vj'm oeatle jikjvsaturday dec. 10th cof no freight will be rcccl"ed after noon on day of...

?? - 'f I Jir if Jet- - htSmHKNKBkSm h HZ-fl-- V VJ'M OEatle f& J & JIkJv Jk Jl I Jl VX V J ( ""t HKVSNMHiMGHMHtr V J NT VOL. IV. NO. 554. HONOLULU, II. I., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1892. MUCK 5 CENTS. flSHE.DAILY BULLETIN ,iLaAjt'!fE3-VHlK."- V rniNTEI) AND FUtlLISIlED EVERY AFTERNOON w KXCECT SUNDAY I1Y T1IK i Dally BidletlPiblisMng Co.,L'd., AT TIIK OKKICK, Morohant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. BUBSORlPT10N-8- ix Doluks a Ymn. Delivered In Honolulu at Fiity Oknts a Month, hi advance. WEEEY BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED rtrB3SDA."v At Foua Dollaiis a Yeah to Domestic, mul Fivk Ddllaks to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND. JOB PRINTING DONE IN HUPKUIOn STYLE. 250 BOTH TELEPHONES 2.50 P. 0. BOX 8!). Address letters for the paper "Editor Bulletin,'' and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay in at- tention. 12 DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager. Businoas Cards. J. AI.FKED MAGOON, p. Attorney-at-La- w and Notary Puhlic. 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu. IEWERS & COOKE, lniroRTEIUi'ANDDEALF.Il8INtLuMIIEIl AND ALU KINDS TT 'BUILDINO MATERIALS. 4 Fort-Street- , Honolulu. WILDER. & CO., Dealers in Lumiif.r, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt, and Building Materials op every kind. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMEDT & SONS, Iuporters and Commission 'Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. - :..H. HACKFEU-&t.CO- . Uenerl Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFARLANE & .CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE, Imi'oiuku and Dealer in General Mer- - ciiandise. Queen Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auct oneerandOenkrat. Business Aoent. Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii. 'vWENNEB & CO., Manufacturing and i Jkwui.eiw. 02 Fort Street, Honolulu. XHOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch- maker. Kukul elrv a Hiicclaltv. Partleulnr attontion paid to all kinds of repairs. Mulnerny Block, Fort Street. uAXIiAS'ASSTJKANOE CO. OK LONDON. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, Auenth roit the Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU IBON WORKS, Steam 'Engines, Suoar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead Castings. Machinery of Evory Description Made to Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' Blacksmithlng. Job Work executed at .Short Notice. 0. B. RIPLEY, AROHITHOT Completo plans and Hpcdncatlons for every description of build in?. Contracts drawn and careful superintendence of con struction given when required. Call and examine plans. Now designs. Modern buildings. Ollice, Room 5, Bpreckols' Block. Mutual Tel. 'MS. VETERINARY ONFIRMARY, Excellent Accommodation kor Patients. .Klng.Street, .Honolulu. Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. S. orriOE hours; 7:110 to 10a, m.j 12:30 to2r.M.; 4;30toOi'.M. Bell fW. TELEPHONES Mutual 183. P. O. Box 32u. BULLETIN-- 28 COL. uiuns of Interesting Reading Matter. Inlands, fl; mallud to foreign countries, $5. Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABIE. O. Wimikr, Prcf 8. B. Rusk, See. Oapt. J. A. Kino, Port Supt. Stmr. KIKATJ, CLARKE, Commander, "Will lcavo,Honolulu at 1! r. m., touching al Lahalua, Maalaca Bay and Mnkona the same day; Mahukona, Kiiwallunr imd the following day, arriving at Hllo at inltliilt-lit- . LEAVES HONOLULU: Friday, Oct. 'JIM Tuesday Ndv. lt Friday, Nov. 11th Tuesday, Nov. 22d Friday, D.3C. 2d Returning leaves Hllo, touching a' same day; Kowaibao a. m. ; Ma- hukona 10 A. m.; Makena 1p.m.; Manlaea Bay Op. m.; Lahaina 8 p. m. the following (day; arriving at Honolulu 0 a. m. Wednes days and Saturdays. AltRIVES AT HONOLULU: Saturday, Oct. 2!)th Wednesday, Nov. !)th Saturday, Nov. llHh Wednesday, . Nov. 30th Saturday Dec. 10th COf No Freight will be rcccl"ed after noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES, Gommandor, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 m., touching at Kahului, Huclo, Hann, Hamoa and Kipahulu, Maui; and Paau-ha- u, Hawaii. Returning-wll- l arrivo at Honolulu every Bunaay morning. & No1 'V roight will be received after p. M. oil day of sailing. Consignees must be at the landings to receive their Freight, as we will not hold ourselves responsible after such Freight has been landed. While tho Company will use due dili- gence in handling Live Stock, we decline to assume any responsibility in case of the loss of same. The Company will not be responsible for Money-o- Jewelry unless placed in the care of Pursers. Beware of Imitat -- sS- IOAUTION'tliBTabllciigainst tho Jaeger Underwear'lJndverIsed''- - by unscrupiilous houses to mlslad'tuo.public. The .JLIEIGSJ-Hirt MM1M iCaiuiot bo nurchased there, but only abmjw Store. SOjH For thalHawalian Ialandv of Dr. med. Q. Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear. CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine INSURANCE AGENTS. AGENTS FOR Hour England Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF BOSTON. &n Fire Insurance Co,, OF HARTFORD. Union Insurance Co,, OF SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. HTJSTACE & CO.r DEALERS IN WOOD and COAL. -- ALSO v.Wlilto .and Black Sand .Which we will- - sell at the Very Lowest 'Market Hates (or Cash, Bell 414 TELEPHONE - Mutual 414 L. KONG FEE, Merchant Tailor, Fort street, next to Club Stables, g$f lately Gutter and "Manager of Goo Kim A Co. Guarantees Good Fit and Rea- sonable Prices. Patronage solicited, OU-l- CTOIJEClsr IsTOTT, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Steel & Iron Ranges Stoves & Fixtures HOUSEKEEPING GOODS & KITCHEN UTENSILS Agate Ware in Large Variety, WHITE, GRAY and SILVER-PLATE- LAMPS & CHANDELIERS, Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps, ' "Water Closets, "Water and Soil Pipes. PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER DIAMOND BLOCK. Nos. eft Refrigerators o a o 2 CO IOE3 eft & White o m Xfl CD Automatic Jj Cylinder Gil AS. ITU ST ACE, IMPORTER AXI) DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED. Fresh California Roll ALWAYS New Goods Received by Every g- - All Orders faithfully attended to. solicited and packed with care. LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street - TELEPHONE 119. WEST CORNER I P. 0. Box 480. IF YOU WANT TO BAVK TIMB TURD AT THE IXh. CORNER FOUND Tho nlacn to Buy New- - kinds at Lowest Prices: Tlio IXL, Ico Lamps, 1 X L, coiner Nuiianu anil King anil P.lfiHio.1 tlitsL'ntu. Rovi'lni. Mnnlitlins. Sold at tho Cash Prices at tho IXL AND IRON 95 & 97 KING AND AND & and ON HAND Steamer from San Satisfaction Island Orders - Bet. and Alakea Streets. P. O. BOX 372. NUUANU iV KUMi m Ill'Jl'.IB and Second-han- d Furniture of all comer rsittianu and King streets. Boxes, Stoves, Hanging etc., Sold Cheap for Cash at thu Bed Lounges, Baby Cribs, Wiiatnots, aieatriaios, iruiiKs.eic. New and Second-han- d Fur P. 0. BOX 1 15, NDUANU & KING STREETS. Mutual 00. AND MONEY BUY YOUR FUR.VI Bedroom Sots, Rugs,Bureaus, Cholloulcrs, rileamer Veranda (Jliairs, Lowest SHEET WORK. STREET. Ice Island Butter Francisco. guaranteed. Fort Chairs. strcuts. Sofas, &c Telephone Wardrobes, Butter nituro.Houso, corner Niiuann and King streets. S. W. LEDERER, Proprietor. STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK. LEWIS CHESTS Mountain, Gem Cream Freezers! Barrel Churns. L. CO., TKLEPHONE 310 111 FORT STREET. P. O. Box 2!I7. -- IMPORTERS, WIIOLF.SALK AND RETAIL DKALIIRS IN Groceries and Provisions. ON ICE By each steamer of tha O. S. S. Co. from California Fresh California Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, utc. A completo lino of Crosse it Blackwell's and J. T. Morton's Canned and Bottled Goods always on hand. Just received a Fresh Lino of Gorman Pates and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lowls it Co.'h Malteso Brand Sugar Cured Hiuiih and Bacon, New Ilreakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons. California River- side Oranges, Oregon llurbank Potatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. TKLEPHONE 02.- - H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions a.nci Peed. Now Goods Received by Every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe, FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER. All Ordurs faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of the City free. Island Ciders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. EJast Corner Iori 3a XClng Streets, Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service, For Sail Francisco : The new and fine Al Stool Steamship "MOrrOWA!" Of tlio Oceanic Steamship Company will licditiMit Honolulu from Sjdtiey mid Auck- land on oi about November 17th, And' will leave for the nhovo port with .Mails and Passengers on or about 'I hat date. For Sydney and Auckland: The new and line Al Steel Steamship " " ALAMEDA Of the Oceania Steamship Ouiup'my will be duo at Honolulu, from Sun Fianuisco, on or about Octobor 21st, And will have prompt despatch with Mails and Passengers for the aboe ports. The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. B& For further particulars regarding Freight or I'as.sage apply to iWM. GIRWIN & CO., Ltd., Gonoral Agents. Pacific MSJUJo. AND THE- - Occidental and Oriental 8. S, Co. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of tho above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the above porta on or about the following dates: Stmr. "Oceanic" . . Nov. 1, 18!)2 Stmr. "China" Dec. VI, 1MU Stmr. "Oceanic"- - . . Jan. 11, 1WI.I Stmr. "China" . Feb. 1, IftlU Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, lbOIl For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong- kong and Yokohama to tho above port on or about tho following dates: Stmr. "Oaolic" Oct. 31, 1892. Stmr. "City of Rio ilu Janeiro" .... Dec. 30, la!).! Stmr. "Belglc" Feb. 8, 18113 Stmr. "City of Peking". .March 31. 1SU3 Stmr. "Oceanic" . . . May 7, 1BIU Round Trip Tickets TO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350. JtW Foi Freight and Passage apply to H. HAGEFELD & CO., 207 tr Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Tilxie Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S, F, for S. F. Nov. 2 Nov. 9 THROUGH LINE. From San Francisco From Sydney for for Sydney. San Francisco, Arrive Ifuniiliitii. l.enxe llmwhilu. ALAMEDA, Oct. '21 MARIPOSA, Oct. '20 MARIPOSA, Nov, 18 MONOWAl.Nov. 17 MONOWA1, Dec. 1(1 ALAMEDA, Dec. 15 CHAS. T. Notary Public for the Island of Oabu, Agent to take Acknowledgements to U-b- Contracts. Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono- lulu, Oaliu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A' Scott's Freight and Parcel Express, Agent for thu Burlington Route, RKAJi ESTATE BROKER anii GENERAL AUKNT. But 1,318- - TELEPHONE Mutual ISO P. O. llox ur, JFKHU- S- 'ii Merchant st. Honolulu, H. I, WHS? It fc&tej. "v AjA.1 $5. Su,;sV M- - '.'ih:i ., BY AUTHORITY. Postal Savings Bank Notico. is By authority of Section 11 of "An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Law" relat- ing to the Hawaiian 1'oMal Savings Hank," approved on the 7th day of September, 1802, and on that day taking cllVct; notice Is hereby given that the ratu of interest on Savings Dank deposits is fixed as follows: On amounts under and up to Five Hun- dred Dollars ($500), In (lold Coin of the United States of America, in any ouu ac- count, ahoady on deposit in tho Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank on September 30, lfeoi', interest will bo payable from October 1, lb'Ji, forward until further notice, at tho ratu of (I per cent, pur annum, In Gold Coin of the United States of America. On amounts over l'ivo Hundred Dollars (MK)) and not exceeding Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) In Gold Coin of the United States of America, in any one account, on deposit in the Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank on September 30, 1S02, inter- est will bo payable from October 1, 18!(2, forward until further notico, at tho rate of ft pur cent, per annum, in Gold Coin of the United States ot America. On deposits placed in the Savings II. ink after September 30, 1&U2, interest will bo paid until further notico, at tho rate oft!, per cent, pur annum on accounts not ex- ceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($IU0). No interest will be paid on accounts exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($.r00), in single ac- counts, deposited after September 30, 1WJ2. E. O. MACFARLANE, 531 tf-- ll 2t Minister of Finance. Postal Savings Bank Notico. By Section 17 of "An Act to Amend and Consolidate tho Laws relating to thu Ha- waiian Postal Savings Bank," approved on tho "th day of September, lb!)2, and on Hint day taking etlect, the Minister of Finance is authorized to issue Coupon Bonds of the Hawaiian Govurnmcut, to bo styled the "Postal Savings Bank Loan," to be issued onlj to depositors in the Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank who may apply for thesnme. Thu "Postal Savings Bank Loan" bonds aro redeemable in not less than llvo nor more than twenty years, at tho option of the Minister of Finance, and bear interest at the rate of (1 per cent, per annum, to bo paid interest and principal payable in Gold Coin of the United States of America or its equivalent. Any depositor with an aggregate amount to his credit in tho Savings Bank, of not loss than Two Hundred Dollars ($200) in Gold Coin of tho United States of America, which shall have been on deposit at least thrco months, is entitled, on application, to an issue of "Postal Savings Bank Loan" bonds in exchange therefor, in sums of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100) or multiples thereof. Applications will bo received at tho Pos- tal Savings Bank for "Postal Savings Bank Loan" bonds from date until October 31, lb92, inclusive, E. O. MACFARLANE, 631 tMl 2t Minister of Finance. IRRIGATION NOTICE. Holders of Water Privileges, or those paying Water Rates, arc hereby notified that, owing to the drouth and tho scarcity of water in the Government Reservoirs, tho Hours for using water for Irriga- tion purposes aru from 7 to H o'clock a. m., and 5 to tt o'clock r. m., until further notice. JOHN C. WHITE, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Approved : Ous. T. Gin.icK, .Minister of tho Interior. Honolulu, H. 1., Oct. 15, 1802. 510-t- f PROCLAMATION. By virtue of authority given by an Act of tho Legislative Assembly entitled, An Act to Prevent thu Infection of Cholera In thu Hawaiian Islands, approved on tho27tli day of September, Ib'Jl, and upon tho re- commendation of thu Hoard of Health, I do hereby duul.nu all Potts of Entry in this Kingdom, excepting Honolulu, closed to shipping other than coasting until further notice. E. O. MACFARLANE, Minister of Finance. Honolulu, Oct. 1, 1B02. WS-t- f Foroljrn Oillco Notico. Poitr.in., OmrK, I Honolulu, Oct. 13, lt)2. ( It has pleased Her Majesty the (jucui to appoint HON. FRANK 8. PRATT to be Her Cousul-Oener- for thu States of California, Nevada, Oregon and Washing- ton, United States of America, SAMUEL PARKER, Minister of Foreign Allairs. 6Mat-!'.- Financo Oillco Notico, FiikANfK DrruirMii.NT, Honolulu, Oct. Ill, tb'.)2. I Notico is hereby given Unit CHARLES N. SPENCER has been appointed Assessor for tho First Division, vu., the Island of O.ihu, vice C, A. llrowu, removed. E. C. MACFARLANE., Minister of Finance. fi.V2.3t NOTICE. Owing to the druught and scarcity of water, the residents mauku of Judd street are requested to collect what water they may roiuiro for household purposes before 8 o'clock A. M, JOHN 0, WHITE, Supt. Honolulu Water Works, -- Honolulu, Sept, (J, 1W2, CIS-- tf What Annoxation Will Do. Kditoii Bulletin:- - - Political union with tlio United Stnttvs o America, which so many consider a panacea for all tho trou- bles; so bothering little Hawaii, means possibly more than the casual thinker bargains for. It means a bounty on sugar, possibly; it is very, very doubtful if tho U. S. would re- ceive this country under any such terms. At most tho bounty svstem uncertain in tenure, nnd will cer- tainly not last many years. The bounty is a broken reed, of indefinite strength. Annexation means that this coun- try would become an insignificant portion of tho American Union, ami it would receive about as much con- sideration from Congress as does some third-clas- s lighthouse. Only ono representative m tho House of Kopresontatives could bo expected, or would bo allowed. His influence would bo hiV. Annexation means that this coun- try would have no power to make treaties, or to enter into any arrange- ment for our own benefit. Our guns would bo spiked. From being an independent na- tion, having power to treat with otlior countries on equal terms and for tho best welfare of tlio commu- nity, wo would descend to an insigni- ficant portion of territory, without power to cancel even a postage stamp. Annexation menus tlto end of coolie nnd contract labor. It means free whisky and open prostitution. Every corner would lie a rum shop; tho at t umlaut evils aro too well known to need cataloguing. Annexation means a McKinlcy tariff at tho water front; all duties would bo raised manv times; some duties would bo raised 10 times tho present rate. This means a fearful increase in many articles of neces- sity. A bonnet costing now $2 would cost $5; a suit costing now S25, would cost &0; a sowing machine costing now SK) would cost .."() or $)0, and so on. Woolen goods now pay 10 percent duty; annoxation would raise this to 100 percent. The expenses of running this gov- ernment aro largely paid by custom dues, etc. Annexation means that all custom duos, fees, etc., would go into Uncle Sam's poekot at Washing- ton. Aol one dollar would be expended in Honolulu. Annexation menus that ovory of- fice in tlio Custom House and Post Office would be filled by political favorites sent out from Washington. A nntivo would never lmvo such an oilico. In tho United States tho of- fices aro filled by friends of tho poli- ticians. It would bo tho same here. Now, tho Post Office may be a means of revenue; annexation means that nil postal revenue goes to Undo Sam. It would benefit the people of Honolulu nothing. They would bo taxed to pay tho oxiionsos of run- ning this country; no help would bo received from tho Post Office, or Custom House, or from internal ro von ties. Annexation would probably in- crease taxation; it would miso tho cost of living; it would put a Me-Kinl- tax on clothing; it would take away all sources of revenue; it would fill tho government positions with foreigners; it would add bur- dens in tho way of United States licenses; it would probablv open wide tlio iloodgates of drunkenness and vice; it would put a 3'oko on our nocks that would call forth curccs loud and deep. But once annexed, no redress could bo had. Once an- nexed, always annexed. Wo would simply bo delivered over to which- ever party happened to bo in power, and a now.sot of oilico holders would bo sent out ovory few years. Not being largo enough to liavo any in political matters, wo would bo a football; ignored, despised and till of us would bo denominated .vimiA-fid.- " The "kiinukn territory" would bo tlio first epithet coined. It is that thoso ad vocating annexation aro advocat- ing something that would prove most grievous and burdensome; ad- vocating something which, if once brought about, can never bo recalled or amended. Y. A Rumarkftblo Ropast. "I have oaten apples that ripened more than 18(K) years ago, broad made from wheal grown before the children of Israel passed through tho Jid Sea, spread it with butter that was made when Elizabeth was Queen of England, and washed down the repast with wine that was old when Columbus was playing bare- foot with the boys of Genoa," was the remarkable statement made by Amniah Dukes, a New York broker, now a guest of t ho Hunt hern. " Tho remarkable Spread' was given by an antiquary named Goo ho! in tlio city of Brussels in 1871. 'The apples were fiom an earl li- on jar taken from tlio ruins of Pom- peii, that buried city to whoso peo- ple wo owe our knowledge of can- ning fruit. Tho wheat was taken from a chamber in ono of tho small- er pyramids, the butter from a stone shelf in an old well in Scotland, wliero for centuries il had lain in an eartlion crock in icy water, and tho wino was recovered from an old vault in tho city of Corinth. There wero six guests at tlio table, and each had a mouthful of tho bread and n ul of tho wino, but was per- mitted to help himself liberally to tho butter, there being sooral pounds of it. Tlio apple jar hold about two-third- s of a gallon, and tho fruit was as bwcot ami tlio flavor as lino as though put up yesterday," St, iAui Globe Vismovrut, "5 if l 4 v.. "m '? n

