volume 9 issue 13

Volume 9 Issue 13 Transforming Higher Education... Enhancing Lives. Continued on Pg 2 T he Presidents Award-Kenya Gold Presentation Ceremony took place on Friday 4 th October, 2013 at State House Gardens. The occasion was presided over by the patron of the Programme, the President of the Republic of Kenya, H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta. Students from secondary and post-secondary institutions in Kenya together with their guardians and teachers were in-attendance. During the occasion, Prof. Olive Mugenda received a Certificate of Recognition on behalf of the University for Outstanding Service Delivery to the students. The Executive Director of the Programme, Mr. Edwin Otieno thanked the President for hosting the event. He called on the private sector to partner with them and assist in developing young people into upstanding citizens. Mr. Edwin Kimani, Regional Director for the Programme said the training gave the youth skills to enable them adapt in the globally competitive environment. He noted that the Programme encourages creative thinking KU Awarded Certificate of Recognition KU AT A GLANCE New KUSA Council The 11 th Congress which will be led by the new President Mr. Lone Felix, a student of Law at the KU Parklands Campus. Graduating Medical Students take their oath Kenyatta University and Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board conducted the first oath taking ceremony for medical students in the region. NSE Investment Challenge The annual challenge, which begun in 2008 has provided many young people in universities and colleges with innovative and exciting platforms that connect them to the financial market at the Nairobi Securities Exchange KU in the lead in promoting research uptake The dissemination in the counties so far has yielded enormous interest and appreciation of the University’s engagement with their development interests. Culture Week 2013 This year’s festivities featured outstanding performances from local and international groups. This years’ festivities theme was “50 Years of Cultural Diversity through the Performing Arts” . H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya presents a Certificate of Recognition to Prof. Olive Mugenda, VC, KU during the Presidents Award-Kenya-Ceremony Gold held at the State House grounds, Nairobi. Looking on is Dr. Sauda Swaleh, Deputy Director, Students Affairs. K enyatta University’s Vice-Chancellor Prof. Olive Mugenda has been picked to chair the Council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). The decision was reached on Tuesday, 15 th October, 2013 in London during a meeting of the Council. Prof Mugenda was picked to chair this important association of universities based on her extensive experience and committed service as a board member of the ACU for the last two years. With this appointment, Prof. Mugenda becomes one of the few African Vice-Chancellors to chair the ACU. The Association of Commonwealth Universities is the world’s first and oldest international universities network and has membership of over 500 universities from 37 countries in the world and the secretariat is based in London. Reacting to her appointment, Prof. Mugenda said that this momentous role to chair the Council is an honour not only to her, but also to Kenyatta University, Kenya, women and Africa as a whole. Prof. Mugenda promises to work hard to ensure that the objectives of the Association of Commonwealth Universities Council are met and that the quality of higher education is enhanced so that it may continue to play an important role in sustainable development globally. Prof. Mugenda Picked to Chair the Council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Prof. Olive Mugenda addresses the Council during the Association of Commonwealth Universities meeting 22 nd November - 6 th December, 2013

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A fortnightly publication of Kenyatta University


Page 1: Volume 9 issue 13

Volume 9 Issue 13

Transforming Higher Education... Enhancing Lives.

Continued on Pg 2

The Presidents Award-Kenya Gold Presentation Ceremony took place on Friday 4th October, 2013 at State House Gardens. The occasion was

presided over by the patron of the Programme, the President of the Republic of Kenya, H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta. Students from secondary and post-secondary institutions in Kenya together with their guardians and teachers were in-attendance. During the occasion, Prof. Olive Mugenda received a Certificate of Recognition on behalf of the University for Outstanding

Service Delivery to the students. The Executive Director of the Programme, Mr. Edwin Otieno thanked the President for hosting the event. He called on the private sector to partner with them and assist in developing young people into upstanding citizens. Mr. Edwin Kimani, Regional Director for the Programme said the training gave the youth skills to enable them adapt in the globally competitive environment. He noted that the Programme encourages creative thinking

KU Awarded Certificate of RecognitionKU AT A GLANCE

New KUSA Council The 11th Congress which will be

led by the new President Mr. Lone Felix, a student of Law at

the KU Parklands Campus.

Graduating Medical Students take their

oath Kenyatta University and Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board conducted the first oath taking

ceremony for medical students in the region.

NSE Investment Challenge

The annual challenge, which begun in 2008 has provided

many young people in universities and colleges

with innovative and exciting platforms that connect them to the financial market at the Nairobi Securities Exchange

KU in the lead in promoting research

uptakeThe dissemination in the

counties so far has yielded enormous interest and

appreciation of the University’s engagement with their development interests.

Culture Week 2013This year’s festivities featured

outstanding performances from local and international groups.

This years’ festivities theme was “50 Years of Cultural Diversity through the Performing Arts” .

H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya presents a Certificate of Recognition to Prof. Olive Mugenda, VC, KU during the Presidents Award-Kenya-Ceremony Gold held at the State House grounds, Nairobi. Looking on is Dr. Sauda Swaleh, Deputy Director, Students Affairs.

Kenyatta University’s Vice-Chancellor Prof. Olive Mugenda has been picked to chair the Council of the Association of Commonwealth

Universities (ACU). The decision was reached on Tuesday, 15th October, 2013 in London during a meeting of the Council. Prof Mugenda was picked to chair this important association of universities based on her extensive experience and committed service as a board member of the ACU for the last two years. With this appointment, Prof. Mugenda becomes one of the few African Vice-Chancellors to chair the ACU. The Association of Commonwealth Universities is the world’s first and oldest international universities network and has membership of over 500 universities from 37 countries in the world and the secretariat is based in London. Reacting to her appointment, Prof. Mugenda said that this momentous role to chair the Council is an honour not only to her, but also to Kenyatta University, Kenya, women

and Africa as a whole. Prof. Mugenda promises to work hard to ensure that the objectives of the Association of Commonwealth Universities Council are met and that the quality of higher education is enhanced so that it may continue to play an important role in sustainable development globally.

