voice of chaim - shulcloud€¦ · of crisis. we need a little laughter, coupled with some solid...

Voice of Chaim www.etzchaim.net June/July 2020 Iyar/Sivan 5780 Volume 44, Issue 6 Inside this issue: From Rabbi Dorsch Page 2 From Our Executive Director Page 2 From Our President Page 3 Director of Engagement Page 3 Educaon News Page 4 From Our Youth Director Page 6 Our Etz Chaim Community Page 7 Sisterhood Scoop Page 10 Mens Club Update Page 11 Virtual Programs Page 12 - 14 Lilmode/Melton Summer Class Page 14 #Renewal2020 Page 16 and 17 Greeng and Remembrance Book Informaon Page 19 Yahrzeits Pages 20 and 22 Calendar Pages 21 and 23 Youth Group Membership Form Pages 25 - 28 Tzedakah Pages 28 - 30 Daily Minyan Times: Sunday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Services: Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Zoom links available at: etzchaim.net/livestream Annual Report is connued on page 15.

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Voice of Chaim

www.etzchaim.net June/July 2020 ▪ Iyar/Sivan 5780 ▪ Volume 44, Issue 6

Inside this issue:

From Rabbi Dorsch Page 2

From Our Executive Director Page 2

From Our President Page 3

Director of Engagement Page 3

Education News Page 4

From Our Youth Director Page 6

Our Etz Chaim Community Page 7

Sisterhood Scoop Page 10

Men’s Club Update Page 11

Virtual Programs Page 12 - 14

Lilmode/Melton Summer Class Page 14

#Renewal2020 Page 16 and 17

Greeting and Remembrance Book Information Page 19

Yahrzeits Pages 20 and 22

Calendar Pages 21 and 23

Youth Group Membership Form Pages 25 - 28

Tzedakah Pages 28 - 30

Daily Minyan Times:

Sunday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Shabbat Services: Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m.

Zoom links available at: etzchaim.net/livestream

Annual Report is continued on page 15.

The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


From Our Executive Director From Our Rabbi My grandmother Rowena Dorsch’s (z”l) favorite expression was that “man plans and God laughs.” However, in today’s climate, I think that it may be time for us to do a little laughing. How else may we respond to the absurdity of our present predicament--of God’s meshuga plan--that has derailed so much of “life as we knew it” several months ago?

Like you, I’ve noticed an exponential growth in the number of jokes now appearing on social media directed at the coronavirus. Some of my favorites involve social distancing and food: One meme quipped, “I’m starting to miss people I don’t even like.” Another expressed “the need to social distance from my refrigerator to flatten my curve.”

Not surprisingly, many jokes have a distinct Jewish flavor. One clever one depicted a mezuzah on a refrigerator, because “it’s the only door I open.” With a large number of Zoom Sedarim (affectionately called Zeders), another spoke about a new set of four questions for Passover: 1. Can you hear me? 2. Can you see me? 3. Did someone mute me? 4. Can we wash our hands already? There are also some terrific parodies on YouTube coming out of Israel worth watching.

The fact that Jews are telling jokes in the middle of a pandemic should not be all that surprising. For a people historically persecuted, humor is one mechanism that we use to play through the pain. The Hasidic Rebbe Simcha Bunam of Parsischa once wrote that “a joyful person is usually blessed with plenty, even though he may be impious, whereas a sad person is usually in want, even though he may be God-fearing." It should be no wonder that so much of society is making jokes during this time of crisis. We need a little laughter, coupled with some solid Yiddish punchlines, to feel joy in a time when so much has suddenly been taken away.

Over the past two years, I have been blessed to teach a 30-course Melton series called Foundations of Jewish Living. For those of you who have missed the opportunity, may be looking for some-thing a little less heavy, or are in need of a shorter-time commitment, on May 31, I began to teach a smaller, less involved Melton course called From Sinai To Seinfeld: A History of Jewish Humor. The class will run only 10 sessions and is being taught over the Zoom platform. It meets Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. for a nominal fee (scholarships available).

Even if you missed the first introductory course, I do hope you’ll consider enrolling. No prior Melton experience is necessary. We could all use a good laugh this summer. And besides, it’ll give you something else to do other than kissing the mezuzah on the door of your refrigerator. Rabbi Daniel Dorsch

We all miss normalcy.

I miss going to bars and restaurants to hear good music. I miss seeing friends and family. I miss going to markets, festivals and flea markets. I miss going to the beach. And I miss baseball.

Certainly, Lori and I have watched some of our favorite musicians, known both nationally and locally, on Facebook Live. We have augmented our viewing with a favorite beverage to enhance the experience. Instacart has served us well, although it’s challenging that we don’t get to pick out our own produce. Curbside pick-up from Home Depot and Lowe’s has given us the ability to minimize contact, but still get our garden planted. Alpharetta is doing a virtual craft fair on Memorial Day Weekend, which should be fun and somewhat interesting. The beach may be off the table for this year and our subdivision pool will not open before June 30, if at all, so it could be a long, hot summer.

Sara is back home with us, although one last trip to the Albright College dorms in Reading, PA awaits us to get the rest of her things. We Zoom with Erin and Danny on a regular basis, and with Irwin, Lori’s Dad, at Huntcliff Sunrise II in Sandy Springs. We haven’t seen him since mid-March. Fortunately, he is well, but it is very hard.

And then there is baseball. I miss it very much. Certainly not more than seeing my children and my father-in-law, but I miss its consistency and cadence. It’s the teamwork and role responsibility. Its emphasis on doing your best on a day-to-day basis. I also miss the conversations that take place between pitches, innings, etc. Thanks to the MLB Network, I have gotten to watch Tom Seaver win his 300th game, although not in a NY Mets uniform; Reggie Jackson hit his three homers in the World Series against the Dodgers; and Sandy Koufax pitch the Dodgers to a win in Game 7 of the 1965 World Series on two days’ rest. In the immortal words of Mel Allen, “How about that.”

Hopefully, we’ve all been able to find some level of solace or place to escape the noise from the street during this difficult and unusual time.

Please stay safe and I hope to see you all soon.

Marty Gilbert


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

It is the end of our fiscal year and a time to reflect on this past year. Although it may not have ended the way we hoped, I am left with a deep sense of gratitude for your flexibility and continued support of Etz Chaim. I have had the pleasure to work with such out-standing volunteers. Thank you to Linda Diamond, Lilmode co-chair for the past two years. You have been a dynamic leader and led us so well this year. Thank you to Lilmode co-chair Laura Blaskett, who gave a fresh new outlook on programs and helped us get our new Yiddish teacher, whom everyone loved. A big thank you to Audrey Fried-Sheets, who was the Lilmode co-chair, as well as the Membership Chair. You put your all into both and even prepared, along with Dani Oren, the food for our Welcome Brunch for new and prospective members, as well as putting together all the new member welcome bags. You have shared fabulous program ideas, and I look forward to working with you on Lilmode this coming year.

I am thankful we had Purim as our last event together. It was a blast! Grateful for the establishment of Roots, our small group initiative. We have more being created, and you too can create an interest-based small group.

Thank you so much to the forty people who made calls to check on congregants while at home during this pandemic. It takes a village and I am so beyond grateful for your assistance. You can view the entire list of the program volunteers on page 7.

We should feel proud of ourselves as we have navigated through new technology with Zoom. Thank you, Etz Chaim’s Men’s Club, specifically Jeff Frankel, Barry Riesenberg, and Steve Dix, along with St. Ann’s, who were instrumental in planning and executing our Virtual Yom HaShoah program. It was a complicated program and we did it.

