voto-xu'.aitnibeb-la.- . ^ z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k...

•‘v o t o - x u '. a i t n i B E B - l a .- . _______ ^ ____ Z ' ......... kali .s 'ii. ', ^ ____' ^....................................... " i kh ^k i.' iv k . np.nTi J mmm Maintains .Defiant Attitude As Police/,in His Prescncc . Read Long Cbnfeasion of ^ • C r i m e ‘ V V h ich ’ He hreely A d m its :;'S w ift Ptinish- meht W ill B e M eted Out. '.By VBlua FnH 3IEXI(;0 CITY, Jury 3I-A Pftic, tionlien»pfcd;; yonnir • ilraairhlii. man;’JOHO de Lcnn-Tonil? todny awoKcd trial In cirll courtu’ for <ho iuii<oi.«lnatloii of Oon. Al- Taro OhreKon, a Irln) nt Mlileh ko will orfcr. no dofctiNC. Tornl wiw jtlrcn cnstody of Iho' cJrII-wnrlK ' Inte ;mlerdn)' nftcr.lio lind ntood.for (hrco liuun ' no. pollco hrndH reud Ii Ih con(cH> xlnn of tlto Vbrcfrair ninnler (o n «!.«»■» «> »l>«T.pwp«^ Tl.#.' feHxlon wax neicnii tlioDnnnd Tnm l l?na*Kcnc\o"Lttn7 / l l °^ Ihcn followed llto pn‘xldent-elerl tg ‘Sfli r A1lg51g~Hli c r n he~mnnlpr ' occurred. ' "I nm kIvIdk my llfo for lils,” .Tornl mid. "dbroBon’* soul prolmbly wai aftvo4 'b«nu?o. ObrcROn wm - n Rood Tlis younR AssaflBln woro n beary , board Ha did Jiot appear norrolm nnil wan deflalil os. Uio confosslon waa rood.: ' to co'nfoBalon-lo Fnlbor Joso JImlne* tbo momlDR boforc «,ho aaaiuBlnnttoiu ••I dld-not mcDtlon my Intention to asBasalnatd'' ObrcROii." ho nnid. “A contoBBlMrto;-a'-p,rJeBt<loo«:.not,-pon» »lat of lilllnRV hat you Intond lo do. . but only itf hat you bavo Uonc. -No poroooa. and no prioit planned*tbla crlmo otlier thi^ tnysolf.. Religion Toltco, hnwovor. contlnuo to liold A number ol Toral’H relatlvoii ni\d IB punflwfrom a nunnery prealded over by Mother Superior Concepcion Ate- bodo dO'Ia- Unta: .They -aro-xeeklng father Jlmlnef,. Mamiel Trejo and ono or two othcra. • Trejo la tho man wbo Kavo Toral tho pistol with which ObrcRon was killed. althouRh Toral Inalited, thal cra] weeka aco. . ' ' , “r believed ObroBpn woa Uio Intol- . Jectaal author of all. of Mexico'* amicultles .with Callen hla tool, therc- foRi I Vru detormlncd to asaoMlnnle ObrcRon. Ho was a Rood man at ho'nrt »tia I htspw flntl Imn fnfplypn tilm. My Intentlona wcro Rood nnd I cx- ' pbcted to bo aavod. If I havo commit* ted a Rreat crime Ood* w|ll forRlre —w c^Tontl'a confoailon.aald. ^;o thon told how. hp had Rone to confeaalon< niid heard mana tho day of ' Uio'.crlmo. Ho ,aald at noon ho went lo tho bome of General ObrcRon and watched Iho preAldent-clect'a mo> tor car. depart, towarda San AnRola. ■ - 3 l b . . « n t cir<ul.‘ u ic ■MrmblUa—tcfltaut rant and''WML'lb a corner wbere.hc ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol. ' Then ho told of drawlnR aketchea of (h«V Obnison party after which ho walkeft to the ObreRon table. * en> RaRod tbo proaldont^lect In a brief conreraaUon and. tben fired the fire JSl*«i«hola, ------- ------- -------------------------- , Thore waa no iDdlcatlon of remorse IhrouRb tbe docuroont. KumertAs oxber . documenta were read by pollck. AmonR then was a •ot of-Dotea wblcb pollco said’ had bMD found on Toral.'Tbey were ia ■bonhand'aad lacladed sneb notea M l. **Sbota j a a d Iramcdlato . deatb.** : .“May t^'ex oai .me alIre aad braad m eu i anasalA aad .exacute ne.’*~ *7aasday ooafaaaloa F ^ar'Jlm l* sea. .Wbat jOiall .wo do.>KUl ObreRon.- “SeolJjaiine*.” _ _______ ' ‘’Say Roodbye to ray famay.” . , "l^e-.-iAyT^bfMber* anbaUnit* for ' v ^ “i i m u a , ; ) ’a n 5 ' ^ ^ o ^ awd^ytSS — •Tbia-'lattyr- two~xnnrei artTM W rea (o refer-to laa&nal TrcJo and Jome Oallardo. M eads of tbe -aaaasala wbo aro behut aoaihL' Il;baa net-bc«n ,d«terata«4l arbra- Toral ar. aoy of UwM.-bsld wlU tM u-lM for Uie Obrecbb’;^ai^l|U iU oL . . ; TaiEF^ A ^ ^ ^^H KER .•DiCLUl8..TW.. Jaly 31--w rM ,aa- vaa drlTlaf a wmptntUrelx/nav an* tooMbll* la U>« b u n m dlatria wbea JiaLblaw lb« atrM L '.'— ^-ttarnstv' 'W bm bc. reltnnl^.'bb car • Wd-»*al*h«J. . - y V- . / . r _ .. '• • V. ♦ * * 4 iuio C AKDFRAHIK I FsmccbRi) J^ew Naval-Agrccment~lfl Announced in House of'Commons., ______ • - ny V bIua __________ < ■I.OMIUN, July .11—A ncir icmpi nt nn Inleriintioiml variil uRrci'hienlt-a Hmucl f» thn-iir<i>- poHaN.llu-l fnllcd In (ho (Icnetn (llMirmnmciit confrrcnc^ In Kcli- niiirjr, U undrr na}' n»«r nltli ' rm nro-niid l^liiKliind nlrt-adf In ncrord. .Sir AuHlon Chnnihcrliilii, thn fiiri-lRii ttcrrotnry. In' iho Honsp of Ciimmonx Init nSiiItt HniiDiiured thi:t (iront Krflnin hnd reftrhed ii ' imriil .iiRrfcment wilh Cmnrc. "l.nm nlHiiil to communlcato.tho compromlite thc oUior jtrlnclpnl naval poworit.' Sir Auston. mild. "I -•m hoiilnR It may Iio iiccciilahio to them." - Tllc eniiro Coir-inonw BCHnlon* h a d uoeii iiovoiua to iv UiHCuiiBion ui jil-i« cu tlmo mnvcn with ihc forclRn sccrnlary oxi>re5iilnt; Iho Rrltlwli rnnnnnw for n reserve cluiinc In Urcat Urltaln-a ac* j c p t a n c c - o t — Uio—ICnUoiu; . .-tiiU-uutcj pact. Ilrllain hud roRcrvcd the rlshl' '.c act ill certain turritoflvu. I “Doea nnybody ibUik tho United Otntca. In proponlnR Iho piict. meant lo (ibollali or chauRO the policy of Uio Mohroo doctrlnoT Clonrly' fiot.i In every nrbliiaUoa.Lreabr.thc-Cnlt*. ed Stnlon hna niRned thoy have ox* prosily reserved all (iiicaLlona relat* ’ng lo.the Monroe dcctrlno."'Slr AQa- "We aro nol unreasonable whon wo fUite, lhoro~aro paria of the world; where we. too, havo a Mdnroo doc*, trine, ll U not.a doctrlno.of nRsrea*] tion nor a'deslro for territorial mi*| innalon. but" n measure of •aelf-do- fcnse necesKltalcd. by tho Rcosraphy. >r the eniplre." . I Hu pointed out Ihat llio anil-war ■»wet-nil«ln-i)w»HH-mupli-^n>*HUIfr-ln-th»] affftlrn of tho world. . j ."Jf Ainorlcnn opinion .collects 4)0*. liind the treaty, then the pud In dn' additional nnd formldablo deterrent to war.’ This ia -u-hai wu hope, whorefonrwo are Rlad to co-oporalc to brlqs the proposal to frulUon.” he »ald. Sir Aiiston concluded by saying, bo hoped tn ro lo Paris before Uio end of AiiRiiat to Klxn llie. prci>osal In ho* l-.Tbo~ Rovcrnmeht todny . received Fmace's Inviutlon to h J rh tho -United Slatea iiaU-wft'r treaty .al Paris Au-. Bust 27. , ______ * _ _ I.K\{jTllY ^\E»l)TIATIOr(H 1 PAUIS. July 3I—Kranco and .Oroat. Drltuln.' after two* montha of aecret ■BPSotmtionirmivTO'" roaardlnR nav^l atrenRth. It was' ol-- ficlally announced loda>-. First word of ih<» agreeinent camo yealerday, from Oretil Orllutn. ■ . j ' Il^^ s said In tho Prcnch announce- ment that tbo aRreemeni wnn consid- ered ocienllal to disarmament work.1 It wnn uDtiersiood tlmi tho aRrcement: dnvU prlnr-Jpally wltb auxiliary war* ships such as crulse'r* nnd destroy- ers tfiid thnl France •wan*, successful yfiaiS” na»a*l "inrni'aRO amr not by IlmllaUon. of Ihe 'tonnaRO of individual ships. Jir.ST HAD .TEMI'EIrt:i) Tnn LAKE CITY. Mich.. July 31-W hen Charlrs.Dorld»'bcCTma.poavcil-al hla. wife, he burned hor homo as a meanat ot rctoilallon. Boddn contossed to lhe crliM after Sheriff rOrewa“ bad. Jeanied that Bodda bouRht two r41-, Iona of gasoline. t* Lucking .■3r‘tralU«»iW«i. ' ' DROWKS CAUP NEAlt HOM<*' 1 □ROOK; CaL. Jql7 tl.—Herbert Ho«r* ; 1 a n sQppoaed to be flllod wltb fUta. i he'baa Hot had a nibble. . - ' . ' t •A]l Mwspapemea wbo bavi attaad* I ii Ui«;]Dfnctal njblas:«sbiMUaB>.oC 1 promlDCBt men know tbat tbey noat ' pablUh >lhe .ottlcial ' atfaonBcunni D(.lb*«at^ vreathdbib the7hara« I tonjcao la tbolr cbeek vhtle initlas. I Hoqtov haa » perfect altbl tl. \ f!!!r^;**i:T!!!..!!?J.yni^ lu^ij a .few fMt.beMBd.blm erery look al^afrtbt Jtflcae-riw sear Med*, i tqM,-On.'HA bMnt-ao axwptnttad I !tom» er. t-CO borne. .T&eta are two ^ tblaci a maa abei^ be able to do ta ■ t»ttTacr*.p«br^~iCTrr~>. • • ./n I m i K iM in in i i Rim 1 1 .._ j _________ _ I , ‘ — Contractors .on Job at Well to' Complete Line Con hecting U n io n , Pacific*; . Uregon ^hort Line W itl Wo*tem Pacific Jlailway; Operations to Be'Pushed. Actuiil construction work hna -lii-nii romiiionced on tbo cnnnct-llnR link ol nillwiiy ■hai.wlll soon link up tin Oreinn Short l.lnn'n Twin imila tr Woliu lino wlih Uio Wcfltern Pnciric RiiUwiiv al \yella. Dolnllii coiiceminR npnmllonn iip' pcnr In Innt Fridny'x Insuc nf (lie Wolh Hornid whteh saya: I "Work jircllmjnnry lo tho iicluiil conniructlon of thn ovnrjiciid -conncc- ,tlon of the WcHlorn Pnclflc wlih tlin 'OrcRon Short Mno nl Wcllii wiin stnrl- ■fd Hllll ^Ti!k-.>.-y.tliiiJiiHrr rnmnntiv, . when n 'orco of nmn siarlc.d opera- tlonn on InniaJllnR tho nVllchcn nml il)oned connec'lon. • • -^intB-mcppcrorTThTir-snirienn-itr: .nwlicli will ho complotcd tomorrow nlRhi. ■VA pnrty of Utah Construcllon CVim* pany contrnciorn woro on tbo Krbund jlhlJi week ninkinR nrrnnKonientii for vnrloun kinds' of material thnl will bo uaeJ'In tho conatrucilon worE Aji- oiher conlroctor from Snn Frnnclaco wna'also on band ir> make'arranKO- mftntn tor the alartlnK of wotk. "A party or onKincem iiiinrr ItH ieadornhip of.Mr. Taylqr arrived ffom ’tho'cM sl last ovenlnR. and .will he IntAUoned here unlll Iho construction '.wt»rkHa,flnilibefl.;r ' ; “As *WA» stated provlounly In thCHo cflliimnn the hiatoriiil hnn licon-orfler- cd'iind nhould nrrlvo horo very soon Air Mjail Route - SaJt M e City And Great Falls ............ay Paiua >T«M- ............... HAL.T L.AKB CJTV. JuTy a i—TUo .S'atlonal Parks Airways.. Inc.. will bceifi rcRular mail nnd prthsenRor tlyinc bMwcon Salt I/nko. City and QreaiTallii. Mont.. Wednosilay morn- ing. * Forty-thrco'UiouMlDd first niRht onvolopba havo been Insued'and U Is oxpoctedi a Rreai part df these, will iMVmallftd-^or-lbfl-maWan-trip-on-lho now nlrilno. Ogden announcos -It' has 10,000 ploccn of mall ready for the first fllRhL ,The schniltilo calls for plans to, leave Ball f..ake at 10:20 daily, arriv*, ing at Oreat Falla at 4:30 In tho af*| ternoon. - Southbound ' planes Icavo Great Falln at 8 o’clock In the mom* InR and arrive at Salt Lako n ty at 2:10 In tho nflemoon.i> Thlk rwatia dlrecl CcnnocUoa with tho trtiMs*con* Unenlal mall each day;'-’Thd • yest- fionM / Iruu'siwiiUuViutal-yArWtf^U Salt Lake at Jff a'clock In’tbb mom* Ing and the easlbouad 16aves at 3:16 In the afternoon. AnAMlOMS » . a; DKCilEK llfPO.N. Wis., alnly 31—RIpon CoJ- l£Ee_wllLnoij!Eant.maiiec.Pf-V3!Liift-. Rrcos tfio ensuing yoar, presldenl M- loa Grana refreala.-followinK the ten- d«ncy la.ilM m aU er collesea to coa- cantrato 'oxclualvely' upon undergrad- ufies work.. • il F i ^ e i p i n v . i^ut % eEis nut It wail' Hoovef wl^o bad,to ao boa*.. Wbea Hoorer-abandoned, tbe Rogue rtrer be e';tabed bf motor sig'ir«!a5p'js.“s;-s: rlded tO 'walt BatiI,^rDOOB -to tUb A U ie M utal^baa opeaM.hriptn- iray:Md:MU*62i»0Mr<K*oui'di0r; .H mw tried fieJnci ^Trkj^aod roaao:fi«:3aa >«-jw afTW «c u Alas to tnr .acala. Tba water te dk- »ieted to be «ter-. • . ft :>Itm rdlM a.erbb t&blag lack, tb t Uto trai^ am ;^lla‘W7raa^ rfaw J e a ^ '. 1!tawijl&.\aoTatBg- asd. < rGL tiorr ' Last M inute For Daily 7 KILLED DT7R i -------- IJ^GiMiir'T^nl.v-rii:^LToiit(>i ' iivintor. n'liiMi Ii Ih ]<\)h , th-diiie here todny iifli'r ii ----------T-------------.COOLIDGE ON-Hi s .SrPEJLTOU, Wis., .Iiil.v ; i l - . Iittcd niiy pli^iiK for i>nrli'i;i|intioii it WIIK niiiuiiinccil offiiriiill.v hon* * sinco Atigitol. :«,■ ; (-Vmiitry. und liu l)(>lii'Vfs llm l n-co ‘ low inl (Iio Iloovcr ciimpnijfii. I , . ' PIPIT VILLAQES DI HEUhIN, July :n— l-noodH ul ’ "»() \’illnm.JJt..M<LBtow_(lisini{cii:to .Avjiluttuli.i'.s arc )iliiiiKint; llu- .Scja wlicro ii tniin i|0>itniiitnt; ' lL‘r, tlio dispatch contiiiii'cd. Com ' ri‘|tortcd cut off. BREMEN BARO] HKKLIN'. .Iiil.v :il— Hiiron v«: Allunlii- «ii*j»lnni! Hri'incii. whh .siii • I tuir I(iduyunpi* in i ' »pi-i'fiU»ri~ r> .'r 'i ■Siuiltnriiuii officiiilH snid Von shnK-es.” : - • • GERMAN TRAIN GOI ‘A r d S B U lK J . Ovrmimy. 'hily porliid killed liiid 2U'sbrioiiHly inj collidod n\;ith u frciglit l)ct\rwn I NIOAEAaUAKS C \VA,SH1N0T0N, July Uc the- nnvy thnt I'ln iidilttioii to ll nniinii')' c.x-unt1iiWh bavo rPKiHlcrc 24. .T ilt '‘c.s-oiitlim-s’' nr«5 tudicvi dino, rfbol loiidi'r. ' TIis i-ohorl.H Krnu|>s for sonic iiioiilhK. ' BANK ROBBERY -------- f-'^W -t^FiA l'^f-Citl^iInlj- ;[ i)f .tin: if?ci'nrily Ti-ti«t .und .Siivin \vitli all nvnilithlo hjihIi utid i-tirjn after a liurricd chcck. UNITED STATES' .\IC\V YOIUC, .Illly ;il— UniK j iiipi for till* xci'OikI (|ifurtcr of I corporation reported aflcr Ihc i-I/i j.m iirtprlv.dtvidrndK nf ^1.7.5 it sin preferred Bfock.s. • .Court Of Parent* ' Decides On‘Death Ot Imbecile Child ar VBiMa.mM I 1.EMNUKAI). July 3t-]ta(b(ir tlian permit hl» tbree*jBor^ld I non In ifmw up u hopeless ld!ot« I Vladimir Orlof>.kr. .a n ' avialor. I killed. Uie. eUM and tben. snrrrn. - dered to:tha pollof^ • . i Afler a corapRraUrely brief trial Orlotni()r was fcinnd *^cchnlcaUy m O ltjr.aod Ibe (-ourt nenlencrd bIraX) alz raoaUis* Imprisoament. r*p^^ * M o^li7 aad bis wife recoonl* ed. a (h m yoani' IraRlc flffbl to (>,~«»JtbMr eblld, w ho. waa bora' wilb on tbe linilit. from'lm* bellclty. -Xil tbeir camlagn were . siieui' uuvR'BRdldtTctiusallxttoBBr'' Tb«-r 4lsnssed Uie idea of Ull- laff.r(betr ada-wUb a rnwp-of ' 'par*vt*» wbo a«rt«d .Ibat U wonld be M le r U at «DCk a cbRd die. Tbe; abided Ijr Ibe decUlon of tbIs coBrt .et pareals. MCXlCAlt E?rrOT'CfLl>GES SyVaiMVne* UE3SIC0 c m r.-Ju ly Sl—Tho-le- gatlbtu- la" Hexleo. of Great Brltala. Ftmoee and Spain may aooa l>e raised to embaaales, accordlag to reports 1a ^ D ^ a Uc qiiayra liere.^^gl^»atl;^. tri*« would be -elevatod to ansbaasloa CbUe-and ArgeaUaa are tbo Uteet MUBmflt.'TtnnTCt<>d^tt*T«‘‘to^'TalB* tlrtlr con atrtetm av ln c- emitusieB: a r r cnir- •d'Statat. -Stiuai. Cnba'iiad G&ate* mala. : ; -y:,';'.’ ' -------=■ Bl!fS POUCEWOaeHf— ?-• . , »»aa.. . :pSBKOiSH..,Wta.' Jaly, ^rap* rwaatattoa.'.of.'.BOO, womea-.Toten? d d ^ ’t meaa aailblac ttf.-CSlef tf .Po* ttw cw ^bbrej .-9*d?iM XatM d U ba anurad trM 10 a atueaoit of .tbe LeeM et.Wo* 'rarS5(Sia!ifbSr^ . ‘—'5 ? ^ Powe, ~2^ews Flashes 'imes Readers IINQ NON^STOP ’ mint’ KaHittur S'zaliis,' n ’oltsli arm <kor inonoplaTu- r-niKlii'd ut llit- ni Dp JJijfJu fj-«ui Wiirsjov. OOVER CAMPAIGN— ------- ■I’rcKidcnl ('oolidcc has not foi-ini I in Kccrclury Hoovor’s canijmiKi toihiy. _ i<iii'h as Ul contliK-nd ilxrlf In th ii-d snfficit-iit to (^nnstiliilc his shur BSTROYED.'-BY FLOOD loivK the ^oja'rivcr htive dj-str«yi-i i.tliiLli«kulj\i)ricBeri’tsaid^ludiiy. __ DO'fcct. tiown ni’ur a hridKi? lu-nis jiprHon.s is w irronndcd ,hy,-wii inumicalioim with CImbnrovsk wi-r N SERIOUSY ILL il Hnoncfeld of lln? (it-rniaii li-aii^ ill offiL-iiill.v lo 1)1- hi tii'riutis i-i»idi iipiH-'ii<ll<-liiN at. II lireal Miiiil[iii'iiini7 I Ilncnt'fcld’s (-otKliliun wa.s “ scri f<Tiild - h t:- i.-.tpt;i.'ii'd ill l.he riin iiii LLisiON Takes TOi;x ; ;U—Al IciiHt 14 pcnton.s wero n- jiircd today when nir cxprCKs trail jinkclsvlivrlH-ii, mid Sjrabia^ _______ 3IVINa-UP FIGHT •ar AdniintI David B. SellerK;.eom host! iilrcudy rcr>ortcd, .‘{a!!' (Nic.lit ‘d w ilh nrarino KtationH^t'i^i^*? oil to huvc l;l-cn folldw^ni of Sun have ln-(-ii Htirronderintc iit.Kinul AT LONG BEACH -is—A—tinndit—htHd-ittn—l-lTTcmpli»rir i^s Hank licrc todny und CHra|»^ iiL-y. T ill*, loss is plai-Vd al'>Kl!ii(H 'SIEElTtllVmEHD " ed States Steel (.’oriloration cai-il [028 aniomited to tin tKi* of the mnrkct todny. Ilc^ilai lire were deelarctLo» pommoii nnij Medal For Service. To' Humahity' Goes -. ^__To_HetbettJHoo.ver .'By ValUd aiM i NKtr YORK, July 81—Fnr bl>c h-llef Mork In, tho SII*«lsNlppl • fliHKl, for bU wnr and post*war* time reeerdK'AK a relief worker and fnr hln. public aerrlce of hu* BUti Talno. 8em larr -of Com* nerfe Uerhert iloorcr baa been * , awarded.tbo 1987 Major Snnrwrn Loulit UflRRston 8caman medat' . The medal is offered anaoally tr for -beat record In Ibe n;-Tla» nf life In Ibe neJd of saal* talloa aad accMfDts*’’ UAILBOAD PREHIDENT ^ l> • ' By ValtM VrM* _*La'<U2.^&SACH.-Gal.V-4uly-41W«h AdoIpbuB SdBOB. 7S. alnce 1805 presl. dent oe thb 'Kanaaa City Southera railroad, died lato Uat alRbl aCler a brief illaean. , r' “i'lieRacket’too R SoineSed - By Valted r n u tlo a -w ld ?lw * a 5 ?^ '^ m £ d ^ a«d state ce&aorahlp. of- rooUos plcturea vaa-tbreatem^rtodar.becattNC aorablp. for “poWUcaT TealBBa^.ot a tjmi-wbinr-»t«Jwv»«t«rt»-T>r.iii lUa'cea tMtareta citr gofirsmenta and ..CanBonBlp'from.tbe,'ataadpolat of c1eaiit&M a-asd’d«i»B(9 ibaa bees be- ee^M <bd ijvim srodoeero.'bat . «tt»riom,bf a i^ asd tbe.ptai^ #eli;ttt ili> ■cmn.'-_a' m O dera,> e^ tBoataa^.Tm^-ilcodi^I'^o^^ ♦. 1 r i n i n i . Co'Ed Minister Miss Marcaret Rois, 19. Drake Unlvcriitv student, speaks from', the' pulpit every. Sunday. ’.She h6p«i to continue In the miniMt? ' when she completes her college INTIIDATION JAP WORKMEf ^ , • B^TIalfd Bnita________' • falo deporiniian, of jnpftnenn' worker - In-the,Untyn Harhnr ri'RlDn* wns lie . Inu IiivojtlRnlrd torliiy'by coimty nn I fcdcnii niilht;riO«-H. . . it Is chnfRCd.thnL rpsltlflnlii nf (-(i (iiilln Crnssini.'. ir> ii;ilrK' niirlli ii h rrr. ns<i((mlilc'l nnd xolzcil lielwcri I’ll nnil ao Jiipancsi! and nlilppod thon .iir.l tlirir i)pr«onti,L.l!t.'l»tn:lncn lo Tn •rmm:— Ttrn- Jiilninohl‘' WCf.^ liK>l)Kli lirt-o rccnnily. by f><mnl'l w . i.yiip, i woDii jiulp coiiirncior of Tncom.-i. • One truck cnrrylnc ,Ju|.nfic!i(! won Into tlie ditch nrt fnr from Cnii.ili. X -’ronnlnic. It In <iald. nnd (he frUhlon cd Orientals leaped to fri-edom am dlxnppenmil Iniu the woods, ' Sheriff W. H. Hnmm la conditciini UiR Invesilsallon Unit so fnr-ho hhi liren unable to ioam tho names.o ihono pnrU^clpallns In the dcporintlan Brave Boy Sayes PalFrom K idnapers ----- -------- By.nalta<LTp»«—— -------- I*A.S(:aSTKII. ■Pn.. 'July 31—A ' 12 yrnr-old 'boy with -pluck enoiteh U Jiirr.p on tlie running hoard ot n u;ov Ing nuicmobllo and'tiattlo wilh th< driver of the vehicle frustrated an ol- tempi lo kidDiip Vlralnla Adlre. 12 of Altoona. • Th<> Rlrl was walking wlih Frnnli Frantz, also l2. .at whose homo sh< wna visiting, when tho. driver of e machine on the Herrlsburg t^\ke puli' ed her Into tll<\ rnr. —iTanr-tmigtit hu Kay inw-inBnng Chine dhd the'd^ver was forced to stnotand release both children. Rf/orla lo Identify the would-be kid- naper, have failed. KXPOHTKILS NOTK —JtA.SlLA^U«i-31—DrtnRtor-«:lgsr« lo the PMIipplnes In a rcnl “coals to N'ewcnstler act Tha lolal value ol impoHed elRara for t92T was-tSS-SO, and ^or lOSC 'tC woa >16.(0. ' al ToPlease ' sitftrcCityPolifaa^^ sljuaUoiia wbkh might prerall-lo am AJtwricgireliy. • " ' —• ••- . . Xen I'ork Aise SMsltlrfb - -HBCbea'haa been.adttaed Uut. tbe N«ir Tork eeBaer»-^utthr-S9-«faRtBa'< tiooa'la;lhe plM re.' -.-.'j.:' 'r-BaTtlitVTCormi»k,= fem ier'-taikaie police r:(port«r< ovbo -wrote'.boih .ibe It^ aad fUm reraloaa Raek- - is' aUjblnatlA* .mad^ 'iia TbyjiV aee by Uu J.’ev,Torlt«eB«or>. 20- M piualy poUUcal,.aed.Uia*wl tor a poBUglayst».^ tW 3mliip,Tijjr“ t^ustry T H B lE l : EJCEIDK iilNIPUffii Consolidation of Dodge Bro^ Chrysler -i—rpora^on^laces^ew Con'* < c«m Along WitKCenei’al ■Motors and Ford; Capac- ity to Be Greatly I^reas- ed. By ValUd 2>r*Ba - • ------- NK1 V -\'ORirr.liilr 31—A new“" <-ii«iIimi>. third hirifw l In. Itn field oiiIiTi'il (he iiui<imii>illi< .Indastry',< tjiilajji.s „ n-Mtlf of Ihr raU/Ira* I "11 by Um- slockln.ldrw nf liodfftt nr.iilt.Ts, Jiir, nf (he plan by • T lilrh lhi> l)(>dlr^ «-nnriT» li ci»d* Milldiiled iillh tlm CbryHler cnr* I'onidun, hi-iiditl l.y, IVallcr 1% HirjNlri-. '• ---------- Tl.t-li.ri;rnn iliTl{l'r ill Uio Hln* li>r) .of llir- nnl.ini.ibilp manufae*' -liirliii; lms|iii-«.> ?nyamn a rwiHty : ■■-■llllly nfiri7 ns nsinltvirTiyTJbryn*: _ _ll2i"UiCEJ:i;iit.ut IheJlodgtatoek. ..:i . hnd Iiti-n di-pnslfiil In oppmral of • lb<- rnmMiiatlon: The stocbholdcrs*' m.fllrijf iins held, jpnterday al • »nlllmiire. . ', J Thc- enliirgcl Chryaler Con1p4oy now', tsinka wilh Ooneral Motor* aad'-.thV: Frtnl Motor. Compnny-aa-oob-ofrrUlfl^ RlantK of the Indiisuy.-lu roMurCM- lotal approximately »176.00«.000 and UV h a d .} 8U.OOO.OOO In w o r k i n g .. c a p l u l .; '-|iriicka ^W ar, »' ,, U WIU. ostiiuaicd'in.-Wall Street l<^' day Ihnt tho,ncw. company’B.carnla*: d; power mlabt reach IGO.OOO.W. «n-r nuiilly.' Tbore a ro '40,ood .BtoclUioIdg^ '■ , 'Jl nillori. und Company, No*. 'JtYork tmuHfrm who ImuRht WodgoBro^ JllierH Olil rlRjil tliiro .JUirnfiiinl fciriV lo fofly-fivo willlldn dt>l- ^liiirn on the drnl. , ll.. i. ,! TllO line of I>oilRC cnra will bo con-, ,jUnu<-d bXgOlirynlor, who hea^a t^^aew ) jller OfficialB wUl extend Utolr'acUttfi jtlcs to Inctudo manufaclure asd.aalea). jjof thc DodRU Jlne. . r . EMPRESS REELS.SOLIC * By UbIWA TT*it . - - T 0KTO;- j Trir ^'31^ T h B bUli w . W ^ Japan hns entered tbe |1]K bUB^poaai. 'personally rcnrlnR'coeoonB wblcb-vl^f >•0 used. to make clothing: ft>r > tb e ' cwiiwror and Ui« «nprw'dowa*ep;,-jji'. ' Ilnr mnjoaty 'OaUbllshed- a .small - ' snk-fnrm in tho compound ot UiO'ttB^' perliil palace sonxj montb* ago.-a#4:' - reciWIy~co1lccteir-throo. koku aod . two "In"- or about five.bu»t)ent.o(:M,. i coons, reeling tho ailk__Inlo y«W' .•which was nent In the TokJ'p.'IUfbW; , Polvtechnlcai school to bo W0»W «t 8,. .[Cloth. - • '* -.-••"■''•t'.; FaiH iful Mother Fiii^Rfev^i TAYLORVILLB. iil ; exacUr-Sl 'year* M rar-Id a rll« * tt» I done Qtber bard wofk>to~-j]|l>iBMB{ r four cblldrea aad aead .;tbaaJttra|aG , hlgb,acbool.;.-. ^ .( X Tblrty*«RV yeara RCD;litkrrilM ||m JohB Hendricks, left .bla wUKMOIm ' babies to - go' to Alaska dO jU uyM I boom daya of Ibe:sold.' kissed hl8.f4m tIr.«oed-blk;ii«W ^e a cloUiUut. B l o r e : . a n d £ J « t t t * 3 * and waa nerer Boen^astotiCiBHIlB Hla .w tfe-recehM^MraMBflfl Ataaka.' another rroai P lG G B ilH ^ a thal waa all.- A fU r.-M ^M jttM , she came to be|^eT•^IijanH|B tamed-ber'altaatlea£tam|BiSBH »lddoB la bte . « 1z4«^nS ^^H tbi^ raOread- A.

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Page 1: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

■ •‘v o t o - x u ' . a i t n i B E B - l a . - . _______ ____ Z ' ■......... ■ ■ k a l i .s ' i i . ', ^ ____ ' ^....................................... " i ’k h k i. 'i v k . n p .n T i


m m mM a i n t a i n s . D e f i a n t A t t i t u d e

A s P o l i c e / , i n H i s P r e s c n c c . R e a d L o n g C b n f e a s i o n o f

• C r i m e ‘ V V h ic h ’ H e h r e e l y A d m i t s : ; ' S w i f t P t i n i s h - m e h t W i l l B e M e t e d O u t .

‘ '.B y V B lua F n H 3IE X I(;0 CITY, Ju ry 3 I - A Pftic,

tionlien»pfcd;; yonnir • ilraairhlii. m a n ;’JOHO de L cnn -T on il? todny awoKcd tr ia l In c ir l l cou rtu ’ for

■ <ho iuii<oi.«lnatloii o f Oon. Al- Taro OhreKon, a Irln) n t Mlileh ko w ill o rfcr. no dofctiNC.

T ornl wiw jtl rc n cnstody of Iho' c J rI I -w n rlK ' Inte ;m le rd n )' n ftcr .lio lind n tood .for (h rco liu u n

' no. pollco hrndH reud IiIh con(cH> xlnn of tlto V brcfrair n in n le r (o n«!.«»■» «> »l>«T.pwp«^ Tl.#.'feHxlon wax n e ic n ii tlioDnnnd

• T nm l l?na*Kcnc\o "L ttn7 / l l °^Ih cn follow ed llto p n ‘x ldent-elerl

— tg ‘Sfli r A1lg51g~Hli c r n he~m nnlpr ' o ccurred . '

" I nm kIvIdk m y llfo fo r lils,” .Tornl m id . "dbroB on’* sou l prolm bly w ai aftvo4 'b « n u ? o . ObrcROn w m - n Rood

T lis younR AssaflBln w oro n b e ary , b o a rd H a did Jiot a p p ea r norrolm nnil

w an defla lil o s . Uio confosslon waa■ rood .: '

to co'nfoBalon-lo F n lb o r Joso JIm lne* tb o momlDR boforc «,ho aaaiuBlnnttoiu

••I d ld -n o t mcDtlon m y Inten tion to asB asalnatd '' ObrcROii." ho nnid. “A contoBBlMrto;-a'-p,rJeBt<loo«:.not,-pon» » lat o f l i l l ln R V h a t you Intond lo do.

. b u t only itf h a t you bavo Uonc. -No poroooa. a n d no p r io i t planned*tb la c rlm o o tlie r t h i ^ tnysolf.. Religion

Toltco, hnw ovor. con tlnuo to liold A num ber o l T o ra l’H relatlvoii ni\d IB punflwfrom a nunnery prealded over by M other S u p e rio r Concepcion A te- bodo dO 'Ia- U n ta : .T hey -aro-xeeklng f a t h e r Jlm lnef,. M amiel T re jo and ono o r tw o othcra.• T re jo la th o m an wbo Kavo Toral

tho pisto l w ith w hich ObrcRon was k illed . a lthouRh T oral In a li ted , thal

c ra ] w eeka aco . . ' ', “ r believed ObroBpn woa Uio Intol-

. Jectaal a u th o r of a ll. o f Mexico'* a m icu ltle s .w ith Callen h la tool, therc- foRi I V ru detorm lncd to asaoM lnnle ObrcRon. H o w as a Rood m an a t ho'nrt»tia I htspw f lntl Imn fnfp lypn tilm.My Intentlona w cro Rood nnd I cx-

' pbcted to bo aavod. I f I havo commit* te d a R reat c rim e Ood* w |ll forRlre

—w c ^ T o n t l 'a c on foa ilon .aa ld .^ ;o thon to ld how. hp had Rone to

confeaalon< niid heard mana tho day of ' U io '.crlm o. Ho ,aald a t noon ho w en t lo tho bom e of G enera l ObrcRon and w atched Iho preA ldent-clect'a mo> t o r car. d e p a r t, tow arda S an AnRola.

■ - 3 l b . . « n t cir<ul.‘ u ic ■ M rmblU a—tcfltau t r a n t and ''W M L 'lb a c o rn e r w b e re .h c

’'re!paae^',n ie a a fo ly « a tch on h l|\p 'lito l.' T hen ho to ld of draw lnR aketchea of

(h«V O bnison p a rty a fte r w hich ho w alkeft to th e ObreRon tab le. * en> RaRod tbo p ro a ld o n t^ le c t In a brief conreraaU on and. tb e n fired the fire

JS l* « i« h o la ,------- ------- --------------------------, T ho re w aa no iD dlcatlon of rem orse IhrouRb tb e docuroont. •

K um ertA s oxber . docum enta w ere read by pollck. AmonR th e n w as a •o t of-D otea w blcb pollco sa id ’ had bMD found on T o r a l . 'T b e y w ere i a ■ b o n h a n d 'a a d lac lad ed sneb notea M l .

**Sbota j a a d Iramcdlato . deatb.**: .“ May t^ 'ex o a i .me a lIre a a d b raa d m e u i a n asa lA a a d .exacute n e . ’* ~

*7 a asd a y ooafaaaloa F ^ a r ' J l m l * sea . .W bat jO ia ll .wo do.>KUl ObreRon.-

“S eo lJjaiine* .” _ _______' ‘’Say Roodbye to ray fam ay .” .

, "l^e-.-iA yT ^bfM ber* anbaU nit* for

' v ^ “i i m u a , ; ) ’a n 5 '^ ^ o ^ a w d ^ y tS S

— •Tbia-'lattyr- tw o~xnnrei a rtT M W rea (o r e f e r - to laa& nal TrcJo and Jo m e O allardo . M e a d s of tb e -aaaasala wbo a ro behut a o a ih L ' I l ; b a a n e t-b c « n

,d « te ra ta« 4 l a rbra- T o ra l a r . aoy of U w M .-bsld wlU tM u-lM fo r Uie Obrecbb’;^ a i^ l |U iU o L . .

; T a iE F ^ A ^ ^ ^ ^ H K ER

.•DiCLUl8 . .T W .. J a l y 3 1 - - w r M ,a a -

v a a d r lT la f a w m p tn tU r e lx /n a v an* tooMbll* la U>« b u n m d la t r ia w bea

JiaL b law lb « a t r M L ' . '—

^ -tta rn s tv ' 'W b m bc. r e l t n n l^ . 'b b c a r •W d-»*al*h«J. . - y V- . / . r _ ■ ..

♦ '• • V. ♦ ♦ • * * 4

iu io CA K D F R A H IK

I F s m c c b R i )J ^ e w N a v a l - A g r c c m e n t ~ l f l

A n n o u n c e d i n H o u s e o f 'C o m m o n s . ,

______ • - n y V bIu a __________■ < ■I.OMIUN, Ju ly .11—A ncir

icm pi n t nn In leriin tio im l variil uR rci'h ienlt-a Hmucl f» thn-iir< i> - poH aN .llu-l fnllcd In (ho (Icnetn (llMirmnmciit confrrcnc^ In Kcli- niiirjr, U u n d r r na} ' n»«r n ltli

' r m n r o -n i id l^liiKliind nlrt-adf In ncrord .

.Sir AuHlon Chnnihcrliilii, thn fiiri-lRii ttcrrotnry. In' iho Honsp of Ciimmonx In it nSiiItt HniiDiiured th i:t (iron t K rflnin hnd reftrhed ii

' imriil .iiR rfcm ent w ilh C m nrc ." l .n m nlHiiil to c om m un lcato . tho

compromlite t» thc oUior jtrlnclpnl naval pow orit.' S ir A uston . mild. "I -•m hoiilnR It m ay Iio iiccciilahio to them ." -

Tllc en iiro Coir-inonw BCHnlon* had uoeii iiovoiua to iv UiHCuiiBion ui jil-i«cu tlmo mnvcn w ith ihc forclRn sccrn lary oxi>re5iilnt; Iho Rrltlwli rnnnnnw for n reserve cluiinc In U rcat Urltaln-a ac*

j c p t a n c c - o t— Uio—ICnUoiu; . .-tiiU-uutcj pact. I lrllain hud roRcrvcd the r ls h l ' '.c a c t ill certa in turritoflvu. I

“ Doea nnybody ibUik tho United Otntca. In proponlnR Iho piict. m ean t lo (ibollali o r chauRO the policy of Uio Mohroo doctrlnoT C lon rly ' fiot.i In every nrb liiaU oa.L reab r.thc-C n lt* . ed Stnlon hna niRned thoy have ox* pro sily reserved a ll (iiicaLlona relat* ’ng lo .th e M onroe d c c tr ln o ." 'S lr AQa-

"W e aro n o l un reasonable whon wo fUite, lho ro~ aro paria o f th e world; w here we. too, havo a M dnroo doc*, trine , l l U n o t .a d o c trlno .o f nRsrea*] tion n o r a 'd e s l ro fo r te rr ito r ia l mi*| innalon . but" n m easure of •aelf-do- fcnse necesKltalcd. by tho R cosraphy. >r the en iplre." . I

Hu pointed o u t Ihat llio an il-w ar ■»wet-n il« ln-i)w»HH-mupli-^n>*HUIfr-ln-th»] affftlrn o f tho w orld. . j

."Jf Ainorlcnn opinion .co llec ts 4)0*. liind the trea ty , then the p u d In d n ' additional nnd form ldablo deterren t to w ar.’ T his ia -u-hai wu hope, w ho re fo n rw o a re Rlad to co-oporalc to b r lq s th e proposal to frulUon.” he »ald.

