vision/mission/school improvement goals/need connected to pbis  · web viewpost materials that...


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The Wisconsin RtI Center (CFDA #84.027) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of this presentation and for the continued support of this federally-funded grant program. There are no copyright restrictions on this document; however, please credit the

Wisconsin DPI and support of federal funds when copying all or part of this material.

READINESS..........................................................................................................................................5Vision/Mission/School Improvement Goals/Need connected to PBIS..................................................................6Inventories............................................................................................................................................................8Teaming..............................................................................................................................................................25Families & Communities.....................................................................................................................................27Data....................................................................................................................................................................28Response to Error...............................................................................................................................................30

DAY 1................................................................................................................................................31Discussion: What’s Your Why?...........................................................................................................................31Discussion: Revisit - What’s Your Why?..............................................................................................................31Discussion: Turn and Talk – Creating Positive Relationships...............................................................................32Self-Reflection: Your Space.................................................................................................................................33Self-Reflection: Your Supervision........................................................................................................................33Brainstorm: Settings...........................................................................................................................................34Discussion: Does your school have school-wide expectations/rules?.................................................................34Practice: Define School-wide Expectations.........................................................................................................35Practice: Define Classroom Expectations............................................................................................................36

DAY 2................................................................................................................................................37Update................................................................................................................................................................37Practice: Define, Model, Practice........................................................................................................................38Reflection: Specific Positive Feedback................................................................................................................39Practice: Create a Lesson Plan............................................................................................................................40

DAY 3................................................................................................................................................41Update................................................................................................................................................................41Reinforcement Practices Audit...........................................................................................................................42Discussion: Data-Based Continuous Improvement.............................................................................................43Activity: What Skills Might Students Need..........................................................................................................45

DAY 4................................................................................................................................................46Update................................................................................................................................................................46Discussion: Universal System..............................................................................................................................47Team Reflection and Activity: Strong Universal..................................................................................................48Activity: Precision Statement..............................................................................................................................49Example: Solution Development........................................................................................................................50Group Activity: Solution Development...............................................................................................................51Solution-Focused Action Plan.............................................................................................................................52Discussion: Team Meetings................................................................................................................................53

COMPREHENSIVE ACTION PLAN........................................................................................................55Action Plan part 1: Structure Environments to Maximize Student Learning (TFI 1.6, 1.7, 1.8)...........................56Action Plan part 2: Define Expectations for School-Wide Matrix (TFI 1.3, 1.7, 1.11)..........................................57Action Plan part 3: Define Expectations for Classroom Matrix (TFI 1.7, 1.8)......................................................58Action Plan part 4: Classroom Instruction (TFI 1.7, 1.8)......................................................................................59Action Plan part 5: Specific Positive Feedback (TFI 1.7, 1.8, 1.9)........................................................................60

Action Plan part 6: Response to Behavioral Error (TFI 1.6, 1.7, 1.8)...................................................................61Action Plan part 7: School-wide Instruction (TFI 1.4, 1.7)...................................................................................62Action Plan part 8: Reinforcement System (1.7, 1.8, 1.9)...................................................................................63Action Plan part 9: Establishing Behavior Definitions (TFI 1.5, 1.11)..................................................................64Action Plan part 10: Outcome Data (TFI 1.12)....................................................................................................65Action Plan part 11: Precision Statement and Solution Development (TFI 1.13)................................................66Action Plan part 12: Team Meetings (TFI 1.2).....................................................................................................67

APPENDIX.........................................................................................................................................68Tiered Fidelity Inventory.....................................................................................................................................68Equity..................................................................................................................................................................74Precision Statement with Goal Statement..........................................................................................................75Notes..................................................................................................................................................................76



Vision/Mission/School Improvement Goals/Need connected to PBIS Two critical factors to consider when exploring a new initiative are need and fit. First, teams must clearly identify students’ needs and then, examine how PBIS can meet their students’ needs. Secondly, teams align PBIS with the school vision, mission, and current school improvement goals.

Below, please identify your school vision, mission, school improvement goals, and identified student need connected to PBIS.

School vision:

School mission:

Current school improvement goals:

Student outcome data (overall):

Student outcome data (disaggregated-race, IEP, SES, gender):

Identify underserved student groups:

How PBIS can meet that need:

Additional reasons for implementing PBIS:

Scheduled dates and times for:a) Ongoing TA support (minimum of

one check-in between days of training, schedule at least one hour each):

b) Building teams to learn and apply concepts, work on developing PD materials/ongoing support to staff

InventoriesInstallation and initial implementation of PBIS is a three-five year process. In order to achieve successful installation and initial implementation, consideration needs to be given to the fit with other initiatives and the resources available, including dedicated time, focus, and ongoing support, to enable the team to build stakeholder capacity and long-term sustainability.

