virtual big heads: analysis of human perception and ...our sense of comfort with other real humans...

Virtual Big Heads: Analysis of Human Perception and Comfort of Head Scales in Social Virtual Reality Zubin Choudhary * Kangsoo Kim Ryan Schubert Gerd Bruder § Gregory F. Welch University of Central Florida Figure 1: Examples of virtual avatars with different head scales: (a) normal head scale (1x), (b) big head (2x) with the fixed neck height scaling method, in which the head protrudes upwards from the neck, (c) small head (0.5x) with the fixed neck height scaling method, (d) big head (2x) with the fixed eye height scaling method, in which the body is scaled down to maintain the same eye height, and (e) small head (0.5x) with the fixed eye height scaling method, in which the body is scaled up to maintain the eye height. ABSTRACT Virtual reality (VR) technologies provide a shared platform for col- laboration among users in a spatial context. To enhance the quality of social signals during interaction between users, researchers and practitioners started augmenting users’ interpersonal space with dif- ferent types of virtual embodied social cues. A prominent example is commonly referred to as the “Big Head” technique, in which the head scales of virtual interlocutors are slightly increased to lever- age more of the display’s visual space to convey facial social cues. While beneficial in improving interpersonal social communication, the benefits and thresholds of human perception of facial cues and comfort in such Big Head environments are not well understood, limiting their usefulness and subjective experience. In this paper, we present a human-subject study that we conducted to understand the impact of an increased or decreased head scale in social VR on participants’ ability to perceive facial expressions as well as their sense of comfort and feeling of “uncanniness.” We explored two head scaling methods and compared them with respect to perceptual thresholds and user preferences. We further show that the distance to interlocutors has an important effect on the results. We discuss implications and guidelines for practical applications that aim to leverage VR-enhanced social cues. Index Terms: Computing methodologies—Computer graphics— Graphics systems and interfaces—Virtual reality; Human-centered computing—Human computer interaction (HCI)—Interaction paradigms—Virtual reality; Human-centered computing—Human computer interaction (HCI)—HCI design and evaluation methods— User studies * e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] § e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] 1 I NTRODUCTION Over the last decade, large strides have been made to improve aug- mented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies, and new opportunities have arisen for applications in fields such as simu- lation, training, therapy, and healthcare. For many of these, col- laboration between multiple users is an important aspect of the experience. In our daily (real) life, we leverage a combination of both verbal and nonverbal cues, including body posture and facial expressions, to communicate with other individuals. Collaborative environments try to facilitate effective communication of embod- ied social cues, and researchers have introduced different methods to accentuate such cues in collaborative experiences with VR/AR technologies [21, 25, 27–30]. A prime example of such accentuation is the so-called Big Head technique, aka Donkey Kong mode, due to the game character’s proportions [11], where heads of interlocutors are disproportionately up-scaled relative to the rest of the body. An underlying assumption of this technique is that humans have a certain tolerance for seeing body parts at different sizes, and up-scaling certain parts can improve their respective effectiveness in conveying social cues. Aspects of this technique originated among game developers, who were looking for a solution to the problem of limited screen space and low pixel resolutions when trying to present game characters to players. Presenting heads at their regular scale with respect to the rest of the simulated game environment generally made it hard to make out differences in characters’ heads and facial expressions. Up-scaling only the heads of the game characters enabled game developers to maintain a low scale for the environment while allowing players to distinguish characters and their respective visual game states. While, traditionally, the low resolution in desktop or game console display environments was the governing factor, which has subsequently been largely overcome, we are seeing similar challenges with respect to VR/AR displays today. Not surprisingly, some collaborative environments, such as Facebook’s Social VR [34], have already started to leverage the approach, although the reasoning behind their design choices in terms of head scales and body proportions remains obscure.

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Page 1: Virtual Big Heads: Analysis of Human Perception and ...Our sense of comfort with other real humans or their represen-tations in a social situation is also dependent on distance: Hall

Virtual Big Heads: Analysis of Human Perception and Comfort ofHead Scales in Social Virtual Reality

Zubin Choudhary* Kangsoo Kim† Ryan Schubert‡ Gerd Bruder§ Gregory F. Welch¶

University of Central Florida

Figure 1: Examples of virtual avatars with different head scales: (a) normal head scale (1x), (b) big head (2x) with the fixed neckheight scaling method, in which the head protrudes upwards from the neck, (c) small head (0.5x) with the fixed neck height scalingmethod, (d) big head (2x) with the fixed eye height scaling method, in which the body is scaled down to maintain the same eyeheight, and (e) small head (0.5x) with the fixed eye height scaling method, in which the body is scaled up to maintain the eye height.


Virtual reality (VR) technologies provide a shared platform for col-laboration among users in a spatial context. To enhance the qualityof social signals during interaction between users, researchers andpractitioners started augmenting users’ interpersonal space with dif-ferent types of virtual embodied social cues. A prominent exampleis commonly referred to as the “Big Head” technique, in which thehead scales of virtual interlocutors are slightly increased to lever-age more of the display’s visual space to convey facial social cues.While beneficial in improving interpersonal social communication,the benefits and thresholds of human perception of facial cues andcomfort in such Big Head environments are not well understood,limiting their usefulness and subjective experience.

