vol. viii. washington, d. c., wednesday, is56. 1,209 ......vol. viii. washington, d. c., wednesday,...

VOL. VIII. WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, IS56. NO. 1,209. 8 T;X£ JEV3NING star, rwuihm fiVKKT af^hkuud, (z.aclpt SUNDAY,) i' s'*' siwdnjiijiinmt ./ fitwifivm* ««««*« oma i'l'rathuiiriii, By w. D. WALLACH, Will he icmi to subscribers by *arriem at six AND A QUARTER CENTS, payable weekly »o the Ageau; papors served la packages at 37% sent* per month. To otall subscribers the sub- serlptloa price is three DOLLARS AND FIF- T v CEN fs a year la a^tonci, TWO DOLLARS fir s:t months, and ONE DOLLAR for three souths; for less than three moaths at the rate of It cents i week. (ht SINGLE COPIES ONE TENT. 51. SNYDER * sow, Banker*, BUY AND SELL domestic EXCHANGE, STOCKS. BONDS, acd othes Securities, receive Deposit*, furnish Drafts, make Collec¬ tions, and negotiates Time Taper LAND WARRANTS. We are at all lime* buying and RClllng Land Warrants, and will locate them, on commission, lo Nebnskaand Minnesota Territory*, Wlscrn- sin, Iowa, anu Missouri. M SNYDER a SON'S Bank, dee 13-lm No 388 National Hotel Billding. fl'hi. purf fur %.at 8kvmoi r'*. mhk assor r.ment LARGELY REPLKN a ishedwlthflne Mlnk^ableandotherse s Just received this day. a number of Mink Sable sets; the mrst beautiful had tbIs season Also- Stone Mania Marsh Marten Fltrh do Siberian SqulrriI Rock do French Sable. Wolf and Coon Robes. Every description «f Fors worn by ladles and children, ail of which will be sold frtlil lower, by calling early, at the Georgetown Factory. W. f SEYMOUR, dec 15-iw Georgetown. si improtta sowing liachints. To whleh waif ranted the Highest Award ol the Paria exhibition, thereby receiving the World's Verdict of Superiority. THE improvements in THIS MA- chlae hasslmpllted them in many respects, ¦ndtaev areeapabfeef executing twice the amount of work they did formerly in any given time They *-e without quesilon the oaly Mac-hlnes ca¬ pable of sewing every variety of goods perfect: i solrt bosom or heavy trace for harness can br .ewa by any of these machine* by a simple bant* .f necdl? and thread in such a manner that the alossst scrutiny cannot detect a fault. manufactures, planters and families will cu<j Ihem the or.iy safe Machtner to purchase. as thej are built strosjr and durable, and not likely u gs! oot of order. We have macaites with guages attached, fci biadlag hats.cap-frosts, palters, Ac. Silk, thread. Cotton, needles,4bo., ssactastly ea hscd, at the lowest rates. Person < leslrsus of information regaidiag sow¬ ing Macklacs will pirae address 1. m. SINGER a CO., its 3 iltlrnore street, Baltimora jj. b . W? are prepared to exrhangethese raa- ehlaesferoid machine* of any kind Terms lib¬ eral. Persoas wbohave been induced to purchase aferlor machiae* uader the pretext of belmg eheap, will lad this a benefit indeed. 10. ly sjrieki UANSANTE. PROF. h w mundbir TAKES GREAT pleasure In announcing to his friends, Twtrons, and public generally, that the above social and delightful entertain¬ ments will commence at Munder's Metro polltan Hall, corner 9th and D streets, on' WEDNESDAY E V EN in S, November' J6th, at 9 o'clo k, and continue every Wednesday throughout the season Gentlemen wis-hlng to subscribe for the season can do so upon very favorable term;*, by applying at the Hall on Tues¬ day and Thursday evening from 8 till 10 o'clock. nov21-tf llm PJi.lamps. STAR. FELLOWS A CO PATKNT regulator LAMP stands unrivalled as being the cleanest, safe-t. and gites the best light of any Larnpnf the kind ever invented We have now a very handsome asso ttnerit of the above, as w=ll as ail other kinds of Lamps on hand, whtcb wf will sell at verv tow prices. HOWELL a MORSELL, dec is Vw no.c it., b«*t. Gtii and 7th. b( ( k! bitk! ruk! mat Woolly Hots FX ROUTE FO H iv.i SHIXGTOX, D C. THRfaE ENTIRE DEER, LARGEST EVER received in Baltimore, stot with Virginia rid**.not rewol -ers bear MEAT, HAMS, shoulders, SIDES, fittest ever received from the AUegha- ales. Constantly receiving from the West, via Balti¬ more and Ohio, Winchester and Potomac, P*r- kershnrg. Central Ohio Railroads, VENISON, poultry, WILD game. *** ar.d roll bu i- TEH, CAP ¦ ONEY, DRIED APPLES aid PEACHES, and country produce generally For sale by C. C. O'NEIL, comer Howard end Pratt struts, de^ 3-lrn Baltimore. (.r»at ATT*ACTION. s-v.ono WORTH OFDRY GOODS AT COST. rphe UNDERSIGNED HAS DETERMINED a to close his business In ordc to effect this he will effer to tl.e public fret*? this date, until 1st April next, his entire stock rf D.-ty GOODS, selected with care, and warranted to be equal la quality, extent and variety to any In the District, in part he enumerates, a< follows: An endless variety of Sllka, casbmjr«s Mousse De La'.nes. plain 1 rench .Merlnoe Velvets and Clnak Llotb" Clotha, t;«s*lmeies. and Votings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linen and Cotton Sheetings Tab e Diapers Toweling, Fcrultjre Dimity Cuitalas, Miulins, Ac. Together with the balance at his choice goods, to which be Invite* the attention of the public Call early, ss decided bar, ains may be expected. H. E. BERRY, dec 10 dlwAeolw Georgetown, p C. Dracmmt ALE.we HAVE JUST RE- ceiv*d lflli bbls of r^ad A Brother's Troy Dmnght Ale. vhl^h is very ilne, acd wll! besc!d at the low priced *6,75 per bbi . for cash cniy ARNV A SHIN N, nov9ft Georgetown, D. C. |>JST VFFICK dihettury, OK bl'si- a ness Man's Guide to the po^t ofllc**^ in the United Slates, containing the nimesof the Post t;aces and Post Masters in the United maf»s the 1st July, 1^36. witb a variety of valuable in¬ formation on pwtal affairs, also, a comprehen¬ sive codification of the ^xutin? Postal Law*. Price si Just published, and for sale, at TAYLOR A MAURY'S Bookstore, doc 11- near 0th street. BOOR bin1j1nu. c»'wf Enviml\ ttrttt mnd Maryland atissi, s«ar Ia« Smithjo*»a* Institution. Edward lycettrespectfwllyin forms the subscribers to Brown's Bible and Sh*hsp"are, aow Just completed, that Le >* pre¬ pared to bind those works In a superior style of elegar.ee, str« agth and solidity, and uj-o mu~l more reasonable terms ti.an can be dene in Balti¬ more, Philadelphia, or N»-w York A .etter ad¬ dressed to him (p»*r post) will enable him to ex hlblt to the subscribers sprclm^ns of l is style of binding. Every clad of Book Binding neatly ex¬ ecuted. ssiT-sa CLOAKS.CLOAKS.CLOAKS. SELLING OFF. AT REDUCED PRICES. f^rom rrfls date. DECLMBRR ISTH, the subscriber will commence to run til bis Urge and we'l se ec fd stock of Velvet a<d Cloth . i.oal1*, SHAWLS, Ae at reduced prices, a*> It Is his determination to kt^p none over btrangers before buying would do well to give him a call btfrre purcba>lug FRANK a McGEE, dec lf-eolm !m1 pa ave., bet i'itli end l'ltb sta. »r MUN30N. AT JX PENN'A AVENUE Is still moling th» se wautifal aoatinacus gum TEETH, cillii Aliens Pate at, for tae excellency of JUl "v" waich over ail other styles nf teeth, many now wiring them In thlr- c!ty, vrlil cheorfiHlv vouch Tber»* la oue Deatlit in this c!tv who Las wen lafiingiag the oater'.t, and made a bad Imitation of It, against waom i hereby caution the puVlc n D Whenever a Dentist speaks agalnsl Alice's Patent Continuous Gum Te"th, wh-.-a f rtntrly cmttr It Is btaus? he is Ignorant of tte pr yiess, incomyetent to make the work, or ¦ uawi.ilag to pay for the patent je lw-tf ilAJJTELS. !fEW ASD B EAUTIFUL STYLK. tlanafaetnrsd frs.n vati Stoae, by tfel VTest 1 estletor. bis.' Cocspany, Vt. rpHESP. MANTELS ARE ENAMELLED IN 1 Imitation cf tfce rtrhcflt and most espensl»t kgyp riAN, LISBON, VtRD anttque, pokpl'VRY. i ykfnees BROCATELLA, AOATK, SPANISH MAliWAY,c^d otherrari. and deatrabte MARBLES. Tb-- linlisUons are w perfec' tijat taey«.halfugethe cloocst «cnit;ay. TLey are so Ughly pclisbert thnt they retain theli Leaaty inn .h longer thi^ marble; ar«not injured by smoke, coal gas,cr acla-, ant', can be sr.ld ranch chenpri than any 'there in market. Price rarglng from 8125 to fw. ar:tl tec?*, Builders and others ire invited to call and en.xlne ssa jiples fii No. Seventh street, 3 doors below Old Fellows' Hall, up .fairs' t « HANSON, l*jf Agent t^jrpokatiu.i r.roc*..#»,ooo Ccrpo J ratio* of x ashlngton k for sale at cb«bb atotbsrt. L. J. MIDPLKTOlf, D E 4 L E E I If ICS, OJltt and Dipot.-Southwest ootbct of F tad itifMi fwb HDR. THEOD. AS REMOVED HIS OFFICE SOME houses above his old rooms, to No. 481 7th west, between D and E streets north, near the ber.eral Post Office. Office hours as before; from 9 to 10 o'clock*. . nov 7-flw* «AI TIFR>S FKKNCH REATAI R&KIT, i'5'2 Pa av , betxt en 12th and 13lA sis. TTHE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE ES- A tabllAiment desires to call public attention to his Increased *nd unsurpassed facilities for con¬ ducting and supplying everything in his line of business. H«? Is prepared to supply at a few hours' notice the largest DINNERS*. BALLS, and PARTIES with everything pertaining to the most fashion¬ able ent-rtalnments, and oa the most reasonable terms. ENTIRE DINNERS and DESSERTS fur¬ nished Famllles without any trouble to the fam- 1 y and at moderate charges A FIRST CLASS FRENCH COOK will be sent to private houses at 82 per day ; and market¬ ing and such articles as they may wish purchared will be furnished at cost Also, China, Glass, Sliver Ware, and Table ORNAMENTS. «>ne or more tk dishes" sent to any purt of the cltv at »hcrt notice . At my ab lahment will be found elegant suites of Parlor, Reception, and Dining Rooms furnished In the best manner, always ready. .My Restaurant offers great advantages to gen¬ tlemen rooming ou:; they can be supplied with meals at all hours. Particular attention is drMr'rt to my new style of superb CON F ECTI ON ER V, which for purity and deli-acy or flavor are unequalled. C 6AUTIER, dec 9- 252 Pa. avenur,bet 12th and 13th sts. TO THE 1ADIES or W ASH INMTO.l Ain *1 KHOf NOI.IO COUNTRY. ANOTHER LARGE SUPPLY. ^.BONNETS, OF ALL QUALI ,xij TgVlg- a'id prlces.from ihe finest French!®! Hats to tht? low est prited Fine and Handsome HEAD DRESSES, In great variety EM BROIDERIES of all kinds. TRIMMINGS to match eay style of Dress goods RIBBONS of every style. And. 1- fact, e very vsrlety of Goods Bsually found in first class Trimming Stores lO" DRESS MAKING, after the latest and most app-oved styles N. B .The supply is kept up through the en- jire season. M. WILLI an, DQ Opposite the Centre Market. _ P s . A great rarity c/ articles suitable for CAri»fm«a (sifit. uov 29-lm A CARD. C . Kj . a 4 S , Bridge street, feeergelewn, Sjuth side, between H gh and Congress streets, Respectfully informs mis pa- trons aid the pnb'ic generally that he is now prepared to furnlsn PARTIES. WEDDINGS. Ac , In tl: best and most elegant sty e, at tue shortest notice He will give his personal at ter.d*nce. and assume the responsibility of ths entertainment C. C. Atzs, grateful for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, as^nres his friends and al! who may give Mm a call tnat every effort en his part will be made to merit a contir nance rf their fivors. lie solicits an examination of his iarg^and e'egant assortment of CAKES, CON- !. ECTI ON hit Y, Ac , which he offers for sale at be lowest prices. dec i# 2w« I'UilFKCTlO.IIRT FOR THE APPRO AC HI NG HOLIDAYS. Not\vrrn>T\Nding the high price of sugar 1 will sell my CON F ECTI ON EK Y M the usual pricf h. vli: PLAIN CANDY and MIXED DROPS tt 25 cents (er pound SUGAR PLUMS a: 37cents per pound,usually sold hy retailer* at 50 cents French BON BONS, including all klrds of French Confectionery.at 50 rents per pound usually sold at "5 cents > nd 91 p^r pound FOUND and FRUIT CAKE, of which I shall have a large assortment, manufactured of the very best and freshe>t materials, orna¬ mented fine and tastefully. Please give us a call, and don't mUtake the p.ace, No 3W Pennsylvania avenue, between 9th and 10th streets, next door to lr<»n Hall. dec 15-1 m GEO. NORBECK. NO ADVANCE IN FiUCRvT^ | AM DAILY RECEIVING AND ADDING I to my already largestoch of rich JEWELS Y, WATCHES and SILVER WARE, all of the most noice, rich and desirable Goods in my line of business, and am manufacturing cn my own premises sterling Siiver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Cake, Pie, Fruit, Fish and Butter Knlve*: Olive. Pickle and Fish Forks, and all kinds of Fancy Silver Wan; I do not buy ray Silver Ware at the Nortn, and then pretend to have manufac¬ tured it here; but every article manufactured in my own shon will be warranted com sil .