It was a year that started with our congregation being flexible by having limited space for programs due to our renovations as part of #Renewal2020 and it ended with our congregation being flexible by navigating services and programs on Zoom and Facebook. We have come full circle. We did it! We are not sure what the future will hold, but whatever it brings, we got this.

See the most up-to-date programming on our website and in the Etz-Blast.

L’shalom, Heather Blake

From Our President From Our Director of EngagementOn April 27, Bernice Isaac sent an email reminding me that articles would be due for the June/July VOC on May 1. I turned in the May article around March 31, and it seems like yesterday and eons ago that I did that last article. Corona time – and no that does not mean beer! Our June/July VOC is our Annual Update issue, so let’s have an update.

Well, probably like you, I am still home, although I am watching as our State slowly permits some businesses to open under certain circumstances. We’ll see how that goes. I have attended Shabbat services and minyanim, Pesach Seder, and multiple synagogue meetings on Zoom. I have kept up with friends and family via text chat groups, phone calls, Facebook Live, FaceTime, and old-fashioned letter writing (though I do wish I could travel to see my parents). I am lucky to have my girls at home, but as much as I love them, I wish they were off doing the school/camp/work/travel things they really should be doing. We have food and toilet paper and various beverages, and I walk the dog (a lot). I go to the Post Office (which has been very accommodating to Etz Chaim with the shul building closed) and the grocery store, so I should not complain (though I do on occasion). Oh wait, you want to hear about what’s going on with Etz Chaim? Fair enough! I just must walk the dog first. Back in a minute.

I’m back. Etz Chaim is rocking along. Really! Despite all the challenges, we are facing with the pandemic shutdown, we are doing quite well. We have gained new members (welcome to the Kennedy and Sasson families), we have continued to host daily minyan and Shabbat services (remember to let Rabbi Dorsch know if you would like to participate), and we have added Tot Shabbat and Junior Congregation as well. We had a meaningful virtual Yom HaShoah service with the Catholic Church of St. Ann, and Sisterhood has had an inspiring end of year program. By the time you read this article, our renovation work will be complete, and our beautiful space will be ready and waiting for our return. I hope you have seen the photos that we have been sending by email. We have maintained a good budget (and, with hard work by Marty Gilbert and Billy Balser, received federal payroll protection funds) and are carefully planning for next year. We are calendaring tentative social and educational events, and considering how, when and under what circumstances we may be able to come safely together in person. Toward that goal, we are convening a small group of medical professionals who can advise us as to best practices, and we are consulting with USCJ and Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta for their advice. Even so, be assured that we will continue our virtual options. Keep checking our website and E-blasts for events, links, and updates. We’re here and we are good!

But how are you? For all my lighthearted comments, I know this time is difficult for many. We are isolated and out of normal and comfortable routines. Our kids are bored, and the novelty of not going to school has worn off. Some summer camps have just announced closures. We have volunteers reaching out to our community to check on all of us and make sure we are doing okay. To those who may have lost a job or whose business is suffering, remember to let us know if you need help. To those who are missing important milestones – family simchas, graduations, long planned and saved for vacations and, particularly, the illness and passing of loved ones. Remember, your community is here to celebrate and mourn with you, even if it has to be virtual.

I am grateful for my Etz Chaim community during normal times. I cannot imagine what I would do without you during this time of upheaval in all our lives. Take care and be well.

Linda Pollock

Questions about purchasing a

cemetery plot? Call Marty Gilbert



The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Shalom, Kehillah!

With so much uncertainly still facing us, it’s difficult to write this article. Usually, this is when I’d tell you about the fantastic programs we’ve had this year, thank our Advisors, Youth Commission and outgoing Executive Boards, and introduce our newly elected Boards. However, our “stay-at-home orders” and social distancing has forced us to completely deviate from our norm.

Since March 12, I have been hard at work with our Chalutzim, Atid, and Kadima Advisors to convert all of our programming to an online format. In the cases we were unable to do so, we researched new ways to engage our participants, and we came up with some amazing programs! Around the House Scavenger Hunt for Chalutzim and Atid, Kadima’s Kahoot, and Sababa’s SongPop Party only started off our great virtual programming.

Figuring out how to end the year, however, was a different story. Virtual Elections for USY were not something that I had ever anticipated having to do. Thanks to Zoom’s customizable options, they were a breeze. Our Virtual End-of-the-Year Banquet? Who would’ve ever guessed that would be our reality?

I’ve tried my best to keep some perspective during this time, and when I find myself struggling, I look to a source that some may find unexpected: the Serenity Prayer. Written by American theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, in the early 1930’s, the most-commonly quoted language had been altered by Alcoholics Anonymous around 1950.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

I am not a physician, nor am I a researcher or public official. I cannot change the things that are happening to us. However, I can try my best to change the way the people I interact with view the situation they find themselves in. I can encourage those I work with to try and view the positive instead of the negatives of this quarantine. For those of you with families at home: isn’t it nice to be able to have a family dinner each night without worrying about traffic or dinner meetings getting in the way? For those of you who may live alone: how long has it been since you organized your home or decorated? I have spent more hours organizing my DVD and book collections than I care to admit.

We, as a society, don’t deal well with the unknown. We like to know what we’re getting ourselves into, and when we don’t, we try to do as much research as we can to figure it out. This, however, is one of those situations where we just really don’t know. So…what can we do? Take a walk, enjoy the sunshine, and try to appreciate the things we take for granted every day.

L’shalom v’ahava,

Steven Resnick

From Our Youth Director

It’s my pleasure to formally announce the newly-elected 2020-2021 Sababa USY Executive Board:

President: Pnina Sasson Religion and Education Vice President: Tamar Oren Israeli Affairs Vice President: Mia Kleinman Social Action and Tikun Olam Vice President: Mason Chernau Membership and Kadima Vice President: Maddie Rose Communications Vice President: Julia Radin *The Executive Vice President position/title is a special designation given by the Chapter President, to another Board member. This will be announced at a later date.

Sababa USYers serving on the 2020-2021 HaNegev Regional General Board: Social Action and Tikun Olam General Board, Ein Gedi 613 Chair: Mason Chernau Membership and Kadima General Board, Programming Chair: Pnina Sasson

Sababa USYers serving on the 2020-2021 HaNegev Sub-Regional Board: *Ein Gedi Sub-Regional President: Jordyn Figur Ein Gedi Sub-Regional Secretary: Zack Goldstein *In this role, Jordyn will dually serve on the HaNegev Regional Board, as well as the Ein Gedi Sub-Regional Board. The above Sub-Regional, and Regional General Board members have already been installed. The Sababa USY Executive Board will installed at a later date (hopefully sooner rather than later). I’m currently working on a flyer to be posted on the Virtual Kiddush Facebook page!

It has been a pleasure working with the 2019-2020 Sababa USY Executive Board: President: Mollie Nadolne Executive and Israeli Affairs Vice President: Ester Shimon Religion and Education Vice President: Carly Judenberg Social Action and Tikun Olam Vice President: Gaby Meharg Membership and Kadima Vice President: Pnina Sasson Communications Vice President: Zack Goldstein

Sababa USYers who served on the 2019-2020 HaNegev Regional General Board: Membership and Kadima General Board, Underclassmen: Pnina Sasson Communications General Board, Comm Squad, Ein Gedi: Mollie Nadolne

Sababa USYers who served on the 2019-2020 HaNegev Sub-Regional Board: Ein Gedi Sub-Regional Secretary: Jordyn Figur The above Sub-Regional and Regional General Board members have already been un -installed. The USY Executive Board will be uninstalled at a later date.

Please join me in wishing the 2019-2020 Leadership teams a hearty well done (yasher koach), and congratulations (mazel tov) and good luck (b’hatzlacha) to the 2020-2021 teams!

