vocabulary transport and travelling


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Materiali tratti da: GRAMMAR FILES BLUE EDITION, ed.Trinity Whitebridge

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5 1 2

ie Stqr-J'serh. '-llq

eSh <:7f.lel1t· .__.t-'1"eS' 1P

SJOl1 . q1"Oigj' 1,Po . e -

1eS l eS. d f'acilities el"iC' ~-

in to,"n' serVIces an ~'l<:i ~r.;: ;Places I ". .theatre teatro

h negozl cinema cinema Verbs and express·l'onssops ,a; ufficio postale b bpost OJJLce pub pu. to uy comperare

b nk banca . Cafe caffettena to send ma d 'a . t pohtana J' a t h n are, mviare

undergroun~ me ro disco discotec te 0 c ange (money) bi

railway statiOn " . restaurant nstoran to take (the b./ cam lare (denar:-'na eo USia tan) ~stazione ferrov1a museum muS prendere (1' b -

. church chiesa ." to catch tth auto us/un taxi)bus stauon t bus . 01 plscma I' e tram/bus Istazione degli au 0 swimmmg P" prendere (il t /1('

t'on m palestra to ask chi d reno autobus)police staL

" .' gy d / "t h re erestazione di pol1zla football graun p L c to have health problems

car park parchegg10 campo da calclO "h" t abvereproblemi di salute1 edale I ound parco glOC 1 0 or

hospita os~· P aygr 0 da tennis to b kr~w prendere in prestitolibrary bibl10teca tennis court cam~o sportivo 00 Ireserve "travel agency" . sports centre" cen to keep fit t !)lenotare

. di aga10 stadi'I.7rl stadlO to I "enerSI III forma


~a~g!e:nz~la~~l:v.l.:O:,......... ,:::~'~"~"""""",,__ pay glocareotel albergo to see vedereto have a I

.. m_e_af:_al_~e_u~n~p:a:s:to~. J

Roads and signs

pavement (US sidewalk) marciapiedezebra crossing striscie pedonali


street strada (con edifici e/o negozi)side street strada lateraLestreet corner angolo della stradaroad strada (per 10pili strada di collegamento)motorway (US interstate highway) autostradalane corsiacycleway / cycle route / cycle path pista ciclabilefootpath sentierobridge pontefootbridge ponte pedonale

underpass sottopassaggioroundabout rotatoriacrossroads incrociotraffic-lights semaforojunction (US intersection) nodo strada letraffic-free zone zona pedonale

road signsegnale stradale

Scrivi i nomi dei luoghi dove puoi svolgere Ieazioni elencate.

ask for help

borrow books

catch a train

see a play

see a film

have dinner

buy stamps and send letters

change money






9. do gymnastics Atthe . .............10. book a holiday Atthe . .............

11. have a cup of coffee At the . .............

12. see an art exhibition Atthe . .............

13. play tennis On the . ............14. play football On the . ............15. see a football match Atthe . .............16. have a swim In the ..............

At a , ..

At the .

At the """" ..

scrTvi la~parola corret ta per ciascuna definizione.

A place where two roads meet and cross each other.

A place where roads (and railways) come together.

A special road, route, or path intended for use by cyclists.

A road or footpath that goes underneath a railway or another road.

c - - - - - - - - -J-------



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3' Scrivi la p om la c ot re tt a per ciascuna definizione scegliendo tra Ie parole fornite.

roundabou t / road / pavem en t / zebra crossing / m otorw ay / traffic lights / stree t

1 .

A road in a city, town

or village which has

buildings that areusually close together

along one or both


A long Pi~~~'~'f h ' ~ ~ d "gr~und that people can

drive along from one

place to another

especially outsid~ a~si~d;es:.. .-- City, town or Village.

5 ............Th .

e.path with a hard surfacebeside one or both 'dused for walkin Sl es of a road,

States it is calledg,~nd'In the United51 ewalk':

6 ..

A place on a road, especially one where

there is a lot of traffic, across wh ich wide

black and white lines are painted, and at

which vehicles must stop to allow people

to walk across the road.

7 ..

A set of red, yelloW and green

I' hts which control the .Ig ment of vehicles at a pOintmove ds J'oinh twO or more roa .


3 ....... , d built for fast moving

Awide roa

traffic travelling long dis~anci~~S

with a limited number 0 po

hich drivers ean enter or. .at W 't In the United States It ISleave I. "called "interstate highway

4 ......

A place ' ~ h ~ ; ~ '~i;;~~'r

more roads jOin and traff'

must go in one d' . ICaro . Ireetlonund a circular area in

the middle, rather than

straight across.

4 • Sottolinea I 'a l te rnat iva cor re t ta in ciascuna frase.