-kh I keep also a fine lot of Silver Plated Good*, bold, Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses, to¬ gether wit u a variety of other goods All of which 1 am selling at lower prices than goods < f the same quality has been, c ris new, selling in this or neighboring cities, at the slgi of the Large Spread Ea^le, No 33S Pennsylvania avenue dec 18-tl U, Q, HOOD. CARES AND CONFECPIONERY FOR Fl»K THi; HOLIDAYS. TP O T fc N T1NI, N O. '279 P E NN S Y L V A NIA . ave, south side, four doors we* t of ltith street, will have for exhibition and salecn Saturday, the 2:i'.n ln.'.tact, the largest ai;<l most elogant assort¬ ment 't RICH ORN a.MENTKD FRUIT POUND and FANCY CAKES ever offered in this city, which he pledge* himself sha i not be surparscd In the excellence cf the m tu-rlals of whicn the came shall be made, or lit the /eason- ableness of price. Ladles and gentlemen are respectfully invit'd to call and view the splendid assortment of the above described Cakes T. P. requests that his patrons and all desir¬ ing him to furnish them with Cake* and Con- foctlonery for the Holidays, will send the orders In time to be supplied without delay. Anticipating as he doe* an extra' rdlnary do mand for the delicacies which he offers for ?a e dec 12-dtjanl DR. OtJPRIE'* REMEDIES are the only effectual cure for External or internal Files, Saltrhcum, Ring-Worm. Ac. They ate unrival¬ led for purifying the blood 5«> cen's per box OSce 7* Nassau street. New York \N ill be sent by mail. For Lale by j|OUD A UICO , corner of llth st aad penn avenue. or 11 OAS F'XTl'HM. Rll MILLER, SON it CO , ALHXAN- . drla, Va , keep constantly on hand a hand¬ some variety of CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, BRACKETS, <!:c , from the celebrated factory of Cornelius .V Baker, which they will guarauteo to sell at the sam- prices charged to private pur¬ chasers at the salerr.oms on Chestnut atrfnt, I'hll- adelphla. Also, Drop-lights, Cut Olass and decorated Paper Shades, in great variety Call and examine for yourselves dwe 1- CI1K:ST>1A» PRESENT*. Hutchinson a munro are opening a large and beautiful assortment of GOODS, suitable for pres^ntson th»> approaching boMdiys. such as Jewel «'asej, Watch Stards, Card Re¬ ceivers, Work Boxes, Cabas, Sctsso's in ra^eK, Dressing Cvei, < ard Ca-e*. Portmonnaies, Port tollos, Tablets, Traveling Companions, Writing Desks, Perfume Caies, Toilet Bottles, Cifar Cases. Cl» ar Stands, Statuettes, Jet Ornaments, Coral Goods, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of French ar.d German Toys, Games, Targets, Automatons, Ac , tr- gfther with a great many articles not necessary to enumerate. HUTCHINSON A MUNRO, _dee 1«- aio Pa ave., bet. 9th and 10th Kts goal KE"T under cover. N_,m, ^ 2,5*40 ibt. to tht Ton OW ON HAND. THE BEST qualities iir of White A*h, Ked Ash aid I.enlgh COAL. warranted to give satisfaction Delivered from dlit. Also. Hi-.kory. Oak and Pine WOOD. m «r J J * W M. GALT. N W. corncr l'ith and C streets, No 517, d*- 2((-t/ one yquaw south of Fa avenue. Avail yocksklf of the frivT. lege of seeing the sights at LAMMOND'8 Fancy Store, while you are yousg. dec yj-3t WOOD.WOOD.WOOD. Hickory, oak and pin eof the best q Jallty constantly on hand at JOHN W MYERS A CO. Office and Yard corner G aad 23d streets First Ward. dec 18 tf (^HKltffMAB PRESENTS,at ' dm 9 MeLAWBLiW A OO.«0. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL. At the earnest solicitations of many friends THE UGLY CLUB Will givk thkir Sicond Grand Ball AT ODD FELLOWS' HALL, NAVY YARD, On WEDNESDAY EVKNINO, Dec. 24. THE COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS, on behalf of the Club, will leave nothing un¬ done to make all happy that honor them with their nresence WiYh^rs' unrivalled Bras* and String Bond has been engaged for the occasion The Supper and Refreshments are In the hands of an experienced caterer. Positively no hats or caps allowed in the room, except those worn by the respective Clubs Tickets ON K DOLLAR.to be had «^f the imm bers of the Club, or at the door on the evening of the ball. Committee of Arrangements. Henry F. Thorn, Charles Murray, William Kemp, Charles O'Neil, Robert Cbeaeidlne, Charles Horner, dec M-3t* J as. Gordon. MAGNIFICENT MEDALLION CARPETS WE HAVE STILL REMAINING TWO of those superb Medallion Tournay Velvet Carpets, which for richness in colors and taste have no* their equal in thlseountry Th»v will be now sold, to close them out,lower In price than we have be*n selling them; thev are in the *tyle of Louis XIV, and will remain beautiful when other styles yet to be invented will have passed away. Also, a good variety of other new and rich Vel¬ vet Carretings, adap'fd to smaller rooms and In smaller figures and Tapestry and plain Brasst-ls Carpetlngs, with the Rugs and Boor Mats match¬ ing A'.so, a full and complete assortment of all kinds of Curtain Material*, from the very richest Satin Brockat-lle down 'o Co'.ton Damasks, with all the tassrl«, glrrpv cornices, side bands, Ac., requisite to cnniple'e curtains Also, just received 1 cartoons Rich Embroidered Swiss Lace Undercurtalus, very cheap. 4 l»o do Muslin do 4 I>o new style white Bands for Ur- d>rcurtains. Our stock in all kinds of Carpeting and Oil¬ cloths will be found complete in all respects. No»v is the time for members of Congress and other* wbowlsh to furnish their homes handiome- ly wlthc ut much cost to themselves As our i/oods come to us dircct from first bands we can art"ird to sell tbem for !e?s than the larger clt!es nortb of us. We invite all who see this announcement to ca'l and examine for themselves Goods sent to any part of the city or Go«rg^town free of cost All goods sold to io to a distance caieftilly packed and shipped free of cost to the owner CLAGETT, DODSON A CO. dec 2i-eol2t 1)RY GOODS llEKtHANTS OF WASHING I O N , GEORGETOWN, and Alexandria are Invited to call and look through our lmmemc assortment cf fine fancy and stap'e Dry Gords Any choice lot of Dress Goods or other articles they may want will be sold to them at prime ccst for cash or at 5 per cent for notes :»t short date*. We as* their sp«< lu! attention to the fo lowing: 30j dozen liajou's Kid Gloves, our own importa¬ tion 2t)0 silk Kobes, of the best styles, imported this season Lar^e strck of Fancy Silks, in dress patterns 10 whole pieces black Moire Antique 20 do best make U!ack Mlks 25 do blick and colored iMersalire", b-st quail y 5) do Lupin's Bomlaslns 50 do best make bla; k Alpacns 10 do Lupin's black French Merinos 5'i do colored French Merinos 5<» do fine all wool Moussellnes, plain colors 25 do -31 and 1-1 black do 1»» nearly whole pieces black Lyons Velvets 5 whole pieces in b own, maroon, mazwine blue, purjle, and dark green Velvets, 44 wldo 2 0 pieceb dottrd and figured Swiss Muslins .ak» do jaconet ar.d ttjlck cambric Musllcs 1C0 dozen cents' merfho and lasabs wool Shirts s>nd drawers 5) dczen ladles' merino and fine wool Verts B«0 do gents'brown cotton Shirts and Draweru Large assortmeut of the best Engll* h cotton Hos'.ery In full dczens Full boxes white and black English Silk H( JJ siery 50 nearlv whole pieces of plaid Merinos 1 case French Ginghams, good sljles 4o whole pieces 4 4 black French Chintzes 100 pieces Charley's Shirting Linen li> pieces 8 4, le-4 and 12 4 Linen Sheetings 50 whole ple:es Welsh and other white Flannels 25 do fine Silecia Table Damasks 10j dozen Table Napkins and Doyleys 100 Marseilles Quilts, In white, blue and pink 25 pieces extra heavy gray twilled Flannel 3)0 pairs white and gray servant's Blankets 10 » p<eces4-l English Long Cloth, all grades 50 mirs 4-4 New York mills Cotton Whirling 2 cases extra heavy 6-4 Cotton Sheeting 500 dozen best make white spool Cotton Large stock of 5 4, 6-4, 8-4, 10 4 and 12-4 cot¬ ton Sheeting loo pieces black and colored p?per Cambric. Ail the ab' ve goods are in the best condition, and are well worthy of the attention o? the trade generally. CLAGEIT, NEWTON. MAY A CO , dec 2-2.6t corner Fa avenue and 9th st. SPLENDID HOLIDAY PR*SENT* rpilE SUBSCRIBER TAKES PLEASURE A iu announcing to his friends and the public generally that hi . stock of Fine Gold WatcheB, Jewelry, Sliver and Silver-plated Ware. Ac., is unubu2liy full and v.eli selected, comprising Supe*jor Gi Id Watches of the best English and Geneva manufacture, for ladies and ^en'.le- men Fine ttold tJuard. Fob. and VeiA Chains, Chate¬ laines, Neck Chains with ornaments to at¬ tach. Ac. Beautiful Gold Lockers for miniatures and hair Rich Carr.to, Coral, Lava, enamelled Painting and plain Gold Jewelry, in full and partial sets Splendid assortment of Finger Rings, Breastpins, Earrings, Sleeve Butttocs, Studa, engraved, bar.d, plain, and linked Bracelets, Gold and silver I'en and Pencil Cases Cold and Silver Spectacles, Kve Glasses, Thimbles, Ac. SILVER WARE Chased and plain sl.ver Goblets, Cups, Mugs Ss.lt Cellars, pie. cake, fi>h. and dss-,ert Knives Table, tea, and dessert Spoons, Soup Ladle* Napkin Rings. Card Cases, Pomnonnales Pocket Fruit Knives, Preserve ar.d Sugar Spoons Pickle Knives and Forks, Ac Silver knives, Forks, and Spoone, Insets for children Tog'-'herwith many rich and beautiful alleles in his lino, suitable for Holiday Presents, all of which he is prepared to sell upon such terms as cannot fjll to please. SAMUEL LEWIS, Jeweller ar.d Vnn"fac?urer of Sliver Ware, dec 9* Ct 250 inr, b:'. 12?h and 13th sts NO. I FIRST CLASS PRESENTS. WORTH ATTENTION..TWO NEW and Beautiful PIANOS, warranted and guaran¬ tied fine finish, rosewood cases, superb tcne. will be sold for cash at the low price of f:i00 each. ALSO. 2 Pianos at H2/5 etch; 3 sit Sv'50 each; 1 at *275; 2 at S I 0 eac;:; 3 at $ £25 each; 4 at 9350 each: 2 at 6375 each; 3 at 1400 each; 1 at £1511; si Melodeous at 10 etch; 2 at each; I at $120; 1 at (100. In addition to an extensive stock, we have. Violins tu»m 91 to £100; Guitars from to *100; Accorfleons from $1 50 to $37; Bantos from .52tof2*i; Vio'lnecllos from S10 to J30; Flutes from 75 cents to #.k); Tambourines fr m50 cents to 85; Uiinns from 75 cents to $10; Fifes from 25 cents to f5; L'owsfor Vio'lns from 25 ctsto $12. ALSO, Music. Music Books, Music Folios, Piano Cov¬ ers an! Stools. Italian ttultar and Violin Strings, Violin and Guitar Boxes, and everything belong, ing to the Music business We warrant and guarantee every article we sell; and take old instruments of any kind in part pay¬ ment for new ores We order Music twice a week, and s?nd Music to any part of the country by mall, free of po:-ta?e. Our store is No. u00 Pa avenne, a few doors from lctbs'reet. dec 19 lw JOHN F. ELLIS. All of Thalberg's Compositions A T W. e. MEfZLROTT'S dec 10 MUSIC DEPOT. NOW SCLLiflU OFF AT COST, A LOT OF FANCY STATIONERY. PA- pier Mache, Porte Folios, ladies' Cabas, Games, and numerous otb<r articles, all of which I am now offering lower then they were e.»er sold for in Washington. W. P. BAYLY, > de« 90 No.HViPwa ivmm. EVENING STAK. S Tom Marshall's Last. A very nmu.