To register for Youth Group, go to: www.etzchaim.net/form/ygmembership20-21


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Mazal Tov to… Mollie Nadolne, daughter of Marnie and Brian Nadolne, on being named Etz Chaim’s honoree for the Hadassah Greater Atlanta Student Chesed Award

Susie and Joey Moskowitz on the birth of their granddaughter, Zoey Ann, born on April 9 to Brittany and Neal Moskowitz

Jen Katz on being named Teacher of the Year at East Cobb Middle School

Terri and Michael Cohn on the marriage of their son Andrew to Stephanie Lievense

Judith and Don Kaye on the birth of grandson, Micah Ori, born on May 12 to Alyssa and Craig Gilden

Condolences to… The Sperling family on the loss of Irving Hazan, beloved father of Lori Sperling z”l

Larry Cohen, on the loss of his beloved mother and congregant Beverly Cohen

Helen Ehrlich on the loss of her beloved mother Pearl “Terry” Juntoff

Paula Coplon on the loss of her beloved husband, David Coplon, and to Cheryl Howell on the loss of her beloved father

Esther Low on the passing of her beloved husband, Steven Low, and to Elliot Low on the passing of his beloved father

Vivian Levine on the passing of her beloved sister Deena Stickgold

Martin Cohen on the passing of his beloved wife Rosalyn Cohen

Neil Schor on the passing of his beloved wife Rita Schor

Thank You to our Office Volunteers… Karen Keeter Linda Weinroth

Thank You to our Program Volunteers… Eti Azizy Laura Blaskett Linda Diamond Jeff Frankel Audrey Fried-Sheets Ilana Gang Bernice Isaac Brian Nadolne Jonathan Olens Linda Pollack Dara Richer Josh Schwartz Jacob Thalhimer Leora Wollner

Thank You to our Engagement Phone Call Volunteers… Linda Ames Bob Beer Marsha Bernstein Joanne Chaifetz Tammy Cohen Linda Diamond Tamar England Cheryl Eppsteiner Melody Euchman Lisa Flagel Myrna Garron Myra Goldberg Grace Graiser Dana Greenberg Sally Greenstein Lynne Johannesen Andrew and Carole Kagan Esti Kleinman Delores Lazerson Sharon Lightstone Yana Lubell Jamie Lyons Helaine Mark Carole Masters Susan McCarthy Roz Reiss Helen Rosengarten Allison Saffran Maxine Schein Patsy Schneider Elyse Shaw Marsha Shrago Esther Shultz Bonnie Silverman Linda Weinroth Beth Weiss Lois Wittenstein and Joe Ziskend

Welcome! We are pleased to introduce these new members… Robin and John Kennedy [email protected] Robin cell - 973-202-5336 [email protected] John cell -973-202-4251 (Moving from Rhode Island)

New Emails… Joan King [email protected]

New Cell Phone Numbers… David Miller 678-478-7013

Bill Lieberbaum 404-858-5110

We are pleased to welcome back to Etz Chaim the following members… Madeline and David Rothbard 2309 Sandy Oaks Drive Marietta, GA 30066 Madeline cell: 240-505-8225 [email protected] David cell: 240-505-0012 [email protected]

Members on the move… Barbara and Jerry Mayer 200 River Vista Drive, #325 Atlanta, GA 30339 Barbara cell: 908-672-4869 Jerry cell: 908-432-4744 Email: [email protected]

Sherry Adams 96 Bridgeview Drive Marietta, GA 30066

Josh Schwartz 383 Springdale Drive Atlanta, GA 30305

Have news you’d like to share with our community? Please contact Bernice in the shul office at [email protected].

Torah Fund - Thank You Torah Fund has again been very successful this year. With almost 40 generous donors, the campaign has far succeeded my goal.

Let’s all wear our pins in pride during Shabbos and many other holiday events... when we get together again. The Jewish Theological Seminary is so appreciative of all our donations.

If anyone wants to send a donation, satisfy your pledge or buy all occasion Torah Fund cards, please contact me at: 770-490-7874 or by email at [email protected].

Thanks again to all my special donors for this amazing season.

Next season starts in September. Sandy Bailey


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Have you heard about Roots, Etz Chaim’s new interest-based small groups initiative? Check out the Roots groups we already have below. What small interest-based group do you want at Etz Chaim? Let’s make it happen! A group can be formed once we have a volunteer leader and five committed members. Once a group is formed, you

decide when and where you want to meet. Have questions or want to form a new Roots group? Please contact Heather Blake, Director of Engagement, at 770-973-0137 or email her at [email protected]. If you are interested in being part of an Engagement Committee to help oversee Roots groups, please let Heather know.

Roots Movie Group

Roots Hiking Group Explore local beauty by joining us on a hike once a month on a Sunday afternoon. This small group is open to all ages and abilities. Please reach out to Dani Oren at to be added to the email list at [email protected]. Information will also be shared in the Etz Chaim Virtual Kiddush Facebook Group.

Birthday Club The Etz Chaim Birthday Club is a social club enjoying lunch once a month and helping celebrate our congregants’ birthdays. We choose a local spot for a 1-2 hour lunch on a Friday afternoon, get together and learn a little bit about each other. If you would like to be added to this group, please contact Laurie Lavinsky at [email protected] or Malka Riesenberg at [email protected].

Walking/Running Group Start your Sunday off right by joining us for a morning walk/run with your Etz Chaim friends and family. This takes place Sunday mornings, at 9:30 a.m. in the Etz Chaim parking lot. If you are available, we ask that you please join us for morning minyan at 9:00 a.m. too. If you have any questions or want to participate in the Sunday morning walking/running group, please contact Amir Oren at [email protected].

Introducing these new Roots Groups:

Woodworkers of Etz Chaim If you enjoy woodworking of all types and are interested in participating in an interest group, please contact Hank Needle at [email protected] or text 678 520 8635 indicating your interest in this group. We will begin with an organizational meeting followed by a tour of shops. This way, we can meet one another and see what each of us does individually and then take it from there. Look forward to hearing from interested parties.

Artists Collective Are you an artist? An art roots group is forming at Etz Chaim! This is an opportunity for all artists to meet, explore Jewish art connections, discuss art topics, support each other in our projects, and contribute to our community. All mediums welcome. Whether it is a hobby or profession, please come to share your art interests and skills as we create this exciting new group! For more information and to be part of this group, please contact Rob Foster at [email protected].

Etz Chaim Cancer Support Group Etz Chaim is forming a circle of care for cancer patients undergoing treatment and those in remission. If there is interest, we will meet together to share feelings and support to each individual. If you would like to be part of this Roots group, please contact Marylan Karp at [email protected] or 678-290-1673.

Roots—Etz Chaim’s Small Group Initiative


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Minyan Makers Etz Chaim’s Sisterhood takes responsibility for making a minyan on Thursday evenings. If you are available to help make minyan on a Thursday at 6:30 p.m., sign up at: https://www.tinyurl.com/cecthursminyan. If you would like to get more information, please contact our co-chairs by email at Helen Rosental:

Centerpiece Rental Consider using our beautiful new topiary centerpieces for your Friday night dinner, Kiddush luncheon or Saturday evening affair. Contact the Gift Shop for more information.

JNF Trees for Israel Honor someone special by purchasing a tree in the Etz Chaim Sisterhood grove. For more information, contact the Sandy Bailey at 770-490-7874 or the Gift Shop.

For more information about Sisterhood, please contact:

Donna Bruckner at 678-492-1008 [email protected]


Melissa Sklar at 404-520-0955 [email protected]

The Sisterhood Scoop


If you are planning to be away for an extended amount of time, please inform the office.

Judaica and Gifts SUMMER

Shop Hours

The shop will be open by appointment only.

Please contact the synagogue office

to schedule your visit.

