volkswagen advertising: the ads mad men made

through the ages the ads mad men make Heather White-Laird Executive Creative Producer, iCrossing

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Post on 09-May-2015




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  • 1.through the ages
    the ads mad men make
    Heather White-Laird
    Executive Creative Producer, iCrossing

2. the ages
a long time ago
soon after that
not so long ago
just yesterday
sometime in the future
3. a long time ago
4. 5. early 60s
period of invention and innovation
emergence of consumer class
challenger brand that had to overcome legacy from WW2
german car company hires a jewish agency
self deprecating humor
nurtured current customers as brand ambassadors rather than attract new ones
6. 7. 8. 9. #1 ad campaign of all time according to Ad Age
first successful import car
first time people talked about ads at cocktail parties
pioneered the use of simplicity in print & tv
first time art/copy concept team worked together
single most influential ad man ever
brand evangelists thrive today
hundreds of websites, thousands of videos on YouTube with millions of views
10. 11. In advertising
not to be
Bill Bernbach
12. 13. soon after that
14. 15. 16. mid 90s hired Arnold
within one year sales increased almost 50%
drivers wanted campaign ran for 10 years, across all models
retained simple clean design and sans serif font
moved away from self effacement to self promotion
targeted young male drivers with speed, freedom, hip, german engineering
17. 18. not so long ago
19. 20. 21. in mid 00s hired crispin porter bogusky
less about the product, more about shock value
goal to make brand part of pop culture
goal to make brand more even more male
german dominatrix helga adds sex appeal
she walks user through of 500 different options of web configurator
22. 23. #1 video on You Tube for two weeks
more than 7,500 fans on MySpace
thousands of downloaded ringtones
major media coverage in all spaces
people are talking around water cooler again
sales improved
dealers enthusiastic
24. 25. If they arent
about your
the brand is
Alex Bogusky
26. just yesterday
27. 28. hired AKQA Mobile
1st car launch on an iPhone app
#1 download in 36 territories
97% lower cost per sale than typical car launch
geo location feature identified local dealers
traced sales back to app
175 sales, 50% to new users
generated $4million in revenue
29. 30. 31. the Mad Men Rules
32. creativity is king
girls still sell products
viral is still the goal
leverage brand ambassadors
art director/copywriter teams
33. balance of power has shifted to consumer
splinternet requires presence on mulitple platforms
attention span is short
long term relationships gone
tv and print are declining
more pull than push
logos everywhere
34. sometime soon
35. Interactive engagement
subliminal advertising
windshield advertising
augmented reality
integrated into everyday life
payment required
not going away
Integration with location based services