Please complete the following inventories below as your team works to determine fit and available resources in planning for PBIS implementation.

Training Capacity

(1) In the left hand column, identify all training planned for the school year you are hoping to train a team in PBIS.● In the team box, indicate the team members that will access the training● In the staff box, indicate the school staff that will be receiving training content and support (not attending the formal training

directly)● In the support box, indicate who will provide ongoing professional development and support and how that support will be provided● Highlight the columns in purple to indicate when the team will be accessing training● Highlight the columns in blue to indicate when additional staff will be accessing training content (from the team or other)● Highlight the columns in green to indicate when staff will receive support to implement the training content

(2) Identify all trainings from the previous school year. ● In the team box, indicate the team members that accessed the training● In the staff box, indicate the school staff that received training content and support (but did not attend the formal training directly)● In the support box, indicate who provided ongoing professional development and support and how that professional development

and support was provided● Highlight the columns in purple to indicate when the team accessed training● Highlight the columns in blue to indicate when additional staff accessed training content (from the team or other)● Highlight the columns in green to indicate when staff received/is still receiving support to implement the training content

Training Jun-Aug 2017 Sept-Nov 2017

Dec 2017-Feb 2018

Mar-May 2018

Jun-Aug 2018 Sept-Nov 2018

Dec 2018-Feb 2019

Mar-May 2019

ExampleLiteracy Training

Team: Literacy coaches

Staff: Grade 4 and 5 reading teachers

Support Literacy coaches; Coaching will be provided to individuals in classrooms (as part of the literacy coach position). Coaching support will also be provided to teams during PLC on the first Wednesday of the month.



















(3) In-district professional development: In the table below, list already scheduled district professional development days/times. This does not include outside training.

● In the first column, list scheduled professional development type (ex: in-service, PLC, etc.) and content; if content is still TBD, note that● In the second column, list intended outcomes; if content is still TBD, note that● In the third column, list who will be accessing the professional development● In the fourth column, list the date of the professional development day

Type of Professional Development

Outcome(s) Who Dates Hold for PBIS Professional Development

Example:In-service day 11. Review Policies and

Procedures for ALICE, new flexi schedule, and 1:1.

2. Standards based grading (speaker)

3. Training on the new data system

4. Classroom time

1. Staff have the initial understanding of:

a. ALICE procedure in case of emergency

b. Flexi Schedulec. 1:1 Device

2. Staff learn standard based grading practices

3. New Data System is used4. Classroom Prep

1. All staff2. All staff3. All staff4. All staff

August 28 N/A-The team has not attended the first day of training yet.

(4) Working first as a team, then with staff and additional administration, identify current initiatives/programs/practices connected to behavior (including SEL, trauma, mental health, academic behavior, etc.) going on in your building. Make sure to include special education, regular education, grade-level practices, school-wide practices, interventions, pupil services supports, etc. This information will inform decision making (aligning work, identifying processes that are effective for replication, stopping initiatives to make space for new work, etc.).

Name of initiative/program

Team supported or individual

supported (identify who is


Expected outcomes/

Change expected to


Target population


Who is implementing


Data that measures success/

impact of outcomes

Evidence of outcomes

Example:Trauma Sensitive Schools

Team (pupil services)

Adults in the building take on a supportive role in response to behavioral error. Fewer reports of behavioral error. Students feel more comfortable at school.

All students N All staff N Student climate surveyAngel listNumber of referrals and requests for assistance

● 10% increase of positive responses on the student climate survey (around feelings of safety and connectedness)

● Increased the number of students by 10% that are connected to adults (Angel list)

● 20% decrease in the number of referrals over the last year

Name of initiative/program

Team supported or individual

supported (identify who is


Expected outcomes/

Change expected to


Target population


Who is implementing


Data that measures success/

impact of outcomes

Evidence of outcomes

Name of initiative/program

Team supported or individual

supported (identify who is


Expected outcomes/

Change expected to


Target population


Who is implementing


Data that measures success/

impact of outcomes

Evidence of outcomes

Name of initiative/program

Team supported or individual

supported (identify who is


Expected outcomes/

Change expected to


Target population


Who is implementing


Data that measures success/

impact of outcomes

Evidence of outcomes

Name of initiative/program

Team supported or individual

supported (identify who is


Expected outcomes/

Change expected to


Target population


Who is implementing


Data that measures success/

impact of outcomes

Evidence of outcomes

Name of initiative/program

Team supported or individual

supported (identify who is


Expected outcomes/

Change expected to


Target population


Who is implementing


Data that measures success/

impact of outcomes

Evidence of outcomes

● In the tables above, highlight in green the initiatives that have evidence of outcomes.● In the tables above, highlight in blue the initiatives that are required.● In the tables above, highlight in orange the initiatives that are not required, are not implemented with fidelity (or fidelity is unknown),

and/or do not have evidence of outcomes. ● In the tables above, highlight in red the initiatives that are not required, are implemented with fidelity, and do not have evidence of

outcomes.● In the tables above, highlight in purple any initiatives that do not align with the school’s vision and mission. ● Are there initiatives that could be stopped (first consider items highlighted in purple and red, and then discuss items in orange)?

