vivid women - jubilee christian center · 2019-01-06 · 2 jubilee vivid women january 2019 vivid...

January 2019 Vivid Women Jubilee Vivid Women Newsletter Testimonies, Lunches, Bible Studies, Spiritual Encouragement, Parties, Conferences, Connect with Sisters, Outreach, and New Friends! women.html Jubilee Christian Center 703-383-1170 IN THIS ISSUE 1) From the boom of my heart, In this issue 2) Evening Bible Study, Morning Bible Study 3) Whats happening 4) Dorcas House, Sancty of Life 5) Encouraging Words, Cookie Sale, Out to Lunch Bunch 6) Potomac Network News 7) GirlsMinistries, MOPS & MOMSnext 8) Prayer Room 9) Robins Review 10) Kitchen Corner 11) Birthday Wishes, Birthday List 12) Supporng Sisters Genesis 16:13..... " You are the God who sees me" The eyes of God are upon me, He sees everything I do. The arms of God are around me; they keep me safe and secure. And He knows where I am, every hour of every day. He knows each thought I think; He knows each word that I might say. And although there've been times I've been out of His will, I've never been out of His care.So have you ever wondered if anyone really sees you for your value and worth? Do you long to be cherished and adored? Im so excited to share with you this years National Womens Ministries Theme: Adored By the God Who Sees Me. In Genesis 16, we find the story of Hagar (Sarahs servant) and the plans of imper- fect humans that were set into place to try to helpGod out with His perfect plans. No doubt both Hagar and Sarah were frustrated and heartbroken concerning the situation - BUT GOD! Yes, God saw these two ladies just as He see us with our struggles, hindrances, issues and disappointments. I invite you to join us as we spend time together in 2019 getting to know several women of the Bible. Their personal stories demonstrate Gods incredi- ble love, healing power, and ability to see greatness and promise in all of us - no matter where we might find ourselves. Just as our Heavenly Father looks to the future, we, too, are looking ahead to 2019 with ways that we can connect with and encourage each other to grow in our relationship with God, such as: 1. “A Movie & MorePlan to attend on Saturday, March 23 th at 1:00pm, we will be viewing the movie An Interview with God.We will follow with a time of fellowship and discussion about this thought-provoking piece. 2. Did someone say food??? Starting in March (31 st ) there will be a Sunday Out to Lunch Bunch.We will meet on the 5 th Sunday - once a quarter. We will follow the same guidelines as our monthly OTLB - we meet at a restaurant after the 11am service (different locale each time), with each lady paying for her own meal while enjoying fellowship together. Be on the look-out for more details. 3. Tuesday is Ladies Bible Study Day. Carve out some time in your schedule to attend studies in the morning (9:45-noon) or evening (7:30 – 9:00) or both!!You will not be disappointed! See page 2 for details. As I look forward to the New Year, I am inspired to Make Roomin all aspects of my life for the God who sees me. I encourage each of you to do the same - remember you will always be cherished, valued and adored by our Heavenly Father. Love and Prayers Yvonné FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART

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Page 1: Vivid Women - Jubilee Christian Center · 2019-01-06 · 2 Jubilee Vivid Women January 2019 VIVID Women…Victorious in Faith, Virtuous in haracter, Vibrant in service... to God and

January 2019

Vivid Women

Jubilee Vivid Women


Testimonies, Lunches,

Bible Studies,

Spiritual Encouragement,

Parties, Conferences,

Connect with Sisters,

Outreach, and New



Jubilee Christian Center



1) From the bottom of my heart, In this issue 2) Evening Bible Study, Morning Bible Study 3) What’s happening

4) Dorcas House, Sanctity of Life

5) Encouraging Words, Cookie Sale, Out to Lunch Bunch

6) Potomac Network News

7) Girls’ Ministries, MOPS & MOMSnext

8) Prayer Room

9) Robin’s Review

10) Kitchen Corner

11) Birthday Wishes, Birthday List

12) Supporting Sisters

Genesis 16:13..... " You are the God who sees me"

“The eyes of God are upon me, He sees everything I do. The arms of God are around me; they keep me safe and secure. And He knows where I am, every hour of every day. He knows each thought I think; He knows each word that I might say. And although there've been times I've been out of His will, I've never been out of His care.”