In this paper, we present a human-subject study that we conductedto understand the impact of an increased or decreased head scalein social VR on participants’ ability to perceive facial expressionsas well as their sense of comfort and feeling of “uncanniness.” Weexplored two head scaling methods and compared them with respectto perceptual thresholds and user preferences. We further show thatthe distance to interlocutors has an important effect on the results.We discuss implications and guidelines for practical applicationsthat aim to leverage VR-enhanced social cues.

Index Terms: Computing methodologies—Computer graphics—Graphics systems and interfaces—Virtual reality; Human-centeredcomputing—Human computer interaction (HCI)—Interactionparadigms—Virtual reality; Human-centered computing—Humancomputer interaction (HCI)—HCI design and evaluation methods—User studies

*e-mail: [email protected]†e-mail: [email protected]‡e-mail: [email protected]§e-mail: [email protected]¶e-mail: [email protected]


Over the last decade, large strides have been made to improve aug-mented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies, and newopportunities have arisen for applications in fields such as simu-lation, training, therapy, and healthcare. For many of these, col-laboration between multiple users is an important aspect of theexperience. In our daily (real) life, we leverage a combination ofboth verbal and nonverbal cues, including body posture and facialexpressions, to communicate with other individuals. Collaborativeenvironments try to facilitate effective communication of embod-ied social cues, and researchers have introduced different methodsto accentuate such cues in collaborative experiences with VR/ARtechnologies [21, 25, 27–30].

A prime example of such accentuation is the so-called Big Headtechnique, aka Donkey Kong mode, due to the game character’sproportions [11], where heads of interlocutors are disproportionatelyup-scaled relative to the rest of the body. An underlying assumptionof this technique is that humans have a certain tolerance for seeingbody parts at different sizes, and up-scaling certain parts can improvetheir respective effectiveness in conveying social cues. Aspectsof this technique originated among game developers, who werelooking for a solution to the problem of limited screen space and lowpixel resolutions when trying to present game characters to players.Presenting heads at their regular scale with respect to the rest of thesimulated game environment generally made it hard to make outdifferences in characters’ heads and facial expressions. Up-scalingonly the heads of the game characters enabled game developers tomaintain a low scale for the environment while allowing players todistinguish characters and their respective visual game states. While,traditionally, the low resolution in desktop or game console displayenvironments was the governing factor, which has subsequently beenlargely overcome, we are seeing similar challenges with respectto VR/AR displays today. Not surprisingly, some collaborativeenvironments, such as Facebook’s Social VR [34], have alreadystarted to leverage the approach, although the reasoning behind theirdesign choices in terms of head scales and body proportions remainsobscure.

Page 2: Virtual Big Heads: Analysis of Human Perception and ...Our sense of comfort with other real humans or their represen-tations in a social situation is also dependent on distance: Hall

In this paper, we present a human-subject study aimed at under-standing the importance and influence of an increased or decreasedhead scale in social VR environments on a user’s perception andsense of comfort. We identified preferences and thresholds for headscales over a range of distances up to ten meters in two task contexts.We present and evaluate two alternative head scaling methods, anddiscuss their respective benefits and drawbacks.

With this work, we aim to contribute to the research communityby providing answers to the research questions below:

• RQ1: What are the thresholds for the amounts of head scalethat can be introduced without limiting a user’s ability to per-ceive facial expressions?

• RQ2: What are the thresholds that govern a user’s sense ofcomfort or “uncanniness”?

• RQ3: How do the thresholds change with respect to distancefrom intimate space to public space?

This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses related work.Section 3 describes the experiment. Section 4 describes our resultsand Section 5 discusses our findings. Section 6 concludes the paperand discusses future opportunities for research.


In this section, we present related work on social VR in general, shar-ing and perceiving social signals through embodied virtual avatars,and users’ sense of comfort when viewing or spatially interactingwith another avatar.

2.1 Social Virtual RealitySocial VR platforms, such as Second Life1, VRChat2, or FacebookHorizon3, enable users to meet and share experiences together inan immersive virtual environment as if the users were together ina shared real place. As social VR increases in popularity, publicinterest in VR, and its consumer market, also continues to grow.

One core aspect of social VR is the idea that users can createor customize virtual characters to represent themselves within thespace of the virtual world. These virtual self-representations, whichare frequently humanoid, are referred to as avatars and can have aneffect on other users’ perception of some aspects of the real userbehind the avatar, such as his or her personality or lifestyle [3].

Social VR platforms facilitate different types of social behaviors,such as communication (e.g., teleconferencing) or collaboration inreal or virtual tasks (e.g., collaborative content creation). Most socialVR settings use a single environment scale, while others allow usersto change it [22, 36] (see movie “Ant Man,” 2015). Although bothvocal and textual communication are generally integral to socialinteractions within social VR contexts, visual aspects of communi-cation, such as appearance, gestures, or expressions, also play animportant role, by themselves and in addition to speech or text. Usersimplicitly recognize the importance of the visual characteristics oftheir avatars, particularly those aspects most noticeable or relevant toother users, as evident in the effort put into avatar customization [9].

2.2 Social Signals in Virtual AvatarsEmbodied virtual self-representations in the form of a user’s virtualavatar can reproduce some of the user’s physical movements (e.g.,if tracked in real time or controlled indirectly) to provide a highersense of social presence in an immersive virtual environment byproviding a mechanism for introducing often nuanced but importantnon-verbal aspects of communication [32].

