vive ardyss lifestyle amazingstories

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  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    Publishers team

    Martha vilaEditor

    Miguel JimnezDesign Coordinator

    Roberto Carlos LpezMarco A. PonceArt & Design

    Daniel Garca

    Editorial Content Coordinator



    Elvia AlvarezMonica RojoTiffany PotilloMilagros RemirezGuadalupe Noriega

    Lic. Antonio Daz de LenPresident & Founder

    Sra. Armida F. de Daz de LenVice president Founder

    Lic. Alejandro Daz de LenLic. Antonio Daz de LenCo- Founder



    Puerto Rico

    Rep. Dominicana

    AMAZING STORIES-The most impressive successstories

    7 WAYS TO EARN MONEY-Plus Power Start





    The amazing storiescome out every day inour company, here isan example of whatsgoing on inArdyss International.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    No cabe duda que venimos a este mundo paradejar huella. Muchas veces para poder triunfar,para poder alcanzar nuestras metas, tenemos

    que pasar por situaciones muy difciles, tenemosque tocar fondo, para que nuestro ser, aprenda

    paz, bienestar y sueos a alcanzar.

    sta edicin especial de Historias Sorprendentes,nace de nuestra inquietud por presentartestimonios reales, casos de lucha y superacin,de quienes sufrieron, y en Ardyss International,encontraron una nueva oportunidad para cambiarde vida. Ahora ellos comparten con nosotrosla dicha de haberse levantando, transformado

    y convertido en seres luminosos, de lucha,experiencia y xito.Queremos que seas testigo de stas asombrosashistorias de vida, que conozcas a cada uno deellos, pero lo ms importante es hacerte ver ycreer que T al igual que ellos, no importa dedonde vengas, o lo que hayas sufrido, puedessalir adelante, alcanzar la cima del xito.

    En Ardyss, nuestro compromiso es ayudartea conseguir tus sueos, siempre que T estsdispuesto a mejorar, a dejar atrs los tragosamargos, y que tengas la visin de crecer y lograr

    Jawana, Andrea y Tiffany por abrir sus corazonesy por servir de inspiracin para todos.

    There is no doubt we have come to this worldto leave our footprint. Many times, in order toachieve success and be able to reach our goals,

    We have to hit rock bottom in order to learn,regroup, and resume our journey through a pathof peace, wellness, and full of dreams waiting tocome true.This Amazing Stories Special Edition is the resultof our desire to present real testimonies; casesof struggle and conquest, who had to endure

    to change their lives in Ardyss International.People who now share with us the joy of gettingback on their feet, transforming themselves,

    and becoming bright, strong, experienced andsuccessful beings.

    We want you to witness these amazing lifestories. We want you to know each one of themmainly to make you see and believe that you, justlike them, can overcome any obstacle and reachthe top of success.

    At Ardyss, we commit to help you make yourdreams come true as long as you are willing toimprove yourself, leave the bitter days behind,and have the vision to grow and achieve the

    Anne, Jawana, Andrea, and Tiffany for openingtheir hearts and being an example to all of us.

    Sincerely / SinceramenteMrs. Armida Fonseca de Daz de Len

    VicePresident Ardyss International

    Many times, in order to achievesuccess and be able to reach ourgoals, we have to undergo difficult,painful situations...

    P ublishersLetter Carta Editoria

    Estimados Distribuidores


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    What does one have to do in life to be called Amazing? Well,thats an easy answer in my opinion. Simply make a positiveimpact on others lives. Our mission statement is An Appointmentwith Ardyss will Change Your Life and we believe that anyonewho changes their own and others lives are amazing people.

    In Ardyss, we have tens of thousands of Amazing members andwe wanted to feature a select few for you to be inspired by their

    own amazing triumphs in business and in life.

    You may laugh, cheer, rejoice and maybe even cry when yousee the hurdles these amazing leaders have overcome in theirlives. You will also be inspired by their success in such a shortperiod of time in Ardyss International.

    Ardyss is a special company. It doesnt take a college degreeor even 4 years to start having an amazing only took amatter of months for these leaders to totally recreate their lifewith this company.

    You will see them go from heart break to success litterally

    overnight. We know these leaders stories will push you to reach

    these, you will know that if they can overcome and change theirlives....You Can Too!

    Qu tiene que hacer uno en la vida para que esto sellamado Asombroso? En mi opinin, sta es una respuestmuy sencilla. Simplemente crea un impacto positivo ela vida de los dems. Nuestro slogan es Una cita coArdyss cambiar tu vida, y creemos que todos aquelloque han cambiado sus vidas y la de los dems, son gentasombrosa.

    En Ardyss contamos con miles de miembros asombrososquisimos seleccionar a unos cuntos para que a travs de susorprendentes triunfos en el negocio y en sus vidas, puedaservirte de inspiracin. Quiz te ras, los aclames, te alegreo incluso sueltes algunas lgrimas cuando te enteres lo questas personas han tenido que superar. Seguro tambin tsentirs motivado por todos sus increbles logros en ArdysInternational.

    Ardyss es una compaa especial. No necesitas unlicenciatura, ni siquiera invertir 4 aos para empezar a teneuna vida fabulosa. Un par de meses llev a estos exitosolderes para transformar totalmente sus vidas. Vers com

    de la noche a la maana, ellos pasaron de situacionerealmente difciles, a brillar exitosamente. Sabemos que suhistorias, te impulsarn a alcanzar el siguiente nivel en enegocio y al terminar de leer esto, sabrs como ellos lograrosuperar la adversidad y cambiar sus vidas.T Tambien Puedes!.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Suddenly, I had nothing at all,and in addition, my marriagehad become a living nightma-re. I was trapped in a whirl-

    pool. I could not see straight, I couldnot think clearly. My life was torn forthe first time and I did not want to liveanymore...



    cuencia, y dedicacin que cada lider le invierte a su negocio. Por lo que nos hemo testimonios como modelos de aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones.

    Financial achievements depicted in this publication may vary depending on the pesonal effort, perseverance, and dedication each individual leader invests into his/hbusiness. This is why we set ourselves to the task of acknowledging the work of thleaders featuring in this issue by presenting their testimonies as examples to the negenerations.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    single parent and like most parents I wanted togive my son the best. I worked 6 days a week,

    freedom are something I truly wanted.

    was a part of a network marketing company.I gave them my all. I had reached the very toprank in the company and thought this was it!About the same time I got married and thought itjust couldnt get any better.

    Unfortunately, everything got extremely worse.Within what seemed like days the company Itrusted and worked so hard for, for a couple of

    years snatched the rug right from under me be-cause of a disagreement with another top lea-der. Accusations were made and without havingany opportunity to defend myself all my incomewas taken away in aninstant. To top that, Iwoke up in a nightma-re of a marriage that Ihad to leave quickly.

    I found myself in awhirlwind. I could

    not think. I was forthe first time in mylife so devastated Ino longer wantedto live. A very dearfriend took me inand gave me saferefuge for a coupleof years. I lived inone room afterhaving lived in myown 4 bedroomhouse before mymarriage. It wasdifficult to even getout of bed. I was ina deep depression.


    soltera y como la mayora de los padres, quera darle a mi hijo


    Aos atrs pens que haba logrado mi sueo. Fui parte deuna compaa de Multinivel, me dediqu completamente aellos. Logr el rango ms alto en la compaa y pens queeso era mi lmite, adems al mismo tiempo me cas y real-mente llegu a pensar que m vida no poda ser mejor.Desafortunadamente, todo comenz a empeorar. Los buenosdas en la compaa a la que le haba dado tanto, termina-ron. Me botaron sin darme explicaciones, todo por un des-acuerdo con otro lder. Me acusaron y sin darme la oportuni-dad para defenderme, me quitaron todo el dinero que haba

    obtenido con varios aos de trabajo, en un instante me quedsin nada, aparte mi matrimonio se haba convertido en unapesadilla que saba que deba terminar lo ms pronto posi-


    Me encontraba enun torbellino. Nopoda ver claro, nopoda pensar, mesenta infeliz, por pri-mera vez en mi vidaestaba devastada y

    no quera vivir. Unabuena amiga meayud y me dio refu-gio por varios aos.Viva en un cuartito,despus de habervivido en una casade 4 recmaras. Meera difcil levantarmede la cama, estabasumergida en unaprofunda depresin.


    Gail in her new home. Her efforts at Ardyss International enabled her

    to replace everything she lost in the past with a better lifestyle.

    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    I make more money in a monthwith Ardyss than I ever madeworking all those hours at thePost Office...

    For I know the plans I have foryou, declares the Lord. Plansto prosper and not to harmyou, to give you a hope and a

    future. Jeremiah 29:11...

    HOPEMay 2008, I went from living in the wilder-ness to crossing over into my promise land.In just 5 months with Ardyss International I

    went from absolutely nothing to getting myown place, truly being able to afford the vehicle Ihad been blessed with just months before and nolonger wondering what I could afford.

