vol. lxi. no, 28 ocean grove, new jersey, … · score. • ... home for aged plans birthday a...

Take inventory of your printed sup- plies.' If you need anything:, the Times stands ready to give you service. AND Till? BHOTIB TIMES One word ,cari tell the story ov com ,‘ inued business activity, iri the wra- munity-—Advertising. ; V VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1936 FOUR CENTS 5,000 ATTEND AUDITORIUM ON FIRST SUNDAY IN JULY Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo, of New York, Declares That God Anticipates Every Human Need and Is Ever Ready To Meet Emergencies. Revs. Sloan and Brock To Preach This From every disillusionment there is a path into the light. "Ev- en when death comes, there is a road to everlasting life,” the Rev. Joseph R; Sizoo, D. D., told .the Sunday morning congregation at . the Auditorium, Dr. SizOo is pas- tor..of St. Nicholas; Collegiate Re- formed church, New York, to which he was recently' transferred from: the New York avenue Pres- byterian church, Washington, D. c. :■■■ His text was Isaiah, 35: 8, “ A highway shall be there.” He open- ed "There is no finer quality o£ soul than thoughtfulness. Thought- ful people are ‘Saints of earth.’,. In the greatest darkness or disap- pointment, t he. greatest dreams have been dreamed.” ’ Thus he declared, when Isaiah wrote “A highway shall be there,” five times in one chapter he was intimating that God cannot bo caught off guard. God anticipates -every human disillusionment, Dr. Sizoo felt;: and provides for the emergency. For example, lie . said, the storm , that demolished the seemingly, invinci- ble Spanish armada, was sent by. God to meet England's, impending crisis. And the preacher saw God; too, in the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. Today,, tomorrow, and always . there will be a highway, built by God, he continued, and he added that what has proved true in re- ligion and history will also prov 2 , true in .individual human life. “There is always a way, an open’ door.” “God knew; that we would sin and. He sent us a Redeemer. God always lends His wayward child- ren home, through Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.” Preaching again in the evening, Dr. Sizoo made it clear that “The public ministry of Jesus began not with a vast congregation, but with one, lonely, unknown, unhonored person.” He also endeavored to bring out the facts that Jesus both enlarges one’s understanding of Him and. in- creases one’s usefulness to Him. His scriptural basis was John 4: 28, “The woman left her water, pot,” and the episode which that text recalls. The preacher reminded that in the space, of a. few verses, . the woman at the well addressed Jesus four times; First she called him VJew,” signifying contempt. Then “ Sir,” signifying respect. The third time she called Him “Proph- et,” showing she had already gain- ed confidence in, Him. The last time, she called Him “ Christ, Mes- siah," completing communion with Him; ; : v;;: < . X /v;-.:5w;V ii ,. It was Je3us' answers each time that so rapidly increased her un- derstanding of Him, the preacher went; on/ She represented four at- titudes towar^ the Christian relig- ion—‘contempt,’ respect, incredulity and, at last, submission. : The preacher closed his' sermon with the story of a sculptor who SCOTT.IS NOT NEW TO GROVE AUDIENCES Henri Scott, bass, baritone, formerly of the Chicago .'Grand. Opera company, who assisted in the patriotic music con- cert . at the .Auditorium last Saturday night, also sang at , both .the^morning and-tho ov- ' ening service- in the Auditori - um on Sunday and at the 1Young People’s-service, Mon- . day morning. Mr. Scott has sung before an overflow au- dience at the Auditorium liiaiiy. tirties. He took; part . in the philharmonic concerts tlmt were once heard here and also won special praise for the manner in ’which he sang the “ Messiah,” rendering: the bari- tone part of the entire work ■ without once referring to' the score. ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN Dr.; George W . Heaisoii President of. the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake fo r his last work INSTITUTION NEARS ITS -30th ANNIVERSARY Program Commemorating Day Will Be Held Next Wednesday^ Afternoon; Bishop Ifcichardson, ■ Dr. DeMaris to Speak. The thirtieth anniversary of the ■ u i Methodist Episcopal Home for the HOTEL OWNERS HEAR DR. HENSON TO CELEBRATE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY The Bancroft-Taylor Host Home; located at 71 Cookman avenue, Ocean Grove, the oldest '• national Rest Home in the United States. CAMPMEETING HEAD RE-! EDITOR HOUSTON iBANCROFT-TAYLOR HOME praises grove NEARS 40th ANNIVERSARY VIEWS GROVE' PURPOSES I AUTHORITY IN METAL TRADE OPENS 11IS HEART statue.of Jesus. After working on ^ired 63 Clark avenuo it some time,. her called in thp j solved w!th ?' HOLIDAYHCROWD BEST IN YEARS OCEAN GROVE EXPERIENCES BANNER WEEK-END Visitors From at Least 25 States Enjoy Rests Here; North End Runs Out of Bathing Suits. What Was said to be the great- est crowd at Ocean Grove since the financial panic thronged this re- sort over the week-end, the influx beginning, early Friday morning. . . Favorable holiday weaither . aided the occasion.' ' Tho crowd was so great at the North End bathing beach that the bath houses ran out of bathing suits and had to “break out” the. suits of the 1920’s,for the ladies. Those who had the courage to put on the suits with buttons up the front nnd a belt made a tremen- dous sensation, on the beach. A tour of main thoroughfares of the town, revealed that,of tb? nearly 4,000 cars here, there were represented at least 26 states and one Canadian province, proving that Ocean Grove’s fame is widely spread. . - -. The unusually large crowd was indicated also by the attendance at the patriotic music, concert in the Auditorium and at the .Sunday ser- vill be ob -i, k. i. 'tin. r i avi-.wti »*iui a special program at 5 ? Ii « th M ask«d - Home next' Wednesday aftcr- them whom the statue represon-jnoon; July 15 beginning three ted. They could not guess. .He j o’clock ; w ZES’ a JS ^•ili 0r’ IbuV 'V0 'ycc.k£: ■••Thiw' Will be addresses by Bisli- j, I t w ii v recognize, 0[, Ernest G. Richardson, of Phila- the woik Weeks of more w w k’ i.ieipHia and the Rev. F. A. De . °a ’-ed ,threm inA,J .lua Maris, Haddonfield. The Rev. ccognized Jesus Christ.; x,COn : Chamberain, New Brunswick The more genius we put into, district superintendent, will pre- life,t ie more usefulness to Jesus, sido arit| sillging will be in charge we will get out of it.” ' of Walter D. Eddowes. c, , rs m U.,e Auditorium; D,.. Alfred Wagg will open the font Sunday werein, memory of i program by reading the scripture ‘ Stt'ossburgarj.-a; lesson. Prayer will, be offered by foim ci Auditoiium usher, from his ' the Rev. A. L. Banse, Long Branch, .... ,, ,, and the Rev. A. L. Bansc, Long _ Congregations on this, the .first Branchy and the Rev. N , V.' Sar Sunday m July, totaled over 5,000. gent/Belm aiv Tin^niw °f i’ Following the program, a sup* S 'u ls? i’ •en P'r will be served at the Home scheduled to preach on the coming, fl.om 5 p. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday . morning, recently mat j __ with-an accident and will not'be . able to come here. The■ pulpit will i ^ HONOR TO SHELLEY be filled instead by the Rev. H ar-; , _. old Paul Sloan, former Camden ltouml * able Awards Prizes To district superintendent and at1 Two .Members ' present editov of the Christian Ad- vocate. Dr. Sloan is a member o f! Miss Elizabeth Moore and Dr. theCampmeeting association. In ‘ Lucia Grieve were prize winners the evening, the Rev. Thomas ; at Monday night’s meeting of the Brock, Trenton district superin-j pcean Grove Round Table, which tendeht, will preach. j was held at the home of Mrs, Jen- — _— _________ I nie Aschenbach, 5 Broadway. Spec- ial tribute was paid to the poet, W. H. M. S. SUMMER SCHOOL! Po"cf Bf Sh° ___ | Several members gave mterest- Annual Sessions At 6t. Paul’s ^ rePorts ?n current events. | There was a large attendance.. i The next meeting will be held July 20,. ;at the home of Mrs. Eli- Praises Fin'e . At-.; G raci o us H os p i - 11. .1. Houston mosphere and tality of Hotel Life and Finds Here One Source of Those Dy- namic Forces That Alone Gan Inspire a Law-Abiding Naliion. An.unsol ieited letter-'from' R./ J. zabeth :WilIs, 110. Main avenue. Civil Service Examinations July X3t18 -Inclusive The annual Summer School of Home Missions of the W. H. M..S: will, be held at St. Paul’s church ■July ,13-18. The' opening session Will be ? a. n v Monday, July 13. The United States Civil, Service i ne-closing session will be a get- Commission has announced open together meeting at the North End competitive examinations as fol Hotel Saturday evening at 8'. o’- lows: Photographers, .various CK> (grades and specialties, S>1,200 to The... faculty consists' of : Miss i %2,600 a year. Topographii; and Hannah Miller, teacher of Bible; I lithographic draftsmen, various Mrs. Dan B. Brummitt, teacher of |grades, .$1,620 to $2,600 u year. "Lists Popular Discussions Irving Crabiel announced yester- day that he lias outlined several popular subjects for discussion in his St. Paul’s church; school class, which meets at 9.30 every Sunday morning. The subject ior the coming Sunday is Out West.^ Others will be July 19, “Drive In; •July 26, “Are You Hungry?;’ August 2, “Two Kinds of People;’’ August 9, "Surface Prosperity;’1 August 16, “Did You Subtract That?” August 23, “The Tin Can and the Eye;” August 30, “Par- doned oiv the Scaffold.” . •■ Occan Grove Auditorium The preacher in the great Audi- torium, Sunday, July 12th, at 10.30 A. M., will be ■Rev. Harold Paul. Sloan, D. D., Editor of the Christ- ian Advocate, New York City. At 7.30 P. M;,' Rev. Thomas S.- Brock, D. D., District Superintendent of the Trenton District, will preach. — 28 text books; Mrs. Austin L. Prynn, leader of . junior work; Mrs, George W; Yard, teacher of methods.. MONDAY MUSICAL Inspectors of scales and weighing, $2,000 to $2,000 a year, Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. Full information may | be obtained from Mr. Bilms, Sec- SERVICE; rotary of the U. S. Civil Service ,, .... . , - .Board of Examiners, at tho Ocean i*lrs. Leos Meetings Held Daily jnjGrove post, office ’' Thornley Chaptel j 1 A special Monday musical ser-1 Bible Class Begins vice is a feature of. Mrs. Alexand- i The - Tabernacle . Bible. Glass, teo#s m^etmg .for. jiinior^^ boys !.which Vopened ;at 2,30. last Sunday and girls every morrting at 9 o’-1 afternoon; was; attendpd by about clock at Thornley chapel.; Adriana ‘ 125 people. Dr. Frank S. vLank- Young led last ; Monday's; service j hard, . Dean of Brothers' College, and- JeanlMiller wUl be in cha rgfe [ Drew - Uniyersity,'; taught the 1 es- of .next Monday’s service. ; .[son and answered several pertinent Awards to those who brought' Questions.' The ■ lesson for the com- the. largest number of new boys Iin^ Sunday is “Witnessing Under arid girls to the meetings ' were! Persecution;” Read Acts, 4:%5-12; mado to Donald Ketchain, Douglas{ and 1 Corinthians, 1: 21-25. Tiffany and Beatrice Jones. ’■ . , ’ . ■; ' ■ -v V. Ordinance Fixes Taxi Rates Asbury Park by ordinance iast week fixed the minimum charge for taxi rate from Asbury Park to Ocean Grove at 25 cents per passenger. The reason given for the ordinance was the many dif- ferent charges exacted by various taxi companies during the past; A fine of ?25 is provided for violar tion. . ; . I Large Attendance Enjoys Gct-To-; gelher Dinner; Told That Better Business Will Result ,1’rom Pres- < ervation of Ocean Grove’s Un- ique Character. •; V '. '• r “ Ueligious life' made Ocean! Grove and should be paramount. in J u place a3 unique as thii. Every -1 thing in Ocean Grove ought, to j bemi-and bow itself to that ideal.. i We propose to make that centraj, rl“ f fho^opp r“" ^ the ! Bible of the copper trade, is re- for further improvement of prop- erty here. “ Help nature beautify Ocean Grave,” he said. He showed how that would help business here. Tlie Campmoel ng Association has-a business interest, he remin- ded. This interest is not in any kind of personal profit, he con- tinued;. ;but .only for the sake of further improving the town. “Ev- ery dollar made, is ;put. back into the, improvement of Ocean Grove. And there are many ways to spend it.” ' Therefore, he closed, it is to the mutual interest of both the Camp- meeting Association and the Hotel Association to preserve the relig- ious ideals inherited from the founders. There . wore nearly 125 hotel keepers and their friends a t. the dinner, ^.‘ v Raymond R. Gracey, chairman of.. the Neplurie. to\vnship commit- tee, was the first speaker. Howard Hulick, pioneer shore hotel man, -extended the hand of fellowship to Ocean Grove, through Dr. Ilc-nson, telling , him, :“You have a, spot here that can’t be e- qualled in this broad land, of ours.” Howard Slocum, president of tht State liotcl association, j brought that body’s" grtetings'. and ack- nowledged the - part the Ocean Grove unit has played in state ac- tivities. Special Service Will Be Held At Home Next Wednesday Evening— Mrs. Brummitt To Give Address—Mrs. Yard Will Present “Love Gift.” Travel Group Meets Monday The Summer Travel Group will meet Monday afternoon at 2.30 at the Oceanic, corner of Beach and Pitman avenues. The first part of the program will be given over to paper travel in Egypt, with de- scriptions, pictures, maps, etc. The second part of the program will be in the hands of Mrs. Carolyn Hat- field, who will conduct the party through California. -The public is cordially invited. The group is planning to have its big, mid- summer entertainment the follow- ing meeting, when Mrs. Hamilton P. Fox will favor the company with her inimitable rendition of “The Green Pastures.” M. E. Home Amniversary Supper Fifty Cents The Supper at the M. E. Home, 5 to I P. M., W ed, July 15, on the occasion of the 30th" anniver- sary, is open to the public. The Home family extends a cordial in- vitalion to all. If you have never been in the Home, the experience will be an enjoyable one.— 28 Salvation Army Day-. July Salvation Army Day will be observed at the Holiness meet- ing in the Tabernacle next Tues- day morning at 10 o’clock. ...The leader, Dr, Dorsey N. Miller^jyill introduce several local Salvation Army officers, who will address the service. There will be special music. Albert . E. Robinson, jobbing carpenter,. and all kinds of roofs put on. 64 Heck avenue.— 15tf ’ VISIT Peg’s Kitchen, 51 Olin St., for Sandwiches and Beach lunches.— 28 . Pure Fruit Ices at the Big Dip. —25tf radiant pleasure and abiding satis- faction;” secondly because he ex- presses what the. Tints'believes is the central drawing power of this unique resort, its "Christian faith.” A Letter of Appreciation “Editor, The Times: “This is to express a word of appreciation for the charming natural beauty of -this famous re - sort, and also for the intellectual and spiritual advantages .which abound here at Ocean Grove, I have been, a visitor to this, attrac- tive place for many years, and it is a pleasure to note the. forward- looking spirit which animates those who wisely and ably manage and direct it3 affairs. . “I was' particularly fortunate to be here when Dr. Sizoo delivered his inspiring sermons in the Audi- torium. Those thrilling messages will live long in the memories of the thousands who listened to his earnest .words. , Emotions were then and there awakened which Will continue to vibrato in many hearts for years to come. “ The musical features of the program for this season also make a wonderful contribution to the success Of the various meetings. Mr. Eddowes, as musical director, is especially well fitted for this important function. His engaging :: Aiplea for cooperation iwas sent! exceptional talent cat by the Rev. George G. Dil-fi' ° ll,s popularity and worth, who .predicted big^\things ■ ' pi'°nounced success, for. Ocean Grove. . The speakers were introduced by. The Banci oft-Taylor Rest Home, > which is the oldest national home . of its kind nr the United States, will celebrate its 40th anniversary next Wednesday, July 15, with a special program. Beginning at 10.30 in the morn- ing and continuing throughout the day, there will be a sale at the home. Mrs. • Williani E. Thomson rs general chairman. •At 8.30 in the evening, Mrs. May Leonard Woodruff, national Cor- responding Secretary Emeritus of the W. H. M, S; will preside over an anniversary service. There will be a piano solo by Mrs. May Whit- ney Thompson. Dr. George W. Henson, president of the Ocean Grove Campmeeting Association, will give a few words of greeting and offer prayer. The speaker of the evening will be Mrs. Daniel P. Brummitt, national vice president of the W. II. M. S. Other addresses will bo given by Mrs. Kate S. Burnett, of tho Phila- delphia Conference, the last sur- viving . charter member of the Home’s. Board, of Managers, and Miss Helen Phillips, deaconess, of the New Jersey Conference., Miss Phillips will discuss the signifi- cance of the Bancrbft-Taylor Rest Home to missionaries and deacon- esses in retirement dr who are planning to. retire. William E. Thomson, treasurer of the Home for many years, will also address tho service. There will bo . a solo by Walter D. Ed- dowes nnd other musical features. Mrs. George W; Yard, president of the W. II. M. S. of the New Jersey Conference, will make the presentation of the Conference’s "Love gift" to the Homo. : Starting from a small beginning in 1896, with one bungalow as its only, equipment, the Bancroft- Taylor Rest Home always under the guidance of a benevolent, ac- tive Board of Managers, has: shown rapid growth. Its present: building at 74 Cookman avenue, which is comfortably furnished and well cared for, is annually a vacation haven for many mission- aries and deaconcsscs of the Meth- odist church. The present president of the Board of Managers is Mrs. Mary E. Stout, who has been; identified with the Home’s management for. many years. The only other rest home in the country that stays open all year' round is the one at Pasadena, Cal. RARE OLD PHOTOGRAPHS BROUGHT OUT FOR CONTEST toastmaster Onsville J. Moulton, supervising principal of the Nep- tune township schools. In charge of the. early part of the program was James P. Dunn, president of the Hotel Association, who intro- duced several notables.. Another thing one cannot fail to notice is the , fiiie atmosphere of gracious hospitality which per- vades hotel life in.-Ocean Grove. It. is my good, fortune.to be a guest at the Arlington Hotel. Here one finds ideal • surroundings, .fine friendships as well as exquisite arrangements for the comfort of ■guests.:: t'; “I have visited many summer re- Tho program . was also greatly enhanced by the musical selections, .............................. *- v both quartets and solos, by Ray-: ’ j'ut Ocean Grove has a pe- mond Manlcy/lialph Dutton, Ray- j blending of-numerous at- mond Bartlett and William Young. 1 w,hlc >. brings radiant Clarence Kohlmann served as a e -ig 'T i satisfaction, eompanist. j Suchplaces are needed m the A sumptuous broiled chicken j SrBnl 'v0>'ItI of busy people where dinner, with all the accessories, i « Physical and was seiwed the company. P: . e. niajcs Get Copy of Coaistitution Free The United States Patriotic So- ciety, a non-profit, .-non-political organization, pledged only to our country, ; its. constitution and its principles, and founded in 1899, is planning, to organize a local cliapter in Ocean Grove and As- bury Park sometime this summer. A copy of tho constitution of the United , States may be obtained without charge by simply writing to tho home office, 11 East 44th street, New. York City. Evans to Lead Music William Evans will be the song leader' at the Beach Meeting at the foot of Ocean Pathway; Sun-, day evening at eight o’clock, it was announced this; week - by Bleecker Stirling, lead of the meet- ing. Mrs. Stirling will play the organ and Walter Eddowes, Jr., tho trumpet Dr. and Mrs. Dorsey Miller aro. to render vocal selec- tions the coming Sunday evening. tic Atlantic rolls in refreshing waves upon one of the finest beaches in the world. “From this place go forth those dynamic forces of Christian faith and lovo which alone can enable an individual or nation worthily to fulfill their God-given mission. The highest praise and commenda- tion is therefore due to Dr. Hen- son and the Association for their constructive efforts to make and keep Ocean Grove such a beauti- ful nnd charming resort.” R. J. Houston The Arlington Hotel July 7, 1936 9t. Paul’s Church Church school, 9.30 n. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.; midweek service, Wednesday, 7.45 p. m. In. Summer— Go To Churcli -24-37 Optomctrist-Opticion. Don’t neglect your eyes. Dr. Josoph F. Heine. 618 Cookman Ave.. A. P. Tel. 154 One of the most fascinating exhibits around the North Jer- sey Shore is the Old Picture exhibit und Contest being held at the Steinbaeh-Kresge de- partment store, Asbury Park. Dozens of photographs that haven’t seen the light of day for twenty or thirty years have been - salvaged from trunks and attics and brought in to the first floor studio, w h e re entries' are being made . .in a contest to find the most interesting old picture submit- ted. All photographs are as- sembled in the studio and arc on display there-. At the close of the exhibit, July 18, the three most interesting old pic- tures wilT bo selected by the following judges; Miss E. Sue Montague, Harold M. Canning, and Robert Tompkins. Valua- ble prizes will bj awarded. OLD TIMER VISITS HERE R. C. Russell Is Guest of Joseph C. . Jackson on 4th R. C. Russell, who operated a grocery store at 52 Olin street from 1898 to 1902 and left the latter year to join the staff of the Methodist Board of Church Exten- sion, visited Josoph C. Jackson, 116 Abbott avenue, and other old acquaintances over the Fourth. At one time lie kept as many as 24 delivery wagons going during the season. Mr. Russell is still travel- ing for the church extension board out of the Philadelphia office and resides in Chicago, 111, In his travels Mr. Russell covers the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma and says thut the whole middle west is swinging over- whelming to Landon in the com- ing presidential campaign. Gibson Greeting Cards for all occasions, including five cent se- lections. Openshaw’s, (i0 Main Ave. — 15tf. -• ... : " , Y ■ ■■■ Cut Rate Drugs. Buy youi cut Why go.out of town?— 13 adv. GROVE ANGLERS ORGANIZE GLUB CASTING CONTEST WILL BE AUGUST 8 ... ________^ - .<. I Evans Whyttf Heads Organization; Gravatt Lands 12 Pound Bans; Kings, Fluke Biting. "Several valuable- prizes have, already been veteived as awards in the casting tournament to be held by the Ocean Grove Fishing Club, August 8, at the Fletcher Lake Field, near the .South Emi. The club met Monday evening at the Eureka Club headquarters and elected the following officers: president,. Evans T. Whyte, 44 Central avenue;, treasurer, Chester Gravatt; secretary, Richard T. Clark; ' Clark is also on the com- ; mittce in charge, of . the casting tournament- and is . being assisted by Clyde Packard, Albert Robin- son, Christopher Brooks, Raymond Hall and Robert Clare. The club elected the following to honorary membership: William E. Thomson, Frank L, Thomson and Police Chref William C. Cat- ley. - - Saturday night, surffishing from the beach at the foo of Main iver.ue, Chet Gravatt hooked and brought in a 12 pound striped bliss. He was using soft ealicco crab for bait. On the piers this week, catches of fluke and king-fish have been numerous, and with continued warm weather and choppy water, ; catches of weak-fish and blues are prophesied for the near future. Foley Wins $100 Ring By virtue of h*is winning second honors in a popularity contest con- ducted by the Elks in this vicinity the past, several weeks; Officer Jack Foley, of the Ocean Grove police department, and whose homo 13 GG Lake avenue, became the win- ner of a handsome $100 diamond ring. The contest was held in. con- nection . with the Elks “ Covered Wagon. Days” which closed last Thursday night at the A.sbury : Park Elks home.

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Page 1: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION

Take inventory o f your printed sup­plies.' I f you need anything:, the

Times stands ready to giveyou service.


One word ,cari tell the story ov com , ‘ inued business activity, iri the w ra -

■ m unity-—Advertising. ; V



Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo, of New York, Declares That God Anticipates Every Human Need and Is Ever Ready To Meet Emergencies. Revs. Sloan and Brock To Preach This

From every disillusionment there is a path into the light. "E v ­en when death com es, there is a road to everlasting life ,” the Rev. Joseph R; Sizoo, D. D., told .the Sunday m orning congregation at

. the Auditorium , Dr. SizOo is pas­tor..o f St. N icholas; Collegiate Re­form ed church, N ew York, to which he was recently ' transferred from : the N ew Y o rk avenue Pres­byterian church, W ashington, D.c . :■■■

H is text was Isaiah, 35: 8, “ A highw ay shall be there.” He open­ed "T here is no finer quality o£ soul than thoughtfulness. Thought­fu l people are ‘Saints o f earth.’ , . In the greatest darkness or disap­pointment, t he. greatest dreams have been dreamed.”

’ Thus he declared, when Isaiah wrote “ A highw ay shall be there,” five times in one chapter he was intim ating that God cannot bo caught o f f guard.

God anticipates -every human disillusionment, Dr. Sizoo fe lt;: and provides fo r the em ergency. For exam ple, lie . said, the storm , that demolished the seemingly, invinci­ble Spanish armada, was sent by. God to m eet England's, impending crisis. And the preacher saw God; too , in the defeat o f Napoleon at W aterloo.

Today,, tom orrow , and always . there will be a highway, built by

God, he continued, and he added that what has proved true in re­ligion and history w ill also p rov 2 , true in .individual human life. “ There is always a w ay, an open’ door.”

“ God knew ; that w e would sin a n d . He sent us a Redeemer. God always lends His wayward child­ren home, through Jesus Christ, H is only Son, our Lord.”

Preaching again in the evening, Dr. S izoo made it clear that “ The public m inistry o f Jesus began not with a vast congregation, but with one, lonely, unknown, unhonored person.”

He also endeavored to b ring out the facts that Jesus both enlarges one’s understanding o f Him and. in­creases one’s usefulness to Him.

H is scriptural basis was John

4: 28, “ The wom an left her water, pot,” and the episode which that text recalls.

The preacher reminded that in the space, o f a. fe w verses, . the woman at the well addressed Jesus four times; F irst she called him VJew,” sign ifying contem pt. Then “ Sir,” s ign ify ing respect. The third time she called Him “ Proph­et,” showing she had already gain­ed confidence in, Him. The last time, she called Him “ Christ, Mes­siah," com pleting communion with H im; ; •: v ;;: < . X /v;-.:5w;V i i,. It was Je3us' answers each time that so rapidly increased her un­derstanding o f Him, the preacher went; o n / She represented fou r at­titudes tow a r^ the Christian re lig ­ion—‘contem pt,’ respect, incredulity and, at last, submission.: The preacher closed h is ' sermon

with the s tory o f a sculptor who


Henri Scott, bass, baritone, form erly o f the Chicago .'Grand. Opera com pany, who assisted in the patriotic music con­cert . at the .A uditorium last Saturday night, also sang at

, both .the^morning and-tho ov- ' ening service- in the Auditori­um on Sunday and at the

1 Young People’s -serv ice , M on- . day m orning. Mr. Scott has sung before an overflow au­dience at the Auditorium liiaiiy. tirties. He took ; part . in t h e philharmonic concerts tlmt were once heard here and also won special praise fo r the manner in ’which he sang the “ Messiah,” rendering: the bari­tone part o f the entire w ork ■ without once referring to' the score. • . . .



Dr.; George W . Heaisoii President o f . the Ocean Grove

C am p Meeting Association;

chose to imake f o r his last work



Program Commemorating Day W ill Be Held Next Wednesday^ A fternoon ; Bishop Ifcichardson, ■ Dr. DeMaris to Speak.

The thirtieth anniversary o f the ■ u i Methodist Episcopal Home fo r the



T h e B ancroft-Taylor Host Home; located at 71 Cookman avenue, Ocean Grove, the oldest '• national Rest Home in the United States.





sta tu e .o f Jesus. A fter working on ^ired 63 Clark avenuo it some time,. her called in thp j solved w!th ? '



B A N N E R W E E K -E N D

V isitors From at Least 25 States E njoy Rests H ere; N orth End Runs Out o f Bathing Suits.

W hat Was said to be the great­e s t crowd at Ocean Grove since the financial panic thronged this re­sort over the week-end, the influx beginning, early F riday m orning. .

. Favorable holiday weaither . aided the occasion.' '

Tho crow d was so great at the N orth End bathing beach that the bath houses ran out o f bathing suits and had to “ break out” the. suits o f the 1920’s , f o r the ladies. Those who had the courage to put o n the suits with buttons up the fron t nnd a belt m ade a trem en­dous sensation, on the beach.

A tour o f main thoroughfares o f the town, revealed t h a t ,o f tb ? nearly 4,000 cars here, there were represented at least 26 states and one Canadian province, proving that Ocean Grove’s fam e is w idely spread. . - -.

