volume four, number thirty-six august 25, 1974 showcase

volume four, number thirty-six august 25, 1974 SHOWCASE SHOWS OPEN NEXT MONTH The Lecture Hall Center will echo a variety of music forms and modes when the IUPUI Showcase of Music begins the 1974-75 season September 17. Though "something for everyone" seldom pleases anyone, the eclectic series is likely to please everyone except the most hardened "top 40" addict. Included in the series of eight attractions are a Dixieland/ragtime band, a piano a string quartet, a stage band. a program of opera, two choirs and an evening of electronic music. The Showcase of Music is sponsored by the I.U. Alumni Association at Indianapolis and the IUPUI Chancellor's Lectures and Convocations Committee. All programs, held the third Tuesday of each month, will begin at 8:15 p.m. in Lecture Hall 101. The series will open September 17 with a Dixieland/ragtime ensemble led by Keith Brown. A professor of music in trombone and conducting at I.U., Brown has played with the New York Brass Quintet, the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Casals Festival Orchestra in Puerto Rico. October 15, the Purduettes, 24 of Purdue's most talented coeds, will offer an exciting choral program of show tunes, folk songs and recent favorites. On November 19, pianist Sidney Foster, who holds a diploma from the Curtis Institute of Music after being admitted as a student as a child, will present a program of music written for the keyboard. After a stunning debut as soloist with the New York Philhanmonic Orchestra, Foster embarked on a 30-year career. He is the first active concertizing artist to become a member of the faculty of the I.U. School of Music. December 17, a string quartet, proteges of the widely acclaimed Berkshire Quartet, will perform in a program of contemporary and romantic chamber works. The Showcase series will swing on January 21 when Dave Baker leads the award- winning I.U. Jazz Ensemble. Baker, who is well known in jazz circles, is a 1975 nominee for the Pulitzer Prize in music. The Jazz Ensemble will perform the music of the contemporary jazz composer· and the classic Big Band favorites. The Showcase's sixth attraction, February 18, will be an opera trio of leading stars of the I.U. Opera Theater: Grace Trester Jones, soprano; Jean P. Deis, tenor, and Roy Samuelsen, bass-baritone--plus their pianist, Carl Fuerstner. The Purdue Glee Club, internationally known male chorus, will be on stage March 18. Ballads, spirituals, classics and contemporary numbers will highlight their program. (continued) ..

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Page 1: volume four, number thirty-six august 25, 1974 SHOWCASE

volume four, number thirty-six august 25, 1974


The Lecture Hall Center will echo a variety of music forms and modes when the IUPUI Showcase of Music begins the 1974-75 season September 17.

Though "something for everyone" seldom pleases anyone, the eclectic series is likely to please everyone except the most hardened "top 40" addict.

Included in the series of eight attractions are a Dixieland/ragtime band, a piano vi~tuoso. a string quartet, a stage band. a program of opera, two choirs and an evening of electronic music.

The Showcase of Music is sponsored by the I.U. Alumni Association at Indianapolis and the IUPUI Chancellor's Lectures and Convocations Committee. All programs, held the third Tuesday of each month, will begin at 8:15 p.m. in Lecture Hall 101.

The series will open September 17 with a Dixieland/ragtime ensemble led by Keith Brown. A professor of music in trombone and conducting at I.U., Brown has played with the New York Brass Quintet, the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Casals Festival Orchestra in Puerto Rico.

October 15, the Purduettes, 24 of Purdue's most talented coeds, will offer an exciting choral program of show tunes, folk songs and recent favorites.

On November 19, pianist Sidney Foster, who holds a diploma from the Curtis Institute of Music after being admitted as a student as a child, will present a program of music written for the keyboard. After a stunning debut as soloist with the New York Philhanmonic Orchestra, Foster embarked on a 30-year career. He is the first active concertizing artist to become a member of the faculty of the I.U. School of Music.

December 17, a string quartet, proteges of the widely acclaimed Berkshire Quartet, will perform in a program of contemporary and romantic chamber works.

The Showcase series will swing on January 21 when Dave Baker leads the award­winning I.U. Jazz Ensemble. Baker, who is well known in jazz circles, is a 1975 nominee for the Pulitzer Prize in music. The Jazz Ensemble will perform the music of the contemporary jazz composer· and the classic Big Band favorites.

The Showcase's sixth attraction, February 18, will be an opera trio of leading stars of the I.U. Opera Theater: Grace Trester Jones, soprano; Jean P. Deis, tenor, and Roy Samuelsen, bass-baritone--plus their pianist, Carl Fuerstner.

The Purdue Glee Club, internationally known male chorus, will be on stage March 18. Ballads, spirituals, classics and contemporary numbers will highlight their program.


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The Showcase April 15 finale features the musical creativity of John Eaton, composer, pianist, electronic music virtuoso and I.U. professor of music. Eaton was awarded a National Educational Television grant toward the production of his opera, "Myskin," written especially for television.

The Showcase of Music programs are free to IUPUI students with proper identification. Cost to others is $1 at the door for each performance, except for the Dave Baker and the Purdue Glee Club concerts which are $2. Season tickets are $10 each or $15 for two.

Tickets are available at the Alumni Office or in the Student Activities Office in the Union, or at the door on the night of the performance.

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Exhibits. -- Pharmacy displays this week in University Hospital are Cole Pharmaceuticals on Monday, W.B. Saunders Co. on Wednesday, and Henson, Westcott & Dunning on Friday. Wampole Laboratories will be ' exhibiting in Riley Hospital on Wednesday. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m.

