vision. values. environment

SUSTAINABLE DESIGN vision. values. environment.

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v i s i o n . v a l u e s . e n v i r o n m e n t .

Page 2: vision. values. environment

D a v i d Ed w a r d h a s a l o n g s t a n d i n g l e g a c y o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l s t e w a r d s h i p . F o r f i f t y y e a r s , o u r f a m i l y ’ s c o m p a n y h a s p r a c t i c e d c o n s e r v a t i o n a n d s u s t a i n a b i l i t y w h i l e p r o d u c i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y f r i e n d l y f u r n i t u r e .

Decades before the gre en wave , our t rad i t ion of minimiz ing waste and employ ing natura l mater ia l s was es tabli shed wi th

the concern for our employe es and our impact on the env ironment . We have dedicated years to researching and tes t ing

mater ia l s , as well as exp lor ing cu t t ing edge manufactur ing sys tems , resul t ing in our abili ty to produce low VOC, sus ta inable

furni tu re that a l so me ets Dav id Edward ’ s high s tandards for qua li ty and des ign . Addi t iona lly , Dav id Edward i s unique ly

capable of suppor t ing our clien t s ’ env ironmenta l mi s s ion , through both our ex tens ive

cus tom capabili t ies and our ver t ica lly in tegrated product ion process .

Our in -house Indus t r ia l Des ign Stud io , Stud io Dav id Edward , i s capable of reconciling

the conflic t ing demands for max imum va lue , w i th innovat ive aes thet ics , funct iona li ty and

sus ta inabili ty . Cus tom des igns can prov ide an exclus ive lo ok and harmonious in tegrat ion

wi th the env ironment . Whether a rev i s ion to an ex i s t ing p iece , or a to ta lly new product

des igned to fi t a cus tomer ’ s pro ject speci fic requirements , thi s unique capabili ty that

we are able to prov ide our clien t s enables us to be innovators in the use of non- tox ic ,

renewable , recyclable and natura l mater ia l s wi th clean processes .

We produce every thing in our own facili t ies in the Uni ted States and i t i s thi s ver t ica l in tegrat ion that suppor t s our

confidence in our abili ty to cer t i fy the mater ia l s and manufactur ing sys tems used to create each and every product des ign .

To a id our cus tomers , Dav id Edward main ta ins complete and documented superv i s ion of env ironmenta l speci ficat ions , as a ll

of our products are fully produced wi th li t t le or no re liance on third par ty vendors .


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Our manufactur ing sys tem s tar t s wi th sophi s t icated des igns f rom leading de-

s igners coup led wi th our in -house des ign and eng ine er ing depar tments . Each

des ign flows f rom the natura l s t rength and beauty of wo od . Wo od i s a low

energy embodied mater ia l that i s biodegradable , non- tox ic , reusable , long-

las t ing , and can be sus ta inably and loca lly harves ted , mak ing i t an ideal

env ironmenta lly respons ible mater ia l . We work wi th des igners and cus tomers

to se lec t products and configurat ions for the ir in ter iors that prov ide a sus ta in -

able des ign so lu t ion . From ini t ia l des ign through manufactur ing and ins ta lla -

t ion , we have complete qua li ty cont ro l every s tep of the way . Des igned and

made 100 percent in our facili t ies in the Uni ted States , s tar t ing f rom the raw

wo od unt il loaded for de livery onto the t rucks .

Wo od i s the base mater ia l of a ll of our furni tu re des igns , and our firs t s tep

in env ironmenta l respons ibili ty beg ins wi th the purchas ing of raw wo od . For that reason , our po licy i s to only purchase

wo od f rom vendors that pract ice sus ta inable harves t ing pract ices . Our current lumber suppliers me et a ll 10 of the cr i ter ia

of sus ta inable harves t ing pract ices espoused by the FSC (Fores t Stewardship Council ) . Current ly , the mos t wide ly known

cer t i fi cat ion programs are the FSC and SFI (Sus ta inable Fores t ry Ini t ia t ive ) . While not a ll of our des igns can be sourced us ing

FSC or SFI wo ods due to the ava ilabili ty of the qua li ty lumber required , we are able to prov ide full documentat ion of what

our cus tomers are purchas ing . Addi t iona lly , our lumber suppliers are a ll w i thin a 60 mile rad ius of our facili t ies in the Uni ted

States reducing the d i s tance the mater ia l s ne ed to be shipped for manufactur ing and a llowing us the prox imi ty ne eded to

cr i t ique the sus ta inable harves t ing pract ices of our suppliers .

