vivianbaby 25, june'14

THE POINT, TIGNE ive them a Plum st issue th NEWSPAPER POST JUNE 2014 ISSUE 25

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VivianBaby Quarterly Issue


Page 1: VivianBaby 25, June'14

t h e p o i n t, t i g n eGive them a Plum start





er p






e 25

Page 2: VivianBaby 25, June'14



FAQs on baby food

Music matters


Publisher: Lawrence Gatt, Vivian Corporation Editor: Ray Buttigieg Contributors: Claire Camilleri, Hannah Cremona, Mariebelle Muscat, Luan May Sant, Sephora Schembri, Sarah Wismayer

29 Sanitas Building, Tower Street, Msida, MSD 1824Tel: 2134 4610 / 2134 4616, Email: [email protected]

Ray Buttigieg and Team

It is with great pleasure to welcome you to this special issue of VivianBaby.

Twenty-five issues ago, VivianBaby was a 4 page newsletter which over the years has flourished into a magazine. Packed with the latest educational information about child development, it is a companion to all mothers and fathers. Published quarterly, this newsletter reaches over 5000 households across Malta and Gozo.

VivianBaby keeps at heart the positive feedback from our readers. This encouragement directs us to continue to provide you with more newsletters, featuring the latest information on nutrition, skin care and many other areas of medical and healthcare knowledge.

In the meantime don’t forget to send in your competition entries to win fantastic prizes for you and your child from Vivian Corporation!

Until next time, the VivianBaby team wishes you a great summer!

Sweet baby memoirs

Feeding toddlers the food they need

Introducing a drinking Cup to your baby

10 Golden rules to protect ourselves from the sun

Teething & dental hygiene

Messy hands: Benefits of painting & play dough

The role of snacks in a toddler’s diet

The dark side of the sun


Protecting ourselves & our children from mosquito bites

25 issues of Vivian Baby!

Importance of reading & playing with our children

If you would like to attend, send us an e-mail on [email protected] or call us on the freephone 80073102 for more information

weanIng talksare back




A unique DHA-rich combination of fish oil and Evening Primrose Oil providing the important nutrients DHA, AA and GLA, which play a vital role in eye and brain function for younger and older generations.

Page 3: VivianBaby 25, June'14



FAQs on baby food

Music matters


Publisher: Lawrence Gatt, Vivian Corporation Editor: Ray Buttigieg Contributors: Claire Camilleri, Hannah Cremona, Mariebelle Muscat, Luan May Sant, Sephora Schembri, Sarah Wismayer

29 Sanitas Building, Tower Street, Msida, MSD 1824Tel: 2134 4610 / 2134 4616, Email: [email protected]

Ray Buttigieg and Team

It is with great pleasure to welcome you to this special issue of VivianBaby.

Twenty-five issues ago, VivianBaby was a 4 page newsletter which over the years has flourished into a magazine. Packed with the latest educational information about child development, it is a companion to all mothers and fathers. Published quarterly, this newsletter reaches over 5000 households across Malta and Gozo.

VivianBaby keeps at heart the positive feedback from our readers. This encouragement directs us to continue to provide you with more newsletters, featuring the latest information on nutrition, skin care and many other areas of medical and healthcare knowledge.

In the meantime don’t forget to send in your competition entries to win fantastic prizes for you and your child from Vivian Corporation!

Until next time, the VivianBaby team wishes you a great summer!

Sweet baby memoirs

Feeding toddlers the food they need

Introducing a drinking Cup to your baby

10 Golden rules to protect ourselves from the sun

Teething & dental hygiene

Messy hands: Benefits of painting & play dough

The role of snacks in a toddler’s diet

The dark side of the sun


Protecting ourselves & our children from mosquito bites

25 issues of Vivian Baby!

Importance of reading & playing with our children

If you would like to attend, send us an e-mail on [email protected] or call us on the freephone 80073102 for more information

weanIng talksare back




A unique DHA-rich combination of fish oil and Evening Primrose Oil providing the important nutrients DHA, AA and GLA, which play a vital role in eye and brain function for younger and older generations.

Page 4: VivianBaby 25, June'14

The dark side

W hy do most children and adults alike look forward to summer? Why do tourists from Northern Europe flock in hoards to the sun drenched Mediterranean shores

for their summer holidays? Why does one prefer to wake up to a bright sunny day as opposed to a miserable overcast sky? The answer is obvious. Sunny weather is conductive to enjoyment, outdoor fun and above all, a cheerful mood. The almost magical influence of the sun on human behaviour means that this supreme natural source of light is far from losing its charm.

Long before suntan lotions were invented, in fact before the Industrial Revolution, bronzed bodies belonged to manual labourers. To be brown in those days was a symbol of low social class. Pale, porcelain skin was in vogue, mainly because rich people stayed indoors. But as machines began to appear, the working classes left the fields for factories. As they turned a whiter shade of pale, the rich turned progressively browner. Sporting a tan meant you had money and could afford a leisurely outdoor life. But it was when trend-setter Coco Chanel returned from a Mediterranean holiday with a deep golden tan, that bronzed skin became truly desirable. Before long, skimpy swimwear appeared, with slim shoulder straps, which could be lowered to keep an even tan. And then in the 1940’s suntan lotion hit the market. At that time it was designed to assist with the basting and roasting, not to protect from the sun. Within ten years, the bikini had arrived on the scene, allowing women’s bodies close to total exposure. Throughout the 1970’and 80’s, the fashion press promoted the suntan as something to make you look good and feel healthier and younger.

So what is the downside? What is the sun’s hidden agenda? Ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun cause sunburn, skin cancer and accelerate skin ageing. Sustained ozone depletion and enhanced levels of UV radiation on Earth aggravate UV adverse effects on the human skin, eyes and immune system. According to the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, total ozone in the mid-latitudes of the Northern hemisphere decreased at a rate of 2 to 4 percent per decade between 1979 and the early 1990’s. In the year 2000, the ozone hole over the Antarctic reached 11.4 million square miles, an area more than three times the size of USA. Due to their dynamic state of growth, children are at especially

high risk of suffering damage from exposure to UV radiation. Each episode of sunburn inflicts irreversible cancer-inducing damage to the genes in the skin, which effect will add up to a substantially increased risk of developing deadly melanoma skin cancer mostly in early to middle age adult life. The relentless rise in incidence of melanoma skin cancer in most white populations in recent decades is largely due to a combination of ozone depletion and changing trends in outdoor human behaviour, especially leisure-related. Furthermore, UV rays speed up the skin ageing process, resulting in wrinkles, blemishes, broken veins and leathery skin.

In the face of such worrying trends of global proportions and irrevocable scientific evidence, sun-awareness campaigns have gained momentum. Such campaigns are intended to raise public awareness on the dangers of the sun, promote sun protection, and encourage early detection of melanoma skin cancer with a view to improving survival rates. In order to enhance the campaign’s effectiveness, much lobbying is needed to target bodies and institutions holding the key to sectors of the population at increased risk, such as schools, sports clubs and employers of outdoor workers. On a positive note, the introduction of the UV index in the local weather forecast some years back was certainly a step in the right direction.

Now that the sun’s hidden agenda has been exposed more than ever before, one looks forward to a mature response from a well-informed public, who indeed stands to gain. Who knows? Maybe school sports days and outdoor sporting activities in the spring and summer will start being regularly held outside the hours of peak sunshine. Maybe hats and high factor sunscreens will become obligatory for all outdoor workers just like standard safety gear is mandatory for protecting against so many other occupational hazards. Maybe influential trendsetters in the media and glamour world will see the light and stop promoting the suntan as “must have” for one to look cool. Maybe the numbers of compulsive sunbathers on our beaches will dwindle. That will be the day!

of the sun

Dr. LaWrence ScerriChairman, Department of Dermatology & Venereology

Senior Lecturer, University of Malta For more information visit:


Page 5: VivianBaby 25, June'14

The dark side

W hy do most children and adults alike look forward to summer? Why do tourists from Northern Europe flock in hoards to the sun drenched Mediterranean shores

for their summer holidays? Why does one prefer to wake up to a bright sunny day as opposed to a miserable overcast sky? The answer is obvious. Sunny weather is conductive to enjoyment, outdoor fun and above all, a cheerful mood. The almost magical influence of the sun on human behaviour means that this supreme natural source of light is far from losing its charm.

Long before suntan lotions were invented, in fact before the Industrial Revolution, bronzed bodies belonged to manual labourers. To be brown in those days was a symbol of low social class. Pale, porcelain skin was in vogue, mainly because rich people stayed indoors. But as machines began to appear, the working classes left the fields for factories. As they turned a whiter shade of pale, the rich turned progressively browner. Sporting a tan meant you had money and could afford a leisurely outdoor life. But it was when trend-setter Coco Chanel returned from a Mediterranean holiday with a deep golden tan, that bronzed skin became truly desirable. Before long, skimpy swimwear appeared, with slim shoulder straps, which could be lowered to keep an even tan. And then in the 1940’s suntan lotion hit the market. At that time it was designed to assist with the basting and roasting, not to protect from the sun. Within ten years, the bikini had arrived on the scene, allowing women’s bodies close to total exposure. Throughout the 1970’and 80’s, the fashion press promoted the suntan as something to make you look good and feel healthier and younger.

So what is the downside? What is the sun’s hidden agenda? Ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun cause sunburn, skin cancer and accelerate skin ageing. Sustained ozone depletion and enhanced levels of UV radiation on Earth aggravate UV adverse effects on the human skin, eyes and immune system. According to the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, total ozone in the mid-latitudes of the Northern hemisphere decreased at a rate of 2 to 4 percent per decade between 1979 and the early 1990’s. In the year 2000, the ozone hole over the Antarctic reached 11.4 million square miles, an area more than three times the size of USA. Due to their dynamic state of growth, children are at especially

high risk of suffering damage from exposure to UV radiation. Each episode of sunburn inflicts irreversible cancer-inducing damage to the genes in the skin, which effect will add up to a substantially increased risk of developing deadly melanoma skin cancer mostly in early to middle age adult life. The relentless rise in incidence of melanoma skin cancer in most white populations in recent decades is largely due to a combination of ozone depletion and changing trends in outdoor human behaviour, especially leisure-related. Furthermore, UV rays speed up the skin ageing process, resulting in wrinkles, blemishes, broken veins and leathery skin.