S ir Aiiston concluded by saying, bo hoped tn r o lo P a r is before Uio end of AiiRiiat to Klxn llie. prci>osal In ho*

l- .T b o ~ Rovcrnm eht todny . received F m ace 's In v iu tlo n to hJ rh tho -United Slatea iiaU-wft'r trea ty .a l P a r is A u-. Bust 27. , ______ * _ _

I .K \{ jT llY ^\E»l)TIA TIO r(H 1 PAUIS. J u ly 3 I —K ranco and .Oroat.

Drltuln.' a f te r two* m ontha o f aecre t ■BPSotmtionirmivTO'" roaardlnR nav^l atrenRth. I t was' ol-- ficlally announced loda>-. F i rs t w ord of ih<» ag reeinen t camo yealerday , from O retil O rllutn. ■ . j' I l ^ ^ s sa id In th o P rcnch announce­m ent th a t tbo aRreem eni wnn consid­ered ocien llal to d isa rm am en t w ork.1 I t wnn uDtiersiood tlm i tho aR rcem ent: dnvU prlnr-Jpally w ltb aux ilia ry war* sh ips such a s crulse'r* nnd destroy­e rs tfiid th n l F rance •wan*, successfu l

y f i a i S ” na»a*l "inrni'aROam r no t by IlmllaUon. o f Ihe 'tonnaRO of individual ships.

Jir.ST HAD .TEM I'EIrt:i)T n n

LAKE CITY. Mich.. J u ly 3 1 -W h e n C harlrs .D orld» 'bcC T m a.poavcil-a l hla. wife, he burned hor homo a s a m eanat o t rcto ilallon . Boddn contossed to lhe c rliM a f te r S heriff rO rew a“ b a d . Jeanied th a t Bodda bouRht tw o r41-, Iona of gasoline. t*

L u c k in g.■3r‘tralU «»iW «i. ' '

DROW KS CA U P N E A lt HOM<*' 1 □ROOK; CaL. Jq l7 t l .— H erb er t H o«r* ;

1a n sQppoaed to be flllod wltb fUta. i he'baa Hot had a nibble. . - ' . ' t

•A]l M wspapem ea wbo bav i attaad* I i i Ui«;]Dfnctal njblas:«sbiMUaB>.oC 1 promlDCBt men know tba t tbey n o a t ' pablUh > lhe .ottlcial ' a tfaonBcunni D ( .lb * « a t^ v rea th d b ib th e 7 h a ra « I tonjcao la tbolr cbeek v h tle in it la s . I

H oqtov haa » perfect altbl t l . \

f!!!r ;**i:T!!!..!!?J.yni l u ^ i ja .few fMt.beMBd.blm ererylook a l^afrtb t J tf lc a e -r iw sear Med*, itqM ,-On.'HA b M n t - a o axw ptnttad I

!tom» e r. t-CO borne. .T& eta a re tw o tb la c i a m a a a b e i ^ b e a b le to do t a ■t» t tT a c r * .p « b r ^ ~ iC T r r ~ > . • • . / n

I m i Ki M i n i n i

i R im 1 1. . _ j _________ _ I — , ‘ —

Contractors .on J o b a t W ell to ' C om plete L ine Con hecting U n io n , Pacific*;

. U regon ^ h o rt L ine W it l W o*tem P acific Jla ilw ay; O perations to B e'Pushed.

Actuiil construction w ork hna -lii-nii romiiionced on tbo cnnnct-llnR link ol nillwiiy ■ h a i .w ll l soon lin k up tin O reinn S ho rt l.lnn'n T w in im ila tr Woliu lino w lih Uio W cfltern Pnciric RiiUwiiv a l \ye lla .

Dolnllii coiicem inR npnm llonn iip' pcnr In Innt Fridny'x Insuc nf (lie W olh Hornid w hteh saya:

I "W ork jirc llm jnnry lo tho iicluiil conniructlon of thn ovnrjiciid -conncc-

,t lo n of the WcHlorn Pnclflc w lih tlin 'O rcRon S ho rt Mno nl Wcllii wiin stn rl- ■fd Hllll ^Ti!k-.>.-y.tliiiJiiHrr rnmnntiv, . w hen n 'o rco of nmn siarlc.d opera- tlonn on InniaJllnR tho nVllchcn nml

il)oned connec 'lon . • • - ^ in tB -m c p p c ro rT T h T ir -sn irie n n - itr : .nw licli will ho complotcd tom orrow nlRhi.■ VA pn rty of U tah C onstrucllon CVim*

pany contrnciorn woro on tbo Krbund jlhlJi week ninkinR nrrnnKonientii for vnrloun k inds ' of m a teria l th n l w ill bo u a e J 'In tho conatrucilon w o rE Aji- o ih e r con lroc to r from Snn Frnnclaco w n a 'a ls o on band ir> m ake'arranK O - mftn tn to r th e alartlnK of w otk .

"A pa rty or onKincem iiiin rr ItH ieadornhip of.M r. T aylqr a rr iv e d ffom

’ th o 'c M s l la s t ovenlnR. and .w ill he IntAUoned he re u n lll Iho construction '.w t»rkH a,flnilibefl.;r • '; “As *WA» sta ted provlounly In thCHo cflliimnn the hiatoriiil hnn licon-orfler- c d 'iin d nhould nrrlvo horo v e ry soon

Air Mjail Route - SaJt M e City

And Great Falls............a y P a iu a >T«M- ...............

HAL.T L.AKB CJTV. JuTy a i —TUo .S'atlonal P a rk s A irways.. Inc.. will bceifi rcR ular m ail nnd prthsenRor tly in c bMwcon S a lt I/nko. C ity and Q re a iT a lli i. Mont.. W ednosilay m orn­ing. * Forty-thrco'UiouM lDd f ir s t niR ht onvolopba havo been In sued 'and U Is oxpoctedi a R reai p a rt d f th e se , williM V m allftd-^or-lbfl-m aW an-trip-on-lhonow nlrilno. O gden announcos -It' has 10,000 ploccn of m all ready for thefirs t fllRhL •,T h e schniltilo ca lls fo r p la n s to,

leave B all f..ake a t 10:20 daily , arriv*, ing a t O reat F a lla a t 4:30 In tho af*| te rnoon . - Southbound ' p lanes Icavo G reat Falln a t 8 o’clock In th e mom* InR and a rr iv e a t S a lt Lako n t y a t 2:10 In tho nflem oon.i> T hlk rw a tia d lrec l CcnnocUoa w ith th o trtiMs*con* Unen la l m all each day ;'-’ T hd • y e s t- fionM / Iruu 's iw iiU uV iu ta l-yA rW tf^ U Sa lt L ake a t Jff a 'clock I n ’tbb mom* Ing and th e easlbouad 16aves a t 3:16 In the afternoon.

AnAMlOMS » . a ; DKCilEKllfPO.N. W is., a ln ly 31— RIpon CoJ-

l£E e_w llLnoij!Eant.m aiiec.Pf-V 3!Liift-. Rrcos tfio en su ing yoar, p res ld en l M- loa G rana refreala.-follow inK th e ten- d«ncy la .i lM m a U e r co llesea to coa- can tra to 'oxclualvely' upon underg rad - u f ie s w o rk .. •

il F i^ e ip in v .

i^ut % e E isnut It wail' Hoovef wl^o b ad ,to ao

boa*.. Wbea Hoorer-abandoned, tbe Rogue rtre r be e';tabed b f motor

sig'ir«!a5p'js.“s;-s:rlded tO 'w a lt B a tiI ,^ rD O O B -to tU b

A U i e M u t a l ^ b a a o p e a M .h r ip tn - iray:M d:M U *62i»0M r<K *oui'di0r; .H m w tr ie d f i e J n c i ^ T r k j ^ a o d roaao:fi«:3aa > « - jw a fT W « c u A la s to tn r .a c a la . T b a w a te r te dk- » ie ted to be « te r - . • . f t: > I t m r d l M a .e r b b t& blag la c k , t b t

Uto t r a i^ a m ; ^ l l a ‘W 7 r a a ^ rfaw J e a ^ ' . 1!tawijl&.\aoTatBg- asd.

♦ ♦ ♦ < rGLtiorr' L a s t M in u te F o r D a ily 7

K IL L E D DT7Ri -------- I J^ G iM iir 'T ^ n l .v -r ii:^ L T o iit (> i' i iv in to r . n'liiMi Ii Ih ]<\)h, th -diiie h e re to d n y i i f l i 'r ii

----------T-------------.C O O L ID G E O N -H is .SrPEJLTOU, Wis., .Iiil.v ; i l - . Iittcd niiy pli iiK fo r i>nrli'i;i|intioii

it WIIK niiiuiiinccil offiiriiill.v hon*

* s in c o A tigitol. :«,■; (-Vmiitry. u n d liu l)(>lii'Vfs llm l n-co ‘ l o w i n l (Iio I lo o v c r c iim pnijfii.

I , . ' P I P I T V IL L A Q E S D IH E U h I N , J u l y : n — l-noodH ul

’ "»() \’illnm .JJt..M <L B tow _(lisini{cii:to ■ .Avjiluttuli.i'.s a rc )iliiiiKint;

llu- .S c ja w lic ro ii t n i i n i|0 >itniiitnt; ' lL‘r , tlio d is p a tc h co n tiiiii 'cd . Com ' r i ‘|to r tc d c u t o ff.

‘ B R E M E N B A RO ]H K K L IN '. .Iiil.v : i l— H iiro n v«:

A llunlii- «ii*j»lnni! Hri'incii. whh .siii• I tuir I (iduy unpi* ini ' »pi-i'fiU»ri ~ r>.'r 'i

■Siuiltnriiuii officiiilH snid Von

shnK-es.” ■ : - • •

• G E R M A N T R A I N G O I‘A rdS B U lK J. O v rm im y . 'h i ly

porliid killed liiid 2U'sbrioiiHly inj collidod n\;ith u frc ig lit l)c t\rw n I

N IO A E A a U A K S C\V A ,S H 1 N 0 T 0 N , J u ly Uc

the- n n v y th n t I ' l n iid i ltt io ii to ll nn iin ii') ' c .x -un t1iiWh b a v o rPKiHlcrc 2 4 . .T i l t '‘c .s-o iitlim -s’ ' n r «5 tud icv i d in o , r fb o l lo iid i'r . ' T Iis i-ohorl.H Krnu|>s f o r son ic iiioiilhK.

' B A N K R O B B E R Y-------- f - '^ W - t ^ F iA l '^ f - C i t l ^ i I n l j - ;[i)f .tin : if?ci'nrily Ti-ti«t .und .Siivin \vitli all nvnilithlo hjihIi utid i-tirjn a f te r a liu rricd chcck.

• U N IT E D S T A T E S '• .\IC \V Y OIUC, .I llly ; i l — UniK

j i i i p i f o r till* xci'Oik I ( | i f u r tc r o f Ic o rp o r a t io n r e p o r te d a f l c r Ih c i-I/i

j .m i i r tp r lv .d tv id r n d K n f ^1.7.5 it sin p r e f e r r e d Bfock.s. • —

.Court Of Parent*' Decides O n‘Death

Ot Imbecile Childa r V B iM a.m M

I 1.EMNUKAI). Ju ly 3 t- ] ta ( b ( i r tlian pe rm it hl» tb ree* jB or^ ld

I non In ifm w up u hopeless ld!ot«I V ladim ir Orlof>.kr. . a n ' av ia lo r.I k ille d . Uie. eU M and tben. s n r r r n .

- de red to :th a pollof^ • . iA fle r a corapRraUrely b rie f tr ia l

Orlotni()r w as fcinnd *^cchnlcaUy m O ltj r .a o d Ibe (-ourt nenlencrd b Ira X ) a lz raoaUis* Im prisoam ent.

r * p ^ ^

* M o ^ l i 7 a a d b is wife recoonl* ed. a ( h m yoani' IraRlc flffbl to (>,~«»JtbMr eblld , w h o . waa bo ra ' w ilb on tb e linilit. from 'lm * bellc lty . -Xil tb e ir cam lagn w ere

. s i ie u i ' uuvR 'B R dldtT ctiusallxttoB B r'' Tb«-r 4 l s n s s e d Uie idea of U ll-

la ff .r(be tr a d a -w U b a r n w p - o f ' 'par*vt*» w bo a « r t« d .Ibat U w onld be M l e r U a t «DCk a cbRd die.

T b e ; abided Ijr Ibe decUlon of tb Is coBrt . e t p a re a ls .

M CXlCAlt E ?rrO T 'C fL l> G E SS y V a iM V n e *

UE3SIC0 c m r . - J u l y S l—T h o - le - g a tlb tu - la" H exleo. o f G reat B rlta la . F tm oee a n d Spain m ay aooa l>e raised to em baaales, accord lag to rep o r ts 1a ^ D ^ a Uc q i i a y r a l ie r e .^ ^ g l^ »atl;^.

tri*« w ould be -elevatod to ansbaasloa C bU e-and A rgeaU aa a re tbo U teet

M U B m flt.'T tnnTCt<>d^tt*T«‘‘to^'TalB* t l r t l rc o n a tr te tm a v ln c - em itusieB : a r r c n ir- • d 'S t a t a t . -Stiuai. C n b a 'i ia d G&ate* m ala. : ; - y : , ' ; ' . ’ ' -------=■

B l!f S PO U CEW O aeH f— ? -•. , » » a a . . .

:pSB K O iSH ..,W ta.' Jaly, ^rap*rw aatattoa.'.o f.'.B O O , w o m e a-.T o ten ? d d ^ ’t m eaa a a i lb l a c ttf.-CSlef t f .Po*

t t w c w ^ b b r e j . - 9 * d ? iM X a tM d U b a a n u ra d t r M

10 a a t u e a o i t o f .tb e L e e M et.W o*

'r a r S 5 ( S i a ! i f b S r ^

♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ . ‘—' 5 ? ^

Powe,~2 ews Flashes 'imes ReadersI IN Q N O N ^ S T O P ’m in t’ K aH ittu r S 'zaliis,' n ’o lts li a rm < kor inonoplaT u- r-niKlii'd u t llit- ni Dp JJijfJu fj-«ui W iirsjov .

O O V E R C A M P A IG N — -------■I’rcK idcnl ( 'o o l id c c h a s n o t foi-ini I in K c c rc lu ry H o o v o r ’s can ijm iK i to ih iy . • ■ _

i<iii'h a s Ul contliK -nd i lx r l f In th ii-d sn ffic it - ii t to (^n n stiliilc h is s h u r

B ST R O Y ED .'-B Y F L O O DloivK th e ^ o j a ' r i v c r h tiv e dj-str«y i-ii.tliiLli«kulj\i)ricBeri’tsaid ludiiy.__D O'fcct. tio w n n i’u r a hridKi? lu -n is

jiprHon.s is w ir ro n n d c d ,hy,-wii in u m ica lio im w i th C Im b n ro v sk w i-r

N S E R IO U S Y IL Lil H n o n c fe ld o f lln? (it- rn ia ii li-aii^ ill offiL-iiill.v lo 1)1- hi tii 'r iu tis i-i»idi iipiH-'ii<ll<-liiN at. II lireal Miiiil[iii'iiini7 I I ln c n t 'f c ld ’s (-otKliliun wa.s “ sc r i f<Tiild - h t : - i.-.tpt;i.' i i'd ill l.he r i in i i i i

L L is iO N T a k e s T O i;x ;;U — A l IciiHt 14 pcnton.s w ero n-

j ii rc d to d a y w h e n n i r cxprCKs t r a i l jin k c lsv liv rlH -ii, m id S j ra b ia ^ _______

3 I V I N a - U P F I G H T•a r A d n iin tI D a v id B . S e lle rK ;.eo m

host! ii l rc u d y rcr> o rtcd , .‘{a!!' (N ic.lit‘d w ilh n ra r in o KtationH^t'i^i^*?oil to h u v c l;l-cn fo lld w ^ n i o f S u n

ha v e ln-(-ii H tirronderin tc iit .K in u l

A T L O N G B E A C H-is—A—tin n d i t—htH d-ittn—l-lTTcmpli»riri^ s Hank licrc todny und CHra|» iiL-y. Till*, lo ss is plai-Vd al'>K l!ii(H

'S IE E lT tllV m E H D " ed S t a te s S te e l (.’o r i lo r a t io n cai-il [028 a n io m ite d to tintKi* o f th e m n r k c t to d n y . I l c ^ i l a i lire w e re d e e la rc tL o » pom m oii nn ij

Medal For Service.To' Humahity' Goes -.

^__To_HetbettJHoo.ver.'By V alU d a iM i

N K tr YORK, J u ly 81— F nr bl>c h-llef Mork I n , th o SII*«lsNlppl • fliHKl, fo r bU w nr a n d post*war* tim e reeerdK'AK a re lie f w orke r and fn r hln. public a e rrlce o f hu* BUti Talno. 8e m l a r r -of Com* n e r f e U erh e r t i lo o rc r baa been *

, a w a rd e d .tb o 1987 M ajor Snnrwrn ■ Loulit U flR R ston 8c am an m e d a t '. T h e m edal is o ffered an ao a lly

t r fo r -b ea t rec o rd In Ibe n;-Tla» n f life In Ibe neJd of saal* ta llo a a ad accMfDts*’’

UAILBOAD PREHID EN T ^ l >• ' By V altM VrM*

_*La'<U 2.^&SACH.-Gal.V-4uly-41W «h AdoIpbuB SdBOB. 7S. alnce 1805 presl. d en t oe thb 'K a n aa a C ity Southera railroad , died la to U a t alR bl aCler a b rief illaean. , r '

“i'lie Racket’too R SoineSed

- By V alted r n u

t l o a - w l d ? l w * a 5 ? ^ ' ^ m £ d ^ a«dsta te ce&aorahlp. of- rooUos p lc tu rea v a a -tb rea tem ^rto d a r.b e ca ttN C aorablp. fo r “poWUcaT T ealB B a^.o t a t jm i - w b i n r - » t« J w v » « t« r t» - T > r . i i i lUa'cea tM tareta c i t r g o f ir sm e n ta a n d

..C a n B o n B lp 'f ro m .tb e ,'a ta a d p o la t of c1ea iit& M a -a sd ’d«i»B(9 ibaa b e es be - e e ^ M <bd i j v i m t d .b y srodoee ro .'b a t

. « t t» r io m ,b f a i ^ a s d t b e .p t a i ^

# e l i ; t t t i l i> ■cm n.'-_a ' m O d e r a , > e ^

t B o a t a a ^ . T m ^ - i l c o d i ^ I '^ o ^ ^

♦ . • ♦ ♦ 1

r i n i n i

. Co'Ed Minister

Miss M arcaret R o is , 19. D rake U nlvcriitv student, speaks from ', th e ' pulpit every. Sunday. ’.S h e h6p«i to continue In the miniMt?

' when she completes h e r college


, • B ^ T Ia lf d Bnita________'

• f a lo deporiniian, o f jnpftnenn ' w orker - In -th e ,U n ty n H arhn r ri'RlDn* wns lie . Inu IiivojtlRnlrd to rliiy 'by coimty nn I fcdcnii niilht;riO«-H. . .

i t Is chnfRCd.thnL rpsltlflnlii nf (-(i (iiilln Crnssini.'. ir> ii;ilrK' niirlli ii h r r r . ns<i((mlilc'l nnd xolzcil lielwcri I’ll nnil ao Jiipancsi! and nlilppod thon .iir.l t li rir i)pr«onti,L.l!t.'l»tn:lncn lo Tn •rm m :— Ttrn- Jiilninohl‘' WCf. liK>l)Kli lirt-o rccnnily. by f><mnl'l w . i.yiip, i woDii jiulp co iiirncior of Tncom.-i.• One truck c n rry lnc ,Ju|.nfic!i(! won Into tlie d itch n r t fn r from Cnii.ili. X-’ronnlnic. It In <iald. nnd (he frU hlon cd O rien ta ls leaped to fri-edom am dlxnppenmil Iniu the woods,' Sheriff W. H. Hnm m la conditciini UiR Invesilsallon Unit so fn r-h o hhi liren unable to io a m tho n a m e s .o ihono pnrU^clpallns In the dcporintlan

Brave Boy Sayes Pal From Kidnapers

----- -------- B y.nalta<L T p»«— — --------I*A.S(:aSTKII. ■ Pn.. 'J u ly 31—A ' 12

y rnr-old 'boy w ith -p lu ck enoiteh U Jiirr.p on tlie ru n n in g hoard o t n u;ov Ing nuicmobllo a n d 't ia t t l o w ilh th< d riv e r of th e vehicle fru stra ted an ol- te m p i lo kidDiip V lraln la Adlre. 12 of A ltoona.• Th<> Rlrl was w alking w lih Frnnli F ra n tz , a lso l2 . .a t w hose homo sh< wna visiting , w hen tho. d river o f e m achine on the H errlsb u rg t^\ke pu li' ed he r In to tll<\ rn r. ■— iT a n r - t m igtit h u Kay inw -inBn n g Chine dhd th e 'd ^ v e r w as forced to s tn o tan d re lease both children.

Rf/orla lo Identify th e would-be k id­n a p e r , have failed.

KXPOHTKILS NOTK —JtA .S lL A ^ U « i-3 1 —D rtnRtor-«:lgsr« lo th e PM Iipplnes In a rcn l “coals to N 'ewcnstler a c t T ha lo la l value ol im poH ed e lRara fo r t92T was-tSS-SO, and ^o r lOSC 'tC woa >16.(0. '

al To Please ' sitftrc City Polifaa ^sljuaU oiia w b k h m ight p re ra l l- lo a m A Jtw ricg ire liy . • " ' —• ••-

. . Xen I 'o rk A ise S M sltlrfb - -H B C b e a 'h aa b e e n .a d tta e d U ut. tbe

N «ir T o rk eeBaer»-^utthr-S9-«faRtBa'< t io o a 'la ;lh e p lM r e . ' - . - . ' j . : ' 'r-BaTtlitVTCormi»k,= f e m i e r '- t a ik a i e police r:(port«r< ovbo -w rote '.boih .ib e I t ^ a ad fUm rera lo aa Raek-

- i s ' aU jb ln atlA * .m ad^ ' i i a T b y j i V a e e by U u J.’ev,Torlt«eB «or> . 20- M p iu a ly p o U U c a l,.a e d .U ia * w l

to r a poBUglay s t» .^ t W 3 mliip,T ijjr“

t^ u stryT H B l E l: EJCEIDK

iilNIPUffiiConsolidation o f Dodge Bro^

• Chrysler- i—rp o ra ^ o n ^ la c e s ^ e w Con'*

< c«m A long W itK C en ei’al ■ M otors and F o rd ; C apac­

ity to Be G rea tly I ^ r e a s - ed.

By V alUd 2>r*Ba - •------- NK1V -\ 'O R ir r . li i l r 31—A new“"

<-ii«iIimi>. th ird h irifw l In. Itn field ‘ oiiIiTi'il (he iiui<imii>illi< .In d a s t ry ',< tjiila jji.s „ n-Mtlf of Ih r raU/Ira*I "11 by Um- slock ln .ld rw nf liodfftt nr.iilt.Ts, J ii r , nf (he plan by •

T l i l rh lhi> l)(>dlr^ «-nnriT» l i ci»d* Milldiiled iillh tlm CbryHler cnr* I 'on idun , hi-iiditl l.y, IV allcr 1% HirjNlri-. '•

---------- Tl .t - l i .r i;rnn iliTl{l'r ill Uio Hln*li>r) .of llir- nnl.ini.ibilp manufae*' -liirliii; lms|iii-«.> ?nyam n a rwiH ty :

■■-■llllly n fir i7 ns nsinltvirT iyT Jbryn*:_ _ ll2 i"U iC E J :i;i it .u t Ih e J lo d g ta to e k . ..:i

. hnd Iiti-n di-pnslfiil In o p p m ra l o f • lb<- rnmM iiatlon: T he stocbholdcrs* ' m .fllrijf iin s he ld , jpn te rday a l • »nlllm iire . . ■ ',

J Thc- en liirg c l C hryaler Con1p4o y now', tsinka w ilh O oneral Motor* aad'- .thV : Frtnl Motor. C om pnny-aa-oob-ofrrU lfl^ RlantK of th e I n d i i s u y .- lu roMurCM- lo ta l approx im ate ly »176.00«.000 and UV had .}8U.OOO.OOO In w o rk in g .. c a p lu l.;

'- |ir iic k a ^ W a r , »' ,,U WIU. o stiiuaicd 'in .-W all S t re e t l<^ '

■ day Ihnt th o ,n c w . com pany’B .c a rn la * : d; pow er m lab t reach IGO.OOO.W. «n-r

nuiilly.' T bore a r o '40,ood .B toclU ioIdg^ '■ , ■'Jl nillori. und Com pany, No*. 'J tY ork tmuHfrm who ImuRht W odgoBro^J ll ie rH Olil rlRjil t li iro

.JUirnfiiinl fciriV lo fofly-fivo willlldn dt>l- ^ liiirn on the drnl. , l l . . i.,! TllO line o f I>oilRC cn ra w ill bo con-, ,jUnu<-d bXgOlirynlor, w ho hea^a t^ ^ a e w )

j l l e r OfficialB wUl ex tend U to lr 'a c U ttfi j t l c s to Inctudo m anufaclu re a sd .aa lea ).

j j o f th c DodRU Jlne. . ■


- - T 0K TO;- j Trir '31^ T h B bUli w . W ^ J a p a n hns en tered tb e |1]K bUB^poaai. 'p e rsonally rcnrlnR'coeoonB w b lc b -v l^ f >•0 u se d . to m ake clothing: ft>r > t b e ' cwiiwror and Ui« « n p rw 'd o w a * e p ;,- j ji '.

' I ln r mnjoaty 'O aUbllshed- a .sm a ll - ' snk -fn rm in tho com pound o t UiO'ttB^'

perliil palace sonxj m ontb* ago .-a#4:'- reciWIy~co1lccteir-throo. koku aod. tw o "In"- or about f iv e .b u » t)e n t.o (:M ,.i coons, ree ling tho ailk__In lo y«W '.•w h ich was nen t In th e T okJ'p .'IU fbW ;, Polvtechnlcai school to bo W0» W « t 8 ,. .[C loth. - • '* -.-••"■''•t'.;

FaiHiful Mother Fiii^Rfev^i

TAYLORVILLB. ii l ; ex acU r-S l 'year* M r a r - I d a r l l « * t t »

I done Qtber b a rd w ofk> to~-j]|l>iBM B{ r four cb lld rea a ad aead . ; t b a a J t t r a |a G , h lgb,acbool.;.-. .( X

Tblrty*«RV yeara R C D ; l i tk r r i lM ||m JohB H endricks, le ft .b la wUKMOIm

' babies to - g o ' to A laska d O jU u y M I boom daya of I b e : s o ld . ' k issed h l8.f4m t I r . « o e d - b l k ; i i « W ^ e a cloUiUut. B l o r e : . a n d £ J « t t t * 3 * and waa n e re r B o e n ^ a s to t iC iB H I lB

Hla . w t f e - r e c e h M ^ M r a M B f l f lAtaaka.' an o th er r ro a i P l G G B i l H ^ a th a l waa a ll.- A f U r . - M ^ M j t t M

, she cam e to b e |^ e T • ^ I i ja n H |Btamed-ber'a l t a a t l e a £ t a m |B i S B H

»lddoB la b te . « 1 z 4 « ^ n S ^ ^ H tb i^ raOread-


Page 2: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol


- :■£ ■— ;— ^

S p r i r i f e r - E v a n s

~ S o l e r n o i z e d 1

G room ’s . F a th er. IJcaii • < .CollcRe o f Iilaiio; '. . O ffk ia tes .

O u t D f-lli.- uiont ln ti'i.> ilM i wi.,

th<> >)i)nic' nr Mr, uml .MrH, l<. O. 'Kv;it<m AitiUnoii ................. .. w hrn' 111--

. (liiUKlilvr. 'MliiH, Vltilu KvivjiH. ;in<l'Kc w in D. .SivrliiKor of I’li'olilo. <.'olo,. >•< « f DK and Mri*. K K, Si.rliiK cr > <'nT(lu-c]l, ■Miiho, wiii o miirrl<'il. •

- - -Dr. SprlnKur. of 'e ijiiciitlcin •. Ilu r CdIICUII of llUlIlO. I'tl.l lallKT <

th e Kroniii. nrflclnii-il,Im m rdlllli'lv hc'friK- ill<! .('rrfliiiii;

• .Mld.’l MniElircl O u n m uuuk "H.iIuv.- ' I t iH iirPoiii|i;mli’(l liy Mli —MAr^Murot-lulcliui'j__ 3UiL_IiriaiiI. i>at]

• cn trro tU \yli(lo. illjo; O w n is ' rosns T n i innir« -A l tu lt ltu iliii (ilni'vn Hii'f'M-i- atl lii.i|irnvlnpil iiltiir < h n H k ttn 'o r xvfifd* phIo». f>Tti n«iStiimtli (lillHlfh llml w ilh tull<T. iv rnncoil _l)fforo two w lnilou '! iil ll;

T lm "brlilp. wlio rn luri'ii OH Mi'.iHa of lic r fiilhnr. U O, E viuih: wii» |>ii

• coilcd , lo’. I 'n r tniil'l <>f I '" '" " '. Ml' H e lcm -T iir iitr o r llolm'.- .six’ « o r r » ir.o«|»htri* cliltfoii . over in’iicli*l)low iwtlit cri'|ic..',mnilo w lili a full nUli liAvlnK'Uii iinflvou'-huiiilitic. oiiil. Lriii m«il w lih ilHltiij- tilontiMl rnfflcK. hii

■ ft-iiccJ(lnc«? t?f I’ryMnlh. She n ir r l t K lirlilc'H l>(iii(iti>-t Ilf roHi- llllon nf llio viillf.v iiiul iifiiliK'Uhii fern . - •

Min.i T u rn e r «-a» cowiioU In ii ilrri . <if. Mcn-jjrurn ^ u o r iv i t i '• w lili »h lc

h1h» trorp u. MriiiK o f in'urln n n J <'iii •vMcil n larK«! iiriii hoiKiiii'i «r i1c«'■uiltik .Tcsiibutlg. iiTlil .IjtllK. ,1....

conihlnuil w lih .niiihlnn.linlr t-fn .T llO -cnm iit wnn ntifii.lcil-I>y -loli

PnHll.-Hiw.ill.< - f llolh..qimiitlUi'H. of Kill'don flow.'i'n I

I'htll l f ’ j-/i11nu' iiipt wlilri- In linnhrtni!(1 wUh hnwN «.r IHllo wvr<' i*ill'’> r a lly jirrlm K nl ik’.>ni\l tlic rofiiii--*. In iv,crilnlul):-iifier ilio ciTi-nmiiv ii l^< COUfBO lunclll-oil WI.S. MTVJJ,' Ih MIhhi'H D nrnthy ICvnnK. itlnli'r o t lli Jirlilo; niMl Ml*» JUrJi.rlt* N .alo ., a.

- a ia U u K -lu -tic cv im ;.________ ___■ Mr. nml Mm, Sih U ik .t h^ft hy .im

» to r. fo r n few ilflys In tin- Sawiooi nmunluhiB. . Thvy wJII vIkIi ll: L-rnnm'K ivniVnl* at ('.'ililwi'H. iiiiil n tiio r e lu rn ir l |i ii) I’lU'Uio "wiil liih 1JH!' S a il I-»ko nuil O ninil Cunyn roiiio . , TllO yoiinc»l«‘ "111 niiili

_0»eJR = rllom o= 1n=1»n**l» lt» ;r^hrrr^ t Sprln itPr In nmniiKfr’ nf tlii' inon’H ilc iw rtn icn t In llir C, O, .A inlrrnon hlorc T h e lirlilc’ir-RoinK uw .iy oiitril whs hQlCO jcn»cm h|ti KUlt w ith inutcliln nccenHork'11. f

' T k itr >V>n B iilR T P i^ ir io ru n ir T n r x n i• ICKC'of Iiinlwi unil a tn i'inber ofr.My.r T ^lln filuli, Slii: WHK nn • liiMlruftn <rf, H|>iUil»h anil im i"lc In iil.iil' hlKh Rclionl lani 'y f“ r- ^

C o llrco or^illiOio. Hn tonX KriUliial w nrk , n t O rcson A c 'rln illin i* t'ollrKi J io . wo* f t'n rcn t lic r o f f(i<' c lub III thc Collo.KP. o f lilalio.

----- Thnxe T r c » e a i- ln odilllUm - t ' l th

^-Ktfp^llinnMi-Mary ,ind.N udiH !.am JnK': n f Calrtwcll. Mril. I./. .O .Kvnn^. Ml>'

■ Alcno 4««ol. Ml«« C.^rirnO.- S .a l, MI I/Cna U um lltim . .Mlnfi Ik T n irr l u i

• cock. Mlap l» li) Jc n n Kinly nf Uiili Mr. nna Mri«. W iillu (!- .'<,'»mi>Knii ■ l lo n c n . th e IlPV. an«l M r'. A rilm r ( ■pcivrxon. .Mr«, J . T . Kranlilln, MriU ITCM tr. . C llnl..n Kvanr., Cllltor Kvitnn nm l l>iiUn-r^l-:v;n»-. J r ^

Camp Fire G irls'Horn? From-Eventful

• . Outing at.E aslej• .TllO T ntaiK clion T anip Kliv cirl- n r ro n ’Duulnl J.y .lh .'li- Ku.-inllun, \lr>

ifrom a 4wo wMki>‘ tftftlni: ui th .' Mri'h 'otllKi Cftnip. ui'iir U.’iuhuiii- .Ttn- ttiri.w a^ cnjoynhly in liiklii:; ainswImniInK a t Ihi: K;t>U'y I’liiiii:'

p l n l sThursday O n dA U G U S T t - i

TlM Nvwwt ■ K ff lR y B ifS b e w iiiA n !' ^ C S t P f ^ W orld . I

S CmtmfM MoMftrir

J t — 1M .f Cm >^

D -*l. C»e

V " . , , •


^ ,d i t e d b y J e a n D J n k e l a c l

; N u p t ia ls A r e .^ liesday M o r n in ilff« ;vv in Tlioiinn,. .ll.-;.>l,-_ Kci<-hlcf. VI

.'.‘iihy MlnnlVl’i h'..Hiim.,-,l'lvr.iuiilici:. On htu O'.' lliif.- at i-anii.,

A n-i:iiliir inci'llii;: w;n, lii-lil 1-'i <1jv ,..JuIv ;'7. iin>l fur th.- <i>i

'I* iiiK v>.'!ir w rr,, cllM'n.,«*;cl. A liir ll I.f Hu- .•vrill.

> i |w a s H iiiii in iiM.-iiiii^- i . n r T T r r i .^

l i ' i Kac h >:lil r.T\'c--l hvi. Mays' KlU-lii 1*1.luiy aiirhiK^ Ihc tlUM,. a l .•amp. Sl- " i j . r r a l iliii>» i n- ::irU i-nj.i>.-ij a iiiiir:' ‘•rinm jlow nm st. a n . r .m tlu- la-.i-.-v

, ihllK a 'l .x .M fi.llow.-.l a ................."I Hram. «vUlch liiclu.l.-il a. iilay. IrKcm " f an.l Mr.- ami ,\lni. Si.-arni;

aiMl i.on-Lyl.- »i-r.- K.i.-;il« of tffi- ulrl IJ- Worili* Ilf a ii|irt'.'la llllli fur il \ . ',i i cl. .if tlK ' .\fl-lllOrl(»t THlilll W.-n- CXt'f.''

.•<! Iiv Ann . w'<..-1.<y In h.-liHlf of tl;v i-;»nn<fli<' KlrlH iii-M r. S t.'urn.ttn,. whI- I Iil'. r'-iii'i'M'iirfiTlv.'.r.'or tl lr .M.:ih.iill«t 'c h u rch ; liad n-m aln.'.l jm >f of th<' tliiii- wllli.' til.' ulrli. oi-ciiiil. [<l. Ill'- v:iti t>. <>/<-{(• W;ill» jijlil Aiir/ii r- n u ll wt-i-.- of, Mi.i K roupalucllII- t l.r lr-o iillrn ;. ^ ^ ■

»1 j a i n n i d f f g - i i j . R v i r l i r p ^

“ Lvncheon ForQ irtr- n Of Town Visitor

,Mr«. II, W, llii.-i;ol.' |.r.'»l.'l.'il i.l- -iir* ttlly arran it.'il l.rlilM.- lunVh.-oii-.

" .Mr--;. I)l<-l«-y'.i P a rty ilouK.^ lu hjiiu '''• .If ,Mi>, li. A, llni-K-'hr iiiul Mil'll Will r- .In JIn o s .'h - ..I t liillou. .Mont, lluwl« i "'• iiluiUni. anil clnillohiH r .-n ic r r.l ll

Mlvi* lalil.'n .'ll' h IiU-Ii lunch.'.u i w: i..'rMu!. ,Th.. i.lao- ra r .ls an.l ta llh

' ' w en-, lu uiHichliii: hu.'«, liilil'.tlrn, Nur;Ji U'nJJ.vw »'<w llii- f rU r 1<

III h k h i-i-;r.": «r'.'jiii.l IiIkIi w.«'ul in Mv

.'firx. .I.ihn llitrv.-v, Th.i liiiiiorvi'x ui " Mn.. .rain.-H Ilarvi-v. IMir>.t>uri:li: I'i - iiiiilly i.>wn KiiL-i.r;<,. cufi-lvi-il .la lh iy ku.-

l - f •»

III Birthday Occasion ;:] For D innei'Part;____lluliliv ThniiK-lr. llir.-.~y.-afW)l.| »c

.If Mr, ami -Ml.-*. l-'rHUli TliTnuToHTli WUH Kui-.-i (Tf h o u .ir 'a t.n hirtli.i.iy .lli

I.! ui-r SiiiKlay ut llu- cniifi'iry hiii;.- i lllu iia r.'iilal n iun .T w.n» H ^ v<•ll f

n upvui • w lili Kimiri. -tli.- .'hll.Jrci

r Ti’ii'M.. wi'iV' M’ '-Hnlr -- T lio iii.iix ,-S r,. Mr. nn.l Mrn, l.y.ll 1-. Scliliiii. uroat'u .ilh.'r of lli H hov. >1rn. Afno’ M.^Sh..u. Mr, anil Mr t: J.ihu Thi.niiVi.vnn.! phll.lri-u. Mni, AO

J’cmiluritvn an.i;-M r. ami Mrt*. Alh.-i■■ K.ii-f.-l ai»> faiirllv.__________ ■t- .-------- . , ,,. . 1J Pennsylvania Guests- '' Are Dinner Honoree

Mr” ami' m' iT,! C. It. U.'<|ua .■ilt.'i ,, laiu.-il 'a l .llnn .T SiiiKli.y In li.uicr .

Ih.-lr ruii^ln. Mrs. l-'lorlau t-t,-aff an .laiiKlil.'r. 'lu llll.ii. .>f Il.-tlll.-hriii, | \ .Mrs. I.i..iUfH hu-haii.l Is Mi[>rilnl,-i

Ih .'ir-r iu('> rni •in'.-TuW1tlnn-i Tiir-nr/sii.—-.T,niiinr.iuVii . PT-w-prn tl 'tai.illl.'.- o f il. i:. i:iin .'s . S, un.l A. . ll.-cin,K ..Il.l Mr». Mnry Mi.lih- an

l_ .\llsK-l-Miia-.\lay Kiioll .if Callfornin

i. . r ~ ; ¥ u H i 7 ^ ^ G i E ^ ~ '■; * - ----- - ---------------------------'" .Mr, .lllll .Mis . Uav Ilanhiiry «i-i

li.iHls lo tl... Sat nr,lay Kv.-uin-.: ifi hi.; r liil. ;il a .iiltm ;;.- (t.irl'y nl Ilm Hnr l .u ry nhl;H..ri..m. Aft. r i Iim. j i I.ui t.f^.•^hll).■uls »x.-ri- M-rv.i.l. .

l/i hnji.-r «r K,iv }h>:ii>. Mr.-. I'U.y '■ MorcLii. Vraiil, IJiay aiul W. !•:.

;:...ii .if ;r« lu I-,ilh, »h<i wi-ri- r r l . •. tiratli.i: .1 h.-ir ' lilrtlutav.i, .Mrs. Han .. .•nl.-il.ilit«i1 l-'rliliiv .,\. 'n 1U(:‘. - . \ jih inc I, ua-> .'Ui<i>..ii :ii Ii..nhiiry natai.irlm

- ►h- .tti-1 . '.m l. . f .M o w .. , rT ^ ii-trutii

.! .» +LTill- I’lilth.-.i M:.1r,.|i. .*f 111'., 'll..!'