Similar to gestures and movement, facial expressiveness and theresulting ability to convey emotion is another powerful source of


non-verbal communication and influence in both real and virtualinterpersonal interactions. Cafaro et al. found that non-verbal socialsignals such as smiling, gaze direction, and the proximity behaviorof a virtual human affected a user’s perception of that virtual hu-man’s personality and interpersonal attitude during a first encountersituation, even after a very short time of interaction [5]. Furthermore,emotion display through the facial expressions of a virtual humanhas been shown to have an effect on a user’s behavior during socialinteraction, such as the likelihood to concede during a negotiationtask [7]. Likewise, accurately simulating realistic eye gaze behav-ior for a virtual avatar can increase the level of participation in aconversation with the avatar [6]. Hager and Ekman showed thatthe accuracy of facial expression recognition when presented witha fixed-size image of a human face declined as the distance of theimage from a viewer increased, decreasing the effective retinal sizeof the face to the viewer [12].

Given the importance of non-verbal social signals, such as facialexpressions, in users’ perceptions and behavior in social VR contexts,it is not surprising that some existing social VR platforms haveexplored mechanisms for greatly emphasizing or increasing thevisibility of such signals, such as increasing the head size for users’avatars [11, 34], in situations where limited resolution or variedinterpersonal distance may diminish the effectiveness of such cues.However, in addition to increasing the visibility of facial expressions,the up-scaling of avatar heads may have other impacts on users’perception and social interaction. Because of this, one aspect ofour study also explored how comfortable users would be wheninteracting with an avatar with manipulated proportions.

2.3 Avatar Realism and the Sense of Comfort

There has been a strong interest among psychologists and practi-tioners in social VR and related fields in understanding peoples’sense of comfort (or perceived “uncanniness” or “creepiness”) whenpresented with artificial representations of humans, including theirperceived “humanness,” and associated effects. In particular, theUncanny Valley proposes that increasing a human representation’svisual realism may not necessarily result in an increased sense ofcomfort when interacting with that entity [26]. Along these lines,with respect to head proportions for a humanoid robot, DiSalve et al.found that people were more comfortable with a head that was lessrealistic, with a wider head and wider eye spacing than a realistichuman head, supporting the idea that less realistic proportions mayin fact not detract from the effectiveness of a humanoid character [8].

Our sense of comfort with other real humans or their represen-tations in a social situation is also dependent on distance: Hallpresented a system to standardize how humans perceive and struc-ture the space in our immediate surroundings from intimate space(up to 0.46 m), personal space (up to 1.22 m), social space (upto 3.7 m), and public space [13]. Hall further stated that humanstend to maintain some “buffer space” around themselves and eachother. This has been shown to apply to both real and virtual enti-ties [1, 24]. People in the real world but also in an immersive virtualenvironment generally feel uncomfortable if another person, in par-ticular a stranger, invades their personal space or even their intimatespace [15]. In such cases, humans generally experience an activationof the amygdala in response to this violation of social norms [16].Bailenson et al. investigated the interpersonal distance maintainedbetween participants and virtual avatars and found that participantsgave more personal space when facing the back of a avatar than thefront, when an avatar engaged in mutual gaze with them, and whenthe avatar invaded their personal space [2]. A breach of such socialnorms can reduce a person’s sense of social presence—in particularcomfort—with the entity.

Page 3: Virtual Big Heads: Analysis of Human Perception and ...Our sense of comfort with other real humans or their represen-tations in a social situation is also dependent on distance: Hall


In this section we present our user study, in which we evaluate theeffects of a virtual avatar’s head scale on participants’ perceptionof the avatar in a social VR context with an immersive VR head-mounted display (HMD).

3.1 Participants

After initial pilot tests, we estimated the effect size of the expectedstrong effects, and based on a power analysis, we made the decisionto recruit 23 participants from our university community (16 maleand 7 female; ages between 18 and 31, M = 23.96 SD = 4.11). Allof the participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision, whileeight wore glasses and three wore contact lenses during the experi-ment. None of the participants reported known visual or vestibulardisorders, such as color or night blindness, dyschromatopsia, or a dis-placement of balance. 17 participants had used a VR HMD before,and eight of them had experience with social VR. The participantswere either students or non-student members of our university, whoresponded to open calls for participation, and received monetarycompensation for their participation.

3.2 Material

To investigate the participants’ perception of different avatar headscales in a shared VR environment, we prepared a virtual spacecontaining an avatar in which participants could view as well asadjust the scale of the avatar’s head. In this section, we describe thedetails of the avatar and the study settings for the experiment.