Strikethrough these initiatives (like this).

(5) Initiative Alignment: Take the initiatives/programs/practices identified above that your school plans to continue implementing and place them on the chart below.

Name of initiative/program

(Continued from above)

Prevention(Design of

environment, relationships, etc.)

Define Skills(What key concepts are

identified for teaching?)

Instruction(How are skills taught?)

Reinforcement(How is reinforcement


Response to error(How is error addressed?)


● Know students to know triggers (and avoid those triggers)

● Intentional connections with students-build relationships

● Physical arrangement of space

● Lighting

● Self-regulation● Problem-solving

skills● Empathy● Resilience● Building and

maintaining relationships

● Classroom guidance curriculum (not a concrete part of TSS it is something already in place that is used)

● Morning meeting (not a concrete part of TSS it is something already in place that is used)

● Provide reinforcement (student choice) for adaptive behaviors

● Make amends to repair relationships

● Adults consider “what happened to this student” as opposed to what did the student do wrong and what consequence is warranted”

● Help student self-reflect, teach and reinforce self-regulation and cognitive strategies for future situations, repair harm

● Exclusionary practices are not used

Name of initiative/program

(Continued from above)

Prevention(Design of

environment, relationships, etc.)

Define Skills(What key concepts are

identified for teaching?)

Instruction(How are skills taught?)

Reinforcement(How is reinforcement


Response to error(How is error addressed?)

Name of initiative/program

(Continued from above)

Prevention(Design of

environment, relationships, etc.)

Define Skills(What key concepts are

identified for teaching?)

Instruction(How are skills taught?)

Reinforcement(How is reinforcement


Response to error(How is error addressed?)

Name of initiative/program

(Continued from above)

Prevention(Design of

environment, relationships, etc.)

Define Skills(What key concepts are

identified for teaching?)

Instruction(How are skills taught?)

Reinforcement(How is reinforcement


Response to error(How is error addressed?)

Name of initiative/program

(Continued from above)

Prevention(Design of

environment, relationships, etc.)

Define Skills(What key concepts are

identified for teaching?)

Instruction(How are skills taught?)

Reinforcement(How is reinforcement


Response to error(How is error addressed?)

(6) Working first as a team, then with staff and other administration, identify the current teams in your building (houses, content, grade level, PLC, work committees tied to behavior, etc.).

Team Names of staff on team

Purpose When does the team meet?

*Communication with stakeholders Is there overlap?

Example:TSS Team (pupil services)

Jen, Dave, Liz, Michelle, Justyn

To provide ongoing guidance, training, and support around trauma sensitive practices

7:30-8:15 on the first and third Mondays of the month

Staff: Email reminders for the week, 5 minute staff meeting updatesFamilies/Community: Newsletter and Facebook page updates

Yes, with PBIS

● *Highlight in blue examples of one-way communication (providing information)● *Highlight in green examples of two-way communication (conversation, collaboration, asking for input, etc.)

Share a time that a team listed above used feedback to inform policy, practice, or procedure:

TeamingDistrict Implementation Team (from the National Implementation Research Network)Building Implementation Teams are developed, and supported by District Implementation Teams (DIT). The focus of a (DIT) is to develop an effective Building Implementation Team (BIT) in each building in the district by:

Helping form building-based teams Supporting the development of team competencies Helping principals and staff adjust school administrative practices to align with teachers’ use

of effective innovations Assure leadership engagement with and support for effective innovations and

Implementation Team functions

Staff Name Potential District Roles Additional Assigned Team Role (PBIS Apps Coordinator, Team Coordinator, Communication

with stakeholder groups-identify the group)

Superintendent or person with authority to approve/support decisions (ex: funding, resource allocation, etc.)

Director of Pupil Services

Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Building representation (representative of the district)

1. List internal and external stakeholder groups (outside agencies, school board, families):

2. Begin to identify types of information to share and receive from identified stakeholders:Building/School Implementation TeamThe focus of the Building Implementation Team is helping teachers and staff in the school use effective innovations with fidelity to achieve intended outcomes. Building Implementation Teams are essential to support teachers and staff as they attempt to use effective innovations in their daily interactions with students. Students will benefit (or not) depending on the quality of those interactions. Innovative practices are, by definition, new and different from typical education practices. Teachers and staff should not be expected to somehow “just do it.” They deserve the support of a Building Implementation Team (BIT).