The unusually large crowd was indicated also by the attendance at the patriotic music, concert in the Auditorium and at the .Sunday ser-

vill be ob-i, k . i. ' t i n . r i avi-.wti »*iu i a sp ecia l p ro g ra m at

5 ? I i « th M a sk «d - H om e n e x t ' W ednesday a f t c r -them w hom th e s ta tu e r e p r e s o n - jn oon ; J u ly 15 beg in n in g th ree ted. T hey cou ld n ot gu ess. .H e j o ’c lo ck ; wZ E S ’ a JS ^•ili 0 r ’ IbuV ' V0 'ycc.k£: ■••Thiw' Will be addresses by Bisli- j, I t w i i v recogn ize, 0[, Ernest G. Richardson, o f Phila- the w oik W eeks o f more w w k ’ i.ieipHia and the Rev. F. A . De

. ° a ’-ed ,threm inA, J . lua Maris, Haddonfield. The Rev. ccognized Jesus C hrist.; x,COn : Chamberain, New Brunswick

The m ore genius we put in to , district superintendent, will pre- l i f e , t ie more usefulness to J esu s , sido arit| sillging will be in charge we will get out o f it.” ' o f W alter D. Eddowes.

c , , rs m U.,e Auditorium ; D ,.. A lfred W agg will open the font Sunday w e r e in , m em ory o f i program by reading the scripture

‘ Stt'ossburgarj.-a; lesson. Prayer will, be offered by fo im c i A uditoiium usher, from his ' the Rev. A . L. Banse, Long Branch,

„ .... , , ,, and the Rev. A . L. Bansc, Long_ Congregations on this, the .first Branchy and the R ev. N , V .' SarSunday m July, totaled over 5,000. g ent /B e lm a ivT i n ^ n i w ° f i ’ F ollow ing the program , a sup*S ' u l s ? ’ i ’ •en P 'r will be served at the Homescheduled to preach on the com in g , fl.om 5 p. m. to 7 p. m.Sunday . m orning, recently mat j _ _w ith -an accident and will n o t 'b e .able to com e here. T h e ■ pulpit will i ^ HONOR TO SH ELLEY be filled instead by the Rev. H a r - ; , _ .old Paul Sloan, form er Camden ltouml * able Awards Prizes To district superintendent and a t 1 T w o .Members 'present editov o f the Christian A d ­vocate. Dr. Sloan is a m ember o f ! Miss Elizabeth Moore and Dr.the Campmeeting association. In ‘ Lucia Grieve were prize winnersthe evening, the Rev. T h om as ; at Monday night’s m eeting o f the Brock, Trenton district superin-j pcean Grove Round Table, which tendeht, will preach. j was held at the home o f M rs, Jen-• — _ — • ■ _________ I nie Aschenbach, 5 Broadway. Spec­

ial tribute w as paid to the poet,W. H. M. S. SUM M ER SC H O O L ! Po"cf B f Sh° „_ _ _ | Several members gave m terest-Annual Sessions A t 6t. Paul’s ^ rePorts ?n current events.

| There was a large attendance..• i The next m eeting will be held

July 20,. ;at the home o f Mrs. E li-

Praises Fin'e . At-.; G raci o u s H os p i -

11. .1. Houston mosphere and tality o f H otel Life and Finds Here One Source o f Those D y­namic Forces That A lone Gan Inspire a Law-Abiding Naliion.

A n .u nsol ieited letter-'from ' R ./ J .

zabeth :WilIs, 110. Main avenue.

Civil Service Examinations

July X3t18 -Inclusive

The annual Summer School o f Home M issions o f the W . H. M ..S : will, be held at St. Paul’s church

■July ,13-18. The' opening sessionWill be ? a. n v Monday, July 13. The United States Civil, Servicei ne-closing session w ill be a get- Commission has announced open together m eeting at the North End com petitive examinations as fo l Hotel Saturday evening at 8'. o ’- low s: Photographers, .various

CK> (grades and specialties, S>1,200 toThe... facu lty consists' o f : Miss i %2,600 a year. Topographii; and

Hannah Miller, teacher o f B ible; I lithographic draftsm en, various Mrs. Dan B. Brummitt, teacher o f | grades, .$1,620 to $2,600 u year.

"Lists Popular DiscussionsIrving Crabiel announced yester­

day that he lias outlined several popular subjects fo r discussion in his St. Paul’s church; school class, which meets at 9.30 every Sunday m orning. The subject io r the com ing Sunday is Out West.^ Others w ill be July 19, “ Drive In ;

•July 26, “ A re You H u n g r y ? ; ’ A ugust 2, “ T w o Kinds o f P eop le ;’ ’ August 9, "Su rface P rosp erity ;’1 A ugust 16, “ Did Y ou Subtract T h a t?” A u gu st 23, “ The Tin Can and the E y e ;” A ugust 30, “ Par­doned oiv the S caffold .” .

• ■ Occan Grove AuditoriumThe preacher in the great Audi­

torium , Sunday, Ju ly 12th, at 10.30 A . M., will be ■ Rev. Harold Paul. Sloan, D. D., Editor o f the Christ­ian A dvocate, New Y ork City. A t 7.30 P . M;,' Rev. Thomas S.- Brock, D. D., D istrict Superintendent o f the Trenton District, will preach. — 28 •

text books; Mrs. Austin L. Prynn, leader o f . junior w ork ; M rs, George W ; Yard, teacher o f m eth ods..


Inspectors o f scales and weighing, $2,000 to $2 ,0 0 0 a year, Bureau o f Animal Industry, Department o f A griculture. Full inform ation m ay

| be obtained from M r. Bilms, Sec- S E R V IC E ; rotary o f the U. S. Civil Service

, , • ■ .... . , - .B oard o f Exam iners, a t tho Oceani*lrs. L e o s M eetings Held Daily jn jG ro v e post, o ff ice ’ '

Thornley Chaptel j “ 1A special M onday musical ser-1 Bible Class Begins

vice is a feature of. Mrs. A lexand- i The - Tabernacle . Bible. Glass, t e o #s m ^etm g .for. jiinior^ boys !.which Vopened ; at 2,30. last Sunday

and girls every morrting at 9 o ’-1 afternoon; w a s ; attendpd by about clock at Thornley chapel.; Adriana ‘ 125 people. Dr. Frank S. v Lank- Y oung led last ; Monday's; service j hard, . Dean o f B rothers' College, and- JeanlM iller wUl be in cha rgfe [ D rew - U n iyersity ,'; taught the 1 es- o f .next M onday’s service. ; .[son and answered several pertinent■ A wards to those who brought' Questions.' T he ■ lesson fo r the com - the. largest number o f new boys I in^ Sunday is “ W itnessing Under arid girls to the meetings ' w e re ! Persecution;” R ead A cts, 4 :%5-12; mado to Donald Ketchain, D ouglas{ and 1 Corinthians, 1: 21-25.T iffa n y and Beatrice Jones. ’■ . , ’ . ■; ■ ' ■ - v V .

Ordinance F ixes Taxi RatesA sbury Park b y ordinance iast

week fixed the minimum charge fo r taxi rate from Asbury Park to Ocean Grove at 25 cents per passenger. The reason given fo r the ordinance was the m any d if­fe r e n t charges exacted by various taxi companies during the past; A fine o f ?25 is provided fo r violar tion. . ; .

ILarge Attendance Enjoys G c t-T o -;

gelher Dinner; Told That Better Business W ill Result ,1’ rom Pres- < ervation o f Ocean Grove’s Un­ique Character. •;

V '. '• r“ Ueligious l i f e ' made Ocean!

Grove and should be paramount. in J u place a3 unique as thii. Every -1 thing in Ocean Grove o u g h t , to jbem i-and bow itself to that ideal.. ™ iW e propose to make that centraj, rl “ f f h o ^ o p p r“ " ^ the

! Bible o f the copper trade, is re-

fo r further improvement o f prop­erty here. “ Help nature beautify Ocean Grave,” he said. He showed how that would help business here.

Tlie Campmoel ng Association has-a business interest, he remin­ded. This interest is not in any kind o f personal profit, he con­tinued;. ;but .only fo r the sake o f further im proving the town. “ E v­ery dollar made, is ;put. back into the, im provem ent o f Ocean Grove.And there are many ways to spend it.” •'

Therefore, he closed, it is to the mutual interest o f both the Camp- m eeting A ssociation and the Hotel A ssociation to preserve the re lig ­ious ideals inherited from the founders.

There . wore nearly 125 hotel keepers and their friends a t . the dinner, ^ .‘ v ■

Raym ond R. Gracey, chairman o f.. the N eplurie. to\vnship com m it­tee, was the first speaker.■ Howard Hulick, pioneer shore hotel man, -extended the hand of fellow ship to Ocean Grove, through Dr. Ilc-nson, telling , him, :“ You have a, spot here that can ’t be e- qualled in this broad land, o f ours.”

Howard Slocum, president o f tht State liotcl association, j brought that body ’s" g r te t in g s '. and ack­nowledged the - part the Ocean Grove unit has played in state ac­tivities.

Special Service Will Be Held At Home Next Wednesday Evening— Mrs. Brummitt To Give Address— Mrs. Yard Will Present “Love Gift.”

Travel Group Meets MondayThe Summer Travel Group will

meet M onday afternoon at 2.30 at the Oceanic, corner of Beach and Pitman avenues. The first part o f the program will be given over to paper travel in E gypt, with de­scriptions, pictures, maps, etc. The second part o f the program will be in the hands o f Mrs. Carolyn H at­field, who will conduct the party through California. -The public is cordially invited. The group is planning to have its b ig , mid­sum mer entertainment the fo llow ­ing m eeting, when M rs. Hamilton P. F ox w ill fa vor the com pany with her inim itable rendition o f “ The Green Pastures.”

M . E. Hom e Amniversary Supper F ifty Cents

The Supper at the M . E . Home, 5 to I P . M ., W e d , July 15, on the occasion o f the 30th" anniver­sary, is open to the public. The Hom e fam ily extends a cordial in- v ita lion to all. I f you have never been in the Home, the experience will be an enjoyable one.— 28

• Salvation A rm y Day-.July Salvation A rm y Day will

be observed at the Holiness m eet­ing in the Tabernacle next Tues­d a y m orning at 10 o ’clock. ...The leader, D r, D orsey N . M iller^jyill introduce several local Salvation A rm y officers , who will address the service. There w ill be special m usic.

Albert . E. Robinson, jobbing carpenter,. and all kinds of roofs put on. 64 Heck avenue.— 15tf

•’ V IS IT P eg ’s Kitchen, 51 O lin St., f o r Sandwiches and Beach lunches.— 28 ■ ■.

Pure Fruit Ices at the B ig Dip. — 25tf

radiant pleasure and abiding satis­fa ct ion ;” secondly because he ex­presses what the. T in ts 'b e lie v e s is the central drawing pow er o f this unique resort, its "Christian faith.”

A Letter o f Appreciation

“ Editor, The Tim es:“ This is to express a word o f

appreciation fo r the charming natural beauty o f -this fam ous re ­sort, and also fo r the intellectual and spiritual advantages .which abound here at Ocean Grove, I have been, a visitor to this, a ttrac­tive place f o r many years, and it is a pleasure to note the. forw ard- looking spirit which animates those who w isely and ably manage and direct it3 affairs.. “ I w as' particularly fortunate to

be here when Dr. S izoo delivered his inspiring sermons in the A udi­torium. Those thrilling m essages will live long in the m em ories o f the thousands w ho listened to his earnest .words. , Em otions were then and there awakened which Will continue to vibrato in many hearts fo r years to com e.

“ The musical features o f the program fo r this season also make a wonderful contribution to the success Of the various meetings. Mr. Eddowes, as musical director, is especially well fitted fo r this important function . His engaging

:: A ip le a fo r cooperation iwas sen t! exceptional talentcat by the Rev. George G. D il- f i ' ° ll,s popularity andworth , w h o .predicted big^\things ■' pi'°nounced success, for. Ocean Grove.

. The speakers were introduced by.

The Banci oft-T ay lor R est Home, > which is the oldest national home . o f its kind nr the United States, will celebrate its 40th anniversary next Wednesday, July 15, with a special program .

Beginning at 10.30 in the morn­ing and continuing throughout the day, there will be a sale at the home. M rs. • Williani E . Thomson rs general chairman.

•At 8.30 in the evening, Mrs. May Leonard W oodru ff, national C or­responding Secretary Emeritus o f the W . H . M, S; w ill preside over an anniversary service. There will be a piano solo by Mrs. M ay W hit­ney Thompson. Dr. George W . Henson, president o f the Ocean Grove Cam pm eeting Association, will give a few words o f greeting and o ffe r prayer. The speaker o f the evening w ill be M rs. Daniel P. Brummitt, national vice president o f the W . II. M. S.

Other addresses will bo given by Mrs. Kate S. Burnett, o f tho Phila­delphia Conference, the last sur­viv in g . charter member o f the H om e’s. Board, o f M anagers, and Miss Helen Phillips, deaconess, o f the N ew Jersey Conference., Miss Phillips will discuss the sign ifi­cance o f the Bancrbft-Taylor Rest

Home to missionaries and deacon­esses in retirem ent dr who are planning to. retire.

William E. Thomson, treasurer o f the Home fo r m any years, will also address tho service. There will bo . a solo by W alter D. Ed- dowes nnd other musical features.

Mrs. George W; Yard, president o f the W. II. M. S. o f the New Jersey Conference, will m ake the presentation o f the Conference’s "Love g ift " to the Homo.

: Starting from a small beginning in 1896, with one bungalow as its only, equipment, the Bancroft- Taylor Rest Hom e always under the guidance o f a benevolent, ac­tive Board o f M anagers, has: shown rapid growth. Its present: building at 74 Cookman avenue, which is com fortably furnished and well cared fo r , is annually a vacation haven fo r many mission­aries and deaconcsscs o f the Meth­odist church.

The present president o f the Board o f M anagers is Mrs. Mary E. Stout, who has been; identified with the H om e’s management for. many years.

The only other rest home in the country that stays open all year' round is the one at Pasadena, Cal.


toastm aster Onsville J. Moulton, supervising principal o f the N ep­tune township schools. In charge o f th e . early part o f the program was Jam es P . Dunn, president o f the Hotel Association, w ho intro­duced several notables..

Another thing one cannot fa il to notice is the , fiiie atm osphere o f gracious hospitality which per­vades hotel life in.-Ocean Grove. It. is m y good, fortune.to be a guest at the Arlington H otel. H ere one finds ideal • surroundings, .fine friendships as well as exquisite arrangements fo r the com fort o f ■guests.:: t';

“ I have visited m any sum m er re-Tho program . was also greatlyenhanced by the musical selections, .............................. * - vboth quartets and solos, by R a y - : ’ j'ut Ocean Grove has a pe-mond M an lcy /lia lp h Dutton, Ray- j blending of-num erous at-mond Bartlett and W illiam Young. 1 w,hlc >. brings radiantClarence Kohlmann served as a e - i g 'T i satisfaction,eompanist. j Such places are needed m the

A sumptuous broiled chicken j SrBnl 'v0>'ItI o f busy people wheredinner, w ith all the accessories, i « Physical andwas seiwed the company. P: . e. niajcs

Get Copy o f Coaistitution FreeThe United States P atriotic So­

ciety, a non-profit, .-non-political organization , pledged only to our country, ; its. constitution and its principles, and founded in 1899, is planning, to organize a local cliapter in Ocean Grove and A s- bury Park sometime this summer.A copy o f tho constitution o f the United , States may be obtained without charge by sim ply w riting to tho home office, 11 E ast 44th street, New. York City.

Evans to Lead M usic W illiam Evans will be the song

le a d e r ' at the Beach M eeting at the fo o t o f Ocean Pathway; Sun-, day evening at eight o ’clock , it was announced th is ; week - by B leecker Stirling, lead o f the m eet­ing. Mrs. Stirling will p lay the organ and W alter Eddow es, Jr., tho trum pet Dr. and Mrs. Dorsey M iller aro. to render vocal selec­tions the com ing Sunday evening.

tic Atlantic rolls in refreshing waves upon one o f the finest beaches in the world.

“ From this place go forth those dynamic forces o f Christian fa ith and lovo which alone can enable an individual o r nation worthily to fu lfill their God-given mission. The highest praise and commenda­tion is therefore due to Dr. Hen­son and the A ssociation fo r their constructive e fforts to make and keep Ocean Grove such a beauti­ful nnd charm ing resort.”

R. J. H oustonThe A rlington Hotel July 7, 1936

9t. Paul’s Church Church school, 9.30 n. m .; m orning worship, 11 a. m .; midweek service, Wednesday, 7.45 p. m.

In. Summer— Go To Churcli • -2 4 -3 7

Optomctrist-Opticion.Don’ t neglect your eyes.

Dr. Josoph F. Heine.618 Cookman Ave.. A . P. Tel. 154

One o f the most fascinating exhibits around the North Jer­sey Shore is the Old Picture exhibit und Contest being held at the Steinbaeh-Kresge de­partment store, Asbury Park. Dozens o f photographs that haven’t seen the light o f day fo r twenty or thirty years have been - salvaged from trunks and attics and brought in to the first floor studio,

w h e r e entries' are being made . .in a contest to find the most

interesting old picture submit­ted. A ll photographs are as­sembled in the studio and arc on display there-. A t the close o f the exhibit, July 18, the three most interesting old pic­tures w ilT bo selected by the follow ing judges; Miss E. Sue Montague, Harold M. Canning, and Robert Tom pkins. Valua­ble prizes will b j awarded.


R. C. Russell Is Guest o f Joseph C.. Jackson on 4th

R. C. Russell, who operated a grocery store at 52 Olin street from 1898 to 1902 and left the latter year to join the sta ff o f the M ethodist Board o f Church Exten­sion, visited Josoph C. Jackson, 116 A bbott avenue, and other old acquaintances over the Fourth. At one tim e lie kept as many as 24 delivery wagons goin g during the season. Mr. Russell is still travel­ing fo r the church extension board out o f the Philadelphia o ffice and resides in Chicago, 111,

In his travels Mr. Russell covers the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma and says thut the whole middle west is sw inging over­whelm ing to Landon in the com ­ing presidential campaign.

Gibson Greeting Cards for all occasions, including five cent se­lections. Openshaw’s, (i0 Main A ve.— 15tf. -• ... : " , Y ■ ■ ■■■

Cut Rate Drugs. Buy youi cut Why go.out o f town?— 13 adv.



AUGU ST 8. . . ________ - • .< . I

Evans Whyttf Heads Organization;Gravatt Lands 12 Pound Bans;Kings, Fluke Biting.

"S ev era l valuable- prizes have, already been veteived as awards in the casting tournament to be held by the Ocean Grove Fishing Club, A ugust 8, at the Fletcher Lake Field, near the .South Emi.

The club met Monday evening at the Eureka Club headquarters and elected the follow ing o fficers : president,. Evans T . W hyte, 44 Central avenue;, treasurer, Chester Gravatt; secretary, Richard T. Clark; ' Clark is also on the com - ; mittce in charge, o f . the casting tournament- and is . being assisted by Clyde Packard, A lbert Robin­son, Christopher Brooks, Raymond Hall and Robert Clare.

The club elected the follow ing to honorary m embership: W illiam E. Thomson, Frank L, Thomson and Police Chref W illiam C. Cat­ley. - -

Saturday night, s u r f f i s h in g from the beach at the foo o f Main iver.ue, Chet Gravatt hooked and

brought in a 12 pound striped bliss. He was using soft ealicco crab fo r bait.

On the piers this week, catches o f fluke and king-fish have been numerous, and with continued warm weather and choppy water, ; catches o f weak-fish and blues are prophesied for the near future.

Foley W ins $100 Ring By virtue o f h*is winning second

honors in a popularity contest con­ducted by the Elks in this vicinity the past, several weeks; O fficer Jack Foley, o f the Ocean Grove police department, and whose homo 13 GG Lake avenue, became the win­ner o f a handsome $100 diamond ring. The contest was held in . con­nection . with the Elks “ Covered W agon. Days” which closed last Thursday night at the A.sbury : Park Elks home.

Page 2: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION

F R ID A Y , JU L Y 10, 1930


H amilton C otlace— Mis. - E lliott T. Carter, Miss Caf.“« .I'omier, Miss Gladys N egus, New ^ o rk . C ity ; •lolin H oltz. Mrs. -Kslher Iloltz, N ew ark; Paul W. Siuilh a m l.fam ­ily. H arrisburg; Douglas', .Asquilt and fam ily , .WcllsvilH', :N .vY .;: Mao L e flc iy F lorida; , Hennm? Grimm, Lakewood;.. Miss .D. Towiiley, Mrs. C. Christie, Paterson;' Sirs. 0 . W . T elfair, W arwick- Telfair, West

] Orange; Mrs. B. L. Driil, :: B alti­m ore; George A ; Boyd, Paterson: -

Ecbvards House— Florence Gold- hair, M r. and Mrs.- William Ster­ner, Brooklyn.; Mrs. George Gill- ease, - Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Smith and daughter Ger­ry , New. Y ork ; C. F , Keyhoe, New Rochelle;' Ann Hunt,. Dorothy Reilly; Lucy Chinnery,' Yonkers; Mi-, and Mrs. W . T. La Forge, New Brighton; Mr. and' Mrs. Charles

I Hartmtin, H awthorne; J.-H. Steele, j W ood bridge; Mrs. E. W . Miller [and sons, Mountain Lakes; Miss ' Olive Stackhouse, Boonton; Fran­ces S. Pickering, New York C ity; Martha Green, B rooklyn; Terry Shannon, Jackie and John Shan­non, Yonkers.

Spray Viiow— Airs.' E. Kellcrm an, Richmond Hill, L. I;; M is. E. C. Rendell, Murphysboro, I I I . ; Leslie Bryan, Mrs. Florence Bryan, Brooklyn; Maud G. Allen, New Y ork City; Caroline Shafer, Ruth­erford ; Mrs. E. Miller, Jersey C ity ; Miss Julia C. Curry. Miss Harriet Gorslino, Troy, N. Y .; Mr. and Mrs. P. H auf and daughter, Brooklyn;. M rs, L. B. Haas, Alt. Vernon;- Mr. and Airs. A . Festa, M ontclair; Ml', and Alls. John A.

H ighland— Paul Manor, Mr. and Airs. L. D. Keith. N ew ark; Mrs. T . Zigrny, Edna Zigray1, Bayonne; Air. and Airs. Richard De Jong, Air. and Airs. James 11. Boob, But­ler, N. J. Misses Catherine, and Helen Abbondanle, N ewark;, Mar­g a re t Brickman, Irvington; J. II. Townsend, M isses E . and F. Pater­son, J. Dale, Paterson; Mrs. Ber­tha Southworth, Aliss Fannie Boxv- en, Meriden, Conn.; Ml', and Mrs.' F . Boppell, By wood; J ; Pullniart, N ew Y oi'k ; Pearl;: M. Hargit, B e llev ille ;/ Edwin Sdineidei1, H ill­side; A irs .'A . L. Titlar,. Miss Ruth T itlar, W illiam Stevenson, "-Yon­k e rs ;' '.Air. Sind -Mrs. George , L. Jones, Scranton.

A-l.lenhurst— .Mr. ami Airs. W ill­iam John, Nol'aii Spence, M iss M a r­jorie Knight, Mrs. Andrew Knight, J.. W hitford Dol.-oa. R ose A . Stoef-: ter , .New. York City; Mr. and,-Mrs. James. \L. Dixon and son, Kew. Gardens; Maurice Hollander and fam ily ,, B rooklyn; Charles H eagle and John Snninionsj Johnstown; N , Y .; Mr. and Airs. H enry J., Do Camp, E ast Orange; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sterling. Jei‘sey C ity ; Air. and Mrs. .E, W. Dixon, Collings- w ood ; Gertrude E; Snizer, Brook-, lyn ;. Mrs. AI. 0 . Alalcolmson, Miss M arjorie . Malcolmson, .M aplewood; M r. and M rs. J. C. Fielding, M on­treal; Conn.; Mvs. John Quinn, Spring V alley, N . Y .

Albatross-—M argaret M. Hous­ton; Jessie Houston, Paterson ; Mr. and Airs. Frank Coleman, V erona ; Air. and Airs; N. Calvin Shawker, N orm a Slmwker, B altim ore; Air. and M rs. Lefferson, Trenton ; Air. and. Airs. W . P. Eaton, East Orange; J. Campbell W hite, New

Topeka, Kas.— "M eet the f o lk s !" T h is picture o f Gov. A lf M. Landoo of- K ansas and his fam ily w as taken on the steps of the Landon hom « here. Standing, left to right: T h e Republican Presidential nom inee him­se lf; Mrs. London, and their oldest daughter, Peggy Anne, 19. Seated, left to right; Mrs’. Sam uel E. Cobb, m other o f Mrs. Landon, holding John Cobb L'andon,;3; and John Landon, the governor’s father, holding N ancy Jo , 2.

L. Haythorn, 'East- Orange.:St. George— Mar,v E.: Quinn; C-al-! M rs; Susie .K ; W right, A rd m ore ;

in- '-Wciseiv M iv-ahd :M rs.\ .A m a i'v ]M R™' 'V aflnngton j Mrs.Air, and Mrs. ; G. S.- Swoibscr, Air.'-;1'. F - W »»Jv Mrs. M liinie Ciinnmg- and .M i i : James Thompson. A iiu a , ;^ " 1' % ™ kl>:,1r: ^ ith .Hujrhos, Now Bnrchie, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam \ ° \ ^ Aliller and MissIlonili'i'son, Mr. and Mrs. P. John- j 4 Brookl yn; son, M r .’ and Mrs. S. D. Collon, Park View— Virginia Lusher,

• Mr**'. Peggy Davis, New Y ork City ; < Bessie L. Leshor, Phillips-Mr. and Mi*s. J. H. \V. Littel, EaM'i burjr; ■ Jacquelyn Stout, Easton; Oraiiire; H. H. Loudonslakcr,1 John M.; Bailey. Pittsburgh; Mr.

j ClmrlcH Fotzcr and fam ily, A llen - 'a n d Mrs. A rthur S. Smith. New- ; town. Pa.; Clara Ilaberm an, Jer- ark ; M argaret. S. Barton,. Esthci: j ,<cy; C ity; Mr. ; ami Mrp. . Dodds,<.M. J o n o s ,'N e w York G ity; FranU

Boonton; Mr. anil Mrs. H. F . H ose /, and Charles Strunk, A storia ; Mr. j Mr. and M rs. Robert J.. Lilly, M r, j and -M rs. Norton Benedict, W ilton,

and Mrs. J . F . Birk, M r. and M w , jC onn .; Miss Alice Rinehart, Plain- Wili Kinker. Bethlehem. Pa.j Daisy j fie ld ; M r. and Mrs. E.'J. Sovereign. Knopp, Poughkeepsie, N. Y . . . j Lebanon; Mrs. H. H. Fields, Che?-

Aherdeen— Mrs. Frieda Storms,Camp Gawj N. J.| Mrs. Grace Cas- ney and son, New M ulford; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. B ogert, June Bo- gert, Mr.r and .; Mrs., F. B. Bird,C lifton; Mr. and Mrs. C. Norman.Cedar G rove; Robert Anderson,Sum mit; Donald Pierson, ShortMills; Iv. Lillian Child, Paterson;| Oceanic— William Cunningham, Mrs. D. G. Carpenter. Mi\_ and Jeannie C. Cunningham, Pompton

ter,:,P a .; v.Mr. .ami Mvs.*. :Da\Hd ;B, Artiiur,; Shavertowny■ Pa.;• W i 11 iam A rthur, .Plymouth, P a.; Mr. ' and Mrs.: C. F ; ‘Kuhlert, B ro o k ly n M rs ; R. Kersliaw and sisters* F irthcliffc; N ; ;Y .;; Mr. an(1 Mrs. D.. W . Bryant» Jessie M. Aldrich, B rook lyn ; H . W . Lee and son,-of Texas.

