vivaksha- the science and technology quiz answers

The Science and Technology Quiz R&D Arun S QSI IISER-TVM association with National Science Day Celebrations

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The Science and Technology Quiz

R&D Arun SQSI IISER-TVMIn association with National Science Day Celebrations 2016

*Q1.The de Havilland DH 106 Cometwas the world's first production commercial jet, which started services in 1952. The service was plagued with hull losses from its inception and reached a dead end in 1954 when the entire fleet was grounded after BOAC (British Overseas Airways Corporation ) flight 781 plummeted to its doom, taking the lives of all 35 people on board.

The planes were subjected to extreme water torture tests to evaluate the integrity of the fuselage,in a dedicated water tank that was built specifically at Farnborough to accommodate its full length. It was found the stress was unevenly distributed along the aircraft frame due to a flawed structural design, which was later replaced by the design which is commonplace today in all high altitude jetliners. The results from these extensive reviews were used in the design revisions for the improved Cometversions which had a productive career of over 30years. What feature was introduced thus ? Image follows.

Round / Oval windows

*Q2.In the united States of America, the illegal production and distribution of liquor or bootlegging as it is called is banned by law. The law dictates that it is illegal to produce or distribute alcohol that is meant for consumption from petrochemical sources and that all liquor must be made from the fermentation and processing of natural products like grapes, grains or fruit which rules out alcohol produced from petroleum, even though such alcohol is just as safe and tastes no different from the real deal.

What ingenious and cost effective solution was developed by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, charged with enforcing the natural alcohol rule, to determine the source of the alcohol in a product?

Check for Radioactivity(Carbon-14)


What is blanked out from this XKCD comic?

Sudo command

Q4.Give the funda. Bonus for filling the blank ;)


What has been blanked out in the picture ?

Q6.This product is classified on the basis of three parameters in the European system, which also followed in India.

In this degree scale of classification, Hardness is denoted by H, the Fineness ( if applicable) is denoted by F, which represents Fine Point and the degree of Blackness is denoted by B. The Alphabets are often preceded by a number which also plays a significant role in denoting the quality of the product, in either one of the parameters evaluated.What product is being described here?


Q7. The medical term for this phenomenon is Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter (SDF) or singultus. It is an involuntary action that proceeds via a reflex arc, which once triggered causes a strong contraction of the diaphragm followed by the closure of the vocal chords. What is the ever so common phenomenon that all of us has experienced at least once in our lives?



Whose epitaph is shown in the picture ?


Comic parodying which experiment? Give me the name of the phenomenon being studied or the name of the experimental set-up .

Operant Conditioning/ Skinner box

On April 29th, 1975, at the age of 19, X was arrested by the Albuquerque Police department (arrest record #52090). The charges were speeding and driving without a license. It was the first of three arrests in the late seventies by Albuquerque Police. According to records, X was frequently caught speeding in his Porsche 911.

That day, he was driving along with Paul Allen. Although he was granted bail almost immediately for the minor offence, the most famous consequence of the event is still doing its rounds all over the internet. Who is the person or what consequence?Q10.

Bill Gates mugshot

Q11.404 error message for which service ?


The most popular etymological explanation for the name X is a French word which literally translates to Monk-Killer which arises from the fact most early alchemists were monks and X being poisonous would have caused the death of many early experimentalists.

X is most commonly found as its sulphide mineral Stibnite, which was used by early civilizations like Egyptians as Kohl, and still continues to be in use. Which element? Image follow.Q12.

Antimony ( Sb)

Q13. *video

Oppenheimer on atomic bomb

*Q14. *video


Q15. The X scale measures pungency in onions and garlic with units of m/gfw (micromoles per gram fresh weight). It is named after Y acid, the alpha-keto acid in onions involved in the process which makes peoples eyes tear up when cutting them. The standard brown onion has a rating between 6 and 7, while sweet onions have a two or three rating on the scale. The lower the score or scale, the more sweet the onions are rated. Anything less than five is considered a sweet onion. Soil type, rain and sunlight have been shown to affect the rating of an onion on the X scale. Id X or Y.

Pyruvate / Pyruvic acid

Q16. *Video

Rube Goldberg Contraption

Q17. *Video

First demonstration of Television

Q18.Convallaria majalis is a sweetly scented but highly poisonous flowering plant native to Asia and Europe. All parts of this plant are highly poisonous including the red berries which children often accidentally ingest due to its colorful appearance.

The flower is also known asOur Lady's tearsorMary's tears, which arisesfromChristian legendsthat it sprang from theweepingof theVirgin Maryduring thecrucifixion of Jesus. Other etiologies have its coming into being from Eve's tears after she was driven with Adam from theGarden of Edenor from the blood shed bySaint Leonard of Noblacduring his battles with a dragon.

In France, it is a tradition to sell flowers of X on 1st May (international labour day) which is exempted from sales tax and is often associated with the arrival of spring. X attained notoriety recently when a certain baldy gentleman found great potential in its chemical subtleties. Id X and the gentleman in Question. Images follow.

Lily of the Valley & Walter White

_________________is a phrase, which was made popular due to a 1676 letter by Sir Isaac Newton, although it has been since the 12th century.

The phrase has had innumerable references, ranging from books to films to rock albums, but the most famous one from a researchers point of view would be the motto of an acclaimed online tool.X Phrase,Y - Tool ..


Q20.X is the name of the photograph shown, taken by Voyager-1 in 1990, from a distance of 6 billion km.

It was taken at the request of Y, who pointed out that,

"all of human history has happened on that tiny pixel, which is our only home

What is the name of the photo (X) ?Who is Y ?Image follows.

Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan

Q21.Since the late 1950s, aerospace engineers have used the termX"when referring to unusual or costly materials, or when theoretically considering a material perfect for their needs in all respects, except that it does not exist. By the 1990s, the term was in wide use, even in formal engineering papers such as "Towards X [new composite materials for space applications]."

The wordXmay well have been coined in the aerospace industry to refer to materials capable of withstanding the extreme temperatures expected inre-entry. Even though you might not have heard of X in its formal usage, you would have heard of the potential application of X as a room-temperature semiconductor and the human conquest to gain access to this element by mining for it on a fictional moon Y, in a 2009 blockbuster. Id X and Y.

Unobtanium (Unobtainium) , Pandora


Identify the scientists portrayed by these minimalist posters.

Rachel Carson, Grace Hopper

When X was offered a toast during the Nobel function, X responded:

Sir, you have seen the X effect on Y; please do not try to see the Y effect on X

Identify X and Y.


Sir C V Raman, Alcohol ;)