Addi t iona lly , tak ing a s imilar approach to the innovat ions occurr ing in the energy indus t ry , we have implemented a FSC

wo od ass imila t ion program . Jus t as many energy companies are phas ing in a l ternat ive energy sources , such as so lar and

wind power , we have begun phas ing in FSC wo ods at our

cus tomers ’ reques t . Thi s program a llows us to e liminate

the addi t iona l cos t premium, fue l , and t ime normally as -

socia ted wi th ind iv idua l FSC orders , and the dedicated

f re ight and inefficien t low vo lume product ion .

In suppor t of the ir effor t s to create a beaut i ful and

heal thy env ironment for today and fu ture generat ions ,

Dav id Edward i s a proud member of the Arbor Day Foun-

dat ion and the U .S . Gre en Build ing Council .

As a benchmark pro ject , we were proud to be se lected

to supply the new furni tu re for the WORLD WILDLIFE

FUND Headquar ters in Washington , D .C . , des igned by

Env i s ion Des ign .

T h e b e s t f r i e n d o f e a r t h o f m a n i s t h e t r e e . W h e n w e u s e t h e t r e e r e s p e c t f u l l y a n d e c o n o m i c a l l y , w e h a v e o n e o f t h e g r e a t e s t r e s o u r c e s o n t h e e a r t h . -Frank Lloyd Wr ight

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L E E D - C I C E R T I F I C AT I O N P O I N TSLEED ( Leadership in Energy and Env ironmenta l Des ign ) po in t s are earned toward cer t i fi cat ion by me et ing s tandards for energy efficiency , safeguard ing water , conserv ing mater ia l s and resources , enhancing indo or env ironmenta l qua li ty , and s i te p lanning . We want our products to p lay a ro le in he lp ing our clien t s a t ta in LEED cer t i fi cat ion for the ir own build ing and in ter ior pro ject s . Our sus ta inabili ty effor t s a llow the fo llowing po in t s to be accumulated to suppor t the U .S . Gre en Build ing Council ’ s LEED-CI (Commercia l In ter iors ) po in t sys tem . Dav id Edward i s a member of the U .S . Gre en Build ing Council , the nat ion ’ s foremost coa li t ion of leaders f rom across the build ing indus t ry work ing to promote build ings that are env ironmenta lly respons ible , profi table and heal thy p laces to li ve and work . Upcharges in pr ice and ex tended lead- t imes may apply .

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Construction Waste ManagementBlanket wrapped freight via the David Edward truck eliminates cardboard and packaging materials.

MR 2 .1 1 Po in t - Diver t 50% f rom landfill MR 2 .2 1 Po in t - Diver t 75% f rom landfill

Resource ReuseDavid Edward offers to recondition and re-upholster all of our product designs for reuse.

MR 3 .3 1 Po in t - 30% furni tu re and furni shings

Recycled ContentMR 4 .1 1 Po in t - 10% (Pos t -consumer and 1/2 Pre-consumer )EA 4 .2 1 Po in t - 20% (Pos t -consumer and 1/2 Pre-consumer )

Regional MaterialsAccompanying map highlights the areas that are less than 500 miles from zip code 21227 (Baltimore, MD).

MR 5 .1 1 Po in t - 20% manufactured reg iona lly .MR 5 .2 1 Po in t - 10% manufactured reg iona lly .

Rapidly Renewable MaterialsPoplar OSB, strawboard, wheatboard, sunflower seed board, bamboo and natural linoleum are some of the rapidly

renewable surface materials that we have available.

MR 6 1 Po in t

Forest Stewardship Counci l AwardBoth FSC and SFI sourced woods are available upon request. Please note that we are not FSC certified, so while we

can purchase FSC and SFI woods, we will not be able to supply chain of custody.

EA 7 1 Po in t

I N D O O R E N V I R O N M E N TA L Q U A L I T YLow Emitting Materials, Composite Wood and Laminate AdhesivesFormaldehyde free particleboards, as well as solvent free and low VOC adhesives available.

EA/MR 4 .4 1 Po in t

Low Emitting Materials, Systems Furniture and SeatingDavid Edward’s waterbased stains and finishes surpass GREENGUARD certification by meeting the ANSI/BIFMA M7.1 air quality test and the California 1350 requirement.