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Page 1: VJ'M OEatle JIkJvSaturday Dec. 10th COf No Freight will be rcccl"ed after noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, ... .JLIEIGSJ-Hirt MM1M iCaiuiot bo nurchased there, but only abmjw

?? -



Jet- -



HZ-fl-- V VJ'M OEatle f& J &JIkJv Jk Jl IJlVX V J ( ""t HKVSNMHiMGHMHtr V J NT



,iLaAjt'!fE3-VHlK."- V



i Dally BidletlPiblisMng Co.,L'd.,


Morohant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

BUBSORlPT10N-8- ix Doluks a Ymn.Delivered In Honolulu at Fiity Oknts aMonth, hi advance.



rtrB3SDA."vAt Foua Dollaiis a Yeah to Domestic,mul Fivk Ddllaks to Foreign Subscribers.



P. 0. BOX 8!).

Address letters for the paper "EditorBulletin,'' and business letters " ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may cause delay in at-tention.


DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager.

Businoas Cards.


Attorney-at-La- w and Notary Puhlic.42 Merchant Street, Honolulu.




Fort-Street- , Honolulu.


Dealers in Lumiif.r, Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt, and Building Materials

op every kind.Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Iuporters and Commission 'Merchants.

Fort Street, Honolulu.

- :..H. HACKFEU-&t.CO- .

Uenerl Commission Agents.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.


Imi'oiuku and Dealer in General Mer- -


Queen Street, Honolulu.


Auct oneerandOenkrat. Business Aoent.

Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii.


Manufacturing and i Jkwui.eiw.

02 Fort Street, Honolulu.

XHOS. LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch-

maker.Kukul elrv a Hiicclaltv. Partleulnr

attontion paid to all kinds of repairs.Mulnerny Block, Fort Street.



H. W. Schmidt & Sons,Auenth roit the Hawaiian Islands.

HONOLULU IBON WORKS,Steam 'Engines, Suoar Mills, Boilers,

Coolers. Iron, Brass, and LeadCastings.

Machinery of Evory Description Made toOrder. Particular attention paid to Ships'Blacksmithlng. Job Work executed at

.Short Notice.


Completo plans and Hpcdncatlons forevery description of build in?. Contractsdrawn and careful superintendence of construction given when required. Call andexamine plans. Now designs. Modernbuildings. Ollice, Room 5, Bpreckols' Block.

Mutual Tel. 'MS.

VETERINARY ONFIRMARY,Excellent Accommodation kor Patients.

.Klng.Street, .Honolulu.Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. S.

orriOE hours;7:110 to 10a, m.j 12:30 to2r.M.; 4;30toOi'.M.Bell fW. TELEPHONES Mutual 183.

P. O. Box 32u.

BULLETIN-- 28 COL.uiuns of Interesting Reading Matter.

Inlands, fl; mallud to foreign countries, $5.

Wilder's Steamship Co.


O. Wimikr, Prcf 8. B. Rusk, See.Oapt. J. A. Kino, Port Supt.

Stmr. KIKATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

"Will lcavo,Honolulu at 1! r. m., touching alLahalua, Maalaca Bay and Mnkona thesame day; Mahukona, Kiiwallunr imd

the following day, arriving atHllo at inltliilt-lit- .


Friday, Oct. 'JIMTuesday Ndv. ltFriday, Nov. 11thTuesday, Nov. 22dFriday, D.3C. 2d

Returning leaves Hllo, touching a'same day; Kowaibao a. m. ; Ma-

hukona 10 A. m.; Makena 1p.m.; ManlaeaBay Op. m.; Lahaina 8 p. m. the following

(day; arriving at Honolulu 0 a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays.


Saturday, Oct. 2!)th

Wednesday, Nov. !)th

Saturday, Nov. llHhWednesday, . Nov. 30thSaturday Dec. 10th

COf No Freight will be rcccl"ed afternoon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES, Gommandor,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5m., touching at Kahului, Huclo, Hann,

Hamoa and Kipahulu, Maui; and Paau-ha- u,

Hawaii.Returning-wll- l arrivo at Honolulu every

Bunaay morning.

& No1 'V roight will be received afterp. M. oil day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landings toreceive their Freight, as we will not holdourselves responsible after such Freighthas been landed.

While tho Company will use due dili-gence in handling Live Stock, we declineto assume any responsibility in case of theloss of same.

The Company will not be responsible forMoney-o- Jewelry unless placed in the careof Pursers.

Beware of Imitat

-- sS-IOAUTION'tliBTabllciigainst tho

JaegerUnderwear'lJndverIsed''- - by unscrupiiloushouses to mlslad'tuo.public. The


MM1MiCaiuiot bo nurchased there, but

only abmjw Store.

SOjHFor thalHawalian Ialandv of Dr. med. Q.

Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear.


Life, Fire and Marine



Hour England Mutual Life Insurance Co.,


&n Fire Insurance Co,,


Union Insurance Co,,




v.Wlilto .and Black Sand.Which we will- - sell at the Very Lowest

'Market Hates (or Cash,

Bell 414 TELEPHONE - Mutual 414


Merchant Tailor,Fort street, next to Club Stables,

g$f lately Gutter and "Manager of GooKim A Co. Guarantees Good Fit and Rea-sonable Prices. Patronage solicited,



Steel & Iron Ranges


Agate Ware in Large Variety,WHITE, GRAY and SILVER-PLATE-

LAMPS & CHANDELIERS,Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

' "Water Closets, "Water and Soil Pipes.




Refrigeratorso ao 2

CO IOE3eft

& Whiteo

m Xfl

CD Automatic

Jj Cylinder



Fresh California Roll


New Goods Received by Every

g- - All Orders faithfully attended to.solicited and packed with care.

LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street -


WEST CORNERI P. 0. Box 480.


FOUND Tho nlacn to Buy New- -

kinds at Lowest Prices: Tlio IXL,Ico

Lamps,1 X L, coiner Nuiianu anil King

anilP.lfiHio.1 tlitsL'ntu. Rovi'lni. Mnnlitlins.Sold at tho Cash Prices at tho IXL


95 & 97 KING





Steamer from San

Satisfaction Island Orders

- Bet. and Alakea Streets.

P. O. BOX 372.

NUUANU iV KUMi m Ill'Jl'.IBand Second-han- d Furniture of allcomer rsittianu and King streets.Boxes, Stoves, Hangingetc., Sold Cheap for Cash at thu

Bed Lounges, Baby Cribs,Wiiatnots, aieatriaios, iruiiKs.eic.

New and Second-han- d Fur

P. 0. BOX 1 15,


Mutual 00.


Bedroom Sots,Rugs,Bureaus, Cholloulcrs,

rileamer Veranda (Jliairs,





Island Butter










nituro.Houso, corner Niiuann and King streets.

S. W. LEDERER, Proprietor.



CHESTSMountain, Gem

Cream Freezers!

Barrel Churns.


TKLEPHONE 310 111 FORT STREET. P. O. Box 2!I7.


Groceries and Provisions.ON ICE By each steamer of tha O. S. S. Co. from California Fresh California Roll

Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, utc.

A completo lino of Crosse it Blackwell's and J. T. Morton's Canned and Bottled Goodsalways on hand.