. ll-i -.•ltllt.•llr>^lll ll.'I.l a .- .n r .r . l ills................ at tin- <llv giark Thiirrila>

ItiiM iiw iI l.y a ].t..;:raui lu ihi- i.fl-t

M o t i o n P i c t u r e s A r e T a k e n o f S n y d e r

A n n i v e r s a r y P a r t y

r-.1.-hr..llnk- Ih .l r f.«rly-finii illni; unuivrrN arv, .Mr. an .l Mr*. I . 'A

|S n v .l, i:T.-^«l.rmi« .it T « ln V.ill* >,hin Ijliii-., fu l.- tla ln .'il a l .llnu i'r ill lU.-li n s .,„ i. a t Ii.iiiu Stiu.Iav. I .:ilrr In Uu1.11..riu-.i. •«!... lu r ly u i.Jo rf .l t<i Ul.n l-.ik.'s It tirrl.-!" I'f mmiiin jiir. t.Tr.-« u .-r.' tnk.-n Iiy u i.on-ln-U w, II U. IT iK tiir.'I> lin .-iilx .^\rli. Thus,, p r .-- ru r-« . '- r ;-1 \n M M .inh« . S nyd rr. i.;,> AnKPl.-<: .Mr. »nd Mr« \ \ '- 1. Suv. rlf-r H nd-5^r. Jn r . J -n -m -.--M r - an.l Mv«. I..T S h v .k r . Tw in Ki.ll;.. :in<l Mr. an.l Mn*. U r>. I’ro .to r un.l him, M urrv. IVypntx. M r.. I', .« a s1..mirrTr*<'U.i. IHH.i i^nya.-r.

|t l :O M lN G EVENTS J

i B.VI'TI.ST ( I l u T . j ;I ‘ T i t ' W onirn’K i-lrcic nf tl i r JUtilUt ^ T m n rh - tr i i i - m r r t w ith- .Mr>\ Mii!*n«- iT h u n td a r a fu ra o o n . All w nm m of i'li>, church a r r co rd ia lK KTrltr.f. . Car* w ill I r a t r tho 'h tincalow a t : ; i : . .

T liero w i l l . I k a boanf tn ''f tin c «>f tho- C atholic .VVomaa'a Lmusuc^ in ibc

I r ltv p a rk T uM rfar ••r.'nlnK ' a l . ' n ' c l o c k T ' oVlKFTxitH ! a fc , [ r» q u c it« l to bo proaont. ' . . i

; 2 ^

w s w .l e r . O f i i c .e P h o n e P . B

I Ring Star di51 ': i t ^ - _______________

! j ' j g ^

ife " I

i».•rill- Chrlnly llij.tln-r-. ClrcuH w.hl

w ill Ih. li.Ti- iic.vt riiiirfKtny for r iiirvf.irniaii.'.-M, hu» .ui-ll.i lli.i of Kn

„ ||« lr .:u i. hlari. MIhh lir.-ia •th.iiiu.s, t i,.S i.'r lii lls i. whimi’ r.-alx uf rcckl.'Shii.

utlll hu lnf. II- 111 - v - i r -l -i.i......''M ‘'«ii‘ u’i huvc mail.-. h.T .me o f 'ilu - 1 ' ti.ij,.',iiritiinTrrH<-nrTi5OTnnrTitnriirTr

Uiiri-.l .hirnliiK lu-r hllkc’n fl.-ithlln I w hile iiwiililUK Iho ra il lo th .' ur.;i • Tin;, Chrliuy llro tlicra Clrcim In t

> only clr.-uH or 4ih muKnllurc ihiit i.t ' ix.luliiii llu.- iiuruik' rcnturi' n f c l r r

•!. .Iny..wllii n tw.i-uiiU'-lotiK Kori:<'ou> n u .r lirllllAntly Hiii'riiicVilirr rtiVvvf ,1

>• iHHiil I J iiif wll) loavi-;ih<- Kll. I'f KHiun.ln jir«>tniitly u t Thl.s w

m nrk the (Irxt vIkIi of thin im ilonii ^'^■IulnmT5.^lrp*l■llaltlou■■l.^ll.r— :in ^

, h iy till' funilly, xcIiihh un .r llniuun lli ‘'r<triiw jiiw.'It'll floulH lu Mil' om'iil ' r t*Hi:''*iui. iuit tfalni-.l imrHi-M; f.ii '..M hi nt In on,. m 't.,u iorc' ilinii ;iiM. iu

I n N e g r i P ie cS | ---------_ l_ - . ; i ' | , i .„ . siniK.lK-i. Is -ii» ._K lo iy_ i ''- |lh n '< - '|i i '0 |<l.- wnol..'->;liis f.iliiiil th.

! '/ hey (I-I...I to . . r.l .T llti-ifi nil w th , : '. - \ . 'n . t! i . 'l i- ow n •.•'m.r. u il-lit .. ilrrrlvw l hnf rrfr lh iitlou nml .ljsc-nv>,'„-L tL‘;ill. . 'l l 'n i'.l l.,| 'U lli- ilii' . lii . TT-iir ...-t-^hllj’yfihl,- Tfi7"'.lM«uu.4iaLL..L:;lL J '•►t.iry 1> t.ihl -wilh- hr.ia.l -iw.vji.- ij •'•fhn-.' Sln;i.’li'..' r .ilii Ni'i;rl':. Ial.

MarriiiK |ilr lu r . ' f.ii- ra ia im .u n l, t.if r '-h o w n ...... . ami V '.iln.'s.l'..iT the r.luJio (h i-alri, w ith IMul l.ilK. ' ’I'ulllo I 'a ru ilua ll un.l O ka lla .lan 'o

f- 'i-u iiii.irlliu l.ihc 'fa iiiiiiis i:iiro ] »ti . I'.lhl .\-i-;;ll j.layr. llti' r.ih- ...r »

•''(V uinl.'n r. C .' Wiiil.'tillli, in l'> l - '« l t lv . iu 'r lillslianJ, lu'i- llillll.' ami h <'< .'llllli. 111 a w av u a n l iiiooil ill - r n n l . ’nl I.ii .ukIi i '- .iu hy li, r liiivhau.

lli'Ch'Cl. :.lir leaves lioilli.- l.i h <J.s(.it.r. H'lilt.' (In- (ra in T 'a .ls-- af • •s ta llu u . a l-'-It.iw l>ar.>-.uc'r ami f,ii

" lly Irl .n .l iii-n.iiaih'.s li.T lo tai;.- " i.m ior iKi.i w lili htlll. ‘I'fii' frlcml. I'll '■ isis.'iy iii is . '. i> h , ''tr . i iu sh m m iji 'i.'■ JzlIIIL'""'' '’1*’“’. "I" ' l'l'


■■lini hcr'Vl^Vh!'' u ’ r<'i."’d^ r.'lln.lai!j l l - ,? M - .- . . t lU - » V < H _ ! i ! i !L .T]"-

I.I h.'i IK.- 1- ...I...... t i l . ' U l^M IU,.■ lui: «hl<l! I'.ila .V.';;il In t.T I.i .l. 1 lh<- ^llv.•. s,-i,..u.

••T hir.' .smui r: ' I- illi.-.'J.-il Uy It..' .l r..'.-. «(.o alM. i((r.-(-l.-.{ fc ,

r |N .* .r l in - lla rli.'il W ii.-.'

{No Tariff Action At Sliort Sessipi

' i a y n ;o s i« a Pre»i.s t 'l“i-:itl<m. \vi>.. J il l; r . l - l ' r r -

.l*!.-n'.-«-.nilirt=r-litlluic.s m i.iu J i- n -. ( ta r tr f -L 'O -lr.a wfll U- i.i;n!r ..liirin

;lthW shnr! .-.r-'li.u nf i- .in K i'" ' ror ' i x r n l u : n.-xt n.-.-. fnl.-T.- • .i Th.'. I*nMiI.-nt W..S ici.i r: .'iit.-.l : thr-'» .-> 'k!r p rf-^ r>MiU-r..'i>c- I i t . - I. .lay a s h .-llw ln;; tu. a rlli.n .'.m lit I. iH k.n .inl.-.x«ilil.- .•l.-ni.-iit- <• r a r h [.--.Im ni.i.l. an. .nl^an.-.- H = rci iii.iit u ’l l .h 1..- In.l.!. !>, iiullhcl).

In tlir oplni«.n n l l1i>- i’r..i.|il<-ni>iirtr an u t r ...... »..iiiil t..- imp-:,MMr l.n a iif .- <.r tH.llllral an'M U i- ccntrrln*: .m III.- I.n'^ |ll.•llll.ll cam ra^ rn ._ __

r itA in .K iM ii.i. n .w •. <:radlp~I{olI n . i r >*'1,11 Ix' ohs.-rv.-. a t th o ' n.'ti.'iM ch n rrli n r* t Sunday

nrcM all luiW r.- ..f Ih r rrartJ.'; n .il i« U h li i r l r parcBtJk -La*'atlencL. He •»prTr<l »<rats. . . '

( " F a R-MX—« 'ork U'S ia» <ia ro a d - to |no t«o r |« r r liri.leo. ' _

T W i t t r A U B i D A I t Y T IM E S

m m M!. X ; 3 8 . . , H o m e ’P h o n e .

rCliristy Circus

; A .f f l r a ■ ■

.d l nml w'.ituirn |).'rfiirnii'i 'n . nml no l-n tni-iiuKorl.^ uulinnlii.

liHvlnj: fiv.. rliiKH M ii now

'"■,'# VU11 In- 1'Ul. ihrouKh lli.H '.1.1 MuiitH n t .iiu'i'.' Snm.- way w llli. lh i.-_LidiiUluiiitH-tlv<L lierils ai » i;lHli..T, ■|iu___ mk Tiit> i i igK.'si i:»tiri jn i is i , vcr .-oiiKtnictcd." "lUi. o t Uic t>.C III, Iviiui'v UKI'UIN Nuld...;‘ti n.'Hlii nn nrmh i- 'o f iK'oiili- un<l 16.000 n m lie tnkc III I fu re 'o f tilculy. Tho'lil|>|iuiirom c irnc .ukIIiiiO lo he tniidti-trjilo r .16 ueuoinmc tly jiin to lill' hlKh'JiiinplUR hiirnL* ntimlinn m ~ niim ^ll<f-liilih 'il itWt'HUl fi-nltircH V iw 'V oiih mill thc n rk ./N n w Hint w cercr ill I fivu rliiKH ilowii tho i-rnlor o f II) lh -;« -n l. .ll»?rn hi Jum a« iiiiich Hhow n

im -i-u t-iin rH nn inT icn tiyT ;, '■ r~ ~ l.'ll I . I’crronunniTH ure iii-licilulvir fn lil t ; IW .I'fu r llio nflcrnoon un.l cIkIiI fu i is - ih c nlKht Kliow. lioum w lif open u ..r h.iiir c iir ii.'r no llm l n il mny lUiy cifl li'l-'iiircly vlnlt II. Ila- mi-niiKi'rl..'. .

^ 0 1 d1 cH^ra!il=fiiveir J Consideration For

j City Swimming Poo\n ilh - tlJr--i;wtiutrtnff iirolilcin, wa

tM.-\-i l.n: -f.l— i-it.,.r-i'<itiiit^l—la rl—r r r n in", M-iv.ii' il.i lilir Wuti'd lim t il «u

•'1 -iilH.. llk .'lv A. M. Siimli' WOlllll linV I'c i. ,„„„i ,,„|i«Mi. for HWlulii.'InK UOI al y .'.ir n.-ar li.'iv. . M i-l'lh ih li 'r r.lal«;I,’. tli:i[ Ml- S»nih' IhoiiElit. lliC "Ol.I.-lcr x ....... . ti; 1tl..v.'sC of • liiwn vouhl -l»i:. iix.-,I 11]. I.l tiilik.' n w ry siOlntaclorhi- Min-lM'aii-ti s« lum Ini: i-nol,.V' Till- iialaKii illil. w a . mil 0 |i.'Ui'd till' ■' '. 'a r . Ililllly I>''<.'iim- l lir >'Uy I'UiII - nut |.-;.-Hlly furul'-a w.ii.-r'hii.di m1'- Uml.-It/Rtii::. Ml .^anil.> hlali'.l. ilcI-l <1.1.1111;; lo ‘Moy..! ll'.(i|r-r. ih a t If iV

h.hl kiKK’ ii Ihr- ii.iliitiirliirii u tii/lil nn

^U-.'l''!'i|'.‘ tl'i!'-* [...iiiK^iid Hlldwcil' »witu 1-. mil.;; Ihrri-. , . ' .I-'. ' TJi.,- ..Ill ll-'. I.i.n.t. w ill.' a hiillHhli 1 llam an.l ijthcr »n rh , w..iil<l inak r al

U' lh.. lu.ol m itiiral .li'.-vinIn ia ;;" n.i.l .i.iil.l h-i . li.i lu r .I- fo r ..:li-;in i-'r Hu- r..-U> .111.1 Ilirii r>-|||lr<| n llh u a

K-r iMti.-.- l!i,iii llm l M'lit th iouxh Ihi1. . l ly flll.iiiiK i.1:.iif.1, ---------------------------

i U £ i l l i n g - S t a t i o i i 8 ----- ---- -‘ S h o u l d H a v e R u s h

; T o F i l l G a s T a n k i

B ru B tt« a rr#»f (•|IH V \t.ll. J il l) a i —T he M an.l.

urd llil <'.ini|.iinv. itf-In illiinn nn> mnin.-od I>..Ih.>.. Hull c f f r n b o to-

> iii.irn.K ini>riiluc;-«lic <>riro of i;as.« .ill»f' iiu.l I,. r..-.rn>- bi IK rn llr r ' 11; > 'rril« r} will l.o rals.-d conl n

i ■ 'n .i- Ii.ltnslnirnl ' i.f '■olllnir l ' r l r . ' . \ n fi.rntiir •tulrniopij fm m

, , the n.m|Min> xnl.l. “ N ma.lo n r c , i-svi.r» h j llic liirn-nsod c n s | «.(: r r n 'lo H I imd n.*Io>roa'n’ *ln m i* •

J : liz.-itl.iii frw Ti ll.r-lii<liis|r<Bl pnr**.

, i .Sr»oni| r n n l r oil ;r.>ropnnio.< l u i r nnm .nnn-d A .h a n c o In IbH r

,f! ---------------------------- .-T.G r e a t A m e r i e a n

i I '.'iriri \V ri.vicr w as ' i .rrn a t .S n l lr ■' I'tiry. N. II.. .Ill Jiia .in ry 'IS. IT 'T i In

fliMIih'ii I'. U-ii,;; Ih r t.r»l*n or- . 'a t i 'r 111 Aiiii-rii-an lilv-nr.'f, h.? nfi.l Hon

I ry r in y 'w rrr tli«; lrad.T« n t ih r WhigI I '^ ny ttiM U jtiru t'tiN nr.tlrtnat i'Xl«cnc«.I . ------------

P o p u l a r W i t h S c o t* A .M n n o c X Ja .tlia ^ c o u h .w iB lr* !* ^

. fn r h isrn lt. •.o.Jn l.roa.l, c rld J la p r pan- • cak^«. U U hakod oa t«p o r a !^ h «

»lrtr of th o Uro and If propocJy »«d*. . a i l l . l f c p __ 1:.U a-UfOriU .

l.rond o t h u B to r^ ,'l

‘ 2 9 4 - r . ■

S n a p p y D a n c i n g R e v u < _ H e a d l i n e s V a u d e v i l l e

A t O r p h i u m T K e a t S

r . l lh .' ilcllKhi of ihcat.-r ~K0.,r.liu lu iy J l..... ;iu.l .-<.iii>.auy will >iffi<

__ o_ui^'i^vaiul(-^lli-'^.-liix»li'iii, iinaii|ii<.^:iioili; Ulili .laiicc v.-> ur|. hI Ihi-'Qci.hl-iii tlilH .•ynnlni: nml louioriow . Thi- .if ilHrt .-nrriPH a-nniatti-NuK or com nl niluih.-l'H to a.Id cnuiiKh niili'c 'and Kin K.-r to mnk.' a w.-ll h:i1'am'i-.l pin.liic l\t>n;

-----------n f tr rn 1 ^ ~ T :tm p -n t'.-n .i~T i.-ia 'u i -c.imrrly ucriiTmlic novelty nn Hi I'Udi'HVori. nfY-n In'iiiK-rkcl ti)Jcli‘. Iry InK in iminiiKo iw o iuIki'IiIcxoui. nc|ih .•u'x,' fo r w'hom hi' In nhtyltfi: niirfic iimhl; T lic-iii;l li< I'omnlcte wltli«coni .'.tv i.lMinllouK.-UinihlliiK nml ncro1i:i( Ix trlekx.

in k 'l l i;vimH anil.O corK .' ilocy wl: - o ffer u (;.mi.'.ly tulklnu. Hlnnlni; :iii<

ilnucluK Nklf v iilllli '.l •'Sw.'illidi.Noii Nenxc," MIkh i:vuii!. Ii. h very i-Hi.ahl' c.iiiii'dlFiin.- w'hu i.oi'iniyii th .' tmi't. i>

__ ,i..wm'lv iir r lvcil Sw'.-.lhili 5 lrl hi MiclII M'ullKilc u inim .'r lliui fT'wTir lic.i

. tlin nii.H.'nco-in nn iinrniir all-ihrinm l lh .' nul. VOI.'OH Hint iili-nii.', Hint l . r l n w th o buu li... niul .liinclni of n different sort u rc .cloverly f.ini'.l I n i o 'u i o h i .rnlrrlHinlntf num hor. np tly lornicil "Swi'.llh!i,.N'on«i'iin.!.'

Thou nml ricrn l, iwn cl.-vor'C nti-r l.iliifrH. m il .01) all idiunuuI imuinrouUOI.' ■^•Itli iho lr w.-11-loii.-il viiilinH, tilliw n irk-ky )uu5ilcian» cn tcrin in will ccccn lrlc , inr.r. un.l irli'k flililllnK. .t. well nn inakloK Intporiinuutiofli., Tlicii

' - . |m u tiPh-ertw »-oom «.l.v -uddhiK -a -ilc llKhirul fhiliili lo tho i..‘rroru)nni>.',

Coutlilnoil wliir tlip Fox n itu ii \\/ ';i i . 'rn llirllle r. ••RliieU JncliV nowK roe: nnd Ihn Ori.hciiui nrclicKii'ft ll l» :i hlKlily vuiorialnliiK tyV'’ opshiniiHemcn

ittliihn i llio ihcnior'lH orr.irhiK loulKhluni tom orrow . U iiek'Jont'H Ih the » tar o

n. th e foaiure iilctiiro nml lU'vcr hax .hi t ) Jh ,i ,l ■Li.lrmlhl QtltiurlniilLv thai t r In ihli* i.l.:iurc to nhnw hln .lariiii IU urowonir na u iiklll.'.l liuniciuan .ini . t\n o rl-K iu n t r ider. An I’lill Doliin. (In

finn.Inoui.. Vuiliiu i-l.U IIUMH' StTIStr ^■IlinudL-d for nuld l.jft him hy Ills fnllie t " -nn il-fo r 'th i' K lr l-h r- io rrs ,- I t Ik ;p in-

nicn.lnusly crliip lnc iiro.lncHon, Jotii'i ,, In HiiiiliorlcI liy n)i oxcelient i-aiil’. In

IjJ c l i id ln r Ilnrlinrn IJcnn .tl. .Thondor ‘ I.nrch. Geo)-Ko Ilcrruil.. H arry I’orillns

"■ w n ih iiu CaVciiH imil .otlior.H. ______ _

P ocalcllo Boy H. M. A., G r a d u a tc 'w il l E n te r .

U, -U j^ofW .

r>r ' Rolirrt X. Tiim fr o( r'ocairlln, fd^hn, j r -1» a pradualc of Kill .Miliiary aradi-mv,

' ■ P <1 r U a n .1, «'!i„u g ^ B W W g B B li p lan ' t.i allm d ihc

U n l v r r s i t y .d ' WasliineiU. 'H e

~ » '» apiH>lnlrd a .'a-

■ ■ ^ K M T n li". w .m -n » tlw B H U i ^ j 0 n | hnnnr.< lich.rc lii.<

r n (u m r n r e ni rnl . whlrli wai in June,

I • W M H IW B B B B t^nntliall. haiUrlli.'ill U . . B H u M i B ^ a B a n d l>2^tlull. .-ill in

rcjvin, <l.ilmpil t l i f ,ln lm il an.l I'ulhu. ‘(ijl.'c Mippi.rf I.f r iilc t Turner u!i.. made .1 COfwl rrrcnl iu .--ll.Irli.- . IL-

. ,rfffivprt;hlr lcl1r r and hrrami- a nrtU;

t ' 'l Mu.lifs While'in I’crllantl. hr was ;;c-. '■'<’* '.tlv r in thr viciil as we'l as tire -^I’l'.il XI1 an.i Mudcnf bod'' ra!l;rrins«. l*n the :<IJ .omniiilff h.r lhe - la . ' ('.viet

-.-.Twncr...«'l^!i'l.-'l '"■"’•'•If wrll. The .-ir.'iilrmv nllrr'i i.c.'iilnnlr; m.hSntr nnd- social .'nlv.iiilntf'i a nd 'is rerriRnlri-.l si. ..I Hir rf[.Ul.ih!e .iml -IliHrnl. ;.rrp u ■ .fht-ols I.l ll.r Wr-.i The «lu,nl h.v I.l liern vi«it?(l Iiv H-r mi.s| ii'.i iVp ccnrV .11 aK jn .l ..ther .ll-tiM.iiO-t-d n n i «l.r. ir. have hrrn ift Hie UV-I. Til-- s;<'i''nl i P ' '» alwui IJS .a .lr l r '•

,','j " R e d M e ta U "A cf..nllns,-Jo lli.- Aiiierlcaii Soch'ty

,e! f..r •IVslluif Miit.-rlali.. H'C f r u i ••j-e.l n , r>rfl»*.” 'Klinll 111? n's-d fnr >’.llii-<'"l.lior

j^Hnrr^nlr=pnntwtflini;~nmtT:TT&H»gai*■ |..T rs-ul ..f copper lu « hli-l. IhL- c '■ vnrios fnnn n c.>l.h n t>'. a'f re.l

Tl’hla Is uUo kmiwii n» - rrd inetui."

^ P r i c ef o r o v e r 3 5 y ea rs*

Z 5 o u n c e s f o r

. - i ; S E L E ^ V -t h a n o f 'h i g h ■'

. , ------ p r ic e d b ra n d ft— . ^M IL L IO N S O P p o u W o a

f u a g p p y d im c o v m w M E W T

I ^ S S S S S m S S ^ ^ ^I I A n o t h e r B i g - D a n c e


V A R S I T Y / S D T ^ "


- j — S p r a y - o f - t h e - F a U s

VIslIlm: Auiil-l-MI»u I...<nli.u AusHi (mityhler of .W ^imil-.-Mni.-lL 1.. Aiif lln. who moved l.i r.nrnii'll.i r.'ceiiH; In vIslHUK li.'i* mini. M rs..I 'o ril SI. vom. u,l Junimiil'i'o Ini);

'1*,*" ‘'7'.)<-iih.'W!*, Cliiiri.'s iDiil ll.'Ui'y C.ihi.' m.i tli.?lr iilctc . (iliiilyn i^uIuit. ui

i. I tu 'Jn ;: \V.'.hiO!«lHy-ou n niolor tr 'O'Suir'FrulH-l.scu mul i’orllliU.I.

-----T e in V riir r)t«:t^--W tW r-Jo‘.rplr-S .-vi'r. iic.-oiuimiili'.l hv hl.-*.umtiK'r. -Mr J. II K.':iv.-r. h'f)

t'My, iluiilim. nmi o tlicr . 'u '.lo rn p.iint , l,|i>ilt.-nuni Se.ivei: jv lll k'> -lo Oh

nlir.iir AflKUiit ii.i to .a lio n d -n iiu-otli IJ -n \'( .'an ii. T erry . T hey iifim lo I j-iiiw ay i.lx or liuvi'U ivt-.rlin,

l ' l l’.en t.' S tn l.'—Wnrd han. l.e.-u r '■ |celv.'il horc I'V frien.l-s Hun U'

’ .Mi>, i:flarlrn-NVete'y o f /ti»iKi', ftin.i.'^ f |y ol 'n n t l ■ r a i i m i n u i u iu n - ii-'• liUimhile, (’a l;

. .Nehniskii .I'leuli- tM niini-il-t'o ru.- 1'pi.i.lciils. of .Vchrii'sikii ivlll tv,.-vt f:

I* I llieir iiexi nniirnil |ih-iilc Utr Iuhi S)i. ■j.tuy III Ju ly . ll):;:i. th.> a lfn lr lo



5 ! WED. NIGHT --I Open Air Pavilion at

KipERLYi,’ ! ' Not the .-Best, , 'III ■ But good, QS thc rest . o j AN HOWE’ - ;

>• ~~ ■.


- -iiMidi) C)ii.i<- . i - v . - i . . . r i-v.-.siilly i n ) f A i'i-tii- . \ i t - .- \ir . T

■ F I R S T S H O W I

f i H

h ljtz iitp . ill• 1 * I ’oln N .'i:)'i. i

il ))i 'w .I rju u iiti. rn .i'ii . l if e . lii'iiiLk .s|{ill<-.l u r i is is ,

. iK sin iis liiiif ; Il'll

l o is l c h a n e y ]^••LAU6 H, CLOWN. LAUGI Also ■'News - Comedy-Oarto

------ A C K E R M

: v A u tijj • Corned: D MusicI DAINTY JUi^* Vuuiloilllos* I

U ‘T rc 'iT j t i l r K S|


Ei}DI£r ------------- : \ l l hV t h e t h r e e T . A (« i t h e a jC CoornirO ON TH

- ' Tho Story I

B uckLACl


THRILL of- — ^


.. .T i :E g D A V ^ ,T ( ; f A :n i . l!i2S . _1

1.1 lHi|.l -uL.Filcr..rnl’r Kt'OuU'l^. _iiocnr,illnj l l t o nrranui'uioiit.-i m m l .] '^ ’nulny.. A r l i t imi1iin i 'L~ iihitiiii.i.^ ' r r ' y .~ n .'-W itp tcr » iiiiiiololi J uulior nml.Oharli^H Uu.lcr-

\n\u: . ■ ■ " ..... "y. I -------------------- -----------'• j Tiiu<':> \Vant Adn hrinK roBuUii . _

TH ER E Is noiliinff that lias 'cvt:r ■ tat11.11 the placc of. U.iycr Ajipinn a;:

an antidote (or ;win. Sale, or pliysi- ? ' ci.ni3 woiililu’t me it. anil.cnilorsc ii.-i

use by oiftcrs. Sure, or several tnil- lioii u:;i:rs won!'! have lurncil t,o soinc-

m iliinK else. B u f f ’d rearU aycr Aspii'U) I (at any tlruRstore) will) Bayer .on tile M | (xi^ aiifl [lie word geiiuuie priiJlctl in

■ P L A C E I N T O W N •

'A i r I.s S u p i.lii 'i l Kvi-yy '^W nuW vllDi-; I'.ii.ioy liJo l o(.r(ir.-i‘Zi's


iiirjn iili))!' .iii-iSoiillN iy. H Z :i»ruiii .iiiii’NtK I'di'IIi ill H ^ '

IC -tl b r illia ii f .n is i .>>r H

tlifiihu'^-^. ' - H '■

on “ wnon* IJttr ricturcH I’l s j ’’ . '

T o d , a y - T o m o r r q \ v r M a t i n e e - E v e p i n g

I A N H A R R I S 3 E V I L L E . S y , N p v e l i y ^ p, D a n c i n g ' • - 1 5E And oo'mpanjt • Il lnssicst. Snnpplest • ' _

tHi'tnl Seonlr K ifrcN \ JAND HOEY ' ■

.MalJ Iiml Iho S lifik , A: MURPHY ^IJ llImNolf F

LITTLE DEARS . moily llliH TVND BERNI *to -Mnsi,-la,,.. - - CE SCREEN Oof a Lost Mine. ■■

^ A C Krq Y o u t h e

aUPETIME :ia ^n rB iirc A i v " ' ■ --------- :P B R IA L ^ M E D YU S U A L V A m > E V IL L E P U O E S .

g g g j g p i ^ g i g g j l ^

------- ---- ------------ - 1 1 :

Page 3: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

-^ 'p E S tm rn rim-4ir~ii>28:-------


rriraNCHEON.Gene- Announce# T h a t H e

r ta s Foiight His Last ; J i g h t ; W i» R e t i r t . .-----

ay Wwa Fr«i«NBW YOKK. Ju ly

lo rollro frcm lho prl*c rliiK.„TJin houvywolK>»t,cl»iMU>ioii. w ih l.n l

'H“ luTiciiuon" wlitch* hu 'w n t li> 'I 't* Itlcliiird. iiroiuDtcr. W lllluiii Multloiii o f llio «lnl«i hOUoHc commlHilon. ulii rarrc spon ilcn ts who coTprcd lili Iniln nrt(-ciiin|t ftt*R|u;ciil[itor. N. Y.. lliai'lirt foiiKhl lii* Inm fiislit lutit Tliiir«iWi>-

, n lK lit-w hcn Iiu Bcorinl' m ifcliiUcul Icnsckout ove r Tom llcency.'

Timnoy’H rutiruinoni Imil .l>pon n>Ttiotid •eVfr-iilnc<*-ili<‘-H oeii»y-flK lit.t i • t;ulLiul. 'u ii l y a lw «»lmn>|>lm>^om. elcil confjrniBtInn; Tliut wns wllli- Jiol.l pcnillHK illni>o:ililcm or Tiiiiiicy^ ViiiiU'ucl w ltli U lcluinl .wliloli rodiilrci! Him Iio flislit a cu lu lliln your.-

• ■■••I linve.foim lii tny limi I”” '! «•* « Iitofcbdlonnl liDxor." Tiinnny itiilil.

• • " I t iiutiirully liVwlili oormlii niKmi ■'Uml I unnoiiiico iny iicnim ntiii n-ilrc-

incn t frfltn lllli lio^vinK rln'K.•■Na m an rcullrt^K iiioii- lliiin 1 ili

niy Jobi lo llic (jnmr. Iir liiia irciifdii ji.w wull. To ll I owe s iirli fiinrii nud fortune UH I ixihiiuhh n m l'll Iiuh uivcn

'f[uuc.T,mauy_ cl'ul ami w unii frk-nil- 'ulilpii w M cli. 1; . h o |» r 'iu id ‘‘px|iucL to Iteop ItironRli >11 t)iR yvnrii in coiiiu.

"T lieto l;i no c<iDloni|pr a l ilio jircn- ‘ m l llmo ii> rippoiir aiim blo of iiiiriici-

IiiK real imlilRLmitirML If iliorc wn;i I miBlil •«lolay:«m y.'r(tllrcini'iit Icnis onoiiRh tb fjie trfiln i’ til Ute rlitK. Iliil it loQlm ax If I tJn U lil Iiu iwo o r Uiriiu yoiini boforo'H,iinn(icron« oiiiioiiciit In ilvvclopuil, XliBl l« Too Ionic in ulaml anrt w a it,

•*t have no UioukIiI of iryiiit: lo nom- ~ ln a to '^ y ~ im cro K iio rr~ T o —tho-H-lrtor

t;i'IonK« tlio »|ibll«. r iniTcly Hlop hKlili) nnd imy: . . ,

".'M ay Ull* licai m nn w in ! '" ■

Officers Arrest -H fileihMter-^

f^lloTvlnK ~H ~lIill~ tK 'lccilV (> 'viriflc .nnd.'n n liooilns o ffrny yrotpnlny Dup- lily SlicriK Cliiirlcii R; Jo n rn nn«l Chief o f PollcoVcn:i liitulcnil o f liiilil rqnm l- «•(! (i'» th rco yuuni; m on ■ ihoro who pIcadMl stiilty.'tQ charBpn o r Hirlppln;; carH In and w q^ind. Duhl. Tlioy woro ncnlcneod. (o ‘ M rvo ihrco iiiunlhii In

d i e county Jnil and p v . u fino nf 100 cnch o r 8er^'fl:*th6rU^l'^» o iit-jit *2 jicr

ii .»i - l . l . . ' pint; 6 t carx l'n and’ iifoiiml lluh l laloly. K lEhl'liQ forc Iri«i<li ‘.cnr w an Mrlppcil hr u ll fliuiru iiHHu 'flhd'aceOHMortoH. Mr. Jonu ft'.w en tjloyh -’j w o r d n y anil if ith Chlof H \nK oadw r;B alil tn tcoil llio c a r to ihQ I'llaoe of lho:m cn w ho hml don*' tho Htralint;. A ii'tho c a r wau noi thor.' thoy w ont on in CiHlIt-ford u^il.lrnrn*.iii i-tim L -tL c_car huil iiQiic .lUirjHiaU. nlioiii IB mlriniiO^'iiiTiW i'm iyrTr-tTim- C(l tn Unhl and hiUl .Kcnrccly returned ■when thoy rccclvod n cult .HijylnK .tlml thn fcllowit w anted Iiud dnncrlcd lhi' ca rH in d - w ore ciittlUR ucrnmi a hii: h iillo on foot. Thn nlllcrrH inirmicd lho m rn f n 'a rounduhoiii wny und hcttilpd IhPiii n(f.■ T ho mon Hlnrled runnlm : when thoy *aw lho •of/iccrh, Thi> yonnii 'mnn hondpd for

01 tho OUO of tho'.wp(»rtR nnd both he ahd Chief H ufltinrt.jrrcd In lhc v ic in ­ity o t tho .O lher-.Itm A younK. .n-an pnyn lip. . ChUf lltlBlCtid went down tJio canal nnd to tht- o ihc r »ldc. a n d -th o Iwo youoK n im U» custody called \h e o lh e r ouo .bu i to the opc». l i e Binl'od a tjiillct hnd Ronc i>o clo«o to him ho wnn nfrnid to k i I u>. imHI (he Rhootlhit w6i> over.

A t tlra l m alnlalnlnK th e ir Innocenco. lho boy» finally confii»»c<l. W illlani E^dso .nBd C larence Dow ney nlcnfli'd Builly ba ro rt; Ju d p s »lviill)lw « l BuIil nnd were *en tcnccd .'“Tlf<S OihDr.'Cico Shnddy, claim cd to 'h e 1C. Imt hy thi*. tim e ho .reached T w in F alU he adm it- t«d 'h lk a w , I f . nnil wan nenienccd by Judfse B ahcy n» w e « O iP,olhnr two, j - r t . l t - h n nnrt h v .ltig_offlccrn.tbnt_t1ie_ • t r n ^ l ^ r S r ^ “ »ieroJ.uR-liIFH-inOF^ p«d: ■ ' . • '

FAIR • ■ IIiU bo i .G coers lly fa ir lon icb t

■nd >Vc4n«i'dsh h o t 'In m l tfanu>• d p n lo ra iii-In h « h mnunt*In». >'o

r h * n i» In te m p fr» tn r^ Contlnoul i<iiT hiUBldKy. (;«Qpnil rarU b le

- ----- lO r A r T T E lT lf E RD ellfb tfn liy cool t«m pcr«liir# vU ll-

ed (ht* ■oeiJon of Id ah s .d u r in R tho ta r ly honta o f th is 'm o rn in c . lho mor- t u r r d ropplni: to M d fs rc c s before ilayllsbt a f te r b av tac . ree lH ered ' 93 i l n t r e w - j^ t e r d t y •f lem o o n . Tber® win be tb ttttden to rm * in .lh e b lsb m onntalaa loday b u t not m ucb chaasfc tn le rilpcrif tjfe. In Ibe Jow ar level. &Ubotttli.>-a.' p i ^ > 'e l o u d j i : - ^ . th la mornlnR n » a « fc tH h a r w nd ltlona iiutta p iaaan tit^ . K - r j i------ ------ ^ E X T R R A T raF H -:---------- —

i. • \ l A w Hhsh r . l l , M U ---------M >3Dalee , - i . . • M WC h lc a « -----£ --------- 88 80D*nvTr — ---------- « . 88

S r » V O T t___CA -7«^ t e l l o ...... ..............'.___ L. $n 64PortlaDd _________________T« IM 'S ts- Pranclaco ________ 65 ‘ « 1

• ‘ ■ IO tir a#w e flo ip tnw i e n ab le * ‘n» J o I

lo a ll k lada o f d l t - ^ d r k a s d .tb e biwi : t f f l s t s n w o rk Jb u fM lsv e D o tn r t la c '• •ad boar'iT orli: M b .T frsm an la c 'M m < H I T M r^ ‘ >T>. aoW>. P b g p t <01.—

SPmlM- FlILL I -O it-C onsl-l+ lp=^M rrnnd-.M ni; K .-T. ,

G itUi'ry-und-fumily-lott-ftllii-iitiurH ooii— fo.r I'urtiuiid, SenMlu und *olh<rr ruutii r l t t i n ro iiit> I'lOiiio ihey will iriur N o rlh m r 'fijnho. " •

Kiilnry .Mi'ctlnit—Tw in riillR .U olary d u ll will mc'ol fo r tho ri'c iih tr ii;onlh- y dinnnr uml hUKliiuim hi-khIoii Wfd*

iirndny pvouinir. 'Ansimi 1. ui,fi:aO ut Tom'H Oifc.

o f 'th u Hrlc HOii Produce co(k{>rt^- ro-l •,iirni';l Monday fi'.'m ii irlii to yiiHl I.#iikL'., • ]

■»-Vmin-.’W m»<.nn«MrK-KntnrCT-OKll4vIc, «l*1er of W. T.' i^-it11i“ Ih hurn;

WIH...P1V ii.vlitU., . . i

' . ‘('omimiij' K iJrill—Mumlieri* of eoiii- liurt^'B . llC ih ICnKlnncrH. w i l l ‘niunidl (III- n'leuliir w eek ly ' ilrlll-tliin 'nY ciiltii: u l iM rl-.h 'hulI. . ;

Yl'illliK I'u ri-iits— Dr. I'md Mrn. li. ' Wy.Siiwyer nf Piillim, N.;v,. nro i:ui‘Kt!i ‘I t tile Iioino nf Mri'. (iiuvyiir'H iinreulH. :^ir~ iiiiL ^b 'H :-Menr y - J r w u i c .

niei-< lt('liirn-.-M r. uml Mm. Ceiiriie \V. DIru and i1an ;:h li-r ' Collocii .hiivc ri'liirni'd from I’orihind.'•O ri-.. nnd Auburn Mild .Seilllle. WnHh.. ,\vlier<‘

' ihey'liiivo lii-i-ii vi;>ltiiii; rrli.-mt;i. ' ' •

• ' T .i'l.n iic T u l i . i c ^ i i - i ‘K d illi-ny i;eit ' lllld Ml«i Alic-i- TiiyUir I'efi thin ii.'irn-

Ini: by im ln r fo r. Uitie* T alioe,'C iii.. ' where lliey will ii|ieiii| tlie next iwii

wctkn. f ■ - 'Iti'lnrn Krum .MciiinliiliiK — Jiidno

fri'mi il tw o .w eeIi"i..VB catloii-trli) lo ' tlu; SiiwiiKii'h nionntalnJi.

' Ciuirlude Viii'uthin—Mr. Tinil Mrn. l.conord JC, Sm llli und »on Holicrl ure honri' from Cnllfornln. .where Ihfy Imve been v.lnlllry; thn linnl. th ree wec'kii.- ' .

Tlcinic 1'riiiii Mnsli'f—jiid to and Mr*. 0. I’3,D uviill nud fnmll.v. who npoiil tlie w ei-lcu l llii> Ui-'irKe .Wilcox ciililn nn lijiHlcy Ilo l SprlnK.i. uro, lionie. . : ; I

AKi'InU Clinii-N— Dr. J.. E. Lnnuon-^ wnlior le ft fop UetroU yontcrdny.' whun- he w ill u llcnd noveral mcdlcali Mlnlcii; ’ IIlH fanrliy A’ill necon^minyi him Ijrmo from Wnylnnil, toWa. where- they hiivo 'hcen vlHltini; ihlu Hunitner.*

Total Tire Sales

Sices New Record Iw ith (ho tourlnK und vacniion «l-n-

-Bon OR-'In full Hwlni;,' Uru nalvH of tlld Wcnterii A n to . Snpply -compauy niorvH aru liuijl^nHHini: a ll pr<-viauH rocordn, accordfuK to . Inturniiitlun from thnt com pany. » .

The-rccCTit, r c ^ c U o n J n ^ l l rc prIucH

lunt. Jm t W e a ^ m Atito manaRurn uV<:dll lho Incri’aRO lo lho dualro iiV ttutom'oUllu ow nom vlunnlnic'lonK cation* lourn to . havu cood tlroa on

I llie ir cnr^ betoro H tarllnu on tripn. Many nuloinohtli; uwmtrH now malitiII tt nilo to com ptelely eiiulp. ihulr earn nil n round Wlll( W rH teni Anlo

-Urg»T^fl<ilt-^WH3QH-nn o r-to -U io -v n r.i - : Uon trip ; nccordInK lo abnnrvnlTomi.

"iJint y e a r m oro ^han cnrloadn o f Wcnlern ‘A lllo .lircH w oro Hold to , wontern’ molorlnln^"' nnyn R. WaHh- j h u m . liirni maunKcr o f th a t company. | "Thoiiiinndii a ru 'ta k ln c ndvantaKu of rrducvd Uru -pricun and a ll . o ro r lh«'i-; W ent riiito ow neni nrc (lockliiR ig o iir mnru than l&O co'nvcnlcnlly locnl- o<l ^

T ^ i J rH 'T \ j t r T « ‘''>nvlahlo ro p u ia i io ^ ' a .r e p u j;^ W th a t ' in th e rcnu li o t, ynnra o f 'fn lr drhiinK nnd ho n cat val- iiCR. They a ro h u llt of how ./llvo ru b ­b e r. nnd plunly* o t ll. w ith louKh. clonely-wovon carcnnn.piica o f heavy, lonK nfapio co tton . Thick. lone-laallnR Irenda are h u lll Io -k Ivc K rcalcr tmc* Uon and, tfillcaKO and ritaanlvo nlde- w a l l r nrc cohatn ic ted : lo' a land up (inder rn ry ln s rood ; condlllonii.