EQ 4 .5 1 Po in t

I N N O VAT I O N A N D D ES I G N P R O C ES SInnovation in Design Our in-house Industrial Design Studio, Studio David Edward, facilitates custom sustainable solutions for specific architectural or interior projects. Regional credits to be available with new release of LEED v3 in 2009.

ID 1 .1 - 1 .4 1 Po in t each


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We purchase our wo ods f rom suppliers pract icing sus ta inable harves t ing methods and mos t a ll our wo ods come f rom a 60 mile rad ius of our facili t ies in the U .S . Our on-s i te wo od s torage facili ty a llows us to main ta in the ava ilabili ty and qua li ty , as well as offer a FSC wo od ass imila t ion program a llev ia t ing the t ime de lay and premium pr icing .

Our non- tox ic manufactur ing processes include uphol s tery methods that do not re ly upon g lue adhes ives , encourag ing perpetua l product reuse , and so lvent and formaldehyde f re e g lue for a ll of our core mater ia l s and jo inery .

Most a ll shipments are t ranspor ted in our own t rucks , blanket wrapped, e liminat ing the ne ed for cardboard and other pack ing mater ia l s . We main ta in complete accountabili ty of a ll our mater ia l s as our products are des igned and made at our facili tes in Ba l t imore , MD and Red Lion , PA .

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All of our wo od waste i s u t ilized as fue l in a bio- fue l fu rnace to heat our ent ire product ion facili ty throughout the win ter . As a resul t , we require zero o il as fue l . 118,000 square fe et equates to 130,000 gallons of o il for a t rad i t iona l o il burner sys tem .

We s t r ive to minimize or e liminate our waste through mater ia l reuse . Excess fabr ics are donated to des ign scho ol s ; leather remnants are saved and sent to a handbag manufacturer ; and foam surp lus i s bundled and sent to a flo or ing company for under layment padding .

To cu t down on cardboard waste , we ship our furni tu re packed in reusable blankets . Addi t iona lly , we have implemented a p lant -wide cardboard recycling program sav ing over four tons of cardboard a month . Paper and a luminum recycling saves an addi t iona l 30 tons of was te per year .

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Frame buil t in sus ta inably harves ted maple cer t i fied by the Fores t Stewardship Council

Frank lin ’ s Ti tebond GREENchoice so lvent - f re e & low VOC adhes ive

Lawrence-McFadden ’ s water based & low VOC s ta in and fini sh

BATTINGHobbs Bonded Fibres 100% organic cot ton bat t ing




Pire lli ’ s natura l rubber webbing & 100% ju te webbing

Farnswor th Fibre ’ s seat deck of 100% pos t - indus t r ia l recycled mater ia l s

B ioFlex ’ s soyo l based foam & Amer ican Exce l s ior ’ s natura l la tex rubber foam

UPHOLSTERYInd ika Organic ’ s 100% hemp fabr ics

I N D O O R A I R Q U A L I T YAs a benchmark product of our effor t s , Dav id Edward has manufactured the Serenget i u t iliz ing a ll the sus ta inable resources that we now have ava ilable . In addi t ion to the use of these sus ta inable resources and wi th the u tmos t concern of our products on eco log ica l and human heal th in mind , we had the Serenget i tes ted for VOC emiss ions by Berke ley Analy t ica l Associa tes , LLC us ing the mos t s t r ingent and current a ir qua li ty s tandards ava ilable v ia the ANSI /B IFMA M7.1 tes t and the Cali fornia 1350 requirement . Berke ley Analy t ica l Associa tes , LLC i s an independent tes t ing facili ty located in R ichmond, Cali fornia . We are proud to be able to prov ide a ll of the mater ia l s used in the manufactur ing , as well as the tes t ing resul t s .

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A N S I / B I FM A M 7 . 1 A I R Q U A L I T Y T ES T - B e y o n d G R E E N G U A R DThe ANSI /B IFMA M7.1 a ir qua li ty tes t represents the mos t s t r ingent and current a ir qua li ty s tandards ava ilable .

• Thi s speci fic a ir qua li ty emiss ions tes t (ANSI /B IFMA M7.1 ) used actua lly surpasses GREENGUARD’s indo or a ir qua li ty tes t , by me et ing

the s t r ingent cr i ter ia es tabli shed by the Bus iness and Ins t i tu t iona l Furni tu re Manufacturer ’ s Associa t ion (B IFMA) and endorsed by the

Amer ican Nat iona l Standards Ins t i tu te (ANSI ) .

