vladimir taikov's poetry anthology

Vladimir Taikov’s Poetry Anthology

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Post on 31-Mar-2016




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Created as a school project... Finished with an at home feel...


Page 1: Vladimir Taikov's Poetry Anthology

Vladimir Taikov’s


Page 2: Vladimir Taikov's Poetry Anthology

For anyone that thinks less of what you really are. You’re beautiful - it’s true.

The trees become bare as the autumn leaves fall.

Sunrises become golden.

Sunsets remind us of thanksgiving.

As the last leaf falls, the wind catches it.

As the rake touches the ground,

Leaves start levitating away.

Awaiting the children...

Vladimir Taikov

A poem that opens up my anthology with a soft, warming touch, creat-ing that 'golden moment' feel. Personification is used in the first line, "The trees become bare as the autumn leaves fall.", to create an action that will allow the rest of the poem to flow. The theme behind this is autumn, the theme statement being "The last few hours of autumn". Which is also refered to as the "Golden Zone" or "Golden Hours". That's why this poem is here; first. Creating this older book feel, making this anthology this much comfier.

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Mark R Slaughter captures the readers attention by setting a tone of mystery and darkness. You can really see this when he writes, "Please, don’t sweep the leaves away – Their essence gives to life’s decay" (Line 1). Using deep, creative metaphors to not only describe something but create a mysterious and dark analogy. His rhyme scheme A,A,B,B works together with this simple but yet fasci-nating theme statement: "Mother nature is not to be destroyed by man-kind but to be loved and cherished." Creating a interesting, well support-ed tone; a tone of darkness; a tone of truth. Slaughter's line scheme also adds to the effect. The first four couplets express the 'problem' and the idea of the poem. Followed by a para-graph of 'battle', a paragraph that puts emphasis on the dyeing nature. Followed by a solution, a turn, an end.

Please, don’t sweep the leaves away – Their essence gives to life’s decay.

Never hack the flowers down –Their colours bless the laughing clown.

Now why the mowing of the lawn? The severed grass will lie forlorn.

Let our flora live undressed, Or under Man, will toil repressed!

I, the tree of standing still –Erect and proud, and stout of will, Aglow with motley bark of earth –Advance my roots for all they’re worth, Internalising Nature’s bowelsTo snag the devil, tweak his jowlsAnd pull his hairs from whence they grow! I’ll destroy his pagan showOf Homo sapiens’ disrespect!

The humble ape must reconnectWith Gaia’s plan!

Mark R Slaughter 2013

Page 4: Vladimir Taikov's Poetry Anthology

Bashing, crashing, smashing. Speedingdown the road. Soaring in the sky. Flying

around obstacles. Finding your way downthe track. All a part of a problem, when you

get bit by the RC bug. Work, smash, bash. Work, smash, bash. Work,smash, bash. Starting the day off by charging batteries, making finala- djustments, and putting the body

on. Work, smash, bash.

Inserting batter- ies, powering up,taking the pre-test. Work, smash, bash.

Adjusting steering trim, throttle trim, accelerating.Work, smash, bash. Doing doughnuts, hitting jumps, spe-eding around. Work, sma- sh, bash. Until the dreadfulmomment occurs. On the last jump you hit, you fail. As you watch the wheel roll away, you

can only hope th- at something vitaldidn’t break.

Vladimir Taikov The RC Bug is a virus that goes from hobbiest to hobbiest. And I believe that I was bit, thus writing a poem about it. This poem focuses on the most important cycle of any RC hobbiest being "Work, Smash, Bash". Which in this poem was emphasized through the use of repetition and parrarelism. The repeated fragment of text was "Work, smash, bash". Which, again, emphasized the cycle of an RC'er. The parrarelism aspect of the poem is its structure, starting in line 5 and going through until the end. This structure - if you haven't already noticed - was "Work, smash, bash" followed by three steps that you would take when preparing your vehicle, your scaler of course. Other than those two literary findings you will only see the process of any RC'er. And even what to expect when bit by the rc bug.

Page 5: Vladimir Taikov's Poetry Anthology

Introduction To Poetry

I ask them to take a poemand hold it up to the lightlike a color slide

or press an ear against its hive.

I say drop a mouse into a poemand watch him probe his way out,

or walk inside the poem’s roomand feel the walls for a light switch.

I want them to waterskiacross the surface of a poemwaving at the author’s name on the shore.

But all they want to dois tie the poem to a chair with ropeand torture a confession out of it.

They begin beating it with a hoseto find out what it really means.

