vlv dqg · ibc graduate it is hard to express how ,qgldqd %leoh &roohjh¶v theological courses...

16 7KH %LEOLFDO 6WXGLHV DQG 7KHRORJ\ 'HSDUWPHQW DW ,%& LV focused on the process of correctly discerning the times we live in, including WKH DOLHQ SKLORVRSKLHV RSSRVHG WR *RG¶V truth, as well as understanding the antidote RI ERWK NQRZLQJ *RG¶V WUXWK DQG EHLQJ WKH WUXWK LQ RXU KRPH QHLJKERUKRRG DQG FXOWXUH 1RZ LV WKH WLPH IRU XV WR DQVZHU WKH FDOO WR EH PRWLYDWHG HTXLSSHG DQG GHSOR\HG LQWR RXU ZRUOG DV radical change agents working to show the power of Apostolic GRFWULQH DQG WUXWK WR UHGHHP WKLV EURNHQ ZRUOG ZH OLYH LQ :H DUH IDFLQJ UDGLFDO DQG PDOLJQDQW FKDQJHV LQ RXU FXOWXUH There has been a comprehensive shifting of values, worldviews DQG ZD\V RI OLIH :KLOH PRVW &KULVWLDQV KDYH VRPH LGHD RI WKLV radical drift toward cultural decay, it is important to know how to assess the situation effectively and not only neutralize these forces in our own lives but also take a hope of redemption to our world. This is what God is calling this generation to. The time to H[HUFLVH WKLV SRZHU LV QRZ 7KH WLPH IRU EHLQJ HTXLSSHG WR UHDFK LQWR WKLV KHPRUUKDJLQJ FXOWXUH ZLWK KHDOLQJ DQG KRSH LV QRZ ,Q WKH 7KHRORJ\ SURJUDP DW ,%& \RX ZLOO EH VWXG\LQJ the distinctives of Apostolic doctrine including the Doctrine RI 6DOYDWLRQ WKH 2QHQHVV RI *RG &KULVWLDQ :RUOGYLHZ Holiness, the Doctrine of the Spirit and other basic essentials HTXLSSLQJ \RX WR KDQGOH REMHFWLRQV WR RXU ELEOLFDO EHOLHIV Further, you will be exposed to other classes like Science and WKH %LEOH GHDOLQJ ZLWK PRGHUQ REMHFWLRQV WR WKH %LEOH DQG Christianity. Classes such as Systematic Theology 1 & 2 show WKH LQWHUFRQQHFWHGQHVV RI DOO ZH VD\ DERXW *RG DQG +LV :RUG while classes such as Contemporary Theology highlight where we are today in terms of the current wider ideologies of the world and how we got there. Classes such as Apologetics, Joseph Florea IBC Graduate ă It is hard to express how ,QGLDQD %LEOH &ROOHJH¶V theological courses have impacted me over the past four years. How- ever, I can say I would not be where I am now without them. The Theology program has pro- pelled me forward these several years and launched me into the ministry. These classes have helped establish me biblically in the doctrine and knowledge that I did not have while growing up. I am forever LQGHEWHG WR ,QGLDQD %LEOH &ROOHJH IRU WKH impact it has had on my life through the WDXJKW :RUG RI *RG Clayton Wetzel IBC Graduate - Theology LV GHILQHG DV ³WKH VWXG\ of the nature of God DQG UHOLJLRXV EHOLHI´ 1RW RQO\ GLG ,%& JLYH PH D greater understanding of *RG¶V :RUG EXW LW JDYH me clarity about the truth UHJDUGLQJ RXU EHOLHIV $QG %LEOH FROOHJH helped propel my ministry forward with the many types of practical theological ministry opportunities. Through MSA, I have grown through the hands-on training, preaching in UHDO FKXUFK VHUYLFHV ZKHUH SHRSOH¶V OLYHV DUH forever changed. Right theology is useless without the real practice of that theology. 