Fill in the table below with your proposed PBIS school team. In the second column, identify each individual’s role within your building. Remember, at a minimum, teams need to include a building administrator, teacher, special education teacher, pupil services representative, and support staff. In the third column, identify team members with the following expertise: understanding of behavior, communication/coaching, organization/facilitation, data and problem solving.

Staff Name School Role Identify Expertise (at least one of each for the team: understanding of behavior, communication/coaching, organization/facilitation,

data/problem solving)

Building Administrator

Pupil Services



Special Education Teacher

Support Staff

Family Voice

Student representation

School board representation

1. Is there a current meeting agenda structure you use in your building? (If so link here):2. Determine team roles (and process): (i.e. note taker, timekeeper, facilitator, communication)

3. Identify team norms here:

Families & Communities

Below, identify community and family groups that the school does and does not work with.

Identify community groups that the school works with and in what capacity.

Identify community groups that the school does not work with.

Identify family groups that the schools work with and in what capacity.

Identify family groups that the school does not work with.

Think about the groups that the school does not work with, do they match your underserved demographics?

Develop a plan for intentional and purposeful inclusion of the families the school does not work with and the families of our underserved students.

Data (1) Answer the questions in the table below regarding your current data system.

Identify the data system that will be used to house your data:

Can the system collect the following pieces of information (who, what, when, where, why)?

Can the system disaggregate the data by race/ethnicity, special education status, gender, SES)?

Who has access to what pieces of data?

What understanding do different staff members/teams have of the data system?

(2) What behavioral data is collected? Sort your data into one of the three categories below: Student outcome, implementation, fidelity.

Type of DataStudent outcome

What is collected How is it used and by whom

What data is missing that might inform need (ex: mental health, nurse visits)?

Type of DataImplementation (training and support)

What is collected How is it used and by whom

What data is missing that might inform need (walkthrough, self-assessment, etc.)?

Type of DataFidelity

What is collected How is it used and by whom

What data is missing that might inform need (walkthroughs, self-assessment, product samples, etc.)?

Response to ErrorIn the table below, list the current discipline policies, procedures, practices, and beliefs:

Current Discipline Policies (i.e. handbook, school board policy)

Current Discipline Procedures (i.e. school-wide tardy procedure)

Current Discipline Practices (i.e.: time out of class, detention, re-teach, etc.)

Current Discipline Beliefs (i.e. student needs disciplinary action)

● Highlight in green the policies, procedures, and practices that align with your school/district vision/mission.● Highlight in yellow the policies, procedures, and practices that do not align with your school/district vision/mission.

Day 1

Discussion: What’s Your Why?1. School/district vision:

2. School/district mission:

3. How does your purpose support your school vision and mission (why PBIS)?

4. Define your underserved groups:

Discussion: Revisit - What’s Your Why?How does what you just read align to your district’s mission and vision?

Do current school and district policies and practices around behavioral error benefit some groups of students more?

When considering disproportionality in our data, are current solutions designed to fix students and families or to remove barriers and create access for students and families?


Discussion: Turn and Talk – Creating Positive Relationships

Five Broad Categories for Creating Positive Relationships 1. Communicating positive expectations2. Correcting students constructively3. Developing positive classroom pride4. Demonstrating caring5. Prevent/reduce own frustration/stress

Considering the five broad categories for creating positive relationships above, which category do you feel you are most skilled? Write some examples of what that looks like in your practice below.

Self-Reflection: Your Space

Four Categories for Physical Arrangement of Space:1. Facilitate most typical instructional activities

(e.g., small groups, whole group, learning centers etc.)2. Allow for smooth teacher and student movement 3. Assure instructional materials are neat, orderly, and ready for use4. Post materials that support critical content and learning strategies (e.g., word

walls, steps for the writing process, using calm down strategies, mathematical formulas etc.)

Consider your space:What are some things you have done within each of the four categories?

What might you have done different given the information today?

Self-Reflection: Your SupervisionPersonally reflect on the activities or settings where you supervise students and what you have learned about active supervision. Then share your thoughts with your team using a whip around format:What is one practice I am currently doing (tied to scan, move, and interact) that is effective?

Brainstorm: SettingsWhat are some settings that might be considered? Keep in mind:

Areas where students need to learn procedures/routines Areas where error is more likely to occur Areas where students will need to demonstrate more complex skills (SEL)

Discussion: Does your school have school-wide expectations/rules?If yes, are they:

o Limited in number (3-5)o Positively statedo Aligned with school missiono Broadly statedo Applicable to all people in all locationso Descriptive of the general way people will behaveo Developed with stakeholders

If not, what are the broad skills that students need to be college, career, and life ready?