Prof. Mugenda Picked to Chair the Council of the Association of

Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

Prof. Olive Mugenda addresses the Council during the Association of Commonwealth Universities


22nd November - 6th December, 2013

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2 Kenyatta University Newsletter _____________________________________________________________________________________________


Continued from Pg 1

A s we draw nearer to holiday season, Kenyatta University

continues to make waves within the public university community. The University was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Service delivery to students. As if that wasn’t a big enough feather in our cap, K.U also managed to scoop two awards during this year’s Gender and Mainstreaming Awards. To be honest, it’s what you expect from a University whose Vice-Chancellor has been selected to chair the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). Allow me to emphasize the magnitude of this appointment, I would like to point out that the ACU is the oldest international university network and has a membership of over 500 universities from 37 countries in the world. To chair such an association is no small fete. The editorial team would like to be the first to congratulate Prof. Olive Mugenda for this tremendous achievement. In other news K.U’s first Medical students who will be graduating in December took their oath administered by the Chairman of the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board, Prof. George Magoha. The School of Medicine has certainly shown their good leadership evidenced by the two past KUSA presidents. The editorial team wishes this new crop of Doctors all the best. Speaking of KUSA, there is a new sheriff in town! In this issue find out about the ones who came, vied and conquered and are now part of the victorious twelve who run the K.U. student body. There’s so much more to read within these pages but first things first, Leon Uris once wrote, ‘The ability of a person to atone has always been the most remarkable of human features.’ Allow the editorial team then to apologize to both Mr. William Kakimon and Mr. David Siele for the mistake made in the previous issue of the newsletter when we wrongly referred to Mr.William Kakimon, District Commissioner, Kericho County as Mr. David Siele and vice versa.

Happy Reading!

adding that the model of training was evidence based. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta noted that optimism was a good feature in the youth. He went on to add that entrepreneurship and success needs to be encouraged among the youth. He thanked the Presidential Award Scheme (PAS) organizers for nurturing the youth through

youth empowerment programmes which had an impact on the society. The President urged everyone to foster the spirit of volunteerism for the greater good. He noted that increasing the number of universities and doubling the number of technical institutions will encourage the youth to

empower themselves. He urged the youth to take advantage of youth forums. Thirty nine (39) students from the University also received gold awards during the occasion. Also present during the occasion was Deputy Director of Students Affairs, Dr. Sauda Swaleh.

KU signs an MoU and MoA with Administration Police

Kenyatta University has signed an agreement with the Administration Police Service to train members of the Administration Police Service Band in the area of

music. During the ceremony, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof, P. K. Wainaina representing the Vice-Chancellor,

The Vice-Chancellor Prof.Olive Mugenda was one of the high profile speakers at the 2013 Global Leadership Conference held on 7th and 8th November 2013, at Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM), Valley Road, Nairobi.Prof. Mugenda who is a result oriented and transformational leader advised the participants on the importance of having a Vision and a Strategic plan in order to turn around an organization. This,

she said, has seen the University develop into a world class institution and also a centre of excellence not just in the country but also in the region. She noted that new vision, new strategies and new structures are crucial in the process of organizational transformation. “Leadership is about continuous effort towards excellence in everything. Turning around your organization will require that you

stay focused on your vision, be passionate and committed to your work,” she emphasized. At the same time the Vice-Chancellor noted that listening to others is part of being a good leader and urged the participants of the summit to give their employees opportunities to express their views and ideas. “Employees at any level may have good ideas that will improve the organization, so leaders, it is good to listen to them.

KU Awarded Certificate of Recognition

VC gives a talk at Global Leadership Summit

Prof. P. K. Wainaina, DVC (Admin) (R) exchange the signed MoU and MoA with Mr. S. Arachi, Deputy Inspector General – Administration Police Service (L)

Continued on Pg 3

Pastor Janet Mutinda, one of the facilitators at the Global Leadership Conference interviews Prof. Olive Mugenda.

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Newsletter Kenyatta University 3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Volume 9 Issue 13

Continued from Pg 2

KU signs an MoU and MoA with Administration Police

Pass-Out Parade For Military Students

The first intake of cadet officers undertaking the B.Sc. (Military Studies) at the Kenya Military Academy were commissioned

by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander–In–Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces, Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, at a Pass-Out Parade held on 20th September, 2013. The ceremony held at the Kenya Military Academy was attended by senior government officials among them the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Hon. Raychelle Omamo and the Chief of the Defence Forces, General Julius Karangi. Kenyatta University was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda. Others who attended the ceremony were the Ag. Registrar (Academic) Dr. Stephen Nyaga, the Dean, School of Humanities

and Social Sciences represented by Dr. Daniel Muia, the Chairman Institute of Peace and Security Studies Board, Prof. Kisilu Kombo and the Director of the Institute, Dr. Lucy Maina. Some of the Kenyatta University lecturers who have been involved in the teaching exercise at KMA were also present at the pass out parade. In his commissioning speech, the President lauded Kenyatta University for being the first in the region to offer the BSc. (Military Studies) programme, which was a remarkable achievement for the country and the region as a whole. He noted that Kenyatta University was transforming the mode of training Cadets in the region and appreciated the importance of holistic training offered to officer cadets at the Kenya Military Academy.

H. E. Hon Uhuru Kenyatta the President of the Republic of Kenya with Dr. Gen. Julius Karangi, Chief of the Defence Forces of Kenya after inspecting the Guard of Honour

KU Honoured During the Gender Disability and Mainstreaming Awards Ceremony

Kenyatta University scooped two awards during this year’s Gender and Mainstreaming Awards organised by Gender and Disability Development Centre on Friday, 25th October 2013 at the Laico Regency.

