others: Top 5 Characteristics (Cont'd)

strong, respected leader and a caring, compassionate person. It is not a paradox for you. You

balance caring and confidence as complementary leadership qualities.

Managing Work Processes

You understand and manage processes well. You know that the best processes are dynamic

and require constant evaluation and tweaking. You see how all the pieces fit together and how

one affects the other. You build in feedback loops and monitor key metrics. Optimizing for 

efficiency is something you focus on—you are always looking for continuous improvement.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment Results

Potential Blind Spots Blind spots are characteristics that you overestimate. You are likely to see yourself as stronger in these skills than

others see you. A self assessment can give you insight on potential areas for self improvement, however, asking 

others for their input by doing a network assessment will give you far greater insight on your blind spots. Here are 

 your potential blind spots and some ideas for next steps: 

Being Open and Receptive

Stress is noisy, and when you’re overwhelmed, it can be very hard to quiet down and pay

attention to what others are experiencing. Part of effective leadership is learning how to turn

down the volume on your own stress so you can fully engage the people around you.

Regulate your emotions – Among the first things to go when you’re pushed beyond your 

limits are your openness and calm. Meditation, deep breathing, and long walks are not

health fads, they’re business tools. Develop a tool set for keeping yourself on an even keel.

Open the door – Literally open your door to casual check-ins, spontaneous conversation,and lending an ear to someone seeking advice. Figuratively open the door to hear others’

ideas or concerns. Essential in this effort is keeping your defensiveness at bay and

recognizing feedback as an avenue for addressing grievances and building stronger 


Share – Listen ten times more than you talk. When you are ready to pipe in to the

conversation, don’t hesitate to share something about yourself, use humor, maybe even

combine the two and be self-deprecating. Showing your human side will reassure other 

people that you are someone they can talk to.

Being Organizationally Savvy

Organizations are essentially groups of people organized around a common goal. Thus,

successfully navigating organizations requires a high level of social attunement.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment ResultsBeing Organizationally Savvy: Blind Spots (Cont'd)

Understanding how to align with and influence others, form strong networks, and listen actively

to those around you are essential first steps toward finding your feet in your organization.

Build alliances – Your mission: Find commonalities with a wide range of people within

your organization. Sincerity, respect, and active listening will go a long way toward building

relationships and learning about the organization through others’ perspectives and


Know your advocates – Find the key people in the organization who will work with you to

usher your projects through the maze of governance bodies and approvals. These are the

people who will take a vested interest in your success.

Unwritten signs – Knowing people’s titles and reporting relationships is not the complete

picture. An organization has a formal structure and an informal structure. Many times, there

are people who have power and respect without the title and they are able to influence.

Read the unwritten title on people’s nameplates.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment Results

Potential Hidden Strengths Hidden strengths are characteristics that you underestimate. You are likely to see yourself as weaker in these 

skills than others see you. A self assessment can give you insight on potential areas for self improvement,

however, asking others for their input by doing a network assessment will give you far greater insight on your 

hidden strengths. Here are your potential hidden strengths: 

Managing Up

You relate well with higher management. You manage your career well. You know what you

want in your career. You are proactive in positioning yourself—your career aspirations and

interests—to leaders who will influence your career trajectory. You do not hesitate to take

advantage of opportunities that showcase your skills to higher management. This requires

confidence, but gaining the support of your boss and senior leaders makes the risk worth it to


Focusing on the Bottom Line

You are achievement oriented. You are eager to take action and see results. Even when you

encounter obstacles, your energy and perseverance keep you going. You are motivated and

optimistic. At your best, you ensure that your actions are focused rather than letting

momentum take over. You attribute much of your strong performance to your sense of 

urgency, drive, and resilience.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment Results

Problem Areas Problem areas can be hard to talk about. However, we want to arm you with as much information as possible 

about the roots of success as well as known causes of derailment. Through studying the career trajectories of 

thousands of individual contributors, managers, and executives, we’ve identified the five most common barriers 

to career success. If you suspect one or more of these areas is a problem for you, the section below will provide 

initial steps toward improvement.

