volume 1 issue 35

www.indoafricatimes.com MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 08, 2014 Title Code: DELENG18579 RNI NO: DELENG/2014/54666 Postal Registration No.: DN/325/2014-2016 VOL. 1 NO. 35 Page 12 Price `10 pg 08 pg 04 pg 07 pg 03 pg 05 CONTINUED TO PAGE 03 T he Modi Mahel, the Vibrant Gujarat forms agriculture as the foremost fragment of the state economy. PM Modi has specified Gujarat as the Growth Engine of India. Agriculture, which is the main stay of the people in Gujarat, delivers Gujarat with the essential food grains, as well as it also backs the foremost portion for the adjoining areas. The present day globalized agricultural environment compels a universal methodology to farming and all linked happenings. On this note, the 4th edition of Agitech Asia, efficaciously came to an end. The exhibition recreated an essential character in enhancing effectiveness by cheering farmers to embrace a combined slant to agriculture and work towards better returns from the existing set-ups. The International Exhibition and Conference was held from 3rd to 5th September 2014 at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. The exhibition intended at serving the farmers in cognizing about new walks of employment, receiving more crops in lesser land and to reduce wastage of cultivated crops. A national seminar on Farm Income Insurance: Issues and Way Forward was also planned at the second day which was appropriately inaugurated by the Union Minister of Agriculture, Government of India Shri Radha Mohan Singh. Smt. Anandiben Patel, Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Babubhai Bokhiria, Minister of Agriculture, Gujarat, amongst other notables were there to address the seminar. The seminar talked on methods and techniques to empower farmers for a better future. The honourable dignitaries mouthed on the critical condition of the farmers who are dependent on yield and income, struggling hard for a better living. LOOK OUT FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN BOTSWANA RISHIKESH: THE ADVENTURE CAPITAL OF INDIA GIVING AFRICA’S AGRICULTURE A BOOST Diamond Bank Partners DHL to Create Logistics Solutions Seychelles at Samoa Conference

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Page 1: Volume 1 issue 35


MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 08, 2014 Title Code: DELENG18579 • RNI NO: DELENG/2014/54666 • Postal Registration No.: DN/325/2014-2016 • VOL. 1 • NO. 35 • Page 12 • Price `10

pg 08

pg 04

pg 07

pg 03 pg 05

Continued to page 03

The Modi Mahel, the Vibrant Gujarat forms agriculture as the foremost fragment of the state economy. PM Modi has specified Gujarat as the Growth Engine of India.

Agriculture, which is the main stay of the people in Gujarat, delivers Gujarat with the essential food grains, as well as it also backs the foremost portion for the adjoining areas.

The present day globalized agricultural environment compels a universal methodology to farming and all linked happenings. On this note, the 4th edition of Agitech Asia, efficaciously came to an end. The exhibition recreated an essential character in enhancing effectiveness by cheering farmers to embrace a combined slant to agriculture and work towards better returns from the existing set-ups.

The International Exhibition and Conference was held from 3rd to 5th September 2014 at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.

The exhibition intended at serving the farmers in cognizing about new walks of employment, receiving more crops in lesser land and to reduce wastage of cultivated crops.

A national seminar on Farm Income Insurance: Issues and Way Forward was also planned at the second day which was appropriately inaugurated by the Union Minister of Agriculture, Government of India Shri Radha Mohan Singh.

Smt. Anandiben Patel, Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Babubhai Bokhiria, Minister of Agriculture, Gujarat, amongst other notables were there to address the seminar.

The seminar talked on methods and techniques to empower farmers for a better future. The honourable dignitaries mouthed on the critical condition of the farmers who are dependent on yield and income, struggling hard for a better living.




diamond Bank Partners dhL to Create Logistics Solutions

Seychelles at Samoa


Page 2: Volume 1 issue 35


Government has designed a new programme to enable local leaders get training

from their respective districts instead of having to travel to Kigali.

The Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) says 30 consultant coaches will be sent in all 30 districts of the country to offer training as part of efforts to accelerate implementation of government development initiatives.

The move comes in the third phase of decentralisation process.

The coaches will work under the auspices of a two-year project aimed at addressing capacity constraints at individual, organisational and institutional levels, which RGB sees as a stumbling block to the achievement of the country’s Vision 2020.

They have been selected through open bidding and the criteria included having at least

Rwanda has partnered with a local investor, Rwanda Online Platform Limited, to offer public services electronically. Public services will thus be accessible via internet and mobile devices.

The company, with a 25-year contract, will build and operate a platform, after which it will be transferred back to the government.

The Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) agreement aims to bridge the access to information gap, as well as improve public service delivery through digitalization of services.

The first phase of three years, signed effective August 20th, 2014, has 100 pre-selected services from 6 institutions.

Ten services are expected to be offered by April 2015. Services to be automated in the first phase include: National ID card application, Application for birth certificate, Registration for theory driving test, Application for Visa Permits, Application for Criminal

Botswana Railways (BR) has announced plans to introduce a tourist train to offer both local and international tourists an opportunity to explore Botswana and the neighboring countries, privately run Yarona FM reported. Delivering a strategy aimed at positioning Francistown as the transport and logistics hub and strategic gateway into the Southern African Development Community (SADC) BR business development director said the idea is at its final

Air Seychelles, the national airline of the Republic of Seychelles, and Hong Kong Airlines, an internationally-acclaimed SKYTRAX 4-star airline, have signed a codeshare agreement to provide travelers with enhanced connections in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Under the codeshare agreement, Air Seychelles will place its ‘HM’ code on Hong Kong Airlines’ flights between Hong Kong and the capital of Thailand, Bangkok. In return, Hong Kong Airlines will place its ‘HX’ code on Air Seychelles’ flights between the Seychelles and Hong Kong, as well as between Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates.

The agreement was signed this week by Manoj Papa, Chief Executive Officer of Air Seychelles, and Li Dianchun, Commercial Director of Hong Kong Airlines.

Manoj Papa said: “We are delighted to expand our network of

a Bachelors’ degree and five years of experience in a relevant field or local government and development institutions.

The project coordinator, Benjamin Ndahirwa, said they are committed to supporting local leaders achieve development goals.

“The pilot study carried out in 10 districts of the country in 2011 yielded good results, especially in terms of performance contracts. We will empower them by providing relevant and required skills in their daily activities,” he said.

Ndahirwa was speaking at the launch of the programme.

Amb. Fatuma Ndangiza, the Deputy Executive Director RGB, said the move aims at achieving development goals.

“The coaching programme will empower local leaders in

New scheme to empower local leaders

Rwanda moves to offer all public services online

Hong Kong Airlines and Air Seychelles codeshare

Botswana to launch tourist train

NCBS executive secretary Antonia Mutoro (right) addresses participants as Minaloc’s permanent secretary Vincent Munyeshyaka looks on at the meeting in Kigali

terms of planning, monitoring and evaluation of development projects. It is an on-job learning and training approach that will address relevant issues affecting the implementation of profitable projects,” she noted.

Ndangiza said service delivery is an issue that requires more attention in this programme as it affects the performance of all sectors.

In the new programme, districts are encouraged to strengthen investment-oriented market and increase tax base and revenue.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government, Vincent Munyeshyaka, said local leaders have to take advantage of this programme to boost their economic development.

“Only 15 per cent of district budgets is generated locally. Now about 50 per cent of the National Budget is mobilised locally through taxes. Since our target is at least 70 per cent of the National budget in 2017, districts should widen their tax base,” he said.

He added that coaches and districts have to work as a team since they will equally be responsible in case the project fails.

The coaching programme will last for two years and a $1.9 million (Rwf1.35 billion) grant from UNDP has been allocated for its implementation.