It’s hard to believe that summer is upon us, with its longer days and warm weather. We hope that you and your families are safe and well.

Thank you to Tamara Jacobs for organizing our wonderful End-Of-Year Zoom event. This excellent program, which featured wellness expert, Dr. Vonda Wright, provided helpful strategies for self-care during this challenging period in our lives.

A very special thank you to our departing board members who have just completed their terms. We greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into making our Sisterhood programs sing! We know that you will continue to be an integral part of our member community.

A big welcome to our new board members! We are looking forward to a great year together.

The 2020-2021 Sisterhood Board:

Co-Presidents: Melissa Sklar and Fern Meharg Parliamentarian: Donna Bruckner Treasurer: Reba Bachrach Financial Secretary: Wendy Vitale Recording/Corresponding Secretary and Social Media Liaison: Lauren Gray Membership VP’s: Esti Kleinman, Estelle Rydell, and Bonnie Silverman Ways and Means VP: Edye Mahaffey Programming VP’s: Faye Lebish and Neda Gayle Torah Fund: Sandy Bailey Gift Shop: Reba Bachrach

And a special shout out to all of those who chaired events and activities throughout the year. We could not offer the breadth and depth of programming that we do without a little help from our Sisters!

While we hope that you are enjoying some relaxing time with your loved ones this summer, your Sisterhood is hard at work behind the scenes gearing up for another year of exciting programs and events.

Please join us for the June Book Club, via Zoom on Sunday, June 7, at 10:00 a.m. The book is The Floating Feldmans, by Elyssa Friedland and will be moderated by Joanne Chaifetz. The July Book Club will be Sunday, July 12, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. The book will be Famous All Over Town, by Bernie Schein. Please see ad on page 8 for more information and to rsvp.

Rosh Chodesh dates during the summer are as follows: Rosh Chodesh Tammuz - Tuesday, June 23 Rosh Chodesh Av - Wednesday, July 22 Please be on the lookout for updated information regarding the format for these services or email Cheryl Eppsteiner at [email protected] to be included on all future Rosh Chodesh emails.

Save the date!! August 30, 2020 is our Sisterhood Kickoff. You won’t want to miss out on this fabulous event as we kick off a new season of exciting and engaging programs! More information to come. See ad on page 18.

Before we know it, the High Holidays will be here. Take advantage of early bird pricing to submit your greetings and remembrances for the Sisterhood 2020 High Holiday Greeting and Remembrance Book. Now, more than ever, it is important to maintain the tradition of sending New Year’s greetings to friends and family or messages of remembrance for loved ones. See ad on page 19.

Want to get involved? Volunteer! Join a committee! Engage in Sisterhood Thursday night (Zoom) Minyan! The possibilities are endless. Feel connected, have fun and meet people. If you are interested, please contact Missy Sklar at 404-520-0955, [email protected] or Fern Meharg at 770-380-8830, [email protected].

Until next time…. Missy and Fern Co-Presidents, Sisterhood


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Men’s Club Notes I am pleased to announce that summer is here, school is out (that’s right, it’s been out for a while now), students have graduated and there are lots of things to do and plans to be made. David and I hope everyone is enjoying the summer as best we all can. Your Men's Club is still busy and engaged over the summer months as we prepare for another round of great events, speakers and of course the Best Breakfast in Town™.

We would normally have a list of family events over the summer months. This year with the uncertainty of social events and crowds, we are not planning any events until the August time frame.

We had an excellent year with the only disappointment of Men’s Club Shabbat being postponed. We are looking at the calendar and we are hoping to hold Men’s Club Shabbat in August.

Looking back, we held our signature events with much success: Best Breakfast in Town series, Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah, Turkey Shoot at the Shooting Range, The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, Trivia Night with Sisterhood, The World Wide Wrap and Men’s Club FJMC Regional Retreat.

We remain the largest, most active and award winning FJMC club in the Southeast Region. If you haven't had the opportunity to participate in one of our events, please plan to do so as we begin again in August. We are always looking for our membership to become more involved, so contact David or myself if you are interested. Jeff Frankel, President David Lieberman, 1st Vice President [email protected]

Come out and enjoy Your Men’s Club!

NPO# KY946

Men’s Club is a vital part of our congregation. Our ongoing programs include:

▪ Supporting daily minyan

▪ Sponsoring picnics

▪ World Wide Wrap

▪ Providing scholarships

▪ Men’s Club Shabbat

▪ Anshei Darom Retreat

▪ Synagogue Softball League

▪ Usher for High Holidays

▪ Support Holocaust Garden

Our goal is to provide our members with opportunities to meet one another and make new lasting friendships, support our community and have fun during the process.

JOIN MEN’S CLUB and make a difference in our Etz Chaim community.

GET ON THE LIST - CONTACT: Jeff Frankel [email protected]

For Virtual Daily Reflection and Minyanim, Shabbat Services and Programs

please visit our website at: www.etzchaim.net/livestream

Tzedakah Project for JF&CS’ Kosher Food Pantry

Etz Chaim continues to college food for the JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry. Right now, They are low on the following items: Canned tuna and salmon, shelf stable milk, cereal, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, Publix brand Macaroni and cheese, kosher soup and soup packets. Please make sure ALL items are marked with a kosher symbol.

For more information, contact Bob Beer at [email protected]


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Virtual Happenings at a Glance - Live links available at www.etzchaim.net/livestream

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8:30a Daily Reflection

10:00a Melton Class with Rabbi Dorsch

6:30p Evening Minyan

8:30a Daily Reflection

9:00a - 10:00a Debbie Deutsch Office Hours

3:00p Rabbi Dorsch Virtual Office Hours

6:30p Evening Minyan

8:30a Daily Reflection

9:00a - 10:00a Debbie Deutsch Office Hours

6:30p Evening Minyan

8:30a Daily Reflection

9:00a - 10:00a Debbie Deutsch Office Hours

3:00p Marty Gilbert Virtual Office Hours

6:30p Evening Minyan

8:30a Daily Reflection

9:00a - 10:00a Debbie Deutsch Office Hours

10:00a Virtual Torah Study w/Rabbi Dorsch

6:30p Evening Minyan

8:30a Daily Reflection

9:00a - 10:00a Debbie Deutsch Office Hours

4:00p Yoga for Shabbat w/Paula Coplon - returns June 12

5:30p Tot Shabbat

6:30p Musical Shabbat Service

10:00a Shabbat Service

10:45a Tot Shabbat

*See page 8 for dates and links for Tot Shabbat

Please note, we will be able to say Mourner’s Kaddish if we have 10 participants in our virtual minyanim.

Virtual Torah Study with Rabbi Dorsch

Thursdays, June 4 and 11, at 10:00 a.m.

We will resume Torah Study in August.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/385991428


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

As we continue to social distance, the synagogue remains closed. Please continue to check our livestream schedule on our website for our Daily Morning Reflection, Evening Minyanim, and Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services via Zoom.

Go to: www.etzchaim.net/livestream

for the links to participate online.

Etz Chaim is here for you. Whether it’s Shabbat, Havdalah or Torah Study, Zoom brings us all together as a community.

For more photos from this fiscal year, see page 17.


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

As I write this article, we are living through the COVID-19 pandemic, which has completely changed the way we exist, pray, educate and play. We are having virtual Shabbat services and daily minyanim, Zoom meetings, programs, home schooling our children, and doing drive-by visits and car parade parties with our loved ones.

During all of this, our construction teams have been able to work within safe parameters and continue the renovations at our Etz Chaim. We are so grateful that they have done so, and the work will be mostly complete by the time this hits your in-box.

