voclet 2018 book total - west bengal state council of


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INTRODUCTIONThe Polytechnic Education in our State was introduced immediately after independence. To look after the academic activities of polytechnic education, ‘State Council for Engineering & Technical Education’ was set-up as a Government out t by an executive order. The Council was a part of the Chief Inspectorate of Technical Education and subsequently of the Directorate of Technical Education. West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development was formed as a Statutory Body under the West Bengal Act XXVI of 2013.West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development (Technical Education Division) has various activities for conducting a number of courses at Diploma, Post Diploma, Certi cate, Advanced Certi cate, Short Term Vocational Training, Commercial Education level besides monitoring and af liating the academic institutions conducting these courses and development of curricula for the purpose. The Council also advises Government in respect of Technical Education for the areas mentioned above. Apart from aforesaid activities, the Council also conducts entrance examination and prepares merit lists for admission of students to Diploma Courses in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture/ Pharmacy etc. in the Polytechnics of the State under its af liation thourgh Entrance Examinations, e.g. JEXPO, VOCLET etc.


a) Citizenship

Must be an Indian Citizen.

b) Qualifi cation

Must have passed or appeared the (10+2) Examination of the West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development (Vocational Educaiton Division) [erstwhile, West Bengal State Council of Vocational Education & Training] or having passed 2 years’ ITI plus Madhyamik or equivalent examination passed. Appeared ITI candidates are not eligible for VOCLET-2018. ITI trades must be of continuous 2 years duration and a single certi cate should mention that. Candidates having passed vocational course from Councils/Boards other than WBSCT&VE&SD (VED) [erstwhile, WBSCVE&T] are not eligible.

c) Age

There is no age limit.

SYLLABUSThe latest revised syllabus of West Bengal State Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Skill Development (Vocational Educaiton Division) [erstwhile, West Bengal State Council of Vocational Education & Training] for (10+2) examination shall be followed for VOCLET-2018. Topic-wise syllabus is given below:

Mathematics : Laws of Indices, Complex Numbers, Algebra of Complex Numbers, cube roots of unity and its properties,

D-Moivre’s Theorem. simple problems.Sequence And Series: A.P., G.P.Quadratic Equations. Solutions of Quadratic Equation in complex number system. Binomial Th, de nition of permutation – combination with formulae, Binomial Theorem for positive integral index, general term, middle term. Matrix. Determinant, Cramer’s rule [unique solution].

Trigonometric ratios of associated angles: compound angles – multiple and sub multiple angles. General solution of trigonometric `equation. Inverse circular function.

Co-ordinate system, Distance between two points, section formulae, and formulae for area of a triangle – problems, straight line – different forms.Angle between two straight lines, condition of parallelism and perpendicularism of two straight lines, distance of a point from a given line. Standard equation of a circle, simple properties of parabola, ellipse, hyperbola.



Calculus: Function, identity polynomial, rational, modulus and signum functions with their graphs even, odd, periodic and parametric functions. Differential calculus, limit and continuity, differentiation of parametric, logarithmetic and implicit functions.Successive differentiation upto 2nd order problems. Application of derivatives. Integral calculus: Integrationbysubstitution, by parts. Defi nite integral – evaluation of de nite integral.Application of de nite integral. Differential equation: solution of differential equation of 1st order. Solution of homogeneous differential equation of 1st order and 1st degree.

Vector: addition of vectors, dot product, cross product position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio.

Physical :

Units of measurement; Dimension of physical quantities, Motion in a straight line; de nitions, Graphical analysis. Equations of motions. Scalar and vector quantities, Scalar and vector products of vectors. Frameof reference Newton’s laws. Law of conservation of linear momentum. Friction, Uniform circular motion; vehicle on level circular road / banked road. Work, Energy & Power. Centre of mass, Moment / angular momentum,Problems. Moment of inertia and radius of gyration. Law of gravitation. Gravitational potential. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, geo-stationary satellite. Elastic behaviour, Hooke’s law; Young modules, bulk modulus, shear modulus of rigidity, Poison’s ratio; elastic energy. Pascal’s law and its application. Thermal physics –thermal expansion; ideal gas laws, isothermal and adiabatic processes; anomalous expansion calorimetry, Cp, Cv. Heat transfer, Newton’s law of cooling, thermal conductivity.Thermal equilibrium, zeroth law / rst law of thermodynamics. Equation of state of a perfect gas, Kinetic theory of gases.

Periodic motion, Simple harmonic motion [SHM]; Simple pendulum, free, damped and forced vibration, resonance.

Chemistry :Chemical industries.Chemical Equation,Percentage composition, empirical formula, molecular formula, Problems.Extra nuclear Structure Of Atom: Orbital, sub shell, shell. Quantum numbers [n, l, m, s]. Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity. Auf – bau principle. Ground state electronic con guration of atoms.Classi cation of Elements and Periodicity in Properties: present form of periodic table, S – block and P – block elements. Periodic trend.Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure,Hybridization involving s and p orbitals and shapes of some simple molecules. Hydrogen Bond.Gaseous State Of Matter: numerical problems. Liquid State of Matter.Thermodynamics System: Types of system, Work, heat, energy, First Law of Thermodynamics – internal energy and enthalpy, Entropy and Gibbs Free Energy. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Signi cance of the relation G = H – T S.

Equilibrium And Acidimetry–Law of Mass Action, Le Chatelier Principle – simple application.pH and pH scale. Buffer solution. Simple calculation of pH.Acidimetryand Alkalimetry.Hydrogen, Water: Expression / Estimation of hardness of water. Estimation of hardness of water. Important water quality parameters and their signi cance. Hydrogen Peroxide. Preparation And Uses of Sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, calcium oxide, bleaching powder, borax, limestone.