The programme comes as one of mechanisms to help achieve EDPRS 2 and Vision 2020, development agendas.

New Times

codeshare partners with the addition of Hong Kong Airlines. As a leading international tourism destination, the Seychelles attracts a large number of travellers from across Asia, and through our codeshare agreement with Hong Kong Airlines, we are confident these volumes will continue to flourish. At the same

time, residents of the Seychelles will benefit from direct access to the global finance and tourism hub of Hong Kong.”

Li Dianchun said: “This codeshare agreement is part of a comprehensive strategy to open up new markets and offer more choices to Hong Kong Airlines’ passengers. Our partner Air Seychelles is a well-respected airline that will successfully broaden our reach to the Seychelles and Abu Dhabi, two of the world’s fastest-growing and most exciting travel destinations. The agreement enables passengers to book any Hong Kong Airlines flight originating from China, Japan and Southeast Asia to Abu Dhabi and the Seychelles connecting through the Hong Kong hub. We anticipate strong demand on these routes and look forward to building our cooperation with Air Seychelles in the future.”

Eturbo News

Clearance certificate (extrait du casier judiciaire), Application for building permits, Transfer of land title, Application for ordinary passport, Issuance of trading license and Land registration.

According to Rosemary Mbabazi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Youth and ICT, the platform will serve as single service delivery portal for all Government ministries and agencies.

She said it will provide citizens and businesses with a streamlined and efficient experience at reduced operational costs.

Francis Gatare, the Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Board said the initiative is the beginning of harvesting the fruits of Rwanda's investment into ICT infrastructure.

He said this is the reflection of Rwanda's ambition to transform the lives of Rwandans and make the Rwandan business environment even more attractive and competitive.

"We are looking forward to seeing the first ten services online, as a success story in public service delivery in Africa," he said.

He said services will be accessible 24 hours/7 days via Internet and mobile devices. "We acknowledge the importance of a quick-win within the first phase of implementation."

Partnering with a local company, Gatare explained, is because they are better placed to develop innovative, homegrown solutions that address local challenges.

Irene Ndikumwenayo, Ag. CEO of Rwanda Online Ltd said: "The platform will help reduce the amount of time spent waiting in line, streamlining requirements for the application process, and increasing accountability on the Government."

"We are making Rwanda a model for the rest of the continent," she added.

Eturbo News

stages. Makuke said the tourist train will take tourists from Francistown in Botswana, Bulawayo and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe before Livingstone in Zambia and back into the wildlife infested town of Kasane in Botswana.

The train will be in the model of the famous shosholodza train of South Africa where tourists will be served with snacks and beverages while enjoying the beauty of Southern Africa.

Eturbo News


Page 3: Volume 1 issue 35

Wassupafrica 03

Seychelles President James Michel has presented 4 major proposals for the

sustainable development of small island developing states, in his address at the opening of the third international conference on SIDS which got underway on 1st September’2014 in Apia, Samoa.

According to the United Nations, the conference was being held in the Pacific to demonstrate the challenges and opportunities facing countries in the small island developing states group.

“We have come here not to beg but to assert our right. Our right to a decent life. Our right to survival in an increasingly cynical and manipulative world, dominated by big business. Our way of life that we want to bequeath to the children of our islands and their children. Our right to development that enriches our quality of life and the essence of our being over and above purely commercial considerations. Our right to exist,” said Michel in his address.

According to a statement issued by State House this afternoon, the Seychellois head of state noted that "the globalisation of development measures wealth and forgets people, through indices such as GDP per capita."

Michel’s first proposal to ensure

Bank of Kigali posted a 35 per cent increase in half year net profit to Rwf9.8 billion, from Rwf7.3 billion in June last year, a financial statement from the lender indicates.

The bank’s net income from banking activities increased to Rwf30.6 billion from Rwf25.2 billion during the period. Its loan book also expanded, with equipment loans taking the largest share, increasing from Rwf54.6 billion last year to Rwf81.4 billion by end of June.

Mortgage loans dropped to Rwf44.1 billion, from Rwf49.1 billion last year, indicating a Rwf5 billion decline.

Treasury and consumer loans also declined during the period from Rwf43 billion and Rwf33.6 billion last year to Rwf39.7 billion and Rwf32.2 billion this year respectively.

However, overdrawn accounts grew to Rwf9.4 billion from Rwf8.98 billion, while non-performing loans increased to Rwf3.3 billion from Rwf1.86 billion last year.

New Times

FRoM page 01

Seychelles President James Michel addressing the opening of the UN conference on SIDS, in Apia, Samoa.

Samoa conference opens - Seychelles presents 4 major proposals for the sustainable development of SIDS

BK registers Rwf9.8b half-year profit

Nigeria launches national identity card scheme

sustainable development of SIDS called for the Samoa meeting to ensure that islands get development options that are adapted to their needs.

He suggested the adoption of vulnerability criteria to allow islands to invest to build resilience against global shocks.

“We need a vulnerability or resilience index to be built-in to the UN and global development architecture. This will not only benefit SIDS. It will ensure that development as a whole is more targeted and more effective,” said Michel.

A model of development that is ocean based rather than land based for SIDS is the second proposal made by the Seychellois head of state.

“……The oceans are our life-

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan launched a national electronic identity card scheme, which backers said would boost access to financial and government services in Africa's most populous nation.

The head of state was issued with his own card, which features a credit card-style chip with personal as well as biometric data and doubles up as a prepaid charge and debit card.

A number of Nigerian government agencies, from the police to the Independent National Electoral Commission, have embarked on their own separate ID card schemes.

But Jonathan said the plan was to eventually include details such as driving licence, health insurance, tax and pension information on the single card.

"The regime of duplication of biometric databases must now have to give way to harmonisation and unification with the e-ID scheme, which shall be the primary database," he told reporters.

Only 32 percent of Nigeria's adult population are thought to have bank accounts, according to a 2012 study.

Nigeria's central bank has been pushing for a move away from cash to electronic payments and has trialled a scheme in the financial capital, Lagos, with the help of private partners.

But the pilot project has not been plain sailing, with retailers and customers often facing frequent power supply and connectivity problems that slowed down transactions.

The cards will be available initially to Nigerians aged 16 and older and all residents in the country for more than two years.

Cardholders will be given a unique national identification number and have to provide fingerprint data, a photo and digital signature to cut the risk of fraud and embezzlement.The scheme has so far cost about seven billion naira ($42.5 million, 32 million euros), according to the National Identity Management Commission.

Financial services firm MasterCard, the scheme's payment technology provider, said 13 million cards would be available in the first phase, with more than 100 million to be issued in total.

"Nigeria is ready for this," the firm's head of Sub-Saharan African operations, Daniel Mohin, told AFP.

"Nigeria has been left out of electronic financial payment for decades but now Nigeria is saying we want to take our rightful place in payment. There has not been a project of this magnitude... that's been rolled out at this scale."

Africa's most populous nation has an unenviable reputation for fraud, particularly involving financial transactions.But Monehin said the card was "secured with the best form of security that is available".

Modern Ghana

source, the pulse of our survival, and the catalyst for building a new development model that builds on our strengths whilst reducing our weaknesses," he said.

The Seychellois head of state noted that Seychelles hosted a first Blue Economy Summit in partnership with the UAE in Abu Dhabi in January this year.

“At this summit we agreed to harness our oceans to accelerate our ability to produce food and energy, whilst also diversifying our economies. To achieve this we need research and technology transfer,” he said in the statement.

Michel also spoke about the need to have more affordable financing for SIDS which he said are often faced with unsustainable debts.

