vol. 23, no. 1

Vol. 23, No. 1 NJNEOA P.O. Box 567, Nutley, NJ 07110 Spring, 2012 N NE O A News Founded In 1965 J From the Editor Pg. 5 43rd Annual Conference Pg. 9 April Seminar Pg. 12 Commendations Pg. 14 www.njneoa.com

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Vol. 23, No. 1 NJNEOA P.O. Box 567, Nutley, NJ 07110 Spring, 2012

N NEOA NewsFounded In 1965J

From the EditorPg. 5

43rd Annual Conference

Pg. 9

April SeminarPg. 12

CommendationsPg. 14


Page 2: Vol. 23, No. 1

Since 2005, the New Jersey Narcotic Enforcement Officer’s Association has contracted with MIDWEST PUBLISHING, INC. for the purposes of fund raising. MIDWEST PUBLISHING, INC. has been serving the political, non-profit and charitable sectors since 1978. They are a corporation that utilizes the telephone as a means of soliciting monies for associations such as the NJNEOA. Currently they are used by the NNOAC as well as several other state narcotic associations.

If you are contacted by a representative of MIDWEST PUBLISHING, INC. soliciting funds for the NJNEOA please feel free to contact any member of the NJNEOA to verify the validity of the call.

Any contributions collected will be used to fund: the Drug Awareness Program, the Training Seminars, provide Drug Awareness literature in the communities, as well support the NJNEOA’s charities.

The NJNEOA thanks you in advance for any contributions made to the association through MIDWEST PUBLISHING, INC.

NJNEOA Fundraising

President’s Message .......................................................... 3Save the Date ...................................................................... 4From the Editor ................................................................... 5Awards .................................................................................. 6Executive Board ...................................................................7Counsel’s Column ............................................................... 8Conference Registration .................................................. 9April Seminar ...................................................................... 12Scholarship Program ....................................................... 15

We look forward to hearing from all of you and encourage you to send in your stories and photos. NJNEOA News is your paper and you have the right “not to remain silent” but to let me know what you want to see in it. – Al Camisa, Editor

To get your article published in NJNEOA News:1. Type your article (double spaced).2. Mail to: A.J. Camisa P.O. Box 567, Nutley, NJ 07110 Tel. (732) 925-1998 or e-mail [email protected]

Include your name, address, phone number, title and the organization to which you belong.

To submit photographs:1. Set your digital camera to “high quality” or “best” resolution and do not choose “resize” when e-mailing.2. Make sure photographs are sharp and bright.3. Type the names of all pictured, or accurately describe the action in the photograph. Do not write on back of photograph, except with non-reproducing pen or pencil.4. All unsolicited photographs and stories sent to NJNEOA News will be considered the property of NJNEOA News and will not be returned unless a self-addressed stamped envelope accompanies the material.






Dominic A. Spina 1965-1966Leonard J. Iatesta 1966-1967Donald J. Ebert 1967-1968Joseph A. Jacobi 1968-1969Robert R. Miller 1969-1970George R. Kell 1970-1971Thomas Dougherty 1971-1972Paul V. McKenna 1972-1973William J. Kennedy 1973-1974Joseph J. Delaney 1974-1975William F. Dietz, Jr. 1975-1976Philip Burger 1976-1977Jerome M. Rice 1977-1978Louis E. Grossi 1978-1979Joseph Fields 1979-1980Joseph J. Craparotta 1980-1981Walter R. Betyeman 1981-1982Thomas Monahan 1982-1983Joe DeBiase, Sr. 1983-1984Lucius Bowser 1984-1985Leo J. Uebelein 1985-1986Ken Dupuis 1986-1987Rodney Leone 1987-1988

Al Glover 1988-1989John Olock 1989-1990Jim Dougherty 1990-1991Anne Kreigner 1991-1992Frank Miterotonda 1992-1993Quinton Collins, Sr. 1993-1994Mike Agrifolio 1994-1995James Van Pelt 1995-1996Warren Hodges 1996-1997Al Katcher 1997-1998Joseph Krisza 1998-1999Vincent Modarelli 1999-2000Richard Vogt 2000-2001Vincent Moscaritola 2001-2002Al Camisa 2002-2003Kenneth Capobianco 2003-2004Daniel J. Muntone 2004-2005John Lazzara 2005-2006Joseph Braun 2006-2007Michael Corrado 2007-2008Andrea Craparotta 2008-2009Martin Lynch 2009-2010Samuel Calabrese 2010-2011


Look Inside

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As my presidency enters its final months, I would like to address some of the changes that we’ve made.

