vol. vii. dover, moftbis new 7,1877. no 17 the …...vol. vii. dover, moftbis new 7,1877. no 17 the...

VOL. VII. DOVER, MOftBIS NEW 7,1877. NO 17 THE IRONEEA .fCDLlMlUD ETEPI BiTCBDAI II BENJ. II. VOGT.r EDITORAMDPBOHIETOB. Offloo on Horrlj 8tn>«t MAT BUokirill.. UF SUBaUBIPTlOW IKV1BI1DLT IK A One Year, - i Sis Uontlis,^ r - - - - - 1.00 Tareu months,- - - -:.--- CO Dr. P. A. HARRIS, PIIVSICIAN and SURGEON. DOVER, N. J- OrriOB AT HII HUtDBHCI OHOBOOIBD BTBKBT. 4Mj ; • . oilH P. OTICIU.X, Counsellor at Law ADD MASTER IN CHANCERY, ROCKA"SVAY.N.J. J. J.VREELAND, CnrpDnter) anfl Builder; Jobbing promptlyattended to/ Sliona OH DLAOKWEJjljfil.,uexttoGas* A Halaoj'. lumber mill. Contracts taken, aud natiria] furnlihod.. : vr»KSlO!Ulori»B. ',•_. . _ .. Oorner of-Blafkfep aad^uBBBS, Kts, -• •'. :-!'EJpgBIl.;;lir. J.-S H I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. flon** wd,C*JrU(ii toLct.V / /.'.: Counsellor at Law, AKD MASTER IN oiuNOEBY, ' OHIes in tlu National Union BaaU. DnIMiBB N.'tf. I TBiamioun A QHITII. IOJIfiTB 4 COtmsELLOES AT W 4 COt LAW, Co'riill«k»iliinajii' (jlll'UN. U. A. Uli,V\LTT, ill. 1), I1O MCKOPA T111C PHYSICIAN &SUHGHOS, Cor. Blackwelli Warren Sts.. (Oppoflilri Dover Banl,)-~ '".' . DOVER, N.J., Dlanagi or Women anil OUlilrrn, anil ol Hi. EjeBiidEar K|H'dultlL-R. OffionlLmrNi Jt"»A.JI. 1Uu»a]iil7t0Bl 1 . U. IHUld - : i ' ! ; HFHPHBETS 1 HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS ten In mileral u»*for . L. C, BRONBON, OP FIFTEEK YEABB HtACTIOE. OFFICE AT, (SKXWNU'S IJOTICL, '•: SUSHEX si.; novnn, K. J. Omos Hoona J 8 (o 10 A. it., one] 2to 4P. a. ItillD, D, blllTIf, - - - ;.. B.,0, MEOIK, JB. SMITH & MECIE, ATTOBNEYB ATIJAW. : Ol'FICK OVMU PJEnHOH'H11 AT 8TOKE, BLAckVEU. aiiiiilir, DOTSR, mr. ir. . CB-GAG-E, .-.'. JUSTICE OfJHE PEACE, Ofllce on ilinckiveil Street, Collections aitoniM lo with (IIIICGIKD.' •: Alio, Aflont far llio buaUJfo euil rduIniot- aiiuo3oniMuie». , f;! , . ,. \./L: U-Jy, L. W.THTURBERj,;: UF I'UUUUfl Li. / ~ OF.sioimia cdOKTy.' co orer OE0. UICHAIIPS &. Co.'a STOItR, '*• * DOVER, N. J. 04 M OSES BLANCHARD, " p : ',' ' .. ; ATmiiKEV IBB MASTER III DOTER, N. J. Oflim oVor A. \ lj.l.r •• if lite anil' tin store, »iliinajii»ii«SU. DOVER, N.'J. Mjr. . * Ajo..BnriH. p iFurnlsWnguOndertaker-. LICENSEDipolJIpSEEJl 4HD COUUU- . .. .X., .SIONEIt,OF DEEM, . , , ' l "AllordorH"promptly"aHoridod to.'-'- ; { H"promptly" rvj- 1 •/•••—• Gr B d eighsi . i rArllcolir itlailteo r»iailo repairing and rjovun tABon*TOnv.'»HI f AmjB and An«W, or«lldS,rf|ilioii',ol ' OlIESiNptfiJtBnALr) ••'"'.'":'^CABEWifY MffiK;;, - ,.{;•' ' lilato/i&Brgoa'Wlli bo forniattodon application' Allen Palnier & Carpenters" i-^ <n . Jofabihg promptly attended to. 1 S. iTiPATlMEIli Architect. ,.j „ Mason an^ Builder. 'Coltrao'lB (akin ti> ill Midi of llaBon )Vmk idJuLlilng. MJIll, PLASTRIl AMD CRMEKT, ! :i : K¥lJW'!; omeo nnder N.J.rr[O "Tlio Iron I!ra O1IW," ioo TA: ( Gj-rjandin, JJpuse.' rAitfia'Fno'sri): L' it w: DEP ' STAWHOPII, KT : iK 'BViOJlA'NDlS" Prop NDIN, Prop'r. Kxcoilcnt aocotninoilntionR for transient Sr trmanantl>Qara I ura,-BliOBllTurylanilu>oardln6' .aO.VlillaAM I" IUlull... TU-UM-I' UKM" to and from Bu.Ul'i. Lake amlLnka ttopatenntf ; s. an; I F. •De For Iron Ores anil Mineral Vn Wat.S.-DEOuir. •.•-a./ ,w«,:,;,.,; .,..,;!* OfiAM, HANCE &Coi's STORE,? Tpon nil llio pilnolpal lloei of Bta'amehbe r- rrom Morf.W to SUmtpnol at LOWIM'P 4™ IBEliAMlj. , J ; n „, hi >*"-t •;.;;.;_ ; PI)A;M;;O-S,i B :. v , Organs and Melbdediis Repaired 1 and Tubed . [qMsQindtJ. Ad- '.' ' ' i>»«V,iu, 'T'TC'TI .11 .T—i JOHN DRUMMCR'S STRE E T, fc'nouin 1 DOVEB, N. J. •Theilac.1iHJ*in-e»lli»ljra«tt«ain a nut manuor. :Tia"»ory boat -brands of . ' ••• Fpreigtvand Domestip Segai VOOEHEJIS BEOTHEE8,' '-''SoSaiitri^Ai'bUUj.ii::-; 1 : Hardware; 'Iron andStei?l,'v; MEOHAKICS'.AM) FARMEH8' TOOLS'. OimUA&E'UAKliirS aroDS,-;! •; .Cwi.'.JYABHpaTOi^Aitii^BAH 1 ' STincri, MO RRISTPWN. N.: -i>.i;i.; ^yanttiieTiwaK'or r^;',, . „ ffoortou'Warcrjiiid!" !^.V :: : U .,,.,HousoKecpingGoods. LI me; Cefne rit, Plaster, 'BoAi Dmt, Super PhmlihtUi'onjfliB, jlta'd/ail. v!.:oUiflrFertlllMr». i; 1 ' . BOIIOBE.T0OK!«18s—" »AMD B. VboRHliUI :;MorrliU)<rn,»»pt.a3cl,ia74, .^ ;•' v •; CARPENTER andiBUILDER,' TADEBlllOLB HAL1, BOTH!, N. JJ" " ioi| orITMT Duowrnoi .i.^cr -VP>.additional tharse/otiottcaollos ibtre J\ i no» iNitk aroImotlf d: • Wo arq po«r mal- iiglitanlllnlloUofloollilor ,. . • -• J : THE MIS PCV7E5 we prnvga tlitumimt gAFK. KijowoaiitiiiijaiiahwpiriBi'if roei»r.lnemwBwn. TheyKrcjimt w HcknetiB anil a an Eminent pbrilclan. Km.. ... Caret. Ocutt 1. Fevers, CODIWUOD, Inn<in.tni.1ent, , . 85 1 Wonnj (WonnF«ar,Wumi Colic! . i. S6 1 Wonnj.Wotm Favor, Wumi Colic, . i. S6 a.CrylnR-CoIlr,orf(ietbltiKiifInrit.ta,. S3 i. Dlarrbaa, of children ur Artulu, . , aa 14 General bobllity, Phytlcnl WcftVnmn, , M 19. Drepiy not tctntr Bi-cretlopf, .... CO M. Hca-ilchnnit, •lokiirrt trota riding, , 60 too" DcliHIlr.iYiunyeslineM, 101 id it'j.U. BROWN'S"drag utorf, corner of ickwoll ind (JDMCX 8U, feud Toiif-'Ut & £ill- rd, iiow uorhbr drugliuro, SDTLT, N. J. Ii netr ronly wltb til tho nevr s t j k a for FALL of 1877. 'ashionable Miilinery 1 -AND •• Ifanoy <3 oocls. . :,. J. -Tim • • -•, ;;. , atost Stylos &'Newest Designs r orroaiTB HATIONAT. unrLDnio,. DOTKR, ' Tlio Inrgcat tod rpont complRi M3PupifejiiiiigjCtod; erytliiag oUno'i)OB^inaUrlB|'apiliiiadii up ,tbe nioat ijinpotont ^jiilftanlB.,, j . •••-. j... rxqSTiNK ban noTer.lauca io enccr, a ouro, Ingiono JBnd^treiigtli'^to ; tho WBtom dr^. "SHE RKSTS !,w/&Lii. - /• aoum Ponum, Mi/,-Oct nth, J870. L'tti'ftumli '•<«< 1".'J'»I ->•'. ' j)i»B8in^-I'haVeb«onBlctlwoyoflra witli he Uvor oonplnlnt, >nnd dnring itliaU Hint JITO UkBnftgreatiriany diflorentlrmidiolnes lutnono-bf tb^mdldmeiuijgaoajVI.wiui tsllCBsilgliti nrid had tcaSpotllp. Blnca iltinVtho VigotinoTreBtrwefiWd VOIIBII toy Bod: -Can rMommendHlW'TOlETIliK for /halithaBdoneforme.!''iuii<n . ,.t> -,..:. y.p a: s .TJ MW A >»>. '•'• Thouaands will bear twlimony'and 'do-it llnnlnrlly) Un>t. VxorjmE is, tto.beit modi, inlcompound yotiplaoed .before,thopulillo or, renovating.; and., purifying] tpe.iblopdi iradicaUng nil lmmora, topuriti*orpqiaon. ilia aeon>doasIroiu.Uio]Byutein, inTlgontilig ind Bt»»«»li'niiig.'"«: «J«t«iii doolli]Bted bp Iiaorgia|.ru'faott.it ja,..nii..mnny.LiYp,-cidlei It, I'.'HM Braat UaaltU J t o f W ' ! I J n..YWJlkTT\.'f<TTTl Ji It. Birarii^-In •_.._ rijt>aa'recomm«iidoa"tolint; nnd yielding io'tlie rmmiaslBliBof » frlarid,I consented to try it "At tbo tlaia. I TTBH BijffBring,rroni general r flobWty; and. nervbus 'profitratltjns; mincrindneed' by bvorfforlt'' and! irregular liabitfl. \ Its'yonflorful 'Btrpagthenlng lVnntl enmtire ••proportieB' : 'iicehial'td: nffeot,iny 'delilHtAterf eyUein.frorn thr'BrBt doae,- nnd under itaperalBtettfnBe'.r'rapldly'rooovorodi Alnlng radra' ftan'nsnal hialti' ;ond good retUhg! 1! Si»ee tlion 1 1 nara tot nialtoted.to g band m to uiwlif*«nd» only rnediolno XtiBe^ er oiptil lo fid b a n r a i s l b e only rnediolno X tiBe^ndb IUI' I liv« t never oiptil lofind.r. better,,, , " " YOUTH<raly,"''''"i tftVH.1C1.iire, : I»ll-St Altb^ REAL E S T A T E A G E N T , ••• SffiiiexlDoU, S.'J/ j f«t diutlglfona ofPjjpeltr anjniitlc.lat ay.ir..tti)i]t,mp.. f- rj <;X J. 'I mralivUnaUHiB ofSMOT»« W> thprj clcannr and punilor;of^the.bloo41 .Ai,Hti»iPi««.'lIi " "" ,. MB.1.H.,B. ftavB«M yeamaBOnijIbcaMj^ plating Offsets of dyat-. —, ^.-^ _ Y~ fator I.ww.attnelod;ttf,1jpii«U,li!«r In II wpret iorffl,. it aetllo4lnjnyr.baa< andtO!% ijiei,fqrra.;,or.n .largo docp-eoat^d absor; ' * ' .fifteen monua .in .gatbering. ,tkal oparaainj, bylie beat al ,.B™«klTO«lyo4.lioporni.aiieni,on... IauffeTBd(rreatpnlD,atJinicii-and waircon. iiiintly Vt-aVenedby aprbfojM.'dlBoaarRo. 1 alBplostBnull piece" of D6npa( dineronf tinres. 'blatters 'itaS- 6n v tbtta Sbont.7 yenn, Ull'Mayi'ili74,'i»h.en;ii'frl6nd : TM6inmend«l if™brosll Ittl. iiote lhlm ; »>6ir,'>lie|l'.tt. dTlBonIt] j, lho;bnoK waa.ourea; and tornloo mon|lii IbiToRiioyed thebeet of M t b . 7 I Wio In tb»t Uino g«,lncd: t.entySr. '• liSof Mb, bainj benHor tbsn owr br lnniyilfo, aiid'I vcas nerer mow ar - labor tbWnow. ' •" *" ooa aweUingiaa largo aa.my.tat p>Uler brtlmybodirv J> otberimrtolmybodir.v J>.:i , I took VaajcTcre'faithfully and it remoted I Inel with tbormrfaoa in a mentb., (tblak I Bbotdd have been: cured of my. main trou Me aoonerlflbad fallen Urger dojei'a."- naTinr. beexnne aoouatomed to it* effects! bld ih bfl atomed to troubled with ncrbfula to.d tbt it t k t tnoyliirli MUejily tak»V»o«Tn™,ilt.will, inmyjod moot; enre Unrm^iWIUi i g™t obllgaM.oiii| I*TTI -'-•• i .*'. .** Ycurt vtry truJy,* i T'.i'-y * T\\..; •• = •-•.• •-••:. •-. Q, AV.:iUNSFIEIJ), jPoetor of Ibe Molhodiet E PREPARE H. R. STEVENS, BostoniMaS! TBQBTiaB H BOLD DT ALL DBVOattTB; POKTIG.,' r.lieart F 1 wbeii (Inl liliiroi-diuf/ore It TKa ll i" IUJ willipytar, . Itnye'l.oli, roQluli liiurt! tobiro. tLtjiit. throb of tear. . < Ituning mtple iiTucncil thebit tig tple iiTucn u »uttitnor'a D .. i Lripbt •ui'iflV.wur looked toward tbo teat. Upon thf'grccu tlllnidi). ' ' n'lor from thi> l\\\l*\in ispiln^, 57 -' - ' UT : ntlVAIII,'hliun tlntv)), ulngkd Wilh t!jebr«wliog Lrw.k eu li<j sifil Iiiil iict,a yiori dmtrnm niy llpi i 'lmrLoauliiyun«i'TViu<isp7 .. ii wlibartd snafluwer hj the iprin's " '""•''W'fW 1 ' io.loi}d,uhii.j[ . I iflwovrauil'liwrt, tlio RtiDinxir bloom nlmilumu tiuif Kiot.'.ir; guilii ya wpmliipiiei] itl tlie doj all Qoiaii ta lilomi aa innro. ' . .••".",'In Unrlj'Miirliie. , ••.: ., u iiiifr enow drifii, uiuhlug (mi, [<lncJtli or BOP 111 Wind UoalliifriUit; ti CftlUFSoQ ici tliti mdj^Io clitiutv,' ' " c (fii'i.cii f nitiiis ol Hie roulH;,j .! Djulloivt.n tlie wlliuw wands, . ' n (jtuon of gtn*n ilfliiBlho j>otiil»t BHWelllne bade, the blrjublril's noie, o dutiOdliuu on ihu mo*l; ,•; [ uetrlliljcolut'ol (lloBlroim, '-.' e trarmor flimli of laorleo glcarn j pdfmpne««uf^(jo(ipliiiil uiujild, , . wnt-ffjifa in tJie open no!d; 1 ' " QauuR of bird. Ilia UuipxiTlJce, ! ,,,, tiiH nf tbo ridli. Tbo ^ttnntwiitulr ibelietia of our rivers,, (bose wliicb «capa'in;qur Htreams or qiVrcipjIate 1 solves in torrouta. tUoae whicb, , iiriin'oVabloin bur \tikvt, {)UU<]H, .ur in tbe^fuin of oar foimtaina, no er;will isboV tu: their aftanl dontb,' on.mntad hy 'n^yNttdH of d'of tho. kinds of fish g ornjiidTui.il or llllld rllli; l h i i ThpHisn^taB coluroi^ the vlt|n, : /•">.!i i m Ii I Ijroali 0 r' |i IT6 6f niO ^ pUlia pI ne, •.-. , ' LI-O tlilnf;'t lb»l tell io eye ande u ' ••' • • < o'ctiinb onpthar^liobple's laddora. 'HttVo you Icard nly kfat'eongj)'"ji JIUBIC «Tlter 6f a CrUff t r i t l o ; ? -J 1 |P >n 8 tb3r^ly (|i ;,;--; ;; -'J^-j A dr.alor caror "tJBca :• "BUio g k « , p(ibtl' r 1 window' 1 fnd' ptb.pr 1 pajpa." 'TM*] uBl|inolu(lo obnm^Bgnes; 'f-.^'i "'.^'^I Tbo joys anil ladioa 1 ' b'uBtletiliaVi^wii. jcb longer witliiu ptbe last six weeks— oecially- tbe Indies'* bnstleB, ^ Irish' wnlter^ in^rtlerfltbo A YdtltBliirowdmnn il BO two rolliug lilflb^ . .Ill -..iT f.h.jiirt-MfoUtliai.. A.rownrd iirofferddiforlthe aKflffiYork ' " ' for;tbe ibqnjl'i 'jiTliero» i.'ha pQt ithea^lttieiivufnt'fo^' axolatmta BVMI ie woman, us abo' found ber busbanil inglngin'tHe barri.""!" 1 " r '' .i*';'; '•' As We cannni tell ngond ppntint n'ntfj bi jBoJt.iBwitli liK, .\'o(i jiiqvQrknoff.dmnti'i good Qaaliti til you Btridehiln for a dolldr.-.i ^ A : 'mnu"ouf nodr'tiswtgo'"^ d j i i f l l lAi ^pujljentit Cf^'^X 0 ^ 11 ^ Mff?!'-'..- *An itlinots editor, baviup; lopt Iris e'eis^ rs, Mritds 1 : "Wo nro calledhpan to until tbe lass olfont'ot tli6 bbsl'mid ost VroBUralbj iwiiliiniU tW'Vorlil 'MIUDOW.V'CU ,7.ii;-.i«i,n. «jr UJ.JVK- " Diih't yt3n'Hink!' > llllld'a'milb»iid W Ini!inora«)lMbiiko:|n'LiB^ilo:'"lhat liat onicn jnro:<.T Yea," wnR tlio iwer,"iiM8o'oil;SBtji^i: Anomnnjin Oshicoali rronnd;ueatiy a)f.a,,Buirl tbrotigh-a dottieafwrincjor nby vaB io the sliirt It was an'nwftil SMohdCT iVfortditsolffinfeithiilhe nby vaB io the sliirt. It was an'nwftil britl;|;'J™'j Ap^ntlomorir/odgiC [iU'dflligbUir.agetl /oui,'iceodntlty. .^Ifcai 'i was ovei,anil abe baJ:aat it while,.ftllfl on£ldB'*:motler:atfdlnqiliied,'"Dor,;t ou tWnb it woniil do popn goind'io'gol M I'tf (; ff |JJJf''' P p p . . ^iKl .iBti MutB;i;oinebody;Ja .sof a^ablon Tcarftigi finnlie Bkiq Qrolook trimtninps,' ind tliTnka Jf itliia-'MUekbllilmit) tt' l k l b l ^ Wiis'it : t.iiTroriaii .Qn^ElUt, jnst aa sbo. ol : toU»>B "JPiWA".'at,(pMh',t how -iuWlHlB .PredojioB,, nt,!iineb, how otbercal ^bet appetite .wfla, :to, liatre tbo ook bawlmot, -a(Jay,!will.»U>f STO? ddh now, or mil till ! t4 Oj yes," sa\Can olil l.ulyr tqemodi :iidiea in practical eoginoeriDfei-Jtt/fii JD enmn homo and run it, I'll Jsajpni if 'em, but not- oforo." , ' , „ „„„, j ebtabtiiiiod i jnnutaoturo wootler bnronotj for tbb toropenn mnrkot. A larno-Bizqd bureau 'atyilhimdiatu'deMkmdipImltet Wokloiibbta.i J6W .ilioon nnd wcaiprly ttad.a are eitra, - • a.JegroCJSaigiSiaffieorsiir fjf;oi, whito nliirt ana went into a bnr-rooin »ibor it off) ••tnt Into » jVth'^ ind Bbut a man. If people wil PtetibiiSCSb rbitonbutstbis sort of tbioBjrniiitbo cpcoled. , \'V.tyi ' An CtW^imTy.^eaflrngnfelioW'•IJCt Annr lot. Turkey,^ l remarked (MJ honght it would t»'betHj&, ;bem more legs, for if .tbere^. ohiiaron at a dinner table wl " '"" ""UkoUimjrqVi Manll. •' W<» t U>e WtboriHwukV*' . neglMted to aloso tbn saloons, there »w.i notniacliolttn nttondnnco," ]'.*• or«i/n By an order of tha EnBBiftivt no«srn piiToj ..liroliisoa lirBiiiBlaiirtilrotJ ^oono must honoBfortb bo roBnufaetnrcoVi S XW I a hiav. bloiriovOer- To enable lh«>llr°« :-- "Tbo bnby niuRot.a:no«,toblh, bi tbo old Mj i» laid no with aeoH in'tf bendit'jientarked>aKOntlCf)an*tif a"fli feltatioandidalo.', iJlWhaVj.Jd I •Mjf 'Was tbo reply. "Well. Bflid tho genii man,, slowly, ,,".J»f..r« tlie olfctioa,-y! uiedtp,lok« jno.iOBiilo.andlaatno bo IJari f maBt'de8tlov—nt lenat nnciln-) .ted man maat; but it in nqt iibsulnlo- :cn?ary tbat man sbnulit beancdu or tbttt be aboultl destriij.; arjiflo fbiefsout, in » rfrl'W wbicb read Rotno yonra siuoc on i.iBcJculfiirc( Ciiiua, enjs i "Lacopodo, onou Buio ilndents, 'Tbo «tndy;ofjHcicnet- «. upon .yout.TCryygrijnt ^uliliga- tiri tn.vttrd Ibo body Bctcial., Your flrai Ly iafo Lnornuao tbo [Hiiiliorlinppincaa. ia 'dn; will come wben wo ib'all not br ilimted tonccliiunte in onr pr>nntr>* y, tho. beat ipeclee of-aoironla and uLs; we sball mnko use of-, all tbe rvolotiB! rcsonroen of veterinary ftrt* tie linowledgo nf vogotnule culture, order-, tojjorfcctjopcta tbjp rnoua and 4)'nrigi* llietrViirieltes." 'ADimniu, cbo- witli care, will furuiub to tho ronnti- iref inbre'btfuiHfiiiHklns, flier silks, '(cr ifnols, more tufLml fum,; (lon-n nf cr teiture, more glitleriiHMi3iitl.^r«, id filiollaJ of ' grcator transpttrency. inil, IIHagrcenble as beolthj, lusing its (jiiliiioe'ftiilii.brjcntrt^s less rnra, will rer Ibo tiible of thd poocasit unw i|-orll» nburlabtnun iii)il lliase(iniinnlb iloh nro useful to b,m, L o'r'to fortilize flll »ni),t«qfS 1 |we,1ibB:ri!\-aril of the i o a l i a t i ' Tlie knowledge of nature II oM'i^gb tbo fab^ 6r tbo^'obo/". „',,' iinarly tieventy yeon siooe'tile di!l bHboJ imtbortal Buffon i tflflbart.'" ^6 havaTbean atriving, I we ubould oontihiiB to Btrlve, to guip ^en^'t diili'oiigpltba'd.a^ovefieE and •ogrew wUioliitbe'pMt'geiieratlpd'b and pf'wbioli tboy 'are riglAf rflpa/ajil^isiliAin^BabBl^cMRrojeL groatn&t.within the roa'ob', nor do tbey iffor jet from ibe intompettnoQ of ou klg'iTtTauirraa'oat'aa 1 an<) rircra t •'by'ibV^mAroviflenco of : o ima almostiJwon.'ltiffliottlie fanlt liUli'ur n'aturdor'f6f tbeiCraator. Wo 4ye:;iiu>^;jtfl;/cqQ.i|:>ut;'plin !bBil»yrtbatman., Beta,bis j/ogt { .( 'i-ftin Boil.-thttttdoy : tbof-nni^oi" iQrdlip;Qiiif. [ 'fiei(5il,W l/ qdr;: ca, (tat aodnorei ^itborjtruco or nbdVbbn desperate ii£ri< ""•""' (be:laws;; $!&#&$$£<!. j,; fbe:|.»»;:tL. ..„ nbter nnd.otber, wortblem .lianBore-oii I thVvll!nge*tayern ^nrdt^Bt, nnd;ijcotaro if3! 1 ?iit,SS^.S«i.>i'N i !!^ I *.'l K ^ 1 d i i n o d |,tbat ttubloated oriuworaoj privilege to ,kilt:aaa destroy, what' the int ; Jnjare ;ft^ ! commnnlt/fciiiBtead;*] iBQytntfeafrom.tbifl oity, thcro is an ^Bfi>bY^.(]hjfjst^-ThJj'gentUinnn rap- tia^DJB t ir^i^" r ffii!^ b y i p o l ll '9' 0 ?' hi f ibstiLueats, vwbo: wete.'.jQah^rmo,n, thnl 'oe ; laff, as s e n t " ^ br»ibe;:&B8o. IT to ibeir ifltei'esta and tlio -tnter; ^hV^lfflj^'iWmber.'of bia rpan- By.*' Bfe"t9otT^^ftiqki'.|Q finfl'ouj 4 :*me flr^no,' b,ut.,wlien ftsltoil by. qtJi'w.reprWfint^ll'ej* W 1 »<> hia 1 B>;I EM "garoHhe;Boas hi ty&.J® nbsf jbtc*eateil<w i o Voted ^itlDbfm as In JpS'^ai ;tr rdn^'duitrioi ;:w$tea bld - ij.yrWow^tbi8.'w?rj'yil».wlio3fl omflt'iTre I'ha^e relatea^yaaltopfatii fi)Dio;iiiaomnlpoiitiah'w .V«»' >« tW laia canBht ull.ituo .flilh IlieJ ti4iy tlb' Kltiile), population' ooiilj no oalob^.ne,hundred. (, 1)(i. v , \lt\ . ;*_ ifimif to'i»nt au orld' to 'BUCII ;U; ibieVBtupia^y/^a^oVonfW.iintl inking in tUa"nimo:aud tor tbo /era ^(ir^fancfrillBBaliHorl contirnry to tlii of td^jsrnhiiint^ ''Wo tatUt enoet laws and unxtwemaat lookrt^Ji.^bot en J r apiVtb6_^attor iff {p'^jtfiem arii Jfe f .&!9fljrilnippOTi,;, : lU tb'U ia done, than tlierq need bonb.reoi.in » fo« joam Wit'ffioa-yiipfcj'ot-'bo-chimp.!. At tbe Uori'qnail^ntBbi ,hP Wl4'(«^«,' S.tlliurn lli'iiulillran in tte Kliulli. JFromtlieK.y. Evening Pu»t, (nqmb.) y?e baye.ljocu permitted to muke 8ou> LtiacUi from tbo pnvute eotrespondoticr i f Fildlbi \ d lust winter iu- tlie inloH. \Vup r i n t tiie iin|»rorjwir>Tj» witb it ; coiriibi'nt, im n 't'onlfiliulioii to tbe pilBtjion'of the Sonlburii quest ion, be- ring tbat tbo writer's educbtion nud iraotiae - as-n Bcpublican -will give ipeciul interest to bis Bbarp criticism of certain wing of Ma own pnrtj, " WUMIHOTIW, N. O. Deo. 8," 1876. One mtn who owns &dru(f store bare id tbat tUt; cliuructer of t&osa wlio lied tbcnjieUea ltepublicms in Wil- ngtou was (in a rule ROlowtlmt decent) m would not [Uisncinte witb tbein. ho Bi'uUtor nf\VilI«lH a duikie whp iiinnot write bit, ownnnmo nud \thu bis work dona by n deputy. PUOEUBEB, 10 OK 0AHS.BBIWEEN l CHARIiEBTUK AKD HlVAKNAIt. [ ' I mot tbh'morniuK ft Mr. ]1—, 'of | iiuileflluti. witli wbum I Imd a long talk joiit politicjLl mntltra. Mr. B-^~ nun iDQuibm* ot .tlio LogUlatLire, .of' South, ilino'for 1 two yiarsi' olru'tud nn' a in ticket oMbe better oluH3 of Re- iblicaim uml tba CounL-rnitivaH. lie idws Chamberlaiu well mid nil tho tors in tbepresontevoiitsat Oolumbin. .o aays tbc result of tbo Pmidmtiul iiestion is 'a aocondnry conniderntiuu ill) tbem. The stute iHHura ore j)luiul,v 'lietbcr ,t,bcii3 Bboil'bo (in, hoiieut Htitto jv'crnmoutut,i.l|." Ho"anyn tlipy wlmld ifiuitoly prefer a ipilitnry Oovoroor nnd imy an oitrn tnx *o i>ny tbd Tlnitud itoa government dcbtrntDcr tlmt) to ive ttiincHCoutimte ua tbey.buve beau. ben Obaraberlaio canio nut fpr reform iey BUjipoited bim and poniiuuud to ilg i, andyvbuld still bavo coutiuuod lo do bad bo not nllioJ liituself to Bome' of ---"tmpa, in tbo State. 1 ':. ,^ .";;'' ," CHAKLESTON, l)«ceinber IOtb.' Eyurylbiug is porfecllj quiet heiii oud ollticnl innttora are as freely dim'iisseil 9 in Pbiifidelplito.- Iuvalking up from iie Bteniuet I.bired if, _*H>els', young irltie to carry' toy.voliie.' ^o envo as jflirpflab" wlV ibe'fdiirWeB ivotod.Bo 1 ;rongly naninBl E/iinpton Jn'Olinrlcston •oa bflcnuao io.a apeeobrntabeggart •.oiiBe; iaJMo- oonrae of t|io cnmhatBu. ;un)i)ton l>nd.Biml,"' ^U,.b'e wanted waa )r"tb'cm juBt v to-iry ;mm once,'nnd| aid tlio nortcr, .'We darkiea tliQnB^t'wf ;new"]n«t'ffbftt dot' menMt^diit-ir lie nee gnt in wo wouldn't bave a t cbancc I vlsilcd Ibe State flousB tbl^ morn' .i«. mid oftor pnmng .tho inspection of wu seta ot ,dfiili,fl8 waa-Apally.Ktlinitled ntiioetat^Boiiato "clmnbct nS .Lung n Jortlicnipr, U'bo Runtito " but? , "oiuo llguity 1 nrKiUtit,' ll .'i 1 liaiiEpjjjdlpg;.officer ia ihulutto .ot.'couyderiffil^^bibty,! iumili3judgei(rum Ijtdgrignar ofr— lut'ting tl« b)iBJnD«H. Bunin of^ Ihcru pl.^bo puruflt ncRroiypn,; While ...„,.caB ollered bj a wliit(i,'nitliear U ,/iovido for appoluting'u oommiltee tt onnoel(1by,ouUinB,itb.ol!illB.,oI tfiQ Btatc' Imt lind,.bPBii1panl hy llio Tred^i-er. Iti stated tliht tbo old plaii bad .bWn oatnmp tliBin in.luk, wbiob could,bo ^Ifiuned 1 Off "by -the usa of clijemicula., •WbHteniorft (tue. ; one. vbownB {•xpql.ksi], " im.QpnBre».sjtor 8ellirue,bi/a,;cfld(!Ubip W«stJ?ointJ,.»Jw fa a,State Senator, , Bin ia a.State Senator, alattillbatlioSodentooa ^rsWoflO'of^nfcc'ioaJbniBioftbi ircvions ytw bnd been to cloilncd, anu T OOOof them werein tbe bands i l f r M aSo^y^ort a U t h ^ Unit ind bold against the stated Ha idenoU' •iatioH.of tliewt-oFactflrflrfQllowed tbia mnouricempn^LriotiSvea^aulexiireBaiOD and tbe resolution waj ibatcom- onplnco busitiDSfl, i * - •• " In theObnmborlain bouse tbore !ue U dhrkio8 are ratlier,flnoi.too|tinft ""t ubnt of tbem nra necroes of a low type, BO .fl»:Hiat tbey-wonld,nut bOifoccefptpa as respeotftbloienougb to-bo^ftitewj in a itBUoiam' botei. ..Wben-I.waa tboro n llrty wbite min offered i a | resol ((tio^TtiT pay KadlteJ',- tlie Sneakerj BW tbousnud' lollnrs for 'Wii';elJloieiltiBorvi«ie wbou liosccoUionbbl.ajtiwaaiiJtbWnbi'nibw!. 'ho 'debato : tbnt 'followed'Tjfas <ettnt>V jbaurd,.- itegri).' 1 ininstralfl "ebnld not caricature legislative' 'prode^dingfli^tn'ora »mi>letuly,,../Mnolcey was' not-:in;' tbo ibair^Hiut a raulntto ol. abonti-'boac!. *ftiter (jalil.rc,'s-: wboae:lUeai*; of parlin- menhiry l^weMipaaaingBtrange. Ono durkie inslBtett- on . exjilaiuiug i wliyt - he voted-no-^beoaaaa be 'jest Hko toknow wbew do. mopQjlB Rwiue.to come from., (Tbacourt8:bave Jpckfia.up by Injunc MOD nil tboBtate jiniiney;tothe darkiea can't evfto'draff tlieir owu pay.) Tbo, resolntinn wfls ftorrled bV bldrgd mnjoi|-- baVwnafinaHy.deblared'loBt/fls pn no if.tbe bou^fat tlie toKtfinpo,^ think; n'ckoy hilnBfljJ'iib quorom' WIIB .found bo present." Mnekey.isa flno-lbakli man, hx\l liiB;lnpe gl^ea OTery^BBauranqc, 3 bia twsaossiag tgrea,t amb|\ifin flufl-no BoruplostomentiQa,^,,;?. .i-..si. : :..;.! ' Mflovep yraain tbobn&Bp nttbo timo, r Ibia.min;,wflB,a,,coj)taia-in tho rebel army ; ns senior,,captain IIO-.YM innhi- (ions of prtupatiou and hnd [.hia 16d1ppo^ : tn'nrdBred.-"'Ho.'"waa> tried, .by court- martia aua-oonyiptod.jjqtitwjis' J J tlie^trma'SharmaTl; mnronod to, tl ood-ia,tbft confusion tbat rcsulted'Tlie oscnpW.^HiEfaco, tboBbapo of bis bead ind bU wholo flppenmnoe giTo^ira the ookofaQonmitipateilBOoundred. After tbe -war be weut W tbe sea iBlnndar t^olBHofsnegro«of the lowest aiffl rib-day-(190,000 j* nofiVdfr —. . i, f ie r jiiiB( control, of innyi deflpot mgrcsaj but hi for liaving'llii ..ifling number of three'wiv^s at tin same tine. Tfet tbis man was one ot ibo ''---" ripon tbo Bepufclicnn ider of tbo party in tbo tlie Bbutb:with-,all,:olasflts, nbd fouuc tlient ready to ooDvorao oajmly nml "•* ' nasioD,' Jii allXoasesi nt aomr the 'eooVorsnlidn, I jinformr- that thcy'xqcbgnized tb'e viisl 'diflereori betwemi tbe party North nut' that Sdutli; tbnt North tbo patty in t1>< main MOB tho party in fuvor Of bonm govomment nnd goad ordor. Sora< wont BO fnr os to iwy that tboj.(UifrGot> i^at>7eH)wero-irefi]ly^btv J|o]iuMicnn u.-tliij Sbiith/ooSripytuff llio^JofiiUon a fighting tlie ignorant and viciqus clai there an wo do in tbo North. Borne t decidedly itbntjil North- they aboqld^ aud bred in UlPSqutb. - •••: ' i t, ,. . ._., number of Georgia' most influential gentlemen, [Governd nwoog tbo number, dooidefi thr 3jMrjC0uteo.,fari tlenij lo pursti 'wwi to niit'wiln'tTjo'Beiiubiioan part: ttad to oi^oiio throughout tbe Slate tbi tbe most uoDBervativD olement to s" •pt6pcH[6« r IM<>"lig|ra}"to>riqnotic life. Sto;h'«0)Ht'eSi'fco{,'sjer}U9t';intoreiit in tbe o witb tlyit party. bdb bfld- tho^time. n^iie ime. tba^w c u^iieek |$t>' palwte, or __-Jeth6"acftme lorwhrJ iu the_8late men of anything trot bis cliafacter* who pretandctl lwye been Union men to ieW,i^ai!lifty|ftie7E5aeVcodpoo Ot inclmdonlsi 'Or'tLo GesliDy of n d Jbtafc ol 1 dlKord'and motfier^l d^&tb ativD olement to ac However, th6sa~'inei iit.- I d^ is cliafactr lwaye been Un d it l o. en, to havo l d forcd ' coerccil into secession and forced ' (nl thd'ttbcl army.^ (AUrtfk^btnble uitiz.i kuew tbnt daring tho war they bad li rabid rebels, but Ihcir atatomontii. v nccqpted.bj Noribcru^BcnabMcan ICHL_ 1 and tlio.BeipnblicatijJ party in-tbfl Bin tpcovlily fell into their control, 1 _T ;cntlcmcD &KH\ .toeutioooO, *O9 Jn nwtf foitb, awmto a^biipltig toilend asetol fraai;i of tto fir itcr. Tlicsc fraudri Iiiid :»i em men of no .character frc :)rtb, who hail comeHouth fornootber irpose than to obtain tbe spoil•* ' k!u l . Ufidcr tbe cireiimslnnces tli r Jovernor Bnnvn nnd theolliurt.; fell it luir duty to nbnmlrjn tlio argnnizfttiou. "IHaw lurpo publicFcbooU ia Hnvna Ii ill 1^1 witb durkie chiLliGD. ' I t Rtruck mo iia oulv tialurd that en Korlheru meu Kultli'd Hoiilh mid vo their rotes tomip|>nrl tlii'(Jislii>m"Hf iHuls llipy nbnuld ostrnciKedby . nnlivdH, I bear, on (lie clber Land, urywhero of Umthera 'settlers wlin, linugli Riiptiblifuns in Bcittiineiit ;re uut only highly respected, bat ii JUWJS wore very pojmlnr witb tin , beenine in their locnl alTuirs iSR Northorn mcu Wdulu not.' culiU or incompetoncy for ofilcial ii Hon. 'There nrfiBhmo flisonleHyeleinonU tbo wbito classes, lint nomore in pro- 'lion thuu iu tUe North, and siirpriu' gly little when tbe of Hocinl.v c diMir^'auizcdcoiidi- tlio luclt uf Kovcrii- Aii Anii-rlcun (laum Ctilckcrt. practical Joke wna plujeil nnnrly 80 ira ago ot tt (inciting mnln in Unvuim, Hue sailors Ijulon^-iiig to mi Amori- auii-oMvnr. Tha unilors find ho.ua ting nnd losing, duyuffor Jn,y, nt tlio ik pit, which was tbo niimBCtiiout tbnt y ntopt alTi'clcd, until they wore all i witbout a cent. Iu that plight the i(»ra vcru when tho ninu-of-wnr was jteret] off to Sun Frnncisco. A number montba aftvnvard the vessel returned Ilavntiii mul ttie Jock Tara had fully itured n schema for vengeance. Draw- g nil of t|tcir pny nnd borrowing all t!if onoy they could in addition, nt the it ebore-IeiiTO they started for tho cock ,' carrying witb them thoir gold and a iff. about wbicb they preserved ngreat ial, of'mystery. Bobe'of the fillip's leers pttHniBiDg that pomotbitiR \\ us iu n-iiid, foilovtod, bntnotevmi totlifim the sailors' eearet <lirulgcd. - Scurcclv they rpnolca the pit wlien nn omitej lyard Bprnng into the'little ureun, irea bitttla had just ended. Under left'ntm hecanied V'magnificent )e: cocK, in ,bis right band be flonr- lied a bug of doublooun, and ho yelled rib a aballonge ou hcbalf of bia bird ainst^tijth|iiEtbnkwDrefentl.ora. ' . No other olialleuger could have been t Bo.V'elQotua'to tbo sailors,. for dur- i t.tyejr fornjer* nnlmppy experience lie (I been their bde noir, rolling iu tbelr Id piecoB alinoNt aB fast na, tlioy could it tbem, Sia verbose and gianttiltf* jL'iit,lt-ntiicb : nftfl promptly u(jca|>te(l. le.'niuoey Wda staked, nud tlioj Ameri- is Sliofjk'tlieii 1 ch'flinplon oni of tho aterioua^ngi, -1 lipntletpript eVcirturiV .waa,jviUi,iigircnt,jLoiii3.bpdyi roughly rcrcd witb'dbidlieb'fonlhers. and tnr, idiigfjRDt) tailclipiHJJ.ita hf id ailoriicd ^"Hl)ftkeepjCiirv itb ]ong, 3bnrprla.oii5at tbe e 08, jinetend , * " ipitfe its Mi broiid range •*hftlf-dingt)^e,rtlic, nizGil *tt ! fit'orioe.,nti,ny o J3ut tbo Spaniard B knr ijdglo. J3ut tb,'o Spauinrtla knotv lothirg nbbnt'iiVantl tbo one; yeho had o the match'wiUriiiriotis/'deeming !«)(iniDlted-by-tbe x>ittiug df 6 St. Nainbu^a Day. | THE COLORED CITIZENS' PABABE tBBTEBDKV —bAD EtFEOTS OF 1 MiBCH WINS. The "color liuo" se'enifl in these lati- tudes to have beou solong drown on tbat il bus grown extremely attenuated, ur else thu colored gentlemen of *bc Noitb bavo BO far forgotten the benefit/ L'd upon thoir "brud'teu" of the Houtli bytho Firteeutb Awcadment tbnt tbey neglect to celebrate the day on vhicb it beuame » fixed fact in tbe ititution. yesterday there wna very lit* tie of a celebration in Now York j natu- rally the cold weather had a deterrent effect on tbe swarthy children of sunny Africa, tho proverbial tbickneaa of tbeir sit nl IB having nothing to da with tbeir ibility to keep tho cold out of tlieir mar- row. Akeen- cold wind like tliaf of jrsterdny »ftcrnoon turns n negro parade ito npruressiou ol villwy, resurrected jrpsua. Tbny boud to tbe wind'ond move by JOI'ISP, and tbeir naturally wnrm color becomes tinted crer with a deathly iltie. Because of all thia, the parade 'cxterCay afternoon wts a distsul failure. The colorod gentlemen wbo Bhnie, white- mab nnd wait nt table, stayed away, and the gorgeous damsels that erstwhile wutched similar proceflBioDB, ' waving 7 handkerchiefs, -ti^re nowbero to bo aeon. Our colored citizens should tbow muri)ffrit..orelHa chnngo tbpdute of tbejr march toJuly,' The example of tlmt grood pdarabnl of tbe Irish Bocietiea. whose name is nowunhappily forgotten, is held up to our black citizeni as some- thing irorlhy of emulation by thoee who tnlk pf paradea, It n.ine4.ou9 16[h of March, aud'ib(tbrenfened rain for tbe next day; wbicb, ubst people ore aware, BL Patrick's Dnyj.•** -v; .£-,-, : >->•• t "Will ynu walk, to-morrow ii It raina like tills ?" tlie granr) danbnl was nakod.i Wnlbl"'he replied. •"It,it walk 1 ? We'll vnlk if we have lo Boliffim." .:' No mcli 'eplrlt wormed "onr colored cit icons' breasts yestordgy.. To-day ia tbc dnr proper fortliooelebration'of-tfie 'Fifteenth Amendment,"/but as.it'la alf>o Good Friday, ttiu colored luagnaies decided to bold the celebration ycater^ " \—N. V. HeruKI, March HOth. - n •• - <;onernl Ignatlcrr. . •: v: It is necessary to bnVe seen and beard this wondcrfaldlpiotoatiBttpiinderatand iriih wbnl mftrVsllo^s'.facility'te dilates op 'tho 'tnoal 'yaned^ttflmCB?! jiflt'ten vjnitors 1 sco him'' andlo «\^"^fii*W» '%* wonlu!ijcspnbjia/ncjlwy/mng only sp'mq general ppmis, which; ate for li like ,^4 '^^'i^^ 'f^'' te htb liiai: like ,^4 ^flS^'fi^ft, ^* f^,' 0 ' 1te attaches.tbe-impLiciouipUea^Qerp'of hfs vorietl.jiBiratiTeP(,,.,;1 ,- „..,•„ ,., - 1 -" 1 ; i.Were tlin teu uofortapote interriewers on<leaving "liiiu tocomDareriiotes,' they would be posiUToly amazfidat thisinei- Lanstiblo vetsatility, wbiob i l U i i l i lendid iovil TLo ulculdo Urdercd, iwever.'thnttlie fight should.totb place. iccoiding,to tho terms of Ihechallcugo, id tbe Senor tot Bed bis biiti into tbo j,|t ytm iwdy to. flgbt, of^conreo, for gemcoock of good blood^ivciuli] not icsitate to nttnek a bird as big as tbe abie'd 'too'.' Bii,' tbe lint .sottoo tbo 'Ameriooil 1 gime chioken," m tbs sailors B^Jcbfistonea thrSirbird, rccoired of ie prcsonfie of an enemy was a Acrce ittack. He cnlinly looked down upon tejljinne^gpjH) atrulting tbreateniiagly nforebim.—'ibotailora.weronot witli- it ijaxiaty lost, tbo, koon^gnOa vnipht. ttld Ihelr oaglo boforb Ii6';got ivarmed [j tp Jiis .WforkiibBtjroar was; quiokly ifid i dh obsoureH queationB^in •"proportion 1 as'it profcsteB to clear them np/and,jwhSu it likct, oonfiiBos tbe rrimplest* thin,pi with the air ol ^sjilainJDg or commoiitiDg.pn Ibemi. All tins, too, h done in tbe nioat naturally unpretentious lashion.^'itb^ any apparent snbtlety.' tie spenUer l i ! i h t i ' t h f d ; i t animation anil:fluency.: seemingfaax- elude all'possibility ot plan, •• thingawiiJcV,... t(_ .. T . I bat ono' dwlre ; 'na^ "intrtMt4to ikBep, Turkey dcuu'du~c^\]'$tcauft BOBtifc oonld ;baye no. greater. embafraMmeat Turkey.ifroto.a Dfiitato tbe KuBsiaa Eppirmtq 'iti Ve^y basii; •Ho.alwaji-HkcT.BayingVBrJa to whoever will listen to him, that fErtglsml nnd lidsafa bftTd only ooumonijjterr " Btt& Uiat-erajtoinft- 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -'~ k -'"•*" tbem ipelledi 1 Th'ogttino cock daabed'far- rard agaiD.^lQiless tbaii.fl' second the nlnrdsiritDeaBodanBaiDnDditigsigbt. -•' "American, chicken"" placidly; irotclind out^rje'^rent'clnv,'seized bia gqnUt by tbo;jicad,,i3rew bim'nii, , applying the ' olber blnw .to. hfe ndy, tore bit head offwUSi aBldglo fjojl. 'beu bo.proceedpd tooatliiBQ. "A*tona f imjifcGfiticus 1 and .flboiito of fiatoninli- »Biit font the air, 1 nrit'ltbe eatbirs wore io well armetl.on^tqo.Dp^ic^oiis for ibe Ipaninrds, o n d l o tlioylgot t id .rdtntriwl abonrd^shEp, 1 - laden, with jan^gol^tliiii] they ever before had, and carryiiiiEfiheir ohnmpion in triumph.^ •? , Mark Tivnln's Tribute lo Women. Atari annual banquet of tbeWnsbicL, rOlub.'.tbo following aast was read : j P.'Woinott—Ihe p'rTdo of tho profession id .tbe. jcwelj of. qiire/-? -it^ j,- ','.' \ '. To which Mark Twain responde3'is llowe ••'-•I'i'i'- *«••"•! •• •' i..",'' -,, ,. '.'Hiimnn intalligcnco cannot; catiinato -hut we'owo io w6men| air, Shoaows on ufjoVjat tlitv church rnirs.aboooiifidoaus.Velh^iis ;whateTcr. ibecan 0nd : ont ftb6tittno private uffajrs, if bcrneigbborsyisue gives ns a pieco of would il A weoltby.»,^»cjl!rkiiqjrn ,,01^16.8 fi) ]Joa(oat"wbo g o & S t N y r k W t O D overithe Boston v ^ roadi rebontlyj ceosred a berth.in ^ iloepr ingenr bn.-tbattflerncontraiiijantjaa hq drritbd at tbOetfllfon' some time, [before !tbe^biilii'' : wa8 < 'to" 1 stiri he/ ihonfib't ba | l e^biiliiwa8t / fit n y ratiretoliiBbert'b'; "Dnfortnnntely ytbyei bje'sbt Into tb'e wrong «l«opfpcE hoytbyei, bje'sbt Into tb'e wrong «l«o ear/one'^ tbat' nigbti aVd '^MlirijiM^Hy^o^Ked In by thap'orter'ptibe^ ptber,c«.. ;^W*wdke' nboatt .twelve, ololqok. ..and,; flndinff-the 1 Cbrwaanot,moTiag,>sotjmpatreiit kind 1 started-for-the-door; tbis he'tonnd looked; bat fid r finally"atl*actea : thefat-; tention,cf aflight wntebman, w b b cugeriqQoatioa of what etotion ^ d I B protaptly p was a Bta'ggbrer.'m-wsiatBO tbe airtranee ' h ' t b t f f t b t f gg of tbo'watchmftn'tbat foftboTvant of ler mind q p d somatlmosail ler mind qoiDDUm.. A it. In all rela¥tioni of life 8ir, ; If tt'W UtiTif^U^i'of her, ! V. , ., .... .! •, 1. on placo'ti woamri.W, i ib i lment to tbe plnce BIIO oooupica and a ..oiwuro'ib'ttie^world. Luok..at .the womon'othMnry!'4 ripdaV/air, loofc ,at the illttatrionsnames of history hLook at •Bliaabetb i Oady r Stapton Ii Look at Qeorgo Pmnoitt, Train 1 And, tir.il say with 'bowedfliend 'otid Tcueration,- ''loot n! .She 1 rai«; uoti^ie.^ecatiBo'-bcl It miglit Imve 'iwtJn 'dilleront 1 tt he tad iclbiigod 'to a' ncwipnpcr correspond- .nta'cliib." '• l ' ' i ,'ti.'.^. \Marlt looked around placidly, upon hit •xoited andionco.Bndreaunicd : "I repeat; sir, thntinwbatbvcr posi- ion Jotiputajnoooaii^BhB'lB an 'ornft- 1 monVto'society, aTui.R (renstiro to : the odd.'. "Afl "a, Hweethonrt she ; bfiafew manoffered 'to'rep^rt^tbp.'porter fo^,nol bettor attending-to3hiir';'dvaty, Imt'.'tb would-bflitraTeller .uaidj J j N o t i o r j b vorld; lot it go Jit ,was not.mnob mat- ter iM dido't' go, iind-if it Bhoald reported,'tb'6"boyB'voaia getliold ofil ypti^now^nnd tbere'woald'btfnoendi f'' i l a i b <. Tntvellera in the East iflud H°™L CatholicBiisioiuiriea in all parts.of, ABII^ in Tod ia, China Japan; a n i the Malayan. Acbfpehpl; * Tlio Be*.iDr^Fie]d,f in r reocntlDtter to tbe'XUdtt^rffil desdnbtoj bis'asccnt of tbe fin't range- of: tti'iV Hii' alaibBiMya'^'^^^'j'^j-" 1 ^) •' ! '" ; ' ) ' highest point, Mrhfoh' oomiMpdii* Ti*w Trftho-'SCowy-BaEBe for mow thin*a hundrcd'inilefl, eUmdss convent,i-irhicb Idaaghten ii mother wiib" an ioeurable' tempor, iis,Borgeous. 'Wliat, sir^iVo'"^' 1 '»*»- people of tlB earth be;with'oat> ;-wonld beacurco- sir, t a j l.Thon letna giwher p _, port, ouc. STEapatliy—oirBelvoa,M.^™ gctncbtince. *" "'^' •'«•'' But jesting hmde. Mr. President, omiiii'tBMoTnble, .irntcioua',' kind of bourt, beautifn],'worthy of ; rcapcct, ,of nil ^tcom,' of, ftU'defcrcnce- ,No.onq bore will refuse to dribk bcr iiealtb right corihtlv/for each' and' tfftsj g Prbtcatiat Engliibnon, fls':wBll u Ilia or 'its ' own 1 fnith.' 'Thris ^ tbo' Oilbol <^nroljplatit«'it8^ntiftsto;oniHe : ' bres^ofthe'-mb'iintaiiii 1 ^^,'' 1 ', i'Atj LaDdoV,* an.*}.dio?riing 'hi statipn,' io anotLer. Cfltbolio^ inatftqtic fb)^iJi'd S t ' G ' i ell olnflhM.pcMonailj feLonn, l o r n a honored the best ot tbcin all—tla oun (for.bpys),^eiJied St.,' Geoigj'i .eollege, perhaps ai. a, delicaieflattaryto English- men in .taking tbe owno of ..their gnar dtan eiint'ilt.bna. a chirae of bell bioD -at tbat height nntl that;lie .tVikca the bnT'wttb albgalor'and tocchi •ffeot. *t£ way *el\"ot.r np our Protr tit ti;icDdB"; boiU V to a'oail* and to h \ p atit ti;icDdB"; boiU V to a'oail* and to wieMitiorniibeBR new piool of tl omD.p!t*ac» el Borne, whin the trawlli finds Its codTents, nnd hears toe ohir vritflTraper bolls, on the height* ai amid tbe valleji of the BXDU1»J"." - Pcrfrcl Fultli. Jobu B. OouKh related tLo fulloniiift latbetio episode in alecture at St. Louis tcceully: Astory wan told of n Ffreet boy in ,oudon who had both legs broken by a Irny, piieiing over them. Ho was laid iwiij ID one of the beds of n IioRjiitnl to id uriotbor Jilllo <?rt?uliiiv ot tbo irao class was laid near by, picked UJI ilk fuuiine fever. Tho latter wai ulluw- to lie down by tho side of tho littla usticd boy. lie d'ept up to him aad 'Bobby, did you over boor about 'SUB?' 'No, I never heard of him.' 'Bobby, I wont to uiscion school ones, d they told ue tbnt Jesns would toko u to benvuii when voa died, and you'd iver have hunger nny mure, and no pnin, if you uxed him.' 'J. oouldu't ask such a big gcntlemnn be is to do oujtliiug for me. Ho i't stop to Bpeak ton boy like mo.' 'But lic'll ilo all that if you ux him.' 'How canlAxluni if I don't know iero be lives and how could 1 get there both my legs uro broke?' 'Bobby, they told mo nt the mission IOOI as bow Jesus pawied by. Teacher ra ns bow bo goes nronni. How do )u know hut wlint be might come to is hospital this vory nigltt ? You'd nw bim if you was to aeo him.' 'Butl'ean'tkoap my ey&s open. My feel so awful bad, Doctor says I'll •Bobby, bold upynur hand, and lic'll ow what you want when he passes b j . ' Tbey got tbe hand up. It dropped,— ' d again." It slowly fell back. Three imeehe ^ot up tho little band, only to it full., Bursting Into tears, lie said: Tgive'ltup.' ' ' iBohby, lood me yer Jinndj put yer bow on mjpilltir; lean do wlthoutit.' 'So one hand was propped up. And ien they como in the moroiDg tbe boy dend, th6 liancl still propped up for pa.' 'YouI rriay'a'enrcb tlie world aud iu cannot find agranderillustratlon of aple trust tliiin that of tlie Itttlo boy io bad been to TDisaion scbocl bnt once. -After Buried Cities, An expedition to •'• explore the buried of Control Asia IBbeing talked of Bombay and elsewhere in India. Tbot res Jit*%those ntMycenpo may be in the eandof Mongolia is at least \B. If tradition be of any value— tradition, jtap.'which has* persisteutly ing lo one locality through.the lapse "'^turips.^-lhe iomb'of GhengizKhan with iu fabulously ricli treasures, ' befoanit (iu> Col; pA-jovulsky wus told the, Mongols) "to tbo eouth of Lake ,'abaaun'Nor. "Witbtn tbe tomb lies a ,D who eoems (ulecp. ' Every evening ijbeep pr a horse ia tied nEartbthe&pot, id. Jo I 'in'iho tuoruing the animals hnTe ceii eaten/ ^14^00 jears, say Iho Mon- s,'tlio^.Bleoper .will 'awake, then lead jatleaq boats pf hia.children to •victory id dominion.! I HUB old story is e&id to circnlktinR more, anil more' widoly ry year.^-Then theMongols say that ocnatantly the drifting sundB, disoloao, 'lereand.tbere, Qold-aodBllrjertreasures, 'iiichL they hate KsaperatitioaB dreadof ag. .The buried oitiee under the til 'the Gobi are, affirmed to be iriea 61 incalculable wealth, guarded by iotneaiiutlifear(nl spella, xvliilo all tlie Jpseitsiaroundithe-hidden ruins are pca- ted'bymyriadsof-howliuggbpsta. Tha ids of thVdascrta of Oeatral Asia reg- [arly'mdVe Ba'Sdrift'from east to west .i'djeven'V^ tll^'Castirii borders of Sesetlsofe'b'^mg'denudedWidely of all' ' Ml"thafcaH be' torn iiWdyby the violent ,ItiB3geiierall^,be1ievedbcre that the ;aeiian!anny:oii;the,Prath1.^rill enter . b.; stata of tbe ooda urili permit an advonco. Ia cold ^ilH? bfefe W d b^ Dbian 'frozen in tpmWryUe^Vndbl^mesfrozen in winiefW'a'ilepth' 1 varying from oneto fouJfe'e't! n"cc6rditffe'to tbe teroperatnre ftiia'tho'amontit ; of proteclioD against i '"finriw/ 'disappears in the pring ;'tbii'fr>OEefi' i groundibeginB lo .often"hnil'as'(iSfc'Wtlib i:6 IB melted 1 , : Froia /tho'^flTih"ih"e'''mii3 jncreasea in' .; deptt) ape) it is utterlvimj,ossiblo for the ^ irfapa of Iho cartb; tc>; become dry and •a niitU,tho;last,trace o£ fiostbas dis* rptiared jrom ,tbo lowest, Btibatratnmof qi^n^e&rtb^jtiierf the ground begins ^jet^qfrqin^ under, 'and,finallythe aurfaoe, assumes its, normal condition. ;,> lVis.eViflett[tiiat.wheii the'frost ba». jKmetrated ^eep'.into^ tbe earth it re- qnires alongUtqe ;,forrtbo roads tobo- »me ptactio»blo£orbeavy trains suoh iBVohld'ttcooihiittiiy an 1 invading army tftbo nSngnltbde' of that now resting on itie frontiers* of Bessarabia. . Therefore, the 1 .inhabitants of' a country suchaa England, where the-frostwjarcely crer, penetrates to' any- considerable depth, : night be deaaived by the,.to - tbem, np- pardnt''itJaction of nn> army which re- laincd in camps of fortnivtion long after tbe. snow. 4 bad*~-disappeared and the penson appeared to bb faTornble for com- ,meaciogmilitai7 Qpcratione,' Tbe hymn beginning ' •' ^ x-" Bleit lotho Uc thai binds •J.'n'.'„•/, jLhttlteirtslnChnstitu lore" was written by'tho HOT.. John Pawcott, pastor of a small BaptiBt nonntry church in EnfilBiid. .;irbooccflj>ioii ofiU heiug written is in(;erest;ing. llr. Fawcett bad "received and accepted a call toa largo church in'London; Ho bad preached hiBfarewell sermon,' his furniture and book,B,.w.cre.qn the wagons, ana tbe vreen- ing con^regfttioD, moo, women and chi'- ctrebi P "wcr6^gathercd" to .say' farewell. Mrs,. l>wcett, Bitting on ono of the boxes,, amidst her tears, looked up into her b.nsbsrid T s'fnce v 'and said, "OJohn, JobD'l'IoaniibtboartbiB." "Norleitb- er."iaaid thegoodman, weeping. «-Nor will we go. TJutoad the wngoua and out BeyErything where U was boloro." Tho .people cried^with joy.r, Than it wna that be wrote'tbo immoital hymn BB notioot) . I Ion's ii ViaasmiDEa.—"Your face •earns lamiliar to me, sir." tmid ono man totnotberon allfiobigan'Coniral train tleothor day.' "Can 1 have mot you before?' "Wafl it at tbe Centennial? Or"didn't I ; oee you at St.'Louis lost fn!L?'.V ."It may havo iMen cither, ur," ourteonslyy -leaponded tbo nuknowu, "ior I was a TiirlciBb pnslia in tbe cako and coffee business at Philadelphia, and oubseqiicntly filled a brief engagement atSt. Louiiaa< * eanoibeL I am now on my vay to California tobpcotno ft gorilU if nttive talent meets with any enconragement, but if business is bad I sball either let my hair grow and enter tbe lectors' field or get a tbaokloolc board and (eJlw tbe eoantij filxs." -