Doesn't Inspire or Build Talent

One of the toughest career transitions you’ll ever face is making the switch from individual

contributor to leader. When you’re used to relying entirely on yourself, it can be a shock to find

yourself at the mercy of a team. Anyone in a new leadership role struggles with how to

relinquish control, trust others, inspire people to bring their best, build a sense of team

cohesion, identify individual strengths, and grow leadership capabilities in others. If you

struggle in these areas, welcome to the club. But if you want to be a leader, it’s essential thatyou learn how to inspire and grow the people on your team by providing the right balance of 

direction, coaching, and support. You will see improvements in this area as you begin to give

up some control and depend upon others. Not doing so will likely slow or stall your career 


Be a leader – Contrary to what many people believe, emerging as a leader is not about

dominating, outshining, and beating others to the punch. Great leaders are people who

know how to elicit outstanding work from their team and help develop leadership

capabilities in others. Great leaders listen closely to their team, cue into individual

strengths, and step aside so others can practice taking the lead.

Keep it safe – Healthy debate is part of any strong team, but triangulation, favoritism,

trash-talking, or sabotage is not. If you’re leading a team, you’re also helping to set the

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment ResultsDoesn't Inspire or Build Talent: Problem Areas (Cont'd)

tone for what’s acceptable. Allowing for bad behavior makes the team unsafe and

unhealthy. It’s all right to be the downer sometimes, set limits, and referee so that people

can relax and connect and do their best work.

Delegate to develop – Delegation is not only about leveraging your team and increasing

efficiency, it’s also about developing the members of your team. Bringing them closer to

tough decision making, complex problem solving, and personal investment means you’renot overburdened, and they’re stretching and growing on the job.

Too Narrow

It was probably your deep level of expertise that got you noticed in school and later at work.

People relied on your insights and technical prowess, your patience with complex ideas, and

your ability to get to the root of a problem or see a hidden solution. These skills won you so

much admiration and respect that they eventually got you promoted. Congratulations! Now for 

the hard part: in this new role, you’re expected to do things that make little or no use of your 

specialized skills—managing people and projects, collaborating with other departments,hustling for resources, making strategic decisions, and solving operational problems. Now

what? Challenge yourself to break away from your comfort zone and focus on broadening your 

skill set. Finding ways to continuously learn about things outside your field will give you fresh

insights and augment your contribution at work. Holding on too tightly to what you know can

make you seem narrow and rigid and will likely slow or stall your career progress.

Deploy yourself – One of the most marketable experiences you can put on your resume is

having worked in another country. What this communicates is your ability to function

effectively in an entirely novel context. If moving out of the country isn’t on your list of 

things to do, reaching across departments or cross-teaming with experts from other 

functional areas can also stretch and grow you in ways that will pay off across the board.

Trust your instincts – If analysis is your game, you may not be making the most of your •

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment ResultsToo Narrow: Problem Areas (Cont'd)

instincts. One of the rewards for developing true expertise in a particular area is that you’ve

likely developed a sixth sense for when things feel right, wrong, or where an interesting

solution might be hiding just out of sight. Don’t be afraid to break from the data occasionally

and let your intuition be your guide.

Broaden your horizons – Being a good forecaster and strategic thinker requires keeping

an eye out for patterns and trends across multiple fronts—science, business, and the arts.Challenge yourself to read journals from outside your area of expertise and watch for 

interconnections across systems (culture, demographics, economics, etc.). This will lead to

unexpected insights in your own field and help you anticipate what’s coming around the


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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment Results

Korn/Ferry Insights Here’s how you compare to others: 

Acting with Honor and Character 

Acting with Honor and Character is ranked highest in importance compared to all other leadership skills. It is the foundation upon which all other leadership skills are built. Most

people are highly skilled in Acting with Honor and Character. It is moderately difficult to

develop. Being trustworthy, consistent, and ethical are viewed by most employers as price-of-

admission leadership qualities.