Kenyatta University won the Diversity and Transformational Leadership Award. This award is given to institutions that are committed to providing equal opportunities to women and persons with disabilities. It also recognises institutions that have enforced equal rights to all races, gender, religion and disability. The second award, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Champion Award went to an individual who has supported persons with disability by enabling them through transforming their institutions to allow easy access of resources. This Champion Award was given to Vice-Chancellor. Prof. Philomena Mwaura, Director, Centre for Gender Equity and Empowerment,

receives an Award on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda from Ms. Josephta Mukobe, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government during the Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Awards.Continued on Pg 8

Prof. Olive Mugenda said that the collaboration was aimed at achieving the objectives that were presented to the University; that is, certification of the Administration Police Band men and women; equipping the AP musicians/instructors with the capacity to set up an AP Music Academy; and the need to expand the AP Band community outreach programme. “I am pleased that two initial programmes have been identified as suitable for the initial training members of the Administration Police Band,” he added. These programmes include a Certificate course in Music and a Diploma Course in Music. The Administration Police Band officers who qualify will later proceed to acquire higher training offered under the Department of Music and Dance namely; Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music

(Technology) and Masters in Music. “We can confirm to you that the University is well prepared and able to mount the courses anytime from now,” she noted. The officers will gain immensely from the academic pursuit and knowledge that university students acquire in their academic work. The Deputy Inspector General – Administration Police Service, Mr. Samuel Arachi said that the first step was to build the capacity of all the AP musicians and music instructors through evaluation of the current training curriculum and developing a new and better one to enable our brass band personnel to be trained to the levels of Certificates and Diplomas and eventually attain in Bachelors Degree in Music. “Secondly, the MoU will also work at enabling technology transfer where both institutions will

share the best they have to offer and seek to improve on this through technical training where we will come up with a better understanding of our instruments,” he added. The agreement will seek to exploit the two institutions grassroots touch with the communities they serve. This will be done through the development of a community music centre to offer music education to youths in disadvantaged communities. This will enhance community policing in a bid to create safer Counties. Kenyatta University has prior collaborations with the Kenya Defence Forces and the Kenya Prisons Service to train its personnel in Certificate, Diploma and Degree courses.

22nd November - 6th December, 2013

Page 4: Volume 9 issue 13

The new KUSA Executive Council was inaugurated on Wednesday 23rd October, 2013 following the successful and democratic elections held at the University.

During the ceremony the 10th Congress handed over the mantle of leadership to the 11th Congress which will be led by the new President Mr. Lone Felix. Mr. Felix is a student of Law at the KU Parklands Campus. The Chairman of the Electoral Commission Dr. Adanje Mwisukha commended the students for their discipline, dignity and maturity during the elections. He also thanked the University Management, Deans and Director of Campuses and Schools for their timely facilitation. Dr. Adanje said that the Commission was very strict in enforcing the KUSA Constitution and the Electoral Code to ensure that the elections were fair. He noted that the Commissioners were very neutral and ensured a level playing ground for the contestants. The Commissioner of Oaths, Mr. Kurgart also commended the students for conducting fair elections without violence. He lauded the Vice-Chancellor for inculcating good sense of leadership among the students. In his speech, the outgoing KUSA Secretary General Mr. Fred Kiriga thanked the student fraternity for their support. He also highlighted the achievements of the 10th Congress notably the improvements of students’ services at the Health Unit. Mr. Kiriga urged the students to uphold the University rules and regulations especially in regard to examinations irregularities. He cautioned the students against examination irregularities which have dire consequences. The former President Mr. Tom Mboya also thanked the students and the University Management for their support. “We are humbled to have served you”, he said. He advised the new leadership to focus on the goals and stay united as a team. The new Secretary General Mr. Ephraim Wainaina pledged to work hard to uplift the students’ welfare. He called on the students’ fraternity to hold the new leadership accountable. “We are not going to let you down,” said Mr.Wainaina. While making his inaugural address, the new President of KUSA, Mr. Lone Felix pledged to pursue students’ welfare but at the same time guard the image of the University. “I will secure the students welfare zealously but with equal measure guard the image of this great institution,” stated Mr. Lone Felix.In his remarks the Director of Student Affairs Dr. Edwin Gimode thanked the students for good conduct during the campaigns and election period. He singled out the School of Medicine for producing two presidents consecutively. “The School of Medicine has passed the test of leadership,” he added. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda addressed the students after the swearing in ceremony where she congratulated the new leadership. She thanked the students’ body for the maturity displayed during the campaign season where supporters of the various candidates avoided acrimonious violence and other vices that accompany electioneering. The VC urged the new leaders to guard the good brand of KU. In addition, she pledged to mentor the new leaders as they embark on their mandate. Prof. Mugenda paid special tribute to the members of the 10th Congress led by Mr. Tom Mboya. “During your whole term the University remained peaceful and calm with an atmosphere that was supportive to the University’s core activities,” said the VC. Meanwhile, Prof.Mugenda announced the plans are under way to build new students hostels and also an extension of the Health Unit all in the University’s bid to improve students’ welfare. She noted that both the University Management and the KUSA Leadership were focused on one goal of students’ welfare.

New KUSA Executive Council Inaugurated

My promise to you…The position of the Office of the Secretary General is designed to make students proud. Should there be any need of assistance, we are always available for you. Leadership is not a position but a collective responsibility. We are all capable of leading, but the positions restrict us. We all have a duty to do. May we not hurry to point fingers before we exhaust our abilities. During such times when the semester is coming to an end, many activities take place, all of which may not be desirable. Don’t let your lust ruin your tomorrow. May we restrain and remain focused to our goals. Our lives are our personal responsibilities and the future depends on the activities we do currently. As we do examinations, may our preparedness meet success and finally propel us to the coveted graduation square. Remember your God in all your activities.Ephraim Wainaina - Secretary General.

It has been an amazing three weeks for the entire 10th Congress as we settle and start delivering service to our colleagues. We have purposed to forge a strong agenda of securing student interests within defined modalities, working closely with the administration and all other stakeholders. Indeed, I am delighted as the University Management has proceeded to even authorize several projects . The changing for instance for the Western Style Toilets to Eastern Style toilets within the Nyayo residential area will be fast tracked as we proceed for the December recess. KUSA is also committed to adding value to students and as such we have made advanced steps in suggesting that a curriculum to train club officials be developed and the training undertaken within the first phase of next semester. We also anticipate hosting a major regional conference on the East African Integration: Challenges & Prospects as we strive to have a Kenyatta University student participate in shaping policy. I have no doubt in my mind, that we will meet our pledges as a team. But as we struggle to do this, I urge the student community to meet our part of the bargain. It is a very painful and disheartening to see a comrade discontinued or expelled for breach of a policy. Especially during this exam period, I urge honestly and strict adherence to exam regulations to avoid the attaching disciplinary consequences.