1RZ JUDGXDWHG IURP ,%& , DP VHUYLQJ full-time in my local church, and getting chances to help churches all over my state. 7KLV KDSSHQHG EHFDXVH ,%& ZDV ZLOOLQJ WR passionately teach me, just as much as I was willing to learn. Andrew Herbst IBC Graduate - The Theology Depart- PHQW DW ,%& LQFOXGHV numerous events and activities outside of the classroom. Every spring semester it hosts a Theology Conference focused on Apostolic doctrine. Furthermore, various designated nights throughout the \HDU ,%& RIIHUV PRUH LQWLPDWH WHDFKHUVWX- dent sessions, which includes a lesson by %UR .LOOPRQ %UR 6OHHYD RU D JXHVW DQG FRQFOXGHV ZLWK VWXGHQW SUD\HU $V DQ ,%& graduate, I would encourage all students, ZKHWKHU :RUVKLS 6WXGLHV RU %LEOLFDO 6WXGLHV major, to invest themselves in the Theology Department. These sessions and events are voluntary, but they will expose you to issues that will get you outside of our Apostolic shell, and thus gain essential knowledge for success in and out of the classroom. $UFKHRORJ\ DQG WKH %LEOH 5HOLJLRQ $QDO\VLV DQG others show the best ways to reach the world we OLYH LQ WRGD\ ZLWK WKH WUXWK RI *RG¶V :RUG $W ,%& RXU 7KHRORJ\ 'HSDUWPHQW HTXLSV students to be effective in the following roles: pastor, DVVLVWDQW SDVWRU \RXWK SDVWRU HYDQJHOLVW %LEOH WHDFKHU RU instructor, outreach and evangelism coordinator, Sunday school director, author and more. This is shown to be true by the myriad of alumni filling these positions across our movement. $OVR DIWHU UHFHLYLQJ D GHJUHH IURP ,%& VWXGHQWV DUH HOLJLEOH WR apply for a general license from the UPCI, bypassing the initial SKDVH RI ORFDO OLFHQVLQJ UHTXLUHG IRU PLQLVWHUV If you will give yourself to our guidance, we can help you become a rich asset for a church to reach their goals in the .LQJGRP :H KDYH ,%& DOXPQL LQ HYHU\ DYHQXH RI OHDGHUVKLS LQ WKH 83&, $/-& DQG RWKHU $SRVWROLF RUJDQL]DWLRQV VHUYLQJ at local, national and international levels. The strength of any Theology program is shown in its ability to produce leaders and ODXQFK WKHP LQWR PLQLVWU\ 2XU WUDFN UHFRUG DW ,%& LV VWURQJ Simply look around and see. :KDW DUH VRPH RI WKH VNLOOV \RX ZLOO JDLQ" )LQGLQJ WKH EDVLV of sound doctrine that is the foundation for a life of teaching DQG SUHDFKLQJ *RG¶V :RUG /HDUQLQJ WR SUHDFK WUXH WR WKH %LEOH LQ DQ HIIHFWLYH ZD\ $FTXLULQJ WKH ULJKW WRROV WR SUDFWLFH VROLG hermeneutics and exegetical soundness so you can rightly divide WKH :RUG ZKHQ DSSURDFKLQJ WKH %LEOH /HDUQLQJ WKH GLVFLSOLQHV RI study and critical analysis to handle the challenging issues today in ministry both in the church and our world. Understanding the right principles that should guide students in ministry, effective evangelism, Christian living, holiness, sound doctrine, handling spurious claims regarding Scripture, and much more.