Mrs. W arren D. Carpenter, Emilio G. Carpenter, R oger G. Carpenter, Newark’;’ M ary C h a m b ‘e r l a i n, Brancliville; Leoiiard - Hey^^ E liza­beth, Jane, and Joaii H ey, iPpnn- sylvania; John ‘ W . Lawson. -New York C ity ;. M argaret F itzgerald, Patrick J . Donnelly, F ran k ;, G alli- gan, S u m m i t . : . •. v>. :

Chalfonte^-M rs. J. P. E xley, Mrs. M. P. Patton, M argaret ’ H. Keller, Elizabeth Janne, Philadel­phia ; M r. and Mt s .' Everett- R; Harris, Mrs. S. Sanger, W alter R. H arris, John Toreen, East Orange; Mr. and M rs. G eorge : R aw cliffe, Raymond and E lizabeth R aw cliffe , Paterson; M argaret Whalen^ Mon­trea l; -D orothy Pennel l j Joan P en­nell, Mrs. Edna M. Pennell,^W est­w ood, N . J .; E lizabeth Swane, Janet II. Swane, Esther M. Senil- ler, Bayonne; Mr. and M rs.' H arry Lyst-er, Brookline, P a .; M r. and

Lakes; Mrs. C. H. M cCaskey, G loria H . McCaskey, Now York C ity; Mr. and Mrs. B. H ogan, Mrs;; Viola Miller, M'rs. W illiam Hogan, M i% lahd: Mrs. R‘. Carey, • Mrs; E l­izabeth Hennion, Paterson; Mrs. Sarah Adtlcnbrooke, East Orange; M r. and M is. P . H . Barr, Mr. and Mrs; L .;Milne, Long Island; James Hammond, Esther M orone, A . Ed- ward. W iseman, C. L. Van Kirk, H arvey C, Van Kirk, Stewart Van K irk, ; „Mrs. A ; B ab cock ,: Laurette R. Siegel, Mildred S. Carey, Mrs Blanche El’vin, Paterson; Mrs. Son ye E. Resovitch, • Jackson Heights, L; I . ; D orothy S cott; En­g lew ood; Harriet: Meinken, R idge­fie ld ; Mr. and M rs. Charles Clark N ew York., ■;j Stokes- H all--R ichard and Caro­

line Rouse, Camp Hill, Pa.; May M organ,.Enola, P a.; Ida .Sourbeei-, H arrisburg; W . ;D . Shaw, N ewark;


Chicago, III.—Dollar contribu­tions to.the cam paign fund of the Republican National com m ittee are rolling in at the rate of 4,000 aM ay , according to George A. Paddock, chairman of .the.com* m itiee named to raise a million dollars by the sale of “ participa­tion ccrtificatus." Paddock re­ports that the donors to date have included many Democrats and independents who prefer Xanddn and K pox. to Roosevelt and Garner.

The contributor who sends bis dollar to Republican National Committee, Drawer S, Chicago. Illinois, receives In return a cer­tificate which m ay be framed. The dollar is split “ fifty-fifty” be­tween tho national committee and tho county com m ittee where the contributor lives.

Industrial States Paying for Others’ U. S. Relief

Chicago.—How workers as well as employers in the principal indus­trial states are carrying the burden o f relief payments in other states, was revealed in a report o f the Illinois Manufacturers' association ■here.; ’ ; .... •. ’

Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, M ichigan and Massachu­setts, all industrial states, re ­ceived relief in amounts vary­ing from 29 to 55 per cent of the amounts they paid in federal taxes during 1934 and 1935. .

Yet South Dakota which paid only $2,872,000 into the federal treasury during that time, was dished out $41,000,000 in relief, or 1,451 per cent o f its tax payments. In effect, the state received an actual gift of more than $38,000,000 o f the taxpayers’ money. North Dakota, New Mexico, Idaho and Arkansas received in dole from 705 to 979 per cent o f the total o f federal assessments against them over the two years. Mississippi, A labam a and other, states also profited from this relief situation.

W PA Workers Mail Fan Cards to Hopkins Free

Washington, D. C.—Synthetic fan mail- which would have cost m ore than half a million dollars to som e­body, had it not been manufactured and posted under government frank at the federal taxpayers* expen se,' poured into the offices o f state; di- reetqrs of the W P A,,/oUowing a;na- tion-wide broadcast in which H arry L. Hopkins disseminated New I>eal propaganda in an ' ‘educational” program.

Thousands ot invitations to Hsten to the chief spender of the Roose-

i velt administration were m ailed un- . der government frank to m en and women on the W ork-Relief payrolls. Apparently the broadcast was in­tended -primarily for the m ore than 3,500,000: lW PA workers o f . the na-> tion, for: return postcards enclosed with the invitations and which were also allowed to go through ths m ails free under government frank, bore the message: “ I have listened to Mr. Hopkins.”

Like the Dallots in the recent Nazi elections which contained 'facilities only for voting to support the Hit­ler regim e; there: was no provision

;on ithe fo rm . for' saying, I have NOT listened to Mr. Hopkins.” WPA workers, as it is perhaps indi­cated . by the alm ost dally charge* o f political coercion springing up in nearly every state, know the conser qiiences of :not listening- to Mr. Hopkins. ■ .

F or printing the cards and letters, fo r : paper stock ,';for labor and for postage, the cost o f such a circu­larization to a com m ercial organiza­tion whose head sought the comfort, however synthetic, of such a deluge o f fan mail, would have easily ex­ceeded $500,000, it has been esti­mated by those fam iliar with the advertising business here.

Mrs. M. A . Longest, Jr., German- i Moda and Jane Franz, RJiiladel- tow n; Mr. and Mrs. F . H. B order,j phia; Dorothea L. Gould, Ridgc- Llanerch; Miss K. A. Room e, New’ |\vood; Kathryn Kutz, Carlisle, Pa.; Y ork City. | S. Groshammer, New Y ork ; Mr.

. . . . . . i and Mrs, Spencer Smith, Eliza-I i* t r Mildred,. M vsr ♦ b o th ; Mrs. Edith Hobbs, Jack

.Virginia Batty, W a,thanv: M a s s .;, Hobbs,' Kingston, P a.; Job.H abblet, Mrs W . F. Francis. Cranford; A . ,Inne Sherwood, Elizabeth Reese H asbrouck and fam ly, Oradell; Air. w m — " v , , , ^ . „ ,and M rs. F . J. Buckley «nd daugh­ter, Lancaster, Pa.; Anna E. ■Braun.;' H ackensack; V irginia De Graaf, Mrs. D. N. Huckins, South R iver; M rs; Edward Hull, Nutley; Airs. E. Ferguson,. Aliss Alies

W ilkes Barro; O. H. Dorer, East Orange; Air. and Airs. O. AI. Lar­kin, B r o o k ly n M r s . B. P. Rudd, M ount Vernon, N. Y .;. Air. nnd MrsV William G. Kroemer, New­ark; Air,, and M rs. E. Ellsworth Alaxham, IIo-H o-K iis; Air. and

I-Faulkner,. Jersey City;, Mr. artd; Ml.‘ . R . ’ E A tk in son ,’ R idgewood; Mrs. L. L. W ard and d au gh ter ,:.jiv, an,j j j rs George Schubert,' Elizabeth; Mrs; C. AI. \\. Saun-1 Sobring, Fla, ders, M rs. Cordelia Beade, E a st1. , T , „Orange; Miss Ann Young, M iss ! D o n ‘It House— Airs. J . J. Owen, Ethel A. Tassell, St. P e tersb n rs ;! N ew ark ;. Air. and M rs. W . J. Miss M arie Emelson; New P ro v i-ig o y le , B loom field ; M r. and Mrs. deuce, N. J .;' -Miss M argaret C S , Keller, Lancaster; M r; and Pprrv Newark ,AIrs. W. F ornoff, B loom field; Dr.

Y, : and Mrs. W illiam J. W halen,-Lan-Interlakon—-Helen R. • Davies, ^caster; ■ Air. and Airs: Carl R.

. The Rise of Hidden Taxes , Washington, D. C ,—Hidden, or in*';

direct, taxes,r which . are borne largely by the poor,.paid 15 per cent of the cost of the government from 1928 to 1932. Since 1932 they have paid 59 per cent o f the co s t

j H elen Ruth Davies, Verna A . Sliif-f i 'fe r ,: Scranton; Mr. and M rs. : P. [Graham , George Graham, B elle­v ille ; M r. and Mrs; Frank French, Mr. and Mrs, GliaVies: Grim sey and daughteiv Y onkers; I\ir.V'.aridv Mrs. S. Smith; Air. and Mrs. O. Fitthour, N ew ark; M r. arid Mrs.' E. H. K*eil- 1 er, ^Siinnysidej • L,' L ; J frs. C .,; Y^■ •McG ow n, Kenneth A . ; ’McGbwn, Don aid H. M cGown; M r. arid Mrs; L. De Baun and son, N utley; - Bet­ty Jenks,’ B etty V an Court, Rena A lice Do Baun, Carol Euhler, Glen R id g e ; Mrs. E. B. W oi'then, B loom ­fie ld ; F lorence: W . ■ H ardy, Ruth •Nelson,: Mr. and Mrs. C. Avourley, E a s t ; Orange. . / ■

Chelt6nham*—Mr. and M rs;';W al­lace Miller, Gleriside; Jane Barii- dollar, : Maude M .; W augam an, Pittsburgh; M r. and. M rs, T . ‘Kil-; roy , Glen R ock ; Dr, J. Phillip Storit;;:: Jerabyv C ity ; ^ M a r th a ,A , Y oung, Clara V . Scarlett, .E liza­beth Hasler, Caldwell; M iss -Mar*-: jorie Stockett, M r. and Mrs. M. II. Stockett, B obby Stockett, Lyon V illage, Pa.j M iss M argaret A . Henry, M rs. Minna . C .; W hittam, E lizabeth; Mrs. ‘ F. R. Alquist, Teane6k; Miss Lucy . L. . Fuller, Scranton; M ary B. Bowen,’ M rs. R. H. H olt, Philadelphia; Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Gutsell, Ithaca; Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Plate, Bedford, Pa. ‘

Russ, Mrs. E. G riffith and son, Mrs. A .1 Hibbin ■ and daughter, B loom field ; M iss Louise : E llson; N e w Y o r k . C it y ;, M rs,’: W . ; Van Howling, Jane . Van Oderstine. W ashington, N. J .; Miss M argaret Miller, Mrs. M1. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Campbell, Brooklyn Mr. and Mrs. J. Breen and daugh ter, W oodhaven, N . Y .; Mrs. M ar­garet Clayton, M r. and Mrs. A. Popp and . daughter, Freehold, N. :J;; M rs.:' M ary; Plum, Trenton; M iss : A . M cC oy ); H igh B ridge; L. N.y Shaw, Boston, Mass.. : Queen— E, J. Mayo, Boston, M ass.; Ruth. S. Yetter, Mrs, A . F. Yetter, Dr. and Mrs. H enry D. Nil-es, II. W . M offett, L . A. Edel- blute, 'M rs. M arian,. S. M offett, N ew York C ity ; David Bonds, Llanerch, pa .; Mr. and M rs. T. A lfred Stevens, : Thomas S.- Stev­ens, Cape M ay; Justino J. Rose- man, W ashington, D. C.; W ilbur R. P rice, Maplewood; Ida M. Bishop.

“ YO U A R E IN VITED T o .a' display o f articles o f Bib­lical interest and other, pro­ducts o f the H oly Land.

American Colony Stores 31-A. North E-nd Boardwalk

Ocean Grove

Wcehawken; Mrs. F.. P. Tambiicr- elle, Mrs. J; Kriete, Allendale, N. J .; Mrs. J. • H. Blair, Virginia B la ir,. Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs.E. E. Grahi, B rooklyn; Miss Jean-j Dunn, Kew Gardens; Mrs. A . I. Vingburg., M t. Vernon; Miriam T. Sinitli, : F orest - Hi 1 Is; Elizabeth Bailey, Mobile, A la .; ftlr. and .Mrs.J. Edward H offm a n .. Baltimore; W alter M elroy, Robertr Caseyi Do­ver, N . J.;

Amherst— Miss' Nellie Van Zut- phen, Julia Scott, Douglas Grundy,D. A llen, Lillie M. Cochrane, Pat­erson; Mr. and Mrs. H . Dehm, E ast Orange;. Mr. and Mrs. -P. G.. Pahl, Jersey C ity ; Mr. and Mrs. O: W eeks,.B ronx; . Mr. and M rs/.F . P. Haub, Mr. and M rs; W . D. .Hoose, B rooklyn; A lice B. Hum e; 'N ew Y ork City; - Mrs'. A . Dickison,. MissG. Dickison, Miss Norm a Schreib- eiv E lizabeth; Sara H. F ry , Broiix- v ille ; Robert Bassdtt, Jr.. Mr: and M rs; J. Verdtiin, D orothy Verduin, Glen R ock; Mr. and M rs; Israel Saylor,- Minerva Leininger, Mohn- ton, ■' Pa.; M iv ; and M rs. "Herman Dietzscii,. . Jersey, C ity ; M r. : ; and Mrs. Hv H. Lane, . Miss Jean Lan-: dis, Elizabeth; Mr. and Mrs,"Alii** son. W hite, Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Victor: Strausser, H ackettstown N. F .: G od y J i\ , Plainfi-eld. ■ ;x

Ardm ore-Sum m erfield— Mrs. L. 1-L Lloyd, Mrs. • J .: -Fritz,;- Mi;s.'Hilda Henderson, and daughter, W ilkes Barre, P a .; Mrs. A lice Hunt and daughter, 'Jersey ' City; Mr. and Mrs! D. Rush ton, Misses Beatrice and Lucille - R u s liton {■ Lincoln P ark ; Hildegard M. R osen ,! Mr. and Mrs. A . W. K och,.M r. and; Mrs. Martin Klein, New York* C ity; Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Brady, j New Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs. B. j A . Graham, Yonkers; Fred L. ■ Munson, Rahw ay; Mrs. E . M . M id -1 dletoh, H Brooklyn.; \ Mir. arid , M rs.! K ugloi, Gloria: K ugler, Catherine I Duhnigaii; • W eehawken; M r. and j Mi,s. jC.f Jv Davies, K ingston, P a .;f M is*/.Frank M iller and daughter, | Richmond Hill, L . . X .;; Gordon . I l l ! Brpwi^Ci R iver E d ge,: N. J .; : Mr. f: nnd 'Mrs. ’ W illiam M ay,. W ilkes j P>arre;- Miss L. M aresca, Rbchelle,i Park; M ary J. Patrick,. B. S. H a r -! r is ; ' P lttsbnvgh: ; : A,Uce Gainey, I Uosebank, .S. I, L ■ ’

Seaside— Miss’ .Gertrude T o m p -; kins. Shelton, :<Cphi)J;: M iss '. Annaf; Cl a rk, R idgewood; . M r. and M rs. j W. Cl* DoilouviUc, A lbany; Jane *' Sale, Charles Sale, W yncote; M rs.: C. Schoeiier' and son, Ml*.’ and M rs.; Battista, N ew Y ork C ity ;: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Donohue and Helen, Mrs. John C. Cheney, Hester. Grogan, B ron x v ille ;. Mr. p.rid Mrs. A. J. Scaife. B ryn1 Mawr, Pa.; M rs, II. W. Beam, R ockaw ay; Mr. and Mrs. C. C lifford Braugh, N ewark; Mr.’ and . Mrs. A lbert Pfaltz Flushing. N. Y .; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Storm, N ew ' Y ork City; Grace Kent, M ary Kent, Yonkers; Mr. and Mrs. C. W allace,. North Arlington; Miss I.. Johnston, Mrs. IT. C. P. Harth, Henry C P. Harth, John J Yates, Trenton ; M.E. and L. C. Flynn, • Brooklyn; James Corbin, Elmhurst, L . : I.; Mrs. W . Keay, E lise Keay, Kath- erin(?;Keay;; P assaic; Mrs, G, Mac Farlorie, Toronto,^ Ontario; Mi*s. F lorence O. Rivenburgli, Eliza-- both andj;;kW illard Rivenburgli, Poughkeepsie^ N. Y ; ; Mr. and Mrs. C. A :. Reed, B rook lyn ; J Mr. - and Mrs. A . N dw quist,. East Paterson.;: M ajestic-—M i*. and '. M rs. " Van:

Sant, B loom field ; Mr. and Mrs. II.H . ’ R . Duggan, B ronx ;' Mr, and Mrs. C; W , Ryer, B rooklyn; Mr. arid Mrs. John La Ferra, Paterson; R. F. Thorne, Misses M ary, M ar­gery,; 'L oretta Green. C. H .: Quick, Mr. and - Mrs. F . Malcont Far­m er, Mr.- and Mrs., Edward P . Reardon, Helen M cElroy, Pris­cilla. M cElroy, Charles Gorling, Miss E lla Gorling, N ew Y o rk City; Louise Stirling, Irvington; Mr. and Mrs. .Raym ond . F. 'Evans and- son, Hershey. Pa.; M r.' and Mrs. Edward Garrabrant, Mendr haven, N. J .; Mr. and Mrs. J. O. W haley, Edith Jones, II. Gross, . B altim ore; M rs.' M ..;Mur­phy, Brookl’ ii; Am brose Miller. Jcnkintown, Pa.; W illiam M. Mapes, Miss A lvine Goller. Staten Island; Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Petty and children, Bloom field; Miss Ida W hite. Miss Josephine White, Miss Lora W hite, A* W . Lee, Miss Lora C. Lee, W ashington, p . C.; Mrs. A rthur C. Henderson,' Hartsdale, N. Y .; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nagle, Mrs. L . Donovan, RIrs. E. B-ock- m an. Miss ,H , A . Beckman, New Y ork ; Mrs. B. A . Berkey, Pitts­burgh; :; ... •. • • • .... ..

Shelburne— Mrs. - L . B. IIulchT ings, M ary A. H utchings,-Newark;


© B e fo r e y o u bu y any ra n g e , y o u o w e it t o y o u r s e lf to l o o k at the m o d e rn M a g ic C h e f g a s ra n g e . F o r o n e o f these fa m ou s ra n g es in y o u r k itch e n , w ith its m an y a u to ­m atic features, w i l l m ak e y o u r k itch e n a c o o l e r , m o re p leasa n t rbom -.in .w h ich t o w o r k ,, a n d w i l l save y o u tim e, w o r k an d m o n e y . V is it o u r s to r e tod a y . Let us s h o w y o u the L o ra in R e d W h e e l o v e n re g u la to r , the a u tom a tic t<5p b u rn er l ig h te r , the d ra w er -ty p e , g r id -p a n , sm o k e le s s b ro ile r , the ex c lu s iv e n o n -c lo g .t o p b u rn ers a n d the m any o th e r features o f these m o d e r n ra n g e s . T h e r e is a M a g ic C h e f that w i l l h a rm o n ize w ith any d e co ra t iv e s ch em e . A n d there is a p r ic e that w ill m eet y o u r o w n p a rticu lar b u d g e t req u irem en ts .

(Modol Shown)

S E R I E S 1 4 0 0

$129.50Other models from $49.50 up,

W hen the oldest resident was a youngster w e supplied


Taylor Dairy Co.Catley & W illiams, Proprietors


I’ rom Monmouth County Farms • Phone 1970 -.■■■■■**

142 Lawrence Avenue,. Ocean Grove

G A S R A N G E:<■ ■■ ' ' I : “i't ’ j ’:


w d p w cr& iijTelephone, Asbury Park 6600

M r. and M rs. E. S. Landis and George, A llentown, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. F . B. Bristol, W aterbury, C onn .;' A lice Kraus, Anne W il­liams, H enry Kraus, Bogota, N . J .; Miss Anna W.. Ryall, Miss Marioh W. Faulkner: Brooklyn ; Lawrence Wurdemans, H asbrouck H eights; Sarah A . Lyon, Jersey C ity ; Miss K ay Morley, Minnie Nikola; Anne N. M orton, Miss G. H: Kissnni,A rthur D. Dunh' and fam ily, Kate E. - Munroe, Isabelle. M. Munroe,M rs. A . D. Dunn, Miss L . Dunn,New Y ork C ity; Jobn Farmer,Miss K. E. F arm er,; Scarsdale, N. Y .; Mr. and M rs: A . M. Demarest, St; A lbans, N . Y .; M r. and Mrs. J a y f f . Nelson, Brooklyn ; I. L. March, Bridgeport, P a .; Frank de Santa, Guy Charles; C rugeiy Rich­mond H ill, N. Y .j Mrs. H. Rudder- o\v, Philadelphia; Mrs. D. Wash­ington : and children and Miss Thelm a Robinson, M ontreal; Mrs. Helene Darber,. Glen R idge; .Mr. and Mrs. A .: Cram er and fam ily.

D A Y ’SIce Cream Garden 48 Pitman Avenue


Englew ood; Evelyn M. Carter, Belleville; Corabel Traphagen, N ewark; Mrs. Charles A . ■ W inslow, Miss Mabel E. W inslow, Betliesda, M d.; . Blanche L. Mnckie, M ary Mackie,' M argaret Maekie, A ltoona, Pa. . • . i


I THE BELL I i cleAners Js and i| LAUNDERERS J! ' ^'Telephone

! 3 7 3 71 60 Main Ave., Ocean Grove 8




General Auto Repairing

Battery Service Tires, Storage Telephone 7727


Stockton Avenue A nd South Main Street.

Ocean Grove


I HOT II HOME-MADE II B R E A D jI DAILY J| R eitz M odel Bakery | I 47 Pilgrim Pathw ay ’I O cean G rove ;; iIfSiiniiiiHiiiiiiaiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuifiiitiiiiii'iiiiiititiiiiitittiii


I FO R E X P E R T |

I RADIO I1 SERVICE I| Tel. 542-J 1

| J. M. Rutherford) || Radio Service |

| • 63 Asbury A ve. |j I Ocean Grove |

Page 3: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION

F R ID A Y ; JU L Y 10, 193G P A G E T H R E E

O FFICIAL INFORM ATION 1 N*” vark and Jersey C ity » Arrlvi*. t:t«)sc . .: G.I50 A. M. ’ .8.10 A.- H

'! 10,-I.V A. M. • . 10.45. A. M.' 1.30 I*. M. t.Ul I*. M;

:;.0Q P. M. ’ p. y.P. M. • G.:J0 P. M.

j lia llim iire and W a sh in gtonj. ■’ Arrlvi* ' closoi n.r.o a . .m. s.io a.- :a :

iq. in a . m . in.tr, a .m .i .ho i*. m .\ ■■•a.r.'i p. .m .3.:io 1*. M. * ' C.30 i . .m,r,..io v : .m.

Philadelphia, W est and South i Arrlvt* Clo.sfc

o.::o a .- m . s.jo a . m ,10.4."* A. M. ' 10.4:. A .M .

: i.rio iv m. '3.r,u i\ m.:j:oo p . m . . c.ao'.p, m .c.:50 I* . M .

Trenton and Camden Arrive • Close

fi.no A . m. •: •■■■■ $.10 A. M.10.»r, A. M. 10.4", A. M.1.30 P. -M. 3.50 P. M.n.00 P. M. 15.150 P. M.Q 0 P. M. ,

A sbury Park, N. J.Arrive Closo

P.P.O A. M. M 0 A. M.. S.r.O A. M.- I.0L P. M.

1.00 P. M. . u.:$o P. M..O.Stf IV. M. • • ....

A l it MAIL Closing Tlmo nt- Ocean Grovo v . ,

For Chicago, 111.C loso H e re A r r l r c T h e re8.10 n . m . 1.07 i». m .10.13 n . u u il.ofl p . m .

. . . fl.JIO p. m.F or Los Angeles, Cal..

1.0? p. ni. N 8.00 a. ni.6.30 1). HI. .'.00 II. 1IU

F or San Francisco, Cal.■ 1.07 p. in.- 9.16 a. m.

6.U0 p. m . 1.00 l*. in.' F or Miami, Fin.\ 3,50 p. m C.Q0 a. m.

F or SU Petersburg Fla.3.50 p. m. 10.30 a. ni.

, JOSCl'JI RA IN E AIt. .Postmaster. .

8 5 . . ; . . ' . . ; . ; . V T en th : and Atlclns:8 6 V . , . . ‘.Sixth ami Atkina92 . . . . . . . . . . .. .Kltrhth -. and Hamilton

.Special. 'Iup*6—6—6 G antral Alarm. 2 Ambulance

C all,..Fire.. (JUL 'J 'C hiefs Call, .Time HoaUtjuaiterit. • Fin; Chief. H u rry 1 p. . m. 4\ Unexcelled-. PoliceXeldliardt, -. .

h r a d l e y n i:A C ii .j3 .. • .Monmouth and AtlanticMl . . . . . . . . . . . - Newark and Madison

Evergreen and Mammon41 . . : .......... ; . F i f t h . ' a n d - .K e n t4 3 ................. .Park Place, and Ocean.4f i . . . , . .L allelno and Ocean4 7 . . . . . . . ..F ou rth and Ocean57 ...../..• ... '.O cea n Park and. Central5S . L,aHolne. and -.CentralT.3___ .........: F ifth and Central :61. i : ; ;Occan. Park and Fletcher Lake '66.-......... ... . Fifth and Fletcher Lako07 .. ........ .Third and Fletcher LakeTI . . . . . . . LaKeino and Fletcher Lakei7 3 ; ................ Park Place and Mato74 . .............................. McCabe and Main75 . ........ .. . . .Brln loy and Mala76.' . -----; ....... ......... : . .Fourth * and Main77...........; . Evergreen and Main7S ......... 1 .Burl ington and MainS3................................. Second and B eacb.

Special Taps C—fi—6 General Alarm. I W iro

Trouble. 2 Fire Out. 3 Chief’s Call.4 Pioneer Co. No. l. '5" Independent Co. No. 2. 6 Bradley No. 3. 1 long 2- short, First Aid. Teleephone 213.F ir o C h ie f , A d d iso n .H u tc h ln n o n , J r *


/ m t h a n k y o uMmB ' C A L L A G A IN i



Township Committee— Raymond It. Gracey, Chairman; John W . K nox,.C lerk and Business M ana­ger;. I'1. L eroy Garrabrant, Chair­man o f F inance; Harry .Whit­lock, Chairman o f Police; Charles Loveman, Chairman o f R oads; Ralph Johnson, Chairman o f Lifyht, P oor and Publicity.

Tax Collector . ^. . . W alter Gravatt Tax A ss e ss o r .. . . . . .A lv in E . BillsTreasurer . . . . . . A rthur IT. PliaroA tt o r n e y Richard W. StoutCashier . . . . . . . . ‘ W alter GravattChief o f Police . . . .W il l ia m MaasRoad Foreman . . . . ►. .John W hiteTownship JMiysician

W . A . Robinson, M.D. Overseer o f P oor. .Janet V . Couse IJuilding Inspector H arry W hitlock Engineer . . . .C la u d e W . BirdsallPolice H e co rd e r ... .R o ss It. BeckAuditor ------- Elm er O. StevensBoard o f Health— Members o f

Township Committee, tho A sses­sor and Township Pliysician. .

Health OllicerWilliam Stanley Appleg:at<;

Boart) o f Education— John B. Stout,- President; Mrs. Anna '1’ Dey, V ice President; A . P. Todd, District Cleric; Roland Heigh ton,. Augustus B. Knight, Edmund L. Thom pson, Hugh O. M oore, M ilton T. W right,' Alvah F . Ben­nett, Claude Lawlor, Dnsvillc J. i M oulton, Supervising Principal;! II. A . T itcom b, H igh School' Principal; Samuel Edelson, M . j D., School Physician; Janet V . | Bouse, Attendance Officer. i

Neptune F ire District N o. 2— .Herman Johnson,- President; A lbert Reed, Alberl Barth ; E u-

. gene Slocum, Charles Diehl, George Reynolds, Clerk andj treasurer. ' , , -■ j

JO H N M . D E YCnrpontcr lluilder. Komodellng

nnd ltopnlrs a Specialty Jobbing Promptly Attended to

Estimates Furnished.23 Central- ATonuo, Ocenn Grove.

IMione A, P . 7132


. SERVICE A L L Y E A R 53 Main Avenue. Tel. 528S

Ocean Grove's Original Carrier

EDMUND L. THOMPSONEllen H. Clive' Trading as D. C. Covert Agen«j

Insurance and R eal E state Ocean Grove and Asbury Park

Teh*phm,es 2606 mid 1110

Exterior and Interior Painting

Estimates Furnished'OS Conknuin Ave,, Orean Grove

Pliutiu Asbury Park' -1038*11 lV h lt e s v l l le S p r in g w o o d a n d P p rlm rd a le . . . . . . . . . . . . .F l s b o r and B a n g s. . . — F i s h e r . a nd S p r in g w o o d

, ..............................M y r t le a n d M a p le M y r t le a n d • S t r a t fo rd .M y r t le a n d M u n ro e

asbury and Anolve. . . . . . . . Stokes and MunroeI S to k e s und S t r a t fo r d ■

XEPTUTSE CITY A v o n d a le and S u m m it N ep tun o a n d P ro sp e c t. . . S p r in g d a le a n d S y lv a n la. . . : .............I t ld g e and S y lv a n la................ Munroe and Oxonla. . . . . . . .S t e in e r , and • S y lv a n la D a n g s and . S p r in g d a le T h ir d a n d . S te ln o r.