-ing and characteristic speech was lately made by the brilliant and ccccctric Tom Marshall, in a trial before the Supreme Court of Kentucky, which is quite too guod to be lost. Tho case was an action of dumages brought against a gentleman who hnd a fine fi*h pond, upon which some of his neighbors' | boys were in the habit of depredating, ai.d j who waii provoked to the point of flogging one of the marauder*, whose parent? sued for dam¬ ages, employing Tom Marshall his advocate lie recovered ?3,<!00 ; and tho ca.«e being ap¬ pealed, John C. Breckinridge, Vice President e!ect, and Garret Davis, the great American leader, were retained for the defence These gentlemen, in the argument of the cafe, warned tho Court against the seduction of the eloquence and sophistry of the distir.guished counsel on the other side Maj. Breckinridge contended that the correction was a wholesome and proper one, such as he had been subjected to in his juvenile days, when caught in any mischief * Tom Marshall, in roply, said that both gen¬ tlemen had endeavored to magnify him into a very groat man.Kentucky's greatest lawyer and orator; and both, in their political speeches. were in the habit of expres.-iag great confidence in the sagacity and iutelli- genco of the people. Now, he wished them to inform the Court how it was that, with such great superiority of natural geniua and ac¬ quirements. and with the additional advant¬ age of years over at least one of Lis adycrsa rios he remained plain Tom Marshall, ham¬ mering a miserable existence out of a tew law suits at the bar, " while ycu," pointing to his opponent, John C. Breckinridge, who were but a tow-headed shaver, robbing birds'-nests and playing marbles, when tho whelo broad Commonwealth of Kentucky was ringing from ono end to the other with praises of the great eloquence, vast learning and pr«»digious abili¬ ty of Tom Marshall, are now Vice President of the United States! and you. Garret Davis, wanted to he, and almost persuaded some very weak-minded people to make you, Presi¬ dent of the United States! '.Now," proceeded Tom, "our Vice Presi dent says he used to bo flogged in his boyish lays for juat such tricks as my clieat s son was flogged for, and he leaves Ui to infer that, so far from buffering any damage thereby, it wai ono of the causes of his progress and ad¬ vancement to LIj present high position. If my client had only known this before, and if he oould bo satisfied that his son was spanked on I the snmo ?p«.t that my dis'inguv'hed friend was, so far from bringing this suit, ha w-uld havo acknowleged his profound gratitude to the defendant for thus placing his -cion in the line of safe precedents, and giving hirn ?o strong a claim on the Vice Presidency. Doubt Lsa tho jioliticnl misfortunes and Ui'aeters i f my other distinguished friend are attributable to tho fact that, as his spanking was neglected in boyl ood, he hes to make up lor it, by ro ceiving nothing but political spanks ever since he reached manhood." These palpable hits excited much laughter among the lawyers and judges. in which the two distinguished objccts of T-rn';? raillery participated.Cincinnati Enquirer. Emperor Nicholas's Eed-chambe: 1 ho Nord has published the following de¬ tails of a visit made by its correspondent to tho bedroom of the Emperor Nicholas at St. Petersburg : " The person who acted as my gui.lo did not say whither he was taking me. He con¬ ducted mo into an archcd room of very mode¬ rate dimensions, and lighted by a single win¬ dow looking into a couit This room was loth a study and a bedroom. Before tho window was placed a desk, on which was a pocket book half open, a few sheets of paper and some pons, a crumpled-up handkerchief, a small statuette of the Prince of Wales in the dress of a sailor, and a water-color drawing representing children A straw-bottomed chair was placed at tho desk, which was much tho w; rse for wear, and bore many marks of being cut with a penknife. Near this desk was an old sofa, covered with groen leather, with well worn cushions. Opposite, on a console, orna¬ mented with a mirror, was a dressing case, in leather, the simplicity of which showed that its owner did not indulge in any refinement of the toilet On the chimney piece was a small time piece in black marble, on which stood a bust of the Count do Beckendorff. There was no looking glass on tho chimney. llalf concealed by the time pie.*e was a stat¬ uette in bronze of Napoleon 1 , similar *o that in the Place V endome Some pictures orna¬ mented the walls, representing military szbues, painted by Horace Vernet, a French artist A bust of Marshal of Kadetzky stood on the console; a portrait of the Grand Duke Mi¬ chael, brother of Paul, was hung half ooueeal- e 1 m the corner of the wall; in one corner of the room stood u common soidicr's muckot, and on a small table was the helmet of a Gen¬ eral, without a plume, and bearing marks of long service. tk Near tho sofa and parallel with the desk was an iron camp-bed. On this bed, which my guide told me to press with my hand to see tow hard it lelt, was a mattro.-s covered with leather, and a pillow stuffed with hay. There was folded upon the bed an old gray uniform cloak, and at the foot of it, ou a well- worn carpct, were a pair of morocco leather slippers. I contemplated with surprise this austere retreat in a remote corner of one of the most magnificent pal acos in Europe. When I had seen all my guide said : ' This is the study and bedroom of tho Emperor Nicholas At that desk ho sat for nearly thirty years, and in that bed ho drew his last breath That old cloak, which he always wore when in this room, belonged to his brother Alexander On that carpet he knelt down and prayed, morn¬ ing and night, every day of his reign. The»e slippers, which he wore to the last day of his life, were given him by tho Empress on tho day of his marriage. With that musket he himself taught his children the manual oxer cise ; and this helmet ho always wore in the fctreets of St. Petersburg Horriblk Story..Tho New York corres¬ pondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer writes: It will be remembered that tho late Corpo¬ ration Attorney, Lorenro B. Shepard. Esq., was some three months ago fuund dead in his room, after retiring the night previous in good health. The physicians reported the cause of his death to be congestion of the heart, and the coroner's jury returned a verdi?t in ac cordance therewith. The body of Mr Shep¬ ard was placed in a receiving vault, prepara¬ tory to its final interment in tho family burial ground. A lew days ago Mrs Shepard ordered the remains of her deceased husband to be taken from tho vault, but those employed for the purpose were horror struck on finding the body removed several feet from the ccfiin. the shroud torn into shreds, and covered w»th blood, giving the impression that Mr Shepard had only been lying in a trance, und had re¬ covered after being placed in the vault This seems almost too horrible for belief, and I un¬ derstand that a relation of Mr Shepard denies tho truth of the report, and asserts that such could not have been the case, from the fact that the body was packed in ice for over two days previous to its buiug placed in the vault. On the other baud, there are thoae who oon- tend that Air. Shepard was not dead at the time of placing his body in the vault, and that certain facts are in possession of the family which go to show the truth of their assertions. A Secret Executioweb . The Montreal Pilot, in speaking of an execution for the crime of murder about to take place in that city, remarks that the " services of an extcutiomr have been secured, but his name is kfept a profound seeret and will not divulged ' A Physician's Evidence on Dancing. That beautiful, graceful accomplishment of dancing, so perverted by late b >urs ana tb«- indecency of fashionable nttire, has outraged many sensible people, and ltd thera to depr;v»? the yonng ones of the most simple and health fil enjoyment?, because it has been abu*cd. For my?elf I can te«tify not only to it? hcaltb- fnl, but rceupsmtW* power. Ihe fortieth, nay, the fiftieth year of my ag\ found mc enjoying this lite-cheering exertri". It should be one of the earliest au-.usemont of childrer. and care should be taker, by parents that it i^ undersuwd as an amusement. Wnilo i am on this topic, I will mention a cafe that oc curred in my practice A thoughtful anxious mother who lad loft three children, brought to mc her only remaining child.a dnughter. Her temperament nervous bilious.the ner¬ vous fearfally predominant; with great irri¬ tability of the system, peevish, passionate, dyspeptic, sleepless ; jf course, exacting, ar bitrary ar.d uneomfortablo; the poor cb'lu looked sad, old. morbid and miserable She had been to school, because her parents thought ii an amusement for her to be with '.thcr chil¬ dren. After critically examining her physi¬ ognomy, I said to her mother, 4* hat is the temperament of 7CT!r husband !" "The same as my own," she roplieJ. '. Then the child is doubly stamped." I continued, " very vigor¬ ous measures must be used, if you expect to restore her to health. Divorce her immedi¬ ately from any thing menta! so far as memor¬ izing is concerned, then send her to oanc '.ng school, that "he may combino exercise with order and melody, nnd thus S'-rae of her rough edges mr.y be rounded." The child.her largo ej« s open with wonder and Might in¬ terrupted with, '. Dancing school? O, bow I've lorged to go but mother says its wrong, and leads to wickedness W hat a dileinn a for a physician ! what a dilemma for a child " Did y-u ever i-itetd your daughter to ] lay the piano, guitar, or other musical instru ment {' said l to the mother ' O. yes, w. s the answer "Why," 1 continued, why .-now such parti lity to the upper extremi¬ ties ? ' Th«^ hands are rendered hapj y as a medium of melody; the feet r«ro rendered equally happy in the eamo way.' 'A nhc atiernoon echcol received the little girl, who grew in health and harmony every mouth as she followed tho hygenic rules pre¬ scribed for her Dancing is healthful, beau¬ tiful graceful recreation, and is not respen i- ble for the abuse? luxury ha? thrown around it. The vulgarism and excucaients of the ball-rcx.in have no moro to do wi'h the simple enjoyment of tho dance than the ric'i wines and sutnptu >us banquets cf tho gourmand, in whom they induce disease, have to d with the temperate repasts that satisfy tho natural wants of the body .I)r. Harriet A" Hunt A Woman, Yet Neither Hu». WlFB nor Widow .Wo h^ve heard ot pe pie who were neither 11 fish, flesh ror good red herring, butl never saw a:.y illusiratica of the ca-o until yesterday. The following arc the facts : During Ihe examination < f witnesses by the coroner, ii. tho ca"o of Mrs Perig*>, a dy was put upon tho stand whom the soronir asked : .,»»>» " Madam, are you a married lady : Witness.u 1 really cannot s «y " Coroner.li Aro you a 'ingle woman ' Witness." I realiy do not know. Coroner." Are you a widow ! 