In the face of such worrying trends of global proportions and irrevocable scientific evidence, sun-awareness campaigns have gained momentum. Such campaigns are intended to raise public awareness on the dangers of the sun, promote sun protection, and encourage early detection of melanoma skin cancer with a view to improving survival rates. In order to enhance the campaign’s effectiveness, much lobbying is needed to target bodies and institutions holding the key to sectors of the population at increased risk, such as schools, sports clubs and employers of outdoor workers. On a positive note, the introduction of the UV index in the local weather forecast some years back was certainly a step in the right direction.

Now that the sun’s hidden agenda has been exposed more than ever before, one looks forward to a mature response from a well-informed public, who indeed stands to gain. Who knows? Maybe school sports days and outdoor sporting activities in the spring and summer will start being regularly held outside the hours of peak sunshine. Maybe hats and high factor sunscreens will become obligatory for all outdoor workers just like standard safety gear is mandatory for protecting against so many other occupational hazards. Maybe influential trendsetters in the media and glamour world will see the light and stop promoting the suntan as “must have” for one to look cool. Maybe the numbers of compulsive sunbathers on our beaches will dwindle. That will be the day!

of the sun

Dr. LaWrence ScerriChairman, Department of Dermatology & Venereology

Senior Lecturer, University of Malta For more information visit:


Page 6: VivianBaby 25, June'14

In this day and age, parents are constantly on the go, so it can be quite challenging to keep a freshly prepared snack or home-cooked meal on hand.

The squeezable baby food pouches make weaning simple, easy and ultra-convenient for parents to feed nutritious, fresh-tasting vibrant food in a convenient portable format. Since this is a new way for our little ones to eat food, it is important to understand how to appropriately use these handy little pouches.

Give them a Plum start

Weaning has never

been easier with Plum baby food!

Follow these quIck steps

For thIs convenIent Food

and enjoy the peace oF mInd

you get From FeedIng

your chIld healthy,

organIc Food on the go!

This light and flexible packaging format was designed with grab-and-go in mind. So if you are planning on going out, just pop a Plum pouch in your bag for when hunger strikes! The Pouch re-seals securely to maintain freshness and prevent spillage. There’s no need for a bowl; simply squeeze food onto the spoon and feed.


Page 7: VivianBaby 25, June'14

how do we create healthy snacks with absolutely no junk? Planned snacks can be a combination of ingredients and food groups to offer balanced nutrition for our little ones. Stock up on healthy treats by choosing foods that are high in nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and protein.

Snacks are a great way to eat your colours! There are plenty of healthy, no-hassle treats. Go towards snacks that include colourful vegetables, fruits, whole grains and proteins. At this age, toddlers should be feeding themselves, so think simple, finger-friendly, bite-size foods like:• low-sugarbreakfastcereals

fresh vegetables• freshfruitthinlyslicedorcutinto

small pieces• crackers• cheesecutintothinslices

Plum makes life easier when it comes to finger food preparation, where there is a choice of both savoury or sweet snacks. The multigrain rings are available in either tomato or cheese flavours, they are a nutritious savoury snack, however low in salt and fat.

Little Yums are buckwheat based wafers, perfect for little teethers, since they are light and easily soluble. Their shape also helps to promote self-feeding.There are two delicious Little Yums flavours; ‘pumpkin and banana’ and ‘spinach, apple and kale’.

Teensy Fruits are small pieces of fruit, made with real fruit juice and contain no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. The two variations of Teensy Fruits; apple and berry, increase the choice of snacks available for your little muncher!

our lIttle ones eat smaller amounts of food than adults do. This is because of their small stomachs. For many toddlers 70% of their calorific intake actually comes from snacking, so snacks play an important role in our toddlers’ diet. This makes it more critical that the snacks we give our toddlers between nursery, sports and other activities are healthy, wholesome and nutritious.

The belief that snacks ruin a child’s appetite for meals is a myth! Snacks keep younger children from getting so hungry, and keep older kids from overeating at larger meals. And for picky eaters of all ages, snacks can be added insurance that they’re getting the necessary nutrients. If the right foods are offered at the right times, snacks can play an important role in managing kids’ hungers and boosting nutrition. A well-timed snack can even out spikes in hunger and provide a much-needed energy boost between meals. This helps with keeping your toddlers on a healthy eating schedule.

The role of snacks

in a Toddler,s dieT

Creating healthy snaCks


Page 8: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Give them a Plum start

So in between all the climbing, jumping and running, they need refuelling. That’s where our Mighty 4 pouches come in. These tasty, nutritious snacks are made from four carefully chosen ingredients – organic fruits, vegetables, grains and Greek-style yogurt.

So not only is the Plum Mighty 4 range perfect for toddlers on the go, but it encourages a lifetime of healthy so your little ones stay mighty for life.

The Plum Mighty 4 range has one staple ingredient – the Greek-Style Yogurt. Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, which is absolutely essential for the health of your child’s growing bones and teeth. It also contains several B vitamins, not to mention protein. Greek-style yogurt provides a thick and creamy mixture.

purple carrot, Blackberry, quinoa & greek-style yogurt

purple carrotWhile we usually associate carrots with the colour orange, carrots actually come in a host of other colours as well, including white, yellow, red and purple. All carrots are terrific sources of vitamin A, which is important for normal vision and supports the immune system.


We love all kinds of berries here at Plum! After all, what’s not to like? Our blackberries are 100% organic and a supply a shot if vitamin C.

quInoaUltra-nutritious whole grains like quinoa have been treasures staple foods around the world for thousands of years, and for good reason! They are a great source of slow-release energy and contain more fibre than processed grain.

Mighty 4

It’s amazing how much energy toddlers have, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them!

Plum is proud to introduce a new range for tots –

the Plum mighty 4 range






What makes this range mighty?


Page 9: VivianBaby 25, June'14

sweet potato, Blueberry, millet & greek-style yogurt

sweet potatoSweet potatoes aren’t just naturally sweet and delicious; they also provide some surprising health benefits. Many people think about sweet potatoes as being nothing more than plain old potatoes that can tweak our taste buds with some extra flavour. Yet cutting-edge research on sweet potatoes tells us that nothing could be further from the truth as they have so many unique nutritional benefits to offer! They’re in fact one of the world’s best sources of beta-carotene, along with Vitamin C and potassium. That’s why Plum chooses this ingredient over regular white potatoes for this range.

BlueBerryPlum uses organic blueberries in its recipes, which are technically bilberries – wild European blueberries. These are handpicked on forested farms in Poland, then pureed quickly before they can lose any of their flavour or nutrition. These little purple packages have some of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit, so it’s worth keeping as much of that delicious goodness as we possibly can! mIlletMillet is an amazing ancient grain, packing lots of nutrition into a tiny, easily digestible package! People in northern Africa, India and Asia have eaten millet for thousands of years because of its nutritious benefit. Millet is more than just an interesting alternative to the more common grains. It has been ranked as a good course of some very important nutrients, including copper, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium. This grain does not only taste delicious, it also releases energy more slowly into the body.

plum Baby Food (malta)

kale, strawberry, amaranth & greek-style yogurt

kaleThis “queen of greens” is a relative of cabbage, and it more than lives up to its nickname – in fact, it’s one of the healthiest, most nutrient-dense veggies on the planet! It’s a source of vitamins K and A, iron and calcium, and also contains dozens of phytonutrients.

strawBerryStrawberries are ridiculously delicious, offer plenty of vitamin C and an impressive number of antioxidants. These strawberries are so tasty because they spend their lives soaking up the sun on organic farms in Spain.

amaranthLike quinoa, amaranth is a great source of protein – it contains more than twice the protein of rice, and is one of the only plant foods that offer a “complete” protein that contains all the amino acids our bodies need.


Page 10: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Giotto Bebe’ products are available from leading supermarkets, toyshops and stationeries

Kids really enjoy painting, and what parents often do not realize is that painting is a great activity for child development as well. When they paint, children are able to experiment and express themselves, which is definitely good for them.

When kids are painting, they are able to learn more about colours. They learn how colours look and what they look like when the colours are combined. They can experiment with the colours, mixing them to get other colours. With different paint forms, they can mix the paints to get different textures and thicknesses as well. As you can see, there is so much that kids can learn, just through painting. Painting makes a great activity for child development and it is definitely an activity that parents should allow their children to engage in on a regular basis, despite the mess that can occur.

LET THEM PAINTExpressing themselves through painting allows children to take part in an activity that is fun and fulfilling. It will help develop a stronger brain, give them critical-thinking skills, make them more

creative, and provide a daily refuge they can turn to for stress relief.

Children who paint learn to think with an open mind, to look at situations creatively. They learn to express themselves more deeply through their art and their words. They are able to

Giotto Bebè Super Finger ColoursSuper Finger Paint is suitable for very young children. Bright, lively colours which are asy to use. Washes off skin with warm water. Dermatologically tested.

take the lessons learned through painting and apply those skills to new situations. They develop critical-thinking skills and must make decisions about what works and what does not on their own.

messy hands!

10 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 11: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Call us on Freephone 80073102 for your nearest stockist

My Super DeskA new set for drawing, playing and learning. This set includes a super double faced chalkboard desk complete with a slot to store chalk and eraser. It can be hung up or carried around easily. It is a chalk board on one side and has lots of playful tips on the other side. It has 20 pieces of coloured chalk, which are dust free, with anti scratch writing, a pouch to store the chalk in and an eraser in soft sponge.

My First GlueMy first glue has a cap bigger than usual and has no detachable parts, thus making it safe for young children. The base is easily held and is suitable for small hands…the formula is CE certified, enriched with a powdery fragrance to give it a pleasant smell and has natural bitterness to discourage children from putting it to their mouths.

Giotto Bebe FarmA farm themed play set… It contains 12 fibre pens, a double sided background to play twice, children may colour on one side and personalise with 30 stickers to cut out, and then colour on the other side. It also includes scissors with no sharp edges.