“……While large middle income countries can often get very affordable credit through commercial terms based on the size of their internal markets and their assets, SIDS see the cost of their small populations and their isolation directly reflected in the applied interest rates.”

Climate change was another important issue addressed by Michel adding that 2015 must be the year where the world ends the debate and rhetoric on climate change.

“It is time that we recognise climate change for what it is: a collective crime against humanity. Climate change will be the single largest reason for displacement of peoples in the next 50 years. Climate change is already robbing a generation of its livelihoods. Climate change is robbing island nations of their right to exist. We must save our future together,” he said.

According to the statement issued by State House, Michel also attended the Alliance of Small Island States Leaders meeting, together with the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, prior to the opening of the SIDS conference.

“The AOSIS leaders adopted a declaration with a strong position on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the Blue Economy and against climate change,” read the statement.

The Samoa conference brought together some 3,000 dignitaries from 193 UN member states. During the conference, heads of state, ministers, private sector businesses, academics, NGOs and journalists from all over the world got engaged in discussing small island issues.

‘The sustainable development of small island developing states through genuine and durable partnerships’ was the theme chosen for the gathering.


Additionally, the challenges of climate change and global warming, worsening soil health with imbalanced use of fertilizers, lack of organic content, low productivity and unfavourable prices were also addressed for further improvement of agriculture sector of Gujarat.

A decent agricultural growth is the pre-requisite for comprehensive growth, drop in poverty levels, growth of rural economy and augmenting of farm incomes of the rural areas of India. Kudos to the organizers of Agritech Asia, Radeecal Communication for bringing such interesting initiative which was beforehand inaugurated by Narender Modi when he was serving as the Chief Minister of Gujarat.

One cannot deny the fact that Agritech Asia is acting as a facilitator for endorsing agro industrial development. This annual event has fascinated major international players in this domain. Visitors in large numbers visited the pavilions of corporates operating in varied zone ranging from agro equipment, tyres, tractors, fertilizer companies amongst others.

The event has smartly fascinated the consideration of major international and national agriculture leaders, institutional investors, analysts, corporates dealing with greenhouse plasticulure, livestock fabrication etc. It was an enchanted feeling for all to witness a large number of farmers who were trying to acquaint themselves with the state-of-the-art technology in the field of agriculture. Gujarat is the India’s largest producer of cotton, caster, cumin and isabgul. The state is the largest producer of sesame and groundnut in the county. The agricultural efficiency of some crops in the state is highest in India as well as in the World.

mONDAY | SEPTEmBER 08, 2014

Page 4: Volume 1 issue 35

of the world’s largest mines – the Orapa Kimberlite Diamond Pipe.

In the same vein, it can be said about on the most flourishing,

countryoftheWeek04BOTSWANA AT A GLANCE

Country Official Name: Republic of BotswanaHead of the State: H.E. Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian KhamaCapital: GaboroneIndependence: 30th September 1966Religions: African religions, Christianity, Islam, Hindu amongst othersGovernment: Parliamentary DemocracyTotal Area: 581,730 km2

GDP: $16.046 billion (2013)Inflation Rate: 4.4 % (2014)Population: 2,038,228 (2011 Census)Languages: Setswana, English and other local languagesClimate: Semi-AridExport Items: Minerals (diamond, coal, copper and nickel), beefImport Items: Fuel, food, beverages and tobacco, machinery and electrical equipment, vehicle and transport equipment Natural Resources: Diamonds, coal, wildlife, soda ashMain Economic Sectors: Mining, tourism, agriculture, construction, manufacturing and retailingTime Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+2)Currency: Pula (BWP)

Botswana, a landlocked country with stunning beauty and mesmerizing

panoramas gained independence from British rule in 1966 with a GDP of about $70 that time. Today, the country proudly boasts of the growth and development that has been brought by the people of Botswana. With a population of about 2.021 million and a GDP of $14.79 million in 2013, the country is blessed with diamond mines which has brought it into the ranks of upper-middle income countries and GDP growth of 5.9%.

Democratic society of Botswana has resulted in stable and growing economy supported by prudent macroeconomic and fiscal management. Botswana’s investment climate is well-off on comparing with other countries. Also, the nation is a member of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), an economic grouping free of tariffs that also includes South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland along with member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) providing a wide market of more than 200 million people.

The booming country is centrally located in Southern Africa and shares borders with Zambia in north, Zimbabwe in the north-east, Namibia in the North West and South Africa in the south and south-east. Spread across 581, 730 square kilometers in area and capital city being Gaborone, it is a

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place within the high pressure belt in the Southern African interior and experiences low rainfall and high temperatures.

IncentivesThe country has a

robust financial sector inclusive of banks, insurance companies with an increasing stock market. The government of Botswana provides special incentives to foreign investors such as Corporate Tax @ 15% for manufacturing and financial service sector together with stable political environment and good governance, low corruption.

Also, the governments has provided low corporate tax @25% with no foreign exchange controls, tax holiday and industrial rebate concession. For increase in investments, customs duty draw back facility, free importation of raw materials, equipment and machinery is amended.

Furthermore, the country is up for issuing licenses, issuing indefinite manufacturing licenses on a weekly basis with an educated manpower.

No doubt, the African country has abundance of business opportunities in distinct sectors yet to be discovered fully and exploited. And, governments commitment to enhance and attract investment , promotion if new industries is showcased in the theme of National Development Plan 9 2003/2008 – Towards Realization of Vision 2016: Sustainable and Diversified Development through Competitiveness in global Markets with imperativeness of diversification progress.

JewelleryHaving the treasure of

diamonds, Botswana is an apt destination for businesses and corporates dealing in ornaments and others. Worth noticing here is that Botswana is the world’s largest diamond producer by value.

Manufacturing It is the field attracting

investors on a large scale from South Africa, India, china, Taiwan,

United Kingdom, Belgium, Portugal, Mauritius and others with a vast variety of goods for domestic and exports.Automotive Components

The automobile industry in Botswana is spreading its wings aggressively for last few years, and if you are in automotive industry, be at Botswana. The government in Botswana ensures easy operations for investors through its Lome, Cotonou, AGOA and various other trade agreements enabling businesses to trade duty and quota free with some the most successful


Leather GoodsAfrica is renowned for leather

production and Botswana is among those African countries. It produces around 350,000 cattle hides per annum which are used for furniture manufacturing.

Other than these business options, the country is blessed with many more resources to attract foreign investment and corporates on the land of Botswana, such as Pharmaceuticals, high-end printing, textiles and fabrics, plastics, mining, processed meat and packaging, etc.

DiamondsBeing the world’s largest

producer of diamonds by volume, in 2003 the country became fully Kimberley-compliant and began issuing its own certificates. The business of diamonds is protected under the Precious and Semi-Precious Stones (Protection) Act of 1969. The Botswana government also launched its very own ‘Diamonds for Development’ campaign in 2000. On the other hand, the country is a home to one

successful African country, Botswana that it is the destination every other investor should look out for business opportunities offered.

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Page 5: Volume 1 issue 35

BusinessBuzz 05Diamond Bank Partners DHL to Create Logistics Solutions

MTN connects Bugesera orphanage to solar energy

MTN Donates To Odambea FestivalDiamond Bank Plc, Nigeria’s leading retail Bank, has entered into partnership

with DHL Global Forwarding to ease financial and logistics burden faced by manufacturers and businesses during importation of goods and raw materials.

The product, Diamond Logistics Service, would allow business managers and owners, particularly in the manufacturing sector, to concentrate on their key business operations without being distracted by the demands of the supply chain. The new solutions would involve both payments and logistics benefits.