A life-size 3D female virtual human model was created and riggedin Autodesk Maya and Blender as the virtual avatar for our study(see Figure 1). The model was imported into the Unity game engine(version 2019.2.9.f1) and placed in a virtual hallway environment.For the virtual environment, we created a simulated hallway with thedimensions 5 m (width) × 3 m (height) × 15 m (length) as shownin Figure 2, so that participants could see the avatar at differentdistances in the hallway. The character had an neutral idle standinganimation in the hallway, repeating slight body movements, and wasable to perform various facial expressions using the blendshapes onher face, e.g., lip and eye brow movements, etc. Among differentpossible facial expressions, we decided to use four specific expres-sions: happy, sad, angry, and skeptical (see Figure 3), and the avatarperformed these expressions continuously in a loop throughout theexperiment. We confirmed that the visibility of the expressionsvaried with the prepared facial expressions, e.g., happy is the mostnoticeable, and skeptical is the most difficult to identify, through aninternal pilot test. At the start of the experiment, the avatar’s bodyheight was adjusted to match that of the participant. The scalingmethods were applied relative to the body height.

The avatar and the surrounding virtual environment were dis-played through an immersive VR HMD, HTC Vive Pro, which wasconnected to a host PC (Intel Core i7-7820HK CPU @ 2.90 GHz,32Gb Ram, NVIDIA GTX 1070 graphics card, Windows 10 Pro) forthe experimenter to run the program and monitor the participant’sview and activities in the VR environment. During the experiment,participants were standing on a marked location on the floor in ourlab environment, wearing the HMD, and could adjust the scale ofthe avatar head using the Vive Pro Controller (see Figure 4). Theycould scale up or down the head by pressing the up or down buttonon the trackpad, and when they wanted to make a decision on thehead scale, they could press the trigger button at the bottom of thecontroller, which saved their chosen head scale for the condition.Two Lighthouse units (HTC SteamVR Base Station 2.0) were setup in the experimental space to track the HMD’s pose (position andorientation), and the tracked pose was used to render the virtualenvironment according to the participant’s viewpoint, so that theparticipants could feel as if they were present in the environment

Figure 2: Illustration of the tested distances and proxemics in theexperiment. Screenshots on the right show the avatar at distances of(a) 0.4 m (intimate space), (b) 1 m (personal space), (c) 3 m (socialspace), (d) 6 m (close public space), and (e) 10 m (far public space).

facing the virtual avatar. After an initial familiarization period, par-ticipants were asked to remain standing at a fixed position in the lab.The HMD provided a 110 degree vertical and 100 degree horizontalfield of view, and had a resolution of 1440×1600 pixels per eye ata refresh rate of 90 Hz. The corresponding angular resolution was15 px/degree.

3.3 Methods3.3.1 Study DesignWe used a 2×2×5 full-factorial within-subjects design with threefactors: scaling method, task and distance; each tested on threetarget scales as described below.

• Scaling Method (2 levels): We developed two mechanisms toadjust the avatar’s head scale relative to the rest of the avatar’sbody (see Figure 1).

Page 4: Virtual Big Heads: Analysis of Human Perception and ...Our sense of comfort with other real humans or their represen-tations in a social situation is also dependent on distance: Hall

Figure 3: The avatar’s four facial expressions used for the experiment:(a) happy, (b) sad, (c) angry, and (d) skeptical.

Figure 4: Annotated photo showing a participant in the experimentwearing the HMD and holding the controller during the task. Thecontroller interface to adjust the scale of the avatar’s head is shownon the right.

– Fixed Neck Height: In our first scaling method, the avatar’shead scale was changed upwards from the avatar’s neckheight, so that participants had to look up to the avatar’shead when the head scale was increased. As a result, the eyeheight of the avatar changed depending on the head scale,meaning that with an increased head scale the avatar wouldlook down at the participant, while a reduced head scalemeant that the avatar would look up at the participant.

– Fixed Eye Height: Considering the potential influence of amismatch in the eye height of the avatar and the participant,we designed a second scaling method, in which up-scalingthe head meant that the rest of the body was down-scaled,while down-scaling the head meant that the rest of the bodywas up-scaled. The result is that the head scale is adjustedas in the first scaling method, but the body scale is furtheradjusted so that the avatar always maintains the same eyeheight at all times.

• Task Context (2 levels): We decided to test two separate taskcontexts in the avatar head scaling tasks.

– Facial Expression: In this task context, participants wereasked to adjust the scale of the avatar’s head while focus-ing on their performance in recognizing the avatar’s facialexpressions. If the head scale was too small or too large,they would not be able to recognize the facial expressions.We prepared this task context considering the importance ofunderstanding the social signals, particularly through facialexpressions, from other users in social VR. We played fourfacial expressions in a loop, which are described in moredetail in Section 3.2 (see Figure 3).

– Comfort Level: In this task context, participants wereasked to adjust the scale of the avatar’s head while focusing

on their perception of the avatar and their feeling of comfortwhen interacting with the avatar in social VR. If the headscale is too small or too large, a feeling of “uncanniness” (or“creepiness”) tends to arise, which indicates that participantswould not feel comfortable interacting with such an avatarin social VR.

• Distance (5 levels): For the experiment, the avatar appeared atfive different distances, considering the proxemics in social inter-actions based on Hall’s Proxemics theory [14] (see Figure 2).

– Intimate: Intimate space is considered for touching or whis-pering within a distance of 0.46 m, so we located the avatarat 0.4 m away from the participants.

– Personal: Personal space is for interactions with closefriends or family members within a distance of 1.22 m, sowe located the avatar at 1 m away from the participants.

– Social: Social space is for interactions with acquaintanceswithin a distance of 3.7 m, so we located the avatar at 3 maway from the participants.