What are the educational benefits of play dough?Playing with play dough provides excellent exercise for hands which strengthens hand muscles and improves dexterity. Squeezing, rolling and pounding play dough is fun and great for giving hands a good workout. In addition, it improves fine motor skills. The skills gained provide a child with the ability to grip and manipulate a pencil and give better control over learning how to write. Playing with play dough prepares a child for school and many of the activities that they need to master in life.

Play dough is a tactile experience that promotes sensory development, and improves hand-eye coordination. The soft squishy medium is therapeutic to squeeze and manipulate. It is a calming activity that promotes and improves concentration and focus. Play dough is engaging, as it is an open-ending activity that keeps children interested. Imagination is sparked and enhanced once the skills have been mastered to manipulate play dough. All manner of models can be created, the possibilities are endless.

Children can also learn about colours, textures and shapes as they learn how to manipulate the play dough. Creating new and different models stimulates a child’s imagination which promotes creative play. Play dough provides an activity that allows free play and thinking, as well as allowing a child to express their creativity. Play dough is a fun activity for children of all ages and it boasts many educational benefits that are particularly useful for preschoolers.

My dough MachineThis machine offers various moulds and

dough in various colours, for endless fun.

NEWF r o M

Hours of creativity & fun at home!More fun this summer

Play dough is a fun open-ended activity that youngsters can enjoy once they are able to manipulate the modeling compound. Playing with play dough is very therapeutic and fun. In addition, it boasts many educational benefits for preschool children, and it can be enjoyed for a long time after. Children of all ages can enjoy playing with play dough, and no matter the age of the child, there are always some educational benefits that play dough promotes.

VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 11

Page 12: VivianBaby 25, June'14

rocket GameAges: 4-10Players: 2-4Zoom up rockets, slide down comets and get sucked into black holes as you travel to the moon in this fun, space themed Snakes and Ladders game.• Developsnumberandcountingskills• Encouragessocialinteraction-

playing the game with others and taking turns

• Teacheshowtofollowinstructions

Alphabet LottoAges: 3-6Players: 2-5Learn the letters of the alphabet in this fun lotto game!Choose which side of the board to play on and try to be the first player to find all the cards that match the letters, or pictures, on your lotto board.• Developsletterrecognition• Improvesmemoryskills

Call us on Freephone 8007 3102 for your nearest stockist

Learning Made Fu

n! Learning Made Fu


Alphabet MatchAges: 4-10First Alphabet Puzzles.Learn the alphabet by matching the simple pictures to the letters. Only the correct cards will fit together.• Developsletterrecognition• Promoteslanguageandliteracy• Encouragesobservationand

matching skills

Pirate race GameAges: 3-10Players: 2-4A colour matching and memory game.Travel around this exciting island! Using memory and colour matching, be the first to build your picture and then race to the pirate treasure.• Promotescolourrecognition• Encouragessocialinteraction-

playing the game with others and taking turns

• Developsgameplayskills

Farmyard FriendsAges: 2-10Players: 2-4A fun matching and sorting game.Match, sort and post your favourite farmyard friends. Increase the challenge as you learn.• Promotesobservationandmatching

skills• Encouragesknowledgeand

understanding of the world - different animals and their habitats.

• Developsconcentrationandfirstgame play.

New Games

reading with your childWe emphasise that reading is a must with our children, from a very young age. It is important to read to your child every day, say at bedtime. It is also a sense of quality time, hugs and kisses before our little ones fall asleep!

Reading well is at the heart of all learning. Children who cannot read well, will also have problems in other subjects. You can help to make a difference in your child’s education by helping them acquire good reading skills. Start reading to your child from as young as 6 months old... you will be surprised!

Summer is in and our kids will soon finish their last term at school, being left with ample free time during the summer holidays. We will spend quite some time at the beach, however it is also important to keep the kids in touch with reading books and learning activities.

12 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 13: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Farm oppositesAges: 3-6Learn about opposites by matching the pieces of these 24 delightful farm puzzles.• Developshand-eyeco-ordination• Developsmanualdexterity• LinkswithEarlyLearningGoals

in communication, language and literacy

Playing with your childrenThe use of learning activities will enable your children to keep in touch with what they have learnt at the nursery or during the scholastic year. Why not spend quality time with your children and learn new skills through play… Here are some new fun activities from Orchard Toys which will enable your children to learn letters, numbers, counting, opposites and much, much more.

Match & CountAges: 3-6Learn to count from 1 to 20 by matching the simple picture cards with the numbers. Only the correct cards will fit together.• Developshand-eyeco-ordination• Developsmanualdexterity

And do not forget our classic educational games

Flashcards50 large early reading cardsUse these 50 double-sided flashcards to help young children develop early reading and number skills.• Developsearlyreadingand

counting skills

Here are some tips that may help your child to become a happy and confident reader

• Useactivitiesthatrequirereadingand show your child how to find things out by reading. Sound letters and build words, learn the opposites, names of animals on the farm.

• Talkaboutthebook,lookatthe cover, look at pictures and ask each other what is going to happen!

• Readthestoryaloudoryoucantake turns to read. Listen to your child read and read the story aloud yourself. Try and bring the story alive, thus exciting your child to read more…

• Letyourchildseeyoureadoften.• Encourageyourchildinall

reading efforts.• Keepupbedtimestories.

...and here are our most recommended Games

& Puzzles from orchard:

Learning Made Fu

n! Learning Made Fu

n!Orchard Toys are available from toy shops and supermarkets

















VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 13

Page 14: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Dental hygiene

We all get excited when our child’s first tooth appears... then it gets exciting for the children when the first tooth falls off and they wait eagerly for the tooth fairy to come.

Babies cut their teeth in a fairly predictable order and varying ages. Your baby’s first tooth will be one of the bottom front. That toothless grin is gone forever.

For most babies “teething” starts later than you may expect and is less dramatic. Since your baby will not cut a tooth until five or six months, it is unlikely that the process will trouble him/her before, say, four months. The first four teeth are so flat and sharp that they usually come through with nothing more notable than an inflamed gum, a bit of dribbling, and a lot of chewing. If you can see a red patch of gum, and your baby seems frantic to bite down on it, try rubbing it with your finger.

Teething and Chewing First teeth are biting-off teeth, not chewing teeth. Babies start chewing with their gums long before they acquire teeth at the back of the mouth. Do not assume that a baby with one solitary front tooth cannot chew. They will start teaching themselves to chew as soon as they can get their hands on the toys that they hold in their mouth. Make sure your baby also gets food such as peeled pieces of apples or scrubbed raw carrot to chew well before six months or they

DenTal Hygiene is absOluTely essenTial FrOm wHen babies are jusT a Few mOnTHs OlD, even beFOre THey CuT THeir milk TeeTH

may become so used to semi-liquid food that when they do have chewing teeth, at around a year, they will not use them because solid food revolts them and makes them gag.

Chewing on hard food is good for babies’ developing jaws, and feeding themselves with their own hands helps them feel enthusiastic and independent about eating. Stay close, though, in case your baby pokes themselves in the eye with that carrot stick. When its point breaks through, it will be so sharp that your baby could grate a tiny piece of that apple off and choke on it if you were not there to help.

Even though all primary teeth will eventually fall out, it’s important to take care of them. Loss or decay of these teeth can deform the mouth, causing problems when the permanent teeth take their place. Also, your baby will depend on his primary teeth for proper chewing and nutrition, as well as speech and appearance, for many years. Finally, starting regular brushing habits early will make your child more likely to maintain good habits in the future.

Once the first teeth appear, brush them with a soft-bristle infant toothbrush especially before bed. Using appropriate toothpaste for children move down on top teeth and up on bottom teeth, cleaning inside and outside surfaces. This will help prevent the build up of plaque and create healthier gum pads.

6 months: lower central incisors – cutting teeth

7 months: upper central incisors

7.5 months: lower lateral incisors

9 months: upper lateral incisors

12 months: lower first molars – grinding and chewing teeth

14 months: upper first molars

16 months: lower canines

18 months: upper canines

20 months: lower second molars

24 months: upper second molars

traDitional teething timetable

70% of babies get teeth according to this guideline

Another important part of good dental hygiene is preventing a disease commonly called baby-bottle mouth, which can lead to the loss of primary teeth. This usually develops in babies who are routinely put to bed with bottles of juice or milk. The sugar in these drinks combines with bacteria in the mouth to decay the teeth. Once teeth come in, never put your baby down to sleep with a bottle. If they must have a bedtime bottle to relax, fill it with plain water.

These offers are available from all leading baby shops

14 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 15: VivianBaby 25, June'14

At the age of 4 months babies encounter the most difficult period of teething, sore gums due to first teeth.

ChiccooffersMultifunctionalGumGel,idealforpre-teethingandteethingphase. Chicco gum gel soothes, cleans and prevents the accumulation of bacterial formation in the oral cavity. It is safe to swallow and is flavourless. The main ingredients are Xylitol which is an antibacterial and Chamomile for soothing effects. It includes a finger toothbrush which slips easily over an adult’s finger and has extra soft Silicone bristles ideal to clean and massage baby’s gums.

DuringthisphaseChiccoalsooffersGelteetherswhicharefilledwithrefrigerant gel to soothe the gums.

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At the age of 12 months, it is important to focus on babies’ oral hygiene. Chicco offers a range of toothbrushes with funny characters to make it fun for children. They have a small rounded head, ideal for the children’s mouth.

Chicco also offers a range of toothpastes:• AppleBananatoothpasteideal

for babies 6 months old, it has no fluoride and no preservatives.

• Strawberrytoothpasteisidealforchildren 12 months and up and has no fluoride and no preservatives. It has bioavailability of calcium, ideal for older babies.

Dentífrico de Manzana y Banana Pasta de dentes Maçã Banana Οδοντόκρεμα με γεύση Μήλο & Μπανάνα

6 Colori:





Contains Xylitol which helps to prevent dental decay. Low abrasion formula which does not damage milk teeth. As it does not contain fluoride it is ideal for all children under 3 years of age. The Apple-Banana flavour is ideal for younger children during the weaning phase. Preservative free formula. Close cap after use.