Organic Chemistry And Organic Compounds: Estimation of nitrogen [Kjeldahl’s Method]. Classi cation of organic compounds. IUPAC nomenclature, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Arenes, Fuels, Petrochemicals, Lubricants.

Environmental Chemistry: Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution.



Fundamentals of Mechanics : Concept of Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics, Scalar quantity, Vector quantity, Addition &

subtraction of Vectors. System of Forces: De nition of Force, System of Co-planner forces, Resultant Force, problems. Moment & its Applications: De nition& Type, Physical signi cance, Simple problems. Equilibrium of Force system: Lami’s theorem, Condition of equilibrium of co-planner & concurrent force

/ non-concurrent force system, related problems. Friction: Concept of Friction & its types, Simple problems. Simple Lifting Machines: De nition of common terms, Study of Simple machines. Simple related

problems. Centre of Gravity: Concept & de nition, Formulae for centroids of simple areas. Simple related problems. Moment of Inertia: De nition,Theorems, Radius of Gyration, related problems. General Awareness.

Computer Application : Introduction to Computer Systems: De nition, Evolution, Generations, Computer Systems, Computer

Organization, Input Devices, Output Devices, Computer Memory, Number Systems and Computer Codes.

Computer Software and Programming Languages: De nition and classi cation of software, DOS : Working with MS DOS Commands, Algorithm , Flowchart, Concept of High and Low Level Languages, Windows OS, Word Procesing, Spread Sheet, Internet: Browsing, Use of search engines, E-mail.

Numerical Aptitude.


The prescribed printed OMR Application Form along with Information Brochure for VOCLET–2018 can be purchased from the Polytechnics as listed in this booklet (under ‘Admission’ section) and some selected ITIs, on CASH payment of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for valid Kanyashree enrolees) from 29th January, 2018 to 5th March, 2018 on all working days except for ‘SUNDAY’s and ‘GAZETTED HOLIDAY’s [between 11.00 a.m. & 4.00 p.m. on Monday to Friday and between 11.00 a.m. & 1.00 p.m. on Saturday].

Also, there will be provision to submit Application Form online in the website www.webscte.org (or in any other website as per announcement later). Fee for Online Application is Rs. 450/- (Rs. 225/- for valid Kanyashree enrolees). Procedure of online submission of application and deposition of application fee shall be noti ed in the Council’s website website www.webscte.org (or in any other website as per announcement later).


OMR Application Form, duly lled-in, is to be submitted to any of the Polytechnics (as mentioned in the Information Brochure under ‘Admission’ section) on all working days except for ‘SUNDAY’s and ‘GAZETTED HOLIDAY’s [between 11.00 a.m. & 4.00 p.m. on Monday to Friday and between 11.00 a.m. & 1.00 p.m. on Saturday] within 5th March, 2018.

No testimonial needs to be submitted along with the OMR Application Form. Documentary evidence(s) in support of eligibility (citizenship, educational quali cation and age) and/or claims for reserved seats [Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Physically Challenged (Handicapped), as applicable] need(s) to be produced by the successful candidates at the time of counselling / admission/ registration.

An applicant should ensure that he/she satis es the requirements relating to Educational Quali cation, Caste, etc. before submission of the lled-in application form at the centers.

If, after scrutiny at any stage, it is found that an applicant is ineligible as per perscribed norms, his/her candidature will stand cancelled even if he/she appears in the examination and secures a position in the merit list or a seat is allotted to him/her or takes admission and gets registered.




e-Admit Card of the candidates appearing for VOCLET-2018 will be available in the website www.webscte.org (or in any other website as per announcement later) from 2nd April, 2018 tentatively. Admit Card can be downloaded by entering Application Form Number. Print-out copy of the e-Admit Card available in the website will be treated as valid Admit Card for VOCLET–2018. The e-Admit Card will contain name & address of the Examination Centre for VOCLET–2018 along with other details. No Admit Card will be sent to the applicants appearing for VOCLET–2018. Candidates must retain/preserve their e–Admit Cards carefully till completion of the admission process for the academic session 2018-2019.


The examination will be held simultaneously in the following districts provided there are suf cient candidates in the districts.

District Code District Code District Code District Code

Kolkata 10 Paschim Bardhaman 16 Purba Medinipur 22 Darjeeling 28

South 24 Parganas 11 Nadia 17 Paschim Medinipur 23 Jalpaiguri 29

North 24 Parganas 12 Murshidabad 18 Jhargram 24 Alipurduar 30Howrah 13 Birbhum 19 Malda 25 Coochbehar 31Hooghly 14 Bankura 20 Uttar Dinajpur 26

Purba Bardhaman 15 Purulia 21 Dakshin Dinajpur 27

Applicant must indicate a second choice of Zone of Examination along with rst choice. Allotment of Zone is fully at the discretion of the Council subject to availability of suf cient number of candidates in a Centre/Zone. Any change made by the Council is nal and no request for changing of Zone and/or Centre of Examination will be entertained under any circumstances.


The VOCLET–2018, will be conducted in two papers comprising “Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry” (First Paper) and “Mechanics & Computer” (Second Paper) for admission of students to 2nd Year of Diploma Courses in Engineering/Technology. ‘Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)’ will be set for both the papers. MCQ type questions will have to be answered on specially designed machine gradable answer sheets (OMR Answer Sheet). Both ‘Correct’ as well as ‘Wrong’ methods of answers in OMR Answer Sheet have been shown below. In the OMR Answer Sheet, appropriate circles are to be ‘completely lled’ by using BLACK/BLUE BALL POINT pen as shown below. More than one answer against any question will be treated as incorrect response/answer.