1. Our daughter Livesjust acrossthe street / road from us.

2. The road / street from here to Adelaide runs through some beautiful countryside.

3. In Britain, roads I motorways usually have three lanes in each direction.

4. Vehicles must give way to traffic that's already on a traffic lights / roundabout.

S. Turn left at the next pavement / crossroads.

6. He was taken to hospital after being knocked over on a traffic lights / zebra crossing.

7. When driving a car,you should always slow down asyou approach ajunction / motorway.

8. Turn left at the street f traffic lights. Benson Road is the second on your right.

9. Pedestrians must walk on the cycleway / pavement.

10. We drove over the bridge / footpath.

service station

no entry

speed limit


no left turn


two-way traffic

no U-turn

cycle and pedestrian route

one-way street

turn right


1 d - B

2 ...

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .

11 .

12 .


1. e 6 / r : € /6 / f 3 r c c c e c F l z 6 / a}

/. b)


~ E l l

~ e)

'-.. f}

/_g}/ h)

'<, i}

-<, j}



2 .

3 .


5 .


7 .






arresto ali'incrocio

divieto di accesso

doppio senso di circolazione

divieto di inversione ad U

limite di velocita

divieto di svolta a sinistra

strada a senso unico

area di servizio

svolta a destra obbligatoria

lavori stradali

pista ciclabile e viale pedonale

I '


A V c ® 0 = E ® G) IA J ;,

. f IB


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Means of transport

bicyclelbike bicicletta motorbike motocicletta

coach pullman, corriera car macchina, automobile

bus autobus taxi

- Types of car

sports car maccruna sportivaconvertible decappottabilesaloon berIina

~state (U~ station wagon) familiareJeep fuonstrada

Parts of a car

boot (US trunk) bagagliaio bdoor sportello window fme~;:::~ (US hood) cofano

bump~r paraurti number-plate targa

! ~ : ~ 7 l ~ o { : r o~! :~~r :{ealr-lig1ht fanale posterioreen ' , ,,,,,- ee vo ante

w~~dn~i:::~;o:~ec;~i~~~~~~Vi~~~~~~~~~ direzioneWin screen parabrezza w' d. 'rear windscreen wiper terg;; sf~elen wzper tergicristallo

dashboard . ns a 0 posten ore, 'ti cruscotto speedometer tachimetrotgni zon accenSlOne fuel a ' diseat beltlseatbelt cintur if uge III icatore del carburantegear lever leva del cam~iol sicurezza hom, clacson

clutch (pedale della) frizione gear(s) marcIa/marce

footbrake (pedale del) freno

ac%elerat~r (pedale delI') acceleratoreex aust-pzpe tubo di scarico

train treno

van furgone plane aeroplano

lorry (US truck) camion

boat barca ship nave

Types of bike, b ike bicicletta da montagnamountam I , 1 tta

motorcycle/motorbike motoclC e

moped motormoscooter scootertricycle triciclo

Parts of a bikesaddle seHinobell campanello ,handlebar manubno

wheel ruotatyre pneumatico

spokes ragg1

pump pompaframe telmopedal pedalelock lucchettochain catena "chain-wheel moltlphca ,gear lever leva del cambiobrake lever leva del freno

valve valvolareflector catarifrangentemudguard (US fender) parafango

Means of transport bicycle car taxi bus train plane

people cyclist driver taxi driver bus driver driver pilot

verbs to ride to drive to drive to drive to drive to fly

go on (my) to go by to take to take/catch to take/catch to take

to get on/off to get into/out of to get into/out of to get on/off to get on/off

place taxi rank bus station railway station airport

Other verbs , erdere (l'autobus/il treno, .. .) ,to miss (the bus/tra/m, ':.) )p aspettare (l'autobusl1i treno, .. , ) d H'autobus in un negozio. .. .)to wait (for the bus tram, ".'. a sho '''.) fare la coda (alla fermata e ,

to queue (at t~e bus stf~' in allacckre (ia cintura di slcurezza)tofasten (one s seat be t) '

to brake frenare

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Verbsto get on salire tto leave partire a get oil scendereto stop .c

lennarsi t f.to arrive (atlin) I t a c tange cambiareto take prendere ( 0 get (to) arrivare (a)

rna ancbe' .How . . ImpJegare tempo)

long does It take? .

Quanto tempo im .PIega?



Travelling by planeTypes of aircraft(aero)pZane aerop1anohelicopter elicotteroglider aliante

Parts of an aeroplane

nose muso propeller e1icawing ala tail codacockpit cabina di pilotaggio fuselage fuso

Types oJ train Travelling by trainfast train trenslow train tr 0 espresso

eno acce1erato

Parts of a trainlocomotive 10 .coach ca cOmotlvac rrozza passeaa .ompartment scompa~tl~~n(~S passenger car)

~t the railwa .ticket b' l' Ystation. 19letto

smgle ticket b, .1alJetto d'

return ticket b' l' 1 andata

tt~ckketoffice bi~1j~~~on'i a nd a ta e ritornoIC et machine o. . a

~j7Zetab!e orariodlstnbutore automatico di b' l' .uepartures bo . 19 lettlarrival arrivo ard cartellone delle partenzedeparture partplatf; enza

' :) onn marc la p ' d Ibplatform number ~e e anchina

entrance (to plat orUffi_erodel binario

barr:erlgate caf!je1~ 5) entrata Calbinario 5)

waztll1groom sal d'luggage baa.ag1a

/. aspetto

bag bolO 1 .orsa

Suitcase valig'le{;tI gia" •. tto-oaae d .