The process by which applicants are accepted as members of the association has been streamlined. Once the membership committee has conducted its check of the applicant, which includes verification of their em-ployment status, a recommendation is made to the BOD. The applicant is now a member. However, it takes ap-proximately one month to receive an acceptance letter. A request for online User ID and Password can be made at that time, granting access to the member’s area where a dues card can be printed.

Seven additional individuals from throughout the state have been appointed to the Board of Directors of the association. This will enable us to glean a broader range of opinions and ideas on the needs of the member-ship of the association and help to generate the growth of the association’s membership.

For over a decade, we have had a BOD member func-tioning as a liaison to the National Narcotics Enforce-ment Officer’s Association Coalition. Past-President Al Katcher served as that individual. But with his re-cent move to Kentucky, it was agreed that an associa-tion by-law should be drawn up to address this important position. The position of delegate to the NNOAC has been created and is the president’s appointment. The delegate’s responsibility is to form a relationship with both those in the Senate and Congress in an attempt to accurately gauge in what direction this country is going in narcotics enforcement. It is very important that the po-sition of delegate have some type of continuity. It is for that reason that the position has no term limit. As long as the individual continues to perform his duties diligently, he will continue holding the position. Should he fail to live up to expectations, or voluntarily step aside a new appointment will be made.

The delegate will attend the NNOAC semi-annual conferences. He furnishes the Board of Directors with a report of what discussion, concerns, upcoming legisla-tion and the direction being considered by legislature for the future of narcotics enforcement. Any important infor-mation will be passed on to the membership through our newsletter.

After serious consideration, I felt that Past-President Sam Calabrese would be best suited to fulfill the duties of delegate. Sam retired as Captain from the Springfield Police department numerous years ago. Being retired affords the ability to attend these conferences without conflict, which an active member might encounter with a

work schedule. Sam will also be assisted

by Board of Director Bob DiGenova who, as the Com-mander of the New Jersey Commander’s Association, will also be in attendance.

For the past several years, we have been negligent in making available training to our southern-west members in their region. In attempt to correct this, our Seminar Com-mittee is in the process of linking with the Southern Com-mander’s Association and it’s Commander Rosemary Parks, to co-host an upcoming training seminar.

I encourage everyone to take advantage of the train-ing being offered at the upcoming April seminar. If you haven’t registered as of yet, please do so.

In addition, regarding training, the 43rd Annual Train-ing Conference curriculum and schedule is available on line. Please peruse the agenda and consider being an at-tendee. Remember, as a member of the NJNEOA you receive an automatic discount towards your registration.

In the very near future we will be transforming the NJNEOA database to a technologically advanced system. You can read more about that in this issue’s Letter from the Editor on page 5.

Lastly, plans are in the works for this year’s Annual NJNEOA Beach Party. We are looking to visit Sea Side Heights at a location yet to be determined. Once final ar-rangements are made, all the particulars will be posted on the NJNEOA website and will be announced in the sum-mer issue of the NJNEOA Narco News.

I hope to see you at the April seminar.

President’s Message

By NJNEOA President Michael J. Barbato, Sr.

Executive Board elections

The NJNEOA will be holding their Board of Directors and Executive Board elections on June 5th at the 43rd Annual Conference. A member of the association, who is current and in good standing, interested in a position on either board, should contact the NJNEOA Nominating Committee in writing prior to May 15th, informing them of their interest in a position.

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The DateThe NJNEOA 43rd

Annual training Conference is

being held June 5th – 8th at the Atlantic Club Hotel and Casino (formerly the Atlantic City Hilton). There will be ten topics covered during the entire conference.

