volume 16 nov. 2019 - bridgeworld college

Volume 16 Nov. 2019 - 1 - Looking Back B ridgeworld began as a non-formal missionary training institution in February 2003 by the name of Africa Center for the Great Commission, also known as ACGC. We rented a big house located in Mountain View estate, near Kangemi in Nairobi to start the school. In the beginning, ACGC had two courses of training. One of them was an intercultural ministry training course, which aimed to train African national missionaries and send them to the least reached people groups in Africa. Despite various challenges, it has kept its vision until now. We adopted the communal mode of training. The trainees were trained by staying in the dormitory from Monday to Saturday. The training was done both in theory and practice. The daily training started with an early morning prayer meeting and ended with an evening prayer meeting to close out the day. The students came from South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia as well as Kenya. Since the completion of their training, most of them have gone back to their own tribes. Some of them went to other tribes as missionaries to Samburu, Digo, Mbere, etc. The other course was a pastoral training course. The course was so popular and attracted about 50 pastors from the start. The instruction was done two days a week on Mondays and Tuesdays. Most of the students who studied this course are now scattered throughout Kenya and are actively serving the Kingdom in Africa. In the meantime, ACGC needed to establish a new institution to embrace a bigger vision. Accordingly, Bridge World International (BWI) was established and registered to the government on 19th of February 2010. The name was adopted from the Great Commission of Matthew 28, which has the meaning of "bridging the world to the Lord." BWI has three focused ministries: Bridgeworld College (registered in this name, 24th Nov. 2011), Antioch Ministry (cross- cultural ministries), and Diani Bright Angels Academy (DBAA). Bridgeworld College purposes to raise transformed leaders whom the African society needs. Antioch Ministry is to send and support local missionaries to the least-reached people groups so that they may continue to extend God's Kingdom among them. Bright Angels is "the child focused community development project," which targets to develop communities through children's education. BWI started to construct a campus in Karen for Bridgeworld College in December 2008 by the help of a generous supporter from Korea. However, in the middle of its work, the contractor stopped without completing the project (about 60 percent of work was complete). So the project remained unfinished for about 10 months or so. In the meantime, our landlord gave at Mountain View estate gave us a notice to vacate the rented campus. We endeavored to rent another house to use until we completed the construction of the Karen campus. We failed to find a proper house suitable for more than 50 people. Next Page...

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Page 1: Volume 16 Nov. 2019 - Bridgeworld College

Volume 16

Nov. 2019

- 1 -

Looking Back

B ridgeworld began as a non-formal missionary

training institution in February 2003 by the

name of Africa Center for the Great Commission, also

known as ACGC. We rented a big house located in

Mountain View estate, near Kangemi in Nairobi to

start the school.

In the beginning, ACGC had two courses of

training. One of them was an intercultural ministry

training course, which aimed to train African national

missionaries and send them to the least reached

people groups in Africa. Despite various challenges, it

has kept its vision until now. We adopted the

communal mode of training. The trainees were trained

by staying in the dormitory from Monday to Saturday.

The training was done both in theory and practice.

The daily training started with an early morning

prayer meeting and ended with an evening prayer

meeting to close out the day. The students came from

South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia as well as

Kenya. Since the completion of their training, most of

them have gone back to their own tribes. Some of

them went to other tribes as missionaries to Samburu,

Digo, Mbere, etc.

The other course was a pastoral training course.

The course was so popular and attracted about 50

pastors from the start. The instruction was done two

days a week on Mondays and Tuesdays. Most of the

students who studied this course are now scattered

throughout Kenya and are actively serving the

Kingdom in Africa.

In the meantime, ACGC needed to establish a

new institution to embrace a bigger vision. Accordingly,

Bridge World International (BWI) was established and

registered to the government on 19th of February

2010. The name was adopted from the Great

Commission of Matthew 28, which has the meaning of

"bridging the world to the Lord." BWI has three

focused ministries: Bridgeworld College (registered in

this name, 24th Nov. 2011), Antioch Ministry (cross-

cultural ministries), and Diani Bright Angels Academy

(DBAA). Bridgeworld College purposes to raise

transformed leaders whom the African society needs.