ML DARO BARBER SHOP307 Iloml Street, A sb orj Park

ALL HAIR CUTS, 35c.Expert on Indies* and Chlidrcn’ i


(Form orly with Tfary)_______

David H. O’ReillyELEC T JU dAL CONTE A CTO It Orders Attended‘ to Prdtnptly

Estimates Furnished .129 A bbott Avenue, Ocean Grove

Phono 4718


Z\. . . . . . . . New York and Asbury Avea.2 2 . . . .......... Clayton’s Store, Main Avo.2 3 .............................. ..........Surf and Beach2 4................... ...E m b u rj’ and . Beach2 5 ...............Main and Pilgrim Pathway26 — Broadway and Pilgrim Pathway2 7 ..Mt. Tabor W ay and Pennsylvania 28. ...................... .North End Pavilion2 9 .. . .................... M cClintock and Beach31.. . ..........................South . End Pavilion32.........................Clark and New Jersey33.-.......... Benson and ML Tabor W ay3 4.......................... H eek and Whitfield35 .................... W ebb and Pennsylvania3ff: . . .S u r f and Pilgrim Pathway37......... ..B enson and Franklin35 .. . ; ................ Bonson and Abbott3 9 . . . . . . . . . . . .N ew York and Stockton4 1 ...................... Heck and Lawrence4 2 ........................... OUn Street Ftrehous*.43. . . .................................Main and Beach

Speclul Tap*.5—5—6 General Alarm. 1 W ire

Trouble. 2 Fire Out. 3 Time 8. a. in and Chief’s Call. 2 F irst-A id Squad.

Firo Chief. '• Leo Btiptiy, Stokes Company.

WERT G jtOTE15 Main Street and Main Ave16 ......... M ain Street and Corlies Ave.*2.. . . . . . . Unexcelled Firo House53........Atkins and Rmiuirv54‘........................ . ..P rosp ect and Heck62. . . . .................; Corlies and Uidge.7 2 ........... ...C or llee and UnionS I , .................... Saventh and StokesS3 Ridge and Eighth

BURTIS’ FUNERAL CHAPEL Distinctive Funeral Service

Sin ce 18 8 8

514 SECOND AVENUE, ASBURY PARK Te le p h o n e 5 B 7


W O llK E R ;5 South M aln-Stroet, Asbury Park

Phone 2601World’ s ONLY

Water-proof ed Toothbrush -keeps teeth REALLY WHITE

• Does your toothbrush turn lirpp when wet? Then it can't keep your teeth cleanl THROW IT AW AY. Use the brush with th e. water- • /jfoo/erf bristles— D r. W est’s. Can­

not gel sodfiy; gives 60% better cleansing. Ster-

ilized, sealed germ- proof in glass.10 colors.

Miss C. M. Beers Miss E . Courtney

The Book and Needle Shop50 Main avenue, Ocean Grove

Y A R N S, N E E D LE W O R K Rental Library, A il Latest


Tclepiiono Connoctlon

J . H e t z e l ® S o nMASON AND CEMENT W ORK

Jobbing Promptly Attonded To Estimates Furnished

1208 Elcvonth AvenuoNeptune, N. J»_________ •'

Postmaster— Joseph Rainear. In charge o f Neptune Branch, Percy Eldridge.

Board o f Adustment— Jam es Strudwick, Chairman; W arren A . Pearsall, Secretary; Joseph Lane, Earl W oolley, W alter Tarasovis.

Ocean Grove Fire District— Dr. W illiam A. Robinson, President; L. C. B riggs, Treasurer; James B oyre, H arry . Reeves, C. M.

.N agle.

Neptune Fire D istrict No. 1-r-, Frank R. Dodd, President; Thom as Opr, Treasurer; Earl Lawlor, Secretary; Edgar Phil­lips, Austin A . Hurley.

Ocean Grove Publicity Depart­ment, public inform ation bureau, telegraph and telephone- center, railroad and steamship litera­ture. Ralph W . Johnson, chair­man.

Ocean Grove Camp Meeting A sso­ciation— George W . Henson, President; A lfred W agg, V ice

President; Howard W.. Selby, Secretary; L ott R. W ard, Treas­urer; Joseph A. Thom a, Mana­ger ; W illiam Catley, Chief o f Police; H arry A yres, Superin*, tendent o f Street Department.

Oc<*an Grove Hotel Association, Inc.— President, James P. Dunn,

-Secretary, F . W . Itohland.Neptune Board o f Trade— H arry

G. Faby, President; I. Goldberg. Vice President; Joseph Sauta; Secretary; Earl Swisher, treas­urer.

B R A D L E Y 3 E A C HBoard o f Commissioners— M ayor

Frank C. Borden, Jr., director o f public affairs and safety ; B er­nard V. Poland, com m issioner o f revenue and finance; John R og­ers, com m issioner o f streets and public im provem ents; Freder­ick P. Reichey, borough cleric and co llector; Francis H uggins, deputy clerk.

Building Inspector.W illiam MegillBorough Engineer Claude Birdsall


,1/™ Dn. VK- W e s t ’ s >

' he o namy Toothhiush ol Site. V


Mergaugey’s TaxiTelopbiuio r.10—D AY o n NTGI1T

Cars for A llO ccuslons, also Loral nnd Long Bistunce Moving CH A PTE RE D RUSSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS




(Postonico llulldlng)JE W E L E R AND W ATCH RE PA IR S

E X T R A —Moat Prices Paid for Old Gold. Appraised Free.

Sen d o n e d im e w ith coupon b e low and gef



Send that coupon now. Try the new Pompeian 4 -feature Foce Powder. Ik gives you fine texture, enchanting odor, proper shade and " c l in g " . . . . ail In one powder. And the face creams ...t issu e , cleansing and massage . . . they'll leave your skin' thoroughly cleansed,, smooth as silk and supple. O ffer expires after July 15th, 1936.Regular s tie s a t your d ru g c o u n te r 5 5 c and 6 5 c

Chief o f F ire DepartmentAddison Hutchinson, Jr.

Board o f Education— W illiam L a f- fe rty , President; J. Edward Y ar- nail, Clerk; W alter F ox , F. R&lph Shibla, George Bostick, H arry K. Hutchinson, Lester

' R ogers, J. Clarence Barton,

Thomas Irw in ; F. J. Gronde, Principal.

.A ttorney and R ecord erJoseph R. M eg ill

Health Officer, Overseer o f Poor George W . Bostick

Postm aster .......... .John Tim coe


IScott’s Music Shop, Inc.

MUSICAL INSTRUM ENTS—CENTU RY EDITION Electric Refriceratlnn—M aytag Washers— Service on all appliances

410 Main Street, Asbury Park, N. J. Phono 6G3Q



N ew Y ork , E a st and F o re ig n Arrlvo Close

G.10 A. M. 8,10 A« Jt10.45 A. M. 10.45 A . M,1.30 P .M . .1.01 P. M3.00 P. M. 3.59 P. M.fi.30 P. M. 0.30 P. M.

J A P A N E S E O I LRadiator, Mud Guuds and Body. Repairs

Nick AntichiLIi KINDS. OF AUTO M ETAL W ORK —U PH OLSTERY AND GLASS 1000*8 FIR ST AVEN U E. ASRU RY PARK___________ Telephone 3172

POMPEIAN COMPANY, Bloomfitld, N.J. ^

Enclosed find 10c for which plssse send rnc 7 Pompeian Face Creams and Powders.'N*m,______

Addrejfl— — ------ •—■■■-, I. » ...i;city.^— -

Wide la U. 8. A.FO R HAIR AND S C A L P

Different from O rdinary H olr Tonic* IT 'S A SC A LP M EDICINE!

60c a $ i . FEEL IT WORKI At A il OrucQJiti WHU for FREE BookUt "Th* Truth About Th« H ilr." National Himidy Co., New Ywk

jinn inw ium iw m lm m tsit* ............ « » i |

| Shore’s Latest Sensation! | New YorkBIG NEW REG’LAR FELLERS He Only Holds Out on Conductors By GENE BYRNESMotor CoachesLeave Ocean Grove Association Office

Daylight Saving Tim e 5.55, 7.25 A . M.

8.25, 9.25, 10,25 A . M, 1.25, 3.25, 5.25, 7.25

9.25 P. M. ' tlaily. Except Sundays








One M ile Around Lake |W esley Lake, North Eaid |

Ocean G rove |P E D A L BOATS 1

FOR n iR E 1


Drive Y our Own Power Boat | on II H alf-M ile Course. i

20c. one in boat, 30c. for two, |■10c. for three |

W escly Lake and Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park. |

luliuiiimuiiimiiuraiii«tmi»Mi'ii»in«"ni|» ..


Sundays, Leaves from Lake and Heck Street

Asbury Park, N. J. Tel. Asbury Park 339

Amcricnn Mfv.fi FcniMrt-s. Inc.


i -rewij 16AV6P \ l HF.r3E. A T 5-. IS \j \! ! ! y .

evB fJv _ , m \ i\



■' I W A S A LlTTLfe f-'CJCi-i \ T O E V E f3 M A R R Y /

A T f i m v r


ITS* !-!AraO T o UWDEI?.?rAkiD WHY I STA G E D H S I3E A 9 LOW& A 2 I W E y

' I SUPPOSE ^ T H E O U IV T H IU S Lt.= T r o n ? h e T ODO i S T o 6 0 Tt- /



|- Telephone 2118-M


1 BROKER1 Old Pianos Rebuiltf 1’ ianos, Radios, Benchcs, Etc. | For Sale

I 99 Cookman Avenue 1 ' Ocean Grove, N. J . :

RICLENEOne-Hour Cleaning •

Service No O dor— No Shrir.liirg

W e Call and Deliver Telephone

Asbury Park 2364, 5916 633 Mattison Avenue

Asbury Park

Dici«i r £><340* 1.

Anwricvta tta tu rm t. In c .

Page 4: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION

s p i p p g ' " ' ' 'r7 W 0 Vi1* ” ~ '~ ' — ' - o p t " n * -| g | p

;P .A G E - F - O U R F R ID A Y , JU LY. 10, 1936

THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES'■ T’ tiblisUciU Vv Id ay • *%. ■ ■■;•


• , . , T e lep h o n e 7 * , / / ’ „•Vv;'.'-.::*;.1;1-'- : . R IC :U A 1U > t >i B I IO X S . : L o c a l ; IrM U or-.,

7 4 /: > v A .s ir c i iv %i ? i i l a r i i s i r o x y o i i k p a v i s U ' > 6 k t h e k x p i r a t i o n i' ; • Y O U l t S U B S C R I P T I O N . .

$i.fiO. - yen rl y i ;$t ioo.sem l-anm m lly:i f r»0c. fciat* t eriy • • or '4 ;.ti. ” ' / amr>p0t»tag0' per cbpyv.pcfataue paUI **?-. the ;tJn!tert Statos;:- Caiiacla 12.00-ami

’ fore ign•$” .&{) a year. ‘ .A D e^ SK SV .’e iia 'iiKO il tori'Vrt^ iucHl^p I w a y s . :p l ve fo r m e r ndOreK'* •AI?VE RTISt’ JJ WNTS : : RaUis u1 II bo;'ftirniHhed*:b y :us oil roqm>*t.

«eebiicl-elrt»« tnh 11 ,-a t. t h o ‘Ocean.’ G rove cost office k ■ ■TlIE :TRUTI I IX ITS 1 'ROPER PLAClf-

that can. give up' essential liberty lo obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

> — Benjamin Franklin. ....... ' ■

Relief From 11 4 Iii a recent address, Cli

if From Fear Necessary, ... ........ .dress, Charles R. Gay, Pr.\sideiit o f the

('.,>/'Ne\v Y ork Stock Exchange, sa id : “ I believe that a soim'd ,f -governm ental policy with respect to' money; ■capital, com- v. v :. modity. and security m arkets/ banking, business and:trade,> :> taxation and budget-balancing, and the li ve, will bring

: 'V ; back .th at flexibility anil resiliency, which in.a surprisingly s& fftth ort time; will enable the country to hurdle tlie final ob-: ...'■ stacle ot depression and stride confidently and sw iftly a-

long the path Of recovery to ou r ultim ate goal Of real ' p r o s p e r i t y . /■

“ Obviously, reduction o f government spending would v , stimulate private spending; termination o f all pump-prim-

f ; . ing experiments would end uncertainty- and return confi­dence in its stead to business and banking circles. Relief from prevalent fears would restore activ ity to the capital

■ goods industry, and since attainment o f the final stages , of recovery is dependent on broad and profitable produc-,

tion o f durable goods, it is d ifficu lt to understand moves to frustrate private industry in plant expansion:and other capita! outlays." ■■

No man is closer to the pulse o f American industry than the head o f the w orld ’s principal stock exchange: .He knows w hereof he speaks, not from theory but long ex­perience. W h at he says should be taken to heart by citi- zens o f all jiolitical faiths. Irrespective o f which party is. victorious in November, the country can go nowhere so long as. fear and uncertainty retards investment and em­ployment. The creation and maintenance o f sound gov-

1 ernmental policies, o f which Jlr; Gay speaks, requires the KC;;aid o f all minds. '

-! 1-

J U S T HUM ANS G E N E C A R Rll .ie'Vil J *-:»lu.V», loc.

L ; - / v ;I . .; : t* ■ • iKr :L r v / / V.^r'/S.'y<r\ "J

> ■ ,

' \\ y ^ W- L - . i


‘ How Soon, Tony?'

j 30 YEARS AGO j«ijtiiaiia'>iiiiuti'iuiw»uaiiiMai>«iiluiMl>ili(i)'»iiiiiiiitu£

’ (Editor's N ote: These It onus aretaken from the back fllea of the Tlinta fo r tlie year 1906.)

The Most Dangerous Places s•it-’- Tiie most dangerous place you can.be in the ordinary, courst' o f existence is in. an. automobile. The second most dangerous place is in your home. '. -

These deductions are made from figures, recently 're-. -leased by the National Safety Council, covering the acci­dent record during 1985, when accidents caused more

■ ' L-than 100,000 deaths. Automobiles accounted for 37,000 o f the \otal— an all-time high record— and home acci- den.ts for arount ;’,].000. : / .. . ■' -.

. ' It is a sad commentary, on the/habits-of^■ -tlie* Am eri­c a n people that. easily avoidable home accidents cause more injuries and deaths than industrial, accidents. The .average American industry has made astonishing strides in reducing, both the frequency and the severity o f . acci­

dents. Part o f this achievement follow ed better guarding o f machinery. But the most important cause o f the re­duction was the instillation of a philosophy o f carefiill- ness in the w orkm en..

At home and on the road, the man who w ouldn’ t think o f taking a chance at his work, apparently feels free o f such “ inhibitions.” The driving errors that cause motor

'accidents are well known. Not so well known are the principal causes o f home accidents. Falling out o f win­

d o w s , slipping: in the bathtub, falling downstairs, tamper­in g with electrical equipment— there are sources o f thous­ands o f deaths and injuries each year.

These figures should make you think— and think more than once. The hospital and the morgue await those who are thoughtless, careless and reckless,

v ^ ~ Building Up Reputation■The young folks just out o f school should l-ealize

that every single thing they do helps to bujld up some kind o f reputation fo r them. It may be either good or bad. In school the kind o f record they .made is the start o f that reputation. Good marks are a wonderful help in getting the first job. ;

The kind o f w ork they do on a vacation jo b helps get them regular work when they finally graduate. I f they go-to .work.as a store clerk and spend more time looking-, out ot the window than they do in waiting oil customers and learning about, the goods,: they are making a ■ poor start. If on their first job , they show themselves right;up on their toes to learn and labor, they are creating1 a good will for-them selves that opens the w ay to success. .

Presidents and governors and many great speakers have delivered -the Fourth o f July oration, in the. Ocean Grove Auditorium in the years gone.by. For the first time in oyer GO:years, the morning oration Nyas not: heard this .year and a patriotic musical service took its place in the evening. M ore than S'000 heard Arthur Pryor lead the

■■ 'Fort Monmouth band and enjoyed the community singing led by Choirmaster Walter Eddowes. The change met with general approval. ... -

A . j ! . K LU B ER TA N Z M A R RIE S

Ilis IJridc is Miss Helen W asson,o f Newark.

A . Robert Klubei'tanz, son o f Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Klubertanz, 23 . Olin streetj; was married on July 4th to Miss Helen W asson, (iau'gliter o f Mrs. Rose W asson ,,o f NewilrU. The cc'remony was per­formed at Atlantic. Highlands. They w ere attended: by Mrs.. E d­ward Pierce as bridesmaid and Howard G. Van ICii'k. ns best man. Mrs, Mildred Van Kirk was matron o f honor. :X- lllV- '

The wedding dfiiner. was .served a t . tha L og Ciibin Inn, Atlantic Highlands. Tlie guests present were Mrs. \V. C. Johnson, Miss Pearl M. Johnson. Elmore Brower, o f M aplewood; Mr. and Mrs. A. ternoon a pleasant one were Joan Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Kirk and son Richard Van Kirk, o f A t­lantic H ighlands; Mrs. Rose W as­son, Mrs. H. Mooiv, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pierce, Mr. and Mrs.

. i C harles'M oore, Miss A lice Moore,: j Miss Katherine. Moore, J oh n . Jen-

July I t, 190GV ice Commodore L. II. L evy and

First Lieutenant Robert C. M ayer plunged into, the ocean at .Ross’ bathing beach, Ocean Grove,': and. swam to the Deal life saving sta­tion, the’ form er winning tlieir in­form al race by. about 30 seconds,.Both were members o f the volun­teer, life saving crew. . , ,' v- : ":

Dr. L. W.VMunhall, leader, o f the Auditorium Bible C lass,which was the largest o f its kind-ill .the world,- look up his duties fo r another sea­son. Am ong his statement's at the first service. Was this: “ OceanGrove is the last place on earth Where Methodists should get so .dignified that' they are afraid to say .'Praise God.' ” • •


Ocean Grove’ .Court' Has - Another . Busy Week

A m ong tra ffic eases heard in Ocean Grove police court by Police Justice James R. Laird, Jr.; this week, Were the follow ing: Jose -1 pliine M. Ryersoh, Newark, and Geraldilie W . Stout, Jliddletown, charged by O fficer Denham with parking: on crosswalks; Fined S1.00 and costs each. Frank A.CUistage, Newark, arrested Uy Sergeant Atkinson fo r the sairte offense, paid a sim ilar fine. Thom ­as McCarthy, o f Neptune, a; truck driver, was fined $ 1 0 . f o r , illegal parking at the. South End. JohnH irtfield , Snrgentville,. N;. J.,, f j i i - „ . . . . . . . .ed 5 1 .0 0 when charged with illeg a l' hostess was the recipient o f a parking; O fficer B ark elow .. Mina I number o f lovley gifts. Before .the Branca, Garfield, N. J.', jjarking i games and entertainment o f the on crosswalk, $1.00 fine, O fficer afternoon began, group pictures llnncox I wove taken o f the children outside

Luinell Wntkins, Flushing, L. I . ; : the house. The peanut game was John Fraley, Belleville, Donaldson* played with the first award going Jennings and Arthur H. Jhnts/N ew w y Eli^abetli .Jolinspn; ,. sc^onuy York, 'a ll; charged with violating the - Sunday1 parking ' ordinance,>m*e iinecj $2 and costs, as;,well as the charge fo r tow ing their cars out o f the GroVe, apiece. In most cases, the $2.00 line was suspended.

Bathing on Sunday brought Miss Eva Greenwood and Aliss Emma Norwalk, Yonkers,: before Laitd.They were arrested by O fficer H ancox. Tliey were given sus­pended fines but were required to pay coUrt costs., Elmer Goldirig,New Y ork City, arrested by O ffi­cer Devlin o n ; the same, charge, was fined- $1 and costs.

B . .Jv H oage, o f Caldwelly - arres-

t ninjas, M at Rynn, Charies- M oore,. JacI^M oore, Mr. and M rs. Charles W ilson, Miss Mary Alice: Pierce, o f Newark.

A fte r a m otor trip, Mr. and Mrs. Klubertanz will reside at their new- home on W esley avenue, Atlantic Highlands.

Shirley Ann Hemphill’s PartyShirley Ann ITemphill entertain­

e d a number o f her little friends M onday .afternoon at the home .o f : her -: parents,' -‘.Mr.' , - and ¥M rs.; J,- 'H . Hemphill. 70 Benson 'avenue, Ocean G rove,; : in honor o f her fo ilrtli; birthday. Favors and decorations? wiere in .pink With a large birthday, cake and ,a lolly-pop pie gracing the reenter of:.th e ; table. Thc.; l ittle

ted by; O fficer White^ on a charge o f being intoxicated at the South End beach, was. fined $2 and costSi


‘ ICx-Mrs. Bradford’ ! On •Next. . W eek’s ' Program

Two hit permnnces, “ The Moon's Our Hom e,” starring M argaret Sullivan, and “ The F irst Baby,” featuring Shirley Dean and John­ny Downs, are the present attrac­tions at the Strand Theatre, Ocean Grove,, a rid wi 11 b e: show n .the re tp.- day "ail'd; tom orrow ,. ■ • .:--V:';v"

• “The Casc.■ Aga iiis t; ;.M rs, m es,” . the story of, two sensational cou rt' cases, will, be shown at the .Strand next Monday, - Tuesday arid W ed- nesday: Madelejne Carroll andGeorge Brent star in this picture, in conjunction with which will be shown little Jane W ithers’ most popular starring, show, “ Gentle Julia.” The pictiirizntion o f Booth Tarkington’s well-known novel shows J an e . W ithers doing her best lo straighten out a triangu­lar , romance anil the - mess she makes o f tilings before a solution is reached provides l-oal human inlerest., Two stars Of outstanding pic-. Hires o f lM li arc seen together in the Strand’s attraction f o r Thurs­day, Friday, a n d S a tu r d a y . : The 1'ilin ; ’ is entitled ., “ The Ex-Mrs." Bradford” and tho stars a rc -W il­liam Powell, o f “ The Great Zieg-. fo ld ” and Jean Arthur, o f “ Mr. Deeds. Goes to: Town.” ' In. tho sup-, porting cast o f “ The Ex-M rs. B radford” - are James. Gleason, Eric Blore, Robert Arm strong, Lila Lee. and Ralph Morgan.

Cigarette Starts F ireA carlessly thrown cgaretto lan­

ded between a pipe and a clap­board at tire rear o f the Olive House shortly after three o ’clock yesterday afternoon and ignited the board. The fire was discover­ed bofore it had a chande to spread, however, and the firem en, answer­ing an alarm from Box 43, Main and Beach, extinguished the sm ol­dering ' flam es with a chemical hose hook-up. Last night, shortly after 11. the department was. cnllcd to 123 Heck avenue where a curtain had caught fire. The fire -was ex­tinguished, however, before they arrived.

W e Have Summer Cottages i Bungalows and Rooming Houses

To Rent for Season of 1936

Rent prices from $200.00 up.Sale price from $2200.00 up. <■■

!’ .: .■' If you are lobking for a home to rent orbuy, w e have it. v •-.’A ^

Ernest N, Woolston ...REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE

; Forty-Eight Main Avenue j . ; Ocean Grove, N. J.: . ..

Telephone 398


Advertisements for them? columns shotitf’. he In the oilioe of "The Tlmca" NOTV'-liATBRv TH AN 12 O’CLOCK NOON.: Ttuivaday of each week, .

C L A S .S IF IK l) A D K A T E25 .words or l eHSV. - , . . . >v:More than 25 words .1 cent per word 5 times for the-price o f four.

Copy mailed In. ptvon to repiesenta- llve. or tuou«ht Jo,' otHce perrtonally must he uc<’ompnir1cd by cash or stamps to c«>vi*r cost. Copy accepted over phono as a courtesy and co n v e y lence to customers. Bills due Immedi­ately upon presentation.

jiiitiiiiiiuiiuiiinii ... .

| SALE || Cookman Avenue— Six room house with three bed- |I rooms. A ll improvements, $3,500. =| - • S| RENT |= SEASON-— Six room house with three bedroom s, |r all improvements, $150. ' |.| YEARLY— Com pletely redecorated, modern, un- |? furnished home in Bradleiy Beach. A ll : improve- 1 J ments. Tworcar garage. $55 per month. / . |


| ALVIN E. BILLS AGENCY j| REAL E STA TE M ORTGAGE LOAN S IN SU R AN C E I | Telephone 2124 78 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove |rviiiiiiiiihiiiKiiiitiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaKitiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiihaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiHaiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?

FO R SA L E — G room house, al­so 4 room Bungalow, lot GO x G0;| $4,200; 14 room house, also 4 iroom bungalow, $G,0 0 0 ; D room s,)' S‘J,500; G rooms, $3,000; 7 room s, I $3,250; two fam ily, $2,000; lt> i room s, $4,000; 7, rooms, $1,800; 27 rooms, $8,500. Heinz A gency, 130 Main ; averiue,: Ocean Grove.—-2G-■.31* ' ‘

E XC H AN G E — Have plot o f gi*ound 100 x 125 (5 lots) in com ­m uting town, Erie R. Bergen County, depression value, $350 per lot, water gas, electricity, assess­ments and taxes paid; O ffered in part exchange fo r small house in Grove. I f interested consu lt your broker or address “ O A K ” , care Tim es O ffice.— 28-30*

^ ii i i i i i i i i { i ( i i i i i in i i i i i i i ! i i t < a t | ( i i r i f t i i i ! t a i i in i i f i i i a i t i i i i i ia n i ' | in i i ' a i ia i i i i i i i ia i i i i i i i i « i i iu iM i iu n i i ja i 'u i i i i i } i in iu a in i ( -

Rem ember ’w ay back when there Vvere not,so |jj many cars on the road, when Collision Insurance j| was regarded as a luxury and the prime excuse was |s “ the rates are too high? \.= Today, with so many cars on the road, Collis- || -ion Insurance is an.essential and viewed in the light || o f the hazard involved is riot a whit m ore expen- £1 sive than the old stand-bys-— fire and theft. j|1 The cost has been constantly reduced— as more |j was sold— and it NOW COSTS MUCH LESS than 1-| form erly. || Come in and let us tell you how much Collision |I Insurance on your car would cost, with no obligation |I on your part. ?

I I m m F R r n n s n n REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE I=_ L iU U lO 1^ . U I U I I ^ U U , 53 Main Avenue. O cean Grove. N. J. |

Telephone, Asbury Park 1058 £

?iiiiiait«iiaii«iiaiiiiiritiiitii‘iMaiiiiia<iiiiansi!SiiBitiiiaiiajj*iiaii«ri|iiaiiaiitiiiiisiiiiiaii«iiaMaiiaiiiifiniii«iiaiiiiiiiiatianaiia? ;

ROOM S— 3G Surf avenue, sec­ond block from oeean. Clean airy rdoms. ‘ Double: or twin beds. .. Near Auditorium, A sbury Park and: all attractions. Moderate rates; Mrs; B. W hiting.— 28-32* -.

DRESSMAKTjRt—experienced In alterations ana remodeling, desires position with dressmaker, or in­dividuals may call to have work done at 13 Embury avenue or Phone A . P. 4 2 4 4 .-2 8 *

HOUSE— or substantial bunga-


. :> W ith practically all o f Europe, including France, turning Fascist and Communist,.'the-conservativesi-Uind-aii- :ti-communists o f Am erica will elect' Landon and .Knox by - a .landslide .vote, is the prediction, o f ’ John: !) . ; Hamilton, ichairman o f the Republican .National committee. Straw .votes, whatever their, value, show that millions are desert­ing the New Deal like rats from a sinking hulk. :

W. C. T. U. Heard Dr. M iller At Thornley Chapel . ;

The firs t summer m eeting o f felle .Ocean' G roye’ i '. C. I'. U. was held Tuesday afternoon V, at Thornle^ Chapel, witlj Mrs.,_H. I. .Benson, presiding. A lter the opening song service; Dr. Dorsey N. M iller led in prayer, and then' delivered a forcefu l heart-searching address on tlie conditions and needs o f our time’s. '

He deplored a letting-down o f the work o f many who .have hith­erto adhered closely to the con ­ventionalities'. Iii fact, to use the: speaker’s expression, “ W e are suf- foring fi'oni mora 1;ha 1 itosis.M God’s people* heed to be continually - on the watch against: evil, arid, to be loyal to the cause they represent, lie closed.:

One o f the members o f the Un­ion related a little incident, show- ing ’what >'.resultc(l. from a small

j e ffo rt on her part. She and two I others take a certain daily paper together, and she wrote the editor

1 in their names protesting against | tile IicjiioiV advertisements which

appear day after day in the col

Richard Johnson; and third, Le?:Kirkpatrick. ’ Prizes were awarded to Richard Johnson, ’H arriet Jean Everett and M arjorie Van Cleaf, fo r the donkey game. A guessing gam e was won by Dorothy Van Cleaf. . .

