vocabulary level e unit 8. animosity def = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility syn = enmity,...

Vocabulary Level E Unit 8

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Page 1: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

Vocabulary Level E

Unit 8

Page 2: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

animosityDEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostilitySYN = enmity, rancorANT = affection, fondness

WORD CONNECTION:Some ANIMALS have ANIMOSITY for one another – like cats and mice!

Tom and Jerry have an ongoing battle full of


Bear vs. Packers = ANIMOSITY

Page 3: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

apathyDEF = (n.) a lack of feeling, emotion, or

interestSYN = indifference, disinterest, detachmentANT = enthusiasm, fervor, concern

WORD CONNECTION:The prefix “a” = not; withoutApathy = Without feeling

This emoticon = NO response

Page 4: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

apprehensiveDEF = (adj.) fearful or anxious, especially

about the futureSYN = worried, nervous, fretfulANT = unworried, confident


If you got a bad fortune from a fortune teller, you might be


Page 5: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

commendDEF = (v.) to praise, express approval; to

present as worthy of attention; to commit to the care of

SYN = applaud; entrustANT = abhor, loathe


Page 6: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

compatibleDEF = (adj.) able to get along or work well

together; capable of use with some other model or system

SYN = in agreement, like-mindedANT = mismatched, antagonistic


Microsoft Office is COMPATIBLE with Dell


Page 7: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

condolenceDEF = (n.) an expression of sympathySYN = commiseration, solace, sympathy

At a funeral people often hug one another to offer their


Page 8: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

consecrateDEF = (v.) to make sacred, hallow; to set apart for a special purposeSYN = devote, dedicate, sanctifyANT = desecrate, defile, dishonor

Churches are a SACRED place that have been

CONSECRATED for the purpose of worshipping God.

Page 9: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

decrepitDEF = (adj.) old and feeble; worn-out, ruinedSYN = broken-down, ricketyANT = vigorous, robust, sturdy

WORD CONNECTION:DECREpit = DECREased abilityDEcrepit = DEstroyed

Page 10: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

derideDEF = (v.) to ridicule, laugh at with contemptSYN = mock, scorn, disparageANT = praise, extol, applaudWORD CONNECTION:deRIDe = RIDicule

DERIDING someone is terrible and can seriously hurt his feelings, whether or not he

shows it.

Page 11: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

ingenuousDEF = (adj.) innocent, simple; frank, sincereSYN = naïve, candidANT = crafty, sophisticated

WORD CONNECTION:INgenuous = INnocent

Babies are innocent and INGENUOUS.

Page 12: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

condolence ingenuous animositycompatible deride


1. The ____ look on Michelle’s face clearly told me that she was not involved in taking the missing money.

2. Our society has made it seem “okay” to _______ other people, but in reality, making other people feel bad is never okay.

3. When our father died, my family received many meals from family and friends who were offering their _________.

4. One might not think a Democrat and a Republican could be ____________, but Mark and Joanne have been happily married for 23 years.

5. Holding onto _____ never has a positive effect; people should always try to overcome their disagreements.

Page 13: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

consecrate decrepit commendapathy apprehensive


1. The high school seniors _________their valedictorian with a standing ovation at the graduation ceremony.

2. After Peaceful Hills was built, a Catholic priest came to the cemetery to ______it as sacred ground.

3. It made me angry and sad to see the ______on the faces of people who passed the homeless shelter without donating money.

4. As the date for my big audition approached, I grew more and more _______.

5. The city condemned the old school house because it had become _________and unsafe.

Page 14: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

multifariousDEF = (adj.) having great variety; numerous

and diverseSYN = varied, manifoldANT = unvaried, uniform


Crayola has multifarious

shades of color!!

Page 15: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

obsoleteDEF = (adj.) out-of-date, no longer in useSYN = outmoded, antiquated, old hatANT = current, up-to-date, brand-newMy dad’s first

cell phone!! = OBSOLETE

The apple 2e computer!!

My first computer!! = OBSOLETE

Page 16: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

omnivorousDEF = (adj.) eating every kind of food; eagerly

taking in everything, having a wide variety of tastes

SYN = all-devouring, voracious


Page 17: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

parsimoniousDEF = (adj.) stingy, miserly; meager, poor,

smallSYN = frugal, penny-pinching, cheapANT = generous, open-handed

Ebenezer Scrooge and

Monty Burns are both


Page 18: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some


DEF = (n.) a state of perplexity or doubt

SYN = confusion, dilemma, predicament


Page 19: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

recalcitrantDEF = (adj.) stubbornly disobedient, resisting authoritySYN = unruly, obstinate, orneryANT = obedient, cooperative, compliant

Word Connection:defiANT =


As the expression goes, “As stubborn as a mule.”

How about - “As recalcitrant as a


Page 20: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

reprisalDEF = (n.) an injury done in return for an

injury (Basically, “I hurt you because you hurt me

first!”)SYN = retaliation, revenge, retribution

Rudolph’s REPRISAL

Page 21: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

revelDEF = (v.) to take great pleasure in; (n.) a wild celebrationSYN = (v.) relish, savor, bask in, carouseANT = (v.) abhor, loathe



Page 22: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

stultifyDEF = (v.) to make ineffective or useless,

cripple; to have a dulling effect onSYN = smother, stifle, neutralizeANT = excite, inspire, stimulate

In the movie Misery, Kathy Bates’ character

STULTIFIES or “hobbles” her victim so he can’t run

away! Yikes!!

to STultify = to STop

Page 23: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some


DEF = (adj.) smoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to

the sensesSYN = sophisticated, urbane, polishedANT = crude, clumsy, unpolished

SUAVE conditioner will make your hair


The title of this CD is

“Suave” – so Jamice is

trying to be “pleasing to the senses.”

Page 24: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

multifarious revel suaverecalcitrant quandary


1. One strength of the American population is that its _____ cultures can all exist peacefully together.

2. Unfortunately, it seems that there are always a few ______ students who refuse to obey the school rules.

3. Our waiter at the fancy restaurant was so ________ that he made our dining experience very enjoyable.

4. Due to the economic downturn, many families are faced with the _________ of trying to figure out how to pay their bills.

5. When the championship basketball team returned home from the big game, they ________ in their victory with an all-school pep assembly.

Page 25: Vocabulary Level E Unit 8. animosity DEF = (n.) strong dislike; bitter hostility SYN = enmity, rancor ANT = affection, fondness WORD CONNECTION: Some

parsimonious reprisal obsoletestultify omnivorous multifarious

1. Coyotes, wolves, and dogs have great survival instincts; they are _____and have been known to eat just about anything to stay alive.

2. The ______attitude some wealthy people have towards donating to the poor is truly heart-breaking.

3. Buying a new computer is frustrating! No one wants to spend hundreds of dollars on technology that’s going to be _____in just a few years!

4. The lengthy and dull speech at the beginning of the pep assembly ____any enthusiasm the students may have had.

5. Although families of murder victims may want _____, taking the law into one’s own hands is never the best option.