Antioch Ministry is to send and support local

missionaries to the least-reached people groups so

that they may continue to extend God's Kingdom

among them. Bright Angels is "the child focused

community development project," which targets to

develop communities through children's education.

BWI started to construct a campus in Karen for

Bridgeworld College in December 2008 by the help

of a generous supporter from Korea. However, in the

middle of its work, the contractor stopped without

completing the project (about 60 percent of work was

complete). So the project remained unfinished for

about 10 months or so. In the meantime, our landlord

gave at Mountain View estate gave us a notice to

vacate the rented campus. We endeavored to rent

another house to use until we completed the

construction of the Karen campus. We failed to find a

proper house suitable for more than 50 people.

Next Page...

Page 2: Volume 16 Nov. 2019 - Bridgeworld College

G od made the greatest investment by sending

His son Jesus Christ to this world to die for our redemp-tion. Jesus died for our sins. What He did on the cross was the worship-express worth of us. What a great

investment. In investing in our lives. No one invests without the expectation of gain. What would a perfect God have to gain from investing in an imperfect man? The apostle Paul wrote “but we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that - is excel-lency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Cor 4:7. Thus according to scripture we possess treasure. The excellency of what we have is not of us but of God. The treasure is of God. That implies that this treasure originates from God.

It is in us and will be presented back to Him. No matter who God later uses to enhance our characters, we need to remember the magnitude of God’s investment in our lives. The first Adam lost dominion and authority over all Gods’ creation on earth. The second Adam came and restored what was lost through the death on the tree at Calvary. Sometimes we allow ourselves to become victims of circumstances. We write ourselves off. Do no dismiss yourself. People might look down on you and despise you, because what they see right now is an incomplete product. God is still moulding you.

Rev., Canon, Dr. James Mwaura, Provost

The Harvest Costs the Seed its Life

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Our staff team suggested an idea, "let us move into the

unfinished house that's under construction." It was a crazy

idea beyond my understanding. But I agreed and

followed my team's suggestion. Our college managed to

move into the unfinished building on the 30th of March


The work stopped and lay unfinished and I did not

have any energy physically and spiritually to resume the

work. However, our God had a reason as to why He

pulled us out of the rented house to move into the

unfinished building which was under construction: That was,

God wanted us to finish the project quickly! As we moved

in, a sense of crisis sprung up and overwhelmed me so I

sent a prayer request to my supporters.

Thankfully some of our ministry partners supported us to

complete the project. The work resumed. There was

teaching going on one side, and construction work on the

other side. The lecturers competed with the hammering

noises by raising their voices! The scene looked much like

the Israelites during the time of exodus. By the grace of

God, the construction of the building was complete and

the building was thankfully dedicated to the Almighty

God on the 8th of October 2011.

Along with the development of the infrastructure,

there were also changes to the educational mode of

Bridgeworld. Non-formal education shifted to formal

education. Under ACGC, non-formal education was the

dominant strategy, but under Bridgeworld the formal

education was the main strategy integrated with

informal and non-formal educational modes. It also

employed a two-year Community Development and

Counseling Psychology programs to train general

Christian leaders beyond pastoral training.

BC has also sought to advance the school by

extending its boundary overseas. It made partnerships

with North-West University in South Africa, KUMI

University in Uganda, Great Lake University of Kenya, and

several missions agencies. In particular, respected scholars

from the United States, South Korea, Scotland and the

United Kingdom visited Bridgeworld and contributed to the

college with quality lectures.

Looking Ahead

Bridgeworld is now entering into a new era. Its founder

and the first Principal, James Jong-Do Lee, who has served

for the past 17 years with Bridgeworld College, will step

down from the position of the principal in the end of 2019.

On behalf of succeeding him, God has providentially

prepared a servant of God, Dr. Peter Chin. Next year, he

will serve the Bridgeworld community as the second

principal. He has served Global Mission Church in Korea as

Senior Pastor to a 40,000 member congregation. I believe

it is God's divine plan to have him join and now lead


In conclusion, as I look back over the past 17 years of

Bridgeworld as founder and the first principal, it has been

my greatest privilege, honor and blessing. I know that God

has worked and led Bridgeworld to this point of time. God

will continue to build it as a Christian higher educational

institution that is advancing God's Kingdom in Kenya,

Africa and beyond. I believe Bridgeworld's goal and vision

will be achieved under the new leadership.