Oral CareApple & Banana ToothpasteGB

Gracias a la presencia de Xilitol ayuda a prevenir las caries. Fórmula de baja abrasividad para no dañar los dientes de leche tu hijo. Recomendado especialmente para niños menores de 3 años por la ausencia de flúor. El sabor a manzana y banana es ideal para los niños en fase de destete. Fórmula sin conservantes. Cerrar bien después de usar.Distribuido por: ARTSANA SPAIN, S.A.U. - C/Industrias, 10 - Poligono Industrial, Urtinsa – 28923 - Alcorcón (Madrid)

Oral CareDentífrico de Manzana y Banana E

Graças ao xilitol, ajuda a prevenir a cárie. Fórmula com baixo poder de abrasão, para não danificar os primeiros dentinhos. A ausência de flúor torna-a especialmente indicada para crianças de idade inferior a 3 anos. O sabor Maçã-Banana é ideal para os mais pequeninos, em fase de desmame. Fórmula sem conservantes. Fechar bem depois de usar.Distribuido por: Artsana Portugal, S.A. Rua Humberto Madeira, 9. Queluz de Baixo – 2730-097 Barcarena

Oral CarePasta de dentes Maçã BananaP

Χάρη στην Ξυλιτόλη βοηθά στην πρόληψη της τερηδόνας. Συστατικά ήπια που δεν καταστρέφουν τα δοντάκια. Δεν περιέχει φθόριο και είναι ιδιαίτερα ενδεδειγμένη για παιδάκια ηλικίας κάτω των 3 ετών. Η γεύση Μήλου-Μπανάνας είναι ιδανική για τα πιο μικρά παιδάκια που βρίσκονται στη φάση απογαλακτισμού. Δεν περιέχει συντηρητικά. Κλείνετε καλά τη συσκευασία μετά τη χρήση.ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΡΟΣΕΚΤΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΦΥΛΑΞΤΕ ΤΙΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ

Oral CareΟδοντόκρεμα με γεύσηΜήλο & Μπανάνα


内含天然木糖醇、以及添加钙配方,使宝宝牙齿更健康,能有效预防龋齿。低研磨剂 配方不伤宝宝细致的乳牙。不含氟、防腐剂,尤其适于刚断乳的幼儿以及三岁以下 儿童。使用后请将盖子盖好保存。

Oral Care兒童苹果/香蕉牙膏C

자일리톨 성분이 함유되어 있어 충치를 예방하여 줍니다. 낮은 연마제 처방을 하여 연약한 아기치아를 보호해 줍니다. 불소가 함유되어 있지 않아 3살 이하의 어린이에게 적당하며 아기들이 좋아하는 달콤한 과일향 치약으로 거부감없이 양치질을 도와줍 니다. 무방부제 처방. 사용 후에는 뚜껑을 잘 닫아 주십시오.

Oral Care사과-바나나향 치약KR

Zahvaljujući Ksilitolu pomaže pri sprječavanju nastanka karijesa. Nisko abrazivna formula ne šteti zubićima i ne sadrži konzervanse. Ne sadrži fluor što je čini posebno prikladnom za djecu mlađu od 3 godine. Okus jabuke-banane idealan je za najmlađe u fazi odvikavanja od dojenja. Formula bez konzervansa. Dobro zatvoriti nakon uporabe.

Zawiera Xylit zapobiegający tworzeniu się próchnicy. Składniki o niskim stopniu ścieralności nie niszczą mlecznych ząbków. Jest szczególnie przydatna dla dzieci w wieku poniżej 3 lat ponieważ nie zawiera fluoru. Jabłkowo-bananowy smak jest idealny dla maluchów na etapie poszerzania diety mlecznej. Formuła nie zawiera środków konserwujących. Po użyciu starannie zamykać opakowanie.

Oral CarePasta do zębów o smaku jabłkowo-bananowym


Cod. 00 002320 000 000

Παράγεται από τηνArtsana S.p.A. - Grandate (Como) - Italy

www.chicco.comMade in Italy - Fabricado en Italia

Fabricado em Italia - Παράγεται στην Ιταλία

Grazie allo Xilitolo aiuta a prevenire la carie. Formula a bassa abrasività per non danneggiare i primi dentini. L’assenza di fluoro lo rende particolarmente indicato ai bambini di età inferiore ai 3 anni. Il gusto Mela-Banana è ideale per i più piccini in fase di svezzamento. Formula senza conservanti. Richiudere bene dopo l’uso.

Oral CareDentifricio Mela BananaI

Numero verde consumatori Italia


Mela - AppleBanana

Förebygger kariesbildning tack vare Xylitol. Formel med låg slipeffekt för att de första tänderna inte ska skadas. Eftersom fluor saknas är den särskilt lämplig för barn under 3 års ålder. Smaken av äpple-banan är idealisk för små barn i avvänjningsåldern. Utan konserveringsmedel. Sätt på locket efter användning.

Tandkräm medäpple-banansmakS


Tandpasta MedÆble/BanansmagN

Oral Care

Pasta za zube sa okusomjabuke i bananeHR

Zubna Pasta Jabuka BananaBiH

Oral Care

Sprečava stvaranje karijesa zahvaljujući ksilitolu. Formula sa niskim nivoom abrazivnosti smišljena je tako da ne bi oštetila prve zubiće. Odsustvo fluora je čini naročito pogodnom za decu mlađu od tri godine. Ukus jabuke i banane je idealan za najmlađe u fazi prelaska na čvrstu hranu. Bez konzervansa. Dobro zatvoriti nakon upotrebe.

Pasta za zube sa ukusomjabuke i bananeSRB

Pasta Za Zube SaUkusom Jabuke I BananeMNE

Oral Care


Contains Xylitol which helps to prevent dental decay. Low abrasion formula which does not damage teeth. As it does not contain fluoride it is ideal for all children under 3 years of age. Contains bioavailable calcium.Preservative free formula. Close cap after use.

Oral CareStrawberry ToothpasteGB

Χάρη στην Ξυλιτόλη βοηθά στην πρόληψη της τερηδόνας. Συστατικά ήπια που δεν καταστρέφουν τα δοντάκια. Δεν περιέχει φθόριο και είναι ιδιαίτερα ενδεδειγμένη για παιδάκια ηλικίας κάτω των 3 ετών. Με ασβέστιο. Δεν περιέχει συντηρητικά. Κλείνετε καλά τη συσκευασία μετά τη χρήση.ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΡΟΣΕΚΤΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΦΥΛΑΞΤΕ ΤΙΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ

Oral CareΟδοντόκρεμα με γεύσηΦράουλα


内含天然木糖醇、以及添加钙配方,使宝宝牙齿更健康,能有效预防龋齿。低研磨剂配方不伤宝宝细致的 乳牙。不含氟、防腐剂,尤其适于三岁以下儿童。使用后请将盖子盖好保存。

Oral Care兒童草莓牙膏 C

자일리톨 성분이 함유되어 있어 충치를 예방하여 줍니다. 낮은 연마제 처방을 하여 연약한 아기치아를 보호해 줍니다. 불소가 함유되어 있지 않아 3살 이하의 어린이에게 적당하며 아기들이 좋아하는 달콤한 과일향 치약으로 거부감없이 양치질을 도와줍 니다. 무방부제 처방. 사용 후에는 뚜껑을 잘 닫아 주십시오.

Oral Care딸기향 치약KR

Zawiera Xylit zapobiegający tworzeniu się próchnicy. Składniki o niskim stopniu ścieralności nie niszczą ząbków. Jest szczególnie przydatna dla dzieci w wieku poniżej 3 lat ponieważ nie zawiera fluoru. Zawiera biodostępny wapń. Formuła nie zawiera środków konserwujących. Po użyciu starannie zamykać opakowanie.

Oral CarePasta do zębów o smaku truskawkowym


Grazie allo Xilitolo aiuta a prevenire la carie. Formula a bassa abrasività per non danneggiare i dentini. L’assenza di fluoro lo rende particolarmente indicato ai bambini di età inferiore ai 3 anni. Con Calcio bio-disponibile. Formula senza conservanti. Richiudere bene dopo l’uso.

Oral CareDentifricio FragolaI

Numero verde consumatori Italia

Cod. 00 002321 000 000



Dentífrico fresa Pasta de dentes Morango Οδοντόκρεμα με γεύση Φράουλα

6 Colori:



Παράγεται από τηνArtsana S.p.A. - Grandate (Como) - Italy

www.chicco.comMade in Italy - Fabricado en Italia

Fabricado em Italia - Παράγεται στην Ιταλία

Gracias a la presencia de Xilitol ayuda a prevenir las caries. Fórmula de baja abrasividad para no dañar los dientes de tu hijo. Recomendado especialmente para niños menores de 3 años por la ausencia de flúor. Con Calcio bio-disponible. Fórmula sin conservantes. Cerrar bien después de usar.Distribuido por: ARTSANA SPAIN, S.A.U. - C/Industrias, 10 - Poligono Industrial, Urtinsa – 28923 - Alcorcón (Madrid)

Oral CareDentífrico fresaE

Graças ao xilitol, ajuda a prevenir a cárie. Fórmula com baixo poder de abrasão, para não danificar os dentinhos. A ausência de flúor torna-a especialmente indicada para crianças de idade inferior a 3 anos. Contém cálcio bio-disponível. Fórmula sem conservantes. Fechar bem depois de usar.Distribuido por: Artsana Portugal, S.A. Rua Humberto Madeira, 9. Queluz de Baixo – 2730-097 Barcarena

Oral CarePasta de dentes MorangoP

Förebygger kariesbildning tack vare Xylitol. Formel med låg slipeffekt för att de nya tänderna inte ska skadas. Eftersom fluor saknas är den särskilt lämplig för barn under 3 års ålder. Med biologiskt kalcium. Utan konserveringsmedel.Sätt på locket efter användning.