What have we accomplished? We have updated, upgraded, and made our most utilized spaces aesthetically pleasing and cohesive with other spaces which have already been refurbished. We set out to make this campaign both pretty and purposeful, and without question that has been accomplished.

We started in the newly named Lindy and Norman Radow Sanctuary and incorporated many of the upgrades to both the sanctuary and the Hammer-Tritt Social Hall. All new LED lighting, including beautiful pendant globes, have been installed in both spaces. A state-of-the-art hearing loop has been added to the social hall, sanctuary, Phillip’s Library, and classrooms 13-16. Our sound system has been upgraded to include all new speakers and enhanced cabinetry and controls to ensure high quality sound resolution. Brand new partitions are in place, offering more room configuration and versatility than ever before. Not only can we now separate the social hall, sanctuary, and Phillip’s Library, but we can now subdivide the social hall into three different spaces. The new partitions in the library and classrooms 13-16 have embedded whiteboards for our teachers and students to utilize.

Eight holiday-themed stained-glass windows were installed flanking the ark and bimah. They are stunning and complement the existing L’dor Vador stained glass window above the ark. In addition, the sanctuary was refreshed as the pews were refinished and reupholstered. The shulchan and pulpits were refurbished, new carpet was installed, paint, and stunning millwork added to frame the newly accessible lower bimah and the ark were added. The Jessica and Jeff Brown Family Ner Tamid matches the one in the Allan and Vivian Levine Family Chapel and the chandelier in the Gelernter Family Lobby adds to the cohesiveness of our facility. In addition, the Karen and Ron Feibel Family Library Hallway has a new floor, giving a seamless transition from the lobby to the library.

Enter the Hammer-Tritt Social Hall where many of the finishes you see in the lobby and sanctuary continue on both the walls and ceiling, in addition to new acoustic paneling which will enhance our auditory experience. Our middle roof line has been RAISED making the room feel light and expansive. The floor has been leveled and new luxury vinyl tile installed. With all new LED lighting and new clerestory windows, this space is bright, beautiful, exciting and has a real WOW factor.

A huge piece of the renovation included 10 new variable-speed, high-efficiency HVAC systems to supply the social hall, sanctuary, and kitchen. The Luci and Stan Sunshine Family Foundation Kitchen, for the first time ever, has heat, air and proper ventilation for the stoves, ovens and dishwasher. The floors and cabinetry are brand new, fabricated with state-of-the-art materials, and our original dishwasher was replaced. It is a clean, fresh, inviting space now in which to prepare and cook.

These are the highlights of what has been accomplished thus far, but there is more to come in the months ahead. Repairs have been made to our parking lot and soon the entry road, our circle drive and lower lot will all be regraded, new asphalt poured and the lot re-striped. In addition, there are updates to the education wing being made, some of which we hope to complete over the summer. These include new flooring throughout, paint, window blinds, and six new vanities and sinks in the classrooms. Assuming we are successful in meeting our full fundraising goals, we will also be replacing the ceiling and room partitions which will include the built-in whiteboards.

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our congregants and friends. We have received donations or pledges from almost 350 congregant families. These are all acknowledged on the beautiful Stephanie and Barry Gang Family Renewal 2020 Donor Wall which is right across from the social hall doors. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if we could set a record and have 100% of our membership participate and have all our names up on the donor wall? If you have not yet participated, you can be a part of this historic renovation – all contributions are greatly appreciated, as we have made our beloved synagogue home PRETTY and PURPOSEFUL for generations to come. Donations can be made online or by using the form on page 16. We look forward to being together again in this sacred space to celebrate, educate, pray, and play. Until then, our unending thanks for your support. Be well in these trying times. Cheryl and David Miller Bob Bachrach Campaign Co-chairs Building Chair


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Bereavement Services Offered to Congregants

Etz Chaim’s Chesed Committee will offer to provide meals of consolation to members. This meal is traditionally a dairy meal eaten by mourners upon their return home from the funeral. It includes whole hard-boiled eggs, symbolizing the continuity of life. This service provided by the Chesed Committee allows the family and friends who normally provide the meal to attend the funeral themselves and give the emotional support to the bereaved. Members attending out of town funerals, who sit shiva or hold a memorial service in Atlanta, will be offered a fruit tray.

Contributions made to the Chesed Fund will help to fund these services.

Please contact: Lisa Flagel—678-591-7950

Your cooperation please!

The disabled parking spots are reserved for the exclusive use of those with permits. These spaces are not to be used by anyone else at anytime. There is no parking under the Education Wing overhang. It is a fire code violation.

Family Member In the Hospital?

The rabbi has asked that you notify the synagogue office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or serious illness.

June Yahrzeits Memorialize a loved one with a Brick in our Holocaust Memorial Garden or a

Plaque on our Yahrzeit Wall. For information, please contact the synagogue office.

*Denotes a memorial plaque in our sanctuary to be lit on the day of the yahrzeit and on all Yizkor holidays.