A few weeks ago, courtesy of your votes, a new KUSA government came into office; friends let me reaffirm that you made your voice heard and you made a difference. In the coming weeks and months, together with members of my committee, I look forward to carrying out an intensive and comprehensive research and feedback collection exercise on the services offered to students with regards to catering, accommodation and security. The data gathered will lay the frame work for the tasks ahead. I wish also to thank the University Management in a big way for their consideration in establishing the 8000 capacity hostel. Once completed, this will be the zone antidote to the crisis facing our accommodation. In the short term, we as a team continue to explore avenues to have comrades accommodated. Finally friends, let our diversity be our strength. Learn to embrace and tolerate one another irrespective of our ethnicity, race and ideologies. We are greater than the sum total of our individual ambitions. God bless KUSA, God bless KU and God bless Kenya.KUSA Vice-President, Mr. James Mbiu

4 Kenyatta University Newsletter _____________________________________________________________________________________________Michael Mulinge - Organising Secretary

Volume 9 Issue 1322nd November - 6th December, 2013

Page 5: Volume 9 issue 13

New KUSA Executive Council Inaugurated

Mombasa Campus was privileged to host the 2013/2014

(KUSA) student leader’s induction seminar on 25th-28th

October, 2013. The culmination of the seminar was the

keynote address and the official opening of the Induction

seminar by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda. The

Vice-Chancellor was accompanied by the DVC (Academic),

Prof. John Okumu, and Registrar (Administration), Dr. Daniel

Mundi among other University Management officials. The

Seminar successfully closed on Sunday with KUSA leaders

taking a brief tour of some of the historic sites in the coast.

The Mombasa Campus Management Board wish the KUSA

2013 officials an effective leadership during their tenure of


A call to leadership has never been a bed of roses. I therefore congratulate the new KUSA Congress for winning the confidence of the entire student body through the recently concluded elections. I also recognize the maturity displayed by the contestants and all comrades in ensuring it was free and fair. I have a lot of faith in the ability of the new KUSA to deliver clear and sober leadership. Co-operation among the leaders themselves and from the students will be key to ensuring a smooth and successful academic year. Above all, leaders set the pace. A leader can’t demand of others what he doesn’t demand of himself. So I encourage all of them to excel in all fields; their studies included. And on behalf of the entire KUSA 2012/13 Congress, I thank all students for the opportunity you gave us to serve you. We lead through challenging moments in the country and your sobriety, calmness and maturity throughout our tenure is not a thing we took for granted. Offer the same to the current student leaders. We also thank the University Management for offering a listening ear to KUSA. Indeed a lot could not have happened without their support. We congratulations to the Vice-Chancellor and the University Management for their efforts towards improving student welfare and making Kenyatta University a first class University not just in Africa but in the world at large. God bless you all. God bless Kenyatta University. DR. TOM MBOYA - FORMER KUSA PRESIDENT 2012/13

Minky Wanja - Gender and social welfare Secretary

Dr. Tom Mboya Former KUSA President 2012/13

Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda at the KU Mombasa Campus with the Newly inaugurated KUSA

Newsletter Kenyatta University 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Peter K. Obwogi Finance Secretary

Dan Mark Kotondeh - Academic Secretary

Anne Mercy Wanjiku - Special Needs Secretary

Leisley Odhiambo - Campus Chairman, Parklands Campus

Sasaka David Nalianya - Campus Chairman, Ruiru Campus

Reuben Katana - Campus Chairman, Msa Campus.

Martin Maina - Campus Chairman, Kitui Campus

Volume 9 Issue 13

Mombasa KUSA inaugurated

22nd November - 6th December, 2013

Page 6: Volume 9 issue 13

The spectacular annual Culture Week festivities whose theme was “50 Years of Cultural Diversity through the Performing Arts”came to a close on Sunday 10th November 2013 at the Grand Finale held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre. The Grand Finale was

graced by H.E. Evans Kidero, Governor Nairobi County. The Governor said that he was impressed by the stunning cultural shows exhibited by the University during the festivities. He also congratulated the University for the dedication that must have been put into the preparations of all these activities to achieve the high standards displayed. “This breathtaking artistic display makes me proud of being Kenyan”, he added.Speaking during the Grand Finale, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda noted that Culture Week was initiated 22 years ago with an objective of promoting an understanding and appreciation of the different cultures within the country. Furthermore, she said that the objective has further been extended to encompass cultures around the world. The Vice-Chancellor noted that the University appreciates and is proud of the great talent that is being showcased by the students, staff and the public. “As a University we acknowledge that there is a gap in entertainment that is yet to be filled in this country. I believe we all look forward to having our own renowned movie industry that rivals the likes of Hollywood, Nollywood and Bollywood. It is in this front that Kenyatta University is working to establish the School of Film Production, Communication and Media Studies in the hope of creating a strong foundation for this industry that has a big potential in regard to being a prospective employer to many youth”, Prof. Mugenda added. This year’s Culture Week began on Sunday 3rd November 2013 with the Gospel Extravaganza. Rev. Cathy Kiuna, Jesus Celebration Centre who was the Chief Guest said it was a great honour for her to be a part of the Gospel Extravaganza noting that the recognition of God ought to be core in all the endeavours of every human being, an institution, a community and a nation. She said that God is responsible for the presence of culture for he created human beings in such a way that they are culture producing beings. “I am so happy to see that Kenyatta University is striving to contribute towards it through God-given creativity and transform it through dialogue and proclamation”. The opening ceremony was held on Tuesday 5th November 2013 with Dr, Hassan Wario, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Sport, Culture and the Arts who, was represented by Mr. Wenslas Ongayo, Director of Administration Ministry of Sport, Culture and the Arts. Dr. Wario said that he was delighted to note with a lot of admiration, the University’s achievements and continued efforts in championing the agenda of sports, culture and arts not only among its student but also among the citizenry.

He also said that the country needs more of such events to guarantee the preservation and growth of our rich cultural heritage. He lauded the

Kenyatta University fraternity for being in the forefront in promoting the richness and diversity of the Kenya society through this annual event.

The inaugural Mr. and Miss Kenyatta University Disability pageant was held during the festivals so as to involve persons living with disability and

enhance integration of Kenyatta University Community, thus avoid segregation. Other activities included music, dance, drama, skits, comedy, poetry, fashion, Mr.