Those who helped maku the a f­ternoon a pleasant one w ere Joan Eh m a riii,; Harriet Jean Everett,Janice = Ehmann, D orothy Van'Cleaf, Rose Disbrow, Audrey: Vari C leaf, Elizabeth Johnson, M arjorie Van Cleaf, Shirley Ann Hemphill,Clyde Hemphill, Richard Johnson,George W ainright, Lee Titmas,Lee Kirkpatrick, Betty - JoyceHemphill, Norma Ann _ N orris, j ] 0w -wanted, fo u r to six rooms, un Franklin Forbqs, Lloyd Johnson,, furnished. State price, location and Billy Dodd. .... . '. and full particulars. Address Box

Also, Mrs. Mary Arbuckle, Miss g4 ( Tim es O ffice.— 28-32*Marion Arbuckle, N ew ark; M m . 1 •Rebecca A . Wainright, Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Mrs. Norm an Norris,Mrs; Charles. Cooke, Mrs; W alter HosmeivV Mrs. Robert ,C. Titmas,Mrs. J. H. Hemphill, Ocean Grove;Mrs.' Joseph Ehmann. Mrs. - A . W .Hemphill, Mrs. C. \V. Hemphill,Deal; and Mrs. Joseph Van Cleaf,| TU TORIN G— in high school and Oakhurst. Mrs. Rebecca . W a in -c o l le g e preparatory subjects, by right is the great-grandm other o f | experienced teacher. Rates veryShirley Ann. | reasonable. M arjorie T. A llen, 34

'** : Beach avenue, Ocean. Grove. :As-CHURCII A F F A IR S SUCCEED ; bury Park 4342-W — 28-32*

FO R SA L E — Six room house with bath, partly furnished, $1 ,0 0 0 ; No taxes due and no m ortgage on property. .Covert Real Estate Ag - en cy ,: (Jeanne. Covert) W arrington Hotel.— 2g -v. :

l*aslor Annoitnecs Sunday M orning i FOR R EN T— Ocean Grove near n v n m i beach and Auditorium, 2 room

Sermon th em e \- j apartment, CO Dollars fo r season.“ Bewitche<l Galatians” will be * Mrs. W eaver, 58-Mt. Herm on W ay.

Dr. II. P. F ox ’s sermon theme at - —;-8 *St. Paul’s church at m orning w or- ~1~ship, 11 o ’clock, Sunday. , | FOR SA L E — 107 Clark avenue,

Under thc^ auspices o f . t h e : Ocean Grove; is a .g r e a t bargain, church, a most successful. F ash ion ! Three lots and ‘six room house; Parade ahd Musicale was held ; Cash, $2,500. , Address Rev. R. F. Friday night, followed up by ji well • W icks, 36 Kearny St., Newark, N.attended and profitable breakfast j and “ brunch” , Saturday morning, j

Rev, Miller, to Lead ConcertA t eight o ’clock tom orrow night,;

in .tho Youu^ People’s Temple, the antiual concert iriuler the auspices j o f the llolinessim eeting will bej held. On the program will be the!

I.— 2G-30.'.

u mns o f tiie paper.’ To her great j Rev. arid Mrs*. Dorsey- N. Miller gratification; .she has discoveretl Clarence Kohlhiaiin, Mr. arid Mrs that .these objectionable a d s . have I Walter. Kddo.wes, .Mrs. Dorothybeen eliminatecl.

There was a good attendance at the op en in g ; meeting. On account o f the Interstat-e Convention, July 14, 15 and 16, • The liqxt weekly gathering at T hornley C hapel.w ill be on Tuesday, J.uly 21, . ;

Henry, -Miss.. Doris. M iller and E Thurwalden Tindley^ son ol the late renowned negro preacher, Charles Tindloy, Mr, Tindley is to sing at the Holiness services, to­day, tomorrow day.

F O li R E N T— Double ' room , six to -eight dollars weekly, in refined home and quiet., neighborhood. Convenient to •everything. • Mrs. Otis D. L in co ln ,-01 .Embury ave- nue.— 26-30*- ■■■ ' ■ • ______ - v

STOM ACH I J L C E R , GAS PAIN S, .IN DIG ESTION victims, why su ffe r? F or quick relief get a free sam ple of. Udga, a doctor's prescription, at Nagle's Pharmacy, -r liO-Sl* . '


1 Furnished Cottages !I TO LET ", |

Four to Ten Room Cottages | I $200 to $500 fi Three to Four M onthi Season |

| FOR SALE. One Hundred Bargains 1 to Select From |

| J.NA. HURRY AGENCY jI Real Estate Information Bureau 1§ 66 Main Avenue 61 Clark Avenue |1 Telef>hane,4l32 O c e a n G r o v e » N . J . ' Telephone 387-R 5



Phone: Asbury Park 8974;






MON., TU ES:, 'W ED., JU L Y 13-14-15


' . in “ Tlie Case Ajjainst

M rs. A m es ”

a lso




TIIU RS., PRI.. SAT.. JULY- 10-17-18


“ The Ex-Mrs. Bradford”I. =

ANTIQ UES— Uought and 'sold. Itiish, cane porch seats made. Fur-

Sunday and M on -' niturc repairing. 117 South Main .... 'S t . A sbury Park 3G91-J.— 3-17*

i Adults. A ll Seats . . .25C . Eari3' Birtl p r i t « . . W C . I s • „ . . . . • 12.30 Until 2.00 P. M. =| Children. 15c. No Higher |. - - I " S* i i i i r . i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ia n i i ia i ia i i i i iB it a i ! i i« i i> i i» i> it i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ia u i i i i i i i i> i i i« u i i ia i* a i ( i ! i i / > i i i i ( i i i i i i ( i i i f i ia i i i t i i i i i i ia f i i i i i i^ •

Page 5: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION

FRIDA.Y, JU L Y .10, 1930 P A Q S f i v e


Mias' Alm a Quinter, o f Sehuy- kill Haven, Pa., is a guest at 81 Mt. Zion W ay. • ■

Mrs. Minnie B riggs, o f Brooklyn, has opened her sum mer home at 64 M t. Tabor W ay. .

Mr. and Mrs. James .P. Dailey, Of N ewark,shave opened ther tent, N o. 14 Mt. Zion W ay.

Mrs. H arry Brand, 14 New .Y ork avenue,; is ill a t her home with siinimer grippe. % , . ; v , -

Miss Ann W ier, o f Paterson, is a guest o f 'Mr. ajnd Mrs. Charles W eaver, 58 Mt. Hermon W ay.

Ralph P. Ross, Jr., o f Pocom oke, Md,, has been a guest this week at the parsonage, 103 Broadway.

Mrs. Julia A . Antony, o f Mor­ristown, has rented the cottage, 90 Stockton avenue fo r the summer.

Mrs. M ary Collins, o f Highland Park, is a guest o f her aunt, M iss Jennie Tinmans, 85 Embury ave­nue. ’ . ..

Mr. and Mrs. George Pigueron, Jr., o f New York City, are located fo r the sum mer at 78 Clark ave­nue.

The Misses M ary and Janet W hite, o f Scranton, Pa., are guests at the Davis home, 04 Main ave­nue. ;

Mr. and M rs. Charles Van Bur- en, o f M erchantville, N. J., are Spending the summer at 101 Cen­tral avenue.

N orm an and A lfred Koehler, o f Philadelphia, are spending a two weeks’ vacation at the M ain ave­nue House.

Mrs. Junita Addison, o f W ash­ington, D. C,, was a week-end guest o f M rs. Charles Spencer, 87 Mt. Zion W ay.

Mr. and Mrs. DeW itt C. Carter, o f Biairstown, N. J „ wore guests o f Mrs. E leanor D. S. Young, 100 W ebb avenue. • .

Mr. and Mrs. Norton. Benedict, o f W ilton. Conn.,.are spending two w eeks at the Park View H otel, 23 Seaview avenue. *: Mrs. Anna Sutton, o f Lancaster,

Pa., is spending the summer at the home o f Mrs. Phineas Proctor, 29- New Y ork avenue.

Dr. and M rs. George Goode and fam ily, o f Union City; .were at their summer cottage, 100. Embury avenue, fo r several days.

Mr. and M rs. Joseph H erm ann o f Jersey. City, spent tho week­end at the home o f. Mrs. Fred T cr- hune, 89 Embury avenue..

Mrs. W .C . Crane and her daugh­ters, Mrs. M urray Perkins o f Bal­tim ore, have returned to their Grove cottage at 11 Broadway.

Miss L u lu ' Johnson a n d . her ; niece, Miss Dorothy Phillips, 73 Cookman avenue, are at : 112 Clark avenue, f o r the summer.

Guests recently at. the W ilm a H all, 38 Pitman avenue, have been

>M r ,. and M rs.: Charles I. Morrell and son, Irving, o f Scotia,. N. Y .

M r. and Mrs. Jacob Beutell, 98 Vi Embury avenue, were called to W inchester,. Va., last weekj to attend the funeral o f a friend.

Miss Bessy Howe, o f Brooklyn; and M rs. Henry Winheim and son, o f ' St. Louis, Mo., are guests at the Sun Rise Inn, 46» W ebb avenue.

Mr. and M rs. Ajrthur E verett and fai-.iily, o f Kearny, spent the week-end as the guests o f Mr. andi Mrs. . W alter.'.Hosm er, 98 Embury avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis- Arnold and fam ily, o f Trenton, who have leased Jheir cottage-on Broadway, were visitors in the Grove on M on­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crown, 92 ■Main avenue, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kiernan and fam ily and Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan, o f Kearny.

Mr. and .Mrs, Milton I. Voorhees, o f Jamesburg, N, J., are spending the summer with their daughter, Mrs. Helen Haminen, 99 W ebb avenue.

Mrs. Bertha Davison, 3 Pennsyl- ia avenue, was taken to the Gun­ther Hom e, A sbury Park, on M on­day, by the Ocean Grove am bu­lance.

Mr. and. M r?. W illiam A . Al.my, o f New York City, and grand­daughter A lice M cNally, o f A llen­town, Pa., are vacationing at U Ocean avenue. >. t

Rev. Dorsey N . Miller, o f Dan­ville, Pa., leader o f the Holiness meetings at 10 a. m, every day, is spending the summer , at the. W ar­rington Hotel.

M r. and M rs, Stanley V. W ood and fam ily, . o f W ilkesbarre, Pa., came down td; the Grove last week and have opened their cottage, ;at 7 Ocean Pathway. •

; M r. -anti. Mrs, U , Cii tiler RyersOn, o f Newark^ have: arrived at the M ajestic -Hotel, Ocean ' Pathway, where they w ill spend• the summer, until a fter Labor Day,

A fter visiting- two weeks with Mr. and M rs ; II , D. K resge, 90 W ebb avehueV M rs;-: Ruth Kresge and son W illis returned .this week to their, home in Scranton; Pa.;.-

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burger, Sr., o f New Rochelle, N. Y.', who are stopping at the North End hotel this, summer, w ill be here fo r their 37th consecutive Camp Meeting.

M r. and Mrs. W alter A pplegate, 90 Heck avenue, have rented their home to Miss Ella .May Bergman, superintendent o f the Booth Met morial H ospital, ..New Y ork City.

Mrs. - W illiam Davenport Jones, 70 Ileck avenue, . is entertaining her cousins, Mr. and M rs, E. M or­ris Lloyd, Miss M argaret II. Lloyd and Van Voorhees Lloyd; o f Mont­clair., ; ’ . . .

Mrs. Josephine Young, who owned and operated the Ocean Front House forty years ago, is the guest this week o f Mrs. Hiram W alton at StokeH Hall, Ocean Pathway.

Mr. and. M rs, J. A . F itch and .Mrs, M ary E. Pyle,' o f Philadel­phia, are here for their twentieth season at G8 Mt. Carmel W ay. Mr. Fitch gets great enjoym ent from tlie fishing.

Bradford Jones, Jr., son o f Mr. and Mrs, Bradford Jones, 118 Clark ayenue,. is spending a week-s vacation .: with his parents. He is in the em ploy o f a large grocery concern in N ewark. *

Mrs. ’ Frank Frick, o f Belford, spent a week as tho--guest o f her sister Mrs. Bradford Jones; 118 Clark avenuo. . Other guests last week, w ore Mrs. A . Guth and James Ilar.dargon, o f Newark. •

Mrs. Leslie H. Taylor and daughter Janet, o f ' Hi\obrouck H eights, M is. H arry G. Sym s and son Bobby, .Mrs. Fred Bamman, o f Jersey Gity, were guests this week at 11G Clark avenue.

Mrs. John Ileeney, o f W hite Plains, N. Y ., has opened her sum­mer cottage at 1G Seaview avenue and has as..'her guests there fo r the . season, her daughter, Mrs, Sign-ey Bare, Jr., and fam ily.

Guests o f Rev. and Mrs. J. N* Kugl er, 78 Mt. Zion W ay, are Mr, and M rs. Fred Nichols, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Bradley and fam ily, o f Schncctady, .. and M rs. L. Smith, Boston, M ass,’

Mrs. Hedley R. W oodward, o f W estfield, corresponding secretary o f the W om an's Home Missionary Society o f the Newark conference, arrived this week at the St. Elnio hotel, where she will remain until a fter Labor Day, 1

Mrs, Julia K. Lake, o f A lcyone Chapter, N o. 395, O. E. S., New York City, Past Grand Represerv- tative .to M ich igan ,. is. -spending the season at the Seacroft, 14 Sea­view avenue. This is Mrs. Lake’s 39th summer here.■ Mrs. A . E. Young and daughter,,

o f New Y ork ; Mr. and Mrs. J . F. Eastmorid and daughter Mrs. C., B. Roche, Miss Lucille Roche and Miss Phyllis Culley, o f Atlantic' Highlands) were recent guests at 99 Embury avehue.

“ The T hrift Shop,” operated by Mrs. C .. M. IlatfielU at her home, 37 Embury avenue, is fo r the sup­port o f the Ocean Grove ambu­lance and fo r the benefit o f the Elizabeth Fow ler Day room in F it- kin- Memorial Hospital.

Born to Lieutenant and . Mrs. Edwin J,. S. Young at Annapolis* Aid., last Sunday a son. Lieut, Y oung is the son o f 'Mrs.' Eleanor Young, 100 Webb avenue and is an in stru ctor .o f naval.aviation at the U. S. M ilitary Academy.

Mr. and Mrs! W illiam Morton, 58 Mt. Hermon W ay, has as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. John Thack- ara and daughter M rs. Graham Fling, o f Philadelphia, Miss M ary Thackara, o f Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. Thackara is Mrs. M orton’s sister*

Mrs. M. E, Duxbury, 15 New York avenue, has as guests Mr. and Mrs. M. E.- Samuelson, o f ;th e B ronx; Mr. and M rs. J. *A. Par sons, Greenville, N. J .; Mr. arid Mrs. J. Ii. Tabor, Roseville, N. J .; M r, and IVJrs, W illiam Gannon, Jersey C ity , '

Mr. and M rs. James Horace, New York City, announce the birth o f a daughter, Saturday, July 4th a t . . St, Clair Hospital, New York City. Mrs. Horace was the form er Elizabeth Blauvelt, Neptune . high - school graduate, class o f 1933.

James Cox, who is spending the sum mer at 85 Mt. Zion W ay this week celebrated his 8Gth birthday. H e received a shower o f cards and ,telegram s. Other guests there are Mrs, John Simmons, Glen Riddle, •Pa., and Miss Betty Hansen, o f Philadelphia.^

Guests this week o f Mrs, W . B. McICim, . 92 W ebb avenue, hav« been Mr. and M rs. D. L. Thomson and A ndrew Thomson, East Orange; H arry W ingert and Miss M. M orris, U nion; Miss Eva Cas­par,. N ewark; and Miss Edna Gan- ser, Bloom field.

Over the holiday weekend, Miss Elizabeth Koch, o f B rooklyn ,-en­tertained the fo llow ing guests at the Hotel Shelburne, Ocean Path­w ay: Miss Minnie Nikola and Mrs. Anne M orton, New Y ork City, and Frank de Santa ami Guy Cruger, Richmond Hill, N. Y . . •* •

The follow ing were ■ holiday guests o f Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Dip- ple, 83 Mt. Zion W ay : Miss Grace S teuerw ald ,. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dietz man, Robert Flowers,* Phila­delphia; John. Si innions, GlenkRid^ die. P a .; Mr. an(t 'JIrs. . L. Bv -Haiies; o f M orristown, N . J . . • s‘

M iss I. Oldham, o f Chicago, III., who visited here years ago with ’ ’ er parents, is spendng a w eek ' at ?f> Mt, H erm on .,w ay, a fter two years* sojourn in L o s - Angeles.’ She says the town never looked sn well kept n*g- it--does, .today "and. coihpares favorably w ith J thetowns (jvu the P acific coast.

Mr, and Mrs. J, W . Hastings,_ of Newark, celebrated thoir, wedding anniversary on June 27 at their cottage, 91 Franklin avenue, en­tertaining guests from Orange, N . J., Mr, and Mrs, C. A . Reynolds and daughter and Miss McQiiire, Mrs. Hastings and daughter, Miss Annella Hastings, will remain ac their cottage here for : several w eek s .,kr ^

f / /v t e Fo r n ^ t o .

"l.UVC HhlftfS t w i t jjdSZ'— ullii tIIMl* ■mdl(cs lo v e

JULY. IG~Congrcas designates Div

trlct of Columbia os.fu* . . lUfC capnal. 1790

17—Unitcd States naval base ; established at Queens* town. England. 1917

18—United':States air service; crented' with • six • 'army1 •‘ planes, 19(4^;:': '

19—Bloomers'?.. introdUced at• V/omen's: Rights Convcn* ~

tion. 1848 . .V -’;>■ • .

: 20^ First railroaii trainreaches .- - \ \Wasliingtor?. .D.;C.| 1835. ■-/

21 KiUinls’ frbsts i'uin crops tn ’•! . ^-Nevr.York.ind: Connccti*-.. ■ •. ctit. 1SQ0 . *’ *.*'*' >*'f*

22— Om 1 a w j oil n Di l l inger ,-slain.byG mer. in Chicago, -

;• 1934 ■ : ■; ;

Gutsts this week o f Mrs. Char­lotte Rotert, 45 Embxiry avenue, are J. Mandia, F. D eb a u ,.p . P at­rick and. A .- Morin, o f Ottowa, Canada;. Miss E. Taylor, Mrs. E.

•Miller, H. Taylor,' Billy*-Janet and Mildred Leitz, o f N ewark; Mrs, L. Crane, Ocean Grove anti Marr garet Rotert, o f Jersey City.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lucas, and Mrs. M argaret Bedow and son Robert, o f Boontori, and. Mr, and Mrs. Force Fergusonv o f Parisp- pany spent a week as the guests o f Mr. and. Mrs,. Samuel Husk, 115 Clark avenue, Edward Gardiner, o f Boonton, brother o f Mrs, Husk, is spending the summer here.

Mrs. Charles H. Wood, o f Phila­delphia, was brought to her cot­tage, 30 Atlantic avenue, fo r the summeiv from Tem ple U niversity Hospital, where she has been con­fined fo r several weeks due to an accident. H er sister,- Mrs. Sarah E. Knerr, a nurse from Allentown, Pa., ir> in charge o f the patient.

The Rev. and M rs. David Gallo­way, o f Brisbane,. Australia, who are on a trip that will take them nearly all- the w ay around the world, stopped fo r a few days last week a t the home o f their niece,. Mrs. James Blair, 103 Mt. Tabor W ay. They are now aboard ship en route to England and Scotland.

Guests fo r the season at the

main for two weeks. Mi.ss Anna L. Locke.and M iss 'A n w tta . P. Locke, o f W ilkinsburg, Pa., are spending’ their vacation at the Hotel Whitfield. .

A ! Beach Party was held I ’nes- d a y .a t South-.Mantaloking oy tho “ Men About T ow n" The com m it­tee consisted o f Jack Thompson. B iadford Jones and Kenneth Mac

TERRY’S LOCKSMITH SHOP‘ : • ’ 7 3fnin Street, Ashnry Pnrk Auto and window trlnss find in;

s t a l l e d .Hnntwnro onil Ilonsc SiippllfH .

I-'or ijuJpk acrrlco cnll A. I* CflCO

W hat’s G oing On at the

f res lime nts v/e re E n joyed . Those 1 Walter Reade Theatrespresent were June Thom pson, Ed ward . Bernhard, V irginia Ham - ; men, Joseph Rainear, Betty W ool­ley, Edmund Thom pson, D o r is ; Burman, Kenneth M acW hinney,« Shirley . Thompson, Rusling M acj Whinney, Betty G rigg, Bradford i

:Jones,'. A lice Bilmsj James ilen - drick^bn,.-- Helen, Jones, . .‘ George j Y ou n g ,,Mary; Lou Dennis and Jack Thompson. . ■ ,

In. A sb u ry P ark

Neptune News Note

M AYFAIRLaks A.trouc

Entire AVee.k, Starting Saturday, July , l l t h , .

k a y F r a n c i s v : --in - v

' ‘T H E W IIITE A N G E L ”A F irst National P icturc With,



I Talk It Over First With Your Bank I

i Investment Information and1 Advice Is But One of| Our Many Services |I .MEMBER F E D E K A L DEPOSIT IN SU R A N C E CORPORATIO N |

| The First National Bank of Bradley Beach 1| Bradley Beach, N.J. I

;. i W i 11 iam , Boorie; E leventh .' avenue;; recently sufft*red a stroke. ;

1 M r^.: George. .0, W hite; is ill at her; home on' Eleven th avehue.;;/.; '

M K and Mrs; ;Grant Lott, .Coilies avenue, spent W ednesday in ' f r e e ­hold.

Dorothy. Van Dusen 1111. Corlies avenue, spent the w eek-end,in the C atsk ills ..

Mrs. J. W . Reynolds, 202 So. A t ­kins avenue, visited in New Brunswick recently.

Ruth and Elaine W eiss, 1405 Corlies avenue, are spending, the week in Brooklyn.

Mrs, Ivins B. Grant, M yrtle ave­nue, and friends visited in South River, last Thursday.

M rs. Marguerite H-eidemark, Corlies avenue, is a surgical pa­tient in Fitkin hospital.

Mrs. Daniel Thom sons is -.im- provihg from a. week’s illness at her hom e.on Corlies avenue.

Charlottg Blemis, o f Red Bank, is ’ visiting her aunt, Mrs. Harold Cottrell, 1201 Eleventh avenner

Birdsall Johnson, o f Lakewood, spent the holiday, with Harold Johnson, 204 South Atkins avenue.

W illiam Holmes, Atkins avenue,entertaining his son, .the Rev,

Ernest Holmes, o f Carbondale, Pa.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clayton,

form erly o f Atkins avenue, are spending som e-tim e at their home in Belmar.

Robert Van Valkcnlmvg, o f Brooklyn, recently visited his sis­ter, Mrs. Louise Cottrell, 1204 El­eventh', avenue.

W alter Newman, . o f L akew ood,!

PARAMOUNTThe Years’ Finest Motion Pic­

ture Comes Here for its Sec­ond Record-Breaking Week

S ta llin g Sat., July 11Continuous Perform ance From

10.30 A. M. .to I A . M. Midnight Show Everv N ight at



And a Cast o f Thousands in

“ SAN FRAN CISCO”An M -G-M Picture

NEW ST. JAMESEntire W eek Starting Friday,

• July 10thOn the Stage— In Person

"P O P E Y E ” (T he Sailor M an) On the Screen

. “ THE LAW LE SS DO’S” with


Roosevelt, corner o f Beach • and 1 .IS spending the summer at ^the Atlantic, avenues, include Mrs. ] n°HMJ o f 'M r . and Mrs, Daniel Ire* W illiam Sheely, Miss A . I. Mason^J land, R idge-avenue. , and Miss J. F. Day, o f Paterson; I Mr. and Mrs, Niedhardt and Miss Cora Richardson, New Y ork ; i daugh ter 'A lice , Ninth avenue,Miss Eugenia Porter and Miss Clem .H olliday, St. Louis; and Mrs. F. F. Rohlfs and daughter Ernu, o f the B ikhix. •

Y esterday afternoon the First A id S quad 'brought Mrs. C; W . B. Putt back to her home at 24 Main avenue a fter s ix week’s con fine­ment in Monmouth Memorial H ospital, where she underwent a serious operation fo r gall stones. Mrs. Putt’s condition is decidedly improved. She will be under a nurse’s care* fo r several days.

Guests o f Mrs. Charles Coopey, 17 New Y ork avenue, w ere Rev. and Mrs. Frank Doty, Ruth J. Green, Columbus, Ohio; J. Laef- fert, Orange; Mr, and Mrs. E . D. Ellingsen, East Orange; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. B. ' E. T hom pson,. Mrs! A .-S , Embley, Mrs. A . Hutchinson, K earny; Mr. nnd Mrs, A. F. Busch and fam ily, Reading.

Recent arrivals at Bancroft- Taylor Rest Home are Mrs. Dan B; Brummitt, Kansas City, Mo,, one. o f the national Vice-presidents o f the W om an’s Home Missionary S o c ie ty ;. Miss Jane Me Cullough, deaconess teacher o f Religious In­stitution, St. Paul,. Minn.; . Miss Gladys K. Pautz, Industrial dea­coness worker, Mt, Carmel, Pa., and Miss Florence Vaun, Unity Mission, Berwick, Pa-

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. W iggin and M rs. Pearl Clements enter­tained at bridge and late supper Monday night at the form ers’ home, 90 Mt. Hermon W ay. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. MacW illiams, Mrs. AnnaFarrell and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I-f. Downie, Mr. and Mrs. Mac W ill­iams .entertained the same, group last night at their home, 98V(j Mt. Hermon W ay.

Guests o f Mrs. O. D. Lincoln, 91 Embury avenu e,. this week were M rs. Jam es Dallas, Philadelphia;C. E. Davis, Detroit; M rs. Keyser and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Ingraham, B rooklyn; William Gerhard -and Marshall Davie, M ontclair. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Cowperthwaite, 1 who sold their home, 71 A bbott avenue, to Mrs. M argaret Cubby* o f Paterson, are. spending the summer'- with Mrs. Lincoln. '• V r ';.- '-

The follow ing, have registered f o r lengthy ;:^tays at • the - -SRaw- mpnt; Ocean: avenue';at 01in';street.. Mr. and; M r s ■ B. G .;M arsh ,: Stii ton Island; 'M rs. F. Hall*:, Mr. and Mrs. L ogi n go a n cl daii gli t ei'S j o f xVI oo res- tow n; , Mrs. Martini Lawis : and d^ugliter^;;;Miss V M ary;; B'.■ Lewis, Johnsto\yn, Pa.; I\lr. and MrB. II.D ,;;Bui'hett; and daiightets, • Misses J. K; and Doris ^Biirnett, Newark'; Alrsy; 11ic I\Iprprari /IVIi svi B1 ancihc* Johnson, ^Philadelphia ; I Mri^; and; M rs. lvrout anti fam ily, Nut ley.

M iai Ella A. Condon, 01 Pliiiu- ilelphia,' is at ilic Hotel Whit field for., tho entire season. Mrs. Isal'i’llo IS. Me Neil, o t Brooklyn, is also ii RUBSt; a t the W hitfield l'or the. season, accompanied by,hoi- daugh­ter,., Miss Sally E', M ? Neil ami Miss Elsie A. Rarfon, \vho will ru-

LYRIC•1 Days Starting Sat., July 11 A L A N B AX TE R

• J r ; A N N PRESTON in

' ‘ P A R O L E ".The Univers(il Picture With

A L A N DIN EH ART Diroc From R oxy Theatre, New

York City

■'! Days Starting Weds., July 15 Returned by Popular Demand



A t Your ServiceWo invite the people ot this com m unity nnd surrounding

vicinity to avail thcmgelvcs o f our com plete banking facilities which include the fo llow ing:




Each deposit account at this bank is insured up to $5,000 by the Federal Doposit Insurance Corpora­tion.

W e Solicit Your Patronage

Asbury Park and Ocean Grove BankMain St., Asbury Park Main Ave., Ocean Grove

Membe|* o f the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

com panicd friends to Pine Beach over the week-end.