The first day will have two topics, “Investigating Gangs Through Social Networking and the Internet” and “Clandes-tine Lab Awareness”. They will be followed by the Annual Awards Luncheon.

The second day has four topics: “Narcotics Interdic-tion Investigations”, “Undercover Techniques”, “Narcotics Operations and Investigations” and “Date Rape/ Designer Drugs trends”.

Then day three will cover four areas: “Drug Awareness and Identification”, “Opiate Addiction”, “Bullying, Cyber-Bullying and Sexting” and “Gangs in New Jersey Schools”. There will be closing ceremonies along with a buffet recep-tion.

There is a registration fee to attend the conference, but active members of the association (members in good stand-ing) will receive a $45 discount. Registration must be made prior to the conference. Check out our website at www.nj-neoa.com to either: fill in and submit the “online” registra-tion form, download and mail in the “pdf” registration form, or fill out and mail in the registration form found in this issue of the NJNEOA News on page 9. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.


Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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The NJNEOA is going through a total revision of its website and database. To be a member of the NJNEOA it is mandatory that you supply us with an email address. Your email address is then utilized as your Login ID. Your original Password from our previous NJNEOA website will function as your password to this new website. Once you have logged on, you then have the ability change your password, should you choose, to whatever you select for future logins.

Only Members of the NJNEOA who are current in their dues are considered to be Active members and will have access to the “Member’s Area” of the website or be available to print their membership card. You will automatically receive emailed invoices from the database advising you in advance when your membership dues are approaching their renewal date. Remember, your membership dues expire on December 31st. If payment is not received and once your dues have lapsed, the database will automatically suspend your membership until payment is received.

I encourage you to take advantage of the “3 Year Dues” plan and to pay by Credit Card. By doing so, you will also receive a $15.00 discount. Those individuals whose Agency pays their dues by Voucher will receive a 60 day grace period. So it is imperative that you supply your Agency with a copy of the invoice that you receive by email ASAP enabling the Agency the capability to submit their voucher in a timely fashion. Those wishing to make payment by check may still do so using the Association’s PO Box which is: PO Box 567 Nutley, New Jersey 07110.

As soon as the new system is up and running, the NJNEOA will “NO LONGER” accept any type of Seminar/ Conference registrations or Membership applications via fax or mail.

By Al CamisaFrom the Editor

Once the system is functioning, All of the Association’s business will be conducted online.

You will have the ability to:

¾ Join the NJNEOA online (Activation of membership is pending dues payment.),

¾ Enter and change your profile online (that includes all your contact information),

¾ Pay your dues online via credit card,

¾ Print your own dues membership card online,

¾ Register for seminars online (In the Training section),

¾ Register and pay for the conference online (In the training section via credit card, payment by checks/ vouchers via mail/fax),

¾ Book and pay for your conference hotel room online (In the training section via credit card, payment by checks/ vouchers via mail/fax),

¾ Become an Advertiser/ Vendor/ Sponsor online and pay the appropriate fee (In the Supporters section via credit card, payment by checks via mail),

¾ View a digital copy of the NJNEOA Newsletter,

¾ Members will have the ability to access the “Directory” and view the Active membership of the NJNEOA. (Only: Name, Agency, Rank, Membership Level & Email are viewable to other members.)

Please periodically check the NJNEOA website to see when the new system has become operational.

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Credit CardThe New Jersey Narcotic Enforcement Officer’s Association accepts credit cards for dues payment, seminar and conference registration fees.

ProcessingSimply visit us

online, click on the

appropriate link

and completely fill

out the form.


NJNEOAThe New Jersey Narcotic Enforcement Officer’s As-

sociation recognizes several police officers and their departments during the year by acknowledging the

outstanding investigations they have conducted in the area of narcotic enforcement.

The NJNEOA will present these officers and their depart-ments with an NJNEOA Achievement Award at either one of the seminars the NJNEOA sponsors or at the Annual Confer-ence. No longer will all of the awards be presented at the conference.