Correct Method Wrong Method




Date 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

6th May, 2018 (Sunday)Mathematics (50 Marks),

Physics (25 Marks) & Chemistry (25 Marks)

Mechanics (50 Marks) &Computer (50 Marks)

Under no circumstances, repeat examination will be conducted for those who are unable to appear in the examination on scheduled date and time.


(i) Candidates must enter the examination hall 30 minutes before the start of the examination. (ii) Candidates must bring with them the downloaded VOCLET-2018 e-Admit Card alongwith an

original Photo Identity card, like Aadhaar Card / Admit Card or Certifi cate of Madhyamik or equivalent examination which contain the photograph / Voter Identity Card / Driving Licence / PAN Card / Passport / Bank Passbook which contain the photograph or any other photo identiy card issued by the Competent Government Authority to prove their identity.

(iii) Downloaded e-Admit Card alongwith the aforesaid original Photo Identity Card must be shown to the Offi cer supervising the examination as and when asked for. A candidate without having the e-Admit Card issued by the Council alongwith the aforesaid original Photo Identity Card shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall under any circumstances or his/her candidature will be cancelled at any time during the examination, if above mentioned criteria does not fulfi ll.

(iv) Candidates must bring Blue/Black Ball-point pen. (v) Candidates will not be allowed to use graph papers, log tables, calculators, cell phone or other electronic

gadgets in the examination hall. (vi) Rough work or any other type of writing should not be done on the OMR Answer Sheet. Question Paper

may be used for the purpose of rough work. (vii) No candidate, without special permission of the Invigilator or the Centre-in-Charge, shall leave his/her

seat or examination hall until the duration of examination of the paper is over. No candidate should leave the examination hall without handing over his/her OMR Answer Sheet to the on-duty Invigilator(s).

(viii) In case of violation of any instruction and adoption of unfair means in the examination hall by a candidate shall render his/her candidature liable for cancellation and forfeiture of his/her claim for admission and appropriate legal action will be taken against the candidate.

PUBLICATION OF MERIT POSITION OF VOCLET–2018The Council will publish a consolidated Merit List as per requirements but shall not communicate the result to any individual applicant. No Rank Card will be issued by the Council to the merit listed candidates individually. Merit positions will be available in the website of the Council at www.webscte.org (or in any other website as per announcement later) tentatively within 18th May, 2018. There is no provision for post-publication scrutiny or review and inspection and hence any such prayer will not be entertained. Candidatres will not be merit listed unless they score at least 20% marks in both the papers separately.

A candidate must follow the Council’s website at www.webscte.org (or in any other website as per announcement later) on regular basis for obtaining information regarding post-result-publication counselling programme for admission.


Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates in West Bengal, as speci ed in Order No. 111(2)-TW/EC dated 07.03.1991 of Government of West Bengal, are eligible for seeking admission through VOCLET–2018, under SC/ST Quota. SC/ST candidates having such certifi cates in their names issued by Competent Authorities of States other than West Bengal are not eligible for such benefi t and they shall be treated as ‘General’ category candidates. Such candidates should opt ‘General’ category in the Application



Form. Otherwise, if allotment a reserved category seat, they will not be allowed admission / registration. The caste certi cate will have to be obtained from any of the competent authorities viz. District Magistrate, Collector, Additional District Magistrate, Deputy Collector, Sub-Divisional Of cer, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Executive Magistrate, First Class Stipendiary Magistrate, Chief Metropolitan Magistrate at Kolkata, Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate at Kolkata, Metropolitan Magistrate at Kolkata and Collector of Land Revenue, Deputy Collector of Land Revenue, within their respective jurisdictions. However, Director/Deputy Director in the Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal can issue such certi cate in case of candidates claiming to be Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe residing in any part of West Bengal.


Candidates, claiming seats reserved for physically challenged are eligible for seeking admission through VOCLET–2018, under PC Quota who have obtained such certi cates to this effect declaring the extent of ‘Handicap’ to be not less than 40% by the Competent Authority. Candidates applying for claim against such reserved seats without having the requisite certifi cate, the application shall not be considered and their candidature is liable to be cancelled.


As per Kanyashree Scheme, Kanyashree enrollees will get 50% waiver in the cost of Admission Form of VOCLET-2018, in Registration Fee and in Counseling Fee. Also Kanyashree enrollees will get priority for accommodation in Hostel of Government Polytechnics where hostel facility is available. The above stated facilities will be available on submission of valid Kanyashree Idendity Card in original issued by the Competent Authority of the Government of West Bengal.


All disputes pertaining to conduct of VOCLET–2018, shall fall within the jurisdiction of Kolkata only.


Admission of candidates in all the Polytechnics/Technological Institutions [subject to approval of the AICTE and af liation of the WBSCT&VE&SD (TED) for the Academic Seassion 2018-19 for them] mentioned hereinafter will be made through counselling. The detailed information regarding counselling will be available in the Council’s website www.webscte.org (or in any other website as per announcement later). Candidature of an applicant will stand automically cancelled if he/she fails to produce any of the requisite supporting documents during counselling / admission towards ful llment of eligibility and other criteria prescribed by the Council. Permission to appear in VOCLET-2018 or securing a rank in the merit list on the bais of the performance in the said examination does not constitute a right / guarantee in favour of that candidate of his/her admission to any diploma course unless he/she ful lls all eligibility requirements and secure a seat in the counseling process.

N.B.: In case of Mining Engineering Discipline, there are some statutory restrictions in Mining Act, 1952 respect of engagement of female staff in underground mines and working time of female staff in any type of mines.





Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

List of Government and Government Sponsored Polytechnics

1 Adyapeath Annada Polytechnic College (Govt.Sponsored), 50 D.D.Mondal Ghat Road, Dakshineswar, Kolkata-700076.Phone - (033) 2564-5566, 9474135922

24 Parganas (North) Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

2 Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Devalaya, BerachampaDist.-North 24 Parganas, PIN-743424. Phone - (03216) 242227

24 Parganas (North) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

- Available

3 Birla Institute of Technology (Govt.) 56, B. T. Road, Kolkata - 700 050. Phone: (033) 2557-6742

24 Parganas (North) Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Packaging Technology

- Available

4 Gaighata Government Polytechnic (Govt.)Vill - Debipur, P.O.-Chandpara, P.S.-Gaighata, Dist.- North 24 Parganas, PIN-743245.

24 Parganas (North) Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

5 North Calcutta Polytechnic (Govt.) 15, Gobinda Mondal Lane, Kolkata - 700 002. Phone - (033) 2557-2585

24 Parganas (North) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Architecture

- -

6 Ramkrishna Mission Shilpapitha (Govt.Sponsored) [only for Boys] Belghoria, Kolkata - 700 056. Phone - (033) 2541-1650

24 Parganas (North) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

- x

7 Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Roy Polytechnic (Govt.) 188, Raja S. C. Mallick Road Jadavpur, Kolkata - 700 032. Phone: (033) 2414-6241

24 Parganas (South) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering,Computer Science & Technology and Food Processing Technology

- -

8 Baruipur Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.–Mallickpur, P.S.-Baruipur, Dist.-South 24 Parganas, PIN-700145.

24 Parganas (South) Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

9 Central Footwear Training Centre (Govt.) Budge Budge, 24 Parganas(S), PIN - 700 138. Phone - (033) 2482-0453

24 Parganas (South) Footwear Technology and Leather Goods Technology

Available Available

10 Diamond Harbour Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Ward No. – 16, Diamond Harbour Municipality, P.O. - Diamond Harbour, Dist.– South 24 Parganas,PIN – 743331

24 Parganas (South) Civil Engineering and Food Processing Technology

- -

11 Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic (Govt.) 7, Mayurbhanj Road, Kolkata - 700 023. Phone - (033) 2449-6015

24 Parganas (South) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

- Available



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

12 The Regional Institute of Printing Technology (Govt.)Raja S.C.Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata – 700032.Phone- (033) 2414-6432

24 Parganas (South) Multimedia, Printing Technology and Photography

Available Available

13 Women’s Polytechnic (Govt.) [only for Girls]1/1/2, Gariahat Road, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata – 700068.Phone- (033) 2473-6448

24 Parganas (South) Architecture, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

x Available

14 Falakata Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Falakata, Dist.- Alipurduar, PIN - 735 211.Phone - (03563) 260642

Alipurduar Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Enginering and Food Processing Technology

- -

15 Bankura Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Kalapathar, Dist.- Bankura, PIN-722146. Phone – (03242) 201075

Bankura Electrical, Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineering

- -

16 K.G. Engineering Institute (Govt.) Bishnupur, Dist. - Bankura, PIN - 722 122. Phone - (03244) 252030

Bankura Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

17 Raipur Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Siromonipur, P.S.- Raipur,Dist. – Bankura, PIN – 722134.

Bankura Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

18 Asansol Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.-Dakshin Dhadka, Asansol, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman , PIN - 713 302. Phone - (0341) 2270053


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Mining Engineering and Mine Surveying

Available Available

19 Harasankar Bhattacharya Institute of Technology & Mining (Govt.) Midnapore Road, Girjapara, P.O. & P.S.-Raniganj, Dist - Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713 347. Phone - (0341) 2444196


Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Survey Engineering

- Available

20 Kanyapur Polytechnic (Govt.)Kanyapur, Senrailh Road, P.O.- Asansol, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713304. Phone - (0341) 2253373


Electrical, Mechanical Engineering andComputer Science & Technology

Available -

21 Nazrul Centenary Polytechnic (Govt.) Hindustan Cables, Rupnarayanpur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713335. Phone - (0341) 2532829


Civil, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (Production)

Available Available

22 Bengal Institute of Technology (Govt. Sponsored) Katwa, Jajigram Industrial Complex,Dist- Purba Bardhaman, PIN-713130. Phone - (03453) 256262


Automobile Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Information Technology

Available -



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

23 Kalna Polytechnic (Govt.)Shyamganjpara, P.O.- Kalna, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN -713409. Phone - (03454) 257946


Civil, Electronics & Telecommunicationn Engineering and Computer Scince & Technology

- Available

24 M.B.C. Institute of Engineering & Technology (Govt.) Sadhanpur, P.O.- Burdwan, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN – 713101. Phone - (0342) 2625597


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

25 Memari Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Uttar Kailashpur, L.N.T Math, Block-I, Memari, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN-713146.


Automobile, Civil and Mechanical Engineering

- -

26 Murarai Government Polytechnic (Govt.)Vill. & P.O.- Bon Mohurapur, P.S.- Murarai, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN - 731222.

Birbhum Electronics & Communication Engineering and Survey Engineering

- -

27 Nalhati Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Nalhati, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731243.

Birbhum Automobile, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

- -

28 Rampurhat Government Polytechnic (Govt.)Vill.- Pabuidighi, P.O.- Ningha, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731202.

Birbhum Civil and Survey Engineering - -

29 Sree Ramkrishna Silpa Vidyapith (Govt.)P.O. - Suri, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731101.Phone - (03462) 255571

Birbhum Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

30 Coochbehar Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O. & Dist. - Coochbehar, PIN - 736 101.Phone - (03582) 222510

Coochbehar Automobile, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

31 Tufanganj Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Chamta, P.O. - Tufanganj, Dist. – Coochbehar, PIN - 736159. Phone – (03582) 244466

Coochbehar Mechanical and Survey Engineering - -

32 Gangarampur Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Kadighat, P.O. – Belbari, Dist.-Dakshin Dinajpur, Pin – 733 124.Phone - 03521-214103

Dakshin Dinajpur Civil and Mechanical Engineering - -

33 Hilli Government Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Peor, P.S.- Hilli,Dist.- Dakshin Dinajpur, PIN-733145.