Speaking at the signing ceremony in Lagos, UzomaDozie, Deputy Managing Director, Diamond Bank Plc, said the key objective of the new service was to

Mobisol, a German Company generating power from solar energy sources, marked the 1000th solar home system installation in Abajambo Orphanage, Nyamata Sector in Bugesera District.

The off-grid system was installed in collaboration with MTN as part of efforts to improve access to electricity in rural households.

MTN CEO Ebenezer Asante, who officially switched on the solar system at the orphanage said financing the project was not only part of giving back to the

As part of its social responsibility, one of Ghana's leading telecommunication companies, MTN, has presented a cheque of GH¢3,000, GH¢500 worth of MTN airtime, assorted products and souvenirs from MTN and a drink hamper to the Odambea Planning

Kaduna Communities Applaud Airtel’s Role in Mobile Health Care Delivery... ...With Millennium Village ProjectStakeholders of the Pampaida Millennium Villages project in Kaduna have commended leading telecoms operator, Airtel Nigeria, for its contribution towards the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Specifically, the stakeholders lauded Airtel’s mobile-health service, an intervention which has significantly reduced the mortality and morbidity rate of infants and mothers in several villages in Kaduna State.

Whilst expressing their gratitude, the health workers in the communities, residents and other beneficiaries urged Airtel to continue in its genuine commitment at improving the quality of life of Nigerians as demonstrated by the smooth operations of the M-health service.

Under the M-health initiative, Airtel is providing critical telecommunications Infrastructure including a 3G mast, smartphones, toll free lines and Closed User Group (CUG) services .

The Pampaida Millennium Village Project in Kaduna is one of the two Millennium Villages inaugurated by the Federal Government in May 2006 in line with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Team Leader and Operations Manager, Pampaida MVP, Mr. Bala Yunusa, described the role played by Airtel Nigeria as vital and indispensable towards achieving the key goals of the Millennium Villages Project.

Mr. Yunusa, in an interview during an assessment tour by Airtel Nigeria to the MVP in Kaduna said: “After conducting a rapid diagnostic test, the Village Health Workers are able to capture and send real-

community, but also created a win-win situation.

“We want to ensure that the community gets connected to electricity that continues to play a major role in promoting economic activities. In the long run, we hope mobile phone usage will increase and consequently, services like Mobile Money will be delivered in the community.”

Jules Ndenga, the in charge of planning and policy at the Ministry of Infrastructure, said solar energy is much cheaper and fits in well with the budgets of rural households.

New Times

Committee as part of the company's contribution towards the festival. The items were presented on behalf of MTN by Teddy Hayford Acquah, when MTN paid a courtesy call on the Odambea Planning Committee to announce its packages for the festival.

This year's Odambea festival promises to be even more exciting than the previous years, and activities that would take place at the festival include a health walk, football gala, among others.

MTN also hopes to assist and educate over 2,000 subscribers on MTN data usage and related Value Added Services (VAS) during the festival.

Modern Ghana

provide convenient payment and delivery services to their customers in need of logistics.

“Diamond Bank Plc is interested in creating the convenience for our customers for their importation activities. We discover that most businesses dissipate needless energy, time and resources on their freight forwarding activities to the detriment of their core business concerns. They experience challenges in payment, cargo clearing and movement to locations. These are issues that this new service will tackle,” Uzoma stated.

Speaking further, he said, “Diamond Bank would handle the payment for all importation transactions while DHL handles the logistics involved. The security of the goods imported would

also be guaranteed. Customers will have time to focus on their core deliverables and be more competitive in their own field.”

While speaking on the service, Sylvester Idoko Onoja, Head, Trade Products, Diamond Bank Plc said, “Diamond Bank is doing this to ensure that customers are not distracted from their core business objectives. The logistics hassles would be taken off their “To-Do” list. The supply chain process is cumbersome for customers. The Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises must be encouraged to grow sufficiently; this product will takethe burden of importation off their shoulders.”

In her remarks, Sukhvinder Kaur, Chief Financial Officer, DHL Global Forwarding West Africa, said the new service would engender a revolution in the manufacturing industry in the country, adding that the pedigree of both Diamond Bank and DHL would make the Diamond Logistics Service the toast of customers.

She said: “DHL GF understands that logistics and finance are specialized fields that should be managed by people with remarkable track record. This partnership will ease the challenge of manufacturers and other companies in Nigeria that import goods. We would create a seamless movement of goods till delivery to their destination of choice.”

Modern Ghana

time information on their mobile phones to a server which provides automatic response and guidance for the health workers on the field.

“The mobile data provided by Airtel is used to send required details to the remote server, while the CUG allows smooth communication among the team of health workers. This is made possible by our partner Airtel Nigeria in collaboration with Ericsson.”Also, Dr. Clement Woje expressed that it has resulted in increased access and utilization of health care services, decreased malaria prevalence rate and influenced a general decline in child and maternal mortality.

Corroborating Dr. Woje, Mr. Ojo Adedotun, a Health Facilitator under the project, said the project records a monthly average of 30 to 40 child deliveries out of which 10 to 15 are home deliveries while the remaining occur in the clinic noting that the M-health service supported by Airtel Nigeria plays significant roles in the success of these deliveries.

The Millennium Villages project, based at The Earth Institute at Columbia University, is a science-based bottom-up approach to lifting rural villages out of the poverty trap that afflicts more than a billion people worldwide. The Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of Airtel Nigeria, Segun Ogunsanya, says the company is providing communications solutions that will help to improve the quality of life of people in one of the remotest parts of Nigeria.

"The communication solutions that have been deployed will enable the people of Pampaida to make calls, access health services and education and improve their economic status."

Modern Ghana

mONDAY | SEPTEmBER 08, 2014

Page 6: Volume 1 issue 35

fRaNkLY sPeaKinG06

Pule I MAleFANe Consul General, Republic of South Africa

SHAIleNDRA SINgHBusiness Director for Africa at Wipro

Many Indian companies have invested in South Africa last fiscal. Prominent among them are $15-billion investment by Apollo Tyres, and $8 billion by KLT Automotive and Tubular Products. Exim Bank has opened a branch in South Africa to promote bilateral trade.

IT services growth in the African continent is being strongly driven by government spends in IT infrastructure and services, India's third-largest software provider that is present in eight of the 54 countries. Wipro, which has 1,100 employees in Africa, will hire 1,000 people at its three centres in South Africa.


African nations are inviting Indian investors with doors open to invest in its various sectors

Nairobi is among top 10 cities in Sub Saharan Africa that promises the best investment returns for businesses by year 2040, according to consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In a report titled 'Africa: Growth is on the horizon but where should you look?' the research and consultancy firm said the population trends in the 10 cities in SSA will double adding that by 2030, these areas have the potential to triple their combined GDP, rising by around $140 billion .

The cities are Ibadan, Adis Ababa, Ouagadougou , Dakar , Kano , Nairobi , Abidjan , Khartoum , Luanda , and Dar es Salaam , respectively.

"Most large western corporations are already active in either Kinshasa, Johannesburg or Lagos, the top three largest cities in SSA. However, we think that the real opportunity lies in the next 10 largest cities," it said.

According to PwC, cities are the gateway to new markets and more people would mean bigger opportunities for businesses that want to expand their activities in SSA . "Cities enable closer interaction with customers in a relatively small geographic space which in turn helps contain distribution costs."

It noted that corporations are increasingly recognising the untapped potential of the SSA countries, saying, "This is mainly driven by Africa's unparalleled demographic edge compared to other parts of the world."

It said policymakers in SSA need to overcome infrastructural, political, legal and regulatory problems which make it difficult to deal with bigger and more complicated economies .