In order to be considered for an award it is mandatory a detailed account of the specific investigation is submitted by a member of the NJNEOA for placement in the quarterly newspaper and on the Association’s website. It isn’t neces-sary the officers receiving awards be NJNEOA members. If need be, a generalized story omitting the defendant’s names and addresses will then be authored for use in the Associa-tion’s publications.


How To:The description of the investigation and all other particulars should be submitted to the NJNEOA atP.O. 202 Port Reading, New Jersey 07064 or e-mailed to: [email protected].


Established 1965 The NJNEOA

was organized to encourage mutual cooperation, discussion and interest in the problems

of enforcement concerning drug abuse; to exchange ideas and conduct seminars and conferences to educate those involved in the abatement of the illegal narcotic trade.

The NJNEOA is a member of the National Narcotic Officers Association Coalition. The NNOAC represents 35 member states at the national level meeting with legislators, members of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and several legislative committees. This enables state and local law enforcement issues to be heard by our elected representatives in Washington, D.C.

On the Cover:Honor guard and flag photo courtesy of NLEOMF.


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Executive Board 2011-12

TO ENTER the NJNEOA Cyber Shopping Mall go to:


The NJNEOA provides education and training to law enforcement offi-cers tasked with investigating those in-volved in the illegal drug trade. In or-der to fund that training the NJNEOA has partnered with over 1,000 stores in the NJNEOA Cyber Shopping Mall.

Each time a NJNEOA Cyber Shop-ping Mall store is visited or a purchase is made, a donation will be made to the NJNEOA.

These are the same web sites for the stores if you were to just Google and visit their site. The only difference is that if you enter their store through our link, your association receives a dona-tion on your behalf.

Please visit frequently and check out the weekly coupons/sales.


Michael J. Barbato [email protected]

Albert J. Camisa 1st [email protected]

Peter Simon 2nd [email protected]

John Sartori 3rd [email protected]

Vincent Moscaritola Financial [email protected]

Walter L. Braxton [email protected]

Eileen McGuire Recording/ Corresponding [email protected]

Frank Gennaro [email protected]

Jacquelynn Seely [email protected]

Theodore J. Romankow Co-Counsel

Terrence Farley Co-CounselOcean County Prosecutor’s Office (Retired)

Please feel free to contact any of ourExecutive Board

members for information about our organization.


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Counsel’s Column One More Thing to Consider

By Frank M. Gennaro, Esq. Deputy Attorney General,New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice (Retired)

United State Supreme Court Considers the Fourth Amendment Consequences

of Attaching a GPS Device to an Automobile

In January 2012, the United States Supreme Court decided United States v. Jones. That case involved a District of Columbia criminal case in which federal

officials installed a Global Positioning System device on the vehicle of a drug suspect. The ruling from the Supreme Court confirmed what we in New Jersey already knew, and what should have been expected—that the installation and monitoring of a GPS is a search for purposes of the Fourth Amendment.

This is one of those cases in which the government’s po-sition was dictated by the circumstances. While the drug investigation of Mr. Jones was going on, the government had no confusion as to whether a search was involved, as the federal agents applied for, and were granted, a Warrant authorizing the installation of the GPS tracker, which instal-lation was to be done in the District of Columbia within 10 days of the Court’s Order.

The problem was that the GPS was not installed until the 11th day and then, the installation was done in Maryland. The District Court denied Jones’ motion to suppress the evi-dence. The denial was based on established law which held that there is no expectation of privacy in one’s movements

from one place to another. Jones was tried, convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The Circuit Court reversed the decision of the District Court, holding that a Fourth Amendment violation had oc-curred.

The government conceded that the GPS was not installed in accordance with the Warrant. Faced with the prospect of losing the conviction, the government made the only argu-ment open to it. Namely, that the installation and monitoring of the GPS (for a period of some 28 days), was not a search and that therefore, the Fourth Amendment was not at issue.

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed with the Circuit Court. Justice Scalia writing for the majority, held that the govern-ment’s actions, by physically occupying private property for the purpose of obtaining information, were precisely the type of government conduct that the Framers had in mind when they wrote the Fourth Amendment.

The Court held that the government’s attachment of the device encroached on a constitutionally protected area. Thus, surprising no one, the Court held that the installation and use of a GPS is a search for Fourth Amendment purposes.

