voices on 3 d virtual interactive simulation

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People Voices on 3D Virtual Interactive Simulation

People Voices on

3D Virtual Interactive Simulation


Nekabari Visigah thinks

GIS Instructor / Technologist chez RSUST Port Harcourt3D interactive simulation will be a great addition to the teaching and learning experience. My experience in classrooms, that span almost a decade has shown that visual aids facilitate the learning process. 3D representations and aids will be a step further. This can be applied to the teaching of physical geography, an area most geography students consider alien.

Hamid Al Iriani believes

CEO at Inon Company LtdEducation is a field of never ending innovation and joy, which is for me the keyword! Do whatever you want to make the learning a joyful experience and you can enhance the outcomes. The word learning is often not used when people speak about education, but teaching is used, degrading the learners to a passive crowd.

Lorri Centineo says

Planning and DesignI teach in a 3-D venue. Holistic education beats single mode delivery any day. After all, it was the primary educational method for 99.99 percent of the human timeline. Some research, old and new, has shown that by exciting visual centers, more verbal and sequential centers of the brain are more highly activated / connected, which allows people with more long term memory and less short term memory to learn content.

Lorri Centineo confirms

Planning and DesignThere are successful models of using technology of dissemination of information geared towards maternal / infant health targeting impoverished woman even in developed countries such as Great Britain and USA. E-learning costs very little compared to paper and class-heavy days. Ive done budgets for both. Accessibility is a key. 3D demonstrations on maternal / infant health do teach women how to help themselves and help each other, and has been often and successfully used for staff training. In health care dollars, the net is huge (even in USA).

Fabien Szulanski thinks

Value Creation Facilitator / Mentor

Virtual worlds can be good for learning.

Anders L. Nielsen opines

Senior Lecturer at University of the West IndiesI certainly want my doctors to have practiced basically any procedures on a 3D simulator before trying it on a human for the first time. Any perforation we can avoid is win. Virtual world is merging with the real world when we move to robotic surgery. So absolutely lets get 3D virtual experience in our medical educational toolbox to reduce the number of amendable death that happens each year in healthcare around the world.

Andy Petroski on 3D virtual worlds

Director and assistant professor of learning technologies Harrisburg University of Science & Technology

Any time you can give employees the opportunity to practice and fail safely, it helps them become more confident.

Hughes Designing DigitallySerious 3-D games that rank players against comparable players often have higher degrees of interaction than other training methods.Embedded analytics tells us whats happening in the game, what players did right and wrong, improvement, who they met, where they went, routes they took, challenges they addressed.

Survey Results* Improve healthcare* Customer focused* Innovative * Result oriented* New employment

* Enhance existing classroom training* More relevant* Coping and matching reality* Resolve behaviour problems * Cost effective* Appropriate audience

* Lack of Knowledge and Potentials* Expertise availability * Technology oriented* Selected audience* Sustainability

Strategical ViewTraining RequirementsBarriers in organizations inhibiting 3D Simulation Training

The Entertainment Software Association reportsAverage player is 37 years old, and 43 percent of PC players and 38 percent of console players are women.Source: http://www.trainingmag.com/content/games-simulations-2013-3-dvirtual-training-dead

Cautions and CaveatsRequired learning to function in a virtual environment such as to build or select an avatar, learning virtual world etiquette, and becoming oriented to the space.Virtual environments require significant computing power and bandwidth to run smoothly, and many organizations find they must upgrade their hardware.Off-the-shelf computer, iphones and tablets, high speed internet, DSL at the least, some software installation are the barriers to entry.HTML5 will change the entire scenario at the end of 2014.Cost must be weighted against the cost of the problem to be solve, and the cost of not solving it.