Just received a Fresh Lino of Gorman Pates and Potted Meats and Bottled PreservedFruits, Lowls it Co.'h Malteso Brand Sugar Cured Hiuiih and Bacon, New IlreakfastCereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons. California River-side Oranges, Oregon llurbank Potatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.



Groceries, Provisions a.nci Peed.Now Goods Received by Every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe,


All Ordurs faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of the City free.

Island Ciders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.

EJast Corner Iori 3a XClng Streets,

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service,

For Sail Francisco :

The new and fine Al Stool Steamship

"MOrrOWA!"Of tlio Oceanic Steamship Company willlicditiMit Honolulu from Sjdtiey mid Auck-land on oi about

November 17th,And' will leave for the nhovo port with.Mails and Passengers on or about 'I hat date.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The new and line Al Steel Steamship

" "ALAMEDAOf the Oceania Steamship Ouiup'my willbe duo at Honolulu, from Sun Fianuisco,on or about

Octobor 21st,And will have prompt despatch with

Mails and Passengers for the aboe ports.

The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue



B& For further particulars regardingFreight or I'as.sage apply to

iWM. GIRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

Gonoral Agents.

Pacific MSJUJo.


Occidental and Oriental 8. S, Co.


Steamers of tho above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to the aboveporta on or about the following dates:

Stmr. "Oceanic" . . Nov. 1, 18!)2

Stmr. "China" Dec. VI, 1MU

Stmr. "Oceanic"- - . . Jan. 11, 1WI.I

Stmr. "China" . Feb. 1, IftlU

Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, lbOIl


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hong-kong and Yokohama to tho above port onor about tho following dates:

Stmr. "Oaolic" Oct. 31, 1892.

Stmr. "City of Rio ilu Janeiro" ....Dec. 30, la!).!

Stmr. "Belglc" Feb. 8, 18113

Stmr. "City of Peking". .March 31. 1SU3

Stmr. "Oceanic" . . . May 7, 1BIU

Round Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350.

JtW Foi Freight and Passage apply to


207 tr Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Tilxie Table.LOCAL LINE.


Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom S, F, for S. F.

Nov. 2 Nov. 9


From San Francisco From Sydney forfor Sydney. San Francisco,

Arrive Ifuniiliitii. l.enxe llmwhilu.ALAMEDA, Oct. '21 MARIPOSA, Oct. '20

MARIPOSA, Nov, 18 MONOWAl.Nov. 17

MONOWA1, Dec. 1(1 ALAMEDA, Dec. 15


Notary Public for the Island of Oabu,

Agent to take Acknowledgements to U-b-

Contracts.Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-

lulu, Oaliu.Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A'

Scott's Freight and Parcel Express,Agent for thu Burlington Route,


But 1,318-- TELEPHONE Mutual ISO

P. O. llox ur,JFKHU- S-

'ii Merchant st. Honolulu, H. I,

WHS? It fc&tej. "v AjA.1 $5. Su,;sV M- - '.'ih:i .,


Postal Savings Bank Notico. is

By authority of Section 11 of "An Actto Amend and Consolidate the Law" relat-ing to the Hawaiian 1'oMal Savings Hank,"approved on the 7th day of September,1802, and on that day taking cllVct; noticeIs hereby given that the ratu of interest onSavings Dank deposits is fixed as follows:

On amounts under and up to Five Hun-dred Dollars ($500), In (lold Coin of theUnited States of America, in any ouu ac-

count, ahoady on deposit in tho HawaiianPostal Savings Bank on September 30, lfeoi',

interest will bo payable from October 1,

lb'Ji, forward until further notice, at thoratu of (I per cent, pur annum, In Gold Coinof the United States of America.

On amounts over l'ivo Hundred Dollars(MK)) and not exceeding Two ThousandFive Hundred Dollars ($2,500) In Gold Coinof the United States of America, in any oneaccount, on deposit in the Hawaiian PostalSavings Bank on September 30, 1S02, inter-est will bo payable from October 1, 18!(2,

forward until further notico, at tho rate offt pur cent, per annum, in Gold Coin of theUnited States ot America.

On deposits placed in the Savings II. inkafter September 30, 1&U2, interest will bopaid until further notico, at tho rate oft!,per cent, pur annum on accounts not ex-

ceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($IU0). Nointerest will be paid on accounts exceedingFive Hundred Dollars ($.r00), in single ac-

counts, deposited after September 30, 1WJ2.

E. O. MACFARLANE,531 tf-- ll 2t Minister of Finance.

Postal Savings Bank Notico.

By Section 17 of "An Act to Amend andConsolidate tho Laws relating to thu Ha-

waiian Postal Savings Bank," approved ontho "th day of September, lb!)2, and on Hintday taking etlect, the Minister of Financeis authorized to issue Coupon Bonds of theHawaiian Govurnmcut, to bo styled the"Postal Savings Bank Loan," to be issuedonlj to depositors in the Hawaiian PostalSavings Bank who may apply for thesnme.

Thu "Postal Savings Bank Loan" bondsaro redeemable in not less than llvo normore than twenty years, at tho option ofthe Minister of Finance, and bear interestat the rate of (1 per cent, per annum, to bopaid interest and principalpayable in Gold Coin of the United Statesof America or its equivalent.

Any depositor with an aggregate amountto his credit in tho Savings Bank, of notloss than Two Hundred Dollars ($200) inGold Coin of tho United States of America,which shall have been on deposit at leastthrco months, is entitled, on application, toan issue of "Postal Savings Bank Loan"bonds in exchange therefor, in sums ofOno Hundred Dollars ($100) or multiplesthereof.

Applications will bo received at tho Pos-

tal Savings Bank for "Postal Savings BankLoan" bonds from date until October31, lb92, inclusive,

E. O. MACFARLANE,631 tMl 2t Minister of Finance.


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying Water Rates, arc hereby notifiedthat, owing to the drouth and tho scarcityof water in the Government Reservoirs,tho Hours for using water for Irriga-tion purposes aru from 7 to H o'clock a. m.,and 5 to tt o'clock r. m., until further notice.

JOHN C. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

Ous. T. Gin.icK,.Minister of tho Interior.

Honolulu, H. 1., Oct. 15, 1802.510-t- f

PROCLAMATION.By virtue of authority given by an Act

of tho Legislative Assembly entitled, AnAct to Prevent thu Infection of Cholera Inthu Hawaiian Islands, approved on tho27tliday of September, Ib'Jl, and upon tho re-

commendation of thu Hoard of Health, I

do hereby duul.nu all Potts of Entry in thisKingdom, excepting Honolulu, closed toshipping other than coasting until furthernotice. E. O. MACFARLANE,

Minister of Finance.Honolulu, Oct. 1, 1B02. WS-t- f

Foroljrn Oillco Notico.

Poitr.in., OmrK, I

Honolulu, Oct. 13, lt)2. (

It has pleased Her Majesty the (jucuito appoint


to be Her Cousul-Oener- for thu States ofCalifornia, Nevada, Oregon and Washing-ton, United States of America,

SAMUEL PARKER,Minister of Foreign Allairs.


Financo Oillco Notico,

FiikANfK DrruirMii.NT,Honolulu, Oct. Ill, tb'.)2. I

Notico is hereby given Unit


has been appointed Assessor for tho FirstDivision, vu., the Island of O.ihu, vice C,A. llrowu, removed.

E. C. MACFARLANE.,Minister of Finance.



Owing to the druught and scarcity ofwater, the residents mauku of Judd streetare requested to collect what water theymay roiuiro for household purposes before8 o'clock A. M,

JOHN 0, WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works, --

Honolulu, Sept, (J, 1W2, CIS-- tf

What Annoxation Will Do.

Kditoii Bulletin:- - -

Political union with tlio UnitedStnttvs o America, which so manyconsider a panacea for all tho trou-bles; so bothering little Hawaii,means possibly more than the casualthinker bargains for. It means abounty on sugar, possibly; it is very,very doubtful if tho U. S. would re-

ceive this country under any suchterms. At most tho bounty svstem

uncertain in tenure, nnd will cer-tainly not last many years. Thebounty is a broken reed, of indefinitestrength.

Annexation means that this coun-try would become an insignificantportion of tho American Union, amiit would receive about as much con-sideration from Congress as doessome third-clas- s lighthouse. Onlyono representative m tho House ofKopresontatives could bo expected,or would bo allowed. His influencewould bo hiV.

Annexation means that this coun-try would have no power to maketreaties, or to enter into any arrange-ment for our own benefit. Our gunswould bo spiked.

From being an independent na-tion, having power to treat withotlior countries on equal terms andfor tho best welfare of tlio commu-nity, wo would descend to an insigni-ficant portion of territory, withoutpower to cancel even a postagestamp.

Annexation menus tlto end ofcoolie nnd contract labor. It meansfree whisky and open prostitution.Every corner would lie a rum shop;tho at t umlaut evils aro too wellknown to need cataloguing.

Annexation means a McKinlcytariff at tho water front; all dutieswould bo raised manv times; someduties would bo raised 10 times thopresent rate. This means a fearfulincrease in many articles of neces-sity.

A bonnet costing now $2 wouldcost $5; a suit costing now S25, wouldcost &0; a sowing machine costingnow SK) would cost .."() or $)0, andso on. Woolen goods now pay 10percent duty; annoxation would raisethis to 100 percent.

The expenses of running this gov-ernment aro largely paid by customdues, etc. Annexation means thatall custom duos, fees, etc., would gointo Uncle Sam's poekot at Washing-ton. Aol one dollar would be expendedin Honolulu.

Annexation menus that ovory of-

fice in tlio Custom House and PostOffice would be filled by politicalfavorites sent out from Washington.A nntivo would never lmvo such anoilico. In tho United States tho of-

fices aro filled by friends of tho poli-ticians. It would bo tho same here.

Now, tho Post Office may be ameans of revenue; annexation meansthat nil postal revenue goes to UndoSam. It would benefit the peopleof Honolulu nothing. They wouldbo taxed to pay tho oxiionsos of run-ning this country; no help would boreceived from tho Post Office, orCustom House, or from internalrovon ties.

Annexation would probably in-

crease taxation; it would miso thocost of living; it would put a Me-Kinl-

tax on clothing; it wouldtake away all sources of revenue; itwould fill tho government positionswith foreigners; it would add bur-dens in tho way of United Stateslicenses; it would probablv openwide tlio iloodgates of drunkennessand vice; it would put a 3'oko on ournocks that would call forth curccsloud and deep. But once annexed,no redress could bo had. Once an-nexed, always annexed. Wo wouldsimply bo delivered over to which-ever party happened to bo in power,and a now.sot of oilico holders wouldbo sent out ovory few years. Notbeing largo enough to liavo any

in political matters, wo wouldbo a football; ignored, despisedand till of us would bo denominated

.vimiA-fid.- "

The "kiinukn territory" would botlio first epithet coined.

It is that thoso advocating annexation aro advocat-ing something that would provemost grievous and burdensome; ad-

vocating something which, if oncebrought about, can never bo recalledor amended. Y.

A Rumarkftblo Ropast.

"I have oaten apples that ripenedmore than 18(K) years ago, broadmade from wheal grown before thechildren of Israel passed throughtho Jid Sea, spread it with butterthat was made when Elizabeth wasQueen of England, and washed downthe repast with wine that was oldwhen Columbus was playing bare-foot with the boys of Genoa," wasthe remarkable statement made byAmniah Dukes, a New York broker,now a guest of t ho Hunt hern. " Thoremarkable Spread' was given by anantiquary named Goo ho! in tlio cityof Brussels in 1871.

'The apples were fiom an earl li-

on jar taken from tlio ruins of Pom-peii, that buried city to whoso peo-ple wo owe our knowledge of can-ning fruit. Tho wheat was takenfrom a chamber in ono of tho small-er pyramids, the butter from a stoneshelf in an old well in Scotland,wliero for centuries il had lain in aneartlion crock in icy water, and thowino was recovered from an old vaultin tho city of Corinth. There werosix guests at tlio table, and each hada mouthful of tho bread and n ul

of tho wino, but was per-mitted to help himself liberally totho butter, there being sooralpounds of it. Tlio apple jar holdabout two-third- s of a gallon, andtho fruit was as bwcot ami tlio flavoras lino as though put up yesterday,"

St, iAui Globe Vismovrut,









Page 2: VJ'M OEatle JIkJvSaturday Dec. 10th COf No Freight will be rcccl"ed after noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, ... .JLIEIGSJ-Hirt MM1M iCaiuiot bo nurchased there, but only abmjw



wPledged to neither Sect nor Party,But Established for the Benefit of Ml.

FK1DAY, OCT. 21, 1892.


Four hundred years ago to-da-

October 21, 1192, Christopher Colum-bus discovered America, landing ontho island of San Salvador. This istho most momentous anniversaryover reached by Amorica, as on il alltho sublime events succeeding in thoNew "World depend. The event issignalized especially in tho UnitedStates to-da- y by tho dedication oftho World's Pair buildings andgrounds at Chicago, where next yeartho grandest assemblage of all na-

tions, and tho most extensive exhibi-

tion of tho products of art, industryand commorco tho world has oversoon is promised with every prospectof realization. Little Hawaii owesso much to tho chief nation of Amer-

ica that it might havo been expectedsho should havo indulged in a littlejubilation this day. All that is

heard of, however, is au appropriatecelebration by Oahu College. Thisis peculiarly fitting on the part ofthat institution, an outcome, as it is,of tho civilization introduced byAmerican missionaries, and whosoupbuilding, to its present creditablestatus, is duo to tho earnest and

work of tho descendantsof those worthies. Surety oven aband concert, if nothing more, mighthavo boon given by way of a publiccelebration of tho great anniversary.