• The ANSI /B IFMA M7.1 tes t was created to prov ide the marketp lace wi th a more ba lanced, consensus based s tandard , as an

a l ternat ive to GREENGUARD’s , in sa t i s fy ing the U .S . Gre en Build ing Council ’ s LEED–CI EQ 4 .5 cred i t requirement .

• As opposed to GREENGUARD’s cer t i fi cat ion program, which covers a wide var iety of build ing products , the ANSI /B IFMA M7.1 tes t was

des igned speci fica lly to address the a ir qua li ty emiss ions of fu rni tu re products .

• Thi s tes t minimizes the marketp lace confus ion occur ing due to a pro li ferat ion of independent ly deve loped s tandards and propr ietary

cer t i fi cat ion programs .

• Thi s tes t represents the input and consensus agre ement of a broad, d iverse and balanced group of s takeholders includ ing archi tec t s ,

des igners , laborator ies , scient i s t s , researchers , manufacturers and government agencies .

• Thi s tes t s tandard will facili ta te more unders tandable , meaningful and d irect marketp lace compar i sons .

Chronic Reference Exposure Levels (CRELs) established by Cal ifornia OEHHA (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment)

The Serenget i was tes ted to determine a ir qua li ty emiss ions compliancy wi th the Cali fornia 1350 requirement of four te en days , as well as the LEED-CI seven day requirement . Those resul t s are li s ted be low.

LEED-CI EQ - Credit 4.5 - Low-Emitting Materials, Systems Furniture and SeatingTEST : ANSI /B IFMA M7.1-2007






0.05 ppm

0.5 mg/m3

0 .1 ppm

0.0065 mg/m3



Tota l Aldehydes

4-Pheny lcyclohexene (4-PCH)


TEST : 1/2 CREL (ug/m3)






16 .5



Aceta ldehyde



In order to have complete d i sclosure wi th our clien t s regard ing the va lid i ty of our cla ims , p lease refer to the sus ta inable des ign sect ion of our webs i te in order to download the full repor t of the Berke ley Analy t ica l Associa tes , LLC emiss ions tes t resul t s . Berke ley Analy t ica l Associa tes , LLC i s an independent ly cer t i fied tes t ing facili ty located in R ichmond, Cali fornia .

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O U R S U S TA I N A B L E R ES O U R C ESBelow you will v iew our four categor ies of resources .

All of Dav id Edward ’ s product des igns are buil t us ing wo ods and natura l vene ers that are sus ta inably harves ted and

espouse the pr incip les and pract ices of the FSC. 100 percent des igned and manufactured at our facili t ies in the U .S . , the

major i ty of the wo ods that we purchase come f rom wi thin a 60 mile rad ius of these facili t ies . At thi s t ime , we are only

able to offer FSC cer t i fied wo ods and vene ers in maple . However , through our cus tomers ’ par t icipat ion in our genera l

FSC ass imila t ion program, our goal i s to e liminate the addi t iona l cos t premium and t ime normally associa ted wi th ind iv idua l

orders , due to the dedicated f re ight and cus tom cut t ing processes , and to a llow our cus tomers to speci fy FSC cer t i fied for

a ll our wo ods . Please note that we are not FSC cer t i fied , so while we can purchase FSC and SFI wo ods , we will not be

able to supply cha in of cus tody cer t i fi cat ion .

Woods & Veneers

Exclus ive ly u t iliz ing Frank lin ’ s Ti tebond GREENchoice line of adhes ives in the cons t ruc t ion of our products . These adhes ives

were des igned to achieve max imum per formance wi th minimum impact to the env ironment . The so lvent - f re e and low VOC

formulas prov ide a safe and heal thy li v ing and work ing env ironment . Addi t iona lly , corrugated car t r idges made f rom pos t -

consumer recycled mater ia l he lp reduce the impact of was te on the env ironment .

Wood Glues

SubstratesFormaldehyde f re e par t icleboard by the Collins Company will not off -gas dur ing fabr icat ion or after ins ta lla t ion . Made

f rom 100% pos t - indus t r ia l wo od fiber and a l so ava ilable FSC cer t i fied .

Dakota Bur l® compos i te i s a unique bio-based mater ia l , which exhibi t s the beauty and e legance of t rad i t iona l bur led

wo ods . The mater ia l i s created f rom an agr icul tu ra l fiber , sunflower hull s , mak ing thi s a beaut i ful env ironmenta l opt ion to

hardwo od .

