visiting unpleasent places


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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. ARPANA S. 173 79 179
  2. 2. CONTENTS What is Unpleasant place tourismJalianwala Bagh HistoryTourism and sentimentsInterpreting unpleasant placesSummary
  3. 3. Unpleasant place tourism Thanatourism : We humans are very curious; very curious to know, to see and to feel. This curiosity attracts us to places where stories beautiful or painful reside. When we visit these places we feel connected to that place, connected to the story that many lived ages ago. Government may preach their citizen to ignore the unpleasant past and move on but on same time preserve these unpleasant places to attract the tourism. Tourism of these unpleasant places is called thanatourismCambodia Killing fields: Approximate 2.5 Millions of total 8 Million population of country killed by Khmer army Major tourist attraction and part in country economyAustralia Port Arthur Massacre: 35 people killed by an Australian teenager Martin Bryant Major Australian tourist attraction
  4. 4. Unpleasant place tourismRape of Nanking: Approximate 300,000 Chinese killed by Japanese army Major Chinese tourist attractionJalianwala Bagh Massacre: Approximately 1000 Indians killed by England army/forces Major Indian tourist attractionBabi Yar Massacre: Approximately 150,000 lives taken by Nazis rule Major Ukrainian tourist attraction
  5. 5. HISTORY: Jalianwala bagh 13th April, 1919, approximately 1500 Indians grouped together in a park called Jalianwala Bagh for religious pray and also to show non-violent protest against British armys illegal capture of Indian leaders. Brigadier-General Reginald E.H. Dyer has covered the area with army and without any reasons started firing on the more than 1500 people including innocent women, children and men. Firing last for more than 15 minutes till all ammunition exhausted. More than 1000 innocent Indians have been killed and a garden became blood pond.
  6. 6. Today: Jalianwala bagh A monument in remembrance of innocent lives is created in Jalianwala Bagh. Architecture based on symbolism including a 30-feet high pylon, with stone lanterns on four sides, stands in the middle of a shallow tank in the garden. The lanterns are carved with Ashok Chakra and the words, In memory of martyrs, 13 April 1919, have been inscribed on all four sides of the pylon. A lamp, burning to pay homage to the martyrs, is placed at the entrance. It is the Eternal Flame of Liberty.
  7. 7. Tourism and sentiments It is interesting and probably must for few to visit unpleasant places to calm their curiosity and live a time where time stopped once. As a tourist it is important to understand the feeling of people who are part of that brutal reality. Sentiments and feelings of local should be respected.Government might be using these places to boost tourism economy also some locals might be capitalising on tourism but in last it is the harsh reality on humanity and this should be respected. There has been police action due to issues between police and locals at Amtitsar when a tourist made a joke of incident.
  8. 8. Interpreting Unpleasant placesJalianwala Bagh: Marks of bullets still exist, facts from speech of British government still exists and People who lost their family still exist and visit Jalianwala Bagh often to pay tribute. Interpretation of this site is not difficult as site still speaks through bullet marks. For remembrance three symbols of peace, eternal life and respect are created in Jalianwala BaghAs a tourist it is difficult to understand these symbols till message explaining them is read.
  9. 9. Interpreting Unpleasant placesNanking Memorial: Nanking massacre, one of the most painful massacre has limited visible Interpretation possible without knowing the history. Although the structure created At memorial shows shows pain, grief and fight for survival. Feelings rise up in Jalianwala Bagh when we see bullet marks and well where many killed but in this memorial museum creates the medium for interpretation.Museum and art galleries are great medium for interpretation. Cambodia's killing fields display is one soul shaking example.
  10. 10. Interpreting Unpleasant places Tourists Dark tourist Homage, pay tribute and respect Pleasure tourist Fun, curiosity, completing travelDark Tourist Relationship Unpleasant place No Relationship Pleasure Tourist
  11. 11. Architecture and Unpleasant places Architecture living socio-culture and presenting a hope.Architecture with open plan creating hollowness in heart for what we lost.Architecture with red colour or black shades structure symbolising painPlain, raw structures, speaking through their stories
  12. 12. summary They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. Laurence Binyon