Soli Deo Gloria !

Dr. James Jongdo Lee, Founder & Principal

Page 3: Volume 16 Nov. 2019 - Bridgeworld College

l ife has become more and more

stressful as a result of the many

challenges that we face. Such

challenges may seem new to many, but

their origin dates back to the fall of man.

The Bible, God’s letter to man contains

many examples of such

challenging issues. These include loneliness, discouragement,

doubt, grief, sadness, envy, violence, abnormal sex,

bitterness, poverty, sickness, interpersonal tension, inner tur-

moil, and many other personal problems. Such struggles and

needs are seen in the lives of a number of the Bible’s great-

est heroes.

As evil continues to increase in the current society, life

challenges are increasing and these are such as addictions;

trauma as a result of terror attacks; depression, high blood

pressure, diabetes, associated with our current lifestyles;

academic and career concerns; and now the most current

threatening challenge is cancer which in 2018 alone claimed

over thirty thousand lives. These challenges are becoming

more and more complex and unlike previously when a friend

or a relative could help another out of a life’s challenge,

today’s complexity of life issues require well trained

counselors for effective and lasting help. It is widely known

that talking about the things that are bothering someone

helps to clarify such things and puts them in perspective. This

truth is grounded on a growing wealth of research that

asserts that counseling helps people deal with their problems.

The goal of counseling is to bring about change. It attempts

to provide help to people who want to change, but, who do

not know how to access that change; who need help to

change, who sometimes resist change, and who seem unable

to leave their circumstances and accept the help of others to

effect that change.

In order to help effectively the counselors need to be trained

in skills and techniques that help clients move toward specific

goals. Counselors are characterized by sincerity,

understanding, compassion, and ability to confront in a

genuine and constructive manner. These characteristics are

instilled through training.

In fact, people will always seek counseling from pastors and

other church workers and others from their workplace. As a

profession that involves helping people cope with their life

challenges, counseling is indispensable whether in a church or

workplace setting. However, untrained or not well trained

counselors can unintentionally harm their clients and hence add

more pain to them. Harming a client is both legally and

ethically unacceptable. As a result those who want to be

people helpers have no option but to be trained and to be

trained thoroughly well in order to counsel in a disciplined and

skilled way.

Are you longing to be trained as a counselor in a credible

institution? Do not look further, Bridgeworld College is that

institution! Come and achieve your dream.

Mrs. Elizabeth Mutua Lecturer, Counseling Psychology

The Place of Counseling in the Current Society

Benjamin Mukiti, Lecturer - Old Testament and

Biblical Languages Studies

S ome people think that when

people join Bible school, they loose their enthusiasm for the Kingdom by being drawn into a (unnecessary) lengthy period and process of academic study and questioning of their faith. Others

have criticized Bible Schools as having the potential to feed pride. These ideologies, which are not my conviction, call for an independent study and is not my intention to do so in this article but to participate in the rethinking of the benefits of theological training. The motivation to join Bible College /theological education is usually a complex one involving so many reasons. However, its benefits may go beyond the individual student, affecting the church and the society at large. One of the key benefits of theological education lies in the fact that the graduates are more informed and competent. To be an effective pastor in this complex world one should have the knowledge of the Word as well as relevant skills on how to appropriately use different methods and techniques in the engagement to specific situations. Second, students’ attitudes and worldview are transformed into the likeness of Christ. They engage in a (new) community and conversation that enhance them to articulate their thoughts and test them against reality,

other believers, other things, and previous ideas and beliefs.

Third, and more obviously, Bible seminaries offer integrate theological training with a high academic standard, providing programs of study, devotional life and practical experience for men and women to prepare themselves for the different ministries to which they are called. As such, students are helped develop in different facets of moral and spiritual formation. Forth, graduates with knowledge and competence in diverse ministries participate not only in pulpit ministry but also in the expansion of church via application of principles of church planting and growth. Thorough sound and well-rounded knowledge on church and dogma history helps a minister discern truth from error and skillfully avert theological controversies before they damage the image of the church. Bible College offer opportunities for students to understand how to wisely deal with the so-called non-negotiable beliefs and practices that a church might have held for decades which are not in line with the Word of God. Some graduates engage in producing Christian resources written in their context to enhance not only understanding of the Bible but also addressing issues that challenge their church. It is in seminaries where students are developed to become prophetic voices for the poor and the oppressed.