& Miss KU Pageant, Community Outreach, exhibitions, activities by Persons with Special needs, talk shows and public lectures, sports, among others.

This year’s festivities featured outstanding performances from local and international groups. Some of the international groups came from Botswana and


“50 Years of Cultural Diversity through the Performing Arts”

6 Kenyatta University Newsletter _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Students from the University of Rwanda performing during the Culture Week 2013 Opening Ceremony

Culture Week 201322nd November - 6th December, 2013 Volume 9 Issue 13

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Culture Week 20131. Performers from the Botswana Cultural Group entertain the crowd during the Opening

Ceremony2. Prof. Olive Mugenda with Mr. John Moreti, Botswana’s High Commissioner to Kenya

present a shield to the winner of the Fashion Show, Disability Category, Mr. Edward Munene

3. Willy Paul, a Gospel artist from Kenya performs during the Gospel Extravaganza4. Dancers from the Group Kenyatta University Catholic Community (KUCC) perform during

the Gospel Extravaganza5. Prof. Olive Mugenda with Mr. and Miss. KU 2013, Eric Kagunda and Wendy Makena

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22nd November - 6th December, 2013 Volume 9 Issue 13

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8 Kenyatta University Newsletter

Volume 9 Issue 13

Inaugural Oath Taking Ceremony for Graduating Medical Students

The Vice-Chancellor was represented by Prof. Philomena Mwaura, Director, Centre for Gender Equity and Empowerment. In her acceptance speech read by Prof. Mwaura, the Vice-Chancellor said that the University has over the years placed various initiatives aimed at mainstreaming gender and disability. “Kenyatta University has further distinguished itself by being one of the institutions of higher

learning that admits the highest number of students with various disabilities.” She added that Kenyatta University is determined to attain gender and disability parity in all the institutions services and undertakings. The award ceremony was opened by Ms. Josephta Mukobe, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government. The overall winner was

Kenya Ports Authority. Other winners during the occasion included NHIF, KNH, KENHA, KICC among others. Mr. Manyonge Isaac, Mainstreaming Advisor, National Council for Persons with Disability congratulated the winners and encouraged them to constantly uphold the gender and mainstreaming initiative.

KU Honoured During the Gender Disability and Mainstreaming Awards

Kenyatta University and Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board conducted the first oath taking ceremony for medical students in the region at

the Business and Students Centre. The Chairman of the Kenya Medical Practitioners Board, Prof. George Magoha, who is also the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nairobi, led the young doctors in reciting the oath and thereafter appending their signatures. The occasion was witnessed by Mr. Daniel Yumbya, Chief Executive/Secretary to the Medical Board, Prof. Barasa Otsyula, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Medical Board. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration), Prof. Paul Wainaina represented the Vice-Chancellor. He congratulated the medical graduands and wished them well in their career and future endeavors. He thanked the School of Medicine for providing good leadership in the University. The current and immediate past KUSA presidents were drawn from the Medical School The Chief Guest, Prof. Magoha asked the graduands to be good role models. He advised doctors to consult widely and seek a second opinion where they are not sure. He said that statistics indicated that there is an acute shortage of doctors in the country especially in arid and semi-arid areas. He therefore encouraged the young doctors to give their services in such areas. He also said the Board was making efforts to clear pending cases facing some doctors in order to avail these doctors to offer services. On behalf of graduands, Dr. Akoto thanked Kenyatta University and the Medical Board for the good support they had given them during their training.

Continued from Pg 3

Prof. Philomena Mwaura, Director, Centre for Gender Equity and Empowerment, receives the Diversity and Transformational Leadership Award on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda from Ms. Josephta Mukobe, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government during the Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Awards. With her is Prof. Paul Mbugua, Director, Directorate of Disability Services and other members of Faculty

Medical students from the School of Medicine take their oath administered by the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board. Among the students were the two previous KUSA Presidents.


22nd November - 6th December, 2013

Page 9: Volume 9 issue 13

Newsletter Kenyatta University 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Volume 9 Issue 13

Delegation from the University of Eldoret visits KU

Kenyatta University has won the 2013 RBA Research Bid

A team from the University of Eldoret led by their Vice-Chancellor, visited KU on 27th September 2013. The bench

marking visit aimed at learning best practices on various areas of interest. The team included the Vice-Chancellor of University of Eldoret Prof. Teresa Akenga, Vice-Chairman of Council Eng. Njeru, Members of University

Management and Council members. In her welcome remarks, Prof. Olive Mugenda thanked the team from University of Eldoret for choosing to benchmark with KU. “Thank you for choosing to bench mark with Kenyatta University. We are open and whatever we do is for public good. We Kenyatta University are ready and willing to support University of Eldoret to become world class,” said the VC. Prof. Mugenda also noted that Universities had a lot to share and learn from each other. Prof.Mugenda shared with the team the importance of having a StrategicVision Plan. “Have clarity of what you want to achieve in the Short run and in the long run and keep revisiting your targets. Pursue your dreams and do not be limited by funds. Also be ready to face challenges but do not be discouraged”, the VC advised.

Dr. J. K. S. Makokha of the Department of Literature has been honoured by the distinguished Association of

Borderland Studies (ABS). The don, has been given a certificate of academic excellence

e n t i t l e d : Association o f Borderland S t u d i e s

(ABS) Past P r e s i d e n t s ’ Bronze Book Award, 2013. The award recognizes t h e

substantial contribution to knowledge made by Negotiating Afropolitanism: Essays on Borders and Spaces in Contemporary African Literature and Folklore (New York, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011). This is a 371-pages book of literary criticism co-edited by Dr. Makokha and Prof. Dr. Jennifer Wawrzinek of Free University of Berlin. Another Don awarded was Mr. David Mulwa, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theatre Arts and Film Technology won this year’s Jomo Kenyatta Foundation award for literature (Junior category). The award winning novel, ‘We Come in Peace’ revisits the historical tragedy of slavery in Kenya as told through the eyes of an adolescent girl. It is the story of pain, greed and betrayal but affirms the need to stand, persist and fight

injustice if both the individual and society are to survive. ‘We Come in Peace’ is a reader for our lower secondary Schools.