Dakshin Dinajpur Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

34 Siliguri Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Debgram, Siliguri, Dist.- Darjeeling, PIN – 734406. Phone - (0353) 2596277

Darjeeling Architecture, Civil, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engg., Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Computer Science & Technology.

- Available

35 Arambagh Government Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Chandur, P.S.-Arambagh, Dist.- Hooghly, PIN – 712602.

Hooghly Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

36 Hooghly Institute of Technology (Govt.) Pipulpati, P.O. & Dist.- Hooghly, PIN-712103. Phone - (033) 2680-2065

Hooghly Chemical, Civil, Elctrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available -



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

37 West Bengal Survey Institute (Govt.)P.O. - Bandel, Dist.-Hooghly, PIN-712123.Phone-(033) 2631-2588

Hooghly Civil, Survey Engineering and GIS & GPS Available Available

38 Women’s Polytechnic (Govt.) [only for Girls] 4, Strand Road, Chandannagar, Hooghly-712136. Phone -(033) 2683-7791

Hooghly Architecture, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

x Available

39 Engineering Institute for Junior Executives (Govt.)M.B. Road, P.O.-Dalalpukur, Dist. - Howrah, PIN-711 104. Phone - (033) 2667-8222

Howrah Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

- -

40 Jalpaiguri Polytechnic Institute (Govt.) P.O.- Danguajhar, Dist - Jalpaiguri,PIN-735121. Phone - (03561) 256474

Jalpaiguri Civil, Elctrical, Mechanical and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

41 Maynaguri Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.S.- Maynaguri, Dist. - Jalpaiguri, PIN – 735 302.

Jalpaiguri Instrumentation & Control Engineering and Survey Engineering

- -

42 Rajganj Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Prasannagar, P.S.- Rajganj,Dist.- Jalpaiguri, PIN – 735133.

Jalpaiguri Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

43 Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Sevayatan, P.S.- Jhargram, Dist.- Jhargram, PIN - 721514. Phone- (03221) 255020, 201136

Jhargram Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metaiiurgical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

44 Raja Ranjit Kishore Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O. - Ramgarh, P.S. – Lalgarh,Dist.- Jhargram, PIN–721128. Phone - (03221) 201471

Jhargram Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

- -

45 Central Calcutta Polytechnic (Govt.) 21, Convent Road, Kolkata - 700 014. Phone - (033) 2265-5508

Kolkata Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

- -

46 The Calcutta Technical School (Govt.) 110, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 700 013. Phone-(033) 2249-9550/4413

Kolkata Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

- -

47 Malda Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Maliha, Dist.- Malda, PIN - 732 102. Phone - (03512) 278301

Malda Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Food Procesing Technology

Available Available

48 S. N. Bose Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Ratua, Matiganj, P.O.– Samsi, Dist. – Malda, PIN – 732139. Phone – (03513) 265065

Malda Civil and Electrical Engineering - -



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

49 Jangipur Government Polytechnic (Govt)P.O.- Raghunathganj, P.S.- Jangipur,Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN – 742 225.Phone – (03483) 266195

Murshidabad Civil Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering

- -

50 Murshidabad Institute of Technology (Govt.) Berhampore, P. O.- Cossimbazar Raj, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN-742102. Phone-(03482) 252196 / 256899

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Agricultural Engineering

Available Available

51 Shaikhpara Abdur Rahaman Memorial Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Sheikpara, Dist.-Murshidabad, PIN-742308. Phone: (03481) 242167

Murshidabad Food Processing Technology, Computer Software Technology and Medical Laboratory Technology

Available Available

52 B.P.C. Institute of Technology (Govt.) P.O.- Krishnagar, Dist – Nadia, PIN - 741 101. Phone - (03472) 252452

Nadia Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

53 Gayespur Government Polytechnic (Govt.) P.O.- Gayespur, P.S.- Kalyani, Dist.- Nadia, PIN – 741234.

Nadia Civil, Mechanical and Survey Engineering - -

54 Mirmadan Mohanlal Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Vill-Gobindapur, P.O.- Plassey, Dist.-Nadia, PIN-741156

Nadia Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Food Processing Technology

- -

55 Ranaghat Government Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Ranaghat, P.S.- Ranaghat, Dist.- Nadia, PIN - 741201

Nadia Automobile, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

56 Tehatta Government Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Betai, P.S.- Tehatta, Dist.- Nadia, PIN – 741163.

Nadia Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Footwear Technology

- -

57 Ghatal Government Polytechnic (Govt.)Konnagar, P.O.- Ghatal, P.S.- Ghatal, Dist.- Paschim Medinipur, PIN – 721212.

Paschim Medinipur Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

58 Medinipur Sadar Government Polytechnic (Govt.)Vill.- Khasjungle, P.O.- Abas, P.S.- Kotwali, Midnapore, Dist.- Paschim Medinipur, PIN – 721102.

