vmware vxlan deployment guide

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  • 8/22/2019 VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide


    VMware VXLANDeployment Guide

  • 8/22/2019 VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide


    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    T E C H N I C A L W H I T E P A P E R / 2

    Table of Contents

    Overview 3Key VXLAN Components 3

    VMware vCloud Networking and Security Manager 3

    VMware vSphere Distributed Switch 3

    Virtual Tunnel End Point 4

    VMware vCloud Networking and Security Edge Gateway 4

    Example Deployment 1 Single L2 (One VDS) in a New Deployment 4

    Deployment Components 5

    VXLAN Preparation Steps 7

    Identiy Key Parameters 7

    VXLAN Preparation Workow 7

    Virtual Tunnel Endpoint IP Confguration 11

    Segment ID and Multicast Group Address Range Confguration14

    Defning VXLAN Network Scope 15

    Physical Switch Confguration16

    Consumption o Isolated Logical Networks (Virtual Wires) 17

    Creating Virtual Wire 18

    Connecting Virtual Machines to Virtual Wire 20

    Assigning an IP Address to a Virtual Machine on a Virtual Wire 24

    Deployment and Confguration o vCloud Networking and Security Edge Gateway 24

    Deploy vCloud Networking and Security Edge Gateway 25

    Confguration o Internal Edge Gateway Interaces 34

    Confgure Firewall Rule to Allow Access to External Network 41

    Confgure Source NAT 46

    Example Deployment 2 Multiple L2 (Multiple VDS) Existing 48

    Deployment Components 48

    VXLAN Preparation Steps 49

    Identiy Key Parameters 49

    VXLAN Preparation Workow 49

    Physical Switch Confguration 51

    Creation o Virtual Wires 53

    Migration o Virtual Machines to Virtual Wires 53

    Limitation o the Current Deployment Without VXLAN 55

    Deploy New Web Servers on Cluster 02 56

    Conclusion 57

    About the Author 58

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    OverviewOrganizations worldwide have gained signicant eciency and exibility in their datacenters as a direct result o

    deploying VMware server virtualization solutions. Although compute has been virtualized, network and securitytechnologies in datacenters have struggled to keep pace with the innovations. Many VMware customers are now

    looking to implement a network virtualization solution that brings exibility to datacenter networks. Virtual

    eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN), part o VMware vCloud Networking and Security, addresses the

    current networking challenges. This document ofers detailed deployment guidelines and step-by-step

    instructions on how to build VXLAN-based datacenter networks.

    A VXLAN-based network virtualization solution addresses the ollowing key challenges that exist in the

    traditional physical network:

    - Limited number o isolated layer 2 (L2) networks (VLAN 4096)

    - Inability to change the physical network conguration on demand

    - Limited L2 diameter (because o Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) limitations) that restricts pooling o compute

    resources available across the datacenter

    For more details on the VXLAN-based network virtualization solution and various design consideration details,

    reer to VMware Network Virtualization Design Guide:


    This document is or both vSphere and network administrators. It provides step-by-step conguration

    instructions or the ollowing two scenarios:

    - A brand-new VXLAN network design spanning two compute clusters

    - A migration o an existing two-cluster deployment rom a standard VLAN to a VXLAN network

    Key VXLAN Components

    The VMware VXLAN solution consists o the components that ollow. They typically are purchased as part oVMware vCloud Suite, which includes VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus Edition and VMware vCloud Networking

    and Security basic licenses.

    VMware vCloud Networking and Security Manager

    VMware vCloud Networking and Security Manager is the centralized network management component o the

    vCloud Networking and Security product suite. It also has a plug-in to VMware vCenter Server; users can

    perorm VXLAN conguration through that network virtualization plug-in. The plug-in is available only on the

    VMware vSphere Client and is not available on the new, next-generation VMware vSphere Web Client. The

    Network Virtualization tab appears at the Datacenter object level ater vCloud Networking and Security

    Manager has been congured with the vCenter Server instance IP address and its credentials.

    VMware vSphere Distributed SwitchVMware vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) in the vSphere platorm provides a single point o management or

    virtual networking aspects in the datacenter. VDS also provides advanced capabilities, including trac

    management, monitoring and troubleshooting eatures, along with VXLAN support. For more details on the

    latest VDS eatures, reer to Whats New in VMware vSphere 5.1 Networking:http://www.vmware.com/les/


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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Virtual Tunnel End Point

    A virtual tunnel endpoint (VTEP) is congured on every host as part o the VXLAN conguration process. The

    VTEP consists o the ollowing three modules:

    1) vmkernel module VTEP unctionality is part o the VDS and is installed as a VMware Installation Bundle

    (VIB). This module is responsible or VXLAN data path processing, which includes maintenance o orwarding

    tables and encapsulation and deencapsulation o packets.