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VOL. VII. DOVER, MOftBIS NEW 7,1877. NO 17



Offloo on Horrlj 8tn>«t MAT BUokirill..



One Year, -iSis Uontlis,^ r - - - - - 1.00

Tareu months,- - - - : . - - - CO



4 M j ; • .


Counsellor at LawADD



J. J.VREELAND,CnrpDnter) anfl Builder;

Jobbing promptly attended to/Sliona OH DLAOKWEJjlj fil., uext to Gas* A

Halaoj'. lumber mill.Contracts taken, aud natiria] furnlihod.. :

vr»KSlO!Ulori»B. ',•_. . _ ..

Oorner of-Blafkfep aad uBBBS, Kts, -•

•'. :-!'EJpgBIl.;;lir. J.-S HI. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

flon** wd,C*JrU(ii toLct.V / / . ' . :

Counsellor at Law,AKD MASTER IN oiuNOEBY, '

OHIes in t lu National Union BaaU. DnIMiBB

N.'tf. I

TBiamioun A Q H I T I I .





U. A. Uli,V\LTT, ill. 1) ,


Cor. Blackwelli Warren Sts..(Oppoflilri Dover Banl,)-~

'".' . DOVER, N.J.,Dlanagi or Women anil OUlilrrn, anil ol Hi.

EjeBiidEar K|H'dultlL-R.OffionlLmrNi Jt"»A.JI.1Uu»a]iil7t0Bl1. U.

IHUld - : i ' ! ;


HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICSten In mileral u»* for



'•: SUSHEX si.; n o v n n , K. J .

Omos Hoona J 8 (o 10 A. it., one] 2 to 4 P. a.

ItillD, D, blllTIf, - - - ;.. B.,0, MEOIK, JB.


: Ol'FICK OVMU PJEnHOH'H 11 AT 8TOKE,BLAckVEU. aiiiiilir,

M» D O T S R , mr. ir.


Ofllce on ilinckiveil Street,

Collections ai toniM lo with (IIIICGIKD.' •:• Alio, Aflont far llio buaUJfo euil rduIn io t -

aiiuo3oniMuie». , f ; ! , . ,. \./L: U-Jy,


Li . • / ~ OF.sioimia cdOKTy.'

co orer OE0. UICHAIIPS &. Co.'a STOItR,

'*• * DOVER, N. J. 0 4

M O S E S BLANCHARD," p: ' , ' ' ..; • ATmiiKEV



Oflim oVor A. \lj.l.r • • •

if lite anil' tin store,

»iliinajii»ii«SU. • •

DOVER, N.'J.Mjr. .

* Ajo..BnriH.