Low quality of infrastructure and growing pains stemming from the inability of policymakers to manage effectively a larger and more complex economic system as growth proceeds, could derail the pace at which the 'next 10' grow, it said.


The remarkable development of India has ensued in diminution of its assets like natural resources, and to develop further, more and

more means and resources are essential to be on hand. The African continent is jam-packed with virgin resources. Numerous fast developing Indian firms are steering Africa for their enlargement. According to United Nations, in terms of demography, Africa will be a superpower by 2100.

It’s worthy to mention that India and Africa have a historic bond, Mahatma Gandhi being the supreme connection. India had trade networks with its sister continent Africa since 10th century. These associations were fortified when both the continents shared their majestic masters. Government of India has been giving grants and financial aid to Africa for its growth and development. African nations also look at India as a yardstick of development, and sought to acquire more from India’s development in numerous businesses.

African nations are inviting Indian investors with doors open to invest in its various sectors.

I must draw your attention towards the increasing number of Indian firms which are piloting several takes on abroad and are venturing into Africa. In June 2008, Bharti Airtel, an Indian telecommunications giant, acquired Zain Africa for US$9 billion. The Tata Group, for example, an India-based multinational corporation, revealed earlier this year a $1.7 billion greenfield investment intended at enhancing automobile and hospitality dealings in the continent. Furthermore, Vedanta Resources, India's largest mining and non-ferrous metals company recently reported that it had spent $4 billion US dollars over the past nine years in Africa's mining sector.

Brush up your memories 2 years before, Ambani, who is India's richest man, had also put in greatly in Tanzania's air transport and hospitality industries. Africa's vast resources have long stirred up commercial interest. Indian corporates have already invested more than US$ 34 billion in the promising continent as of 2011 & further investments worth US$ 59.7 billion are in the pipeline.

It is interesting to note that the trade between India & Africa has developed exponentially during the past decade. The trade volume has touched US$ 53.3 billion in 2010-11 & US$ 62 billion in 2011-12. It is anticipated that it would further boost up to US$ 90 billion by 2015. In 2011, India appeared as Africa's fourth largest trade partner behind China, EU & USA whereas Africa has come forth as India's sixth largest trading partner behind EU, China, UAE, USA & ASEAN. It is to be noted that this volume was at a stingy US$ 3 billion in 2001.

We, Indians, have to take on a chief character in the sustainable development of Africa. India has by now already commenced the trade of acquaintance, philosophies and facilities. Don’t wait for the immediate results; you can reap the sugary fruits only with your strong dedication and commitment towards the continent which will indeed build a sustainable relation between India and Africa.

African countries have all the time graciously received the assistance provided by India. On my conversation with the High Commissioner of The Gambia, H.E. Mr. Dembo M. Badjie, the envoy urged Indian investors to take advantage of the investor-friendly climate and a host of incentives they are offering.

• Agriculture• Trade, Industry & Investment• Small & Medium Enterprises• Finance• Regional Integration• Peace & Security• Civil Society & Governance• Science & Technology• Information and

Communication Technology• Health• Culture• Sports• Infrastructure, Energy &

Environment• Tourism• Media & Communications

Africa & India to cooperate on following areas

By kirit soBti, Editor, [email protected]

Nairobi Among Top Investment Hubs in Africa


Page 7: Volume 1 issue 35

traVeL&touRism 07

Triveni GhatIt is the place where tourists can spectator

Hindu pilgrims in hordes. Hajjis from all

across the country arrive here to observe a holy dip in the Ganges. The scene nevertheless becomes surreal as hundreds of pilgrims flock to the ghat in the evening to pay heed to the Ganga Aarti, an imperative ritual to worship the Ganga. Hundreds of diyas afloat the River Ganges add much to the sight.

Ram JhulaYet added deferred bridge in Rishikesh

is the Ram Jhula. The bridge assists as the assembly between the Shivanand Ashram and Swarg Ashram. It is enthusiastic to Ram, Lakshmana's elder brother.

Rishikeshthe adventure Capital of india

in huge number. It doesn't matter whether you are a newbie in the field or an expert rafter, Rishikesh offers rafting occasions for all. With the support of professional rafters and trainers, Rafting in Rishikesh can be a lot of fun. While rafting along the Ganges River, you can also feast your eyes upon the picturesque sights that welcome you on the either side of the river.

Lakshmanan Jhula

It is one of the major tourist attractions in Rishikesh. Built back in the year 1929, the Lakshman Jhula is truly a suspended bridge. As per the Hindu traditions, it is understood that Lakshmana (Rama's brother; Rama is the hero of epic Ramayana) crossed the river here with the help of a jute rope. Apart from for its mythical implication, the bridge is also stayed to soak up the bird's-eye views of the backgrounds.

Ashrams in RishikeshThe leading tourist magnetisms in

Rishikesh are the ashrams. The town is dispersed over with a number of ashrams, world notorious centres for divine studies and lessons on meditation. Some of the most prevalent and much stayed ashrams in Rishikesh include Paremarth Niketan, Sivanand Ashram, Yoga Niketan, Omkaranand Ashram, Vanprastha Ashram, Shankaracharya Nagar Transcendental Meditation Centre, Vithal Ashram and Yoga Study Centre.

Bharat Mandir

The temple was laid down by Adiguru Shankaracharya around 8th century AD. One of the most ancient in Rishikesh, the temple dwell in a position on the banks of the Holy Ganges. An idol of Lord Vishnu stands in the inner sanctum of the temple.

Uttaranchal - the land of gods, the home of Himalayas and truly a paradise on earth, allures everyone from

everywhere. The fresh air, the pure water, the chilling snow, the adverting mountains, the scenic beauty, the small villages, the simple people and a tougher lifestyle is what that distinguishes Uttaranchal from rest of the world.

Also known as Dev Bhumi, Uttaranchal is a boon for the pilgrim tourists. The Maha Kumba Mela, the Char Dham Yatra and the Kailash Mansarover Yatra give Uttaranchal an international recognizance. The major pilgrim places include Haridwar, Rishikesh, Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri, Yamunotri, Devprayag, Nandadevi and Purnagiri.

Rishikesh is a small town and a municipal board in Dehradun district in the northern state of Uttarakhand in India. Scenically located where the Holy Ganges River comes down from the Himalayas.

Rishikesh, also implied Hrishikesh, Rushikesh or Hrushikesh.And, Rishikesh is one of the most popular pilgrim centers and doorway to the Himalayan Shrines of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri. The Yoga Centers of Rishikesh have heightened the connotation of the place. From this point on, the great Ganges leaves behind her mountain home and enter the vast plains of Northern India.

Rishikesh is emerging as the Adventure Capital of India for the adventure hunters as Rishikesh is the recommended place for starting their trekking voyages to the Himalayan Peaks and for the White River Rafting. Also, International Yoga week which attracts participation from across the world, is held here, every year, in February on the banks of the holy Ganga.

Rishikesh is a vegetarian city by law, as well as an alcohol-free city. Rishikesh has also forbidden use of plastics bags by shopkeepers and vendors.


River RaftingFor all tourists steering towards northern

India, River Rafting in Rishikesh or White Water Rafting in Rishikesh is a main attraction. Since, rafting is a sport which can be relished by the whole family, tourists arrive in Rishikesh

mONDAY | SEPTEmBER 08, 2014

Page 8: Volume 1 issue 35


UPL Limited, one of the biggest Indian Multinational agricultural

conglomerates has been in the forefront in pursuing the African opportunity and help build systems that would effectively improve the farming systems and production in Africa. UPL offers comprehensive agri input products and services suitable for a variety of field crops and vegetables. To feed a growing population in a sustainable way, a long-term approach is required that ensures farmers have access to tools and knowledge that make it possible for them to grow more food, bring in the harvest and get it to the market. UPL Group companies pursue the same objective to help farming communities.

