volume lx december 2017 issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/december2017visitor.pdfvolume lx...

In This Issue Finance Update O.C.C. Missions Corner Hanging of the Greens And more! First Baptist Church, 219 Adams Street, P.O. Box 25, Abington, MA 02351-0025 Phone: 781-878-2447 www.abingtonfbc.org email: [email protected] Special Points of Interest 11/26 Celebration Sunday! Pledges received, Fair after service. 11/30 BOD mtg. 7:15pm 12/3 RMMO offering 12/3 Hanging of the Greens 6:00pm 12/6 Deacon’s Mtg 7pm 12/8 Kid’s Klub 6:00pm 12/9 Missions Mtg. 9am 12/14 Visitor Submissions Due 12/24 Christmas Eve Service 6:30pm Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12 From Me to You: A Pastoral Note... The Purpose of a Prophet Isaiah 6 8 And I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I (Isaiah) said, “Here am I! Send me.” 9 And He (God) said, “Go and say to this people: ‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’” 10 Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” (Isaiah 6:8-10). Was the prophet Isaiah sent to the people of Israel as a scold (“a nag, complainer or faultfinder”), or for a greater purpose? Isaiah was called for a greater purpose: to call the people back to obedience to God. Insecurity and arrogance are opposite sides of the same coin. Humility and security are opposite sides of a different coin. The people of Israel were insecure due to their arrogant assumption that they could go it alone, separate from the Lord and His guiding hand. And the result of their sin was that God would allow their “ 11 cities (to) lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land (to be) a desolate waste, 12 and the LORD (to) remove (His) people far away, and the forsaken places (to be) many in the midst of the land. 13 And though a tenth remain in it, it will be burned again, like a terebinth (a small tree of the Mediterranean region) or an oak, whose stump remains when it is felled. The holy seed is its stump” (Isaiah 6:11-13). You and I have heard it said, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). But what if God isn’t for us? What if our arrogance has caused His hand to turn against us? What if His desire is that we return to Him? Isaiah’s purpose was to point the people back to God. Isaiah “saw the Lord” (Isaiah 6:1); he saw himself as he truly was and cried out “Woe is me!” (Isaiah 6:5); and he saw the need (Isaiah 6:8). Do we walk in a surefooted fashion? Or do we walk as the tenderfoot, in halting fashion? We can walk with certainty, as Isaiah did, as we walk in obedience to the Lord. When we truly worship God, it leads us to service. We hear God’s call and we respond with obedience. God did not send Isaiah to a people who would be receptive to His message, nor did God give Isaiah an easy message or task. But when you have seen “the LORD, sitting upon His throne, high and lifted up,” (Isaiah 6:1) and felt His touch (Isaiah 6:7), you can obey His command and follow His will without fear. You can walk in a surefooted manner. Are you and I receptive to the message of the Lord? Do we desire to “test and approve His good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2)? Are we walking in humility (and security)? The poet and singer Mark Heard wrote, “Out in the eye of the storm, the friends of God suffer no permanent harm.” God can give life to even an old, seemingly worthless stump. In fact He says, “the holy seed [the elect ones who remain faithful to their King] is its stump,” in Isaiah 6:13. Let us, His dearly loved children, purpose in our hearts to “hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that (we) can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus 1:9). In His Strong Love, Rev. Bob MacKinnon (Youth Director) 9 am Sunday School 10 am Coffee Connection 10:30 am Worship Nursery Care & Children’s Church for 4 yr. olds 3 rd grade provided.

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Page 1: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

In This Issue •Finance Update


•Missions Corner

•Hanging of the Greens

•And more!

First Baptist Church, 219 Adams Street, P.O. Box 25, Abington, MA 02351-0025

Phone: 781-878-2447 www.abingtonfbc.org email: [email protected]

Special Points of Interest •11/26 Celebration

Sunday! Pledges received, Fair after


•11/30 BOD mtg. 7:15pm

•12/3 RMMO offering

•12/3 Hanging of the Greens 6:00pm

•12/6 Deacon’s Mtg 7pm

•12/8 Kid’s Klub 6:00pm

•12/9 Missions Mtg. 9am

•12/14 Visitor Submissions Due

•12/24 Christmas Eve Service 6:30pm

Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12

From Me to You: A Pastoral Note...

The Purpose of a Prophet – Isaiah 6 8 And I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I (Isaiah) said, “Here am I! Send me.” 9 And He (God) said, “Go and say to this people: ‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’” 10 Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” (Isaiah 6:8-10).