– Public-Close: Public-Close space is for public speakingwithin a distance of 7.6 m, so we located the avatar at 6 maway from the participants.

– Public-Far: Public-Far space is also for public speakingbut targeting people in farther distances beyond 7.6 m, sowe located the avatar at 10 m away from the participants.

We asked the participants to scale the head size based on thefollowing target scales.

• Target Scales: During each trial, participants were asked to eitheridentify the minimum, maximum, or ideal head scale in the taskcontexts mentioned above.

– Minimum: Participants were asked to identify and selectthe minimum head scale in the particular task context. Forthe facial expression task context, this meant that they wouldreduce the head scale until they could just barely recognizethe facial expressions. For the comfort level task context,they reduced the head scale as far as they would still main-tain a sense of visual comfort seeing the avatar in front ofthem, i.e., without feeling uncanny.

– Maximum: Similar to the minimum target scale, partici-pants were asked to identify and select the maximum headscale in the particular task context.

– Ideal: Participants were asked to identify and select theirpreferred ideal head scale in the particular task context. Forthe facial expression task context, this meant the ideal headscale for recognizing the facial expressions. For the comfortlevel task context, this meant finding the ideal head scalewithout feeling uncanny.

In total, each participant experienced 60 trials in combinations of ourfactors while they were performing the tasks adjusting and selectingthe avatar’s head scale. A 2×2 Latin square was used to balance theorder of the two scaling methods and two tasks for each participant.So as not to confuse participants, the task context for each task wasfixed in the order of minimum, maximum, and optimum scale. Thefive distances were presented in random order to participants.

3.3.2 ProcedureOnce participants arrived, a form of informed consent was provided,and they were asked to give their verbal consent to participate inthe experiment. Afterwards, the experimenter verbally explainedthe study details with the task instructions, and made sure that the

Page 5: Virtual Big Heads: Analysis of Human Perception and ...Our sense of comfort with other real humans or their represen-tations in a social situation is also dependent on distance: Hall

participants understood the tasks, in which they should adjust thescale of a virtual avatar’s head for two different task contexts in animmersive virtual environment. The experimenter explained all theconditions that the participants would experience with respect tothe factors, which we described in Section 3.3.1. Participants thendonned an HTC Vive Pro HMD on which they could see the virtualavatar standing in a virtual hallway facing toward them. The virtualavatar was introduced to participants as a typical representation of areal human interlocutor in a social VR environment, such as thoseknown from Facebook’s Social VR. Before the actual experiment,there was a practice session so that the participants could have anidea about the avatar’s facial expressions that they should look outfor and how to change the avatar’s head scale using a Vive controllerfor the experiment as described in Section 3.2. They could increaseor decrease the head scale by pressing the up or down button onthe trackpad of the controller, and make a decision on the headscale by pressing the trigger button, which would also advance theexperiment to the next trial condition—different distance, targetscale, task context, or scaling method.

Once participants were familiar with the interface and tasks, westarted the experimental trials. For recognising the facial expres-sions, the virtual avatar exhibited four expressions in an infiniteloop—happy, sad, angry, and skeptical (see Figure 3). The partic-ipants were asked to identify and select the head scales at the fivedifferent distances per target scale (minimum, maximum, and idealscales) that corresponded to the current task context. After complet-ing the three target scales they moved on to the next task contextand scaling method based on the Latin square design. When the ex-periment was halfway completed, a two-minute break was providedto participants to minimize the effects of the HMD on participants’eyestrain or potential simulator sickness. After completing all con-ditions, they proceeded to complete a post-questionnaire, assessingtheir demographics and prior VR experience, and we asked theirgeneral perception and preference of the virtual avatar conditions aswell as the reasoning behind their answers. Finally, the experimentended with a monetary compensation.

3.4 Measures and HypothesesIn this section, we describe the measures and hypotheses that weused for the experiment to understand the range of the avatar’s headscales in the different conditions.

3.4.1 Avatar Head ScaleAs described in Section 3.3, participants experienced the avatarhead scaling tasks with 60 different conditions in terms of the fourfactors: scaling method, task context, target scale, and distance.We collected the participants’ decisions on the avatar’s head scaleduring the tasks to investigate how the four factors influence theparticipants’ selection of the head scale. The general hypotheses weestablished were:

H1 For the facial expression task context, participants will increasethe avatar’s head scale as the distance between the avatar andthemselves increases.

H2 For the comfort level task context, participants will maintainthe avatar’s head scale at the original scale even if the distancebetween the avatar and themselves increases.

For both task contexts and scaling methods, we expected to identifyminimum and maximum thresholds showing a range of head scalesover which avatar head scales can be varied in social VR.

With respect to Hypothesis H1, we further deliberated that, if thelow resolution of the VR HMD denotes a cut-off for the recogni-tion of facial expressions, we expected to see a linear relationshipbetween the distance to the virtual avatar and the head scale chosenby our participants. In other words, if the facial expressions can be

well recognized at a distance of one meter with a certain amountof screen space and pixels, participants would up-scale the head totwice its size if the avatar is presented at a distance of two meters,three-times its size at four meters, etc.