Paschim Medinipur Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

59 Sidhu Kanu Birsa Polytechnic (Govt.) Keshiary, Dist.- Paschim Medinipur, PIN – 721 133. Phone – (03223) 205020

Paschim Medinipur Civil and Electrical Engineering - Available

60 Contai Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Darua, P.S. - Contai, Dist - Purba Medinipur, PIN-721401. Phone - (03220) 255462

Purba Medinipur Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available -



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

61 Dr. Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology (Govt.) P.O.- Debhog, Haldia, Dist.-Purba Medinipur, PIN-721657Phone- (03224) 253064

Purba Medinipur Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Available Available

62 Kolaghat Govt. Polytechnic (Govt.) Amalhanda, P.O. - Kolaghat, Dist. - Purba Medinipur, PIN – 721134.

Purba Medinipur Electrical Engineering (Industrial Control) and Electrical Power System

- -

63 Baghmundi Government Polytechnic (Govt.)Baghmundi, P.O.- Pathardih, P.S.-Baghmundi, Dist.-Purulia, PIN-723152.

Purulia Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - -

64 Bandwan Polytechnic (Govt.) Madhupur, P.O.-Jitan, Dist.-Purulia, PIN-723129. Phone-(03253) 201527

Purulia Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - Available

65 Purulia Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O.- Vivekananda Nagar, Dist.- Purulia, PIN – 723147. Phone - (03252) 246198

Purulia Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

66 Raghunathpur Government Polytechnic (Govt.) Sarbarimore, P.O.- Neturia,Dist.- Purulia, PIN - 723121.

Purulia Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

- -

67 Islampur Government Polytechnic (Govt.)Barhat, P.O.- Islampur, Dist.- Uttar Dinajpur, PIN – 733 207

Uttar Dinajpur Electrical Engg., Survey Engg. and Electrical & Electronics Engineering

- -

68 Raiganj Polytechnic (Govt.)P.O. - Raiganj, Dist. - Uttar Dinajpur, PIN-733134.Phone - (03523) 242410

Uttar Dinajpur Automobile, Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Available -

List of Self-Financed Polytechnics

69 AMS College of Polytechnic (Private) Rangapur, PO-Nilgunj Bazar, Barasat, Kolkata-700121. Phone- (033) 68888-645 / 690

24 Parganas (North) Automobile, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

- -

70 Elitte Institute of Engineering & Management (Private) P.O.-Karnamadhavpur (Sodepur), P.S.-Ghola, Kolkata-700113. Phone-(033) 2595-6125/26

24 Parganas (North) Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

71 Kingston Polytechnic College (Private) Berunanpukuria, P.O.-Malikapur, Barasat, Dist.- North 24 Parganas, Pin-700126, Phone: (033) 2538-9508 / 2542-9800

24 Parganas (North) Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

72 Regent Institute of Science & Technology (Private) Bara Kanthlia, Barrackpore, PS- Sewli, Telinipara, P.S.-Titagarh, Dist.-North 24 Parganas, PIN–700121.Phone: (033) 3008-5444 / 5433/34, 9836816130

24 Parganas (North) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

73 SCM Institute of Engineering & Technology (Private) Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue (VIP Road), Kaikhali, P.O.- Calcutta Airport, Kolkata - 700 052Phone - (033) 2525-0116/2271/3144

24 Parganas (North) Automobile Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

- -

74 Techno India Polytechnic (Private) EM-4/2, Sector-V, Salt Lake,Dist.- North 24-Parganas, PIN – 700091.Phone: 9831246041

24 Parganas (North) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology and Electronics & Communication Engineering

Available Available

75 Budge Budge Institute of Technology (Private) Nischintapur, Budge Budge, Dist.- South 24 Parganas, PIN-700137. Phone-(033) 2482-0670 / 76, 9836888444, 9831222519

24 Parganas (South) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

76 JLD College of Engineering & Management (Private) Ramdhari, Belegachi Gram Panchayat, P.O.-Doltala Ghola, P.S.- Baruipur, Dist.-South 24 Parganas, PIN-743376 Phone - (033) 24816491, 9339824863, 9831220905

24 Parganas (South) Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

77 Pailan Technical Campus (Private) Bengal Pailan Park, Phase-II, Amgachia Road, Joka, Kolkata-700104. Phone - 9830800310

24 Parganas (South) Civil, Electrical and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

78 Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Science & Technology (Private)Dakshin Gobindapur, P.S.-Sonarpur (near Baruipur), Kolkata-700145. Phone - (033) 2437-9913, 9831084446

24 Parganas (South) Architecture, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

79 South Calcutta Polytechnic (Private) Sitakundu Main Road (opposite Atghara Play Ground), Solgoalia, Sitakundu, P.O.- Madarat,P.S.-Baruipur, Dist.-South 24 Parganas, PIN-700144.Phone – (033)-2423-3031, 7044444427, 8116707612, 8981490232

24 Parganas (South) Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

80 Bishnupur Public Institute of Engineering (Private) Siromonipur, P.O. & P.S.- Bishnupur,Dist – Bankura, PIN - 722 122. Phone - (03244) 256787 / 9434008788 / 9434101473

Bankura Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

81 Mallabhum Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Braja Radha Nagar, P.O.- Gosaipur, Dist- Bankura, PIN - 722122. Phone: 9064241958 / 9434855129

Bankura Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

82 ABS Academy of Polytechnic (Private) J.P. Avenue, Sagarbhanga, Durgapur,Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713211, Phone- (0343) 2550697, 9434789201


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

83 Asansol Institute of Engineering & Management – Polytechnic (Private) Bagbandi Road, P.O.- Kalipahari, Asansol, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN – 713339.Phone – (0341) 6610-300/306/309


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

84 Bengal College of Polytechnic (Private) SSB Sarani, Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN -713212.Phone- (0343) 253-2606 / 3189 / 3190


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

85 Camellia Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Budbud by pass (North), NH-2, PS-Kanksa, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN -713403. Phone - 9007030116


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

86 Dr. B. C. Roy Polytechnic (Private) Dr. Meghnad Saha Sarani, Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman,PIN – 713206. Phone - (0343)2532673


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

87 Durgapur Institute of Polytechnic (Private) G.T. Road, Rajbandh, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN -713212. Phone - (0343) 2520712


Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

88 Durgapur Polytechnic College (Private) Surya Sen Sarani, City Centre, Phase-II, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN -713208.Phone- (0343) 254-3388 / 7699999906