Tandkräm medjordgubbssmak STandpasta MedJordbærsmagDK

Jordbær TannkremN

Oral Care

Zahvaljujući Ksilitolu pomaže pri sprječavanju nastanka karijesa. Nisko abrazivna formula ne šteti zubićima i ne sadrži konzervanse. Ne sadrži fluor što je čini posebno prikladnom za djecu mlađu od 3 godine. Sadrži biorazgradivi kalcij. Dobro zatvoriti nakon uporabe.

Pasta za zubesa okusom jagode HR

Zubna Pasta JagodaBiH

Oral Care

Sprečava stvaranje karijesa zahvaljujući ksilitolu. Formula sa niskim nivoom abrazivnosti smišljena je tako da ne bi oštetila prve zubiće. Odsustvo fluora je čini naročito pogodnom za decu mlađu od tri godine. Sa biološki dostupnim kalcijumom. Bez konzervansa. Dobro zatvoriti nakon upotrebe.

Pasta za zubesa ukusom jagodeSRB

Pasta Za Zube SaUkusom JagodeMNE

Oral Care


you must make an effort to set a good example and clean your children’s teeth regularly, encouraging them to take part. getting into the habit of paying constant

attention to oral hygiene is the first and most effective form of prevention and an important way of protecting your child’s smile!

note For Parents

sore gUms


VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 15

Page 16: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Summer is without doubt the most beautiful time of the year. We spend more time out, more quality time with our children and have the chance to socialise more with family and friends.

During this time it is very important to protect ourselves and especially our children from the sun and most of all Mosquitoes. Every year we remind you on the importance to protect our children from sunburns and mosquito bites.

Children’s skin is still very delicate and it is of utmost importance to protect them with safe and natural products.

anD we neeD to ProteCt oUrselves anD oUr ChilDren...

Summer is in!

Natural protection for all the familyThe Chicco anti mosquito line is formulated to provide a natural protection from insect bites. The active principal of vegetable origin is particularly suited for the sensitive and delicate skin of newborns, pregnant women and adults. Chicco anti-mosquito line ensures a complete safe and effective protection during the day and night.

Chicco’s Natural Active IngredientThe active ingredient in the chicco anti-mosquito products is the Eucalyptus Maculata Citrodiora extract, a naturally derived oil which is an insect repellent. This oil can be extracted from a particular species of Eucalyptus, the active content is naturally derived and the extraction process is certified by ECOCERT which guarantees the raw material conformity according to the natural and organic cosmetic standards.

Several studies including a clinical study have demonstrated a high efficacy of the Eucalyptus Maculata Citrodiora extract against a wide range

of mosquitoes such a Asian tiger and Dengue Mosquito. This extract is also effective against a large scope of biting insects such as ticks, biting midges and horse flies.

Ecocert is a world wide organisation which specialises in the certification of organic agricultural products including cosmetics.

Complete Natural & Delicate ProtectionMost anti-mosquito products found on the market contain active ingredients of chemical original. The most common is Icaridin and Diethyltoluamide, known as DEET. This is not recommended, even in very low doses to children younger than 2 years. The active ingredient in the new Chicco anti-mosquito line is Citrodiol, an extract of a particular species of Eucalyptun from Australia, is of complete natural origin. Citrodiol is widely recognised for its excellent insect repellent properties. Its efficacy makes it one of the most reliable active ingredients the world over.

All products in the new Chicco anti-

the natural shield to protect our babies and the rest of the family from insect bites

mosquito line have been dermatologically tested, thus they are safe and suitable for the most delicate skin. With no added alcohol, colourings and parabens, Chicco products are specially adapted for children’s skin, pregnant women, adults and in general for all those who have specially delicate skin.

Day & Night ProtectionThe exclusive formula of the new Chicco anti-mosquito product line works efficiently both at night and during the day, providing excellent protection against most common types of mosquitoes, including the nasty and irritating Asian Tiger mosquito, increasingly found in many parts of the world.

Long Lasting ProtectionThe mosquito repellent effect of Chicco products lasts longer than most natural mosquito repellents on the market. A single application will protect baby’s skin for up to 3 hours. When longer lasting protection is required, the product can be reapplied on the exposed body.

Chicco Anti-Mosquito line is available for babies and adults too...

These offers are available from all leading baby shops

16 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 17: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Remove any water containers like pot plates, old buckets, food containers, tyres and anything

you may have that keeps water.

Any puddles, inlets to sewers and drainage systems should be drained not to allow water

to stagnate for more than 3 days.

Guttersshouldbekeptcleanfromfallenleavesandother debris so that water does not gather in them.

Flower pots and standing flower vases found outside that can collect water should be filled

with sand or fine gravel.

Man made outdoor water features, especially fish ponds, should contain fish such as gold-fish or guppies as these are known to feed on the mosquito’s immature stages.

Litter can also hold rain water and should be removed. This includes abandoned cars, old machinery

and other junk in vacant areas.

Any standing water in swimming pools, catchment basins, etc, that cannot be drained or dumped can be periodically treated with the proper insecticides.

Keep swimming pools empty if not in use or regularly maintained with chlorine.

Where possible, keep all water reservoirs or wells covered.

Tips on how to prevent the multiplication of mosquitoes!All mosquitoes need water in order to reproduce. Each female mosquito may lay as many as 200 eggs that will transform into larvae and then into mosquitoes after 7 days. The best way to control the reproduction of these mosquitoes is to destroy the places where they lay their eggs:

Choose one of these gifts with any purchase of 3 products from the Chicco Zanza range and suncare products

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Single Use Wipes

Insect net for prams

Insect net for cots Anti-Mosquito,RollOn,Gel,andSpray

UltrasoundPortable device

Ultrasound plugin device

After-bite penIts formula with extract of Zanthoxylum, a Chinese plant known for its soothing properties. It provides relief to skin irritation.• Soft touch grip• Extra gentle• May also be used after

jellyfish sting


VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 17

Page 18: VivianBaby 25, June'14

these suncare products are also included in the

gift with Purchase promotion!

Babies’ eyes need special protection, since their structure allows a greater penetration of light and their filtering capacity is much lower than in adults. Moreover, it is important to get children used to wearing sunglasses as this will help them throughout their life. Chicco provides a line of sunglasses that guarantee the best protection for the delicate eyes of babies.

Chicco Sunglasses

Sun moments Chicco suncare products feature UVA and UVB protection. They are fragrance free and water resistant. They are free from alcohol and dyes with organomineral filters. They are hypoallergenic and microbiologically and dermatologically tested.

Sunspray SPF50This very high protection

sunspray is specifically formulated for the skin of

children. it is easy and practical to apply. it includes vitamin e.

Suncream SPF50This suncream is specifically created for babies with very

sensitive and delicate skin. it includes vitamin e.







These offers are available from all leading baby shops

sUmmer brings along high UV exPoSUreit is important to stay safe in the sunHere are the 10 golden rules to protect your skin and that of your children this summer!

Do not expose children under the age of three to the sun, and if you do, use total sunblock on them. Young children should not be out in the sun during the hottest part of the day, between 11am and 4pm. Do not forget that although the sun can be dangerous, it is also good for us! After just 10 minutes in the sunshine, our bodies start producing Vitamin D, which helps us absorb calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Protect children with hats with visors or brims, sunglasses and light, long-sleeved T-shirts. Use cream with a high Sun Protection Factor (SPF), preferably ones that are specially developed for babies and children. Apply the sun cream 30 minutes before you go out so that it is effective as soon as your children are exposed to the sun. Re-apply protection every half hour on children under the age of three, and every two hours for children 3 years and up. Even in the shade and when it is cloudy, protect your children’s skin. 80% of harmful UV rays penetrate through the clouds. Avoid using perfumed products which makes skin even more sun-sensitive. Make sure your children drink plenty of water regularly to avoid dehydration.











PoLariSed LenS

FiLtering Power

100% UV ProteCtion

18 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 19: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Chicco is one of the leading brands for strollers in Malta and around the world, and many parents swear by the efficiency and convenience of its line of strollers. It is not a surprise that many people want to buy a Chicco stroller, but the wide variety of Chicco stroller options on the market make choosing “the one” Chicco stroller quite overwhelming for some. With so many sound options, it can be difficult for you to decide which Chicco stroller is best for your baby and for yourself as well.

Choosing the right Chicco stroller need not be a confusing process. There are a number of key factors that you must consider in order to come to a conclusion regarding which of Chicco’s strollers is the best option: for example, your lifestyle, weight of stroller and storage convenience. Once the decision is made that best meets the safety and comfort needs of your baby, finding the right Chicco stroller is convenient and stress-free.

In this issue we are focusing on two models, here are the main features & colours for each one:

Take aDvanTage OF a

10% diSCoUnt wHen purCHasing any OF THese TwO sTrOllers

On presenTaTiOn OF THis COupOn FOr THe mOnTHs

OF june & july

Choosing a lightweight stroller for summer

Lite Way Fluo strollerThe Super Trendy Stroller!Ideal for you...

lite way Fluo is a special edition in line with the latest fashion trends, made in double fabric. The details in bright colours, matched to the main perforated fabric are the ideal combination for the coolest mums and kids!

Echo strollerThe Pop Style StrollerIdeal for you...

echo is a stroller designed to meet the demands of dynamic mums searching for a modern stylish product, with attractive colours, that is practical and user friendly for everyday use when out and about with their baby. echo has an embroidered seat, the look of the wheels customised with the echo logo, the coloured rear tubes, and the tone-on-tone details combine to enhance the pop image of this stroller. The seat is spacious and the padded backrest can be adjusted single-handed to four different positions for the comfort of your child.

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Handles in anti-slip material in the same colour of the stroller

special perforated fabric matched to a contrast solid bright colour

exclusive customised wheels

practical carrying handle lightweight structure, compact when closed

5-point safety belt with padded shoulders

Canopy hood that can be turned into a sun hood

Handles with soft-touch handgrips for extra comfort

metalised tubes, matching the colour of the seat fabric

Double face shoulder strap covers: a grey side and a colourful side

padded bumper bar

large hood for utmost protection against uv rays

exclusive embroidery on the hood



VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 19

Page 20: VivianBaby 25, June'14

nuvita products are available from all leading baby shops, supermarkets and pharmacies.