Kenyatta University has won the 2013 Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) research grant to conduct research on

the pension payout phase. The research project titled“Risks and opportunities associated with lumpsum pension payments to retirees in Kenya: Implications for income security” will cost over four million Kenya Shillings. The University’s proposal was rated the best among other proposals presented to the Authority by several

universities. Bidders were expected to demonstrate sound grounding on the topic of pension systems as well as methodological rigor. The research project is expected to commence in December 2013 and will culminate in the presentation of a report to the RBA with recommendations on the most viable payment model for guaranteeing income security to retirees in Kenya. The findings will thereafter be used by the RBA to generate specific policies pertaining to pension payments with a view to

guaranteeing financial security for retirees beyond gainful employment. The research team comprises of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda as the Principal Investigator, Director, Institute of Peace and Security Studies, Dr. Lucy Maina as the research coordinator. The researchers will be the Registrar (Academic), Dr. Daniel Muindi, Associate Dean, Graduate School, Prof. Elishiba Kimani, Lecturer, Department of chemistry, Dr. Mildred Nawiri and Director, Alumni, Dr. Wambui Wamburu.

Dons Awarded for Academic Excellence

Some Members of Management with the team from the University of Eldoret after paying a courtesy call to the Vice-Chancellor

22nd November - 6th December, 2013

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Chairman of the NSE Mr. Eddy Njoroge presents a cheque to Mr. James Mwangi a Law student from KU’s Parklands who scooped second place

in the NSE Challenge

Prof. Olive Mugenda addressing participants during Prophet Dr. David Owuor’s public lecture at the Bishop Square

Prof. P. K. Wainaina, DVC (Administration), Prof. George Magoha, Vice-Chancellor, University of Nairobi and Chairman of the Kenya Medical

Practitioners Board with Medical students from the School of Medicine after taking their oath

Vice-Chancellor with BURT Awards Board Members and the BURT 2013 award winners

10 Kenyatta University Newsletter_____________________________________________________________________________________________

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Olive Mugenda addresses students during the 2013 KUSA Inauguration Ceremony

H.E. Hon. Uhuru Kenyata, President of the Republic of Kenya inspecting a Guard of Honour during the Passing-Out parade at the

Kenya Defence Forces Academy, Lanet

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Members of Management, staff and students welcome the Vice-Chancellor with song & dance following her appointment as

the Chair of the Council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).

Students welcome the Vice-Chancellor after her appointment as the Chair of the Council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities


H. E. Evans Kidero, the Governor for Nairobi County shares a moment with ‘Davie the Student’, a local comedian, during Culture Week 2013

Grand Finale at KICC

(Front) The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olive Mugenda and Miss KU 2012, Miss E. Kamau with models for the Mr. and Miss. Disability 2013.

Pastor Kathy Kiuna performs her song “Africa” during the Culture Week 2013 Gospel Extravaganza

International Youth Fellowship (IYF) members perform during the Culture Week 2013 Grand Finale at KICC

22nd November - 6th December, 2013

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F o c u s

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Dr. David E. Owour visited the University on 24th October, 2013 to give a public

lecture whose theme was ‘Role of Purity in achieving Excellence’. The event was held at Bishop Square and was attended by students and lecturers from other universities together with members’ staff and management members of Kenyatta University. Prof. Olive Mugenda, the Vice-Chancellor during the occasion noted that the University was blessed to host the prophet of the Lord for the third time. She requested him to guide and advise students on how to

cultivate good morals and how to seek God’s guidance in their lives. She noted that students need to be focused and decide which path to follow in life. Dr. Owour in his preaching emphasized the importance of portraying a good image. He told the youth to avoid drug and substance abuse and to avoid immoral behavior. He added that the church had become rebellious and therefore there was a need for Christians to be holy in their mannerisms and need for the nation to repent. He urged the congregation to be obedient to the word of God and to be a good example to others.

Winners of the 2013 Nairobi Securities Exchange Challenge were feted in a

colorful ceremony held on 8th

October, 2013 at Kenyatta University. This year’s winner was Mr. Nicholas Kibet Ruto, a student of Business and Economics at Moi University. Mr. James Mwangi a Law student from KU’s Parklands emerged second in the challenge. During the ceremony, the VC, Prof. Olive Mugenda who was the Chief Guest, commended the students who took part in the challenge, while at the same time encouraged other students to actively participate in the NSE Investment challenge. “This is a great opportunity that will go a long way in shaping your career development as well as educate you on being smart investors,” said Prof. Mugenda. The Chairman of the NSE Mr. Eddy Njoroge said the NSE

Challenge was meant to encourage students create wealth by being involved in the securities exchange. “Job opportunities are becoming scarce for the many graduates leaving universities and we need to encourage young people to create their own jobs. Our young people need to learn that one can make money without stealing” said Mr. Njoroge. The Chief Executive Officer of NSE, Mr. Peter Mwangi said that the challenge aimed at equipping young people with financial literacy at an early age. “We are committed to molding citizens who are financially enabled to plan for their lives,” he said. Also present during the ceremony was the Vice-Chairman of NSE Mr. Bob Karina, and NSE Challenge Goodwill Ambassador, renowned artist Juliani. The representatives from other sponsors who included Ms. Catherine Gitonga, CEO Smart Youth Investment Ltd, General Manager NIC Securities.

Prophet Dr. David Owour Mentors the Youth

The Vice-Chancellor, Members of Management from the Nairobi Securities Exchange with Winners of the Nairobi Securities Exchange


Prophet Dr. David Owour, during the public lecture at the Bishop’s Square

Ms. Lucy Kavinda, an academic staff in the School of Business

has initiated an association of entrepreneurship education to spearhead improvement of the pedagogy of the discipline in Kenya. The initiative took shape in May 2013 when an initial workshop was held at Kenyatta University. The workshop, entitled ‘The Pedagogy of Entrepreneurship Education in Kenya’, attracted participation from ten universities as well as from Technical Institutes,

Government Training Institutes, Youth Enterprise Fund and Equity Bank. The association has received formal government recognition. A stakeholder’s consultative meeting, with representation from University academics, Technical Institutes, Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development, Ministry of Education, National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) and the newly formed Micro and Small Enterprise Authority has been held to chart ways in which the association could accomplish its objectives. The association welcomes participation from professionals and institutions with an interest in improving the teaching and learning of entrepreneurship education in institutions of learning.