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

89 Luthfaa Polytechnic Institute (Private)Shibpur Road, P.O.- Molandighi, P.S.- Kanksa, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN - 713212.Phone – (0343) 2700064 / 65


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

90 Rajendranath College of Polytechnic (Private) Gopalpur, via-Arrah Shibtala, PS-Kanksa, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713212. Phone - (0343) 253-8469, 6455766


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

91 Santiniketan Polytechnic (Private) Nachan Road, P.O.- Kamalpur,P.S.- Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN – 713204.Phone: 7430960994

Bardhaman (Paschim)

Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

92 Swami Vivekananda School of Diploma (Private) Malandighi, PS-Kanksa, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713212. Phone-(0343) 2700083/84/85, 8348486328, 8373065631


Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

93 Techno India Polytechnic Durgapur (Private)Behind BDO Of ce, Kanksha Block, P.O.- Panagarh Bazar, Dist- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN-713148.Phone - 9126661234, 9831817308, 9831649763

Bardhaman (Paschim)

Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

94 The New Horizons Institute of Technology (Pvt.) Phase-II, City Centre, South G.T. Road, Durgapur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman, PIN - 713208.Phone - (0343) 2542103 / 2 / 6


Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

95 Gobindapur Sephali Memorial Polytechnic (Pvt.) Vill.-Gobindapur, (Near Guskara), P.O.- Keleti, P.S.- Aushgram, Dist - Purba Bardhaman, PIN -713128.Phone - (03452) 250560 / 8900329343 / 9647608366


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

96 N. S. Polytechnic College (Private) Chandipur, P.O.- Abhirampur, P.S.- Aushgram,Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN – 713144. Phone- 9434949610 / 9434942230


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Survey Engineering

Available Available

97 Sylvan Polytechnic College (Private)(Near Gangpur Railway Station), Vill. & P.O.- Joteram, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, PIN-713104.Phone – 8167584902 / 9851237469


Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

98 Basantika Institute of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic) (Private) P.O.- Ganpur, P.S.- Md. Bazar, Birbhum – 731216. Phone- 9475366441 / 9434004063

Birbhum Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology.

Available Available

99 Bengal Institute of Polytechnic (Private) (Between Dubrajpur Power House More & Brakreswar Thermal Power Plant), Vill.-Sagar, P.O.- Hetampur, Dist – Birbhum, PIN – 731124. Phone- 03462-244060.

Birbhum Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

100 HSB Polytechnic (Private) PO & PS – Suri, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN-731103.Phone: 9732114917 / 7001780368

Birbhum Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

101 L C G Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Vill.- Lambodarpur, P.O.- Suri, Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731101.Phone: 9474749264 / 9434221099

Birbhum Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

102 Santiniketan Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Vill.-Tarapur, P.O.- Muluk (Bolpur), Dist.- Birbhum, PIN – 731204.Phone- (03463) 221078 / 9475103966

Birbhum Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Survey Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

103 Elite Polytechnic Institute (Private) STKK Link Road, Mogra, (Near 13 No. Rail Gate), Dist. – Hooghly, PIN-712148, Phone - (033) 2684-4409 / 9831111070

Hooghly Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

104 KPS Institute of Polytechnic (Private)Feeder Road, P.O.-Belmuri, Near Dhaniakhali Halt Station (Howrah - Burdwan Cord Line), Dist. - Hooghly, PIN-712302.Phone – (03213) 240444, 8336969869 / 70

Hooghly Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

105 Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology (Private) Roy Para, P.O.- Guptipara, Dist – Hooghly, PIN – 712512. Phone - (03213) 262201, 9732510467, 9836260625

Hooghly Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Information Technology

Available Available

106 Technique Polytechnic Institute (Private) Panchrokhi (near Hooghly Rly. Station), P.O.-Sugandhya, Dist. - Hooghly, PIN - 712102.Phone - (033) 6548-2096 / 6548-2097

Hooghly Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Survey Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

107 IMPS Polytechnic College, Jalpaiguri (Private) Chewara Para (Near Rani Nagar BSF Camp),Post.- Patkata, P.S.- Kotwali,Dist.-Jalpaiguri, PIN- 735133.Phone – (03561) 250025

Jalpaiguri Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

108 Bcare Institute of Management & Technology (P) (Pvt.) Vill.-Amar, P.O.- Kanfala, P.S.- Nabagram, Dist.- Murshidabad PIN-742184. Phone - 9434378267, 08967158821

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

109 Berhampore Polytechnic College (Private) 3/20, Girijapara Lane, P.O.- Khagra, P.S.- Berhampore,Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN – 742103. Phone: (03482) 290064 / 9434071442 / 9564278977

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

110 Discovery Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Narasinghapur, P.O.- Sagarpara, P.S.- Jalangi, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN-742306. Phone- 03481-250071

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

111 Dumkal Polytechnic (Private)P.O. - Basantapur, Dumkal, Dist. - Murshidabad, PIN - 742 406. Phone - (03481) 231189 / 230899, 9734369670

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

112 Gobindapur Polytechnic College (Private) Vill.-Gobindapur, PO-Juginda, PS-Dumkal, Dist.-Murshidabad, PIN-742406. Phone- 9932509616 / 9734020852

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available



Sl. No.

Name & Address of the Polytechnics District Courses offered Hostel Facility

Boys Girls

113 Jakir Hossain Institute of Polytechnic (Private) Vill.- Hapania, P.O.- Dafahat, Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN-742224. Phone- 9475153777

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

114 Minerva Polytechnic (Private)Vill. & P.O. - Amritakundu, P.S.- Nabagram,Dist - Murshidabad, PIN-742136. Phone - 9233801979

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

115 Nibedita Institute of Technology (Private)Vill.-Narasinghapur, P.O.- Sagarpara, P.S. – Jalangi, Dist - Murshidabad, PIN-742306. Phone - (03481) 250020

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Information Technology and Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.