" Jn addition to o'ur r e s u la r aorvlco foaturoii. yiv b ffe r o u r cuaibm cra an fippArlunlty lo trade In th e ir aid tlrca B» p a rt paym oni on* nnw W eat- e rn (ilant .a n d W cBr-Woll T lrea ." ' conctudvd' Mr. W aahburn.

T K D K ItA lvJtK SK K V U JU T K . O r O a lu d tf.-M a . .

a l Keaerve U unk of Cloveland hnn u*- tab llahfJ n rr-dlK count rrtlo nf B per ccn l on a ll clnaaca of m aiurlllcn . if-1 fcctlTC AUKuat 1. th e Federa l U cscrvel Bonrd nnoounced lotlny..

Acid Stomacli! " P h il l ip s M f llt o£ M a g n e s i a " j

Ifflf^afieK ln M i« a '6 r io d a “ ta k a a lltU e ■‘Phllilpa M ilk of Macneata'* la w ater any Ume to r IndlfcaU on or io u r , add . (a a a y atom aeb, a u d rallet « r ilf -o o n i» -ln i tB n tlr .- " -- - - — s

P b r1 If» y y«ar* ' T lil lU p iW U.oLM aSTifal«r,h*« .b w i. jit« c r j.t> i »d .by phyalciana becaoa*.* I t -o r t r - eom ci Ibreci tim ea. a t i^uch a d d Id Ihft aienmcb n r a a a tu rs te d »oIuUoa Bt. blcarbOMto b f aoda;- t^»*hyc tba (tom acb awc«t M d fre« frora a ll Eaaca. I t . noutraflxoa acid fem e n ta *Liona.ta ib u .b o f re i i and K e tU l i .u rs nLha aourlns 'l u a t e from tb o ayatem . wlihout pDrclDc* Deatdea. l l la m ore p le u a o t to ta k * - tb a n aoda. In sW upon T b lllliia '* T w cB ty-nre cen t and n riy e M t Iw ltlM , any dm catfire. 'M llk 'o t MaBttala** haa t>e«n t^ e U.5. . m s U tc r k .trad * ‘ m a rk tba C ^ r lH 'V . 'T b m ita t 'C h e m ic al Cp.~and Ita p r«d*^»8or.- C harles IL r a m i p t



V ■ ______ ■ • . , < IE dd ie Ham m ■ M akes New'

Rccord in R unning i _______ Broad Jum p. . j

------- ' ■ ' 1S y VolUd P n i a !

AMKTr.KDAM STADIUM. Ju ly S 1 - , 1'liu A niefkun fiii): wns n m tip iii ■ib«-01vtniilr ,i;nii:i:!Uglll>tL-t^-.'!<iS" ■‘. I -vleiory fn r thci firm tlnii' In two dnyi>. w hen M1h» l'lll/iil.Mli ll.l .lnw on 'o t ilie i iiiiii.Tn.w micii';"'Ar T,"w6irini'/g irjir 100. Micii'r diinh In 12.^ ^ueoiidn.

A fuw ir.lniitvi' liili'r fiddle lliiii'.iu o t . Oco'i'Kla T.-eb liitd fn lal.Iliilinr n nuw Olyrtiplc rorord o f 2r. feui

. inclioii Id win Ilie riiiiiiinu lirond Jiimi> !imil In ilu’ iblnl duy’ii K.iimiii ul Uu; 'n in tli Ol.viniiliid. th - linlieil Sialeh idiitrtil hono ri lu th e foui' rinaln 'w lili

I tho re s t-o f Uiu;v,-orId--^ _ T l . . . r n l . . „ l ^rore.l If. .w.lnhi

In Ibe nion'H uiimeii nciilni'l IU fnr Ci'enV Ilriiain , 'i (Jorinuny. 5 ' i-aeli fo r Sweih' o nr.d. Iin lll. 3 for Ciinuila lllld I I'nc-Ji fiir 'l'V iiiin . and Unllund;

• I I ' wan lho fll'Mt. point H olland, the linMt al Ih^ AiiuK'n. hnd itcorud,

T he I’nItPd Hlnlen li-d.nlfo in-pjln.lK in the two i;lrl«‘ flnnl:i. w ith I i ■nciiliiM'ill for liollund, 9 for {!nnmln. r. for (ieriiuiny. < fur Sweden nnd 1

. fo r •A ui'irlii.,t Ono world rncrrd fell durinK ' the day when W^-lvhninii Snillh of .S'inib

-,Ucica..woii_l|lii R('ii!|.finHl bent iu ilie l iu inRtcra.lmrdlcK In-H.B nei-ondn. •

I TliP I'cnHnllon of Ih r dny wuk llie .woinon-'ii I'ifl iiinii-r.n In which tw o -Kirin, SinliilierE of (icnan ny . aii'lM hn ro o k of (’nnadii wc/i* dlstfiiall- fU-il fur iijultinK , ful^o i\|atlH, Jolm T avlnr of-tU ilcnco. thn. Kinkier, -wiih

IrrillclJicd 'jn hlUnrly n ir 'i l ie dl»iin:ill- 'fliinlinnH tbn l he rOKismid' from Ib:; Olyniplc HlJiff. , " •

Cliiirili' Honili. I.on Anci’leu 'iilnr. wu<t ollinlnnted by it vnrd In bl:i iieml. f inal belli ill lUc- 20(1 liieters.

hr— — ^ ^ -------- ?--------- --—1 TWO ARE riNBD AT BUHL

AFTER PLEADING- GUILTYLee Lnriion .nf IJiibl wun fined

mill Mi'ntenrcil to i.o,rvi' no dayH In Ihe i-riihty J:ill yeiili'rdoj’-. a fternoon

iw jirn ho nnu'rerl n iden of. kiiIIIv m 'e jia rai-s of iUi>turliln« th e pence and !of 'u«ln;: obsei^nn laiti^iiiun' In lhe 1 p resence a woiiinii, He w as ar- : raihiiiiiI,.Iirfnr.i-.J.ii?.lln'_nLthi! l i r i i n i . t l Tj . a . nivelbl^R.

chnrKos of iiHHiull nn'd ^nti*Ty ilpini n man nl liuhl nnd wan-fined $r> ami conl“.


Ball Bearing - P um ping \Jn its to r Irriga tion .

Si!nlev MiilurM, Aiiiamntlc r r r n ’m rc SyMlemn fur ilei*li nrlln am i cln*

le n is . ■

V IEH W EG BROS.' _ A ulhnrlzed lli'ularK .

Fairbanks M orse P roductsl;Ti'ry Mn'e n J.i-adiT .

Pliono icco.. 132 Third Avo.- North .-OpPOhUo .MnRid Antomobilu Co.

USED CARSm i bldamnhirA Cnnpe ..1 0 ^ ItiKlire i I |o o r ^ -itan * Sludelialicir “nm m tny” Itunilh<rr m e I’un llac ('<«ch 10:>S W illy ; KniKht Sedan

Oakland Sport ToDrinc 1923 Jk ilck Kour T ourlnjr ' .

HEPPLBBJTASH MOTOR CO. 019 Main Aye. W m (.' ,•


OasUoford B la c k s m ith

• Candli1a(«> for .Sheriff on Ihe I Repobllran llekrt. 8 ahiect to I (ha I'rimary EiwtJon, Taraday, I

— A nirni t - 7 —Mfcn-<n-bByti>wt-i*tt— I yrar*. 10 year* al Ca.-»flefonL |I «at-(»»-l»«tr al nork (o-atpp* I

- oot ( O 'ta f f t air yen' boyii b n t . I n l l l apprcciato >OBr sapport. I

Per PEP S c o BT.E'P '• ' I f ' I f l ■ '

:■ A tT O PAETS ' ,V Phom33-W I

-------- ^ : ‘ A O gpnlaa __

P H E S r-p 'ilT B BATTEEY :■

■ TYEWEEDEE' ■ 1-W o a ra «>qatpp«i] to b aod la a lt

J»“ » o f ^ « * . - i a c J t « l t a s » - ln c b | i

' ' V ' ■ ' ■..

IL 'g - jlM E i ~

P r o ^ a m A n n o u n c e c l . . . For jrhursday Gonpiertj:

-rProni'u iii-^of-4bf—T-wlii-'I-”iillr> M iinie-j— l]inl hnnd lo Ik- kIvi-o Tliiii'iidny..ev.-., nluK HI 8:I!i In ilic i-liy park binderthr-dlrirrtlon-^>f--Hi-^llr-Iltil'U»H.-------- ------

M arch, "WniihlnKloii I 'omI " - ,1. i>, {irmsn. ; , ,

.Overliire, '•I.IkIii Tavalry"— !■'. vmi <> Siippe. , . , . ;.i:

W iiitz, ‘•M khiy IjiU' 'a llo ! - " . r m n k W, .MrKite.-■' P iil rn l , -*H)le - .Huiilir —J . ,S. ;.iUll.:U-‘' I ' nik. " . ]Ii

IntoniilnHlon. r.\Si^cUoM . "M arlbn"— K. vou I-loinvv. i "'ITki Glow W ornr'— I’aul l.incUe, il M arch. "WiiHlilnKloii (ii'eys"—t:, S.i

(iniiiillu ! a\ Sln'r SpaiiKled llaiiiier. 1

Scwe as You^ve Ne ,' ern Auto*^* greateI • . Save* on things eyery 1 . . . . Biiy, any of theg(j

P rice, and we will g i\ ----- 'LUTTilLY FREE . V. !

Every .motorist c a iT ^ \ purpose 0 ^ whicli is to

I ,.cDmrhunity with the ra from “W estern A uto” . need a ll these articles : m ake it worth- while to

/■ICvcry article in from i / I))/ Qiif lri)t:~C!ti(! Gum I I S A L W A Y S J l f G I I T ) . \ itil brou'thl ?;i()fon

I ' ■ ■ \ ycar fo r over m X Mlf.

i . ■ O N L Y O N E s a ;

•; I ‘I r a ^ r i a l ’ Auto PoUai = ^ 0 ^ LaequLT ' Poligh"

; g ■ ■ D a y o n a h o t t l a . ' §>|j flj

. .C o : '6 a J baiiiV. i nizE!

t.ii-ril» c t Imiicl’nl ri'IMi. nii' fimiti) m ini vlll n-u.iy u-- Mb-I,- for^Iiir.-o, |.iw,i..r mui f..

“Imperia^” Du^t Clotf B u y one fe r . . . . .

C ol O ne FRCEl ' t ) ? U

rlirtnli. II}’ li«'nl<><r to nl.narl) an bol.1 lUe .liii.t. Will not .orHtrl• niT.I* rn.-.l|>-. WRuhri!. . I'oclosl Iliamly lln baz. Limit e f on* ml «0 o .nil'.n irr. . •

“Simoniz”.. C leaner an<

— - 5 ^ ,.,• .■ ■ ''4 8 ^C .'t ih« O iW FREE!

- Too MVS 4Se on tnia 1ltM>ralt)rt*r B »fnon» kno*-« ain->B-B Htmonl >-Uve nntte poll*h (hat U ti* oi any flnltli. Splenitid Tor en«ni>-

' and larauer. T hr cl«an«r that «M maka »-our « r look lllc« nn .L U or lo a tn tu m fr :

■. tev„;..,-90=.C r t> O M F R E SI .

'X m iM U b*r>ate a t oor U r latr prtea of fte mcA*. . . .

• tew b . <to* ta a ta rw d ^ b a■ & * S 3 T ,y -s r s ;s :

. ■ ■ S 5 W s a s 5 . 5 a B ? s

[ J n i t e d S t a t e s I n

L e a d C l o s e T h i r d J ; ; :

" ^ D a y T O i y n j p i y r

.VMKTKIIUA.M.'.Ilily -1 i'l’liil i.i-iun ] I,- i: llu '. tlie i n a ol Ib.i t i l l 'd ; i \ lay'll U lvinjilr x a iiii'' \\i tc -:. ' i ,

.r.nlled «Hii.'» 71; U r.'ni Ilillnlii I’l'i f i sw.'ili'ii J l! Heniiiiliv IS: l-'iwlaiul IT; : n; J.<; lie lam i I",: Ki'iitice il, ic" la ltl .'i.' IIaU' U l'bill|>jiliieii .'ioTllir \ f r k 'a 2 : Molland- 1. i

lu Ul.' KirIn'. heLllnn of Un- i^aaic.'. | :ic he po in t i'C-o:-.(‘i w . t . ': ' '

lln li.'d -S iaii'ji .1.1: I’olnnd 10: Can- r.lll u ;.u e riu an y u; .'iwvjen :i: A U onn l.~ • • ' ' • I la

■ W e s tc r r

rt»er Saved Beforeydunng ainnual econdiny.bfferi

/ m otorist constantly needs articles a t our R egu lar Low:

you AN OTHER, A gS O - ,

vo duiing'.this g ro at sale; the” acquain t n ew a n iv a ls in this <

l a n y ' advantages o f buying . . . EvejTthouKh you m ay not now, the GREAT SAVIN.GS . buy them now fo r fu tu re use.

( llir r c n i'.ld r n to c j: . lo o . h ( ir7 : i 'i l \ r i i i i tc c . u n d ou i- C V S 'l 'O iM I J n \ <iolivy . . . thC Kiviiic h iiih H' IhI.s fln c l:!ii{ i lo o u r r .to rc ii la s t ' 'y L tO S rp u rc liu H t'n . ---------------- f

i.'E 'OF EACH .ITEM t (--- . .


0 B u y ona, tw o orth r e e a t , c a a h . . . .

C a t.'S am o N um ber FREE!

I" , j.Hhi-'. I:i f.’i l.nlr.. .if |,'l«v . . , r-ii.'l i

^ . E x tra Q uality W e d g e ’[C . Cushionot B u / o n a f o r ^ . s S » |^'u • C a t .One FQCEI . H

; 'r ifl ria" fi>r cmiii> »n<l boHUm.-. V.-i>- t-tn

fortablp for tuily >lr1v.'r>. anil >iiiall la' Koni. I>iinib1>’' wllh .(Itf'ir'J wntr fr-'of i-m-rrlns . . .-Jilrii ciuulllj. l.ln

• o / aina <.ll« Iv n m*Iuniir.

• Want — Cigai

I H ' ' H B Twn~oi

a-C- - -

' ' " S p r i n i - E e i " • J i o tII B a y onm can f o r . . . , . 1 '' ' I C « t O a* C «n FR EE!V < Jtwt l la tm 'to thla. ami you won’i '"I h«*r ai>r •prln«2 3 u«l«» f»r « tone, Iona tlm at TTil* aupvr-lubrl-

. ran t penvtratca. cton* nola«. am! ellmtaaipa nuL nam lftt* to mrtaU paint. .▼ unlatb-^nMM l. -tM lhar «<fabrte. Um 8 p r to r-» < and . aaTi y-our .car. bur ihla-wwK and «a*i meo«r. ' e / m 1« io a «m»

• ■ ,W6 jTciephone or (

P p fa

' l l l

,-jlt' 'H S 3 9 J E f d . l E * ^

r .

............. ' -

’.ii'ljiV'i.. ■ - : ' >•,'___ ! _

■■‘c"'-":'lialii^ » :ii-’ iiitiiiii.- .‘..s ;■! I’linil.'.' i.i

c’irl;.- lim ' .Ml- t' i:ii'.;.,l,r,ib j rliMli:»>Il. llllnol:* Woiai-li'.. I.':, l.’.lliiJ

l i l l l ' i l i i ' ^ v , - j ll

W rlab lm an 'sa illti. Si'UUi Afi-..-^, r . - l l.|l:i!l.ii A ir.Tl'l I

r h ilid l'- /.r- ad-niiul. • : j I.

in.M U l 1-'.\M.^: N' ' l.,.a;,iti:; ; h Mi-i- llf l«-.-a N.iil<.ii:il-‘ !':nik i ll

■■iui.- riiHb.-il In- i.'ira.'- foiO.'. ’ ■ !|,

:“ West- n-Vrt n -ng'. . . !

.[^....-Last Day, Saturday

>. a 'C USTOMER I'o i d u i f i L - a in p S j o i i l - ~ J

o n e /o r Ono FREII! ^

i.|H --tl'- >-:v'l] ; W■ I' - tJ n . . . I'ltih* r.n 11 .

-rS ;S"v

s>,y- I; I ................... (________'..I . — A I-n

."I ^' o c u s i n g F l a c h l i p h t ^

j n e fo r . 2 5 .G et O as FU SE! . H


r. I.t.,.11 , i ',11.- I . • . i t l - m.r,

Iy C l a m p 4 ) n . Iectric .to r, ^ 85.

. C . i O ne FR EE! . *' f-thf»e m nraatp*-l-fW trlr r lc i r »*

eoniiilftn wUli I.Jnc, iMf-wlncJlnr: n]Iiiiilly^«la*n2d wlthnut

Ik ip rrevrn l Torril flnm. nv.'ld —. _n n c ra . te l clotlilnx . . . ,!>Dtlt Ou;


P . O H e y r

;_to- 9 p .^m .^^'77tr .'"' ' ' -•«»«-

m T I i n ' - *- No

w S r ^

P X Q B T H U E B •

S I Q M A C H T R p U B L E S•'Til' P ' a n ' m nny Hyiiiii(om» of n lc e ra ' ,

iiioMui'cli, Kom’o o f, which ur»j ' 'j ly i'l.'al eliron'lc |>aln'-wliliili'ficriirS

iim-om;- lu.' i h r c ^ r -four-.ho iirji-fo |...--. vUni: Ibe lu.'iil. It, Ih ii xhuri). cu l- . ni: oxi-rurfntlaK ,.tyt"* . iP p n ln i iirfiP TIII ;i'i y.xiii UK jIu- niomneh liaH I'mii*I'd* Hri-i; <>X fiiod.. ' ■ ■ • .-(-a,.-.ntrrfH,v-*|-»..-ilHlull>-:rtil»-l/>.-;i— vjii'raelil .'•r'erfiion. WP n liio ' find '.a r '- i l . , : r a l - If «aM-oiiK .Ihilention, • a- i-r'lini'; r'f .lliii-oiufnri. dlntrcn«, ;iml nai; liail.-ipa \vllfe!i l.i’churftRlur-^111-111 Ilit- a llm eiii." T be alxive In n n '.

,..W U, N. .1). .r i : i : i i i . i : s s s t i i .m a c . \ i , ifCMftiiV

.i:i a lf.inl'll 'Ib 'iiiH aitilii o f )>Oo))lv rc* ^t'-r In iai 11} iii'i'acl.lliy .if tb e Slomiich. C. lar: ,1,1 .>Jt..iiiai b, ll.'artl.firn . nild U»:i-lie l)l>iri'."n d.m- n> Ilyi.e racld liy . On .

ili.-i- i-.oiid d im ; f ion 'n .—adv.

a le /

A u g u s t

.......^ --------------------------------

w lo s sy ” S t e p P l a t e s - one fo r ' . . . . . ' $4 45> l C ite FREE I | .,1. f.ii- ti.f nrlro of nn^J •You■t.ll " . II V'ltr, r f Illl-*.-»pli-n- . . '■ ■.!'r,ii.'-. ' «llli Ulia-i.lali’. mud- H'C mill •iron al.iln, ICuuular 1. ;.ii't !.:inirnv.. .•|«!. for ' l:i"-l la i, /.Itiilf c/Cd.' ta Jr 10

' ''

. . ’

L u x e - ‘K e e p K o d l ’*

• iiiioo■vntrfu r : ".*7- —■——• ---------

•Ccf O ne FREE1 •ly ijivhiK'. If ibriv- »vtr. w«To .. . J ii .t v, .-wtj-.-f.r owniir ; •

i .for liol 'vri.shiT ilrlvlnr. and xli.t <mn (ii-.< w r lliQ oilier1.'.:;;',S . , ■ nni; ti> wuvrn• inMSJi.r. r.rlt l>"inn.1. L im it .

i • 'Ul

'o r F o r d O w h e r a _ - “■ • -‘-•.'t N c v c r b u m ” T r tin s 'k '

n u sa tO D L i n i D f f ' ■. y ont a«r. Ctl O na SH- FR£si • — . - • • ' i r i -ll') 9 .2 5 \ . : . . : ^ i$ l ; S 5 r r f W 26-27 ............$ 1 .4 5 ; ‘ '

r h a i t ' r l ^ 1 n r -« r a r ta r

LS»H&aas- i kslr trt-aiM . 10 r»«in w«ar ‘ K V ^ ''4 t^h«al, aM abaerM « n e « a ' <ifOP M-rfert tubrk«Ucm. c m n . ' ‘• wlllt. rItHa. Two avta ftie - \ r r t(» .o fon* . I.MU af.MM •;

t e r e r b u m ” ^Rrylfo U in u ^ ' } S y a B

o o t- ,fM .w ith a w y . IW C^ ^ B e S b H

ac .aatlataeU M k-^M ilf f w t « » •

Page 4: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

~ T m r ' F A T i : s T ) i n ^—:— . ■> • ---------- M>ia U r ;- P n lU d - P w - jU i< > c la U c a — ____ ___ u ..:_

'. w io N M ^ a 'x a s ! ~ ~: n . 'H .. , , . . T .l= » .,l . i«,

~— — put»»miKi iirtiij iiiuutiji . - r » U l . Idaho , J»7

« « ^ ^ ®°*®8 PD BU Snm O ,C0Ja»A5T, wc.

_______ - .— - PU nt annarinUinrt«nt ' __________________ r-------' -ft~>rct O C

,• 80D»OniPTION lU T E S O n moath, t..a O ; tbroo maotht. $1M : mIx m onthB .'-iitst . tm i'y ttr ,

‘ BIBLE VJBRSES AND^PRAYER ^- Op<j>D N EW S~A s rohl wjiti^rs |<i j» ihii-stv soul. s(i ii i tKid

from a Ini* country.—^Prov. 2 "i tliTt. ' ’ ’ •‘t ^ R A ^ - B l W O ^ h u u - O a d - i t r I'dVf, Wl- lil.tsx T lioi- I'n r tlia

:nc\VH cnIIo(t Uio Gospel. __ ^ --------- ;

BUSINESS ACTIVITY THROUGHOUT ■ - - — .THE-CQliNTg y ________ __________ •

T hose w ho have h ad occasion to trave l throughout coun try have re tu rn ed to th e ir hom es, \v lie rev er’ ll hom es m ay he, im pressed w ith th e fac t th a t tho poopl the U n ited S ta te s i r e on the move and th a t money, ii

__be plentiful. , ..__ ____ ' _______ ___• N ot onfv that.^bu t m ile-long f re ig h t tra in s vie \

tw en ty -ca r passenger, tra in s in in d ica tin g th a t U ncle S is o n the job a tte n d in g to business.

W estb o u n d tra in s a re candying hu n d red s o f thousa o f p a ^ e n g e r s to P acific coast an d in ter-m oun tain po

- . from B ritish C olum bia to Low er C illiforaia. Eastboi ' tra in s a re lo ad ed w ith bnsihess m en an d w om en having

_ r a n ds in the M id d le W pst an d E ast. , .L ong freigKt'tra1ns"arc-carrj'ing-tlVe-product&-o£-Ida

W ash ing ton , .Oregon, C alifornia, N evada, a n d U ta h fai a n d ran ch es to the gi-eat m arkets of tho A tlan tic soaboj a n d the M ississi/Jpi valley, fre ig h t c a r load ings showin;

■— glwnrljj -infU hp >mllllim Sson approaches., “ .

. N'or is th e re tak en into consideratFon the m ultitude

. less p r o c e ^ S ^ ^ a c h ca iry in g its I tS d o f hum anH y eitl • on p leasu re o r business bent. I t is a res tle ss . ag6, an a . o f p rogress an d a n ag e b f g o som ew here, ,all o f which

. ■ vplves un to ld m illions in thc m atte r o f expense. T he mgn com es from som ew here— few possib ly know.

■ B y w ay of v erification o f these s ta tem en ts, a long com A . W.. Shawi \v ritin g o f the U nd erly in g T ren d o f Businc in “ T h e M agazin e , o f Businpss** a n d ,c itin g six fac ts cc

^ T 5rm i^& ira inS sa= thu3-far-ina .Q ffl ind ica tions T or cc U nued p ro sp erity th roughou t the rem a in d e r ,o f th e ye;T hese six fac ts a re : . _ ________ ______ ------------• '.“ 1. T h e .n e t incom e of nvor 200 genera l business

w a s 7 % -g re a te r du rin g -th e f irs t q u a r te r o f this y e a r com parison w ith th c s : ^ e period in 1927.

<iOi • ag a in a t the -1,00(ODD lc?vel. . ,

“3 . ' C opper consum ption, , gasoline a n d f e i l ih z sales, a n d au to m o b ile an d steel i)roduction, have all m at

•' n e w h igh reco rd s ag a in th is year. . .“4.. T he n a tio n a l debt has been reducft4-?l,000,O P(

^■■nnn'\wthin 12 m onths;--— — . .! •— ' • **n: F a ^ p ro d u cts a re a n >ro!Tr’f tm ^ra b !|e^wflt>4l4{ma _ any tin te fo r three-years.

“ 6. T he country' has sho\TO it can absorb $5,000,000 000 in i\ew securities in 12 m onths, a n d w eekly i)ankc!ea in g s h ave run u p to .?10,000,000,000.”


T rav ele rs b y autom obile oi; rail, passin g across Lh co u n try a t. th ia season o f the yoar, m ust bcn m p ressed b th e u p to da te m ethods em ployed by the fa n n e rs in th h a ire s tir ig o f th e crops.

. M odem .invention has been b u s y o n -b eh a lf .of th fa rm e r a s i t 'h a s in. th e w orld of*industir>’. In m any w hei

r i^ e l& -th e rc_can be seen a co inbination i 'c a p e ra n d tljresJ: e r ,g a rn e r in y £ ^ "g i^ n = ^ n ttr th e ^ tn iw -« n < l sepai-ating-.^ac

•fo r fu rth e r disposition b y 'th e ow ner, th u s p e rfo n n in g . serv ice th at-fo rm erly requ ired tho lab o r of h a n d s. _ ' ‘

S gncultilPe 'h 'am ndcrgone-a-revolu tion-^------------------S ta tistics show tlia t in 1855 th ree houre a n d fift.v min

u£es w ere_required lo produce a bushel o f w heat, tliis in fo rm a tio n be ing given by the A ntw erp , O h io ,'A rgus, To d ay , so i t is sa id , less th an ten m inutes a re necessarj- be cause o f the u tiliza tio n o f th e tra c to r ,an d o th e r labor-savin g m ach inery . __

A ll th a t th e fa rm er no w needs is som e degree o f ccr ta in ty a s to crop d istribu tion and a f a i r re tu rn fo r the h a n ■work a n d w o rrj'- in c id en ta l to raising-^fann products anc g e d in g those p ro d u cts read y fo r m a rk o t " ■■■-XTnquestionably he .has tiie sy m p a th y 'o f the. g en e ra

p u b lic 'a n d th e e a r o f g o v e rn m en t • T h e fa rm o r,d e se rv c i reco g n itio n a n d w ill u n doub ted ly be givei>-a fa i r shgvv a lo n g w ith o th er industries, iipon.w hieh the hapinhess a n t w e lfa re o f th e couhtr^’-are depehden^t

. A visito r from across-tlie seas, upon read in g in thc p a p e r th a t a m an h ad been killed by a revolv ing c rane, re ­m ark ed , .“I t’s a w o n d er your governm ent does n o t exterm'- j> a te Such ferocious, b irds.”

-■ There, is m uch tn ith in the. observ'ation th a t iiT these d ay s i t 's w m s to tak e a lo t m ore nen .'e 'to /V iolate custom s th a ^ tft-v io late law sJ. ' - • >

T h e S h o e a n d L ea th e r R ep o rte r says a m ou th fu fw h o n i^ u o te s th ia irm to rV fcn o iiT i by the com panw -lieJieepsjiid .

I E S !. ■

~ rv O t t e r V i e w p . o i i

L l—. ...' • • STtI.l> MOHKST.

(lilRlio KuIlH iMitO Browr A m oilli nft< r n Tcxn» wrl

'it » iftiii'-vliori' uoito! by Mii(llion!li ot

•xiH'.-t.rilly In SI. I-Iiiil luiil «» - • 0 nn <)nicl;il wlm luul crm — 'Icl'l to

I! Mn.lhcrKl'." It . ' viih ■» ‘ Uo«kUi’iU»1 wliUbiM Ho\nc m\ 1 liiolloii 'ln> woulil 1)0 r w i r i lo

t .iiitriiOvr.I ' I.iiiily tmrfH’L clirtiiKdl 111110' Jl Ifie jV iir Hlnco li.t 'f l. 'w , mii

’’ilfila l»to IwcUttVKtt «n»l naUl «p(*< 'lr«t oC tlm cruwtl to rt-ncli h

------- "Inllw ot woniK imvo., been

------ - ilmnt him nml IiU .fnc*' lin>f i.houstHulK ot y f l l><-- I

■ Tarits himiirir nn-n oni,* jDBt Ot tUcrft. U irt |>nfcn VC

t th( 'rwlHP. III (I curioiiij corpI .^ c ^ III' l.IniibiTgii'ii CIMI’ thi-i‘r J«

, la'lHK .j.a« le o 't "iwly >conf«r8 u «iit(l<;l<!n iK f

. MotV Hly In till ncc o t uclt-w_ • _ a.pourl-of.Kfoal-rirlco.-Vwitl »'i»ciioii« niovlo uclor l)er«(ii» lili n aRcut (ur uol UrvIuk i«r« fnw 5 a n ihftit lilm-In York liuruor

T(!\\irn • from phroaO. Uui colo icllIni? llto offlclfll ot ,« tlylnj

m a . [„ g,. pjiul thnl IjIh ;iitin«; t’l t i n t hi>rt;li. noiiljllcHii R Ih tliln.

_ j rliii: coiitrnm hclwi’cii hlin'ivl Iho KCUvriiUty of lliosv jn»cU' er- nmvB wlilch ImH inaclf Jilni'i'o U

’ • a liKitro in Amorlcnn Hcnn

ihO____LsflKT-HKAUTKO-IiaiOKi'rm i tlilnho Pb»« Vofii),,,.,1 ;ono •t:iiurlcH Miirruy., ct K.i

OrvKon, WIIH urn-Hlcir(.11'ii fliiiiIg r dcivliii: nil nmomolilli! whlln 1 ;ea - a k llh t rftilMln; Jtiry xoitl

wci'kH. Inti’t'hlH rn)- i't>lHijVil wji , n J nihcr nno, lenpeO nnlo a Biilc

BlniPk two |n-il««trlftiiH iiikI <t

I c*)i-(UnB t(i tliQ ita llm oiiy . uliumr ^ - t T t n" i;it~HTHt-tlCTt~tt>-h)>r~hwnc7-'ntr i,e nrrcxtt'U on'ii cluvrs*? o{ lE e HjftUKliXcr. It WAB ntleruil-ilim •1 nKoln ho ImJ hocn ilHvluK

drtink. • ' l e y Wlio 18 to Jilnmo for Iho <

ot the l&nMeni pertcBlrtim"! At ' a part of tlic rMnonilhllUy Ilo

^eS iiii, Hiioulilcrii o t tho iioft-Iicortcil e s s tiirniyl hln) loouc oji llio

chftfKc. -Tho p r/to otflCLTtf uml tJramicutftro <IW .Uwlr tlw^y; Uw ;

an.' 'ShlrkftJ U ifJw T Iie 'r i 'e l

thnt lio could Kel nwny with ll-__ many ot lUeai (lo -n ffa m y

•'Op® •*"' '•'•cklojtH «lrlv.*r ■'r 111' fnr....I to fluppnrt tlm fiimlllc■ i n ciwf«! Iw ktii*.


’.er ^

d e j I >vorr.i> .n o t w o hh y

rt i J wonld nol worry If I "frro >on Ui*‘ .The dayn “KlVl com® nnd lUc '_ B-lll KO, ,.

—r ------- PrTffFTntoWf------------Tho Jiiiu will lihtno nr the niln

Jl* . ••full. .Gnit Riandfi over and und tr nil

Sftvnp ilayn wUl'lvo lintU. whh v.cni< a lilKii Oml I'vor KH''*' >'<?“ , ^ l'l' . thoiiKht;And, HlH fnco wfll ho lild "'Ith I

Itcnlsn.IP And )Our Roul 1I>‘ prono w*)th ft fl

m.toiiRhv.>y .Uld llfo will •Boom-rnipty of ov

A wortMoim li.-Hihl.-. .1 hrokfn ‘to]

IG n u l I wonhl not worry If I wcco jo■4 U will nil rnm* rlKht prrlty w>0». Utf), Thr rnjn'w llj er.ilio rf))il Iho »-kj-,si

h ■ liUio.

a fond , ,Hln moi*MKo of lovo—nnd hy nnil I>: Vou will wondor why you clioiild

(ia<l «nd or}-.

> hIi.h mny:lli-arh nm lor 1H« h.iiid Sn ra 'n

hhino:J- He w/JI (urn j-oiif Jilsht low, " “ Wt

' ' And »h!»rc Ills l>onnty of lov.- • xtnp,

I l r novrr forsoln for n Kinulo day - V«liv n^Prt. \1irn . »•> 1ip» wn't

il . -Srt-Crf

Lighter Sidei; — -■ ■■-— — I .S <;roB(> I 'p -

-?(pphrri ,«Q hl<i cMor^hrafJi^r),-

d W iro ;4nJ"»pc. Tlierc, you only come > . to niy mouth.

Stephen—Wrll. 1 dont caro. I'm ^ tall si» you 'h«.* other w«>. > ' feet Rrf down •» lar n» yours, do- “ lioy»' Ulte. . ■.

In Bor, A woman 'e«ardl*n b»il arranRi foT a treat for thc old poople In tl

. preten tea-tro' jtitondlnj; t>r »wliyf to 11 hrr»«H- s -W rll.'iaatron." »^c

the affair, “how aid the party Sf oti t h d j» ^ 0 0 I h o a a fo o d

^ O h . 'y e a . M rn. M anning, V«r good d la o tt;." rep»«d th e w atro ti . •

l _ , - t n CM th tm tllC_blKK{* tgooae th a l n * to tw b a d t a f wl« c » ta e e . — ~ * .7

T T O F ^ U P i lL l

iiounw d AiHvd tli» w G M a '

r n , "| . l i i t r o - '


il.lojtn- L . ' i J l . ■v’hiii- i. ‘— - - M - — = -I prom. .

nol Ih: ’field •

Wivvl- , | r , - 4 ro.cnr-t ,(>nd . SIn tho - S . iiroblo 1" .

I__________________ ______ _____■iRono, W ■uc Of I lllnjil-11«i »■'■< lr.-\ gj g j ___________ _

W lk-:l u d i r d i ^ ^ ^ ^ J

i onu l i f t l M ~ ' ^

mrin- l i- s .

Jonlli ■ P S ^ RI c a a l ^ '>M • ' — ^

1 = .1 ' ; | ^ 1 Too W - A ____ _ . '

’> “’ J w

iiiy.i ■

------Every boy= = = i e f e e u b s ^

JB ' .mail ov bv ' ticket adm

b y H the. o rder j7 w u - ■I . . - A ll ord

■ ^ HURRY-


- W t :.11.

" i t s Sv. « l ' 1

1 ^ 9 “ t l ■

■If ™

L - a H ' . <S * s s n‘>p b LTVH . s S'S• 3 o 5 to r

" ‘ ^- ^ . s U . omtfv ^ 3

. ST I-<s "

" I T ’S E A S "

~ * l l S ^.V M M i - M K S 4 /

r . T n a i

W / s i f T r iRCOS:/en to B

' ’

G - 5 ^ ^1 F a l l s , T ,r-and-gii-i-under 16 yeai's

■ing tlie b lank to the Twii'to the Big Sho' OTd as soon as it has-been

lers must be verified. Ve; B will be good at any toi


Have the Blank Belo _Mtoifefe.Cii£iil2

The Twin FaiI W a n t to O o to t h c C i rc u s — Y

abacription Order: faATe n o l.M o n B *nh»crlhfr tn T h r T " r r th v r J lw BBii n ifrrr-iir-tak i’« dalo « n a »liortB «er, Tinlpxt oU ipm U e r n s ta t 'ta h x tr tp t lo n ra te . W e aeeowpant*

JIB ---------------

R E E T ^ _ P R ? S S _ _ ^ , . ----------- :-------- r —TF.'t A «ri» »«lh«orH>pf f«onr t'’15 daya p » 't

tBeiTiU la not a B«w sohiPriptlon.

DKR T.VKEN B T -------------------------- r -

IlE E T Al)T>aES>S r—-----------

■ . /

UCBtoys anc

fG -eiR il i u r s 3 ^ J ^c'l: age' can, go. Simply g.

1 ,Falls Times and yoii w ly. If you don 't live m'Tw verified your ticke t will

rif ication takes two day wn where, the circus pia;



w S i g n e d a n d B r i n g c

i t i o i i J ) e p a r t n i e n t d f

I s D a i l y T i m e s

oar iinbscriptioTi Wiil Take Me.

Twin Falls Daily T i i

lln Fnll* I taH j T im es for tb r p ftit IS- fh o -p a p e r - fa r-B ' p r r fo r f 'o /-a BMBffc* inlored Uy m r. I n i i l pay y o n r ro lle rli I th is o rder. ,■. ___ ^ ...y r b o M Xft. - —

Iho Tw in fall* Ttrco .fm « notb«<n tlin le same adiJr(-.» U no l a n e tr so b ic r l

----------------- --------- PHONK :« 0 .^

r~-' ' ■ ' • 'T '" " " ;■■ •. »-

F G 5 # ^_ _ _ -

----- ..... ......— —--------------


■ B :

e’t two f r i e n d s , S P i J -

nll be given Ann Falls, mail .' | g < n be m ailed to .. ._


mes 5^ '“

G E T B U SY f f l'J .

.-'.oiiil'iU . ia;t

Page 5: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

' T U E S D A Y . J I J L Y - r n . - 1023.’.. fc.. — . ■ I " ;

1 ^ 3

C M f T O I I R t e

M idiron T ourney to Be H eid ■"T’ N ext S unday ; Entries

•_ ,7 Gl^ae Friday .

hnnc]lc<ip KoU tnurnninctii hohl Sunday Hliow' Uift'fL. ICrU’ftikc r. 0 . Ih iiif 'a n d J . \V It«orholcr H ad -d ie tlircojlow ciii ncorcH nnd to' M uwuAlpdth o so ir linllH inirelm iifd by Un> oil- (ru n ca (ucji d ia r s o l in ilio loiirncy." T h e nimaicai) nojim njncni-w im w rll ntlon<l<!il nml ‘rPnuKuil ln<(lio playini; o f Mtim Kooti eoir. ■ ' I

S m Kiin<ln>' th o C ountry i hil) will bo ld A m iillron.iiniiillcii|i tntirtinnioni. T ho ,on ip in ta.liL -lh li.lourncy_w in-p lay . (lio-fiill-nunilMir-iiCJioIcnr ini'W.iro n on ly . All o ilie r clnlm iiiuiil In;' in rk c i l a t tlio clu li Iioiihc tH>ror<' play ntartB. • Kntrloii • In [IiIh im irniinirnt nniBt bo HiacJe. w ltli iliu KrootiB cnm. mittfto botore J-’rl<liiy cvciilnfj iit hW o'clock, (OROlhor w ltli d ie <lej>o»ll of JO cirutn lo piircUnhO koU bnllii fo r'ilic winncrn of tlio tourim incnl. IIali<llcn|i!i fd r'tlio ip layorii ontnrcil In'ili*’ toinnoy Sundny w ill lio/nnuounccU SnlUrdtir* •S'q dno con o o te r w ho Iiuh iiql filc I iviili Uie'Kro'onK com inlitcu buforc tji*; Ni't tlm o rrlOny.

Scoroii to r tho iilny Siimlay

■ ' f S 'I

rionkor. L. 1C. J . .... ............

Ivi'nl^ rh pl"''’-' '' .....' ...........Moxnndflt. D. Ii. '.............. . ««w yuti. 8 . c . - ......- ................ ? i :•)iCdmundK, II. C...........- ..........«i i*'Johnnoa. U uncnn .................S3 1-kVarnor. i ; . U ................. if.POM, t-'rod, J r . ....................!'2 *2||Swceloy, ii. M.................- fi!' i ’lann*. Oco. !)4 20

. . . ,1-5 IS' vtr ilp n m m W . O. .................> lrn n d e r . IJ. II. ...... 30 .,..»LV»iiam,.Qn. R ....... ........ ...... gC ^0911pmo^n7 W. G . .......... I 'u . j s i*Blurry.. W . T . - ................ IW .12 7.