1 Witness." I certainly canrot tell Coroner. (non-plu^sed) Mi ell. Madsm. will you have the kindness to ste.tc to the pen¬ men of the Jury what relationship y <u hold toward the male sex'" Witness.44 Well, if you mast kLow, my husband left me f.no year? ago. and I hnve not heard from hiin, personally, since, but have heard from some that he was yet alive, and from others that he was doa I. 1 think, however, that time enough has expired fi»r h:m to g*»t b-^ck again ".S>m Franci'-ey t^an. A Quaker Bargain..Some few year? suce a merchant, who lived upon the eastern s:a beard, bargained with an honest (Junker for a lot of cider. It was delivered upon the wharf in du? timo. noat'y barrelled, the bungs carefully covered with tins nicely and strongly nailed down. The buyer beirg a shrewd and careful man, i-lways right after his business, took a notion that he would try the wares be¬ fore he sent them oil. Accordingly be npjei up one tin and knockcd out the bungof a bar¬ rel, inserted his proofglass and found that the li quor was very far from being wha" the Qua¬ ker had showed hiin, and what he bargained for iie tried another, and another.it was all the .<an:e. a villainous mixture of he'd, mUifty cider, with molasses and water, lie sought out the sanctified seller and demanded an explanation Old Broadbrim was cornered but nut nonplused or in vhe least abisned; he owned up. for he could rot do otherwise; but with the blandest and smoothest manner po« sible excused himsolf by saying: " Friend Jennings, I thought that thee wi s to ship it into afar off country.".Bos ton Post. |^P.,ccently there has been introduced 'nto tho potato growirgdistnetaot Ireland andSeot- latd, a machine for uueartning this favorite esculent. In construction it is reported to bo exceedingly simple, and with the assistance cf a good plough-horse, can bo worked to ad¬ vantage Without cutting or otherwise inju- ing the root, it will readily do the work of twenty men in a day. Cultivators aro delight¬ ed with it and declare it to be a great saver of time, labor and money. It can also be used to advantage in turnip fields A potato digger was tried with success in this country some years since, and we are inclined to be¬ lieve that tho digger Scotch and Irish farmers favor so much ie nearly related to it. When old Bogus's wife fell ill, he sent for a doctor as sordid and avaricious as him¬ self Beforo the doctor saw tho patient, he wished to have an understanding with the miserly husband " Horo's forty dollars," said Bogus, " anu you shall have it whether you cure my wifeer bill her " . , , The wom-n died, and the doctor c tiled fo the fee- , ,n 44 Did you kill my wife? ' asaed Bogus. 44 Certainly not," replied the indignant doctor. , ,,, 41 Well you didn't cure her* 44 You know she's dead 44 Very well then leave the house in douole .luijktime, 'said Bogus. «A bargain a a bar¬ gain It was kill or cure, but you did ceitner. The Old and tub Nbw Dispensations The Springfield Republican has th*) following item among its oolioctions from other papers. 44 One of the theological professors of \ ale has a book in press entitled 'Yarvch Christ, or the memorial name,' which will mako a sen¬ sation, as it undertakes to show that tho world has hitherto labored under a profounl mistake respecting the Hebrew word given as .Jehovah' in the Old Testament; that it was not 4 Jehovah, but ' Yarveh,' and that it does not mean * I am, bat % He who will . in short, that the 4 Jehovah' of the Old Testa¬ ment and the 4 Christ' of the New denote one and the same being." Walls have not always Ears .We ma¬ liciously enjoyed the dilemma of an organ- player. the other day. An obvious stranger to the English language, the Italian monster was grinding away opposite a de*f asylum, and wert on pouring out tone, evidently wen dering to himself that he made no impre!"S1''" upon the establishment. Occasionally be w whistlo to enhance tho discord, but no a »-¦ dow cf the obdurate bouse was °Pen®' . ' ' servant appeared at the doortopa .4 moving on." When we left, he had neen there full ten minutes, and be may be there now for what we know..FancA. ry The Catholic church, at Norfolk. iU* i stroyed by ft»e, to be t^boilt. THE WEEKLY STAB. YfclaexaeUeat Family aa4 Wawa Journal.cea^ alalaf a greater Tartly af lawwong mt*m tu be feua4 la aav ettae.la pxb.lsha4ea Saint- Acy ateralair. tnai. CliflfMfy, pwafita tl * ra itna. ^ lat Ten copies. 8 09 IWeaty copies.. I* ®* D* Cash, imiuiif k tmiici. single coplen (1* wrapprr*) ran W procure* at the counter, immrdlateh after tbe Iwue of taa p»per Price.Tamaa Canva i'oat ma .vxaawhoact at areata wrill bealiewe* »co«mlMloa of twenty per reat lhe American Bacera in EagUnd Engiit-b »>irfm«n, now that the ^reat racing muatinga of the jear are over, hare begun to take more notice than bef>re of the three American racert which Mr Ten Brceck. of thia country, haa quietly br« ught in clos© proximity to their great battle Leidaof apeed. Quite a number of distinguished and noble sportsmen hare recently, aa we are informed, gone <>n short pilgrimage* to their atablcs; big *. book makers" are repeatedly aeen mouaing about and looking on while the horaea are taking their exercise; and the whole tulj«?ct their presence aud intention?, haa been can- va^ed with the gravity and interact which, belong to a matter of importaaee. English pride, however, and Eugliah racing priie in particular, which ratea ita turf ao high that it h*a never dreamt of equal competition, cannot conceive of such a thing aa a chance for there neat looking American horaea aga:net the chaiLpionaof their world-renowned tracks. It will appear, however, that such an ideahae been eonceived on Mr Ten Broeek'e aide, by the following little extract from " Ball's Life * of the 16ib November. <lAn effort haa been made," aay? that paper, " to bring about a match for £5 000, between an Kngliah and American horae, foar milee, weight for age ; or to make two matchea, to run one in the spring, the other in the autumn, for £5.000 each match." By this it seeina that the English turfmen do not feel £.-> entirely certain of the auperiority of tLeir h »raei as to induce them to put uf so large a sam aa £20.000 at the firat call But the following additional extract may assist us in c< ming a littte nearer to the state of English r'cing pul«e upon tbi« subject It is fr»m the Illustrated Ne ws of Noveml-er 22 : '. The Atnericins ire putting out their flash match feeler; to our horses - foar miles for X5 00? > Hie: but we treat that the Asoot Cup rare wi!l be the one finrlly selected for the .!abut of thaec tnusulautic 'fivers;' and, if F inr'ango and Job Marc >n, or Melisna and Ifr^d l*ay. cannot nuke min^meat of them o e- its fe irful two and-a-half miles (equal to any 1 ur on the flat,) we shall be content to own oar Brother Jonathan to be as great in horse-breeding ac he is in lock*, and yachts, and rrtifi?inl leg? ".Porter'* S/rirtt of the Tines f |y Thero was a .-light sprinkle of snow at 21 .ultoR. Ala., on the 5th inst. tyThe cititen? of Potsdam, New York' have ju«t rai?ed 5555.62 for " bleeding" Kan- .-». [Y" The Mitifoari, Upper Mississippi ar<f j Illinois, arc all gorged with ice, and the navi- ! cation sjspenIe! Li* Turks Inland date? of Nov. fc state that ; tlrre were then 2<*0,000 bu-hels salt on hand* and quoted at cents. l"V The savannah c <rre?potdent of the Piittbarg Expte^s estimates the ceat of tho ball to the Southern Convention et 510.000. he adulteration and even manufac¬ ture cf guano are practiced in France to an ex- teut which has provoked compla:nta in the journals. ty A remarks! ie instance of longevity is mtnt.oned in the Mexican paptra.that ot a lady who iisd at Actoiopan, at the age of 139 year?. Ur t . « g >cratn»:.to Valley Railroad, the ioneer ot its kind in California, was at tha *£t .icc.ui.ti. doing en immense freight bosi r.e« B*>k cr East Tennessee .The Knoxville Whig of the !3th, say? that the Bank of Eas' 'lenr.eaee is giving goli in exchange for all Ull? payable at kuozville. [~%f- The jury in the case of Lane ra. The Wertera Baptist Education trocietv, triad at Cincinnati have returned a verdict for the j 'aintitl. and t^^es^ed his damages at £15,000 HSf-* The shortest day of the year is tha 21st cf this month The aiternoons of this week are tht: ehorUst of the year.shorter even than the 21*t will be. Locking over the returns of the Iowa tle«v j:i, we fii d that Fremont beat Buchanan in Buchauan county, while Buchanan beat i reuiont in Fremont county: «. What's in a lame" An editor in Iowa haa been fined 5250 for hugging a girl iu church- (* Cheap enough '' We once hugged a girl in meeting, and it ha< co«t uc a thousand dollars a yaar ever since. or a correspondent of the New York Even- ii-g Poit buggt;ts the establishment of an academy for tho education of cooks, and sug¬ gests that 5100 000 would be a sufficient fund for the purpose Not a bad idea. CF T hel-iw report in the London papers contains a record <>f an instructive case, "Col- verweil vt Sidebottom,'' showing how a very young u:m gamed away 925,000 in a London hell. You.no America..Anxious parent, who haa just finished whipping a child three years old *' Now. my child. I hopo you will be good, ao that I iuail not have to whip you again." Child.." If you must whip any one, you'd better whip one of your sire ' Fact. |'At Monterey. California, between Marck and the middle of November, eighteen whales, producing 16 "Oo gallons of oil, have been ta- ktn by the fishermen along shore The oil was worth, in San Francieco, from S10 000 to $12 000 There are 551 rice plantation in Oeor- si*. North and South Carolina, each raiting 20,000 pounds and ovei. There are 16.745 to¬ bacco estates of 3,000 pounds each, and over, i i Kentucky. Tennessee, and Virginia Thei* are 1.726 in Maryland. iy The Savannah Georgian announce* thai Mr S P Hamilton ha* retired from hit editorial connection with that paper Ho ia succeeded by Mr. A. K Lamar, who haa be¬ come asiociated with Mr. R. B. Hilton aa pro¬ prietor and assistant editor. Extensive preparations are on foot for building a now city at the mouth of the Ohio river, to be called Emporium. The amount of cash realized from the first sale of lota waa S 100,000. A Urge number of hand? are en¬ gaged in constructing a marine railroad, and. numerous other heavy improvements ur a blind hand-organist in Rochester who went about the streets of the city with a little daughter, L is just fallen heir to an es¬ tate in Wale?, estimated to be worth a million of dollars A prominent legal firm in Roches¬ ter is now erga ?ed in making ont the necessary papers 13?" Referring to the tremendous apeed of railway trains, Thackeray saya. not without reason, that ' we do not travel now-a-daya; we arrive at places;" and Buskin, in hia late volume, says " railway traveling ia not travel¬ ing at all; it is merely being aent to a place, and very little different from beo^ming a par¬ cel " Error tw the Date - A servant girl fell againat a hot etove in auch a manner aa t<> brand upon her arm the date which happened to be on the atovo.l«0tf. A aurgeon w*a aent for. who, however, happened to be abaen\ and in hia place an aaaiatmt eim« ; but when he saw the date he shook his head and aaid to himself: There ia no longer any help for this : it ie toe old an injury " Pat amd the TatRMoxETER..In Auburn, laat winter, an Irisbmaa walking along one of the streete saw a thermometer hanging at tho side of the door on the front « f the house. Stopping a moment, he looked a' it, then ap¬ proaching it, raised hie sbelaVb, and ex claimed, *' An1 faith, and y iu re the little crether what keep* the we'her so cowld, r.re ye7" and with a terrific blow, cccompat «d with tho ueual Irish catk, brought it in a thousand piaaea to tha ground.