    I make more money in a month with Ardyss thanI ever made working all those hours at the Post

    ESPERANZA -bre a vivir en la tierra prometida. No tena nada, yen slo 5 meses con Ardyss International, estaba

    disfrutando de la tierra de los sueos.

    Pude adquirir mi propia casa, mi auto, hice msdinero en un mes que en todas esas horas traba-jando en el correo. Realmente estuve muy mal,pero gracias a Dios, a mi hijo y al maravillosoequipo de Ardyss International, pude salir ade-lante.

    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories







    Six months agowe were on theverge of losingeverything we

    had except our driveto survive...

    -trando sus testimonios como modelos de aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones.

    Financial achievements depicted in this publication may vary depending on the personal effort, perseverance, and dedica-tion each individual leader invests into his/her business. This is why we set ourselves to the task of acknowledging the workof the leaders featuring in this issue by presenting their testimonies as examples to the new generations.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    dentes Platino de Houston Texas y lo que nos hsucedido en los ltimos cinco meses, es prctcamente un milagro.

    Hace seis meses estbamos al bordede perderlo todo, slo tenamos nuestro

    coche para sobrevivir. Fueron momentos muy difciles, yo era Agente Hipotecario y Chante trabajaba como Agentde Boletos con una aerolnea muy importante.

    Por 15 aos, presenci y fui parte de una indus

    tambin frente a mis ojos sta se vino abajo.

    ESPERANZANo saba como bamos a salir adelante, cmo re

    emplazara mi ingreso o tan siquiera la mitad d namos dinero para comprarles nada a nuestrohijos, y explicrselo fue una de las situacionems difciles que como padres hemos pasadofue entonces cuando Ardyss apareci, segumos el primer paso y compramos nuestrpaquete Power Pack con el cual obtuvimonuestro primer cheque de $1,200 dls. inmedia

    pudimos dar a nuestra familia, la navidad qumerecan. Diariamente damos gracias a Dios podarnos sta grandiosa oportunidad.

    Desde Enero del 2009, hemos creadoun equipo de ms de 4000 maravillosas personas alrededor del pas, hemos promovido ms de 20 Presidentey hemos logrado ms de 200,000 USDen ingresos personales.

    Gracias Ardyss, has sido una enorme bendcin ara nosotros y nuestro equipo.


    Chante Trimmer, out of Houston, Texas and what

    a Miracle.

    Six months ago we were on the vergeof losing everything we had except our

    drive to survive. Life was tough, I wasa Mortgage Broker and Chante workedas a Ticket Agent with a major airline.

    for 15 years, crumble before my eyes.

    HOPEI had no idea what I was going to do to replaceour income or even half of it. A few days before -ney to buy our children anything and we had to

    tell them. This is one of the hardest things a pa-rent can do. It was then when we found Ardyss;

    $1,200 dls.

    We immediately went to the store and bought -lly had the Christmas our family deserved. Wethank God everyday for this awesome oppor-tunity. Since January 2009, we havepartnered up with over 4,000 wonderfulpeople across the country, promotedover 20 Presidents and have earnedover $200,000.00 in personal income...Thank you Ardyss, you have been such ablessing to us and our Team!

    Within 5 months, Chante Trimmer & Kenneth Lloyd,has earned more than

    $ 200,000USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    A few days before that Christmas, we did not haveenough money to buy our children anything and we hadto tell them. This is one of the hardest things a parentcan do. It was then when we found Ardyss; we took the

    had the Christmas our family deserved.

    And never forget, If youBelieve, you will Achieve...

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    I was Daddys girl. No dollies, roller skates or doll houses for meWhen Daddy played, his toys werdrugs, guns and women...

    trando sus testimonios como modelos de aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones.

    Financial achievements depicted in this publication may vary depending on the personal effort, perseverance, and dediction each individual leader invests into his/her business. This is why we set ourselves to the task of acknowledging the woof the leaders featuring in this issue by presenting their testimonies as examples to the new generations.

    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle c

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    I was Daddys girl. No dollies, roller skates ordoll houses for me. When Daddy played his toyswere drugs, guns and women. So I was fascina-ted with the boys that were like my daddy, a littledangerous could teach me the game and couldlove me. I loved the game and it taught me hardhits, hard decisions. Im royalty in a hustle; all hailthe Duchess- the Duchess of Miami.

    A women searching for sincere love and her trueself. I give an account of my life of being one ofthe most highly-sought after drug girls on the

    streets of Miami. Maynards story unfolds froma prison cell in a small Texas county after shes -caine.I was a stripper, a come up queen, and the ladyof some of Miamis most notorious drug lords.

    HOPEBefore Arydss International, my life was literallywas going nowhere and that was depressing.After living the life Ive lived I didnt know howI going to survive without risking my freedom.

    But thank God for Stormy Wellington and NicolaJackson for sharing this life changing opportuni-ty with me. Ardyss has truly changed my life.

    The finances that Ive acquired withArdyss has a system to live a debt freelife and has allowed me to be a moreconfidant woman just knowing that I cantake care of not only my children butother children as well.

    FAITHThe bonus structure and direct sales let me

    know that I can plan my future and dream bigcause with Arydss dreams do come true. Anddo you want to know how I did so well? First of -ducts and know they would make people feel bet-

    their way thru these trying times. So at this pointin my life I have found purpose.

    As my little nephews deathright before my eyes and beingnear dead myself when I wasshot in the face. The bullet is

    still there, acting as a constant remin-der of the life I lead before and mypermanent desire to keep going...

    Within 5 months, Anne Maynard, has earned more than

    $ 98,453USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



    My success with Ardyss extends and it expands, I have

    made investments in other areas, today am owner of

    my own beauty parlor.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    Yo era la nia de pap, nunca tuve muecas,ni un par de patines, al jugar con mi padre susjuguetes eran drogas, armas y mujeres. Por eso,siempre busqu hombres que fueran como l, untanto peligrosos, que me ensearan las reglasdel juego, pero al mismo tiempo pudieran amar-me. Adoraba el peligro y dentro de l viv cosasmuy fuertes.Soy de la Realeza del bajo mundo,soy la duquesa de las balas e insultos, soy laDuquesa de Miami.

    Soy una mujer en busca de su verdadera iden-tidad y amor sincero. Fui una de las drogadictasms buscadas en las calles de Miami. Mi vidaha tenido los ms excntricos escenarios, comoaquella pequea prisin en Texas donde fui

    pura. Fui desnudista, y mujer de algunos de los

    ESPERANZAAntes de Ardyss International, mi vida no tenarumbo ni sentido, no saba qu hacer y eso eradeprimente. Despus de haber vivido todo, notena idea de como iba a sobrevivir sin arriesgarmi libertad. Afortunadamente Stormy Wellingtony Nicola Jackson me compartieron esta oportu-nidad para cambiar mi vida y realmente me hatransformado en todos los aspectos. -zas en Ardyss tienen un sistema de ingresospara vivir libre de deudas de por vida y ade-

    ms me han permitido ser una mujer ms se-guraque sabe que puede cuidar y brindarles lomejor no slo a sus hijos, sino tambin a otrosnios.

    FLa estructura de los bonos y las ventasdirectas me hicieron saber que yo po-da planear mi futuro y soar en grandeporque con Ardyss los sueos se ha-cen realidad. Y quieres sabes comolo hice? Puse a Dios primero, despuscre en los productos, porque se queestos harn que las personas se sien-tan mejor y que muchas familias mejo-res su situacin econmica.

    As es que en este punto de mi vida, ya encon-tr mi propsito en la vida.

    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    T iffanyI was practically a childand I was already living anextremely wild life, doingeverything it took to survive.

    Because of my irresponsible acts,I can say I touched the boundariesbetween good and evil. Many timesI was about to ruin my life for good,to waste it away. I was involved in aworld of crime and I did not knowhow to escape. ...


    revista varian dependiendo del esfuerzfrecuencia, y dedicacin que cada lider invierte a su negocio. Por lo que nos hem

    sentes en esta publicacin mostrando stestimonios como modelos de aprendizapara las nuevas generaciones.

    Financial achievements depicted in thpublication may vary depending on the pesonal effort, perseverance, and dedicatioeach individual leader invests into his/hbusiness. This is why we set ourselves the task of acknowledging the work of thleaders featuring in this issue by presentintheir testimonies as examples to the negenerations.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    years old. Before I begin to tell you about me,would like to give honor and glory to my Creator, Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. Becauswithout him, Im nothing, but through Him, I ameverything. I would like to thank Ardyss Intenational for providing me with the opportunity tcontinue my mission of helping my family. BeforArdyss was introduced to me by my wonderfuaunt, Stormy Wellington, I lived a fast life. I di

    whatever it took to survive.

    Some of the decisions I had to make growing uleft me clueless with lack of direction or futurgoals. I was raised by a single mother with fouchildren, in which I did whatever it took to providsupport for my mom and siblings. Life was ver

    many of the trials and tribulations thanks to prayer, faith, and family.