Tho following exhibits will showthe state of tho Hawaiian Treasuryfor tho quartor ending September30, 1892, as compared with tho cor-

responding quartor of 1891:

Receipts, 18111. $388,322 391802. . 277,!7 18

Decrease, 1M)2 $1 10,755 21

Expenditures, 1891. $509,352 70" 1S92. . 1115,917 lfi

Deorease, 1892 if 93,10) 24

Treasury Balance, 1S91 $413,933 09" " 1892. 27,193 40

Decrease, 1892 $30,792G9

Receipts from loans, 1891. $211,800 00" " " 1892 . 50,000 00

Decrease, 1892.. $155,800 00

Although tho expenditures wereless by over $93,000 this year, theyincluded the largo extraordinaryitems of 21,090.03 for dredging theharbor and 13,319.59 for expenses ofthe Legislature, a total of $31,109.(2.The Legislature's cost cannot bohelped, unless it might be lighteneda bit. It is only- - to bo hoped tho re-

sults will onablo the work to bostyled reproductive. What has boonspent on the harbor dredging repre-sents a permanent public improve-ment of an importance to bo onlyfully realized in tho future. It is anexpenditure that meets with a unan-imity of approval from all quartersrarely witnessed.

The returns for tho past quartordo not represent the full amount ofcontraction in national finances.There are accounts outstandingagainst appropriations that havobeen some time exhausted, whichin the aggregate form a debtunder tho circumstances somo-wh- at

formidable. It is reassuringto notice that tho amount borrowedin tho last quarter is 155,800 lossthan in tho corresponding tiino lastyear. While the mention of a natio-

nal loan, liowovor, creates an un-

intelligent horror in tho minds ofmany people, thoro are circum-stances where judicious borrowingbecomes part of tho highest orderof financiering. If a loan of, say,$500,000 to $1,000,000 could bo in-

expensively floated either at homoor abroad, or both, at a saving ininterest on present indebtednessbearing iutorost, it would bo a groatrelief for what need only bo regardedas a temporary depression. This re-

lief with tho economy that must borealized, in bringing ordinnty ex-

penditures within ordinary revenue,would soon bring tho country intosmooth water again.

A loan is not tho only relief thatshould bo sought. Measures forincreasing tho revenue withoutimposing too onerous burdensshould bo devised. If ovor wo gotcomploto free trade with tho UnitedStates, such measures will bo au ab-

solute necessity, to mako up for tholoss of revenue from imports. An in-

come tax, for instance, should not bodeemed an unreasonable expedient.Tho income qualification of voters forNobles might bo mado tho basis, asthe minimum income to bo taxed.This would mako thoso who electhalf of tho Legislature pay for thathigh privilege. It might go far to-

ward mitigating that burning sonsoof injustice, which finds bitter voiceat every election, felt by thoso whodo not have tho Noble franchiseAnd it would tend greatly to pro-duce a patriotic conservatism in thopeople who exercise that great pow-er, as, when thoy had to pay some-thing for it, thoy would doubtlesslo more solicitous oyer tho manner

in which tho public rovonuoa woroexpended. A (ax of ono-quart- orovon ono-ha- lf porcont on incoinos of.?600 and over would not bo a griov-ou- s

burden, surely.

A South Son Parliament.News from the Horvoy Group by

tho S. S. Richmond states that thonewly-constitute- d nativo Parliamentof the Horvoy Group Federationconcluded its sittings at HarotouKaon tho 9th .luly. Tho proceedingsincluded some interesting legisla-tion. To Pou to liaugi, who rocontlyvisited Auckland, acted as speaker,and tho debating was throughoutconducted in a fair and ordorlymanner. Tho House throw out adivorco bill, alleging that each is-

land in tho group should mako thata local subject, and retrenched twoCustomhouse ollicials.

They adopted a flag for the Feder-ation, authorized Queen Makoa'shead to bo placed on tho postagostamps, passed addresses of wolcomoto Lord Glasgow, Governor of NowZealand, and to Mr. F. J. Moss,British Resident, thanking him forguidance. Tho Parliament alsopassed tho Appropriation Act, underwhich a portion of tho Governmentsurplus of $7000 will be appropriat-ed for roads, education ami publicworks. A Parliament House is to boerected; as at present tho only build-ing available for tho nativo legislators is tho jail. A Karotongan cor-respondent writes us regarding thoParliament as follows: "Tho mostimportant proceedings wero votingand deciding by majority. .This is,indeed, a great point gained. Form-erly, a chief by objecting could stopthe whole proceedings. Within a dayor two of its close, one of the Faro-tong- a

members sent in his resigna-tion because 'ho was not listened to,'thinking by so doing ho would upsetall that had been done. Much tohis horror and disgust Parliamentwont on without him." SamoaTimes.


Stage, Song and Show.

Messrs. Lyon and Healy, of Chi-cago, have constructed a mandolin,of which tho tone-chamb- is half acocoanut shell. Exports say tho toneof thoso instruments is very lino.Messrs. Lyon and Healy (says thoPiano Trades Journal) are also experimenting with wood-fibr- e for usoin banjos in place of tho orthodoxold sheepskin that has done duty forso long. Tho material is manu-factured from wood-pul- p, and canbe shaved down to any requiredthickness.

is tho curiousname of a North American Indianactross, who is going to Englandnoxt year to act in a drama called"Tho Indian Mail Carrier." Shoopens on April 10 at the ShakespearoTheatre, Liverpool. An admirer de-

scribes asstraight as an arrow, graceful as afawn, powerful as an amazon, thepossessor of a sweet voice, and aproficient performer on several musi-cal instruments.

At tho Theatre Royal, Plymouth,last month a largo bouquet washanded over tho footlights to Mr. C.Arnold's little girl during the pro-gress of "Hans the Boatman." Withtho bouquet was this letter: "ThisBokio I have Presented daugh-ter hoping ovory success To you If3'ou Wish To seo mo I ham in ThoCornor by tho Drum Man I supposeyou do not want a boy to mind yourdog if you do I would like to Trawlwith you if you Want ouo Wouldyou send Answer by a boy Around."

Australian Star, Sept. 30.

An Infant Phenomenon.An infant phenomenon has been

discovered at Plaisanco, a suburb ofParis, in tho person of a little girlcalled Jeauno Eugenie Moroau, agedonly 5, but endowed with a most extraordinary memory. Sho is a walk-ing encyclopedia on all matters appertaining to the history ot J' ranee,and especially of the groat revolu-tion; is an adopt also in natural his-tory, and at tho same time answerswithout hesitation or error, practicalquestions about cooking, gardoningand household management.

The youthful prodigy was born inParis in January, 1887, her father,Philippe Moreau, being a humblelaborer, but descended from a revo-lutionary hero whoso naino figuresin tho annals of 1789, and who wasdecorated by Gonoral do Lafayetteafter tho taking of tho Bastillo. Ow-ing to the poverty of her progenitorEugenie Moroau was adopted by awidow Mine. Callay who, noticingthe retentive faculties of tho childcultivated and developed them withassiduity until tho phenomenon hasbecome capable of passing a stiffcompetitive examination and of put-ting to shame many a schoolboy orschoolgirl of inaturor years and moreexpensive education. Tho fato ofEugonio Moroau will no doubt bothat, rosorved for all intellectual pro-digies of years. Sho will bo exhibit-ed to scientific men and reportedupon; sho will probably receive anoffer from an enterprising showman,and in all likelihood Eugenie, shouldsho survive academical testings nndpublic examinations, will eventuallysettle down to the life of a school-mistress a calling for which her mar-volo-

memory will preeminently fither. Paris Letter to London Telegraph.

m m im

A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.From the Troy Kanms) Chief,

Some j'oars ago wo wore very muchsubject to sovoro spells of choleramorbus; and now when wo fool anyof tho symptoms that usually pro-ceed that ailment, such as sicknessat tho stomach, diarrhoea, etc., wobocomo scary. Wo havo found Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rhcu- a

Remedy tho very thing tostraighten one out in such cases, andalways keop it about. Wo are notwriting this for a pay testimonial,but to lot our readers know what isa good thing to keep handy in thehouse. For salo bj' all dealers.Bonson, Smith & Co., Agents for thoHawaiian Islands.

Tho raw whito of anogg, in almostovory instance, will dislodge a fish-bone or anything else which may be-come lodged in the throat.



Extra Minco Pies at tho "Elite."

Hon. S. Parkor has a notico in thisissuo.

Root Boor on draught at BensonSmith & Co.'s.

C. J. McCarthy has lots on Lilihastreet for salo.

.7. F. Morgan will hold an under-writer's salo at noon.

A d cart with springs,also a leader harness, is wanted.

After shaving uso Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agonts.

Sunburn relieved at once by Cu-

cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith Ss Co.,Agonts.

Ka Mailo has removed to 103 Fortstreet, tho store forni-rl- y occupiedby Frank Gertz.

J. F. Morgan will sell a ReganVapor, launch on Monday noxt athis salesroom at noon.

For island views and artistic photosgo to tho Aloha Gallery, Sovorin &Bolster, Fort street. Amateur worksolicited.

Mechanics' Homo, 59 and 61 Hotelstreet. Lodging by tiny, week ormonth 25c. and 50c. a night; $1and $1.25 a week.

Marshal C. B. Wilson has orderedtwo sales under executions issuedout of tho Polico Court totako placeon Oct. 22d, and Nov. 12th. Parti-culars elsowhoro.

Prof. F. Lombard, A.B., will ro-su-

giving instruction in privateor in classes, French, Spanish andLatin. Hesidonco, Alaltoa street,near the Y. M. C. A.

Little Harry Morritt, tho cele-brated boot polisher, has arrivedfrom tho Coast and has resumedbusiness at tho old Union stand.Merchant streot, and will be gladto seo his old patrons.

Dr. McLennan has removed to Ala-ko- a

streot, opposite tho Y. M. C. A.hall, premises lately occupied by Dr.Lutz. Office hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 4,and evenings G to 7 ; Sundays 10 to 1.Uoll telophono 197 ; Mutual (582.

J. F. Morgan will sell certain pro-perty described elsewhere under fore-closure of mortgage on Wednesdaynext at his salesroom, at 12 noon, byorder of Bruco and Alex. J. Cart-wrigh- t,

executors of tho estate of A.J. Cartwright.


The Iiibel Suit.

Daniel Logan, editor of this paper,appeared before tho Polico Justicethis morning, to answer tho chargeof criminal libel against tho Ameri-can Minister. Doputy Attorney-Gener- al

Croighton appeared for thoCrown and asked that defendantbo remanded till Tuesday. Tho re-

quest was mado at tho instance ofMr. Hatch, counsel for dofondant,who was engaged at tho SupremoCourt, and it was granted.

Porsons troubled with chronicdiarrhoea should try Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ro-med-

Many cases havo beou curedby it aftor all olso had failed andskilled phj'sicians woro powerless.For salo by all dealers. Benson,Smith & Co., Agents for tho Hawai-ian Islands.


D OA.RTA with Snriiii"1. alo a. second-han- d Leader Harness.

551-- 3t H. W. SOHMIDT it SONb.


IS REQUESTED THAT ALLITd. of every nature and descriptionagainst the uiulorsifirieil bo sent to Messrs.1. C. .Tones and Godfrey Jlrown at as earlya dato as possible.

SAMUEL PARKER.Honolulu, Out. 17, 1892. 651-l-


VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU-tlo- nBY issued outof tho Police Court, onthe 12th day of October, A. D. 1802, againstliento Jose iKiiaeio, defendant, in favor ofGunsulvos it Co., nluintiir, for the sum of$105.21, 1 havo levied upon and shall oxiioselor sale at tho Police Station, in tho Districtof Honolulu, Island of Oaliu, at 12 o'clock ofSATURDAY, tho I2thday of November, A.D. 1802, to tho highest bidder, all tho right,title and interest of tho said liento JoseIgnacio, defendant, in and to the followingproperty, unless said judgment, interest,costs and my expenses bo previously paid.

List of property for sale:Sundry Groceries, Crockery, etu,, stock in

trade of aforesaid liento Jose Ignacio. 1

Show Case, '1 Scales and Weights, and 1

Wagon, and 1 Set of Old Harness.(Signed) C. II. WILSON,

Marshal.Honolulu, Oct. 15, 1K92. 551-- lt



issued out of the Supremo Court.on tho li'Jil day of July, A. D. 1802, againstS. Paaluhi, dofondant, In favor of Anl,iilalntlll', for the sum of $140.(15 with legalInterest thereon from aforesaid date, 1 havolevied upon ami shall expose for sale at thoPolico Station, in tho District of Honolulu,Island of Oahu, ut 12 o'clock of SATUR-DAY, tho 22d day of October, A. D. 1802,to tho highest bidder, all the right, titleand interest of tho said S. Paaluhi, defen-dant, in and to tho following Property,nuless said judgment, Interest, costs andmy expenses bo previously paid.

List of Property for salo:All the right, title and Interest of said S.

Paaluhi In and to thoso Pieces and Parcelsof Lund situate In Palama, described asfollows:

(1) Aero being a part of A nanaElua of Royal Patont 1500, No. 1371, to Ra-

ima; tho same premises being conveyed toLouisa Paaluhi, wife of said S, Paaluhi, byJ. Alapal by deed dated April 20, 188(1.

(2) Aero being K of Annua Ekahi,Royal Patent 087, Land Commission AwardNo. 1188 to Kelllpueaiua; the samo pre-mises being conveyed to Louisa Paafuhland S. Paaluhi, by deed of W. C. Achl,dated March 25, 1800.

1H02 Liber 121)1

Folio 420((Signed) (WAS. 11. WILSON,

Marshal,Honolulu, Sopt. 21, 1802. 630--


rrillK UNDERSIGNED HEREHYX elves notice that he has bouidit therestaurant formerly owned by Lam Kailand known as tho "lluy View Resort," andho hereby gives notice that ho will not horesponsible for any of tho debts of saidLam Kan. lam Kan will sign tho bill ofsale on October 10, 1802.