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Page 1: VOL. VIII. WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, IS56. 1,209 ......VOL. VIII. WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER24, IS56. NO. 1,209. 8 T;X£ JEV3NING star, rwuihmfiVKKT af^hkuud, (z.aclptSUNDAY,)


T;X£ JEV3NING star,rwuihm fiVKKT af^hkuud,

(z.aclpt SUNDAY,)i' s'*' siwdnjiijiinmt ./ fitwifivm*

««««*« oma i'l'rathuiiriii,By w. D. WALLACH,

Will he icmi to subscribers by *arriem at sixAND A QUARTER CENTS, payable weekly»o the Ageau; papors served la packages at 37%sent* per month. To otall subscribers the sub-serlptloa price is three DOLLARS AND FIF-T v CEN fs a year la a^tonci, TWO DOLLARSfir s:t months, and ONE DOLLAR for threesouths; for less than three moaths at the rate ofIt cents i week.(ht SINGLE COPIES ONE TENT.

51. SNYDER * sow, Banker*,BUY AND SELL domestic EXCHANGE,STOCKS. BONDS, acd othes Securities,receive Deposit*, furnish Drafts, make Collec¬tions, and negotiates Time Taper

LAND WARRANTS.We are at all lime* buying and RClllng Land

Warrants, and will locate them, on commission,lo Nebnskaand Minnesota Territory*, Wlscrn-sin, Iowa, anu Missouri.

M SNYDER a SON'S Bank,dee 13-lm No 388 National Hotel Billding.

fl'hi. purf fur %.at 8kvmoi r'*.mhk assor r.ment LARGELY REPLKNa ishedwlthflne Mlnk^ableandotherse s Justreceived this day. a number of Mink Sable sets;the mrst beautiful had tbIs season Also-

Stone Mania Marsh MartenFltrh do Siberian SqulrriIRock do French Sable.

Wolf and Coon Robes. Every description «fFors worn by ladles and children, ail of whichwill be sold frtlil lower, by calling early, at theGeorgetown Factory.

W. f SEYMOUR,dec15-iw Georgetown.


improtta sowing liachints.To whleh waifranted the Highest Award olthe Paria exhibition, thereby receivingthe World's Verdict of Superiority.

THE improvements in THIS MA-chlae hasslmpllted them in many respects,

¦ndtaev areeapabfeef executing twice the amountof work they did formerly in any given timeThey *-e without quesilon the oaly Mac-hlnes ca¬pable of sewing every variety of goods perfect: isolrt bosom or heavy trace for harness can br.ewa by any of these machine* by a simple bant*.f necdl? and thread in such a manner that thealossst scrutiny cannot detect a fault.manufactures, planters and families will cu<j

Ihem the or.iy safe Machtner to purchase. as thejare built strosjr and durable, and not likely ugs! oot of order.We have macaites with guages attached, fci

biadlag hats.cap-frosts, palters, Ac.Silk, thread. Cotton, needles,4bo., ssactastly

ea hscd, at the lowest rates.Person < leslrsus of information regaidiag sow¬

ing Macklacs will pirae address1. m. SINGER a CO.,

its 3 iltlrnore street, Baltimorajj. b .W? are prepared to exrhangethese raa-

ehlaesferoid machine* of any kind Terms lib¬eral. Persoas wbohave been induced to purchaseaferlor machiae* uader the pretext of belmgeheap, will lad this a benefit indeed.

10.lysjrieki UANSANTE.

PROF. h w mundbir TAKES GREATpleasure In announcing to his friends,

Twtrons, and public generally, that theabove social and delightful entertain¬ments will commence at Munder's Metropolltan Hall, corner 9th and D streets, on'WEDNESDAY E V EN in S, November'J6th, at 9 o'clo k, and continue every Wednesdaythroughout the season Gentlemen wis-hlng tosubscribe for the season can do so upon veryfavorable term;*, by applying at the Hall on Tues¬day and Thursday evening from 8 till 10 o'clock.

nov21-tfllm PJi.lamps.

STAR. FELLOWS A CO PATKNTregulator LAMP stands unrivalled

as being the cleanest, safe-t. and gites the bestlight of any Larnpnf the kind ever inventedWe have now a very handsome asso ttnerit of

the above, as w=ll as ail other kinds of Lamps onhand, whtcb wf will sell at verv tow prices.

HOWELL a MORSELL,dec is Vw no.c it., b«*t. Gtii and 7th.

b( ( k! bitk! ruk! mat Woolly HotsFX ROUTE FO H iv.iSHIXGTOX, D C.

THRfaE ENTIRE DEER, LARGEST EVERreceived in Baltimore, stot with Virginia

rid**.not rewol -ersbear MEAT, HAMS, shoulders,

SIDES, fittest ever received from the AUegha-ales.Constantly receiving from the West, via Balti¬

more and Ohio, Winchester and Potomac, P*r-kershnrg. Central Ohio Railroads, VENISON,poultry, WILD game. *** ar.d roll bu i-TEH, CAP ¦ ONEY, DRIED APPLES aidPEACHES, and country produce generallyFor sale by C. C. O'NEIL,

comer Howard end Pratt struts,de^3-lrn Baltimore.

(.r»at ATT*ACTION.s-v.ono WORTH OFDRY GOODS AT COST.rphe UNDERSIGNED HAS DETERMINEDa to close his business In ordc to effect thishe will effer to tl.e public fret*? this date, until1st April next, his entire stock rf D.-ty GOODS,selected with care, and warranted to be equal laquality, extent and variety to any In the District,in part he enumerates, a< follows:An endless variety of Sllka, casbmjr«sMousse De La'.nes. plain 1 rench .MerlnoeVelvets and Clnak Llotb"Clotha, t;«s*lmeies. and Votings,Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linen and Cotton SheetingsTab e Diapers Toweling, Fcrultjre DimityCuitalas, Miulins, Ac.Together with the balance at his choice goods,

to which be Invite* the attention of the publicCall early, ss decided bar, ains may be expected.

H. E. BERRY,dec 10 dlwAeolw Georgetown, p C.

Dracmmt ALE.we HAVE JUST RE-ceiv*d lflli bbls of r^ad A Brother's Troy

Dmnght Ale. vhl^h is very ilne, acd wll! besc!dat the low priced *6,75 per bbi . for cash cniy

ARNV A SHIN N,nov9ft Georgetown, D. C.

|>JST VFFICK dihettury, OK bl'si-a ness Man's Guide to the po^t ofllc**^ in theUnited Slates, containing the nimesof the Postt;aces and Post Masters in the United maf»s o»

the 1st July, 1^36. witb a variety of valuable in¬formation on pwtal affairs, also, a comprehen¬sive codification of the ^xutin? Postal Law*.Price si Just published, and for sale, at

TAYLOR A MAURY'S Bookstore,doc 11- near 0th street.

BOOR bin1j1nu.c»'wf Enviml\ ttrttt mnd Maryland atissi,

s«ar Ia« Smithjo*»a* Institution.

Edward lycettrespectfwllyinforms the subscribers to Brown's Bible and

Sh*hsp"are, aow Just completed, that Le >* pre¬pared to bind those works In a superior style ofelegar.ee, str« agth and solidity, and uj-o mu~lmore reasonable terms ti.an can be dene in Balti¬more, Philadelphia, or N»-w York A .etter ad¬dressed to him (p»*r post) will enable him to exhlblt to the subscribers sprclm^ns of l is style ofbinding. Every clad of Book Binding neatly ex¬ecuted. ssiT-sa



f^rom rrfls date. DECLMBRR ISTH,the subscriber will commence to run til bis

Urge and we'l se ec fd stock of Velvet a<d Cloth. i.oal1*, SHAWLS, Ae at reduced prices, a*>

It Is his determination to kt^p none overbtrangers before buying would do well to give

him a call btfrre purcba>lugFRANK a McGEE,

dec lf-eolm !m1 pa ave., bet i'itli end l'ltb sta.

»r MUN30N. AT JX PENN'A AVENUEIs still moling th» se wautifal

aoatinacus gum TEETH, cilliiAliens Pate at, for tae excellency of JUl "v"waich over ail other styles nf teeth, many nowwiring them In thlr- c!ty, vrlil cheorfiHlv vouch

Tber»* la oue Deatlit in this c!tv who Las wenlafiingiag the oater'.t, and made a bad Imitationof It, against waom i hereby caution the puVlcn D Whenever a Dentist speaks agalnsl

Alice's Patent Continuous Gum Te"th, wh-.-af rtntrly cmttr It Is btaus? he is Ignorantof tte pr yiess, incomyetent to make the work, or

¦ uawi.ilag to pay for the patent je lw-tf


tlanafaetnrsd frs.n vati Stoae, by tfelVTest 1 estletor. bis.' Cocspany, Vt.

rpHESP. MANTELS ARE ENAMELLED IN1 Imitation cf tfce rtrhcflt and most espensl»tkgyp riAN, LISBON, VtRD anttque,pokpl'VRY. i ykfnees BROCATELLA,AOATK, SPANISH MAliWAY,c^d otherrari.and deatrabte MARBLES. Tb-- linlisUons arew perfec' tijat taey«.halfugethe cloocst «cnit;ay.TLey are so Ughly pclisbert thnt they retain theliLeaaty inn .h longer thi^ marble; ar«not injuredby smoke, coal gas,cr acla-, ant', can be sr.ldranch chenpri than any 'there in market. Pricerarglng from 8125 to fw.ar:tl tec?*, Builders and others ire invited to

call and en.xlne ssa jiples fii No. Seventhstreet, 3 doors below Old Fellows' Hall, up.fairs' t « HANSON,

s« l*jf Agent

t^jrpokatiu.i r.roc*..#»,ooo CcrpoJ ratio* of x ashlngton k for sale at

cb«bb atotbsrt.


OJltt and Dipot.-Southwest ootbct of F taditifMi fwb

HDR. THEOD.AS REMOVED HIS OFFICE SOMEhouses above his old rooms, to No. 481 7th

west, between D and E streets north, nearthe ber.eral Post Office.

Office hours as before; from 9 to 10 o'clock*.. nov 7-flw*

«AI TIFR>S FKKNCH REATAI R&KIT,i'5'2 Pa av , betxt en 12th and 13lA sis.

TTHE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE ES-A tabllAiment desires to call public attention tohis Increased *nd unsurpassed facilities for con¬ducting and supplying everything in his line ofbusiness.

H«? Is prepared to supply at a few hours' noticethe largest DINNERS*. BALLS, and PARTIESwith everything pertaining to the most fashion¬able ent-rtalnments, and oa the most reasonableterms.ENTIRE DINNERS and DESSERTS fur¬

nished Famllles without any trouble to the fam-1 y and at moderate chargesA FIRST CLASS FRENCH COOK will be

sent to private houses at 82 per day ; and market¬ing and such articles as they may wish purcharedwill be furnished at cost Also, China, Glass,Sliver Ware, and Table ORNAMENTS.

«>ne or more tk dishes" sent to any purt of thecltv at »hcrt notice .

At my e« ab lahment will be found elegantsuites of Parlor, Reception, and Dining Roomsfurnished In the best manner, always ready.

.My Restaurant offers great advantages to gen¬tlemen rooming ou:; they can be supplied withmeals at all hours.

Particular attention is drMr'rt to my new styleof superb CON F ECTION ER V, which for purityand deli-acy or flavor are unequalled.

C 6AUTIER,dec 9- 252 Pa. avenur,bet 12th and 13th sts.

TO THE 1ADIES or W ASH INMTO.lAin *1 KHOf NOI.IO COUNTRY.ANOTHER LARGE SUPPLY.^.BONNETS, OF ALL QUALI ,xijTgVlg- a'id prlces.from ihe finest French!®!