So have you ever wondered if anyone really sees you for your value and worth? Do you long to be cherished and adored? I’m so excited to share with you this year’s National Women’s Ministries Theme: Adored – By the God Who Sees Me. In Genesis 16, we find the story of Hagar (Sarah’s servant) and the plans of imper-fect humans that were set into place to try to “help” God out with His perfect plans. No doubt both Hagar and Sarah were frustrated and heartbroken concerning the situation - BUT GOD! Yes, God saw these two ladies just as He see us with our struggles, hindrances, issues and disappointments. I invite you to join us as we spend time together in 2019 getting to know several women of the Bible. Their personal stories demonstrate God’s incredi-ble love, healing power, and ability to see greatness and promise in all of us - no matter where we might find ourselves. Just as our Heavenly Father looks to the future, we, too, are looking ahead to 2019 with ways that we can connect with and encourage each other to grow in our relationship with God, such as:

1. “A Movie & More” – Plan to attend on Saturday, March 23th at 1:00pm, we will be viewing the movie “An Interview with God.” We will follow with a time of fellowship and discussion about this thought-provoking piece.

2. Did someone say food??? Starting in March (31st) there will be a “Sunday Out to Lunch Bunch.” We will meet on the 5th Sunday - once a quarter. We will follow the same guidelines as our monthly OTLB - we meet at a restaurant after the 11am service (different locale each time), with each lady paying for her own meal while enjoying fellowship together. Be on the look-out for more details.

3. Tuesday is Ladies Bible Study Day. Carve out some time in your schedule to attend studies in the morning (9:45-noon) or evening (7:30 – 9:00) or both!!…You will not be disappointed! See page 2 for details.

As I look forward to the New Year, I am inspired to “Make Room” in all aspects of my life for the God who sees me. I encourage each of you to do the same - remember you will always be cherished, valued and adored by our Heavenly Father.

Love and Prayers Yvonné


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Jubilee Vivid Women January 2019

VIVID Women… Victorious in Faith, Virtuous in Character, Vibrant in service... to God and the Body.

Jubilee VIVID Women Bible Study

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

January 8th through

May 28th

Tuesday Mornings

9:45 AM –12:00 Noon

Questions? [email protected]

2019 winter and spring sessions

“JESUS AND HIS KINGDOM” An independent study facilitated by Elaine Burrows

Luke 12:29-32 29 “And do not seek what you should eat or what you should

drink, nor have an anxious mind. 30 For all these things the nations of the world

seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. 31 But seek the king-

dom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. 32 Do not be afraid, little

flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom.

Guests Always welcome!


JCC Fellowship Hall

9:45 AM Coffee

10:00 Worship begins

Free child care

of the

Jubilee Christian Center VIVID Women offers...

? !

“...we take captive every thought to

make it obedient to Christ.”

2 Cor 10:5

Battlefield of the Mind is a powerful, thought-

shifting, life changing bible study.

Join us as we learn how to pick what we ponder

and think about what we ‘re thinking about as

we are transformed by the renewing of our

minds through the word of God.

Come gather with us as we grow in Christ.

For more information, contact Yvonné Hurst , VIVID Director 571.218.5968 [email protected]

JCC Ladies’

Evening Bible Study


NOTE: Child care is available

There is no cost for this study.

Donations are welcome.