    2) vmknic virtual adapter This adapter is used to carry VXLAN control trac, which includes response to

    multicast join, DHCP, and ARP requests.

    3) VXLAN port group This is congured during the initial VXLAN conguration process; includes physical NICs,

    VLAN inormation, teaming policy, and so on. These port group parameters dictate how VXLAN trac is

    carried in and out o the host VTEP through the physical NICs.

    Each vSphere host VTEP is assigned with a unique IP address, which is congured on the vmknic virtual adapter

    and is used to establish host-to-host communication tunnels and carry VXLAN trac.

    VMware vCloud Networking and Security Edge GatewayThe VMware vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway is a virtual appliance with advanced network

    services support such as perimeter rewall, DHCP, NAT, VPN, load balancer, and VXLAN gateway unction.

    The VXLAN gateway unction o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway is one o the key

    components o the VXLAN network design. The vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway acts as a

    transparent bridge between the VXLAN and non-VXLAN inrastructure. It is used in the ollowing scenarios:

    1) When a virtual machine connected to a logical L2 network must communicate with a physical server or

    virtual machine running on a host that does not support VXLAN, the trac is directed through the

    vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway.

    2) When a virtual machine on one logical L2 network must communicate with a virtual machine on another

    logical L2 network, the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway can provide that connectivity.

    The vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway is a highly available virtual appliance that is deployed in anactivestandby conguration and has as many as 10 interaces. It is ofered in three sizes: compact, ull and

    x-large. Users have the option o scaling up their vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway design by

    increasing the size o the appliance or o scaling out by using multiple virtual appliances.

    Example Deployment 1 Single L2 (One VDS) in a New DeploymentIn this example, we congure VXLAN and then deploy a three-tier application. During the application

    deployment process, we show how to create logical L2 networksalso known as virtual wiresand how to

    connect the applications virtual machines to these virtual wires. Finally, we congure a vCloud Networking and

    Security Edge gateway to provide access rom the isolated logical L2 network to the external world. You can

    choose to congure other network services such as rewall, load balancer, VPN, and DHCP server on the

    vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Deployment Components

    The ollowing components are used in this deployment:

    Two clusters in the same vCenter datacenter

    Two hosts per cluster

    Two 10GbE network interace cards per host

    Two physical switches

    One VDS

    Management cluster

    vCenter Server

    vCloud Networking and Security Manager

    To install each component in your environment, reer to the respective installation guide.

    Figure 1 shows the initial deployment, beore the VXLAN-based network virtualization solution is congured.

    The two clusters are hosted on two diferent racks in the datacenter. For the new deployment, ollow these

    recommendations regarding conguration o the physical network inrastructure:

    Congure one VLAN between the two clusters or carrying the VXLAN transport trac. By provisioning one

    VLAN or transport, the requirement to enable multicast routing on the physical switches is eliminated.

    Congure IGMP snooping and IGMP querier unctions on the physical switches.

    In this setup, VLAN 2000 is congured on the physical switches to carry the VXLAN trac. The other

    inrastructure VLANs or VMware vSphere vMotion, management and NFS trac typically used in a vSphere

    deployment are not shown in this diagram but are assumed to be present.

    Compute Cluster 01

    VLAN 2000 VLAN 2000


    L2/L3 Switch Rack 1 Rack 10L2/L3 Switch

    vSphere vSphere vSphere

    Compute Cluster 02 Management Cluster

    VMware vCenter Serverwith vCloud Networking

    and Security ManagerPlug-in

    vSphere Distributed Switch

    Figure 1.NewdeploymentComponents

    The vSphere Client screenshot in Figure 2 shows the component inventory under the vCenter Server instance

    managing the two clusters in a datacenter VXLAN-DC.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 2.HostsandClustersView

    Figure 3 shows the VXLAN-VDS network conguration with two uplinks. All our hosts are part o this VDS.

    Figure 3.NetworkView

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    VXLAN Preparation Steps

    Identiy Key Parameters

    The ollowing parameters are used during the VXLAN conguration preparation workow:

    Name o the VDS where you want to deploy VXLAN VIBin this example, VXLAN-VDS.

    VLAN ID over which all the VXLAN trac will be carried: VLAN 2000.

    Teaming algorithm is congured or not congured on the physical switch ports; in this example, no teaming is

    congured. Use Explicit ailover as the teaming conguration on the port group dened or the VXLAN trac.

    DHCP service in VLAN 2000 subnet is available or not available; in this example, no DHCP service is available.

    VXLAN Preparation Workow

    First, select the VXLAN-DC datacenter on the let panel. Then, click Network Virtualization on the right panel as

    shown in Figure 4:

    Figure 4.NetworkVirtualizationvCloudNetworkingandSecurityManagerPlug-in

    Under Network Virtualization, click Preparation to start the VXLAN conguration process.