Hats to tht? low est pritedFine and Handsome HEAD DRESSES, In

great varietyEM BROIDERIES of all kinds.TRIMMINGS to match eay style of Dress

goodsRIBBONS of every style.And. 1- fact, e very vsrlety of Goods Bsually

found in first class Trimming StoreslO" DRESS MAKING, after the latest and

most app-oved stylesN. B .The supply is kept up through the en-

jire season. M. WILLI an,DQ

Opposite the Centre Market._

P s . A great rarity c/ articles suitable forCAri»fm«a (sifit. uov 29-lm

A CARD.C . Kj . a 4 S ,

Bridge street, feeergelewn,Sjuth side, between H gh and Congress streets,

Respectfully informs mis pa-trons aid the pnb'ic generally that he is now

prepared to furnlsn PARTIES. WEDDINGS.Ac , In tl: best and most elegant sty e, at tueshortest notice He will give his personal atter.d*nce. and assume the responsibility of thsentertainmentC. C. Atzs, grateful for the liberal patronagehe

has heretofore received, as^nres his friends andal! who may give Mm a call tnat every effort enhis part will be made to merit a contir nance rftheir fivors. lie solicits an examination of hisiarg^and e'egant assortment of CAKES, CON-!. ECTI ON hit Y, Ac , which he offers for sale atbe lowest prices. deci# 2w«


Not\vrrn>T\Nding the high priceof sugar 1 will sell my CON FECTION EK Y

M the usual pricf h. vli:PLAIN CANDY and MIXED DROPS tt 25

cents (er poundSUGAR PLUMS a: 37cents per pound,usually

sold hy retailer* at 50 centsFrench BON BONS, including all klrds of

French Confectionery.at 50 rents per poundusually sold at "5 cents > nd 91 p^r pound

FOUND and FRUIT CAKE, of which I shallhave a large assortment, manufactured ofthe very best and freshe>t materials, orna¬mented fine and tastefully.Please give us a call, and don't mUtake the

p.ace, No 3W Pennsylvania avenue, between 9thand 10th streets, next door to lr<»n Hall.dec 15-1m GEO. NORBECK.

NO ADVANCE IN FiUCRvT^| AM DAILY RECEIVING AND ADDINGI to my already largestoch of rich JEWELS Y,WATCHES and SILVER WARE, all of themost noice, rich and desirable Goods in my lineof business, and am manufacturing cn my ownpremises sterling Siiver Spoons, Forks, Ladles,Cake, Pie, Fruit, Fish and Butter Knlve*: Olive.Pickle and Fish Forks, and all kinds of FancySilver Wan; I do not buy ray Silver Ware atthe Nortn, and then pretend to have manufac¬tured it here; but every article manufactured inmy own shon will be warranted com sil .-kh Ikeep also a fine lot of Silver Plated Good*, bold,Silver and Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses, to¬gether wit u a variety of other goods All ofwhich 1 am selling at lower prices than goods < fthe same quality has been, c ris new, selling inthis or neighboring cities, at the slgi of the LargeSpread Ea^le, No 33S Pennsylvania avenuedec 18-tl U, Q, HOOD.


TPOT fcN T1NI, N O. '279 PEN NSY LVANIA. ave, south side, four doors we* t of ltith street,

will have for exhibition and salecn Saturday, the2:i'.n ln.'.tact, the largest ai;<l most elogant assort¬ment 't RICH ORN a.MENTKD FRUITPOUND and FANCY CAKES ever offered inthis city, which he pledge* himself sha i not besurparscd In the excellence cf the m tu-rlals ofwhicn the came shall be made, or lit the /eason-ableness of price.Ladles and gentlemen are respectfully invit'd

to call and view the splendid assortment of theabove described CakesT. P. requests that his patrons and all desir¬

ing him to furnish them with Cake* and Con-foctlonery for the Holidays, will send the ordersIn time to be supplied without delay.Anticipating as he doe* an extra' rdlnary do

mand for the delicacies which he offers for ?a edec 12-dtjanlDR. OtJPRIE'* REMEDIES are the only

effectual cure for External or internal Files,Saltrhcum, Ring-Worm. Ac. They ate unrival¬led for purifying the blood

5«> cen's per box OSce 7* Nassau street. NewYork \N ill be sent by mail.For Lale by j|OUD A UICO , corner of llth st

aad penn avenue. or 11


Rll MILLER, SON it CO , ALHXAN-. drla, Va , keep constantly on hand a hand¬

some variety of CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS,BRACKETS, <!:c , from the celebrated factory ofCornelius .V Baker, which they will guarauteo tosell at the sam- prices charged to private pur¬chasers at the salerr.oms on Chestnut atrfnt, I'hll-adelphla. Also, Drop-lights, Cut Olass anddecorated Paper Shades, in great varietyCall and examine for yourselves dwe 1-


Hutchinson a munro are openinga large and beautiful assortment of GOODS,

suitable for pres^ntson th»> approaching boMdiys.such as Jewel «'asej, Watch Stards, Card Re¬ceivers, Work Boxes, Cabas, Sctsso's in ra^eK,Dressing Cvei, < ard Ca-e*. Portmonnaies, Porttollos, Tablets, Traveling Companions, WritingDesks, Perfume Caies, Toilet Bottles, CifarCases. Cl» ar Stands, Statuettes, Jet Ornaments,Coral Goods, Ac.

Also, a fine assortment of French ar.d GermanToys, Games, Targets, Automatons, Ac , tr-gfther with a great many articles not necessary toenumerate. HUTCHINSON A MUNRO,_dee 1«- aio Pa ave., bet. 9th and 10th Kts

goal KE"T under cover.N_,m, ^

2,5*40 ibt. to tht TonOW ON HAND. THE BEST qualities

iirof White A*h, Ked Ash aid I.enlgh COAL.

warranted to give satisfaction Delivered fromdlit.Also. Hi-.kory. Oak and Pine WOOD.m «r J J * W M. GALT.N W. corncr l'ith and C streets, No 517,

d*- 2((-t/ one yquaw south of Fa avenue.

Avail yocksklf of the frivT.lege of seeing the sights at LAMMOND'8

Fancy Store, while you are yousg. dec yj-3t


Hickory, oak and pin eof the bestq Jallty constantly on hand at

JOHN W MYERS A CO.Office and Yard corner G aad 23d streets First

Ward. dec 18 tf

(^HKltffMAB PRESENTS,at' dm 9 MeLAWBLiW A OO.«0.


At the earnest solicitations of many friendsTHE UGLY CLUB

Will givk thkir Sicond Grand BallAT ODD FELLOWS' HALL, NAVY YARD,On WEDNESDAY EVKNINO, Dec. 24.

THECOMMITTEE OFARRANGEMENTS,on behalf of the Club, will leave nothing un¬

done to make all happy that honor them withtheir nresenceWiYh^rs' unrivalled Bras* and String Bond has

been engaged for the occasionThe Supper and Refreshments are In the hands

of an experienced caterer.Positively no hats or caps allowed in the room,

except those worn by the respective ClubsTickets ON K DOLLAR.to be had «^f the imm

bers of the Club, or at the door on the evening ofthe ball.

Committee of Arrangements.Henry F. Thorn, Charles Murray,William Kemp, Charles O'Neil,Robert Cbeaeidlne, Charles Horner,

dec M-3t* J as. Gordon.


WE HAVE STILL REMAINING TWOof those superb Medallion Tournay Velvet

Carpets, which for richness in colors and tastehave no* their equal in thlseountry Th»v will benow sold, to close them out,lower In price than wehave be*n selling them; thev are in the *tyle ofLouis XIV, and will remain beautiful whenother styles yet to be invented will have passedaway.

Also, a good variety of other new and rich Vel¬vet Carretings, adap'fd to smaller rooms and Insmaller figures and Tapestry and plain Brasst-lsCarpetlngs, with the Rugs and Boor Mats match¬ing

A'.so, a full and complete assortment of allkinds of Curtain Material*, from the very richestSatin Brockat-lle down 'o Co'.ton Damasks, withall the tassrl«, glrrpv cornices, side bands, Ac.,requisite to cnniple'e curtainsAlso, just received 1 cartoons Rich Embroidered

Swiss Lace Undercurtalus, very cheap.4 l»o do Muslin do4 I>o new style white Bands for Ur-

d>rcurtains.Our stock in all kinds of Carpeting and Oil¬

cloths will be found complete in all respects.No»v is the time for members of Congress and

other* wbowlsh to furnish their homes handiome-ly wlthc ut much cost to themselvesAs our i/oods come to us dircct from first bands

we can art"ird to sell tbem for !e?s than the largerclt!es nortb of us.We invite all who see this announcement to

ca'l and examine for themselvesGoods sent to any part of the city or Go«rg^town

free of cost All goods sold to io to a distancecaieftilly packed and shipped free of cost to theowner CLAGETT, DODSON A CO.dec 2i-eol2t


OF WASHING I O N , GEORGETOWN,and Alexandria are Invited to call and look

through our lmmemc assortment cf fine fancyand stap'e Dry Gords Any choice lot of DressGoods or other articles they may want will besold to them at prime ccst for cash or at 5 per centfor notes :»t short date*.We as* their sp«< lu! attention to the fo lowing:

30j dozen liajou's Kid Gloves, our own importa¬tion

2t)0 silk Kobes, of the best styles, imported thisseason

Lar^e strck of Fancy Silks, in dress patterns10 whole pieces black Moire Antique20 do best make U!ack Mlks25 do blick and colored iMersalire",

b-st quail y5) do Lupin's Bomlaslns50 do best make bla; k Alpacns10 do Lupin's black French Merinos5'i do colored French Merinos5<» do fine all wool Moussellnes, plain

colors25 do -31 and 1-1 black do1»» nearly whole pieces black Lyons Velvets5 whole pieces in b own, maroon, mazwine

blue, purjle, and dark green Velvets, 4 4wldo

2 0 pieceb dottrd and figured Swiss Muslins.ak» do jaconet ar.d ttjlck cambric Musllcs1C0 dozen cents' merfho and lasabs wool Shirts

s>nd drawers5) dczen ladles' merino and fine wool VertsB«0 do gents'brown cotton Shirtsand Draweru

Large assortmeut of the best Engll* h cottonHos'.ery In full dczens

Full boxes white and black English Silk H( JJsiery

50 nearlv whole pieces of plaid Merinos1 case French Ginghams, good sljles

4o whole pieces 4 4 black French Chintzes100 pieces Charley's Shirting Linenli> pieces 8 4, le-4 and 12 4 Linen Sheetings50 whole ple:es Welsh and other white Flannels25 do fine Silecia Table Damasks10j dozen Table Napkins and Doyleys100 Marseilles Quilts, In white, blue and pink25 pieces extra heavy gray twilled Flannel3)0 pairs white and gray servant's Blankets10 » p<eces4-l English Long Cloth, all grades50 mirs 4-4 New York mills Cotton Whirling2 cases extra heavy 6-4 Cotton Sheeting

500 dozen best make white spool CottonLarge stock of 5 4, 6-4, 8-4, 10 4 and 12-4 cot¬ton Sheeting

loo pieces black and colored p?per Cambric.Ail the ab' ve goods are in the best condition,

and are well worthy of the attention o? the tradegenerally.

CLAGEIT, NEWTON. MAY A CO ,dec 2-2.6t corner Fa avenue and 9th st.


rpilE SUBSCRIBER TAKES PLEASUREA iu announcing to his friends and the publicgenerally that hi . stock of Fine Gold WatcheB,Jewelry, Sliver and Silver-plated Ware. Ac., isunubu2liy full and v.eli selected, comprisingSupe*jor Gi Id Watches of the best English and

Geneva manufacture, for ladies and ^en'.le-men

Fine ttold tJuard. Fob. and VeiA Chains, Chate¬laines, Neck Chains with ornaments to at¬tach. Ac.

Beautiful Gold Lockers for miniatures and hairRich Carr.to, Coral, Lava, enamelled Painting

and plain Gold Jewelry, in full and partialsets

Splendid assortment of Finger Rings, Breastpins,Earrings, Sleeve Butttocs, Studa, engraved,bar.d, plain, and linked Bracelets, Gold andsilver I'en and Pencil Cases Cold and SilverSpectacles, Kve Glasses, Thimbles, Ac.

SILVER WAREChased and plain sl.ver Goblets, Cups, MugsSs.lt Cellars, pie. cake, fi>h. and dss-,ert KnivesTable, tea, and dessert Spoons, Soup Ladle*Napkin Rings. Card Cases, PomnonnalesPocket Fruit Knives, Preserve ar.d Sugar SpoonsPickle Knives and Forks, AcSilver knives, Forks, and Spoone, Insets for

childrenTog'-'herwith many rich and beautiful alleles

in his lino, suitable for Holiday Presents, all ofwhich he is prepared to sell upon such terms ascannot fjll to please.