The Benefits of Theological Education

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W hen I was young and at

school age, there were not

many opportunities to study and

more so if you came from a family

which was disadvantaged financial-

ly like the one I came from. I could-

n’t further my studies then; in this

regard, I terminated my studies at secondary school.

Even though I considered myself unable academically;

theologically untrained, I was given the responsibility of

leading a bible study group in my church. To be able to

do this, I relied on reading several commentaries and oth-

er written materials which has worked to an extent but

felt it hasn’t been that effective as I would have wished to.

This ignited a desire and passion to find for an opportuni-

ty to study theology. While in this period of wondering

how to go about it, by God’s grace, I received good

news about Bridgeworld College offering scholarship for

theological training. I didn’t hesitate, I applied and was


Although it may seem early to assess what I have studied,

I can tell of the improvement I have experienced in this

short period of time. I have acquired the necessary basic

needs that are instrumental is running these bible studies

and am comfortable doing it. It is with much confidence that

am looking forward to building on these knowledge and

skills to impart God’s people through His word.

I couldn’t let this opportunity pass me by. Yes, I may be ad-

vanced in age and one would wonder why at this age am

still wanting to go back to class. As for me, I consider get-

ting knowledge having no boundaries. Knowledge is power

that after empowering our minds, it follows to the other

parts of our humanity.

If the ‘secular world’ values expertise and competency, how

much more do we as Christians and ministers of the gospel

need to undertake heavenly affairs with uttermost

consideration. Therefore it’s my urge to each and every one

of us to think of this. If I ‘an old man’ can do this, you a

‘young person’ can do it too. I encourage you to join in

especially enrolling as a student at Bridgeworld College

where you will be equipped and sharpened for the work of

extending God’s kingdom. Don’t waste time, join it!

The drive to study Theology

Pst. Francis Wagema Theology student

H uman beings have become

more individualistic moving

from communal kind of life, as a

result many have found themselves

with no one to share life with. Many

people therefore have to go

through life challenges without social support. As a Pastor

in Anglican Church, I thought that when people flock and

congregate in Church every Sunday that all is well. How-

ever, this is not the case. Congregants are faced with di-

verse challenges on a daily basis that need counselor’s

attention and at some point I thought that the sermons and

teachings were not sufficient to cater for life’s struggles.

Patience and perseverance is required when offering

pastoral care to many people who are diverse with

different cultural backgrounds. Understanding life’s issues,

understanding the people under your care, understanding

yourself and being self-aware is critical. To gain this

understanding I decided to join the counseling psychology

training offered at Bridgeworld College.

The Diploma program in counseling psychology enables

the trainee to understand, him or herself, others and the

community at large. The trainee through the program is

able to identify, and deal with unresolved issues in their

own lives before stepping out to help others. He or she is

trained on how to listen to other people’s problem without

being judgmental and how to walk with a person in need

from a place of dependence to a place of independence.

Therefore helping clients resolve their own issues through

making their own decisions on the way forward.

In summary, counseling psychology training offers a

theoretical training which is foundational enabling the

trainee to practice the art of counseling. The trainee

(therapist) most importantly, resolves their own issues first

before offering help in resolving other people’s issues.

Diploma in counseling psychology program offered by

Bridgeworld College brings about transformation in the

trainees life and eventually to the community at large. So

join us to bring transformation to our community

Rev. Shadrack Kiragu

Counseling Psychology student

The Impact of Studying Counseling Psychology

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Page 5: Volume 16 Nov. 2019 - Bridgeworld College

Since the administration is the back-bone of any organization, we ensure that there is high level of productivity and efficiency through positive relationships between members of

staff, team work, understanding of the core values, mission, vision and philosophy of Bridgeworld College, and professionalism. To achieve these, we operate as a family unit; studying the word of God and praying on every Monday morning, having meals together, holding staff retreats, celebrating major events in various staff members’ lives and exchanging gifts during Christmas. Over the years, this has been our culture and bonding factor of our success.