3.4.2 Preference of Scaling Method

We used a customized questionnaire to collect the participants’ sub-jective preferences of the scaling methods with respect to the taskcontexts. On a 7-point scale from 1 (Fixed Neck Height) to 7 (FixedEye Height), we asked them which method the participants preferredin the facial expression task context and the comfort level task con-text. We also collected qualitative comments about the reasoningbehind their preferences and their choices of head scales with respectto the distances. Regarding the preference of the scaling method, wehad the following hypothesis considering the benefit of the fixed eyeheight method that renders the avatar’s face at the same eye level asthe participant’s eyes, which makes it easier to see the avatar’s facialexpressions and potentially more comfortable due to more socialeye-contact. The fixed eye height method also avoided any socialissues caused by the virtual avatar looking down at the participants.

H3 For both task contexts, participants will prefer the scalingmethod with the fixed eye height compared to the method withthe fixed neck height.


The results are shown in Figure 5: (a) and (b) show the resultswhen tasked with identifying a comfortable range of head scales,while (c) and (d) show the results when tasked with identifyinghead scales so that participants can still perceive the virtual avatar’sfacial expressions. The left column shows results for the fixedneck height scaling method, in which only the head size is scaledupwards/downwards, while the right column shows the results forthe fixed eye height scaling method, which maintains eye level withthe participants. The x-axes show the distances to the virtual avatar.The y-axes show the head scales defined by the participants; theresults are presented on a logarithmic (base 2) scale on that axis.The colored red lines indicate the maximum and minimum headscales that the participants chose. The colored green area in betweenthe thresholds indicates the range between those two extrema. Thegreen lines indicate the ideal head scales for the distances, whichthe participants chose. The error bars indicate the standard error.

4.1 Avatar Head ScaleWe analyzed the responses with repeated-measures ANOVAs andTukey multiple comparisons with Bonferroni correction at the 5%significance level. We confirmed the normality with Shapiro-Wilktests at the 5% level and QQ plots. Degrees of freedom werecorrected using Greenhouse-Geisser estimates of sphericity whenMauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity had beenviolated. We only report the significant effects.

We found no interaction effect with a 2× 2 ANOVA. We found asignificant effect of scaling method on head scales, F(1,21) = 7.93,p = 0.01, η2

p = 0.27, indicating that the fixed eye height scalingmethod resulted in larger head scales than the fixed neck heightscaling method. We also found a significant effect of task contexton head scales, F(1,21) = 22.44, p< 0.001, η2

p = 0.52, indicatingthat the task to identify facial expressions resulted in larger headscales than the task to identify comfort levels.

4.1.1 Comfort Level

Fixed Neck Height. For the fixed neck height scaling method,we found a significant main effect of distance on head scales for theminimum task, F(1.23,27.06) = 7.91, p = 0.006, η2

p = 0.26. Post-hoc tests showed that all pairwise comparisons were significant

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00.4 1 3 6 10

Distance (m)













le (




(a) Comfort Level Task — Fixed Neck Height Scaling

00.4 1 3 6 10

Distance (m)













le (




(b) Comfort Level Task — Fixed Eye Height Scaling

00.4 1 3 6 10

Distance (m)













le (




(c) Facial Expressions Task — Fixed Neck Height Scaling




le (




00.4 1 3 6 10

Distance (m)










(d) Facial Expressions Task — Fixed Eye Height Scaling

Figure 5: Results for the two task contexts (comfort level and facial expressions) and the two scaling methods (fixed neck height scaling and fixedeye height scaling). The x-axes show the distances to the virtual avatar; the y-axes show the indicated head scales by the participants (on alogarithmic scale with base 2). The red lines indicate the thresholds while the green line indicates ideal head scales.

(p< 0.05), except between distances 0.4 and 1, 0.4 and 3, 3 and 6, 3and 10, as well as 6 and 10.

We also found a significant main effect of distance on headscales for the maximum task, F(1.11,14.31)= 4.64, p = 0.038, η2

p =0.17. All pairwise comparisons were significant (p< 0.05), exceptbetween distances 0.4 and 1, 3 and 6, as well as 6 and 10.

We found no significant main effect of distance on head scalesfor the ideal task, F(1.15,25.29) = 2.27, p = 0.142, η2

p = 0.09.

Fixed Eye Height. For the fixed eye height scaling method, wefound a significant main effect of distance on head scales for theminimum task, F(2.14,47.08) = 9.85, p< 0.001, η2

p = 0.31. Post-hoc tests showed that all pairwise comparisons were significant(p< 0.05), except between distances 0.4 and 1, 1 and 3, 1 and 10, 3and 6, 3 and 10, as well as 6 and 10.

We also found a significant main effect of distance on headscales for the maximum task, F(1.45,31.82) = 14.19, p = 0.038,η2

p = 0.39. All pairwise comparisons were significant (p< 0.05),except between distances 3 and 6.

Moreover, we found a significant main effect of distance on headscales for the ideal task, F(1.73,38.09) = 8.25, p = 0.002, η2

p =0.27. All pairwise comparisons were significant (p< 0.05), exceptbetween distances 0.4 and 1, 3 and 6, as well as 6 and 10.

4.1.2 Facial Expression Recognition

Fixed Neck Height. For the fixed neck height scaling method,we found a significant main effect of distance on head scales forthe minimum, F(1.26,27.60) = 115.75, p< 0.001, η2

p = 0.84. Post-hoc tests showed that all pairwise comparisons were significant(p< 0.05), except between distances 0.4 and 1.