Billy Collins

A poem with meaning... Billy Collins creates a visual story of what you can almost call a 'story'. This poem is designed to have two 'views'. The first being, that if you are try-ing to look at and analyze a poem you can't simply just take a glance at it and get an answer. You have to be the one that inquires deeply and thinks about his actions. The second 'view' being, that if you are trying to analyze a poem you can't overthink it. It is a task that requires knowledge, skill and a good eye. But if you are to 'beat it with a hose' as Billy Collins puts it (line 13), you will never get a true understanding of what's behind it. Personification is used very many times in this poem. From lines such as "I want them to waterski across the surface of a poem waving at the author's name on the shore." (Lines 9-11), to lines such as "tie the poem to a chair with rope and torture a con-fession out of it." (Lines 13 - 14). Thus creating a lively twist to what without could be a very boring and meaning-less poem.

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The summer breeze blows.

Chills climb down my back; shivers.

Sun rays attack; warmth.

The sail releases.Caught in the strong summer breeze. The boat starts its swim.

Sunlight light reflecting.

A silver mast shining.

June. The final swim.

All three haikus are 'proper' haikus. Following the rules of 5, 7, 5 and

containing a kigo and a kereji. These three haikus are meant to be

read together creating a deeper meaning of what the author, I, is por-


A quick, direct path of emotions, which starts with: feeling.

Which then transfers to the physical aspect and lastly followed

by a 'fine', an ending.

Each of the poems also connects to an overall theme, which

is, summer sailing. An activity that many enjoy, an experience

like no other. Feel the poem, and imagine your there, let the

poem take you away.

Vladimir Taikov

Vladimir Taikov

Vladimir Taikov

Page 7: Vladimir Taikov's Poetry Anthology


The road to success is not straight

There is a curve called Failure,a loop called confusion,speed bumps called Friends,red lights called Enemies, andcaution lights called Family

But if you have a spare called Determination,an engine called Perseverance,insurance called Faith, anda driver called Jesus,you will make it to a place called Success!!


Respect Sows Peace

Do not restrict respectto age because someone is oldshow real respect to all

but respect mostheart motivationof people worthyof that respect.

Respect is givenrespect is earnedrespect enrichesrespect ennobles

graces civilizationelevates humanitysows seeds of peace.

Terence George Craddock

Niderah starts the poem, "Success", by capturing the readers attention with metaphors that continue throughout the text, therefore create a con-ceit. When you read the poem it feels like you are on the road of life, travel-ing along with this poem, reading every sign you see. This poem does not have much rhyme or rhythm, but it does have an interesting writing style. The first line is a hook, followed by two, 5 line, paragraphs. Every line (but number one) has a capitalized word. This word being the end of the meta-phor. Throughout the entire text, the conceit, is based around two things; a road and success.

Terence George Cradlock, captures the readers attention by setting a strict mood in the first three lines. "Do not restrict respect to age because someone is old, show real respect to all" (Line 1-3, TGC). Cradlock sets an emotional tone that is assisted by the parallelism in the third paragraph. "Re-spect is given, respect is earned, respect enriches, respect ennobles" (Lines 8-11, TGC). The parallelism explains and defines what respect means. Without this style of writing this piece would be 'plain', as if there is no meaning. The end-ing of this piece adds a really nice closure. A soft mad mellow tone that makes you warm on the inside. Especially in line 14 "sows seeds of peace."

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Piling up its seconds, moments, months,life hides our losses from us.The miniature palm in the courtyard,without my help, reached the window,victorious green flag.

But at the same time that a sick person foldsback into his fate, also the injured are sorry.These have their own time, not made of moments or daysbut of one clear stretch like a night in a town at the pole.

The method for counting changes, not measured by a clock or a calendar, but the number of telephone conversations, invitations to coffee, words from across the sea or that you forgot for a moment.

How did I arrive on this smooth and constant tracklike that bearing luggage at the airport.Simply by not being carefulI gave my life to the moments, to the days, to the years.

Nurit Zarchi

Nurit Zachari creates an interesting view on life, through the ways of a poem. I do enjoy the precise and concise method of how Zachari presents his thoughts, no extra 'fluff' in the sentences. Zachari does not particularly use very many literary elements but there is a simile here and there, like in the lines 13-14 "How did I arrive on this smooth and constant track like that bear-ing luggage at the airport." Creating a more interesting visual in your mind, allowing a more clear idea to come through. Zachari also helps this visual with a clear tone. A harsh tone that allows the reader to feel the authors direct idea, to see what this really means. An un-derlying statement that must be heard....

