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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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MIKe marron, MASTER OF CEREMONIESAriel Estrada, Contest Administrator


John Ward Steve Delehanty Gary Plaag singing judge music judge presentation judge

production staff

Show Chairman Matthew Beals 2012 Tin Pan Alley Committee Nemo Ashong, Matthew Beals, Ryan Brown, Mike Marron VP Marketing – Voices of Gotham Brian Lindvall Graphic Designer Ariel Estrada Medal Inscription Crown Trophy, River Edge, NJ


1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Arrival and registration 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM Opening presentation 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Contest by random drawing Guest performance by The Hell’s Kitchenettes 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM Announcement of winners 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Afterglow

A note from the chairman

Choruses across America host quartet contests very similar to this one every year, but only Voices of Gotham can say they host theirs in New York City, the site of one of the earliest and most renowned barbershop quartet contests ever held.

In 1935 - before there was such a thing as a Barbershop Harmony Society - a crowd of 15,000 gathered in the Central Park Mall to behold an incredible sight: Four men with handlebar mustaches took to the bandshell stage and rang out the chords of “Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie.” Looming behind them was a colorful set depicting a barbershop from the 1890s. Robert Moses, the NY Parks Commissioner, served as Master of Ceremonies of the event, entitled the “Amateur Ballad Contest for Barber Shop Quartets.” 80 quartets had competed in borough preliminaries to make their way to the finals that night. The contest was so successful that it became an annual New York tradition that lasted into the late 1960s.

Please enjoy the photos I’ve hung around the space depicting those original contests. I hope that they add a special perspective to our own contest, held just steps away from the original ones.

Yours in Harmony, Matthew Beals, Show Chairman


Contestants are scored by judges in three different categories: Music, Presentation and Singing. Judges may award up to 100 points per song. Most barbershop contests have two songs per round for each quartet. Today’s contest however will only be based on one song each.

special thanks

Ben Kreiger, Chuck Hedbavny, The Sidewalk Cafe, New York City Parks Department and WNYC Radio