/ Monday -- "Effects of Phlorizin on Anion Movements across the Human .., Erythrocyte Membrane," Biochemistry Faculty Seminar by Dr. Jack H. Kaplan from the Max-Planck-Institut fur Biophysik in Frankfurt, Germany; Medical Science Building~ Room 326, 4 p.m. (3:45 coffee).

Tuesday -- "T}Jk enetics of the Porphyrias," Medical Genetics Seminar by Dr. Lennox Eales, professor of clinical medicine at the University of Capetown, South Africa; Riley Research, Room 139, 4 p.m.

Seminar -- "Some As9 ts of Leukocyte Phagocytic Metabolism," discussion by Dr. Robert L. Baehner, professor of pediatrics, in program sponsored by the Department of Microbiology; Medical Science Building, Room B-14, 4 p.m. Wednesday (tea at 3:30).

Special -- "Mitochondrial Genes and ATP Synthetase," Special Biochemistry Faculty Seminar by David E. Griffiths, professor in the Department of Molecular Sciences at the University of Warwick; Medical Science Building, Room 326, 4 p.m. Wednesday (3:45 coffee).

)f Film Series Cranking Up -- The 1974-75 IUPUI Film Series, sponsored by the Lectures and Convocations Committee, has a 22-movie program scheduled for showings at three IUPUI sites this year. Flicks range from "That Cold Day in the Park" to "The Longest Night," "Macbeth" to "The Mouse That Roared," "Spring Fragrance" to "A Warm December." All movies are free to all IUPUI students, faculty and staff. Coming attractions are "That Cold Day in the f>ark" on September 6, Lecture Hall (LE) 101 at 8:15p.m.; "The Rievers" on September 18 at noon in the Student Lounge of 38th Street Krannert Building (SL 38th) and 8:15 p.m. in LE 100, and "Hoodlum Soldier" on September 27 at 8:15p.m. in LE 101. Also, "The Rievers" will be shown September 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Herron auditorium.

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Campbell Is Coming -- The Glen Campbell Show will open the new $20-million Market Square Arena with a program September 15 at 8 p.m. Ticket prices range from $4 to $7. The box office, at the southeast corner of Alabama and Market streets under the arena, will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, starting Monday (August 26). Tickets are also available at Ross and Young, Glendale, and at all Morris Plan offices.

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News Bureau Moving South; Slight Green Sheet Adjustment -- The News Bureau is packing ·UP its used carbon paper, stubby pencils, paper cutter/guillo-tine, not-so-secret files on just about everybody and the Burt Reynolds centerfold poster for its impending move south--across Michigan Street to the new Campus Services Building, Room 139 to be exact. Because of all this hullaballoo that we are semi-coping with, next week's Green Sheet will coma out one day early, i.e. your deadline for getting stuff (still to .the Cottages) will be 5 p.m. Tuesday (August 27) for the September 1 issue. Then, assumin~ we're moving the first week next month, we will not -- repeat, not -- have an issue for the week of September 8. Hopefully, we will resume our normal schedule from the new headquarters for the week of September 15. Incidentally, our "hot line" extension stays the same, Ext. 7711. Tune in next week for Chapter 2 of the News Bureau odyssey.

h Tennis, Anyone? No? How 'Bout Softball?-- Energetic faculty members and staffers are cordially invited to participate in the intramural programs in tennis and/or softball sponsored by the School of Physical Education. Entry blanks are due Friday (August 30), with the fun 'm' games starting September 3 for both sports. Pick up your blanks at the phys. ed. school or at any Student Activities Office (Union Ml02, Cavanaugh 322, Krannert A60). Call Ext. 3765 for more informatio •

Appointment -- Miss Ann Randall has been appointed chief occupational therapist for the Riley Child Development Center. Miss Randall will continue to b an important part of the Riley O.T. Department headed by Judy Atkins, and ~1ll be administratively responsible for project activities· to Miss Celestine Ham~nt, director of Occupational Therapy Services.

~ No Mail -- There will be no mail pick up or delivery Saturday (August 31) and Monday (September 2). The Post Office will be closed all of September 2.

Help -- Research assistant needed immediately on interdisciplinary p}oject, 10 to 20 hours a week. Duties include library search, developing question­naire, preparing data for analysis and help in over-all needs. Call Beverly Flynn or Dixie Ray on Ext. 2225.

Need Typist? -- Experienced typist, who works at Riley, would like evening • typing jobs. Call 257-3981.

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Robert J. Halter, recent IUPUI graduate with a bachelor's degree in business administration, has been named food buyer at IUPUI.

In announcing the appointment, J.R. Neel, IUPUI's purchasing agent, said the Vincennes native will be responsible for buying food for the Dietary Department in University Hospital and the food division of the Union Building.

The 25-year-old Halter formerly was business manager of Halter Farms at Vincennes where he specialized in fiscal management, supervision, marketing and distribution.

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Ride Needed -- From 60th and Broadway to Medical Center, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (hours flexible). Five days a week. Call F.E. Dailey at Ext. 8622 or 253-4901.

Ride Needed -- From Glendale area to Medical Center (Dentistry) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call Ms. Schafer on Ext. 7801.

Room in Car Pool? -- Needs car pool ride from east side (8320 East lOth.Street, between Post and Franklin), to Riley Hospital where hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call Ext. 8622 or 897-1891.

For Sale -- Dodge station wagon, Polara, nine-passenger, air conditioned, radial tires, luggage rack; asking $585. Call Ext. 3855 or 283-2673.

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Doctor Developing Electric Needle For Vasectomies ••• Eureka, Calif. (Indianapolis News, August 21)

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