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Christian Mission and Development

(4th- 8th Jan. 2019)

Timothy WC Chung, Visiting Professor, Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission (ACTS)

In S. Korea.

we had a one week bloc course focusing on Christian Mission and Development. As a summary of the course, the leaders and Christians were challenged to: Get out of their tribal interests and pettiness and to work for the interest of multi-tribal company, society and nation. Be

reformers engaged to transform values of people and to change political and economic institutions to be more conducive to development. Realize the opportunities and challenges of their countries, society and company as presented and discussed today. Make an informed decision to start a new business to in-vest, produce, and distribute the product or service suiting your risk-return profile.

Biblical Counseling (1st – 5th July 2019)

Dr. Jonathan Watt Professor Biblical Studies, Geneva College. PA, U.S.A

Biblical Counseling is based on the Christian faith; using scripture and biblical teachings to help in dealing with life’s challenges. Dr. Watt, an expert in this area gave an ex-panse teaching, practical formative and summative assignments and had brainstorming sessions to both our current and prospective students, equipping them with knowledge and skills in the same.

They now have more counseling tools since the Bible which offers a lot of answers unlike the secular counselors.

Biblical Leadership

(30h Oct. – 4th Nov. 2019) Dr. Peter Chin Ph.D in Leadership, Fuller Theological Seminary in CA, U.S.A Former Senior Pastor, Global Mission Church in S. Korea

Leadership is one of the most observed but least understood phenomena on earth, everything rising and falling on leadership. It’s a complex influence process in which leaders and followers interact in a context or series of contexts over time. Within the Context (s), leaders exercise

influence over the followers towards a mutually desired goal. Christian leadership is leadership with God-given capacity and responsibility to influence a specific group of God-given people towards God-given purposes for the group. It is deeply rooted in God’s character and purpose. These are the major topics that were tackled: -Leadership abilities -Leadership effectiveness -Myths of leadership-power and position -Attributes of influence- extensiveness, intensity and comprehensiveness -Models of leadership (cross leadership)- servant (John 13: 12-15), steward (1 peter 4:11) and shepherd (John 10:11) -Characteristics of a biblical - leader -Leadership development -Effects/outcome of biblical leadership Note: for a leader who finishes well is the one who considers the above points have to be taken into consideration.

(Round table talks for team building)

(Staff retreat at Naivasha)

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As a catalyst for developing and enriching , emotional, cognitive, physical and social skills, we organize various activities skills such as sports, cultural day, and family day, among others. This has gone a long way in promoting integration, inculcating values, discovering gifts and talents and reliving tension and stress.

In order for us to grow, our door is open to people and institutions with whom we share a common goal; we have made several partnerships with various individuals, our alumni and institutions. Once in a while we conduct bloc seminars for our current and prospective students and leaders of other institutions, breakfast meetings and conferences.

(Outdoor evangelism)

(Cultural day)

(Thanksgiving day)

(Holy communion service)

As commanded in the Bible through the parable of the Good

Samaritan, Bridgeworld College has embraced the heart and

spirit of caring for our ‘brothers and sisters’.

We have severally organised visits to various philanthropic

projects run by our own alumni and other organisations.

Faraja/Cottolengo/Resper/Mombasa-Ukunda missionary visit.

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Our community does not only comprise of Kenyans, but other nationalities in Africa and abroad. Our administration consists of Kenyans, Ugandans

and S. Koreans while the students come from countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, S. Sudan and Ethiopia.

(Small group)

(Wed. Chapel)

(Prospective Counseling students' conference and lunch )

We engage in spiritual practices and disciplines that nurture our ‘inner man’ through cooperate worship…”come, let us…” partaking the Lord’s Table, small group discipleship, door to door evangelism and open air meetings. This is to draw each and every one of the community to draw him/herself closer to God, encouraging one another as we grow together as the body of Christ.

Page 7: Volume 16 Nov. 2019 - Bridgeworld College

Qn: How has your ministry grown?