Tooth decay can occur as soon as a baby’s tooth appear. One of the risk factors for early childhood caries is frequent and

prolonged exposure of a baby’s teeth to liquids containing sugar - including milk, formula and fruit juice.

Because decay can destroy the teeth of an infant or a kid, parents should encourage their children

to drink from a cup by their first birthday.Here are the New Drinking Cups

launched by Nuvita, now available from all leading supermarkets, baby shops

and pharmacies. Choose the correct cup for your child. Here

is a good guide for you to choose the correct cup for

your baby.


Baby Bottle to Cup

trainer Cup with SiliCone Spoutideal for 6 month old BaBieSStarter cup with Silicone handles and spout.

from 6 months on, the starter cup will help the baby to start drinking on his/her own. the Silicone anti-spill spout is soft, it does not damage the gums and it is perfect for a natural transition from the teat. the handles are easy to hold also for smaller hands. • Soft Silicone spout • anti spill • ergonomic handles • hygienic cover • available in 3 different colours:

orange and yellow, light blue and green, pink

BaBy nail kit Accessories for the baby’s nail care anallergic and safe rounded tip and stainless steel scissors. ergonomic nail clipper. everything is nickel free. 5 files to trim nail’s angles. • rounded tip scissors • ergonomic nail clipper • anallergic and nickel free

20 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 21: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Call us on Freephone 80073102 for assistance.

Bottle with flip-up Strawideal for 18 month old toddlerS anti spill bottle with retractable straw.

from 18 months on, this bottle will be useful at home or on the go. its particular shape is easy to hold and the straw disappears automatically inside the bottle by simply turning the cap. • anti spill bottle • easy to hold shape • Closing cap • retractable straw

eaSy drink Bottleideal for 12 month old BaBieSeasy drink bottle.

from 1 year on this bottle helps the baby to start drinking on his/her own and is also easy to take when on the go.

its particular shape with anti slip surface allows an easy hold; the anti spill spout is soft, while the transparent cover maintains the hygiene. • Silicone spout • easy hold shape • transparent cover • available in 2 colours: blue and

green, green and pink

trainer Cup with hard Spoutideal for 12 month old BaBieS Starter cup with handles and hard anti-spill spout.

this cup will help babies from 1 year on to drink on their own. the hard spout is anti-spill and does not damage gums. the handles are easy to hold, also for the smaller hands, and the spout cover helps to maintain the maximum hygiene. • hard spout • anti spill • ergonomic handles • hygienic cover • available in 2 different colours:

blue and green, pink and orange.

CollapSaBle SiliCone ContainerS 230 ml & 540ml Silicone food storage containers versatile and collapsable. ideal for lunches, storing food both at home and on the go. Collapsable after use for convenient space saving. anti spill clip-on lid. Can be used in microwave ovens. Suitable for use in fridge and freezer. Silicone does not allow the growth of fungus and bacteria, it is odourless and tasteless.

and what’S more from nuVita

Like US on nUVita MaLta

VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 21

Page 22: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Available in 450gr and 900gr tins

When you have moved your baby onto solid foods (from 6 months) SMA Follow-on Milk is our best complement to their diet. It benefits from over 90 years of experience in advancing baby nutrition and has been specifically designed for babies from 6 months of age as part of a varied weaning diet.

It provides essential nutrients in an adequate amount of milk, leaving space in your little one’s tummy for food, to help by not spoiling their appetite for solids.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: SMA Follow-on Milk is only suitable for babies over 6 months as part of a mixed diet, when breast feeding is not available. It should not be used as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life. The decision to start weaning or to use follow-on milk before 6 months, should be made only on the advice of a pediatrician based on your baby’s specific growth and development needs.

Breast is best for babies

Follow-on Milk

Pear & Banana SmoothieYou will need:• 50 g Bananas • 50 g Pears • 60 ml SMA Progress Kids

Method:Peel and chop the fruit. Mix up the fruit with your blender and add milk. Blend the mixture until you have a perfectly smooth consistency. Serve chilled.

22 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 23: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Available in 450gr and 900gr tins

When you have moved your baby onto solid foods (from 6 months) SMA Follow-on Milk is our best complement to their diet. It benefits from over 90 years of experience in advancing baby nutrition and has been specifically designed for babies from 6 months of age as part of a varied weaning diet.

It provides essential nutrients in an adequate amount of milk, leaving space in your little one’s tummy for food, to help by not spoiling their appetite for solids.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: SMA Follow-on Milk is only suitable for babies over 6 months as part of a mixed diet, when breast feeding is not available. It should not be used as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life. The decision to start weaning or to use follow-on milk before 6 months, should be made only on the advice of a pediatrician based on your baby’s specific growth and development needs.

Breast is best for babies

Follow-on Milk

Pear & Banana SmoothieYou will need:• 50 g Bananas • 50 g Pears • 60 ml SMA Progress Kids

Method:Peel and chop the fruit. Mix up the fruit with your blender and add milk. Blend the mixture until you have a perfectly smooth consistency. Serve chilled.

Feeding toddlers is a wonderful but a challenging responsibility. Our children need a healthy,

varied and balanced diet to grow and develop, so here are some practical tips and a guide to the types and proportions of food your toddler needs to have.

How much food do they need? How much they eat varies widely from day to day and meal to meal. In general, if your 1-4 year old is taller or more active than other children, she/he will eat more food than a smaller, less active child. Having said that, remember that toddlers’ tummies are too small to take on big meals, so it’s best to offer three regular meals and two or three small, nutritious snacks a day. Providing a balanced diet involves combining foods from five different food groups and serving them in the correct proportions. The combination also involves a mixture of some high calorie and some low calorie foods so that too many calories are not eaten.

Feeding toddlers the food they needNutritioN for toddlers 12 MoNths +

Here’s a helpful guide showing you the five food groups:• Fruit and vegetables – 5 toddler

portions a day. Try to offer some fruit or vegetables with every meal so that your toddler learns that they are part of a normal meal.

• Bread, rice, pasta, potatoes & other starchy foods – 4 toddler portions a day. Starchy foods should be offered with each meal and try to choose a mixture of white and wholemeal varieties throughout the week. Fibre which is mostly abundant in whole meal plays an important role in your child’s diet but it can be very filling. Too much can mean your little one is too full to eat other foods.

• Meat, fish, eggs, beans & pulses -2 toddler portions a day. If you are vegetarian serve meat alternatives, such as chickpeas, lentils or beans, with a food or drink high in vitamin C, such as peppers or a small beaker of orange juice, to help their body absorb iron.

• Milk & dairy Foods – 2-3 toddler portions a day. Unlike adults, toddlers need full-fat varieties of

dairy products, such as whole milk or full-fat yoghurts, to provide them with sufficient energy, vitamins and minerals. Children aged 1-3 years need a minimum of 350ml of milk a day as milk contains iron and other key vitamins and minerals.

• Foods high in fat, salt or sugar These include foods such as sweets, chocolate and ice-cream as well as crisps, ready meals, chicken nuggets, pizza and chips. Keep these foods as occasional treats – no more than once a week as they shouldn’t take the place of more nutritious foods.

• Drinks – Offer 6-8 drinks a day. Water is the healthy option, you can sometimes offer diluted fruit juice.

Bene�cial e�ects of essential fatty acids is obtained with a daily intake of 10g of linoleic acid and 2g of alpha - linoleic acid

Growing up milk from 1 year+

We remind you the importance of a varied and balanced diet and

a healthy lifesytle from the very beginning.


VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 23

Page 24: VivianBaby 25, June'14

All around the world, parents bond with their babies through rhythmic

movement and musical sounds. Parents know instinctively what scientists have now proven: young children really do thrive on music as it is one of the best vehicles for learning in early childhood development. An extensive body of evidence suggests that if a child is actively involved in music-making in an age-appropriate, socially accepting environment for as little as 30 minutes to an hour a week, their wellbeing, intelligence, and academic performance can be enhanced – their emotional, linguistic, cognitive, quantitative, creative skills may be improved.

MusicMattersDavid Hargreaves from the

Applied Music Research Centre, Roehamtpon University London states that brain scans have shown that our brain uses a wide distribution of areas when we listen to music. Rhythm and pitch tend to be processed in the left-hand side of the human brain, while timbre and melody is dealt with on the right.” Studies have shown that for the full benefits, children require a variety of music, featuring different rhythms, scales, meters, tempi and so on.

Humans first started creating music 500,000 years ago, yet speech and language was only developed 200,000 years ago. Robin Dunbar from

Oxford University, suggests that evolutionary evidence shows that speech as a form of communication has evolved from our original development and use of music. Moreover, studies suggest that children who study music before the age of seven

Rosetta De BattistaArts Education Consultant for Teatru Manoel, Musician, Music Therapist & Educator

develop bigger vocabularies, a better sense of grammar and a higher verbal IQ and that it is the only proven method to boost the full intellectual, linguistic and emotional capacity of a child. According to the 2014 February issue in The Guardian, these studies have shown that for the full benefits, children should start actively engaging with music before the age of seven because it is during these crucial years that the brain is at its most sensitive development phase, with 95% of the brain’s growth occurring now.

WHAT CAN PARENTs DO TO ENCOuRAgE THEIR CHIlD TO BENEFIT FROM lIsTENINg TO MusIC?In today’s world where music is heard all the time, on TV, Radio, in shops, the ear can tend to just hear these sounds as opposed to actively listening to them.

So many studies have shown that it is a great idea to listen to classical music at home with your child. In order to encourage listening, as opposed to hearing, ask them to walk around the room in time with the music, or get

TOI TOI is Teatru Manoel’s rich and varied educational programme

set up by music therapist and educator, Rosetta Debattista, who believes that honing a love for the Arts from a very young age is of intrinsic importance.

Since its inception in September 2011, a number of Toi Toi events have been set in motion and have become increasingly popular. These include our 022, 325 and 628 concerts for babies, toddlers and children.