    Figure 5.VXLANPreparation

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Ater clicking Preparation , click Edit.

    Figure 6.VXLANCongurationConnectivity

    The ollowing screenshot contains the option to choose the number o clusters over which the VXLAN abric

    must be prepared. In this setup, there are two clusters congured. Those clusters are shown in Figure 7.

    Figure 7.VXLANCongurationConnectivitySelectClusters

    Ater selecting the clusters, choose the distributed switch or both clusters and then congure VXLAN transport

    VLAN 2000. In this deployment VXLAN-VDS is used across both the clusters.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 8. VXLANCongurationConnectivitySelectVDS

    Provide the VXLAN transport VLAN ID 2000 in the VLAN eld as shown in Figure 9 and click Next.

    Figure 9.VXLANCongurationConnectivitySelectVLANs

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Next, select the teaming conguration that will be used on the VXLAN transport port group and the MTU size.

    In this example, no teaming is congured on the physical switches, so use Fail Over teaming and keep the

    1600 bytes deault MTU.

    Figure 10.VXLANCongurationConnectivitySelectTeaming

    Ater you click Finish, vCloud Networking and Security Manager enables the VXLAN module on each vSphere

    host. It also congures the vmknic and port groups as part o the VTEP preparation. The screenshot in Figure 11

    shows the status ater completion o the VTEP conguration process.

    Figure 11.VXLANCongurationConnectivityFinish

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 12 shows the various components that vCloud Networking and Security Manager installs on each host.

    Compute Cluster 01

    VLAN 2000 VLAN 2000


    L2/L3 Switch Rack 1 Rack 10L2/L3 Switch

    vSphere vSphere vSphere

    Compute Cluster 02 Management Cluster

    VMware vCenter Server

    with vCloud Networkingand Security Manager
















    PGvSphere Distributed Switch


    vmknic with VTEP IP

    Port group for VXLAN trac

    Encapsulation/decapsulation module

    Figure 12.NewDeploymentComponentsAterthePreparationStep

    Virtual Tunnel Endpoint IP Confguration

    The IP conguration or each VTEP can be perormed automatically through a DHCP server inrastructure. In

    this example, the DHCP server is not present, so manual IP conguration steps are provided.

    This conguration involves selecting each host and modiying the virtual adapter property. As shown in Figure

    13, rst select a host; then select the networking conguration, to change the parameters o the virtual adapter.

    Figure 13.ManualVTEPCongurationEditvmknicProperties

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Edit the properties o the vmknic that was created during the previous VXLAN preparation workow. Then

    assign the IP in the subnet that is mapped to VLAN 2000.

    Figure 14.ManualVTEPCongurationEditVXLANvmknic(vmk)

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 15.ManualVTEPCongurationAssignStaticIP

    The screenshot in Figure 16 provides the details o each VTEP IP ollowing the manual changes to the IP

    addresses across all our hosts in the cluster. The next step congures segment ID and multicast group address

    congurations. Click Segment ID.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 16.ManualVTEPCongurationRepeatorAllHostsVXLANvmknic

    Segment ID and Multicast Group Address Range ConfgurationCheck with your network administrators to determine which multicast group address range you can congure.

    Also identiy the number o isolated logical L2 networks you want to create. In this example, 2,000 logical

    L2 networks are possible with the segment ID o 5000 to 7000.

    Figure 17.VXLANSegmentIDCongurationEdit

    Figure 18.VXLANSegmentIDCongurationPoolandMulticastGroupIPAddressRange

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    In the Multicast addresses eld, provide the multicast address range that will be used to associate with the

    segment IDs. One-to-one mapping between segment ID and multicast group address is recommended.

    As a best practice, it is important to work with the networking team to identiy a range o multicast addresses

    that can be used in your environment or the VXLAN deployment. The ollowing are some o the key pointsto remember:

    1) Do not use multicast addresses ranging rom to These are reserved or routing

    protocols and other low-level topology discovery or maintenance protocols.

    2) Out o the remaining groups ranging rom to, use administratively scoped

    addresses rom to i the VXLAN deployment is within a company. This multicast

    address range is viewed as a private multicast domain similar to the range, so it is not used or

    global Internet trac.

    3) In some deployments where VXLAN networks will be shared between administrative domains, the addresses

    should be assigned rom the ( source-specic block.

    Defning VXLAN Network Scope

    The network scope denes the range o the logical networks. In this example, the VXLAN-based logical network

    range is congured to span both compute clusters. As shown in Figure 19, click Network Scopes and then the

    + icon to dene a new network scope.

    Figure 19.VXLANNetworkScopeCongurationSelectNetworkScopeTab

    Figure 20.VXLANNetworkScopeCongurationClick Add

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Enter the name o the network scope and then select both clusters to be part o the VXLAN-Fabric-Scope .