We also found a significant main effect of distance on head scalesfor the maximum task, F(1.07,22.55)= 14.94, p = 0.001, η2

p = 0.42.Post-hoc tests showed that all pairwise comparisons were significant(p< 0.05).

Moreover, we found a significant main effect of distance onhead scales for the ideal task, F(1.32,29.08) = 48.26, p< 0.001,η2

p = 0.69. All pairwise comparisons were significant (p< 0.05),except between distances 0.4 and 1.

Fixed Eye Height. For the fixed eye height scaling method,we found a significant main effect of distance on head scales forthe minimum task, F(1.18,25.98) = 52.46, p< 0.001, η2

p = 0.71.Post-hoc tests showed that all pairwise comparisons were significant(p< 0.05), except between distances 0.4 and 1.

We also found a significant main effect of distance on headscales for the maximum task, F(1.28,28.21) = 14.21, p< 0.001,η2

p = 0.39. Post-hoc tests showed that all pairwise comparisonswere significant (p< 0.05).

Moreover, we found a significant main effect of distance on head

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scales for the ideal task, F(1.01,22.22) = 4.43, p = 0.047, η2p =

0.17. All pairwise comparisons were significant (p< 0.05), exceptbetween distances 0.4 and 1.

4.2 Preference of Scaling MethodWe asked participants to indicate on a 7-point Likert scale whichof the two scaling methods they preferred (1 = fixed neck heightscaling; 7 = fixed eye height scaling). For the task recognizing facialexpressions, participants indicated a slight preference of the fixedeye height method (M = 4.57, SD = 2.27); specifically, eight were infavor of the fixed neck height method, 14 were in favor of the fixedeye height method, and one was undecided. For the task examiningthe sense of comfort, participants also indicated a slight preferenceof the fixed eye height method (M = 4.48, SD = 2.45); specifically,eight were in favor of the fixed neck height method, 13 were in favorof the fixed eye height method, and two were undecided.


In this section, we summarize the main findings and discuss impli-cations for the use of “big head” avatars in social VR, while alsoaddressing limitations of our experiment. Overall, our results showthat participants generally increased the avatar’s head scale both forthe facial expression recognition and the comfort level task context.

5.1 Avatar Head Scales Increased Over Distance forRecognizable Facial Expressions

For the facial expression recognition task context, in line with ourHypothesis H1, we found that participants increased the avatar’shead scale when the avatar was moved farther away. As expected,our debriefing confirmed that participants shared a common strategyfor the head scaling with respect to the distances—they scaled thehead sizes up because they could not make out sufficient details onthe avatar’s face when they were too distant. In other words, theHMD’s limited screen resolution took social cues away for longerdistances, while increasing the head scale could bring them back.

Also, based on the minimum head scale results shown in Fig-ures 5 (c) and (d), we noticed that there was a clear decision momentwhen participants changed their scaling direction from decreasingto increasing. Participants were able to see the facial expressionseven with a decreased head scale when the avatar was closer than3 m, while they started to increase the head scale when the avatarwas moved beyond 3 m. If mainly caused by the screen resolutionof the HMD, this result implies that doubling the screen resolutionin the next generation of HMDs could push this distance to 6 m, butin the foreseeable future it will persist as a limiting factor comparedto natural human vision and social interaction.

As both the ideal and minimum head scale results indicate theimportance of scaling the head sizes up in order to be able to perceivefacial expressions, we propose the values in Figures 5 (c) and (d) asa reference for practitioners in this field. While the values might beshifted a bit due to different screen resolutions and related factorsdepending on the particular HMD (or other immersive display),we believe that they provide a useful guideline for the effectivecommunication of such social cues in VR.

For completion, we also asked participants to indicate the max-imum head scale in the experiment. The results are mainly gov-erned by participants enlarging the avatar’s head until it filled theHMD’s field of view (see Section 3.2). Here, the benefits of the fixedeye height head scaling method showed over the fixed neck heightmethod, as the head scale could be increased more if the head waslocated in front of the participant instead of looming over them.

5.2 Avatar Head Scales Increased Over Distance forComfortable Proportions

Interestingly, in contrast to our Hypothesis H2, our results showthat participants still increased the avatar’s head scale even for the

comfort level task, in which they were asked to focus on the avatar’smost comfortable head scales and proportions. Given the ideal headscale results shown in Figures 5 (a) and (b), participants did not scaleup the head as much as they did for the facial expression recognitiontask, but still increased the head scales quite a bit throughout all thetested distances. In particular, it is interesting that a head scale witha factor of two was perceived as more comfortable than a naturalhead scale at a distance of 10 m. One potential explanation might bethe HMD’s limited screen resolution, which, at this long distance,might have affected the participants’ spatial perception [4, 31], inparticular their ability to estimate the avatar’s size or proportions.

However, we were further surprised to see that participants evenincreased the head scales slightly for very close distances, such aswithin intimate space or personal space. It appears that participantsdid not perceive a “big head” as a critical factor that could ruin theirsense of comfort with the virtual avatar, even at such close distances.