Entrepreneurship Education Association

Initiative started

Ms. Lucy Kavinda, Academic Staff, School of Business

Winners of Nairobi Securities Exchange Investment Challenge


22nd November - 6th December, 2013

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Research Updates

A team of 5 Kenyatta University researchers recently completed a research titled Multi-dimensional Impacts of a Rural Industrial Park: The Case of the Magana Park in Kiambu County. After the completion of the research, the

team has not only disseminated the findings through publications in various journals but has also engaged selected Counties with discussions

on how the findings can contribute to county industrialization. In Turkana County for instance, the Governor invited the University to partner with the county in identifying opportunities for growth. He also urged Kenyatta University to consider establishing a campus in Lodwar or other parts of the county. Other Counties include Isiolo County where the County officials expressed that the University can play a role in providing evidence to support the development plan and its projected outcomes. Embu County Executive Members revealed that their main focus was value addition for the agricultural goods produced in the county including dairy farming, coffee, tea, pyrethrum, grain cereals and horticultural products. At Nyandarua County, the Finance and Economic Planning Minister thanked Kenyatta University for choosing to disseminate the findings there and observed that industrialization could trigger rural development. At Kajiado County, officials appreciated Kenyatta University’s research work and suggested the University to establish a campus in the County. The research Coordinator Dr. Lucy W. Maina expressed that the engagement with counties reveals great appreciation for the role of Universities as change agents and several research gaps thus stimulating further research. Other members of the research team are: Dr. Paul Gachanja, Dr. Samuel Mwangi, Dr. Nelson Karagu and Mr. Allan Kirui. The research was funded by the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Grant 2012 and the Vice Chancellor Prof. Olive M. Mugenda has been the research advisor and is instrumental in directing the dissemination process.

Chandaria BIIC has remained a very active unit at Kenyatta University. It recently introduced the innovation acceleration form

to ensure that incubates at the centre work towards becoming stand alone companies. The acceleration form ensures that individual

mentors and incubatees are able to implement their innovation workplan, clearly stipulating the duration of time taken, resources and challenges. The Centre uses the form as a monitoring and evaluation tool as well as a risk mitigation strategy. In the past three months, the centre has seen increased

activities in visits by interested parties, most of whom want to establish links and partnership with Chandaria BIIC. One recent visit is by the UNFPA Scoping mission that wants to establish a reproductive health innovation hub at Chandaria BIIC. Chandaria BIIC has provided a platform for the incubatees to interact with interested parties. One incubatee who has benefited immensely is Moses Mwaura, who was introduced to the Lions Foundation, the primary users of his ‘Smart cane’ innovation.

Chandaria BIIC has also ensured that contact is established and maintained between young prominent innovators and entrepreneurs and incubatees. One such contact is Ben Maina, CEO of RUPU (https://www.rupu.co.ke/). This is an online company that features deals daily from the best restaurants, spas, salons, bakeries, events and a variety of shops. You can purchase any of them at more than 50% off the regular price. All you need to do is to find what’s right for you and hit the Buy button.

The Centre invites young innovators and entrepreneurs to come and give their first-hand experience in innovation and start-ups. You are encouraged to visit https://www.rupu.co.ke/ for very good deals.

Activities at Chandaria BIIC

Visitors and potential investors at the Chandaria Business Innovation Incubation Centre hold a session with one of the incubatees

Kenyatta University on the Lead in Promoting Research Uptake

Dr. Paul Gachanja, Department of Economic Theory and Dr. Samuel M. Mwangi, Sociology Department with other participants during the

Isiolo County dissemination forum

22nd November - 6th December, 2013

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UP DAY 2013

Kenyatta University Nakuru Campus Staff and Students led by Prof. James K. Gatoto, Director Nakuru

Campus, took part in the World Clean Up Day 2013 held in Nakuru County and graced by the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Hon. Richard Lesiampe and the Nakuru County

Governor Hon. Kinuthia Mbugua. The Exercise whose theme was Our Place…Our Planet…Our Responsibility, gave the KU students an opportunity to be involved in a community service aimed at making the environment conducive for the residence of Nakuru. The County Director of Environment Mr. Wilfred Osumo said that, “Kenyatta University Students understand their role in the modern society both in the academics and the co-curriculum activities.” He encouraged the youth to take responsibility of protecting our wildlife. “The person sitting next you may be a poacher and unless you help us in identifying them, they will continue to deplete our National Parks of the coveted species of animals”, concluded the Director. The Principal Secretary Hon. Richard Lesiampe reminded the participants that in the 1970’s and 80’s Nakuru used to be the cleanest town in East Africa and asked all the stake holders to redeem the lost glory of Nakuru Town, a task which the County Governor, Hon. Kinuthia Mbugua promised to achieve.


Students have been very active in practicing for the Culture Week which is scheduled to start on the 3rd to 10th November 2013. It was

in this regard that the students had the privilege to perform during the Mashujaa day (20th October 2013) to entertain the Governor (Nyeri County) and other members of the public at Dedan Kimathi Stadium in Nyeri town. The dance which epitomizes 50 years of Kenya’s independence served the purpose of the ceremony’s theme. The event opened a platform for the Campus to advertise itself in the region to enable get more students apply in the institution.

KU Nakuru Campus students’ in the clean-up exercise in Kanu Street in Nakuru town.

Campus Round-upNyeri Campus

Audit Team

On the 15th and 16th October 2013 the Campus hosted a team from the Quality Management Systems (QMS) Directorate

led by its Director Mr. Murani and Ms.Teresa Kimondo an Internal Auditor. The officers were in a position to audit the campus work instructions and procedures and gave recommendations on how to improve on their efficiency and effectiveness for quality purposes. They also applauded the good work that has so far been done and encouraged everyone to continue with the same spirit.