' l"AllordorH"promptly"aHoridod to.'-'- ;



r v j - 1 • / • • • — •


d eighsi

. i rArllcolir itlailteo r»iailo repairing and

r j o v u n tABon*TOnv.'»HI „ f

AmjB and An«W, or«lldS,rf|ilioii',ol 'OlIESiNptfiJtBnALr)

••'"'.'":'^CABEWifY MffiK;;, - ,.{;•'' lilato/i&Brgoa'Wlli bo forniattodon application'

Allen Palnier &Carpenters" i- <n

. Jofabihg promptly attended to.1

S. iTiPATlMEIli Architect. ,.j

„ Mason an^ Builder.'Coltrao'lB (akin ti> ill Midi of llaBon )VmkidJuLlilng.


! : i : K ¥ l J W ' ! ;omeo nnderN . J . r r [ O

"Tlio Iron I!ra O1IW,"

ioo TA:

(Gj-rjandin, JJpuse.'rAitfia'Fno'sri): L' it w: DEP

' STAWHOPII, KT: iK 'BViOJlA'NDlS" PropN D I N , P r o p ' r .

Kxcoilcnt aocotninoilntionR for transient Srtrmanantl>QaraIura,-BliOBllTurylanilu>oardln6'

.aO.VlillaAM I" IU lull... T U - U M - I ' UKM"to and from Bu.Ul'i. Lake amlLnka ttopatenntf

; s. a n ; IF. •De

For Iron Ores anil Mineral Vn


•.•-a./ , w « , : , ; , . , ; . , . . , ; ! *

OfiAM, HANCE & Coi's STORE,?

T p o n nil llio pilnolpal lloei of Bta'amehber - rrom Morf.W to SUmtpnol at LOWIM'P

4 ™ IBEliAMlj. , J ; n „, h i >*"-t


Organs and MelbdediisRepaired1 and Tubed .

[qMsQindtJ. Ad-

'.' ' • ' i>»«V,iu,


STRE E T,fc'nouin

1 DOVEB, N. J.•Theilac.1iHJ*in-e»lli»ljra«tt«ain a n u t

manuor. :Tia"»ory boat -brands of . ' ••• •

Fpreigtvand Domestip Segai

VOOEHEJIS BEOTHEE8,''-''SoSaiitri^Ai'bUUj.ii::-;1:Hardware; 'Iron and Stei?l,'v;

MEOHAKICS'.AM) FARMEH8' TOOLS'.OimUA&E'UAKliirS a r o D S , - ; !

•; .Cwi.'.JYABHpaTOi^Aitii^BAH1' STincri,

MO RRISTPWN. N.:-i>.i;i.; ^yanttiieTiwaK'or r^;',, . „

ffoortou'Warcrjiiid!" ! .V:::U.,,.,HousoKecpingGoods.

LI me; Cefne rit, Plaster,'BoAi Dmt, Super PhmlihtUi'onjfliB, jlta'd/ail.

v!.:oUiflrFertlllMr». i;1 ' .BOIIOBE.T0OK!«18s—" »AMD B. VboRHliUI:;MorrliU)<rn,»»pt.a3cl,ia74, . ^ ; • ' v •;


ioi | o r ITMT Duowrnoi . i .^cr

-VP>.additional tharse/otiottcaollos ibtreJ \ i no» iNitk aro Imotlf d: • Wo arq po«r mal-iiglitanlllnlloUofloollilor ,. . • -• J



we prnvga tlitumimt gAFK.KijowoaiitiiiijaiiahwpiriBi'if

roei»r.lnemwBwn. TheyKrcjimt w

HcknetiB anil a

an Eminent pbr i lc lan.Km.. ... Caret. Ocutt1. Fevers, CODIWUOD, Inn<in.tni.1ent, , . 851 Wonnj(WonnF«ar,Wumi Colic! . i. S61 Wonnj.Wotm Favor, Wumi Colic, . i. S6a.CrylnR-CoIlr,orf(ietbltiKiifInrit.ta,. S3i. D l a r r b a a , of children ur Artulu, . , aa

14 Genera l bobllity, Phytlcnl WcftVnmn, , M19. Drep iy not tctntr B i - c r e t l op f , . . . . COM. Hca- i lchnni t , •lokiirrt trota riding, , 60

t o o " DcliHIlr.iYiunyeslineM, 101

id i t ' j . U . BROWN'S "drag utorf, corner ofickwoll ind (JDMCX 8U, feud Toiif-'Ut & £ill-rd, iiow uorhbr drugliuro, SDTLT, N. J.

I i netr ronly wltb t i l tho nevr stjka for

FALL of 1877.'ashionable Miilinery1

- A N D ••

Ifanoy <3 oocls.. : , . J . - T i m • • -•, ; ; . ,

atost Stylos &'Newest Designsr orroaiTB HATIONAT.

unrLDnio,. DOTKR, 'Tlio Inrgcat tod rpont complRi

M3PupifejiiiiigjCtod;erytliiag oUno'i)OB^inaUrlB|'apiliiiadii up,tbe nioat ijinpotont ^jiilftanlB.,, j . •••-. j . . .

rxqSTiNK ban noTer.lauca io enccr, a ouro,Ingiono JBnd^treiigtli'^to; tho WBtom dr .

"SHE RKSTS !,w/&Lii.- /• aoum Ponum, Mi/,-Oct nth, J870.L ' t t i ' f t u m l i '•<«< 1".'J'»I ->•'. 'j)i»B8in^-I'haVeb«onBlctlwoyoflra witli

he Uvor oonplnlnt, >nnd • dnring itliaU HintJITO UkBn ft greatiriany diflorentlrmidiolneslutnono-bf tb^mdldmeiuijgaoajVI.wiuitsllCBsilgliti nrid had tcaSpotllp. BlncailtinVtho VigotinoTreBtrwefiWd VOIIBII toyBod: -Can rMommendHlW'TOlETIliK for/halithaBdoneforme.!''iuii<n . ,.t>

-,..:. y.p a: s .TJ MW A >»>. '•'•Thouaands will bear twlimony'and 'do-it

llnnlnrlly) Un>t. VxorjmE is, tto.beit modi,inlcompound yotiplaoed .before,thopulilloor, renovating.; and., purifying] tpe.iblopdiiradicaUng nil lmmora, topuriti*orpqiaon.ilia aeon>doasIroiu.Uio]Byutein, inTlgontiligind Bt»»«»li'niiig.'"«: «J«t«iii doolli]Bted bpIiaorgia|.ru'faott.it ja,..nii..mnny.LiYp,-cidleiIt, I ' . ' H M Braat UaaltU J t o f W ' ! IJ n..YWJlkTT\.'f<TTTl

Ji It . B i r a r i i ^ - I n •_.._rijt>aa'recomm«iidoa"tolint; nnd yieldingio'tlie rmmiaslBliB of » frlarid,I consented totry i t "At tbo tlaia. I TTBH BijffBring,rronigeneral rflobWty; and. nervbus 'profitratltjns;mincrindneed' by bvorfforlt'' and! irregularliabitfl. \ Its'yonflorful 'Btrpagthenlng lVnntlenmtire ••proportieB':'iicehial'td: nffeot,iny'delilHtAterf eyUein.frorn thr'BrBt doae,- nndunder itaperalBtettfnBe'.r'rapldly'rooovorodiAlnlng radra' ftan'nsnal hialti' ;ond goodretUhg! 1!Si»ee tlion11 nara t o t nialtoted.to

g bandm to uiwlif*«nd»only rnediolno X tiBe^er oiptil lo fid b

anrais lbe only rnediolno X tiBe^ndbIUI' I liv« t never oiptil lo find.r. better,,, ," " • YOUTH<raly,"''''"i tftVH.1C1.iire,

• : I » l l - S t A l t b ^

R E A L E S T A T E A G E N T , •••

SffiiiexlDoU, S.'J/

jf«t diutlglfona ofPjjpeltr anjniitlc.lat

ay.ir..tti)i]t,mp.. f- rj <;X J. ' I

mralivUnaUHiB ofSMOT»« W> thprjclcannr and punilor;of^the.bloo41.Ai,Hti»iPi««.'lIi " " "

,. MB.1.H.,B. ftavB«MyeamaBOnijIbcaMj^plating Offsets of dyat-. — , ^.-^ _ Y~fator I.ww.attnelod; ttf ,1jpii«U,li!«r In IIwpret iorffl,. it aetllo4lnjnyr.baa< andtO!%ijiei,fqrra.;,or.n .largo docp-eoat^d absor;

' * ' .fifteen monua .in .gatbering.,tkal oparaainj, bylie beat al

,B¥.B™«klTO«lyo4.lioporni.aiieni,on...IauffeTBd(rreatpnlD,atJinicii-and waircon.iiiintly Vt-aVenedby aprbfojM.'dlBoaarRo. 1alBplostBnull piece" of D6npa( dineronftinres. 'blatters 'itaS- 6nvtbtta Sbont.7 yenn,Ull'Mayi'ili74,'i»h.en;ii'frl6nd:TM6inmend«l


Ittl. iiote lhlm;»>6ir,'>lie|l'.tt. dTlBonIt]j , lho;bnoK waa.ourea; and tornloo mon|liiIbiToRiioyed thebeet of M t b .7 I Wio In tb»t Uino g«,lncd: t.entySr.'• l iSof Mb, bain j benHor tbsn owr br

lnniyilfo, aiid'I vcas nerer mow ar- labor tbWnow. ' • " *"

ooa aweUingiaa largo aa.my.tat p>Ulerbrtlmybodirv J>otberimrtolmybodir.v J>. : i

, • I took VaajcTcre'faithfully and it remotedI Inel with tbo rmrfaoa in a mentb., (tblak

I Bbotdd have been: cured of my. main trouMe aoonerlflbad fallen Urger dojei'a."-naTinr. beexnne aoouatomed to it* effects!

bld ih bf latomed totroubled with ncrbfula

to.d t b t it t k ttnoyliirli

MUejily tak»V»o«Tn™,ilt.will, inmyjodmoot; enre Unrm^iWIUi i g™t obllgaM.oiii|

I*TTI -'-•• i .*'. .** Ycurt vtry truJy,* i T'.i'-y *T\\..; •• = •-•.• •-••:. •-. Q, AV.:iUNSFIEIJ),jPoetor of Ibe Molhodiet E





1 wbeii (Inl liliiroi-diuf/ore


ll i " IUJ willipytar, .Itnye'l.oli, roQluli liiurt! to biro.tLtjiit. throb of tear. . <Ituning mtple iiTucncil the bit tigtple iiTucn

u »uttitnor'aD.. i Lripbt •ui'iflV.wur looked toward tbo teat.

Upon thf'grccu tlllnidi). ' '

n'lor from thi> l\\\l*\in ispiln^, •57-' - 'UT:ntlVAIII,'hliun tlntv)),ulngkd Wilh t!jebr«wliog Lrw.k

eu li<j sifil

Iiiil iict,a yiori dm trnm niy llpi i'lmrLoauliiyun«i'TViu<isp7 . .ii wlibartd snafluwer hj the iprin's

" '""•''W'fW1'io.loi}d,uhii.j[ .

I iflwovrauil'liwrt, tlio RtiDinxir bloomnlmilumu tiuif Kiot.'.ir;guilii ya wpmliipiiei] itl tlie dojall Qoiaii ta lilomi aa innro. ' .

. • • " . " , ' I n Unrlj 'Miirliie. , ••.: . , •u iiiifr enow drifii, uiuhlug (mi,[< lncJtli or BOP 111 Wind UoalliifriUit;ti CftlUFSoQ ici tliti mdj Io clitiutv,' ' "c (fii'i.cii f nitiiis ol Hie roulH;,j .!Djulloivt.n tlie wlliuw wands, . 'n (jtuon of gtn*n ilfliiBlho j>otiil»tB HWelllne bade, the blrjublril's noie,o dutiOdliuu on ihu mo*l; ,•; [uetrlliljcolut'ol (lloBlroim, '-.'e trarmor flimli of laorleo glcarn jpdfmpne««uf^(jo(ipliiiil uiujild, , .wnt-ffjifa in tJie open no!d; 1 ' "Q auuR of bird. Ilia UuipxiTlJce, ! ,,,,

tiiH nf tbo ridli. Tbo ^ttnntwiitulribelietia of our rivers,, (bose wliicb

«capa'in;qur Htreams or qiVrcipjIate1 solves in torrouta. tUoae whicb,, iiriin'oVabloin bur \tikvt, {)UU<]H, .ur

in tbe^fuin of oar foimtaina, noer;will isboV tu: their aftanl dontb,'

on.mntad hy 'n^yNttdH ofd ' o f tho. kinds of fish

gornjiidTui.il or llllld rllli;

l h i i

ThpHisn^taB coluroi^ the vlt|n,: /•">.!i im Ii I Ijroali 0 r' |i IT 6 6f niO p U lia p I n e, •.-. , '

LI-O tlilnf;'t lb»l tell io eye and e u ' • ••' • • <

o'ctiinb onpthar^liobple's laddora.

'HttVo you I c a r d nly kfat'eongj)'"jiJIUBIC «Tl ter 6f a CrUff t r i t lo ; • ? -J 1| P > n 8 t b 3 r ^ l y ( | i ; , ; - - ; ; ; - ' J ^ - jA dr.alor caror"tJBca :• "BUio gk«, p(ibtl'r1 window'1 fnd' ptb.pr1 pajpa." 'TM*]uBl|inolu(lo obnm^Bgnes; 'f-. 'i "'.^'^ITbo joys anil ladioa1' b'uBtletiliaVi^wii.jcb longer witliiu ptbe last six weeks—oecially- tbe Indies'* bnstleB,^ Irish' wnlter^

in^rtlerfltboA YdtltBliirowdmnn il BO

two rolliug lilflb^

. .Ill -..iT f.h.jiirt-MfoUtliai..A.rownrd iirofferddiforlthe

aKflffiYork ' " '


'jiTliero» i . 'ha p Q tithea^lttieiivufnt'fo^' axolatmta B V M Iie woman, us abo' found ber busbanilinglngin'tHe barri .""!"1" '» r ' ' .i*';'; ' • 'As We cannni tell ngond ppntint n'ntfj

bi j B o J t . i B w i t l i l iK , .\'o(ij i iqvQrknoff.dmnti ' i good Qaalititil you Btridehiln for a dolldr.-.i ^A:'mnu"ouf n o d r ' t i s w t g o ' " ^

d j i i f l l

lAi pujljentit Cf^'^X0^1 1^ Mff?!'-'..-*An itlinots editor, baviup; lopt Iris e'eisrs, Mritds1: "Wo nro calledhpan tountil tbe lass olfont'ot tli6 bbsl'midost VroBUralbj iwiiliiniU tW'Vorlil'MIUDOW.V'CU ,7.ii;-.i«i,n. «jr UJ.JVK-" Diih't yt3n'Hink!'>llllld'a'milb»iid WIni!inora«)lMbiiko:|n'LiB^ilo:'"lhat

l i a tonicn jnro:<.TYea," wnR tlio iwer,"iiM8o'oil;SBtji^i:

Anomnnjin Oshicoali rronnd;ueatiya)f.a,,Buirl tbrotigh-a dottieafwrincjor

nby vaB io the sliirt I t was an'nwftilSMohdCT iVfortditsolffinfeithiilhenby vaB io the sliirt. I t was an'nwftil

b r i t l ; | ; ' J ™ ' j

A p ^ n t l o m o r i r / o d g i C[iU'dflligbUir.agetl /oui,'iceodntlty. .^Ifcai'i was ovei,anil abe baJ:aat it while,.ftllflon£ldB'*:motler:atfdlnqiliied,'"Dor,;tou tWnb it woniil do popn goind'io'golM I'tf ( ; ff | J J J f ' ' '

P p p . . ^iKl.iBti MutB;i;oinebody;Ja .sof a^ablonTcarftigi finnlie Bkiq Qrolook trimtninps,'ind tliTnka Jf itliia-'MUekbllilmit) tt'

l k l b l ^

Wiis'it:t.iiTroriaii .Qn^ElUt, jnst aa sbo.ol:toU»>B "JPiWA".'at,(pMh',t how-iuWlHlB .PredojioB,, nt,!iineb, how

otbercal ^bet appetite .wfla, :to, liatre tboook bawlmot, -a(Jay,!will.»U>f STO?

d d h now, or mil till

!t4Oj yes," sa\C an olil l.ulyr tqemodi

:iidiea in practical eoginoeriDfei-Jtt/fiiJD enmn homo and run it, I'll Jsajpniif 'em, but not- oforo." , ' ,

„ „„„, j ebtabtiiiiod ijnnutaoturo wootler bnronotj for tbbtoropenn mnrkot. A larno-Bizqd bureau'atyilhimdiatu 'deMkmdipImltetW o k l o i i b b t a . i J6W

.ilioon nnd wcaiprly ttad.aare eitra, - •

a.JegroCJSaigiSiaffieorsiir fjf;oi,whito nliirt ana went into a bnr-rooin

» ibor it off) • • t n t Into » j V t h ' ^ind Bbut a man. If people wilP t e t i b i i S C S brbitonbutstbis sort of tbioBjrniiitbocpcoled. , \'V.tyi 'An CtW^imTy.^eaflrngnfelioW '•IJCt

Annr lot . Turkey,^ l remarked ( M Jhonght it would t » ' b e t H j & ,;bem more legs, for if . t b e r e ^ .

ohiiaron at a dinner table wl" '"" ""UkoUimjrqVi

Manll. •' W<» t U>e WtboriHwukV*' .neglMted to aloso tbn saloons, there »w.inotniacliolttn nttondnnco," ]'.*• or«i/n

By an order of tha EnBBiftivt no«srnpiiToj

..liroliisoa lirBiiiBlaiirtilrotJ ^oonomust honoBfortb bo roBnufaetnrcoVi

S XW I a hiav. bloiriovOer-To enable lh«>llr°«

:-- "Tbo bnby niuRot.a:no«,toblh, bitbo old M j i» laid no with aeoH in'tfbendit'jientarked>aKOntlCf)an*tif a"flifeltatioandidalo.', iJlWhaVj.Jd I •Mjf'Was tbo reply. "Well. Bflid tho geniiman,, slowly, ,,".J»f..r« tlie olfctioa,-y!uiedtp,lok« jno.iOBiilo.andlaatno bo

IJarifmaBt'de8tlov—nt lenat nnciln-).ted man maat; but it in nqt iibsulnlo-

:cn?ary tbat man sbnulit beancduor tbttt be aboultl destriij.;arjiflo fbiefsout, in » rfrl'W wbicb

read Rotno yonra siuoc on i.iBcJculfiirc(

Ciiiua, enjs i "Lacopodo, onou Buioilndents, 'Tbo «tndy;ofjHcicnet-«. upon .yout.TCryygrijnt ^uliliga-

tiri tn.vttrd Ibo body Bctcial., Your flraiLy iafo Lnornuao tbo [Hiiiliorlinppincaa.ia 'dn; will come wben wo ib'all not brilimted tonccliiunte in onr pr>nntr>*y, tho. beat ipeclee of-aoironla anduLs; we sball mnko use of-, all tbervolotiB! rcsonroen of veterinary ftrt*tie linowledgo nf vogotnule culture,

order-, tojjorfcctjopcta tbjp rnoua and4)'nrigi* llietrViirieltes." 'ADimniu, cbo-

witli care, will furuiub to tho ronnti-iref inbre'btfuiHfiiiHklns, flier silks,

'(cr ifnols, more tufLml fum,; (lon-n nfcr teiture, more glitleriiHMi3iitl.^r«,

id • filiolla J of ' grcator • transpttrency.inil, IIH agrcenble as beolthj, lusing its(jiiliiioe'ftiilii.brjcntrt^s less rnra, willrer Ibo tiible of thd poocas i t unw

i|-orll» nburlabtnun iii)il lliase(iniinnlbiloh nro useful to b,m,Lo'r'to fortilizeflll »ni),t«qfS1|we,1ibB:ri!\-aril of thei o a l i a t i ' Tlie knowledge of nature

II oM'i gb tbo fab^ 6r tbo^ 'obo/" . „',,'iinarly tieventy yeon siooe'tiled i ! l bHboJ imtbortal Buffon

itflflbart.'" ^ 6 havaTbean atriving,

I we ubould oontihiiB to Btrlve, to guip^en^'t diili'oiigpltba'd.a^ovefieE and

•ogrew wUioliitbe'pMt'geiieratlpd'band pf'wbioli tboy 'are riglAf

rflpa/ajil^isiliAin^BabBl^cMRrojeLgroatn&t.within the roa'ob', nor do tbey

iffor jet from ibe intompettnoQ of ouklg'iTtTauirraa'oat'aa1 an<) rircra

t •'by'ibV^mAroviflenco of :o

ima almostiJwon.'ltiffliottlie fanltliUli'ur n'aturdor'f6f tbeiCraator. Wo

4ye:;iiu>^;jtfl;/cqQ.i|:>ut;'plin!bBil»yrtbatman., Beta,bis j/ogt {.('i-ftin Boil.-thttttdoy : tbof-nni^oi"iQrdlip;Qiiif.['fiei(5il,Wl/qdr;:

ca, (tat aodnorei ^itborjtruco ornbdVbbn desperate ii£ri<

" " • " " ' ( b e : l a w s ; ; •$!&#&$$£<!. j , ; fbe:|.»»;:tL. . . „nbter nnd.otber, wortblem .lianBore-oiiI thVvll!nge*tayern nrdt Bt, nnd;ijcotaro


d i i n o d |,tbat ttubloated oriuworaoj

privilege to ,kilt:aaa destroy, what' the

int;Jnjare ;ft^! commnnlt/fciiiBtead;*]

iBQytntfeafrom.tbifl oity, thcro is an^Bfi>bY .(]hjfjst^-ThJj'gentUinnn rap-

tia^DJBtir^i^"rffii!^byipolll'9'0?'hifibstiLueats, vwbo: wete.'.jQah^rmo,n, thnl

'oe;laff, as s e n t " ^ br»ibe;:&B8o.

IT to ibeir ifltei'esta and tlio -tnter;^hV^lfflj^'iWmber.'of bia rpan-By.*' Bfe" t9otT^^ftiqki'.|Q finfl'ouj

4 :*me flr^no,' b,ut.,wlien

ftsltoil by. qtJi'w.reprWfint^ll'ej* W1 »<> hia1 B>;I EM "garoHhe;Boas hi ty&.J®

nbsf jbtc*eateil<wio Voted itlDbfm as InJpS'^ai ;tr rdn^'duitrioi ;:w$tea —bld-ij.yrWow^tbi8.'w?rj'yil».wlio3flomflt'iTre I'ha^e relatea^yaaltopfatiifi)Dio;iiiaomnlpoiitiah'w .V«»' >« tW

laia canBht ull.ituo .flilh IlieJt i 4 i y t lb' Kltiile), population' ooiilj nooalob^.ne,hundred. (, 1)(i. v , \lt\ . ;*_

ifimif to'i»nt au orld' to 'BUCII ;U;

ibieVBtupia^y/^a^oVonfW.iintli n k i n g in tUa"nimo:aud tor tbo /era^(ir^fancfrillBBaliHorl contirnry to tlii

of td^jsrnhiiint^ ''Wo tatUt enoet laws

and unxtwemaat lookrt^Ji.^bot en

JrapiVtb6_^attor iff {p'^jtfiem ariiJfef.&!9fljrilnippOTi,;,:lU tb'U ia done,than tlierq need bonb.reoi.in » fo« joamWit'ffioa-yiipfcj'ot-'bo-chimp.!. At tbe

Uori'qnail^ntBbi ,hP Wl4'(«^«,'

S.tlliurn lli'iiulillran in t t e Kliulli.

JFromtlieK.y. Evening Pu»t, (nqmb.)y?e baye.ljocu permitted to muke 8ou>LtiacUi from tbo pnvute eotrespondoticr

i f F i l d l b i \ dlust winter iu- tlie

inloH. \Vu print tiie iin|»rorjwir>Tj» witbit; coiriibi'nt, im n 't'onlfiliulioii to tbepilBtjion'of the Sonlburii quest ion, be-ring tbat tbo writer's educbtion nud

iraotiae - a s - n Bcpublican -will giveipeciul interest to bis Bbarp criticism ofcertain wing of Ma own pnrt j ,

" WUMIHOTIW, N. O. Deo. 8," 1876.One mtn who owns & dru(f store bareid tbat tUt; cliuructer of t&osa wliolied tbcnjieUea ltepublicms in Wil-ngtou was (in a rule RO low tlmt decent)m would not [Uisncinte witb tbein.

ho Bi'uUtor nf\VilI«lH a duikie whpiiinnot write bit, ownnnmo nud \thu

bis work dona by n deputy.PUOEUBEB, 10 OK 0AHS.BBIWEEN l

CHARIiEBTUK AKD HlVAKNAIt. [ 'I mot tbh'morniuK ft Mr. ] 1 — , 'of |iiuileflluti. witli wbum I Imd a long talkjoiit politicjLl mntltra. Mr. B - ^ ~ nuniDQuibm* ot .tlio LogUlatLire, .of' South,

ilino'for1 two yiarsi' olru'tud nn' ain ticket o M b e better oluH3 of Re-

iblicaim uml tba CounL-rnitivaH. l i eidws Chamberlaiu well mid nil thotors in tbepresontevoiitsat Oolumbin..o aays tbc result of tbo Pmidmt iu liiestion is 'a aocondnry conniderntiuuill) tbem. The stute iHHura ore j)luiul,v'lietbcr ,t,bcii3 Bboil'bo (in, hoiieut Htittojv'crnmoutut,i.l|." Ho"anyn tlipy wlmldifiuitoly prefer a ipilitnry Oovoroor nndimy an oitrn tnx *o i>ny tbd Tlnitud

itoa government dcbtrntDcr tlmt) toive ttiincHCoutimte ua tbey.buve beau.ben Obaraberlaio canio nut fpr reform

iey BUjipoited bim and poniiuuud to ilgi, andyvbuld still bavo coutiuuod lo do

bad bo not nllioJ liituself to Bome' of- - - " t m p a , in tbo State.1':. , ^ .";;'' ,"

CHAKLESTON, l)«ceinber IOtb.'Eyurylbiug is porfecllj quiet heiii oud

ollticnl innttora are as freely dim'iisseil9 in Pbiifidelplito.- Iuva lk ing up fromiie Bteniuet I .b i red if, _*H>els', youngirltie to carry' toy.voliie.' ^ o envo asjflirpflab" wlV ibe'fdiirWeB ivotod.Bo1

;rongly naninBl E/iinpton Jn'Olinrlcston•oa bflcnuao io .a apeeobrntabeggar t•.oiiBe; iaJMo- oonrae of t|io cnmhatBu.;un)i)ton l>nd.Biml,"' ^U,.b'e wanted waa)r"tb'cm juBtvto-iry ;mm once , ' nnd |

aid tlio nortcr, .'We darkiea tliQnB^t'wf;new"]n«t'ffbftt dot' menMt^diit-ir lienee gnt in wo wouldn't bave a t cbancc

I vlsilcd Ibe State flousB tbl^ morn'.i«. mid oftor pnmng .tho inspection ofwu seta ot ,dfiili,fl8 waa-Apally.Ktlinitledntiioetat^Boiiato "clmnbct nS .Lung nJortlicnipr, U'bo Runtito " but? , "oiuollguity1nrKiUtit,'ll.'i1liaiiEpjjjdlpg;.officeri a ihulutto .ot.'couyderiffil^^bibty,!iumili3judgei(rum Ijtdgrignar ofr—lut'ting t l « b)iBJnD«H. Bunin of^

Ihcru pl.^bo puruflt ncRroiypn,; While

...„,.caB ollered b j a wliit(i,'nitliear U,/iovido for appoluting'u oommiltee ttonnoel(1by,ouUinB,itb.ol!illB.,oI tfiQ Btatc'Imt lind,.bPBii1panl hy llio Tred^i-er.Iti stated tliht tbo old plaii bad .bWnoatnmp tliBin in . luk , wbiob could,bo

^Ifiuned1 Off "by -the usa of clijemicula.,•WbHteniorft (tue. ;one. vbownB {•xpql.ksi]," im.QpnBre».sjtor 8ellirue,bi/a,;cfld(!Ubip

W«stJ?ointJ,.»Jw fa a,State Senator,, B in ia a.State Senator,alattillbatlioSodentooa

^rsWoflO'of^nfcc'ioaJbniBioftbiircvions y tw bnd been to cloilncd, anu• T OOO of them werein tbe bands

i l f r M aSo^y^ort a U t h ^ Unitind bold against the stated H a idenoU'•iatioH.of tliewt-oFactflrflrfQllowed tbiamnouricempn^LriotiSvea^aulexiireBaiOD

and tbe resolution wajibatcom-

onplnco busitiDSfl, i * - ••" In theObnmborlain bouse tbore

!ueUdhrkio8 are ratlier,flnoi.too|tinft ""tubnt of tbem nra necroes of a low type, BO

.fl»:Hiat tbey-wonld,nut bOifoccefptpa asrespeotftbloienougb to-bo^ftitewj in aitBUoiam' botei. ..Wben-I.waa tboro nllrty wbite min offered i a | resol ((tio^TtiT

pay KadlteJ',- tlie Sneakerj B W tbousnud'lollnrs for 'Wii';elJloieiltiBorvi«ie wbouliosccoUionbbl.ajtiwaaiiJtbWnbi'nibw!.'ho 'debato: tbnt 'followed'Tjfas <ettnt>V

jbaurd,.- itegri).'1 ininstralfl "ebnld notcaricature legislative' 'prode^dingfli^tn'ora»mi>letuly,,../Mnolcey was' not-:in;' tboibair^Hiut a raulntto ol. abonti-'boac!.*ftiter (jalil.rc,'s-: wboae:lUeai*; of parlin-menhiry l^weMipaaaingBtrange. Onodurkie inslBtett- on . exjilaiuiug i wliyt - hevoted-no-^beoaaaa be 'jest Hko to knowwbew do. mopQjlB Rwiue.to come from.,(Tbacourt8:bave Jpckfia.up by InjuncMOD nil tboBtate jiniiney; to the darkieacan't evfto'draff tlieir owu pay.) Tbo,resolntinn wfls ftorrled bV bldrgd mnjoi|--baVwnafinaHy.deblared'loBt/fls pn n oif.tbe bou^fa t tlie toKtfinpo,^ think;

n'ckoy hilnBfljJ'iib quorom' WIIB .foundbo present." Mnekey.isa flno-lbakli

man, hx\l liiB;lnpe gl^ea OTery^BBauranqc,3 bia twsaossiag tgrea,t amb|\ifin flufl-noBoruplostomentiQa,^,,;?. .i-..si. : : . . ; . !' Mflovep yraain tbobn&Bp nttbo timo,rIbia.min;,wflB,a,,coj)taia-in tho rebelarmy ; ns senior,,captain IIO-.YM innhi-(ions of prtupatiou and hnd [.hia 16d1ppo^

:tn'nrdBred.-"'Ho.'"waa> tried, .by court-martia aua-oonyiptod.jjqtitwjis' J J

tlie^trma'SharmaTl; mnronod to, tlood-ia,tbft confusion tbat rcsulted'TlieoscnpW.^HiEfaco, tboBbapo of bis beadind bU wholo flppenmnoe giTo^ira theookofaQonmitipateilBOoundred. After

tbe -war be weut W tbe sea iBlnndart^olBHofsnegro«of the lowestaiffl rib-day-(190,000 j* nofiVdfr

—. . i , f i e r jiiiB( control,of innyi deflpotmgrcsaj but hifor liaving'llii

..ifling number of three'wiv^s at tinsame tine. Tfet tbis man was one ot ibo

• • ' ' - - - " ripon tbo Bepufclicnnider of tbo party in tbo

tlie Bbutb:with-,all,:olasflts, nbd fouuctlient ready to ooDvorao oajmly nml"•* ' nasioD,' Jii allXoasesi nt aomr

the 'eooVorsnlidn, I jinformr-

that thcy'xqcbgnized tb'e viisl'diflereori betwemi tbe party North nut'that Sdutli; tbnt North tbo patty in t1><main MOB tho party in fuvor Of bonmgovomment nnd goad ordor. Sora<wont BO fnr os to iwy that tboj.(UifrGot>

i^at>7eH)wero-irefi]ly^btv J|o]iuMicnnu.-tliij Sbiith/ooSripytuff llio^JofiiUon afighting tlie ignorant and viciqus claithere an wo do in tbo North. Borne tdecidedly itbntjil North- they aboqld^

aud bred in UlP Squtb. - •••: ' i

t, , . „ . . _ . , number of Georgia'most influential gentlemen, [Governd

nwoog tbo number, dooidefi thr3jMrjC0uteo.,fari tlenij lo pursti

'wwi to niit'wiln'tTjo'Beiiubiioan part:ttad to o i^o i io throughout tbe Slate tbitbe most uoDBervativD olement to s"

•pt6pcH[6«rIM<>"lig|ra}"to>riqnotic life.Sto;h'«0)Ht'eSi'fco{,'sjer}U9t';intoreiit in

tbe owitb tlyit party.b d bbfld-tho^time.

n^iieime. tba^w cu^iieek |$t>' palwte, or

__-Jeth6"acftme lorwhrJ iuthe_8late men of anything trotbis cliafacter* who pretandctllwye been Union men to

ieW,i^ai!lifty|ftie7E5aeVcodpooOt inclmdonlsi 'Or'tLo GesliDy of n

d Jbtafc ol1 dlKord'and motfier^l d^&tb

ativD olement to acHowever, th6sa~'inei

i i t . - Id^

i s cliafactrlwaye been Un

d it

l o.en, to havo l

d forcd 'coerccil into secession and forced ' (nlthd'ttbcl army.^ (AUrtfk^btnble uitiz.ikuew tbnt daring tho war they bad lirabid rebels, but Ihcir atatomontii. vnccqpted.bj Noribcru^BcnabMcan ICHL_

1 and tlio.BeipnblicatijJ party in-tbfl Bintpcovlily fell into their control,1 _T;cntlcmcD &KH\ .toeutioooO, *O9 •

Jn nwtf foitb, awm toa^bi ip l t ig toilendasetol fraai;i of tto fir

itcr. Tlicsc fraudri Iiiid :»iem men of no .character frc:)rtb, who hail comeHouth fornootberirpose than to obtain tbe spoil•* 'k!ul. Ufidcr tbe cireiimslnnces tli r

Jovernor Bnnvn nnd theolliurt.; fell itluir duty to nbnmlrjn tlio argnnizfttiou."IHaw lurpo publicFcbooU ia HnvnaIi ill 1 1 witb durkie chiLliGD.' I t Rtruck mo iia oulv tialurd thaten Korlheru meu Kultli'd Hoiilh mid

vo their rotes tomip|>nrl tlii'(Jislii>m"HfiHuls llipy nbnuld b« ostrnciKed by

. nnlivdH, I bear, on (lie clber Land,urywhero of Umthera 'settlers wlin,linugli Riiptiblifuns in Bcittiineiit;re uut only highly respected, bat ii— JUWJS wore very pojmlnr witb tin

, beenine in their locnl alTuirsiSR Northorn mcu Wdulu not.'culiU or incompetoncy for ofilcialii Hon.