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Page 1: VLV DQG · IBC Graduate It is hard to express how ,QGLDQD %LEOH &ROOHJH¶V theological courses have impacted me over the past four years. How-ever, I can say I would not be where

ibc perspectives - vol. 23 no. 816


focused on the process of correctly discerning the times we live in, including WKH�DOLHQ�SKLORVRSKLHV�RSSRVHG�WR�*RG¶V�truth, as well as understanding the antidote RI�ERWK�NQRZLQJ�*RG¶V�WUXWK�DQG�EHLQJ�WKH�WUXWK�LQ�RXU�KRPH��QHLJKERUKRRG�DQG�FXOWXUH��1RZ�LV�WKH�WLPH�IRU�XV�WR�DQVZHU�WKH�FDOO��WR�EH�PRWLYDWHG��HTXLSSHG�DQG�GHSOR\HG�LQWR�RXU�ZRUOG�DV�radical change agents working to show the power of Apostolic GRFWULQH�DQG�WUXWK�WR�UHGHHP�WKLV�EURNHQ�ZRUOG�ZH�OLYH�LQ�

:H�DUH�IDFLQJ�UDGLFDO�DQG�PDOLJQDQW�FKDQJHV�LQ�RXU�FXOWXUH��There has been a comprehensive shifting of values, worldviews DQG�ZD\V�RI�OLIH��:KLOH�PRVW�&KULVWLDQV�KDYH�VRPH�LGHD�RI�WKLV�radical drift toward cultural decay, it is important to know how to assess the situation effectively and not only neutralize these forces in our own lives but also take a hope of redemption to our world. This is what God is calling this generation to. The time to H[HUFLVH�WKLV�SRZHU�LV�QRZ��7KH�WLPH�IRU�EHLQJ�HTXLSSHG�WR�UHDFK�LQWR�WKLV�KHPRUUKDJLQJ�FXOWXUH�ZLWK�KHDOLQJ�DQG�KRSH�LV�QRZ�

,Q�WKH�7KHRORJ\�SURJUDP�DW�,%&��\RX�ZLOO�EH�VWXG\LQJ�the distinctives of Apostolic doctrine including the Doctrine RI�6DOYDWLRQ��WKH�2QHQHVV�RI�*RG��&KULVWLDQ�:RUOGYLHZ��Holiness, the Doctrine of the Spirit and other basic essentials HTXLSSLQJ�\RX�WR�KDQGOH�REMHFWLRQV�WR�RXU�ELEOLFDO�EHOLHIV��Further, you will be exposed to other classes like Science and WKH�%LEOH�GHDOLQJ�ZLWK�PRGHUQ�REMHFWLRQV�WR�WKH�%LEOH�DQG�Christianity. Classes such as Systematic Theology 1 & 2 show WKH�LQWHUFRQQHFWHGQHVV�RI�DOO�ZH�VD\�DERXW�*RG�DQG�+LV�:RUG��while classes such as Contemporary Theology highlight where we are today in terms of the current wider ideologies of the world and how we got there. Classes such as Apologetics,

Joseph Florea IBC Graduate�ă�It is hard to express how ,QGLDQD�%LEOH�&ROOHJH¶V�theological courses have impacted me over the past four years. How-ever, I can say I would not be where I am now

without them. The Theology program has pro-

pelled me forward these several years and launched me into the ministry. These classes have helped establish me biblically in the doctrine and knowledge that I did not have while growing up. I am forever LQGHEWHG�WR�,QGLDQD�%LEOH�&ROOHJH�IRU�WKH�impact it has had on my life through the WDXJKW�:RUG�RI�*RG�

Clayton Wetzel IBC Graduate - Theology

LV�GHILQHG�DV�³WKH�VWXG\�of the nature of God DQG�UHOLJLRXV�EHOLHI�́ �1RW�RQO\�GLG�,%&�JLYH�PH�D�greater understanding of *RG¶V�:RUG��EXW�LW�JDYH�me clarity about the truth

UHJDUGLQJ�RXU�EHOLHIV��$QG�%LEOH�FROOHJH�helped propel my ministry forward with the many types of practical theological ministry opportunities. Through MSA, I have grown through the hands-on training, preaching in UHDO�FKXUFK�VHUYLFHV�ZKHUH�SHRSOH¶V�OLYHV�DUH�forever changed. Right theology is useless without the real practice of that theology. 1RZ�JUDGXDWHG�IURP�,%&��,�DP�VHUYLQJ�full-time in my local church, and getting chances to help churches all over my state. 7KLV�KDSSHQHG�EHFDXVH�,%&�ZDV�ZLOOLQJ�WR�passionately teach me, just as much as I was willing to learn.