1 June Martin Ravitz 9 Sivan

2 June Julius Beer 10 Sivan

2 June Bertha Freed 10 Sivan

2 June Helen B. Darling 10 Sivan

2 June Mary Parolisi 10 Sivan

2 June Ruth Rappeport 10 Sivan

3 June Arthur Turner 11 Sivan

3 June Clifford Weiss 11 Sivan

3 June Herman Mitchell 11 Sivan

3 June Jack Kirshstein 11 Sivan

3 June Muriel Kohlenberg 11 Sivan

4 June Sidney November 12 Sivan

5 June Mildred Meiselman 13 Sivan

* 6 June Sidney Freedman 14 Sivan

6 June George Weinroth 14 Sivan

6 June Frank Spiegel 14 Sivan

6 June Samuel Cohen 14 Sivan

6 June Helen Spiegel 14 Sivan

7 June Abraham Bodenstein 15 Sivan

7 June Barbara Millman 15 Sivan

7 June Dorothy Taratoot 15 Sivan

* 8 June Sylvia Steinfeld 16 Sivan

8 June Marvin Berk 16 Sivan

9 June Barbara Levin 17 Sivan

10 June Jaime Gusinsky 18 Sivan

10 June Philip Sultzer 18 Sivan

10 June Lillian Cohen 18 Sivan

10 June Susan Hoffman 18 Sivan

* 11 June Abraham Bernknopf 19 Sivan

* 11 June Isaac Levin 19 Sivan

11 June Marvin Kaiman 19 Sivan

11 June Adeline A. Teich 19 Sivan

11 June Mania Gontmakher 19 Sivan

* 12 June Harold Bowman 20 Sivan

12 June Milton I. Zlotin 20 Sivan

* 13 June Tillie Cohen 21 Sivan

* 13 June Bea Stadtler 21 Sivan

* 13 June Louis Coltman 21 Sivan

* 14 June Dolly Zucker 22 Sivan

* 14 June Charlotte Berg 22 Sivan

14 June Elsie Brodsky 22 Sivan

14 June Harry Kaplan 22 Sivan

16 June Edythe Simon 24 Sivan

16 June Ruth Dickson 24 Sivan

* 17 June William Schwartz 25 Sivan

* 17 June Eva Levin 25 Sivan

17 June Carl Isbitts 25 Sivan

17 June Gerald Sheftel 25 Sivan

17 June Glenda Ballew 25 Sivan

17 June Alan Shultz 25 Sivan

18 June Arthur Padawer 26 Sivan

18 June Sanford Juntoff 26 Sivan

18 June Irving Greenspon 26 Sivan

19 June Louis Shilling 27 Sivan

* 20 June Fritz Eden 28 Sivan

20 June Elliot Gordon 28 Sivan

20 June Paul Cohen 28 Sivan

21 June Morton Berg 29 Sivan

* 22 June Herman Yucht 30 Sivan

* 22 June Howard D. Goldman 30 Sivan

* 22 June Daniel Goldman 30 Sivan

22 June Martin Friedner 30 Sivan

22 June Margie B. Greenberg 30 Sivan

22 June Mildred Itzkowitz 30 Sivan

23 June Elliott B Gilbert 1 Tammuz

23 June Louis Cohen 1 Tammuz

23 June Morris Steiner 1 Tammuz

23 June Annette Felson 1 Tammuz

* 24 June Louis Silverberg 2 Tammuz

* 24 June Sylvia Schulberg 2 Tammuz

* 24 June Ben Smith 2 Tammuz

* 24 June Belle Resnick 2 Tammuz

24 June Marc Ebel 2 Tammuz

24 June Leo Mayers 2 Tammuz

24 June Victor Silbert 2 Tammuz

24 June Joan Slovin 2 Tammuz

24 June Sara Cordovi 2 Tammuz

* 25 June Archie Struhl 3 Tammuz

25 June Abraham Richman 3 Tammuz

25 June Herbert Kaplan 3 Tammuz

25 June Pauline Kahn 3 Tammuz

26 June Stuart Bresner 4 Tammuz

26 June Marc Sheinbein 4 Tammuz

26 June Samuel Binder 4 Tammuz

26 June Barbara Goodman 4 Tammuz

* 27 June Burnett Roth 5 Tammuz

* 27 June Morris Cohen 5 Tammuz

27 June Anne K. Bernstein 5 Tammuz

27 June Sara Grunfeld 5 Tammuz

* 28 June Irv Sonshein 6 Tammuz

28 June Eugene Allen 6 Tammuz

28 June Leon Harrison 6 Tammuz

28 June Betty Lipson 6 Tammuz

* 29 June Robert Sukloff 7 Tammuz

30 June Bert Karol 8 Tammuz

30 June Philip Gordon 8 Tammuz



E 2



The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Bereavement Services Offered to Congregants

Etz Chaim’s Chesed Committee will offer to provide meals of consolation to members. This meal is traditionally a dairy meal eaten by mourners upon their return home from the funeral. It includes whole hard-boiled eggs, symbolizing the continuity of life. This service provided by the Chesed Committee allows the family and friends who normally provide the meal to attend the funeral themselves and give the emotional support to the bereaved. Members attending out of town funerals, who sit shiva or hold a memorial service in Atlanta, will be offered a fruit tray.

Contributions made to the Chesed Fund will help to fund these services.

Please contact: Lisa Flagel—678-591-7950

Your cooperation please!

The disabled parking spots are reserved for the exclusive use of those with permits. These spaces are not to be used by anyone else at anytime. There is no parking under the Education Wing overhang. It is a fire code violation.

Family Member In the Hospital?

The rabbi has asked that you notify the synagogue office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or serious illness.

July Yahrzeits Memorialize a loved one with a Brick in our Holocaust Memorial Garden or a

Plaque on our Yahrzeit Wall. For information, please contact the synagogue office.

*Denotes a memorial plaque in our sanctuary to be lit on the day of the yahrzeit and on all Yizkor holidays.

* 1 July David Kaplan 9 Tammuz

1 July Sarah Krieger 9 Tammuz

1 July Sonia Rosenberg 9 Tammuz

* 2 July Phillip Morris 10 Tammuz

2 July Leonard Kornbluth 10 Tammuz

3 July Benjamin Karp 11 Tammuz

3 July Marcos Beker 11 Tammuz

* 4 July Albert Easton 12 Tammuz

5 July Bertram Greenberg 13 Tammuz

5 July Diane F Gilbert 13 Tammuz

5 July Lois Gordon 13 Tammuz

* 6 July Barbara Cohen 14 Tammuz

6 July Dean Coleman 14 Tammuz

6 July Josiah Leibowitz 14 Tammuz

6 July Lorene Shaw 14 Tammuz

6 July Roger Waterman 14 Tammuz

* 7 July Garry La Vine 15 Tammuz

* 8 July Arline Mandel-Friedman 16 Tammuz

8 July Elizabeth Sklar 16 Tammuz

* 9 July Edna Frankel 17 Tammuz

9 July Ana G. Sapoznik 17 Tammuz

9 July Betty L. Goldenberg 17 Tammuz

9 July Helen Avni 17 Tammuz

* 10 July Sidney Rothstein 18 Tammuz

10 July Irving Adelman 18 Tammuz

* 12 July Murray Steinfeld 20 Tammuz

12 July Barbara Festinger 20 Tammuz

12 July Bernard Friedrich 20 Tammuz

12 July Ellen Ullman 20 Tammuz

12 July Jayne Adair 20 Tammuz

12 July Marvin Goldstein 20 Tammuz

* 13 July Flori David 21 Tammuz

13 July Marcia Stone 21 Tammuz

* 14 July Arthur Robbins 22 Tammuz

14 July Allen Robbins 22 Tammuz

14 July Mildred Green 22 Tammuz

15 July Harold Greenberg 23 Tammuz

* 16 July Felix L. Rand 24 Tammuz

* 17 July Polly Boardman 25 Tammuz

18 July Irving Greenspon 26 Tammuz

* 19 July Howard Levy 27 Tammuz

19 July Jerry Pardo 27 Tammuz

19 July Margaret 27 Tammuz

* 20 July Robert Fruchtman 28 Tammuz

* 20 July Barbara Briks 28 Tammuz

20 July Alvin Greenberg 28 Tammuz

20 July Harriet Kaplinsky 28 Tammuz

20 July Michael Hersh 28 Tammuz

21 July Aaron Epstein 29 Tammuz

21 July Arthur Hoffman 29 Tammuz

21 July Morton Mandell 29 Tammuz

22 July Rosalind Klein 1 Av

22 July Suzanne Levine 1 Av

23 July Herman Peskin 2 Av

23 July Marshall Fay 2 Av

23 July Selma Barman 2 Av

24 July Alfred E. Isaac 3 Av

24 July Sidney Kamensky 3 Av

25 July Charlotte Friedrich 4 Av

25 July Susan Dermer 4 Av

* 26 July Eleanor M. Cohen 5 Av

* 26 July Sylvia Pomerantz 5 Av

26 July Charlotte Kramer 5 Av

26 July Rosie Riesenberg 5 Av

26 July Ruth Epstein 5 Av

27 July David Levine 6 Av

27 July Issie Katz 6 Av

27 July Mollie Lande 6 Av

* 28 July Pearl Stickgold 7 Av

28 July Joshua Lane 7 Av

28 July Rita Hoffman 7 Av

29 July Leslie Reicher 8 Av

* 30 July Phillip Kaplan 9 Av

* 30 July Susan Altfeder 9 Av

30 July Anna Rosenberg 9 Av

30 July Bella Lazerson 9 Av

30 July Edith Davis 9 Av

30 July Lois Ann Cohen 9 Av

31 July Arthur Ehrlich 10 Av

31 July Nancy Wetstone 10 Av





The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Mazal tov to the class of 2020!

2019-2020 Senior Class: Joshua Aronstein Tal Brill Shira Brown Noah Bruckner Grant Chernau Josh Cohen

Emilia Deino Tyler Dych Joanna Fairchild Lily Isbitts Carly Judenberg Joshua Karol

Jordan Mark Jordan McGrath Mollie Nadolne Rachel Nathan Aiden Okrent Hannah Wittenstein

2019-2020 Cool Cats: Halle Ackerman Drew Blum Roslyn Boudoin Ty Combs Jaxon Dombrowski

Zoe Fay Willa Goldband Anthony Haviv Harrison Hodgin Avery Levee Ella Levy

Harlow Lewis Ben Lugasi Tyson McColl Jordyn McPeak Remy Riznyk Omer Zafir

Supporting our Friends from Namanyonyi Synagogue in Uganda

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we provided the funds to assist them in providing soap to the community.