    Figure 21.VXLANNetworkScopeCongurationDeneScopeandSelectCluster

    Through these conguration steps, you have the option to increase or decrease the scope o the network. Follow

    the previously described steps when you want to add or remove compute clusters to or rom the network scope.

    Physical Switch Confguration

    In this example, the ollowing congurations are required on the physical switches:

    1) Congure VLAN 2000 on both switches.

    a. Switch ports acing vSphere hosts are congured as trunk with VLAN 2000 and other inrastructure

    VLANs congured.

    b. The port channel between the two switches also carries VLAN 2000.

    2) Congure IGMP snooping.

    3) Enable IGMP querier on VLAN 2000.

    4) Increase MTU size to 9,216. There are two options available: Either globally change the MTU size across all

    switch ports or perorm per-port changes.

    Switch 1 Confguration

    1) VXLAN VLAN conguration

    Switch-Router1# interface vlan 2000

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# ip address

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# no shutdown

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# end

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    2) IGMP snooping conguration

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# ip igmp snooping

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# end

    3) IGMP querier conguration

    Switch-Router1# interface vlan 2000

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# ip igmp snooping querier

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# end

    4) MTU conguration ( shown only or one port )

    Switch-Router1# interface gigabitEthernet 4/1

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#mtu 9216

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# end

    Switch 2 Confguration

    1) VXLAN VLAN congurationSwitch-Router2# interface vlan 2000

    Switch-Router2 (cong-if)# ip address

    Switch-Router2 (cong-if)# no shutdown

    Switch-Router2 (cong-if)# end

    2) IGMP snooping conguration (global)

    Switch-Router2 (cong)# ip igmp snooping

    Switch-Router2 (cong)# end

    3) IGMP querier conguration

    Switch-Router2# interface vlan 2000

    Switch-Router2 (cong-if)# ip igmp snooping querier

    Switch-Router2 (cong-if)# end

    4) MTU conguration (shown only or one port )

    Switch-Router2# interface gigabitEthernet 4/1

    Switch-Router2 (cong-if)#mtu 9216

    Switch-Router2 (cong-if)# end

    Consumption o Isolated Logical Networks (Virtual Wires)

    Ater the VXLAN abric has been created, you can consume the isolated logical L2 networks on demand. In this

    section, we will create three diferent logical networks or the three virtual machines o a three-tier application.

    We will look at the ollowing steps in the logical network consumption process:

    1) Creating virtual wire

    2) Connecting virtual machines to virtual wire

    3) Assigning an IP address to the virtual machines on the virtual wire

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Creating Virtual Wire

    To create a new logical network, rst click Networks, as shown in Figure 22. Then click the + icon.

    Figure 22.VXLANVirtualWireClick Networks

    Figure 23.VXLANVirtualWireAdd

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Then dene the name o the virtual wire. Ater clicking Ok, you will see that a logical network is created with

    segment ID 5000 and associated multicast group address .

    Figure 24.VXLANVirtualWireWebVirtualWire

    Figure 25.VXLANVirtualWireWebVirtualWireCreatedWithSegmentID000

    Repeat the previous steps and create two more virtual wires or the application and database server

    virtual machines.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 26.VXLANVirtualWireAppandDatabaseVirtualWiresCreated

    Connecting Virtual Machines to Virtual WireThere are two methods o connecting a virtual machine to a virtual wire:

    1) Using vCloud Networking and Security Manager

    2) Editing the virtual machine setting and changing the port group assignment

    Figure 27.DeployThree-TierApplication

    Option 1: vCloud Networking and Security Manager

    In this option, rst select the virtual wire on which you want to connect a virtual machine.

    Figure 28.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityManagerSelectWebVirtualWire

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 29.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityManagerSelectVirtualMachine

    Ater clicking the + icon, search or the name o the virtual machine, as shown in Figure 30.

    Figure 30.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityManagerClick AddandSearchWebVirtualMachine

    Select the virtual machine and then click Next. As shown in Figure 31, the process o connecting the Web server

    virtual machine is complete.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 31.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityManagerVirtualMachineIsConnected

    Option 2: Edit Virtual Machine Setting and Port Group Choice

    Instead o using vCloud Networking and Security Manager in this option, you can change the connection o a

    virtual machine by editing the settings o the network adapter.

    Each virtual wire created in a VXLAN environment is associated with a port group on the distributed switch. In

    Figure 32, there are three port groups and three virtual wires: Web, application and database.

    Figure 32.VirtualWiretoPortGroupAssociation

    In the Hosts and Clusters view, select the Application Server virtual machine and then click Edit Settings.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 33.ApplicationServer-VirtualMachineEditSettingChangethePortGroupMapping

    From the drop-down menu, select the Application Virtual Wire port group or this application server

    virtual machine.