Practice: Define School-wide Expectations

1. Choose one expectation and one setting, identify 2-3 indicators (refer to initiatives and data from the readiness section-integrate key concepts/language within indicators)

2. Considering the language and values of your students, select one of the indicators and define further

Practice: Define Classroom ExpectationsPick a partner at your table:• Identify 2-3 routines within one of your classrooms/areas

• Choose one routine and one already established school-wide expectation to define further (ex: whole group instruction, be responsible)

• Create 2-3 indicators

• Choose one indicator to define further

Day 2


1. Review the team action plan. What progress has the team made on the identified action items?

2. Identify how the team has used process (training and support) and performance (fidelity) data to inform work?

3. What is one question the team needs answered by the end of today’s session?

Practice: Define, Model, Practice

Using one of your lesson plans, choose a relevant skill from your classroom matrix

Define simply within the lesson plan (remember it may be a sub-skill)

Add how you will model the skill

Add where you will provide opportunities for the students to practice the skill in context

Reflection: Specific Positive Feedback

Reflect on the power of specific positive feedback.

1. What are you doing well in terms of specific positive feedback?

2. What would you guess your ratio for specific positive feedback to be?

Practice: Create a Lesson Plan1. Working with a partner at your table: select one of the indicators from your school-wide matrix.

2. Using the Acquisition Lesson Plan, create a lesson plan to teach the skill (remember these can be quick lessons).

Acquisition Lesson PlanExpectation

Specific Behavior(s) and/or ProceduresList behavior and steps to complete.

ContextIdentify the locations(s) where behavior is expected.TellIntroduce the behavior and why

It is important.ShowTeacher demonstrates or models the behavior. Teacher models non-examples.

PracticeGive students opportunities to role-play the behavior across all relevant settings.



Pre-correct/ Remind Anticipate and give students a reminder to perform behavior.

SuperviseMove, scan and interact with students.

FeedbackObserve student performance & give positive, specific feedback to students.

ReteachPractice throughout the day

Day 3


1. Review the team action plan. What progress has the team made on the identified action items?

2. Identify how the team has used process (training and support) and performance (fidelity) data to inform work?

3. What is one question your team needs answered by the end of the day today?

Reinforcement Practices Audit

What Type(tangible/activity/social)


or non-




How Often(frequent/

intermittent/long term)

Targeted Skill

(used for a targeted

pro-social/adaptive skill that is

challenging or aversive)


paired with high quality instruction)


paired with

specific positive


Function(tied to



Discussion: Data-Based Continuous Improvement

1. What data does your school collect?

Process (system data)

Performance (fidelity data)

Outcome (student level data)

2. Who is responsible for collecting the data?

Process (system data)

Performance (fidelity data)

Outcome (student level data)

3. Where is the data housed?

Process (system data)

Performance (fidelity data)

Outcome (student level data)

4. Is the data usable?

Process (system data)

Performance (fidelity data)

Outcome (student level data)

5. Is the data reliable and valid?

Process (system data)

Performance (fidelity data)

Outcome (student level data)

6. What data does your team have access to?

Process (system data)

Performance (fidelity data)

Outcome (student level data)

7. What data does your staff have access to?

Process (system data)

Performance (fidelity data)

Outcome (student level data)

8. Can outcome data be disaggregated by race, gender, IEP, SE?

9. What other information does your team need to know and what data sources could give that information?

Activity: What Skills Might Students Need

1. Choose one minor behavior to define.

2. Add skills the student would need to have to demonstrate the skill we want to see (not the error).

Check: o Do those skills exist in your matrices?

o Have the skills been clearly defined?

o How have those skills been taught in context with opportunities for practice and feedback?

How are those skills prompted for in an ongoing, intentional way (in context)?

Day 4


1. Review the team action plan. What progress has your team made on the identified action items?

2. Identify how the team has used process (training and support) and performance (fidelity) data to inform work?

3. What is one question your team needs answered by the end of the day today?


Discussion: Universal System

1. What is the make-up of your school (by %)? Ethnicity:

Students with IEPs:


2. For each group, calculate the percentage of students who have received office referrals.

0-1 office referrals 2-5 office referrals 6+ office referralsEthnicity

Special Ed. Status


3. Does each group fall within the triangle’s guidelines? Highlight the groups that do not fall within the guidelines.

4. Looking at the highlighted groups that are underserved at tier 1 note the types of referrals they are




Team Reflection and Activity: Strong Universal

Considering the identified group(s) from the previous activity, reflect on school and district practices that do not align with your vision and mission.

• Which practices focus on changing students/families?

• Which practices focus on changing school/district beliefs and practices?