'There nrfiBhmo flisonleHyeleinonUtbo wbito classes, lint no more in pro-'lion thuu iu tUe North, and siirpriu'

gly little when tbeof Hocinl.v

c diMir 'auizcdcoiidi-tlio luclt uf Kovcrii-

Aii Anii-rlcun (laum Ctilckcrt.practical Joke wna plujeil nnnrly 80

ira ago ot tt (inciting mnln in Unvuim,Hue sailors Ijulon -iiig to mi Amori-auii-oMvnr. Tha unilors find ho.ua

ting nnd losing, duyuffor Jn,y, nt tlioik pit, which was tbo niimBCtiiout tbnty ntopt alTi'clcd, until they wore alli witbout a cent. Iu that plight thei(»ra vcru when tho ninu-of-wnr was

jteret] off to Sun Frnncisco. A numbermontba aftvnvard the vessel returnedIlavntiii mul ttie Jock Tara had fullyitured n schema for vengeance. Draw-g nil of t|tcir pny nnd borrowing all t!ifonoy they could in addition, nt theit ebore-IeiiTO they started for tho cock,' carrying witb them thoir gold and a

iff. about wbicb they preserved n great

ial, of'mystery. Bobe'of the fillip'sleers pttHniBiDg that pomotbitiR \\ us iu

n-iiid, foilovtod, bntnotevmi totlifimthe sailors' eearet <lirulgcd. - Scurcclvthey rpnolca the pit wlien nn omitej

lyard Bprnng into the'little ureun,irea bitttla had just ended. Underleft'ntm hecanied V'magnificent

)e: cocK, in ,bis right band be flonr-lied a bug of doublooun, and ho yelledrib a aballonge ou hcbalf of bia birdainst^tijth|iiEtbnkwDrefentl.ora. ' .No other olialleuger could have beent Bo.V'elQotua'to tbo sailors,. for dur-i t.tyejr fornjer* nnlmppy experience lie(I been their bde noir, rolling iu tbelrId piecoB alinoNt aB fast na, tlioy couldit tbem, Sia verbose and gianttiltf*jL'iit,lt-ntiicb:nftfl promptly u(jca|>te(l.le.'niuoey Wda staked, nud tlioj Ameri-

is Sliofjk'tlieii1 ch'flinplon oni of thoaterioua^ngi, -1 lipntletpript eVcirturiV

.waa,jviUi,iigircnt,jLoiii3.bpdyi roughlyrcrcd witb'dbidlieb'fonlhers. and tnr,idiigfjRDt) tailclipiHJJ.ita hf

id ailoriicd ^"Hl) ft keepjCiirvitb ]ong, 3bnrprla.oii5at tbe e08, jinetend , * "

ipitfe its Mi


range •*hftlf-dingt)^e,rtlic,nizGil *tt! fit' orioe.,nti,nyo J3ut tbo Spaniard B knrijdglo. J3ut tb,'o Spauinrtla knotv

lothirg nbbnt'iiVantl tbo one; ye ho hado the match'wiUriiiriotis/'deeming!«)(iniDlted-by-tbe x>ittiug df 6

St. Nainbu^a Day.


The "color liuo" se'enifl in these lati-tudes to have beou so long drown ontbat il bus grown extremely attenuated,ur else thu colored gentlemen of *bcNoitb bavo BO far forgotten the benefit/

L'd upon thoir "brud'teu" of theHoutli by tho Firteeutb Awcadment tbnttbey neglect to celebrate the day onvhicb it beuame » fixed fact in tbe •ititution. yesterday there wna very lit*tie of a celebration in Now York j natu-rally the cold weather had a deterrenteffect on tbe swarthy children of sunnyAfrica, tho proverbial tbickneaa of tbeirsit nl IB having nothing to da with tbeiribility to keep tho cold out of tlieir mar-row. A keen- cold wind like tliaf ofjrsterdny »ftcrnoon turns n negro parade

ito n pruressiou ol villwy, resurrectedjrpsua. Tbny boud to tbe wind'ond

move by JOI'ISP, and tbeir naturally wnrmcolor becomes tinted crer with a deathlyiltie. Because of all thia, the parade'cxterCay afternoon wts a distsul failure.

The colorod gentlemen wbo Bhnie, white-mab nnd wait nt table, stayed away, and

the gorgeous damsels that erstwhilewutched similar proceflBioDB, ' waving

7 handkerchiefs, -ti re nowbero tobo aeon. Our colored citizens shouldtbow muri)ffrit..orelHa chnngo tbpduteof tbejr march to July,' The example oftlmt grood pdarabnl of tbe Irish Bocietiea.whose name is now unhappily forgotten,is held up to our black citizeni as some-thing irorlhy of emulation by thoee whotnlk pf paradea, It n.ine4.ou9 16[h ofMarch, aud'ib(tbrenfened rain for tbenext day; wbicb, ubst people ore aware,

BL Patrick's Dnyj.•** -v; .£-,-,: >->•• t"Will ynu walk, to-morrow ii It raina

like tills ?" tlie granr) danbnl was nakod.iWnlbl" 'he replied. •"I t , i t walk1?

We'll vnlk if we have lo Boliffim." • . : 'No mcli 'eplrlt wormed "onr colored

cit icons' breasts yestordgy.. To-day iatbc dnr proper fortliooelebration'of-tfie'Fifteenth Amendment,"/but as . i t ' l a

alf>o Good Friday, ttiu colored luagnaiesdecided to bold the celebration ycater^" \—N. V. HeruKI, March HOth. - n

•• - <;onernl Ignatlcrr. • . •: v:It is necessary to bnVe seen and beard

this wondcrfaldlpiotoatiBttpiinderatandiriih wbnl mftrVsllo^s'.facility'te dilatesop 'tho 'tnoal 'yaned^ttflmCB?! jiflt'tenvjnitors1 sco him'' andlo «\^"^fii*W» '%*w o n l u ! i j c s p n b j i a / n c j l w y / m n gonly sp'mq general ppmis, which; ate forl i like , ^ 4 ' ^ ^ ' i ^ ^ ' f ^ ' ' t e

h t bliiai: like , ^ 4 ^flS^'fi^ft, ^* f^,'0'1te

attaches.tbe-impLiciouipUea^Qerp'of hfsvorietl.jiBiratiTeP(,,.,;1 ,- „..,•„ , . , - 1 - " 1 ;• i.Were tlin teu uofortapote interriewerson<leaving "liiiu tocomDareriiotes,' theywould be posiUToly amazfidat thisinei-Lanstiblo vetsatility, wbiob i l U i i l


lendid iovil TLo ulculdo Urdercd,iwever.'thnttlie fight should.totb place.

iccoiding,to tho terms of Ihechallcugo,id tbe Senor tot Bed bis biiti into tbo

j, | t ytm iwdy to. flgbt, of^conreo, forgemcoock of good blood^ivciuli] not

icsitate to nttnek a bird as big as tbeabie'd 'too'.' Bii,' tbe lint .sottoo • tbo'Ameriooil1 gime chioken," m tbs sailorsB^Jcbfistonea thrSirbird, rccoired ofie prcsonfie of an enemy was a Acrce

ittack. He cnlinly looked down upontejljinne^gpjH) atrulting tbreateniiaglynforebim.—'ibotailora.weronot witli-it ijaxiaty lost, tbo, koon^gnOa vnipht.ttld Ihelr oaglo boforb Ii6';got ivarmed[j tp Jiis .WforkiibBtjroar was; quioklyi f i d i dh

obsoureH queationB^in •"proportion1 as'itprofcsteB to clear them np/and,jwhSu itlikct, oonfiiBos tbe rrimplest* thin,pi withthe air ol sjilainJDg or commoiitiDg.pnIbemi. All tins, too, h done in tbe nioatnaturally unpretentious l a sh ion .^ ' i t b^any apparent snbtlety.' t i e spenUer li ! i h t i ' t h f d ; i t

animation anil:fluency.: seeming fa ax-elude all'possibility ot plan, ••

thingawiiJcV,... t(_ .. T .I bat ono' dwlre;'na^ "intrtMt4to ikBep,Turkey dcuu'du~c^\]'$tcauft BOBtifcoonld ;baye n o . greater. embafraMmeat

Turkey.ifroto.aDfiitato tbe KuBsiaa Eppirmtq 'iti Ve^ybasii; •Ho.alwaji-HkcT.BayingVBrJa towhoever will listen to him, that fErtglsmlnnd lidsafa bftTd only ooumonijj terr "Btt& Uiat-erajtoinft-1-1-1-1-'~k-'"•*"tbem

ipelledi1 Th'ogttino cock daabed'far-rard agaiD.^lQiless tbaii.fl' second the

nlnrdsiritDeaBodanBaiDnDditigsigbt.-•' "American, chicken"" placidly;

irotclind out^rje'^rent'clnv,'seized biagqnUt by tbo;jicad,,i3rew bim'nii,

, applying the ' olber blnw .to. hfendy, tore bit head offwUSi aBldglo fjojl.'beu bo.proceedpd tooatliiBQ. "A*tonaf imjifcGfiticus1 and .flboiito of fiatoninli-»Biit font the air,1 nrit'ltbe eatbirs woreio well armetl.on^tqo.Dp^ic^oiis for ibe

Ipaninrds, ond lo tlioylgot tid .rdtntriwl abonrd^shEp,1- laden, with

jan^gol^tliiii] they ever before had, andcarryiiiiEfiheir ohnmpion in triumph.^ •?

, Mark Tivnln's Tribute lo Women.

Atari annual banquet of tbeWnsbicL,rOlub.'.tbo following

aast was read : jP.'Woinott—Ihe p'rTdo of tho professionid .tbe. jcwelj of. qiire/-? -it^ j , - ','.' \ '.To which Mark Twain responde3 'is

l l o w e • • ' - • I ' i ' i ' - * « • • " • ! •• • ' i . .", ' ' -,, , .

'.'Hiimnn intalligcnco cannot; catiinato-hut we'owo io w6men| air, Shoaows on

ufjoVjat tlitv churchrnirs.aboooiifidoaus.Velh^iis ;whateTcr.ibecan 0nd:ont ftb6tittno private uffajrs,if bcrneigbborsyisue gives ns a pieco of


il A weoltby.»,^»cjl!rkiiqjrn ,,01^16.8 fi)]Joa(oat"wbo g o & S t N y r k W t O Doverithe Boston v ^roadi rebontlyj ceosred a berth.in iloepr

ingenr bn.-tbattflerncontraiiijantjaa hqdrritbd at tbO etfllfon' some time, [before!tbe^biilii'':wa8<'to"1 stiri he/ ihonfib't ba |

le^biiliiwa8t / fitn y ratiretoliiBbert'b'; "Dnfortnnntelyytbyei bje'sbt Into tb'e wrong «l«opfpcEhoytbyei, bje'sbt Into tb'e wrong «l«o

e a r / o n e ' ^ tbat'nigbti aVd '^MlirijiM^Hy^o^Ked In bythap'orter'ptibe^ ptber,c«.. ;^W*wdke'nboatt .twelve, ololqok. ..and,; flndinff-the1

Cbrwaanot,moTiag,>sotjmpatreiit kind1

started-for-the-door; tbis he ' tonndlooked; bat fidrfinally"atl*actea:thefat-;tention,cf aflight wntebman, w b bcugeriqQoatioa of what etotion

d I Bprotaptly pwas a Bta'ggbrer.'m-wsiatBO tbe airtranee

' h ' t b t f f t b t fgg

of tbo'watchmftn'tbat foftboTvant of

ler mind qp

d somatlmosailler mind qoiDDUm..A i t . In all rela¥tioni of life 8ir,; If tt'W

U t i T i f ^ U ^ i ' o f her,

!V. , ., .... .! •, 1.on placo'ti woamri.W, i

ib ilment to tbe plnce BIIO oooupica and a

..oiwuro'ib'ttie^world. Luok..at .thewomon'othMnry!'4 ripdaV/air, loofc ,atthe illttatrionsnames of history hLook at•Bliaabetb i Oady r Stapton Ii Look atQeorgo Pmnoitt, Train 1 And, t i r . i l saywith 'bowedfliend 'otid Tcueration,- ''loot

n! .She1rai«;uoti^ie.^ecatiBo'-bcl

• It miglit Imve 'iwtJn 'dilleront1 tt he tadiclbiigod 'to a' ncwipnpcr correspond-. n t a ' c l i i b . " '•

l' ' i ,'ti.'.^.

\Marlt looked around placidly, upon hit•xoited andionco.Bndreaunicd :

"I repeat; sir, thntinwbatbvcr posi-ion Jotiputajnoooaii^BhB'lB an 'ornft-1

monVto'society, aTui.R (renstiro to :theodd.'. "Afl "a, Hweethonrt she;bfiafew

manoffered 'to'rep^rt^tbp.'porter fo^,nolbettor attending-to3hiir';'dvaty, Imt'.'tbwould-bflitraTeller .uaidj J j N o t i o r j bvorld; lot it go J i t ,was not.mnob mat-ter i M dido't' go, iind-if i t Bhoald b«reported,'tb'6"boyB'voaia getliold ofi lypti^now^nnd tbere'woald'btfnoendi

f ' ' i l a i b

<. Tntvellera in the East iflud H°™LCatholicBiisioiuiriea in all parts.of, ABII^in Tod ia, China Japan; a n i the Malayan.Acbfpehpl; * Tlio Be*.iDr^Fie]d,f in rreocntlDtter to tbe'XUdtt rffil desdnbtojbis'asccnt of tbe fin't range- of: tti'iV Hii'alaibBiMya'^'^^^'j'^j-"1^) •' ! '" ; ' ) '

highest point, Mrhfoh' oomiMpdii* Ti*wTrftho-'SCowy-BaEBe for mow thin*ahundrcd'inilefl, eUmdss convent,i-irhicb


ii mother wiib" an ioeurable' tempor,iis,Borgeous. 'Wliat, sir^iVo'"^'1 '»*»-

people of tlB earth be;with'oat>— ;-wonld be acurco- sir, t

a j l.Thon letna g iwher p _ ,port, ouc. STEapatliy—oirBelvoa,M. ™gctncbtince. • *" " ' ^ ' •'«•''

But jesting hmde. Mr. President,omiiii'tBMoTnble, .irntcioua',' kind of

bourt, beautifn],'worthy of ;rcapcct, ,ofnil ^tcom,' of, ftU'defcrcnce- ,No.onqbore will refuse to dribk bcr iiealtbright corihtlv/for each' and' tfftsj

gPrbtcatiat Engliibnon, fls':wBll u Iliaor 'its ' own1 fnith.' • 'Thris tbo' Oilbol<^nroljplatit«'it8^ntiftsto;oniHe:'bres^ofthe'-mb'iintaiiii1^^,' '1

', i'Atj LaDdoV,* an.*}.dio?riing 'histatipn,' io anotLer. Cfltbolio^ inatftqticf b ) ^ i J i ' d S t ' G ' i e l l

olnflhM.pcMonailj feLonn, l o r n ahonored the best ot tbcin all—tla oun

(for.bpys),^eiJied St.,' Geoigj'i .eollege,perhaps ai. a, delicaieflattaryto English-men in .taking tbe owno of ..their gnardtan eiint ' i l t .bna. a chirae of bell

bioD -at tbat height nntl that;lie.tVikca the bnT'wttb albgalor'and tocchi•ffeot. *t£ way *el\"ot.r np our Protrtit ti;icDdB"; boiUV to a'oail* and to h

\ patit ti;icDdB"; boiUV to a'oail* and towieMitiorniibeBR new piool of tlomD.p!t*ac» el Borne, whin the trawllifinds Its codTents, nnd hears toe ohirvritflTraper bolls, on the height* aiamid tbe valleji of the BXDU1»J"." -

Pcrfrcl Fultli.Jobu B. OouKh related tLo fulloniiift

latbetio episode in a lecture at St. Louistcceully:

Astory wan told of n Ffreet boy in,oudon who had both legs broken by aIrny, piieiing over them. Ho was laidiwiij ID one of the beds of n IioRjiitnl to

id uriotbor Jilllo <?rt?uliiiv ot tboirao class was laid near by, picked UJIilk fuuiine fever. Tho latter wai ulluw-

to lie down by tho side of tho littlausticd boy. lie d'ept up to him aad

'Bobby, did you over boor about'SUB?''No, I never heard of him.''Bobby, I wont to uiscion school ones,d they told ue tbnt Jesns would tokou to benvuii when voa died, and you'diver have hunger nny mure, and no

pnin, if you uxed him.''J. oouldu't ask such a big gcntlemnnbe is to do oujtliiug for me. Ho

i't stop to Bpeak ton boy like mo.''But lic'll ilo all that if you ux him.''How canlAxluni if I don't knowiero be lives and how could 1 get there

both my legs uro broke?''Bobby, they told mo nt the missionIOOI as bow Jesus pawied by. Teacherra ns bow bo goes nronni. How do

)u know hut wlint be might come tois hospital this vory nigltt ? You'dnw bim if you was to aeo him.''Butl'ean'tkoap my ey&s open. My

feel so awful bad, Doctor says I'll

•Bobby, bold up ynur hand, and lic'llow what you want when he passes b j . '

Tbey got tbe hand up. I t dropped,—' d again." It slowly fell back. Three

imeehe ^ot up tho little band, only toit full., Bursting Into tears, lie said:

Tgive'ltup.' ' 'iBohby, lood me yer Jinndj put yerbow on mjpilltir; lean do wlthoutit.''So one hand was propped up. Andien they como in the moroiDg tbe boydend, th6 liancl still propped up forpa.' 'YouI rriay'a'enrcb tlie world aud

iu cannot find agranderillustratlon ofaple trust tliiin that of tlie Itttlo boyio bad been to TDisaion scbocl bnt once.

-After Buried Cities,An expedition to•'• explore the buried

of Control Asia IB being talked ofBombay and elsewhere in India. Tbot

res Jit*% those ntMycenpo may bein the eandof Mongolia is at least\B. If tradition be of any value—

tradition, jtap.'which has* persisteutlying lo one locality through.the lapse"'^turips.^-lhe iomb'of GhengizKhan

with iu fabulously ricli treasures, 'befoanit (iu> Col; pA-jovulsky wus toldthe, Mongols) "to tbo eouth of Lake

,'abaaun'Nor. "Witbtn tbe tomb lies a,D who eoems (ulecp. ' Every evening

ijbeep pr a horse ia tied nEartbthe&pot,id. Jo I 'in'iho tuoruing the animals hnTeceii eaten/ ^14^00 jears, say Iho Mon-

s,'tlio^.Bleoper .will 'awake, then leadjatleaq boats pf hia.children to •victory

id dominion.! I HUB old story is e&id tocircnlktinR more, anil more' widolyry year.^-Then the Mongols say that

ocnatantly the drifting sundB, disoloao,'lereand.tbere, Qold-aodBllrjertreasures,

'iiichL they hate K saperatitioaB dread ofag. .The buried oitiee under thetil 'the Gobi are, affirmed to be

iriea 61 incalculable wealth, guarded byiotneaiiutlifear(nl spella, xvliilo all tlie

Jpseitsiaroundithe-hidden ruins are pca-ted'bymyriadsof-howliuggbpsta. Tha

ids of thVdascrta of Oeatral Asia reg-[arly'mdVe Ba'Sdrift'from east to west. i 'djeven'V^ tll^'Castirii borders of

Sesetlsofe'b'^mg'denudedWidely of a l l '' Ml" thafcaH be' torn iiWdyby the violent

,ItiB3geiierall^,be1ievedbcre that the;aeiian!anny:oii;the,Prath1.^rill enter .

b. ; stata of tbeooda urili permit an advonco. Ia cold^ i l H ? b f e f e W d b D b i a n

'frozen int p m W r y U e ^ V n d b l ^ m e s f r o z e n inwiniefW'a'ilepth'1 varying from onetofouJfe'e't! n"cc6rditffe'to tbe teroperatnreftiia'tho'amontit ;of proteclioD against


'"finriw/ 'disappears in thepring ;'tbii'fr>OEefi'igroundibeginB lo

.often"hnil'as'(iSfc'Wtlib i:6 IB melted1 , :

Froia /tho'^flTih"ih"e'''mii3 jncreasea in' .;deptt) ape) it is utterlvimj,ossiblo for the ^

irfapa of Iho cartb; tc>; become dry and —•a niitU,tho;last,trace o£ fiostbas dis*rptiared jrom ,tbo lowest, Btibatratnm ofqi^n^e&rtb^jtiierf the ground begins^jet^qfrqin^ under, 'and, finally the

aurfaoe, assumes its, normal condition.;,> lVis.eViflett[tiiat.wheii the'frost ba» .jKmetrated ^eep'.into^ tbe earth it re-qnires alongUtqe ;,forrtbo roads tobo-»me ptactio»blo£orbeavy trains suohiB Vohld'ttcooihiittiiy an1 invading armytftbo nSngnltbde' of that now resting onitie frontiers* of Bessarabia. . Therefore,the1.inhabitants of' a country such aaEngland, where the-frostwjarcely crer,penetrates to' any- considerable depth, :

night be deaaived by the,.to - tbem, np-pardnt''itJaction of nn> army which re-

laincd in camps of fortnivtion long aftertbe. snow.4 bad*~-disappeared and thepenson appeared to bb faTornble for com-,meaciogmilitai7 Qpcratione,'

Tbe hymn beginning '•' x-" Bleit lo tho Uc thai binds

•J.'n'.'„•/, jLhttlteirtslnChnstitu lore"was written by'tho HOT.. John Pawcott,pastor of a small BaptiBt nonntry churchin EnfilBiid. .;irbooccflj>ioii ofiU heiugwritten is in(;erest;ing. l lr . Fawcett bad"received and accepted a call to a largochurch in'London; Ho bad preachedhiBfarewell sermon,' his furniture andbook,B,.w.cre.qn the wagons, ana tbe vreen-ing con^regfttioD, moo, women and chi'-ctrebi P"wcr6^gathercd" to .say' farewell.Mrs,. „ l>wcett, Bitting on ono of theboxes,, amidst her tears, looked up intoher b.nsbsridTs'fncev'and said, "O John,JobD'l'IoaniibtboartbiB." "Norleitb-er."iaaid thegoodman, weeping. «-Norwill we go. TJutoad the wngoua and out

BeyErything where U was boloro." Tho.people cried^with joy.r, Than it wna thatbe wrote'tbo immoital hymn BB notioot)

. I I o n ' s ii ViaasmiDEa.—"Your face•earns lamiliar to me, sir." tmid ono mantotnotberon allfiobigan'Coniral traintleothor day.' "Can 1 have mot youbefore?' "Wafl it at tbe Centennial?Or"didn't I ; oee you at St.'Louis lostfn!L?'.V ."It may havo iMen cither, ur,"ourteonslyy -leaponded tbo nuknowu,

"ior I was a TiirlciBb pnslia in tbe cakoand coffee business at Philadelphia, andoubseqiicntly filled a brief engagementatSt. Louiiaa< * eanoibeL I am nowon my vay to California to bpcotno ftgorilU if nttive talent meets with any •enconragement, but if business is bad Isball either let my hair grow and entertbe lectors' field or get a tbaokloolcboard and (eJlw tbe eoantij filxs." -


":-;.<, :'.'.. •"• I . i i - . .„ J£i^":~>*£L"'-*-w'~. .L.*.ir,m^":Jir'v,r!i.'.fe^V'>- jjffifljifl |<fi

aus: auios jiraia:.

K M S 2 O I ! .3t.1i.RQ> FilBCC ©ECCs

Z:'£ &i &££ ££ i -ii z





1LS33EAT SEL^KKUJE RSUi^lunaiDh.. i .UiVUlimiDI.

i.-afc.iwi- aid! »rL^; .yl fAH-llgm!iTorril.a:

Otandj' "• " •

Mii«». 'dst! Jh»ntt*ni oiiwidB i i i d l — . .

a s r U K iTOK£ (MILff.TSa PUDM1BHMC!-WORK i• ~ ,

<flii»4tsr ittiiDuiiil'jr iiilU.n- |QKitiHillonli<«n;,.'n!lii»ift-'n«trtl'illi'['*f j h ffasrtcnnr iniiite nmni! ; Q/nei:


tti. rail IU.H«>n«»m4.p tto.«


'/mt cdimilinrtltai IWoretll»sHram*. JM iHmp-:al,;iMHli.lU<«lli."«n»UillnP»«».w«»|. .i™,^™?- ° 't l te Ita*iimill«on>i»llliai311^an«. gnrtmHsl W'mi«iii»i«ullBmni(.UimcUdfc tto * mlS J!11"1* *™J-t , i __ ^ . .«. ^i_, .fi, . n iiritv^n:

1 i i \ i H f i T i n i < . • * ^ imtfi. . _^n _• ! : : . . . ! • - . . ¥i ._ i L 1 iiTiifit4f lArtiT

V.ui' itaUrtr Hull! :ny>il'r; i l« 'Uwiii»,Wlt..'rti»ni <m«MliUim|)I-!l'™i:;ili™i;1T.|iiiai.HaiIia:.inJ

iwli iit: Etiidaiul!. iltrttinmretlist'.Uvrtwifr^Wn. m*.*' 1I5 Ailliwe mp i* r«wiHik. ^»HT. 3!>iU » » i l - . J ^ •




llmMtttt Ouiltinh;, iW[iimiti,r tPipmtilkH inrj! Vm'&m&tonttwiatfI(rowuti*u«.ntiiiJirF


HABMESSwi le at jj.iv*U«o Kreiow ib.


^ ^iin Sillnir (C Tl.rpimf TTDB Ar.

J::rx(G<t8hkw-M#ill*ap* dbtiiff mu<& mnife^a^hnm

tie•'. itiom the Aner-ota

Tbo tolal fttnooat u> be »tnw»fi-4ffif*tlie New York tins ituert* '

' . £0,000,000—about bulf ibetsza t&Jlai, »«f^f

Tt»r> (*r» onlv o"alit nr Irn htroprj c -'1m


THE IRON ERA., . H l I t l J A J . A I ' l l l l . 7 , 1817 ,

1,OUA K \V .S.

I 1 int. I '1 v u l S wKs.1 1 uo.



l 'jr.1 7.12 ia'£ 75

. a no4 nnr. no

10 miUMU6.

$ a r.a5 01)C SO

2 (H»3 738 60A ?»5 250 filla on

u. no8 MOB.

( 4 fill(I fin

2 flHfii4 W

7 (K)l8 fH)|

lo sr. :

o m (tin o»'"" 17 W17 (W

22 00|

.in oo) 8

8 001 11 Oi!| 18 finlo on m DO si (HI12 flOJ llJ 2.">| 25 fi(t) 8fi OO

2tt Mlt 4 ft 00 ,

H7 r>d| on o o :

lfi on; lit ooiIB f.o! sn oi>a;: oo1 41 on|Or, O ) <W

EdwarJ CIIUUJ].:U«, uf tliiu i,l i tW| l^a t],jB

oik for Colorado.

Boonlon rtprrta a;v,rnl utimiccrHHfnl nt-

Lini (a to bnrtj.'nriz^ prlvnle diro]i:iigH.

Itq,«.„,[«,„,«! CV t m i . ; far ^ . l n .U . rbg

Tho t.'nij»freiico Jcctnrp of Mr. T.. H.Boi»ei will ocGur ou

Iu the Bnucx Courts on Tuesday n tavenlicense V I I gnwkd B K. Atno, or BrooklyiPood,

'Mr. Arthur Conflict will lend the r m y ntuceting of tho Y. M. C. A. tomorrow ,


~~D. L. & W, E. & TIME TABLE.'tllOU IH1TEH flOlHO WOT !

Tlirnnfrli Mail, ».» A. M. i OBWORO Fxn\1.5UA.M.; Eafltonttxiip'M,2.0tir.fll ; BIUIM£x(>rt'M>, 5.-7 P- M.; Onwrgo E i p m i , C.li 1»,II.; Hm:Uottitnwn Ifcpvomt, 1.28 1'. U.; It-iris-unit Special, l f t« P. « .

reou Dcven norao KAM :

Unrrtoburft Fperlil, 4.22 X. J!.: Dover Exprctt, H,B(I A. M.: llaekotklMiD Mail. 7.M,; Eotnn Kxprcu. K.I! A. M.; ItlnetinnEXIWHI, ISO r . W.: Thrown Mall. 9.A1 I'.)[.iWricuic- EnprOKf, 8,01 p. SI.; VLiainn Aecnuniodatinn, B.O11P. Jl.




• > * \

1™.IMS7.B0,10.MI t .IS11.9111 IT ;


I'.M7.050.07fi.52n.476 !3M l(1.80




;m>-.m:J . IMT. l l7.M


' Iron™

IbCnlnnllli• 1 1 . Tnri flrwn

Dim, '

A.M.7.607.hBM 3fl.1'9H.I itM Sn.sn

IR.B,!r.rKWJEEBl;011 DnisaG im\Ncii.ii A >'• j ;. .1 i j , , , w s ,


•vSSBrT*:"?;^Flanitora.-' ^ (-: -XniJIV ;:•(-'(>:.-:Po»t Orira/1 ,

A. M- fl.nni n 907.4D7.S7

- T.tn•. :7fiT• 111''. «.M

n 4n•, (USJ 0.25



f>.i"4 404.11)4.M1


Weekly Statement of Iron OreP A S S I N G T H E H & O H E T T & O W S S O A I E B , VIA


TUB WEEK EKDISO TlIUEBDAY EVKH-wo, April 5lli, 1877.

RTAT10MI FJtOXt - T'»K. n*T,I t n c l m w u y , . ; , . . . , . . / • . . . . , ' . . : . 8301 'Clicntor It. It. (Horton s, Curwlifx,

Buccasenno, Vnusti* and CIIOH- ;-, •-, ~torJunction B I M I O I I B , ) ; . . . . . . . . ' . CfH U

P a i t O m m

Mountain View,


SO nl

145 1R

2GI 01

3.633 05

, : : ; • • LOOAL\JOTTINGS. 1

<. L -rho TehiieHsewDB,; . ' /* S lavs Cnhl»i«lorfer^J ' •-• ' ^ :

iBttiDg of yigilmit HOBOnext Wednesday evening. . " ' j

M o n ^ Connty ptnci i 'Erbwen think^tlipcoratng crop will be A good one. ' : » •

Blsst ' fnrnaoi Ho! & V th^BcVlilehera IronCompany WAS blown la last weeV. J 3 j '^

A b i l of newspaper posted on f " ~ " '

* telling the vci~y hu-t Iminnor fourUen cL'ula per pouud. EtudcrtiaciDcni.