“The ruling from the Supreme Court confirmed what we in New Jersey already knew, and what should have been expected—that the installation and monitoring of a GPS is a search for purposes of the Fourth Amendment.”

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MEMBERSHIP ID #: ________________ RANK: _________________ FIRST NAME: ______________________ LAST NAME: ____________________________________ AGENCY: __________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________ CITY: ___________________________________ STATE: __________________ ZIP: _____________ AGENCY TEL. #: _________________________ HOME TEL #: ______________________________

PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX VOUCHER #: _____________ CHECK #: ____________ MO: ____________ CASH: ____________ MEMBER REGISTRATION : SINGLE - $265. ___________ W/SPOUSE - $340. ____________ NON-MEMBER REGISTRATION - $310. ____________ W/SPOUSE - $385. ____________ AWARD LUNCHEON TICKET ONLY (Tuesday June 5, 2012- 2:15 pm) - $80. ____________ SINGLE DAY REG W/LUNCH (Wednesday June 6, 2012) - $95. ____________ SINGLE DAY REG W/LUNCH & HOSPITALITY (Thursday June 7, 2012) - $135. ____________ HOSPITALITY RECEPTION (Thursday June 7, 2012 - 5:30 pm) - $50. ____________




(Thursday, June 7th Classes open to NJ Certified teachers and SAC counselors for Professional Development hrs)




Or register online @ www.njneoa.com/train/conference.html and pay by credit card.

If you have any questions, please contact VINCENT MOSCARITOLA at: Office #973-661-4362, Fax # 973-661-4807, E-Mail - [email protected]

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Tuesday –June 5, 2012

8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast / Conference Registration

10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Using Social Media to your Investigative and Technical Advantage 12:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Clandestine Lab Awareness

2:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Buffet Luncheon

Wednesday – June 6, 2012

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast

9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Narcotics Interdiction Investigations 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Undercover Techniques 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Lunch

1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Narcotics Operations & Investigations 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Date Rape/ Designer Drug Trends

Thursday – June 7, 2012

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast

9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Drug Awareness & Identification 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Opiate Addiction 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Lunch

1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Bullying, Cyber-Bullying & Sexting 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Gangs in NJ Schools 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Closing Ceremonies

Friday – June 8, 2012

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Training Conference Critique

12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break

43rd Annual Conference Update

The 43rd Annual Conference dates, theme and agenda have been finalized and this year’s conference committee is working feverishly to make available the most pertinent training for law enforcement officers during these times. The dates for the conference are June 5-8, 2012 and the theme is “Education and Enforcement: a Necessary Partner-

ship Needed to Eradicate Illegal Drugs.” It is once again being held at the Atlantic City Club Hotel & Casino and, just as last year, all members of the NJNEOA who are current in their dues prior to registering, are eligible to receive a $45 discount on their registration. This year, the NJNEOA is also inviting the New Jersey Educational System SAC counselors to attend Thursday’s training. A schedule of the upcoming conference is as follows:


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Deadline is May 15, 2012



Name: _____________________________________ Agency: __________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ________ Zip: ___________ Phone #: ____________________ Fax #: _____________________ Arrival: ______________ Departure: _______________ # of Rooms: _____ Smoking/Non: __________

Check-In Time is After 4:00 pm / Check-Out Time is 12:00 pm


PLEASE SELECT YOUR PREFERENCE Single (One Person, One Bed) $110.00 per night Double (Two Persons, One Bed) $110.00 per night Double / Double (Two Persons, Two Beds) $110.00 per night

*Address info must match what Credit Card company has on file* Credit card #: ____________________________ Exp. Date: _________ Card Type: _______________ Cardholders Name: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________

A deposit equal to one night’s room and tax is required to guarantee your room, if a credit card is not provided. Enclose Checks or Money Orders Made Payable to: NJNEOA

Please include your Date of Arrival on the Check

*Reservations received after the cut-off-date will be provided based on space availability, and may reflect non-group rates. Please mail or fax vouchers by May 15, 2012 Full payment is due prior to check-in.