"'" " epOSlto b .agaglJ

People and staffpassenaer.·o ,. "J passeaa .drzver mac hi . ooen. c llllsta

tzcket-collector b' l' .19lettalO

At the airport

terminal building (i1 luogo dove i passeggearrivano e partono)

check-in desk banco di accettazioneinformation desk banco informazioni

luggage bagaglio hand luggage bagaglio c

trolley carrelloairline ticket big1ietto aereoboarding card/pass carta d.imbarcopassport control controllo passaportisecurity control controllo di sicurezzametal detector rive1atore di metalli

departure lounge sala partenzeduty-free shop negozio esente da daziogate uscita.cancellogate number numero di uscita/cancelloboarding imbarco seat posto a sedereoverhead locker armadiettorunway pista take-off/takeoff decollo

landing atterraggiolanding card carta di atterraggioluggage/baggage reclaim ritiro bagag1icustoms dogana

People and staff

passengers passeggeripilot pilota co-pilot co-pilotacabin crew/air stewards personale di bordo

Verbs and expressionsto get on salire to board imbarcarsito take ojf decoIlareto fasten one s seat belt allacciare 1acintura I


to land atterrare to get oil scendere

1 / . S e_nza _g_ua rd c3 !e~l is te c ii p a ro le S O , ' , 1 " ' 1 . ra, .. . ~ . . .t .@dqci l es _ egu_e fl ti p_arot e.

At the railway station1. c ar te llo ne d elle p ar te nz e

sala d 'aspetto '" . '" .

distributore a u ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ' d ' ib ; ~ ' , ; ~ ~ ~ i ' : : : : : : : : : : :2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

orario ................. .................nu mero d el b inariodepos ito bagagli .

. .

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Completa iI dialogo adeguatamente con Ieparole fornite nel riquadro.

At the railway station ticket office (P = p as se ng er; M : m an )

P: A ticket to London, please. M: Platform 1.

M: Single or 1) ? P: And how long does it 4) ?

P: Return, please. How much is it? M: It's a 5) train. It takes

M: It 's £ 19.30 half an hour. It 6) in


arr ives



leave P: What time does the next train 2) London at eleven o'clock.station ? P: And where does it arrive?

fast M: At half past ten. M: At Waterloo 7) .

t_a_k. __ P: Which 3) does it leave from? P: Thanks.

3 Alia stazione ferroviarfa e possibile udire annunc i come quelli cheseguono.

Completali con le parole ad~guate fornite nel riquadro.


train1. The train now arriving at 4 is the 9.15 to London Euston Station.

2. We apologise to for the late of the 10.35 to Cambridge.

This train will now at platform 2 in approximately 15 minutes.

3. The next due to arrive at platform 3 is the 10.08 to Liverpool.

4 Completa Ieparole composte utilizzando adeguatamentele parole fornite nel riquadro, come

nell'esempio. .

• rec la im • desk

• ftf§§61~ • building

• lounge. detector

• shop • locker


departure ..

luggage .

duty-free .

4. terminal .

metal .. 5.

6. check-in ..

3 . 7. overhead .

5~ Completa ade_guatamenteil testo con Ieparole fornite nei riquadri.

Air travel

This is what you usually do when you get to the airport.

take-of f

d uty -fr ee s ho pb oa rd in g c ard

pa sspor t c o nt ro l

s e at n umbe r

d ep ar tu re lo un ge

c he ck -in d es k


g at e n um b er~~ __ -- When you board the plane, you find your seat and put your 10) ..

under your seat or in the overhead locker above your seat.After that, you are

requested to 11) your seat belt and put your seat in the

upright position.

The plane then moves slowly towards the 12) , then it

accelerates along the runway and 13) After a while the 14)

........................... may give you the 15) (you have to fill

in this card when you enter certain countries). They also serve a snack or a meal.

When the plane 16) , you have to wait for it to stop. When the

doors are open, you 17) the plane, walk through the terminal

building and go to the 18) reclaim where you collect your luggage.

After that, you pass through 19) You may have some goods to

declare (red gate) or nothing to declare (green gate). If you are travelling in Europe

and you are a European citizen, you go through the blue 20) .


takes off

la nd in g c ar d


c ab in c re wh an d lu gg ag e




g et o ff


First, you go to the 1) where they weigh your luggage. The

airline representative checks your ticket and gives you a 2) .for the plane with your 3) on it. Then, you go through 4)

........................... where an official checks your passport, and into the 5)

............................ Here, you can also buy things in the 6) ,

for example, perfume, alcohol and cigarettes. About half an hour before 7)

........................ , you are told to go to a 8) , for example

gate 12,where you wait before you 9) the plane.