vision board

Vision Boards - The Power Behind Manifesting by Steve Charles It's often been said that using vision boards is like catching an express train to your end destination in life: One stop and you're there in 30 minutes. But a Vision Board just does not work like that, I'm afraid. A better way of putting it would be like this; "A vision board is your ticket to manifesting everything you want from life, but like catching a train, it takes time, there are stops on the way, and you have to know where you want the journey to take you"

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Learning more on vision boards, law of attraction and affirmations and its power to reverse your life.


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Vision Boards - The Power Behind Manifestingby Steve Charles

It's often been said that using vision boards is like catching an express train to your end destination in life: One stop and you're there in 30 minutes. But a Vision Board just does not work like that, I'm afraid. A better way of putting it would be like this;

"A vision board is your ticket to manifesting everything you want from life, but like catching a train, it takes time, there are stops on the way, and you have to know where you want the journey to take you"

I want you to be clear on this point: The daily use of Vision Boards is unbelievably powerful and effective. They are possibly the best manifesting method there is to attract everything in life that you truly want and desire. But let's be clear again; they

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are not some magic pot of miracles that can do all this all by themselves. That's expecting too much from them. Think about it, nothing can perform miracles all by itself, so why should a vision board be able to?

Now if this sounds like my belief in vision boards is limited, then nothing could be further from the truth. I love vision boards! I have been using them for almost 20 years now, going right back to the early 1990's, and the success I have enjoyed during those years has been seriously amazing.

I can honestly put all of my successes and achievements, from every aspect, down to the constant use of a vision board on a daily basis; furthermore every second has been a pleasure. When you think about it; it's not difficult to understand is it? We all enjoy looking at our favourite photographs and experiencing the joys they give us, and that's how vision boards work.

One of the reasons why people reject vision boards is that they expect 'success' to happen overnight. And if this thing called success doesn't happen as quick as they want, almost like a

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magician waving his wand and producing a rabbit out his hat, they dismiss them as just another load of phooey.

How can that stuff about 'all aboard the 30 minute fast train to life's destination' really be expected to work? It really is expecting too much and this is a possible reason why.. This '30 minute train ride' way of thinking maybe be the result of such highly popular books and readings on the Law of Attraction and other such works like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, raising the bar of expectation too highly too quickly.

You see, although the book gave great insight into how the Law of Attraction worked, and possibly introduced many people to the concept of this Universal Law for their very first time, it never quite delivered the full process required to truly get the Law to work for you in the way you want it to. As Bob Proctor, one of the master thinkers involved in the project said, 'the final chapter was missing'.

You can also say that about vision boards as well. There is a full process involved which you need to be able to understand and follow completely or the end goals will be hard to achieve and will be limited. The important thing to note is that this is not

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because vision boards do not work; more because you need to be in full knowledge of how to get the most out of them to fully achieve what you are looking for.

If vision boards are used as they should be, you may be absolutely certain that they will positively drive everything you ever truly desired by effectively using The Law of Attraction in the most powerful way possible. It's not an 'overnight miracle' but none the less, you will get to your true life's destination, the end of the train journey, without any doubt at all.

Vision boards, or dream boards as they are sometimes known, work so well because they use the 5 steps needed in manifesting health, wealth and happiness; and once these 5 steps are put into practice, success is assured. Trust me from my own experience.

The 5 steps are no mystery. They are in order; Creative Visualization, Emotion, Motivation, Repetition, and Action. A very simple yet highly effective process and every step is immensely is enjoyable. However, eventual success can be elusive or limited if all 5 steps are not correctly put into practice.

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Now you know and understand that it isn't exactly an 'express train journey' to the final destination that maybe too many people ask for, desired success is there whenever you ask for it. A vision board is not exactly a miracle-worker, they are not far away and definitely speed up your journey quicker than you may think!

Now you know and understand how a vision board can help attract everything you ever wanted in your life, I want to share with you some more vital points on vision boards that I discovered in over 20 years of experience that will totally light you up.

Looking to find the best deal on the law of attraction, then visit to find the best advice on vision boards, law of attraction and affirmations for you.