Available Available

116 Nibedita Polytechnic (Private) Bagmara, PO - Dakshin Paraspur, P.S.-Jalangi, Dist.-Murshidabad, PIN-742305. Phone- 9732549736 / 9775274032 / 9775274108

Murshidabad Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

117 Paradise Institute of Technology (Private)Narasinghapur, P.O.- Sagarpara, P.S.- Jalangi,Dist.- Murshidabad, PIN -742306Phone – (03481) 250125

Murshidabad Automobile, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

118 RPBM Jiaganj College of Engineering & Technology (Private)Hatibagan, P.O. & P.S.-Jiaganj, Dist. - Murshidabad PIN - 742123. Phone - (03483) 256135 / 256917

Murshidabad Automobile, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Available Available

119 JIS School of Polytechnic (Private) Block-A, Phase III, Kalyani, Dist.- Nadia, PIN – 741235. Phone- (033) 2502-5690, 9331801304

Nadia Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Survey Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

120 Institute of Science & Technology (Private) Chandrakona Town, Dist.- Paschim Medinipore, PIN-721201. Phone - (03225) 266644, 9083265511, 9083265521

Paschim Medinipur Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

Available Available

121 Salbani Institute of Technology (Private)Vill.- Bankibandh, P.O.- Sayedpur, P.S. - Salbani, Dist.-Paschim Medlnipur, PIN -721147.Phone – 9830022065 / 9679243570 / 9735226161

Paschim Medinipur Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Available Available

122 Global Institute of Science & Technology (Private) ICARE Complex, P.O.- Hatiberia, Haldia, Dist.- Purba Medinipur, PIN-721657. Phone - (03224) 255953 / 51

Purba Medinipur Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science & Technology

- Available

Admission to the above mentioned Polytechnics and disciplines will be allowed subject to the approval of the AICTE and affi liation of the WBSCT&VE&SD (TED) for the Academic Session 2018-19.



PRESCRIBED MEDICAL STANDARDS FOR ADMISSIONCandidates must satisfy medical tness prescribed below. (a) No Colour Blindness. (b) Physically & Mentally t. (c) Able to pursue Technical Course.Candidates seeking admission to the Courses under the WBSCT&VE&SD (TED) should possess good health and physique with sound mind. They should not be suffering from any disease / physical or mental in rmity.

All candidates (including Physically Challenged) have to produce Medical Fitness Certi cate mentioning the following criteria issued by the Registered Medical Practitioner at the time of admission. Such certifi cates must possess Signature, Seal and Registration No. of the Medical Practioner.

METHOD OF COUNSELLINGAll candidates are directed to keep in touch on regular basis with the website www.webscte.org (or in any other website as per announcement later) for information in respect of counselling and admission. The process of counselling will commence tentatively in June, 2018. Scheduled Caste/Tribe, Physically Challenged (Handicapped), candidates are required to produce the Caste Certi cate or Physically Challenged (Handicapped) Certi cate in original issued by the competent authority of Government of West Bengal at the time of admission without which their claim for reserved seats will not be entertained. Candidate will have to take admission within the date mentioned in the allotment letter. Failure to take admission within the stipulated date will make the candidate ineligible for the offered seat and the vacant seat will be allotted to any other eligible candidate.

REGISTRATIONAfter admission, all the students shall have to get themselves duly registered under this Council at the Institute on the day as will be noti ed by the Institute. Admission in respect of the candidates failing to get themselves registered within stipulated time shall be cancelled. If not registered, candidature of the admitted candidate will be cancelled automatically and no further claim will be entertained.

DETAILS OF RESERVATION(i) 22% and 6% of the seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled

Tribe respectively for the Government & Govt. Sponsored Polytechnics. In case of non-availability of suf cient no. of eligible candidates under ST Category, the vacant seats will be converted to SC Category subject to the consideration of all merit listed ST candidates. Candidates of other states are not eligible for these seats.

(ii) 3% of the total intake capacity in Government and Government Sponsored polytechnics is reserved for Physically Challenged (Handicapped) candidates. In case of non-availability of suf cient no. of eligible candidates under this Category, the vacant seats will be converted to General Category subject to the consideration of all merit listed Physically Challenged (Handicapped) Candidates.

(iii) Women’s Polytechnic, Kolkata and Women’s Polytechnic, Chandannagar are exclusively reserved for women candidates.

(iv) Ramakrishna Mission Shilpapitha, Belgharia is exclusively meant for the male candidates.(v) Government and Self-Financed (Private) Institutes have separate fee structure (as per latest G.O.) -- (a) For Government Institutes: Rs. 50/- per month (Tution fee only). (b) For Self-Financed Institutes: Rs. 1,500/- per month (Tution fee only). (vi) There is no scope of admission through Management Quota under Lateral Entry Scheme.


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8. Don’t use different colours ink during filling in the

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9. Don’t wrinkle or scribble or fold the Application Form.

10. Ensure that the Application Form does not get wet in

any way.

11. Don’t bring Mobile Phone, Calculator or any other

Electronic Gadget inside the Examination Hall.

IMPORTANT1) Appeared ITI candidates are not eligible for VOCLET-2018.2) 2 years’ ITI means single trade with 2 years duration at a stretch. Single certificate should mention the duration.3) Candidates passed Vocational (10+2) course from Councils/Boards other than WBSCT&VE&SD (VED)

[erstwhile, WBSCVE&T] are not eligible for VOCLET-2018.4) Candidates of states other than West Bengal must declare them as ‘General’ category in the Application Form.








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CAUTION“Ragging is a crime and punishable offence”

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Recipient Signature ___________________

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