    Ardyss International has given me an incredibllifestyle that has allowed me to touch and encourage others to know there is still hope.

    I realize that Ardyss is a ministry that has awakemy entrepreneurial spirit and obtain all the wonderful gifts that life has to offer. It feels so gooknowing that I can use my hands to transform thlives of men and women.

    Ardyss has allowed me to travel to cities acrosthe country that Ive never dreamed of visitingIve met so many people that see the passio

    and glow that Ardyss has given me. They aralways impressed by my motivation and drivespirit at such a young age.

    My friends and family are so proud to see mmore focused thanks to Ardyss International.

    I would like to thank the Diaz de Leon family smuch for the support and wonderful products.

    Within 4 months, Tiffany Williams, has earned more than

    $ 31,292USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



    It took a crazy life, towards which outside necessary to

    be able to obtain what wanted, although in this way it

    saw me involved in the delinquency.

    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    aos de edad. Antes de comenzar a hablar dem, me gustara agradecer a mi Creador, Seor ySalvador, Jesucristo. Porque sin l, no soy nada,pero con l, lo soy todo. Gracias a Ardyss Inter-national por darme la oportunidad de continuarcon la misin de ayudar a mi familia. Antes deque mi maravillosa ta, Stormy Wellington mepresentara Ardyss, viva una vida desenfrenada,haca lo que fuera para sobrevivir.

    Muchas de las decisiones que tuve que tomar,las decid sin direccin, sin tener la menor ideade cmo me afectaran en el futuro. Fui criadapor una madre soltera, con 4 hijos, yo tena quehacer lo que fuera para apoyar a mi mam y her-manos.

    FArdyss International me ha dado un estilode vida increble, que me ha permitidoacercarme a otros y tocar sus corazo-

    nes, para hacerles ver que todava hayesperanza.

    Yo he comprendido que Ardyss es una herramien-ta que ha despertado mi espritu de empresaria,y gracias a sta compaa he obtenido todos losmaravillosos dones que la vida ofrece. Se sientetan bien, saber que puedo usar mis manos paratransformar la vida de hombres y mujeres.

    Gracias a Ardyss he podido viajar a ciudades quenunca pens visitar. He conocido a mucha genteque ve la pasin y el brillo que este negocio me

    ha inyectado, les impresiona la gran motivacin yespritu que tengo a pesar de mi edad.

    Gracias Familia Daz de Len, por la oportuni-dad y los maravillosos productos. Una cita conArdyss, realmente cambi mi vida.

    I realize that Ardyss is a minis-try that has awaken my entre-preneurial spirit and obtain allthe wonderful gifts that life has

    to offer. It feels so good knowing thatI can use my hands to transform thelives of men and women...

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    I had to leave my homand my dear 90-yearold grandma becausof the economic crisis

    It took the blink of an eye fous to lose everything, including our home. The most painful thing was leaving her in anursing home. I felt hopelesand frustrated for not beingable to keep her with me andprovide her with a stable place to live. ...

    revista varian dependiendo del esfuerz

    frecuencia, y dedicacin que cada lider invierte a su negocio. Por lo que nos hem

    sentes en esta publicacin mostrando stestimonios como modelos de aprendizapara las nuevas generaciones.

    Financial achievements depicted in thpublication may vary depending on the pesonal effort, perseverance, and dedicatioeach individual leader invests into his/hbusiness. This is why we set ourselves the task of acknowledging the work of thleaders featuring in this issue by presentintheir testimonies as examples to the negenerations.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    DIOS En Octubre de 2008, me mud de lacasa de mis sueos debido a la inesta-bilidad de la economa, y a los altos pa-gos de la hipoteca. Vi una oportunidadde incrementar sustancialmente mis in-gresos, cambiando de compaas y memud a Lakeland, Florida.

    En Diciembre del ao pasado, mi hermaname habl de una oportunidad de negocios, unasemana despus recib una llamada para avisar-

    realmente preocupada por perder mis ingresos,pero pens que era una seal de Dios y me man-tuve con f.

    En Enero comenc a trabajar en el negocio y misventas se dispararon, adems recib un bono por

    que dio como resultado el ingreso a la compaa

    Within 5 months, Andrea Billups, has earned more than

    $ 37,788USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



    GOD My sister called me about a business oppor-tunity in late December, a week later, on January -

    about my possible lack of income, but I decidedthat it must be a sign from God, and I stood onmy faith.

    In January I began working the business and

    February I began a massive effort that resulted in

    During the time when I lost everything, I tried to survivewith my job as a stylist but I could barely cover my ownexpenses only, so I had to take grandma to a nursinghome.

    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    COMMITMENT My next three check amounts were unbelievable; they were

    increased income, I am on my way to becoming debt free. Mycommitment to building a thriving, viable team will enable meto move back into my home, comfortably afford my mortgage,

    accomplish this level of performance and reach the rank of

    President in a 3 month period.

    During these unstable times, Ardyss has provided me with

    grown exponentially. The opportunity provided by Ardyss wasa solution that helped me make it through these tough times,and this opportunity enabled me to help my family.

    COMPROMISO Mis siguientes 3 cheques fueron de aproximadament

    toy a punto de pagar todas mis deudas, tengo el compromisode construir un equipo prspero que me permita recuperay volver a mi hogar, con el que pueda pagar mi hipoteca

    a lograr este nivel y alcanc en rango de Presidente en ta

    slo 3 meses.

    En estos tiempos de inestabilidad, Ardyss me ha per

    habilidades para reclutar han crecido exponencialmenteLa oportunidad que Ardyss me otorg fue la solucin parpoder salir adelante en estos momentos de crisis, pero lo mimportante es que ahora puedo ayudar a mi familia.

    ...I began a massive effort thatresulted in the recruitment of 18people in a 30 day period. Ardysshas provided me with a stable in-


    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle c

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    I think of myself as a very bra-ve woman. Two events havepermanently marked me andmy familys life; first, survi-

    ving hurricane Katrina, where we losteverything and witnessed firsthandpure pain, suffering, and death, andwe ended in a shelter. Second, my

    near death experience when I was atthe prime of my youth and was diag-nosed with breast cancer...

    trando sus testimonios como modelos de aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones.

    Financial achievements depicted in this publication may vary depending on the personal effort, perseverance, and dediction each individual leader invests into his/her business. This is why we set ourselves to the task of acknowledging the woof the leaders featuring in this issue by presenting their testimonies as examples to the new generations.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    FAITHIt is only by Gods Grace that we are here. Ware truly grateful & thankful. This journey habeen an unbelievable one. Surviving Hurrican

    our time. To surviving breast cancer at the tende

    At one point it seemed like so many blows wercoming left to right. Praying for strength to makit through,never giving up, and always believinthat there had to be better days. Through it all w


    When introduced to Ardyss internationaby a friend Sharlott Langford it was trula life changing mark. Its only a dreamcome true to achieve such great rewardfor such little time and efforts.

    We Almost did not recognize this amazing blessing that layed before us. We jumped in this business like our lives depended on it, because did.

    Opportunity only comes around once in a life timso you must recognize it and take advantage oit. I shared this opportunity with every one I knewand people I didnt know. We were determined tsucceed..

    CHANGEArdyss has continued to amaze us and exhilaratus with its phenomenal class and awesome integrity. It has by far already exceeded my expectations and thats not easy to do. With Productthat do what they say they do we can help t

    change and motivate people from the inside out

    hair stylist of 11 years in just 4 short months witArdyss International.

    This opportunity is for us all. Lets change liveand build legacies. We thank God, Ardyss Intenational and our Team! We are Family!

    Within 5 months, Jawanna Bethley, has earned more than

    $ 148,546USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




    cer. In addition, our budget was very limited and I couldnt providemy daughter with the necessary to live well, and the place where

    we lived was not what I wanted for us.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    FEs slo por la gracia de Dios que estamos aqu. -na, una de las devastaciones ms severas en lahistoria, sobrevivir al cncer de mama a la edad -rrumbaba y que lo peor an estaba por venir,siempre estuvimos orando porque Dios no en-

    tener fe en que vendran mejores das. A pesarde la adversidad siempre peleamos y seguimos

    Cuando conocimos Ardyss Internatio-

    nal, a travs de una amiga Sharlott Lan-gford este realmente fue un verdaderocambio para nuestras vidas. Es un sue-o hecho realidad lograr tantas recom-pensas en tan poco tiempo.

    No sabamos de tantas grandiosas bendicio-nes hasta que ingresamos en este maravillosonegocio, ahora nuestras vidas dependen de l.La oportunidad toc nuestras puertas en el mo-mento preciso y supimos reconocerlo, valorarlopero sobre todo aprovecharlo. Comparto esta

    oportunidad de vida con todas las personas queconozco y las que no conozco. Estamos destina-dos para triunfar.