FOOK WINO.Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1802. 638-l- w

J ! w-- pj vwvr if Tj--JO 'rvw!T

-- -? .

"AugustFlower"How doos he feol ? He feels

cranky, and is constantly experi-menting, dieting himself, adoptingstrange notions, and changing thecooking, the dishes, the hours, andmanner of his eating AugustFlower tho Remedy.

How doos he fool ? He feels attimes a gnawing, voracious, insati-able nppetitc.wholly unaccountable,unnatural and unhealthy. AugustFlowor the Remedy.

How doos ho feel ? He feels nodesire to go to the table and agrumbling, fault-findin- g, over-nicet- y

about what is set before him whenhe is there: August Flowor thoRemedy.

How doos ho feol ? He feelsafter a spell of this abnormal appe-tite an utter abhorrence, loathing,and detestation of food ; as if amouthful would kill him AugustFlowor tho Remedy.

How does ho feel? He has ir-

regular bowels and peculiar stoolsAugust Flowor the Romody.



Members of Lodge Le Progres

de l'Oceanie No, 124,



Grand Picnic & Dance


Reniond Grove

On November 19, 18S2551 td

Bruce & A. J. Cartwright.

To Let of LeaseAt Prices to Suit the Times.

NO. 1., ,rr.il im m I? 13 vm Dim

urban ixjuago 011 .Mill- - ,Wbtrcet. ndiolnimr thoffTi.-tfcKS- i-

residence of Mr. ThomasSoronon. nlcclv imnulntpil and with airrec-able surroundings, suited to a small familyand within an easy remove from the heatof tho City. Terms ljls per month.

isro. a.I OE COT'i'AO E W ITHANpleasant grounds on ivflU23

llerctania street, a few doors fi?S'iJ&from Kec.iumoku street, re- -l

cently occupied by Sirs. Carnoy, entrancesfrom Young anil Boretnnia streets. House,Stables and Outhouses all complete, andIn lirst-cla- ss order. Street Cars pass thefront door every twenty minutes. Terms$22 per month, Including water rut cm.

NO. 3.PIECE OF 1'HO- -T pertv unimproved, nitu

ate on tho Diamond Headside of Mr. H. J. Nolte's premises at Kaploiam Park, containing anarea of about 1 acres, suitable for a vege-table gardeiif chicken ranch, etc.



occupied by Judgej. ai. jjaviiibuu, u jiaanu-maii- u ''jl'WiwSrstreet. In the heart ofthe business center, and a fluo onnortunitvfor a lawyerorbuslnessniun. Thesoolllceshavo always found ready tenants.

NOTE Before seeking or closing bar-gains elsewhere, It will pay you to scan ourcolumn, and to at once consult tho under-signed at their otllce.

WWo keep property in lirst-cla- con-dition. Our terms ure .moderate and aslandlords we will always be found reason-able In our dealings.

gW Apply in each case to


'Cartwright Building," Merchant street.51!Mf


J. W. GUNST, M. D.Has removed to Dr. Foote's premises anil

ollice, corner of Punchbowl and Bcre- -tania streets, during Ills absence,

Officii: Hours: (From 0 to 11:80 a, m.j(2 to ft and 7 to 8 i- h,

&37-1- iii




P. O. Box 103. Mutual Tele. 110.

By Jas. F. Morgan.

Underwriter's Sale


At Wlldcr's Carpenter Shop, 1 will sell atPublic Auction, for account of

whom it may concern

l Freiglit BoatDamaged on Stmr. "Klimu."


Jas, in. Morgan,65 1 AUCTIONEER.


.A.t A.iaotioia.On SATURDAY, Oct. 22d,


At tho Premises, corner of Punchbowlstreot nnd Printer's Lane, opposite PalaceWalk, 1 will sell at Public Auction,

1 Convenient Cottage1 IjA.ie,Ca-E-

Stable & Carriage HouseFormerly used as tho King's Stable.

10-- Buildings to bo removed within 10days from day of sale.

Jets. df Morgan,KW-'- Jt AUCTIONEER.


Regan Vapor Launch!

On MONDAY, Oct. 24th,AT 12 O'CLOOK NOON,

At my Salesroom, Queen Street, I will ellat Public Auction


In thorough good order, .Stl, fiiulilnnnand iall Fittings The vessel is

Al and nearly new.

CSF" The Boat can bo seen at anfv timeprevious to sale. For further particularsapply to

Jas. IF1. IMIorgan.,M7-- ut AUCTIONEER.


By order of Mr. E. D. Tcnney, Executor,and William O. Smith, Esq., Administra-tor with Will Annexed of the Estate ofParker N. Makco, deceased, I will soil atPublic Auction,

On MONDAY, Oct. 24th,AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON.

At my Salesroom, Honolulu,

Fifty-eig- ht and One-ha- lf Shares

of the Stock of the Wai- -

hee Sugar Co.

Of the Par Valuo of $1000 per Share.


For further particulars innuire ofi. i.. lenney, or vt . u. Hiniin.Honolulu, Oct. 10, 18!)2.

Jas. :f 3VEorga-n-,


Mortgagee's Notice of Intention toForeclose and of Sale.

Notice is heieby given thnt pursuant to apower of sale contained in a certain mort-gag- u

dated March 1ft, A. D. Ib'M, made byWILLIAM C. ACHI of Honolulu, Islandof Oahu, to Alexander .1. Cartwright, lateof bald jionoiiiiii, deceased, recorded In theollice of the Registrar of Conveyances, inLiber t'A folios Brnce Cartwrightand .Alexander . I. Cartwright, Executors ofand Trustees under the Will of the saidAlexander .1. C.irtwiight, deceased, intendsto foreclose said mortgage for a breach oftho conditions in said mortgage contained,to wit: the of both tho prin-cipal and interest when due.

Notice is also hereby given that all andsingular the lands, tenements and heredi-taments In s.iid mortgage contained anddescribed will bu sold at Public Auction, attho Salesroom of .Tamos F. Morgan, onQueen street, in said Honolulu, on WED-NESDAY, the 2lth day of October, A. D.18!)2, at 12 o'clock noon of said day.

Tho property In said mortgage Is thusdescribed, viz:

1. of an ucro at Kalawahine, Ho-nolulu, Oahu, and conveyed to said Wil-liam C. Achl by deed of Bishop A:, Co,,April 20th, 18si), and recoided in Liber 112,pago 451,

2. 18-1- of an acre at Kalawahine, Ho-nolulu, Oahu, and oonveyed to said Wil-liam 0. Achl by deed of Bila Kawaa, Liber107, page 125.

.'I. 'iyi acres at Kapaakca, Honolulu,Oahu, and conveyed to said William 0.Achl by deed of Lam Chung Wa, January,11st, lhs'.l, and recoided in I.lbor 111, pugo212.

1. 3 acres at Kapaakea, Honolulu, Oahu,and convoyed to said William 0, Aohi bydeed of Mary Hyde, Liber 111), pago 1121.

5. 378 acres at Kcalakoino. Puna, Ha-waii, and convoyed to said William 0. Achlby deed of Joe Malm, October 18, 18S8, andrecorded in Libor lift, page 88,

l). 12(1 acres in Kealakomo. Puna, Ha-waii, and conveyed to said William O. Achlby deed of Wailehua, October 0, 1888, andrecorded in Liber 118, pago 281,

BHUCE CAUTWItinllT and ALEX-ANDER J. CARTWKiailT, Execu-tors of and Trustees under the Willof Aloxandor.L Cartwright, deceased,Mortgagee.

Terms Cash, Deeds at oxpent-- of pur-chaser. .

For further particulars apply toJ. M. moVhahhat,

Attorney for Bruco Cartwright and Alex-ander J, Cartwright, Executors of andTrustees under the Will of AlexanderJ. Cartwright, Mortgagee.

Dated Honolulu, October 1st, 18!)2.655--


SECOND - HANDA Phaeton; must be inThorough Repair and ofStylish Appearance. Aimlv to

650--1 1 W. L. HOPPER.


FURNISH ED APART-nien- t,A private familyiireforrcd, Apply, statingterms to "Hiawatha," Hul-j,Eti- N

Otllce, 65- -l




& 19 & 20,OUll ENTIliE

iWill be Closed Out at


October 21st





Manufacturers' !


Wednesday Thursday, 6ct.




Teiiiple Fashion




Saturday, .

Velvets, Velveteens, a

Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons,Ruching, Satins & Silks

' .A.t eu G-rea- t. Sacrifice !

Everything Must Go Next Friday ! No Reserve on the Above Goods

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Ltd.Cummins' Fort Street.

113 & 115





Temple of "Fasliion..

Honolulu, H. I,


HBBk1. & D. Wrought Steel Ranges !





OFFERCopperas, Chloride of Lime,Contly's Fluid, Sanitas,Bromo-Chloralu- m, Carbolic Acid,

ETO., ETO., ETO., ETO.Fort St.,



ttto8- -





Page 3: VJ'M OEatle JIkJvSaturday Dec. 10th COf No Freight will be rcccl"ed after noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, ... .JLIEIGSJ-Hirt MM1M iCaiuiot bo nurchased there, but only abmjw




J $',,' !'!-

;' tiV..S? tt


W'"","t " --

( ft



Time Table


ji&tttmfrJRZX-- i


A.M. A.M. I'.M. P.M.(

Leave. Honolulu. .0:15 8:15 1:15 4:35tArrive HoiioiiHull.7:!M l):57 2:57 fi:35tImveHoiHiullull..":30 10:13 8:43 0:42fArrive Honolulu .8:3.1 11:55 4:55 (l:50t

1'kaiii. Uitv I.nuAl..

Leave Honolulu 5:10$ ., ,

Arrive l'earl Oity. , . . . . .... 5:485. - .

Lcavo Pearl Olty..(l:55Arrive Honolulu. 7:30

Sundays oXcopted. t Saturdays only.Saturdays oxcoptcd.





Tides, Sun and Moon.11Y c. J. I.YONR.

SlP"S!'2"&ltH IPf-- 5 JS as sT ll --"If

D.m. ii.ni2 'u i: ;h,3 0. 'J .15

n.in. in. in3 SO 3 03 40 3 40,

21 4 152 4 40

2J1 5 'iV


ii. in. In. in.B4Ui n ui) 20 8 30

0 BO' 9 3010 0.10 30

4 30 10 in 11 406 20,10 30. 0 300 010 BO 2 0

US'ss;8 685 68

8 33 3 325 32 4 21

IS 328 31.

8 11'

ft (V 8 30

Now Moon nn tho 20th at "ll. Mm. n. m.


FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 1892.

5 100 0Sets0 150 857 35


Arrivals.Fridvy, Oct. 21.

Am bk SO Allen, Thompson, s

from San FranciscoStmr O It Bishop from Hamakjia and La- -

hainaSchr Millo Morris from Koolau

' Departures.Fill II ay, Oct. 21.

Stmr Kinau for Maui and Hawaii at 2 p mSchr Halcakala for Makunn, Maui

Vessels LeavingStmr C It llishop for Koloa

Passengers.From San Francisco, per bk S O Allon,

Oct 21 Mrs .Tas Lyle and 1'oter Nelson.From Hamakua, per stmr C It Bishop,

Oct 21 Captain Ahlborn and wifo, MrGlade and 8 deck.

For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau,Oct 21 For tho Volcano: A Armitajge, O OGardner. For wav ports: Mr Parish andbride, Hon K Plla'ldw in, Dr Bond, F J 15

Walker, A Fornandez, O H Koe, J SCanario, Mrs Phelps, Miss Harbottlo, J WAVinter, Mrs Wight, and about 80 deck.

Vessels in Port.USB Alliance, ltich, from San Francisco

schr ltobt Lew era, Goodman, fromPort Gamble

Am bk S C Allen, ThompKou, from SanFrancis-c-

Am bktne Discovery, McNeil; 'from SanFrancisco ' ..

Ger bk J C Glade, from Liverpool

Foreign Vessels Expected.Mis bkt Morning Star, from Micronesia,

May 2.i.Haw bk Helen Brewer, from Glasgow,Am schr Mary Dodge, fronuEureka, Oct'. (J.1

Am sch Glcndnle, from "Eureka. Oct. (1.

Br bk It P lUtliet, from Cardiff, Oct. 1.Bk Greta, from Newcastle, N S W.Gei bk H Haekfeld, from Liverpool, Oct. 10.

Shipping Notes.The American bark Ceylon arrived at

San Francisco on October 6, .20 days fromHonolulu.

The steamer 0. It, llishop arrived fromHamakua ports this morning and willleave again for Koloa withmachinery ox bark J. C. Glade.

The American bark S. C. Allen, Thomp-son, master, arrived this morning, 14days from San Francisco. She had a deckload of lumber and redwood posts, besidesa heavy cargo of general merchandise inher hold. ,

The Australian Champion.

Ernio Cayill, tho champion pro-fessional swimmer of Australia, in-tends displaying his skill in Chicagoduring tho currency of tho mam-moth exhibition to be held theronext year. Ho has boon made a verygood offer to undortako tho trip andintends to avail himsolf of it. Cavillhas been getting into' form at theManly baths, which he conducts,and is confident ho can, to use anAmericanism, "lick creation." Kenny,his Melbourne rival, has,been hitting tho Yankees prottyhard with his natatorial porform-anco- s.


Wo may also stato thatCavill has a younger brother who iscoming on at a groat rale, and issaid to bo able to hold his own withtho champion for a short distance.Australian Star.

Discovory of America.Onhu College and its dependency,

Punahou Preparatory School, recog-nized this, the four hundredth anni-versary of tho discovory of Americaby Christopher Columbus. Thoseschools had literary exorcises appro-priate to the day, and gavo tho stu-dents aud pupils a half holida' tocolobrato in thoir own way.