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Contributions processed from April 1 - 30, 2020


In blessed memory of:

Phillip Reiss Elaine and Jay Schwartz

In loving memory of:

Joseph Schwartz. We miss you, Papa. Elaine, Jay, Josh and Rachel Schwartz

Louis Olens Lisa and Sam Olens

Mel Intner Mindy and Jim Intner

our father, Richard Feibel on his yahrzeit Ron and Karen Feibel

my mother, Selma Kravit Shapiro, who devoted her life to her family, community and to the Children's Museum of Oak Ridge, of which she was the Executive Director for 30 years Susan McCarthy

In memory of:

Shirley Katz Andrew and Carole Kagan

Stuart Turner Ann Kaplan

Stuart Turner David Gibson

my father, Norman Cohen Doug Cohen

Stuart Turner with our deepest sympathy Elaine and Jay Schwartz

Dr. Leonard Goldberg, father of Robin McGrath Frank G. Smith III

Bertha Rothstein Gerald and Selma Bernstein

Laurel Tamkin, mother of Lisa Flagel. Offering our deepest sympathy to the Flagel family on the passing of Laurel Tamkin.

Stuart Turner. Offering our deepest sympathy to the Turner and Saffran families on the passing of Stuart Turner. Linda and Kenny Pollock

Stuart Turner Lisa and Sam Olens

Stuart Turner Marcy and Jim Solmson

Adele Effel, beloved mother of Felicia Berne Mindy and Jim Intner

Stuart Turner. Rest in peace, Stuart. Robert Imowitz


In appreciation and gratitude of:

Rabbi Dorsch and the wonderful way he has been leading his flock through this crisis. The extra hard work is greatly appreciated! It can't be easy to keep a community of almost 600 families united in spite of the social distancing!!! Walt and Esther Shultz

In appreciation of:

Rabbi Dorsch. Thank you for the tireless support you gave my family during my dear mom's passing. You navigated us through uncharted virtual shivas and helped us feel very connected to our wonderful Etz Chaim community. Felicia Berne

A wonderful, meaningful funeral service for my mother, Laurel Tamkin Lisa (and John) Flagel

In loving memory of:

Ellen Coltman Barnet Coltman

Zelda Ross Jana and Brad Ross

Lisa Flagel's mother, Laurel Tamkin Linda Diamond

In memory of:

Stuart Turner, Allison Saffran’s father Elaine and Larry Sandak

Meilakh Barshay, beloved father, grandpa and father-in-law. You are missed. You are in our hearts and thoughts. Love, Marat - your son Galina, Marat, Meylalkh Barshay

Stuart Turner. To Allison and the entire Saffran family, we extend condolences on the loss of your beloved father. May you all be blessed by your memories of him. Love, Grace and Ken Graiser

Our parents, Bella and Sam Kandel Louis and Mindy Kandel

Stuart Turner Martin and Ralda Reish

Allison Saffran's dad, Stuart Turner

Laurel Tamkin, mother of Lisa Flagel

Effie and Gail Spielman's mom, Pearl Spielman Luci and Stan Sunshine

my mother, Lottie Hartnig Richard Hartnig

Stuart Turner Stacy and Amir Efrat


In appreciation of:

Rabbi Lewis Judy Fineman


In memory of:

Irwin Sisselman. Dear Jayne, I had the honor of knowing your father and seeing the love he had for you and your family. He was a treasure; may his memory always bring a smile and peace in your heart. Love never ends; may it always be with you. Lynne Goldman Johannesen


In loving memory of:

Barbara Flagel's yahrzeit Lisa and John Flagel

my mother, Belle Goldman; my father, Ralph Goldman; my grandmother, Tessie Rosen; my grandfather, Jacob Rosen. Thought of everyday with love. Lynne Goldman Johannesen

In memory of:

Stuart Turner. Our heartfelt condolences to Allison Saffran and family on the loss of your beloved father.

Stuart Turner. Our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved husband. Laurie and Mark Lavinsky

your dear father, Stuart Turner.

your sweet mother, Adele Effel Lisa and John Flagel


In loving memory of:

my father, Paul Goodman Kent Goodman


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Contributions processed from April 1 - 30, 2020


In blessed memory of:

Irving Adair, loving father and grandfather whom we miss so very much Craig, Susan, Paige, and Cami Adair

In loving memory of:

my father, Isak Kanner. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Miss you, Dad. Edward Kanner

In memory of:

Stuart Turner, father of Allison Saffran Ian and Roni Robbins

Stuart Turner. May his memory be for a blessing. Marsha Shrago


In memory of:

Stuart Turner. Allison, we were saddened to learn of the passing of your father, Stuart. I enjoyed getting to know your dad and mom over the years and will miss our conversations with him. We wish you, Scott and the entire family comfort and peace at this difficult hour. Fondly, Jessica and Jeff Brown


In loving memory of:

Laurel Tamkin, mother of Lisa Flagel. May all your memories of your sweet mom bring you comfort.

Stuart Turner, father of Allison Saffran. May your wonderful dad’s memory be for a blessing.

Irwin Sisselman, father of Jayne Becker. May the wonderful memories you have of your dad and grandfather bring you comfort. Lots of love, Felicia and Warren Berne

Adele Effel, mother of Felicia Berne Kevin and Debbie Robbins

In memory of:

Stuart Turner, husband of Gail Turner and father of Allison Saffran.

Adele Effel, mother of Felicia Berne Joe and Lori Freeman


In loving memory of:

Sidney Rubinstein Sheila Rubinstein

In memory of:

Stuart Turner, husband of Gail Turner and father of Allison Saffran Randall and Adrienne Figur


In celebration of:

Dan Rabin's 70th birthday Larry Schaps and Judy Beckett

In loving memory of:

Laura Chartash. We always think of you. Love, Debbi, Randy, Jeremy, Kelly and Brian The Chartash Family

Adele Effel, mother of Felicia Berne Ellen and Billy Balser

In memory of:

Stuart Turner, father of Allison Saffran Daniel Rabin


In blessed memory of:

Ruth Kaye Judy and Allan Bart

In memory of:

beloved father and grandfather, Philip Reiss Darin, Lisa and Samantha Dubovy

Cynthia and Joe Feldberg, mother, father, Nana and Papa. Forever in our hearts. Love, Bob, Elaine, Mike, Sarah and Zack

Zelda and Milton Zlotin - Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa. We miss you both every day. Love, Elaine, Bob, Mike, Sarah and Zack The Feldberg Family

Philip Reiss, beloved father and grandfather Judy Lebow

Wishing a speedy recovery to:

Marsha Bernstein Ellen and Billy Balser


In loving memory of:

Arleen G. Taffel, loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister and teacher. We miss

you and think about you often. Love, Marty Taffel, Myles, Melissa and Mason Taffel, Alison and Marc Rabinowitz


In loving memory of:

Stuart Turner, beloved father of Allison Saffran Ellen and Billy Balser

In memory of:

Stuart Turner. So sorry for the loss of your husband. Sending you virtual hugs and love.

Adele Effel. Sending sympathy and love. Your mom/grandmother Adele was special and will be missed.

Laurel Tamkin, mother of Lisa Flagel. May your mom's memory bring smiles to your face.

Harold Zinsenheim. May his memory be a blessing. Sending love and virtual hugs.

Meredith Levy, dear sweet mom and grand-mother. Such an incredible person who will be so missed by many. May you smile through the tears and memories be a comfort.

