volume 30, issue 2 plumbers, steamfitters, & hvac service

Local 440 Apprentices Compete, Win at State Apprenticeship Contest in Fort Wayne All Enjoyed the Annual Easter Egg Hunt 3747 S. High School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 856-3771 fax (317) 856-7547 Toll-Free (800) 872-0155 www.ualocal440.org April, 2015 Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440 Mark Your Calendars: Years of Service Awards at the next Monthly Union Meeting— April 27, 7:00pm May Monthly Union Meeting— May18, 7:00pm Mechanical Contract Ratifica- tion Meeting—May 30, 9:00am Upcoming Events: Retirees’ BINGO & Luncheon— May 13 District 2 Regional Contest— Indianapolis, June 2-4 Inside this issue: Business Manager’s Report 2 Business Agents’ Reports 3-5 Training Director’s Report 6 Training Office News 7 Years of Service Award list 8 Photos 9 Announcements 10 Health & Welfare 11-12 Local 440’s four contestants at the State Apprenticeship Contest. Pictured above are: District 2 Vice-President Ken Broadbent, Local 440 Business Manager Bubba Johnson, Patrick Burnett (Pipefitter winner), Zachary Russell (Plumbing winner), Eric Vennie (Welding contestant), PJ Heim (HVAC contestant), Local 440 President Gary Beaman, and Local 440 Director of Training Don Bough.

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Page 1: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Local 440 Apprentices Compete, Win at State Apprenticeship

Contest in Fort Wayne

All Enjoyed the Annual

Easter Egg Hunt

3747 S. High School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 856-3771 fax (317) 856-7547 Toll-Free (800) 872-0155 www.ualocal440.org

April, 2015

Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Mark Your Calendars:

Years of Service Awards at the

next Monthly Union Meeting—

April 27, 7:00pm

May Monthly Union Meeting—

May18, 7:00pm

Mechanical Contract Ratifica-

tion Meeting—May 30, 9:00am

Upcoming Events:

Retirees’ BINGO & Luncheon—

May 13

District 2 Regional Contest—

Indianapolis, June 2-4

Inside this issue:

Business Manager’s Report 2

Business Agents’ Reports 3-5

Training Director’s Report 6

Training Office News 7

Years of Service Award list


Photos 9

Announcements 10

Health & Welfare 11-12

Local 440’s four contestants at the State Apprenticeship Contest. Pictured

above are: District 2 Vice-President Ken Broadbent, Local 440 Business Manager

Bubba Johnson, Patrick Burnett (Pipefitter winner), Zachary Russell (Plumbing

winner), Eric Vennie (Welding contestant), PJ Heim (HVAC contestant), Local 440

President Gary Beaman, and Local 440 Director of Training Don Bough.

Page 2: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

At the time of this writing Build-

ing Trades Locals from across

Indiana are joining our contrac-

tors, represented by the Indiana

Building Contractors Alliance

(IBCA), in the battle to protect

the Common Construction Wage

Law (CCW) by participating in the

IBCA’s Rally opposing the repeal

of CCW.

Whether we are successful or

not may very well have been

decided by the time you receive

this newsletter. Independent of

the legislature’s decision, I want

to thank the Local 440 members

who answered the call on very

short notice and attended the

Rally. At minimum, your support

confirmed that our industry

stands united—labor and man-

agement—for the well-being of

everyone involved.

Will there be a setback if CCW is

repealed? Of course there will.

Will we stop fighting for fair wag-

es, safe working conditions, liva-

ble pensions and healthcare? Of

course not!

We are joined now even stronger

as an industry that must remove

the anti-worker politicians from

our general assembly. This

group of legislators has proven

that they have one goal when it

comes to the working class—

eliminate us. They have also

proven that once elected, facts

and evidence mean little. To

some, we are, and will always

be, lowly construction workers

who don’t deserve the pay given


They have come out against us

and it is evident that our only

defense is in November. We

must put the social issues on the

back burner and elect candi-

dates that support Labor values.