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Jubilee Vivid Women January 2019




2 Fill up your Cookie Jar, 1 pm 14 Out to Lunch Bunch 17 Sunday Evening Fellowship


11 Out to Lunch Bunch 20 Mission Day 21 Sunday Evening Fellowship


8 Out to Lunch Bunch 18 Sunday Evening Fellowship Sunday


Fall Mums Sale 12 Out to Lunch Bunch 15 Sunday Evening Fellowship 28 Fall Luncheon 29 Sunday Out to Lunch Bunch


9 Out to Lunch Bunch 19 Sunday Evening Fellowship


08 Ladies Morning Bible Study 08 Ladies Evening Bible Study 10 Out to Lunch Bunch 20 Sunday Evening Fellowship

March 1-2 Winter Fest Newport News, VA 14 Out to Lunch Bunch 17 Sunday Evening Fellowship 23 Movie and More – An Interview with God, 1 pm 31 Sunday Out to Lunch Bunch


13 Out to Lunch Bunch 23 Sunday Evening Fellowship 30 Sunday Out to Lunch Bunch


10 Out to Lunch Bunch 20 Sunday Evening Fellowship 25-26 Women’s Conference


5 Sanctity of Life – Fundraiser Banquet 11 Out to Lunch Bunch 27 Spring Brunch 28 Sunday Evening Fellowship


Poinsettia Sale 14 Out to Lunch Bunch 27 Poinsettia Orders Due 24 Sunday Evening Fellowship


Christmas Cookie & Candy Sale TBA 1 Poinsettia Pick-up 15 Sunday Evening Fellowship 29 Sunday Out to Lunch Bunch


Print out this page and file it on your refrigerator as reference all year long.

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Dorcas House

The Dorcas House is a Missionary Commissary located at Potomac Park Conference Center in Fall-ing Waters, WV. It is set up like a miniature store. Nationally appointed full time world missionaries from the Potomac Network are eligible and encour-aged to "shop" for needed and wanted basic house-hold items at no cost to them. The U.S. Potomac Network missionaries are also eligible and encour-aged to “shop” every other year. Our network wid-ows are also blessed with an item from the Dorcas House each year at Christmas. The generous ladies of the Potomac Network strive very hard at keeping the Dorcas House sup-plied. At the beginning of every year, each section in the Network is assigned a "room" in the house. Donations to the Dorcas House are usually made in July at Missions Day - however, donations are welcome at any time throughout the year. The Dorcas House is a tremendous blessing to our missionaries. We wish you could experience the excitement and every heartfelt expression of grati-tude as the families "shop" at no cost. We want our missionaries to have the very best we can possibly give them, so we only accept items that are new and of a good quality.

This year JCC has been assigned Power Tools & Gift Cards. Melanie Ferguson is our Dorcas House representative. Be on the look out for more details about this awesome project.

Jubilee Vivid Women January 2019



"We've created a wish list on Amazon of the most

needed items for our Earn While You Learn boutique.

Clients can pick from these items after attending pre-

natal and parenting education classes to help them

prepare for their baby's arrival!

These donations have a direct impact on a client's life

and the life of her baby. Our needs are sometimes

specific, and sometimes we actually have too much

of some particular items! (For instance: please don't

send us more baby blankets - we're swimming in

them! Please send them to another pregnancy center

in need.) This list is comprehensive as to our current

needs, and they get shipped directly to our center, so

you don't have to worry about transporting them!

Thank you for considering these donated items that

will directly impact new moms in need!"

If you would like additional information about this

ministry, or wonder how you can help see, Anna


Please consider donating at:

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January 2019 Jubilee Vivid Women

Spring Cookies & Candy Sale!

Sunday March 31

After both services!!

You bake them! We sell them!!

We all bless the missionaries!!

Drop cookies off before either

AM Service

I wanted to change the world

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.

I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the na-

tion, I began to focus on my town. I could-n't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their im-pact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world. Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mer-cies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and ac-ceptable and perfect.


Out to Lunch Bunch

Jubilee Ladies

enjoy VIVID meals too!