Our Hypothesis H2 was based on the consideration of potentialUncanny Valley [26] effects caused by an avatar that has human-like body parts but with unrealistic proportions, so we expectedthat participants would not change the head scale much to keep theavatar’s proportions similar to those of a real human. However, ourexpectation about the Uncanny Valley effect in the experiment mighthave played in a different way, i.e., participants might have perceivedthe normal-scale avatar as a bit uncanny as it was realistic but “notreal enough” to be a real human, so they might have decided tochange the head scale to feel more comfortable with a more abstract(cartoonish) character with a big head. It is an interesting vistafor practitioners in this field that “big head” avatars (or agents)might actually be perceived as more comfortable than traditionalrepresentations.

5.3 Preferences of Scaling Methods for Big HeadAvatars

We found a slight preference of the fixed eye height scaling methodcompared to the fixed neck height scaling method among our partici-pants, in line with our Hypothesis H3, although the difference wasless pronounced than we expected. Contrary to our expectations,maintaining the same eye height as the virtual avatar was not thedominating factor for our participants. In the following, we summa-rize some of the comments that participants made for both scalingmethods with their pros and cons, and reasoning for their preference.

The participants who preferred the fixed neck height methodstated that it was easy and familiar:

P3: “Because there is only one variable changing. Witha fixed body only one thing is changing (the head) whenthere isn’t a fixed body, it is very awkward very quickly.”P21: “I like the idea of virtual reality feeling as real aspossible opposed to cartoonish.”P23: “I am used to it.”

Whereas, the participants who preferred the fixed eye heightmethod considered its benefits for the convenience of seeing theavatar’s face, maintaining eye contact, and as a tool that might beused in an entertainment context:

P10: “Since the body shrinks I do not need to move myhead to up or down but the head size is big as body issmall. but in fact while looking at facial expressions weneed to look at the body. I mostly didn’t give that muchimportance to body.”P12: “I felt more comfortable with someone that hasnatural body features, but the larger head can be moreacceptable depending on the situation and if the body’slayout is purely for entertainment and not a professionalsetting.”P18: “I wanted to keep the eye contact because it wasmore comfortable to me in this kind of situation.”

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The comments reinforce the importance of eye-contact and gazebehavior in social contexts [10], but also emphasize the importanceof the rest of the body.

5.4 Limitations and Future WorkOur study showed interesting effects of avatar head scale on theperception of facial expression and comfort with respect to thedistance considering common social VR settings. However, thereare also a few limitations of the current work, which can lead us toadditional study ideas we can further investigate in the future.

First, the current study used a single female virtual human charac-ter as the visual stimulus to create a consistent VR experience. Weunderstand that different avatar appearances and rendering stylescould influence a user’s perception of an avatar [23, 35]. The rangeof a participant’s choice of an avatar’s head scale at which facialexpressions can be observed might differ depending on these fac-tors. Future work may investigate different appearances, such as theavatar’s race, skin color, age, and gender, as well as rendering styles,such as photorealistic or abstracted cartoonish characters.

Second, our results are dependent on the current-state HMD (HTCVive Pro) that we tested in this experiment. We expect that higher-resolution displays will enable users to perceive facial expressionsover a longer distance in the future. However, we would like to pointout that a threshold for the perception of facial expressions existseven with 20/20 visual acuity, which can be overcome by using theapproach presented in this paper.

Third, the avatar in our study setting was static with idle standinganimations at different distances. Avatars in social VR would usuallynot remain at a static distance but move around freely, which mayaffect the scaling of head sizes and the use of big head avatars.Future work may investigate how dynamic avatar movement andchanges in head scales affect a users’ perception of social avatars.


In this paper, we presented a human-subject study, where we in-vestigated the impact of a virtual avatar’s increased or decreasedhead scale in social VR on a participant’s ability to recognize facialexpressions and their sense of comfort with the proportions of theavatar. Our results show an important effect of the distance to thevirtual avatar on the chosen head scales, indicating that it is im-perative to up-scale head sizes over longer distances in order to beable to make out differences in facial expressions on current-stateVR HMDs. Our results also showed that even when not concernedwith recognizing facial expressions, participants felt more comfort-able with head sizes that were up-scaled over their natural size atlonger distances. We further compared two alternative head scalingmethods and found that maintaining the eye height of the virtualavatar was generally slightly preferred over the other method, wherethe head was scaled upwards from the neck. We discussed the im-plications and guidelines for practitioners aiming to leverage “bighead” avatars in social VR. For future work, we propose lookinginto other body parts that could also be important for conveyingnon-verbal cues in social VR, such as an interlocutor’s virtual hands.Moreover, as AR becomes more popular and is more practical as asocial platform [17, 20, 33], we believe that social cues could alsobe similarly enhanced in AR, where such AR-enhanced cues couldfacilitate more effective collaboration at farther distances [18, 19].


This material includes work supported in part by the National Sci-ence Foundation under Collaborative Award Numbers 1800961,1800947, and 1800922 (Dr. Ephraim P. Glinert, IIS) to the Uni-versity of Central Florida, University of Florida, and Stanford Uni-versity respectively; the Office of Naval Research under AwardNumber N00014-17-1-2927 (Dr. Peter Squire, Code 34); and the Ad-ventHealth Endowed Chair in Healthcare Simulation (Prof. Welch).

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations ex-pressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not neces-sarily reflect the views of the supporting institutions.


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