A little boy of Mrs. McDonald's,living near horo, foil against n rodhot stovo and was fearfully burned.Tho pain was terrible, and it wasthought tho burn was so sovoro as toscar tho child for life. I sold tholady a battlo of Chamberlain's 1,'ainBalm, which, after greasing tho soro,sho applied. It soon romovod alltho firo and eased tho pain, and inton days tho boy wos well, no traceof tho scar remaining. J, D. Mc-Laren, Koysport. Clinton county, 111.

For salo by all dealers, Benson,Smith & Co., Agonts for tho Hawai-ian Islands.

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS.1492-Ocl- obor 211892.America's 400th birthday.


for Christopher Coliim- -

This is ladies' night at tho skatingrink.

Several yards on King street wereflooded last night.

Diamond Head, 3 p. in. "Weatherclear; wind, light northeast.

Hon. H. P. Baldwin was booked toloavo by tho stoamor Kinau thisafternoon.

H. Boyd and Miss Hannah Kaniai-opi- li

wore married last evening atSt. Andrew's Cathedral.

A Portuguese) was arrested for as-

sault and battory on a child. Thismorning ho was discharged.

A. B. Parker and wifo and MissJohns aro bookod to leave on tho S.S. Alamoda for tho Colonies.

Mossrs. A. Armitago and C. C.Gardner, tourists, woro passengersby tho Kinau to-da- y for tho Vol-cano.

Tho mumps aro provalont amongschool children, now, and not a fewfat-fac- children can bo scon dailyon tho streot.

Tho 80 ft. flagpolo of tho Portu-guese Benevolent Society's club-house, Alapai street, was'oreetod to-day. It is a beauty of a stick.

Mrs. Bruguioro, daughter of Mr. S.B. Rose, is expected on a visit to her

by tho Alameda. Captainruguioro is now living in San Fran

cisco.Preparations for tho Sons of St.

George picnic at Itomond Grove ontho 5th of noxt month aro progress-ing favorably. A good timo is anti-cipated.

J. F. Morgan will Boll at auctionat noon tho woodon

buildings known as tho King's sta-bles, at Printor's lane and Punch-bowl street.

A largo number of people woro atthe wharf this afternoon to bidadieu to Mr. Parish and his bride,who loft on tho Kinau for theirfuturo homo on Maui.

Tho S. S. Alameda was to leaveSan Francisco on Oct. 1-- 1 for Hono-lulu and tho Colonies, but may haveboon detained by tho mails. Sho hasnot boon signaled as wo go to press.

Enough special correspondencewas sont by tho Marijiosa yesterdayto fill the San Francisco and East-ern dailies. Tho effect will boawaited with interest, as tho budgetscontained "hot stuff."

Hau, charged with manslaughteron Kaneakalau in Palolo, waivod ex-amination in tho Police Court andwas committed for trial to tho Supremo Court. J. L. Kaulukou willappear for tho defense.

Mrs. James Xiylo, who returned bytho S. C. Allon from a visit of overtwo mouths to hor daughter, Mrs. E.Atwater, at San Francisco, has ourthanks for the latest date of tho SanFrancisco Chronicle.

Tho "Wooing of Kaala" will bopresented on tho boards of thoOpera House ovening.Tho costumes and scenery aro of anelaborate description, and sinco thorehearsals havo all boon successful agood entertainment is on tho tapis.

F. J. E. Walkor, photographer,left on tho Kinau this afternoon toeventually bring up at the Volcano.Mr. Walker will take views of allpoints of interest on Hawaii, beingm tho sorvico of tho Bureau of Information, for advertising tho coun-try in Japan.

Tho departure of tho S. S. Mari-posa was witnessed by a largo crowdyesterday afternoon. Tho band waspresent aud tho usual array ofwreath-bodocko- d passengers wasprominont on deck. Previous to herdeparture tho band played a maichcoinposedrby,Ovido Miisin dining aprevious visit.


Tho Fight Betweon the MinisterFinance and the Assessor.


Mr. C. A. Brown, removed from thoposition of tax assossor-in-chi- ef bytho Minister of Finance, up till thismorning porsistod in refusing to giveup tho keys of tho safe containingtho records of his ollico.

Yesterday ovoning Ministor Mae-farlan- o

sont a written notice to thoto bo at tho tax ollico at

9 o'clock this morning, whon, if hostill refused to suriendor tho l(iys,tho safo would bo drilled open.

At tho appointed hour Mr. Brownwas thoro with his counsel, Mr. F.M. Hatch. By order of tho Ministora framo was hi position over tho safofor tho drilling apparatus. After aprotracted parley Air. Brown openedtno salo aim cioiivorou up the re-cords, but declined lo hand over thokoys, as tho safo was his private pro-perty.

Tho authorities aro reticent as tocertain matters roportod to bo pond-ing botwoon tho Minister and thoremoved official. It is rumored onthe streot that thoro is a dispute asto tho amount of cash that shouldbe on hand in tho tax ollico. Mr.Brown, it is said, admits that someof tho cash is hold down town forsafe-keepin-

Another rumored subject of con-troversy is as to tho payment of thoassessor's own taxos for lost year,amounting to a round thousand dol-lars.

Tho Ministor is also reported to boinvestigating tho matter, referred toin Attorney - General Neumann'sspeech tho other night, of a bribe intno shape of a pieco of laud, allegedto havo boou offered to a member oftho Legislature for voting againsttho Ministry.

m m

If one's hands perspire easilywhon doing delicate work, thoyshould bo bathed in a few drops of

from time to time.



Items by tho Bark S. U. Allon fromSan Francisco, October 0.


Tho schooner Halcyon is lying atEsquimalt, British Columbia, with acustoms oillcor on board. CollectorMilne has not decided what actionto lako in hor case. (This is all thatis said about tho vossol in tho latostpaper.)


D. W. Strong, who has chargo oftho Oakland Free Library, met witha pleasant surpriso tho other daywhen ho found that his young

tho sou of Joo Strong, thoartist, who is with llobort LouisStevenson at his Samoau homo, arrived on the steamer Alameda. Tholad had made his way alono fromSamoa, and was bound for Oakland,whither ho comes to attend tho pub-lic schools. Ho will bo under thocaio of his undo.


In tho case of Low Fong, tho Ghi-nos- o

arrested for being illegallywithin the United States, and whowas taken with eighteen more atMonterey, a petition for a writ ofhabeas corpus was allowed on tho5th at San Francisco by Judge Mc-Kenn- a.

Tho Governor took oneweek to inako a complete return totho writ, and tho case has gone overto bo sot when Judge McKonna canhoar it. Tho petition alleges thattho Gear bill, under which the pro-ceeding is taken, is unconstitutionalfor shifting tho burden of proof totho accused. Tho eao is intendedto test tho new law on this question,but will havo nothing to do withtho registration.


D. W. Eooves, now playing at thoPortland (Oregon) Industrial Expo-sition, has received a toleirram fromSt. Louis offering him tho leader-ship of Gilmoio's band, to succeedtho lato foundor of tho famouscorps.


The claim of tho thirteen sailorsof the Bankburn, who woro impri-soned at Victoria for six weeks andfined for mutiny, that they had boonrailroaded to jail appears to bo truo.The discovery of an irregularity intheir cases will probably lead tothoir release In ditect violation oftho law Captain Davios of tho Bank-burn neither entered nor cloarcdjiisvos.sol at Victoria.THE MOHICAN' KIItES AT A SEALINO VES- -

Tho sealing schooner Willar Ains-wort- h,

Captain E. Cautillion, re-turned to Soattlo, Wash., Oct. 5,from hor maidou sealing cruigo,which netted 880 skins. Ainsworthhad an exciting brush with thoUnited States stoamship Mohican onMay 2oth. Last year tho terms oftho modus vivondi woro that anyschooner leaving port boforo thongreomont had boon mado and notbeing warned could not bo seizedfor taking seals in Bohring soa.Nearly alT tho schooners this yearloft port boforo tho now modusvivondi had boon signed and did notknow that it provided for seizures intho sea whether or not warning hadboon given. Consequently everyschooner that sighted a man-of-w- ar

tried to get awa' to avoid tho warning.

On tho day mentioned, whonsonio-whui- o

to tho southwest of Middlotonisland, tho Ainsworth sighted thoMohican and clapped on all sail toescape. Tho Mohican gave chasowith steam and sail and overtookhor. As sho was almost along-side tho Ainsworth put about andgot away on a tack.

It was some minutes boforo thoMohican could got around, but whonsho did sho boro down on tho schoon-o- r

very fast. Again the Ainsworthwont about and got away. Thocommander of tho man-of-w- thouevidently lost his temper, for thecrow was piped to quarters aud agun run out forward.

This timo whon she camo withinhailing distance she commencedblazing away. Fivo shots woro firedand thou Captain Cautillion concluded to stop. iNo damage wasdone the ship as tho balls whistledthrough tho rigging. Some of thocrow narrowly escaped being hit.

Ensign Harrison camo aboard andserved ollicial warning to keep outof tho soa, Mr. Harrison is a nephewof President Harrison.

Captain Cautillion heard nothingduring tho voyage of the schoonerMaggie. Mac of Victoria, reportedmissing. Ho fears sho is lost.


The weather lias turned muchcooler during tho last fow days inArizona and abundant rains in thomountains insure a good winter forcattle, which havo suffered much fortho past, six months. Tho loss issaid to havo boon .'50 por cent.

two cnri.si'us.

Orders have been icceived at SanDiego instructing tho commandersof tlie cruisers Charleston and Unit

to sail Friday morning forand tho four days' drill which

had been planned with tho localcompany of Naval Kosorvcs must bodeferred. The ollicors aro greatlydisappointed, as thoy had expectedto remain at San Diego several weeks.Whether thoy will return or rendez-vous at Jtudondo is not known.


The triennial general conventionof Bishop of tho American Episco-pate assembled at Baltimore Oct. 5.impressive communion services worohold, celebrated by Bishop Whippleof Minnesota. Tno hormon wab de-livered by Bishop Wilmer. Thogathering at tho ohnncol rail forcommunion was a remarkable one, aprominent figure among the laymenbeing Melville W. Fuller, Chief .Jus-tice of tho United States SupremoCourt, who knelt side by sido with acolored clergyman nt tho commu-nion rail. The House of deputieswas organized in tho afternoon bythe unanimous election of ltov. Mor-gan Dix of Now York as president.


Chief Saltos of tho Coour d'AlonoIndians hold a conforonco at Spo-kane, Wash., with tho Spokano In-dians under Chiefs Enoch, JohnStevens and Thomas Gary, rolativoto tho romoval of tho latter tribo totheir portion of tho Comr d'Alonoreservation.

In spito of tho peaco assiirancos ofSaltos, tho Spokanes woro obduratoand doniandod money instead of tholands allotted to them, and the con-foronco was unsatisfactory.

According to tho tonus of tho ap-propriation each Indian over 5 yearsof ago rccoivos eighty acres of laud.Tho money appropriation is to boused bv A Kent Hardman to orcctgrist mills, buildings, purchaso cat- -

tlo, etc. TransportationItmiislieu to

is to botho tribo to tho rosor- -

valion.SLuaonn conncrr.

Corbott wants nothing to do withGoddnrd. His only gamo is Mit-chell.


Chilean advices say vandalism, in-

fluenza, highway robborj'j railwaydisasters, havo now suicide as apowerful all in thoir work of de-

struction in Chile. Scnrcoly a daypasses that cases of self-murd- er aronot roportod either at tho capital orValparaiso, while reports aro con-stantly reaching tho city from thointerior of similar occurrences.


Tho Poi tugucso gunboat Guadianahas foundered off Cascaes, fifteonmiles west of Lisbon on tho Atlan-tic. All on board woro saved.THE SAMOAN NAVAL STATION ASSUI1ED.

At last tho United States is in aposition to establish the long-desire- d

coal station at Samoa. During thougly complications thoro growingout of tho claim of Germany tosupremacy on the islands and aftertho destruction of tho United Statesfleet by a hurricane tho old conces-sion to tho United States of tho har-bor of Pago Pago was revived, andCongress appropriated $100,000 fortho establishment of a coaling sta-tion.

It was necessary to acquire twenty-fiv- e

acres needed for tho station, butit was found thero woro numerousclaimants, and to save controversyand timo tho Government was ob-liged to 1)113 flM adverse claims, pay-ing .?r000 for them. Tho romaindorof the appropriation is to bo appliedto the purchaso of lands adjoiningtho station propor for a garrisonthat may eventually bo quartered attho station. The remaining fundswill bo applied to the constructionof a lauding wharf, tho plans ofwhich havo rocontly boon completed.Work will commence as soon as allclaims aro quieted. v


William Lincoln, tho former paj-in- g

teller of ono of tho largost na-tional banks in Now York CiCy, diedon tho 4th inst. from kydrophobiaathis handsome residonco in Morrisi-an- a.

Tho doctors agree that it wasa gouuine caso of rabies.


A stock company organized lo en-gage in the refining of sugar hasjust been incorporated at Yonkors,N. Y. It is known as tho NationalSugar Rofiuing Company of Yon-kors, and is composed of D.H.Hon ell,Nathaniel Tookor and Albert Banker.Tho capital stock is $750,000. Thocompany bought tho plant used forsugar boiling for the past forty yearsby Jacob Road, and expects soon toturn out 1000 barrels of sugar a day.


In an investigation into the deathof Eligoro Martino, an Italian, killedin a'Chicago saloon, tho police havofound evidence that it was tho workof tho Mafia. Sovon Italians whowero present at tho timo of the mur-der havo boon arrested.


In tho suit of Congressman JamesBeldeu against Judge StevensonBurke ancV othors, and tho Colum-bus, Toledo and Hocking ValleyRailroad, involving $8,000,000, Jus-tice Ingraham at Now York gavojudgment for the defendants.