    Figure 34.VirtualMachineEditSettingRemaptoApplicationVirtualWire

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 35 shows the three-tier application virtual machines connected to the three virtual wires.

    VLAN 2000 VLAN 2000


    L2/L3 Switch

    Web Virtual Wire

    Pool of Compute Clusters

    Application Virtual Wire

    Database Virtual Wire

    Rack 1 Rack 10L2/L3 Switch

    vSphere vSphere vSphere












    PGvSphere Distributed Switch

    Management Cluster

    VMware vCenter Serverwith vCloud Networking

    and Security ManagerPlug-in


    VM VM

    VXLAN Fabric


    Web Virtual Wire PG

    Application Virtual Wire PG

    Database Virtual Wire PG

    Figure 35.NewDeploymentThree-TierApplicationonVirtualWires

    Assigning an IP Address to a Virtual Machine on a Virtual Wire

    You can choose to either manually assign static IP addresses to virtual machines connected to diferent virtual

    wires or make use o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway DHCP service and assign them

    automatically. In this example, we assigned the ollowing subnets to the three virtual wires and congured static

    IP addresses rom the respective subnets to the virtual machines:

    1) Web virtual wire

    2) Application virtual wire

    3) Database virtual wire

    The three virtual machines connected to the virtual wires are isolated rom each other. To provide

    communication between the various tiers o application, or communication with the external world,

    vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway must be deployed.

    Deployment and Confguration o vCloud Networking and Security Edge Gateway

    The vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway acts as a VXLAN gateway along with other unctions

    such as rewall, load balancer, VPN, DHCP services, and so on. This section covers the deployment o a

    vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway and provides steps to enable access to the external networkrom the internal virtual wires. The ollowing are some o the key deployment and conguration steps covered

    as part o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway installation.

    1) Deploy vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway.

    2) Connect virtual wires to the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway.

    3) Congure rewall rule or external access.

    4) Congure NAT.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Deploy vCloud Networking and Security Edge Gateway

    To deploy a vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway virtual appliance, click Edges and then click the

    + icon.

    Figure 36.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeAdd

    To provide reliability to the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway unctions, click Enable HA.

    Figure 37.DeployEdgeEnableHA

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 38.DeployEdgePassword

    There are three size options to choose rom while deploying the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway

    appliance. You also can provision the appliance in a particular cluster or on a vSphere host.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 39.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeGatewayChooseApplianceSize

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 40.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeGatewayChooseApplianceLocation

    In this example, we choose the compact size or the vCloud Networking and Security Edge appliance and

    provision it on Host 05 o Cluster 01.

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 41.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCluster0andHost0

    Next we will congure the interaces o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway appliance. As part o

    this interace conguration, we select the external interace rst, to congure its properties; then, we congurethe internal interaces, where the three virtual wires or VXLAN logical L2 networks will be connected.

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    Figure 42.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeInteraceConguration

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    VMware VXLAN Deployment Guide

    Figure 43.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeExternalInterace

    Click Select. A pop-up window provides three options or connecting the external vCloud Networking and

    Security Edge gateway interace:

    1) Virtual wire Enables you to connect to VXLAN-based logical L2 networks.

    2) Standard port group Provides the option to connect to a port group on a standard switch. In this example,

    we dont have any standard switch in the deployment.

    3) Distributed port group Enables you to connect to a port group created on the VDS. In this deployment, we

    choose this option and connect the external interace o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway

    to the External-Access port group.

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    Figure 44.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeConnecttoaDistributedPortGroup

    Ater selecting the external interace network connection, assign the IP address or that external interace o the

    vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway.

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    Figure 45.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeAssignExternalIP

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    Figure 46.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeOverallExternalInteraceConguration

    Ater conguring the external interace, we congure the three internal interaces on the vCloud Networking

    and Security Edge appliance. These internal interaces connect to the internal virtual wires.

    Confguration o Internal Edge Gateway Interaces

    As shown in Figure 47, a new interace, Web Server Gateway Interace, is created on the vCloud Networking

    and Security Edge gateway. The interace is connected to a Web virtual wire, and an IP address is assigned.

    Repeat these steps or the other two virtual wires by creating two more vCloud Networking and Security

    Edge interaces.

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    Figure 47.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeInternalInteraceConguration

    Click Select. A pop-up window provides three options or connecting the internal vCloud Networking and

    Security Edge gateway interace. We select Virtual Wire, which enables us to connect to one o the

    VXLAN-based logical L2 networks

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    Figure 48.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeConnecttoWebVirtualWire

    Figure 49.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeAssignIPAddress

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    Figure 50.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeAllInteraces

    Ater the interace conguration, we congure the deault gateway or the external interace. In this example,

    the deault gateway is the VLAN 2000 interace IP address congured on the physical switch. However, i a

    VRRP or HSRP conguration exists at the routing layer, consult with the network team and get the deault

    gateway IP address.