Join us for Food, Fun & Fellowship

Always on the 2nd Thursday @ 12 Noon

Each lady pays for her own lunch

[email protected]

January 10

Jason’s Deli

Fair Lakes

February 14

Brion’s Grill


March 14



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January 2019


World Missions: Egypt

U.S. Missions: Jewels for God Location: Locust Grove, VA

For additional info go to

Project: Working with national church in Cairo, Syrian Refugee work, prayer walks, Live Dead Team


March 1-2: Ladies Winter Fest Newport News VA

July 20: Missions Day – Potomac Park Conference Ctr. WV

October 25-26: Ladies Fall Conference – Location TBD

November: Mission Trip to Egypt

Potomac Camp Ministries:

Project: Trans Campus WiFi project which will provide service for the ENTIRE campground – all buildings.

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Looking for a place where your daughter can explore her talents, discover her calling; develop god-

ly friends in a safe environment? If she is not already actively participating in Girl’s Ministries at JCC

now is the perfect time to begin. Every Wednesday evening from 7:15-8:30 girls come together ac-

cording to age and spend time learning about God, Christian principles and how they apply to life

from wonderful loving, caring women. In addition to weekly meetings – extra fun events are sched-

uled – such events may include, Self Defense Training, Firearms Safety, Sleepovers or Retreats.

Check out the website at, select the “Ministries” tab, then select “Girls Ministries” for

more information.

Girls Ministry is directed by Stephanie Villatoro. She has a heart for girls and it is her desire to see

that all of our girls develop a strong and lasting relationship with our Heavenly Father.

January 2019

MOPS Mothers Of Preschoolers


Jan 9, 23; Feb 13, 27; March 13, 27; April 10, 24; May 8, 22



Jan 16, Feb 20, March 20, April 17, May 15

For more information



6 pm Fellowship hall

Jan 27, Feb 24, March 24, June 2

Speaker for January 27, Sonja Colon, Wife of Pastor Mike Colon, and a

Fairfax County Public Schools Teacher

Girl’s Ministry

MOMSnext is privileged to be a sponsor for the Presi-

dential Volunteer Service Award(PVSA). Contact a

MOMSnext leader for information on how to sign up

your child so he/she can be rewarded for volunteer

service hours!

On January 12 a Self Defense Class will be offered for our teen-age girls. This is an all day event and will be held at JCC. Please contact Stephanie – Girl’s Ministry Director for more details.

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We Have a Prayer Room!!

“…these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of pray-

er… for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7)

Similar words were spoken to Pastor Bill Frasnelli as Jubilee Christian Center

was being built. This house of the Lord would not be built on worldly trap-

pings, but on the prayers of God’s people…. and so it has been.

Now, we have a dedicated Prayer Room at JCC. Located in Room 213A

(adjacent to the youth room), the Prayer Room is a peaceful place to seek the

Lord, for individual prayer or study.

The Prayer Room is available anytime the church is open, day or evening. For

private prayer, biblical counseling, or bible study, it is also used for church

prayer during the Sunday school hour. Faithful prayer warriors of the church

gather together to lift up to Jesus the needs of His people.

Come away to seek the Lord, to pray in solitude or with another believer.

Come away to the quiet.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with

thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God,

which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through

Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6,7

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Robin’s Review

Book Review

The Prince Warriors by Priscilla Shirer

Many of us have seen the movie, ‘War Room’, starring Pricilla Shirer. What a fantastic inspirational movie that was. But

have you tried reading The Prince Warriors written by Priscilla Shirer? She has just completed the 4th book in this se-

ries. My husband, Frank, devoured the first three (his words) and I bought the fourth as soon as it hit the shelves at

my local Christian book store. He wishes there were more sequels to the story.

His description for them are “Action, Triumph, Trusting in God”.

The interesting part is that this series was not written for adults; they are geared toward Middle-schoolers. They are

written in the modern-day era with cell phones and Rec Centers. I was leery at first, but only because I’m use to read-

ing high-action adult fiction that encompasses lots of historical data such as in books written by Joel C. Rosenberg.