Waiting until the legislative ses-

sion begins to voice our views

just doesn’t get the job done—

Vote in November, and vote your



Your Health and Welfare Trus-

tees continue to work with Acti-

vate Health in the opening of our

Local 440 Family Medical Cen-

ter. The health center, sched-

uled to open this summer, will be

located in the Epler Parke com-

plex, 5550 S. East St., Indianap-

olis, Indiana 46227—at the inter-

section of East Street and Epler

Avenue, which is 2 blocks south

of the US31 interchange on the

south loop of I-465.

The Center will be staffed by an

experienced primary care physi-

cian, a physician’s assistant or

nurse practitioner, and two medi-

cal assistants. All eligible partici-

pant members and their covered

spouses will receive incentive

dollars for completing annual

physical and achieving wellness


Early rollout information at our

March union meeting and the

annual Easter Egg Hunt was well

received. Look for additional

information as we finalize our

arrangement with Activate and

move closer to the opening date

of the center.


I want to thank those members

who returned negotiation ques-

tionnaires. Your Committees—

mechanical and service—will use

these suggestions while negoti-

ating on your behalf. As it is with

all contract negotiations, it is

impossible to update the mem-

bership on the daily details of

the negotiation sessions; howev-

er, I can assure you that your

Committees will work diligently

to provide a contract that pro-

tects the interests of our mem-


There will be a Special Meeting on Saturday, May 30,

at 9:00am EST for the ratification of the new Collec-

tive Bargaining Agreement between Plumbers &

Steamfitters Local 440 and the Mechanical Contrac-

tors Association of Indiana.

James M. (Bubba) Johnson, Business Manager


“ At minimum,

your support

confirmed that our

industry stands

united—labor and


the well-being of

everyone involved.”

Page 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

James M. (Bubba) Johnson

[email protected]

Page 3: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Work on the Westside is start-

ing to come around. BMWC is

holding steady at Lilly Tech Cen-

ter and they have also picked

up some more work at Crystal

Clean. Both the carbon steel

and the stainless steel sides of

the fabrication shop are running

wide open. It’s good to see

BMWC picking up projects out-

side Eli Lilly in our jurisdiction.

Freitag-Weinhardt is also pick-

ing up some work. In addition

to the maintenance and project

work at Ingredion (formerly Na-

tional Starch), they continue

some project work at Eli Lilly.

Their project at Cardinal Health

is working two shifts and should

last through June. They also

have a crew working at Vertel-


Sullivan & Poore has the Plumb-

ing and Med Gas Piping on the

Cardinal Health project. They

also have some project work at

the Indianapolis Motor Speed-


Kennedy Tank has the day-to-

day maintenance at Vertellus.

Bowen Engineering might be

our busiest local contractor.

They are continuing work at the

Southport Waste Water Treat-

ment Plant. This project is

ready to kick into high gear as

soon as things dry out. Bowen

also picked up the Natural Gas

conversion at IPL Harding

Street which includes units 5,6,

and 7. They also have mainte-

nance and project work for Citi-

zens Thermal at the water com-

pany facilities.

On the travel card scene things

are starting to pick up. The big

demand, like always, is for com-

bination Welders, Certified Rig-

gers, and Certified Welding

Inspectors—same old stuff!

There was a shortage of compe-

tent welders when I started in

1976. There will probably be a

shortage of competent welders

when I leave. Here is some

advice for our young guys and

gals. If you want to make a

good living and be able to pick

and choose your jobs through-

out your career, learn to weld!

Just a reminder, it’s about that

time of year again. By the time

you get this the crappie will be

biting and the turkey will be

gobbling; morel mushrooms will

be everywhere. Based on the

latest picture I received from

Brother Mike Linne, there may

not be another shell cracker left

in Florida!

So like Green Johnson said,

“Take a kid fishing”!

See ya at the meeting.

and contact your representative

and tell them “I do not want

CCW repealed”. Losing CCW

will only mean a race to the

bottom as far as wages go and

the tax dollars we pay will be

going in the pockets of non-

Hoosier workers!

Ok enough about politics; let’s

move onto the work picture in

the North. Chrysler is starting

to pick up a little between all

the plants; mainly smaller pro-

jects, but I do believe there will

be some larger projects coming

soon. Newjac has picked up

two really nice fabrication pro-

jects and has hired several

welders over the last few

weeks. There will be several

school projects in our North

area this summer also. I am

I would like to start this month’s

article out by saying that the

weather is looking better every

day and I have my first mess of

Crappie in the freezer! I am

getting the morel fever and

before we know it they will be

popping out of the ground. I

know this sounds crazy, but I

am ready to start cutting grass;

getting the cornhole boards out

and enjoying some warm weath-

er sounds good, too.

I have spent some time here

lately down at the Statehouse in

connection with the Common

Construction Wage bill. As of

the time of this writing, the bill

to repeal CCW has passed out

of Senate Committee and is

headed to the Senate floor for a

vote. Please get on the phone

really looking forward to all

this work breaking loose. It is

shaping up to be a good year

for man-hours not only in the

north area, but also in the

remainder of our jurisdiction.

I would like to take this time to

thank all the volunteers that

came out and helped on the

“Rebuild Together” projects.

It’s always good to see our

members get involved in help-

ing our communities out, so

“THANK YOU” very much for

the support!

Last but not least if anyone is

interested in going out for the

440 softball team, please

contact Ryan Carroll at 812-

660-0916 or email him at

[email protected]

John P. Beaman, Jr., Business Representative West area

Jamie Fife, Business Representative Kokomo area

“If you want to

make a good living

and be able to pick

and choose your

jobs throughout

your career, learn

to weld!”

Page 3 Volume 30, Issue 2

John P. Beaman, Jr.

[email protected]

Jamie Fife

[email protected]

“It is shaping up to

be a good year for

man-hours not only

in the north area,

but also in the

remainder of our


Page 4: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

The eastern area is slow with the

exception of a large meatpacking

plant in Greenfield that is bid-

ding soon. There are a few tar-

get jobs that have yet to pre-job

and a small rise in work at Lilly.

The other trades are seeing a

rise in employment and that

usually signals that we will see

the same soon.

Those of you thinking about re-

tirement should plan on starting

the process at least 3 months

prior to the day that you want to

retire. You will need to submit

several documents with your

National Pension applications.

We have an information packet

that can be mailed or electroni-

cally transmitted to you. If you

are thinking about retiring soon,

contact the Hall and we will get

one of the packets to you. Re-

member, the National Pension

plan year is June 1 to May 31

and it takes 1,550 hours in a

plan year to receive a full pen-

sion credit. If you have stayed

employed, you will usually reach

the required hours around Feb-


At the last Local 440 Pension

Trustee meeting it was pointed

out that our Local retirement

website experienced only 110

unique logins during the quarter-

ly reporting period. The pension

website is a valuable tool in

keeping up with your money.

There are videos and information

about investments as well as

seeing how your account is per-

forming. You can access the site



If you have never accessed the

website, please contact the Hall

for initial login instructions. After

your initial login, you will be

prompted to create a new login

and password. If you have previ-

ously signed up and forgotten

your login information, call us

and we can get it reset.

Recently you were sent infor-

mation about a $3,000 acci-

dental death and dismember-

ment insurance policy through

American Income Life (AIL). This

is provided to you at no cost. If

you sent the enclosed benefi-

ciary card back to AIL, you will be

contacted by the insurance com-

pany about coming to meet with

you. They will offer additional

insurance for you to purchase.

You are under no obligation to

meet with them. If you have any

questions, feel free to contact


In closing, to all the retirees

don’t forget that May 13th is the

next retiree cookout. If you nev-

er attended one please come

out. It’s a great time and you will

probably see someone you have-

n't caught up with in a long time.

Michael A. Brooks, Business Representative East area

Honoring H. Weir Cook, WWI Flying Ace, Aviation Pioneer

“The pension

website is a

valuable tool in

keeping up with

your money.”

Page 4 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Mike Brooks

[email protected]

Located in the upper level at the

front of the Indianapolis Interna-

tional Airport, a bronze statue of H.

Weir Cook was unveiled on April 2,

2015. Several members of Col.

Cook’s family were in attendance

on this day.

Local 440, along with other spon-

sors and the Military/Veterans

Coalition of Indiana, sponsored this

project. The statue is on an en-

graved pedestal made from Indi-

ana limestone. Harvey Weir Cook

was an American fighter ace in

World War I and Distinguished

Service Cross recipient. He was

also a pioneer in civilian commer-

cial aviation and a leading figure in

the development of aviation. He

was born in Wilkinson, Indiana,

and died in New Caledonia on

March 1943, in an airplane crash

while training young pilots for com-

bat. He is buried at the National

Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.

Pictured are: Project Chairman Major General Robert Nester, USAF Retired, Local 440 Business

Representative Jamie Fife, and sculptor Bill Wolfe of Terre Haute.

Page 5: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I had the opportunity to attend

the 2015 Indiana State Appren-

ticeship Contest hosted by Local

166 in Fort Wayne. This was an

exciting time for the UA and the

Indiana State Pipe Trades to

gather the best apprentices from

across the state to compete in

this contest. There were four

categories in which apprentices

competed—plumbing, HVAC,

pipefitting and welding. I’m

proud to say that Local 440 was

represented well in all events.

We had four apprentices that

competed in the contest: Patrick

Burnett, Zachary Russell, Eric

Vennie and PJ Heim. After two

long days of testing and practical

projects our apprentices compet-

ed with the best in the State of

Indiana; they represented Local

440 with pride that showed Lo-

cal 440 has a great training pro-


I am proud to announce that

Local 440 had two State Cham-

pions, Pipefitter—Patrick Bur-

nett and Plumber—Zachary Rus-

sell. This is quite an accom-

plishment for these two young

men. The next time you see

Patrick or Zachary, let them

know that they did a fine job

representing the local and that

we are proud of them!

Work in the East is picking up.

BMWC will be manning up for

Johns Manville in Richmond. It

sounds like Salyer-Taylor may

have the next phase at IU

Health Muncie. The ARC Hotel

is moving along; they are start-

ing to pour more floors and

Shambaugh & Son should be

gearing up soon. Ball State still

has not released their up-and-

coming projects for the sum-


We all know how important

voting in an election is. If peo-

ple stay home like the last vot-

ing cycle, or are swayed by

wedge issues, we will see more

of the same coming out of the

Statehouse. In the Great State

of Indiana, and Indiana IS a

great state, Brothers and Sis-

ters, our elected officials have

passed or are trying to pass any

bill to keep down the good peo-

ple—the working people of Indi-

ana. It is a travesty, and the

only way we can change traves-

ty is at the POLLS!

job by the end of this month to

the first two weeks of May. We

are still awaiting the date for

the main pre-job with Chicago

Bridge & Iron who will be hiring

the bulk of our members for

this project. We will know more

once this pre-job takes place.

This project will be under the

National Construction Agree-

ment (NCA). This project is

scheduled for substantial com-

pletion in November of 2016

with start-up in February or

March of 2017.

I again this year am in charge of

getting volunteers for the Re-

build Together Project where we

as building trades go into

homes of people on fixed in-

come and repair or replace

plumbing where it is needed.

Work in the south is slow for

this time of year; however, the

schools are starting to an-

nounce projects and it appears

that it will again be a busy sum-

mer in the Columbus area.

Work has begun at Johnson

Memorial Hospital in Franklin

and as more occupied areas

come free there will be some

spots open up for our members

to go to work. Greiner has a

few people at Major Hospital in

Shelbyville. Once the stair and

elevator towers are completed

the steel will start and we will

be able to get more people on

this project also.

We had our first pre-job for the

IPL Eagle Valley project and

looks as though the first UA

members will start hitting the

Last year we did 16 houses and

this year we have the lofty goal

of 24 houses. This year’s hous-

es are around the Crown Hill

Cemetery area. This is a great

way to show your skills and also

give back to the community.

For those receiving the newslet-

ter via email, I am still in need

of volunteers for Saturday, April

18th, from 7am to noon. I

would like to get enough volun-

teers so that we have enough

crews to get to all of the houses

completed at the same time.

Call me at (317) 430-8350 or

email me at

[email protected] if

you are interested in helping

this year.

Jack E. Neal Jr., Business Representative Muncie area

Robert R. Stieneker, Business Representative Columbus area

“The next time you

see Patrick or

Zachary, let them

know that they did a

fine job representing

the local and that we

are proud of them!”

Page 5 Volume 30, Issue 2

Jack Neal

[email protected]

Bob Stieneker

[email protected]

“This is a great

way to show your

skills and also give

back to the


Page 6: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Brother and Sisters,

It’s hard to believe that March

has come and gone. The weath-

er has been a bit cooler than

normal or what we would all like

after the February we had. It’s

time to fire up the lawn mower

and start swinging the golf clubs.

Soon that once-a-year treat of

mushrooms will be upon us and

fishing season will get in full

gear. As much as I dislike cold

and snow, I still love the seasons

of Indiana.

The new building is taking shape.

The grand plan is still a while out,

but plans for the future of our

training center and our program

are huge. We certainly are doing

everything we can to keep up

with the technologies of today

and prepare ourselves for the

future. I’d like to remind every

member of the primary charge

that has been handed down for

well over 110 years—it is every-

one’s responsibility to train the

next generation of piping profes-

sionals. Take the time to pass on

our trade to the apprentices

you’re working around. Remem-

ber, an apprentice spends more

time learning on the job than in

the classroom.

We just completed the 2015

State Apprentice Contest at Local

166 in Fort Wayne. All 4 of our

guys, Eric Vennie in welding, PJ

Heim in HVACR, Zach Russell in

plumbing, and Patrick Burnett in

pipefitting, deserve congratula-

tions. It certainly made me proud

to witness the professional man-

ner in which they presented

themselves during the event;

even more so when a judge from

another local shared high re-

marks for them with me.

It is my honor to report that Zach

and Patrick were victorious and

will represent Indiana as State

Champions during the UA District

2 Contest in June. A little home

court advantage as we are the

host local for this year’s event.

Human nature and self-pride

lead us all to be competitive.

Being members of the UA teach-

es us solidarity and the common

goals of our trade. I’m always

amazed to see this on display at

the contest. Competitive spirit

conjoined with cooperation, UA

brotherhood at its best.

I leave you with this quote:

“Competition has been shown to

be useful up to a certain point

and no further, but cooperation,

which is the thing we must strive

for today, begins where competi-

tion leaves off.”

-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Don’t forget to buy American at

every opportunity!

The mechanical systems in the building will be able to be assembled, disassembled, and

rebuilt, giving some much needed hands-on training capabilities. Apprentices will also be

able to work from scissor and boom lifts with the ability to become qualified on these pieces

of equipment. Another advantage of this building is the ability to roll a carry-deck inside for

rigging in bad weather

Donald J. Bough, Director of Training

Addition to Training Facility

“Many jobsites, at

the request of the

owner, are

requiring that


certification issue

dates be recent.”

Page 6 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Don Bough

[email protected]

Above is the making of the sand pit, which

will be used in the training of apprentice


To the right is the frame of the new training

building, which is 75 ft. wide, 100 ft. long

and will be 20 ft. tall to the lowest end of a

single span single slope roof.

Completion is expected in May and will be

first used during the District 2 Apprentice


Page 7: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Class Updates and Information—contact Training Office to register 317-856-6426

Page 7 Volume 30, Issue 2

Class Description Class Begins Class Ends Days of Class Cost of Class

UASTAR Test May 19th May 19th Tuesday $134 Test deposit

We do not have any Med Gas Installer Update exams scheduled at this time. If you need to update

your certification, please contact the Training Office to add your name to our interest list. We will

have test dates available in the Fall and will put together a test date sooner if we have enough inter-


Our next weld test is scheduled for Saturday, April 25th. If you want to test on that day, please con-

tact Steve Schmutte at (317) 856-6426 Ext 114.

If you would like to update your OSHA-10 Hour or OSHA-30 Hour certifications, please contact the

Training Office. We have started in interest list and hope to put together a class once we get enough

interest. If you want to update your OSHA-10 Hour certification online, you may do so by going to

www.careersafeonline.com and choosing the Construction Industry Course. The cost is $25.

If you have recently received your Journeyman Plumbing License, please contact the Training Office

so that we may update your record. We do not receive notification from the IPLA concerning Journey-

man Plumbing Licenses, so this is the only way we’ll know that you have received your certification. If

you already have a Journeyman Plumbing License but aren’t sure if we have it on file, please feel free

to call us to verify.

Be sure to “Like” the Local 440 Training Center page on Facebook for updates on classes, reminder,

and any other news related to the Training Center.

Journeyman Course Catalog

Classes are beginning to wind down for the 2014-2015 school year. Keep

your eye out in late July/early August for the Journeyman Course Catalog

that will show classes available for the 2015-2016 school year.

www.ualocal440.org Pay dues online 24/7

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Contact Local 440 or one of the officers

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Page 8: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Page 8 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440


Congratulations to those who will presented awards at the Union Meeting April 27, 2015


Michael J. Arnett, Jr.

Mark D. Bateman

Gary R. Bateman

Donald J. Bough

Norman W. Brooks

Mark D. Browning

David M. Bunnell

Kevin P. Carr

Tommy L. Carter

Mark A. Christensen

Kerry L. Estes

Charles E. Evans

Don S. Evans

Jamie E. Fife

Daniel J. Fisher

Donald E. Golay

George E. Guerrettaz

James A. Guerrettaz

Ronnie E. Knight

Timothy W. Logan

Michael R. Martin

Richard K. McDonald

Matthew R. McKeeman

Scott B. Meyer

Paul M. Patmore

James R. Perry, Jr.

Michael J. Schubach

Kenneth R. Sorrells

Richard A. Stratman

Lawrence R. Tolley

Jason L. Watt

Steven D. Wicks

Russell S. Williams


Chris Baker

Michael L. Ball

Tracy D. Bills

Scott W. Bremer

Michael A. Brooks

Jeffery M. Castor

Daniel R. Copeland

Robert K. Dawson

Robert L. Detweiler

Steven C. Gierczak

Charles A. Gowan

Richard T. Guldner

Joseph M. Gutzwiller

James M. Johnson

John H. Keesling

Robert Mahan

Jack E. Neal, Jr.

Steven A. Posey

Boyd T. Reed

Roy E. Reynolds

Kevin Roberts

John E. Schott

Rick S. Smith

Randall L. Turner

Herman L. Williams

John M. Wright


Larry L. Anderson

Greg L. Bare

Joseph K. Bauer

Larry D. Boggs

Gary W. Bowen

Elvin D. Burden

Dennis P. Campbell

Van H. Castleberry

John Cox

35-Year (continued)

John J. Daily

William D. Ferguson

William E. Foernzler

Thomas Garard

Kristian K. Hahne

Timothy M. Hall

Steve Hendrix

Richard A. Jones

Robert W. Jones

Phillip D. Knight

Robert R. Knox

Stephen D. Logan

Daniel J. Lynch

C.M. Lyons

John T. Manley

Ronald G. Masters

Ronald R. McArtor

Charles W. McCarns, Jr.

R.A. McIntosh

Keith A. McLaughlin

Harold R. Megenhardt II

James R. Myrick

John F. Pfleging, Jr.

Dale E. Pier

David L. Posey

David A. Prosser

Gregory W. Reed

Wade S. Reed

Randolph E. Rejer

Thomas H. Rich

Jim L. Richey

Gary L. Robinson

Daniel Rosenberger, Jr.

Richard W. Saunders

Steve A. Schmutte

Gary W. Schwomeyer

35-Year (continued)

Thomas L. Sterrett

Jeffrey L. Walker

Guy R. Williams II


Stevie F. Blakley

Wayne E. Bowers

David C. Brandmaier

Edward M. Davis

Vernon A. Farr

William P. Hardin

Dick C. Hightshue

Daniel J. Morrison

Dave I. Pfaff

Kevin L. Roberts

Steven Sander

Danny Williams


Bennie L. Ball

Mark A. Beck

Joe Belcher

Gary A. Bledsoe

Alvin E. Brown

Thomas A. Burkle

Stephen Christensen

Ronnie H. Compton

David G. Espich

Danny W. Goins

Steven D. Green

Donald E. Harris

John L. Havron

Thomas L. Klakamp

Gerald F. Lamb

Kenneth A. Lewis

Karl A. Long

Robert Mellencamp

Loren D. Musgrove

45-Year (continued)

Henry C. Nichols, Jr.

Don A. Pauley

Rex A. PItzer

Ronald Rennier

Michael L. Robinson

Thomas J. Russell

George L. Selvia

Robert E. Sitzman

Max V. Smith

Joseph E. Stieneker

Gary A. Summers

James E. Tatom

Ernie E. Taylor

James G. Underwood

John H. Wagner

Donald E. West


James B. Baltimore

Charles B. Bowman

William J. Carden

James C. Couch

James H. Dice

Benjamin E. Dillon

Ronald L. Garard

Johnny C. Jones

Cornelius Jordan

Harry J. Keplinger

John M. Linne

Gary Manning

Garrett L. Ramsey

Merrell E. Reed


Richard G. Fye

John L. Gutzwiller

Cecil S. Hammond

James R. Luebbert

Donald Pier, Jr.

Page 9: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Page 9 Volume 30, Issue 2

2015 Easter Egg Hunt

Bicycle winners

Up On The Wall

A couple lucky Beaman

bowhunters, taken in 2013 with


Retiree Mike Linne & younger brother Steve

caught these 57 shellcrackers in about 2

hours on Lake Walk in water across from

Mike’s house in Lake Wales, Florida.

Retiree Gerry

Evans with the

one that didn’t

get away while

on a fishing trip


That’s a 9.5lb

bass, caught in


Page 10: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Member Obituaries

Page 10 Volume 30, Issue 2

Jack Goins, Retired Pipefitter

Initiation date: February 19, 1970

Passed away: February 19, 2015

William D. Webb, Retired Pipefitter

Initiation date: January 1, 1966

Passed away: February 11, 2015

Derek J. Miller, Apprentice

Initiation date: June 1, 2011

Passed away: March 21, 2015

Joseph A. Weldon, Journeyman Plumber

Initiation date: April 14, 2000

Passed away: March 29, 2015 Recent Retirees

Richard L. Northard December 2014

Donald E. Murray January 2015

Neal J. Bowlen January 2015

Robert P. Dungan January 2015

Russell R. Herbert March 2015

John L. Gilliland April 2015

Spring Retiree Cookout Wednesday, May13, 2015Spring Retiree Cookout Wednesday, May13, 2015Spring Retiree Cookout Wednesday, May13, 2015

BINGO begins at 10:30am Lunch at 12:00pmBINGO begins at 10:30am Lunch at 12:00pmBINGO begins at 10:30am Lunch at 12:00pm Please bring a dish to sharePlease bring a dish to sharePlease bring a dish to share

Earl A. Myers, Retired Plumber

Initiation date: July 25, 1962

Passed away: March 17, 2015

Marion L. Rediger, Retired Steamfitter

Initiation date: December 10, 1952

Passed away: April 7, 2015

Lester E. Lewis, Retired Pipefitter

Initiation date: July 14, 1965

Passed away: April 7, 2015

$20 Off

Spring HVAC Service

Expiration Date: 6/01/2015

Member Name:_______________________________

Member Address:_____________________________


It’s that time of year again. Spring is in the air, and soon

you will need just that—Air Conditioning! Local 440 is

partnering with our residential contractors to offer mem-

bers a special spring tune-up deal. Present the coupon

below at the time of service to one of our qualified resi-

dential contractors listed below:

Jake’s Heating and Air (765) 345-9329

Quality Plumbing & Heating (765) 689-9175

B&J Mechanical (317) 786-3009

Call one of them today to ensure your HVAC equipment

is ready to handle whatever Indiana weather comes your


Page 11: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Page 11 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service Technicians Local 440

Important Plan Changes in Benefits


Nexium Coverage Discontinued Effective

June 1, 2015 the Plan will no longer cover

Nexium under the prescription benefit. This

change was implemented because of the

huge cost difference between what our plan

pays for Nexium as compared to the cost of

the newly available over the counter version.

In general, our plan is paying an average of

$506 for a 30-day supply of Nexium. The

average price of the over the counter version

of Nexium at a retail pharmacy is less than

$25, which is less than your present copay.

The Trustees realize you may be taking a

40mg dose of Nexium through the prescrip-

tion plan and the over the counter only

comes in a 20 mg dose. We have confirmed

with clinical pharmacists that 2 of the 20mg

pills is the same as taking one of the 40mg

pills. The Trustees felt it was not in the best

interest of the plan participants to continue

paying the high price for the 40mg prescrip-

tion dosage when other less expensive alter-

natives are available.

Over the Counter Medications Effective June

1, 2015 the Plan will discontinue coverage

for over the counter mediations Prilosec,

Claritin and Claritin-D. Coverage for any over

the counter medication is no longer available.

Statement Regarding Status as a Grandfa-

thered Health Plan This group health plan

believes this plan is a ‘grandfathered health

plan’ under the Patient Protection and Afford-

able Care Act (the Affordable Care Act). As

permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a grand-

fathered health plan can preserve certain

basic health coverage that was already in

effect when that law was enacted. Being a

grandfathered health plan means that your

plan may not include certain consumer pro-

tections of the Affordable Care Act that apply

to other plans, for example, the requirement

for the provision of preventive health services

without any cost-sharing. However, grandfa-

thered health plans must comply with certain

other consumer protections in the Affordable

Care Act, for example, the elimination of life-

time limits on benefits.

Questions regarding which protections apply

and which protections do not apply to a

grandfathered health plan and what might

cause a plan to change from grandfathered

health plan status can be directed to the Plan

Administrator. You may also contact the Em-

ployee Benefits Security Administration, U.S.

Department of Labor at (866)444-3272 or

www.dol.gov/ebsa/healthreform. This web-

site has a table summarizing which protec-

tions do and do not apply to grandfathered

health plans.

—Stewart C. Miller & Co., Inc.


Future Moms is a free

benefit through Anthem

for participants in the

Local 440 Health &

Welfare Plan

A book to show you what changes you can expect over the next nine months.

A health assessment to make sure you and your baby stay as healthy as possible.

Free phone calls with specialists, such as dietitians and lactation consultants, as needed.

Sign up for Future Moms as soon as

you find out you’re pregnant.

To get started, call:


Future Moms is a program that can help you prepare for a safe delivery and a healthy child. Our nurse coaches get to know you and your family, and they’ll support you through your pregnancy.

Best of all, it’s offered in addition to your health plan at no extra cost to you. Here’s what you get when you sign up:

A toll-free number you can use to talk to a maternity nurse coach anytime, any day.

A maternity diary packed with tips for a healthy pregnancy and notes for your doctor visits.

Future Moms - here for you

Page 12: Volume 30, Issue 2 Plumbers, Steamfitters, & HVAC Service

Stewart C. Miller & Co., Inc.


Benefit Areas Mar '15 % Paid Apr '14 - Mar '15 12 Mo %

In-Patient Hospital $372,340.71 22.54% $4,879,640.53 24.26%

Outpatient Hospital $351,368.77 21.27% $4,431,370.89 22.04%

Diag, X-ray,Lab $135,607.95 8.21% $1,448,658.51 7.20%

Prescription Program $360,770.31 20.90% $3,917,149.93 19.48%

Surgical $81,696.39 4.94% $1,046,082.83 5.20%

Other $116,318.92 7.04% $1,481,695.12 7.37%

Physician $37,206.94 2.25% $555,667.48 2.76%

*Prescriptions $25,979.29 1.57% $395,741.11 1.97%

Psych/Sub Abuse $48,575.49 2.94% $353,299.08 1.76%

Dental $74,941.79 4.54% $859,887.76 4.28%

Vision $10,804.29 0.65% $188,374.86 0.94%

Disability $15,105.82 0.91% $271,991.22 1.35%

Life Benefits $18,000.00 1.09% $122,000.00 0.61%

Taxes $3,475.28 0.21% $71,319.16 0.35%

TOTAL $1,652,191.95 100.00% $20,110,352.71 100.00%