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift.

That's why it's called the present. - Bil Keane

Page 9: Vladimir Taikov's Poetry Anthology

Let us think about society today.We are zombies to our phones and displays. Sometimes we even tend to disobey. Once, you will remember the good old days.

The days we had before electronics.When we couldn't just slip it in our pockets.When we went to watch the live harmonics.When info. traveled slower than a rocket.

Poisoning our minds like no tomorrow.Hoping that nothing happens. But it will!As if it is something you just borrow. It makes us feel like we're mentally ill.

But in the end, all of us safe and sound.And hoping that this does not come around. Vladimir Taikov

Following the proper sonnet rules, 4,4,4,2 and the A,B,A,B rhyme scheme I have written a poem about the truth. Creating very clear theme state-ment being "Portable electronics are changing societ; creating zombies". This poem starts off by using a metaphor for (line 2) "We are zombies to our phones and displays", revealing the first idea of the piece. An attempt was made to create iambic pentameter, but with an idea such as this, it is almost impossible to do so without ruining the idea. Which in-all would change the theme, tone and most importantly meaning. The turn "But in the end, all of us safe and sound. And hoping that this does not come around." Was designed to change the idea, make it seem futuristic, although the end is near.

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.

- Isaac Asimov

Page 10: Vladimir Taikov's Poetry Anthology

...As the last leaf falls.The trees are bare.

Waiting for the cold snow.As night falls in,

And children are tucked in.Clouds come over,

Wind kicks in.

The first snowflake falls.


The day my parents started to choose my name it was a walk in the park (literally and metaphorically). Spending only a few pleasant moments they figured out, that they wanted me to inherit my great grandfathers name. A name that brings recognition and honor to our family, a name that screams pride: Vladimir. Every once in a while, on one of “those” days, I feel the pressure of me carrying my family’s name around. Nevertheless, there are always the good days, the days everything go’s your way, the days I feel proud to be a Taikov, a Vladimir Taikov. One interesting fact about my name is its meaning. In Russian Vla-di means “to rule” and mir means “world/earth”. Together “Vladimir” translates to “The Great Ruler”. The name and definition originates from the creator of what we now know as Russia, Vladimir The Great (920). So far being a “Great Rul-er” has not been the case for me, I have not yet become a millionaire ‘nor have I had an army at my disposal. There are times were leadership comes out of me be it in school or even when I am just having some fun with friends. I think that the name Vladimir suits me, and if I wasn’t known as Vladimir (or even Vlad for that matter) I would have not turned out the way I am now. Happy and Proud!

Vladimir - Vignette

Vladimir Taikov

This poem is ment to be an ending, to the first poem, and the anthology. As the season changes the "Golden Hours" come to an end, a finé. This poem mostly focuses on the aspects of personification which can be clearly seen in lines two and three "The trees are bare. Waiting for the cold snow." Since this is a continuation, a chapter two, to the first poem it uses the same precicise and consice method of displaying information. With the large use of jump cuts from scene to scene.

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What is life? Life is built up of moments, days, and years. We, as humans, should be the one cherishing it. One of the ways that we can do that is talking, lis-tening, reading, and writing. This poetry anthology is designed to show what I think life is all about. Personally I believe that we learn something every day until we perish. With learning come successes, failures and most importantly the opportunity to try new things. I have two poems in my anthology that reflect this aspect, Calendar by Nurit Zarchi and Success by Niderah. Both of these poems have something in common, and that is, people must remember to cherish and cherish to remember, even if there are obstacles along the way. Just remember, for every obstacle that you over-come there will be a good memory waiting for you. Work is not the only important thing in life. Having fun or even simply enjoy-ing what you do is important for bringing out positivity. Negativity is a disease, it catches on to you and never lets go, brining down your stout of will and not letting you enjoy what you do. My poem RC Bug, demonstrates this theory. When owning and racing an RC there is a lot of work to be done, and if you do not enjoy this work, the negativity, will bring down your excitement and enthusiasm making this work torture. Ruining the entire RC experience. One thing that is key to success is happiness. Happiness comes in many shapes and sizes, but, the easiest, most exciting way is to go out and take in some nature. With nature there comes a problem, human impacts, which at the moment means no good. We, as selfish beings, are destroying this planets nature. For what? A little bit of money, a little fame? Well its wrong! And now you can start seeing this affecting our level of happiness. So go out there, stop this development and imple-ment Gaia’s Plan (poem by Mark R Slaugher)!

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