Toi Toi’s dynamic, child-friendly 40-minute concerts of popular classics are created with this in mind, for babies with their parents or carers and are a wonderful opportunity to experience high quality LIVE music in an informal atmosphere with new material every month. At these concerts there is always a lovely surprise, bringing it all to life in a different way each month! The repertoire ranges from classical pieces to popular tunes that children know and love. We also introduce lesser known works to the attendees, featuring contrasting tempi, dynamics and rhythm. The music is carefully selected so that it appeals to babies and children as well as to support the child’s aural and emotional development.

“Toi Toi”, a phrase used to wish good luck to an artist, seconds before going on stage!

them to act out the ‘moods’ of the music. Ask them questions like does the music sound happy or sad? Is it fast, is it slow? Singing a song loudly and then softly, fast and then slow. These examples seem quite basic, but they can encourage listening, and are skills that need some practise. It can also be lots of fun!









n br


t to









Music training

started during this period

also boosts the brain’s

ability to process subtle

differences between

sounds and assists in the

pronunciation of languages –

and this gift lasts for life”


Win tickets to toi toi sessions with

SMA Progress Kids competitionCheck out our competition page!

24 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 25: VivianBaby 25, June'14

All around the world, parents bond with their babies through rhythmic

movement and musical sounds. Parents know instinctively what scientists have now proven: young children really do thrive on music as it is one of the best vehicles for learning in early childhood development. An extensive body of evidence suggests that if a child is actively involved in music-making in an age-appropriate, socially accepting environment for as little as 30 minutes to an hour a week, their wellbeing, intelligence, and academic performance can be enhanced – their emotional, linguistic, cognitive, quantitative, creative skills may be improved.

MusicMattersDavid Hargreaves from the

Applied Music Research Centre, Roehamtpon University London states that brain scans have shown that our brain uses a wide distribution of areas when we listen to music. Rhythm and pitch tend to be processed in the left-hand side of the human brain, while timbre and melody is dealt with on the right.” Studies have shown that for the full benefits, children require a variety of music, featuring different rhythms, scales, meters, tempi and so on.

Humans first started creating music 500,000 years ago, yet speech and language was only developed 200,000 years ago. Robin Dunbar from

Oxford University, suggests that evolutionary evidence shows that speech as a form of communication has evolved from our original development and use of music. Moreover, studies suggest that children who study music before the age of seven

Rosetta De BattistaArts Education Consultant for Teatru Manoel, Musician, Music Therapist & Educator

develop bigger vocabularies, a better sense of grammar and a higher verbal IQ and that it is the only proven method to boost the full intellectual, linguistic and emotional capacity of a child. According to the 2014 February issue in The Guardian, these studies have shown that for the full benefits, children should start actively engaging with music before the age of seven because it is during these crucial years that the brain is at its most sensitive development phase, with 95% of the brain’s growth occurring now.

WHAT CAN PARENTs DO TO ENCOuRAgE THEIR CHIlD TO BENEFIT FROM lIsTENINg TO MusIC?In today’s world where music is heard all the time, on TV, Radio, in shops, the ear can tend to just hear these sounds as opposed to actively listening to them.

So many studies have shown that it is a great idea to listen to classical music at home with your child. In order to encourage listening, as opposed to hearing, ask them to walk around the room in time with the music, or get

TOI TOI is Teatru Manoel’s rich and varied educational programme

set up by music therapist and educator, Rosetta Debattista, who believes that honing a love for the Arts from a very young age is of intrinsic importance.

Since its inception in September 2011, a number of Toi Toi events have been set in motion and have become increasingly popular. These include our 022, 325 and 628 concerts for babies, toddlers and children.

Toi Toi’s dynamic, child-friendly 40-minute concerts of popular classics are created with this in mind, for babies with their parents or carers and are a wonderful opportunity to experience high quality LIVE music in an informal atmosphere with new material every month. At these concerts there is always a lovely surprise, bringing it all to life in a different way each month! The repertoire ranges from classical pieces to popular tunes that children know and love. We also introduce lesser known works to the attendees, featuring contrasting tempi, dynamics and rhythm. The music is carefully selected so that it appeals to babies and children as well as to support the child’s aural and emotional development.

“Toi Toi”, a phrase used to wish good luck to an artist, seconds before going on stage!

them to act out the ‘moods’ of the music. Ask them questions like does the music sound happy or sad? Is it fast, is it slow? Singing a song loudly and then softly, fast and then slow. These examples seem quite basic, but they can encourage listening, and are skills that need some practise. It can also be lots of fun!









n br


t to









Music training

started during this period

also boosts the brain’s

ability to process subtle

differences between

sounds and assists in the

pronunciation of languages –

and this gift lasts for life”


Win tickets to toi toi sessions with

SMA Progress Kids competitionCheck out our competition page!

VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 25

Page 26: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Sweet baby

We all know how fast babies grow, especially in the first year. Therefore it is important that we make sure to have things which remind us how tiny and different they were. Apart from taking photos and videos, we can create other lovely things such as the following.

Hanging clay hand / footprint:Colourful hand / foot print:

One of the major change in a baby’s body is the size of their little sweet feet and hands, so why not make sure not to forget how tiny they were. Buy some Clay and press their hand and feet on to it. They can be hung in the nursery or given to grandparents.

A footprint or a hand print can be turned in something sweet and framed. Footprints can be used in cards to make them more special.

Go on get creative

& send us a photo of your crafts.

The best three memoirs

will be given a hamper

of €50 worth of Plasmon.

Another sweet idea is to frame photos in an unusual manner such as the ones here. You can add footprints, dates as well as other memoirs such as the hospital bracelet.

Which is the first Plasmon biscuit which I should give my child?

The first biscuit which you should give your child is the Plasmon Primi Mesi biscuit, because it melts very easily in your baby’s mouth, therefore it is safer. Even though the biscuit melts easily, it is important that you do not leave your baby unattended whilst eating a biscuit.

How many biscuits can I add to my baby’s milk?

You do not need to add anything to your baby’s milk. The milk, both breast milk and formula, are complete with all the necessary nutrients etc… When adding biscuits to the milk you are changing its composition which is not healthy. You can use the Plasmon Granulated biscuits with cereal, fruit and yoghurt by feeding it to your child with a spoon, not through the bottle.

Do I have to heat the Plasmon ready meals jars?

No you do not have to. They can be given at room temperature. But it all depends on your baby’s preference.

By when do I need to use the jars once opened?

Once opened jars need to be used within 24 hours. And it is also important to keep opened jars in

Frequently asked questionsWE lOvE lisTENiNG TO YOur quEriEs ANd quEsTiONs EvErY TiME YOu CAll Our OFFiCEs FOr AdviCE. YOu All Ask vErY iMPOrTANT quEsTiONs, sO WE dECidEd TO GrOuP All OF ThEM TOGEThEr iN ONE ArTiClE FOr All ThE OThEr PArENTs


the fridge. do not feed from the jar if you know that you will not be using all the content. What we suggest is to scoop out the amount of food which your baby will be eating, and refrigerate the rest. if you feed directly from the jar, do not store the left overs as they will be contaminated with saliva from the spoon. Don’t forget that these jars do not contain any preservatives and additives, so will get contaminated easily.

Why is it suggested to use Plasmon products instead of the normal commercial ones such as pasta and soft cheeses?

Plasmon is fortified with extra iron, calcium and vitamins; making sure that each meal is super nutritious and provides the required amount nutrients for your child. Also Plasmon does not contain any added salts and contains the appropriate levels of fats.

How do I use the Plasmon meat concentrates?

The Plasmon meat concentrates give you the opportunity to cook your own fresh vegetables and then add the Plasmon concentrates to them. it is very important that you do not give your child the jar on its

own since it’s is very important that you provide a variety of nutrients in your meals and not just protein. You can add these concentrates to pasta and cereals as well.

Are the Plasmon cereals only to be used as a breakfast?

No, the Plasmon cereals are so versatile that they can be used in a number of ways:• Addedtoavegetable&meatpuree

to increase its nutrient content.• Sprinkledontoafruitpureetogive

it a thicker consistency.• Youcanalsopreparesomeplain

cereal with milk and biscuit as a snack.

26 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 27: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Sweet baby

We all know how fast babies grow, especially in the first year. Therefore it is important that we make sure to have things which remind us how tiny and different they were. Apart from taking photos and videos, we can create other lovely things such as the following.

Hanging clay hand / footprint:Colourful hand / foot print:

One of the major change in a baby’s body is the size of their little sweet feet and hands, so why not make sure not to forget how tiny they were. Buy some Clay and press their hand and feet on to it. They can be hung in the nursery or given to grandparents.

A footprint or a hand print can be turned in something sweet and framed. Footprints can be used in cards to make them more special.

Go on get creative

& send us a photo of your crafts.

The best three memoirs

will be given a hamper

of €50 worth of Plasmon.

Another sweet idea is to frame photos in an unusual manner such as the ones here. You can add footprints, dates as well as other memoirs such as the hospital bracelet.

Which is the first Plasmon biscuit which I should give my child?

The first biscuit which you should give your child is the Plasmon Primi Mesi biscuit, because it melts very easily in your baby’s mouth, therefore it is safer. Even though the biscuit melts easily, it is important that you do not leave your baby unattended whilst eating a biscuit.

How many biscuits can I add to my baby’s milk?

You do not need to add anything to your baby’s milk. The milk, both breast milk and formula, are complete with all the necessary nutrients etc… When adding biscuits to the milk you are changing its composition which is not healthy. You can use the Plasmon Granulated biscuits with cereal, fruit and yoghurt by feeding it to your child with a spoon, not through the bottle.

Do I have to heat the Plasmon ready meals jars?

No you do not have to. They can be given at room temperature. But it all depends on your baby’s preference.

By when do I need to use the jars once opened?