Mrs. Peter Linster, 117 South Main street,- has sailed on' the Normandie fo r a three month’s va­cation to Switzerland.

Mrs. N ewton Smith and daughn ter Patricia, Atkins avenue, are spending, two weeks with Mr. Smith, in Altoona, Pa. -

Mr, and. M rs, George Miller and children^ o f Arlington, were week- end visitors with Mrs, M iller’s I parents, R idge avenue. j|

Mrs. W alter Horner, and sons,,11 who have • been spending s o m e jl time- in A tlantic Highlands, have i f returned to their home on Corlies j 1 avenue. ; I

Mrs. Sarah Hulseh'art and I daughter, Mrs. Maude Thompson, j | Atkins .avenue, were w eek -en d ; j guests o f Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k , | Sweet, Tom s River. .. ||

The A uxiliary o f the Home fo r : I the A ged enjoyed their annual pic­nic at. the Park View hotel, Sea­view avenue, Ocean Grove, W e d ­nesday. Mrs. Rebecca W ainwright, a member o f the Auxiliary, served a delicious dinner. A fter a s h o r t ;? business session, an afternoon o n ‘ f the- boardwalk was enjoyed. : |

I'rank S. Morris Electric Co.

Electrical ContractorsAuto Electric Servite

Refrigeration Service E ngi- . noers

Battery and Tire Service Telephone A. P . 2778

47 Main Avenue Ocean Grove


8n?c*s«or to. fGeorge B. Sexton |

Funeral Directors ITh® Oldeat Uaderlahln? Bstab* = llabaent In Bonmonth County = Gontlnvons S e r r lc e =FJrat-Claas Ambolanoo Herrlce 5

704 Seventh Avenue I Asbury Park, N. J . - |

| Telephone, Aabnry Park SJJ |M lrtitta> iti!a it«n iiiiiia iiiu«ti> u> tiana ittita ))a iiin in 111 an ar

Musicole at the Centennial Hotel 11 A musicale was enjoyed by the.j |

guests o f the Centennial Hotel, |Ocean Grove. Jeannette G e s sn e r jl rendered sevea;al selections on the 11 piano, including Liebestraume, b y l |Liszt, and Lucia Di Lammermooiyi | by Leschetezky, for the le ft hand, j |Alrsi C. Benbrook- sang delightful- J | iy . M aster Randol T. Masters, o f |Passaic, N . J., played Valse in E flat, by Durand and Dance o f the Hours, by Pohchielli. A duet w as,played by M aster R. T. M a sters ,!? .............. .............assisted by Jeaniiette G'essner, o f j ^Philadelphia. ! I

A m ong the guests, were Miss'. 1 May, Miss Toscaner, Mis L.ouise | §Voight, M iss Benbrook, Mrs. j =Swenson, . C. Gates, Mr. Wralsh, j §Herman Garritscn, Mrs. 'H , G a r-i| P [ I A M F i 5rilson, Christine Erkelens; C harles; S sIiedtngfield, Mr. and Mrs. R . T. * |M asters, Jeannette 1 Gessner, Uan- ■ 2 ilol M asters, Mrs, C. Benbrook || and. Mrs. Haig. I =


Wilbur R. GuyerSuccessor to


HEATINGEstimates Given

£lllll!|l!l !i|.| | lt| 11 111 tnl-li.li-llltfJIjllItliii iitlijlitllllllllllllllitl'IJHrillSlifllifiiliiliiiritiiiiiiiiunHiHiuiiiijif inning


| DUGAN BROTHERS|| “ Bakers for the Home” f? A n n o u n c e t h e O p e n in g o f T h e i r v .'.I*

j New Retail |

I Bake Shop |I A n d L u n c h e o n e tte |I At 52 Main Ave., Ocean Grove J| (O pposite P ostoffice) |

j A Complete Line o f Bread and Pastries I| W ill Be on Sale Daily |

s ' Your Inspection and Patronage ' | '| is- Cordially Invited |


* iii(|l!iaiiiii>iJtaii;i«r>iu*jisjiiHiiiiniiii)JBiiiiiiij|jfiiiaiiiiitJiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiijiatiiiiitiaifiiiiiifiJijj«ri,irarf|liijiaiif jri


| Schnoll s Live Poultry Market j

Broilers, \ lbs. for $1.00y o u n g Fricassee .F ow l .......... ;25c. lb;Fancy Jersey Turkeys . . . . . ,32c. lb.

W e carry a full line o f poultry, ill- , eluding ducks and squabs' Special a t­tention given to hotels, boarding houses and restaurants. Deliveries made F R EE to retail orders as well as wholesale.

141 Steiner Avenue, Neptune City, N. J,Telephone. Asbury Park 1154 (Opp. Farmers* M arket)

Ned Shafer Shows Remarkable Deep Shots . ■ . ..

| (54 Main Avenue, Oceau Grove 11 2 | Telephone 428 • | f|

Remarkable ^tfion pictures o f i | tleep sea fishing, in tlit? waters o f | Bimini aiid Nova Scotia were 1 shown by Ned Shafer at the m eet- | ing o f the Neptune Sportsm en’s I club at the Shark River C6m m uni-j| ty house, Weilnesda.v night. Alan i l Torw illigor, sports writer o f the [ 1 W orld-Telegram , al^o entertained = the m embers with fish stories.

The membership 61* the club now numbers more than 170. The an­nual dues have been fixed at. $1, initiation fee $3. The club is de­voted to the promotion o f all s p o r ts / Including fishing, hunting and shooting. •


$3.50 jThree Items for $1.00 J

Raymond’s Beauty Shop j. ’ 727 Bane,s Avenue |

Asbury Park |Telaphone for Appointment, 322G I

PIIONK A. IV fi!)l R. C. M. SCn.VDT

Schadrs Sea Food Market(Established 1915) ,

Hotel and Restaurant Trade Our Specialty

907. Main Street. A sbury Ifark, N . J.

For over tw enty-one.years w e have enjoyed the enviable repu­tation o f selling the.C hoicest Sea Foods. Give us a trial.:

Page 6: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION

r_A_U B -S I X ■ . ■ ■ , ' ■ -__________ ______________ . _______________________________________ ’_________ F R ID A Y , JU L Y 10. 1930

! C o u j s h / M o t e s \4 C o a m l t y M o t e;’i ^ > | j ? ^ ; i > J | i l i , l, I » l i i l i i l l l | i ! » i l l ,'; l | ,i i i , U»ii, ( i l i l i i ; l ,> « tiii.» 'ii!il(ip? j

/ .Toinv J. Quinn, Red Hank jiitor-.'noy and- U nited'States .District A t-

.toniey for New Jjrse.v, has tunied .i^tfi&liiiil*>il Statist /Treasury-T

iiiii|iiuiiiliiiiM iiiiii!iili|iinui(filtim im i([iliU iiiiilii[iiiwiM iiiaiiiM iriiiiiiiM iiiliM iiiiVtiM ii titiuuntuiuuwnM'uiHHimi

Hnest Resort On the Goast.

uiuttMwniutmMUMUKWtnuMunmiHrtnniiiiiiH1 nu m w iim nm iiiiH m H i

O c e :AN x © ir © V0Cj ~. k i r , * / J E R S E Y V


R E F IN E D F A M IL Y R E SO R T O F F E R S j r a W jE S O ^ R E C R E ^ I O ^ >

v 1 Tmtjon. pupils attending Keyjtoi t i '— ------------------High Seliool l'l'om . U nion: Heaoh j Telephones

% ^ i% '3 b % /b c ’ ltarn!ttVfr«ln’Cla»S'.rodm8':ih';^i9:,,nli icir. Septembei because o f tho $7,077 / 7 " tuiUnn foe owed, the born i l-.oos ■ -

j . * sy-jtem by the jUnion Bench fiouidi^ ff^ 'J p fifo lU ra tip iii it /w iis ; iiulicnted '(it I

/o fotbe Key- S.

iransiibi'tntioii 'cbntraets o f .


Where health and Pleasure Mfeet

||iii|ii||ii||iiH|iii)iiiiniiii’nitininiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiriniiiiiiniiiiiiinitimniiimiirtrtiinnnHtimiminiiirii.ilnfr*“i.i iiuiiinii(niiiniiniitiiiimMiiiiiii|iiiiniHiiiiiiiititi.!Miriii!ii!iiii»[Niiit»iNiiiti!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiMmiMiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiitiiiiiiiinttiiiiiniiimniiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiminiMiiiMi[niiiinimii,'niiiuMiiiiiiiininiiinitrimiiuiiiiifiitin)iii

Directly, on the Oecnti- F ro n t ,:

■/■■■ . ; Opens Decoration j ‘)ay

; Ciosi* October 1 .

/ A in erica ft or • Tjuropcan, i*lan

•;/'• Steam i f oa t H uintlnp^Vnter

; 1’ rivalV Katlitf;• Modern

V/: noohlH ;./

II. W. WilliamsOwnerslilp. /; • v ; v Management

,‘ wecldy newspaper, the N bw ,E gyp t! .

‘ a ,. ' A ‘ i f i f f& S ? S S i Also R O U N D APARTMENTP f ^ ^ s J - ^ x i c o . ‘,a n d * AlaskaV;H&;is; eq- • V.ntai' KwruisUv«i or Vu(«rnisUmi

O verlooking j Ocean la E x*. clusIve’.T.eiitnor. CIt.f, Jf. J.

Sum met or Yearly 'UcnisUs.

.TCliilo Iloivnrd ' Height, ' fo rm e r . sheriff o f Monmouth, county, lay ]

ff >',/ in Fitkin hospital, Neptune; with • i. n bioken leg, the tesult o f an ac- j

s ife : :.;;;cicleiitr : fire destroyed a garage . . . : . nnd automobile at. his home on Bos­

ton: boulevard, Sen. Gut, last week., » .'/ .T he f i l e wa s said to have been due

' '.-5 to d e fe ctiv e w ir in g in .the ca r , a F o ld sedan . A n oth er ca r w as tak - en from t h o . g n ra g e W ithout dairi-

/ - ' / a g e : . . / .' ■ • ...

P& ‘ Long' B ranch,'C ity Solicitor Leo : J.- .W arwick annoiiiicerr recently;

& -v Avill - co:rstrueL a sewage disposal plant .b , June 1 next that will end

0js!i. : .p o llu t io n o f the Shrewsbury river. The uinouncoment . enmo a fter!

;iitttn ii|u itiiiiiiiiiiiiin tliiiin iin ii]iiiiiiiii(iin iirn iiiiiiiititM itiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiit> itiiiii] iii|tiiiti;iiiiin iiiiit> iiitiiiiitn t!M M iM iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiitr i

Seaside Hotel

Tactsfltout Ocean W o #; ATHING a n d , fisliing. in o c e a n .F in e boardwalk fu l l ;

length oif. ocean fron t, connecting^ w ith ; Asbury iPark on the north • and Bradley Beach on the nputli. T w o .

. .large ))avilions,; witlV orchestra, concerts afternoon and : evening, Boardwalk . and pavilions brilliantly illum inated; at •, ii tgtit. An (I i to Hum seating: nearly, 10,000, 3 I o s t powe rful organ

' in the.country. Great!phorus,.fmest singei’s, m ost;g ifted iiistru- V: mentalistHv.oniiii;ent/preachers,' nbted;llecturers. Safe arid sane S • amusements, m oving pictures, bowling alleys, m erry-go-round,' @

swim m ing pool, athletic, gam es, tennis, skee ball. Daily m eet- s ings foiy ytuing. and . old in Temple, Talierhacie. and Chapel.. . A ;, ^ quiet, res t £u 1 Sabbath. : Safest/p lace f o r . women and children.

;, Adequ ate train, boa t a h>{ bus’ s e rvic e, c on vert i tint fo r co nt hiutors. (a

. ' .The liotels. anil boarding houses herewith presented are recommended to the consideration o f intending patrons as among the best houses o f entertainment iii this world-fam ous resort.


DireGtly ontheOGean TrontCharles G. Stockton

BUENA VISTA^ pp^^ V ai^ ick ^ w a 's ;^ in conference: with j Open M ay' 20 to Octbber, 18 Heck Avenue, bor

Tranr |.;fi-om ocean .; E xcellent buisinef; coolest (liiiing ri on, A lt-order lot* tlie city to show coj(j rimning water. Special rates for ' -T«nn tmr ...... .'•.;c.ity,/\..........cause' ,why , the disposal plant; ’should ‘ not bo constructed was r o - f

te K r i^ iu ib ie ^ ^ : before V ice -Chancellor f

Corner Beach. One block ;! room on co a s ts H o t and ■

Ju he ail d ' S ep te niber ;-- Tel- 3160.;;; - M RS. H. GREEN W OOD | .

Bbrry at Long Branch, but tlu an- K aE 2Z I CB t a n ' j..■'./non'nceineijt'/of the-.intention o f the - . / T T a A ■■■■' A f TUk ah B ’M A 'M M

eily tD do so-enneelled the hearing . . D B j u P Q S S‘i-t / jA *pi ojiosa! to cstublish a ^perma- . . w w w i * h r i b i w T O / w b V W M

i" 'T lVt:l'0'x‘ ,nlc,,^ " ; s 01 :1 O cjan;P athw ay, Ocean Grove, ffi J, An /r,\ ,■ .the Sprmg Lake; Chamber o f Com-,- •. - .v- ■ : . • / ■'a iveant meeting. The and col(1 runnjnP water m rooms, Is ear the

j 1 '"members sire considering, setting Telephone 2001 ' , MRS. Mj^a^^yfeay:liudget/.tb. inaiiitain siich: an: !;. ■■ r ' : - - - - " — :---—— — r- -

'5 , ..; " ■ , . ■ . r. ... . , - /- _ r • , ■ d



GArCTLKIA |FAMOUS SUPREME BLEND COFFEE |Beach and Main Avenues, Ocean Grove |

Also operating the GRAND ATLA N TIC CAFE- | TER1A, 204-10 Cookman Avenue, A sbu ry ,P ark |

M. J. W O OD RIN G. |TiiiH iiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiH itiiiu iiitiiitiH tiiiiitiiiiiiutriiu iiiin iM iiiiiitH ttm iiiiM iiiiiiH iiniiiiiiM iiIiiiiiuttiitiiiiM irtirtiiiittttttiiiiiiittiiitiiitiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*.

.office,i/and an .appeal to ' delinquent'-''’ . ^ V . . niem beis for their dii.'s will be a , ,: / / ' •.. ..part o f the plan. A card boaring / / / ' : ':: title : ttlbles. .seh.t'dnlcs o f Clnireh j . . . ■- - • ! services othet- m loiinaiioli. t o - .; :

gether- -with ths names, o f■ members ' ill good stau.tiing am! llieir lespec-

'."Ktive:businesses,, is to be distributed hy bparil.: It was m oposed in

^ i . l l l i i l l l l t l i | i l l i i l l^ f l | i t j ] . i i i l l l l i l , l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l j l l l i i l i l t i l l l l l l l ) t l l l l i i l l i a i t i i i l i i l i l l l l , l i l l i i l l l i l l l i l l i l i l l l l l l i l l l l l l ,K , l l ,u i l i t

i I Ocean. Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J. American and European. H ot S - T . j U ; . - . - . f i t v - v I b-» B n v i i -aBeach; Term s R easonable.. ! ; I r l G © O m p l B r I n n |

M A R Y E. M UM PTON. M gr. | •' H O TEL A N D CAFETERIA,- I. — “ - 28 Main Avenue, Ocean (irove. Telephone Asbury Park 190").

A r l i n g t o n H o t e l

. . give delinquents live .days' to pay

‘ ALUMINUM FOIL IS- ; : / /■ / ■ / W P W TIT.’ A rl’ «T-T!I.NEW HEAT SHIELD

/ Sim iii Ibe. tropics . com es downlike .1 sw ord, )>tit Ir ean he. turnedwi th tile ihinslo t shield known to science. . I.ir. Huy 1’ . Crowden- o f the libndiiii Scliciol o f lly jjlon e nnd

/-/.''' T ropica i' Aledleine lias reportedsom e experim ents on heat Insula-

:/.■•': . . tion In the liu lleila o f H y g ie n e (l.on- ‘ ' cloli). T h e best Insulator diseav*

' ‘ ercd wn« thin aluminum foil, whichseeiiis.;to:jiave the power o f reilect- !ft?.beat- as-w ell a'fe .light.

■2 ‘ ^n i ;BMU e\ p tilin en te is tried oat■aluminum foil In buildings nnd fouad

; / ’b : i/th a t a single thin layer o f foil In the . r o o f reduced ' the tem perature ■ o£ the building nearly fou r degrees Fahrenheit. Even better results fol-

; ■■■'.." low ed .' the llnliig o f tropical hel­m ets ; heads w ere kept -0 degrees

ftjffe-V cooler. Alum inum lined tents w ere com fortab le during the hottest w eather. . ■ . ■ ' ' : . -

r“. ‘ - But what i f the w eather turns'T """/' coh f? So nuiiih the he tier, reports

D octor Crow den E xperim ents J I) -c o ld countries show ed that- alum.

' ilium keeps, the lujnt In, loo , and has heen used successfu lly as heat;

v Insulation aboard ships, around fo.'-.l s f.-.-es ood In honii-s.— I.lter-

: nry D igest. / : : / ; ,

. Auditorium Square /A ll Outside Rooms, .Overlooking the Park

Dr. Frank C. Cooper ■

A R D M O K e-SU M M E R riE LD6 and 8 .Occan Pathway. Open for Season, May 29

Overlookng ocean. H ot and cold running water in all room s. Booklet. Special June and Septem ber rates. Phone 2784 A sbury Park.

• *; E. K. SHAWV Ownership-Management.

Cheerful-and com fortable rooms, with hot and cold running | I i-. , water at m oderate rental. Open "for guests from M ay firs t.'to -1 ’ | • October fii^t. . - ' ■ , - 1i I ■ J ' 1 -The • 'SAM PLER IN N C A F E T E R IA : open '■:&} its T W E N - < ■. 1 || TIETH SEASON on SA T U R D A Y ; ;JUNE' TW EN TIE TH . Same J ! | , m anagem ent.: Saine Home Cookingv. Same Service. • i|| . . M ARY W. NEWBERRY WRIGHT, Proprietor, - |

' ! » l l1 l l l ll l l l l1 |H lll lll l : i l l l lM lll» llll l l l l l l l l l l lH lir ill |IIU » llll« » II I II IIH 1 lH I II I |l l l t |I I II I IIM III I I! lll im i||l |» l lill l l i l l l |r ||l l l l l l .f

11111111111111111 u 11111111 ■ 111 i 1111111111 r t n i ii ......... mi*

Aberdeen Hotel'rW K >*T V -K IF T JI S K A S O X j

, w.<-32 Kurf avenue. N on r Atu lltorluni, w ith unol'h iruoted v ie w o f ce'ean. T a b le J i .siippliuil with fi.yKh fruit** am i ve«etab.leH from nearby fa rm s and .fresh « cn -

inotl da lly . A ll h om o ro o k lm i. W rite fo r hew b ook let o r te leoh on e •!«*.*.:; A i^ o ^ o o iiis .on ly :-/.;.,'V .;. >

W rite for hew booklet or telephone V.W. J. S. COOl’ iCIl, Owner, and .Manager.

40 Ocean Pathway. A ll room s with hot and cold running water. Special rates June and Sept. A m erican Plan. Individual meals served. Tel.-A. P. 1797. •• LORD & IIAN C O X

DeW itt House3U Atlantic Avenue. Telephone 31fi9

Open Mav 20. AH outside rooms with liot and Cold rupnlnt; water U-.m or Kuropfan; ltestnnrani and Coffee Shop opovi to : puUHc at prices'.ALIOK VOKIvLKU E D IT II M. CUUDETT

. .. Amer- ivt popular

DIAMOND STATEOcean End o f Embury Avenue

Unobstructed ocean view, lio t anti cold running w ater in nll ro o m s ..! .'

The SMTmrneOcean Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J.

Near beach and Auditorium. All sleeping rooms have hot and cold running w ater; some en-

.suite, with ' private .bath. Electric bells and tele­phone. Season, May to October. Phone Asbury Park 2933.. ■ w ■-

LULU E. W RIGH T.................... .

Park View Hotel23 Seavicw avenue, fa cing W esley Lake, one block from new Asbury Park Casino and N orth End pavilion arid bathing ground, Capacity 125. Spacious porches; H ot.and cold running w a-er in room s. Booklet. Telephone 524. Special rates M ay and J u n e .; R . A . W AIN RIG H i\

ST. ELMO HOTELOpen A l l Year

C om er Main and-New Y ork Avenues Individual meals served by day or week

B. It. SH UBEKTAmerican and European Tel. Asbury Park 67!)

S tokes HallForty-fifth reason. Open Decoration Day to October 1. Phone 4125.




| CORSET SHOP I| Now Located A t . 1

J 648 Cookman Ave. II ASUURY- l ’AIilv, N. J. I I OVElt .-N KW BEKltY ’S 5c. I 1 A N D 10c: STOKE |

fl Specializing in F illin g Stouts'' | | -New Styles to F it all P jg - | .£ “-■ v’ tires .' ,. fi| Phone I07G-W !

i ’iiim iiiii;V irM nU iiu iiiitiiin iH iiiiiiiiiiu iiii!|"iii{in itii;iiiiiiiiim ii;iiiiiiiu .

■jluilinMiitMiuiiMiitiiiiiiliuiiiiiiiifiitriKiiTituiki'iiiiiiiitiiihmtfiiiiiiiiiili^ '


8900 or 8901F o r ; P rom p t,. E con om ica l T a xi . - . ' ■■. ■■' • S erv ice

GROVE HALL HOTEL17 Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove. Hot and cold water

iri all rooms. Rooms with private baths.. P h o n e 2 8 8 0 . O p e n M a y 2 3 t o O c t o b e r 1 .



25c.- Per Passenger • •

C e n t u r y C a b G o .Office 000 Bangs Ave., O ppo­site E lectric Building. Open

Day arid Night.

T h e LAK.EN3EA11-13 Seavicw Avenue.

M ost select location in northeast section o f Grove. One-half block from North End pavilion and bathing beach. N ear Auditorium . Open M ay*29. 'American Plan. MJif, AND JIHS. F R A N K ti. ]MOUNT, Owneis

? Twenty-Eight Ocoan PatlnvayI Ali room s with modern improvements^ with and w ithout private i baths. American Plan. Rooms.on* the European Plan, if desired. Spec- j ial rates fo r season. Phone 11(52 M RS. ROSE STRASSBU RG ER

/ ie w .i Directly fa c in g the oc^ttii'.' fu ll ocean view from all room s. Running | water in room s.' N ear hot and cold sea water baths. Special June and

September rates. American and European plan. Phone A sbury 79. 1. J. White, Proprietor arid Owner.

Tel. 20S5

Sunset Lod^eFncing Central, Pitman Avenue and, McClintock' Street.

' Ojwn M a y to October, American and European Plan.M A R Y F . B EA R E,-M anager

THE AURORA 0' Atlantic Avenue. Ocean view. Hot •and cold running ' water-

' American plan. Telephone 5579.- F R A N K IVES; BULL.

C h a lfon teThe Highland

DiiLctly o n / t h e ocean, under the management and ownership Of.A. S; K E H I. . M oderate rates.

. The Wilma S allv ,*{8 Pitman Avenue. Block to oceaii and Auditorium . Moderate rates. Hot and cold running watek* in all rooms. Am erican and European Plan. ;

Fried Chicken and W affles a Specialty. $15 up American Plan, j Tdephone 1951-R. G. U . TR IBLE , Ownership-AIanagement.

f o r . rboms now.

25.. Atlantic avenue, - block ;from ocean. .American . and European.

Dining room .open June 15. Ui^ca M. W . BOUTON, Owner and Proprietor. . . *imt, /J’rlvate lavatories. 'IVIcphom* A. 1*

MARLBOROUGH Corner Heach and' Sea view ave­nues, block from ocean, hot and cold running*water in all rooms.’ lltmt ;-foiu chilly v.<lays,;::-Amorl- ; a;i21V. ,-;.Ki:>WARD'J, BOUTOM,

tffe LillaAaard . S S S S i . O L iV E HOUSE“ rooms; M oderate :rate. Seventeenth1' :. , , ,, '■/*...-. .. ,- • . Seasoit/ Telcnlione' 4019; : :;f’v ! ' v ^ ..TOIIjI iIAM.-Li, >IIYKA.i/.vj. rrtoms., Tolephono ■.ItSS.v ji ta«i:»isiiiiu!uim!inniuiiunnuitmmuuinmniiiiniiiiuiiuimiiiC ecubun. +L lL )'uu,R' . * ‘ ^

i jari ic r 11 e.ck , ii nd ilJcach: a vfcn ii es j -l o t ie . . block^ froin thd/'Ocean.;; arid ;''ctintrallj-.': ^cKjateU V ^ iSD nsoa^ ray^tb ^ October;: Vllot • and/-ccdd Jiru.htUijg j \vater. In-, ah.

. ;MTtS.- A. L.; NEWMAN.

/iiiiiitiiiMiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiitRiiiiiiiitintiiiiiiiiiiiituiiiiitiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitimtiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiitiitiiiiniiiiiitiiiimiimr ;

Whitfield Hotel IS U R F , B E A C H A N D B A T H A V E N U E S • *; ; 1

;. O V E R L O O K IN G T H E O C E A N '-'•;•/• ‘ |T h ree ; short blocks to -the , large Auditorium. One block

from ocean.; Complete service courteously - rendered. B e g in . cn joy iiig our-fanioris -hospitality,; today, ; . ■ ; : : '/' •

I--;-’/-•V'Xmerican!.ancl/vEuropean;-.plans; f‘American Plan any 3 Days .as; low as $10,00

■ Private Telephone/: ' : . ' : v / ; ' . . CH ARLES M. H ERM ANAsbury Park ,1991 : : Owner and Manager.

:< iM u iM iiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiii.iiin i<niM 'iiiin iiiiiiii(iiii»>M nitiiiitiii(iiiin iiii(tiiiiiM iiiitiiiiiiiiin iiim tm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiitifm nim iim iiiiiiu iQ

| V : “ The Coolest Spot in Ocean Grov.e.” •

<3o e a n V i e w l i o t e l| ' Broadway and Central Avenue.I EUROPEAN PLAN— BREAK FAST SERVED | Quality Convenient| Accom m odations - EconomicalI:":' Rooms with Private Baths, p r .Private Lavatories | Rates Surprisingly Low— -Lowest in Years.

L. K . BEIDLER'iiiMMiiiiminiii'RiitmiitiMiiinininniniiiimiiiiiiimiiiiH 'M n iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiu itiim tm iiiiiifu iiiiiii

OCEAN HOUSEAmorlcan and European Plan.

72 Main avenue near beach and Auditorium. - First-Class Family Hotel. Regular: course dinner, Rfin. Sir*.oo and up ; weekly.

Spacious Porches. Booklet. Phone 5060-W.K. I. DUNCAN.

QUAKER INN37' Alain Avenue. Tel 7525

Regular Dinner, 50c. Special Rates, with Room and Board. H ot and and cold running water in room s.


Sterling Coffee Shopand 50c;; Dinner, 5 30 to 7.30, 50c’ and 75c; Rooms.

; 31 Bath avenue, block ; from ocean. Breakfast 8 to ■ 10, 20c. up ;Luncheon, 12 to 2, 35c.. Telephone 1443. . •../■'.,

. S. M, FREN CH .


Rooms H ospitality ■ Com fort v European Phone 3237

O C £ A NG f i o v e

■ 4 Ocean Pathway Running water in every room.N ext door to beaeK Rates upon applica­tion.- ■W . S. Benson.

Cheltenham-80 OCEAN P A T H W A Y . Phone A sbury P a rk ,50351

M idway between ocean and Auditorium. H ot and cold water in room s. Heated all ch illy days. Clean, cool, cheerful sleeping room s. Addition­al lavatories installed and other improvements. R ates .on application.

J. E. M cKEE

Edwards House37 Pitman Avenue

H ot and. Cold W ater in Rooms. Near Ocean and Bathing Beach. Telephone 4450 Open May to October

JESSIE L. ROE, Ownership-Management

Hotel Le ChevalierCorner W ebb and Central Avenues

RoomsA. J. BRYAN *■



“ D IRECTLY ON TH E OCEAN FRON T” ,Season, May to October— European Plan. IJooms with Private Baths. Telephone Asbury Park 4081. I. A . S H A W , Ownership-Management

O C EA N SID E25 Ocean Avenue

Rooms Overlooking Ocean. Opposite Bathing Grounds. Furnished Rooms. G. Gorm er, M anager.