Was the prophet Isaiah sent to the people of Israel as a scold (“a nag, complainer or faultfinder”), or for a greater purpose? Isaiah was called for a greater purpose: to call the people back to obedience to God.

Insecurity and arrogance are opposite sides of the same coin. Humility and security are opposite sides of a different coin.

The people of Israel were insecure due to their arrogant assumption that they could go it alone, separate from the Lord and His guiding hand. And the result of their sin was that God would allow their “11 cities (to) lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land (to be) a desolate waste, 12 and the LORD (to) remove (His) people far away, and the forsaken places (to be) many in the midst of the land. 13 And though a tenth remain in it, it will be burned again, like a terebinth (a small tree of the Mediterranean region) or an oak, whose stump remains when it is felled. The holy seed is its stump” (Isaiah 6:11-13).

You and I have heard it said, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). But what if God isn’t for us? What if our arrogance has caused His hand to turn against us? What if His desire is that we return to Him? Isaiah’s purpose was to point the people back to God. Isaiah “saw the Lord” (Isaiah 6:1); he saw himself as he truly was and cried out “Woe is me!” (Isaiah 6:5); and he saw the need (Isaiah 6:8).

Do we walk in a surefooted fashion? Or do we walk as the tenderfoot, in halting fashion? We can walk with certainty, as Isaiah did, as we walk in obedience to the Lord.

When we truly worship God, it leads us to service. We hear God’s call and we respond with obedience. God did not send Isaiah to a people who would be receptive to His message, nor did God give Isaiah an easy message or task. But when you have seen “the LORD, sitting upon His throne, high and lifted up,” (Isaiah 6:1) and felt His touch (Isaiah 6:7), you can obey His command and follow His will without fear. You can walk in a surefooted manner.

Are you and I receptive to the message of the Lord? Do we desire to “test and approve His good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2)? Are we walking in humility (and security)? The poet and singer Mark Heard wrote, “Out in the eye of the storm, the friends of God suffer no permanent harm.”

God can give life to even an old, seemingly worthless stump. In fact He says, “the holy seed [the elect ones who remain faithful to their King] is its stump,” in Isaiah 6:13. Let us, His dearly loved children, purpose in our hearts to “hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that (we) can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus 1:9).

In His Strong Love,

Rev. Bob MacKinnon (Youth Director)

9 am –Sunday School 10 am – Coffee

Connection 10:30 am – Worship

Nursery Care & Children’s Church for 4 yr. olds – 3rd grade provided.

Page 2: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

Thank you to all who came out and helped clean up the church on Saturday, Nov. 11th!! Thank you to all who helped with the Fall Sale! Thank you to Cyndi McNamara for helping with the Visitor each month editing and assembling!!

Please email or call church office with updates weekly

Pray for a new settled pastor from the Lord for our church Pray for family and friends to come to know Jesus as their Savior Hal Norton unable to have heart procedure due to a blood clot. Pray issue is resolved and also for strength and improved appetite. Jan Cunio finally found she has a bowel obstruction and will need surgery as soon as can be scheduled. Thank you for prayers!! Ron Cunio (Jan’s husband) injured his back. Pray it won’t impact their Thanksgiving travel plans and for healing. Kathy Ferreira’s mom praise she is done with chemo! Next step, she need to get well so she can have surgery on her lung. Mike Ragusa very ill, in hospital. Wife is overdue with 1st child. Laura Nadell praise that recent tests show no growth in lung nodules! Bruce Andrews new plan to attack cancer. Doing well! Emma (Lynn Sniger’s 13 yr old granddaughter with Stephens Johnson Syndrome) currently has infections in both eyes and ears; she has MRSA. She will meet with doctors this week and may be re-admitted to the hospital at that time. Please continue to pray. Lyndsie (Marge Roberts’ granddaughter) had an ultrasound to hopefully determine what the doctors will do about her hip. Nancy Andrews is now home and is feeling better. Thank you for prayers & cards. Please pray for her new great grandson Liam, he was born at 2 ½ lbs. Jean Porter thank you for prayers – Rodney is home, Betty-Jean is doing ok and Wilbur is good. Kerry White (Diane Gillet’s sister) will resume chemo next week for colon cancer. Carol Reed pray for relief from back & sciatica pain. Bruce Bardon pray for healing from knee replacement surgery.