What are some first steps in shifting the focus from changing students/families to changing school/district beliefs and practices?


Activity: Precision Statement Data Source(s): _______________________________________________________________________

Question Answer

WHO is most likely engaged in the behavior (disaggregated)?

WHAT is the behavior of concern (and frequency)?

WHERE is the behavior most likely to occur?

WHEN is the behavior most likely to occur?

WHY is the behavior sustaining?

Precision Statement:

Goal Statement: Effectiveness of Implementation Measure:


Example: Solution DevelopmentSolution Components Action Steps Individual(s) Responsible By When How Fidelity will be


PreventHow can we avoid the problem context?

Ensure that supervisors are on the playground and are engaged in active supervision (scan, move, interact).

Ms. Smith, Mrs. Jones

Ms. Smith and Mrs. Jones will meet with supervisors, go over action plan, and get feedback.

Mon., Oct. 6 Ms. Smith will do a walkthrough at recess daily for the first week then intermittently after noting supervisor location and activity.

Provide high rates of specific positive feedback to supervisors as they implement this plan (Mrs. C. will do this)

TeachHow can we define, teach, and monitor what we want?

Teach school-wide playground behavior expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible (highlighting how they pertain to playground equipment) and do the teaching on the playground where problem behaviors occurring. Make sure to highlight conflict/resolution skills as well.

Playground supervisors will re-teach the playground lessons.

Ms. Smith and Mrs. Jones will coordinate with playground supervisors on the when and how to teach the plans.

Wed., Oct. 8

Mon., Oct. 6

Supervisor self-report

Observations from Ms. Smith during walkthroughs.

ReinforceHow can we build in systematic reinforcement for positive behavior?

Supervisors will hand out purple Warrior Way tickets paired with specific positive feedback throughout recess to every student demonstrating expected conflict/resolution skills and safe play on the playground equipment.

Playground supervisors will reinforce student behavior on the playground.

Ms. Smith and Mrs. Jones will coordinate with playground supervisors on the when, how, and why to reinforce student behavior (tickets and feedback).

Wed., Oct. 8

Mon., Oct. 6

Count of purple Warrior Way tickets in classroom buckets.

Observations from Ms. Smith during walkthroughs.

Corrective ConsequenceWhat are efficient, consistent responses to behavioral error?

Take student aside, talk with them, and provide additional practice from lesson plan on safe play and/or conflict resolution skills. Redirect them to different activities for the rest of the recess.

Playground supervisors will implement.

Ms. Smith and Mrs. Jones will teach playground supervisors the what and how of re-teaching and practice of skills.

Wed., Oct. 8

Mon., Oct. 6

Supervisor self-report

Observations from Ms. Smith during walkthroughs.

What Data is Collected? Individual(s) Responsible (for gathering data)

By When How Often

How Often will Data be Reviewed

Where will Data be Shared and with Whom

Fidelity of Implementation Walkthrough observations

Supervisor self-reports

Ms. Smith

Mrs. Jones


Daily reports to Mr. P’s mailbox with summary on Fridays

Weekly at the Mon. team mtg.

Weekly at the Mon. team mtg.

At PBIS team mtg. (with the team)

At PBIS team mtg. (with the team)

Student Outcome Playground ODRs for aggression Mr. P ODRs will be written as incidents occur. Data will be entered into the system daily.

Weekly at the Mon. team mtg. PBIS team mtg.

Grade level team meetings in graph form (to demonstrate progress)

Mrs. Jones will directly connect


with supervisors to share graphs.

Group Activity: Solution Development

Solution Components Action Steps Individual(s) Responsible

By When How Fidelity will be Measured


PreventHow can we avoid the problem context?

TeachHow can we define, teach, and monitor what we want?

ReinforceHow can we build in systematic reinforcement for positive behavior?

Corrective ConsequenceWhat are efficient, consistent responses to behavioral error?

What Data is Collected? Individual(s) Responsible (for gathering data)

By When/How Often will Data be


How Often will Data be Reviewed

Where will Data be Shared and with


Fidelity of Implementation

Student Outcome



Solution-Focused Action PlanSolution Components Action Steps Individual(s)

ResponsibleBy When How Fidelity will be


PreventHow can we avoid the problem context?

TeachHow can we define, teach, and monitor what we want?

ReinforceHow can we build in systematic reinforcement for positive behavior?

ExtinctionHow can we prevent the problem behavior from continuing to pay off (tied to motivation/function of behavior)?

Corrective ConsequenceWhat are efficient, consistent responses to behavioral error?

What Data is Collected?

Individual(s) Responsible (for gathering data)

By When/How Often will Data be Gathered

How Often will Data be Reviewed

Where will Data be Shared and with Whom

Fidelity of Implementation

Student Outcome


Discussion: Team MeetingsVideo #1:• What were the team member roles and team agreements?