(Those are also written in series and should be read in sequence as well. )

Movie Review-

Brush with Fate with Glenn Close

Cornelia (Glenn Close) is an eccentric Teacher who confides in her coworker Richard (Thomas Gibson) a deep

secret: she possesses a priceless painting from the great artist Vermeer that has been passed down for three

centuries. RE: Review from

Do you enjoy a bit of history & romance with your adventure movie? How did the teacher come into possession

of this priceless item? Where has it been all this time? How did it survive 300 years? Available on

January 2019

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Jubilee Vivid Women January 2019

Portobello-Lentil Stew


Nonstick cooking oil spray

1 tbsp. olive oil

1 cup chopped onions

4 garlic cloves, minced

3 Portobello mushrooms cut

1/2 (6-oz) can tomato paste, no salt added

2 cups vegetable broth

2 1/2 cups water

1 1/2 cups uncooked lentils (any kind)

2 (14 1/2-oz) cans diced tomatoes, no salt added

2 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp salt-free Mrs. Dash Original Blend seasoning

1 1/2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

1 cup chopped red bell peppers

2 cups chopped fresh spinach


1. Spray a large saucepan with nonstick cooking spray. Place the saucepan over medium-high heat and add olive oil. When oil is hot, add onions and garlic. Cook 1 to 2 minutes.

2. Add mushrooms, tomato paste, broth, water, lentils, tomatoes, cumin, salt, salt-free seasoning, and vinegar. Bring to a boil. Cover. Reduce heat to simmer and cook 35 to 40 minutes.

3. Add bell pepper and 1 1/2 cups spinach. Cook 5 minutes longer.

4. Top each serving with remaining fresh spinach.

5. Makes 4 servings.

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Enma Rivas Mar 03

Tiffany Maldonado Mar 04

Acacia Whitmore Mar 04

Yongsuk Putney Mar 05

Angela White Mar 11

Lynette Villanueva Mar 14

Nirajan Niraula Mar 15

Elizabeth Nelson Mar 19

Nana Ansah Mar 20

Rebecca Flores Mar 20

Carmen Rodriguez Mar 20

Mynhae Cooper Mar 21

Crystal Ford Mar 25

Jessica Woods Mar 26

Esther Ai Mar 29

Melanie Chusing Mar 30

Grethel Alvarez Mar 31


Della Atkins Feb 01

Lydia Mockabee Feb 02

Geornetta Smith Feb 03

Rebecca Lopez Feb 05

Eveth Linton Feb 06

Sheryl Boettiger Feb 07

Deana Morton Feb 07

Missy Whitfield Feb 08

Valerie Koan Feb 09

Janet Kibler Feb 10

Cathy L. West Feb 10

Ninette Heiligh Feb 11

Irma Martinez Feb 14

Sheila Robinson Feb 17

Theresa Shaffer Feb 20

Lauren Nguyen Feb 24

Emily Nelson Feb 25


Sonja Colon Jan 01

Marjorie Pollard Jan 01

Pat Klud Jan 01

Robin Gailliot Jan 04

Carol Nordenbrook Jan 07

Mami Mensah Jan 11

Shanel Chen Jan 18

Rachel Bridgwood Jan 22

Becca Nelson Jan 23

Casey Warter Jan 23

Cammie Esch Jan 24

Teresa Cleveland Jan 26

Megan Shin Jan 26

Jeanie Strenge Jan 30

J.Y. Lee Jan 31

January 2019

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Elaine Burrows

Teresa Cleveland

Melanie Ferguson

Mary Frasnelli

Joanne Fluke

Robin Gailliot

Veronica Keller

Pat Klud

Connie Markva

Anna Maylette

Carol Miller

Laura Mockabee

Chris Musselman

Becca Nelson

Betty Toth

Karen Wilson

January 2019

Vivid Women