

Upload: laurenwreathall

Post on 22-Jan-2015




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2. Vitamins & minerals Know and understand the main sources of vitamins A,B,C&D Recognise how loss of vitamins can be reduced Recognise why we need these vitamins and what a deficiency can mean Produce your own revision cards to help you learn the vitamins 3. Why do we need vitamins? Micronutrients Combats the ageing process Maintain health Prevents deficiency diseases Regulate the repair Of cells 4. Two types of vitamins

  • Fat soluble(A&D) These vitamins only dissolve in fat, they are retained by our bodies well and are used by the body when they are needed
  • Water soluble(B&C) These vitamins dissolve in water, they are passed out in the urine, and so we need to eat these regularly.

5. How to retain your vitamins!

  • Do not boil your vegetables as vitamin B&C is lost as it leaches out into the water
  • Try not to buy bruised or damaged fruits and vegetables, this bruising destroys the vitamins
  • Try to buy seasonal foods that are fresh, they are higher in vitamins
  • Do not allow the fruit to turn brown, browning destroys vitamins.


  • If you eat a balanced diet you should be consuming all the vitamins that you need so that your body can function effectively


  • Estimated average requirement (EAR) : This is theaverageamount of energy or a nutrient needed by a group of people.
  • It is an average so some may need a little more, some a little less

8. 9. What do these foods have in common? 10. Pupil task

  • Look at the labels of the orange juice. Pay particular attention to the vitamin c, sugar fibre content and price, which is most suitable to serve to young children, be prepared to justify your answer.

11. The B Vitamins

  • There are thirteen different types of B vitamins. You do not need to know all 13!
  • The three main ones areB1,B2,B3and they work together to look after the health of our nervous system, skin and digestion.
  • The B vitamins can be very easily damaged, up to half are totally destroyed during cooking.

12. Vitamins -A,B,C & D Minerals -calcium, iron, fluoride, sodium & phosphorous Name of vitaminOr mineral Source(what foods canIt be found in?)Function(why we need it) Deficiency (what will happen If we dont get enough?) 13. 14. Why do we need vitamins?