• What was the agenda format?

• When did the team first look at data?

Own Practice:• What are your team member roles and team agreements?

• What agenda format does your team use?

• When does your team first look at data?

Video #2: What types of data did this team use? (Process/system, Performance/fidelity, Outcome/student


What was the plan: o Prevention/environment?

o Instruction?

o Reinforcement?

How could their teaching plan have been a little more robust? (Reviewing is not bad, but what skill(s) could they have taught and supported the students with-think SEL?)

Own Practice:• What types of data does our team use?

• Do we plan for adjustments to the environment, instruction, and reinforcement?


• Does our instruction do more than review the school rule/routine/procedure?

Video #3: Evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting (reference slide 57):

Own Practice: Do you evaluate the effectiveness of your meetings?

If so what do you do with that information?


Comprehensive Action PlanTo build a system that can be sustained over time, schools must start the work here, then go back to staff, and finish the work. This section of the workbook provides a central location to document those next steps.


Action Plan part 1: Structure Environments to Maximize Student Learning (TFI 1.6, 1.7, 1.8)

Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/StudyTeamBegin by choosing one of the following to clearly define and apply with the team: Positive relationships, physical arrangement of space, structure, instructional practices, or adult

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train your staff. This should include a professional development plan that is ongoing, scaffolded, focused and connected to a bigger picture.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support your staff in expanding, refining, building and applying skills in daily practice.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 2: Define Expectations for School-Wide Matrix (TFI 1.3, 1.7, 1.11)Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/Study

TeamCreate a plan for clearly defining practices around identifying expectations and indicators and defining indicators.

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train (retrain) staff (and stakeholders) on the need and purpose of identifying expectations and indicators, further defining indicators, and how this ties to your school vision and mission.

Create steps for how the team will train (retrain) staff (and stakeholders) on the practices around identifying expectations and indicators and further defining indicators.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support staff (and stakeholders) in identifying expectations and indicators and further defining indicators.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 3: Define Expectations for Classroom Matrix (TFI 1.7, 1.8)Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/Study

TeamCreate steps for how the team will clearly define and apply practices for identifying expectations and indicators and defining indicators within classrooms/specific areas (ex: school psychologist’s office, etc.)

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train (retrain) staff (and stakeholders) in developing (or revising) classroom/specific area matrices and further defining indicators.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support staff (and stakeholders) in developing (or revising) classroom/specific area matrices and further defining indicators.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders on classroom matrices.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 4: Classroom Instruction (TFI 1.7, 1.8)Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/Study

TeamCreate steps for how the team will clearly define and apply practices for integrating social and emotional competencies, school procedure skills, and college and career ready skills and habits in context in their own environments.

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff (and stakeholders) on why and how to provide integrated instruction within context around social and emotional competencies, school procedure skills, and college and career ready skills and habits.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support your staff (and stakeholders) in providing integrated instruction within context.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 5: Specific Positive Feedback (TFI 1.7, 1.8, 1.9)

Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/StudyTeamCreate steps for how the team will clearly define and integrate the use of specific positive feedback in their own environments. Include steps for how ratios of positive to corrective feedback will be measured.

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff (and stakeholders) on why and how to provide specific positive feedback and measure the ratio of positive to corrective.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support your staff (and stakeholders) in providing high rates of specific positive feedback.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 6: Response to Behavioral Error (TFI 1.6, 1.7, 1.8)

Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/StudyTeamCreate steps for how the team will define and integrate the following types of strategies to respond to behavioral error:1- prevention strategies2- instructional strategies3- reinforcement strategies (day 3)

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff on why and how to provide preventative and instructional responses to behavioral error.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support your staff in providing preventative and instructional responses to behavioral error.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 7: School-wide Instruction (TFI 1.4, 1.7)Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/Study

TeamCreate steps for how the team will clearly define and apply practices for integrating social and emotional competencies, school procedure skills, and college and career ready skills and habits in context in school-wide environments.

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff (and stakeholders) on why and how to provide integrated instruction within context in school-wide settings around social and emotional competencies, school procedure skills, and college and career ready skills and habits.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support your staff (and stakeholders) in providing integrated instruction within context in school-wide settings.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 8: Reinforcement System (1.7, 1.8, 1.9)

Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/StudyTeamCreate steps for how the team will clearly define and apply practices for reinforcement in their own environments.

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff on why and how to provide reinforcement.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support staff in providing reinforcement.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 9: Establishing Behavior Definitions (TFI 1.5, 1.11)

Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/StudyTeamCreate steps for how the team will practice writing behavior definitions to build their understanding of the practice.