B IOFIBER™ wheat i s created f rom a rap id ly renewable agr icul tu ra l resource , wheat - s t raw, which offers a r ich go lden

a l ternat ive to t rad i t iona l hardwo od or pane l products . B IOFIBER™ wheat pane l i s so env ironmenta lly f r iend ly , that the net

gre enhouse gas cont r ibu t ion dur ing a li fe cycle ana lys i s of the product i s ac tua lly negat ive .

LaminatesLamin-Ar t brand high-pressure decorat ive laminates conta in 40% pos t - indus t r ia l recycled content ( recovered paper ) . In

addi t ion , the ir Abacá product line features recycled banana fibers that amount to approx imate ly 10% of the to ta l product by

weight . Recycled banana fibers create an organic lo ok ing and natura lly d imens iona l sur face .

The Env iron biocompos i te® product line i s made f rom recycled newspr in t , a soy-based res in and co lor addi t ives .


Lawrence-McFadden ’ s water based line of s ta ins and fini shes reduces emiss ion of VOCs and surpasses GREENGUARD’s

indo or a ir qua li ty s tandards v ia the la tes t ANSI /B IFMA M7.1 emiss ions cr i ter ia , as well as the Cali fornia 1350 requirement .

Stains & Finishes



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The major i ty of Dav id Edward ’ s meta l fini shes employ zero top coats . By us ing s ta inless s te e l , s imply po li shing offers a rus t

f re e and ex t remely durable mater ia l .

Metal Finishes

All natura l j u te webbing used in cons t ruc t ion . In addi t ion to be ing 100% biodegradable , the agr icul tu ra l pract ices in

cul t i vat ing ju te are env ironmenta lly sound and require re la t ive ly modes t amounts of fer t ilizer , herbicide , and pes t icides .

In addi t ion , Pire lli ’ s 100% natura l rubber la tex webbing i s a l so used in cons t ruc t ion . An eas ily renewable resource , natura l

rubber la tex i s durable , long- las t ing and i s very res ilien t for spr ing ing .

100% Natura l bur lap cover ing wi th no added co lor ing or so lvents used in cons t ruc t ion . Made f rom hemp and flax , bur lap

i s 100% biodegradable .


David Edward leathers are processed in the fines t , mos t env ironmenta lly f r iend ly tannery ava ilable , us ing a chrome f re e syn-

thet ic water based vegetable tanning method y ie ld ing a super ior gre en product for the commercia l or res ident ia l indus t ry .


Seat DecksSeat decks cons t ruc ted of 100% pos t - indus t r ia l mater ia l s made by Farnswor th Fibre Company . Sa lvaged mater ia l s are

u t ilized to cover in terna l spr ing ing a llowing for perpetua l re -uphol s tery .

In t roducing soy based foams in cons t ruc t ion . These new soyo l based foams by B ioFlex are manufactured wi thout harmful

CFCs for our facili ty by G & T Indus t r ies , a loca l source .

The 100% natura l la tex rubber foams are made by Amer ican Exce l s ior . Natura l la tex rubber i s an eas ily renewable

resource that biodegrades natura lly .


Products are cons t ruc ted wi th 100% pes t icide f re e organic cot ton bat t ing by Hobbs Bonded Fibres ensur ing a safe and

heal thy li v ing and work ing env ironment .


SpringingIn terna l snake and co il spr ing ing made us ing Legget t & Pla t t ’ s 95% recycled s te e l and wire content .


F I L L I N G & U P H O L S T E R Y S Y S T E M


David Edward offers Ind ika Organics 100% hemp fabr ics to our product line . Ind ika Organics sus ta inable fabr ics recognize

the benefi t s of natura l and organica lly grown mater ia l s . In addi t ion , these fabr ics use natura l and low- impact dyes . www.

ind ikaorganics .com

Pure 100% linen i s one of the o ldes t natura l fibers . Linen fabr ic i s woven f rom thread made f rom the Flax p lant and i s

grown wi th minimal negat ive env ironmenta l impact . Addi t iona lly , linen products are easy to care for and will las t for years .

www. lorop iana .com

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d a v i d e d w a r d . c o m

1407 PARKER ROAD | BALTIMORE, MD 21227 | TEL: 410.242.2222 | FAX: 410.242.0111 |

LEED and related logo is a trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Coucil and is used by permission