Yetta "Nana" Eisenman on her yahrzeit. We love and miss you. Bonnie and Alan Silverman

Eileen Silverman on her yahrzeit. Sure do miss you Mom/Grandma E. Bonnie, Alan and Laura Silverman

Our dear, sweet Phillip Michael Silverman on his 13th yahrzeit. Send us a sign! We love and miss you so much, Phillip. Mom, Dad and Laura

Eileen Silverman. To my wonderful, adoring and beautiful wife. I miss you more than you could possibly know, and I will love you forever. Your loving husband, Bobby Bob Silverman

Phillip Silverman. Dearest Phillip, I think of you constantly and wear your memorial bracelet 24-7. I hope you have found Grandma Eileen and you and she are together. I love you, Papa Bobby Bob Silverman

Wishing a speedy recovery to:

Harry Maziar. I wish for you a 100% and speedy recovery. Just listen to your doctors and Sherry and everything will be ok. My thoughts are with you. - Bobby Bob Silverman


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Contributions processed from April 1 - 30, 2020


In blessed memory of:

Zalman Angster, beloved brother of Neda Gayle, Gwen Angster, Marlene Iris and Debra Koval, with our sincere condolences to the family. Myra and Arvin Goldberg

In memory of:

Leonard Goldberg, dear father of Robin McGrath. We are so glad we got to meet your dad and actually travel with him to Israel. May the wonderful memories of him live on forever in your hearts and bring you much comfort. Elyse and David Shaw

Louis Moskowitz, loving Father and Grandfather. Joey and Susie Moskowitz


In honor of:

The Preschool's wonderful faculty and staff and precious children. Love, Nana and Papa Arlene and Glenn La Vine

In loving memory of:

Irving Shapiro Adam and Saundi Shapiro


In appreciation of:

Amy Dorsch's lesson on Rosh Chodesh. Thank you. You were very engaging! May our "chutzpah" always be well-directed. Marsha Shrago

In loving memory of:

Stuart Turner, father of Allison Saffran. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Laurel Tamkin. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Ilene and David Levin

Adele Effel, mother of Felicia Berne. We are so sorry for your loss. May the wonderful memories take you all through this difficult time. Jayne and Andy Becker

my mother, Maxine Sisselman. My day begins and ends with thoughts of you. I miss you dearly. Jayne Becker

In memory of:

Stuart Turner, dear father of Allison Saffran. Sending you prayers for strength as you work your way through this difficult time. We are thinking of you.

Adele Effel, dear mother of Felicia Berne. Our heartfelt condolences to Felicia and family. May your loving sweet memories of her help ease the pain and bring you much comfort and strength. We know she will live on forever in your hearts. Elyse and David Shaw

Stuart Turner, father of Allison Saffran. May the sweet memories you have of your father keep a smile on your face and in your heart always. Jayne and Andy Becker

Robert Ross, beloved uncle of Fern Meharg Melissa Sklar

Wishing Mazal Tov to:

Lauren and Robert Gray on the birth of their grandson, Wyatt Harvey Booco Melissa and Don Sklar

SOCIAL ACTION FUND In memory of: Helen Shelkoff, loving mother and grandma. Woman of Valor, we miss you. Bernice, Bruce, Jenn, Aaron and Jason Mellman Stuart Turner. May his memory be for a blessing. Cindee and Al Sapoznik THE STEVEN KRODMAN MEN'S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP FUND

In loving memory of:

Stuart Turner, husband of Gail Turner and father of Allison Saffran. May his memory always be for a blessing. Our deepest and most heartfelt condolences. The Brill Family

In memory of:

Leonard Goldberg, beloved father of Robin McGrath. May his memory always be a blessing. With deepest sympathy.

Adele Effel, beloved mother of Felicia Berne. May her memory always be for a blessing to all that had the great fortune to know her. She was truly a gift to our Congregation and will be greatly missed and fondly remembered. Our thoughts are with you.

Laurel Tamkin, beloved mother of Lisa Flagel. May her memory always be for a blessing. A wonderful daughter, you gave her much care and comfort these last few years. She will always be in your heart. With our heart-felt condolences.

Pearl Spielman, beloved mother of Effie Spielman. May her memory always bring you comfort. With our heartfelt condolences.

Alan Goldsmith, beloved brother of Alisa Unger. May his memory always be a blessing. With deepest sympathy. The Brill Family


In blessed memory of:

Philip Reiss Judy and Allan Bart

In honor of:

Shannan Collier Stalvey's birthday Chuck and Marsha Bernstein

In memory of:

Stuart Turner Chuck and Marsha Bernstein

Please note:

The Voice of Chaim is produced one month prior to delivery. Donations received after the first of each month may not appear in the current issue. Thank you. We appreciate your Generosity.


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Publication’s Title and Number: Voice of Chaim ▪ Volume 44 ▪ Issue 6 Issue Date: June/July 2020 Frequency: Monthly Authorized Organization’s Name and Address: Congregation Etz Chaim ▪ 1190 Indian Hills Pkwy. ▪ Marietta, GA 30068


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Did you know…

You can make your donations online.

For step-by-step entry, go to:


For assistance, contact Lisa at 770-973-0137

Torah Reader Communications

We are in the process of restructuring how we recruit Torah readers here at Etz Chaim for Shabbat and Festivals. If you are interested in periodically reading Torah on Shabbat, Rabbi Dorsch would be interested in hearing from you!

If you are currently receiving the weekly emails looking for Torah readers and are no longer interested in receiving the emails, please contact Rabbi Dorsch.

If you are not currently receiving the emails and would like to be placed on our list to read Torah, please contact Rabbi Dorsch. Thank you in advance.

Rabbi Dorsch [email protected]

Wishing each of you a safe and healthy summer!


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Promote Your Business Here!

For advertising information,

please contact Bernice

in the synagogue office

at 770-973-0137

or by email at

[email protected]


The Voice of Chaim ▪ June/July 2020

Daniel I. Dorsch Rabbi

Shalom J. Lewis Rabbi Emeritus

Martin Gilbert Executive Director

Debbie Deutsch Director of Education

Heather Blake Director of Engagement

Steven Resnick Youth Director

Aram Blankenship Facilities Manager

Bernice Isaac Newsletter Production

Officers Linda J. Pollock President

Jamie Lyons Executive VP

Billy Balser Chief Financial Officer

Alan Lightstone VP of Fundraising

Harris Fogel Co-VP of Religion

Robert Gray Co-VP of Religion

Lance England VP of Education

Elliot Okrent VP of Communications

Dani Oren VP of Membership Services

Tamara Jacobs VP of Engagement

Allison Y. Saffran Immediate Past President and Parliamentarian

Trustees Bob Beer Ken Danis Esther Deino Linda Diamond Jeff Frankel Audrey Fried-Sheets Barry Gang Michelle Grey Lynne Johannesen Bethany Levee Leslie Lubell Helaine Mark Rob Miller Marnie Nadolne Angie Nothdurft Stefan Pollack Suzanne Rivchun Josh Schwartz Marsha Shrago Bonnie Silverman Melissa Sklar

Past Presidents Allison Y. Saffran Todd H. Surden Cheryl Cohen-Miller Scott Rittenberg Stephen Friedman Irwin Berman Bob Bachrach Judy Fineman Norman Radow Debbie Milstein Sue Rothstein David Witt Ken Schlenker George Pristach Richard Smith Allen Shulman Noah Levine Barry Forrest z”l David Tinkelman Ellis Abrams Stephen King

Organizations Melissa Sklar Fern Meharg Sisterhood Co-Presidents

Jeff Frankel Men’s Club President

Pnina Sasson USY President

Congregation Etz Chaim

1190 Indian Hills Parkway

Marietta, GA 30068

Synagogue Office 770-973-0137

Education Office 770-977-3384

Fax 770-977-0829


Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID Permit #433 Marietta, GA