Shut Ins: Buddy Harriman, Grace Simmons, Kathy Ferreira, Genelle Nery Mission: Karen Smith - Thailand Local Ministries: Celebration Sunday (11/26) & 2018 Pledges Military:, Cliff Rogers, Joey Fierimonte, Jack Broderick, Michael Downey, Alyssa Payton, Matthew Cahill at the Air Force Academy, and all those serving.

Continue to pray for: Bruce Andrews, Kevin Murphy, Rosie Walls, Rick Nadell, Meredith Baker, Wilbur Porter, Betty-Jean, Carol Luther, Laura Nadell, John Curtin, Christine W, Alice Willis, Ann, Dottie Pope, Ken, Luke Bradley, Michael Perry, Mike Shahan, Becky Berryman, Sandra Morrell, Ben Hart, Anita, Robin Ruffin, Don, Ingrid Stoelting, Nick Malfronte

Prayers of peace and comfort go out to Christine Brown and

family on the home going of her mother, Michelle Morris, on


Keep the family and friends of Steve Foster, our church

custodian, in prayer as he passed away on 11/2.

Worship & Sunday School Attendance

Oct 29: 10:00 Worship – 61 Minister Victoria Pina

Nov 5: 10:00 Worship – 64 Rev. Bob MacKinnon

Nov 12: 10:00 Worship – 56 Rev. Marlene Gil

Nov 19: 10:00 Worship – 69 Rev. Jim Eubanks

Church Notes

The Baptist Visitor: All information needs to be in by the Wed. prior to print. Next Visitor print date, Tues, Dec. 19th

Sunday Bulletin: All information is due by Thursday each week. Please submit information by email or flash drive.

Office Hours: 9:00-12:00pm, Tuesday – Friday

If you need assistance, spiritual help, visitation or prayer, contact Carl Andrews (Chair of the Deacons) 508-587-7193, [email protected] or Rev. Bob MacKinnon (Youth Director) at 781-985-2199 (call or text) or [email protected] (please include your phone number in your email).

Prayer Requests


Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12

God is in Control

God “works all things according to the to the counsel of His will” (Eph. 1:11). Do you believe that? This pastoral transition is not happening outside of the will of God. God is working this according to the counsel of His will. So the question is not, “Who is in control?” God is in control. The question is, “Will you rest in Him by trusting Him?”

Money Rcvd



Current & Undesignated

$140,987 $167,903 - $26,916

Missions $9,665 $9,780 - $115


Page 3: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12

The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations of winter coats. The coats will be professionally cleaned and distributed to Wellspring Multi Service Center in Hull; Weymouth Youth and Family Services as well as to Interfaith Social Services in Quincy. We collected at least 60 coats with a few days left. So far Keohane Funeral Homes have donated 1,500 gently used coats and distributed locally to those in need. With one of the busiest seasons coming quickly, the Missions Board would like to let you know of a couple of things.

* December 3rd the Christmas Card Tree will be set up in front of the Prayer Room. Anyone can leave a Christmas card for the Church family and donate the cost of postage you would have spent if mailed. All donations will be given to St Vincent's food pantry of Abington. It has been successful in the past and greatly appreciated.

* December 3rd will also be the RMMO -the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering. Please be generous with your offering to show gratitude to those who spread God’s word, hope, and love.

* Details concerning the Christmas Gift Tree will be coming soon. * The next Missions meeting will be held December 9th here at the Church at 9AM.

Have a joyful day ~ Cindy Spencer

St. Francis Xavier school

in Weymouth

brought 123 boxes!

The Youth Group is looking for some wonderful folks to open their homes to host them for different parts of a meal on Sunday, December 10th beginning at 5:00pm. If you would like to host for one of the following, please contact Bob MacKinnon (781-985-2199). Thank you!! * Appetizer * Salad * Main Dish * Dessert *

O.C.C. Relay Center coordinator, Cyndi

McNamara, and one of our terrific helpers,

Rita Townsend.

Shirley Hill and Marcia Whitmarsh with some of our littlest helpers.

I have been the coordinator for the Shoebox drop-off for several years now; I find this to be very rewarding work. However, I would truly like to volunteer at a processing center. I can’t do both in the same year; to this end I am praying that someone will allow me to mentor them in 2018 and then in 2019 be the coordinator for the drop off center. Please pray and see if this is something God puts on your heart.

