vocabulary. carrion – dead, decaying flesh


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Page 1: Vocabulary.  Carrion – dead, decaying flesh



Page 2: Vocabulary.  Carrion – dead, decaying flesh

Prologue and Parados

Carrion – dead, decaying flesh

Page 3: Vocabulary.  Carrion – dead, decaying flesh

Eddy – a whirlpool or stream of flowing water

Page 4: Vocabulary.  Carrion – dead, decaying flesh

To sate – to satisfy completely

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Meddling – interfering

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Marshalled – arranged in proper order

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Yawning – gaping, wide open

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Garland – wreathe or rope of flowers or leaves

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Swagger – strutting in walk or manner

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Arc – a curve

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Bray – loud, harsh cry

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Scene One and Ode One

Auspicious - favorable

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Scavenging – feeding on dead matter

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Senile – mentally and physically impaired from old age

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Pious – having deep religious feeling

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Lithe – supple, flexible, agile

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Sultry – uncomfortably warm

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To deflect – to change the direction of

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Hearth – fireside, home

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Comprehensive – of large scope or extent, all inclusive

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Graven – impressed deeply

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Scene Two and Ode Two

Operative – being in force, in effect

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To endure – to put up with, to bear

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To drowse – to be sleepy

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To waver – to hesitate, to change ones mind

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To lull – to cause to sleep or rest

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Utterly - completely

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Vengeance – revenge, to “get even”

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To transcend – to exceed, to surpass

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Stealthily – in a secret or sly manner

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Insolence – insulting or impudent behavior or speech

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Scene Three and Ode Three

Deference – respect for wishes and opinions of others

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To subordinate – to rank lower in importance

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Malicious – showing ill will, spite

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To seduce – to tempt

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Sheet- rope or chain controlling a sail

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To slacken – to loosen

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Perverse – willful or contrary, stubborn

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Somberly – in a gloomy, melancholy manner

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To absolve – to free from sin, guilt, or blame

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Piety – reverence, devotion

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Scene Four and Ode Four

Awe- wonder or fear

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Blasphemy – act or statement showing disrespect for gods or dieties

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Vault – a burial chamber

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To transgress – to break or violate a law or oath

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To profane – to treat something sacred with contempt or abuse

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Revel – boisterous merrymaking

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Wrath – anger, rage

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Untrammeled – not prevented from moving freely

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Vigil – religious devotions in preparations for death

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Dirge – slow, sad song as for a funeral

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Scene Five and Ode Five

Jangling – harsh noisy quarreling

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Entrails – internal parts of the body, guts

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Welter – a sore or boil on the skin

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Glut – overabundance

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To gorge – to stuff to capacity

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Doddering – feeble and unsteady from old age

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To defile – to spoil the purity or sacredness of something

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To recoil – to draw back from because of distaste or fear

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Barrow – a mound of earth to mark a grave

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Omen – a prophetic sign

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Works Cited

Sophocles, "Antigone." Tests of Literature, Fourth Course. Edited. Kylene Beers, Ph.D.. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1997. Print

Varied." Google Images. Web. 21 Jan 2010. <http://images.google.com/>. 20 Jan 2010. <www.images.google.com>.