During Mnrch 403 (rwupa nmnlied IntolorrihtDWi), tttnid over uigltt and theninrthed out nguin.K. A. Myrnt, nf Hootiti

rciht two rilw liy falling from a wbdow sillcrosE tho bnck of a chnir.Three hundred nnd Kixiy-two trnmpH r e

P1V((] provtndcr n»H Jodgiugu Jnduring iho mouth of Mnrcl.

Tlio comriirtfon of tho ntw D. , I*. 1. \V.tun nil IIQH llirowu n gr tnt mnny incn out of!>np!oyment nnd rnnttcd much

Jre«,re. Chfts. H. SrtinBon, riirw. ht. Tnn(nnnd Beiij. TJrlmit will nmka a viiiit t o Vlr .giniaHoan with a view to jmrcbiwing prort.erty nnd settling thoi

Tit, QeorRo II. Jonea, formerly r>f Doonton,Una withdrawn from thin M. E. Coufcr-eneo to heenme reefer ol nn EpineopolCln t r i ihd t "

A Delnwarp, Lnchnwanun &, Wrstfrn Itail-rond limit?mnn hnn Mird tlint Company for•JMtOO dnmnRfB for injuries frnm a low

', of wlifoli Uu lind not been imlifiid.mrrr-poiinf tho publicwhaol exliibi-

tion Irtj>t wefli wo ntiiutentinniiily nni i tkdlentinnof the jiktiodiu.lt , " T h e Wiijr."vMek'wiM flwly rmflpfrd 1.y

Nellie Dicltson and Allle Pollnrd. .Tbo people of tho M t Frcritam nr.A Mill-rook^ M. E. CburclifR feel grcntly nleiutrd

over tho rf turn of llcv. Henry Hico tn Hintcharge. He will prench at Mt. Frredom to-mnrmw morning Riid nt Uillltrook in theevening.

Mr, Wm, MornaonlB frfct lngnon h!« property on Mt. Hope Avenue in

'hicli ho eipocts Boon to open n geccmlgrocery sud provtKioii store. Ho Ii worthythu pntronngo of th« pmpio of that localitynnd via wish him nbnndnnt SUCCCKB.

That Jt in possible tlint there rony be " tooupl^of a good tiring " in evidont from the

taut thnt the Newark Conference comphins" t o o many prenohcrH." Kut nre tliero< mnny niter Ml of the r!Ght nort? la tlicrJ!

not Kllll " r com a t thatojj V—Fntcmon Frew,ple'twnre lo st i to tha t Mr.

George W. Hnymond has uajii re-intitattd iubil old poRilion nu tolegrnjili operntor »t thinphici1; ; Jlr.. I t . IB one of tlio uo&t effloientand obliging men jhn( 'ever toll! t i n t position

aud wo tac g'nd to' knotr thnt ho k torcmnin. • • • '

Her. SV. B, Wigg, late of Bconton, b u tIOW of the Eighth Avenuo M. E . Chiirch,Jcwark, !M oaa'otthetaont aucccmtul mlolu-«rs la the Conferonao. During his fmt

irB.pafitorok of.thOvbt(er fdaurefa it himin strengtlieMfd'hy the ndditlouof. ebout

•20a c o n v c T t i / ! " ' t ; i ' " 1 1 ' - •••*-••'•••• 1 ; ' . . • • ; ; • •

•'Th(j''iiian'y"frfori3B :siut patrons ot J>r.tuinUen* and,vHnity will bo glad

0 letirn tlint he hos abnuiloncil Ids idea ofivlng to Newark and hitcndi) to reinalti

itnong HB. It would lmvo be<n a very


Sir. Wm. H. Ooodalo'bu"(bia' w"ck been' Belting U i drag store ready for occupation.'

l i ra . John-Hill attended the'colored•• |ieople'B Fourth of July in Newarlitho other

G. W. BunneUof Hi^b Iiridgo had n fingercut off roountly while coupling con a£ FortOMB.. . ,. •' "'• '

TT. S.,Senator llanilolph and BloBill have been elected, honorary miho 8 P.O. A. • . , ; ti

Now isthoright tlhie to plnat your Springadyortiipnieiita. The nowspupcr BOII U in•excellent condition. . .'' The State Prison I* being enlarged.

"Wonder If the dimensions of "Long Tom "h i U i b f l l U i t ? 1 ) \

I, of Jlorri6town,_ wnfl )oMFrldny nrrrtlcd and placed \111drr ploo bnil

sppcnr i>ef<J» toe w i t Grand Jury' andinswer to n cbnrgq of, bint Ing n loy nnmctlHoman • who' WRB 'etigngtd tn mow-ballingwith his boye on Iho.ttreet. Yoimg Hoi

iu fljfio arrested and required to give fflfliil'tb'itppfBr!

A MorrMown Indy hns rrcrntly, presentedr huchnrd. with twinjt. Thtro Is nothlnp

'ry tr'ondMfnUn'thnt, hut nil thtfirMeidnrtll^nUi of<a ifkooncfhanindo him IPW

Umn'twoyrnrs' «po, it incr AKcn In fcffrctf~ Nowj whfro'a Iho tnftn who dnro

—IlepnbUcan. •

The banking room of the National Union'm i l l has thin wetk bean hnudsomely frescoed*t Uie exponBB of tho Directpn. ,.""_" ' '*;,J'

T i e ffon rjuslneria h 'looting up, and wohetir of shipments from Scranton ia largerquantities than for Bomo months piut

Eor. Thos Carter, of Boonton.wiU occupythe pulpit of tho Presliykriftn - Clmrch ofRoolftwoy to-morrow, morning mi evening.

; Tha Sawox Bsllroad h u commenced toship liya stock, nnd tbe midnight* notes ofthd Spring ealvcB begin to worry DoverbftblfiB. '- ' ' • " " ' • . • r ' - l

'The ;peoplatcf the First Prc*hyt«riaiCharoho^.Morrjrtown.hsve rosolred sot tobuUd n new ohuroh U proMnt, bat tothaohVbnev' ;: '" ' L '

Snm Bloan calta tha proposed new COB!«ombtnaUon » sort ot "Evaagfilcal ^JiBnoe,";

"Wo may now' confldentJy expect won to hearhighway robbery Vrmed « roliglonB ordi-nance of Boms sort t\_

The ;ho«M:of Patrick Hnssoll, of Mine• Hill m i dertroyed by, tn, sappoMd to

have been of Inoenaiory origin, on ThnrBdsynight of. last week. The loss is partially.covered by an insurance of 400.

Henry'C.; Pitney, Esq.; of Morrtitowri;was enengcd ,M cottuffil le four imporUnt•aits befbro iht laW term of the Court ofError* and 'Appeal*, .in all of which Ui

' clients Were raeoesiiful. Mr. P. his ratBwl, to tlia front £uiK in"hla prrfeBiloE la thia

stata""; . , . ; . ' , .• ' .; " .

One of tha furnacea of tho Lohigh C• rron Co.; nt OotttsaiKiiia, -iwmtly mada

• .*n» pig Iron In one week, mostly adapted toMaking Bfiiaemor Btoel' ThiB in believed to

.'be thd largest yield enr&tado;!»«. byanyfumw»inthoworidusii«Anthraclt«

coalftaafaeLv ,.. ,-,- • f~• Th8 recent amftnajnont of ,the act or 1676for the. protection of .our inland flfiherie>prohibits entirely tha l ie of ncU, fifcea, etc., <above tide water, and provides fortho prosercaUon of offenders in any.'pnrtof the/fiUti'•where found.' Bead Iho article of tha findjingu, "Man.Uiat Dertroy." ; t -, r s j ,

: Messrs. Join IL atumpf and JiJ.-Btctbff.proposa opening neitiweek a new grocery•nd protjriqn Btoro in the nHnu<>uiiuijw»r'.mom of the latter on- Sussex street', next tothe engine bouts.,, Mr. StumpTn long ao4

qaointance with the bniUwM, and the popu-larity of both, will na dDatt hnildop forthem a thriring. tnule. Wo irbh fljemabundnnt sncoeia.

1 On Monday aranirg'Bcxi /.-W. *-„„- , - . .. Touaoweaim, Slavs Cable Singcre, will give

KOonmrtiiithflBUwkwcuiireetU. £. CliurchThis troupa of colored people, compoted offonr males u d five females, IB frpra Naah

T1IL% Tenaf**^ aud /or ye«nbaTe-besinging in aid of thsFreedmea Their .en

t hating ternflnited they wo'nowfthIda«i6irCTywbrre

i c l i M i p iwtodYoiccs, aowcrJadaptedto the inUlli.

KBotoiprosdonofthaBWont negro melodfcn'tho BnnnyBonth. Thoj,«rog in HarkiStreet ahorch,;Hewark, laat wwk «ul *cinYited to retarn. WB are gh«l theyha•onolnded to ttop at R m r ? »nd they wifl nodoubt bagxMkdtara by a Urg« andicDOBAflaisim, Sfi contj; children PtJ wnla.

The Knmrinii Hmiw. Greoiiwood Liku, inbfiiiK enlnrRed, 50x26 fert.

The Stliooley'u aiouulaiu ptopls oro talk-ing of building a p a n o m g o .

Fir.licrtnen r i l l |»lia notice tlmteTcil'ncii Jirti prolitiiitfd hy the new t«r .

aiorriHlimu IUIH iw« elinrclieH wiihoiit pnn-1'irn iiiid nup |»i«t<r willinntn cliiiirli.

The flrnl hlimt of (ho Dnkovil le fnrna-»imiiimlo)iBtirdiiy morning. Jiulgiueiil re-rrrvrd. • •

A Mv\u\ rt'innrked tn im TPuler.i.i.v tlmt"f Ilia nnwt inconvenient IliiitgM tn «WM Inihe.ie tiiucn in nu ti['peli!e.

A tnnn e n y m n i of ngn WIIH bn|>tiz[d nndrfrcivid ill the Bclinolev's Mounjnin 1'rei.by.t a i n n l LiinhlnfitRnbbnlb.

Al Pi . iwiiV. op|)imlte Ibe Pfwl-rflire,, J'JJ JJijd .1) u«« KUIV t4 ! r | i i l i y r j J i M * .<lWwifr1u-li.Rllnw'priM-L; . '.A t r tut fs in (tore for nil who ga to L ^ .

. ...11 TriHiLfwcitM in tho! Blaekwell gtrect W.IE . Clinrub t u s tMonday evening,

IVtiifflo. tha [fliritnirniplirr. in (rmk!tip fi-xe i-lclnii-H UK ciin bn mndu in thix tilitl* d111 lowotl priw-B ever kuiiwu in Dovt-r.'tiiun. Trimmer, of ttkutfirtaitlvilie, liru<

nrchn^d Ux. M.\\yn\ 1\\\\T\>\ f.mn nt.'linoli-y'a J/uuufniii aud expecta to live

a,)"lo the ntoronf E. Lind-lcy * fion nndin Piilout Cnrpal Exhibitor. Bomelhini;

•v, nnd worth Mting.'' Will U nn exhihl'I'nii«i-rM"ii.lity;fi -f ^ i . ' :

iii> riVnpfe'pf OVAPP P. E*CIntvcli. M.idi-w.-re mrnrlfied I£<u<li>r Snmlny to find

' Hininetl uUm wlinlgwi* iu their church—llio Rift i>f Dr. Wc-Htnn. -

Rlnpn Chnlbnm InwiiKiiip Tntod fnr 1 ken Mi.. iiewnpnpcr Billed "The Kre-Openei" Imf.tK>cn ftarfod. Evidently Clinllmm iulonil>,j

> iiinho iiti f«r lnht time. ' . • ' . . ' ;

Tommy DrtriR nnd "Arolif - Mtrrixnn, Iww.ll knowii uii<r<-mcient'm<icliti)fHlH nr <IIJN

)wji, wo regret lo leiini lumUmiiiklc teinovji(( to Hronkljn iit-*t week.

In llip'wiilof the Wfwjiln|{lnn HeMqimr<n Aiwchilfni fnr mnnovn line (hem I'.v lln-(nit. llio Snpromp Ponrl jcHturiinj- Ofcidcd

In hvw (rf tiio Afuwinthn.

Knthan B. Luxe, of the Pnrk Houw, Mor-riutown, far more tbnn hnlf 8 century a well

rn liotel proprietor of this count/, wasr'supposed to be dying. '

D.fnr« purrlinniriq cnrpctn nnd fiimilnrcici-find hnnd, nt And ion B I W , it would bewell In oill nt E. Lind-k.v & Prm'H nnd we

iiw clicnji .von ran buy Ihem new,Win. H Rearing, formerly of this nlnce,

tbe mnn who made the deRpcmte fight yittfho burgliira at Oxford eome eiuoe, hu boenipppiuUil poBlnioster of that pluce.

J J3, rienmn, nn Pi-Cnii[)DJ)jnnn.pfM^rrluinwn. dmppoil dead from limrt iliRcaxnnnTiiuwKv. while n.t wnrV 'nt n rnrpento^nbeneb, nt liln fitlicr'a residBniio in Hcwo Hill.

Ilov, S. R. Kooney, mi hln 'rotiirn hfiiit-tout Cmitermee liwt erenlufft w«t plvco pnrnriw.wp)coma liy flinrp*•(»»* nt hi" erm-

i, who und liiken pntweiwinn nf (lie

pptake plH i

d 011 account of the w«mtWr, ,w1tlW d d y evening nexL: Mr.pln y g

Hopes ift nno of.the fttlfirt Rppakrn upon thisRiibjcc't iii tlio coutit'rv, nnd wobn^cnodonM,the PreBbit«rI(in_phnrclvon that obeatffln trillbo crowded; ' Mtrtiic will ho'f«rni(ihf d by ti»nrgnniet a r d cbntr of tho churrli. | Admlraionr c o l l e c t i o n — a general InrltoUoa to

. B. 8. 4 J. A.'Jjyon.ft'f.oni.'wilh.Riiotuercircular nnnonncing further reductions for" April trade". They denl on tliu ,«eh

tn, RAvs-tho cinenRo'.of book^cppcifiand collcotort. hnvo no hnd dtble And givetheir customers tlia bentlltH. By the. vie, of1 lihcrnl qnnntiVy of'printer's inl they telltlio people fill about It, nnd mnko their drawlars worth reading. Getboldof one and look

.vcr'k r i X l •'• • - " :- - " 1 -•The WcCfljnarJJJo BeJwt-School will open]

'or the Spring Wrni on^Mbridny BOXL Tho"*prlncipnl, Mr. Wm. N.^Walkcr, is posaeBsedof-all- tbo qunliflritfonn necessary in lilaallinft, and is a toucher of long and succciar-rnUiperJencii,' ffig school will ba found ftbeneficial ploco for tho yonth tn. scarcb of

knpTtlct!ge,*jlna..wean J1nd tn lparii thnt hisproimecU for the coming term arc Teryfluttering.'.. " : ;; •.• •'. r.',y<-*?:"' ,',-, Z'

Tbt New Tork Senate JTonday conriderfathe (bill .to Jelinrter tha Greenwood LnkeSportnnen'B Club., FrpTialons were strickenout to depntiEO ganio koepen as' depalyAcrl&i'niakiiiffUA^adwBoanor for anyone to allow bis dog to ho on their propertywithout consent, nrid relieving It, from iheproscription of tho Lvws concerning fl"h andwild aniiasl^^.ABOction concerning propertyEn NEW Jersoy was stricken out and thenrestored. i .,OElBowhoro.w'ilLIJO foand thd'advortiBemcrt

of Mr. John. a.;Arndt,"iatoof Boonton, whohMUiiit week opancd a grocery ttora.in tbabuilding on Sussex rtreut foruiotly occupiedbyHillgoM; tko druggist. ' A s sn honest,Ihorougli-Bolr.g buidneBi''iiian, Hr; ; 'Arndt's"renjoyal 'rpm', J3oonlon.(a'[ greptly, regretudby the pnoplo of. (h'nfr pinoo, a n t l « ' Buch heBhpnld'be cordially welcomed \ hew. 1 .WecHorfnlly'commend him to'iho j kindly con-,'s/derttlpn of our people, and jbops hiii stayamong x» nay be long,' nleuant mMe, .!•,»: M. v — . . : - » : j , , 1 .

E jqpoi . 'MorrJs t iw.^wantd the .offiea ofAttamey-Oeneral of thre'StaUl i n l the sameHan; John P. Blociton was appointed hisi m c c e s B O C y s ^ ,by the Senate, then In extra se^ldn'.. :; T i enaignat tonof Mi , Voncat tn i i Mid to barebeen caused by his growing ar i l moro, Incra-Ui-ppraettei'./ (H«h«Ji (isoremoTCdhlB Uwofflc* from MorrWoWn' t o New.1 York 'ci ty ,Fhere bo lias taken rootfm In ,the DelawareIt-- n u d w n Canal Company'* b l l d l ' o nCourUandt Btrcct '.''. . , '

o n t o n o ' o ' d o d c ' M o n d a y mcmlng , thertV employed at '-Forfi ' i ' l irery Btable, in

Bootton, .while jlKPlng |n Ui.'oflloo t wi&&MWkvt*to» tirlimr of ai&&MWkvt*to» tirlimr of adoR.(jetting uu out of bed to, ice v l a t was the(rbblo, ho Was' surprtacd to w«; »uoke{ahnbgYrbm tbe'liwry rtalile. |He(lmmtdL.ately ran for a paii of water and'tjtei dwbiPBaneral patls on. the, flro; snccpcdcd ia extidhiit jClwmlanU* Ivpiacr *PtiQgdshing, jC iathe whola rtahle would hare been biasing'and. u th» houses on tho1 Btteit ard builtdaw together, no doubt tho: whets''block'would have bnrDtd. It fa tnppoud, to haveboen tha work of an incendiary, fin «bject

1'ilIU H HllHS tl!li,Hl*lir<M.ll«,1|,,> Ill»ci'KM-1l'.J1,.|lM*.

Seymour II. Smith lias h^en nppointedxintiiuutcr of WuUrioo. •

;The report of the Newnrk Dintrict shows

Ibnt a revivnl irpMthns been very prevalentin the. diutrict, but inrgo TOTITBIR have b e e 'few.1 The Fraitklin'Street CbiirCh, in Jfewark,,has been materially rtrengtliGncd by theatlditiem of m?mben. Clinton Street, on nc-

t of Ler heavy indebtodneui;'1B quitearmMPd, and will need spooinl constdtr-

ni|oo, ( .Eighth^vemio hnn liad one of thefliitnt rcrlrnUli) liur liintnry, over 20O boJngconTcrUid. 'Trinity linn hnd over a hundredn&iitlonii tills 'year. The Enfit Kewarkohurob

likely to hfimt

told tlirnugh fonrloniirn of th> on it. Centennry hns paid

;of debt. (6t._ John's has a debt ot,'nn nhicb-noMntenifct hiui'iieen pn'Id

For ttiroo ytfirs. Oilier cipormefl bnye ,^e»p.nostly pnid. South Jfnrket is in belter con-

dit ion, thnn for jmtty pafl, , Iryington^hiui

VttonnRe.V, ><••.. ..: } . • , ( [

-.The yenephle Cornelius 8. tilcktrtor, ofBWnenniifi, wlio J* oJaI*tj'-JBf© years of ageo-dnyj IsBtillcoitfliicdtoliialipUBobyrcairaif (bobreakflRODf a cartlhigo offila leg BI

eeks utno«,-hiit is slowly iniprovliig.

, ^ i o y > ^ q p*\'M\\ nf tfi'tnwJ t«rtt\a VehwnteCniiiil Co'iipmyi'..'lIoiilrenilvhuJdiiA[Kwlljcm iij 'r*litlniilo.ll)e,Dt-liwftm,

i i )V(-Blcni Diiiirotiii Onupany., VniiRbt '4: Klll«orv'« (pirilen rank jjnve

Rtmd HntiBrnctfnB liwt yen r . 'T l i ey bftpe tflinjrepiitnllniiofkepptnR ihfl bout 111 the mnrUt,Theyse t l h)>elfiHnmVmrnRtirtf, Ilio onlywnj- relinlilo giinleu BOKIH M U be bbnghtt 1 I

Hnrd Avennfiin priipfined "(W the nunieole'slrtfll from the 'ntilrrmd crotwingto Rt.iry'B Chnnrti^rOdiwIdtriuB .ths fxct Unit

Hourly nit the property alnuy llmt^UhoTK>«««Hlon•«'lfih6Hl^^.Ir«li1t

ir.iliuim, tho

A fine Hfer&rwcnplc view ui tho flond t«eco-ntioiiH in^lhs F^ibyt«ri) iur!biuohoii Kiullifb'djiy ii»» Wen iiuidQ by hWeliflB, tlm [)lopmiiUer, und ft gjwJMnftuy JMIIIM bnmtiil-

roliiy. l*ci:n:«>|"l.>'|i) order In procure itim-' t .wiH/ 'bu"Wcej ihty^;RfUdjj(yDnr onlwMi^.!':;;ivr^;^r:ij '

V.'m.'II. O< oOule kiu on Uiiitl b is nt»ck 1r«oda. iAuilii;*]uo<iV,irtiit|ig'i up^iiH;dnt{t "loiiK'piirittory.totopeniiig... Mr.xi>| faffoo(«i)?liu'nwn'16 need n'rcconiinondittloti frotn\iK,

tnin.Vliois'nljDuttotcrooyo'Wc+t.prc'Qelicil.a n - affecting ec raon i toYl i ik people last^obhmh, afhr* whfcti rcaolnUeiw of a ;yeryiffecting and y«t ' higlily BjiproprlnU V

otter, offcrVd by -V/'.-Vf, Huruli; Esq., werepajucd liy the congregation. : |

Tlioiuiui'Viiliihj'tlie ujercbaiit tnilor,be ilncn not beliuyo in puttiti« flumes so lowtlmt ho liiw to do slinihiy work to nrnke i t juy,bat renifcing« fitfr prfca 'for, (i RWXI Any'twnik, trill- multe tn onlar ntut-^liw* «ni|a fprFrom S U ' l o S50, TUii lo^p'rpfiU'oniiis wortODnlilo him to sell a Rroiit inniiy suits imlthereby^ do>' 'gooa ' ' .bt iHinwM, B I 1 0 W H

[; two drton west ot'-iiioniv J/rr\

old bookH'bolp'ngipfi to llDnry'C. Bjmtn^Esqi ffof tikis piiiooi'., Tli(H .week*, hb b(» rfin,w»ns'twoolheW, tine of which hn»n ffruitferln-lerrst tbnn any .'fit nmacl. I t is 'tfo li/a of

1 Dniiptnt, the RTOU Indian;it ona *l)me']iire!n(!hBd'ilo (I11

ihe nortbern part Pf.lbL. Slnltt:piled,'princiffilly'.Jrora|-^tf dlra^ Wfl . ...„by tli« eelabnited Jonntliin EdwiinU. .ILKOJprinted in Ponton in'1713.' '••':]

Wright tHciael , . opened yetterday'thair«osy new Bhoe Rtore in thatdndgley bnilding

1 and dinplay a hanOsonio new <.tock ol - hootsand shoeB, tigciher ,*iti;«,ctt« contafafngtome very fln« epecimena of their own'man-nf actnrc.J' Their stock being entirely new and.bought'at tha Very lowest figufertfor^caJBK

QO#F&f&VO£ * W « * : - I Oc 'X1*ursdAy a OUDIIUUM wasIu tic nhsoncQ of t gtnaral report we giv« tc co-opjrnta with the S U M Socitty lo BQI

afiiwuotwtUntwutliiuk will be of tuUrtst. ob f t t r oUcnanoe at tho Sabbath. A r.s-OuthbnfUrooonoltbttfirutday vnm handed olutioii^wai offired to ,dkconrnj[e fusUng,in thu mom JH for tha Cout,Mice cluimaQta tnwlliig, Hundiiy fcwqwptn »ad 1- " J " 1 1«, wlnfiit*w ujio, fromitgeor other tioo*. an&tutuinbm thuRahhntii.Physical disabilities, nre unable l^ngpr lo do j tioiw; were Adopted -commending tbe Bibltqffeetiw. work mid the widow, anil orphans ™W, »od favoringiptdal aerrnoiut and col.ordpotastdni'to'uterB.flTherD'are thirjy-one '"* r™" * m t * t l * *•"claiuMintu on tlie Confcfcnoo fundi, and theaum anked for tlielr BUp|>ort tliis year is «fl,

Ml 1 »st ycor $7,aV)AHuiuDOg them. It waa »UUd that bttwe«iforty and fifty of ilia ohargcB senred bydidatei on trial i ierirsrsd iuono dolla r(hose clftimaiiliT It is very douhtrul whether(ho Etewardu will Imvo *I,noo tbiiyear tdlhtrihulD, A few of tho larger churchtrained n, little mora tlutu th^'r nsieumcoibiit th« feebler onre fell below, i i seme «we_from lliirtylo iWtyTier* "cent, what they ytn

d iThe Cotifcrcnca'LifeTiiniraDce AsBocintion

IIIH now ISO members. There were no death:wnong its members lnsl year, \ ' ^

Hr. J. S, Porter mndo a Hhmtoddrcss tijioiHn-w Srmtnary, rrjwnting tlin fnela of Uu

ifnr tlint inaUtution, vhichsreJl^nrijtlic. He^uteteS

mmittco of one mfainter from each dis-trict nnd three lnynif u should bo appointed,vhicli was acceded to. Tho Chair, BishopPuck, nnnnniicrci thn foUowiug: UCTB. L.i, Dunn, J. Cnop, J. A. Kiogtbury, Alex.

Craig, D. B. .Vftu.Olayo, J/..B. Por te r ; . ]men, George J . Terry, D. Taylor nnd IL "W..

p'lodgcB given to;dirai i« party liuuit aud v* " penincg moo. A committee wasr^_._^to,con*ider tha proponed untnnpftho phufCh Norlh nnd South. The sum af9 M n u » - u «DMrilfCd for Drew Seminar;,iuclndiiig ffl,9*>0 aJrendy mibecrilicd fur (flowing tilt Ittsea, JJemorial Cbnlr.- An ]crease won reported of over $1,H)B in in•ioiitir): collection*, bat a general decrease iumwt otters.

After some other routine lujiniae, thenion wna closed with tho announocuicut oftlia £pnointroanls. In Kevrorlc nakt of Ilnilcrgvinun Are.[returned to tfifW fonueihnrqeu. The MorrlBtovn District i« out off,md tbe cburclics turigucd to t^e other dis-riclfl..';' , ; , ' . . . „ '•:''"•'

Tho appcintmoDU .of ;thiB section areO J I O V B \ •• '•' • ' '-• •! •• • , . 1 . (

Newlnti1 'pfalrlut-r-Tbo*. n.'Bniilb, P. t .Nnalon, J . ' t Mum*.! Aiidover.: George»il ler; ataihrno nml ^'uttrloo, T.?O. IU)-

J TmnqtiilttyiJ. F ; Dodd j Hocltn-Wftj,I. Tlioitins ) Mt. Hope, to l>e nnt)[>Hcil; So.ver-Uivtk^eil'Strert CLiirch, 81 ill.' linomy,SJcF-u-Un 'fltreot-'ciiorcli, A. M. Tulmcr;lwedi^l»M|B«idn, B, Stn'tih ; l'orl Omm. T.Uwliimt; Wt'Fri^bQi'lUnl.Wilibrw.l;, U.Iict>; uoKummift, O. H, WitiMtM; F b u d ^i. II. Apgnr; IIiwkottHlown, O. E. Little;

Ikiinill*.slI;;LUi('iTV'*'"-'"'*~'r- u '""HU BulliL'I, to V>e mi]

Head; l

cro nnd needs a strong mnn. Batitli Orange,:!n the timeB'aeribuKly. Mndlson in nfUlcjed jtha afflictions of Drew Seminary. Boon- j

ton !a utterly profilrateythrotigb tbe state oftrhdo.u 'fh7ro IB lO.rvXl'tldit on the ohurob,nil which Interest rimnnt bo pnid. Wliitit-

I, Clinton, Pino Brook. 7 m i u and LItUfl 1In report fnvombiy. BelloTille 'clmrch is

wnkonrd hy n diviilon. 1 :

The 'PnsUla^ . Jllder of tbe Jersey CityiBttlct suLuiittetl life nnniial report, whichan 0110 of tha best aud mast gralffytlf g ever

known. It showed u uinrkcd increasoln theuii work nnd mnny comcniioiifl. The

fiiinucinl nrcflitnrc hnn not affected tho;,Dis.rictus much tie vmn expected nnd the gener-

al condition ot affaipt is be tier (Jifla coulds-'beeniniiUc!nalid!.:C8eTcrol churchesi>, however, been In finnndnl trouble',

among Ihnn Rio Itnthcrford Church, whichniuat yield oveotu&lty. M, tho lond of debt Isfrrj.&iniij Iff. J3$iti?tiit$ct iherenro sixt.ijhtirohen—tbreo mnrotlinnlnstynar-yottlia,utimftUd value of $114,11X1. Ninettes pnr-'lonngi". of l|io1valun.pf-9T02,o6flJ exist.Dot tbWnwft 'bVar i l iaUof tw- '^""- -ppr cent. torAccietuo in value from

it*, ftn^afurthorwdjinticm otifflL.,upon'tlfin properly rfticn U10 equity

will lie $<(T,0U. Tlie most expensive churchis district cort (S OOOV ftnd ilia leait.ez-

iJsm. Th™SSo to,<ShUhithrfatennl wttii eitfnctlon a. yenr ngo

Aetf/i-' 'nW' if Ui? bdnW -ili.nl HIMAnns Oliver jircncbcH, nud whero n rorl 'under Iirr mltilstry, has added slx.ly membf'rsItfihe Wrftel'rmSo|*W-iIe4tlnB of New„__:, it will be remembered, rcfuaedl.^gihey a,hearing. 'Under Mr. TuniFOti's'w:nnhtctnl'mhnti^men't'wihsotiptlons to theeitcut of $3l,no(i a yenr for thrco yean hoveboon,pledge nndthiswill pro|0vtf(ei$;detnption of tlio church. Thn revival inter*cstAnaiareejynmaUedjn tbo district, J~ "dliig Ofcnfch'BMncti 200 tbnvcrtiiVsU'ra.14(1 rHnv«rntmwiOinn i-Bloomlugdalo, :

and ICHSLT utimbtra iu*uther chiirgofl, mijking1 nffgrtgatfl ftf 1,1(10 In the district.' H*17-Conference on Friday was occupied nlmost

wholly hy tho memorial^serviceB over thetfcntlw of mthffijmelfcmlc " ! l t -* C '1L J

Chiirch, nndRcr. Jltf. B^iBMomnirs upon Mrs. itev, I

and Mni. IteV- Wvmnn wcro rend qud ordetredprinted, after which tho hymn I" O, How

: fimrect, Will It Be," ma suee and t ie wrrJoficd with the bcncdlctioa. .' IIn tho afternoon thoannnnl mecllag'o'f 'tfie

Auxiliary •tTDnlon was held at jSfcChnrcb. In the evening the F r e t . . . _Aid 8oefe(yinnd the Oonton«ry-Tnlon of Oja

Vrenee^liE-li^tlietr Anntnr^HeB nt;fit!Paul's, and tha Woman's Temperance Union

flel.1. 8. D. HarrUiUiirunl, W. McOniu; 1'nrlrtTvi»;-J;.A,im>nrpo; ptleyiUe..1}. W. Cope-lmid;C«utervllle,TjJ">^Houi Wntlowii, J.A. Oulteridge; Gleuwoml, D. E, Fminbcn;

i ^ ^ y l ' J C t i i g f B p i i i o h v l l l e , fl. M-; Tjirnveite, \V. II.' Iliig^etiy; Spurln,

iiStoeiin'i-ba'nua New F inmlLiud.P. O, Bnekuaa,..,^ ...^ .-../.