The truth is at last faced thatthero is no power on earth can savetho life of Mrs. Harrison, wifo of thoPresident of tho United States.

Tho moutal aud physical strainupon uio x resiueut miring tno iusitwo months has boon very groat andhas loft its mark upon him. At thoCabinet mooting on Octobor 1 Mr.Harrison for tho first timo gavo out-ward ovidonco of tho great afflictionwhich is hanging over him. His ad-visors saw it and considerately with-drew, seeing that ho was too deeplymoved to discuss affairs of stato un-der such trying circumstances.

Tho strain upon tho President hasboon almost more than he couldbear. His nnxioty for the fate ofhis wifo has been londorod doublyacute by tho demands made uponhim by tho exigencies of tho Presi-dential campaign, as well as by im-

portant affairs of state that haocalled for consideration and adjust-ment.


Minister llirbch has arrived in thoUnited Stales from hit post in

Ho haid that theio wasan underlying current of discontentanions tho classes in Turkey, butthat thoro was no danger of war orrebellion. Ho know nothing, hosaid, about tho stories that tho Sul-tan is practically bankrupt.


In tho yearling race at Vancouver,Wash., Oct. 15, Ella T., a (illy byAltaiuont out of a Coast Itangouiare, took the firt heat in 2:!) 1 andthe second in 2:37. This is said tobo tho fastest heat and also the fast-

est two boats over trotted in a raceby a yearling.

Tho four days' trotting mootingwas begun at Hickory Grovo track,llaeiuo, Wis., Oct. 5. Jay-Eyo-S- co

was to bo bout to boat his record onFriday. Tho gelding is in liuo trim,and will buyout to Columbia, Tonn.,aud entered in tho $f()00 stake race

I aga'uiht Flying Jib and others.

At tho horso sale at Lexington,Ky., tho Electioneer stallion Claywas sold to M. Lo Compto of Parisfor sin.ooo.


Thoro is friction in the rrussianCabinet. Its president, Count ,Eulenberg, has taken affront at CountCaprivi's moving of the military bill,although he is no longer I'lemier.Emperor William is striving to checktho current of discontent.


The rebel Genoral Crcspo is justoufsido the gates of Caiacas, Venez-uela. Tho Government troops havebeen signally defeated. PresidentPullido isarmy.


frlually deprived of his

Supremo Court.

Tho jury in the case of Freitas vs.Dias 3ostorda3' afternoon tendered avordict for the plaintiff.

Judge Dole is presiding nt leinito-da-

A foreign jury is trying the cneof C. L. Carter, assignee aud attor-ney in fact of J no. Brodie, vs. OnhuRailway & Land Company a claimfor $2000, balance on account. Thurs-ton & Frear for plaintiff; Hatch fordefendant.


On tho 27th of October, 181)1, aforeign jury rendered a verdict for$1501.41, in favor of Theo. 11. Davios& Co., plaintiff, vs. Wildor's Steam-ship Company, defendant, beingamount of claim for goods destroyedin tho burning of the Knhului ware-house. A motion for a new trialmado I)' tho defendant companyhas boon ponding over sinco. To-day Justices Bickorlon and Dolegave an oral decision in banco, deny-ing tho motion. Chief Justice J uddbeing disqualified from personal in-

terest did not join in the considera-tion of tho motion. Hart well forplaintiff; Hatch for defendant.

Auother Benedick.

Tho latest oont, in the manytones which nave oi inio neon c

vic- -'red- -

ited lo tho record of the god Cupid,is that of the quiot marriage thisafternoon of Mr. Leonard Parishwith Miss Mar3' Dowsed, secondeldest daughter of Hon. .lames 1.Dowsed of this oil3. The ceremonytook place at 11 o'clock, at St. An-drew's Cathedral, and was solemn-ized by Rev. A. Mackintosh. Aftortho ceremony tho briilu and frroom,with tho wedding party, which in-

cluded Only relatives and tho imme-diate friends of tho happy couple,onjoyed an elaborate wedding break-fast at tho residonco of tho bride'sfather at Palama.

Mr. and Mrs. Parish loft this aftor-noo- n

at 2 o'clock in the steamer Ki-nau for Ulupalakua, Maui, whoreM.r. I'ansn win assumo tno manage-ment of the Ulupalakua Plantation.A largo gathering of friends and ac-

quaintances saw tho hnppy coupleon route to their destination.


eecham's Pills

f,''rMV'Alw.Mfww''S"'cronTiT a nmn-H- a nrw n S

i o I wVit 5rrti)!lCl '


SCIENCE;has achieved

r KTcat triumphthe production of

EGHAEffl'S!:OlEB 3 tij nlildi ulll rurq Nlek!

fi Bui tm 3t Ilpiulutbe mil all Nr- -voub UUsidt-r- s ui.ainj fiuui 2mmlredDlcrhlliiii. Coukflp. .(Ion anil IHaor- -

Urrcl l.lvcr nn'! thry nil! cjulckljr re.sf.trn Mntnrn Ir. ...Intnl. atlli...... j. ........ .......Covered with tsteletj Soluble Coiling,Of riruf.i'its l'ricr tEfl rpnt. hnx.



. f n In. .. .

a T &

1 .1



Hew York Depot, its Can.il St. X- JWVVtV, MiV.lUUVrfl 111 i

Mm, Newman & Co.


THE PIN PUZZLETliero Is u now l'lizlu out. TliN

brain torimmtor Is cuilfil theI'in I'iis-Iu- , ami unylioily can niiiku ono forlilniwlf ulth a lilt (if paper anil pencil andmx pliiH, Here Ik tho diagram ;

The object h to ntli-- :lx pint onfix of this blaul; dots In Hitch u nian-nu- r

that no two iiIiih hIiiiII ho on thesame line, either horizontal, vertical orilliiuonal.

Although It niav ho illlllcult to work outtliirt l'uzle, Mill thero in mnllllluulty in

appiccliitini; the Policlus is-

sued by tho KQlHTAlll-i- : ,I Vi:They aro clear, buHlneiei-lik- e,

coiiuIm) and xl tuple,


Oeiicral AtjentH for Hawaiian Inlands.


Merchant Tailor,Kurt street, next lo ("lull Btalihn,

&-- Lately Cutter nuil .Manatr of (looKim it (Jo. (Jtiaraiitccit (loud Tit and e,

Priced, l'atroimt;o follcited,611-l-


Poi Bowls, Kitchen Bowls


Ewers & Basins !

JuLst Pieoerved.- Prices I

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort Stroot, Honolulu, : : : : Oppo. Sprcckols' Bank.

Office of J). II. Hurnhtttn, Chief of Construction, World's)Columbian Krpovtion, 118 The Rookery, Chicago,

If,..; .0 1X07


St. Louis, Mo.


My hint order for Plates arrived very promptly. Please accept

thanki for briny so prompt.

I wish to state, that I am using your Plates eichnively for all

work done on these ground for the official record of construction.

Of course comment by me (is to the good qualities of the S(ed

Plate are entirely unncveswry.Very sincerely,


Official Photographer.

The Seed Plateslr JLR-E- l FOR S-AJli-



109 Fort Street,



Millinery Opening



Choice Pattern Hats & Bonnets

jEIIGrJEdL --A-Jr-i


Millinery Novelties !

On Tuesday, Oct..



104 Fort, Streot, Honolulu,

nv i.aht bti:ami:u a vvi.u ok

.A.Slllaek ("uhhniere wide, oO conU per

yard and upwards,llluck India l.awu, lllaek Trench Utwu,lllaek Batteen In l'lain and Floured,lllaek Calico in Plain and Filmed,


i.isn-- v

I.-ff- -

lllaek, Cotton, Bilk ami Kid (1 loves In allhlreM,

lllaek HtiH'klin-- s for l.adion and Children,lllaek Hilk Warp llenrietto Cloth,

Kit'., ).te., Klo., Klo,



$. Mi.HH-- W



B. F. EHLERS & CO.'S, 99 Fort St.

ji 6 A ll- -isl Vv -- . , ' 4atfl




Page 4: VJ'M OEatle JIkJvSaturday Dec. 10th COf No Freight will be rcccl"ed after noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, ... .JLIEIGSJ-Hirt MM1M iCaiuiot bo nurchased there, but only abmjw

MMmMMHHy3SaBttv v .vmamr-rmm.- i' , - - ..JHHWIiwIiwwgw1' ijpimuj;IW1Whqkw -


MMTSfc'''v "' - .... ... - .i .,

w' Tho Guolph Fund.Her





.f- -





Tho ngroomont onioicd into hytho Duko of Cumborinuil with thoGorman Government, with re-spect to tho disposition of thoGuolph Fund, imolvos tho entireloss of income to Queon Victoriafrom Hnnovor. Tho Duke says tlmtho is unnblo to assist in enforcingtho claims of her Majesty and liordaughters against the fund.

Tlio Guolph Fund has hithertoboon oxponded in secret sorvico pur-posed by tho Gorman Government.

Tho Guolph Fluid consists of thofprivato fortuno of tho late King of

ianovor, ami amounts to about2,000,000. Tho terms of tho Capi-

tulation of Langonsalza providedthat the fortuno should bo assignedto him intact, but by tho treaty ofSoptombor, 1807, tho fortune was toremain undor sequestration untilKing Georgo formally renounced allclaims to the throne of Hanover inhimself and his heirs. This tho King,who was old, blind and by no meanstraotablo, refused to do. "llo hadremoved most of his personal pro-port- y,

which was enormous, to Eng-land, and, being rich enough to lioin Koynl state, ho trusted that timeor political accidents would restorehim to tho possession of his fundedand landed property. Ho was sup-ported in this attitudo by tho rulersof tho smaller Gorman states and byKing William I., afterwards Emperor ol Gorman Vj who, hovmor,was persuaded by Bismarck to allowtho fund to bo allotted to tho Gov-ernment for secreot sorvico pur-poses. In March last tho presentEmporori n formed his Ministers thatho regarded tho time as having nowcome for removing tho sequestra-tion. Later negotiations hao there-fore dealt moro particularly withtho disposal of tho fund. The Dukoof Cumberland was asked in thofirst place to promise that ho wouldnot bo a party to any ontorprisoagainst tho Emperor or tho existingorder of things in Germany. Thisho at first refused to do, holdinghimself bound by a pledge to hislato father, tho King, that ho wouldnevor renounce his claim to thothrone of Hanover. Subsequently,howevor, the Dukogae tho under-taking asked for. Under tho will alegacy of 150,000 each was loft toQueen Victoria and her daughters,but it is argued that tho King hadno proprietorship in tho money attho time, because it was hold by thePrussian Government to bo restoredonly on certain conditions, which hodid not fulfil, and that consequentlyhis will was of no effect.

Changing Climate.

Mons. Flamniarion, tho Frenchastronomer (says the Journal of Hor-ticulture), has recently boon direc-ting attention to the climatic changesin Franco. According to the UnitedStates Consul at Bordeaux, ho statesthat, from actual figures obtainedwithin the past six years, tho tem-perature of Europe has boon falling.Franco has been suffering for a longtime from an oxcoss of cold weather,- tho thcrmometrical readings at Parishaving been ldeg. Centigrade be-low tho normal height. Other read-ings show oven less favorable results.Tho fall is moro noticeable in thespring than during other periods oftho year. Similar phenomena arerecorded in Great Britain, Belgium,Spain, Italy, Austria, and Germany,while tho realty cold countries, suchas Donmark, Norway, Sweden, andRussia, have enjoyed during the lastfour years a temperature slightlyabove the average. In tho days ofPhilippe Augusto, in the thirteenthcentury, the wines of Etampos andBeauvais were tho favorite bovoragosat Court. Henry IV., a pronouncedbon vivant, frequently expressed hisfondness for tho product of thoSurosnos grape. At the present daythere is not a vineyard of import-ance north of Paris; and as for thopetit vin now made at Surosnos, itnas become only the drink of thopoorer classes. In tho middle of thesixteenth century Macon was cele-brated for its Muscat wines, whoroastho Muscatel grapo at this momentcan scarcely bo made to thrive there.Ancient chronicles mention tho cul-tivation of the vino in Northern Brit-tany, where now oven apples aro notplentiful. Again, it is to bo remark-ed that trees which once flourishedin the north of Franco aro at pres-ent found only in tho oxtromo south,and a considerable number have dis-appeared altogether. Languedoo nolonger grows the lomon; thoro is notan orange loft in Roussillon. ThoLombardy poplar, so familiar andpicturesque an object in old Frenchlino engravings, is nowhere to bofound oq French soil. Those aro

tapts which, says Consul Knowlos,putting statistics out of tho ques-tion;, servo to illustrate tho changesWrought by temperature in tho groatfruit-'produci- country of Franco."Lftt'not possible that oxhau.stion oftho'sil has oxorcisod some iuiluencoon the'eharacter of tho products oftho .fruit-produci- districts ofErancot May not "intense culture"have removed from tho soil au uiidi oproportion of tho elements of fertil-lty- t

Auatralasiun.m m

Something New in Ranges.

The Pacific Hardware Co., (L'd.),have just received an invoico of thoM. & D. "WitouoiiT Steel Banoeswhich aro superior to anything oftho kind yet invented. Thoy hntoboon adopted by tho United StatosNavy and aro in ubo on tho Charles-ton, San Francisco and Boston andother now vossols. Also on severalof tho now vossols lately built fortho trade between San Franciscoand this port.

An examination of theso Rangeswill at once show their many advan-tages over all competitors.

Among tho incidents of childhoodthat Btand out in bold relief, as ourmemory roverts to tho days when wowere young, none aro moro promi-iio- ut

than sovero sickness, Thoyoung mother vividly remembersthat it was Chamberlain's CoughRemody cured hor of croup, and inturn administers it to hor own off-spring and always with tho best re-sults. For sale by all dealers. Bon-so- n,

Smith & Co., Agents for thoHawaiian Islauds.



