vision 02 09 09

the vision thing 02.09.09

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Part of training / inspiration presentation to healthcare4every1 organizers in Connecticut. The goal was to sharpen the distinction between Governor Rell, CBIA, and healthcare4every1's vision for government and our future.


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the vision thing02.09.09

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Our Governor's VisonBudget speech 02.04.09

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The harsh winds of economic turmoil have spread across the nation and now buffet nearly every aspect of our lives.

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We will overcome our economic distress and we will emerge the better for it.

Make no mistake, our journey will be a long and painful one. But it will be a shared journey.

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We will stand arm in arm, sharing our burdens and turning our challenges into opportunities, positioning ourselves so that we may soar when those harsh winds of economic turmoil finally fade.

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Yes, there is pain, there is sacrifice and there is some long overdue trimming.

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Simply put: The bloat of bureaucracy is no longer affordable. Over the years, over the decades, state government often lost sight of what its core mission was and who it was serving.

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The naysayers will tell you it can't be done, it shouldn't be done.

Well, to the soothsayers and naysayers I say: Step aside. We need leaders.

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Help me as I lead Connecticut to a smaller, more affordable, more responsive government.

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Our journey begins today but it will not end until the darkest of ocean clouds dissipate and the brightest of blue skies open to a future of endless possibilities for our citizens.

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If that's the vision, what's the program?

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less of what works for the middle class

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less for the people who deliver goverment services

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raise health care taxes on the poor and those of us

who are laid off

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You're screwed...and don't expect any help from us

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make our employer-sponsored health insurance system, with its public “safety net,” the model for the nation

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Better health care means making private insurance more affordable and accessible....

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not handing over the management and control of health care to state government under single-payer or poolingschemes with their more expensive benefits.

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Enable employers to purchase health care plans that are appropriate for them and their employees, in particular by not burdening small businesses with expensive new health benefit mandates.

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Make private insurance more affordable by increasing Medicaid reimbursement rates and eliminating cost-shifts to the private sector

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Raise Medicaid reimbursement rates, which will encourage more health care providers to participatein public programs.

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Increase outreach efforts for HUSKY and other public health care programs.

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Expand the use of community- and school-based health centers, to provide better care to more patients and improve access to providers.

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continuation of the failing system of medical apartheid

the vision:

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You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried

everything else

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Each of us deserves health care that:

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keeps us healthy


takes care of us when we are sick

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offers quality health care choices for us all

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gives us more for our money

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delivers peace of mind

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3 months ago: 61% = Obama's vision 38% = McCain's vision

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tell us about how our visionhas helped you make a surprising connection