This year I am grateful for the 26 people who helped during the week to pack boxes into cartons. We received and packed 1618 boxes this year, good work!! Special thanks to those who moved the cartons from Fellowship Hall into the Warmington Furniture truck in less than 15 minutes, on Sunday, GREAT WORK!! Special thanks given to Brad and Hannah for delivering the cartons to the Lakeville Collection center. Please keep his generosity in mind when you’re looking to buy furniture, thanks!

On Monday, we received another 235 shoeboxes. I am grateful to Liz Holbrook, Anne Manna and Doug McFarlan for helping on Monday. Please keep the shoeboxes in your prayers as they travel to the processing center and then on to the children who will receive them. If you paid online, please let me know what country your box goes to, THANKS!!! Blessings to all, Cyndi McNamara

Doug McFarlan putting boxes into stacks of 5.

Page 4: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

Sun, Nov. 26 6:30pm Youth Group at church

Sun, Dec. 3 3:00pm Hanging of the Greens practice 6:00pm Hanging of the Greens Service

Fri, Dec. 8 6:30pm Kid’s Klub. Grades K-5 (pizza for family at 6pm)

Sun, Dec. 10 5:00pm Progressive Dinner & Yankee Swap

Sun, Dec. 17 5:00pm Caroling to Seniors

*Unless otherwise stated, these events are for Jr & Sr High School youth.

Invite your friends!!

Bob MacKinnon will be on vacation from Tuesday, November 21st through Monday, November 27th


of the Greens

Sunday, Dec. 3rd at 6 pm Join us for a beautiful evening

of preparing for Advent. Music, Scriptures and more.

Youth Group Christmas Wreath

Fundraiser Last day to order: Nov. 26th

Wreathes will be available for pick-up on Dec. 3rd. Please support the youth to help

them attend retreats and other events.

Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12

From Gordon-Conwell

Each day you’ll receive a devotional written by Gordon-Conwell faculty, helping you prepare for the celebration of Christmas. We hope you will

join us for this pivotal journey to the manger and rediscover God’s wondrous, plan for leading us on

a story that ends on the Savior’s throne. www.gordonconwell.edu

This year we are going to do something different. We are inviting anyone who would like to be in

the Hanging of the Greens to part of the service. The only requirement is that you must be tall enough to hang the greens on the windows.

Please see Cyndi McNamara if you wish to be part of this meaningful way to start the Advent Season.

Rehearsal begins promptly at 3:00 pm, with the service at 6:00 pm; on Dec 3rd. Thank you!!!

Ellen Donaghy needs help attaching bows to the wreaths. Please call her if you can help (about 2 hours) on Nov. 27th, 28th or 29th. 781-878-8622

Thank you!!

1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.” (NIV)

I often think on this verse. I have always been a musician. I cannot imagine my life without music. But 25 years ago as I mowed my lawn and was stopped and asked by the husband of the local church pastor if I would consider filling in as their church musician and choir director I was terrified. My mind immediately went to all kinds of excuses, too much commitment, not enough time, never done this before....but my heart...My heart found this verse of scripture and the steady guiding hand of God. I could not deny His call....and answering that call has had a profound effect on the course of my life.

We often do not recognize the gifts that God has given us. Nor do we recognize the intricate and important way that God has planned for us to use those gifts together to fit into His plan for His world. And so we must move forward in faith that all will be revealed. We must continue to pray "unceasingly" that He will use our gifts and the gifts of those around us for His glory.

In this time of anticipation and the season of Advent I pray for each of you and for our church. I pray that you will have a quiet moment with God and that you will recognize His voice as we move forward as a church, as we navigate a changing congregation and uncertainty and as we discern our place in God's plan remembering always that WE are the church and that we have been called Together to bring His light into the world.

As the busy-ness of the season looms large in our lives, I pray that the anticipation of Advent will fill your hearts and as you look toward the future that we can do so with faith that God is sovereign, His love is certain and our future in His service is bright. God has called us together with purpose: to love one another and to spread His love and message to all the world.

From all of us who serve Him through music, we pray that this season of Advent will find you with Hope for your future, Peace in the knowledge that God's got this, Joy at the coming of Christ into the world, and a deep and abiding Love for our Lord and Savior and also for the great crowd of witnesses with whom He has surrounded us for the glory of His church.

Peace ~ Sue McClain

Page 5: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

Commitment Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday November 26th will be a Day of Celebration at First Baptist Abington, we hope YOU will be there! During worship Rev Jim Eubanks will talk to us about God’s Good Spiritual Gifts and how we can use them. We will also be making our financial commitments for 2018.