One-half block from ocean, with full ocean view. Near all attractions and cafeterias. Room s only. Running w ater in all rooms. Completely renovated throughout, Tel. A . P. 9051. MRS. JOHN SH A FE R .

Warrington Hotel22 Lake avenue, facing lake and Asbury Park.. Convenient to all

BeaeJi-front attractions and Auditorium. Rooms 0nly» hot #nd Cold running water. W rite for folder and rates. H. W . Brown, owner- nmnagcr. Telephone. ______________ ■ ,

ALLENHUEST HOTELctal May and Juno Rates. Rooms and Apartments

f i E J C D Q T 14 hitman avenue. Open M ay 23, 31: M I V 9 I i SL B\ O I son- .I!oon,s u,“! apartments. H ot at

Central and P it­man Ave. 1 and 2 room apts. Season or Monthly. Spe-

G. F. Drake, Owner

31st sea- . . and cold

running water m room s. Twin beds. Inner spring mattresses. Tel. 5228-M A sbury Park. •

17-1.) Broadway, corner o f Beach. One block from South End pavilion. Ovcr-

, , looking ocenn suid lake. Furnishedrooms- with housekeeping privileges. Reasonable rates, S J SEVERSBROADWAY


COLONIALTelephone A. IV 27I*T.-v v/

fifi Mt. Hermon .'.Vay, two blocks to A uditor­ium, close lo beach and cafeterias, Rooms and

.apartments, by tiny, weelt or seasonMRS. E VA S. BRASUItE, P roprietor '

t^ tc«y to^ Iy ;i/a iid after;; Labor; Day,;/ /

1». Main Arenuo, Occan Grove; nno^hnlf hiock to 'iioarnwalk and octean. Conrenlont to Audi­tor uni and all points o f interest. Running hotand roM water In rooms. W rlto for rates. S. J. F O S T E R .

'■21* Central avenue, Ocean O rove.. Flrst-oIn.ss; llRht,

airy room s: close to Audi­torium , and beach.. Sheclal


Page 7: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION



MAIN AVENUE HOUSE "7 7 ’Main Avenue, cor nor o f Bondi, block' from ocean. Modern rooms by

the ilay, week or .season. Here you ran enjoy all the advantages for which Ocean Grovo Is famous tho world over and at the same time he within easy wnlklntr distance o f Asbury l ’itrlc n'ml other outside points. Bates reasonable In .keeping with conditions. Ilooius with private bath ami private lavatories-. Hot ami cohl running water in all rooms. European H un. -Open Winter ami Summer. One minute to Grove’a finest eating phicca. -le i A .-I '. 7221'.

If. K. OLAUK. T’rop.

Hamilton Gotta&etiful lawn and abundant shade. Tel.' 7132..

... 23; Central Avenucj one block from ’AiuHtoi’ium/ two from qceap. Beaii- A . T. DEYy: Proprietor.

32 A tlantic avenue. Oho block from occan. Room s only. Hot and cohl running .wator in all rooms. A1*h> on 1st floor 1 nicely furnished exception­

ally large sunny airy room with twin boils, private entrance. \ MABl3LLJv Jj. (iRIMST,j\ . ■

I N T E R L A K E N> 1 1 1 « i n n I l i W l O r * "'ebb avenuo, Inrpo comfortable twin I 0 r RC H l p U ^ f r rooms, convenient to bead, and Au­

ditorium. House-keeping privileges. MRS. MI A. MILLER, Proprietor.,

Telephone 4342-Y/.I C

31 Beach, block from ocean /porner ot three sleets, near cafeterias and Auditorium. Hot and cold running* water in all • rooms. Very reasonable. Open M ay to October.


K l A I ffVI C l C " I ' 18 Webb avenue, corner of Beach. Oner ' l M E Vi I* It* I II • block from ocean, near bathing beach.‘ . Rooms by; week: a t ! reduced, rates. Hot

and cold running water. Open all year. Privileges. MRS. L. E. CRONK.Corner Beach .a jid , A tlantic ' Avenues. Ono

block from beach .and pavriion. Superior ? fur­nished rooms, with hot and cold running water.

... ... A ll modern improvements. Open..April to Oc­tober. In m ost beautiful part o f the Grove. Telephone 191H);- ...



4G Webb avenue, Rooms, priviln eges, short ' walk to ■ South End batliing beach. • ' • ,

: Augnsta; M. Mitchell.

STRATFORD HALLhousekeeping if desired./

Pleasant, cleaii, airy rooms with hot arid, cold running water iu all, •many overlooking', tho •ocean' arid boardwalk.. Attractive rates. 'Light

7 Main aVerue. LILL1AN? CAU IlAU T BROWN

T H E M E L ! T A11 Main Avenue .

. Tho Friendly house for I'riendly peo* >lo. Attractive rooms. Running water. DeHdodly not expensive. Special Holi­day Rates. Tel. A. 1*. 7591.


THE IMPERIALrates. . Telephone I0i>8.

20,. Main Avenue, second block-from occan.-. A good place to come back to, always clean and homey. Run- nine water iu • rooms. Moderato:


2 4 O c e a n P a t h w a yincuts. Telephone. 10-J.

One block '. firjm or can. Rooms • with plivate bath conveniences., Also apart- and private toilet. Modern


P A G E S B Y E N ;

'I l»r following fitatcniei* t>. h a w been tak.-i. from Mu* At » l Any•Sinl iiiiH are hereby pit Id Ishivr according to la>.v. The Audit 1U-port : hours. •

Assessiiieiit; Lien I n terest •'

T h e S t . G e o r g e•l Seaview avenue, a t ocean and bath­ing beach, noar cafeterias, Auditor­ium and . Casino. Ratos .reasonable. Reservations suggested. Tel U127.

Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Iilogel, Owner-Mu lingers.

© E T h f i t r “T° ■1‘' Seaview avenue, fifth house from thoO L n v l t U r | ocean. ^Capacity eighty. Furnished

rooms. Telephone '1027.II. S. and E. 3 !. 1IULSE, Proprietors.

VICTORIATerms reasonable. Tel.

7 Emjuir.v avenue. H alf block from ocean boardwalk. .Open all year. . Pleasant steam heated rooms. Housekeeping privileges.


V O O R H E E Sinunlty kitchen optional.

fNenr Asbury Park). 38 Surf . avenue, second block from ocean, hot and cold run­ning water in a ll rooms.- N ear Auditorium and cafeterias. All outside rooms, Com-


WHITE HALLTelephone 1051- At.

28 Pitman avenue, block from beach, near Auditorium' and cafeterias. .. Super­ior furnished rocms. Twin: beds. ; M od­erate rates. Steam heat. Open all year.



♦Monmouth Lodge, No. . 107, Knights of Pythias. Meets seeomi and fourth Friday of every, month at the. J. O. U.; A. M»: Hall/,' BIO Cookman avemicj, , Asbury Park. Raymond' Baker, Chancellor Com­mander, Paul G reetin, Keeper./of Records, and Seal. / r ■ v:.

Mizpah Shrine, No. 10, Order of White-• Shrine;/ o f Jerusalem. Meets ih Masonic Ilali, Ocean Grove, first and third Saturday at 7 ::i0 p. .m . High Priestess, Mrs. Beulah Swain; Scrbe, Mrs. Lii/.a ttvans. .,

Star of the Sea Lodge, No. 24, Shepherds of : Dethlcheni.: . Meets1 every . Monday night,: Moose ,Hall, Grand and Cookman aves.^/ •'■/; */; :

American Legion Post, No. 24. •Meets first- arid third Monday -at, the American Legion Home, 509 Sewall avenue. Executive' Com-: mittee' sec.ortd and fourth Tues­day^ Commander, Harry L. Wels- ford; Adjutant;, F J Clare Cyphers. Auxiliary, mfeets second and fourth Monday. Mrs. Eva Carr; /P resi­dent/ ; <

. Atlantic Encampment, No. 22. I.: Oi O. :F, : Meets first/ and' third Tliursdays at, ‘706; Main, street. Chief Patriarch, W . H, Challendar; Scribe, Johh; F : ’Rnox. / ; / / . . / :. Asbury Park Council,* No. 816 / .Knights - of ■ Columbus, Meets/- 508 ’Summerfield/ avenue, second, and fourth Thursday at 8 p.m.;. ‘

Pride of the Park Council,; No. 15, Sons and Daughters of. Liberty. Councilor ii’i. ison.Martha

Burbage of Golden N. C. Arthur Stewart, M. o f ; R. Meets, every Monday night in /

sch°ol building, corner Cl and Dangs avenue, Neptime ler Councilor, Ilomer Scribe, Harvey Herbert.

Ocean Grovc-Neptune Teachers' Association.. Meets in N’eptunn High school. P r e s id e n t ,<Mrs.Miss

Jo:M.avenue, first and third Wednes­day at 7:30 p. m. Master A. Otto Loewy; Secretary, Jacob Abra­hams.

Liberty Temple No. (?, Ladies of. . „Golden Eaglei meets every W etl-; Councilor; \Valter M. IJarton, Ke- nesday in Moose Hall, Grand and ! cording Secretary.Cookman avenues;' Noble Temn* i Wanamassa Tribe o:' Red. M en/: lar, Mrs. Melissa Archer; G. of i meets every .Thursday in Re- R..‘ Mrs. Elizabeth Holcombe. : ! publican Hall, Bradley , Beach.

Eureka Club, of Ocean Gro/e. ‘ Chief of Records, Stanley .r*alma- Meets Masonic Hallr 50 Pitman j teer, Belmar. avenue^ H. E. Blauvel.t/ president; Queen . Esther Lodge, L; L. C.’ William Catley, vice president;! No. 290/ Meets 810 Cookman


Annual Audit R e p o r t for 1 9 3 5•tl t.v l-Jluier. • >. Sti!vcas;-1 Resisteri d Municipal Af codnt

Township J li;Ji d-iua rtei s.' and - fn»y be seen. duj;jji« bnsines

/ •'“ ' ’ . •- . /. /• , /rn\vii$hlp nt‘ vN<-i >tuV-.^Xe\v .lees‘ ,STATI..m:.\T OF A>.M:I',s AM). J,I.\IIIU'IIIN iiv ;il l)i;<T,AIHUf -i, I«nr„ ' ’ ‘ . ‘ | ' .

’ s 1' * ; ' ‘ 1 * . ‘ , / / ■ C u r r d i i t , t j u t a l , 'W a p l t i i l ' ’ i n t u f t n u d. . . . . . . . ........... '<■: ■, ‘ : v \ L : ' ; - i'ivf. ' A c co u iii ;>''/: ''./Aceoiint^: i ,!v:;.Aci*miiit: i^^/Accbtiritsv^^fyHf'^'otti.' . (‘'ash ;oiV“ I tand /and in Banks v: / t07v720;N;( t.-J7 v - 1 1 '• ' - f u j

. M < >n h i mt I li O iu h ty Scrip, on;. Hand -\Yt *>';! Jfr! -Vv.V/i;•/Jjaves^ k> 11 uahk* a»ul F( w yj R e e v e d J2.S, I! ) 1 1 - /3.r>3,

. Assi.ssiiifjiiH . Receivable'.................................................. • - -jr j - vSt!l;£;.t ’ 1 ■ ; V ' | E.”S2. *1 : r >T a x ;.Title;.and -AHsessmenL Liens*.: G T i m C r l v ^ i f O T ?1 u ferfund A ccou n ts , R e c e iv a b le -/;-/ v - ; . / ‘y . V ; . ; . ; » S , ! l 7 i ; /--‘t S0'no2':/ ' i',52, 7IS.’ 1 0 1 ?-j{P i re I.) is trie t. A ccotn i ts M ieC cl vM> I e - 1-:. ; i. A . ! ' ■ ' - ) i / !, :'■/;, V. ?• ■’/ • t ’3^ /1’ ivcd A a n d D efe ii* ;^ CMi.iircs to t a x a t io n .i1" ,74 0, 7H i, 1'•> > 1 i , l 18,'

t/,5% ;'i;$vi2»2,;i2s.oa'

ReserVe'^r^'p'ii-o,,bliJtrict ,Taxes.-'in: Tax; 11tejSerial Bohds . •- 3 5MOOOO ltReserve IV,i*.street Opening Deposits . ■ \y.ReseiS'e .for Rotid Coupons- Outstanding . .... ^ ^ ^ ^ v v t v i »

/ ; ’&8,o2G,io;z

KXCICSS OF: ASSETS, OVElt- U AB IijITIK Svr ■ . ; ; -;■ » Represented "By.: v

’■ Reserves for /T a xes,;. .Assessme‘nt«; %ahd . Liens Reserves for. Lien 1 ntet‘est and; Costs/ > . v ; . . r/ ■Reservo for;. Retiroirierit oC /liefundipg Bonds Roserye for -Amortization 7 • / . ; . ■ : 1. ■.’) v »:?;i„>; Reserve ■ for,: I te ti re me n t 'o f Soi-ial Bonds Extended

- j o t ; . ' i * 1 , ' m M ' j G s r i730 -JC ! ( , '• . ! i.t 'O ; • 22.J20..M W.l

itoooloa , '{j,i

o ' m i ' i i m '. i K i M i i ' i n n n n a , m u i n k i i


| 58 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove

I N O W ! O P E N .= Why did the Sunshine servJe ^ver 27,000 dinners in 8 weeks| last season? *| Try our 50c. Chicken, Turkey, Seafood or Meat dinner andI you’ll know the answer.

89 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J, |Dinner Served From 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. |

■ Daily, SOc. f

SPECIAL— Thursdays And Sundays, Chicken, I Turkey or Fish Dinners, Also 50c. |

Our Special Weekly Breakfast 20c. ’ I

i l l l l l l l l l l[llllll|I!llllli|llllllillllll!IIIIIIIMIIIIillIlllltill!llll|tltl||:||llllll!!lllllll!llllirilllllltlll/t|lll!llllllli:i|ll|ll|:i|!||H

. Forty-Nine Main Avenue; Ocean Grove (Formerly at the South End) -

Try our. real home cooked food. Reasonable prices.Meals Served From 6.30 A . M. to .7.30 P. M.'

M a j e s t i c G a f e t e r i aA T M A J E S T I C H O T E L

The only cafeteria on the ocean front. Light airy .dining room. Popular 193.G prices. Phone 190.

GEORGE R. HAINES, Owner and Manager. '

OSBORNE HOUSE and CAFETERIAPitman and Central Avenues, near Auditorium and beach. Furnished

rooms. Open July 1. Phone. Also Under Same Management, VAN COTTAGE, 10 Central Avenue. Open all Year.

Rooms. A. M. VANSKITE r Running Water



| THE SHORE AW NING CO. I| 308 Main Street, Avon, N. J. || Invites Y ou T o Call |

1 Asbury Park 3351 I| T o See the N ew est Patterns and G et Estim atex |

ni i>« ii in •■) tin ii • H i mt ibii iuiuuiii ■ ■) imn ■tiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiTvniiif

Frank Van Nest, secretnry-treas- urer. -'■;j / '■;■/;■ ■ ;/; 1 \:\y I ': -;/;• ■/;' ;■//

Women’s Club of Ocean Grove. Regular meetings second Thurs* day of each month at 2:30 p. m. at club house, 89 Mt. Carmel Way. President, Mrs. Anna T. Dey; re­cording secretary, Mrs. O. J. Moul­ton.

Asbury Lodge, No. 142, F. & A. M. Meets northeast corner Cook­man avenue and Main, street, first nnd third Tuesday at 8 p. m. Master, William C. Gray; Secre­tary, Frank Pulleri, P. M.

Neptune L. 0 . L. No. 568. Meets 810 Cookman avenue, second and fourth' Frday.

Monmouth Temple, Pythian-Sis­ters, No. . 28, second and fourth Mondays. Red Men’s. Hall, Corlies avenue, Neptune. Excellent chief, Mrs. Louella Emmons.

Corson Commandery, .No. 15, Knights Templar. Meets northeast corner Cookman avemi* and Main street, first and third Thursday at 8 p.riL Secretary, Hairy Hulit.

Pontoosuc Council,/ D. of P. meets first and third Tuesdays , of each month in Moose. Hall, Cook­man and Grand aves. •

Ocean Grove Lodge, No. 238, F. & A. M. Meets Masonic Hall. 50 Pitman avenue first and -third Monday at 8.00 p. m. Worshipful Master Francis Edinger; secre­tary, Charles Porter,

i Jordan Link, Order of Golden Chain. Meets Odd Fellow’s Hall, TOG Main street. Worthy Matron, Mrs.. Fanny Levin.

B. M .. Hartshornc Camp and Auxiliary, United * Spanish War Veterans. Meet second Monday every month, Library Hall, Asbury Park. John Fitzgerald, Secretary, Wanamassa.

Corinthian Cattle, No., 47, Knights of Golden Eagle. Meets Monday evenings in Mikado Build­ing, 810 Cookman avenue, at 8 p. m. Ambrose Reynolds, N . C;, Harry H, Drake, M. of A. v

Coasc- City Council, No. 813, Royal Arcanum, meets 700 Main St., third /Monday, of month at .'1 p. m. Regent, Harold Burke; sec­retary; Walter Quelch; Treasurer, C. Frederick Drake.. B. P. O. Elks,. No. 128, meets Elk’s Building, Cookman avenue and Heck street, second and fourth Friday. Frank Durand, E. R.; John J. Levy, secretary.

Loyal Order of MooSti, Asbury Park Lodge No. 1407. Meets Mooso Hall, Grand and Cookman aves. every Thursday at 8 p. m. Secretary, George Avison.

Victory Court, No. 36, Order of Amaranth, meets first and third Thursdays each month Newman’s Hall, Belmar. Mrs. Eliza Evans, secretary; Alice M. Bunnell, matron.

Tecumseh Tribe, No. 60, Im­proved Order of Red Men. Meets Neptuune, every Tuesday at 8.00 p. ra. Sachem, Paul Kondla, Sr.; F. O. Jones, Chief o f 'Records, John N. Ennis.

Lady Chester Lodge of Rebekah, I. OJ O. F. Meets first and third Friday evening a t . 702 Cookman avenue. • Noble Grand, Mrs. Min­nie Cook; Recording Secretary, Mrs.; Ellen E. Eisenberg.

West Gro *-* Council, No. ‘ 273, Jr. Order United American M e -,

/ Red .Bank.' James'i'S.; Smith, Clerk, Sydney Caddickr /


avenue, first and third Friday.Harold Daley Post, No. lTJ33y V;

F. W. Meets at. 303 Sewall ave­nue, Asbury Park, second and fourth Wednesdays. George F. Martin, commander; Joseph D. Grossman, adjutant; John C. San­derson, quartermaster.

Primrose . Lodge, Sons of St. George, meets second and fourth Tuesdays in .Moose Hall, Grand and Cookman avenues.

Noptune Lodge, No. 84, J . O. O, P., Meets 706 Main street every Wednesday at -7:30 p.- m. Noble Grand, Joseph R. Megill; secretary, W . K.-Eisenberg.

Asbury Court,'No. 2 1 /Order of Amaranth. Meets in Masonic Hall, Oce^n Grove, second and fourth Saturdays at 8 p. m. Mrs. Bertha Hoffman. Royal Matron; Miss Anna Rhomc, Secretary.

Ladies Auxiliary of Washington fire company. Meets second and fourth Mondays, '2.30 p.' rii. Mrs. Jennie. Wilson, president; Mrs. Margaret Cole, Secretary.

Scriba Council, No. 25, Loyal Ladies of Royal Arcanum. Meets Odd Fellows Hall, 706 Main street, second and fourth Friday, 8 p. m. Regent; - Miss Anna V. Seiler; Secretary, Mrs. Estelle Brown.

Neptune Chapter, / No. 25(5. Order of Eastern Star. Meets 'Red Men’s Hall, Corlies avenue, second and fourth Friday at 8 -p. m. Worthy Matron, Grace. Hansen; secretary. Florei\ce‘ Tolhurst.

Ocean Grove Chapter, No. 170, Order, of Eastern Star. Meets in Masonic Hall, 50 Pitman avenue, second and fourth Tuesday at 8:00 p. m. Worthy Matron, Mrs. Mar­garet D. Clayton; Secretary, Mrs. Helen R. Tilton.

Liberty Council, N o / 52, Daugh­ters of America. Meets Rod Men‘s Hall, 1140 Corlies avenue. Councilar, Mrs. Flora Bromell; recording secretary, Mrs. Hannah Meeks.

Asbury Park. Council, No. 23, Junior Order American Meehan-, ice. Meets 110 Cookman avenue every Wednesday at 8 p. m. Coun­selor, Charles Yetman; Secretary, Henry D. Chamberlain.

Mothers’ Circle. Meets St. Paul’s Church, President, Mrs. Marjorie Mac Whinney; secretary, 'Mrs. A. Knight.

Pride of Monmouth.L. L. O. L. No. 302. Meets Newman\> Hall, Seventh avenue, Belmar.

Asbury Park Chapter No. 671, Ladies of the Moose, meets every Frinday in Moose Hall, Grand and Cookman aves.

Twin City Chapter, No. 67. O. E. S., meets the second: and fourth Friday evenings in Masonic Hall, Asbury ‘ Park. Worthy Matron Mrs. Irene Gilbert; Secretary, Mary E. Charles.

Atlantic Lodge of Rebekah, I.0 . O. F. Meets first and third Tuesday evenings at 706 Main St. Noble Grand, Mrs. Elizabeth Brels- ford; secretary, Reuben Kirschne.r.

Asbury-Bradley Lodge, No, 253,1.-O. O. F., meets at 617 McCabe avenue, Bradley Beach, every Wed­nesday, at 8 p. m. . Noble Grand, Gustav C. Huck; Secretary, John F. Knox.

Canton 'Monmouth, Patriarch Militant, I. O. O. F. Meets first and third Saturdays in I.-O ; O. F.




T E L E P H O N E 7012



| Albert L. Brown | I Jobbing I1 TIN AND SHEET f

j METAL W O R K ER )| Slate and Asbestos Shingle I | Roofing, Stoves, Ranges and | S Furnaces. Pipeless Heaters | = 109 Abbott Ave., Ocean Grove f f Telephone 3142 .. f

.................. ............................ .................... ...


.2 5 Round TripWEDNESDAY JULY 15

Leaves Ocean Grove-Asbury Park• 7.10 A .M .

Standard Time Sliown—add one hour for DnyJlght Time

Returning tickets good on any New. Jersey Central train, except the Blue Comet, on date of sale. Consult ticket agents for leaving times from stations- not shown in this advertisement, and additional information.


Complet^iiPifficult i Job V| ntm inpors ri.'wntlv com pletei!

(lilllctilt .loli n f biiililini.- n new . liter at Snlnt .Jntm. Xuiv Bransw j Canail!!, :u -lionr;(lie : tld o^rangcS ;!

lilfrJi ns 'JS ryot iinil com es In with siicfi a - rrtslt thj.it IIH arrival Is a tourist intriictliiii. tU ern fy O lscst relates. A steel-core eolTcniani creeliMl to Imlil linel; tiie water (vas wreckeil tw ice ..

JKIKII Ii IM n l Ml II l:i|!;li:|f:,i!|" |r i|il|n tlllllllJ f [tumuli',

j Howard L. Smith I| (S'Ctccessor to Angles & Smith) f.


Plumbing | I | T inning and Heating 1

HARDW ARE J Paints and Oils 1

Hoffmann Coal C o .:IN . J



151 M a in A v e n u e f| OCEAN GROVE, N. J. | g Telephone 4741 |

LEGAL NOTICESi x c ir .t x C K itv o p n k w jE f tS E i 'T O :—UORKRT .MINfvOW antj HOUIS ,

J’ALATNECIC:• By virtue o f an Order o f the. Court of Chancery o f Now Jersey, m ade on ihe clay o f the date hereof, in a cause, wherein .tlie ‘Township oC.Nepturie, In - the .County o f Monmouth Is complain­ant, anti itohert • Minkow ami.' Louis Palatnock, and others, are defendants, you are required to appear itnd an­swer the hill o f com pla inant'on o r be-, • fore the eighteenth day • o f August next, or the said hill will bo 'ta k en oh cnnft-HHed against you.

Said hill .is filed to. foreclose a "cer­tain certificate o f tax salo and Hghtrt o f redemption o f tho. defendants in certain lands described therein. Tho certificate of tax sale wan given by Kdward »* Sweet, C ollector o f Taxes,1 to the Township o f Noptune, in the County nf Monmouth and was record­ed on Jan uary-21, I93G. in Ihe Mon­mouth County Clerk’s O ffice in Book 10M* i»f Mortua^es, page -145 ole.

And you, -Robert Minkow, are mado ' a defendant because you hold a m ort­gage, affecting the property .described in the bill o f complaint herein, ami h a v e 'o r m a y . claim to h'ave an Inter­est in sahi premises descrlbe<» Sri M i l d bill n f complaint • filed, herein; and ••• you. Louis Palatneck, arc-m ado a do- fendant because you hold a mortgage affecting tho property described in . tho bill o f complaint herein, .ami have or may claim, to have an lntVr**st .In said premises described in said.M l} b f .“ com plaint filed her<;hi.

UlCHAUI) W. STOUT Solicitor, for complalnani. /

. K lecnie liuHilini:, . i . Asbury i'ark, N; j ;Dntc-d June 17, ll»3U. , v •:

— 2C- !i ' * ' ......




| 708 Cookman Ave.| Asbury Park, N. J.

c n A .\ c i :n v .2 .i6S lir .l llK F S SALK.— ltj- v ln u e o f a

writ .o f 11.. fa . to me directed L^ued .. out o f the «,*ourt o f Chu nee rv r»f tjie

, Stati o f New Jersey, will be exposed, to sah* a t public- vendue. on^Iondav . the •

,27111 day o f July,a lli:u>. betwte'u tho . hours «ii iu o’clock and. r» o’clock (at 2 •

oViock nayllght Saving Time) fit the. .a fternoon o f said «lay at the Tourt ;• Mouse, in ' the Borough ./-f KrefhoVd.; i '-'outity o f Monmouth. Now J.*'rse>V to '•satisfy a decree .of said com i an <»utit-.! ii.iK to approx I ina t«‘*ly.$2,.r,r,S.OO.• Alt tlu«.'following ivact or t>f.Jam! and premise* in-reloafter 'purlieu-- larly describ.Ml, slitutte,:lyinK am) l.eiu^ in the Borouijh o fO ce a n ^ iro y c , iu tlie County uf.M onp ioulit'.and State o f New• Jersey. ■ . -. ■. ■ • ..

j Known apd designated as: Lot No. f i i o i r . oil .Map o f i.ots o f no- «.c....an' I ! Orove i'a i;ip M eeting AsstK'lation and,

situate on .the south side tif Webb A w - 1 ; i , *'»«••• between - Now . York Avenue -and .3 f Iturhn Pathway.1; . all the • estate,- '-n^ht. • title-and :g. mt./ie.^t and term o f y. ars yet',tn come.| and u ilex pi red o f tlie said partv (;f the s jn rs t parr of. In and to a.ecrlafn Iriden- s . t'.ire «.t k-ase o f the said premises mad a ; p J and cx.M-uted by. t.he Ocean tJrove I i ' , .Meeting Association o f the

5 | j o thcMUst ICplscuiml Church to; John. ..... mum..... «*rowe by least* dated' flctober l t 1S7.V":

— ' ■ - ■ ■ i ■ -. - ■ ' _______ _ i _ ___________ i "I1,1 recorded -In the Monmouth Countv ....... • 1 M*‘rk*s (Mllce in' Uook 4CH o f |)ee-ls o ir ;

• pa lies M l, etc.j Seized as tin* pro.»rty o f Lulu M .': i.acey. et. tils,, taken hi excriitinu at ! the suit o f Krncsi N. Woohuon and to •I Ol* bV '. ' •; ‘ 5 l-:t M iO 1-M I. I to n CUTS. Slei l r! Mated. June HO, ll'f.tf.I i'(»';ald |J, ‘Mayor,. Solicitor,| --L^-sn IMI. <?I.«y 1M

Says Dangerous ¥aricose Veins Can Be ledueel A t Home ,

Rub 0«thf Upward Toward the Heart u Blood In Vilnt Rom Th*t Way

• I f you o r any relative o r friend la w orried becauso o f varlcoae reins, o r banches, the beat advice fo r home treat* m eat that anyone in this world can give, la to se t a prescription know n a* M oone’B EtneraW OIL

Sim ply oak your druggist fo r an or- !f ln »I tw o-ounce bottle o f M oone'* E m ­

erald OQ (fu ll Btrength) and apply night and m orning to tho sw ollen, en­larged veins. Soon you Bbould notice


that they are crow ing smaller and tie ^atment ehould be continued u n tf ns are no longer troublesome.

treai reltupenetrating and powerful is Em erUd Oil that old cbronlc sorea and ulcers are often entirely healed.