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    Figure 51.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongureDeaultGateway

    Ater the gateway IP address conguration, we have the option o dening the management IP address or

    VMware vSphere High Availability (HA) communication between vCloud Networking and Security Edge

    gateways. In this example, the platorm selects the IP address or HA communication.

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    Figure 52.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeVMwarevSphereHighAvailability

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    Figure 53.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationSummary

    This concludes the conguration o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway interaces.

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    Figure 54.DeployvCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeInActiveStandby

    Figure 55 shows the various interace connections o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge active and

    standby appliances in Cluster 01 ater the deployment and conguration process. As shown in the diagram, the

    external interace o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway is connected to the green external PG

    congured with VLAN 100; internal interaces are connected to the virtual wire port groups.

    VLAN 2000

    VLAN 100


    L2/L3 Switch

    Web Virtual Wire

    Pool of Compute Clusters

    Application Virtual Wire

    Database Virtual Wire

    Rack 1 Rack 10


    vCloud Networking and Security Edge (Active)

    vCloud Networking and Security Edge (Standby)

    Web Virtual Wire PG

    Application Virtual Wire PG

    Database Virtual Wire PG

    External PG



    VM VM

    VXLAN Fabric




    L2/L3 Switch




    vSphere Distributed SwitchVTEP1








    Management Cluster

    VMware vCenter Serverwith vCloud Networking

    and Security ManagerPlug-in

    Figure 55.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeNewDeploymentWithInteraceConnections

    Confgure Firewall Rule to Allow Access to External Network

    The vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway also acts as a perimeter rewall. You can congure therewall to allow the devices connected on the internal networks to have external access.

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    Figure 56.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationSelectEdgeandClick Manage

    Figure 57.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationChecktheNumberoInteracesbyClicking Confgure

    In this example, we provide access to the internal Web server virtual machines and allow them to connect to the

    external network. The screenshot in Figure 58 shows the various interaces on the vCloud Networking and

    Security Edge gateway appliance.

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    Figure 58.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationFourInteraces(OneExternal,ThreeInternal)

    As shown in Figure 59, by deault, the rewall rule denies all trac rom any source to any destination.

    Figure 59.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationDeaultRule(Deny)

    We will now create a rule to allow trac rom the Web server gateway interace (source) to the external

    interace (destination) o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway.

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    Figure 60.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationCreateNewRule(Click+Icon)

    As shown in Figure 61, you can create a rewall rule based either on IP addresses or on VnicGroup. The

    VnicGroups are the interaces o the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway. To apply rewall rules to all

    virtual machines connected on a particular interace, the VnicGroup option is better.

    Figure 61.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationTwoTypesoRules(IPAddressesBasedonVnicGroup)

    In this example, to allow trac rom all the Web servers to the external world, choose the VnicGroup-based

    rewall rule. Then select vnic-index-1, which associates with the Web server gateway interace as the source o

    the trac.

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    Figure 62.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationFirewallRuleSource:VnicGroupBased(SelectWebVirtualWireConnectedInterace)

    Ater selecting the source VnicGroup, select the external interace as the destination o the trac.

    Figure 63.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationFirewallRuleDestination:VnicGroupBased(SelectExternalInterace)

    The source and destination elds o the rewall rules have been congured. Now select the type o service you

    want to enable or disable as part o this rule. As shown in Figure 64, any service rom Web servers is allowed to

    the external world.

    Figure 64.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationFirewallRule:ServiceAnyAccept

    Finally, publish the rewall rule.

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    Confgure Source NAT

    The conguration o NAT is required in this scenario because the internal Web server IP addresses are assigned

    in the private IP space The external network is congured as In Figure 65, the

    blue virtual wire in the top let corner shows the connection between the two Web servers on the network. 5000/WEB


    VXLAN 5002/DB

    Standard NAT


    External Network 5001/APP VM


    vCloudNetworking and

    Security EdgeGateway


    Figure 65.IPAddressCongurationVariousVirtualWiresandtheExternalNetwork

    The ollowing screenshots walk you through the steps o conguring the SNAT rule or the Web servers:

    Figure 66.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationNATRule

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    Figure 67.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationAddSNATRuletoProvideExternalAccesstotheWebServerVirtualMachine

    Figure 68.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationApplyNATPolicyontheExternalInterace

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    Figure 69.vCloudNetworkingandSecurityEdgeCongurationPublish

    This example deployment provides a guideline on how to enable VXLAN and congure some o the eatures o

    the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway. For details on conguring the other eatures o vCloud

    Networking and Security Edge gateway, reer to vCloud Networking and Security user-guide documents.