Oilier jnilnlfiters well ,kncwn, hero ftr«,np-tlionod in tho othor 'iHHtrlola'of tlo Coir


rroHpeci.tt. '.u. jjmiieiMiiu.<Hmcyii.iii ixiuuriJ . P. Foot; New City. W. H. McUridei !-

' ..jllirD!,! rLct-.-tH^oud ,QLurch, Si)l

, . „ WiS..\SK(Tl?Sij. HV-T.tie; King wood nod Kosemond, J . T. J

The wpoTt of thD PrcBidlnK ?Mer of tinMorrlBtoWri'DlBirlct was submitted.i, ;Thepafitars, ho m\d, were faithful and energetic,but,in rnany instances thoyhaso not receivedtheir pay, and ninny of them wcro obliged tocomo to OpriCerence without i t . ! Theie}d^

d i i d l l

of Uiero liad paid tfieir'paMoVii salary In full;Lit mnny of, them hud pledged themBelveB toiftkB the tljreftrs goc4 ' '

irict,*prC6cnted (j1ifa wporC^A I modemteiy^j

succewfuLyear^waa 'wporlwl^ thoufili. UioTnonoiU fljflfqoMlej^1 !thV9th'er diBtrictaaavVa'lTecUdthli/ipflstors' aa!arje« miflering

pariicmlarly.»•-,,.'. Y i>j •;• r.,r.7/ i * * T * ''• The report of tli» Ilaekctbto^n BeminaryIras' read by tlio Brmlarj^of Ue 'BoaH ofrrnsteM.- I twai^eiatedthat tbe 3been' ttlenbty; mi«cBrftilt'despite tho finam,LU\'\ienT*<vwln^''T1ii:nilBBhAvTdi]ht.na

tnstitntioii'rtlU;'bu[Wonamb«ot.stu.dents ^ M averaged nbj)nt"vtwo lrnndrid("br|whomabontHQwore.bpardera. jwiUiafairicareful manftgoineiit, tho^debtwiU bo redn'ocd


'•^Thengeiittf tnerMeihodist

_ _ practical «,«3iv«w( i i.« •«»bmaqess, and vrill "know the• w&nts of ilioiretutom'ers.;' Their advertisement "ill appearBcxt.woek; \?'-: _;•; \.'y;/.y'\ .J;j.r!'•'.'"''"

Sheriff Frecninn ou.TVetlaoiia.ty received.from 'u>o' Socrpfrtrf of Sifll&ft !aU*iu<i'triepardon furJIfra,',Catherine Qoulil.'who wnabon&ned in the coantj jnil' under n,Bcuteuro

I of «U riinntimfor hij»piyl,'5TiiB woman he-p« to'S'toDJ'broditi ind us her Itwbnnd underlijd h'cr.'she :nnrried a jnna nnraodold. the jnstlBa who nmrrledlbamleiline; tlwf it wna 'right nudliiwlurfiir'h'eVtolie Iho necoad niarrjngo". ! Jndge Diion, initenclng the womnn, mid tho justice wtw

, w muob to' Miami as'; she wait, nnd siuct Siewnmtrn's imprisonment-strong oflhrtn bnvobeen ninde to nhtaln her reloiiao by the''Court

I of r t t r d o n s . - ^ 1 " 1 " " " ' '

yenr'Ainoiintcd'to'il}i$ao!fc* [The perlpdi-cab^hnve. be'eh''pcenliarry-BnceoBafmV thsCbHBtrinn'XdrocAlfi having gained in,«u*nn>lation lo«Und of Ipfllngns warc^pectcd^and

fJh'M- HS,hfK) jmbscrifcAiB, Dr.. J'owW,itor oj the Advocate*ipoke upcri thVra'eth-

od of conducting tho paper nt Bomo length.

supernumerary relation. t ISunday WM occupied by Ihe p

Protons ncd Eldein, with *Peci nid Tlr.1 Itced.

•TUeipecial order of Mondoyc(Jjo Mucajlonal Jns^tatio ~ 'vraaCrtt Ukea op, and *••was read by Bev.-IwIL.I>uira.j Dr. Huwt,

• i\, •• • • Tlie Iron Markei •'•'-• r:im>-

Th« EtRineerinK anrt Mining Jonnal snji,lost week of. Amcricau pig | ' | , ^ ^

The biwlness of Ibe week'hnn iwcnVftyq'nlet and prices have cqullriuaV to weiikeu,We quote BHlnTof alwut 1,000 ton* of'thorn-on iron in li>tR on tha biudn nf $30 for No.

fouuilry ; 700 tons of Na' \ fonodry,; atTmy, nt *1B, nnd SOOtoaBOf Nortb-ltiTerNo. I'fbonaiy al *10-' Allentown W i<biftugqaoteiaiflO for'No. 1 foiinilry, lindJt js-wiil ibtt thB, coinpuny «ill-«uutr twornrnnaeB »« t tr«k. ' TliPf* nro. nitnn|H ofmica even lower tlion auy, we' IUIVB yelqnolrd. WeqnnteNn. 1 fnnndty, $10 'to,i30 j Na 3 foundry; $:U to S10 ; und forge,517 io 81?... *

Oeo J. Ferr> followed withttensof.tlo cpnditioniof-the Beminary andtic'cSiha tbft truBteeB^'tnakJag to Bave.itfrom becoming involved..,. Bishop Pc'ok-Wioaddrcesed &B - Conference on j the Bubject,urging ;tlie^Bal*cript]pnio> Entjughto maket p the proposed, endownieiitpf arJsneilto-moriai Chair. • Mn Ferry;,in'argWgTibertlcontrlbaUoni bn^thb anhnal'iniulraent plantha'trnitct^hftv* adopted, said,bo believed,and bod felt so for «om« l|oootlth«t the-flve'|yoara;;rom July or Angost iwit. would boatnon'g tha tnost prospcronB. tb> nation tadeyer knowni for ie'thought th,opadflcaUonof tba Bcut^ wcralA ba, accompliehcd. andconfidanofl^restored." W«deyM'UiilyeWtyand..Haclctt«town 8cBiniryi f ere also ro-po'rtcd op«u, and Mr. Ferry and others mad*a d d r c E i c a - - " ' 1 - - 1 - - " ^ ' ^ '

Freocn]enl..Aid 8 o « i o t , .«nd pppoaing thegrowing Romfch povec^En the. South. I t wasdeibrai i isd to1 rslM S3,6ao iox this caiue.HI. T u l ' » CUurcb i n ^ ' ^ ^ i u d '

dominating, and the fffuflof the wholuwnsgreutly eiUjHncad I>y a Imodiwijie rmmwhlt4 flowtn, bftiOHllull/ eu«na«a?e of the

• jpurityirfiiurtaenhot^-ythtm' victory on-dtiflUi w*» thU day ceUbrttod. v The t» Uoic ofIhe day ,00mprjued n nujnhar of KiBtvr ul i D j ' r d d f i l by hoir oomiH»c

U- Gloveraud Li

. nud M m r t Fied Loport, IIGU17Oni'vei life 0. Biirohtll, aocoroponitd b jHuB^Aun* Ktllty, oreiuilHt: Tho sormouhof KeV.-E, £ . Uuller were pciliuent to theoccutriob ntid churaaterized by the utmiil ubil.ily dinjiluyed by Iho cstcatu<?d Hector ii 'tih di

i Audir[wni. and, J. J.

yri!-First Charob.J).

. II. Timbnll;tilli^itcr, A. L

py ^buforo thuin.1" Tbo service begun with a vol-u'n(ur> 1i>'the choir , - fo lhwudhy the "Ito-narractiou UVIDM," iu which tho utiildiWimug in u clinrming niaunortlnj reKponnivu

illi'lnjiilm. Among the lnt(rcHlinj(.8i!ivii'»mIbiit ruIlctVL'd were twoml^rcKM'*— nue by ihu

f»na Hie oilier by kkf'bOtitr, Kev. W,If. Iliillcfwny. Sr.—both'of wliiclt Went n.--

u with letHoiis Tor children and uougrcgu-

Ormhl, the orgiiniat,' dinpbyi)I fre»l trittn ul1 I biliiy'

Newark DtHliictr SprlngSelil, ,W. SI-DldfV i in r i ) n ; B m i t , C . C , 1 1 B ; I ^ r i K o

r.' W. Dnllv; Diruiirilville, J. Pi ihily^Clulam nndLiTihgittai' t«|ipl|edi i l i d i w n l l

r. J. W. KeyHi Greou' Yill<ige, t'o' W'" illln, r.h. Hemird; Hlbcniin.

iy.iE. F. IliHt-fi} Ctin-S'.Vuufinnl;lli>buV)ii,lontcjjiir, J. 3L Ilim;

h<ltpn^«(Thooli.e!e.il.Sunilimri', J.p S w v , A-lillBtUiM.

rch, oUhongh UB.IWU lt>> prewiut, we UDdentniidtbitt tlm flond dU-

yyau Idd^d Hue, nu.1 thnt this church,which uuikeaso uiuoh of tliia great fowl, ilu-umnatritloi] by-benutilnl curimiouius tlml"UhrhittheLonlliiisrii«miBiiiu,"prbinlucutsuiaug wbbh was an ublo leroion hy the, pis-tor, Bey. I". McCarthy.

If ycur iipiicj) in not ton tunoli crowde'it Iwould lih'e'lo cluinin enrnor for tho piirpoM;of giving to thwe' of your leiident ivtio nreju r^ ik -d ju the good cunae of education n

il itccajiuiof ap.iibllc Giilcrjalutiieut n!v-by ourVlmjl'tiu"WudnoBitiy uf(jht of bwt

d i i d i

vt-rj utormy nud cold, the house wis wtll Jill-•id, nud I think I |iiH(»»fp.in6aj*ii)R wa »rertftreated'to ona cf the beat eulcrtniunicnia oliio.liiod ovft given in'thi'So jnHfi.. Tha pro-;mmme wns iimde upofrt'ctmtioiifl, deelu-maliooH. diidogneB, iabl^nui, etc.,.with,inu'»io iiiterxpowud, mid tho 'matiaer iu 'wliicl(lio While 'waij oonducted hud iHirfqmicil, wuill houor.tobuthr lonchur aud pupil; midt'»1g(Hg7fn(ii tlia' (iticiKLtBcflnml ilie nctirer-JiI.bXlireiHittd'or^all, 1 11111 conviiicea ,tIlio IKjnplu of Ihu diutrict aru in uonsiMiwnVu In llmnlUiiijKjrttuitVutJJectorc

idnaUioii, ;We ennnot nay too' inucli iWtweVo/itpryeiy'fiiiqolfcBi'learliMv Shi I*IndULcliv^wliulu-soulud^teiichvr, pdliiiig allier miertfieH fnmird tu hvr work,iillIhneiininhlerof Ihe ttittinlloill ' Ann mat-it-r of coune the result must', be pngr\Uiy ulic lung contiiiue vflih OA.'

llej.ru to-day tlut Ihe High Bridge Bull.a C l * i h

Uonn, nnd nt prictii to suit the timen, mill bofoundat'iiieDnver.UunUvtuu Store. Gcjnud


wuukfjip. Jio. Euewsunna M. E.' Church, onlust Sunday morning nnd tneoing,'"'"'' 'iu(to-D.;ftbW,:iutai«Ubgaiid in-

r n JnthoaflernoonhoiuHwitbtheSundsy School, "whan ho talked to thd child-ren Iu a VerjA pleasant manuer, presentingminxthipgB rclaMTB to life In India that will

'.the older.._. „ .biWeomoe Hindoo languagey Vljlcb'

Among ;other ing-him In tha way of mis'

support a natlvo preachero ^ h l c b ' m u g ftbo.iut to $tsn.O4 annually,orto takenponItself thomaintepnneo.bf ,n

^ , annual, JOaoq, or, thoport of, jpi^rphpn In thi OrphoiiBgeai at-jy nDoua of »30,0O, At the. MlwlonoolB »nd OrpDina^^ie native y6ntt are

trained to become both preacher* and U h^ i V ' ^ l l i I f ' ^

•dlreotly among those imgans ^01 iho Hprcadof ch^Btianity According to Mr^.Bi, "Btnttiinnnt tho n'atiTCB of India, Oflng to^nraisiTo-taxilevJi!d,upon Ihef by the Brltr

in a condition of eervitudu mach;wbrsa1 t£anslavery we know nbout hero; and yetbontoasBi^BilfrigliteouB people, upon

whoso dominions tbe Bun condescends; tq

at'ourota,,fow,.year» .056., .Hindopjntn onfl SIo-h d f t n U r a M i H a to bo^nrcQie'nfcTpropVhammodftnUra.MiHa to bo^nrcQiefor tho UritishLion tolenna«ninnt.- This Mcih'idiet 3nvda'y BebotA w)l] Jre* a1

flnt-clftss entortalnment ia tbDlr cbarcli nt,^ueowaona.>oii'Tknnda7bvenle8, the 12th

t.i'wlileh irDl beWeU worth attending'Usion^pr.adttUBtwpn^^ve bentii, child.

Teai^wrFentft.t^^Tlicw wUl be given' tniialc,reeltationB,'dialogu'eai tableftui, etc.uThosewtohfiV.JthfiDatWrinoharBeiroacUrii.iDcJlonot mify moke it an entertainment in pun e,b j l i t / l j > th t j f U ' r l ]wjfojnjay favor* t&em wiib'L their prewne'e.The proceeds will be used to replenish thilibrory oY'ttilWhbol, in-wnicU many otucntban: tba'sohoUuis snd officers ihbuld show aUvely Intflmt, -,Agoodtum out iaeoliclted,;. Wo'TCgrai the lou'oi Mr.'thora,^libhaiforthejftstthreeor foarycarnbo'enin chargeof'our public Bohool, andVto h-u been in.duood to toko cbMgeef one of the Bo^dnls 0>Illberaia.'' AVhen ho'cathe to BtjceasnnDa hefodnJi UieBehbbl'ih o'condilioiinbtvery'wellcalculated to impress one favorably,; ,Bot betoon had It under J|W>d. diwijlini andoeeded tn winning'Us gocdiwi|l''i^a'cdenee of bis pupili,' attd leaves'Itgreatly in-

anroeable, and onr'fiood mUep foitowlitmi i his new cKargell'vJOa.'ilJll} V . ^ V j .,At DnJteTille Ibiiigs nre in] • condition

those in Lcmisjinn, 'though in A

Tuei^roct-fiffice authorities fadve'-'thongbtpispcr* tf dlBMntimw • tho oli ' mail' rouUftont tfp#5U%§tatft?)A Drlkevllle. -Flan,den, eta. The ofQcei along (ho LongwoodVidley'Wnroad will havo theJrjmaJls carried

b e U r R % W M W ^ e S BaththIa.E«w,prdpi;ot things cotnraenoipg TO tieDthinsi The DrakeviUa offlfi will ' m c i 't&lpu&ffi jU Xj -p>ij^carriet.,bQiiordered between tha station aad ^P«t-offic

In tbeilrakeviUa Lyoenm on! lu t Tneadaylffran tneargnmenti

niBjastiflahle,"pbta.afCBt tabasg Brounu ti(

" '4toii|tibMitllB

Easier SabbalihTlii? day c lu.nirinoniiivu" of the nefiUrrec-

ti-itj ff unr U<rd, wm itp;nrijiriatt]y o t i e r veiliu Dover, ami iu fuli k^phifj with ihe glu]IL(>ug!i(H hUKsested la. Utu Cliristiyn ufiirt bylljt atlvuut cif E.uilk-r.

A l K t iuhu'tfCburuh l i e eljnuovl »iu* dtc-vrutcd in t-ond t»»Io with a Bue selection ulchute? exotics and UAliT-ijlnvitrt}, ai^jplv but

For The Ladies.The early Spring btj-lom hcnd-gftir ii the

The West Morris Teachers' Associationheld iiBBiitli session in the Dover '

mid not ndvific pru-1 liniiilinj; oil flio uflt mofln of the 30th ulL>ne, fofjbcy lare been jTiie Tvttherf lustilule heiug ia waio**. I*•U new ami will shortly { W. Thurb*r, Coumy Superintendout, nd-worn for 1

gjru pluco to tJic ncivctt tinny ii) btraw. Ionly refer to them became tucy forenLmlowtlio general tendency of now hnts and bon-

cte Ui at claim to the Itvm), lo thow decidednrrungcdt with 01IU lijliea prc- j m d oharoatcriiitic CTOBUB and n

The ptflplu of Ihe Frcubylcrlau Ghnrth nl-io iiiudo the diiy prouiiueut liy ntliug oUter-vauceu. The pulpit null IU snrroiindingit[jreHtuttid n veriluhle |Mimdinc or flunil florjiud (ho hearts of (lit) poopju mifi.Med itu ditiho Ijlobtt.injB 10 p iy a B tu i tribute of love t<liiin ulio btnka tlie Win da of deutli fur nilliiiniuii kiud. The muxlc wiw IIIHO ofdur duiigtied to mnko tlis uccnuiou ono notniton foryuticu, a>til muItirawhed byuutMlioir comiiOHei! pf tunny of the huut voic<

of llio ••pfoco; audlh i i LJ-IUUH und itutUeiiih

veil reudered l-ucoiveU o fitting rot]>oiirom tlio hearUi of.tha p«oule. , I n Iho 1110fug Ihu j w t o r ]»rcncbi(l iiu n l le nermon, nj>-mijiriuUj to the dny which is Iruugbt withluoh rioh bUGaiiiguof cniufnrtaml roullClir i i j lknu. Til t in evening 11 epeciul

service win lie Id for Iho beucftt of ttio I'liil-ilrun conueciiid with thu feibijnth ticliool,who occuplej [he BTOIH in front, tboirTutth,bright fae'ea Lleuding iu' bntulM'ul hurtuouyw i t l i t b e mr'a diapluy of Nuturo'a oilVHii^

, ; ! .Tlirougimnt tin i Mr. 8. D.


colors of iho Suwer trimminga. For the firsttime in many yenns we bnvo yellow nsn

Cut color, ever; dhwle ol' jclluw fromptdtsl. straw to docjiext innizs and KoKturtiaured. TLis decp-tontd yellow ooulrastH high-ly with jUmcwt every color with which it isbrought ia contact, nnd ui very trying to

ewhnl ruddy Monde*. Women of thi: cannot wenr deep yt-llow ; Uiey must bolent witli jiftlcr BhadtiB, eoftentd by bluerliito. Illack, deep reddiuh yi-llow and

purplo it) a fnvcriU French mixture, nboinud tigoriidi n eonbinntion us eau be

conceivtd. If it must be wom, let t ie ye!,low polo bo introduced in fininll quantitiesmd the purple reduced to violet.

A pretty iWiitm lias been applied toing boimcuj nil Winter, nud is now intro-duci;d for the street It coimitiLi of n semof handsome luce, or of n Incu edged with

idc, flno CBEPE MBSE plcotitigii, giithcrcd ntthe back under lha flowers and broughtround iu front where ft is fastened with 1scarf pin. TIIIH takes tho plnce of the funnud nko of tho lncu-cdged hnndkcrchiefi

it venr. Fupej Normandy bonnelicombina eilk CXOMUM witlieianll briaw of chipor fancy (straw, nnd Rome of tlieso arc very

Quppenrunco. There ara brinin ofIvory clilp, uttittd v\*\\ cnrdinnl red audtrimmed with a close Wreath of yellow daf-

6dil*. Bn'mn of Swim fancy atrow liavetowns of Htmw colored silk, mirroundtid"itll a wrtnth of white oats und made guy

witli scarlet poppies.

,. •' The, Oo&r Question Settled

At last tim ri'j)ri.-BCuUaiv(j» of the great coiJimpanicK liavo arrived nt, n conclusion.

I'liey met Tliursdjty morning nt the oflko ofDelnwnre oud lludtion Caual Coin|mny.

Tliero vcre'present P ;B. downn, Sanmelif 'rh.ouiaa JHduon, E. W. Clurk, acor6e

\, Hoyt oud Jlr. Bayre. ITie discutufionwEBconcerning the propriety of fixing llio nnnu-;ily of con] to be brought lo tldo-water and

CKjilc prices., Tho conference listedBevoral hours nnd rebutted in an agreementwbick mm ofilcially Bigned.

It limited ths prbduclcd of cool far 1S77to 8,000,000 tons,' whidi 1B to he distributed

1 (ollovitRciidiag, itfj per cont.; I*hlgh Volley,

including the SuRqucliaima Comyauy, IB nericut.; Delowaro oud Hudson, 15^ per cent. f.

Delaware aad Lncknwnatia, 1C| per cent, j•high'nud Wilkenburre nnd Now Jersey

Centrnl, ir>i percent, j Pennsylvania, 10per

A oommittco of one from each company in' meet monthly to determine tho nniouut of

coaf to be mined Iu oncu mouth. This com'0 is also to Ax upon «omc plan for se-

curity to gunmntea good faith. :

ucert ,11mlsmnfl rib*

' Our M-£> Preachers. ; '. ;Our people generally will be glad to learp

tiot Coafcrsa'cd lias Returned to Uiin placeLev. S. B. Itooney, of tho Blnekwdl StreetChurch, and Bcvi I5.-Smitli, of Uio Swedes'Church. Both enjoy to thu fullest"0tlie love nnd confidence of their people, andiudU'bWg.tbe .cJuiif will no doubt cujoyoy«nr of fruitful Inbor. " :. ;

Itev. A. M. Pnlmcr, tlie new pastor (if theUcFw-lim atrect Cburdy jireoched In U19 IT.E/Ghweb'.of.'Uiis.plncc^weuty^four years

;mna Culnpnuy *mnyit ig tbo uiml fro


T on&tntct fnHiKb Drliigu to Purl

Orutn, nnd nto ti)C(immeuceou the 101b iithluwili^ivs'UHhettp'rmulfucillUea tlmu

bofore.! ONYX.

.: W1"/Tuo Morris County Tux Pujrra1 Amnia^

llun hold n:hllraly'ntWnilea ueoiiDg on Jl'inilny.inudI dcyoled tlie session to the IHHCIIH.kiou of /be iiiiiugs k'thu lionrd of I'rBujwli-

i^-nilh n'via'w to oullat! lleir^ympSthlMthe ortUBO ofirefyrtu, and urging them Idluniecunirnlin'thd nuditirig und piiyiuphilts. l'/ia firfiowicg resointioua wcro iire-ilBtlandadaptiid. ' •<i-"f.iLtEflo^vnn, Tilittjn llio opluinn or tlil» AH-

...JIIIIIO'II Ihu Cfansen* ftwbnllim or outCounty, if iliuy wouM uutcr nptm the nululiii

litmltou to couionii'tiifir nuts wiibtbo tiiwn,id thacibreiHeof:rn »i«e * ceohtmiyi lit niluitleni iiurhiiiiitift to onr .Coiinly ndmit'Uuliou, couU do limcli,' 1U11I very, niuoh, l«" "' " " vtiliui rtKlueUon iii.'-jtar Couui.v.

• - , . : . ; • ! \>

TJjJii 'nnrEiecutive paiuipU}t>a„ . lo prt-pnru \\_ ineiuwikl ndi)reW>

ed hi our t i iwd uf,Prt!iilinMer<itQlliti»f<>riliiho iieTw^ily1 for itiirunVhnieut mid unihtiuuhut wheruju n m^ing oioxpui iw iniK'i' bo«i-" ' tba i>rt;iH)nV your , ' and r«!"lwijtfiiHi', . . j their ckHiperatiuii, nnd to mib-uitt mioh mumoriiii 'to< t l t^ .nex t monthlyuteutiua of lliis A«i*ooifttii)ul'irc(insitlor.ilii)n.' The foliowing wna uluo iidopitjl; by a"rU-

ing : voteV ^ • ^ • • • ^ ' • ^ U : - ?,';••ilEKObVED, Tlmt In the «>]tluion!of this Aa-iliition thlu County lio dldlrieled iu tlireoTIK, mid CiiiuliiiUuex'pf tliruu be tipnulntnd

Jo thTeet (bo or^uiTi£ijtipu of • tm-piiyers1 AH-Knciiitii'iim'i'ueiicIiTuwiiiihip In Ilio CoumyIn coMipenuQ iu , this muvcui'>ut for reformiu luxation. " '• L'-''-: •'' •

v.nri; •.arrinij:.:;.1::.,., :7fieQhaater Hoyae.i •• ;<


On n'rbcent vifiltlo Oliestcr wo•weropleon;Miitn:fli)doTit,nl(l\n'|diid ClimtjS. EiinnVns

'" onpropriettit'of tlio'v-eir knownOkfiiterHuuic. "Thin entiihl[Hhment.,,uai1(>r

lOBupnriutbudeiico of Hc.Eintnoiis wtllgiiini iV iifiw1 frioudrt iluAng iho coining season,

...ul eiihaoco.lh* prtHperity -of tbe noosethrough the Benin! an j Icindly mnnnem *o

utiiritl'to thd pfipularilii'mUord. Fur somefew yearn p-uitlfia-hotels of Jforrin County^.iva'Ueu gnultui'llj fnlihlg :lulo! the u<md<-of competent nud responsible uien, nnd it lia; ptx)BuUnced fact thnt there in not a couu'lyin the Stnte in powwwilou of us good nuc—mci(lftliLJ«iVUr1fUa (ntruJitsfl pnli)(c a J' U<county tiow!nSurdn.* totwemlng w> nuiuy rc-bj'rU for tho iunUdani]vreBtlngpIitcc8'*.it iniv wonder lluil the' clwinge'lmd not, ho'enmtiiio. Jung ngo. _ Tiio tleviitioirof lho: vil<Vige of Clienter 'in1 'idmiat as greut 'm\ iliat of~ ' * - ' ' Mnnn'tn'in* nnd %'riKlnly tho Bnr-

10 drives nnd '^onvoniiiuceithe fonaer suri*^'* by ttr.lbe lrttfor.' WicorUhi that thoso who an) Becking n countryrctildttnoe tlnriiig the summer, InnntliB willfindn very plonmnt home wiih Mr. Emracnu.

Tits' 9<I dity of Aprfl' attovVd' winethlng ofa commotion coins on with honiebold goodsin iblaViUnBe ' ^oj lcra than Svif familiesmoved,In theplace ana th rwont , while asmany M fonroUifn'tnoTcd wilkinUja HraUflof thevillagol I t in notaccrUfntyUU'allthin iuoving wasdone on that day, but it wasnear enbngh;tp: bo kdown aa the, work, ofApril 1st, and the end Hi -not y d ' for' an i tE. mintolorVni rn6vo~btit and acother takehifl7i)Ucowitliina-idjart:time. Jlr. Jacob

rentedeame tune ago,-) Xr. Mahlson, a mechanic and undertaker, comeYamong. IUCV iOii thai frtmrvof vthe. now bouaeerected l u t fall hy Itr. Hodgson '|nay DCSeentlcilenf 'IDmfli asd HdleUe^ 1 ' i d l leating that tha drugstore spoken cf hy citherscribci bos' become' i n 'artnolity., 'mi. XT.l inden continues to ba very sick, with favor?nblo '(jrnptoina reported, * The pthcrdtk aremortly MnTdieacent. r» .JEou.;

iviitriultV'in1 'took firoou BiUnninjui^ht, andwrre total];de«troj-sd.i i l l ^rUik WM In the mow at tbattffift, %hi& bi l lanttrn Mpbded setting ibah»y on £n. . , / '

Blill the new hats and bonnets, cotwith-dixiff their diiniuiHlied &iud" lock, due to tho qu

d tbu luiclttn iu LHof. pLiciicstitnnta upou Tcitchen' Aenoctationt, -andcsprtBiing a desire to bava other parts of 'crmbtj ciTS^aifo 'ihest, woiking in»titolioUetlieu turaad-tlio extroUn over to tho As-utehlina find called tipon PmiiJciit Oiirrabrunt (0 toko the chair. .

atity of Ehowy j O" taking his place Mr. Gurrabrsut in-(hilgt?d in " few remarks upon the workings"I ttio Attsociiiticn aud it* objects nnd UieuCiillcd upoo C- E- Nicboltm for ft recitation,nud Viut reKpoti'icd tn by a good rendering of'•liiilK iu tlie Cluudf."

li. E. Potter, next ou thn pragrainme, da-cidittodbiH thuory of (eacbiug Hiulory j saidhe hau A pku of bU own, and such AS it IKw-ut willing to give it. He tnkos up the tml>-jui-t by topics ; tuitikfl too much of onr his'lory in (v tills of wnrg. Uistarinna nro ucces'Kifnted (o give it (o us, and finding it nn ac-tualily'Lo proceed* to tench Ithytukiug Bcinipiigu, or nn army, and following itiliroiiglioutntl its movements and butllestotlio end; thennnother, anJaoon. If cngiis-e<} with ihe army ot the Polomact would bo-«in vilh its ndvaticQ'uiMii Uauauan, nud fol-1'W it through tlie otriei of manajcnbattles 1o ttie uiira-ndor at Appoiniitlox. Ill

ild ]irocecdin like imrmtr with civil hiilory, taking nAuiiuktrutioua in sutcesnioibt^imiiir rill' W.iubiugtou's. A vivid do-tcripiiou WHS giyeu with a mop to illuutmtiIlia mnnaiuTrcH Aud lighting! that led to thicapttnt) of Vickuhurtj.

J. 0 . Reynolds followed with an exerclsitnnn pronunciation, presenting a lut of

£ p j y ,cent., .EaelJ company is left to Bell at Tf

T price and in r it may

i-nlled for fioiue one to pronounce them. The"Gfiideut duttigunted Kir. Buiu-CIerk, who

ffomied bin work promptly, and tho otherichors went culled opnu to criticine. An-

ntlitr lot of wordd wps prououled, wbenA<i*nts, Tutlor and LuiiiBon were called, one

uflcr Ibe other, to pronounce, and the annie•outiuo of CDrrcclioDB was made, Tho Con-

icfot of the exercise marked Ibe wordslien corrected.

Mr. JJuau^lerk read "Kim's L u t Wbtp-ilug," to the nniuscuient of all.

C. J. al..jor.v, editor of the Now Jcmey•uWfc Sciiool Jocinml,' won Jatrbdiiced toent tlio Four Grouud Uulo's, which ho didJ n very latibfactory manner, liegluuiug ftlllifatnltou'oiid Nninemlion. , . - ' 'Mr. Gnrmbmnt allows! Mr. U to lake

Uthlmaeir, And l ien IheH»fim" 'next iu f order was taken rip-—;lit Bcbnlnn to bo delnined ntUt solioolt?" wns couHide'tbd oa tlieafntmaliva bytt, ILirtly, Iteynolds, Beau-Cleric, Mnjc-

tj nud Prof. Apgar; negitlive, llemrs. Potterin<t Untt. Boiue of the speakerA ou tbe nf-'rwntiva took n sort of in terra od into ground..1! were in good humour and seemod desi-nun lo elicit truth.

At the ctnBo Superintendent Thurber re-umaod his pUco nud nddroKsiug the tencliernwild, ihongh Ihe Iustlttite Las onoounurcdlifficuliies, yet bo felt that all fcnrt Liborod toaitku it a season of profit. in things pnctl-«L Ho was ghd to note tbn harmony that>i€vnflcd ibrougiidut nud the ready Nopoasaifjciiuhern whpnpilied .upon for work.1 Hohlukfl hu hnnjfajojjjo [e^l. proud of Morris

County Taidiers .>Vltb agood feeling

l th I t i t t d i

igo, nnd is snid to bo n (rcry duo inau, aawell an a good prenclier. We welcome,himoiuoug UR, and hnjio thnt bin second rcd>deuce io Dover will bo a pleasant ono, nndcrowned with goodTosult*.

New City, the place where Hot. %: H,McBrtto begins hii new pastorate,, fi thecounty teat of Rouklnnd county, New York.