SAMUEL LEWIS,Jeweller ar.d Vnn"fac?urer of Sliver Ware,dec 9* Ct 250 P» inr, b:'. 12?h and 13th sts


WORTH ATTENTION..TWO NEW andBeautiful PIANOS, warranted and guaran¬

tied fine finish, rosewood cases, superb tcne. willbe sold for cash at the low price of f:i00 each.ALSO. 2 Pianos at H2/5 etch; 3 sit Sv'50 each;

1 at *275; 2 at S I 0 eac;:; 3 at $ £25 each; 4 at 9350each: 2 at 6375 each; 3 at 1400 each; 1 at £1511;si Melodeous at s® 10 etch; 2 at each; I at $120;1 at (100.In addition to an extensive stock, we have.Violins tu»m 91 to £100; Guitars from to

*100; Accorfleons from $1 50 to $37; Bantos from.52tof2*i; Vio'lnecllos from S10 to J30; Flutesfrom 75 cents to #.k); Tambourines fr m50 centsto 85; Uiinns from 75 cents to $10; Fifes from 25cents to f5; L'owsfor Vio'lns from 25 ctsto $12.

ALSO,Music. Music Books, Music Folios, Piano Cov¬

ers an! Stools. Italian ttultar and Violin Strings,Violin and Guitar Boxes, and everything belong,ing to the Music businessWe warrant and guarantee every article we sell;

and take old instruments of any kind in part pay¬ment for new ores We order Music twice aweek, and s?nd Music to any part of the countryby mall, free of po:-ta?e.Our store is No. u00 Pa avenne, a few doors

from lctbs'reet.dec 19 lw JOHN F. ELLIS.

All of Thalberg's CompositionsA T



pier Mache, Porte Folios, ladies' Cabas,Games, and numerous otb<r articles, all of whichI am now offering lower then they were e.»er soldfor in Washington. W. P. BAYLY,

> de« 90 No.HViPwa ivmm.

EVENING STAK.S Tom Marshall's Last.A very nmu.-ing and characteristic speech

was lately made by the brilliant and ccccctricTom Marshall, in a trial before the SupremeCourt of Kentucky, which is quite too guod tobe lost. Tho case was an action of dumagesbrought against a gentleman who hnd a finefi*h pond, upon which some of his neighbors' |boys were in the habit of depredating, ai.d jwho waii provoked to the point of flogging oneof the marauder*, whose parent? sued for dam¬ages, employing Tom Marshall a» his advocatelie recovered ?3,<!00 ; and tho ca.«e being ap¬pealed, John C. Breckinridge, Vice Presidente!ect, and Garret Davis, the great Americanleader, were retained for the defence Thesegentlemen, in the argument of the cafe,warned tho Court against the seduction of theeloquence and sophistry of the distir.guishedcounsel on the other side Maj. Breckinridgecontended that the correction was a wholesomeand proper one, such as he had been subjectedto in his juvenile days, when caught in anymischief *

Tom Marshall, in roply, said that both gen¬tlemen had endeavored to magnify him into a

very groat man.Kentucky's greatest lawyerand orator; and both, in their politicalspeeches. were in the habit of expres.-iaggreat confidence in the sagacity and iutelli-genco of the people. Now, he wished them toinform the Court how it was that, with suchgreat superiority of natural geniua and ac¬

quirements. and with the additional advant¬age of years over at least one of Lis adycrsarios he remained plain Tom Marshall, ham¬mering a miserable existence out of a tew lawsuits at the bar, " while ycu," pointing to hisopponent, John C. Breckinridge, who werebut a tow-headed shaver, robbing birds'-nestsand playing marbles, when tho whelo broadCommonwealth of Kentucky was ringing fromono end to the other with praises of the greateloquence, vast learning and pr«»digious abili¬ty of Tom Marshall, are now Vice Presidentof the United States! and you. Garret Davis,wanted to he, and almost persuaded some

very weak-minded people to make you, Presi¬dent of the United States!'.Now," proceeded Tom, "our Vice Presi

dent says he used to bo flogged in his boyishlays for juat such tricks as my clieat s sonwas flogged for, and he leaves Ui to infer that,so far from buffering any damage thereby, itwai ono of the causes of his progress and ad¬vancement to LIj present high position. If myclient had only known this before, and if heoould bo satisfied that his son was spanked on Ithe snmo ?p«.t that my dis'inguv'hed friendwas, so far from bringing this suit, ha w-uldhavo acknowleged his profound gratitude tothe defendant for thus placing his -cion in theline of safe precedents, and giving hirn ?o

strong a claim on the Vice Presidency. DoubtLsa tho jioliticnl misfortunes and Ui'aeters i fmy other distinguished friend are attributableto tho fact that, as his spanking was neglectedin boyl ood, he hes to make up lor it, by ro

ceiving nothing but political spanks ever sincehe reached manhood."These palpable hits excited much laughter

among the lawyers and judges. in which thetwo distinguished objccts of T-rn';? railleryparticipated.Cincinnati Enquirer.

Emperor Nicholas's Eed-chambe:1 ho Nord has published the following de¬

tails of a visit made by its correspondent totho bedroom of the Emperor Nicholas at St.Petersburg :" The person who acted as my gui.lo did

not say whither he was taking me. He con¬ducted mo into an archcd room of very mode¬rate dimensions, and lighted by a single win¬dow looking into a couit This room was lotha study and a bedroom. Before tho windowwas placed a desk, on which was a pocketbook half open, a few sheets of paper andsome pons, a crumpled-up handkerchief, asmall statuette of the Prince of Wales in thedress of a sailor, and a water-color drawingrepresenting children A straw-bottomed chairwas placed at tho desk, which was much thow; rse for wear, and bore many marks of beingcut with a penknife. Near this desk was anold sofa, covered with groen leather, with wellworn cushions. Opposite, on a console, orna¬mented with a mirror, was a dressing case, inleather, the simplicity of which showed thatits owner did not indulge in any refinementof the toilet On the chimney piece was asmall time piece in black marble, on whichstood a bust of the Count do Beckendorff.There was no looking glass on tho chimney.llalf concealed by the time pie.*e was a stat¬uette in bronze of Napoleon 1 , similar *o thatin the Place V endome Some pictures orna¬mented the walls, representing military szbues,painted by Horace Vernet, a French artistA bust of Marshal of Kadetzky stood on theconsole; a portrait of the Grand Duke Mi¬chael, brother of Paul, was hung half ooueeal-e 1 m the corner of the wall; in one corner ofthe room stood u common soidicr's muckot,and on a small table was the helmet of a Gen¬eral, without a plume, and bearing marks oflong service.

tk Near tho sofa and parallel with the deskwas an iron camp-bed. On this bed, whichmy guide told me to press with my hand tosee tow hard it lelt, was a mattro.-s coveredwith leather, and a pillow stuffed with hay.There was folded upon the bed an old grayuniform cloak, and at the foot of it, ou a well-worn carpct, were a pair of morocco leatherslippers. I contemplated with surprise thisaustere retreat in a remote corner of one ofthe most magnificent pal acos in Europe. WhenI had seen all my guide said : ' This is thestudy and bedroom of tho Emperor NicholasAt that desk ho sat for nearly thirty years,and in that bed ho drew his last breath Thatold cloak, which he always wore when in thisroom, belonged to his brother Alexander Onthat carpet he knelt down and prayed, morn¬

ing and night, every day of his reign. The»eslippers, which he wore to the last day of hislife, were given him by tho Empress on thoday of his marriage. With that musket hehimself taught his children the manual oxercise ; and this helmet ho always wore in thefctreets of St. PetersburgHorriblk Story..Tho New York corres¬

pondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer writes:It will be remembered that tho late Corpo¬

ration Attorney, Lorenro B. Shepard. Esq.,was some three months ago fuund dead in hisroom, after retiring the night previous in goodhealth. The physicians reported the cause ofhis death to be congestion of the heart, andthe coroner's jury returned a verdi?t in accordance therewith. The body of Mr Shep¬ard was placed in a receiving vault, prepara¬tory to its final interment in tho family burialground. A lew days ago Mrs Shepard orderedthe remains of her deceased husband to betaken from tho vault, but those employed forthe purpose were horror struck on finding thebody removed several feet from the ccfiin. theshroud torn into shreds, and covered w»thblood, giving the impression that Mr Shepardhad only been lying in a trance, und had re¬covered after being placed in the vault Thisseems almost too horrible for belief, and I un¬derstand that a relation of Mr Shepard deniestho truth of the report, and asserts that suchcould not have been the case, from the factthat the body was packed in ice for over two

days previous to its buiug placed in the vault.On the other baud, there are thoae who oon-tend that Air. Shepard was not dead at thetime of placing his body in the vault, and thatcertain facts are in possession of the familywhich go to show the truth of their assertions.

A Secret Executioweb . The MontrealPilot, in speaking of an execution for the crimeof murder about to take place in that city,remarks that the " services of an extcutiomrhave been secured, but his name is kfept a

profound seeret and will not b« divulged '

A Physician's Evidence on Dancing.That beautiful, graceful accomplishment of

dancing, so perverted by late b >urs ana tb«-indecency of fashionable nttire, has outragedmany sensible people, and ltd thera to depr;v»?the yonng ones of the most simple and healthfil enjoyment?, because it has been abu*cd.For my?elf I can te«tify not only to it? hcaltb-fnl, but rceupsmtW* power. Ihe fortieth,nay, the fiftieth year of my ag\ found mc

enjoying this lite-cheering exertri". It shouldbe one of the earliest au-.usemont of childrer.and care should be taker, by parents that iti^ undersuwd as an amusement. Wnilo i amon this topic, I will mention a cafe that occurred in my practice A thoughtful anxiousmother who lad loft three children, broughtto mc her only remaining child.a dnughter.Her temperament nervous bilious.the ner¬vous fearfally predominant; with great irri¬tability of the system, peevish, passionate,dyspeptic, sleepless ; jf course, exacting, ar

bitrary ar.d uneomfortablo; the poor cb'lulooked sad, old. morbid and miserable Shehad been to school, because her parents thoughtii an amusement for her to be with '.thcr chil¬dren. After critically examining her physi¬ognomy, I said to her mother, 4* hat is thetemperament of 7CT!r husband !" "The sameas my own," she roplieJ. '. Then the child isdoubly stamped." I continued, " very vigor¬ous measures must be used, if you expect torestore her to health. Divorce her immedi¬ately from any thing menta! so far as memor¬

izing is concerned, then send her to oanc '.ngschool, that "he may combino exercise withorder and melody, nnd thus S'-rae of her roughedges mr.y be rounded." The child.herlargo ej« s open with wonder and Might in¬

terrupted with, '. Dancing school? O, bowI've lorged to go but mother says its wrong,and leads to wickedness W hat a dileinn afor a physician ! what a dilemma for a child" Did y-u ever i-itetd your daughter to ] laythe piano, guitar, or other musical instrument {' said l to the mother ' O. yes, w. sthe answer "Why," 1 continued, why.-now such parti lity to the upper extremi¬ties ? ' Th«^ hands are rendered hapj y as a

medium of melody; the feet r«ro renderedequally happy in the eamo way.''A nhc atiernoon echcol received the littlegirl, who grew in health and harmony everymouth as she followed tho hygenic rules pre¬scribed for her Dancing is healthful, beau¬tiful graceful recreation, and is not respen i-ble for the abuse? luxury ha? thrown aroundit. The vulgarism and excucaients of theball-rcx.in have no moro to do wi'h the simpleenjoyment of tho dance than the ric'i winesand sutnptu >us banquets cf tho gourmand, inwhom they induce disease, have to d withthe temperate repasts that satisfy tho naturalwants of the body .I)r. Harriet A" Hunt

A Woman, Yet Neither Hu». WlFB norWidow .Wo h^ve heard ot pe pie who wereneither 11 fish, flesh ror good red herring,butl never saw a:.y illusiratica of the ca-ountil yesterday. The following arc the facts :

During Ihe examination < f witnesses by thecoroner, ii. tho ca"o of Mrs Perig*>, a !¦ dywas put upon tho stand whom the soronirasked :

.,»»>»" Madam, are you a married lady :Witness.u 1 really cannot s «y


Coroner.li Aro you a 'ingle woman '

Witness." I realiy do not know.Coroner." Are you a widow ! 1

Witness." I certainly canrot tellCoroner. (non-plu^sed) Mi ell. Madsm.

will you have the kindness to ste.tc to the pen¬men of the Jury what relationship y <u holdtoward the male sex'"Witness.44 Well, if you mast kLow, my

husband left me f.no year? ago. and I hnvenot heard from hiin, personally, since, buthave heard from some that he was yet alive,and from others that he was doa I. 1 think,however, that time enough has expired fi»r h:mto g*»t b-^ck again ".S>m Franci'-ey t^an.