    Example Deployment 2 Multiple L2(Multiple VDS) ExistingAter having gone through a brand-new deployment, in this section we examine an existing two-cluster

    deployment that utilizes a traditional VLAN-based network conguration and how to transition it to a

    VXLAN-based network. During this exercise, we also migrate the existing three-tier applications virtualmachines rom standard port groups to VXLAN virtual wires.

    Deployment Components

    The various components used in this deployment, shown in Figure 70, are as ollows:










    Port group X, port group Y and port group Z on VDS02

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    VLAN 2000, 2001, 2002 VLAN 2010, 2011, 2012


    L2/L3 Switch Rack 1 Rack 10L2/L3 Switch

    vSphere vSphere vSphere

    vSphere Distributed Switch vSphere Distributed Switch

    Compute Cluster 01 Compute Cluster 02



    Web PG

    Application PG

    Database PG

    Port Group X

    Port Group Y

    Port Group Z

    Management Cluster

    VMware vCenter Serverwith vCloud Networking

    and Security ManagerPlug-in

    Figure 70.ExistingDeploymentTwo-ClusterDesignwithaThree-TierApplicationRunning

    VXLAN Preparation Steps

    In this section, we go through the steps o conguring VXLAN on top o an existing two-cluster deployment with

    a three-tier application running.

    Identiy Key Parameters

    Beore starting the conguration process, make note o the ollowing parameters in your environment. These

    parameters will be used during the VXLAN preparation workow:




    VLANs that are used to isolate various virtual machine trac are not required ater VXLAN is deployed.

    Fromtheavailablevirtualmachineportgroups,selectaVLANforVXLANtransporttrac.Forexample,selectone o the virtual machinetrac VLANs in each cluster as the VXLAN transport VLAN: VLAN 2000,

    VLAN 2010.


    ailover as the teaming conguration on the port group dened or the VXLAN transport trac.

    VXLAN Preparation Workow

    The workow is very similar to the one described in example deployment 1. The only diference is in the

    parameters congured during the workow. Diferent VDSs are selected, and two diferent VLANs are

    congured as VXLAN transport VLANs, as shown in Figure 71.

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    Figure 71.VXLANPreparationWorkfowVDSandVLAN

    Figure 72.VXLANPreparationWorkfowTeaming

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    Figure 73.VXLANPreparationWorkfowSummary

    Figure 74.VXLANPreparationWorkfowNetworkScope

    Physical Switch Confguration

    In this example, the ollowing congurations are required on the physical switches:

    1) Congure VLAN 2000 on Switch 1 and VLAN 2010 on Switch 2 to carry the VXLAN trac. You can also

    decide to reuse one o the existing VLANs or this purpose.

    a. Switch ports acing vSphere hosts are congured as trunks. These trunk ports allow VLAN 2000/2010 and

    other inrastructure VLANs.

    b. The port channel between the two switches also carries VLAN 2000/2010.

    2) Congure snooping.

    3) Enable multicast routing.

    4) Congure rendezvous point on Switch-Router 1 or PIM-Sparse mode.

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    5) Enable PIM-Sparse mode.

    6) Increase MTU size to 9,216.

    The ollowing are the switch command details:

    Switch 1 Confguration

    1) VXLAN VLAN conguration

    Switch-Router1# interface vlan 2000

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# ip address

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# no shutdown

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# end

    2) IGMP snooping conguration

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# ip igmp snooping

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# end

    3) Enable multicast routing

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# ip multicast-routing

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# end

    4) Congure RP (rendezvous point)

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# ip pim rp-address

    Switch-Router1 (cong)# end

    5) Enable PIM-Sparse-dense-mode

    Switch-Router1# interface vlan 2000

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# ip pim sparse-mode

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# end

    6) MTU conguration (shown or only one port)

    Switch-Router1# interface gigabitEthernet 4/1

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#mtu 9216

    Switch-Router1 (cong-if)# end

    Switch 2 Confguration

    1) VXLAN VLAN conguration

    a. Switch-Router1# interface vlan 2010

    b. Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#ip address

    c. Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#no shutdown

    d. Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#end

    2) IGMP snooping congurationa. Switch-Router1 (cong)# ip igmp snooping

    b. Switch-Router1 (cong)# end

    3) Enable multicast routing

    a. Switch-Router1 (cong)# ip multicast-routing

    b. Switch-Router1 (cong)# end

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    4) Congure RP (rendezvous point)

    a. Switch-Router1 (cong)# ip pim rp-address

    b. Switch-Router1 (cong)# end

    5) Enable PIM-Sparse-dense-mode

    a. Switch-Router1# interface vlan 2010

    b. Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#ip pim sparse-mode

    c. Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#end

    6) MTU conguration (shown or only one port)

    a. Switch-Router1# interface gigabitEthernet 4/1

    b. Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#mtu 9216

    c. Switch-Router1 (cong-if)#end

    Creation o Virtual Wires

    The steps or creating virtual wires are the same as those described in the Consumption o Virtual Wire

    section in example deployment 1. The screenshot in Figure 75 shows the three virtual wires created or the three-

    tier application.