How will the team know that all members are aligned in their understanding and practice of writing behavior definitions?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff (and stakeholders) on why and how of establishing behavior definitions.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support staff (and stakeholders) in developing behavior definitions.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 10: Outcome Data (TFI 1.12)

Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/StudyTeamCreate steps for how the team will clearly define and apply practices for tracking outcome data.

How will the team know the practice has been clearly defined?

How will the team know that all members have been able to implement the defined practice with fidelity?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff on why and how to track outcome data.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support staff tracking outcome data.

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackDetermine next steps for getting input from staff on tracking major and minor behaviors.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 11: Precision Statement and Solution Development (TFI 1.13)Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/Study

TeamCreate steps for how the team will become fluent in in using data to form precision statements and creating and implementing solution-focused action plans

How will the team know that all members are aligned in their understanding and practice of forming precision statements and creating and implementing solution-focused action plans?

TrainCreate steps for how the team will train staff (and stakeholders) in using data to form precision statements and creating and implementing solution-focused action plans.

How will the team measure the impact and effectiveness of the professional development that was provided?

SupportCreate steps for how the team will support staff (and stakeholders) in using data to form precision statements and creating and implementing solution-focused action plans .

How will the team measure the effectiveness of the support provided?

FeedbackCreate steps to get yearly feedback from all stakeholders.

How will the team know that all stakeholders have provided feedback?


Action Plan part 12: Team Meetings (TFI 1.2)

Action Plan/Implementation Steps Who When Check/StudyTeamCreate steps for how the team will establish or refine:

Regular meeting schedule (at least monthly)

• Team norms/agreements• Meeting roles• Regular meeting

format/agenda• Process for taking meeting

minutes and disseminating information

• Use of process, performance and outcome data

• A current action plan using a continuous improvement process

How will the team know that all members are aligned in their understanding and practice of meeting processes/procedures?



Tiered Fidelity Inventory









EquityEquity means that every student has access to the educational resources and rigor they need at the right moment in their education across race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, sexual orientation, family background and/or family income (CCSSO, 2017). In nearly every measurable area (i.e. academic achievement, discipline practices, gifted and talented placement, and graduation rates) across all ages and grades, Wisconsin’s education system has yielded persistent inequitable outcomes for learners along demographic lines. In particular, learners of color, learners with disabilities, English learners, and learners eligible for free or reduced lunch have experienced significantly lower rates of success than their white, nondisabled, native English-speaking, middle income peers across the state.

Achieving equity in Wisconsin schools demands a bold commitment to deliberately address these unacceptable outcomes and is the reason equity is situated at the center of this framework. An intentional focus on equity accounts for and adapts to the diversity of learners and families served by Wisconsin schools. To become equitable, schools and educators engage in a journey of deep and honest examination of who they are, their beliefs and assumptions about the learners and families they serve, as well as what they value and affirm. To guide this process, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the Wisconsin RtI Center and the Disproportionality Technical Assistance Network have collaboratively developed a Model to Inform Culturally Responsive Practice (illustrated to the right). This model describes the beliefs, knowledge, and skills Wisconsin educators and schools cultivate to reach and teach diverse learners and achieve equity within their multi-level systems of supports.

The model is not a checklist or a toolkit. Rather, the model describes ways of being and knowing needed to develop systems that respectfully engage with learners and families who have been historically underserved in Wisconsin schools. Specifically, this continuous process calls on educators and schools to:

1. Become self-aware: Staying alert to the ways that identity and culture affect who we are and how we interact with learners and families;

2. Examine the impact of systems, structures, policies, and practices on learners and families:3. Analyzing who the system serves and underserves;4. Believe all learners can and will achieve at high levels: Examining and intentionally pushing

back on societal biases and stereotypes;5. Understand all learners have a unique world view: Recognizing each adult and learner

represents a complex blend of cultures, identities, and roles, with singular differences;6. Know and respect the communities: Understanding and valuing the behaviors, beliefs, and

historical experiences of families and community members served by the school;7. Lead, model, and advocate for equity: Challenging prejudice and discrimination as barriers to

equity and giving voice to those inequitably impacted by school and district decisions, policies, and practices;

8. Accept the responsibility for learner success: Recognizing that equitable outcomes depend on changing the school’s and district’s beliefs and practices, rather than fixing learners and families; and

9. Use practices, curriculum, and policies that respect the identities and cultures of learners and families served by schools.


Precision Statement with Goal StatementData Source(s): _______________________________________________________________________

Question Answer

WHO is most likely engaged in the behavior (disaggregated)?

WHAT is the behavior of concern (and frequency)?

WHERE is the behavior most likely to occur?

WHEN is the behavior most likely to occur?

WHY is the behavior sustaining?

Precision Statement:

Goal: Effectiveness of Implementation Measure:













