volume 3 dolphin dispatch - toms river regional schoolsfeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating...

Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch Toms River Intermediate North Home of the Blue Dolphins! RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS Have you been caught doing something kind lately? Well, at Intermediate North, you could win a pizza for you and your friends…just for being nice to others. Here’s how it works. Just be nice to people. If a teacher or staff member catches you being kind, they can write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a winner is drawn. The winner gets to have pizza with his friends in the office. So far this year, the winners have been Daryn Blackwell, Cassidy Iznardi, Alyssa Ivanov, and Daniel Schrieber. WINTER BY: TYLER STOCCO Winter winter so much fun. So much fun for everyone. Snow balls flying in the air. Hit your face…that’s just not fair ;(. Winter winter winter. I love winter.

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Page 1: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the

Volume 3

Dolphin Dispatch

Toms River Intermediate North

Home of the Blue Dolphins!


Have you been caught doing something kind lately? Well, at Intermediate North, you could win a pizza for you and your friends…just for being nice to others. Here’s how it works. Just be nice to people. If a teacher or staff member catches you being kind, they can write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a winner is drawn. The winner gets to have pizza with his friends in the office. So far this year, the winners have been Daryn Blackwell, Cassidy Iznardi, Alyssa Ivanov, and Daniel Schrieber.



Winter winter so much fun.

So much fun for everyone.

Snow balls flying in the air.

Hit your face…that’s just not fair ;(.

Winter winter winter.

I love winter.

Page 2: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the

Mousetrap Cars

By Allison Sobieski

“And the winner of the mouse trap car race is…….” The words rang out through the halls on January 17th, 2013. Mrs. Hirshfeld, the 7th grade science teacher, had assigned the project just two weeks before and now tons of cars with fun designs were rolling through the doors. The objective was to build a car using a mousetrap that could move using elastic potential energy from a rubber band. Mrs. Hirshfeld measured out 10ft (B), 20ft (A), and 25ft+ (A+). The two morning classes were able to use the cafeteria to run their cars, however, the afternoon classes had to use the hallway due to lunches in the cafeteria. Everyone did a fantastic job designing a car with axels, wheels, a chassis, and obviously, a mousetrap. While designing the cars people had certain awards in mind. Mrs. Hirshfeld used her imaginative mind to come up with 6 awards: Distance Runner, the car that goes furthest in the cycle, was won by Jerry Cheng who was awarded with a homework pass. Long Hauler was the award that is given to the three fastest cars in each class. Other awards included Silver Streak, most realistic; Gorgeous George, best decorated; Showtime, best themed; and Weird Al, the most unique or unusual car. In perspective, the mouse trap cars were a great way to demonstrate energies, prepare for the quarterlies, and have some fun.

Page 3: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the

Spelling Bee On Wednesday, January 09, 2013, 66 students participated in Intermediate North’s Spelling Bee. The 66 contestants were the winners of their cycle’s spelling bee. Gradually the students were eliminated until there were only two left. It was a very tense contest between last year’s winner, Daniel Baxter, and 7th grader, Daniel Lee. Daniel Lee spelled “baccalaureate” correctly, and then he had to spell “delicatessen.” This made Daniel Lee the first place winner of the Bee. Daniel will now compete against students from other schools at Monmouth University. Congratulations to all that competed in the Spelling Bee. We are P-R-O-U-D of you!

The Geography Bee “That answer is correct,” Mrs. Cheek announced regularly with an occasional, “I’m sorry the correct answer is …” This is how the beginning of the geography bee went, but as the questions grew more difficult, some participants started to stand out. Slowly but surely the crowd shrunk and four were left to battle it out: Mark Baker, Jacob Mara, Dan Baxter, and Jeremy Meyerberg. In the next round, Mark and Jacob both were eliminated, but one had to claim third place. After a few rounds, Mark received third place. Dan’s and Jeremy’s final battle lasted on two rounds until Dan won and Jeremy took second. Dan Baxter will now take a written test from National Geographic. In March we'll be notified if he qualifies for the State Geography Bee, which is held at Rowan University on April 5. This is the 2nd year in a row that Dan Has won the Geography Bee.

By: Mark Baker

Page 4: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the



























Valentine’s Day Fun Facts

Valentine’s Day first originated in the Roman Empire back in 270 AD, during the reign of

Claudius II, who banned marriage because he thought that single men made better

soldiers. Bishop Valentine opposed this rule and performed secret wedding ceremonies.

Because of this, he was arrested and executed on February 14 (that explains why!). While

in jail, he wrote a love letter to the jailor’s daughter, signing it, “From Your Valentine”

(sound familiar?).

In medieval times, when a person who was illiterate wanted to sign something, they would

put an “X” on the paper and kiss it to show their sincerity. This is probably how “X”

symbolizes a kiss today.

The expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve” originated from the Middle Ages,

when young men and women would draw names out of a bowl to see who their Valentine

would be and pin the name on their sleeves for one week.

Teachers receive the most cards every year, followed by children’s mothers, wives, and

sweethearts. Every year, one million cards are sent.

73% of people who buy Valentine flowers are men. The other 27% are women. Red roses

symbolize Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Venus’s son, Cupid, is a symbol for Valentine’s Day and is often depicted with wings and

magical arrows, which can arouse romantic feelings in people.

One of the most famous gifts of love is the Taj Mahal in India. It was built by Emperor

Shajahan as a memorial to his wife. It took 22 years for 20,000 workers to build.

The color red stands for strong romantic emotions and is, therefore, a color that

symbolizes Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day

By: Anthony Scala

Valentine’s Day is almost here.

The one day of the year where love is in the air.

Where chocolates are given, Cupid is flying around, and people find out the identities of their secret admirer.

Yes Valentine’s Day is beautiful and sweet but it’s only one day.

So make it count Dolphins.

Page 5: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the

The NFL Standings

By: Matt Brodsky

With the playoffs approaching the NFL teams are stepping their “games” up and trying to make a run to the playoffs, or even Super Bowl 47 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The NFC East is lead by the New York Giants (7-5) with the Washington Redskins (6-6) on their tail. The NFC West is lead by the San Francisco 49ers (8-3-1), who have a 1 game lead, but the Seattle Seahawks are catching up with a loss to the 49ers. The NFC North which is tied with the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears (each 8-8) will have a couple of games to decide who will prevail. The NFC South is claimed by the Atlanta Falcons (11-1) with the season almost at an end. Now to the AFC North the Baltimore Ravens have a lead of 2 games over the Pittsburgh Steelers. The AFC East is lead by the New England Patriots (9-3). The AFC West is almost claimed by the Denver Broncos (9-3). Last but not least, the AFC South is lead by the Houston Texans with a 3 game lead on Indianapolis. I think the perfect Super Bowl would be the Houston Texans versus the Atlanta Falcons. Although I am a diehard New York Giants fan, I think that would be an amazing Super Bowl!


By: Anna DeAngelis

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing to look at. Nothing to be amazed at. Nothing special in this room. Waiting and waiting and waiting for…. Something. Something like? I don’t know. All I can do is watch my best friend having fun, doing her tech project. Nothing. Typing is something, but not just anything. Typing is boredom, sometimes. Watching. Yes, watching my surroundings. Hearing. Hearing the slight hum of the air conditioner. Touching? Sure, touching the keyboard oh so carefully just to get the right letters. It all leads up to boredom. Ignorance. Yes, ignoring Ashley’s perky attitude, a little too perky while I just sit here. Being bored. Watching. Ignoring. I guess I really am doing something.


Cold, White

Freezing, Shivering, Penetrating

A blanket of shimmering white


By: Heli and Riya Shah

Page 6: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the

George Washington By Victoria Fisher

George Washington was known to be the father of his country. An excellent leader, as well as an intelligent man, Washington was able to guide the United States to becoming the land of the free and the home of the brave. Besides being a skilled commander, he was unanimously elected to be the president of the Constitutional Convention. Later, the newborn country would be in need of a strong leader, and Washington would be just the man for the job. Washington didn’t give much to the actual process of writing the Constitution, but he did share some ideas during the end of the convention. He was such a well-respected man that his opinions easily resolved ongoing disagreements between people of the convention. Washington also grew a renewed energy once the Convention was over and the ratification process began, abandoning his previously soft-spoken behavior. He worked vigorously for the Constitution's benefit, persuading a number of opponents to modify their standpoint. All in all, Washington contributed heftily to the molding of our country. Not only was he a great leader, but he helped get the Constitution ratified, which was just as hard as being the nation’s first President. Humble, respected, courteous, calm, and firm, Washington possessed all the ingredients used to make a great leader. Without him, there would’ve never been someone to define what a great President truly is.

Quote Response

By Victoria Fisher

Patriotism is a very noble and desirable

characteristic. John F. Kennedy once said,

“Ask not what your country can do for

you - ask what you can do for your

country.” He was explaining that being a

citizen of the United States is a special

thing, and that only caring about how

your country’s going to benefit you,

especially without anything in return, is a

very selfish thing. Eventually, it will never

allow your country to prosper. Stand tall,

implore others to lend a hand to the

country, show how grateful you are for

your freedom, and always ask how it can

be improved. If we all didn't sacrifice and

give things to our country, there wouldn't

even be a country in the first place.

For example, take the hypothetical

situation of a young man who has just

graduated high school, unsure of his

future or what he wants to do with his life.

One day, he stumbles upon J.F.K’s famous

quote. He realizes then, that throughout

his entire life, he has never given enough

to his country. He has lived here, he has

loved here, he has breathed here, he has

been free here, and yet, he has never

fought for here. His freedom has been

given to him, it has been passed down

from generation to generation who have

fought to keep that right alive. He then

grasps that the concept of his freedom was

paid for, and has to be paid for, in strength

and blood and sweat. Deciding that it’s his

turn to sacrifice and give protection this

unalienable right, he takes a walk down to

the local Marine Corps Recruitment


All in all, the concept of being a citizen

includes the idea that selfishness isn’t

Idiom Fun Fact: Reading the Riot Act

By: Victoria Fisher The idiom “reading the riot act” simply means to complain or lecture noisily, often with angry emotion. The origin of this idiom came from the actual reading of the Riot Act by policemen in Britain. They would have to read the law before they could arrest or attempt to disband an unruly crowd or riot. As you can imagine, this reading would most likely be done very loudly and angrily, hence the use and definition of the “reading the riot act” idiom today.

Page 7: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the

The Theater

By Ally Winters

Shoving the sticky theater doors open, I stumble upon a reeking bag of aged

popcorn. While my eyes adjust to the dangerously dimmed lighting, a scrawny rat

hopefully scampers around the garbage can to my utter disgust. The anxious crowd

appears to be oblivious to the fact of a rowdy rodent in their presence. My temper is

boiling over, while through and through, gum materializes on my new pair of sequined

converse high-tops. I screech to a stop in the last row of seats, and I find, to my sincere

pleasure, no humans inhabit. The slingshot chair bounces back as I run my fingers

ruggedly along its blue-polka fabric. Sitting down, I claim my temper back to its original

state, until crunching of popcorn disgusts me. Hands submerge into paper bags, crinkling

my mental stability. The lights dim into deeper darkness while phones rumble in

vibration radiating the theater. All the annoyances lead to the plop of an obese old man

into the seat next to mine. This enormous neighbor bombards and bursts my personal

bubble. His pungent body odor burns my nostrils as I suck in the stench. Deciding to ease

my mind somewhat, I devour a handful of sweet, buttery popcorn. The salty kernels

trigger my thirst (and my gag reflex), and I reach for the icy soda. Slurping in the frozen

liquid, it comes to mind I didn't buy any beverages. I then encountered a record-breaking-

long spit take, drenching my jeans. Believing my day had hit its climax, the elephant of a

man innocently attempts to assist me, but mistakenly fails. He plunges into the abyss of

the dirty isle, displaying his love-handle of blubber, coating my day at the movies with




Over the past few months all of the gym periods are dedicated to Hoops for Heart. It is a fun, energetic time. Students will go to gym and participate in activities such as basketball, soccer, and football. You can donate money to help kids in need, and kids with major illnesses. All of the proceeds go to the Hoops for Heart foundation. For how much money you bring in you will win prizes such as shirts, basketballs, and sweat shirts. So far Intermediate North has raised almost $1,500. Keep up the good work dolphins!

Help Students!

By: Kyle Sia

Buy a bracelet for one dollar! In

lunch people are selling bracelets for a

dollar to help families, and students that

have lost so much from the hurricane in

October 2012. So much was lost so you

could help by doing stuff other than just

buying a bracelet. It is not just you that’s

helping if you buy a bracelet, other people

are contributing to people in need. So buy

one now while you’re at lunch just for a

dollar. That amount is little, but can make

a big difference. So bring in at least a

dollar one day and quick because they

might soon stop selling it!

Page 8: Volume 3 Dolphin Dispatch - Toms River Regional SchoolsFeb 12, 2013  · write up a form nominating you for a Random Act of Kindness. At the end of the month, a ... had assigned the



3. Being bullied causes _____

5. Another word for bad

7. Sadness

9. The ultimate effect of bullying

11. The new type of bullying

12. Someone who hates


1. The reason why people bully

2. Common in young adults

4. The state of being hurt

6. The feeling of nothing

8. Everyone tries to be ______

10. Result of bullying