Nyeri Campus students performing at Dedan Kimathi Stadium in Nyeri town

Quality Management System team during a session

22nd November - 6th December, 2013

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InfrastructuralDevelopment Updates November 2013

Kenyatta University held its Annual Sports Day event on the 19th and 20th October 2013 at its main campus grounds. The event attracted participation from higher learning institutions, sports academies and

clubs. The events on offer during the event for both men and women were ball games, racket games and board games. Spectators from the KU community came out in large numbers to witness one the biggest events in the Games Calendar. KU women teams emerged winners in football, handball, tennis, badminton, volleyball and table tennis while men won in table tennis, badminton, netball and chess. Hockey women and chess women teams finished 2nd position while other teams played up to semi finals.At a Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology open tournament held on the 12th and 13th of October a week prior to the KU sports day, both KU men and women teams won the overall trophies, the contingent won a total of 17 trophies in the event. KU teams will also participate in the Kenya University Sports Association (KUSA) Nairobi province league and have fixtures lined up on weekends, so far the teams in the league have recorded positive results in the first leg matches played.The good results posted by the teams so far are a good indication that the teams are ready to defend the KUSA championship title they won in 2011.

Prof. Agnes Gathumbi has been appointed the Director, Centre

for International Programmes and Collaborations.

Dr. Wambui Wamburu has been appointed the Director,

Alumni Programmes.

Dr. Vincent Onywera has been appointed Acting

Registrar (Research, Innovation and Outreach).

Dr. Peter Karanja has been appointed the Director, Kitui



Dr. Joyce Wangia has been appointed the

Director, Institutional Based Programme

New Catering Outlets Opened

The University has new Catering Services Outlets open from 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. located in the following areas:-

1. Aberdares /Nyandarua Hostels (Eastern Zone)2. Former Moi Library/School of Education Zone3. 8-4-4 Zone4. Shopping Centre5. Art Zone/Home Economics Building

6. Near Ole MoiYoi Lecture Halls7. Near Ngong and Ruwenzori Hostels

Meanwhile, the University has decided that the student messes extend service time for meals as follows:


Breakfast 5.30 a.m.- 9.30 a.m.

Lunch 11.30 a.m.- 3.00p.m.

Dinner 5.30 p.m.-9.00p.m. In addition to the above extension of service time, the Western and Eastern messes will remain open until 12.00 Mid Night every day.

The University regrets the passing on of Mr. Joseph Muriuki Gikandi who until his death was

a Legal Officer. In a message of condolence to the Family of the late Mr. Gikandi, the Vice-Chancellor described him as a

brilliant lawyer who worked hard within the short time he was in

Kenyatta University. The late Mr. Gikandi was laid to rest on Friday

20th September 2013.


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The Kenyatta University Newsletter is published by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. The Editorial Board welcomes brief comments, articles or news on topical issues.The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit/shorten articles and to decide whether to publish them.

You may email the articles to: [email protected] or drop them in soft copy at ROOM 115 or 106 in the main Administration Block.

Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form.― Karl Marx

Editorial Board: Paul Waithaka (Chairman), David Karanja (Editor), Charles Nderitu (Member), Atika Manani (Member), Janet Muthimi (Member),Grace Muchiri (Member), Kanini Musyoka (Member), Erica Mwololo (Member), Isaac Mwangi (Member), Rose Maingi (Member), John Gakundi (Student Representative),

George Gachie (Member), Kiarie Stephen (Design & Layout), Luka Kuira (Photographer),

Quotes & Sayings




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Of G


by G


e J.O



Spiritual Lines Poem“His love has no limits; His grace knows no measure,His power has no boundary known unto men;For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again!”

This is one of the greatest passages in the Whole New Testament, for it so rich concerning the Christian. In verse 11, we see the first appearing of Jesus at His birth, and in verse 13, we see the second of appearing of Jesus in His second coming. It tells us that we begin the Christian life with Grace and we end our Christian life with Glory.

By the grace of God I am. In these verses, Paul was defending the resurrection of the Lord Jesus against the doubts of unbelievers. He mentions the fact that the resurrected Christ was seen by Peter, the 12, 500 brethren, His earthly brother James and then last of all Paul. Paul proceeds to tell his readers that because of his sins and attacks against the church, that he was the least of the apostles and is not even worthy to be named among them. However, Paul goes on to say that he knows God has used him and that anything he has, is, or ever will be, is because of the precious grace of God.

Everyone loves receiving gifts, but for a gift to be yours, you must accept it. When you believe the truth of the gospel, that Jesus died for your sins, was buried according to the Scriptures and was raised again on the third day, according to the Scriptures, you are guaranteed eternal life – you receive the gift. God seals your name in the Lambs Book of Life and leaves His Holy Spirit as the Promise that Jesus will return to redeem you into eternal life with Him and His Father in Heaven. Your death sentence is lifted and you are no longer condemned

I think you get the idea. Walking in Grace is to allow the Spirit to discern the right way for you. God loves us and gives us everything that we need to walk in grace and peace. All we need to do is listen to His leading. When we quench the Spirit we fall into old habits. Falling into old habits does not mean that we can ever lose eternal life, because remember we have a Promise and we are sealed. Eternal life is a sure thing! The Bible says that this believers “hope” is steadfast and as sure as an anchor (Heb 6:19).

Song of the Bereaved

When you chose to walk away Disentangling the love-bound hands

Heavens never crushed, the sun shone brighter And thunder never struck It’s such a beautiful walk

Trailing from fast fires of abandoned camps May be I was too blind to see

Perhaps too smart to riven What was and what wasn’t, what could and what couldn’t

But what does it matter How or who I knew to love?

For when you chose to walk away My heart beat in the muscle of champions

The sun never stopped rising And thunder never struck

Peeling and unpeeling the layers I hid under Here’s a song, a ring beneath

Here’s a kiss, here’s a smile Of the sweetest is a bed rose-decked

Where nights never grew old And the clouds gathered for episodes

But what does it matter How or who I knew to love?

For when you chose to walk away My heart never stopped, heavens never crushed

Solitude doesn’t make misery in us all Yet well I know

The clouds won’t gather anymore

By David IkanyiBachelor of ArtsSecond-year, KU

JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS CONCERTKenyatta University has organized a Jubilee Celebrations Musical Concert in an effort to join fellow Kenyans in celebrating fifty years of independence. The Concert depicting Kenya’s journey since independence will be held on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd November 2013, from 6.00p.m. in the University Amphitheatre.

All are invited to take part in the Celebration of Kenya’s history.

Refletions of an Era; The artistic Journey of Kenya @ 50