    CAMBIOArdyss contina asombrndonos, motivndonoscon su fenomal clase y asombrosa integridad, laempresa ha superado mis expectativas y es raroque eso suceda conmigo. Con productos quehacen lo que dicen que hacen, podemos ayudara cambiar y motivar a las personas por dentro ypor fuera.Estoy cautivada con Ardyss International

    y debo decir que desde Diciembre del 2008he cuadriplicado mis ingresos, en 4 meseshe hecho ms dinero que en los 11 aos quetengo como estilista.

    sta oportunidad es para todos, cambiemos vi-das y construyamos legados.Agradecemos a Dios, a Ardyss International, anuestro equipo y a nuestra maravillosa familia.

    I am wowed to say that since Dec. 12, 2008 I quadrupled my professional income as a hair stylist o11 years in just 4 short months with Ardyss International. This opportunity is for us all, lets change

    lives and build legacies...

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Gail Mathis,Kenneth Lloyd & Chante TrimmerJawanna BethleyAnn Maynard

    Tiffany WilliamsAndrea Billups

    Thank You!


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    The greatest recognit ionfor the Ardyss top

    leadersEl mayor reconocimiento que Ardyss

    tiene para sus mximos lderes.


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    Ms historias asombrosas

    Porque en Ardyss International,las historias sorprendentes al igualque las metas por cumplir nunca

    terminanAnmate a transformartu vida, triplica tus ingresos y separte de las miles de personas queya han alcanzado sus sueos.

    Because at Ardyss International,the amazing stories and goals toreach are endless transform

    your life, triplicate your income,and become one of the thousandsof people who have already madetheir dreams come true.



  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    were only children. This eventually derived in what today isknown as THE GREAT ARDYSS FAMILY. Thanks to Gods

    Today, when I look around me, I can see with great

    pride and satisfaction the great company we crea-ted and, most importantly, its ongoing, daily growth,always working hard and sharing and preservingthe love and unity of our family, a motto that hasalways been with us and became the cornerstoneof our company.

    say that today is just the beginning; it is a new dawn rising forus. Lets keep building dreams, transforming lives, creating, -milies.

    To each one of you who has given us all your dedication andheart, I thank you for making my dream, our dream, your

    Today, I can see with

    great pride and satisfac-tion the great companywe created and, mostimportantly, its ongoing,daily growth, always wor-king hard and sharing andpreserving the love andunity of our family...

    Fueron momentos muy duros, de inestabilidad, pero gracias a mi fe y aentusiasmo el cul nunca perd, al apoyo de mi esposa y al amor demis hijos, juntos como familia, pudimos salir adelante. Implementamolo que hoy en da es el concepto de Mercadeo en Redes, pusimos en marcha un sistema de Multinivel en nuestra empresa.

    A la primera que reclut fue a mi mujer y posteriormente a mis hijos, que eese entonces eran slo unos nios, nosotros conformamos la primera re

    de la compaa, de la cual se ha generado lo que conocemos actualmentecomo LA GRAN FAMILIA ARDYSS.

    tuimos como empresarios teniendo como sede la ciudade Guadalajara, Jalisco.

    Hoy en da, mirando a mi alrededor, veo con gran orgully satisfaccin, la gran empresa que hemos construido lo ms importante es que diariamente seguimos creciendo, trabajando siempre fuerte, compartiendo y preservando el amor y la unin de la familia, lema que nos hacompaado desde el principio y es el pilar, y principa

    A todos mis compaeros y amigos que estn llegando sus cincuentas, les digo que hoy apenas es el comienzose inicia un nuevo amanecer para todos, sigamos juntoconstruyendo sueos, transformando vidas, creando brindando a millones de familias, bienestar fsico y econmico.A cada uno de ustedes que nos han entregado su esfuerzo y su corazn, gracias por hacer posible mi sueo

    nuestro sueo, t sueo. Nos vemos en mis segundos cincuenta.

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    Within 4 months, Juanita Craft, has earned more than

    $ 140,808USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




    Within 4 months, Demond Coleman, has earned more than

    $ 90,520USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    I have been through many ups and downs as anentrepreneur, and I have invested in opportuni-ties that have reaped great rewards and at thesame time taken great losses.

    But never have I made such a small investment

    International has.

    I have traveled more in six months than I have myentire life.Seeing the country is great aswell as the income that we have madebut the personal development skills arepriceless!

    After being introduced to Ardyss International byHelen Dela Houssaye, I have began to dream

    dreams come true.

    I could not have accomplished any of my goalsif it were not for my team who stays teachable,coachable and motivated even when the goinggets tough. So thanks team!

    An appointment with Ardyss will change your life!It has truly changed our lives and the best is yetto come.

    I would also like to thank my wife Ty for believingin me from the very beginning as well as my threebeautiful children Christian, Chasity and Caleb.

    Como empresario he sufrido muchos altibajos enmi vida, y he invertido en oportunidades que mehan generado grandes recompensas pero tam-bin me han dado grandes prdidas.

    Pero nunca haba hecho una pequea inversincomo con el Power Start, y que me otorgara tan-tas ganancias, hasta que encontr a Ardyss In-ternational.

    He viajado ms en seis meses que en toda mivida. Conocer el pas al igual que los ingresosque uno genera es lo mximo pero desarrollarhabilidades personales no tiene precio. Despusde conocer Ardyss International de la mano deHelen Dela Houssaye, comenc a soar de nue-

    sueos una realidad. Si no fuera por mi equipo,no hubiera podido lograr ninguna de mis metas,ellos siempre han sido un ejemplo, me han en-seado y motivado incluso cuando las cosas nohan sido fciles. Gracias equipo

    Una cita con Ardyss cambiar tu vida y esto real-mente ha cambiado la nuestra. En menos de 4meses he ganado ms de $ 94,156 dla-res. Me gustara agradecer a mi esposa Ty porcreer en mi desde el principio as como a mis tresbellos hijos, Christian, Chasity and Caleb.

    No importa donde estas, o donde ha-yas estado, siempre puedes comenzarde nuevo y yo no podra pensar en unmejor lugar para comenzar que ArdyssInternational.

    No matter where you are or where you ve been, you canstart over again and I cant think of a better place to startthan Ardyss International...

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    Because of Ardyss International, I am a new person in-side and out! Ive gone from a size 20 to a size 12 in 6short months! Thank you Ardyss International for being

    the catalyst to health for Americans...


    Within 4 months, Alicia Hunter, has earned more than

    $ 26,621USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Because of the phenomenal pro-ducts the company offers, everyonethat we touch has been changed tre-mendously. My family is healthier andwealthier!When my brother Demond Coleman and HelenDela Houssaye explained the wonders of Ardyssto me, I couldnt believe it... so i told them No! ButMy Husband Darryl Hunter understood immedia-tely the need to change the lives of others aroundus and urged me to take another look... so we

    did! Our lives have never been the same.

    This has been the best decision weve made!The compensation plan is truly amazing and hasallowed us to be a true blessing to other people.Without the hard work of the team, we would notbe where we are today! Thank you! We love You!We travel more as a family without worry for billsleft behind. What more could one ask for?

    Gracias a Ardyss International, soy una nuevapersona por dentro y por fuera. En tan slo 6 -fcil expresar todo lo que Ardyss ha sido para mifamilia, amigos y cada persona a la que hemoscambiado su vida radicalmente.gracias a lo fabuloso de los productos

    que la compaa ofrece. Ahora mi fa-milia est saludable y con estabilidadeconmica.

    Cuando mi hermano Demond Coleman y HelenDela Houssaye me explicaron las maravillas dela empresa, fue que mi esposo Darryl entendiinmediatamente la necesidad de cambiar la vidade otros y me hizo entender lo urgente que erapara mi cambiar de look, fue entonces como de-cidimos entrar. Nuestras vidas ya no fueron lasmismas, esa ha sido la mejor decisin que hemostomado. El plan de compensacin es realmenteasombroso y nos ha permitido convertirnos enuna verdadera bendicin para otras personas.

    Gracias Ardyss International, por serel catalizador de la salud para losamericanos.

    Viajamos en familia sin tenernos que preocuparpor los gastos. Qu ms podemos pedir?


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    I have beenan entrepreneur in the

    fashion industryfor ten years, andI was looking foanother stream

    of income whenI was introducedto Ardyss International. In my firsfull month with

    Ardyss I made$7947.00!...

    Im looking forward to travelingaround the world to spread Health

    and Wealth with Ardyss Internatio-nal.

    I have been blessed with the ability to helpothers while helping myself. There are many menand women that now have the opportunity to en-hance their lifestyle thanks to Ardyss.

    Im looking forward to traveling around theworld to spread Health and Wealth with Ardyss -cially but also with my personal development.

    I will now be able to make my dreams becomereality in shorter period of time! Ardyss has also

    brought two wonderful people into to my life, De-mond Coleman and Helen Dela Houssaye!

    With Ardyss I adore the concept of a team itmakes life a lot easier, team work makes thedream workI am working towards building my team andachieving Platinum President.

    He sido bendecida con la habilidad de ayudar aotros, mientras ellos se ayudan a si mismos.Gracias a Ardyss ahora existen muchos hombres

    y mujeres que ahora tienen la oportunidad demejorar sus vidas.