The UPL Group companies which include UPL Crop protection business, Advanta (Hybrid Seeds), Decco (Post harvest solutions) & Tatva are seeking to partner with various stakeholders - internal as well as external to develop a business that is sustainable and culminates in to the overall benefit of the communities where we operates.

Advanta’s key crops for Africa are – Corn (Yellow and White), Grain Sorghums (including White Grained Sorghum, Red-Grained Sorghum and Grain Sorghum suitable for breweries), Canola, Sunflower, Forage Sorghums, Millets and Hybrid Rice.• Grain Sorghum: Advanta’s

grain sorghum hybrid PAC 501, PAC 537, MR Buster have given a significantly higher yield advantage over the local checks across different African countries including Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Niger, Botswana, Nigeria and Zambia.

• Forages: With dedicated research stations working on specialty forage sorghums in Australia, Argentina, US and a new station being set up in Ethiopia; Advanta offers wide range of forage hybrids that improve milk yield of dairy animals significantly.

• Oilseeds: We are working with commercial farms and small and marginal farmers for promoting use of new generation of Sunflower and Canola seeds in Africa. The response has been very encouraging giving us leadership position in Canola in South Africa.

• Hybrid Rice: Advanta is a one of the leading companies offering high yielding rice hybrids for Africa. Our hybrids tested through WASA have been outperforming local check

varieties in Niger, Mali and Mozambique.With 32 product registrations

across 7 countries in Africa, we are already present in key markets of Africa. We tested 73 hybrids in 10 countries in 8 key crops of Africa in 2013. Our plan is to take up trials of 110 hybrids in 16 countries across 8 key crops of Africa in 2014. The robust Technology Development process should enable us expanding rapidly across Africa.

UPL Crop Protection & Agro Formulation Business

UPL offers wide range of agricultural chemicals protecting various crops and helping farmers save losses that may occur due to pests and diseases. INSECTICIDES • Imidacloprid: A Systemic

Insecticide for soil, seed and foliar treatment in cereals, cotton, vegetables.

• Acephate: An O r g a n o p h o s p h o r u s systemic insecticide with contact and stomach Action.

• Lambda Cyhalothrin: A Non- Systemic Insecticide with contact and Stomach Action.

• Cypermethrin: A Fast Acting, Contact and stomach Poison insecticide.

• Bifentrin: A Contact and stomach poison broad spectrum insecticide effective against broad spectrum foliar pests.

FUNGICIDES: • Mancozeb: A Broad Spectrum

protectant Fungicide for use in many agricultural and horticultural crops.

• Sulphur: A Unique dry flowable formulation used for controlling downy mildew phomosis, scab and other fungal disease and mite control.

• Copper: A Broad Spectrum Fungicide and bactericide which acts by contact and preventive action.

• Mancolaxyl: A Ensures double protection through contact and systemic action due to unique combination of Mancozeb 64% and Metalaxyl 8%.

• Saaf: A Very effective, Protective and curative fungicide having contact and systemic action containing Mancozeb 63% and Carbendazim 12%.

HERBICIDES • Paraquat: A Non- Selective

contact herbicide for all kind of weeds.

• 2,4-D: A broad leaf herbicide, commonly used in all the cereal crops.

• Glyphosate: A Non-Selective

systemic herbicide absorbed by foliage with rapid translocation throughout plant.

• Pendimethalin: A Broad Spectrum pre-emergent herbicide.

• Clodinafop: A Unique selective post emergence herbicide, very effective against grassy weeds.

FUMIGANTS • Aluminium Phosphide: A

Fumigant for storage pests in cereals also used in control of rodents Formulations: Tab 3G, Pallets 0.6G, Bags 34G.

RODENTICIDES • Zinc Phosphide: A

Rodenticide used in agricultural and industrial situation, Formulation: Bait

OTHER PRODUCT SEGMENTS: Seed Treatment products, Biologicals, Post-harvest products, Plant Growth regulators and Nutrients

Tatva Global Environment Limited

Tatva is Pioneer Company of the UPL Group in the Indian waste management space with many ‘firsts’ to its credit. Tatva is a Leading integrated environmental services company in the country. Key Expertise of Tatva are - Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Management, Waste Water Management and Water Management.

GivinG AfricA’s AGriculture A boostUnited Phosphorus Limited, Uniphos House, Madhu Park, 11th Road, Chitrakar Dhurandar Marg, Khar (West), Mumbai 400 052


Page 9: Volume 1 issue 35

trysomethiNGNeW 09

ingredients • Mango,peeledandfinelychopped

• Bananas,peeledandsliced

• Tablespoonsorangejuice

• Vanillaicecream

• Cinnamon(optional)

• Brownsugar(optional)

• Peanuts(optional)


7% of words, 38% of tone and 55% of body language make an impression

tHougHt oFtHe WeeK

Indian DessertMango and Banana Sundae

Skin Care• Drink lots of water: Ensure you

take in enough water to reach your skin and keep it hydrated. Two to three litres a day is usually about right.

• Multi-task: Carry a multi-tasking quick-fixwithyouinyourhandbagfor dewy skin on the go. A water spray can be used to cool and calm even the most sensitive complexions. Not only does it tone the skin, but it can also be used to set make-up and refresh skin on a hot day, as well as soothing and softening skin on the go.

• Always remove make-up: During summer nights, one is naturally warmer and sweatier and if make-up is left on overnight, and bacteria is more likely to develop, leaving pores blocked and resulting in an increased chance of waking up with bad skin outbreaks – whether spots or dry patches.

• Stick to products meant for your skin: A common mistake is using toothpaste on spots – toothpaste is meant for your teeth which are one of the hardest surfaces in your body. Using a product on your skin which is actually intended for the teeth will damage your skin and cause it to completely dry out.

• Wear SPF throughout the year: It’s easy to assume that just because the sun isn’t out, you don’t need to use a product with SPF in it. But UVA rays are constantly present, no matter the season or the weather and these are the ones that cause the skin to age because they are able to penetrate much deeper into the surface of the skin, damaging the cells beneath.

The Case Centre Anniversary ConferenceIt is organized by the Case Centre. The conference will cover areas like Entrepreneurship, Finance, Economics, Politics and Business Environment, Human Resource Management / Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Strategy and General Management.Date: 08-09 Sep 2014 Venue: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore, India

The International Common Criteria Conference The conference will cover areas like Improve the Availability of Evaluated, Security-enhanced It Products and Protection Profiles, Continuously Improve the Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness of the Evaluation and Certification/validation Process for It Products and Protection Profiles.Date: 09-11 Sep 2014 Venue: The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi, India

The Conference on Dairy TechnologiesIt is organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry Gurgaon. The conference will cover areas like foster investments & tapping new business opportunities by bringing new innovations to the sector along and exploring possibilities to increase export, entrepreneurship Development and strengthen global food security.Date: 09 Sep 2014 Venue: Hotel Taj Krishna Hyderabad, India

The Annual Conference on Coal in India It is organized by the India Infrastructure Publishing. The conference will cover areas like coal washing.Date: 09-10 Sep 2014 Venue: The Imperial New Delhi, India

TexIndia Textile Sourcing Fair will take place in Tiruppur, India for a period of three days. This expo will draw the attention of the weavers and knitters of the contemporary times as well as the leading manufacturers and suppliers of yarns by making them aware of the latest trends and techniques which will help in the future development of textile and fabrics industry. This expo will also be attended by fashion designers, apparel exporters and importers and will get a chance to share their knowledge and experience with each other. Textile Sourcing Fair is a must attend event for the trade buyers, decision makers, weavers and knitters, owners of department stores, wholesalers and retailers and textile and fabrics industry professionals.Date: 09-11 Sep 2014Venue: IKF complex, Tiruppur, India