.. liS SL15«nli. c. A. ...-........ M « MMcAtec, • F ._ r _______ 1 L i l —S&

w S S f J i . i». — .......

a ! j c sh.m W :-8 . .................... - JOO 18 9!joonc . HukU .......-J............. -10 100

njr unlua VvnYc'atcrOay'b .licro: MlcKcy Cocliranc,

whoM slORlo • »eor«d Dliliop ia lUo iJnth JnriinR, onabllnR tho I'b llailcl- ibia A tiilcH c* ^o de feat tlio, St. .L ouis J ro trn i. C to .4 . - . ^ ,

T ho Clovolnnd Ind ians prOTOd tnat. h o lr w in o re r th o Now Y ork Yankee* lu o d a r w as no a cc id en t by downlQR ho leaiiar*; 4 to 2.

p»m Q ray bppoiod hin fo rm er te an r ' natea. lh o X lh lc ilen , on tlio mouno or tJ»o S t L oula » ro w n ii..O ra y . wan n Bood to n u , l)ut loat n Ifcart-brcak*

TUo .PU U bunth- P ira te s tooV both nuR Ot a (l6<il)Io beador from Jhu I ra ros.vW lanlnc th o flm t 2 to I ' and he ic co a d C to G. Kd B ra h d fa wild-,e aa -# o s tL jh ^^ ,n ^c a_ ..ll ic_ O P C n ln Ba i n T t S o ^ f f i ^ ^ J r a « i ^ « 7 j f f i n r our and alion loK fou r hit*.T bo Now Y ork O lanU mado it th reo

u t o f fou r w hen tlioy defeated the ihicaBO Cuba. 4 to 1. and advanced0 Ih lrd place, aboTlnK tho Cub* Inlo

* J « » p lftty ’ had ^U i'T L e lto r o f l ^ p a Jxoy In » p llcb ln* duel, ttio Brook* r a R obin* deroatin i: th o Roda 2 to 1. ’ :ach b n r lc r a llow ed o lsh t b it* . ,

I I .requ ired 16 Innlnj!* and four o u n and fl»« in tn u u * fo r th o Phli* lc* to d e te a l. th e S t. U u l* C ardinal*

to 7. T h ir ty -flro p layer* took p a rt1 tho CODtUt;' ' , I lU ce'a homo ru n In the n in th fn>

in f broJM up a p ltcb ln c duel ^ , irMA biff E d .M orria and K en H ello - c r a r to D e tro it a 2 to 1 l ic to ry T er Boaton. ' 'A l TJvaiift* b a d a KTeat day . b lank - ■

ilf tSo B « n * to n Wtotto -o r bOBCbea b » u o f t U rax to n la th e t< o n a 'a n d 'tU Ui-lnnlnic«. - '

* * ::B o n rB ry leadeHs . _' ■ A « e rk * B L e*««e

:othAYM»k*tf.^-------------- ^ «ohrlK. Y aa»M a--------------------------«* n a« r. A thU U ct --------------- ------- 15

. yo tto » I* y ..C a rd * --------------------- - . »U adM tH . .R o b in * .----------- ---------1*“•'•■=•">•■-.,51,7 7 ::- - - - '■rttlO M l ^ioACQftn e h c a a !«**«• — -----------— y '

H n l j : <a6T a a H ^ 'b i9 '- ^ 7

j i a B v r u . lo .VlrtraW ' la lflO& ' T b i .


--------- XATiox-Ai. L i;,v<;rK ---------------

A t-n o s io ii—I.'lr«t i:nm c: 'l l .H . i : ,I’lllHlMirjfb ..................2 4 aIJoKtoii........... •............................... 1 f! 'n;

n m io rie s: Kn-nior nnd IliirKrcnvpM:; Drnntll, Canlw-cll und T aylor. ,

Secoml Kami-;. R, II. I-:.|I’lilxbnrKli .............................. (> i - 1lioHimi ..... .......................... .......... 5 n t ‘

ereaYCfl:- Iji'ecntlcli).' L’ahiivcJJ.Illlll .Spotircr. ■ . ■ • ■ . . '

A l Now v .oik: . - R. l l .k -CblraKO,......................................... 1 I . 1.Vt'w York .... ................ ............... -1 H “ 2■T!iit(l'rIct«:'’ 'MiiioiH‘. n o lli’j ' - hml

|i i i i i‘in c tt; l.'aiillin't'r und Hokhii.

A t Urooklyn: R .II . I-:.f'Inclnniitl . ; ...................... ........... l S 1U r n o l i l y n ............e ' R' 1,—rlJatti'riPiT:- -ItlxnT -tam ii '' amt—Hur* i:ravi>; I’l'tty and Iii>nllni'.

Al I'lilliiilcltibiii: R .I I .K .SI. 1-oiii.i 7 ir, •«I'bll.ldfillililii . K IT> :

(IC InnlUKK).»;itUTk'h: l{i-lnh:irt. .lolinnon.

i^raiiUbnuKi'. lluln'-H nni{ Wllxun.S in l lh ; ' I'orKUHon, .McCrnw, WaiHli. Itl'ni.' nnd ‘ l.orliin. Uaviii.

' ,\.M K m(U N i.K A (ii'i:

.SVw o'vrk ..... ............................. 2 11 If?l<.volrtnO ..................;........... ........ ■! l ‘> <1

nuUiTli'K: I’iiieraii .anil Oralioiviikl: M iller Jiml Scw.i'll. ^

Al Bl. U n l« . , ’ n . H. !■:.

i?l. l.«nU ...............................- ...... ^ ^• IJiillorleii: Itow nicl. WiilborK am! D iflirn .nc: Oriiy «iid ScliauK.

,A t IH n ro lt:. __________R, 11.K.

D i'iroit .................. .................... — - C IllaittirioH: .MarrlM and • HffvlnK.

Derry': lio llow ny uml liarCTonvc.

AL ClilcftRO: R. H. iv.WjiHhlnBton ................................. 0 7- 0ChlcnRO .............................. 0 8 y

BuUerJe»:. H raxton ««<» k «^I; Tiidmnn nnd liorR. . ________


Club':- -nr.iicn .............. .......................fl -WlS a lt Uiko ..................... 1ft .i;45iV cntollo .............................. 11 11 .RfWnoii:,% ......... .-... .30<

PA C Il'IC (’OAST I,KA(il:K Oii)V»: W. L. Pet.

! :SSiai-T fttnc lnco V.:,.: :-r:17— l!i .r.8COnklond ............................ -..IR 14 -M7Lo'ii AuceleH ...... ......J*Mlnnlontt''...,............................ 12 IK .44SPortlond ...............- ............... 0 20 ^310Senido .... ;................... C l - l J ——:----- A}itmuvA\~it.iai^L— !__.Sew' \'orlc"'J____ ___!........fll—rfiftOPhlla.lolphl.a , .......................M nfi S MSt. I^ iiU .......................52 Gl. .r.OjClc%’0inni\ ............................ -47 f.4 .4CRW nalilnpton .......................... 40 r.C .4C1ChlcnKO ................................ .44 G6 .440D etroit 41 '■DoBlon ....................... ...J8 69 .392

NATIONAL LKAOIIfcCiubd; * W , I>. Pel.Bl. M u ln ' ...._ ..... ............. -..C2 .1C .633CInclnnntI .................... ........r>9 41 .MON e* York. .................^ 30 .MGC^fcncn ....... - ...... - .....— —C” 43 .070I’llt.burcH ..............- ............48 -4C- .M lUrooklyn ................••— ■ -52 --S iSBoston ............. .— ....... 37 62 .HMPhllndolphls ........................ 24 65 '.270


Babo R n tb : H it hlft 4 U t hom e run )f tho fleaMii and doubled In fniir .Imeii a t b a l. Batted in ono ru n and icored. onc .rnn ,

Jx)ii O cb rls : W en t b lllf** ou t - of ou r tim e* a t bal. _ •

H a rry H cllm ann: Slncled In four Iniea a t ba t. Batted In ono run .

T y Cobh: N ot in lineup.H ack W li*on: N o b lla In tbr«o i

Jmea a t hat.- R o s m H ortfiby : H it tw o alnRlr* 1

D n ine Utnoa a t ba t. Scored ono run . j P au l W a n e r : . D oubled tw ice, and j

ilnsled tw ice Im aoTrn tim e* a t bnt. , Scored th ree runal .

F ra n k y r l» ch : N ot In JIo o u p . ,- ^ I

S D e f e c t e ' dope ;R E I > Im m m ic A s o i a N B _ L ; ^ 0

________hi w w w e . M * * e a * a e ; « w e r o a _ . ^

- . ’ '"'.TW I

l ] ^ |Clerks ta k e Lead ^ S S v i l ip F E e a p e

T ho , Id i)h ii' lli'D‘>rlni<'iil atoro di>* fi*itlciil d ll' 1.- I). H. baHubnll ti-iim JO.

•lo I 111 dll* TwlllKbl IfiiKuy la st uvo. ;nli)K Mi’d took unrlliigiuiinl loud oVit , llio od ie r tc-aniii III llic- leUKUo Hlaiid., iHKn. Till} I. n . rlorkH ki>11»ti;iI m nnfo iillH and mruli) Jii run» oiit .»f diom . Tlio L. 1). i:nihrr<'d four hltn ■luu. ■tturtt.,.ubl.i..».>-MLW>..-bui. .m ini.. Itiitli loam a »>»(!>■ IUl. L'fjujil of'iTrnrH.

T ho Htorc-r il. M. !•:.I. D; Sloro .............. :.............. lU '10 .TL. I). S. 'jVam , ..................... 1 4

13ntlurIon: Krazi-lii! nmt i’urlalj;i’fti'lMli -and—I'ord .—•• ................

TuIIIkIiI LraKuc SliiitdliiRS Tiuiin U Pcf-

r. D. Sloro ............... .....4 0 i.ftooW lnclitHlcrii ...................... 1: 1 .Gi;7L — D— s : — — i ~ ; c o oElM -lri(Jijin.~7-— ............ . '1 -C tiaT roy U iiindry ......... ........ i» . - .oin)PoHlofflco ............................ 0__.3 . .Oori

' F IG H T R E S U tT s l : LAST NIGHT 1

* NEW .VOUK. Ju ly :U - l . . 'o l j> m M Of AI)er<liT(>ii, Wnj*h.. , 171-%. won u lechnival knonkuiit In tho fcurlh rnimri nvor nf. A llaiiile City. 170. n l n<‘Xior I’nrk arena. Ja - miilrn. Tbo .lunii.'-icbcduloil far 10 TfiiinilP. w ns-i'tnpprd liy iho. rpfprrp.—

To llaNo nnd Krfiirn

. ' • . f.-i.I» . .•

I'Vom. Tw in I'alln via oVocon Shoi l Lino Unllro.'fd. Tk-kuln koikI o n ly In. coiiclics and cbiilr^cnrn mid » n ilt for

nIghI nf A'1'.-n..l 'lilh ________^

Nation’s Business Ml Idaiio White-S

■m^VSIIINGTON. Ju ly .11.—Sdm idiil- ed by w arm w oatber and tbe viicn- t lo n , iirKo, liiwinoiiH.- jilokod np Ju n e , lirlnKlnK the f lrn tlia lf of ilic-yonr lo .a w llli m any iincn xnowiiiKan Ihsprovomeiit ovor tlio nnmo porloil A'yoar-aRO, nny" i'Vnnk-Oreeno In hln m onth ly rovlow of IiunlncHH condl- d o n s lu Nniion'ii JlnnlnexH MflRUxlno. (iiiIiIIhIii-.i w iii,» Cb.imhotL of pom -m orcii.n f Iho Unltod HtnleiT -------

■'lletnll trndo In Juno ." ho w rites . .•'I'xpaiidod over May a n d ’ ovor Jum-

jfowned to mop o u t hotior n« <'om- pRrod-wllli'TM:>y-nn<l.Jiin>>, lit:;?, th a n d ld ..rha lii Htoro oulon. Iho Inllo r n o t Ull um'inl londluK .lu luTci'nlHKO' of Riiln. T h e s e ' KnInK ovi-r .Mny an- iilKnlfloniit Ix.'cnuKo th m montli p ro f­iled by KollluK aomo Ooluypd AprH

T h is m aiv rep 're ienU buiine** c be r o f T h t .N ation '* B u * in e« ,.

ju s ln eu .*'Tl)o. chain (tore* In Ju n a m ined

18.8 p e r cen t and for iho h a lt Jo a r I4.S p a r cea l. T ho tw o leadlfi^ tna il ird e r hom e* ealned 24.4 p e r cen t ind 9.3 pe r can t reapectlrely . Tlw wo com blnod jtained 50.4 p e r cen t » 'J u n o and 13.1 p e r c e n t fo r alx nonlh*.

d«»artra'enl .ito re * ga in ed 2 >er can t fo r Juno wKcreas T a f" n T » noatfca .tb fa’ y « r tnr-To«if-nt>oii-’ a e a r a g o w aa als-f«tittta o t 1 pe r epL .* T n m ln s to Lhe IndnatrlM . th a r tx b l

if th e Iln*. a a ' I t w ere. U held .by ho antomobUo trad e w ith M ay.prtJ- lucUoa th e U rs e a t In any m ontb Inea, A pril, 1926. aad th e la rx e a t T er fo r May, T ba cen e ra l lmt»re»- lon U -th a t Ju n v fu lly cq tialed H ay nd w aa th e lanccat o n ' r « » r d ' fo r ha t xaontb alao.

" F o r tlT* m onth* a a ta -outpnt wm* . 9 - p e r-e a a t-a h a a 'd o t « r c a a l b a lo r 192«' w ltb. th a g a la rer la a t y a a r c o U r a ly ia 'p a a a a a g a r a r* . I n n l t a h a r la * daeraaM d H P«r a a t t r a m 'U a t yaa^.->T ba U th f.««tna'to~ba In U a 'k z p o n i 'b n a d i: ■ba aJowB^w jJt.Pbrtl^ to 'catto to Wa trWv la atiU •-•«&l«ci:o(>r*8vk bat• l a ' ^ - t a h a r* a feMk'-tt«'eC’aa*mw UlUm

M FA T .T .a D A IL Y T iW E B '

s l o l f s tm sp o r t s: ~

VvArtSASv, |ii,|.. ,tli lj P . l - 1 playoi'H wore Kalborlni;. bo ir tixlii.v lo r 1 Ihl' two w<'«'l(is aiilloniit Knn nitnioai. .if \Vlpnn... Inl.,' -.irloiiKUc,

I.O.S A N (ii;i.i:S .'.tiily ;n • i;:,rl .M;i.'- i iro . Mllttauli>:c'- tian taa i« .’iKl;i. will , m oi'f KI.IcI l.a l liiil.a lu r.. A 'u iijii T. i KiibSlll'iirilii: lo r .^iiiill:i;;ii /'.millii. wIidI '^ n n-tiaHlrT trrS ii n ll iiii. Im niii'r-, «>Kriilay, . " • • . ]

' i . o .>4 A .v(;r;i.i-;s.’ 'ju iv , :ii Mimby ■Caltahaii ha«'vi'C'IvimI «o i it luiin- Iii;‘ 1maimcov. IMiho Si'ar:>,- ib.ii a I'lniirai’t Ihn» bcon for litai tn rlrf.-tid bi.i _Jiinlrii' w t'1n-i w flulii iKJc In \<.u- VnrkIII AiiKUMi aKiitmii It'iliy lioldKK-iti. ^

SA.V n iA N T lS i'i) . Ju ly ;:i—Tli.'_t-'ii

V tf rk - iv fJ ic n y lsb i, iimV y m m - • Cnr- tioii o f . rr.'« iio , ii,.linliil<'il fr.i- ri'lit.iy iilKhi Ji»:> fii'i'ii i>o;.i|«.ii-il, f/.r IWO wooltii lH'i-i]H«i"r(r nil (iijili y in Tn-ln.s I band. J ___ ' __________ •. ,

Opposeirrigation^^;:_District on Salmon.

_____ ■ i

'S iilinoii lllv i'r .l 'iin a l iiiiaimny (Urco. 1 tnr-i ivc ni on ri'<c.rd yiMt.Tday c-v.- . nluir a:- tirin:; di'iin.-i'il ici tho. fn ru ia '-! ,

n f (/in .s'lrnOigni Jirlc.ilffirtj ]‘lln trltt. Till- p rtlllon fnr :m olrctinni 'II oKfiitillHli thv. d iiitrlri Is nnw wlHii h - ' cniialy . i-nmmlMsiniii'tti anil An- f ;niu 11 ha« Imtm hoI a-* iti-- tlm o 'fo r • 1 iiiitdlc boarlai:. '

Tlu- foriiMtloii nf i)i<. IrrlKatioii dlx^ riot wnuld iiiitniiiallr-ilh ' <ti> awiiy

«-tiH tho .‘fnliiirjn K Jm W im n i (imny. Tb<' iHiooiorn of tbo oomiiflti^'.- iiK'otliii; lit Ibc offloos llf ib i'lr n im r- •nP5T“ inKf"ov.'nln.’:^ar!'!n>trTr-TO]:om=— tion ai'KiiIni;. tb a t tho nrcaiilziilinn of ati IrrlK-il Ion '(IlH irlo l. »i' ibo )ii'OHi'ni' (hiio would it.!' of no l>i.nofil ,|1> tbo «7itor' iiw'VM on iho projiT i n r 10 thir 1 ixihtli: lit J.-irto. V

T h r dlr<-oinrii ri-pnrti'cl iba i m any „

varloiifi iKT.tloiiii, nf tb>- i>n)Joi:l.'I'oiii- ^ iiioadlni: lho iiiAiinKouii'ni.uf tin- com- , imoy fnr tb.- offlolr-ni, • n-.atinrr In ,

y o a r.. Tho (tln 'clnn . a h n Innkn/a f i o r ' j

igazine Gives ~ ; jpot On Business Map icut lu tiro prlccn. avctURlnc 1» p e r 1 cojil. .Hilmnlitiod 'naloM..^ ''• r« tJf I h ^ l . f t lm c * U'flgyt; InduHlrloi?'

G.1C. por ' con l for Jnno nnd of 3.S < por o c a t, fo r tho bnlf yoar. oniilly ‘ c<inioK llrKt nrnt txccttlH thn hn lt ye a r of H 20, tho> h ithe rto poak yenr. ,1 by diroc.rontliii o f ' i per com. .I ’itr IInin'. n il- ln.f..t.._fi»i, ,llf •! por ron t' for Juno nud 4,6 |i«r 1 coat fo r Ibo half ycnr from 1927. 1 jim lilnc tlio 182iLuiitiiiiLJIui-mDitlk£L J Bni o^' Pi i : — ;------------- ---------------------7

Ih IG ^por'oonl o ff.from Iniil yojir nud 'an th r’aolto ron i 9.4 jior com-- lonH. I C urin llm cni r»T' cofi Inmher. ou ipn t, Iwbllq liPlpfni li> iirlooii. h n a -nn lu ra l- < 'ly mnde for »ninllor pm dncdon. Knrd

ond ltion i in eV e ry 'a ta te iiT the U aibn a* official pub llcaiion o f th e C ham ber o f C<

wood* a ro no t aa w cli altuated a a c ■oft wooda c ith er In p rice o r pro* 11 ductlon. ' —

••Petroleum , one of tho b e a ty In- *' duatrlea , la atow ly w lnnlne .O'tR from " lh o aw am p of over-production. Do-' " m eatic producllon te ll tw o-tenthii o f * 1 p e r cen t fo r fl»e m ontha aa com -. ® p a re d ’ w itir a y e a r a so w h ile 'c o n - * aum pilon Rained 9.S p e r cen t. Gaao- J itn » o tttp n t'O T -M aj n m r - l t - p e r - e e n f -J o r e r » y ^ r *Kojn)d was t h e - l a n ^ t “ on reco rd .aa alao w ere export*. O U i ^ o llno p rodo ctio n jin d dom eitic dcciaad ' fo r rive n a n ^ a exceeded iM t y e a r “ b y 7.3 and 0.7 .per can t reapecUrely. * ^ X m o a s lh e l«stil«a raw , a lltr eoa- «, aunptloQ liaa aet 'u p a new h lsb r e t - o rd th U year, excaedinc th a peak o t - 19J7 by ff p e r cen t. T hja . tsO TdaaplU £ th a la n ta oa fp o t o t rayoa. G aaeraliy „ low pricea fo r th e raw m a la r ia l.b a r* «. no doubt aided tbU lad n atry w haraaa - llfB co tton lad natry . aa a raa n lt o t <. c ttrU iliaen t. r«portad . a e tlr a aplodlala . l a 'l l a y ~ u ~ a i^ m U I e * l 'I& ''a - d m l^ 'I f i \ fou r ye*ra* w »h a abtrtdow n. oTer Iba m id -year ilka ly aUil f a r th e r to reduce coaaom pU oa w h icb , to r " 1 1 i, monthi_abQittd_»_d<>C>lBa o r i . g pat< ^ o r a l from a -y a a r -a c o . w u i a t a i ^ t F . . OrOMcd per-.CM t f r a , l b « . p « U ^

•• "B aH dlac o f p

In fp sting NeWs“-^-Notes-FfomBuhlT!?■ • i"

^U-. amt Mr,;, ■ \Vlll.‘7n1 and H<lnij)ihti.iK, Voia ami Vuii\:i. nnd m iii ' mi I’Mwlii i..tiirn...|^ ThiiiVii:iy. from i i j y . i

Mr«. i:i.|ii-(- (Ui!i|>la'i* faihi-r iind a ^th.H>»iv?'li-r-a iid '.MrT r 'fb .TTilTtrTH I 'l-* ! ' ^in, -Vi'll.. Mr.i. I'liaiilo'K dauKhtor.! i, .Mr«. Alil.'ii. l)..iivor', Cnlo.: fliirv n .’*-; l.'baiiln. l>..iiv(.r’ ami A lbcrl W orilcn.; (, A lh ln .' .Vl''.).. • hate- vU litn« hl;r[v» IHUI.. 10,.Illl! ooasi. Im

ln"lioM Ml^ilx' fh'iri-li ,\tii;iij'l Ml’f .l I!i;rk<- r.f K liul...||v, :i i ..(iirlf-■-ll in^i.Mrinaiy frnm Uor.-a, w i l l ' l i e , , , pri'Hoal. .Tbr lir.hl.':.h..,< ar.. .M.'M.t ,!.»•«:I’nlb'.v. I.iii'j-. |.;irsnn anil |ltir;;liiiMn. I

"Mu.: l’..|(-r.-l<riii-*- wn« inUcn to ih - i'.ilhi j-nnafy h(,,i(,li:.1 Ti Iduy. ‘ i^iii'ir ■hl■ niidonviiil :i imiiJdi- o iio r - ; '‘ •‘."'"I. ■ ’ . . . . 1 .,

.■Mr. amt Mii.. T. Wi-tls; l/>».''* Anin'li'H, ;ir" vlMlliit: ;>h’. .iinl S l r i . i j '.' William lloi>|il>.. ..a- r.i'il.- l<i ('iinailaTI ‘• Mrs. l.llly l j i « ^ n f .Vnnb 'I’ —

On-., is vb.ill;ic a l lb,.,. Ivniii. »f li.T 'f i' tiioli:.'!-, » ; ii; Taylor.' ..Mis. f‘'r>il riii'iinii i-l a p'alli'nl al fill- Twin |.-;il|,. .-..iiniy Kvni'lal bn-fil- ni

\I^^r•1■.s-V.•rlla ami -V..iii Vo;irl w i .. r. liillfaKiI im o till- i.ti-lK.kab lodKo |.'rt-! vf.’ll' '/h

Tbo C hrh iian Mh«t<i'nary soi-lriy, «• uHl-iiii.ft-Tboi:< 'lilv—ivttb-.Mr?T-Mrnr)*'lv Kayi'i''. ,\Ir;i. l*almt-r vvlll lio l.vob'v, a

?ilnrr-aw l-l>nm H iy C » o k ^ will iiIvi- :ipi.i'i:i1 ouimIo nomlii.|H, Mih. j). .Sllm'p a phpiT .nn "Si.rVlliuK. lo iSi-r- u; vl<i‘." anil Mrf. CliiimlH'rlaiii wll.I Itiiv). otuir»rp fif liir inriji liiiidy. ’ ai

.Mr. unit MrK~11iill o f iloiso v|» \Vi-iIi;i'Hi|av iiiict TluirKil:iv nl .tbo Jiiiini- i, of Ihl- lii'V. and Mrs. At-<'. t.aOirop. Tlii-y w..|'*' aoi'onipaiilcd liy Iholr ilaiiKhtor. .Mboi Mall. ii I'l-arlii-r U u . n ii.isslon iii;booMn~^1oxlon City. !

Mr. iim ljiliii. C . IL-Mooro of Oak- " Inmf.- nro .vfHKfiiK hor par.-ntH.Mr. a«ii Mrs. J . i*. Cnrn'-tloiia. •

•A^MSTKUPAM, Ju ly .11—IM P a»toor ■'*' hn ' unrit’iaHc-il n now • foinbini- biir- vniifii),' lunctifuo, whfi'b uvm iiiilondoil Ml thiM point thbi wpc'k. Mr. I’linlODi' li.,» ll ll.i',:-. ni'ivW i- tii 'viu'a t - ini-in rr — dry farm whioli bo will IiokId ciittiiii: ni i.oon \flib Ibo now oomhlno. • wiiloh |i: will i-iii nml tbroKli .lho K'r.Vn..4.r-n ,,| m odi 1, 't lH ' mH.llUURo ia .iii?i,iii- llld -n WUY or ■■iittini;_iun)_Lb-n walUm; for

iiiljui'il foi mnoh nit In Mny. ovor a } -n r a^i*. Tbo oat Iro j;nln. liowovor. Koumn lo h a v o . bcon n l .Voiv York City, n v ih o Knin for Jnno over n yi-nr nj;o. ,1,7 i»or 'oont, Inoludod n 10,7 |H-r ron t Kiiln n l Now Y ork but n docrcNUo of I por ro n t outside Ibore- of. I-'or hIx monlhn th e KnIu n t Now Y ork wnn 14.4 por cont, lho docronno' K i'tlli othor .ollloii ^vftH p e r oi-ni and-, till) dpnrpiUKV..flL_nll_:rriinrtlnc — rllloR wnn r uniall frncthin of 1 per

“TJiftt Iieavy. <?vo« oxSenslve bnvo .tlioir Ruod polnlH v l l l p ru lnb ly ho tV-Htlflcd lo by tho prrfdiieern of olcctrhrlly nnd tho Kfoivrra^o f wbi-at_ .■ In tho SonlhwcHt. Mny prortncilon. of olectrk-lty Kiiinod H per__ccnt_ovor Mn iv l!i27 . bnl wlint^w nn nliio' pTnl.- _ ulll}’— imptn'iftTit— til— tiyflro^iPCTnc — wofkM, Ibo porccntnKo producod hy w iitoF ~ro !tir-in~ tn iit~ inon iti—tn —thr- — pcnk of 45 por conl nn n^!alnlll 41 , por ren t a -yonr nso . nino ni monlh nf lllii-ral-rnlnfali. -' .

■'Kvidcnco of lho Imprnvomont lu

I aet fo rth ’in th e 'A u p i i t num. om m erte of th e U n iM S U ta a

;rop« In Juno in found cbpeclaily in he italn In th e e stim a te o t w lnt«r m e a t; ttiA outlook on Ju ly l I n d /a t - ins an Increa*o o r 32.000.000 bu ihefa ivar Jilne.- .fishoe:^w heat jo<Ilca(lon« « | e not s re a ily chanBttt b«cau«e. tccor(1lnR 10 tho e o re m m e n t report ) t - Ju ly 10. th e p ro*pect la fo r 62.- >00,000 bnsheia tea* lh a n a year aso. rho to ta l w heat p roapect w ith an l00,00Q ,Q i)0^»lj^.,totaJJ* for^73;000.. .- » 0 .Wtthel* ieaa th a a a ^ y t a r ajto. S llfhtly Iraa c6m U fndlcafed tb a a a . rear aKO. w hich aeem a odd In t le w of h a S-polnt Kain In condiU oa abd lAo l.<l p e r cen t icafa la a re a . Morw « a ta . irhite pou toe* . tobacco and te r le y . Iralt. eapeclally c i i n a aorta , aBcb a* >ranse* a a d K rapafm lt. applea. >e«che*.'pear* and la a t b a t n o t leaa t a o ra crapea a r« fo raahadow td." T ba rnly . t a p o r u a t -<Topa.. d K ra a a la s » re . lay {ad p e a a u la ,_ A f fs c U a * _ lt t t j tP t _

fo r A m erlcaa w bea t c ro p :m a r- catlac la th a ’h lc h tn n d ltlo a o a a lar<«

ahlch may aaalU axeaad laat yaar^ ~ a U l ot 440,00<t.000, boahaU.

Itafrem -«tyl8 iwt ct aL baiuw Uwaa — 'vUas a yaar a»o',a«l-^s*te'«'Aaaf» — TOB aarly .-May 'vMa aMbaltaral V

a t tha U c b ttrie r aota* •

' ■ Jh rc ^ i [ j

.Mr. nml Mr i. l-'t.-il W. I.'liiiiaii nndJ tllllly 'i i |" n i K'lindiiv n ra r Twin ”

It'iltnway’, ■ ' ' • • i ■Nir. amf Mr-i f ’iv -K.Vjiili- l I'nd i.<in-.

y am i Ml-.-i .Man;an i,„ ili .u 'n>lnr drlv.. 'lo Afl'imi .< .V miiiaf.|, 11 .Siimh-V. ' ■ ; II.Mr <'. .V. II. S fltsrin a , » lin b-'rii l«ill"lll l a ' 111- lio'-pi'.il a.i Twia »

n tn ; nill'ivvfiir. an .lii.'-rntlonT-rMiirmir^iI bi'l' hnnii- nil .Saiiirila>. and i:> i-- nrlod liTbi- makllli: ial>ld |ii-.i;;ii :i:. »

•.Mr. and Mrs. C.-rrli l-.-'-v , . \ l i r 'I' Ilna lliitlliian and . Aiiil-^ I'niHiiaii ■' erl' SnndaV vltilioi;;. ai. -In- A-, I'

l.-'i'iiard I’l'li-i.; aiul Ainh*-'v K nii:- tl..nd.;d Ull' tialt ra i« r_ lii l ’.r.l I. l..ldII Siiiidiiv a fl- i n.l.lilt '“i

l'^ Ivunl.''! Mi-i. . .-Jviii, ''iid.TlTr. a n d 'M r 'i. Alli.-.|i Ibdi_ai|ahi ,.Tl- Mniiilay ............... . vhul'irn iii U n;,.:anii- r iiy . ' ..Mis'i J. a tir lln l-.^lri'.. « ho ba-c h e ll

lidlliii: rvl;illvi..i in Twin I'nll:. Hi--

..Ml-, . a t l l l . . ' i i Q ' t '-"o iiii" iir an-l ilillly 'v<'rc Simday 'vl..lioin ai lb - i')i-|. Sm llh biim<., ni'ai ’t>viii l^'all'' m b . l'-.ok. Wlm hn-i b r -n worl.lnv

. l ln - K llo r vl.inll.v l . i \ \ .n i ; In r lln '.-'

.11'. WnlU-r..f. 1-;. Sm llli ami Mr, .............. a r-

i.aridii;: at Itii- Jt.'i.vl'Km ili-'l Imn,-, hllo Kradlm-. ib-' mil-' nf load l» voon— ttif'— K-iinl;.|— lii.> ilir i '." :in ” ’ ll»-ri ll<'dmi|iil.-t raiich-j,. , - .•Mr. iiiitt-Mrr-.- lVl- i*ii~tt»nr-iimiTf?Tm-" y w 'l'-' Sunday nfii-riKioii c a ll- r i ai / . II. .V, 'R K-lKi,i.m>i' b.iini^.':.Mr. and .Mri., Jnb i, 'I 'a rnK -r ami.

Ili'o. 'nll-'mloil rb u v ilr x i'rv lir'. fn win KnUii Sunday iii-'riiim: :|iid vV*- I'll w llb ^ rH, i:mmn Knbiio a iid .Mis. i.vo Wbiii- and .•hll<ir..n.Aniom: ibm.i., fr.-m itibi v b in iiv ’ ' inpiilm: In Tw in h'allM S a ln rday ' .;ri- Mr. nnd Mrn. Allii.rt iin|mn<it^<> id daiiBhti'r.M (ir.ii^.-. Akim .'i an'l ior.-M r. nml Mni. ( !-rrli I’-'iorn an-l i>in M iirnar-i. |>..ii.r.i, Mlmn^H Miillahl-.l.-Ml4wi;4inki-l,-AliIb..<>wl';—Hard-----an. Mr. luiiJ M r;i- t:n y I'no.'inn.nii'.Kl fnmily. <'laylnii t.uw-i ninl .\lis'‘ i.rn r.invi.,.

T he Honor Ro{l •

ro oollocilnu', fiimlH i<i lirlni ll><- viaiv |ii: 'lionlbon. May I imt . '" ' i r iiamoia diu Mici'or lls l’;—(.'hrUtlan lie;;!-*. | ...... ■ ■

F a r e st o C a l i

-------• „ •; - - - 6 f f = 5 5 'd ^ 5 f i c

—.roundtrip fares to Pa •world-famous phygrou

N ow plan vacation trips t( so n .c en tc ts a lon^ tiic b h ie J d u o —at no a d d H fate— in California. Y o u .cm go and i

« w estern m etropolis if p u will T rave l west^-arU over th e ti

U k c T ahoe Line. From T a T ahoe h igh in th e Sierra. T h e tlaiJy from there to Loi A n a via any of tlie fourc i covcrcd bj

.F r e w JTe/lt i Lm ,Ai^ cJ«s

• ‘ S»o Fnnd*co

, $ 4 0 . 0 0

6 a a F n a d a M idifcavia

ReaolM iy li^ \

* $ X 9 .0 O ._ *BkKdT«A»(tf27dl

................... PAGE FJVB '■

Federal O ffice rs^ ^ - -A r r e s t^ e y e n '^..imtOM r:! J;ily .n i-s..-y(-n Jorom o . I- pl.' -,v.'i.. |iia<' iimii-i- iirrost S a t- • nl.'i.v [in 111., ii.aiivlai'tnro nnd. uniu . t ]iiio\l< 'a iiim ' Iniiinr. Tho nrroMH’ "!•' a ,uli-. by l-'d i'ial pi olilbitloll uf-

T lir '.M 'n w-ii- a ria lcnod a n d ^ T x 1 lli-'iii riil.-ii'd I'l.'as of jjnlll}' fi*III- i;;|.r pl |.li-rt--il iizalllKI' inoni. h - -I'll. I |ifr,al-il m>i Kiiilly, hu t IL

-bini'.-jn lin- i.I'-ii.Ilili, bo cbnni:trt d-K ' T lF j '" i:irT.:’crim rntoncn-nt—Wllb lhi. ailV rl of Ihi.s,'. M-von. tllO

It.ll'Of. a ir . '.-.I.', in Joiuiin- i nniity Mi* •........ i . iu . lin iaibm xln.^<. .laiiiiHry .1

JlKAI)_TiMJ^;sj’, CI.ASS1 D AD3. i

Poultry Producers _W e Iw vc Jl g o o il s u p p ly ‘o f se n ii-sp lid B iiU c rm ill t a t 3 c 'p e r

p o u n d . , .Wc :iJso.]).iy the highest pricos

' . fo r Pw lfry iCllil'Eggs.- Sco Us Bcfi^c Selling

Meridiaii Produce Co.'. . :_ l- ( . i i ; i /n { y - A K D - l% G G S — • — ir»:i W nH S t . Phoae 17ri

Learn to Fly' , T H E ’

TOMMY THOMPSON WAY-Two' couraon now open with ac. tivc class—eleven and fifty

'hours. . . .^ L L OUR M M e NTS“• LEARN TO PLY”

Write- wire or phonoTHOMPSON FLYING SER-

-------------VIUK. iNU,.------- -----------Airport,. Salt Lakfl City

Phono WoEatcli, 5765 ’ .

■ ■

f p m i a

i d f i c C o a s t c itie s a n d ‘ '7 ‘t td s g r e a t l y re d u ce d .

J the cool, rcfershinc re-*arifif. indude.Saa.lran-._____...}’our journey to southern return via this colorful h.lirea O ve»la.vd Rotrrs, iciccc, >-isit jevded Lake n San Frandsoo: 10 trains :Ie*. Return same way or . i rfollowingr^uced fam:

■ l o iA a c M U ’ \tee-nrviiStaFnadja: ' '"T 'i- . i,

. 9 4 !7 .S 0 ^ : ■

Page 6: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol


' '< :rH C A (iO ,jJuly :il.— H i'OkIuk. . . 1:1110 a iiaJavurii))k ..ri;i»!V t»

M'liili.T, .wlionl l)c-U -(init‘willful low.'l — :— ii»“ n m 'T C rr7 1 - irT ritn irr tn iln y .-s ln m «--------- iu J u ly c u m lild.Umt-.aollvi.T.v »li»rii-

Iy Ii1i;Im'v. Ini'l llic .lrl«;n'(‘ll lU‘llv(int'ii Wi'i-u Wei«li<T. .OiitH loiii IrrcKiilnrly-'

■\vii.:au orr:., . n iiicfU rrom > ir oir, (.• Mil- II|> iilKl

•; ■« Wmi ' 4 (ii l%<r liiw .'r. I’riivlrtliitui Icilll It ■fi'W .iV iiN . ■ • . *

■ ■ WlL-ni Tor .m o it iitirlw.-vo wullliiK fo r .luiy .ic> nu>Vf ou t ol' Him wny lii-fc.r.- uKuiii- '•lUuiIni; tli.‘ Iiuirki't . JU'i'c.1|itH w.Tv, au:: Vnrti w ith

. • Vliirly corn- Ju ly cn.ii-UactH ^K<'n‘ tuiHSwlH. A r th -

'iilH won* MiinirlKliiKiy fm ull • JitiU Ini.tun i tciok tlilM UN 111) iin llta tio in lm l

' if-iivy, (k'lK-.Tl<>K lil" “ vor. Oun ni.sli_____ Itllirlll'f WllH. •% fl IliKlKT. Urci'lplx

\v.T<- canl.Hli'irL cdvcriut: )>y ]u-li\io(i iiborix

---------K«vi.-n»»mo-Btri;nKtli.lii..-JuI)'. irnti*. ft'.'iI'l llilJi Wi'l'o 'jr., nil-H M’llll cii'nli t'rlci'rt •i'cf l':

— :---------- --------------------------------------. -----------CrH lnamuriuijiiM i:ul_aa'-runo>v.H;..-.

W tlHAT— Opon illKli l,(.w ClotiCJ u l y ............•lis'.-i 1IK% 117>(. iiT%

....... M i '6 vsui^, izn-ii. ll.:.:..........i :5 % isr.'.i' C O IIN - . ,

J u i y ......... . . J i lH l l S l i t i l.......... m ’ i. »T • !!»’»• ‘'•>s

• DriVA...-....... 77->i T.S ' TU-i 77 .OATS—Ju ly . oIil..., n •i:!>3 .St! .Ifl • •Juiy. .nuw,, 4ai,i ' .l«>i :isTh ^38<'i.t.......... nin/» ns-Vi :!» ■

• ' C H Il'v tJtJ CASH (JUAIN' , C lllC A nO . J u ly . '} J ,-N a J linpl

: N « .- s iiont,.I .211; : No. n liftrd J1.19V{it)'l.:!0?i; No, 1: mlx<Hl » l .s o n i .2 i . •.

• r » m r Nc. 1,<»v l l . i o ^ i : No 2 y.>irow $ l,H iijil.i;i: No, :i-y.'llow » «l1.11: No. 't yollinv t l f i l .O n ; No, fi

•yulii.w ysfffclUc; No. fi yellow ‘Jflfi'iific:----------•-...w ,..I >•». n

~ ' mixinl $i.u7yjiii’l.H > ^ : NQ; -I

$i.inW :'"N or 2 w u itf ? i, ']o < i 'i ,n : N'>- :t w hlto »l.o7'/jffi'l;1054; No. wiiito J l : N o^r. w lilto o.'h--: No, o .w liltr yijr;

. Iiiiiiitilu Kratio 8fiJ?»3c. 1. Oalrf: No. 2 wiiUo (ni'w^N o .'S , w iilto <6fi'< 2 lic: No. i wtiilc 37ffrn9c:‘No. 2 rcif -Ilr.

' lliirk-y; CCORCc._ ' .'I'imothy: |1«i'4.2r.. • i

Clovvr: I22W25. . . j

C ltlC A aO . Ju ly ni.~IiO K n rccolpls J8.111M1'; inurkCl innNtly lOitMr.c IiIkIi* i r itiuii Monilny’H nvonnfe: toji *11.40 imi.l ‘ru r ciioicG IMS to 2IU mmnil

. u'l'JKljiij; lju icl)fr» ,.nu 'iliiim to cliolcu,'' 2f,i) ti»' ntiO.lliK, SI0.1»«.’ll.2 r .; 200 tn

- 2C0 IliK,’ JlO.Bilft'lI.'Hl; ll!» lo 200 .IllH.,----_L.v— —

nrj-s : nnc'klilg iio«vh . »lt..1C<'rlO,2l>: I f> lC ^ ^H M liin i'^^ fin tc(7 7 -^ )tj-7 ri—'iSiirII.B. J9.2SfrlO,7B,

■ Cntll.:. n-c.'ljiUi 8OO0 : n ilvcii 20fiii; I Jiiurki-t iiiiiw .o il n il i-inKH..«: iililpp.-i' il.’mnn.l iiiirrow ;. ^ trU 'tly cluilco K rnln' f.-U Btc.TU luul Ti'iirlliiKH >'toiIiTy:-ntl;' ittlierB fin catcIi-aiiT ntch-cnii InibIh; iiliiUCiitiT cTushpii. Kte.-r«. KOO.I un.l

-------.'lH .l .i..,- iao a _ io -a5 u u _ lb .> i_ JU itlf iJ5 : l

• 1100 llKt. rH « ir ..7 f i: common nnil tn .'-|■lilTm. Hf.o ll)M. up Is.Tr.ffMl: f . - .n ’f n r ^ miiicn. Kooii'unn i;iinii'.‘. ■f.u m m ji 'i iu : -

- im i '1 0 .7 5 : li<.ircrH. KiHxl mill clioiro, ^D0 IOh. <lnwn ju < f ic .f i it; common'*, mul nio.iliini $H,;r»a/.l-1: cown. KcMtq nml I

Local M arkets iDOTIWO pniC E JJ.