    Estoy ansiosa por viajar alrededor del mundopara difundir y compartir la salud y el bienestareconmico que Ardyss International ofrece, stacompaa no slo me ha ayudado monetaria-mente sino que me ha permitido desarrollarmecomo persona.

    Nunca pens que hara mis sueos realidad entan poco tiempo, adems Ardyss ha trado a mivida a dos maravillosas personas, Demond Co-

    leman y Helen DelaHoussaye. Con ellos ahoracomprendo el concepto de que un equipo hacela vida ms sencilla, el trabajo en equipo hace eltrabajo soado.

    Estoy trabajando fuertemente conformando miequipo, y mi meta es lograr el Rango de Presi-dente Platino.

    Within 2 months, Michele McArthur, has earned more than

    $ 22,930USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    After being in the com-pany for only three mon-ths we have earned over

    $10,000and are moving up inrank at a rapid pace...


    Our journey began with Ardyss International

    our Seattle President Annette Blanchard. Thequestion that she asked was, who do

    you know that would like to drop 3 sizesin 10 minutes and get rich doing it?

    That one call introducing us to Ardyss three

    that we made was to purchase a power pack andmake a list of everyone that we could share thebusiness with. We set appointments with friendsand family and showed the wonderful productsthat Ardyss has to offer. There is not a day thatgoes by that we dont open our mouths and sharethis life changing opportunity with everyone thatwe come in contact with.

    After being in the company for only three mon- -ving up in rank at a rapid pace. This is the onlycompany that we know that allows you to earngreat compensation while looking and feelinggreat and helping others to do the same.

    Thank you Ardyss for changing our lives

    Esa llamada no hizo ingresar a Ardyss Internatio-nal y desde entonces nuestra vida ha cambiado.

    El primer paso que seguimos fue comprar unPower Pack y hacer una lista de todas las per-sonas que podran interesarse en este negocio.Programamos citas con amigos y familiares paramostrarles los fabulosos productos Ardyss.

    Debo decir que no hay un solo da que stas per-sonas no recomienden los productos y compartancon otros sta excelente oportunidad de cambiarvidas.Tenemos 3 meses en la compaay hemos obtenido ms de $10,000.00USD, y lo mejor es que estamos avan-zando de rango muy rpidamente.staes la nica compaa que conocemos que te per-mite lograr grandes compensaciones y al mismotiempo te hace lucir y sentir excelente ayudandoa otros a hacer lo mismo.

    Within 3 months, LaTanya Griffin & Charles Parker, has earnemore than

    $ 10,165USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




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  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Not knowing how I was going to pay my

    daughters tuition along with other outstandingbills. But thank God for Ms. Stormy We-llington introducing me to this fabulouscompany that has enabled me to payoff the past bills and still money for mydaughters tuition.

    Ardyss has also assisted in the increase of

    successful people through the network marke-ting system. Oh cant forget about the one ofa kind bonus structure entitled Power Start!Its powerful.

    Ardyss has given me the ability to make mydreams come true by empowering and encoura-ging individuals while providing them with greatproducts that help internally and outwards.Thank God for giving the Diaz De Leon familythis vision.

    I love Ardyss forever!

    Antes de Ardyss yo viva de sueldo en sueldo,con 4 maravillosos hijos, una de ellos por gra-duarse este ao y acudir a la universidad. No te-

    na idea de cmo iba a pagar la inscripcin de mihija junto con otros pagos pendientes.

    Gracias a Dios que Stormy Wellington mepresent sta fabulosa compaa que me hapermitido pagar todas mis deudasy tener el

    Ardyss tambin es responsable de que yo mesienta ms segura, y que ahora puede codearmecon gente exitosa dentro del negocio del Multi-nivel.

    No puedo dejar de mencionar, el maravillo-

    so bono de Power Start, y vaya que es po-deroso. sta compaa me ha impulsado parahacer mis sueos realidad, motivando a otros,ofrecindoles fantsticos productos que no slolos ayudan por fuera sino tambin internamente.Gracias Dios por darle a la familia Daz de Lonesta gran visin.

    Amar a Ardyss por siempre.

    Before Ardyss, I was li-ving paycheck to pa-ycheck, with four (4)

    wonderful children, one ofthem graduating this year andheaded to college...

    Within 4 months, Larissa Morales, has earned more than

    $ 38,374USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    I worked in the Real Es-tate industry and soldInvestment Proper-

    ties for 4 years. I have beenunemployed for 2 yrs facingforeclosure and many otherdebts...

    My name is Sharonda Taylor and Im a singlePROUD parent raising a 16yr son who I love so

    dearly! I worked in the Real Estate industry and soldInvestment Properties for 4 years. I have been

    many other debts! Im so thankful that Stormy Wellington introdu-ces me to my Dream Come True!

    Since Stormy introduced me to ArdyssI have began to regain my financial free-dom back QUICKLY! I achieved therank of President in 60 days.

    I thank God for allowing me to connect with myNew Ardyss Family!

    Mi nombre es Sharonda Taylor y soy una orgullosa madre solte-ra creando a una hijo de 16 aos a quien adoro.

    He trabajado en la industria de Bienes y Races y vendido pro-piedades de inversin por 4 aos. He estado desempleado pordos aos, enfrentando muchsimas deudas.

    Estoy muy agradecida con Stormy Wellington, por hacer missueos realidad. Desde que Stormy me introdujo a sta com-

    Logr el rango de Presidente en 60 das. -nitamente a Dios por conectarme con mi nueva Familia ArdyssInternational.

    Ardyss ha cambiado mi vida.

    Within 3 months, Sharonda Taylor, has earned more tha

    $ 28,022USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    My husband Ran-dy had to sing onenight out of town andwe were driving back,

    I begin to turn on theCD and the song thatcame on was Prayerof Jabez by DonaldLawrence. Some ofthe words include:Enlarge my territory,bless me, bless meindeed. I felt hopeall over again! Withina few weeks this op-portunity was presen-

    ted to us over threetimes.We accepted the in-vitation and becamepartners with the com-pany. We set goals and strategies for how wewere to proceed.

    We tapped into the system and begin to use ourMonday Night Corporate Meeting as showcasesfor our guest.

    We made a Faith Step and we bothlaunch full force in doing the businessArdyss International Full Time! We rein-vested our paycheck back into the busi-ness in travel. To cover the Recession ProofYour Life Tour with Platinum President HelenDela Houssaye.

    With Ardyss International Millionaires AreBeing Discovered.

    Cierta noche mi esposo Randy haba cantado fuera de la ciudad y estbamos conduciendo de regreso a casa, cuando prend el cd del auto y comenz a escucharse la cancin de Prayer of Jabez de Donald Lawrencealgunas de las estrofas de la cancin son:Amplia mi territorio, bendcememe sent esperanzada de nuevo y algunas semanas despus la oportundad de negocio de Ardyss se nos present en ms de 3 ocasiones.

    Aceptamos la invitacin e ingresamos a la compaa. Nos propusimoalgunas metas y planeamos algunas estrategias para estar listos. Al principio nos pareci un tanto difcil, pero avanzamos con confianzy le pusimos toda nuestra fe y fuera al negocio, hasta quedarnos de tiempo completo con Ardyss International. Hemoinvertido nuestro sueldo en el negocio.

    Con Ardyss International los millonarios estn siendo descubiertos.


    Our budget was very limited, but to an ispiring song we decided

    to enroll in the company andchange our life...

    Within 4 months, Michelle & Randy Harden, has earned more than

    $ 30,000USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    I am BJ in Atlanta. I have been in search ofmy true destiny from God. It has always been a

    dream of mine to touch the lives of women in the

    blessing, that Ardyss International has played aninstrumental role in making that dream come truefor me and my family.

    But not without the support of my very loving hus-band Rodney and my beautiful 8 year old Bria,

    This has been the joy ride of my life and

    it has truly been phenomenal. Never inmy wildest dreams could I have imaginedthe success would come so quickly.Thank you Ardyss International for giving me -dence to wear whatever I want!

    Soy BJ en Atlantla. He estado buscando el verdadero destino que Diotiene para m. Siempre he soado con poder ayudar en el rea de salufsica, salud y bienestar econmico, a muchas mujeres. Es realmente unbendicin que Ardyss International haya jugado el rol de instrumento parhacer mis sueos realidad y los de mi familia.

    Desde el comienzo, me plante mis metas para hacer cosa

    grandes en Ardyss. Con la ayuda de un maravilloso equipoque se mueve alrededor de los Estados Unidos, he logradoel rango de Presidente en tan slo 3 meses. Esto no hubiera sidposible sin el apoyo de mi adorado esposo Rodney y mi hermosa hija Briajuntos me han permitido volar como un guila y construir un equipo de ca

    sta ha sido la experiencia dmi vida y realmente ha sidfenomenal. Nunca pens qupodra alcanzar el xito tan rpidamente.Gracias Ardyss po

    para vestirme como quiera.