Wastetech India This event showcases products like Waste Handling Equipment, Fleet Maintenance Services, Incineration Plants For Solid and Hazardous Waste, Land Filling Materials , Recycling Equipment

, Plants, Waste Collection Units, Waste to Energy, Medical Waste Sterilizers, Methane Recovery Systems, Odor Control and Portable Toilets, Tippers , Transfer Trailers , Waste Collection and Transportation Vehicles, Safety, Separation, Shredding and Drying, Equipment and more etc. in the Industrial Products, Environment & Waste Management industries.Date: 10-12 Sep 2014 Venue: Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

Table Mountain in Cape Town is believed to be one of the oldest mountains in the world and one of the planet’s 12 main energy centres, radiating magnetic, electric or spiritual energy.


prepration Method 1. Place mango and banana pieces in a large

bowl. Add lemon and orange juice. Toss


2. Scoop ice cream into a sundae dish and

cover with the mixed fruit. Sprinkle with

cinnamon and brown sugar, if desired, or


Handy French1. How old are you? Quel âge avez-vous?

2. I’m feeling very happy today. Aujourd’hui, je suis très


3. Are you going for the party? Allez-vous pour la soirée?

4. What’s on your mind? Qu'est-ce qui préoccupe votre esprit?

“Delight your evening with this delicious desert.”

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo Abe at the Joint Press Remarks, at Akasaka Palace, in Tokyo, Japan on September 01, 2014


5 Easy Steps for Flawless Glowing Skin

1. What land area is Africa as a percentage of the world’s land area?

2. Of which country is Sir Seretse Khama the first president?

a) Malawi, b) Gambia, c) Botswana, d) Liberia.

3. Which African country has the most population?

4. What is the former name of Burkina Faso?

5. What is the new name of Nyasaland?

6. What is the monetary unit of Botswana?

7. Which country was formerly known as French Sudan?

8. Which African country became the earliest Italian colony?

9. The first African to win the Nobel Peace Prize?

a) Albert John Luthuli; b) Nelson Mandela; c) Wole Soyinka d) Bishop Desmond Tutu

10. Which two sea ports are located at the two ends of the Suez Canal?

11. In South Africa, the name Soweto is derived from a combination of which English words?

12. Where in Africa is an area known as the Skeleton Coast found?

1. 22% 2. c) Botswana 3. Nigeria 4. Upper Volta


5. Malawi 6. Pula 7. Mali 8. Eritrea

9. a) Albert John Luthulu10. Port Said and Suez, both Egyptian11. South Westerly Township 12. The Atlantic Coast of Namibia

mONDAY | SEPTEmBER 08, 2014

Page 10: Volume 1 issue 35


In Morocco, the arts festival in Asilah showcases all kinds of different disciplines – music, painting, writing, performances and everything in between. This year the Kingdom of Bahrain

was the special guest of honour.Abdulrahim Sharif, a professor of art at the University

of Bahrain commented: “There is a rich cultural exchange between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Kingdom of Morocco. Wethoughtofitasbringingabasketwithusfilledwithavarietyof good things. The art exhibition was one of them, and last night you could have heard the traditional music. Tonight there is a concert and there is the exhibition of books by Bahraini writers. We tried to make it as rich as possible.”

The Bin Faris Band were warmly welcomed when they played at the festival. The artists’ workshops were also well attended by artists keen to exchange ideas and inspiration, as Nabeela Al Khayer said: “It is interesting to work here. Interesting

Former gospel singer Patrick Nyamitali has released a video for his song Sinsiganwa which means ‘I am not in any race with anybody’.Thevideowasofficiallyreleased

and is now enjoying fair airplay on television stations.

Rich culture and entertainment hits the screens this Saturday as Adom TV's entertainment magazine programme, Tigofest brings Ghana's festivals back to life and national attention.

Flooding festivals with feisty, high-flying hiplife artistes, season two of Tigofest will be headlined by Kwaw Kesse.

Ghana's eccentric entertainer will join Shasha Marley and Opiesie Esther and others this Saturday 30th August 2014 at Essikadu in Sekondi to celebrate the Kudum festival. The stop-over will be the first of four Tigofest events.Kwaw Kesse

Kundum Festival is celebrated by the Coastal tribes of the Western Region of Ghana. The four month long festival is celebrated at weekly intervals from town to town between August and November every year. The main highlights of the festival are the stool cleansing, the ancestral prayers and the drumming and dancing that accompanies Ghanaian festivals.

The festival which is celebrated by both the Ahantas and the Nzema people of the

Back with a Bang: Kwaw Kesse headlines Tigofest Kundum festivalAsilah arts festival shines

Western region has a lot of legend behind it.

But Tigofest will notch up the excitement surrounding the festival when the train lands there this week-end.

The crowd-pulling train will move to Techiman on Saturday 6 th September, 2014, Mankessim the following Saturday and end at Ho on Friday 19 th September, 2014.

After a successful debut season, organisers feel well placed to pull off another exciting series as Tigofest moves up and down the length and breadth of the country Ghana.

Tigofest comes with festival diaries; a mini documentary that brings to viewers what they never knew about a traditional area.

It shows all the history, cultures, tourist attractions and many other things that make the place and its people unique.

The community-based show is sponsored by communication giant, Tigo.

With a Multi TV digibox, viewers will join residents in Essikadu celebrate Tigofest. It promises to be a wonderful experience as long as you make time to experience it.

Modern Ghana

Sokoo Hemaa gets ready For Season 2 of Anigyekrom

It's been months since Sokoo Hemaa's Anigyekrom went off the air and if you're wondering when she'll make her return, you're in luck because the time is NOW!

The controversial host has teamed up with Amansan Television (ATV), a digital TV and is set to launch season 2 of her talk show on September 21. This time, Sokoo Hemaa is coming back with a huge package and viewers would witness modern studio settings which come with a lot of creativity. She would be joined by a panel of lifestyle hosts and industry players in our industry making the season 2 merrier than what we enjoyed previously. This season returns with a lifestyle segment, entertainment newspaper review and entertainment gossip.

When asked of what inspired this concept, she said, 'The fire to inspire Ghanaian artistes and other industrial players and help them to blaze new paths fiercely burns inside of me. I'm excited to be partnering with ATV to usher in the season 2 of lifestyle, and entertainment that will inspire, help shape the industry and also educate the upcoming and 'wanna bee' showbiz people out there. To my viewers: I can't wait to shake up the season 2 together with you. Don't be left out.”

Modern Ghana

to work with different artists from all over the world. Asilah – the place by itself it gives you a beautiful feeling for working.”

The Bahrain National Orchestra played original scores using a blend of eastern and western instruments. The performance was attended by Sheikha Mai Al Khalifa, the Bahrain Minister of Culture, who said: “We are attending a performance of select compositions by the Bahrain National Orchestra, led by Missa Johnouchi, the acclaimed Japanese conductor and Ambassador for Peace, both in her native country and the UNESCO.”

Discussions about art brought artists from around the world closer, blurred dividing lines and turned workshops into informal debates.

Artists from more than 10 different countries joined forces to create a massive wall mural.

Eturbo News

Sokoo Hemaa

Patrick Nyamitali

Nyamitali releases Sinsiganwa videoAccording to Nyamitali, this is the

firsttimehehasreleasedavideoinarecord time.