Rev. J. H. Daulels goes to Kuw Providence,a village of Dergcn county.i /. I t will bo noticed-in tho Couferenco pro-ceeding!) that Rex.'Jalnui Ayers was grantednl supernumerary >rdoUon.t 'He; hoa boonpreochlug for over a century, and fortythrcoyears ngo, when jn clwrga of Nevton C'tr-uuif, ho conducted tlio flrot raligious services

•ot ibui'denauiinnUan Jn Doverf'; , ' '

C/ieater. . •'•

On Pridity rmr ]>litnk nlilew.dk WUH cavernw)tb' BnpwjdrirtBfhiiuHtho CrosB H'ciails dto\T-n, making it itiipniwihl^ and tba etrecti

vtrj- muJily tbe ludlea were conjpuHeito wulk Iu the liildrt. Nmv Iliere vem goingis be n piiVtjr nt Hr.-Btnbon Build's thitt

, and ft M»rrlnt.>wn gcullonuin, Wil-It hnpnttlblefnrtheh-

icu from town. In {jot there, etigiiged' Mr.@<jncln,r,to plenr (Itumdli from liU home inMr. JohunniiSi for Ufty'couln ; nnd Tt. Iimldtlion gnl'hin} (*tn clean nil the snow tiff tliewiilkfrcm IhoJutlot pfciao lo jumcfl Vnudcr-veer'M nnd pioiniscil th pay him Mtvenly-flTf*eouts.wlvni.h« oinio Imck from tnivii; but it

' rn nnt whether the ROHI hiin come ImukAn Oursbom bw cjaired iho w«lk7

liiiiik itvcryBmnllinthtne young men to foal

The fourtU annual Eatter Uondnj Ball ofVigilant H O K Company . w u h d d J n Uoller*BO|»rn House on1 Monday1- eVeiilng lEet, and

more successful thwi fta prede-. The opoBing, at nine o'clock, woi

mo6thrli]iant.,:iuefloor was brightly waxed,:be beautiful cologne fountain wafted} itsrragmnce throngn the air, and the etroiiie'ofOlto Ilqolinjer'B flno Opera Hooso Orchestra)f Eoston, fairly made tlio heels of tho dan-C?TU tingle long before- Uio', overture, WAS'concluded. The hall was tastily dwpratcdwithamttt t of bunting,,pictures and flre-nen'a designs, and tba gallery«ud oil th*shainabontthe hall were'crowded ,with'athnmg of friends. Whentho grand marchcommenced, 'and the*'elegantly dressed

V, Cox

y ypoor old nmb liko "OeHb." JOHO.

• Important fiecwiona.' ; ;, Jn.tJjB Court of Errore and Anneals otTrentou, on' Mondoy,1 th'e dcciiijoh i n theewe of the Delavaro, Iacltnwaniin t WCBI-,ern' Company vs. Balmox was nfflrmed, andti'o doohion of Lum VE, ircCarthy was ro-

> r s f d , : ; • ••• • - • • • • • • ' .; • • - • . ! • ' . " ' ' ' . . .

Tho Salman case wns fordaniQgo done tohis brad by.^ru set by n locomotive of' tlioD.. L / 4 W. Company to dry Uavos on thotracki from which tho firo commnnicatcd tothe plnintiirs ]and./'JTho Court held that itwas negligence in the company' 'not, to keep,the track oicar of combustible matter, hencenegh*grnce*rcndcred them liable. "

In the Lnm vs. McCarthy fW> the Courtheld that «ll rceoida in connty £le r^ tB oIBecnilould be open to Uio public for examination,aud that no fees shqnld be .charged for•carohc'i oxecpt when aiade by county clerk*ortnoirasaJstantt., ;• -'\. , ,

:, >,'•• Meeting of Presbytery..:.., ;,

'.'The FrcRuytcry nf Morri.t nnd'OrniiBfl willconvoni iu the 1'reslytcrinn Church, Kocldi-

iiy, TqeBdi»y morning,'.April lOlli, a t ' 1 0Idne t ;, ' ;"' ... ",'/•' ,. . . ; . " : " 'All tlio Rtmiims at (ho Frfsb.vferj will bo

\ma tn the public, but they UM npccnlly inivlteil loattoud TuuKdny nflcrunoa imd evon-ng- ' . , . • , • <

; At SHE),''- «.i* ft Hibi^ reading f-n "Cliris-Im Giving" will bo cooilacUa by Her, Mr.

Hichelfiou, in connection with a reixitt of taoOommilteeor,Dt;riott>ioncc nnd Finnnoe, af-ter irujch Iho Cominnnion or tlio Lord H S a p ;per will be ndiilluiKtured by Rav . Metem.lfeon)anBnn'dDauner. • . ' ; '.; I n tha crpiiiuB.there will be a sermon by

tho retiring Modunilnri Rnv. IL H. Feagle^ttld rtcycml nild^reista^niion BUbjecIw connec tul wiih the b e n i T o W t vroik' cf tbc cburcheB.

. . . . .' Easter'Median. '•. , "..

At tho nnnmll tU'cliWnf tit Johns 'P.!

Ilicliarda,. 'Riohard- B. Ju. •'• , "

g ^ p ^ i o n — Hfrttlan, Rieourd Ocorgo, Ttcrnwi B.. J«r-

John I. Blnir bns been orgnniting a col-ony, ID Wiirrcn Comity, to fo tn. TexnB nm

tlie Hue of nto is Inlm-hlud.


The tttnptrunea people of gwill put a lUkatl&tb* field at U» toning

rd« written without 1 atual marks, he

PcarlB,fflon. 'Curia,Wmb for their feiturei,To UnynDy odd til ingOr icll any odd tliiun,

n the:part.«fl

> g g p .nil the Institute aud iiio Asaociitloa ndjoarn-

, Bccrqtnry.flf AH8oclaU0Ji'..

BoBensgel, paaud Ihrovgb, tbe Volutions,tbo soene presented wai icd«d charming.Respecting the ladJc», - they seenwd-morobeautiful, If possible',; thao'eVor.'ancl'theirdresses prosenUd no faulti for tbe gratifiedUou of tho critics; As forthe yigUants them-:'BOITOS, it is needless to Bay much—for Judg-ment in dreis'and tnanij>Tiian*on of tbe pedalexft-emitiW they beat ihe-akilai.:'!Ji..litl}*niter midnight a supper was • m o d at the3UcUo: House, of the excellence , of; whichthe'tnany'who partook gate axdple testimony.Bctwulng to the boll, daneb'g ooatinued tillthe gray tints in tbe -East • v&aomed > theda*.,, c'ampktlng a uigtt of feetivily t tat— tuunsrnd byoslnglennpieasant feainre.

about two hundred,- wd •tha:net proceed*.roretiDb Loop live tbe'VlgOaote. l'^'}

*MJ A/Sayre, odr'genlai cooJnctor on' tfc5flicfitfr E."B. will mnvo first of >' next weekiv«r on FleBBant HlU o n i l i farm; - Mai

going to conduct the fsrrn and the railroadtoo, , • ;' , ' / ..' "_ \'.s ;;,' '[ ' (; ;•

ITr. Porks has moved here From Pdttcrs-vDta and has leased the machine shop* and

indry belonging to the Bndd catatg'and lagoing to start np bomneat in Oneva pretty ei-'tcntively I sbonld Bnppoae, as ho boa rentedTour or Dvo honaes f for-hh bjujdato liveIn; which ho has bronght with blnil". '!

Gco. Toncyck ot Fhillipsbnrg has movedhero nod has lew* Vr. Hedge**1 eteie.'.jieat

to tlio. drugstore,* and iaxfiuing4.it tip'or n boot and shot stora, in f act he h u quite

largo stock on batd^already.,, I-,,. .Our town- Bportomen mn hunting d a d u

1 along tho Black Hirer D0w-ft-dfly».,o:,Cluir]ey

B. and Peter went down to the river onoday Iaat week and got seveta); bnt^)ivld 8.wont oa lbs Bama afternoon and didn't get aduck.'; Now (hit hurt Dave very much u hethinks: he l i i ' sncb' a! crack, .ahofc.'He toli ,Pete'that he vouldnt believa he bud shotany auckanle« ha oiwBayt he hai often shot dadu • weighing fromfour to eight'pouuda'.e&ch'and nomeUmesjcta oue the size of a large turkey gobbler.-Tlnclo^Hick, oor.Uiwn ^nttctionoor, ia BttQ

olive and LTTEL evary time, - -.. Bxaatm.

' . ' : " ' Mam'B Qounty Courts.,

"ba owe of WettYsT Thorp has bean post-?onedfor.the terra. :

On TWlnyoI tins week the petit Jororefor tho Mny term wss drawn in the CommonPleas before Justice Cnn&cld, Wood end Del-UoW. Judge Dcllicker's term ^ began April1st,. The Court has adjournod (or'the terin.

Oeo. TV*. Howell, Wm. O. WlilUotk, Qeo.Nicholfl, Jolin Swayxe, CharlMi H. "Goo. W.-Vreeland, John M, Tnnli, <.B. BUk , C&as. K. fikcllccgcr, IUchard T.Bowman, Cavid Wigghu, Jaoob J. Davis,Ghas. 8. Dlckerwii, rfct«r Beaoon+ Ed- San-Tord, Xyman MaCoy, Henry ; H.. Pnden,LPntdcrB. Ford, Henry O. Byram^ StephenH. Leek. Richard Stevens/Lowiit-'ayre, Geo.Monntngton. p^oudore P. King, John F. M.Dickerwn, Paul TobrheM,St«phmN. Vard,rrter Tolten, Itfehird, D. iRowIand,, JsinesJordiuo. Ilenry Blower*.' John Potls, JohnAnnitngc, Siloa Neighbor, 'WOJiam a BUres,Edwttra nail, ConcUas V. Striker, James B.. . .. - - t . — . 1^ SJBtna

Hiwiu^toSberiauuOharlei MeCoHum,Dennis I k Duffle, Isjacs F. Hanh,,A»

ddi '' VTwo'slroejt jaryiisrt ehortly tob« drawn

for the next twm-—Banner.'.•• .:

! " F a l « imtnll dIt It cencwllj •nppoii'd bv a ocrUIn cUai o

Jtlzana, who am not pruitcal or cxprriuncod,thai Oyspersls osn not invhrtihlj bo oared,but ww are plwie d to u y Ihftt Gaxra'< AoonxrF U I « B has never, to oar knowledge, foiled tornie Uytpepsii anil later Oomiilamt In sll IU'-iiuia.fui-hasSotirHicimach.CoatlvctioM u>"k

nSle« any ecent". Ilegnl

ht k Kiifeo

"My CODKIJ bliuLea nin lo Pieces," gacpa the

j[t, then, ffitli "HUILV Honey of UortilionndluiI'X'ur." Any cout'ti c«u L*u jnit to UlfihtvitL (Lat wundcr/ul pectoral Elixir. Bt>iii lyill Druscists.

Pttu'» Txitbacbo Drtpa enre in 1 mtanla.

Dr. Schnuck'a fitmiaui-d ncnudica .TLt tf(an<]B.rd remedies for ulldl*ciset or tb«

nugK are SOHEWK'I PvuioSia Breve,tuEflCH'g'titA WEED TOJIC, »c() CcucNcK'iIAH&UAKE PiLiii, nriil II Ijlien Lofnrf Ib'jlunjji

sro ttcitlrovcd, a ipeedy cure \» cScctcl.To ilicai tliroa modicints Dr. 3. II- Lionel . ,

i[ rulladcii'hii, iiffti b\i unrUutled lUOiruii laLn trtnlmtnt of pulmoiiarv dltcsics.The Pnlmnnlc tlyrnp ripen' (bo morbid nut-

itr Iu thu Inugit; nuturo liirottu it vB bj an'U,vf.>iIiCDl(iriiii(tii, lor wltm tliu phlpRUi cvnutter Is ripe a tligLt cunjrli w|H tin on iloff,,l>opatient IJUM-I.-BI u l lJ ttio lunt-g bedo 10 bJOI,

Tu onuWii lljb pnlwmiic tyrrnji to (lu Hit ,ScbnioL's JlnndnKc l'lllt. and SthoncL1* BumW\cA Tonic uimt bu novly nni] (0 cluauue Ibaitamscliand liver. SdinicL'. Maiidi-ake Ililaict on tbo liter, romovinc ill obelrucliomr,

bludder, llio l>i|ii «urls Ircily,

_ i m no re I it ted.Nvtom:k'« Utia Weed Touic 1a s centlf elirau*mt ami «l!L-ri'JiD{ tlio ttknll of wliicli It it

i-d rciitet viili Uio fnod ai'd iireventsIi a Mill* tli- diftefition by tnutns ao

^ . r,b to a hcnlibvcundllion.na ili*i Urn:>O(I ami ibe Pulmnnic Hytap will mike gor^bod; (bun llio lanjt« lies I. and Iho p*ticntill surclr gel null if ciro U ULtn to j'roTenl%tnh cold.All who nlah to cogsull Dr. ficliencli. cilbor

orviiiiplly or li» letter, can <!« 10 al bit p n u -' f l i i i 'P lS ' / .wuer nf Blitli ami Arch Sln i - l s ,


MIIUI Hit,'-

KclicncU'ii tncoIrlnL'* antlirongbout Ibfc countiy.

gold by nil d

IF YOU WANTHorvsotsor Dace,Lawyer m Cino,HiwicnlTc^cLer*,Popular lVoaclicra,Cooks,Uooba:t o Hiro or L»t,OlQues,llBiimicnt.flr*t Fl.-or,~ ItHlll'Ilt,

PurchRse * 1'ot-

.- ....t-y or Bear,Dkodlmund or HnUz.F l t r f n F i t s ,

bBonfht,er or Gold,

rdiandiBu Hold,di to iripralae,ulBgOart

Vdfcs,A Dreai nr a Flounce,A 0-ire fur Eiieago,AbauJvYahBc," " idtln illicmigo,


YcniHltf,HoFtnlrv,Di-r Oootln,Upliolnlcry,hcnfcR

i i i t i i .llio* rcailv itlndo,

i i c or Tradp,lt, Cuke and Wood,

SvorFDd,Works on Tliooloj-j,JInfiiu. Aiiroljcy,WcnllbDrFillcitr,World-irlUe Publicity,FhAH

tilooiid, rial*, , - - „ . ,pendent Crnrali, iDi-cvs-MilrlsorCollirs,ton or Ducr J {Alnticltl.v Dollars,_., - ' -onBwio Hent,

. imp, Tcucmi-ct,\Ct»h ta bo Loot,Ont,h lo lo tipcat,

Dead the advlcoFar bovnnd price .Writ 1 en Loluw-


THE I M ERAA Tlnif l louvrnl «pt*IOv._xbB long andiecc«[u1 career of.Dr. Wianiat'a PIKE THEEin CtiiiDiit, SB con trailed with tbc ipeedy

«j|1«pseot nflnirami dtvold of effiejoy nbloh'live from time to ttmohcon paffrdintoalirielotonety durins tlio ivfcotr odd years thatbjfl crl(jb«(id mrdlcinD bos lmen noW, sn*ord«proof ih*t the Amcrii'Du public oonliaauslo

DpnHi) IJ» conadenco iu UcBctting artfclci only.Tlio Flue Jre* Tir Cordial liaa lopff teen rccog-

prpcclfic rorCunaunip'.lon,... i,Ccilils,Aiilbuin. Diptliorla,

mii uUbtiyur litttaitB urtlio Uemljjng organi.' 1. la,-moivoVur, a.-(.'cMnin, hpwtriy.auii aalaDloulo roinudy fur OrbUL-iiKia, Liter Diaordors,

Bcrornlnuii.AaH.liow.LnitiiiylVouUna.aravriJ)rppRV, Mobility, ,Cunntlpaiian, and FemaleCottiulstut". CuiiBinutlvncouroulstinserfdtnceifin imimpctetnble ulinmckr wUtiif*ljei Ibeii.t tbit It not only entireli «radlcatos tbelumMs (i> wlifcb ft it aiiapied, Lnt aho (batIts icuon Is rimnrkablv prompt nod thorough.Tiie cruiiol tout arcxiioilL-nco tias domonstraieaih reliability In ovury piiliewUi. Hold b ; alldmcRUtB. rrlnclpal dupot No, 910 Filbert Bt.Phlfadclubls. / .

Debility,, Vital wcnkneii t r dcpn-fielon s a wc*k ex>'

iiauatsil fueling; hii tnc rg j or courage; th«rosoll of.niVatal ,oTor.«ork tndcscretioni oro i w n n , or mmo drain npoo ibe i jmom, l it l ivt j t , cored by Ilntnphre.rk' HoMCOpatbla .ipeelfle Ko*. 38.1 Xttooos on auil iuvigoriteslio'B.Tituni,dliptls tbc glocm anddoipoodeucy,miinrti sticnRth and cuorgy—stops tbe drain "md rcjnvenaiei tbo cniln> man. Been uied SO

/onrs Vllli perfect »ai;ccm by thoananils, BnMbvdcalcrir . ' .Prlctif^ 'pcr ' i inglt vial, orfSpt-r :package"' "*--"-'—- - - ' - - - • -1-- •, p

and » vial of powder,p g . ^ ^ , a v i l ofSent by QUIII'DD receipt nf priest, MXK b y Honieopnluiu lleUidne Oomp»ny, ;"

Kew York.'•' '•- > n-17 , ; v

-_EBKE EE£E 8S3S EEEEH E li fl B K •:

B It•••>•• 1! E ' K B • EB- Itltmt EEE KEE BBSS EEEB H 11'E. E . B EB B . ' B E E 8 UK


' • I "

' IB eihiblling an e!splint stock of


: Wall Pocf ets,*in ... and a gr^nt Tariety of

Household Ornaments.

;.: Confectionery,. • nlwnyn pnre andfrcftb.

BOOKS,BLANK BOOKS,/Stationery. &c.

' ^The bestbmmlB of ' " •

Segars and Tobaccos,and everything ia llio ToUacconmt'u liuo.


T-il • D O V P . I I . N. .1 .


to $19.ladies' aoUd {

iWatohes from $Cents' solid 1itohoa from $

rold AmoricaaJO up.•old AmericanIB op.

All (JBADE3 and STYLES onband to select from.

or ^rrlle fur l*rlcc-IUt.

N. H. WHITE, 441 BROAD St.,


OPP. k 4 B. E. B. DEPOT.




'rr\^»°'-!fi'-i."i,O2'/?rfcS'FeIof!'\r*"1""'' «IE»M »* «H'«V i.i - i<f.-* Ti> A ^ ' i ' i - «t>"njmg. b.101; i . nr*' aod ft,re3W,t

•::>.-lv *i'J* '•! E.li"fl rtreet. Us

-• I: ' - n MiitJ. I'j lUure McF*riif- Lv <i-«l dtUd July 14, 1 K 7 : |

••- d :T-rt we-!. Ihr** hundred iwd tlir-'•. T, I U iwrihtrlr fciJt ot Spring Urtrt ; \•! ''„ h\<,\if t U u'lUhwlj- «lde of laid i* »i/-rt K'irtli a«*(?uti dttfrfrM wtrt. !

uudieil f « t to tb* third coiuei of uid ;•-•t»»eT*d to said Sroilfa ; theaw Hitba t-iht«.ilj \\rm of «*i<J lot aotfb twen-,:;r*« tatt. ibie* bnndred and thirtyio i te nU« of beginning, containing•-tLre(! tl^ic»ind tqwiieteet, being theIii.il.Tij.I I.•remiwi tint if**Mnwr«i br

: j r i McF..rinad.o4 ifc«Eli«lt fci..v -j-.-i fliiJv r-Mid-d in tlie MomiCounty

Cl -r;: -! »:H->. in B<«k ¥ C pnge <», AcT;:E F'ort.TU I»T, iitunt* in the Tillage of

]).-, •.--, n;»d beginning at a rtaVe rtanding «nj.V: wij.-lLtrijwJ'' '.f Sprinystreet, on a coum

f •! from tli« n'.rtb'-iu.t.rly r/,nier of Spring] d l l U Ui l

. . .tfc* •tin. »M«HR H


rniM\RACK UITTE- B ji !be\ i \ mbiftil

parity paid111!.' UOMl »1UtU-mtut* tinbit ki&jjdym

great vegetableIUIJ inrmaoioiif

tbt? KreaUfIhie lo obliin.

•jiive, ia visor., in;; and panfvinsciu bt •< lirtr-d from Hit v«g'eu<Hold br J. II. lifcuw*, Dour.


H\K"« IIAfllC tATA'EI.LEHio.iintlylnlod

.- - . „ - - - . . . . _-_-iaral ewitliiiLi trum 1]ii!idi»f s*i(I White : tbf nee nmnintfnj along tbrmt, and broneina.n lin'? of said Wbitc birth twenty degree* OMUIM! ' " * ' *c!u,t, two biiuflr.--ti Rnd five iWt lo a cornsr tb«»* <k..- - -c,f la imUbw^ late of James If. Neighbor; ( " r e r>I>ilt"to * I J " ^ r a l * D d h™ th-' :

l & gK wrtt, twel« fert;

Rt fS> Month tweuty degrfM west, twori'lr: il snd Bte fnet to tlir northerly «ij« ofd SprinR rtfw-l: thence (*) along the north.

i l f i J%Joga t rwlBOnl iWf t t j do


t.-« ciutL, twelve feet to the placeii)i{,V*inK the wine premiaMconrey. M. White by II. McFnrlacd ind wif«, byf-ddattd Vxetabct 1,1BG3, nwmlfd in tbe'(.rri« Coniity CWk'a' OfBn, in Book IL Cf ritdK pane BT4, Ac;'Hi? fifth JjDl, bitu&U in the Tillage of

>0T?r, and lytnnninR nt a rtaVe eUnding onht- eKht«riy xida of Itandolph street on sonnMi Boutlt twenty d#gtee« wtttone hnn-r d »nil iwentj-fi»e feet from th

t l f IUdll»» and

of Ke Jprt-tBlieiplimDt . Abtr


j-r of IUiidoll)»»«?» « flrtfTiflr nf Ja: th(m^(I>nlongii lt h t d

ElUotlf J

1*177. 1ITXF.Y *

BY Tirtoo <rf UIP »heiu iu mj lun

a4 Willuo il. Abtr,Dithao 0. Cooper »rele to May Term, A. P.DSOULOOp, Snlr'i.

d it f fii

rWjatbwrentjdeRreeifts*!. eighty-.•i«l.t f.:*l to n comtr rf laod of enid E. II.White: th«.-nee (2) alonjr a lino of «iid WhittTitli t^etitj &(?*«** wf^(fmcBnailr«l feetihrr.m f.l) north »Tentj dirjiTeea wtart.•firMy-eifibt feet to tbp roxtcrlj *Me of lituirV>iiili Hir+t-A ; th^ncf f 0 alouj? the fsanterljFidi of Mid Itomloiph Hlreet north twrnt.(!..I.T»PB (atf, on? 1mwired f*?rt to th« place»{ t.^fimjin(r. eonUJninpf. eightr-eipbt 1<lr«l vpare'feet, being Ibe name landprflmiBdi conrejfd to laid E. JL Wb,f > b jHt-nrr ifcFarland and iriln, lij deedJuly 5, 1WW, »«ordtrd in th# MOTTU '

f a>f

« Oftln, in Book M 6 of Detda, pa«e

;tb Lot in aim In tlie"TiUag n.fpnuingal a iiai* '•.landiDtj onlbf

corner of Elliott and IUnd.. in tbe siid Tillage, and rnr» llmtn (J)the sootberiy aide nf said EUbU i*r*et

BeTcnty degree* east, one: hundredthence (I1) south twenty degrees wart,linndre'l and iweutj-IiTfl f«i; ' then«/rtli *f:vct.lT dttaret-s west, one fantnir*d

r-vt - to ibe «u.Urlj tide of saidi".&lLh i t r a i ; thtECH (1) along (bet-riy fc!dn of uald ItaoAolpb street northttreutj d^prew eatl, one tundned --*twenly-a»e Tect to the beginning, eonta.—„C*vlre thonnad fire bnndrrd square feet ofland, b*)oB the Mine lot of laud that ' v uronr"»«1 io said UM. While t>? 7an.es R.Kfinblwtir fcnd wife, by deed dated Jtma 2 'IM!, duly recorded in Mom* Comity QerlOiT.ia-, in Book II G, f>sge 97. &c. . .

&tiz?d nji tbe premiaea of Ellas M. Wbl-and other*, and taken In execution; at tbeKnit of Tbe Comnlmioneni of the fitnkinFond of Hew Jcney, nod to be Mid b j . ,

8, M. DICKINSON,• - • ilaxia la Chancery,

O, D. W. YSOOM. Bolidtflr. 16-

tt'borefnii-nryC.'Pit-... and William "

A u u d J i ' ~ 'd«!cDtliiitg. IOinroab -IH77. I'lTKEY * YOGI ,^ -- " - ilw*« anted writ of fieri

md*, I tbali cipose Tor aale( H e Vailed HUU.t Hotel,

Morrittmtn, H. J., on

MONDAY, the 9th day of ?prilcit, A. D. 1*77, between tlie ioBri Ot 12 M.

- o'tUtck r. * - tint' « . - . - - . -afternoon ot Saul („ , , _. . „

I*'.! p»rcf I ot laud and p n m l m , iltnatt-,lud iM-ini; in ili« lovDitupuf Ilandoluli,a-aniv of Moirii ai.d Klat« of New Jvr-

onnile^ »nd dt»enb*dUrine tbeaaue lot or land that Jo bo Mottuve>t<l io nid I'ridtocs U. A her by deed.Ud'Jair I3lh, 1SS5, and reaort ia brofc T 0,

P*g*t 109,4c., mnJ oejiioi at a point in themiddle of the toadlMtl.UK from '-Klnkej" toBboDgam on a cupne north iweDtj-nine da-

- toaerblln atirl ten linti frmn a latf-e_ . . » . - . Inti itaiding on Ine cut fide nf ami?aiL ami ran» tbeucu along (lip piddle ol *aldnad * • tbt netdle traTeraen at tbe date hereof1} norlb thirty degnea eaat two cbainn md

1 . t« a corotr io - Ike game;itiie(2) uortli twenty-tlirtf

„ . . jaatUiree ebttnaand forty_ ewnwr in utd n o d ; ibecce alUI

ie une . (3) nbrtb tlnriy-OTC and a balf(•*« one ebain and seveniy-tiTG link aiff to a eoroer' ia « i d rrnd io (dft,

ilh lino otibo wliok farro and in line uf..oir-oT late belonging to nanacy and

Hirv Loiey t tbeace klonjt and 18th llni-, theobi Gearing tber»if aa c\\ea In uid •xectttor'ideed (1) «ralh fifty-three dtRrte. eatt iwothalM and tlilrtrnri* link* more or kia tn tbe131b ebrour at u l i l . liomestrid farm ; thtneeiloag tbe 12tb lina ft tbe uoie Ibe old Uaiiugthereof (*1 tontb'siiteen rtejirei Wo»t tlireecbaio* and at real j-l"o bcka la tbe 121b eonm*Utreol; ibeneo *lnnj; ibe l l lb line, the oldfceadnx .hereof (B) nootb fortj-two iet.

•mi fonr ebaina and ibirtj llnka,mora orib forty-BTe

SHERIFFS SALE!In Cbuccry of New Jcrie/ Fi. fa.' for tale

inortc*pu) piemlaea. Wbetdn TBoMotcP.'.-tent life Iaim»ne* Cctnpanj la dotcplliant, md Abraham B. Oo!eina'n and Mary _LU wlf«t J. Warren CtJtmao and Harriet £.l.in vUt, Atrim L. Croin, Jon-pti IV. B»li"0ti[,pt I'billu W. Cnt«r, John iJCtnom, Kill!It. Cooper »nd Mow. A. Urookfltld are de-

icisi faof the abate .uted writ of fl<

lOiMOVttNMJ&t iteUnited UiateiHoU

MOXDAT. tba SHfa day of APIUL n«t , 'A. P. 11)77, bftvefn Ihfl hnun'cr 11 at. and .o'i'.uck i>. u., that H to trty * t 2 o'clttck in ttiisturnoon if n i j iUy. all ihit tract or Mreelof

• lind am) f rcmlw. liettiaancr particularly d*>ECilbed. (linau, lylux and belog In, the town-,

' ~ tl u l y f M 'bl>ipol WatLinKtoa in tlte euuulynnr KtiUof Xuw Jerfcj: lIvRiDnrolcldla of tbt taropit* rnid lt*Ui

WatLinj(toI Of Xu*

- . r tbt turnpike rtud Itnlinc,Hall ID Haekettfttuwn at tlfe corner

u I, I; ucr

'tViMot'kiiGwn'iaile"Hlnte"Lot'. near ibo bift the tan pond, nod mnninp lhco*« Alcog Hi.liiinotUieuid ktore lot oorlb flti/nioieQ de>Crteitwt^Drcb»lni.iDd forty 'IIUB of land* ot lit*. JLff. Hunt;paid llDDt'i line north tbirlT-aix'and. a baliltRTeetwotacTen nbain* lnil etgnty-one linliP»t»fn(> tbo I ii fie'eakMrw lo a point In Ih.raid 'urupiha road; tbenccalutig aaid liirnplfciicj'i nortti ais degieoa west leienteea cbatnipud thitteiD Imka In a enrcer of John Itiro'ii i t ; tliente ahug iaid BictVa line aud Um Umi.i UD<!« ofulUtr |<enK.a*, iiurth tort j till dei;rcon «i:9t lix etiains to the Drakellneitheno».l»iig Die Drain HUB south thirtr-cigbtdci

-T i l l Bbvenlffto eb»ini< and ninety lltiti . . .• tinriKrrin sifd Drain Man; tU'ace along tin

ICD("> »* it new standn wath -thirty. ,iiegr(•ant lMrlton clmint HnJ tbreo link* pfwlalong Ibe lontaweit aide ol Ibe long ktatile) nnecn ibP Icn Lome* an nuw looaled. tori-.n! leaJinp ftiim tleatli C<itt| gc tn the H<if irifL'. tbeueu dowu mid road north aiii^iil ,k);fti:»i»imue cli*lii Kiiil eiulilv-...lli.l^tiap'.fiitopl>oBlHllii:mi<I<lleofthE)an<kaJint; tolhuavenne frora Heath Cntlacctilliu »tort«ii<j taru[>ika ronO; l l ieoc «lons tinjitld.llf ufiaidUni'itoniU trTt-nty-ronr do;i thi tv» cbaiut aud flfij-ono links to ttioi!lu of the ifuronalil ftTcune; thtnee tloac atliaTeiiui'nurtbiixty-twiilegrtcacaiiftvacbiln1

ondtinr Itattio UiomiiliiTaoribei ~ ~Ir.ira ihe Ilealli Honne tt> the atiHlniig van) Utt rapnlionrd Hntl ixm

In tbfiiitnuf o( bfemnSnff. mintiirilog "tifrt.. I »o acres, aton or lew. Eicoptlnr ao tun

nulicoon tba eaaterljr Muo of (ho tornjJl)Irfinpabout Iro arrcar' jtlio tberJjiht. JJbcisti'l prfrilrROtif enlertpir stall tlmua IUH UI• nd |irciniaca npon whleb tbe raincn»1 iprln_.at fichoolej'a ifouutaia a n iltaatedfor tbipurpose of nalug tbo yialtn-ot said apriwith tlio risM ia ate ia eoiDaion'wiilr „ .OITOITI anil i-mpridon pf Belmonl 11*11 of lh<building nuw a*ermdiprinsa or of unj bnild-iaj lfi*[nwy bpreaffar M ereeled,"Ihe part; 'ttif **cnnd part ia bear aod yiar onu-hulf

- tbo mruwarjr **pua*t» uf rtpairUig or roba!'In? laid MprlnftbuTiai. ' . . •

' . . Fnriher, it iballnot be oimtrncd at orinti- ing (ha rieht la tlis land or IW right to mi

RKTcliaamiiortbe walsr of Bald uprinei. - ,rhff pjatl ieadJn* from Eeatb Qouulol. . ,

turnpike I* not to be ,doned ap or obitrnctcdAlto, Ibo

t i U Ittferruplwi onlJ! tb» party or tl' part at (heir own si

yolwairr foe (hi j from

purpecie pronu at liberty t° •hff upririgor

„„ ., . d'> l»j bringUn• inn waier from thff upriri K. or no ml on n 'iircmlaut, and lliej may Bhfrr aald prcmiM1*fillrcaaonable tiroei fuiUi»(parpoM. It licini

- the as me preiniaea' known at tLe'"HeillJtonae" propwty. a t Behaofei'i'MoBnUiiFur'tigs H. J.,~ and conveyed by Jonathai

* Viikenon and wife to^Aliram <h.Qrots' amJi-sipb W. Italtontlne py deed bearing d»t

•, Mrnnt W, J8T1. «nrt j^rtfc<? in arrrrrtaf (3onrit;• JIoj{iBttTo[Deea»p8,pasei.l*7,*c. - •' '

• •rim tWS'A.F..EEHAS. Sheriff.



to a uataral and heat tbr oditlm,e offeuji«e breath, coantmctioy

DAY'S ICE CREAM,id hiving fitted np handwme F*rlora and • \iritetmrance [or ladiu, I »baU wake tfc iIt of ICE CilEAM * apociaJiy tbe cocsinsliwc , ai.il -will goiramee perionil coafortid frf*d^m from annnj-ftow'to to,* gotita. _

FOUR EEASONSwar i u fcBocLC TUW****




ol eiery divrriptWo. AUa


SILVER-WAR Ii-of the mo«t ritpini deujsna »nd pattern*.