F o r 8 < b ie r o u » • a m p l e w r iteInternational L aboratoriesJdc. D ept. A M 2, R oohw ter, N .'Y .

Take n ids 1 ti


ice that Jie^ph VeeeJ ipply ’ to Neptune Towrtshlp

I Committee o f Neptime Township for j.Plenary It* tall t ’oiisumpHon License

lor pt’etnlf-fs simated at 1031 lleck ave- ; rim*, - - . . .Obji-ctions. if iiiiy,- should be mado

limnediately . in ' writing, .to ’ John \\\ Itnox, Clerk o f Neptune Township,• „ c .i- * (‘‘’ ,J?l)ed> Joseph Vecchlomfv

Page 8: VOL. LXI. No, 28 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · score. • ... HOME FOR AGED PLANS BIRTHDAY A I)I}RESSES HOTELMEN ... Camp Meeting Association; chose to imake for his last work INSTITUTION

. ,v , }S ^ wpr * * « T W — "■■‘7 * ^ 3 «i v - W r r r , , ^ w w w s r - f l l

P A G E E I G H T . - ' V ; : ; ' k " ' , y ' - V c ' ■■' ■ . '■________________ ' ' ' ' ' ’ '■ — - '

J ' ^ y r y ^ r Z V ^ j : V ' r , - y ^ .

. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1936 :

■'';•' gii iciiiiiiKiiiib 11 • I: v: I til t nsiliini U|:i is n 011 ana 11 i i\v til ■ t ant t i • ■ ■ r 1 i::i

I K N O W IT , Y E S , I K N O W IT .Urv. It. .1. Zru.p.v

•y •W *»Htlp-les* wan-dcror, a - far from ltonv\ and I shunnedthejrl:»rin'if.• on the.inountriins my wesi- ry foot-stojis roam; I’ve foiind what IniiR I've

s«» ; com*|ileto - ly and clear.std my heart with - in; Ke-moyed the guilt and

f j - - r ..... 1-S — \ y ✓ — - X . -----^ ------ *---------- X — I ■ I— ^.-i— j - U — -.

$ = * = !f c r = S

noon-day, nyt'd * ed. j'ow * er,

- I lVart-d the shades of night; Her ,k* - stis fought and found- me,tmth Uvo and rest. - at home; . 1 love* the beiui»teo\la sun-light,and e'en the love of sin; He fills niv soul with glad-ness,.

r i - v i z

m - 0 — - N -— r * 7 m m




‘ ‘God’s Hand on the World’s Clock” / is Title of Drama Written by ; Mrs, Stanydn For Presentation

in the Anilitoriuni Next Thiirs- clay Night.^ r . • .^v5

Concluding* the ' annual Inter­state Conference of the W. C. T. U., which is to be held at Ocean Grove next Tuesday, Wednesday


C. C. C. Expenses For Three Years Total $18,513 000. .

In a rejport- covering: tlva first three years of the Civilian Conser­vation Corps- received by. Charles Edison,: State, Director for, the Na­tional Emergency Council for' New Jersey, it 5s stated that “ the. work is being-, carried ‘forward in the State at the present time in 36 CCC camps, with, a, total of approxi­mately 5,541 men.” It is •estimated that> the- total obligations incurred during the operations, of the. CCC. in N<JW: Jersey frofn April 1933, through M ay : 20, 193C, aggregate $18,543,000. The money expended 011 this program has been of assis­tance to business and . industry

and Thursday, there will bo pre- throughout the State sented in the Auditorium, next j “ As of May 1, 1936,” the report Thursday night, July 16, the drama) continues, “ there/were 9,0G0 men “ God’s Hand on the '.Worhl’a enrolled from this State.” The en- ,Clock*.” ‘ | rollees received food, shelter,

The production was written and clothing, medical care-and an op- directed by >Mrs; Carolyn; Stanyon, portuiiity to improve their; educa-

paw I Ha love- ly. mid-nfcht do i

guides wherrt’er I

face. And when I asiced for par - don, fear, For Christ, my grac-ious Sav - ioi r, go, 1 know lie saves me ful - lv\

- t — - ^ - r - r l; - r r r

lie.saved me • .by His graee.’ I at - ways find so near.

Ilis . spir - it tells mo bo. £ x - f »

~ r=g= s h m


I know I*m saved to - day. Thethere’s mus - ic in * my soul, ■ Thu

and, w ill; be the ; eighth in a ■ row that she has conducted for- the Interstate ‘Conference, which em­braces Unions from New Jersey, .New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and: Delaware. There will be three sessions 0/ the Conference daily in the Young People’s Temple.

A large company of well-known acting talent has been chosen by Mrs. Stanyon to assist in the stag­ing of “ God’s Hand on the World’s Clock.” The performance. is to be­gin at eight o’clock.

Clarence Kohlmanri, Auditorium organist, wilt be in charge of the music.- Mrs. Evelyn Bills is assis- tant director and the following arc! also on the staff: program, Mrs. Wallace > Redd: • soloists, Kathleen


prec-ious Iduod of cleans-ing Mood of

m•te.-i sns take.3 all my sin Je- 211*[Omit . . . . . ..........

5 ” 5 = » ” U. L l r j z t :

a - way; (, ....... ) \ has made me clean and whole.

Ccpyrlcht. l f'09. by O. H.'Cucl\ OccJn Grove, N. J. .

TKc aliove Gospei sonp; was written by Rev. Henry J. Zellcy, D .-D .. who is well known in this vicinity, and the tune, was composed by G. II. .Cook, no Cookman pvemie, Ocean Grove, who is composer of .many popular tttncs,.;including "Heavenly Sunlight,” “ Anchored to the Rock,” and “ Let the King Come In.” Any one ^desiring copies should apply, to Mr. Cook, 99 Cookman avenue, Ocean Grove.

mi ....... .

tion;. In addition they receive a cash allowance of $30- per month. Of this amount ?22 to $25 is allot­ted to theii' families and is mailed directly to their homes, Up to May 1, 193G appi’oxiniately $5,061,000 has been allotted to dependents at home in this State by the 43,043 young men enrolled since the camps,were established.


R o o f s |Slate, Tile, Asbestos, Slag |

and Built-up Roofing | Sheet Metal Work |Warm Air Heating |

Ventilating |

Estimates Fi*ecly Given |


919 Third avenue, Park

r Tel. 1858

Asbury \

In Asbury Park

\ .Power Salesmen To Meet. Salesmen and members o f : the

new business department of the Jersey Central Power and: Light Company . throughout the entiro territory will gather at the Berke­ley Carteret Hotel ’next Monday, at

. . . 1 p. m.i for a company, sales meet-Stitt, Rev. and ^Irs. Dorsey Miller, jng. to be held under tho direction i'frs* Dorothy Henry; scenic artist,^ Gi* B. A.' Seiple, general sales man- Miss Jean Gillan; costumes,. Mrs. ! ager. Dinner and an interesting John Wall,_Mrs. Violet Gillan and I pro gram ;AvilI follow the afternoon t 1-kS w ii - 1- ’ ® age du'ector, j meeting. The program has been John - W a l l . ^ - ; ;y . , ^ : :v i arrangcd as a finale to the suc- .. M.en^bers o f the cast, in the ;Or-.; cessfu l: Frigidaire sales campaign

i ? 1 0 i' .?ir :5P^G‘ an,C(Vi ^*1 . 5301 which >vas ■ concluded last month. Pharoah,; the. Rev. Paul -Eriedrich; j Dinung the ‘ campaign period 2,900. m misters • o f - s t a t e ,A lv a ^AHen, I Frigidaires ^ were sold, compared James Hendrickson, Egidius Gruhn, j with i , 726 the preceding year. Percy Reynolds,; royal scribe, | Both years were record, breaking

r1an Tr ^ enlI> ^ uevsi Phar- the. company’s sales history and oali, Kathryn Richmond and ^Lu- outstanding thoughout the count- cille Dunn; ; royal guard, E arl! tiy ; ■: v ■ ■ ^


Central Avenue House— Mrs.. Monje, Mr. and Mrs. F. Yanelli, A.., Monje, I^rooklyn; Mr. and Mrs.

William Wegeman, Jamaica, N. Y .; Mrs. W . F. Diliman, New Yfork City.

The'Bra— Airs. Thornton, Spring Glen, N. v .; Mrs. J. D. Wise, Mis.-- Louise Wise, Chicago; Phillij

son, Corona; Misses May and E f -1 fie Clark, Arlington; Mrs. Emma Rohlfs, Bronx; Miss Carruth, Ar­lington, N . J. t

Marlborough— Mrs. W . B. Fink, Yonkers; Ruth M. Barkman, Hel­en E. Barkman, Morristown, N. J.; Margaret Edie, Yonkers; Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Anderson and son, New Rochelle; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brandes, Montclair; Mrs. Eliza-

1 Bailev Central Bridge N Y - beth A. Hollenbeck,'Vincent Hol-% ’ • IHss S Anibler Mrs E a ' Mit-^ lenbcck,. Woodcliffe' Lake; N. J .;

* ! “ ' Mts^ .Charles L^G^arrdtsonf'Haw­thorne; Suzanne Tempal, Wyckoff, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gray­son, William Grayson, Paterson; A . W . Winzerling, Ridgefield; Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Manwiller, Read­ing, Pa. . ' '■

Lakensea— Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walker, Easton; Mabel H. Adams, Mr, and Mrs.- George W ..H ooverand son, Philadelphia; Laura Ste­phens,. Beatrice E. Stephens, New York; Mr, and'Mrs. J. E. Strachart. Rutherford; P. A. Massa,Newark; Helen Bachmayer, Anne Lehman, New York City; Mrs. E. M. Ten Eyck,- NewsYork; F. Edna Adams,

__............ Clow, Miss M. Simmons, Sunbury,Pa.; Mrs. Raymond ;■ N sff and children, Summit.

WarringtdM— Ida Wisemath, M. ’ ■ 1 v Heilbrun and son, Mr..and Mrs. B.V-.. \ J. Black,.Mr, and Mrs, J.. N. Dagei,

. M r and Mrs. G. W . Miller, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. P. Dob-

- ' son, Bions; Mi. and M rs: N. H.Whittaker, Jersey , City; Mrs.' J. David and daughters, Long Island

f i ' City; John E.. Mooney and daugh--V!. ' v ; ter, lioselle; Mrs. Mary Lent, Yon-

kers.. ; vSeacroft— Mr. and Mrs. J. Duf-

‘,r fy, Jersey City; Miss A. Rastall

foid, Conni II Goff, 1 phif1. Mn vx

. Mi*, and Mrs..;William William C. Wittman and son, Nut-. Trenton; H. R. ; McSea- U*y; Anna V. Thompson, Montclair;

chie, Mary F. M. Seachie, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Crane,; Janet McLean, Paterson; Rose! Hidgc-wood. •

vv-: V=;v.s'*V: Moore. Upper Montclair; Mr. and, . , '* , Tt. Mrs. C. C. Cueman, Miss Jennie! , Aurora— Mr. and-Mrs. J H.

'■v :. Ackerman, William A. Cueman, ! f “ !j'cson'„ Glcnw ARd« « ' 1rJanon^.iU .,„:..R idgew obd.. !-S>ls0" Tr»PP> W l,s0? Jrapp,5 ;. - ■ • | Mt. Carmel, Conn.; Jane Trapp,V ;" Sterling— Mr. and Mrs. Benson Hamden, Conn.; Ba-rbara Trapp.

, Waddell, New York; Mr. and Mrs. x’ ” ........-: : ; . William M. Hunt, Frances K.

- Hunt.* M. Ernestine .Hunt, Nar-M ^lK ^^-bethi':' Pa;; Mrs.; Rue Brearley,' Pur- I ^ B ^ jM v i s l - Brearley,.- Trenton; Hattie-

® Anderson, Morristo>\Ti; Mr. . and ^® 2j^5^M rs,---E rh cst>--.'.L'ak,e.\y°ocl;: Elizabeth.

Greene, Grover C. Greene,^?%^M;_i-;‘":West Orange; Helen Osborne,^ y . ; v .Lansdowne,. Pa.; Mary L. Pease

and mother, Staten Island; Mrs., John S. Quick, Springfield; Ste- I • * . phen;Pease, Richard Pease, Lans- V';v';'vv' ;.V^downe.

New Haven, Conn.; Mrs. C. A Wilson, Brooklyn;’ Hazel Gardner, Airs. O. K. Gardner, Jei*sey City; Helen Kassrier, Paterson; Mi%: and Mrs./ E, E . Miller, Trenton; Mrs. E^nma; E. Van Cleve, Milford, N;. J.; Air; and Mrs. George T. Winhe. Englewood; Frances > TredwayiHelen Tredway, Chester, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hildebrand, A s­bury Park; Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle G. Seely, Jane Seely, Scranton; Lida A. Lawrence,-Easton.

Dardanelle— Mi's.'Elizabeth Will* Voorhees— Mrs. J. H. Klotz, Mr. iams, Phillipsburg; James H.

and Mrs. R.. Rose,. Air. and Mrs. Cockburn, Paterson; R. H; Todd, D. J. Miller, 'New York City; Mrs. M. Todd, Clifton; R. Van

"?--vvV Alisses ' A . and P. Saalfrank, Bay- Handel, AL D., Van Handel, Mr.^ » Dorothy and Helen and; Airs. Van BodegOn, Sara

s ^ ^ ^ i p ‘v?Hallad.f George and Joseph Hallad, Greien, Paterson; Bertha G. Reich- Ali-s. Josephine Hallad, Plainfield; hardt, Emily Fales, Brooklyn; Mr.

^ ^ ^ ^ / L t i c i l l e Forrester, Dunellen; Alex- and Mrs. C. G. Herschel,. Drexel -ander McClellan,. Baltimore; . L. Hill; Mary A. Hensel, Mairion A.

l i * R i^ - /C r o s b y Decker, Middletown, N. Y .; Davis, Edith M. Davis, Edith Ges- M # «W -V A Iiss Harriet Core, Leslie Core, sne'r; Staten Island; Mrs. C. L.

Q. Leslie Core, White Plains; R. Keyser,' Mabel M; Sykes, Paul- Joseph H. . Decker, Middle- ine J. W illiam s' New York; Airs, ■nrm: 04 1 Tir*1 Mathilda Kemmer, Brooklyn;M rs.

E. Lander. Jamaica; "Thomas E.Cable, Jr., Montclair;: Helen ' L.Becht, Julien L. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Becht, G. Claire Soden, Newark; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scheck, Bloomfield.

Sunset Lodge— Miss Mildred Palmer, Miss Mae Sifferlan, Mr, and Mrs.. John Kernor and child­ren, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. R. Amann, Mrs.- Adelaide Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lundgrun, Jersey City; Mrs. Carl G. Brown, Miss Elizabeth -Holstein, Mrs. Belle

Rehberger, Miss Dorothy Rehber- ger, Joseph G. Wright, Brooklyn; Mr. and. :Mr§. Joseph AlcConnick, East Rutherford; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Knichel and baby, Carlstadt; Thomas Barry, Union City; Mr. and Airs, J. G. Caulley, Rochelle Park; Mrs. Irene Bennett, AVest Orange; Miss CarrieT^risk; Bloom­field; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDon­ald, Mrs; K, Early, .Otisville, N. Y . ; Miss Elizabeth Wood,. Norris­town, Pa.; Mrs. Naomi Long, Con- sholjocken, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Went, Boston. Mass. -

Osborne House— Miss Katherine E. Burke, Miss Ruth Savage, West Orange; 5£r. and Mrs. S. Manley, Misses Ruth and Grace Manley, Ridgewood; Miss Florence Phil^ brook, East Orange; Emily Kraft, Woodcliff Lake; Harvey and Ber­tha Frey, Edith Rauch, Hereford, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. W . K. Gery, Ruth, Jean and /Carl Gery, Zioris- •vUle, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ack­erman, Shillington, Pa.; Mr, and Airs. E. Ackerman,- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ackerman, Gail,/Alice, Eu- gpne and Harold Ackerman, Stowe, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. W . D. Yates, Englewoocl; Raymond F. Roos, Glen Rock; Howard F. Waldron, Brooklyn; S. Alice Lehman, Phila­delphia; Mrs. Anna Cutting, John Cutting, Union City, N. J.; Mrs. Joel L. Roop, Elizabeth and Rau- 1 and Roop, Wcstminster- (Aid.1; :*•>.;'i


Townsendites Elect Officers, Re­appoint Committees

Meeting at the Woman’s Club Monday evening the Ocean Grove Townsend. Club heard the secre­tary .report that four new - mem­bers had been:’enrolled, bringing the club’s- total - to 354. Officers were elected , and all committees appointed. • = ; ! ; > , ; ; x -;/■:

The next meeting \vi 11 be held Monday, . July 27, at v the same place. Reports of * tht' national convention will b e heard and all candidates endorsed by the Town­send movement will be announced at that time. .

Height; Am ram, • Raymond Man ley ;: Jochebed^/* Aurelia - -Burdge;! Miriam, : Louise Kresge; Aaron, Ejaine Winters, Miss Winters als.o plays-the part of Moses.

Also princess,. Carri6 I. Buiggs; ladies in waiting, Glendora. Weeks, Ruth Scotten, Ada Wiggin, Anna Farrell, Pearl Clements; fanners to princess, Ivorna Gruhn, Venita Gruhn, / .

There are seven scenes.In the printed program which

the Conference committee will bring here with them, it will read that the pageant is to be given, in the Tabernacle. Mrs.- Stanyon made it clear that there has been a misunderstanding and that the. .Auditorium will house the produc­tion. : .


' Misg' Moore Sails Tomorrow•>Miss Anita Moore, who succeed­ed Mrs.; Ella Smith as principal of Ridge j avenue ' Grammar School, Neptune, will, leave for Northern England tomorrow with Mrs. Poucher, East Orange. They will sail on the Champlain, of the French Line. During her stay abroad, Miss Moore will visit friends in London. From there, she plans to visit many places of interest. Miss Moore expects to re tu rn; short I y before school begins in September. . . - :


The Oldest Independent General Market in Ocean Grove.

Pilgrim Pathway and Olin Street Phone 1749— Free Delivery

Delicatessen Department

All Home Cooking

Fresh Meats Poultry

Fresh Vegetables Groceries


Calling your attention, please, to a new crop of dresses in the Cotton Shop at ' Stcinbach . K rcsge's in Asbury P ark: Saucy, bright and gay as well as brand- new. All sanforized ‘ a n d color- fast, all selling, for a mere song: and bound to give you your mon­ey’s worth twice over. Four high­light styles sketched below*.

W here Courtesy Abounds


Sun DressesAbove ;• .we ; have two sail-cloth. sun-back;, dresses ' appropriately., watching, a sail boat. r. These, dresses are printed• in ship-a-hoyA , patterns that are gay profusions of boats, . flags, and what-not. Very saucy! ' The' material is .bumpy; rough-and-ready in ■ , a very smart way; a n d further­more, does not demand much con­sideration, Priced at 2.98. '

Tomorrow Is Designated As Wild Rose Day

Wild Rose Day, tomorrow, July 11, will feature a benefit for Fit- kin Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Charles W . Day, president of the Ocean Grove Auxiliary, has - se- c u red the co- operat ion of Joseph Thoma, Manager of the Ocean -Grove Association, who has con­sented to the placing - of contribu­tion boxes in * hotels, • roo(ning houses, the bank, and. the post-, office. No funds will be solicited j on the streets of the town; but all t those who wish to help the hospit- ■ al may drop their gifts into the,' containers. • j

'Airs. Robert Meredith, with ah j able corps of assistants, is ini charge of the affair. On Monday,1 the boxes will b e , collected and taken to Fitkin Hopital where the money will be counted and then turned over to the hospital to be used.to help those who are in need of hospital cai^ but unable to pro­vide it for themselves. ■


: ■ Dr. Purdy .Will SpeakDr. F. Russell Purdy, pastor of

the First Baptist church, Asbury Park, will be the. guest speaker at the South End pavilion meeting, Sunday afternoon at four o’clock. The South End quartet will sing special; : numbers.',' The , meeting will be led as, usual by Dr. Alfred Wagg.


¥..5335,520.91 , . • ■' 65.74

, ; ’ 305,8.3 f ,53

•town; William Storr and son, W il­mington, Del.; M ^ . W . S. Walfe, Newark.

RoostveU— Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Moyer, Brooklyn; Mrs. Howard F. Taylor, Louise W . Taylor, Jersey

' City; E. M. Dallas, E. Lillu Dallas, New York City; Miss Jean Duthie,

: Mrs. Emma O'Leary, Yonkers; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bishop, New­ark; Mrs. G. Van Riper, Paterson; Mr; arid Mrs. C. K.Manwiller, Birdsboro, Pa.; Howard and Duello Echlin, Glen Ridge; M»rian S. Lo­vell, Newark; Mrs. V. Stevens and

Royal Reds Win TwoThe Ocean Grove Royal Reds, a

team composed of local, boys, won two more games to add to their victory string and now arc in the midst of a six game winning streak. They also lead the recently organ­ized league for junior players with two victories and no defeats. The first game was won from the Al- lenhurst All Stars by the count of 9-2. Beekman and Soles led the Reds at bat: each garnering three hits. The former got a triple and two singles and two runs while he latter got a double and two singles and also scored two runs. Whitworth, Reds hurler, pitched a fine ball, striking out 13 opposing batsmen; In the' second game of the week, the Reds won from the Summer All Stars, a team composed of summer boys, by the score of 13-:7. The hit3 in this game were about evenly di­vided throughout tlie liricup.

GEORGE W . TAYLORFuneral services were held M on-! 1

day afternoon for George W . Tay­lor, 79, of 110. Main avenue, who died Friday evening, July 3, as the result of injuries he suffered when, struck by ail automobile. The ac­cident occured Tuesday night, June 30. 'Mr., Taylor ■ is survived - by three sons, Osmont T., Bradley lieach, Charles, Asbury Park, and Ji Pearce, Cliffwood. Park, Also the following three ' daughters: Mrs. George R. Lord, Neptune; Mrs. Addison Hutchinson and Mrs. Walter Wert, Bradlpy Beach; and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth' M. W ills,’ of the Main avenue address. He had five grand-children and three great-grand-ehildrcn. Interment has been made in Gletnvood ceme­tery.

MISS MARIAN 12. HOWARDMiss Marian E. Howard, 63,

passed uway last Thursday morn­ing, July 2, at her home, 7G Mt. Hermon Way.- Funeral services were held Friday afternoon, with the Rev. Edson R., Leach; pastor of the,First M. E. Church,. Asbury Park, officiating. Further services were hold Monday afternoon at two o’clock a t ' Hudson, N. Y., Svhbre interment was made in Hud­son City cemetery.

125 Heck AvenueOcean Grove

Telephone 963

- *..\v - P o u n d |Legs of- Lamb' ............30c. j

| Prime itib Roast of. .11 B eef ........ .25c, I

j] Chuck Roast ................19c. Jj I Shoulders o f Lamb, i 1 Boned and Rolled ,.22c. | | Frankfurters And Bo- 1

Iogna .........................25c. || Roasting Chickens, Ducks, j§ 1 Fowls and Broilers. : |

MRS. JENNIE RUSSELL Funeral services were held at 11

o'clock this morning at Weatvllle, N. Y., for Mrs; Jennie Rebecca Russel, 118 Main avenue,. who passed away Tuesday evening.- In­terment has been made in the Methodist cemetery- at Westvillc. Mrs. Russell is survived by her husband, Thomas W ., and her mo­ther, Mrs. Marietta Thomas.

Free Delivery


I JUST RIGHT: SHOE REBUILDINGI Fine Work, Low Price{ Best Leathers; Work Done While You Wait J . We Do All Kinds of Ortho- { pedic Work :S 203 BOND STREET• ASBURY PARK, N; J.• ' . ■- ’■ •'


Centennial Shoe Rebuilders63 Main Ave., Ocean Grove |

Quality comes first— we | •lave it. I : . r ’ y v‘,:; :y |

Service; conies «cxt— we, | give it. I

Satisfaction is what wc all | want.— wc guarantee it.

Telephone A . P. 8960

•a 02,896.20


; Wc pack orders with dry icc

5 2 O L IN S T ., O C E A N G R O V ET elep h on e 8292

; ItepOrt; o f Condition o f tlie .


In tho County o f Monmouth A t the .close o f business on Juno. 30,

y 193G. .CPuijllshcil in reHponse to call made

‘by* the Comptroller :of tlie Currency, under Section 5211,. U.’ S. Revised ' i ; Statues) /V-i.v,-

. a s s e t s •. : :Loans ' anti D iscounts i . . .Overdrafts . . . . . .United States Government.

Obligations, direct nnd : or fully ku aranteed . . i Other- bonds,,’ stocks, and ...

securities .. . . . . . . . . . . . . > ; •. 155,236.63-Banking' H ouse . . , ;?29500.Ifurhfture. and Flxr.iV;.i3;i47 ......... ..

32,047.00Real ,'estate. owned^bthpr;;.'';y;j>jlv.-:- :->-

than. Banking. House ,;,V. * • - *?i944.00 Reserve- AVttU' Federal Re- - .

serve Bank v . i v ^ - v ; . 1 2 1 , 1 9 3 ; 2 3 Ca&h, balances_7.\vith■; other; :. banks, and cash; items . in ..............■ process o f ; collection ; . . : 236,627.35Cash items*not In process

o fe o U e ctip n 1,238.94Other assets 1,556.051

Total Assets .§1,194,857.41u a b i l i t j e s : •

Deiiuiml deposits o f Indlvld- . uii.ls, partnerships, aii^

corporations, . . . ; . . . V .Tin»e depositH o f .indiyid- ................

uals,' partnerships,: nnd;:r CorponitlouH ; . ; . . . . . v . . v. ; 412,043.24

Statbi "county,: andVmuhicl- .pal deposits ----- . . . . 209,061.89

United States Government and postal saVinga ,de-

• posits . 4.098.8CDf.posUs o f other banks,

including certified and casliier’s cheeks outstand­

ing ........... 12,720.53.Total o f items 14 to-IS, inclusive: .(a ) Secured by

pledgo o f loans and or invest­ments . . . . . . . . . .?209,061.89

(b) Not secured. b y ‘pledgo o f .

loans and or Investments .. 831,758.89

(c ) Total D e­posits . ;....$1 ,041 ,420.78 •

Capital A ccount:Common stock 5,000

shares par $ 10.00per-share ...........$50,000.00,

Surplus .v 50,000.00Undivided profits—

net ........... 53,436.63153,436.63

Total Liabilities .. . .$1^94,857.41 M EM ORANDUM : I^oans and in­

vestments pledged to secure liabilities. United States Government

obligations, dlrcct and orfully guaranteed ........

Total Pledged (exclud­ing rediscounts) ..........

PL E D G E D : - -(n) Against United States

Government and postalsavings d e p o s its ...........

. (b ) Against Stato, county, and municipaldoposlt.s .........

Total PledgedState o f New Jersey ) . .County o f Monmouth, j

I, R. F. Johnson, cnshler o f the nbove-namod\bank. do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to tlie best o f my- knowledge and belief.

.. R. F . JOHNSON, Cashier.Sworn and subscribed before • me

this 9th day o f July, 1936.A. QUENTIN COLES,

Notary Public. ^M y Commission Expires February 13.Correct A ttest: .


• Directors;

Printed SuitsPracticallyv everyone is a tailor •

maiden these days and the idea isiVariety on the subject. Above, are; two new notes - on the theme, y they are v;new. PRINTED two- piepe . cotton SUITS. One is in, nubby linen, the other shantung* The prints are v little staccato patterns on white. Priced at 3.98 and 4.98.>'-V .. v r. r - ' . - ' - - ;



... 100,875.00 .3105,834.28

"K a y DunhiirWhen you see this name on a cotton dress you’ll be certain to oh-and-ah about the downright ingenuity of .design, v Greyhound - lines -: and bright - • saucy' details • are their / formula. Above are tw o1 of. the ; styles, bne in nubby : 1 inen, tlie, oth e r in d otted Swiss. These dresses could walk any­where on a Summer’s day. Prices are 3.98 and 5.98.

No IroneeThe answer to summer's inertia . are . these smart • seersucker dresses in dotted designs which claim not the need of ironing. Their bumpy-ness is part of their, charm. Their styles are simple, and eye-catching. They’re light and cool, and born for Sum­mer sun-days. Priced at 3.98.

P. S. All dresses sketched at the Cotton Shop at S tcinbr-«■ nin Aabtiry Park.

M i