Orand FroemotionOF A

Sorioa of Interesting Incidents inHawaiian History I

Dramatized and adapted for tho stngo byD. M. Cnoui ev, to he prevented In Englishby a company of Native Huw Minns

wMNtM& 'iMK?11 uuiMiMMtBiauj .fl, .aL, ii "'ilMPl''iilffTrM


Will bo produced n Drama InTwo Acts, untitled:

" The Wooing of Kaala ! "

cimiu'THts:Kauichattichn 1. Tbc ConquerorKeenumoku His CounsellorKeaulunioku Tho BeerlCaalnlll Chief of itnhalnMillion A Chief of I.nmilPapaluu .... A PriestOpium! . Fnthcr of Kuala.lohn Young . A foreignerKnlninii A Ohio! of OiilinKniila Tho Flower of LanalKiilnni Her MotherI.upim A ChildU'a friend of KnulnNoMM Daughter of KalatuaKnnliuinnnii Queen of Kauichamcha

Soldiers, Kaliili Boarors, Attendants, Etc.Scene. Lanal and Oalin; Period 1795.

A Musical Interlude by the Company.

" A Night at tho Great Volcano of Kilauca I "Showing 15 Views of Faith's Inferno.

To coneludo with n Historical Drama inOne Act, entitled:

"Kaplolani Defying the Goddess Pole I "

Characters bj the Company.

tX" A set of Realistic Scenery lias beenspecially designed and painted by Pitor.Itui nil cut for theso representation's.

Usual Prices of Admission.

Xtf l!o Plan bo open at Lovoj'su Mondaj , Oct. 17th, at !) o'clock a. m.

Baldwin Locomotives.

The undersigned having been appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, "Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepired to give Estimates andreceive Urdors for these Engines,

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation ProposerA number of which have rccentlv been

received at theso Islands, and vo will havepleasure in furnishing plantation agentsand managers with particulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is known not onlyhere but is acknowledged throughout thoUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Honolulu Cycling,

Armory Building, - BeretanlaSt.

Bicycle Riding School.


E)Ly Sc Evening.Ladies' & Gents' Bicycles For Hire


Public Skating: Monday nnd'Saturdayevenings, from 7:30 to 10. I'riday eveningfor Ladfes and their Escorts only. Iiieyclulessons: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-da-

Bicycle Repairing Solicited.


fift7?" S.


Wholesale and Retail Butchers



G-- . J "Waller, . . . Manager.


rpilE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAYJL bought out tho Chun Nam Bakery at

.No. a Kokaulike street, and herebv givesnotice that lie will not be responsible forany debts owing by said Chun Nam.

CHUN LOY.Per Ixio Chit Sam.

Honolulu, Sopt. 27, 18'JJ. GSO-'i-


UNDEHSIONKD HEUEHY. gives notice that ho lias bought the

restaurant formerly owned by Lam Kauanil known as tho "Hay View Iteiort," andhe hereby gives notice that hu will not beresponsible for auv of the debts of saidLam Kau. Kau will sign the bill ofsale on October 10. 18!)-- ',

FOOK WING.Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1802, 638-lv- y

MP -

mil iiMnf







The Residents of HawaiiFor the Purchase of (loods in the

Markets San Francisco

Wc Can Boy Hoods

FOR "3TOXJLower than the Lowest Market Price !

No matter what you want. Wocan furnish

Watches, .low dry, Silverware,Household Articles, Furniture,

Mimical Instruments, Carpets,Agricultural Implements,

Groceries, IJuggies, Harnos,Dress Goods, Hoots, Shoes

Wearing Apparel, Etc., Etc.,


Airing Mer Hid Sua !

At Astonishingly Close Figures.

Ctp- - If j on are in need of anythingfrom this City, wnto us and we will quotejou prices on it, nnd, if the prices suit,

ou can forw ard us the Cash to make thopurchase.

Don't be batkw aid about asking us con-cerning what jou want.

Experienced and Careful Buyers

Are in charge of this Department andthey aro at jour service.

Write for Information 1 Get Acquainted

with Oar Methods I

Wo can save jou money by executing j'ourcommissions.

KB Address all communkations


San PranolBoo,California, - - D. S. A.

To Let or Lease.



nislied Itooms, cen-trally located. Inquire atBulletin Office. 353-- tf


I'llKMISES, 31lleretaniii street, op ira.posite Fort street church. i jjj&ii&jaAi.t.l.r .. P T 1 fT.I .T1?'

MZ-- tt At Thco. H. Davies A, Co.


HOUSE OF FIVErooms, ou Magazine

street, with Bathroom, pat-ent W. O., etc. Commandsone of the finest viown in Honolulu. Applyto (477-t- f) J. M. VIVAS.


A COTTAGE ON NUUANUstreet, No. I'M, Six Itooms

n.lll .1 ll.t til -- mi... nn.liniiLiiuetc., all in good order. Kent only fM. ineiuciing water rates. Also a uottago in tnerear of above, at $12. Apply at tins office.

51'J-l- m


rpHK COTTAGE ON BEX retanla street No. if), JPt r- - fc

northwest corner on mniika.side of road, (.ontiiininir fItooms, besides Bathroom, Kitchen, Fantry, etc. Tramway tars passing. Apply to

&l0-3- t II. V. SCHMIDT A S'


A NICE COTTAGE ONBerotania street, near

1'iikoi street, containing!;runur. j. jieu rooms. jainroonii Dinjrigroom, I'aijtry land Kitchen,Krvnnl'firnnin tiwrnm 11 nMLd fltnlili. .it..'TramcaiM, pass every au minutes, Apply atoffice of tlfls piqior.


THOSE DKSlltABLE - i vvvi v-.

i.,....t...... 1..1..1.. ..,... AyUsL- - l.pled byl Sir. E. Sufir, willbo for sale ori lease at reasonable price or rental , Tho Grounds con-tain ix varietji of Fruit and OrnamentalTitos. The CauimodloiiR'DfNcllingiis

with modem improvements andconveniences, lloomy Barn andCottage for servants, For further particu-lars, apply to JOHN BNA,

Office Inter-Islan-d Steam NavigationCo. 6aj.tf



tion of.limited liability, was organized un-der the Laws of this Kingdom on October1, 181).'. Tho following Officers wereelected:

11. It, Macfarhino . President,E. O. MacfarlauoO. M. Whlto Secretary A. Treasurer,F. Wundonberg,, . . Auditor.Said Corporation has acquired tho wine

and spirit business heretofore carried onby Macfarlauo A Co. at No. 12 Kaahumanustreet, In Honolulu, and will continue thebiime at mo mine place, i no assets andliabilities of Macfarlauo : Co. have beentakon over and assumed by said Coriora- -tion. C. M. WHITE,

Secretary.Honolulu, Oct. 11, 18tr, 645-l-




rpHE UOYAL HAWAIIAN HOTEL CO.JL has leased the property holmigihg toA. Hcrbort, Esq., tn Waltfkl, which forthe present, will bo open to tho public asan annex of tho Hotel, and will bo knownas the "Hotel 1'ark Annex." llosldes themain house there are Three Cottages ad-mirably adapted for families;

-Tho "Windmill Cottace" contalnlnc fi

Booms, Kitchen and Lanai.

2 The "Green Cottage" containing Par-lor, I Bed Itooms, Kitchen, l'antry, BathBoom, etc.

3 Tho "Seaward Cottage" witli 4 GoodBooms and a Dressing Boom.

All tho Cottages 010 InFurniture. Fittings, etc., and tenants willbo entitled to bathing privileges. The seabathing being unsurpassed on tho Island.

The Main Building will bo reserved fortho use of the guests of the Hotel, but itmay bo rented ifor Picnics, Bathing Far-tie- s,

Dinners and Dances, etc., fornll whichpill poses it oilers exceptional advantages.A charge of Twonty-lH- o ('2H) Dollira willbo made for the uso of the House andGrounds including Bathing, Lights, etc.;prepayment is required for intended use ofthe Main Building and Grounds.

For further nartionlars nmillc.itionshould bo made to tho Manager of theiiojai Hawaiian lioiei. . iUi-- u

Go den 6 KflJllittUi




Pap i


TOILET SOAPSAt prices which1' vc established on

commencing CASH Business.

Turkish Bath Soap, 4 Cakos 25 cts.Farina Bonqnet, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

Oatmeal Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts.Curly Maple, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

And Oilier Soaps at 3 Tor 25 Cents.

Ct&- - Seo our Fine Line of




Blank Books of all Descriptions.

Base Balls, Tennis Balls, Tennis Rackets.

E&-- Call and see our Goods before buy-ing elsewhere. Last but not least


Novels & Popular Bound Books,

ii in1 HOLM


Hawaiian NewspapersAU! Till!-- -

Leading Journals in the Kingdom.

The "Daily Hawaii Holomua,"

Has tho Largost Circulation on tho Islandsand is tho Best Medium for


Ma. Tiios. K. NtTiiANlHi. will receive alladvertisements and transact all businessmutters.

Oi'Ficr: " llrcniir BIolIc." cornerNuuann and Queen street (upstairs).

5l(i-- tf

Save Your Tallow






Union Gas Engine Co.

(Incorporated May 10, 1892.)-- MANUFACTURERS OF THE

Regan Vapor EnginesANII

PACIFIC GAS ENGINES.Horizontal it Upright,

Stationary & Marino,Gas A Gusoline Engines,

Pumps A Launches.

JOS, TINKHIR,618-t- f Solo Agent for Hawaiian islands,


SunvKinn (Laik with tiik UovkjinmhntSUHVBV).

I', O, Box 403. 'Mutual Tele, 440.

THEO. H. DAVIES & 00.Have Opened

China, Glass and Furniture

Salesroom on Kaahumanu St., Ground Floor,




Royal Worcester, Crown Derby, Wedgewood and'.Other

3Sr-- Rugs and Carpets,Englisli Furniture,

IBLattELii Ware,Fine Show of Glassware, lYoryware, Bohemian Vases; Wineglasses,

Tumblers, Cut Salads, Etc,

Prices IRed-"u.cec3--

o. J". mcoarth:y,?BLOCK, MERCHANT STREET)

REAL ESTATE BROKERFire Insurance Placed. Collections Attended To.







Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, 86,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, 84,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 86,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, 8125,947,290.81.

C. 0. BEMER,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Bur i. II I TELEPHONES Mutual 411


$ l).7.r) Pur Cord I Foot Lengths$12.50 Per Cord Sawed$11.00 Per Cord . Sawed and Split

OHIA.$1U 00 Per Cord 4 Foot lengthsiflG.GO Per Cord Sawed$17.00 Per Cord . . .Sawed and Split

Delivered to any part of HonoluluFUEL.

HUSTA0E & CO.N. 11,-- Wo guaiantee our Wood to be

sound and freu from wonuu. 018-t- f

FOE SALE.2-Hor- se Power

CJPRIGHTBaxter Engine i Boiler !


& For particulnra or terms npply to



BEAVER SALOON,Tlie Best Lunch in Town.

lea. and. OoffeeAT ALL HOOItS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


m 'WHiwiwrriWiBnriTirTiiiwm iiiiMBrinTiffinrTBMiriWir 'itrnr

Their New




(TLiirxiitG dL)



Celebrated High Grade Cane 'Manures.

We are also prepared to take orders for

Messrs, 2ST. Olilandt. 8c Oo.'afertilizers,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!DB This is a superior. 'Paint OIL con-

suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, andgiving a lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with driers it gives a splendid lloorsurface.

Lime, Oexxient,,REFINED SUGARS,


Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef

rAHAlM.Sh I'AlNf C'O.'s

Gomponnds, Rooflng --Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting PaintEspecially designed for Vacuum Pans.

Wm. 6. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED)

Wm. G. Irwin, - President and ManagerClaus Sprcckels, - - - - nt

AV. M. Ultlard, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter --- Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THE

Oceanic Steamship' Company,OF SAN FRANOISCO, OAL.


General MercantileANIl

Commission AgentsJ. O. Carter President and ManagerG. II, Robertson,, TreasurerE. F. Bishop, SecretaryW. F. Allen AuditorHon. O. R. Uishop.... -. ,.. I

B. O. Allen . ... DirectorsII. Waterhouse J


NO. 140 FOR TWENTYShares Mutual Telephone Stock,

standing in tho name of George 0. Peck-jo- y.

Transfer has been stopped. Finderwill plcasu return to

GEORGE 0. BECKLEY,KHU!w Or to Wilder & Co.


NO. 181 FOR TWENTYShares Mutual Telephone Stock,

standing in the iiaino of 0. H. J mid.Transfer has been stopped. Finder willplease return to

F. M. SWAN55Y,At the ofllce of T, II, Davies &. Co.





Arc Receiving New Invoices ol



AT aSffi


Where they arc fully prepared to do allkinds of work inithclatest'Jtylesnt

the shortest notloo and at themost Reasonable Rati's.

Fine Job Work. In. Colors a Specialty I


Executed lu the Most AttractiveManner.



Bead the following partial list. of. spec-ialties and get the Bulletin's prices bo-fo- re

placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Checkbooks,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

--Visiting Cards,BuBinessiCards,

Funeral Cards,Admission 'Curds,

.Fraternal Curds,TimoiCards,

Milk Tickets,"Meul 'Tickots,

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Rccoiptuiof ull kinds,Plantation Orders, ,

Promissory N'tea,Pamphloth,

' Catalogues,Programmes,

Labels of every varioty,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scores fe Records,

Porpetual Washing Lists,General Book' Work,

Etc.. Etc., Etc., ..Etc.,

l'l desired,

Qr- - No Job its allowed to leave thelof-fl- ce

until' It gives satisfaction.



cfeiL. A. TCL-Ki'W-

j ii Ml.