A Quaker Bargain..Some few year? sucea merchant, who lived upon the eastern s:abeard, bargained with an honest (Junker fora lot of cider. It was delivered upon thewharf in du? timo. noat'y barrelled, the bungscarefully covered with tins nicely and stronglynailed down. The buyer beirg a shrewd andcareful man, i-lways right after his business,took a notion that he would try the wares be¬fore he sent them oil. Accordingly be npjeiup one tin and knockcd out the bungof a bar¬rel, inserted his proofglass and found that theli quor was very far from being wha" the Qua¬ker had showed hiin, and what he bargainedfor iie tried another, and another.it wasall the .<an:e. a villainous mixture of he'd,mUifty cider, with molasses and water, liesought out the sanctified seller and demandedan explanation Old Broadbrim was corneredbut nut nonplused or in vhe least abisned; heowned up. for he could rot do otherwise; butwith the blandest and smoothest manner po«sible excused himsolf by saying: " FriendJennings, I thought that thee wi s to ship itinto afar off country.".Boston Post.

|^P.,ccently there has been introduced 'ntotho potato growirgdistnetaot Ireland andSeot-latd, a machine for uueartning this favoriteesculent. In construction it is reported to boexceedingly simple, and with the assistancecf a good plough-horse, can bo worked to ad¬vantage Without cutting or otherwise inju-ing the root, it will readily do the work oftwenty men in a day. Cultivators aro delight¬ed with it and declare it to be a great saverof time, labor and money. It can also beused to advantage in turnip fields A potatodigger was tried with success in this countrysome years since, and we are inclined to be¬lieve that tho digger Scotch and Irish farmersfavor so much ie nearly related to it.

When old Bogus's wife fell ill, he sentfor a doctor as sordid and avaricious as him¬self Beforo the doctor saw tho patient, hewished to have an understanding with themiserly husband" Horo's forty dollars," said Bogus, " anu

you shall have it whether you cure my wifeerbill her "

. , ,The wom-n died, and the doctor c tiled fothe fee-

, , n44 Did you kill my wife? ' asaed Bogus.44 Certainly not," replied the indignant

doctor., ,,,41 Well you didn't cure her*

44 You know she's dead44 Very well then leave the house in douole

.luijktime, 'said Bogus. «A bargain a a bar¬gain It was kill or cure, but you did ceitner.

The Old and tub Nbw DispensationsThe Springfield Republican has th*) followingitem among its oolioctions from other papers.

44 One of the theological professors of \ alehas a book in press entitled 'Yarvch Christ, orthe memorial name,' which will mako a sen¬

sation, as it undertakes to show that thoworld has hitherto labored under a profounlmistake respecting the Hebrew word given as

.Jehovah' in the Old Testament; that it wasnot 4 Jehovah, but ' Yarveh,' and that itdoes not mean * I am, bat % He who will b© .in short, that the 4 Jehovah' of the Old Testa¬ment and the 4 Christ' of the New denote oneand the same being."Walls have not always Ears .We ma¬

liciously enjoyed the dilemma of an organ-player. the other day. An obvious strangerto the English language, the Italian monsterwas grinding away opposite a de*f asylum,and wert on pouring out tone, evidently wendering to himself that he made no impre!"S1''"upon the establishment. Occasionally be wwhistlo to enhance tho discord, but no a »-¦

dow cf the obdurate bouse was °Pen®' . ' '

servant appeared at the doortopa.4 moving on." When we left, he had neen

there full ten minutes, and be may be therenow for what we know..FancA.

ry The Catholic church, at Norfolk. iU*i stroyed by ft»e, i« to be t^boilt.

THE WEEKLY STAB.YfclaexaeUeat Family aa4 Wawa Journal.cea^

alalaf a greater Tartly aflawwongmt*mtu be feua4 la aav ettae.la pxb.lsha4ea Saint-

Acy ateralair.tnai.

CliflfMfy, pwafita tl *

ra itna.^ latTen copies. 8 09

IWeaty copies.. I* ®*

D* Cash, imiuiif k tmiici.

singlecoplen (1* wrapprr*) ranW procure*at the counter, immrdlateh after tbe Iwue of taap»per Price.Tamaa Canvai'oat ma .vxaawhoact at areata wrill bealiewe*

»co«mlMloa of twenty per reat

lhe American Bacera in EagUndEngiit-b »>irfm«n, now that the ^reat racing

muatinga of the jear are over, hare begun totake more notice than bef>re of the threeAmerican racert which Mr Ten Brceck. ofthia country, haa quietly br« ught in clos©proximity to their great battle Leidaof apeed.Quite a number of distinguished and noblesportsmen hare recently, aa we are informed,gone <>n short pilgrimage* to their atablcs; big*. book makers" are repeatedly aeen mouaingabout and looking on while the horaea are

taking their exercise; and the whole tulj«?cttheir presence aud intention?, haa been can-

va^ed with the gravity and interact which,belong to a matter of importaaee.English pride, however, and Eugliah racing

priie in particular, which ratea ita turf ao highthat it h*a never dreamt of equal competition,cannot conceive of such a thing aa a chancefor there neat looking American horaea aga:netthe chaiLpionaof their world-renowned tracks.It will appear, however, that such an ideahaebeen eonceived on Mr Ten Broeek'e aide, bythe following little extract from " Ball's Life *

of the 16ib November.<lAn effort haa been made," aay? that paper,

" to bring about a match for £5 000, betweenan Kngliah and American horae, foar milee,weight for age ; or to make two matchea, torun one in the spring, the other in the autumn,for £5.000 each match."By this it seeina that the English turfmen

do not feel £.-> entirely certain of the auperiorityof tLeir h »raei as to induce them to put uf so

large a sam aa £20.000 at the firat call Butthe following additional extract may assist usin c< ming a littte nearer to the state of Englishr'cing pul«e upon tbi« subject It is fr»m theIllustrated Ne ws of Noveml-er 22 :

'. The Atnericins ire putting out their flashmatch feeler; to our horses -foar miles forX5 00? > Hie: but we treat that the Asoot Cuprare wi!l be the one finrlly selected for the.!abut of thaec tnusulautic 'fivers;' and, ifF inr'ango and Job Marc >n, or Melisna and

Ifr^d l*ay. cannot nuke min^meat of themo e- its fe irful two and-a-half miles (equal toany 1 ur on the flat,) we shall be content toown oar Brother Jonathan to be as great inhorse-breeding ac he is in lock*, and yachts,and rrtifi?inl leg? ".Porter'* S/rirtt of theTines


|y Thero was a .-light sprinkle of snow at21 .ultoR. Ala., on the 5th inst.tyThe cititen? of Potsdam, New York'

have ju«t rai?ed 5555.62 for " bleeding" Kan-.-».

[Y" The Mitifoari, Upper Mississippi ar<fj Illinois, arc all gorged with ice, and the navi-! cation sjspenIe!

Li* Turks Inland date? of Nov. fc state that; tlrre were then 2<*0,000 bu-hels salt on hand*and quoted at cents.

l"V The savannah c <rre?potdent of thePiittbarg Expte^s estimates the ceat of thoball to the Southern Convention et 510.000.

he adulteration and even manufac¬ture cf guano are practiced in France to an ex-teut which has provoked compla:nta in thejournals.ty A remarks! ie instance of longevity is

mtnt.oned in the Mexican paptra.that ot a

lady who iisd at Actoiopan, at the age of 139year?.Ur t . « g >cratn»:.to Valley Railroad, theioneer ot its kind in California, was at tha*£t .icc.ui.ti. doing en immense freight bosir.e«

B*>k cr East Tennessee .The KnoxvilleWhig of the !3th, say? that the Bank of Eas''lenr.eaee is giving goli in exchange for allUll? payable at kuozville.

[~%f- The jury in the case of Lane ra. TheWertera Baptist Education trocietv, triad atCincinnati have returned a verdict for thej 'aintitl. and t^^es^ed his damages at £15,000

HSf-* The shortest day of the year is tha 21stcf this month The aiternoons of this weekare tht: ehorUst of the year.shorter even thanthe 21*t will be.

Locking over the returns of the Iowatle«v j:i, we fii d that Fremont beat Buchananin Buchauan county, while Buchanan beati reuiont in Fremont county: «. What's in alame"

An editor in Iowa haa been fined5250 for hugging a girl iu church- (* Cheapenough '' We once hugged a girl in meeting,and it ha< co«t uc a thousand dollars a yaarever since.or a correspondent of the New York Even-

ii-g Poit buggt;ts the establishment of an

academy for tho education of cooks, and sug¬gests that 5100 000 would be a sufficient fundfor the purpose Not a bad idea.CF Thel-iw report in the London papers

contains a record <>f an instructive case, "Col-verweil vt Sidebottom,'' showing how a veryyoung u:m gamed away 925,000 in a Londonhell.You.no America..Anxious parent, who haa

just finished whipping a child three years old*' Now. my child. I hopo you will be good, aothat I iuail not have to whip you again."Child.." If you must whip any one, you'd

better whip one of your sire ' Fact.

|'At Monterey. California, between Marckand the middle of November, eighteen whales,producing 16 "Oo gallons of oil, have been ta-ktn by the fishermen along shore The oilwas worth, in San Francieco, from S10 000to $12 000

There are 551 rice plantation in Oeor-si*. North and South Carolina, each raiting20,000 pounds and ovei. There are 16.745 to¬bacco estates of 3,000 pounds each, and over,i i Kentucky. Tennessee, and Virginia Thei*are 1.726 in Maryland.iy The Savannah Georgian announce*

thai Mr S P Hamilton ha* retired from hiteditorial connection with that paper Ho iasucceeded by Mr. A. K Lamar, who haa be¬come asiociated with Mr. R. B. Hilton aa pro¬prietor and assistant editor.

Extensive preparations are on foot forbuilding a now city at the mouth of the Ohioriver, to be called Emporium. The amount ofcash realized from the first sale of lota waa

S 100,000. A Urge number of hand? are en¬

gaged in constructing a marine railroad, and.numerous other heavy improvementsur a blind hand-organist in Rochester

who went about the streets of the city with a

little daughter, L is just fallen heir to an es¬

tate in Wale?, estimated to be worth a millionof dollars A prominent legal firm in Roches¬ter is now erga ?ed in making ont the necessarypapers

13?" Referring to the tremendous apeed ofrailway trains, Thackeray saya. not withoutreason, that ' we do not travel now-a-daya;we arrive at places;" and Buskin, in hia latevolume, says " railway traveling ia not travel¬ing at all; it is merely being aent to a place,and very little different from beo^ming a par¬cel "

Error tw the Date - A servant girl fellagainat a hot etove in auch a manner aa t<>

brand upon her arm the date which happenedto be on the atovo.l«0tf. A aurgeon w*a aentfor. who, however, happened to be abaen\and in hia place an aaaiatmt eim« ; but whenhe saw the date he shook his head and aaid tohimself: .« There ia no longer any help forthis : it ie toe old an injury "

Pat amd the TatRMoxETER..In Auburn,laat winter, an Irisbmaa walking along one ofthe streete saw a thermometer hanging at thoside of the door on the front « f the house.Stopping a moment, he looked a' it, then ap¬proaching it, raised hie sbelaVb, and ex

claimed, *' An1 faith, and y iu re the littlecrether what keep* the we'her so cowld, r.re

ye7" and with a terrific blow, cccompat «dwith tho ueual Irish catk, brought it in a

thousand piaaea to tha ground.