“Before I used to release videos for my songs late, like I would release it two months after the audio. I think I am on the right track and will release more songs and videos as soon as possible so that my fans do not wait long.”

The former Tusker Project Fame participant known for his gospel hits like Ishimwe, Niwe Mesiya and Uri Imana expects to make a pre-launch of his new album at the end of this year,while theofficial launchwillbenext year.

New Times


Page 11: Volume 1 issue 35

sPorts2WatCh 11

APR women basketball club

The 2017 Africa Cup of Nations could be held jointly by the East African

Community member states if a proposal by Football Kenya Federation (FKF) comes to pass.

Following the withdrawal of Libya, FKF has proposed a plan for a joint bid with its East African neighbours to host the bi-annual tournament.

“We view this as another opportunity to bring Africa’s greatest soccer showpiece to our great nation and coming so soon after Caf handed us rights to host 2018 Orange Caf Africa Nations Championships. We are also open to exploring possibilities of putting a joint bid with our neighbours Tanzania, who have already showed interest and Uganda as well as Rwanda ,” the FKF chairman Sam Nyamweya said in a statemen.

The statement added that FKF is in the process of consultations with relevant stakeholders and government before submitting the bid to beat the September 30 deadline.

Kenya were awarded the rights to host the Africa Cup of

Kenya FA roots for joint eAC bid for 2017 Afcon


registered their first win at the

Nations in 1996 but pulled out to due to lack of funding with South Africa hosting the event and winning it.

Kenya is set to also host the Africa Nations Championship (Chan) in 2018, two years after Rwanda, which will host it in 2016.

When Libya decided not to host the competition due to the unstable security situation in the country, Caf’s Secretary

Rwanda backs EAC bid to host Afcon 2017

The Ministry of Sports and Culture is set to consult with other stakeholders to ascertain if Rwanda can have a joint bid with Kenya and Tanzania to host the 2017 Africa Nations Cup finals.

Minister Joseph Habineza told Times Sport, “I will have to discuss with stakeholders to see if Rwanda can back this bid but I believe East Africa has the infrastructure to host the continental tournament.”

Habineza said it would be a big achievement for the East African Community, adding that having the Africa Nations Cup final in Rwanda is among the several projects “we have discussed with Caf President Issa Hayatou before.”

“I would actually advise that we look at a four-nation bid with Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania each hosting one group since this is a 16-nation tournament,” added Habineza.

Rwanda has hosted two African youth championships in 2009 (U20) and 2011 (U17) and the country is now preparing to host the 2016 Africa Nations Championship (Chan).

Football Kenyan Federation (FKF) is pursuing the bid to host the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations. FKF president

Sam Nyamweya has confirmed talking to Ferwafa chairman Vincent Nzamwita and his Ugandan counterpart Moses Hassim Magogo and both have backed his proposal and are willing to further explore the opportunity before the joint bid is submitted to Caf before the September 30, 2014 deadline.

For the joint East Africa nations bid to be approved, a government guarantee must be issued to Caf ascertaining the availability of accommodation, transport and hotel facilities, as well as training sites and stadiums.

Another condition is that a hosting nation must have conducted one youth tournament before and this is a motivating factor for Rwanda to be considered. Meanwhile, Egypt, Ghana, Ethiopia and Mali have also announced their interest in hosting the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations. The designation of the host country will be made at a meeting of the Executive Committee in 2015.

Caf are due to decide the host countries for the 2019 and 2021 Nations Cup finals at a meeting in Addis Ababa on September 20. Algeria, Cameroon, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire and Zambia are bidding.

New Times

ongoing Fiba/Africa Zone V Club Championships in Mombasa with a 64-51 victory over Government House of Ethiopia.

Charles Mbazumutima’s military side controlled the game from the start, winning the first three quarters: 18-16, 19-12 and 17-12 before the Ethiopians snatched the fourth quarter 12-11. Charlotte Umugwaneza scored a game high 17 points and her team mate Joselyne Munyaneza added 15 points for the Rwanda side.

The win for the Rwandan team, follows the 36-61 defeat in the opening game against Uganda’s KCCA. APR return to action today needing a win against home team KPA to advance to the last four.

In the men’s category, 2012 champions Espoir BC, who were due to face Kenyan side KPA last night, will be up against Ethiopia Water Sports (EWS) this afternoon at 2pm in their third game of the tournament, following their 58-64 loss to Uganda’s City Oilers.

New Times

General Hicham El Amrani dispatched a circular to all 54 member associations informing them of the decision and invited new bidders for the tournament.

Caf said that countries wishing to host the tournament have until September 30 this year to express their interest. The host country will be chosen at a meeting of the Executive Committee in 2015.

New Times

Football Kenya Federation chairman Sam Nyamweya, left, has suggested a joint EAC bid.

mONDAY | SEPTEmBER 08, 2014

Page 12: Volume 1 issue 35

eNCouNteR WitH eDitor12

Owner / Publisher / Editor: Mr. Kirit Sobti from 3rd Floor, Plot No. 3, Block PSP-IV, Service Centre Opp. Sector-11 (Extn.), Rohini, Delhi-85Printed at LIPEE SCAN PVT. LTD. 89 DSIDC SHED Okhala Phase 1, New Delhi

6th Zimbabwe mining & inFRaSTRUCTURe indaba 2014

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Give a brief on the services offered by SIB?

The Seychelles Investment Board was set up in 2004 to promote and facilitate investment in Seychelles. The promotional activities includes publications, events, participating in conference, workshops, coordinating an investment proposal and many more, which is submitted further to Seychelles Investment Board.

What are the endeavors of the SIB to promote and endorse its activities in India specifically?

For India, we see a very good partner to bond with. Seychelles is also possessed with strategic location being between the Middle East and Africa with virtuous Geo-political relationship with both. We want Indian businesses to use Seychelles as a platform to invest in Africa or the Middle East.

How conducive is the business environment of Seychelles?

Though Seychelles is a small nation but in terms of political and social stability, the nation has proved its

mettle. We also provide business friendly

environment for foreigners with no foreign currency restriction.

Also, unemployment in the nation is less than 2% with high standard of living.

Brief us on the Seychelles membership in International Organizations.

Seychelles is a member of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

(COMESA), Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC), The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), Southern African Development Community (SADC), EAC

– COMESA – SADC Tripartite Free Trade

Area amongst others. Seychelles is now on its path to be on international fore and soon will be a member of World Trade Organization, ODC Forum, United Nations and many other organizations.

There is no doubt that Seychelles is

an ideal destination for holidays, now what are the grounds on which an investor should consider Seychelles as an investment destination as well?

Seychelles is a nation with an amalgamation of work and holiday. First of all, the beauty, environment and our lifestyle is tremendously serene. Seychelles’ per capital is 50,000 US dollars. So we have quality of life which complements your work environment and enables to enjoy the friendly environment indeed.

How easy is the commencement of a new business in Seychelles?

We do encourage foreign companies to set up their offices in Seychelles with all the facilities available. We also maintain a good legal framework along with luxurious office infrastructure and residential real estate.

How skilled is the work force in Seychelles?

The nation enjoys literacy rate of 96% and in terms of middle and senior management, we have the best people in place.

The Another World, Seychelles has truly proved the saying “Big surprises comes in small packages”. The little nation presents an ocean of opportunities and a business friendly environment to the foreign investors. In an enlightening interview to Indo Africa Times, Mr. Rupert Simeon, CEO, Seychelles Investment Board, Republic of Seychelles reflected the flourishing nation and endeavours of the Board to invite more and more of foreign investments in Seychelles.

"seychelles is an amalgamation of work and holiday"

rupert simeon CEO, Seychelles Investment Board, Republic of Seychelles