Communicating Effectively

Communicating Effectively is particularly important at the individual contributor level. The

number of people who are good communicators tends to be lower at the individual contributor 

level but steadily increases among managers and executives. With a little effort, this skill is nothard to develop. The ability to tailor your delivery and clearly articulate your points builds

credibility for both you and your message.

Understanding the Business

Understanding the Business is moderately important at all levels of leadership and is linked to

success early in your career. The skill level for most people in Understanding the Business is

very high, so you will need to combine it with other skills to pull ahead of the pack. One of the

reasons most people have this skill is that it’s easier to learn, compared to other skills. Your 

knowledge of how businesses operate and your expertise in your functional area are likely tobe considered price-of-admission qualities.

Caring About Others

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment ResultsCaring About Others: Korn/Ferry Insights (Cont'd)

Most people are moderately skilled in Caring About Others, and it is moderately difficult to

develop. Leaders who are skilled in Caring About Others also tend to be skilled in Managing

Diverse Relationships and Being Open and Receptive. Taking an interest in others and

showing kindness and concern demonstrate how much you value others and can impact your 

ability to lead and influence others.

Managing Work Processes

Managing Work Processes is highly correlated with strong performance at the manager level.

Managers are often responsible for seeing the big picture and understanding how the pieces

interrelate. Most people are low in this skill, and it is moderately difficult to develop. The ability

to see a process as a dynamic system and to understand how tweaks create ripple effects is a

vital contribution to a business and will differentiate you from other leaders.

Managing Up

Managing Up is a strong skill for most people across all leadership levels. However, it may not

be surprising that the skill improves as leaders move up to the manager and executive levels.

Many people are not aware of their ability to manage up—it is one of the most common hidden

strengths for individual contributors, managers, and executives. Your ability to garner support

from senior leaders gives you the opportunity to position your ideas and influence your career 


Focusing on the Bottom Line

Focusing on the Bottom Line is critically important. It is highly correlated with performance at

the individual contributor and manager levels. The ability to get results is also related to getting

promoted at the individual contributor and manager levels. The skill level for most people is

very high, and it is one of the easiest leadership skills to develop. Focusing on the Bottom Line

is a non-negotiable for anyone who wants to succeed at work.

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Copyright © 2011 Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company. All Rights Reserved.

Korn/Ferry’s ProSpective Assessment is an online assessment tool created by Korn/Ferry International to assist LinkedIn users with their career

development. Leadership characteristics are based on research by Lominger International, a Korn/Ferry company.

ProSpective Assessment

 Vincy Joseph's Assessment ResultsKorn/Ferry Insights (Cont'd)

Being Open and Receptive

Most people are moderately skilled in Being Open and Receptive, and it is moderately difficult

to develop. Listening, patience, and a relaxed sense of humor are qualities that will help you

build strong relationships with your colleagues and team.

Being Organizationally Savvy

Being Organizationally Savvy is moderately important across all leadership levels. It is a rare

skill at the individual contributor level, but leaders steadily improve as they rise to the manager 

and executive levels. Slow but steady improvement is laudable, given that this is one of the

hardest leadership skills to develop. Your ability to navigate organizational mazes to get things

done can mean the difference between stalled initiatives and moving things forward.

Doesn't Inspire or Build Talent

Doesn’t Inspire or Build Talent is a staller that can slow your career progress. Compared to

other stallers, Doesn’t Inspire or Build Talent is the most likely to be a problem, and it is more

harmful to success. Many leaders underestimate this problem to some degree. This area is a

known derailer, especially at the manager and executive levels. The inability to select,

develop, and empower talent will choke your ability to get results and lead a healthy,

productive team.

Too Narrow

Too Narrow is a staller that can slow your career progress. Compared to other stallers, Too

Narrow is more likely to be a problem but tends to be least harmful to success. Many leaders,

particularly at the individual contributor and executive levels, underestimate this problem to

some degree. This area is a known derailer, especially at the executive level. Over-reliance on

a single skill set or area of expertise can brand you as someone who lacks perspective or is

stuck in the past.

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