    Right from the start, Iset my goals to do Bigthings in Ardyss. With

    the help of an absolutelyawesome Team that stretchesacross the US, I have achie-ved the rank of President in 3short months...

    Within 4 months, Barbara Jones, has earned more than

    $ 24,900USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    I was behind on all my bills,I didnt have an idea howwas going to pay them...I am now able to pay my

    bills in advance...

    N icolaHill

    International, I had no idea i would be making thikind of money on a monthly basis.

    I never thought that my life would change ijust a few months. I was behind on all my bills,didnt have an idea how I was going to pay themMy best friend Stormy Wellington introduced mto Ardyss International as soon as she found ouabout Ardyss. I thank god everyday for Ardyss.

    I am now able to pay my bills in advance, my goal is to be very successfuin this business. It makes me feel goodto see how I am changing people livefinancially and physically thru Ardyss.

    It is a wonderful feeling, I am so overjoyeand overwhelmed thank you Ardyss International and Thanks to my team.

    Within 4 months, Nicola Hill, has earned more than

    $ 98,766USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Cuando me convert en distribuidor para ArdyssInternational, no tena la menor idea de cuntodinero poda lograr en un mes. Nunca pensque mi vida cambiara en tan slo unos me-ses. Tena muchsimas deudas y no sabacomo iba a pagarlas.Una de mis mejores ami-gas, Stormy Wellington me introdujo a ArdyssInternational, en cuanto ella supo de la compa-a. Agradezco diariamente a Dios por poner aArdyss en mi camino.

    Ahora puedo pagar mis deudas poradelantado y mi meta es poder llegara ser muy exitosa en este negocio. Mesiento realmente bien de que a travs de Ardysspuedo ayudar a cambiar la vida de miles de per- -camente. Gracias Ardyss International y graciasa mi equipo.


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Before I was introducedto Ardyss in January2009, I was working a

    full-time job as a Surgical Technician and part-time in reaestate...Ardyss, has allowed

    me to resigned from my current employment...

    Soy Lakeisha Marion de Margarete, Florida. Tengo que agradecer ami Seor y Salvador por darme la oportunidad de ser parte de ArdyssInternational. Dios me premi con una verdadera bendicin, ha sido unaexperiencia de vida, y si l nada de esto sera posible.

    En Enero de 2009, antes de ingresar al negocio de Ardyss yotrabajaba de tiempo completo como Tcnico Quirrgico y mediotiempo como agente inmobiliario.

    Tengo 4 meses con Ardyss y esto me ha permitido dejarmis empleos. Ahora que trabajo de tiempo completo enArdyss, he escalado rpidamente la escalera del xito yahora soy Presidente Ejecutivo y mi equipo de trabajo esde ms de 600 distribuidores. Para concluir quiero agradecer ami familia, amigos y equipo, por todo su apoyo y creer en m. Los veoen la cima.


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    I saw the compensationplan and then I knew Iwanted to take off run-

    ning with the company as a

    business. I knew I wanted togrow my business very quicklyand become President in myfirst 90 days, by my 4th monthmy check was $38,935....

    Within 5 months, Luleathia Tankard, has earned more than

    $ 132,581USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    I am a 3rd generation business owner. I gra-duated from the University of Michigan with a de-gree in Business and Economics. In my twenties

    MI. During those years, I also met my wonderfulhusband, Ben. He had already established a verysuccessful international career as a musician andproducer in the Gospel and Jazz music industryhe had provided a very comfortable lifestyle forme and our 5 beautiful children, but I still had a


    Fortunately I found out about Ardyss International.

    of mine, Roz Parker emailed me about Ardyss.So I ordered my Powerpack immediately withouteven seeing a showcase or presentation. Once Igot my Powerpack products,I really started tofall in love with the company. The LeVive

    tasted great, the skincare worked won-ders and the garment really did reshapemy body.

    I saw the compensation plan and then I knew Iwanted to take off running with the company asa business.

    I knew I wanted to grow my business very quickly

    4th month my check was $38,935. God has beenso good to the Tankard family.

    I am also very proud of my team, the Millio-nairess ladies in Tennessee, Michigan, Flori-da and across the country - I will see you overthe the top!

    Soy la tercera generacin de propietarios de ne-gocios con una licenciatura en Negocios y Eco-noma. Posteriormente abr una franquicia de

    tambin conoc a mi maravilloso esposo, Ben,quien me ha dado a m y a nuestros 5 hijos, un

    estilo de vida muy confortable, pero mipasin por los negocios segua latentey quera lograr algo por mi misma.

    Afortunadamente lo encontr enArdyss International. Una buena ami-ga, Roz Parker me envi un mail acer-ca de Ardyss. Orden mi PorwerPackinmediatamente sin haber ido a ningu-

    na presentacin, una vez que tuve enmis manos los productos, realmenteme enamor de la compaa, LeVivesabe delicioso, los productos de la pielson increbles y las prendas realmen-te moldean mi cuerpo.

    Vi el plan de compensacin ysupe que quera hacer carrerade negocios en esta compa-

    a. Inmediatamente supe que queraque mi negocio creciera rpidamente yque iba a convertirme en Presidente enmis primeros 90 das, y vaya sorpresaporque para el cuarto mes mi chequefue de $38,935. USD.

    Dios ha sido muy generoso con la familia Tankard,gracias a todos los que integran la Gran FamiliaArdyss, tambin gracias a mi equipo Las chi-cas millonarias en Tenesse, Michigan, Flori-da y alrededor del pas, los veo en la cima.


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    Due to the economic downturn, ourbusinesses were not doing well, to saythe least, and we were struggling just

    to pay our bills...the last year which put anadditional strain on our finances. ...

    Within 4 months, Harvey & Verdita Monk, has earned more than

    $ 89,831USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Joining Ardyss International has been one ofthe best decisions we ever made in our lives.It is the answer to our prayers!

    Due to the economic downturn, our busines-ses were not doing well. On top of that, we hadtwo daughters in college through May of last -ces. Now one of them is about to enter medicalschool.

    The income weve seen from Ardyssin just three months has taken the pres-sure off. Now, we dont have to worryabout finances and can start planning

    for our retirement. We have started drea-ming again and can focus on doing things withour family, such as traveling, and we enjoy justbeing a blessing to others.

    We want to thank all of our upline for their su-pport and guidance as well as our fabulous team,The Supreme Team, for all of their hard work.We love you Ardyss International!!!

    Ingresar a Ardyss International ha sido unade las mejores decisiones que hemos tomado ennuestra vida, es la respuesta a nuestras oracio-nes.

    Debido a la cada de la economa,nuestro negocio no estaba funcionandobien, y estbamos agobados con tan-tas deudas, as que en mayo del aopasado estuvimos muy presionadoscon nuestras finanzas.

    Los ingresos que hemos obtenido en Ardyss enslo tres meses nos han quitado todas nuestraspreocupaciones y tensiones. Hoy en da no te-nemos que preocuparnos por nuestro dinero

    y podemos empezar a planear nuestro retiro.Comenzamos a soar de nuevo y nos hemosenfocado a disfrutar de nuestra familia, hemosviajado y verdaderamente disfrutamos ser unabendicin para otras personas.

    Queremos agradecer a nuestro equipo Elequipo Supremo por todo su esfuerzo y trabajo.Te queremos Ardyss International.


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    Ardyss asked for 12months to change mylife and it happened in

    90 days. Ive been able to quitmy full-time job... In 5 monthsIve made close to my annualsalary and it is just the begin-ning...

    my life would be changed forever.

    I have been able to share this wonderful opportu-nity with family and friends and receive an amazingincome for doing this! My family has been so suppor-

    the rewards of working hard.

    Ardyss asked for 12 months to changemy life and it happened in 90 days. Ivebeen able to quit my full-time job and nowshare this opportunity with others full-time.In 5 months Ive made close to my annualsalary and it is just the beginning.Thank youArdyss for everything.

    Una noche fra y lluviosa fue el escenario cuandrecib mi primer Body Magic en Diciembre del ao pasado, y desde entonces supe que mi vida cambiarpara siempre. He podido compartir esta maravillosa oportundad con mi familia y amigos y he recibido enormeingresos por hacer slo eso. Mi familia ha sido mucomprensiva y me han apoyado al mximo durantestos ltimos cinco meses, pero sobre todo estconcientes de que todo mi esfuerzo tendr granderesultados.

    Ardyss me prometi cambiar mi vida en 12 meses pero esto sucedi en slo 90 das.Renuncia mi antiguo empleo y ahora me dedico a compatir sta increble oportunidad de negocios de tiempo completo. En tan slo 5 meses casi logroobtener la cantidad que mi salario anual meproporcionaba, y ste es slo el principioGracias Ardyss por todo.

    Within 6 months, Celeste Easter, has earned more than

    $ 45,046USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    Within 3 months, Donna Bingham, has earned more than

    $ 10,000USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



    Having designed compensation plans professionally for many years

    I was so excited to see thaArdyss actually rewarded usextremely well for helpingothers...