.D lc k lo w .................. ..... .........................$l.»2l-*vU«rallon ....... — ........................95 '

HIJUAK • 'RilBJir. l)(-.'l ...... ....................... ......... ^

■ S « n r .-.,1.0 ..*.... ■ '... 17.10 iI'U O DU Ca I

I tu ttc rfn t ......................... .................. .I tu itc r . rancli ..........'.. ............... - .......... <o.

==’=ggtT=%T5naflW «~.--~CIIK'KK.NS AM ) rO W I.S "

l l t a v y hun». ' I ' i lb:'. « P ...................... 1 ' .J jR l i l lienn, n n d e r llif*...... ...........1* ^}.cElioru lii-na - ................................... . - I tC ocks .................. .............. - ........- ...........S p r ln rc r* . co lorcd . up to i lb«.,_. .15sp r in e c r* . L cp lio rn s.... ..............— ,16 "I J ro l lr n , cplorcil. 2 Ilm-................. - .20■Turkcpi. No. 1 ...................... - .....- -13: "T u rk e r* . No. 2 ........................................ t l

(Q uoU tlona OQ u rc s ic a lu rxcy* t lOc L tcber th a n lire .)

C « » o ............................. ....... .......... .... . f '!- Duck* .........................— .........................”*l

Ca:>onx. No. 1 ...... ....................................19Capotj*. No. i .................................. . .11 '

LITKSTOCK IlIOK*. b u t c h e r ................................. .t*> 1

-U o e i . h c a ry ........................r............... oTHr'S t e e r* .............—......................................**5J U l f e n t .........................................MSfr.09 IC o w n ___________ ........................OGtf.O.S ;

__ fJ iH t.n . „ o s ._ ; _IjlOiU - .............. .........'.13^;

' , SEi;LT50 pniCES iLfUaiM __________ __________ — ^ -10;B lrloin r t c a k -------- -------------------- .nz.Ilound B trak .................. ...— f.------- . '2T-lK>nc itealc ___________________lU tn '’ _______- ____'.— ......— .2S’n a eo u , kIIccJ --- ------------.......... ............. 50:

clioti* ........ ............. :------ - .101r»v« tn c h re ja -------- -------------------- -*i>(

• CabUa£0 ------------------------------------ .' *1" T irfb lii . ,b u n c h ......- ......... ......... - ■•■" 5 ; -

Onioan'. d ry . p f r lb. -------------- —. .f*5:_C ucw m beni. rarU ---------------- .03]

— *-iTiirTJ[— . *BW* ._J________________ — .c«!V W B lp i------------------------ ---------- - .05

' * -v riM rt ^ e r r i M J *t « h _ — ------- l 0O .lc | ^

Market aI". 'N E ^ 'Y O E

’ (C loslns

I'A illfii 0!ii.|ii.~ni»d Dy.'. ........n .^^iI Aiihi C'lialmi-rK Mrir.’f o ...................12RjAm.T. AKrl. riK .m.............................. 19H

.? An»‘i*. •.; Amirr. <rnn (to...................................... IH

'lAm.'i-. Ciir nud ro u u .iry ................ !in:_Amur.^aud-,l'-ori!li:u—I’o w u r._____ S lii

Amci'. l.ocom otlv.' ....... ..... • iHVl' Amor, Sm oii7nii.l -.Her. .... ............. 20:iS' A m ur. S u ta r llo r........... f.... 'T'l.A m or. Tol, un.l T- I, .'A m ur. Tobncc.) » , . ............... ........... ifill.'Amoi-, W'ooli-ii O o .,......... .. ....... :... K ' iAiud-. Zlmr .... .... .......... ....... .. 2r.*i.Auiu-.mdn Co|>ixrr.'............................. fi'

I AtclilHon. Topi.Un * :Siiiijii I'V ,..v.lSS'iIlaldw in i-oi:mn«Hvi'M ....................2riHllnltlm on- * (llil................ ........... I07

, nothipiicm ai.:.-i..............•................. .sr.*;., (raiirol'niii I’nuUliK? ...........................,7i

.^Cnniidn Dry ....................................... 7.14rnniid lnn I'li.-lfli; .............. ........207';,Cnnv T firM j. J J Ji ........................ .IW

-Corro do*I’aM.'o (:.ipp.‘r ...............■...•'•IS'OliomiiM'iiko & Ohio ........................ IKfi'X.CliloiiKo <;roat WoKti'rn ................ i:i* 'lil....M il,_St. i'. & I’m.,' ...... ..

:.............. : i l o ........ ■ “ pW. ..:.,.,.'„7 ITV.<.•lil.ruKo.aiid N.>illiwi.Hl«-rii ..... .'... .S:i

-C hl.-Il._ l.-& -Pn.v-,...:.....'.................. I17ThC hll.' CopiH'r .,...-........................... -IfjChryHkT Moliirii .....________ ____7T ia

;i'iiio» «o rv ic .y icuVi.) ...........fiii'.ii-CoIorndn Kuci and I ro n .............:,, fi2 Hi'-ConHolldntod OiIh ............... ........... - l ie

c'mitliicHtni Cnii ....... •,..................... ina»4( 'o rn rro.hiclK ..... ...........r..,.',.........•... 75«hCriiclUUi Stvel ................................... T2T»l>o.lKi) A.................... .......................15-}iD uPonl .kN em oiirn & Co...........3T2Kric Unllroini ..................................

. IJioirtrlc I’owtT nnd' I-1f:iit 34.^4■ O oneral A inorlcnn T ank .............. fi9‘ii (Jcnoral Aiijihnli ,'..... ......................•T2Vs■(k 'nernl ClKnr ................................. fi2

(icnurnl K k ctric .............................HKTi-O fn e rii l-M o to m - .--......................'.(iuiinral O utdoor Adv. c trs . .!........ .1(»

(llm hlo Uriitiiora ...:........................ r.^Unooilrlch .................. ..... :..................... 70H(Jrahnm I'alKo M otors'....^ ............. :12O reiii N orlhvrn ptii.......................... l»T=Si,

i. ■ do . CttK........................... 21O rceno CnJiancii ...............................1»H4

' Hou'.’i S0UU.I '.. :-----------------------------—lluilNon MotorH ............................... «2llllnoiH' C entral .............................;.H 2Inliiiid Stool ....:....■■.....................,'..... f.T<tInHpiruiioii. uoum, i;._>iipor .......... -i-,").

Intorim tlom ii N kkoi ..... .............. 9B?i' Intanm tronnl I 'npc r :........- ............. "O'.iJo rd a n Motors ................... i............ UH4

■Kiitinaa.Clty Coi,tli<-rn ................ 47HK«ltlv Albeo O rp livnm ............._...,. 18?«

cliolco $9.10{M2.CU; com m on n inl rim- dlum $7.25} 9.10;, .'lo w c i i t t i r anil cutterB t6G 7.25 ; bullu , Kood and Hiolco; beef. $9.40&10.7S; c u t te r to -n « 0 |un>. , $7.2S ij^ .4Q ■, voiUerH..» milk

illujn }I2<T|'1'I: c till crommou $H©I2 ; Ktockcr nml rvoder nti!cn<. Kooil utid ftliolcu nil wotKhtn fll.TCCrl.I.riO; com ­mon mill mi-dlum SO;CO&ll.Tfi.

3h o rp ., roci>JpU« JJ.OOO; m nrko t, tat lamlm activc. Hti'onir. Improvod i|iiiit- Uy conKldiTod: spotn llltlu hlKlior; T ccflvcil. iiH'ndy JildH ^jjn rniiRorji. n h ron • nud-foffilluKlanUiSTRuod lUld cTiiiico. 52“HJH7T<lrjwn fin.7r^Wl5.38: m edium ll2;fioW in,7fi: c'liirmiTl conihjoii J9,60JM2,r.O: «'\voh.| modlum to olinlce. 92 In loii IbH mli modlum to c h o k r , iBO Ilm, <lown i- t .2f. (fi'7.2G: ctill and com m on J1.7fi(f/'r..2ri: fccdor Inmlis, Kond nm l cho lrv »13."r> «1X7C.

SAN-KItANClSCO. Ju ly 3 l.-< .:u itlo . m nfln-t~»lonny.;~ iiro .'rn . >;i>oil'~$'T1iS7' ll.7&i COWN. Kood J«.2r.<i'.U, ;

CnIvcH. n ia rk f t Nt.-ady; modlum t.i! :'liol<-t $9.2S(»ll.t;o; voulom. nu 'd lum .t ?o<ld nild cliolco *lJ.2r.1TJn,2.';, . ,

HoKK. m nrkcl tr«: lowj^r: IIkIuI. H 2.2Q ji'i2.:r.: m .-aium, jii .fio fi-12,20,

Sh.'op, nnd lamhH, m nrkoi «ilotk': :nmliH S12.2r .ir l.'l; ow oh' M.7f.<i'r..75; ,v.-tlior» $7,^(iff’i'9,C0.

IIO.STON >VOOI, llOS'rON. Ju ly . a i ,~ T l i . ' m n rk o t. (11 ,

lio f iner floeco toooI* hnn lioo.n , nlrly n.-ik'i- whllo ttie Inodlnm ] irn.lor wero vory bIow, Olilo fi-«K nud , Inor dolalncn nutd at'-IK(r49<' In llio Toam; fo rj llio hulk and Kiimo «ali-.-'J- r.-ro o f - In lr volume. Jialf-hlood £.Sk ' nd fiOh Htrlctly .-om hlui' Ohio w fto l! '

bio a i f.oc in itio Kr.-.-x".> w ithloiinl totH hrluKlin; a conl li i ,_ ili..; lrout..- liIjshiT. ' I

NKAV r o i iK p im m 'C K iNK\\* YOllK. Ju ly 31,— n . iu r n 'l i le t 't

ud I'axy. i 'o rk d u ll; inoHf. jn^.Sii. I



r i d M n a f l c

IK S T O C K S ;Quotations^

K t l^ SprliiKtlolil =-.......................... 20=:Konn.'C 'oii '.......................................... -JW

. KrcHK..- ......... .•................................... 71

' I..-hli!li 'V i..... .. ................................ yxU .uliivlllt. und .N'axhvIDu ............141

: -Mack.J^'r.tii;ka— .................................! 'l

’ .Mliiitil f>vi>oT*iix-~‘‘7 ~ ! '^ ^ Ml?».oiiri;'KiinHi(H * t -'Xuh ........t ;i7-:

• •snim.Tui'ri'ii.’- i f i c , .................. nMontniiu I’owor .............................. I'is',MoMKtomory W ard ........................1S4 =Nash MotnrH ................................. )iH.N ntliiiial JilHciilt-Co........ ............... Ifi;il.VatloHul iX-iit. St..r.'i*...... ............. •27 'Natluiiiil Knamollmc ...................... :ii)S.'iilunnl I..'iid .................................I2;iN.n',l.ln' (’.inii. Coiipor ......... .......22'.

■|.\;<r»v York Contrnl ...... .................. It;.:-'!

iN o r iiio n i i’aciflc ..........’............... *Joil i ‘nc|iiiril..M otor« ...... ....................... ,7 :! ’

aun nriii Kli-<-t.rh ..... .......47 VI'aii Amorlonri 11. ........ ............. ;?... 42V

l|*arnm ouiit Kamoun I.anky.,......... 131 '! l ’ri|n«ylvnnlii Jtaliron.l .................. fil^; l'.'.iiik'H (hiH ....... ................ ...... i> i i'r o r . r s i n V . i i i i U r r ~ : r ' . r r ‘. ~ — r7 i2 s - -i l ’hllHpii I’o tr.ilouni ...................- i 'u r ., Oil ....... .................................... 2a«HIRiidIo C.>rp. .'if Amork-a ................174‘i_iUauUu«._________ u.:____________ lO U

ilopubUc Iron uud Stool ....... Tii/ll^yu(ll<ln T.ibacco H ...... ....... U 4

'SoarH • Ilocbuck ....................... .........120 iSIioU U nion Oil .............................. 2fi’<

'SIrnmonH Co. ................................. fiii'iS in c la ir CouRnlldntod ......... .•......... 2r . 'Sou thern {’" 'I f ic .... ............ ...........12»‘;

iSouUiorn Hallw ay ......................... : l4 y 'iS tam bird fia» and Eloclric .......... fi3»iS tnudard Oil of C alif..................... r.7”S tan d a rd Oli or .V. J .................. IfiS inndard Oli of, .NV Y ....... '........... n i l ;

. S ludcbakor Corp, ...............:..... 71ToxrtH Corp............. ...... ....... .......... liO*;

-T(FYnn'n n n T ' 'm i7iv',,:, : " :." '.T.:,7 ::.''i '.'i r -Tlm ken J lo irc r Iluariift; ................12.VTolmcco P ro d n c tu :......................... [)S’/jUnion Cnr, nml Cnr. ........ .............liyt .

I Union O li-or-CnIlf.............Union Pacific ..................................

I l 'n i t fd Clfiftr StorCH ........... ..... :., 24',4,1 United ,StntOH «ui»li(!r .............. ..... S2»4iT 'im r n ' s rfliwi b ic ^ i. ....................... -. i i ^’-.SiI lln . ' .pf.i, ........ ......mjU nivor«nl P lp o .................................. l!i^;

Vnmidlun ...;...................................... TlTi' WiiliUHli ........... ............... ...........•...... Till.JV totlnglnuisn------ ---------------------.W hlln. Molorn .................................... 17 \‘W !lly;i.O vfriand .......................... .. 2 l?iW oolw orth ........................................ISK?;iW frftj Aoro.........:..............v;..........ina^i

'Y olltiw T ruck nnd Conch .............. :i2»4

Ij>r.| iilcady; midwof«<r-;«iiot.-^l2.C5iIi 12.76. . .

Sim nr, ruw i|n ie t; iiput 9S lo ia de-livcNHl duty piild }4.11(ri>4.14; ru-

toH I k

Tnllow, iitoaiiy: ■ V pedal to oxira

Iluy (luiot: .No, 1. JI.2lifi>l,no; No. n J>n«Jn.'ir.:'clov..r $7r.f,ji.2i).'

- PO IlT liA X Il-M VESTOrK ----------= d it ill3 1 1 jA ii t i= d ^ ti l? ^ l= ^ l t le = = ri i= i'.>l[itii 10, .N'o. o a rly . iradlnK. luarkoi Nuotably Menily. _ ' .

lloKH. rocolptn 'ih b ; nil onrly trnd- InK.

Slioi-p, recoiplH.' n,onc; no oarly t r u d ln t . , - . '

C a ttio ; HtcorK. Kiw.l. •J11.2C<ri2.1(l: niodiinn JHi,2:.WJL25:.,<;cnunut) .J8,5i.i

}irlf<-r». ■ Konii SIVSr in.nii: n .n i t n » i i ^ ^ J l , i n ip lS j i } j ^ ^

J7«;- low cuH om IG fiT :, hullx lyoat-IIUKH excluded), KOod $7,:{i(fH; common. a n < ln jo d iu m Jf.,i;oin'7.B[l: (-aiv.-H, ’modlum , cliolcn >K.&0<i; [.•ultH, <'ommon JO.COti'S.Oii-: Vonlcrn.' Kood nn.l choico. SI3C 14: medium $11 5 rin : cuIIh. common J7,60fi’l l . ' |

IIokn; lleavywclRhlfl. 2C0 to .300 Ibn.l fO.SOtffl 1.5(1;^ 200 to 2B0 Ibn. llO.COff] 12; ICO lo 200 pbiinilfi tl!.2B«ri2.7I>; { 1.10-to IfiO poundn S10.S0O12.25: jinck-j mK linKK, .rouR h and m noolh Ss.COfri .'.r.ii: nlauKlitor p Irh . 90 to 130 Ibn, JIO, i|.1.50; Htoekern nnd fccdem , 70 to J.IO* b«. J io f i 11. -' •, . ‘ 1

Shoop;' I^miiH. 84 IbR. dow n. 'Kood^ O choic.' Jib.754i''l2.25: m edium J9.T5, ifK'.TS: ciiUii. c rm m on. nil welKhtf.'i IS f.niii^ 7r.: o«-ri>. medium to rfiolee'^

1H . r,. i

l.IV K Ill’O m . >VHKAT Cl.nSK 1 l.tVKIU'OOL. Ju ly 31,—W heat fu-

un-H .'Ionc.l n* tnllown: Oct.K'C, j i . m s . 1

^' ATOLE MOM \ “ S o S A D

A P I B T H I S ) S o r r yr ^ R i o i W ' y V J .

......... ■ r - • - ' —

‘ . ■' ' r w g f 'y A ^ a -D-Ag n



1 NI^W YOUK. Ju lv 31—Dorcrihlni: jti io iiiarlift. tho S tro 't Journiil'.'i 'ifln iinclal-ri'v low rmlay »aiil: , ^

'1 ) Tni.Ti.'il'. Iii_tlii;.^fiim m dul-inurkut.t ■i.;to.lay ciliiv.orKcii lii'rHOly ..m in nmnlli- ’(.li'iiil fliiiTV III cull n ioipy, IliinUi'rouii.l

It ni’n-i'iiWry to wiiii.nAw b.'iifo .'n JM',-; (inrt.(iin) nn.l I'fin.mxi.oiio In conn.ctlrjii

’I w itb tho AuKUi’.t I H.;Illciiiiinii<. So iiioh.Hiilvo Ih i Ii.‘ .l.'iiuili.l nuii'liot toiu id-

i don ri'(|iilHltlou»i of ihlii ch an ic to r tbitt iiM lw ru le advancul nirii.Illy . u n t i l ' a

IlilKli nr K nor conl «»,. roacbod ar.iiin.l 2;r;n o 'rlock oom niiicii'w lib lli.'i rc-

ilu.'Vval'rbaVKO of i'. per ccnt. ,•i Markot elnf<i.(l lrri-«uliir/

' , S P «)K A M '‘i,lV K ST(ll'K SI'OKANIJ, J u ly J l J -C a t t l . s Ht.iudy.

i rocoJpl.^ 2.S; »<li'‘i'ri', j:.ii7.T'IllW ’ll,nu : i hoit.TH « io « 'lo .5ti: COWH |j},r.(i(ff!',2r.:

calvi-c tl2 f li l3 : liillH^J7(!i7.7r.,- i MuKH ateady: ri'i-elptM 2fH: Koml i jii,T r.^(‘ii,sr..“ t- -Kborp x lra.iy : ro...d|>tH.iiiium luinli.s i Sioir 10,50. '

; — p m iT r ,- ,n 'i> ^ v jH :A T -------------____ lU )ilIX .AN D _July 31.—CaHh w lioai;.

HIk Hond hllll* Ktun ha rd whito U,3S: Iiofi wlilto Sl,2.-i: .woHtorn wliU oTl.2.;:

. bard, wlnti-r Jl.l-'i; ii.irilu 'rn j<prhi::

. *1.17; w.'i>tcfrn r.'ii. Jl.lfi,

‘ l O.MAHA I.IVKSTdCKil ' 0<:DI':n. Ju ly 31,—iiokh, roculplM

I I'lf.: m arke t 10ff?2t»c tow or: fuw m i- ..‘ dlumwelKbl iuitcborii }11;.1o.kI ICK- - p'mmd—llK b ti i 'm ix ed ~ SI0.-7.':-iioavy-

hOKH nioHtly '4 lii: nmooth 310-paunii , 'KiitK' $9; ■

Cuttio rccolptii 117: m arket Hteaily:, row Roii.i lOSa.pouud Hluoni $ n .3 5 ’;u ■Tlm irt-74fi*pmind-homcd-cnwii’nnrt helf-

crH JK.25: p a rt loa'ii medium Rrndi> 'COWH $T,2.*.flS: c im m on klHiis SWr' ciittorH down in J4.K0: lond 218- jioiind KrnHRy nilvoH $9,"fi; rouKl«

■ hriivy cnlvcii SR.riOfifK, •;Sho.-p rceoipiH 9137: m arkel nbout

s teady : pnrt. load 87-ifound , Inmbii I I' j H.iiri: Mninlity~rHlrly n<»»il liiuihu

$ll..'.ii: -K.iod yiiuiiK wirthOPH JS; lu -avy (iiKod Kli.'op Jfi: m o illum 'crailo f .'o .l^

, I o r -ia m b :. Jlo^i lu.r,i>.________ ^ |

O .M A »A ~ ufK S T «('K . 1 O.MAUA. Ju ly a i.—HoKH.' rccoUil v'

TQixi: m ark«<' 2Sii4&c* lilKiioJ': top J l l : bull; 200-pmind IlKbUi nnd bu lcb -: i-rH->n>,7iififii>,.'v»; JW jm >JO.CO0JO,9O:; jinckinK 'xowi J‘.>.7&ffi>10.. ' ' j

C atU v'rocclpiH SOOO; m arke t 10(7> Ific low er: bulk fod uteorH nnd yoar-

•llnp i J13JiQ;i(lO: liuifern Jl.rsOd^lC: bulk boor COWH JS,SO$(<in; bulk nti cultoru-Jfi,2B<i7.2n;. modkim<bullR J8.C‘) Si'9; v.nUH. nraetlcnl top 112; iitockcrn

• ahi-op ri'Ci'IptH fiROO: m nrkdl Inmlln 2.'iii>nr.C'lilKbor: nlioep firm : fnt ram ;.' lamlm JH .r.n; iifttlviii $l4«il4,2r>; fi-.l y.-iVrlluBi* $12: owch J.r&OffG,CO.

, . cH rrA f.'oCMICAGtV. Ju ly n i.—Choc'Ho, 'iwin^

^ 4*':—youiiK Am«rlttti«-S4a^o.-------Pou ltry , rt'colplii 4 cam:. fo»lH.

Iicnvy 17c;' nmnll I.';..; youiu; :»ic: K.umo Itio; iiirk.'.yii-. No. I. 2nc; roost- .tn ; 17(i: briilli-rH 3(ii-,

Pointocii, nrrivah i /IS cafji: on track 2.'i2 Ciir:.; In traiiHlt 1!H earn : KnliHaH mill MiH'xiiiri i.a<:kt'd Irb.Ii CobhlorH

; TfifiOOr; .Mlntiosrtta micked early OhioH j j l . _ . ____' . _

i- . . . i> K .\V K ir i.m :.sT ( it 'K— nK N \‘r :n T 3^ l>~'-' ' i .-- ^ ‘n n l(? rn rgrlpt>r-

1..111;'- iirurk'.'' | - >.r.'.i'.ty i . la-i'f Htiiun i - H S r'TllO: c u u ta n d lK'iri>rn JS filS : calvciil

‘ Jiu tfiir.: Ki-jckorH aud roodoM J 8{ i l3 :I bullH J7t.,li. .■ lloKK. r.'.'o lpUtM O O; m arkot IGtJ

iilKlioi: (op {11.25: bulk I '’f i i . i r . : i>ii:>« j 9;r .o « io , ;' Sbcvp. n crlptH 3 0 0 : 'm hrkel H lronc: . ; rnl lam tift n if f l4 .2 S ; ewyn <4grC.25, J

AnimelM Can Be “ Dycrf" '' I t In wi-ii known (o th s t 1tlvln;; niiliiiulx .'an b,. .Ij-o.l nrillloially 1w lllniul Inhirliic tl.... . Tbe Iwo dyi‘» '1.1...1 fr.'f|u..nii.v US...I far ilili. pufiioko ' a ro 'c a |to .r uiotb.'^loac bluu .u n d /tio u tra l ro.l, . :

p ; r tn > « - ^ id -Q a :v g .e n -----------i iIn dlri“7t o r <lltTui.« '.litylUl.t |i1aht!« c

•nfisi'rh ox jcen cnerBeticully rnm i liio J ntm.i!»pbrre Ciiroui:b th e ir le n te i nnrtdeoonipo«.'‘ 11. «ii»lnilhitlii- Uie carbon ‘nnrl r<-{urnlnff uio»I o f Ibo ox ;ceo lo ^th e a ir. , . u

. I S W O T ) ------------ Vi r v o o ' r i E j u j E U . I 'H \

F o f2 IX / / s o r j t i v P o c i t : I ----------- A tL C ilC U T 7

C a m p e r s A f o o t C o m p i

A r r i i y . 'q n , . J c

Luce o f Green ’tralis BecUon • M n n y Lovcr.'^ o f O n t - o f .

r D o d r .i lo 'S c c I t id c d S p n tii.

^ ^ ^ t 'M M K l i ir.'d '^iil> ■■nmP'TK

' 'Mli lr* niii:«'.il. |illi;rlm ;:p.i «f‘ ' ,ec;it:;.:y tc tlio lioarl-of .MoIIkT Nu

tu re. . . .• --------- rrjn~liIT .HTT.ri l r.r f 1r n 7 y.rPl.-r.-Ub, I caii-.pi'M' n-:-' nl,', n u t. hon in

I lljthi.'i- Ibl' r 'l i l i';.nipi'.) , ' . i.v.l;ms . iiIiili;^ tbi. Cl'iii'll t|;lll'<.

pllllltll hi:, ti;lll In v,T>liil:', .'.> 1 ;i... nr ; .. . . | i .n i,;;il:i, by innr.;;::." rir,:::ii;. ur I iil.r.:;^t 111.' p l!:frr li: ; '.; l Kiini:iiil«I or n i/'iull.v i:;i>u:ilal!;i;.-r»r rr:>iii ilic

roa.lH wlll i.. lh .' iiintf.iii;:: .lov.-.:,,. ru;di b.v. K'r.'li."y.'if, Hi:r*.t.»>lnl.

- 1;.; oficn li:io«n .'»-.'iV ...........I Hi"---------i~ ;'.l:i- b» "l i aVfi'.' y'll. f. r -rf l‘-"mtF.'

■ f« IIo« .:.ff.;r yi'Ul;i.-ilio cniiiilry b" ,_.JB liow III;. Ilnw uv.'r . lo maiiy. ihl:<

eoaiion will bo. tho flrot timo they j • bnvo pitchoil TIio In ticr

' eiaea bare muclt lo Icsrn, bu t It

nviQDlFlES SO lT' i T t \ r 1 / l A ^ J j u U v i t i i a : —

^ i m M A R G E ^f .

. - S t W niua Pr»M - NEW Y fm iC ..Jiiiliy .11—W illlnin A l­

len WbltQ. nopubllcun oditor o f Ihu- porln,' Kunii.; (oday w ilhdron ' . biH CharcoH nro in iil (he IcKlHlntlvc neconll

. or.'.Clov. .AJrrr.l,..!::, rin .JW . rar,I

tOnil pro iitltu tlon . but lin l 'ii l:. poi,|ibin IlH,to Ihp i:aloon." ■ '

"Gov.jrim r Sm ith w ria lu ly 'i» on- IllU'.t to riiir ireiiim onl." W hlto ral.l, ••J nlwayii tiavo. tr ied to riniil ru1iV; .

“ hnl U iilio Says. '.Tbo Kiinwc. e.l’ltorV -K t.ili-iilJ 'iirro r’ '

low,,.: ■^ V w tf.r rtny? t nlwn>n ff3 Wii U 'M .i|t|>-t- liian, of tho W orld, a frlon.l of O ov ornor Sm ith and of miri..', fo'r 'm anv yoarnr 1 li'arni:.i th a l O ov.Tnor .‘'in ltbwna ..itei-ply iiccrleved liin'l I nl..... ...cbari;o~hlm w ltb 'prot^cllnK Kaiiilillni.' an.l jiro ia lliillon 'In hln .i.Hiieifilily.ioi;. nrd . • I r m iiiidorHtiin.l o flo r'- inc w hal Mr. l.ippniann nal.i t lia i th» KOvenior In Caiillnu tbn;;c volo:i nKiiltiHt jlioKf. r«'r<irfii h l lh might Iinii- .

111,iil...ii,l „ r nm K| ,-T,o r l^ ln K o .r .upon’ pornonal'ilbo rty o r i on r/iin w c d pollco Idiickmall. " ’

y i 'b e n S * |||. | , ||d nol.nn InipVi-ns orb- I oA who vni.-d fo r tl|o blilH b iit .O n v t orlior Siultb cerininty, l.t in l( tl .'tl to ruir tren tm en t. I iilwayi. hav.- i r b d ' l'l Ucbt rnir. I luivo ntvor'cnn;>cioiiN- ' iy oucHtlonod nny man'.i moilvo* ninl,.-'00 thiH mornInK before th e ninrnln:; ' p.-ilier.i havo come end liefore 1 kno.v ' what, ir any. rep ly G overnor Sm itli Iiati TJindc to my ix .itein rn t yoKtorduy. ’1 .leslre lo w itlidraw the rbn rsen (or- >• m nljy In j;o n« lbey"nrf.'C t hln >’ volen on KiinibllnK nn.l pr/>.HlliiU.>n. but not bln )>oi>ltion nx to the'r>aioon.• '•On Ibe ijueiitlon' of.tU ';' m enace i»r

T am ai.iny an.l of O ovoriuir'Snilib'H , T am ninn)--record .for Tbe open Knlnon,. ,

cnmlnK. -Orrnnlrort jirot.icjod p ion il. jtiitloii Ik iju k k ly piinalnc o iii 'o f Amor- 'I ran Uf.- and (bnt I.-ku- In^nnt vita l. 'bu t vital o r not, I could no t in ko<u| <councloneo prcfx ihln Inru'-' n-alizlns <[hat (Jovornnr y>iil(li ufiom f Kro.itly 1ii.iiuirc fo r blf> m nny biKb iinalltloK .

( T H E lO S O AKlO T E L L ]W E t i A S O U T - r u e P I S C A A U D j- M S U l^ E C H E 'U L I. am* ^ •F b rS G Iv /E ’ V o o - ^

i & m= ’ I/.*'

'ise.Great Mid-Summer.

ilioy 'w 'll cou.tuli w ith 'expprlcnue.i • oaiiiperti. uinu>‘ ndverdlliua- v.'lll bu iiparod tlnnii. . ., i;i;:if./im an irivc nnd niatch.Ni, th.i cr.inp'i'i- Hbould nlv,';:y« carry u bl.inlJLi. fu r rl.:cpln;;, and. r r eniin c, n Ha;dillr;bt. A ' bhnii lisnlillKbl Is IndiRpciiKabl.W to-.tbi:

’our.jf-ibior.i li'iu rin -y tr.’' ' Siieli a J!«bt ,VJ1I 'i ;an‘ iniiijy n ’;7i»mblLond

•oflcn-U n-lJt'.lin ''W Itl 'uuV ovcr Tor- ■■■■ hlildUiK-nr troachurouH dupruHKlonii. ' In the wny.-. ’ ■

How fnr-riiint; ar’. *.ho boundaries o r tbu, vanl arm y c f luim mer hlkL-ra Ih l)oil rontlsed b y 'Ih u .vlidtiir to Kiicfi e/f/o» na .N’ow, Vorlc o r San ' KranclHco. T r a in thuxu cltluii daily inarch w botc companies o f yoiipc and middle UKud m en and women, croiialni: th o ’ bayn on tbo MnrlietStreui-rurrluH o t- lb o u-osioru d ty __and tbo Uyckman nnd F o r t L,o<r fvr* rloa of M anhattan. W ith tho joy of ’ an ticipation in th c lr hcurtu and • .Ibo lis iil.o t-cuuauotii In tlio lr oyuu. (hoy sally forth^ auokini: roleanu from c ity caVo» In .tb o trocdom o t llio ’opon’ road aud tho deep stoop o t uuclor Uio elovlH j; su r* ., -

'■lol flmt my ctiarKv'i fliii 4iiir- llv of hbi niollv.'ji w hicli »lwav» should

:tin— n t w l - ill a n y |»d liica l

KamliiinK and iirniiiliiillon como ftui j 'f ti'.i recqril.

••I. iioi'i- tiow ' Aiiierlciih nowrpape'r'i-nrtl-partlcnlnrly-H epitbH i.nn-uoW xpa- poru will civil (hn Muuu conxldoratlon to Ihln su itcm ilt t iia i ilioy. Kuvn my Miatoinoni ycHterdiiy." . v

W iiltc In hill a tfa ck liiiii nfub t clie.I Snfllb'fi.votoH iiH n yonnk’ 'nm iem iiiy- m an n l A lbany n neoro o f’ yeara nn‘> iu nn offorl .to prnvo bin c iinn:o th a t tbo pniHOnt KoverMor tben wan suhr Hitrvlonl 10 T am m any In pm toctlnK iho i:aloon[ (ho jirontUiito u n d 't lm ennib-'lor. ________ _ •— ^\7il(e'ii niTivUy iian M lrred .iip ron i Iiiilorahlo cxciri-m.'ni -In lb .' rlvnl jio- lltlca i nampii 'her... T ho e.liio r. wiio la km)'.vii'iiliiy an a imiKnzlno w ritu r (Illd a iiov.-ihit bin |)ri;r«r»i tin: lll ie of •'c iim iry ed ito r" i-isiio.t hi» ;itatei.ient« from liie (|Uioi necluidnn of iIi..- .Vu-

■-A rtfi-f liib -T ita n r - t h c - odi^ciot. O rnm iiiorf)^ l»(irk. , . -----------

Elevated Trains Crash in New York

H r UBlMd.FraCl ,NKW YOttK, Ju ly ,31—lnvenli«a(lomi

r»r 1>I<- filxiU Im ln

mutely lil i»'iJ<niii) w ere Injiiro.l. tb roo

I'liri'oabnuts '. i f 'ja m c n K lk b s . a iV.o- inrriimi, on one of the' fou r trnlnH In :b.- wrock. . ' , '

Piin»..'nK.:r.'« tiM lflod KllcbH hO T nm riiiiii the .vpllnt.Tcd c;:»>. lriini|>llnK :n '(b e bodloii of n:any nr tho Injurod. { ilrii, A lvlne I lo cc o .'a piiHscnKor. nnlil •:ilchn fi<'il (hroiiKh a door M ik b lind leen r.irced ojicn. •

TllO nccldciit o rn rr fcd w hen n h.-av- ly lo»<k'i) tra in M ailed a r a mid-tou-n lutlon nnd th reo , succocdlni; tralm . an Inlo It. ' . ' '

P)ret«rvin8' N e w ip a p e fiT bu 'p iipef upon which nm dern ncvM-

M pcw n r r - p r in i t jd biH;ome» l>rlitln ivbcii expo i»etl_ tp_n lr_ fo tuU caaJl» ’J u SrnntTTITirttHci^^nVc boItciI lI i? |i fo 1)- Icm^of p rc * e n ln s new spaper lll'-fc hy liio'untinj: 'e n c h ’ niieet tx-lweeu . twn ulieet* n o th in JapanuRO tl»»ue. Tbl» «onN (hn paper from tiio n lr . rcUu-ius l(K (ezytil/fty buf t l lg b i lr a o d stryaeil/_ t'nluc tli.‘ pace.

The Waf!0 T . I 'W'T GO ( Z t ^ h S T \T E U r tC . V V O U ? / <■ MO'PA. N - _ - ^ V n-SV JH V ■ - s yc a v i A j O ,___;

. .. ' : t '

■ ■ T i i ; 3 .9 n jn '. .T n t iv :>l. i i U S T

Color Fhotograpliy Boqsts;Stoct^

Sy.VBltvd »r»f« J , --NKW VOIUn'. Ju ly 31.— Announce-

: nn in t frotn I tod icfitcr Hint th e . Kant m un Kodnl: Im d'Tcrreclcd n color.m o-

. tion juocu in whicli m lK ht.revo lu tion ' l 2i) tlio iiidiiiilry b rn u B h t'o u t imyiiiS In Kantmnn stock on tho Sloeii 13xthDU);o..ln':onl‘ly . dcaiJngK, ' Tbo j»- i«;ii. reuchoil the' blr.iient luvcl in his­to ry a t i94,'n-».'ain cf 3% polnin from Sntiirilny 's done. - '

Kii-itinnii (ipi'tied a t ’.l93?(ii- SQs;;oil lo IU2 a n d 'ih e n on the

■ of tiiu iloinijuatnitlon of tbo new fllin '..pfore II body or t<clonlliits n l KaRt- m an ’ll hom e i(i<lny, tiio IflBUu HboC ur to 'T JI. holdlnj-TJOBt th a t Jovel. Tmd* tn;^ ln th e Htcck w ns nctlvc.'-

Granulat^'d S agar ^I t la not.know.rt who w ns tb# flr»t

' d lscoverc r.o f (ho. a r l o f bollio* ■near td“ D cryatutlloe o r sran u ln r lU ge. Such, koowictleo Is' known to haT« ezixlcd ill both A rabia and Itidin a i enrly n» liie S ^vl-n lh 'ccn tury . .In Iho M ftcendi century u-PboenicInn c lttscn

^^T^^tT^r^l-^n HWinil -IWrtWO-crowna for Ihe Inventluti 'o f ibc n r t o f maklUK lo n t-s ii ja r .

TAf.I. r o n lUO.S 1'OIt CITV HKAT- r.V(J PJ.ANT.

, Scaled prninmalii wiH’bo 'fcce ivcd tip to Kiiilit O'ctncb, l \ M. .Monday, A iikiihI

• la .-lM R riil-Ihe o ffle iro r tho CUyCIflrk; . of Twin Kallii, r<ir Ihu InM aitntlon of

a St.'am I{e.itinit SyH tom 'In liiel City Jkill.linu.'iiccnrdlnK to plann und npeo'-. Ificallonn prejm r''d b y ' B u rlo ii" ’ K. M bnu-. A rcbltccii- PJanii nnd Hpecirl- ciitinns can bo .W cure.i (roib liie ,CUy CJerk upon' n tip lkatlon .

‘ A deiioHlt of .J10.00 tci R iiarnntne a lionii fldo hid nntl re tu rn n t plann nnd iipe;:lfi.catlonA.'will III) reijiilrod. ►

.l-:ach proposnl miiHt be nccompaniotl hy 11 oArtiflod e lieek for-O no H nndrcd Dollitrii ($100.(10)1. Suld chcck to -bo miulc In favor o f tlic C ity o f Tw in Fnitii, Iilnho.' TIichl> cbockfi a re rii> (lulrud iiH u Kiinrnntoo tlii^l tho-biddoi*, i; aw ardeir iliu contrnct, w ill on ler Ililn nn nKroement nnd furn inh n itond for 60'/r o f llin am ount o f t i i ^ ‘ coil* trn c t, w ith in ton dnys n(lor‘ nw nrd bf th'o co n tra c t In m a d e ; nuid chcck to ba' ro rte itc d .to th e 'C ity of T w in K ails, if th e iiucco.iaful hidiler full to m ti i r Inm 'hiicIi nKrvoinont u r to.lurQl>iIi th c ro>

. '- .J jio '~C ont« icU ir.Jihn»-nr« t(;-ln~ ,h ln bid the ' tim e r<‘.iiilre.l by h lu M o c<\ni- ploto tbo w ork. •

1 l':xjkTnTrWund:roi.|H>irHlbility Oftho............ ... 1.0 .-QiiHl,lerc..l in mnkliii;thn nW anl In ndditldn to Ihu pribo nnd tim e for cnnipletlon, nlatcd In tho bid.- Propomilii will ’ bo pu b lic ly opened

n n it rond Jll n -iiieHlnw o f th e Tw in I-'iiliii'CKy ConimlHHlon, 8 o 'c lock P . M. Atiitust 13, 1928.-.;

jildH muHriii). t>lnlnly m nrkiitr, “ Uid jf o r Ilontlnif P la n l." ifnd nddrcMCd to O. M. IIn ll, City C lerk. -

J_..'l^btf Commlfuiion rese rves th e r lsh t l o 'r o j tc i any o f .nil idds o trercd . T T \ \ 'p ; 'i-'A i:i:s ' U iiv - c w m is s io n ^

■ . -R . K. llO llIK Jl. M ayor.0 . M. irA KU Clurk.

Dated J u iy 31, J928, - _ .

I f - t e s l l l B d - p e r l i S B S e i i t f c

7 1 i i T C a t P f i r ~ C l a s s l l l c a l l i i i i .

WA.VTKD—TO UKY AN Ol-D .WOriiC linrne. Kred H aKcnrdl, 1 mllo So. Sojitii Pnrk. ‘ --------- —-------------------

NKW HTJILNITUttR, l.lV lN p- nOOM.1 <llnlnR room and bed rodiu. Kncotrv

ropronontatl’vo will be Iieru Inst ot ■’ 'AuKiIj't.' C ar w ill bo shII■l^c’d In

SrpUjmhcr. Wo cnn snvo you mon- o y ^ T ] kIvo you KOod prlciTTitirpjntr-

’ ■■lil far iil iup ;-:iud UifUlh II yOil w l ^ 0.111 o r w riic. Swoofii K u rn U i^ i Store, Plionu lS9f;. ■

;es of Sin, .S H E \ ---------

:a \jgwtME A T IT J -------


Page 7: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

TCbSlyvT. .Ti'L-i- ai ■ mas.

The QuickesiBnsiness Directory

• , M IS O E L L A N E O T Ja '

“ •T Y P B W R tT E IiS-' ~

A ll makoo. D cB lcrn 'ln ROYAL CORONA

IDAHO T Y P E W niT tIR EX., L octtl o ltlco ; 218' M ala Avo. No.


find 4 lh Mondny. _______ .