The sermons in November have been on God Good Gifts: The Gift of Jesus, His Gift of Financial Resources, The Gift of Time and the Spiritual Gifts He has given each of us.

In last month’s Visitor we had a flow chart showing an overview of how the budget process works, including the voting on the budget at Annual Meeting. (If you would like another copy of this flow chart, please email the church office at: [email protected]).

This chart represents an analysis of the average of the commitments that were made in 2017. The hope is this gives you some idea of how your commitment helps support the budget at First Baptist Abington.

This pie chart breaks down the 2017 Budget by Boards. Last years commitments equaled $174,000, which means $44,600 from reserves, which are being depleted.

We encourage you to pray and ask God to tell you what he expects of you concerning your commitment for 2018. It’s will be up to you, what will your commitment for 2018 be? (see form on reverse side)

THEN following Worship on 11/26, we will have a Celebration Fair. Come and see what each board is doing and where YOU can plug into the Ministry work here at FBCA. We will have Pizza and Salad (Share the cost), kid’s activities, each board will have a table and there will be some prizes. It’s going to be AWESOME!!!


$43,000 $63,000



FBCA 2017 Budget of $218,600 Deacons

Christian Ed

Board of Dir


Building Mortgage

Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12

Page 6: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ABINGTON A Celebration of God’s Good Gifts

As a Steward of God’s Good Gifts and in gratitude for all His blessings,

I/we gladly make this commitment for 2018.

My commitment will be given periodically, as checked below. Weekly Bi Weekly Monthly Other Undesignated $_______________________ I have faith that my commitment will be used where it will do the most good within the church and beyond as the Board of Directors decide.

Or Designated as follows

Current Expenses $_____________________ Missions $_____________________

Building/Mortgage $__________________ Other ( ) $_________________ Please Specify

TOTAL COMMITMENT $_________________________

NAME: _____________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________

TOWN: __________________________________________Zip: _______________

E-mail _________________________________________Date: ________________ (if you would like quarterly giving statements by e-mail)

I cannot make a commitment at this time, but would like envelopes.

This commitment may be changed at any time by notifying the Financial Secretary.

Page 7: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

4 Marjorie Roberts

18 Lisa Norton

27 Sharon Collins

To be added to the birthday list, email Laura @

[email protected]

November 21, 2017 Vol. 34 - Issue 11

“For unto you is born this day in the City of David, a savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

December Birthday’s

A big

THANK YOU to all who worked,

helped or supported

the Women’s Fall sale!

Proceeds from sale:



This years quota is for Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries.

1 book, 3 dolls, 1 game, & 1 puzzle. Items due in by December.

All Women are invited to a Christmas Party & Cookie Swap

Will be held in mid-Dec. date/time TBD

Anne Manna’s House

614 Webster St., Hanover

If you enjoy making cookies, then bring a couple of dozen and we will pack up bags for our shut ins. We will also enjoy a few and then take an assortment home. If cookie baking isn't your idea of fun, come anyway!! We always have a great time and have never run out of cookies! We will also visit with each other, play a game or two, have a Christmas worship and receive our Love Gift offering for the missionaries. If you don't know about Love Gift, go to this website: http://www.abc-usa.org/what_we_believe/mission/mission-giving/funding-the-mission/united-mission/love-gift/

Page 8: Volume LX December 2017 Issue 12abingtonfbc.org/newsletters/December2017Visitor.pdfVolume LX December 2017 Issue 12 The Missions Board would like to thank everyone for their donations

DECEMBER 2017 219 Adams St., PO Box 25, Abington, MA 02351

Phone: 781-878-2447

www.abingtonfbc.org email: [email protected]

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Isaiah 9:6

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, And the government will be on His shoulders.

And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

1 2

3 Communion

RMMO offering


4 5 6

7pm Deacon’s Meeting

7 8

Office closed


9am Missions Meeting


5pm Youth Group Progressive Dinner

11 12 13 14

All Visitor submissions due by noon

15 16


5pm Youth Group Caroling to Seniors

18 19 20 21 22 23


25 26

Office closed


Office closed


Office closed





9am Sunday School

10am Coffee Hour

10:30am Worship Service


7pm Prayer time in Pastor’s


7:30pm Al-Anon W-5


10am Men’s Bible Study in large


7:30pm Adult Bible Study @the Lyons’


10am Women’s Bible Study @the Stone’s

7-9pm Choir Practice



7pm Men’s Homecoming

(recovery group) W-5