    Figure 75.VXLANVirtualWireCreationCreateThreeVirtualWires

    Migration o Virtual Machines to Virtual Wires

    Ater creating the various virtual wires or the three-tier application, we can migrate the virtual machines

    connected rom the standard port groups, with VLANs, to the virtual wires. There are two options or migrating

    as described in example deployment 1; reer to the Connecting Virtual Machines to Virtual Wire section or

    step-by-step instructions.

    The ollowing screenshots provide the steps o migrating two Web servers to the Web virtual wire.

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    Figure 76.MigrationoVirtualMachinetoVirtualWiresWebServers

    Figure 77.MigrationoVirtualMachinetoVirtualWiresMovedromStandardPortGrouptoVirtualWire

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    Limitation o the Current Deployment Without VXLAN

    In the current deployment, as shown in Figure 78, the three-tier application utilizes compute resources rom

    only Cluster 01; Cluster 02 resources are not used because the L2 adjacency requirements or the application are

    not met by Cluster 02, which is congured in a diferent VLAN. As shown in Figure 70, Cluster 01 is backed byVLAN 2000,2001,2002; Cluster 02 is backed by VLAN 2010,2011,2012.

    Figure 78.HostsandClustersViewApplicationonCluster0

    Figure 79.NetworkingViewNetworkCongurationorCluster0

    This challenge/limitation is addressed with VXLAN virtual wires. Users now can eciently use the resources

    available across the datacenter. As shown in Figure 80, the virtual wires span across the two clusters, and virtual

    machines connected to these virtual wires perorm as i they were connected to the same L2 network. Currently,

    there are two Web server virtual machines connected to the Web virtual wire, as indicated by the red rectangle.

    These Web servers are deployed on Cluster 01.

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    VLAN 2000 VLAN 2010


    L2/L3 Switch

    Web Virtual Wire

    Pool of Compute Clusters

    Application Virtual WireDatabase Virtual Wire

    Rack 1 Rack 10L2/L3 Switch

    vSphere vSphere vSphere


    VM VM

    VM VM

    VXLAN Fabric


    Web Virtual Wire PG

    Application Virtual Wire PG

    Database Virtual Wire PG








    Management Cluster

    VMware vCenter Server

    with vCloud Networkingand Security ManagerPlug-in

    Figure 80.ExistingDeploymentComponentsAtertheVXLANPreparationandVirtualWireCreation

    I the demand or application grows and there is a need to provision an additional two Web servers, users can

    utilize the compute resources in Cluster 02 and connect the virtual machines to the Web server virtual wire.

    Deploy New Web Servers on Cluster 02

    The screenshot in Figure 81 shows the additional virtual machines connected to the Web virtual wire.

    Figure 81.ScaletheWebServersinCluster0

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    VLAN 2000 VLAN 2010


    L2/L3 Switch

    Web Virtual Wire

    Pool of Compute Clusters

    Application Virtual WireDatabase Virtual Wire

    Rack 1 Rack 10L2/L3 Switch

    vSphere vSphere vSphere


    VM VM

    VM VM

    VXLAN Fabric

    VM VM








    Management Cluster

    VMware vCenter Server

    with vCloud Networkingand Security Manager



    Web Virtual Wire PG

    Application Virtual Wire PG

    Database Virtual Wire PG

    Figure 82.ExistingDeploymentAdditionalWebServersDeployedonCluster0

    These Web servers can be load balanced using the vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway

    Load Balance eature. Also, as described in example deployment 1, users can utilize the rewall capability

    and provide security between diferent tiers o application. For more details on how to use the

    vCloud Networking and Security Edge gateway eature, reer to the vCloud Networking and Security Edge

    gateway conguration documents.

    ConclusionThe network virtualization solution using VXLAN technology provides exibility and agility in provisioning

    diverse workloads across the various racks o compute resources in a datacenter. This is achieved by creating an

    overlay network on top o the existing datacenter network. Users now can create logical networks on demand

    and consume those networks without requiring changes to any o the physical network congurations.

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    About the AuthorVyenkatesh (Venky) Deshpande is senior technical marketing manager in the Technical Marketing group at

    VMware, with a technology ocus on networking. He has worked in the networking industry or more than15 years and has been with VMware since August 2010. His responsibilities include vSphere networking-eatures

    collateral and the vCloud Networking and Security suite o products.

    Follow Venkys blog at http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/networking

    Follow Venky on Twitter @VMWnetworking

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