Andrew Herbst IBC Graduate - The Theology Depart-PHQW�DW�,%&�LQFOXGHV�numerous events and activities outside of the classroom. Every spring semester it hosts a Theology Conference

focused on Apostolic doctrine. Furthermore, various designated nights throughout the \HDU��,%&�RIIHUV�PRUH�LQWLPDWH�WHDFKHU�VWX-dent sessions, which includes a lesson by %UR��.LOOPRQ��%UR��6OHHYD��RU�D�JXHVW�DQG�FRQFOXGHV�ZLWK�VWXGHQW�SUD\HU��$V�DQ�,%&�graduate, I would encourage all students, ZKHWKHU�:RUVKLS�6WXGLHV�RU�%LEOLFDO�6WXGLHV�major, to invest themselves in the Theology Department. These sessions and events are voluntary, but they will expose you to issues that will get you outside of our Apostolic shell, and thus gain essential knowledge for success in and out of the classroom.

$UFKHRORJ\�DQG�WKH�%LEOH��5HOLJLRQ�$QDO\VLV�DQG�others show the best ways to reach the world we OLYH�LQ�WRGD\�ZLWK�WKH�WUXWK�RI�*RG¶V�:RUG��

$W�,%&��RXU�7KHRORJ\�'HSDUWPHQW�HTXLSV�students to be effective in the following roles: pastor,

DVVLVWDQW�SDVWRU��\RXWK�SDVWRU��HYDQJHOLVW��%LEOH�WHDFKHU�RU�instructor, outreach and evangelism coordinator, Sunday school director, author and more. This is shown to be true by the myriad of alumni filling these positions across our movement. $OVR��DIWHU�UHFHLYLQJ�D�GHJUHH�IURP�,%&��VWXGHQWV�DUH�HOLJLEOH�WR�apply for a general license from the UPCI, bypassing the initial SKDVH�RI�ORFDO�OLFHQVLQJ�UHTXLUHG�IRU�PLQLVWHUV��

If you will give yourself to our guidance, we can help you become a rich asset for a church to reach their goals in the .LQJGRP��:H�KDYH�,%&�DOXPQL�LQ�HYHU\�DYHQXH�RI�OHDGHUVKLS�LQ�WKH�83&,��$/-&��DQG�RWKHU�$SRVWROLF�RUJDQL]DWLRQV�VHUYLQJ�at local, national and international levels. The strength of any Theology program is shown in its ability to produce leaders and ODXQFK�WKHP�LQWR�PLQLVWU\��2XU�WUDFN�UHFRUG�DW�,%&�LV�VWURQJ��Simply look around and see.


of sound doctrine that is the foundation for a life of teaching DQG�SUHDFKLQJ�*RG¶V�:RUG��/HDUQLQJ�WR�SUHDFK�WUXH�WR�WKH�%LEOH�LQ�DQ�HIIHFWLYH�ZD\��$FTXLULQJ�WKH�ULJKW�WRROV�WR�SUDFWLFH�VROLG�hermeneutics and exegetical soundness so you can rightly divide WKH�:RUG�ZKHQ�DSSURDFKLQJ�WKH�%LEOH��/HDUQLQJ�WKH�GLVFLSOLQHV�RI�study and critical analysis to handle the challenging issues today in ministry both in the church and our world. Understanding the right principles that should guide students in ministry, effective evangelism, Christian living, holiness, sound doctrine, handling spurious claims regarding Scripture, and much more.