    Having come from the private business and Human Resources consul-ting sectors, I recognized early the importance of when opportunity knocked.Therefore, when the opportunity was presented to me, I had to immediatelytake myself out of the equation thinking that I would not be the perfectmodel for the garments and others to see and believe, to looking at theunlimited business potential.

    Ardyss Internationals business model is the business that will afford me theopportunity to expose many people to transform their lives in the areas of

    Given the state of our economy, change must take place in our lives. I amso thankful that I chose to make a positive change by joining Ardyss Inter-national. To my surprise, in less than 60 days in this Ardyss business,I achieve the rank of Director. That achievement never would have ha-ppened had it not been for my awesome committed and dedicated team of

    husband, Porter, and my two beautiful daughters, Brianna and Jada.

    Teniendo gran experiencia en Negocios Recursos Humanos, me es muy fcil reconocedesde un principio cuando una buena oportundad toca la puerta. Por ello cuando la oportundad de Ardyss se me present, inmediatamentsupe que no poda enfocarme en pensar que nsera la modelo perfecta para las prendas, sinque me concentr totalmente en ver la potencialidad del negocio.

    Por muchos aos me he dedicado a disear planes de compensacin, y cuando vi e

    que Ardyss ofrece me interes mucho ver coma diferencia de otras empresas, eArdyss se enfocan en ayudar a los dems. Realmente creo en el conceptode que Salud es Bienestar Econmico

    de negocios de Ardyss International, me dar loportunidad de ayudar a que muchas personatransformen sus vidas en el rea de salud y bienestar fsico.

    Debido al estado de nuestra economa, locambios deben ser parte de nuestra vida. M

    siento muy agradecida y contenta por habeelegido un cambio positivo al ingresar a ArdysInternational, para mi sorpresa en menos d60 das, alcanc el rango de Director, esto nhubiera ocurrido sin el apoyo de mi maravlloso equipo de casi 300 personas, y quieragradecer profundamente a mi esposo Portepor su paciencia y apoyo y a mis dos hermosahijas, Brianna y Jada.


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    T inaMoore

    Ardyss was introdu-ced to me at a time inmy life when I didnt

    have financial freedom andgiven me the ability to payoff many large bills in a briefperiod of time during whatis now called a recession...


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Within 3 months, Tina Moore, hasearned more than

    $ 10,000USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.



    word that come to mind is BLESSED.

    Ardyss was introduced to me at a time in

    January, I was approached by Shayla Sirmans,who invited me to an Ardyss business presenta-tion. I attended with my co-worker Monica Blasin-game. This night began a new era in my life. Idecided to step out on faith and embark on a new

    business endeavor.

    I have always known that I was destining tobe an educator and thats a profession that I have

    begun a new career, I still have the opportunity toserve as an educator.

    I now educate consumers on the abili-ty to improve their health, while changingtheir physical appearance via nutritionalproducts and reshaping garments.

    Thanks Ardyss for allowing me to dreamagain.

    Cuando pienso en Ardyss International, la pri-

    mera palabra que me viene a la mente es Ben-dicin

    Ardyss apareci en mi vida, en el tiempo en el

    acerqu a Ardyss, gracias a Shayla Sirmans,quien me invit a una presentacin del negocio.Esa noche comenz una nueva era en mi vida.Decid llenarme de f e intentar en un nuevo ne-gocio.

    Siempre supe que estaba destinada para ser

    educadora y esa ha sido la profesin que he de- que tengo una nueva carrera, todava puedo se-guir sirviendo como educadora, pues enseo a

    los consumidores a mejorar susalud, mientras transforman suapariencia fsica a travs de pro-ductos nutricionales y prendasremodeladoras.

    Ardyss me ha permitido cambiary mejorar la calidad de mi vida yla de mi familia, de servir como

    ejemplo y motivacin para miequipo, gracias a sta em-presa he podido pagarmuchas deudas y tenerestabilidad econmica enun periodo de recesin.Gracias Ardyss.


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    In the Real State Business I achievedpersonal acknowledgement and fortune, but I was not exempt from the fall o

    the markets and my financial stability crasheddown too, I lose everything, and worst of allmy family. I come back to Ardyss; it was tha

    light of hope to start again. If I had done ibefore, there was no reason I couldnt do iagain. I will always overcome them since have the best inspirer and wealth there is fome on my side, my son Tony...


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    Miguel Narvaez story with Ardyss begins in 1991 when hestarted as a warehouse clerk. Due to his outstanding per-formance, he was promoted to purchasing supervisor, and

    to open the European market. Two years later, he created

    event brought him the CEO position.

    -velops his organization, which expanded over Nevada, NewYork, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. In the realestate business he achieved personal acknowledgementand positioning. However, Miguel was not exempt from the

    too, causing him to lose his multiple investment properties,

    and worst of all, his family. Divorce struggles and the separa-tion of his family depressed him but never beat him.

    At those t imes of such instabi lity, Ardyss Interna-tional emerged as a lifesaver. Ardyss was thatlight of hope, the fresh start I needed. If I haddone it before, there was no reason I couldntdo it again.I will always overcome them since I have thebest inspirer and wealth there is for me on myside, my son Tony

    As the Prodigal Son parable, Miguel comes back

    to Ardyss where he is welcomed open arms. Heretakes his business career by reactivatinghis marketing network, making it grow andsoon he obtain wonderful results.Today, af-

    my divorce, I value more the time I can dedicateto my son. There are experiences you never re-cover from, but you always have to look for thebrighter side.

    En 1991, Miguel Narvez comenz eArdyss, como almacenista, por su enormdesempeo consigue el puesto de Res

    arriesgarse y viajar a Espaa, para abrir eMercado Europeo. Dos aos despus, fo

    es el Mercado en EU, con lo cual alcanza epuesto de Director General.

    en lder y pronto desarrolla su organizacila cual se expande por Nevada, Nueva Yorkhasta Repblica Dominicana y Puerto RicoEn el sector Inmobiliario obtiene el xitoAun as Miguel no estuvo exento a la cad

    de los mercados y su estabilidad econmica se vino abajoperdi sus mltiples propiedades de inversin y lo ms importante perdi a su familia. Los estragos de un divorcio la separacin del ncleo familiar lo deprimieron pero nunc

    lo vencieron.

    En esos momentos de tanta inestabilidadArdyss International emergi como un salva vdas. Ardyss fue esa luz de esperanza, el camino para empezar de nuevo, si ya lo habahecho antes porque no iba a poder hacerlo denuevo.

    Quiero seguir mi crecimiento, no importan los obstculostengo la mayor motivacin y el mejor patrimonio a mi ladomi hijo Tony. Como en la parbola del hijo prdigo, Migue

    regresa a Ardyss donde con los brazos abiertos se le impulsa a retomar su carrera de negocio, reactivando sred de mercadeo, hacindola crecer y logrando en corttiempo extraordinarios resultados. Hoy despus de mdivorcio, valoro ms el tiempo que le puedo dedicar a mhijo. Hay experiencias que nunca vas a recuperar en tu vidapero hay que verle siempre el lado positivo a todo.


    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    Im Maria de Jesus Ramirez and Im from a

    small ejido of Mexicali in the Mexican state ofBaja California Norte. I never thought my lifecould change so radically. I had an internet busi-ness for over 15 years. Every day I would wakeup very early in the morning In order to take careof my family, get ready to open my business andwork until late at night.

    I was feeling exhausted and sick. I was dis-couraged, and without noticing it, I began to loseinterest in things. I had fallen in a deep depressionand nothing made sense anymore, I just didnt

    care, up to the point where I wanted to die.

    Lucky for me, Ardyss came to my life last Dec-ember and gave me back the will to go on andchange my life completely.

    I become very interested in being a part of thecompany. I started attending the demonstrationsand getting involved.

    Reading about its great leaders in the Ardyss ma-gazine inspired me deeply.

    This has been a year of big changes. Ive beenable to meet great people, travel to differentplaces, and accumulate new experiences that

    Today I enjoy my time, my family and helpingothers improve their lives, health, and finan-ces through this great opportunity ArdyssInternational is.

    Soy Mara de Jess Ramrez y soy de un pe-

    queo ejido de Mexicali, Baja California. Me sen-ta muy cansada, enferma, no tena tiempo paraconvivir con mi familia, mi vida era sedentaria, ypor lo mismo comenc a subir mucho depeso. Me senta desmotivada, y ca enuna profunda depresin, no me impor-taba nada, hasta llegar al punto de que-rer morirme.

    Ardyss lleg a mi vida para devolverme las ganasde salir adelante y cambiar mi vida por comple-to. Cuando le la revista VIVE Ardyss, me inspirmucho con las grandes lderes.

    Ahora, gracias a los productos nutricionaleshe bajado mucho de peso, adems ahora mesiento contenta, motivada, ilusionada y conmuchas ganas de triunfar.Hoy disfruto de mitiempo, de mi familia y de ayudar a los dems -ra, a travs de la grandiosa oportunidad que esArdyss International.