Pst. Galma: God has been faithful

seeing us through since the inception of

the ministry. We have grown from a

small number doing house to house

evangelism and fellowships to planting

several churches all-over Mega area

in the southern nomadic part of Ethiopia.

- I am glad that many lives have been brought back to

Christ and growing in faith through discipleship.

-We have been able to train some of our members with

basic knowledge in ministry through conferences and short

courses and seeing one of our evangelist Wario Taro

finishing his bachelor studies in theology. All these are

zealous in serving God more and more.

Qn: What does your ministry do?

Pst. Galma: We do quite a number of things like evange-

lism, discipleship, home fellowships, church planting and


Qn: What would you say is the place of missions in

the kingdom of God and in the society?

Pst. Galma: Missions is the impulse of Christianity. The

entire Bible is all about God’s salvation mission to

humanity and the core of ministry/church. We are all sent

out 'mission' to bring back people to God through

preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ who is our Lord and

saviour. Whatever the church and various Christian

organisations are doing is centered around missions.

Qn: Do you have any challenges to pose Christian


Pst. Galma: A good leader is the one whose primary

intention is to extend God’s Kingdom through preaching

salvation and encouraging growth of God’s people. He/she

should mentor the members insisting and supporting them to

grow spiritually through the word of God,

physically through church planting, family and mentally

through mentorship and education.

Qn: What next?

Pst. Galma: We are already in the next; preaching the

gospel of Jesus Christ. As I mentioned, we are also giving

the Christians basic Christian knowledge planning to

Introduce and support more to advance their skills and

knowledge, sending them to Bridgeworld College in Kenya.

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Pst. Galma Duba, 2016 Bth Graduant Senior Pastor, Finote Yesus

Evangelical Church, Mega, Ethiopia

T he street boy’s ministry strengthened my heart

and we felt that the work of God is plenty. The training will take two years which is done every Wednesday and Saturday morning. From 9.00 to 12.00 then in the

afternoon door to door witness. Voice of hope team have been doing the work of God and praying and believing God to reach many souls for expansion of the kingdom of God. The support from our spiritual Father Dr. James Lee has been of great help, to buy food for the twelve boys, also to support rents and the fees for the destitute. James 1.27, as the bible says this the true religion and this is where our heart is. Due to the challenge of sickness it has not been possible for the Director Risper Kananu to walk around and get enough food for the boys. But by the grace of God we have never lacked; we trust the Lord for the boys and clothes and mattress, this is what makes my heart happy and we feel as the Lord helps us to reach many for the glory of God. Always what we have learnt through this process is that for us born again Christians we should always be ready for Christ our focus is always ready as we wait for His second coming.

As for the church ministry, nothing changed because my husband was there always but before I got sick, we were on the street for several days interacting with street boys

because the Lord had spoken to us about the ‘ boy-child’. My husband took a step of faith and took ten boys from the streets. He borrowed and also went to Think Twice shop where he bought few clothes for them, and then the journey began.

We have been concentrating on teaching these boys and they are really happy to have us as their parents. We are teaching them on how they can live with others in the society. Kindly as you know the work is not easy. Pray for us and thank you for standing with us to help God's people.

Pst. Risper Kananu 2005 Graduant

Voice of Hope Network Church

Page 8: Volume 16 Nov. 2019 - Bridgeworld College

Bridgeworld College is an interdenominational Christian College.

We exist to impact the world by equipping men and women in mind,

character and stewardship through transformative holistic education.

We are accredited by the Ministry of Education Science & Technology. (MOEST)

and Kenya Counselling & Psychological Association (KCPA).

Programs Offered:

Certificate & Diploma in Counseling Psychology

Diploma in Theology

Certificate & Diploma in Christian Ministry

Extension Programs:



Kangundo– Tala

Our intake periods :

Theology - December/January

Counseling - January/ February

and June/July

P.O. Box 1192-00502, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya

(off Karen Road, Nairobi)



Email: [email protected]



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BC Alumni Seminar

Feb. 2020

Bridgeworld College 11th Graduation

Ceremony 13th, March 2020

V I S I O N To be a vigorous, transformative learning community to impact

the world for the Lord through higher education.