Once opened jars need to be used within 24 hours. And it is also important to keep opened jars in

Frequently asked questionsWE lOvE lisTENiNG TO YOur quEriEs ANd quEsTiONs EvErY TiME YOu CAll Our OFFiCEs FOr AdviCE. YOu All Ask vErY iMPOrTANT quEsTiONs, sO WE dECidEd TO GrOuP All OF ThEM TOGEThEr iN ONE ArTiClE FOr All ThE OThEr PArENTs


the fridge. do not feed from the jar if you know that you will not be using all the content. What we suggest is to scoop out the amount of food which your baby will be eating, and refrigerate the rest. if you feed directly from the jar, do not store the left overs as they will be contaminated with saliva from the spoon. Don’t forget that these jars do not contain any preservatives and additives, so will get contaminated easily.

Why is it suggested to use Plasmon products instead of the normal commercial ones such as pasta and soft cheeses?

Plasmon is fortified with extra iron, calcium and vitamins; making sure that each meal is super nutritious and provides the required amount nutrients for your child. Also Plasmon does not contain any added salts and contains the appropriate levels of fats.

How do I use the Plasmon meat concentrates?

The Plasmon meat concentrates give you the opportunity to cook your own fresh vegetables and then add the Plasmon concentrates to them. it is very important that you do not give your child the jar on its

own since it’s is very important that you provide a variety of nutrients in your meals and not just protein. You can add these concentrates to pasta and cereals as well.

Are the Plasmon cereals only to be used as a breakfast?

No, the Plasmon cereals are so versatile that they can be used in a number of ways:• Addedtoavegetable&meatpuree

to increase its nutrient content.• Sprinkledontoafruitpureetogive

it a thicker consistency.• Youcanalsopreparesomeplain

cereal with milk and biscuit as a snack.

VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 27

Page 28: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Yoghurt is a great addition to the weaning diet, it’s not only tasty but it also has the perfect consistency for your food newbie and it is laden with vitamins and minerals, making it a perfect healthy snack.

Yoghurt can be introduced in your little one’s diet by the age of 6 months, where it can be either a yummy snack or a post-meal dessert for older children eating larger portions. The high calcium content found in yoghurts is very much needed to strengthen their growing bones and teeth, while the vitamin C also present in Plasmon yoghurts help in growth and repair of tissues. Other roles of vitamin C in the body include; a healthier immune system to ward off seasonal diseases such a colds and flu, and the repair of several components in our body including bones, teeth, cartilage and blood vessels.

Plasmon has a range of delicious yoghurts from which one can choose, making snack time more interesting for your baby. There is also a choice between gluten free and gluten containing yoghurts, thus catering for different nutritional requirements. The gluten free yoghurts include ‘apple and yoghurt’, ‘banana and yoghurt’, ‘pear and yoghurt’ as well as ‘apricot and yoghurt’. These fruit and yoghurt combos combine the sweet taste of the fruit together with the nutrition of the yoghurt resulting in a perfectly balanced snack. The gluten containing ‘yoghurt and biscuit’ is an equally healthy and tasty alternative to the fruit yoghurts.

The Plasmon yoghurts are conveniently packaged in 120g jars, where they can be given straight from the jar whether you are on the go, or at home. if only half a jar is needed, as in the case of smaller portion size or in recipes, it is suggested that the amount needed is poured in a bowl using a clean spoon, and the opened jar can be stored in the fridge for 24 hours. Any remaining yoghurt in the bowl, which would have come into contact with your child’s mouth, should be discarded.

Plasmon yoghurts are a great source of calcium, and they are fortified with vitamins, furthermore there are no preservatives or colourings, making them the best choice for your baby.

The perfect healthy snack Recipe Corner

Apricot Yoghurt Cake Ingredients:• 1jarPlasmonAlbicoccaand

Yoghurt• 2tablespoonsGranulated

Biscuits, Primi Mesi

Method:• Coverthebottomofaserving

container with the granulated biscuits, and press lightly using a teaspoon.

• Coverthebiscuitbottomwiththe Plasmon Albicocca and Yoghurt jar.

• Bestservedchilledasarefreshing summer snack.

m6 +

Yoghurt and fruit cup Ingredients:• 1jarPlasmonYoghurtand

Biscuit• ½Apple• ½Banana• ½Pear

Method:• Washandpeeltheapple,

banana and pear. Chop the fruits into small bite-sizes, adapting the fruit sizes according to your child’s ability to chew.

• Placethechoppedfruitsin a cup, and mix with the Plasmon Yoghurt and Biscuit.

• Bestservedchilledasarefreshing summer snack.

m8 +




29, Sanitas Building, Tower Street, Msida MSD 1824Tel: 2134 4610 | Email: [email protected]

& redeem them for

Collect the

outer wrappers

great toysof your favourite Plasmon Products


s &








Baby piano


Aquarium spinner



Music band table



Talking telephone

Talking dragon





Martian stroller



Rocking rings



Rock n Roll drums


Talking garden


10 will be drawn

all throughout

the collection


Plasmon (Malta)

Collect the leaflet from

point of sale for further


In collaboration with

28 • VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014

Page 29: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Collect& Play

Collect& Play

29, Sanitas Building, Tower Street, Msida MSD 1824Tel: 2134 4610 | Email: [email protected]

& redeem them for

Collect the

outer wrappers

great toysof your favourite Plasmon Products


s &








Baby piano


Aquarium spinner



Music band table



Talking telephone

Talking dragon





Martian stroller



Rocking rings



Rock n Roll drums


Talking garden


10 will be drawn

all throughout

the collection


Plasmon (Malta)

Collect the leaflet from

point of sale for further


In collaboration with

VIVIAN BABY • JUNE 2014 • 29

Page 30: VivianBaby 25, June'14


Send an SMS with your answer to 50619615 by not later than 31st July 2014 along with your name & surname. Each SMS costs 28c

The first drawn correct answer will win a Mercedes Benz 60ml perfume worth €55

A: Plasmon Premi MesiB: Plasmon Happy Frollino C: Plasmon Biscotto ai 6 Cereali

Which is the first Plasmon biscuit which melts easily in your baby’s mouth?

Word Search Complete the word search by finding the following words:



Send your Word Search to: Chicco Word SearchVivian Corporation29, Sanitas BuildingTower Street, Msida MSD 1824 by not later than 31 July 2014, along with your name and surname.



There will be 3 winners and each will receive 1 Zanza Spray and 1 Suncream

o l c u p S a S l a n

m i n a o b e a S l t

n o i t c e t o r p r

z n S m z n r S e h i

t a u q e e e a b a a

r u n d u f g o m b r

a i c z e i i c u e h

u z a b a t t S n t b

t o r a l S S o e m m

S r e m m u S e m a g

b a t c e c t n i t t

Give them a Plum start



Plum uses nutritious grains in its recipes. How many different grains are used in the Plum range?

A: 7 Grains, B: 5 Grains, C: 3 Grains

Send an SMS with your answer to 50619615 by not later than 31st July 2014 along with your name & surname.

The first drawn correct answer will win a Sally Hansen nail Kit worth €45

Page 31: VivianBaby 25, June'14


Send an SMS with your answer to 50619615 by not later than 31st July 2014 along with your name & surname. Each SMS costs 28c

The first drawn correct answer will win a Mercedes Benz 60ml perfume worth €55

A: Plasmon Premi MesiB: Plasmon Happy Frollino C: Plasmon Biscotto ai 6 Cereali

Which is the first Plasmon biscuit which melts easily in your baby’s mouth?

Word Search Complete the word search by finding the following words:



Send your Word Search to: Chicco Word SearchVivian Corporation29, Sanitas BuildingTower Street, Msida MSD 1824 by not later than 31 July 2014, along with your name and surname.



There will be 3 winners and each will receive 1 Zanza Spray and 1 Suncream

o l c u p S a S l a n

m i n a o b e a S l t

n o i t c e t o r p r

z n S m z n r S e h i

t a u q e e e a b a a

r u n d u f g o m b r

a i c z e i i c u e h

u z a b a t t S n t b

t o r a l S S o e m m

S r e m m u S e m a g

b a t c e c t n i t t

Give them a Plum start



Plum uses nutritious grains in its recipes. How many different grains are used in the Plum range?

A: 7 Grains, B: 5 Grains, C: 3 Grains

Send an SMS with your answer to 50619615 by not later than 31st July 2014 along with your name & surname.

The first drawn correct answer will win a Sally Hansen nail Kit worth €45


COMPETITIONABC Derm Competition: Charlene Grech, Catherine Muscat, Ramona Vella, Sarah Cassar, Chantelle Polidano, Abigail Tabone, Abigail Bary, Alexia Pisani & Elena Micallef • Chicco Competition: Ms Susan Vella from Pembroke, Ms Beverly Spiteri from Luqa& Ms Joanna Else from Sliema Plasmon Mummy’s Competition: Maria Muscat • Plum Competition: Sachalee Cascun

ISSuE 24

How many drinks should be offered to toddlers on a daily basis?

Send an SMS with your answer to 5061 9615 by not later than 31st July 2014, along with your name and surname. Each SMS costs 28c.The first 10 drawn correct answers win tickets to Toi Toi sessions at the Manuel Theatre.

Warehouse Sale

Mon to sat shop hours

the sale continues

at Galleria complex level 0, Fguraclothing & shoesand a vast selection of toysat fantastic prices

uP to 70%oFF

8007 3102

UV-Total Protection Swimwear for children between 0-12yrs

FloatsuitBuoyancy Jacket

The pluri-award winning innovative line for kids... ...what better way to enjoy the sun than fully wrapped in Konfidence!










Vivian Corp - Konfidence 1 25/04/2012 11:44:04

AvAilAble from: Thirty-Six,The Point,TigneGalleria Shopping Centre, fgura and other leading outlets


Page 32: VivianBaby 25, June'14

Send an SMS with your answer to 50619615 by not later than 31st July 2014 along with your name and surname.

Each SMS costs 28c. The first drawn correct answer will win a family ticket for 2 adults & 2 children to the Malta National Aquarium.

Win tickets to the Malta NatioNal aquariuM with VivianBaby! by answering this simple question:

Which are the 6 baby care brands which fall under the umbrella of VivianBaby?


s co




is in





n w




ta N


nal A




Good luck!

29 Sanitas Building, Tower Street, Msida, MSD 1824, Tel: 2134 4610 / 2134 4616, Email: [email protected]