Atlantic Club Hotel & Casino 3417 Pacific Avenue Atlantic City, N.J. 08401


PHONE: 973-661-4362 / FAX: 973-661-4807

Rates include: 9% Luxury tax,

1% State occupancy fee, 3.00 NJ room occupancy fee,

2.00 NJ Tourism fee

(The NJNEOA is exempt from NJ State Sales tax.)

Bed types & smoking preferences are subject to availability.

Guarantee your reservation

with a credit card

NJNEOAHotel Reservations

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New Jersey Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association P.O. Box 567, Nutley, NJ 07110

Tel: 973-661-4362 / Fax: 973-661-4807


Founded in 1965

TUESDAY - APRIL 17, 2012

@ The Middlesex County Fire Academy 1001 Fire Academy Drive Sayreville, N.J.

“Homemade Expolsive Threats and Clandestine Manufacturing Processes” Presented by Captain Robert Mazur - NJSP (Retired)

“Drugs and Thugs Presented by Detectives Sonji Powell & Stephanie Treadwell—Newark Police Department


CITY: STATE: ZIP: TELEPHONE: MEMBER ID #: E-Mail Address: Cost: Members & Non-Members - Free


N.J.N.E.O.A. / APRIL SEMINAR, P.O. BOX 202 PORT READING, NJ 07064 Registration 8 a.m. — 9 a.m. - Class is 9 a.m. — 4 p.m.

Questions: Contact A.J. Camisa, NJNEOA Seminar Co-Chairman (732) 925-1998

Recognized by New Jersey Attorney General’s Narcotic Action Plan

& New Jersey State Chief’s of Police Association

See directions on back cover

April Seminar

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Sayreville, N.J. 08872

Via the Garden State Parkway Northbound:Take Exit 125 (just after the Raritan tolls and before the bridge). At the bottom of the ramp turn left on to Chevalier Drive, then make the first on to Main Street (large church at corner). After ¾ mile take the exit for Kennedy Drive. At the bottom of the ramp turn right into the Academy.

Via the Garden State Parkway Southbound:Take Exit 124 (just after the Raritan tolls). At the bottom of the ramp turn right on to Main Street and after a few hundred feet make the first right on to Kennedy Drive. Stay on Kennedy Drive for 3/4 of a mile, through the traffic light, and straight into the Fire Academy.

From the New Jersey Turnpike North or South:Take Turnpike Exit 11 for the Garden State Parkway (GSP). After the tolls, bear left and on to the Garden State Parkway (GSP) traveling south. From the GSP take Exit 124 (just after the Raritan tolls). At the bottom of the ramp turn right on to Main Street and after a few hundred feet make the first right on to Kennedy Drive. Stay on Kennedy Drive for 3/4 of a mile, through the traffic light, and straight into the Fire Academy.


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2012 NJNEOABOD Meetings

March 20, 2012Connolly Station

Belmar, N.J.

April 17, 2012Central Seminar

Middlesex County Fire AcademySayreville, N.J.

May 15, 2012Middlesex Co. Fire Academy

Sayreville, N.J.

June 6 & 10, 2012Annual Conference

Atlantic Club Hotel & Casino3400 Pacific AvenueAtlantic City, N.J.

6th - 5:30 PM8th - 10:00AM

September 18, 2012Middlesex County Fire Academy

Sayreville, N.J.

October 16, 2012South Seminar


* All meetings are at 6:00 p.m. except those held on seminar days, which are then at 4:30 p.m.

** Conference meetings are as noted.

Joke of the Quarter - A game warden was driving down the road

when he came upon a boy carrying a wild turkey under his arm. He stopped and asked the boy, “Where did you get that turkey?”

The boy replied, “What turkey?”The game warden said, “That turkey you’re

carrying under your arm.”The boy looks down and said, “Well, lookee

here, a turkey done roosted under my arm!”The game warden said, “Now look, you know

turkey season is closed, so whatever you do to that turkey, I’m going to do to you. If you break his leg, I’m gonna break your leg. If you break his wing, I’ll break your arm. Whatever you do to him, I’ll do to you. So, what are you gonna do with him?”