TW IN FALLS. JU N K H0U91-J—MBT- . «IB, ruljbor, lUdcB, poUs and fu'ra.


Now; locution. 135 TUlrd Avo. E


Phono 3<B. S toratcV 'ana cratinK.—

McNICHOLS •'TR AN S'rkR ' f t STOR- aeo Co. OartiafTO baulcd <]a!)y. Phono 200. ■'

W ARBERO TRA N SFER & STORAOK '-C o .- '—S t0r;tR0 ond Bpcclnl cnrload

Bl^IplDoniB lo C alifon ila . I'hono n a


era . P ro p . 130 2nd St. E.

IDAHO SH O E . REPAIRIN O , JOB*■ .TVagacr, P ro p . 218 M ain N. Pli. CO.

T W IN FA L L S SHOR nE PA IR IN Q — 132 .S hosU one ' wn5t7- Phono 398.1

--S o rtlco -n n d '^ n n U ty g im rnntccd. .

■ ■ ; 4 - - - - T A t L 0 - ^ Q _____ _OUR 26 YEARS- EXPICUlKNCE tS

ynu r t,’imr:nUi‘C. SultH to o rd e r i i ' i «|). lA dlcii' w o rk ' ou r J'pprluliy. IJiililicI tlip T ailo r; Over I.liilio Dciit.

. Slnro. Phonl‘ fiSlW.

' :ATT0 BHSY8 . .

0 . C. HALL, OVER CLOS BOOK • Storo’. , PlionoO T; R ea: 18S8.

r>. p . ntlV A L L . LAW O FFIC E. ROOM

Jam es n . D oihw ell—W . O rr Clmpman . DOTHW ELL & CHAPJIAN

------------- WoodB Bldg. .............

BWEliLIJY S S V E E L E Y .^ T T O R - uBj-fc -JdAbo P o w er tAii]dln£.

tv. L . DUNN— LAW O FFIC ES. RMS. 3 -n«d , i . Sm lth-R lco building.

oPTioiairs.3IYH SPE CrA LIST —DR. WM. D. RErr-

noldo. 208 'MalD. N oxl doo r to J . C. Penney Co.

■ gi&yo .T D in N & -•PLANO TU NER—8 . O. H U LL. 15 YRS.

In T w in FsllB k ith 'O ln u d o H row n MuBlo com pany. Phono 068 o r 834>V.

- - ^ MONEY‘TO-LOAKr r n i N K I i iA v a t h e b e s t l o a n

doncoB and J>unlneaa lilockn. A Ino .» dandy form loan . J . l i Wlilto.

■ Phono __________

aO N EY TO LOAN ON FARM AND ^cltX- J>n>ijorly,._PomDnny..nji/ljerlriit8

money.- C. E . P o tte r . r J a l cutnto, T w in Polla.

LOANS—FARM A N b CITY LOANS. T w in PaltB T ltlo und A^llt^act- Co.

f ^ ir 'a A L & ^ ^ ^ W iB '''R O O M ^ cloao la . tiu llt by fo rm er Inm bcrm an o f th la c ity . M odem , bardw ood floora, 16 foo t lo t with.ifaroKC-. P a r t­ly, fam ish ed . Tolophoae MS for p a rtlcu la ra . ■ ■ .

r o n , SA LE—WEI-U l.MnilONTD IfiO jicrop, fino »nll riinii. Ijy ownor,

. W llh o r ,w lllioiit c rop. D etp wi-ll. iiimlorn iinil, e lnc trlca l cnnvonlencoi'. 414’ntnc)i noulh fiulil, h a rd xiirfnc*' road . O.-F. U. Pflictdon.

— U SE ,^ .T 1■ _ / B

: lUnder What"'Heading

Date to Start

Dote to Stop .r -.

• — ;------- :----- ------------- ‘ - I - ,

Z3ZZHZE5""' •

:_T )•.V.’. . . ■ J l

1 Way to G(

In the BLife or

------^ ----- 4n-ans^afe■ g o e s w i t h

— - o r t h o s e

b e n d o t h e

' t o t h e i r e i

■ ~ ~ r ^ * -------- — r f t - e ^ d ' r o n l -

y o u r s e l f

. g r e a t , j p o w

" ' y o u r . s h a r (

, t h i s m e d i

o r ^

____ a b l y , : . y 6 u r .

t f i e w o r l d l

The T

FOR BAUi-JffiCSOELLAMEOllSP o iT 's a l S ^ t 'T j a r g a i n p r 'ic ic s .. aecond Imnd Ve’m u rii Ccmi H ullcrii

rccom lltloncd In o n r tilioii. A ll Work­in g 'p a r tf t KOOd an « w . . G el .our

, prlcoK anti torm a lintoro bnjlnK . R- ' W. Sipclo & Son. j : ; i ’3rd iivc. weal.

FOR S A I.K -O E N l:iJA I. U l.K CTlU f' — fouc-lm lw -rn iiltrr-.w ltli— ovrn* nnri

w arm lne r.ick, firn l cIhhh i*lia|»-. Jftr., — •T<'rmt‘-lo-r<vKiioiiiilljlo. iicanli-..• Foils- Cumpiiny. Plioiit- 75\V.

FO R .SALr:— iL \Y i.s- ’.F i i ;u ) . jk a ton. 2*', m)los ciini on tlio lilltliway. L. a JonuH. Pliono CGtJJI.

FO R R A L E -W oiu^D S ST A ir^I’AI NT. OittKfdo WMfH l>i'r i:aUi>n. (luarn titccd by mnkor«, Mo«n'» P a in t Store-. ^________________

I'O R SAJ.F.—IMNING-ROOM StJlTIJ.period tIcalKn. Cull H8K.

t t ) R HALI->-^COOtC KTOVK, JAK.*,barKiiln. lilS 2nri avn. Np._________

I-'OR IU-;.VT— lO-'ro-HO-rtHARI'JS-W'A- lor. Ariliiir. L B'vhn &

DL’R ^ .S IL K ^ ^ t , T K i : ^ ^ . - S m v — liO K C--nii(ninEert^iri.iiikVrnu'm run-

. proof nnd fiiiln proof. I’lioiH' Hi2(i\V.

PXAN.b RARGAINS: R A RE T R A D in N ' b.irKAlna la up rich tn . irrandu nnd

p in rc rn : s tandprd liinUca. Somo like — new .' Solif-iinyw her« i-K nny-{orm iu

Wrlt<i to d n j, U .ildw ln Plim o Co... 103C California o iruot. D cnvci. ’Col-

.orado., ’

P LA^ T R J IA K O _ J N . ^ L L E X T

T ronsfe r.

• F O E I R A D t i .__________

FOR T R A D l> -W Il,li TRA D E M gniT V j III KiiHrx 4'onr1i fo r Fotd lon rllu : |

• 'C all 121!l fitli n v p /E . aV o T liiita oC-i tlci: a f lc r -I p, in. j

\Y A ?F rin7-T O TRA D E FOR SICVEU-j nJ soe<l H.u-<} llc lij 183.In tiu lro HO Snd St- wosl. ‘

I I S U B L ^ K J X ) ^


C L A S S I F I E^ T W I N F A L L S 1

I d ^ ' s i r a j t e s t G r

k e " . -------------------- -----------------------------

ADDEESS;--------------- ----W B R B O SE HOI

______^ -----------------------

et What Yol

attle for Dollars^

t 4 e y > ^ K i c t o r ^ i ^ - — . -------

the strong who -can . . •

r strength • . . ids. You^ - t o — avail----------- ;-------- ^ •-

o f their e r ' t o r e a p . ■

5. Consult ■ u m — a-ja d .ell, profit"_________

_sK are of I . i y g o f o d s . I I

I M E SA d s

^ _FOR KEm _‘f o r ' R&.NT—P^virT iO lJM . m 'odT ;rn

hoinVo. 520 4lU caM. I’haiw ■IBti.

TWO ROOM Al’Alfl'MKNV gT R IC f- ly iiii)il'-rn, IU!i :inl norlli.

I’QR’ KKNT—I'O l’l l ' ROOM Frll.VlJ^H-

H O wSl-AM ) JIOARD CI.'OSl: IN, lllO - rn a -n T rr-N o .".'

F O R ' lcr.N‘T - C l ! R ?ft:W K tr— ‘PH'iWri- n w m iijm r iinn tt. I’lione

FOiT r ENT—THREE Jto 'oM FURN-i iH lied-npnrlm cnl. Dungillow Apts.^nd avQ. i-nBt.

FOR JIENT — nODSCKEBPINO aca rtm on ta , ooo'iplotvly fum tohcd for llKbt- bouBckooplng. Tw o ond th rno roomiTCIti'iio’ta . nnd low rates.

~ W week o f inonUi. 'm O n o ra . M S'■Main' N__________ _________________ ;

FOR REN T-^FUR NISHED ’APART- m e n t.. CnlU4S0 foronooDi. Jukta* m ere I n n ! __________ ^

POR SAl ~AT]TpMlMn,MF b i r ' . ^ ’A i i ;—K .% i:x c o a c h , . „ a

FOR S A I . i : - 0 . \E TON RKO •I’RUirK.Plioim ir.SSJ cvrnliiK». •_______ '

FO R SALE—C H EV RO I.irr . ROAD-__ntcr- ISC'? __(JftoJ condiUuu.

.■Call nt fiSl'MiTln ‘ "

MALeTctLP^ ANTED. _Y o u w '.mX n . «f^:N(1«ILVl‘•nl:R■• •

.Mum Imvo lik l i Bcrliool cilnm llon. Al .T-ftnrgntp iT O f f - ^ K f rm tn r

(rciniininy. • '

" ^CTs' aTO .VEOB^SS^,i-^ 'ii sA in i^ 'r 'M ifilR iK S . M v 'E i f r 'S

Iibml-utvcol. Plioni] 9SGJ. J . D. W |so-

Sl^lL\wili:RRn-W. vow p ic k . WeKnfloii. l ’lumr.Ji:i7Jn. •

IX)U H A I.E^A PRICO TS, • I CE.VT8 on tree , S’f dclivt?rc<I. Ki-llli raacli. -i tinrllifnnt b f Hansco,’ I’liunc.

8W 2 Kiniln rly . . r .r'_______


D O R D E RDAICITTIMES o w t n ? N e w s p a p e r


- - t r m n m i a d a t t i T r r a

I Waiit Is tqP o i P T m^NT—FUIINT * VlKUItnO.M? I

j aliiii Kiir;ii:>-. TiK; T lilnrcivi-, >.

I 'o n t F i :ii. 'J is i ii:i» fiioN 'i- k o d m s ' •tor li(iil"iUi<-l>lnu 111 piiviiK- ln‘1111-, ■'

• illlll luwii. Mil iniii- l.:il-‘. r , ,- Ttltit. SVi. _______ • ,J

r o u RENT- l.l< ;in ' •I lo r.^ liK H iH ’- l ,Inu ...... . .%>•! nil av.-niii- i

A l'U lCO TS !\R n n T w T iT n iA l;Jri-6 lT r- ' [■iilu.’ic .’ 1., WrlKlil. K null. Malm, . j


x i ^ i r o o l c a n d p o u l t r y .,!W AN ^if;ri-1TiV i.s'n’; ( x ^. ,..-y Ilalry cott!!. li'-avy .;,|.nn>;i'ifi. iV.r'

O, Milrltli-. i:r,i :;jul iiv.-, l'i"*ni'!’ i-vi'iilni:!>. I3::ii. , _________ |

l-’Olt s A i ^ p ^ n n ^ T i t i - ^ u!.;‘-'hIIt' ', ijrcd, 'III iliivii o’lil. '/j mill- iiniili, 'I :

Wllil of Kliiili.'ily, _______ |_1

TWO KltKSH i-n .w s.T O t i i ‘A4-'i:-kim; .Iiuu-lu-r. -rtlcii'l:. -I, i;i ja ti. I'Uon';-]

'.i;n:’J i . - • _ _ rK o n 'I^A i.i; - . i e i ! s i ;y tu iw , i 'H o n i i;


• \ \ 'A X 'n :n - i ’( t n . 'i K Y . . i i . . r , i i rN - t 1 C.'i;. .I ’lioicr ____ . • I

dA U NET Ni;('Kl';^U',i; '" N i ' i, ihV ■.ti-. i-l» nr lo NI'UU- In ,! I’illl:' .MoiKluv. ■ nni|i'r-iil.-!>:iir linM.v,; Mn*, I*, r , Mr.nltoiiii'.O'. lM''>i.

,l{i-u:ir.l. , • •______________^ 1,

. w a n t e I ) . '!\v7\n t k d T o 'm n —a L i . la s n r f o i- ;

• •nlii-uii, Piione r.08, Tw iu l-’allii S lim y R i ' l i a l r l l l K , ____________ ^ '

U IG IIEST PIUCKS I’A1I> l-OR Sl'i!- I ' oml biintl fuiniliiri-. lln ituy iiliu -,

I’honi' ««l, . In ^ i i f T T - o r r " ; . - AT T u i ; r a k e r

I »n<inm', -IIS tjnulli Mnlu,

’p o r s a l e — ^ o n i ^ O T O U S ^m T iu is i ^ u sa ' i .e h t i C x r a LxT i: ,

KOod to r nil Btomncli. Uldni-y. b o w jl. ai)d Ilvor im ubli-s und a ll rlinumaMt

• CchTKo n icbariliiou. 32C Soutb .Maln. T w in F n lls. Id uho, .

l^ e ir Y o f lr S t a t f ^ Society’s Picnic , At Boise Sunday

IIOISE. Ju ly r ,lV llii> ' .Nuw vork* Htaip pccU-iy by L r"lte J , Aki-r,

I chairm an of lUo i-xocullv(-, <-onmritli'(« ;o ii filt-;i/c iirritiis'Mi'-nlM. , jtiuioimro j thnt U'»^y "111 'in’ld lly jlr iiuniial Ua^- 'u< -ljil«n jp lit Ju lia David [lark. UdIw.I o n 'S iin r tn j’f Aubu»I ln-Blhnlfii? nl-| 11 u. III. ami llia t all fornu-r ri-«lilin'« I 'o t X<m- York iilalft anil Ih rir famllli-« I i ^ff.i-tri..»,t*-.K...-«utfdtoily Jiu-lJ,i,'d litnL-.! lU-n-l. Dill- lo tlio c-ouriiyy i f ^ I S y n ^I liaui..-u o f RiilM-.ribn IJrAVk iu liu ld i« l | I'l'and w ill turul>H iiinslr iftir llu* i>c-|icai-lim. anil m any liriinilhi-fil •otUcbiln,an.l oHtT-r~litri;nni! w lir '»)i- '(nvliril hk.

’ liiu-Hls. incltnllui: Sji-ualnrs Honili ami^ rh t)ninn.-(;ov..ruor*-IU iarlifK 6_.U a»--;1-y aiul A li'xandvr. Altorii.-y Grni-raln,

!xi.-i>liaii aail FraiiK M arllii.'Jim l May-: !orh llai>K.-n o f. Ilnlho. an*l R^kx of ’ I’oniti-llo, a iul will Im- nilli-d ll(«>H !fo r aup.roprlaiu rcn i.irks »n tlx; nccn-,

i Till; r i r c u iU r tnuin iifn^r’lias Vii’irr 'ir 111 m-i-IIUK of a ll fiirnn 'f Ni-w Yorki’ra !»vlii> m ay bir .i.liln to aUi-nil .'ill lbi> 'n f tl r i- l.-r I.- J . AkiT. I'lialnn.Tft. r.24 I lilaho liii’lblliiK. holHr: ' nil Mnn.biy'M-rnlHK. J u ly .10. " I i . , ; . 'to ,

|ii-rfi-('.l Jia u rcnnira lln ii ond planKj •for llu- annual iilrn lt .m-l o tlirr ne-i 'tlvlLli-H. AH •furmt.-r ’Nr»' Y urkcrn ': w-lio m ay . bl--umiliU' lo -aU cn il »iicb .1 iiio'-liuK-'ari' ron\n-'‘l''d lo s i; l 'ln touch I w llti l„. J. Ak<-r. clialrninu. n r J., J.' MrtUu-. • i-.i-t-rHury. P a r lfk JJallDnivl'

kNT-AD is ' . ' " ' '■

N o . W o r d s

— A m o u n t

HOT • ■ .

I Restd and 1liiinl, l>i\!liliit;:. II-Im-. iiiul ailvl-i- b » iv j j

i-il 10 aii'liiil lln- fililili-, l.ll jlin l . |>i’i>li-|'

ii'iU!-i-ii>'111' Iiiav J;i-_ii.nli- Iti'r t li -l rj i-tili-i'lirtiitiii'ii:. ’■nVi:,‘'"i-ti-ly I'-'

|ii-i-ii-'l th a t llu-n- vslll In- a laVri- .il,-' ■ Ihh. . . . I

Idaho Producing . ir Vast-Quantities

— ^f-lifalfBrSeediT• ' !i

■ lir iil.l- :v . - nl.v ;;i -III .<.nii.---ii.iti l- wllll lU^ ..I;ilo-:iIlliiini t j iu j j iJ i - '. 'lil rf i 'a u lll ll.-' li.-M at I'll. I', M.iliii. .l.riT in ti- S. lli.-i-.- will I........ o.'.-,,u:k; llf lliv V

\ l : . ry. ll.i.Illl ■’'! Ill-' Idalirt W.i'.l tlliiM .;

nf.iiiii-i'liii'ni I.r ,-5.-.-i.-lary ,\1. l '. f l;ia t. .• T lih mi-i'11ni; will Im- Ih'M ,ltiilii:-. -Ilii-':i H.>i-,al 7;:;n p. ni. In ib.i i-\, nlii»-lalh-r • f 111.- 'i.alo a i 111- ra i l t Im.i*'!, ‘•r«iivW 1--a!lc, . . ■ ’ ! '

.............r s all |.;ill,. ..r Hi.- i;i;u,-j-;'> 11| ui. pt.-M-nt r..f III,' ;uul .itij-i ‘ui....!lui;. -T;il,..-ific)ra:'.rii)i'imiliv o[ v'.-iui: ;i 'In.- n-l.-.iliui n r’ till- Im.-.s| iVii.r.- Iintll r.oni.' 1 . III.-; 1 <-irf»ll.i':.l rlni'lu. o f Illl- I.Lili.i l.l.-i-.l.-rn --:tMil (I. :ifC'-(Kl till' Iill‘l,>‘lhr;.: n ' ill.' a->t'i-|;.ll.iu 111 III.- .•\<'iilni:. T lili:...... . I:.' Ili-V.ili-.I l.> III.' I.-IKOIlli'i- a-;:t<i'l;illM!r-; a iljv lll'-:; fol Iln-^ ili : i i.l\ iiuiii:!i.>,. r III.- .v.u)- ,'iuil Ih l'! ' 'i iiillalni; of i.oll.-l.-- .iii.l ■ I'Uni-, inr .i )Jj>- of IJ>.) ,V.';.| -.Manyluirtu will ll.- siv.-n on ih .' ’.-..n.Hi Inn ’

iiN n 'all I'.'iini'm.ui.hilioO:. oV 'i;.-iiil*.-r« .T' y i l l hi- lalii-n U]1 anrl .ll^('ll^v•>.i. 'n i.'i..[( i Mill lli' ^.■Vl'ral ;-o.-.l a r.'a l 1'>.|luii.-r. fliii-, inii^ii.' am rM .n'ii- .'U U r-J-' IftlllllH'lll. I ''

For Com uirrclal I’rlntluB', call 3S. l^

T w i n F c

^ P r o f e s sThe Daily Times is p l Businesses and- Profess you will find them pr

entire satisfaction.'


nndW indow Gtafis SrtUoR K rro

.3X 0fl.V S.PA t.\lL .ST(lRB------- -


P h o n o 38

Clihmbcr of Com tncfro dlreclorB: F lrr l Momlay of iw n lh , 7:30 p. in. Bt. offlco.

A mcrloan I^K lon: Tuesday*, lunch- cnn. P e rrln o (io(i>I; Boconil T ucg-- day, S 'p . 111...c luh room s.

,E Iks:- T hursilnjs’ 8 p. in . ,- c lu b roonU.

Olid Fellow s: T hursday . 3 p. ra., c luh room s. .

Colffti E ncam pm enl No. 20, I. O.

•Tuesday. ' . -Colfax. Tw in F a lls No. 13: E rery

fourth Friday.P rim rose Rebekah Lodito No. 7C:

F irs t and ih lrd T uesday . 8 p. Masonic Bodies a t M asonic tpmple:

B lue Lodco No. <B. I l r s t W edaes- 'day . 7:30 p. ni. '

Ro}'al A rch c h ap tc rj 'tlU rd T ocb. .- ; Ji> c tc iilu a . — '• -

Commaoclory. f l n t fV W ar o rc- " nlOR, 8:00 p. m . _

T w in F a l l s .W e lb , N o ^ '______________ S ta g B _____________ ___

L t . n a lly «xc«pi 8 n D ..3 :30a .m . ConnefUBR a t W ell* W ith P ick , w ick S U r m a s d 8 . P . T ra in s S ta ffe S o p o t— F f i r r ia e H o te l

STAGE L^ ---------- r i M r o r s T A c r r - ^ - ' - ”

^ ro m F e r r t s e - U o ta l . Je ro m * -

L ea r« • A r r lf t7 ;J0 * .m . " ■- ■ U iJO a.m . 'I tO O M n .. ■ 8 :S 9 p .m .

U « B U o « . t « B o b * ^, , l : 0 « a .m . S :0 0 p .m . •

- . 8 :»0 p .m .. 7 a rM c » -

L o are : U on., W ed., r»L .7 :30ft.TO . A rrive:- T u«« . TtatiM^ SaL , U a o e a

- 'w « lU . .~ T 3 x 9 s ~ n s n f w -

•A rrlTe'da^lT a t ------:----- 7'.M p-' ih : ']

Jse Times Ci 'orbidden Cigaret

Cost Three Lises■7 irirTnT7N .-T .^ r.rT- .Tin ? - : i i - ' n i r .- i' -n iivkh. «.-l.- il'-;i.l' t...l.i> i.n.l .-V.,I1 nor.. «.-!.• Ill -...i-i.iiiM ...nilttlnii In lim;;liiii liu,M)ltiil.. a l t . r r.'j on li.n- j.iIm.u h iio t •: w .'i.'r.i(i(<-'r Ifl :< I h r /liirlu:: a |i.oM.' ..l-tli.- M nn. -

\V|lllr.n. I<.\, I., II. rUiil-:..!.!'-., ;ii iit,‘

;il - Sniiilaj- . - ',T h . ' — il. . i i . l \ , I.UM1.-.I at.- .In .,-nil . i:iin>-. .In'. IliM' r... A i.l.i--.lltx -i-.'-W .;. Mall,. Ki.ial, .M.nirn,-. l-:,.il i). ;i\».'i HI.I (1. I’ . M.!rii*-K. '

.Mu.- tll.'ll, I.--. •..•linll:.U iiijiui'.l. : M 'l'' III till' ho- ,.i ln i|i,'ili.l t'l 1-

II-1 , lliil:.l>- .1 1 y- ilitril r.'i'l 1*1 a

'|.U-ii’'i'*li;:ii.-Ui.-. . ’’ni.- lual.-li'.i-mii*- ..-•1, !li.' ItainliU h*-ii.l ll>liii; Into ;i -all ivliii-h .•i,in',iiii--il ih<' Illlll. T'Ih-i-' Ul'-- ;ill afi'I iJn'.liiiiHlliiriib^hl '.Va.,''wn ahniil llo- loiiiit


njr Dnltn.t Prcm ^ s \ \ i : i - - - o in '- ( - iT Y r 'O n iV •'. Cuil.-I-, -ow iuot- nr I-iali fron.- i;.i‘ i II ’»t ,1 to.-al lin .r ltn l allllllll M.tav ol' ,1* i;iin:.|inl uiilin.l. |i|'<'-, uiiii ly .-,.|r-inlll.i.-.l. ■ H.' »;.?< s'.' .-.H'. ol,|. l.;i,I .-ll •(-.itl.-r l|l-.:i|i-

r . r f i ..lirM I. "b.itiii ' r ..r l i i .t iM i; .n ■lay h u t’t . i 'i r ::liow.-.l np k .v Iii- |.,r'

ail t.o.'ii .iill.-iUi:; t;-.!!. m r uiUMi,'-s ‘ ml hail l.'N hh. oirl. I- an.l t t i . n ih '' -.1- a Utrli- ■ • ,

vri Niilhiinil' h.tnU li.-ir Illl- ili.‘ p a 'l 'i 10 .vi'ai... I 'li ilc r ivas In ili‘- proi-i-fn]

ills Busin ronai—Diie a s e d t o r e c o m m e n d t o

i o n s a d v e r t i s e d i n t h i s i

o f i c i e n t a n d c a p a b l e i n


PLATE GLASSAil s f i i ' i . — i>Tic;-M uiK bi -

No CliarKi- fo r SettlUK W. MONTOOTH & SONS.

• -.*KH Kho^tiiiin- f>f.-U'.-Min«e-gC&r- -

AUTO REPAIRINOValvo G rlnd lnc. P iston P ina,

W. y . SKINXEU H kPA lU SH O P ■3ao Sec. A to .’ S . .Pliono

CLUBS-LODGES"O rder E.-»stern' S ta r . ' nebond, and t>

fourth T nosilay. 8 p . m.Tw in l-'alls G ra n sc : Sccond ’and

fnurtli F riday . K p. .m „ R uslnass k - and P ro fess ional W om en's 'club

rooms.T w onile th ' C cn tu ry Club: F i r s t B

Tuesdny. 1 p . ni., R o c e rso a 'h o - =^eT ?= lfiW = T a?53# f??S ' 30^II^*llT.P^

Ju stam ere in n . - Ui1).*'a .’ R.: Second Monday. 1 tf. m..

w llh-m i'iijlii'rs. iIooa/«: Tuesday, 3 p. to.. J. O,’ a ^

F . hall ^Modern Woo.lmon of A m erica: Se^>

ond and fourih M onday 8 p . m .,1. O. 0 . F . l i a l l i ' _____ S-,

fourth tVcdnesclay. fi p . m.. I. O.' 0 . F . hall. ^ ■

G L A S S <-------lD lo .-W lD dow ,and .P la le .___

AnythinK in th e G lass U n oSeitlni: Done Fn-e ^

MODERN PLANINO M IIXM« Third A rt. S . Phona

I N ^ R A I iJ O A D :U w d U r n C i l l ------Nb

. .L eare . - A r r i r t• r- 1 0 : l 0 * . a . '„

• ^ -T • • -R o |s * n M - ^ beaTe M6a , W ed.: P r t _ ; l t : 3 0 a . a . No Lear® T p o a ..T h o ra ,8 a L 'U :< S M n . No R«turti D ti ir - __________S :0 0 p .m . 1' • (— ^rae-op-HUEis— S

O im a.Skait Lta* . . EutknM I ..IH

I M a t , __________ .f

' • '* “ 'V 'i

~ . , ■ .~P A G K BFiVETJ :

lassiM S sWork Will JBegin.

At Early Date On ,: New Gooding Canal

Th.- Il.i, N'.-w:, of Frl.lay says: •'I-'. I'. .-JirnniliiK ,.f Ihc WIn.Hlniv

Uici;, , . , ,— liiinniaiiv— « f..-,Mllllli'.i|^' : ui . . i-;.rul M.l.k-i-a on tllli I.Ill: « '..11 lip- rii,-<l itiri-i; and o u t- ' Illlll nil!.-- " f iti.- ii'-w i:oii,llU(? i-amvl, :iniv.-1 m n...-i-llim .hi;' w i-.-k. utnl l-ll)ii~>- i.naiK-in;; lm- iln- i-ouslriU'ilTiii111 lli. ir rlinip. f ' r w liI.Hi. lln- tJrnl li;i! I..-V r;.lM.n.’:: li;.i(h-il ollj |n,l«>-. .

■\Mi • .iiiil'i.r • tliaj lli<-i-ait>i. iwll ...TI.I.I .ir "Ix ' liour..-ii alpl ail n lll .'" an.l niori' rnnil,. i\.i...... . . I ll,. <'.iiii]i htilhllui:ii ran lioI .>a. li li.’l. .1 a.'llv.. wiitl. oil Itu- rau a l

•;S, Illl- I.... I'l*- 1 i-piI'.-.ruilm: ihi-. ii--............. - - . 'n l . 'i ' » .-r.' In lla/.>'IIoiiIhl.'. l....;.ni-' fill- h..'111'lm: a.-roin-,-nin,hill..|i.,. v.til.Jl, ir Ih.-y .-.111 111- i*.r. i-iir-il. u lll ii'-iili In Ihl' ri'|i,.! li.-lau l.>.'a(<-il Imti-, aa . th .' r. i-I.iiii.Minii ]'.-.)i>l>' '.latl ' lli.H th is1-. ’hi- |ni::f^.il Inr th .-ir ()(flc.-iTt

O fH c ia i B c n c h M arkMTin- lln;;!.Ill '•nrv.'.V say< Hull III*

■ |^ - i r iniirl;-. tl-.-.l hv lln- hurv.-r ilr--*-,

i.'^.-l. 'II..- Illl.'- 1- i:iU.-li fi-oni_i. Kri'iit fll,Ifi.l DU- .»lljill(li,' HIHJ ' i'n-lli,- I.n.l I'lu- i:i llt i'»aM .'

of lih.Mii:- .ml ,'i iiiU,i!.' i-u t.-ri.rlso.,a. •-holiiiu: Slnr.- h"i.-. »li.-u 111' wail-lilt

'W liilv tl- «a^ K.iu-.ri..-r o f n.-ift he- ■ ^a%.' lln- S lal.' w hal lia'n '.itli-n ln-eii r .'trv r.'.l l.i a;. "n I'ln.-i'-flntvd. olrlclly ..- tin-I 111'--.; a.Illl I uh;t ra t Inu.” '

ess and cectory—you, our readers,' the;

directory.'We^believe their respective busi-

3r-that-wiH~be~ioryour -

nsportation T '___ H i 'i i i r r iM i_ i vi»i-‘i : i i r W ~

' A ll iro rk

T H E U C P O M HHOP 420 M ain A re. H ^ J n s t ' B e h lo i .

------Vnrmrrii*-AntD Hnpply Co.--— ------

^ I V E P O ^ G A R A G E .-I

. lined T rtirk n n « rB a ln prico. a ll

^^bBp^' . , - . r ”m A d d U n n \V. ■ Phoui> Wl8-Tr.

•ooihaen o f IKe W orld ; F lrk t a s d lu s t r r i d v . .7 :3 0 p. m.. lluslnM a. a n d Pfvlesslothil W omen's club r o o m x - -> . ■ ' - ■

o ta ry eJrfb ;' F irs t W cdacaday.Toni's Cafe, C:30 p; m . O ther W edoesduys. Tom 's Cafe. noon. ‘ Iwanis cUib: T lilrd ’ T hursday, RoRftrnon, C:30 p, m . O ther T hursdays. R ocerson. noon,

u s ln e is and P fo fcsd o o a l Wo* rtrn 's - c lub ; T ueadaT .;’-<^nli ^

n lted Sp an ish W ar V eteran*:- - V lrs t Momlay. 7:30 p . m.. Ma». sonic tem ple.BSlon A u illla ry : F irs t T h jiriday ,8 p. m.. » i t | i m em bcni. , idles o f the 0 . A. R .: S»eoDd W ednesday, 2:00 p . m.. L O. O.K. hall. -•rlbborB of W oodcraft, f i r s t a ad th W -T n e s d a y i - a t - S T f lO e in B " ■" *" {>10 S astness a n d Profescfonal W om en'a club ’bM ms.

Je rrla h 's ind lsna Spinner, ea 1 8 ^ . M a n J o Spfnners. a lt s lzei z S i:r, -T ro ii t -y i lM ^ K - k tn d M - S C o O -------re trseo pe Steel Rods. ea. S 1 . 7 S ' re n ts a n d T a n p Cota ta r .B e n L '

0. vr, 0BBBJ8B.SSS Mate Atctb» 8 —t> ' '

riMES-.V— ----- •" ".V

W e tib c ta i , ,u • ------- • • r t,. IBS a t-------------- ----------a : u 5 « . :^ S l f - F o r R O f M ^ :« B d :T-(PeH*i IVfcT. J— - e -t^ rT IL f V.-(M oodar. W e d B M d a r . 'M L a ) h A

Page 8: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol


i A p p ea r oni, Servicc . Static: W ork to Be H eard Soon 7"! Says A ttorney . ^

The r.ontnK o n lln i tic c of iW c l i j ’ u

.ponxnRu JiiH( niKlii’iinct c iir rln i i4iroiii;l .w tlh fliit. clinncoK. Si-vcriil -

' w crn BUKKcmc l (!Uy Atlortic.' i/flu^'nrtvfRHfl" iliiif 11*1* Jli rtlrrtiiii'i'' 1 Klvnn Un ililn l n'n()t/iK lunI nnd Oiul ony.clitinc'iiti ctcrmo.i mivth iitiM Do mado la tn r In tlif ronn <>r ii;

.ainonilnicni. 'ThcBfi cliHnKfii.woro oiily K'tilailvi'

ly HltKKCHlcl. TJ..‘ poii«ll>ltUy ..f n-. cl tnR to iirU i cnIiInN ou DIik ' Uikcii Ixiiil

. r.vnrtl Hmitl. u-ns t-f.nMl.UTt-fl, Mr. Swim nccordlQ s jo Coiiimlttiiloiii^r fliuiiUi woiilit Ilko in huvv ibc Homml rriil (lontlnl dlH trlrt In.Ihc; poiilti tm rl n

'lo w n w hcro thv IMIncu S;iuiT iiix CrAvel Com pnny In now lociitf<| clians no IniluHtrlnl dlHirlci. .Mr. Swli> owhn mont o r .t l ic Imul ili rrc w ould bfl tlic onu clilcriy iirfouird l<} a n y aiich, chunito. ' , ■

___City A ttornoy 3>ve«Ui-y .nlwo kuvo ;ir e p o r t oh llio nctlolt ImHuk iiikoii con v e m io it Uio crcctJon o t iJii! jn-rvltM' n tn tlo n i lu tlic proUlliltnl nrM ii oi

.Shonhono-nnd liliin U l u s liouluiiiril T h o nplKiU Jn now boforn tlic Still- lU prcm o cou rt on tho.caso iiK alniit'tlic ContlnontAi OII conii’nny utui will In h b a n l In n nhori tim e. Tlic d o

’ b ro u sh l action to lircvi'U flT ic rnmpn'iij from hulld lnc th e ncrvlco utiitlnii w ith ­in 500 f««t of n .H cliool'Im ltilln^ iiiiti th o school dlHtrlct BOUBh| an In jiin i- tlo n to provenl tho c'oniimny fr0|0 .hulldlnB. .JndBc na k cr hcld for iliu to rap n n ) ' on bo th henrlncH In th r dl»- t r ic t c o u rt nml boih nro on njipciil, • iT h o 'c l ty then lulnncd n npodiil zoiv-

.i t ts o rd inance ,am i tlm Iduho Scciirli}’ com ioiny hcRiin conntmcUOti o t. ih.- aerv leo ntntlon n t Shonlinno and .N’hitli w hich wnn prohibited by tlio ctly. Tli:i c lly In w nlllnB lhe dcrinlon of thiv mu- prem o c o u rt- lr i tl io 'f lr» t cnni' tu 'fiin ' tnklQR ncllon in th . r.cfiond. Al^hoiiRh Iho cnsen a rc no t pxnolly ulintlur, » ia t' «d Mr* Swcfllcy, thc c ity w ill Imvo Bom ciblnic.dcrinlio m wort: on w hen

npd wfn~oVold7 dirpl/caliriii uH

‘-^Tbi»-eomml»«lonnrH d ccldud -lu -iu ju i tin u o lo mithilnln U trir rlRhui lo theIKJWcr Rtto n l A utropfnlls:------;------------

PU db nhil Hpcclllcnllnhii tnr ■ llio m uniolpnl hcatlnK Iihint w rro conxld- c rc d and w ere nccc-incd. A r;ill for bidii wnn nulhorlzml, tlicim hldn lu Iio opeDod, AuRUBt J3.

Oltlfl w oro ntlowcd nnd th c tiprlnk- lin s . ordiDoneo 'w n n ’ininiird ' w ltboiir n rR um ent. Biilbllni; ■ porin lts were KTnntod . lo H A.; .Moon for to•W ^ ^ M Io n ty n « » - fo r -» l.u{Ht iinri t r r lL V . i io p v o y .to r <UOO.' .. . -

PARTY TICKET - - .TO BE FILLEDTo" fill VncnricloiUn. ibe Di-moorat1c

prlp in ry elec tion tickct. Hcvenil hnmoa w w o nubm lllrd nnd nooi'iitcd b y tn a T w in F alln County Jjffcrt-on ' Club._w hl?h m e t lam evonlnc n t l*nr- l»h h a ll.’ AlVln U nrlw ur. ifroSilont, prtnldlnK . T lio nnmoB to l>c w rliii-n In w ero accepted by t b o '70 Dcnio* c rp tn prenent nubjcci lo tb e nccepi- an ee of .tho o ffe r by tbo»o unmcd. . ..Thono recom m endi'd w ern ; iirojintu

I I J . n n r J i . T w in KaIIh; npbiiot bu- po rln tcndcn t. Mrn. O rrtrudo lllnK, n n h l; n'ur%-eyor. W. A. M innlok. Tw in FtolU: riprencntftllTcn^ Kiirl Munyou and G u jiK lnncy .'T w In Knll«.• Of th is . num ber only tw o w ore

prenent-..'JudRO Sbnhk*nnd Mr. Kinoti. T here is somo <iuc»llon n» y rtw h o ili- ur thoBf nam ed for plnecii on tlic.lM ;: laJaUTo llc k c l wUl-Uu n h lo .to uccciit Ih-^ no rtta a llo n . O ther iinmcH mny t.r w ritten In n t th e will of the .vo\<>rH.

I>urlnif tho m ectlnc la lk i-w cr i’ kIv- m by A sher H. .\VII»o!i. O rrC hni.- m a n - n n d .T . J . i.lnyd. Mr. WII»i.n to ld .o t th e mfcotlnKH .of lh e nntlonni ;ommlttei> am i urR c l -oil .J)onjo<-rni‘» :o Work fo r the nnrty. lie . lold bin

A lf re d -H S n^ tJi. tn l.W R ^ d tbe \ot«Tii.ti) nuppiirt Mf. Sm llh ' lo r prcn ldcul..'

Mr. l.loyd to ld » f thn w ork o t tbc :^onnty rc n im l com m ltlcc and «I>-. joa tod lo Uio D em ocrats Io tim u- oul m d Vote n l holb cIccHquii.

\V. O A ^ I n p m a n Ravo n b r ir f lolk )f h is to JlonM on anA mnd.< n'w e m —b tm o rraH c -ram p a tin i-iip p e rhn U hlcb bo com i*ar.d tho plnltorm s ) t th e tw o pnriic". polntUiK out «d- .'antiRCs In ibo U rm atm tic party >ln«*»cauJ.lo rm p h n i»l»rd fnrm ro llrf m d arsuedT Jh 'u l'.M r. Sm iiii » ' I n ’. H " nino n ln tfd Uml fiovcnior >mUh hnd never d litcrlm innlrd nlotiR ollRloun linen lui Rovernor nnd ib.M m-wonld'not-B*-|*r««l*l«nU------------------

T H l'M B « t)K T II »I.IOO m r m t l

ix>S AN0B1.BS. Ju ly "•!—-V Ihuml*. vnn w orth *1.400 i.> fh .irlo !. I 'lrkcl.!

«»y npponr«.l In i.iii>‘T lor | ,aCrC’W -W « -U U r- ’SlnatlST-n>"i*e*»l-re<aW:X] from ilip ow aors n tl I • bny bntef. ;( 'harlr.« c au sh t hi",* h um b -la -« h » B«^r» "of- »tii>-un*u«rdetl j- iVichlne. according, f<i the fom p la ln i.j

n r t r s siTKni.*^!! >iTM;n.s ‘ j. By «BlMd r r t i f

MOSCOW. Ju ly 3 t - T I i r r e n lra t ttm m lU M of Ih r Soviet U nion Traile- : ; dKB of M in trs bad »ent n lo la l of i »or» ll»an SSO.noi* nilile» in rcll,rf nad^ lo th # m ln r i ' l r lk e r s of S»M cn a e-tlK i..e l> d -o t-Ju n f._ ____L._..............