    I was feeling exhaustedand sick. I didnt haveany time to share with

    my family; my life was seden-tary, and thats why I gained alot of weight. I had fallen in adeep depression, I just didntcare, up to the point where Iwanted to die....


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    My name is Isidro Ramirez and Id like to thankGod for all His blessings, especially for puttingthis great company in my way, Ardyss Interna-tional. I am a Computer Systems Engineer. Idnever seen the results of my attitude towards life.

    I wanted to have my own business, be my ownboss and the absolute owner of my time, but un-fortunately, it was never that way.

    My life was not taking the direction I wanted.Although I always did my best, I could never getwhat I dreamed of. At the time I discovered

    be the owner of my destiny, and, most of all,the owner of my own business. When I sawthe results of its health products in my motherand myself, I couldnt do but focus on workinghard in order to keep being promoted in rank.

    Now at Ardyss, I have been able to earnunimaginable incomes and set asideenough time to enjoy it with my family. Inaddition, being able to share this oppor-tunity is just great.Id like to thank all Ardyss members, our team forits ongoing labor, and all of those who strive dailyto make their dreams come true.

    Mi nombre es Isidro Ramrez, y quiero agradecer a Dios por haber puesto en mi camino a st

    gran empresa, Ardyss International.Soy Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionalesyo quera tener mi propio negocio, ser mi propijefe y dueo absoluto de mi tiempo, pero desgraciadamente nunca fue as. Me senta mudesmotivado por no obtener lo que reamente quera, estaba harto del stressque me produca trabajar en excesoAdems sufra intensos dolores en ubrazo, como secuela de un accidente

    Mi vida no estaba siguiendo el rumbo que y

    anhelaba, por ms que me esforzaba al mximno lograba obtener lo deseado. A partir del momento que descubr Ardyss International, supque poda ser el dueo de mi destino, y sobrtodo de mi propio negocio. Cuando vi los resutados de los productos en la salud de mi madry en mi mismo, no pude ms que enfocarme etrabajar duro para seguir ascendiendo de rango

    En Ardyss International he podido obteneenormes ingresos, adems de gozar del tiem

    pero adems el hecho de poder compartir st

    oportunidad con otras personas resulta increbleArdyss es para m, una labor social, por el hechde llevar salud a miles de personas.

    Gracias a quienes conforman ARDYSS, nuestro equipo por su constante labor, y a todoaquellos que trabajan diariamente por alcanzasus sueos.

    I was disappointed fonot getting what I reallywanted and fed up with

    the stress of working overtime. In addition, I was experiencing pain in one of myarms because of an accidenI had...


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    When I would walk in the bankto get my account out of the ne-gative, bank tellers would greet

    me with a simple hello. But now whenI walk into my bank they address meas Mrs. Owens. ...

    Im thankful that I received that call towardsthe end of December by Ms. Stormy Wellington.I thought her tears were some sales pitch thatshe incorporated in her story when she calledme. Now, Im the one whos on the other end

    crying, telling others how Ardyss Internationalchanged my life.

    Ardyss International has been a blessing to myfamily, church and friends.

    My finances took a devastating blowwithin the past 2 years, and like somany others my options were few.There were many days were the electric companythreatened to disconnect our service. However,God has a way of using a disconnect notice toreconnect us with our only source of real power,

    which is prayer. While I was praying, thats whenI received the call that changed my life.

    This opportunity has been a vehicle that hasnot only opened doors but has been a door wed-ge for so many, and for that Im truly grateful.

    Thank you Ardyss

    Me siento agradecida de recibir en Diciembrepasado la llamada de Stormy Wellington, siendosincera llegu a pensar que sus lgrimas eranuna estrategia de venta que ella utilizaba paradarle mayor credibilidad a su historia, ahora soy

    yo quien termina llorando cuando les cuento aotros el cmo Ardyss ha cambiado mi vida.

    Ardyss International ha sido una bendi-cin para mi familia, iglesia y amigos. Enlos ltimos 2 aos mis finanzas estabanmuy mal y como la mayora de la gente,no tena muchas opciones.

    Hubo muchas ocasiones en que la compaa deelectricidad amenaz con suspendernos el servi-cio de luz, sin embargo Dios supo como utilizar lanoticia de la suspensin del servicio, para conec-

    tarnos con nuestra nica fuente de poder real,nuestras oraciones. Fue mientras oraba cuandorecib la llamada que cambi mi vida.

    Antes al llegar al banco a ver las deudas de miscuentas, los empleados me reciban con un sim-ple hola, ahora me reciben con hola Sra. Owens.sta oportunidad ha sido un vehculo que no slome ha abierto las puertas a mi, sino a muchaspersonas y estoy muy agradecida por ello.


    Within 5 months, Nia Owens, has earned more tha

    $ 84,518USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories



    I have been a comfor-table a professionalhair stylist; as a result,

    I have always worked veryextensive hours to maintaina conformable lifestyle...Af-ter six month with Ardyss,my income has increasedsubstantially and I am wellon my way to financial free-dom...


  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    been the same since I have become a part of this awesome organization.I simply cant believe the positive impact Ardyss has made in my life and

    stylist; as a result, I have always worked very extensive hours to maintain acomfortable lifestyle. Due to the nature of my business, I suffer from severeback pain which in turn has caused me to reduce my work load. As you can

    As you can see, things are much better now. After six month with Ardyss,I have made President and I am feeling great. My income has increased More impor-tantly, I now have the abili ty to start aggressively saving for my

    daughter s future. Ultimately, allowing her to attend the collegeof her choice.

    My future goal with Ardyss is to continue to empower men andwomen with the knowledge associated with gaining and maintaininga healthy lifestyle. I, also, want to educate them on how to obtain wealth.Finally, I want to stress the importance of reaching back and having a posi-tive impact on the lives of other.

    a ser la misma.

    duro y muchas horas extras para mantener un estilo de vida confortableDebido a que en mi empleo, tena que estar mucho tiempo de pie, sufra dintensos dolores en la espalda, los cuales a la larga no me permitan trabajar tiempo completo y como resultado mis ingresos se vieron afectadoconsiderablemente.

    Ahora las cosas han mejorado mucho. Despus de 6 meses coArdyss, ahora tengo el rango de Presidente y me siento excelente. Mis ingresos han aumentando sustancialmente y voexcelente por el camino para obtener mi libertad financieraLo ms importante es que ahora tengo la capacidad y la habilidad parcomenzar a ahorrar para el futuro de mi hija y que ella pueda decidir el tipode universidad que desea.

    Mi meta futura con Ardyss es continuar motivando a hombres y mujeresseguir compartiendo mi conocimiento con ellos, obteniendo y manteniendun estilo de vida saludable que al mismo tiempo les permita tener estabildad econmica. Finalmente quiero resaltar la importancia de alcanzar poder tener un impacto positivo en la vida de otros.

    Within 5 months, Electra Miller, has earned more than

    $ 35,000USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




    Visit: www ArdyssLifestyle com

  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories


    I began this incredible journey with Ardyss -ding years in corporate America leading teams

    and making millions for others, I was looking formore time with my family, personal satisfaction

    and more with Ardyss. This opportunity is puregold in the ashes of a fallen economy and be-cause of Ardyss International; my family will notparticipate in this recession. God has truly bles-sed me with a vehicle which will be a springboardfor so many of my dreams.

    I am so thankful for my phenomenal team.It is an honor and a privilege to work with somany people who have the courage and stamina

    to relentlessly pursue their dreams. I am exci-ted about the next leg of this journey and lookforward, with anticipation, to the wealththat comes only through making a diffe-rence in the lives of others.

    We are changing lives and I am working to builda legacy of empowerment for my family. I thankGod for this opportunity and for the increase!

    Comenc esta increble jornada con Ardys

    pasar aos en corporativos, liderando equipos

    haciendo millones para otros, estaba buscandms tiempo para dedicarlo a mi familia, deseaba una satisfaccin personal y lograr mi liberta Encontr lo mejor con ArdysInternational. sta oportunidad es oropuro brillando en las cenizas de unaeconoma inestable y crtica, gracias aArdyss mi familia no es parte de stadura recesin.

    Quiero agradecer tambin a mi fenomenaequipo, es un honor y un privilegio trabajar cogente que tiene el coraje y la resistencia par

    perseguir implacablemente sus sueos. Msiento muy entusiasmada y espero con ansias lsiguiente meta, porque ra que uno obtiene en este negocio es lo qumarca la diferencia en la vida de todos.

    Estamos cambiando vidas y estoy trabajando arduamente para construir un legado para mfamilia. Gracias Dios por la oportunidad y por eincremento.

    L etiaGoode

    This opportunity is puregold in the ashes of afallen economy and be-

    cause of Ardyss International;my family will not participate inthis recession...

    Within 4 months, Letia Goode, has earned more than

    $ 31,491USDin Power Start, Bonuses & commissions.




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  • 8/13/2019 Vive Ardyss Lifestyle AmazingStories