The little boy said, “I guess I’ll just kiss his butt and let him go!”

Investigation Completed

On February 16, 2012, the Woodbridge Special Investigations Unit culminated a several weeks\ investigation with the execution of a Superior Court

search warrant upon an individual identified as Jermain Chavers and his residence located at 350 C Lafayette Road, Apartment 1B Menlo Park Terrace.

Several weeks prior, officers had received information that Chavers was distributing quantities heroin in the Woodbridge/ Metuchen area. That information, combined with several hours of surveillance, led to the granting of the search warrant for both Chavers and his residence.

As the officers approached Chavers, he was observed toss-ing several decks of heroin into a parked vehicle. Seized from the residence were an additional 588 decks of heroin, and sev-enteen thousand nine hundred and ten dollars ($17,910.)

Chavers was placed under arrest and charged with Posses-sion and Possession with Intent to Distribute CDS. Bail was set at $100,000 No 10%.

The NJNEOA congratulates the members of the Wood-bridge Police Department’s Special Investigation Unit on an-other successful investigation.

Good news for the good guys, bad news for the rest.

Commendations Corner

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To all NJNEOA members: The N.J.N.E.O.A. is proud to announce that once again, at this year’s 43rd Annual Conference June 5 - 8, 2012 the N.J.N.E.O.A. will be awarding its 12th annual N.J.N.E.O.A. College Scholarship Fund in the amount of

$1,000 each to qualified applicants. The recipients will be chosen by the Scholarship Com-mittee, and the awards will be presented at a special ceremony during the banquet held at the conference.

A Qualified Applicant Shall: Be a high school senior planning to attend a full time accredited college, beginning in the fall. Be the son or daughter of a full-time, sworn law enforcement officer who is a member in good standing of the NJNEOA. (good standing meaning dues paid). Be accepted to a full time four-year accredited college at the time of scholarship receipt.

Complete and return, in its entirety, the N.J.N.E.O.A. Scholarship application, no later than May 15, 2012.

Failure to complete the application in its entirety, or enclose requested information shall disqualify applicant from consideration.

NJNEOAScholarship Program

Deadline is May 15, 2012


can be obtained on the N.J.N.E.O.A. website or through Sam Giovia at (201) 678-3341, [email protected] or Robert Venezia at (732) 322-8775, [email protected] , they can then be mailed to:NJNEOA Scholarship P.O. Box 189 West Long Branch, N.J. 07764.

Page 16: Vol. 23, No. 1

National Police Week 2012

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Retail Center will be located one block from the Memorial at First Trinity Lutheran Church at 501 4th St NW, Washington, DC 20001. Visit www.LawMemorial.org/PoliceWeek for more information.

May 12, 2012 Police Unity Tour Arrival Ceremony2:00 pm at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

May 13, 201224th Annual Candlelight Vigil8:00 pm at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

May 14, 2012National Police Survivors’ ConferenceConcerns of Police Survivors9:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center (Registration is Mandatory)

Philly to DC Memorial Run12pm at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial 18th Annual Emerald Society & Pipeband March & ServiceNational Conference of Law Enforcement Emerald Societies, Inc.Assemble at 4:30 p.m. at New Jersey Avenue, & F Street, NW. Step-off promptly at 6:00pm. March will proceed to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

10th Annual Honor Guard Competition8:30 am at John Marshall Plaza, located on Pennsylvania Ave NW at 4th Street, NW

May 15, 2012NCIS/USMC Wreathlaying Ceremony8:00 am to 11:00 am at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

31st Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day ServicesFraternal Order of PoliceFraternal Order of Police Auxiliary11:00 am at the West Front of the United States Capitol

FOP/FOPA Wreathlaying Ceremony2:30 pm at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

May 16, 2012National Police Survivors’ ConferenceConcerns of Police Survivors9:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center (Registration is Mandatory)


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New Jersey Narcotic Enforcement Officers AssociationP.O. Box 567 Nutley, NJ 07110Tel: 973-661-4362 / Fax: 973-661-4807www.njneoa.com

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