FORKS AM) SPOOKS,and anicW for ttbl* nie. MAEtED tOKS 1 0

BonuM fBICES. A«T«» tot tbt





Ixliait . EianOM*. XKSciH

I»l«fc B* f t * to*?*ta C^war^1*- . . . .

tiy ii coopoirf of Ibel l l J j *•»=;

4 P A L M E R {{IATIONAL UNION BAtJ^L" " • " * ' '• OF I>UV£J1, -SE«* JEliSEV, '


M^MIB cLZA.vsts *XB HHU lie Amatr DUUfes leading lo tbe IIME». F < "

TM^MIB cLZA.vsts *l d i n g




Udiea mdy-saJe SUITS in


i «iO be «W at GREATLY HEDICEDCZS to clote them oat. We baie f «*mdPALL STOCK of

He «tock U h r s . rt JI »•»



bi l»»f d*«k .U bi « fCLEAN, the Vegetull

tLoy npid ld m

HIES" , U0OU todbeinn recMTed daily

In lk« Xew ^oik

ig in llieacb,

jriRin, pro-Land h' -'

or the

iDOCft'E & 6a.. T« hrouimtr, Kt»ild Ly J. Q. BBOTVN, I>o»er, S. J.

. Adiif

SHERIFFS SALE!Ounceif of Kew Jersey. Fi. f». fcr «a)e t f

t d rttBlei ft herein Unry u rit-

Sfarkeu. and told no mpiiliy that uo sbilegooda u e eter found about ibe premises-

THIRD.Because eoTirtesy in waiting on castomHa rula of the market, all cnatotneni beini

treated uliie, and purcha«e« htwn deliver*free of cbarge-

FOURTH.Becanrt the price* are made U> auit the

ix^ktt booka ot Ibe people in tb.€*e tilni,V1MB cheap WARM dtmnud cheap ealabl^a libeml diw-oiuit bvini; made (o f « « - »buy a qa

e a ,w if ow wholitj ut a time.







& eptinaL „ _ - _ _, _a hair decree* writ one chittt and fifty-foil ra*ili atrtke ibe becinninn con

["I oortb torlr-fiTc and a lialf degif:h*in add Slly-fonr linai to the . .con{ainlna;onBacre a OH aeicolj-fi*e h«i

ififly-ronri r : ibence


TREEUAN, Bherifl.Dtt«<JF<ietTO»rr7tl«,!377. / (ifr, fa. ttf.W





"SHERIFP'SSALE!CbipceryofSDWJeraey.. Pl.fs. Fbrsilai

mcrtgjg^d pfftipittt, yih*rt\n T)»* ^falitl i X C f K Y k

mcrtgjg^d pfftipittt, yih*rt\n T)»* ^falitI.l'c itmursXee Company of K>« York sicomplainant*,and Locjr Dojls ind AD*unC.P . rfefc-nr are dofomUoU. Itctnnrablo loFebruary Term, A. D. 1677.

• • • • • ' ' . ' - . ' F.a;BUBSIUlf,r>ol.'irtaeof tbe tbova auted writ or

i hd I hll fbe tbova auted writ or flchand*; I thill eipowi for aala

KUUE i t tLo United JJUteair hanEKUU

lit tLo United JJlatea

Hotel, in Momilowo, K;J., on - .' UOKDAi', tbe 23d day ol APaiLnext,

V. V. l tm, batwccii (he boun of i% U.'and u'dock 1'. 31., Ilitt it to aay. at 2 o'clock In tbeattcrnoua of Mid <!*?, alt that certain tract orparcel of land and prcmUes Kcreliiadcr parTculirlv detcribcd,'i[taate, l / ln^^J being Irihe townabira^f Uucliaway and lUndolpb, iiIhe COQUIT urVurriaand XUIe of Ha* lent)to-nitt BeRinaiOBit l ie fed o i» ptonuwalor IUDCO oo the nortli ,sld« or 11] o road luadln^front Stephen Derry'i to tbo Buedo mine, dli-tant one ctiaio aa^tffatf'Bnliaiiaoavoan

irlb oicblr-threa ilruroca weif trom ' it.jnth-neit coiner of Henry Birry'ii UwellinhuntCanU frum Ibtnca riunlny (1) nnrth fifl,font degreca aod thirty tuinutea cast fonrtoencballis and pnj-flrc litika 10-a blcLnrj tret'

arited fora cantor; thtnee (3) oortli tni:Dtj-Ibt.desr*«a east *<x. cbaia* and eighty llotia roc* foiacuro^r; tlienM (8) nurtb thirlj

. ilit dear»*n and firttrenmlnbtca «at thirteenebaina and fifty linki to; a atonethetp corneributicc (I) uortb plxty-ooe cloffree* wcat ntoeiitwo linki to a aton* hea? eortieri (fi) DorilflevflD decrees etat roar ehafas and nlnstr-twtKnlti lo a nlake Iu Ihe febco; (C; north lortyjcvin dPRreea md tnlriytnfniilMetft nlneteei

I chalba aud' •oTenty-ieTen.llnU to t alone hcij

ilbalna and tblrlT-two linka to' a oornor or thi; IUenoe.'.6) lontli'als degreea caat fires aud nloetj-iiji, Ifakt to a tnaplolnrr or A n Berrvi theuce I9)aoiitu forti

. detttctt wc*t twentv-aix chilai anLrliuki along Uid Aaa BonV* line, mir

...icnB ' ' ~line to ihi. —.April,IMS', <(in-frnm aild laaL _„baap.-aontb tbirty-ciRht drfircM wait tfarae

" ' * ty-jtveln 'and eigbty-sndtbrwqn

linka ; (11) mnth for" . . .

Cb (12) lonlh forty _ „-jil forty link*; tbiiice (13} iionlb lott^ljdcgr««woittwoebiitm sodlwcatr-fiRrliokito stake sua»looM;tb.oace |U) >nntb thirty-ouoaixl a b»U degrcM- west•••4 ebalna andsixty-finir links to *> tUko ana itooes Tor a cor-ner.Tjor'h rorjy-cigbt degree i «ant iwelro Ilokrfraat -a hic\i>rj irittt' nurkcd.aa « wiloiua;tbence (13) wnIB eltTto inO * half degreerweatDTeebUnsandfOTentyMtpu tp a itakiandatoneirursDornar nn sooOr^e iionib im»and • half weitlweou-flte Jinks from s wbiwoak trie marked oo' Uieieaiv >|il* with a ulaa.il d "" "dtbrefibaelnio Ih* taraot ^lCl'scii

Breei weal foar vbalni I B J io*enty ill- r a w In Ibe tnldai«r-"--- ' -*—-•-eonrtsnortb'forty^ii ,an applo tree: tbflns«' Mnng tbA tnlddla or thesaid m d (17) tomb' alxtytwo decree* —>three abalna and nlnety-ittrue Hoia to a ex.—i tbe aaid road;, tbencfl (IB) aonrb •foar and

- >rter d«irooSlejjt eljtht cbiloa a; 'it to a co[oer,ca'tiio north backIn Cttnal and In ihe line ol the whole1 on a" conraa ndrlh (brly-uven and

i one-fourth weet Irom tha oorlb-wei"tfafl wbe«l-b(r.ae of the. aaid Bwfdth« aontb., aide bf ihq utd canil abost onechain and. icnnly-fire linlul tticroTrom; thence(ISIalMxtbeKBeoftho -V.ole tract on tbenor ih l ink of the nld canal tbo seroral eouraeitod diiuueei tberoof lo tbe innty.flca.1 corneror Ihe whol»'tract; lb*ne< «t,nK xu aatd.twenly-lliat line (JO) north tbiri»-lwn ilegrectjasit.nne chain tn AH Deny Yormeriy, nfl*

Berry ; thence aJonv (ha utue UFy-eiRhtdfgreet writ flif cliainKam

t lint* to a mtatt oirner of Rtepbei

U r j r p b t y t i l a o itjd Httyonlhs screi more arias*. Enx-ptin

bowuter. tberefrom' tbn minca, nr«* and nuemU thereon; •• cxproMixl fit amnTBjaiiccniid prftnjrfwt msflB byGreon & Donnhon

iljitedSfftlenjberaiiM^ ajecordetl Insaid»J

tedSfftlenjbeO 5 of dfoil*,

being (bo n n c as

i.iM^ aiRf 8(1, kcreconToyed


Stove and Tin Ware Store,



m Q E inbicrit .vikcp pleainre tn inforalnjX ihecltfMi.

nkcppilMi. i ISoseainnoa and inrront

cannti7, I t •' I t has e*tab Hiked'ft ttd

. Xh« alack o Boodaoonflallng of the laleiand mtiit improroj ; '

KITOHENIUN0EB and HEATEIlfl. line tmt bIn.s.ndani ll toeYEtX N1 DESIG HOOFING, PLtlDIUIKO at

the-jowMi UAItD-1'AN Pricin ware or CTety deac-jptian

J cheap. Call andI(1DE rficwbCTB.

... DESIGL.JOOBtNQ, atOaratoclc ot Ilk. - - . . — 1 •

k]«o new. and cheap. Call aiid aee onr Ooo.Utart purchidDE rficwbcrs.

JOS.f,<Sacciiunna.N.J,, Oct.2lit.187S.

Morris Co. .Surrogated OfficeIn the matter of Tnaeph" Iladcrc.', tlieEiecul

«t John iloinl, dcceioed, Snrrosato'a Or-• to limit Creditors.: v : ."--"(

SN application-of tlie tUoro-named Eii. .tor.it fronlereo iyOje SnrroKaiel.ulil ^iecntor etia FDBllO StJnCE

, tbecrediton uf the eatale' hi laid deceilentJirlog In-tiMlrr Oalilai demanda * "*B licit the tame, nnder oath. .months from (his date- bf netting op, a copytbfa oriter, within twenty dayebereahor. In a-ullhe mott public)>)Jrf» in tbe county or )

twentjr daja; byiadrerUains _lho " ^ J g ^


f r twnt» O » j t ' y a gif EkA. one of tbe newipspersb Mine apace of tlmefttioSn

b ti t

Iitoif EkA. ne o tbTor tbe Mine apace oi r t b e r n t i

tbe Mine a p e of t lmfitft any rortber notice to uo nLitDetiarylji laoj creditor ahall ncgioot to ciblbit'niihtr debt, UomanU *ai clilm will,ID tbcppriod of nlno tnonllia, publfo ualluf twsifon as aforesaid, mth. crmlilor ;gnallbeferor Dirrva or till or hex action thc«ruragaiitbo siU Executor. ' ' ^ •

A trnecopr from tbo tnl


n .Ucntioo.of tin Utoi to






lume time. Tbo micljinorv cootlntaOPngino an4 bofter ulapteit ror^'tte-<

.^ . r*ry psrlfcn!»r: tiHinplagappantoi.hoEaIns nucbinerj, and iu fact eterrlhi'iB in reai'- »foriujinctllateoufplojalBiih*- " • ' * '

d.FIEIK0V A. FREEMAN, RhcriiT.^csrrlfliK.IBT?. fVr.tt.tHa

ilieowner nntbrinp'ainllotii Vftl'twbotc piLpertj at a wry graal birjjain.

~ 3<]Pire or or tdilriHBBNJ. H. VOGT,



H B—Tit Tu-IUta b«> n« «.tlL

races 50 czyn HSD $ i n »

HpfkeTg TooUinclie Drops*- in 1 MinuteSold bj »H DreHJU^

o, K. OEimarroir, Vmv-




NEW FANCY PRESS GOODS,sU!o co l , " and fkncT, in tbe 'ne* iwltfi. »»

•bLOek *•

New Mourning Dress Goods,. .-jrsw.xumaa*..' r , •


roa r u n iKf ramntai . •

BUCK CASHMEBES, Ibe liiRtit Iit.fl, Vertloodiaudlowttl prirt in market.


iOESE aad CARRIAGE E0UIFUEH8.Hover known to be u cheap before aa now at



DOVER, "N". X— — : C B

A laiftl and >ell .rkclcd itodmr


H0E8E 0LOTHING,(.1Pl»X.t.1Carr*C«iiiba,BrnahM. HorM

»oot., »r .11 dewrintlonf both for nMd md:r«c». . Jli Hud. ot fca;j llaiiw tlrang!

full Itno 1tom t l 40|)«r yird up.BUCK-DREBS S t t C »t former priwi.

foil lin« BLl.«KEm; FUSKEM, <N»OKDEBWBAK rpi Lafilet, Genu and CbOdrerirer Uj«n e»w terore. j , ,?

D O M E S T I C S ol ill loud. TeiJ tbo»P

b K u k r ' u l Bmfre» OIKOBAMB for :eta. per y.rd. OLASG0W wr 9 cu. per ya^



, (blp g n tbeAfine rsricty or'Hibisst'OiU, Hoof Oint

meul?. Tlw «V«« s;ooda, like all «l*o tbeseiimra, bavc hail.n brtiy lall fa prim and willtn aold at lo»e»t figurti. ( • , . ; • : • •

OclbLerSltt.lBTi '"'[" \ t.

UNION FOlJNDRr/ • . , ' ; • A N D • ; ' ; ; • ' • •""_['.

MACHINE SHOPSM. Ilonclnnd, Praprielor,1

ROdkAWAY, N. it


E.& 6. H. Ross a Breesr),

InsuranceOIIGC, Old lion Dan

Mofristowh, N; J.EsinxRoM, .OKo.B.Iton,,BnpBXXfiUEB.

A. J C0E,, Collect;qr,B O V E E , N. J.,i•!-••• -:-.

COMPANIES' BEPBSSENTED,American Motnil I u . Co.,

H.J., Autuortr - J1,00.000Uerobanti' Uatnai ilus. b<v

H.J., AuoUom :;;epo,ooo.iinniBli'l UQtQaJ Inl. Oft-, of. Ifewarkj

H . J , Anete orer .^ '6W000 -MntntJ III. Co., of HewariOapital, 100,000. ;

m n n Oompin , • of! Hartford,AiMU, • 6,000,000 •

OoDtinenUl' Tnsanuioe Company, flf IYork, O»pll«l,. . 1,000,000


Hutml Bentfit Life I u . Oo., FB.I., ASKU. .. , 6,000,000

HARDWARE!'-•••-•••• ••• a e o n p l c i o i t D c J . o f ; , • _


' Meohaiiics' and Fannor's Tools,1



F I S H I N O - T A O E MBlank Keri and Ken Fitted

; S. H.Blackwell St, Dear Moiris, .


In Chancery of New Jersey.TO.DJWAnbFOBX: , . , [ : : •

Byvlrtnaofan order, of .the Conrt of d u n .eery of item Jenej , o '" " " "

'on and ollienare ttefeud._. Td lo arin«r aod pjead,

drmor oraoiwdr jo Ibe «implVln.Dt'( l.ilh-n Ziberore Iho lltincenlb darof Ajiril next,or It-lid bill will IH ukea B3 eoalCMfedaiaUm Joi

Tbe aald bill i« Hied to foncloM « curlii.jrciTft) b*7OU aad vife 16 aaa Chsrlei

.) , dautl Jnij IDtb, IB73. orl lioui ID Ihelownabfp' Dfl tUDilalph. >Uarrii Conatt, 3f««Jerur,.-aad rw»rd«l-In.tbo, tfoffl.*GonnlrClerk*. OOlee' 13 'boat Y1 at mortpKct, page«8; 4 c , wllleb uid mortgan Van aMienMl la•|.eoraPlun.olt>e«Tol»ti3lli,lBH- Xidjan

_.-. made a defecdant. became ^M.'aw ibeowner of Ibe morteasea premiaei %»i sale aaidmortglgfl. Ii ' ' " ' " ' '"

, , . . , . l - " ' -M

ChUlland Dry Sand Hoik, . - , ' . ,".'•• a m i a l l k i n d , o f \ ' \ ' / •


Engines, Pumping Machines;• ' A L L B I Z E o O P • .-•< _


•-'-'• •i?1'' .•,''':'":i'-.;1" ''"

. Hoisting. Apparatusrnruiatieil al Suorleit; Notlc

. ^ , L ^ j ;.i.),ju , j

Turned and Grooved to Ordei



JVoropt KlUution |1tes toBEPAlBWOHl

(OTJICI on BLacniiL' STRUT, XKKT TO o n s' *oo.'« iron,)- :

L iSr; ;J:

LOKDONinJ LTVEItPOOIj end"\-*' O £ O B 8 ; c«ptt»i *2o.ooo,oc

IASCASHlBEofiMiNO'UBSTEn,•':.• ••--.. : .~r!p»i>at»i,*io,tfoo,oq

STATE" FIBEUiSDBAHpBOo.; *"•'.I-'''.•','.".'{ v^•P'W) teonoo



;',;;.";' .,'.cojiiuiw,ooo,ooi

B; ;ieiiej|taij',;''_ "^, •-•600,00HUDSON COUSli,'


nUMBOLT,V, 900,000,

' sod.ooo.

- . •• - , , - , • .•! . ( T T0 T 1 1 1 . E M M }




• u.', 8egarn, Tob^oco/ Pipes, •

aOAItETTEB, I>OC0fiE8.4iid'ta ttnllmttcd

opplj or B0TI0S3 OF ALL SOHTS. »W«b

liitlo, a CSo Place MdVMh',it''&ilk&

, A0EST6.'





WHAMU'S PHOSPHATE,loae Dust, Guano. Foudiedr,

L.WD riASTER. it.

WOOD Bawed In stove lengths.XAIiD tT.i:E3:

STOVE, - - - $4.50EGG, . . - r - 4.25CHESTNUT, - - 4.25To*t> defiwrr 40 rii.; Hire Hill 7> *!«.O&n mat oe addr«Kd tbrwiyb ibe PMI

>BMIX»C* BOX 2J, or left kt A. B^mer'aefiictin BUcWrll SL, near Sows, or ai tbe raid.

BLACKSMITH'S COAL const tnti; on ittnJ.

I. FdtMrR- H-B-Plt-ltEE.

DilSO BiBDffAEE, 018 rlTEa, 6TEEI,

m o s . r i C K B O , fa.


BlackweHSt|Dover.rf«r, S. 3.. * «.!»!. 1975,




Dealer, io




Ulfwsi Ware,

Wood & Willow "Ware. . . • " . • .


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe aiid Fittings,

FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL. . - . • , . . • - . • • , . . » ( .


Powder, Fuse and Ifining

•Materials''conitaiitiy on

•I . . . . . i i . :.-• J i | j J | r ] | - ••

Cor.' Bi«cliwell. and Bp'rris Streets,

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,ElartweilStreet, Unvcr,

Hot Air Furnaces,niproTeit ^tjk-i, fui

chfnp T'<r c*»li.






i is noornfo,EAVES, TROtOHS,

LEADK31S, inUlU tiDils ufJoM-inj! trnnTJoQ< In tlu* 'jcat manDGr KtiJ at tl<. slitolioe. Hi«bciliiric«« paid fur j-ld IrouCopper leal and p*aicr UUu in uicl


; C H A S . i : G A G E ,

Lnff lSEB/V-v. ; '^ ;•••

and ;

• TIMBER;•• i i * A ' - • ••••• j



Dorer, ff. J. '

Orders for Sawing and Planlni



C O l p l . i M. AlwiOlLS'kiid Vana Domestic ••TtmPBi

Lui), e tc ' l'ttint,' OoIOriiigTftud£nu\M tod Striping PaKOa.% foU ftoclc...: All of,the £bo?p, goodi from the bwt mai>en known bj paintirs,'^ *. '.':',_'

FTRST-CLASB CAItniAGF, AND11 ' f r a i E I G H : ORNAMENTS.: , , v

WHEEIB, aa low u 8.toper a*C' MX XmxLi.v . • M ) £ W f t K o n


Bnainew enable* me _ , , „_ofinj artlelecomicvUd.witb i!» inwineaa, and•ny person I fATtrrlr!B mo with IbblronU v -rel/nponinyfnrulFl»iwt,tb(H)i witb a n ,amiable totbeir wantt, and it a§ reMQiubtepriMjaanDWobtalnefliiuroUin- ' '..Orders Wlo tUr toCaB»menU,will fa«,aaha%

. i-.8A*liE.ivrtjnL

''• Opporile PoTcr Ihrpol


flaavtn'c) flpe^tiie* Utrni fur boJIlmg*, Contract 1' kdUriaUfiinitaHed.

i; Gfeteral.OeoeiaWMili-1«»;

Adjourned Sheriffs Sale!ir'iaaiy&it i

Joltoj rav*™ 1B e

m'e Coori; HorT»OonDtf, Ilbat Bertie XL b,<le too.

O d 1 t d ] n d tUr, la, «»wv-t00|d9cl.tt*d jodinntnt.

ey '?TW.UonntTi

Pi., h. de.

JEPFBETj Mt>rdr ibfii«.B-

t.krvl»fc atovn N i

. 187ft.' -


SussoX Stroot,



plf iloue ab<I wamnUtl.

Adjourned Sheriffs Sale!S J V Fif r l

re rfefendi, A. D. 1B76.


1 HOSDAT. AFItIL ICtb, 1617,rno' UM bran of 11 U< and a o'clock p. M.

. P1EBSOS A, PHEF1AJC, «btriff.Dated March »lh. 1171. . Pr.fi. |l .l

Morris County Surrogate's Office.'; • ,., MAlU3HlDtb,187J. • ' '

In tbe matter of Jamea n . Koiehiwnr, Aamlo.lrirakT ol Lerla A. Hackle.*, ilec'd. Knrro-ate a Orflor to limit CredlloiB. I

bnvo-iiaiaca Adtnln-U S b lO


•ame. ondw oalb, wltbln oiD8 Tnuatbthitdite, Lj netting «p a l«ipy of thii OTTIL.•itliio tmiuty da;a hereafter, inntTooT tbimuat patillc places in tbu Conntr of Morri* foitwDmontaia;iiidalM) wEUiin tfio aitd twontjdajrt by adTOiliniDg tbe wmo In the Inos £ u

t i b r t l U S t t f Ibg t wm e I n s £craortliUState.fnr IbcMm

lima (ibn Burrocato Judaic? any fui«tobauauc«»8in);*udliiini credi

l l cxblMi fit. ur htr debt. 6e

u D t b a B p p•pace or lima (ibnU i t r n c l i t btor Btiall Dmind lod

tlench Creditor Bhsll Ito forercr deliarred of Jiiior tier action tLnrcforagihurt tbo aald: Adraln.lalrator. A trno copy from (ba minute*. '

15-lOw • K.E.WILU8, ?ofroe



[rnnM TBE HCiRmnc ANcniUM.J

.Tfar coroplellon of KD1)(Ill's *'Amtric»cbiDicil Dlctlontrr" U au «<vcitt in tliooriltertt£K i s tjij* fonotrr, as it tmikt'lln•nbBtai]Ua1C9nip|et[oti ofa Rrcat ADilitlaboralonaertikinp,- tlie labor on x!ib-h'bu cilonitiomr a ueriod «r ciBht war*. It if difficult"rttlixohoi. co,o«mU« iho unit mvolvcdin t\.lirepanttlonor a work ort bii dcivriplion. Tbna•aDda nt piteutH. Amoricau antl forefftiy barnbwn digested, Jn dot trial praccaar-i • at .-nvoi'ntlnro bava been eiamincd, ami tbe latest inprovmnGOtitberuliiuorfd. Knciuei'iiDRtrortMcicniMc iH»covtrl*f, and toofi of MITT erabare bren itndltd; nml Bnally, all UIIH fniniumcollL-ctlont gatburLtl Inun Iliu nliojelti'ld o f n(itfed fciaace^ has becu gsl-jdsldd (a fcuv/irdtniin and efflilttiMllon, and, by PI

inn^nlouilf coptiircd ajatcnn or In D

cntfl iuMluvble /or parpoies of rtrerannreicartb,' Add to tljiatbo'laboraofarU.enjirater, «ud ibfrre i« litttn food for in*r

-^ - i aad iLpage*. ;IMi more 10 qicydnpiina»rj; ilia, fa net, a mccbatitle hbewLtj, <iarric-J np to llio)atf*t dates,jnit«tiimue of tbe comprtbenslt* nalrfre _,^ho^worKi'ina Iti tmporUnce' to In TOD tori,'nEinwra, tn«»rlluna of ewrj cU** ami f n tt.ibrariva, a a ooljbojr.tincdbj'rmfufeiamtn-attouoftbcnjlntoeilbetaicl»e».- i

< Tbo icope of tbU work COBC?TH« Acrlca

r» Wood. Mcli).- Gttii. Stone, ClaVHtl Lcatnar Workinc: MtiiiDg. Baitjultf;Marfni. and UIMtfl^Bnjnii^rp-

„ . ....UnvilB Italian;rWwl, »Uk, p h i .Hemp, jndjPapcrtSiun), Air, atid O » Kn«

* •* tBOdVenlilaHos^FineArtiiBlMlric;. . . 'rapbic, Tclecriplilc. Qptidaf, Boroloel-c»1, C^eotatttic, Banieal, atid TtenUI Iu t ra .«ita:»hi.-n',»J r.'.^-i |.~« ,-f,.(;lt*,«»lncer— " " - <-'—*-! 2.i>-i-flbers.wero

e, trooid bo rp r a l Dlbi;raareat on aet. „ . Brfa

count of it* wiopej lit )^cat nnmbw>nf....' 'K)t, and tbe iri.it*ortblocB*of.Uaailii..- _ j t prewnt iti TalaiS henbanbfd b.T tie heitbit it hia, properlj »p«kio(r,1ii(> cnropetiuir,

ft Bt oticii «o /tree, no n-fl/Ofnvrrated, wbroubt down folb« ptrwnttiroe, «bd

_ J of filattraiinu. SraUiita, >nrgMni,phUoaopbon. diemirU, oBginctrt?meihf-' -and Kleotifle men and •tt)dcBW0Cr7*rX;wfil finJ bora atMTtted aildithwtratcd nn,,.-," .nmmnwDli aod ntcuiqea petollrr ta 1IM1

rpfuout Iban ejo be hnniin wdt^riroJabRl~ti (nd mannfti-tririM; and lht\r ^Ul »!,(,

And aeotii>l>nt mpplcmwiUry conno of In.1atrnctlon w arranped aa to ti*:aTatLble'fiii' " 'create. Tbe irort tinfefitsof tbi*o

, ..-.,Ur-,luc ooiaro Totnmra.'kdd will 1«Tonhdan innhuHo book of rererran in tbs hmilr,tbe eoimtlnfl-rimm, tnd the wnilubop,;. KLbfttetVdncitfatuI vork eonld bppheed" beforecblldreu. atUptcd aa It tn Iu awtkeo a.Jilenll»*te%hleb majluuanimportaiit beirinc anIbeir lire carser. . , . " , I *'i'.->'•:-.,,;

Tlio work It toitl by>nb»br,pHon,an4pe™,D»


hcrI V ' l

II. O. nOUGnTON ASD OOHPASy. BTUK R l V E h E t ^ ' d I l l

a o. i. MOBRISTOJW, 11 J . "


lie Miners1 Savings DanVOF DOV Kit, S. J.

tt-CT.-t or n i t N'ltiuXit. r s io s P A S S .

i;^- t sill be pa'"! "a dupoiii' )"(«• on orcef-jfc the lint itaji cf aliiica, JiSE,SEI-

3OE8 and DnxHBCii. , ;

*ir Open daily lr.«n 8 u'dack *. M. to i

jr'h r. a. .

M A il A G E E 3 :


SIWM.FA!t*~VK, I'rr«ir!«'i.i.EJ'HllAIM L1KD8IXV, VicePrtiiiU-nt.

JAY fi. TBKAT, Treiwrer.ATfr.Pdb. 17.1S78. • It-it





it-dinted Fl.ui.tl, Canton Flaimet. O|-anK(

tUuoci, UDIUU FlaoLel, Doravt VUniicl,



from (2t(j|J2iwrpair.i\au DUiiUtt, lUd Utanlcli, G»r Bkulat*

• Br«iiitllt<l.lie-tf,at

W. S. BABBITT'S.Jonistown. XoT. 1Mb, 1S7C


Ko Machine tiw sprung so 'tBitidlJ j t l l liUcs


i L ' ' "

favor an possessing jivin a fnrailr MacuiuQ—i

prung i i d yitfitllic qualiUcs needed

ely: LIHIIT ltt-'R-I , S W , ,-ithjherfcci Locvrrma. * 'Witbin tha pnst year Important improve-

ment! bflTO boeti a4ded and up trouble willbo Bpawd ia .'keeping tha JLEiUSOTONtheeA ot all competitors.


vicronroba AT«'


SHOTGUNabent goiu for the price eretj produced

frs^JjrevuuaeBdHl bT tboee #bc L -~


The only complete tppar»tna ever inTeatcc,combining in one complete and portable ma-chine all the varjottsiinplemonts employed inloading paper aM iaetaWc xhella,' ,:. •.

.evolvera,'. Bepeating,pistole, AmmanlUoii••, pun Monntings, Iron and Steel Klfle

" ~'iot BiiyelB, forOnston* •' •OiaSinttht''"1.-...! r . j .

....,,' ,-PATEin;

S T E E I i AND'

, cel Ooltitaior T«tPointfli .Wrontilit Iron -fibwdiutf' £u]t)ratoiTettli mil Painh, Sivn's Pslut Horn Uo»,SbdtelPloinShaTefriovBIideFiU '


Arcl Rnd !Trafcrj)Hil ^ n w . Out. SteelSlmeh, Can Steel llS« and Qoricn U g i ,PIU.IOT' IhndM Boia, MoVri iliccjnone Bile!'Seedlt Cotton Glml^ " "

.IOT IhndM Boia, MoVrinone Bile!,'Seedlt Cotton Glml^

irinory ana-Principal Offipe,'Ilioii|

BEIM'ERI'&'PAUMERoqo^ preparotlj|o f ' b j A l l l I E I l S ,and

j of,

reeoramenaed ailbnitnmteit 1n market, andtowrfdatJowei- r*tc*ji»nBF*i- belarnxmlino •Mta.ita^l^^-ljj "

. A fine qnjUitV'of •wiHTEWXsil LIHE on'Md«td»ld'n!M/bjtiiB««a.' : • ' "rdonttilltr^iTe prompt stt£nUan."iiil<lrei

B t J E M E U b P.V 1.JIEH,

.•rla.rrCIU,)n;. ' PQVEIt, K. J,


WJ/OX JUttf.'!*

Dover Savings institution,


THtBTEEbiJoin Him

TIiU IiiatitnliOD It now a

abtt oud DtitaiirP)- nblch txtr-Jl'prn nut ajicr tbe Ouposit in mn

' Tlie New .-Empirelot-Air, Qa$ & pase-burn]

f JJAKDJO syoyEpi JHE WO!klio, a LaJije,Awiirlmciit uf utLrr f

uf Cooking1'fluivei, "RIU'KBI. L'at

FOR SUMMERS WINTER US|A1sn,t choice itockot

, Copper. VliiuTINW'AHE.

olht.CarpttB, L n ^ o t i iIIICS, rcatliiTs, I'tmit'a Astral OiUlTP.) '»1*O,


1776.- ..CENTENNIAL!

for Bjirfng atid'Summer *&«¥ Vili oJtcdatauani U'lbe i^«saT rtare*, n

tba'Snlti, -BpT>88Blli (a Iwmooaatitj) -. 3.6(aildrcp'i SoUa, - - - - 1WorkinR Patite, - i1--1"/ ' .1^ '

"• ^itlraV^1-;1 "•

CMUl Jftoafim, W•old bj tlio j . r j ' . i d cot ttnoWr ib tike.best ind Ilinllco; " i l l ' j s ytbove.mci]Uajfe<;]ioe.or'eoada are iicillaud « i , ^ d[rid!. •liiHi,..ro much LOSYEB >bu|tcr»rc eolil in Dnrcr. 'l>o riot r b ^ l lb(|f

; "SCSSEis t . ' JT l i e i r •BlacDover, N. J., April 83d, 4670.


., Tfi e.. 0 Idf' Peiiab'ie; M arkel;NI3}yr

Tigi Uii'R TBIif

' ' ' - - D o