IT J i r S T i i .i v r . IH RT s y O sit*d T t i f

.A SD Q U iG . 31—D istrac t.4 b r a t o o l b a r s . iru f ir tT n M w iira n r '3, n«W ln*f h e ie l m an. n jic m l t o "III blmself* by n r tn * a b u tlr t In tn ji J« b rea s t. '’ H e w ill rtcover.. j '

I^Hazeiton Man Kills Self Because of IU Healflr and Worries

• 1 -jK unM K . Ju iV :i ir - r , i iy 'A . n .,ii. mlo t 'liiiKoIloiu a tlcniiilcil l o ' f.lrnni;l

n lil:i witi-. liud llioii killed bliiiH-it wit jit bull''] (ro rn 'il .111! cnii iro ro|icaliii

b.ilf ii'llfK'oiip.t of iinzolion yciiiord'n .iitornlDK aiioui 11 o’clock. Tli.- nm

f tiv .. wan liiouchl to iic ill iicallh iin ] ivjirryA., Mr.njMil ont.Ti'.l iIio Ilvlnc rodnr o .; ili.i li.niKc niiiint II o’clock aiid ai .. i;i<-lici|' hix-w itl-. iic liicn. wont in i'^ III.. im.l'''l!lc" lnW «l Wilh liio rlflo. dyliiK In . «liitill}-., ,T ho l:otly wmi t:ikcn to (ilc (Sioim ' m an innrtiuiry iii Tw in r'liIlM. ’rii<

o iniinor''i Ju ry .ro iiin u 'd a Vcnllct li■ Iho ease r t hUlclilir w h ile ’loiniiDraril:

.M r.'and .Mn<. nu ll liavo rculdijd'm

• Ilioro from tlie violall'y of Tw in Fnlifl• T bolc homo Iioforo oornin/: .lo lilnlii

w-iiH In .MIoblKnii. T.licy have no c b ir■ d ren ; . ' , ,■ ,J • n i i j c r a t 'koo'Icom will bo iirranKi'il


.JRAPE_RAISERSA c re a se of W ine F ru it Has

Shorwn Y early Increase •: Since 1919.

• Sr.T rn ltad 2>r«M •SACIIA.MKNTO, Ju ly n i—Oroworn of

w inc Brapcji a rn iiroHiiorliiR nm ior pro- hibltlou.• Slnco’ I 'll 'i, Iho Iicrniiso dovotni- Io crnpi'N for wluc iniik.InR imrpoitOK bax Inorraiiod nearly ' l.iiiui per ecni. no- I'unliiiK lo Ibe Ciillforrilii 8 la lo l»e- liiirlm ont nf AKrlciiliiiro. ', iloporlH compllod 'to r liidiriilo th a t thir'dty A lonKcr look lo r ra n c e ..I t i ily and lb.? niilknnn for

home product in lil rc e r and liotlor ■lua'n.lliloii, ________ i •

1h<; rvnnH U in t.luu iu’-u rp .t r ii r in l ! jm Ih e lr riilnin nmt tnb le crape crfliin nn>I pinntlni; wlno cropM. Olhern nro vfall- Uir: iinlil ilio |nb te nnd ralHla vari^litK nro no tnncfir b e a r ln c .a n d tlicn aro liliinlInK wlno Juico Klock.

A lt counllcn In tho aliilo. w ltb two o r tbr*io oxcoptloHN. nre -Rrowlnit c rnpca fnr nhlpm ent to oaNleru.<h-lne m arkeln. .SIxio>n connllon >:row no o tho r varlolfcii. ’'■ I'. i 'flii.: Rrnw iin i in t:iu trnini;i' ttniRlu too th nnd nnil aRntnnt thn IKih nmenil- m onl. drolnrUiK- (hat It uieiinl iillor fliii) lo Ibem.— W hen ll d id ro Into Vtfool. m nny of ilierii p ivo up-, thnir vinoyardn luiniixllnliily.-Tiio.m who liail flillh ibul llio nm endm edl. would bo repealed ,mon. Milok by W i'e ir .c rop i. and limy proHiicrcd i.o niAii/lnsIy lliat

|iO!i ieil^ .•’TllO rnpld oxi.anKlon of tbo Krapo

IniliiMlry In 'f iilito rn ia as compilrod w ltb Ibo roiil o t the l-'nlleO .Slnlcs bn« been ‘i>rliii:irily ibo resu lt o t prohibi- ii- 'iy" declariui.iLXCjrtjrt oL tbo iJc'piici-. n ie iu of A K rlrulluro. id explalntiiK llu- iiniinuiil n r o w i h 'o f tho wine srapo crow lnir imliiHtry;

••Heforc ;n i5 praetlciillj- none of ilic Rrapen nhlppod f ro m ’ th f i-n tn lo -w rrr ileHlKned fo r wina-iiuiklni:.. »y ItCI.

Juloo.hlorU w era ahlppetl. ami In lUJTl an a v rr a to of ;r..nnn .-arjr.a.l;-: o r ap- proxiinnti'iy kO. pe r c r j o t ('alltor%nIa-H Kn..... Klilpmeiilii have been winuJnico stock-.."

In linr. Ibere w ero le»!‘ than ’J-'iOiia c res .of w ini. i;ra|iC!i srow inc. under th e Ciillfornin nun. bul thc etniuialo-l 'aco of 11>;.S It. IS7.3!il ncro,^ of Jiliro Klock. wUb un incrc;iKo;of (l.H;!? itcros. W hile liil'le and.rai>.in «T;ipoH liavo di-olinoil taiui**wbiil. .wlno Krapo.i hnvo Increanr'tl < niirmoiiKly every 5 car .■ilnco lUl!', tlic re jio rt leyeals-

“T h c R acket” Ton Real ' i to P lease Politicians]

. (Com inuen K^Tim f.iw - cuie) ;• ;

Y ork ren:>or»hlp ilcMroyed tbc te n lra :I,Icu r .r Ibc Mor.v. la k ln c Ol i Mieli itncH ns a r c p o r te i’.-i e\pluniil1on Ibal Iho im ilerw orid boss In ibo plciuro ba>o Iieen sbol '•.•.o Ibo KoveninienIp rn rn rr to n a ls r- h r " tb o -pm tcs^ionatT ’and Tor liio p^of^^^lnu.^i.H nhall not l.erlhli from ibo e a r lti . '’

T he I 'o riland . O rr.. I.oiird of ren- ro rs iilp b.inneil li.e p irlii io enliroly. TTTT^v. w as i.ilvisc l. l ie read from an a rtic le w hich :.l.|.oared In Ihe Orecon

"Till!! wiia ai>|>arontly n de- l U iou. Ibc cbier reason ..f /e rrd belni: Ih a r ih e 'i lT iu showed rU y offirl.ilR n:.erookK, f u r e n .ludrd 1‘ortland ino*! never :.ot- un o tficinl on li.e ^rrcen «bc> wa-. nn i li.incMt tl iH-dnn m iv peellnR Iho bnm r folk:.,”

- r h e rt.iitliio ac liun of Ihe iHlard of [••n -o r 'h lp 4ii H orlU nd v.n.i o :flc!slly iipTti-td'liy tb e ' r U / r - r r n h c l t “ - the re . HiiRhrji u a -1 Ijjtocnim l.' ' . i_ \ \ 'I lb lhe iv.« r-.;;c«_brfore b L m ^ r y m anm i p r o t l iw r iieti.-irrd m nt boj nc.uld flrnl out bow u i.p rm d th y * '•(.o litlcar' «Tn»ori>hlp w as and Ibal «o u ld 50rk tho MipjKirt.oT W ill lio;M of the ,nro<lurrr» ^^^;ani .■ltl,<m. :ind .u nd rrtako loRal m .-ans of opi>o- in s th e ceniw riJilp If fu rth e r <-ftort> lo »lop the p ic tu re a re made.

i i i : i* r T V ^ s i io ^ .i m i m i .i .k h

' l y l T t i M r t w ■ ; n - S T K n CITV. O lil.,. Ju ly n i - A l - ,

|ic ;i G rn te f . Cu*lrr courilv d ribity .l : «ra» .ho t- and E ll l c f loday by -Mrs.)', C n « i t-W H « m .- w lf« ..* r-«-prom lM iU --; I’liM er C llv tneretl'--»nl. wlien bo al*J irm pted 10 fjuiet B "n-l«y lhe \\H «on-hPm e. , .1


i : . ' ■■; — , /.T o Stop C u ttin s of L a ter

B anks for Irriga tion of 'I . G arden Plots; •

" KcHi.I.-riti. 'of Iiio n.iililiimii to ll ‘ c liy of 'i-wlii Kaili. who ai.'- Uhll

«ravUy >urfaeo \tttU-r fr-n i thn ei linen fnr Irrlluilinn |Uiniosl'ii muni pi

,f to r Ibc w iS T p m p s t 'y ’n r^ - l^ -w a ^ -d ; cldir.i a t Ibe m.'.-llb.'. Ot llio oily col I, nIi^r>inn(•ra Innl ni>;lil. •' H-p-^mwnv.;-KnilHt^ f - tb » ^ T.udu4..lL*;il - Caiiai eompnny jipi.oarcd before tl

coil n-.lKsIonei'x 'an.l iitaJod -iliat re:<• .l.'iilH of tho’Colden Klile ud.lItUui Iir f lecuA -uilInK liio banliH o t-ili.’- lalcr^ I thoro to cbiain w ater tn r ibo ir kh >' dvu pioI-1. Ik- lia.I Kiveii oenauui fr

tbin 10 bo doii.r In»l year -Iiul hn I i.rohlbilnd U tbi.- year- ,Av m any ii 1'Br 'i ‘ll'' V 'v^ll nnili.r..- ind cu tiln ir (.ft tbo w nler woul > caiiso.'con.Hldurulilo'.liiniuKi'. Uio pec• pic huv.i iieoii. allow ed m <:(mtlnu

IhiH year. Uo. ai<kcd ihb ciinHuiioiiorI urn 10 1.00 tlm t- Iho ronldopls wor

f iir iilsbod -w llli w a te r noxl yi.-ar ii Ihnt Ibo banka o o dilob W'tuld nc be c\it. IlH thin cuttUiK. Is co iitrn ry I bolb Iho rules of Iho cmiipnuy .an

, lo_lbc_i!;___ __Tho commlHaloncrn. In nn inforii---i

d/»oiiiiK(on of ,lIio m nttor, f.iunil thn u Rondly jthnrc o f tfio Cliy jv-alcr w > bolnR u n c d 'ln th e .vurlouH nddlUon for., surface- Irr lun liou nnd wnn no bolnR imid for.' At pr.osont tho fiUor hiK p lan l Ih runninR fnr beyond .ron iinnablo capacity . :’ A t firn t. wbcn Uiu_dlv_tvas_younH

r'urfn'cii •Irrlynllon w ater w n s nllowoi (liroiiKliout. Iho c ity , hut w ith ' tb' ciimInK o t pnvomonl th is uno o t wa I.T bai. been crow ded ou l to tho ad ditlim s. Thi> crmm isHiouon. fe lt (bn i.IlbnUKh Iboy did no t hnvo i.o furnlHl IhiH wal<:r U wn:. u cum’mondnblo pol ley. Lilt tboy nlso w ere o t Ihc ftl.inloi tlm t lh e iiBcr.T* n t - t b e w nior sboul. pay for ll. Hy Inylnp plpo lo ihes. aildilionH nud fiirnlshint; IrriRntlni w aier wlllii.ut fllto'rinK tbey will rave iro re i t Ili.i fllie ro .l w aier fo r the o lty . il .ioclilcd.

i : - : l r y Ilayl.uni.'liiTi.Prlnm nftD nt-r: waleiworkM. lobi Il.o i<.miu:>.itloucr! Umt duriiiK Juno' m ore thnn IH Uon KnllouK ’o f ' w nter wonl Ihroui:! ■thu .fm iir .^ ila iU .. ^^hlHlk■^^-il:L-tl_llM^ " oeor.i; 1 ..^ Ib a r i l .lH’-fflftW h 'Vl^ •wntor w ould .-xceod Inst m onlh. Aboul

b y . llio M rocl nprluklorn.■■Tt Ili.r 'c iiy -c rnwr.- m - » i f -mj.u 'tun

yoara n s it hnn In llin puHt .tlm clly will 'noi-d n ncw- ncrvlcc Hun to HUp- ply w ntor,” ninto.l Mr. Itnybiirn.

Thruo tdnn« wero p r .m o n ld con- rn rn ln s Ihu proposed crnssiiiR of-llii) prosonl pipe lino u t Iloek Crook. Two wnro porm nnoni nud ono Hunil-porma- nonl. .Mr. M errill, civil cURlneer. ml- viHcd th e usinc o f tbn ncinl-pcnnn- nonl onn n.n the InstnlllnK r>f a new Plpo lino Ui e i im in r - /( 'i i i . i S u u ld rnuBo tho i-xlrn o rponso of ii pormn- nont croKsinK ho wniilcd..— n .T rm n lto r -t t- a n -b e M -over lf» Ibo next mcniluR Ah H nlpb Sm ith, w ntor rim .'.nlasionor, wii> no t iiresoiil nt lilitl n iR hi’i. mocll,ne.

CKy A ttornoy .Swcdi-y Knvu u rc-

V bliiinir-^TTT-CaTnrrr iii«lnlUr.l?b«ft fool o t ?i .inch- pipo.frflm Iho c l iy 'l l ’mUs u. blh roKbloncM Four o th e r UHOrn- woro to hnok on tb Ih h line an.l n i. 'n resu lt .Mr. .C4ir- r ic o ja i io l jjc u lm ; m uch, wnior. on .iho eiKi of bln privnto lino. The c lly do- ciiled 10 n h i i t y n i e oihol--uiicTS on tills Iiuo Ihnl llie»- would havo lo hoc Mr. (^lrrlcn . un tb c c lly bnd Jurlsdlc- tloii-ov i.r-iho-w nU ic-la the .cliy_lhjilta. only.___________ ' ____________

j Mountain View |T ho Cnm muniiy e liu rcb bciri cliurcli

fcervicer. .^umbiy m’ornintr followlnu .Sunrbiy iichord. T he Itov. ..Mr, Wakoti. .If Ibe HapU!.I u isnioti delivered Ihc torm nii. ' Afl'-T tbo |.crvieeK a onm-> m unity .Ilniior wn» -oiijuyeri hy tlm t.tiIH'O],If plOM-nt.

Mr. nn.i Mrs. A. M- Culiey from Uu'ix-rl were Snn.lay onllcr;. ni tho .1. \V. MeDowcll bome.■'I>r- nnd M rs.:’Il.iwiir.I .Midu-h.y of Vakimn., Wn^b-.. ntoppi'.f I., call on lljelr nnnl, .Mrn. IV J . DUt.-r.' Tlinm - Ilay. TJi’cy nro oji tho lr wny homo a fl.T vi-iltlnK In S a il UjiTh- <’11X-

-.Mr. and Mr,'. Fr. n t' of SUrrbiiry.

■f.imlly’ y tie r v|i.liln'« th e ir Kon, llcr.- nard F rost, mi iM yetie, T hey a rc .m l l i l i r w ay iinnie l.y way of l/iali l.ninti.. •;

Jim m ie Wlllinu'.v trnm .Slnnfoul.,, K boro on llii; v a c a tio n '»iR ilitu nl the bnmo of .Mr. and Mrs- K. A. tT rlfm r— Jlm m lo-lT -n -fo rm er - rr s td rn t u f lhi:. d is tric t, b a v in s Ilu-.l hero un til hcven years aso .

Mr>. lu-rnnrd F ro s t. dauK hter -:t .Mr. and Mrs. J . W . • -MeDowcti. i-< ^penllinK a t n r week,', with h e r par- rnt--: hero.

.Miss Ruth ItlPdoman relurno.l Sun- tiny from a tu-n-n<>oks' visit w ith her aun t. .Mrs. J . M. Mnfon of Ktmln-rly.

Mr... Je lllson and .sm.ill son frmn D enxcr. C’o |o . a ro spendiiis a f.'W « e ek s w ith h r r tanrlo and aun t. Mr. and Mrs’- J . W. McDowell.

Mr:.. W. 1). G rin ti.'cr of Yiimn. fnlo... who hns I,een vl.-.lUn;: he r i.■.lor. Mr.-. (). C- T aulron. reu irn e d to lior b--me MQ?vlay.*' , • . *

Mrs.- m . ; 'r r f 'J U > ] ‘ .lT.rsiri‘.'rK fj iu r a ^ a n tl - ilo len t . ' ii im e i f Sundny

aWd on for mnsioWl- trnnble,. Mr. nnd "Mr.. T e .l 'M ..rn n of K im ­berly, ra iled on Mr, nnd .M r.k II- W. UeirteninB Sunday.

Mr. and Mr*. J . M; Clandon iiml family a llen.ied th e M uw nic -p lriilr .it F i l r r Sun«3ay- ‘ ,

Miss lle,'it.ih C h ris tian Is v is i tln ; l e r s ln lT . Mr»- IlMir)- S larry . thl« V r<k. • ^. .A m nne lh-.%<- atlendlfUt Ihe K ansas-' N ebraska picmc a i T f le f from r ii* ' . 'l . tr le t w ore Mr. a rd Mr^. U J. H an-; Ion. Mr^ and Mra. H en ry « ’Ue, Mr.i in d Mr?. O tlo Wolf. aQ d llho M Isset

itOVIIJv— n s b jM lrhe ry a n d r«ar- :.>S f’UlIl here .


] Matters of Record■{’—-------------- ----- 1-,— :— :_______.

n is T ii iC T c o r ^ T . ■Divoroo com plulni wn« file d -b y C

- ^ (».- l ln ll fi.r - lli!' lilli'lll'. Illiililil'U ' Iioii. UKaiiisL-J)or. liiiniiaiid. Cbnrlca T. Heat Illvoroo\lH vouKht on tb c Rroundn n

'> |fn l lu r« tn i>t.»blu nnd doHurtloii. Sli mikii >tiHlo.l)P_lif , tb o lhrnoJ.clilldroii K .'lo 'fiiid 12-yonni of nKC,

T lio .C npiinl .Snvlnm* and Unm.jVn Hoolalbm fiiiMl notion iiRnUiHt tbu Iiuh

io '. .Heim Jnn iiat MoKlutoy,’ IbroURh ho: l- )a tlo rn e y . W. I,- D unn,, in iiiltu lcd .nc x>. Uon nKnlnsl John U. McKlnloy, Jr. '■ I' n divorco '.m ’ tbo .'Rroiindn o t du •■•(Morllon nnd tu1lur.> lo provhio. T hon

nro ti.i. t^hlldrcu nntl nho nnkn tlmi ■‘I bo r maiden, nnmo 'o f Ucm i JutiKm hi

rostoro.1 lu her. •

. FOI.U’K r o u i i T’■ Tbo au loa of JoshIo n illn and Vny f C.>x onllldod n t Uio Inloraoollon ol

Main nud Slioshonu w lt|i lillRht dnm- n ii'ko lo. hoth cam .,

.’ JIAliltlAfVK UCKXSKH ,li Tbcoiloro H. n rn ck c n b u ry o t AlbbmI nn.l Olivo MeCnrty of K im berly.

K.|wlu D. SprluK or o f Piiohlo, Coto,^ a iiil.V lolii 'i->nn» o f Tw in iralln.

H ow nrd C. Sm ith und -V lllu Uepp- „M or o t T w In.K iillK .,, , , . •

‘•j ' PRO I'KllTY TKAN’SFKRS .1 Locntloii notli’o >ni» filed hy K.I.

•Vntico. Jo h n IJIorkcn luid 'II.. i4 .it_ thc_C onpcn_i!nn_cln lm . n e a r th.j

V ljunciltm o t Itol-k Crook nnd Sniiko „ nivoi'. T bo cinim bnd hocn ntakod . Momu llmo nRo hu t nuvcr roco rdcdund . th e tlm o fo r proof o t labo r hnil’ cx- t Pirod, ,

j Spain Begins To ' i Fear. For Safety

Race Yacht AzaraI . ' ' Hy TTBitod I SANTA.S’D K 'l. Snnin, Jn ly .11—Foars

grVw triilav'for. the snfelv o t Ihe Irrin,-..

C, ‘J. aiul F, i:, U aker.. w bleh In' iho _pnly_.m.^_of ll.r- rn'clDL- c ra f t no l to

oonntnl nrcu mitl ro turnod ’a t te r hnv- In s found, no trace of ibo ernfu K ins Aitonno urder.-rt toriw do boiitn lo ex­p lore tHe dlitlrjci o ff S nn tner nml aii yo t thcao lioalH bnvo m adn no rci>nrla.

T ho Awir.1. a .n c t r o l l . M idi., c ra tl. c n rrled a crow of cIrIii pnratm s nml wnn an e n try In tho rnco o f ilic InrRor al,io. ynchtH, , .

Womiin Arrested on \ Chfffge of Forgery

UohkI.’- ■ .Vnlltm'. ullnn Ilosslo Tyreo. wan lak.'U Into custr.dy n t n tocnl

1 iI? T - ir - |i1 io » ~ n n r r r.ii'n -J.Toui6~ tb n r , Ibo 'youm ; woman w-n» w anied Uiern

n rbnrR o of forRcry. DopulJ- S h e r­iff S.mrs 4>f Je rom e eoiinly cnme to Tw in Falln nn.l re tu rned to Jerom e wliti the younR w omnn nml it friend o t hers,

Hcsnhi Nnllon In nttoRod (o tinve jv rlllen a forRod -ehock. Sho atntcd to o ttl ro rs he re th n l sho Imd m erely •MT tirr.n-ttiTr-oli.-i:k--tr>liow -ii.-nbliooT

Ih 'a t'i il'e'eiind'ii'nr'iVrob^^^ rheek nnd cnnbc.l It. . , . ’

* TODAY’S GAMES I*■-------------------- ---------------1_*. . N A TioxA i,

At N.’ xv Y o rk -F ir s t Ramo: It, H. i;,C J i lra to ,........ .................. ............. 7 ;i nNow Ynrk .....................................’ s K, n

ll.ifiet'-ra; Iliako. IIuhIi an.l H arl- n e it: K.t.'Hlmnions. iliihbcll nn.l Ito-

•Seron.l ’K aii-'r-K nil R lh ,.’ fl.‘•Iilcaso ............................. nno (HI 02- - :New Y.irk ......... - ...... Ono 010 lO - l, n a tle r ic s : Hoot an.l Coiiziiles;

W .iiker. lluhhP tl nnn Jlociln.

= A # n r i ^ ' ! >ii: , . ' ----- n r ltffT -Clnr-ibnail ......•. .:................... 7 oIlrooklvir-;.- .............................' 3 :-> • 1

Ilatl.-tl.'H : May. I .ucastam i li'.--- i;raV..;: \’;inc;- ap.l D.-bc^ry, _

1 Al l!..Ktnn:- I l . n , i :i l ’L i i - A o r s l t _ ^ , . _ . ----------------r., ilo.-.tnu .................................... 11 n Ij - I la l l .r ic s : Meadows. U ram e.l llla .ix e lir r nml n..rKren»e». Ilem slcy ;] , t t . .‘Jtr.llb nnd T aylor. .‘ iHibror, '

W P h liadetph ia : It. H .i:.f!l, U m ls .................................. IK 2D ..I 'hllaib-lpbla ................................. r. 12 t

n a ile r ie s ; A io jam lor an .i W ilsnn: I 'n ie ii . W llto iuhby . Sw eetland aud , l^-iian.

-! _ A -'* IK ilir ,r> r.KA til K

.\t I 'h ieano: . I I-H .i;.iW a.tiinc ion .............................. r. f; aK-h1r;.t;.. , , 7 t l 1)I —nsnx+ irr.:— O w ston .-M nrhrriT " nn-f ' jK onna. T ale:'D lank<nnliIp.-A .lklnn nnd i :

.........■' ----------------------IlI A f l 'e l r n U - K n d 7lh. ' .H .i!'i!n^Jon ............................... r»ii) o n o -2 _ 2 'iD etroit . . ............ too n o 1- 7:1

Ilanerli-s: K ufflnc. « im m on :i-and [llo in :-Sorre l an.l H arc re * tes . . I

I Al St. iKJiiis-iKn.l ;n d n , ‘ ».il'hll.->delphla .................................... lf»- l;s i . . , l /m ls . . . . ....................... l o - j1 tL-illrrlos: Grovo and C ochranc: ;i |tn a e h n l.! f r-a h d -Mnnlon. ; -------------- 1',

I At C leT eiand -K ad Slh. 1l !|New Yojk ------- '

n .H terle-.: ItoM . .Moore and O m b-! A tt.'k l; lU >nc. ix v se n . G ra m and S e w - '

• W i f , T ^ j , A i L y _ T i a i i i r ; :

J lr f J. A; Rprex ^ - / Is Laid at ResI- . •Klmil tr ib u te to (bo memory of Mrx . . AuRtiiit H orex. wife of J . A. Horex o .( Iviitjl.orly. wbo dl.Ml S nturdny tnorniuir

Ju ly 1!H, lit tho I’ortlnnd Open A ir Snn .♦ Iinrlum . wiii. palii by h e r m nny

frnm Klmb<-rty lui.t Tw in Fnlln. n f Uu 0 W hile m orliiary hero T uesday nflort : i ionTi: - n ti!- n r-vrT :. -.T;:"-ivniiP ,-n ti;tnci r.. oupcrlntondtm t or tho o.Mpiodlal Kpln-

copniy chiireli offlclnlinR. T he ii'mnj ,u hnnutltul. flprni ofterlnRn w cro cvl- I, donee of Iho hiKh ewlccm 'ln w hich Mrn

Hor.-x win-li'olit;---------------- ---------------n. Mrs, rtorox. xvbo harl beon n reiddcnl ,1 o f Ivlm W rly. to r nbon i oIkIu yonnV

tnkmi tH -U in-Pnril«nil,,ianlt3riuin for trealm cnlJi npjiroxlm ntely n yonr nRo. TllO lirrlvod .in Tw in Ii llIn

.. froni the con-it Monday nomi:.M rs. 1‘'. T, K.'IIokk pinyvd two •no-

. Iccllomi.' -'0 , I.OVO T bnt W ill Not l.ei Me Go," and ’•Softly N o w 'th o MKhl nf Day." .liirluK the norvicb.

Mri>. norox Im iiiirvtv.^d'hy hnr biis-

"’ N z t h ^ f I'le,u.nnt Iflll. \m .. ouo ah.Icr V und rtvj< broibors, itll roiildluR In th?

South, . • ■ . .. ji; C. I.olnch. Dou SNifford, Koy Ua.- vln. W, Snoiiion, Frniik’ T hlolion '.'aud J . Swnmion wcro piUlbrarern., In lerm ent wnn In Twlri.l■^l^ln ccme-'

., locy. . . _ , - .


MIhh V llln H eppler. .Ifiunhlcr of Mr. nn.r*Mr!i.-C. M. nud Ilownid-

• Sm ith, von of Mrn. Holl SmlUi, woro ‘ niarrll-.l a t r> o ’clock T ueadny nftor-* n o o n .a l the Immo of th e bridn’n pn'r^ ’ onla on Kiflir-nvotiue-cnar.TT.rCnvirk- ■ mun.-proHldonl o t Tw in I-'nllH slnko of I' th o .t .n l lc r Dny Saln'in. offlcialed;

• The couplo. nlt.'nito.l by Mbin Tcsn llopp lcr, nliitnr of thu-brido, hnd Arlio Sm ith, b ro th er of tho Rr/jom. mood bo- foro nn Improvlncd n lliir o t whito phlox n n d .b lu u I'lummer e lirynnn tlic nuiniH durlnR ihn rnndlnR of ihn ncvv- Ico. WIcAor bnnkctn of tho nnmc ex- (luiidln hlonmn ornnm ento.l thn rooniK.

T he hrb ic wnn cbnrmlnR In n'lmnirt tdiie RcorRotle onncmhio nnd nlio cnr- rled u beniitlfiil nhow er boiiriuet of

•tTrHtti*i n 'iinPB 7~ 'rhnna ld 'nM innnH rffn r nn ntlrnc tlvo modol,/of mi'lmou pink inffcla nnd her hoitrii'lcl wnn miiobudH.

Inmrudlnlnly-totlmtiUK Uio coroinouy iwnii j i p n -f.ri ,. Tb.i.

w cddlni: cnito '(•ciiicroif* 'ilio fame, tlnnke.1 t>y cci'alal onndle nllcku hold­lnR .p ink tnporn niit1'<;pys»t>l linwlmin Vf pnslol aweol oenn nnd baby Jireatju PfnTTirnd-'vTiU L^fCit'"eini)rnnd" p tr tn r ,riir.lH added nn .o ffcc llvu docoratlvo touch.

Covcrii wero mnrke.l fo r Ibo brldo nnd Rroom. I’rcnidcnt K Irk in n n ,' Mr. nnd Mrn, C, M.' H cpplor, Mrn. ncllc Sm llh, Mr. nnd Mrn. Artto Sm llh. .Mias ToaV Ilopptur. Mian lUwol SmIUi of C allfornin: Cbnmp H cpplur. Dick nml Deo llnpp lcr. Mm. S. Iv . H cpider of n ieb fiot.l, trtnb, Wnvno Sm ilh. Mr. nnd i l r s . l-:rpctil r a r r o i i anii“Sir. jimi JTTiT TbJimnn MeRlwnln. .'

I'V^llowlnR II w edd lnR .Irln IbroURh I tir G nind Cntfyoiu 7.loii..N'ullonni park, llryco pa rk nnd S a il U k o City, whorr.- they will vlalt ’fricn.lH nnd rcbiUve;C .Mr. nml Mrn. SmIUi w ilt bc n t tiofne. In IWO w ceks. a l 227 F ifth nveniio easl. Mr. Sm ith Ih aimochUod w ith tho Mu-

Ifijured College Beauty Conkious

After Long LapseN A SH V II.l.ii.-'irnn .. Ju ly j l — ACicr

8G days o t lo(al o r (..jml.iinconscinuK- ncss. MIsn Maj-Rarct trobh, ]!.-year-old ' N tndsnl' licaiily -of ihn lln fvorslty or T enneasce. Kon M.okon f o r ,Ih u tlrst' . tim e. snylnR. "I fe d f in e ." ' '

On Mny fi. w ilb tb rcc o lbe rs . M if. e b b wan H.>verely iiijurod In nn auto- mobile w reck In whlcb tb c c a r erni.b- e.l nRalnnt n tc lephono'nole . H er t<kull 1 nnd lcRW w ere fraclun-d. For dayn sb.' appeared lo und.Taland w hnt wnn nald ' to b e r . - h u r n o t un til .Into ycnienlny ’ wn.i. nbe ab le ot reply,.

I 'lH nlclans bcllovo nho w ill rccovcr.

Democratic Leader ===illtaois=Verf'Ill

S y UBltcd r ra a sCHICAGO. Ills.. Ju ly n i—GcorRo 11

Ilrcnnnn. D cm ocratid nn tlonnt com- milU-finnn from Illinois, nnd Iou r n

-lendar- in -4h .^-tw riy’* -« ffa lr» - ln -U ii» s ta te , is nen r de.Hh In a bonpli.-il

[hero. 'I-nst rUca o t tho H oman Calh- lollc church tiavo been n.lm inlaiered 'a n d Uie. Inim ical lendor’a fnm lly ia in tbe,

Ilrennnn’a condition wna caused by iiifecilon which spread th roueh bla lindy from nn Infeete.l tooth, nccord- Inc to hosp ital a lien .lan ta . Ilia 111- MO*-, hnd Item kept kocre.t.- Urennnn wns a tender in' Gnv. Al- rr.-d K. S irl ib ’a prr-convcntinn,-- rn isn , -

i-OSTAl. D K FIl'lT TH U I’A IE N K I*.

By TJbIU^ rr*aa 1"AV A FirrN RTnX — J li l t '- S l O M m'fl*: te r G eneral N ew .’-annonn^ed toilay thr-pn-itnTftce-thta f ica n c r -y ra r;face ir a $toaooo.i>f.O deficit due to tb e In ter- siat'e Com n.-rce Caunhiaaion dcciaian IncreasinR |h e ra ilroad ra te on malt t.y 15 p e r cent.

I lo 'iaU m ated he wniibl -be force.] to increase ' postal rate s on fou rth claatf (parce l po-,i» m a tte r. . w

SIOIEW.HAT IM rnO TET) -CHICAGO., j u ly 3 1 -^ e o rR » K,

llrrnnan.- Illin :l» D em ocratic leader, na a" r iu « r led ImptTJred~at—Jolm-*B; Murphy hosp ital here .today. ’O rcnaan !a aufferlnR from acpllc polsoolnR which developed from an Infected

A RQ O -^num ed Masonic' li'atl will I 'cT ebu ill , / / . _

l I B i l S FOR ; IR E A m v rO F ; DREAD DISEAS' nVANSTON. Ilia ,.-Ju ly 31—tlincov . <3ry of n mtiicra’I Ircn tm o iit-fo r illii

IhlK n t NortlMvonlcru .Onlvoralty, a , thu oulatnm llns m edical ndvanco u . tho dny. Tbu trcn lm cnl, dlacovorci

by Dr. H urtrnn.l o( Frniicc. connlal- of-tbe-iiae of-roball-and -n ic ltc l-ln -m l

nu to nuaiiUilvN',.1)1-. Jacob IJpm nu, dcnn of ttic Col

; ]v'Kc • v i .> vcrnlty, told momborn of ttm A merl

cfl’ii.C livm luil Suclcty luHlIUito o t th< F rench iloilo 'r’a -experim ent.

'•Dr. H orirnnrt’n ironlmcnt; Ih niil til' thu cx'porlmchlnl a’lnKU Iiur6." Ii< dcclarcd. “Only ti nmnll nniounl o n lc k c f and cobnlt cnn 'bo admtnia ivred uud tho lechnhiuu inn»i bu furHificjcrU uiiL_______ :____________ ____ :

’•F u rthe r knowlcdRO of p lnnl .nm nninmt uu lrlllou promincn to opci now and IntufcsUnR chnplcrn to mod Iclno in iiR rlcuiluro ami In chpmlca luduHtrlon.'^ . • ’

AcoorUIni; to Um iticory, Uio luNullt ircntm oiil fo r dlabnion m ay owo Iti v lrliicn 1.1 thu tac t -that Inaullii. pro parud from tbo pancronn of nnlmnln coutninn coball nud nlukct. lio unn lyzcd nnnipten i)f .|iiau liu und'dlKcov- vred thoHO tw o mlucrnlu, I lo then bO' Ran uainc them d irc c tly 'In ttio ironl- m eht-or-dlnbctcn-nn(m ntnU ica"D cT tt« I lclal rcnullii, •


WAS^HNCTO.N’. Ju ly 31—FuTlhei t'ovlnloii of Uin Chlu..'HcAAmorIcun (rcnlicii. , p a rliciilarty Min Ihoy aftuct rixlrn L .T riio rlallty . nniat iiw alt mori s tab le in te rnal condltloun In Cblnn. It wan nnid nt Ihc S tate D cpahm eni loilnx, /T bo ntntom ont wan prumplcd hy NnnklnR’a- Himoiiucciuont Hint D r C.-3^JAgU;;irufl=l;ccli=at.b6iiib»i=jtaCgm: nllHi .ieloKntc to a trea ty . rovlNton conf.-i.m cc' h o rc , .—otfiL'iMs" n n c in rn i-n b o y dl.i “ not ui.dorntnnil'’ tbe N nuklna nnnriunce- m cnl, which wan -tn iibn form cf n- ro- lily 10 Secrolnt-y o r s i n l . t 'KelloRR'a no lo o t Ju ly 2i pron.'iaiuR to nocotl- nlc a now ta riff ircal>‘ n i oncu. It WOH nald Hint w ith Iho In rlft tronty rlcnod tho Unliod Slaton wna not proparn.l to .undortnko uny furtlior noKoUntlon:.- to r iho lln.o boIni;.

In Ilia reply, how ever, t'brolcn JHuIaior C. T. W uns nald: •‘I t Is tho b|O pO |rt the N;itlonnIlai Rovornmcni

mchco tioiwoon China and Uio Upltod SluKui w in reaiilt In n p ro p er noUle- m e n t' of a l l . qucKllonn .w hlcli-.xirfl- in nc^'d.i.f Imii.'nrilat'e solution.*'

l l wan thouRlil protinbio tiy .aom o offlc.luln tlm i WnuK bnd m laln torpro t- I'd the Ku1Io;:k allhouRh Ibu cousonsiin .wan Ibnl the Nuiionnllnta

TCTriFf^m^Ttriu^^a iliscusslon of ex trn-lorrltni-lalliy nnd o the r niicMlons, •

Tlmen .Want Adn brlnR reauU*. • '


•T ndopptidcni'-Schooi-T^lsD -IcrX b.-;-;

IT) actioot buasoH for''irnnnimriirtVoiii of i;choot r liiid ren to from ncliooln.i for Ih rc ; year period bcRlnnlnR Si-|>- iom ber .10, -1928. -

Dlatanco of -jiroponcrl roulo jinprox- im atcly twentv-n.VQ . i 2Sj_ja.U<-n. com- pCunalion around J20D.OO tier nio'iHh. ( 'o n tn ic lu r rcndvluR tliln uw nrd lo furnlali sUin.liir.l type firs t cliinn nchool bunsen. w ith n il latent eoiiipment, .Map of. pr.)|Kisc,i route nn .file a t y ie rk ’s offlcc. Uldilor.. on Uifn Invllo.l lo moot with Honrd a t hlRb ncbool bulldlnK. 8:00 p, ni. A urm - '

Thin H oard rcaervo;. tho riRhl lo re jec t nny nnd a ll bldn-

D aled n l K im berly. Idaho. Uibi the 2H lh 'dny o t Ju ly 1!I28. ’ l . m SCHOOL D IST. N 0.’2. K IM H im .—^ J V r ^ U A H O rT ^ " -------

Hy .W. .U .G RA ^IAM, Chairm an ., i

CAR AWNING^— : ~ W m i i " T I

F O L D IN G T Y P E F A N C Y S T RP A I R .................................................

I B O L L E K T Y P E A R T L E A T H I P A I R ...........................

FRED Fli _ O P P . F I R E S T A T IO N

____ ______________ _ m i i . s t L L ' j u• . 2 2 5 H I G H - C l

- Kmm por*. bred and m r ta ic r H <*w« T n ln V alK Hah<»..t.n.’X ttcsda7, .A l a t-S i«. m. aha rp .

O N E H U N D R E D T W E N I -T W E N T Y T W O . ' E I O H T Y .P I V E :

T h lr tj: head^ Beftlstered R a n a a W l —T ilhen llam a a r e . f r e n ReftUtcr«4 _ P rv jn i lie n tJ ir c c 4 « r« J a -4 ^ « s ta la ... J

fn re aale fo r laapM ^lon. w llishloF. GooA aeatik.’ L a « r s eapeeli

GEORGE SKV-----------------------------------~T W T T -T »t1 i1

____________ 0 0 L .M U W Y O 1


.-.'Alii)ayt.G6od - -, .j ’ lately-v isliod Tl very dull town No one In tlic a to rc^ except tonfoi u T t^ i t1riT m ;'^ 'Illf:ib(> ’s lr l ^cliahlera

_ . _ ._ ._ IU w lj ir» B - ia -h f to n -d u » ,—|)Ul “ rnirltiil:— ircvcr— ls ;-K .— W r^ U tn te ’i p .M on ilily .

■ L'AIt STDLli.V ' FOUND '' Ono Af thono ncw Ford, nodnns waa

■Jrojm rtcd ntolon |h ls n flon ioon from .Ill frortl o t thft Ilulno Pnyolto, U im liet

.•tCompaTty. Immodiatoly a ll tinea wore

‘f s h o r t tlmo t l ' wnn found th a t n mnn worklnK fo r , t h o Idnho Towor Com-

„ pany hnd tlioiiKbl ll w as unb of Iho . com nuiiy_rnra nnd hnd d r iv en I t o ft : by mialuke.

0 . ■ . .

tl Mr. Dell C. Kehmson[\ ' t'HnilWnlo fur SH E K IFF ■

*’ T w in .I ’n lla ’County . ;J -------------- -

Siitijorl lo tho nepiibircnn F rl- l . .mnrlcj., Aiii;uHl 7. lt»2S...

, I bavo Hi-cd. Ill, Tw in F a lls county ll fo r ncvontccn yearn .pant. W an n . fn rm cr fu r neveral yearn. Tho p ast

e lev e n ,y ea rn liav o ’.b ecn npont n t . -vurloiin Idudu n t w urk. F o r tlirco of1 ihtMu, r wnn n -p o llc o 'U ft lcc r fo r . tho City o t T w in Falfa. .

fu r the ciiudldnte tb n l ho thlnkn In tho bo.Ht n u a lllic d 'fu r tliQ otlico JiO In ucckluh*. •

I n ta iid 'fo r J-Icoiiom^ JnH llre_dna. K A im rn lin tr 'tn 'i i l l conc'orn'od.'and If oleclcd. I w ill -enforco tho law - to thu bent o t m y a t)m iy .

I ‘ Y'onr vulo will bo Kroatly app ro - c ln icd .■

t h a n k YOU ' ^

litTHio iiottc'Jil w cp lU c r y o u w il l" bo VooI n n a ' ro m ro r tH b lp 'iv i th a W E S T IN G H O U S E E L E O lT B lO . _ . P A N n e a r b y . -- '

$6.80 T~ A ~ n i p r i r a n F . l p r : f ! n ~ ~

H . L . .D to k 6 I o c i« r , .M g T . . 1 1 6 M a ta A v o . B : P h o n o 8 2 '

- - - • - W A T G H — —

R E P A I R I N G^ 'n n c y 6 lin p c tl c r y s t a l s f i t ;

w h ile y o u w i i t , $ 1.00. •A ll W o r k O tif tr a n tM d

C O N ; W . H E S S E ;

, : S O N .■ _ <. i2 } J tb ix i 'A v o n i iD * £ a s t '

m m b —- At Bargain Pricesfiey Last • j

^ ........;..$2,401............ $5.00

OSS CO. ; L________________ ‘ P H O N E 7S -W I

i R a m S ^ e J -C. rU B U C U lC C X K U fL ' • {

. A S S . R A M Snm a t ]feX ut»T *a -Balw t l a n T ^ u n u l H a ^ <0 c o m m a e e . •

T Y - P r V K ^ Y E A E U N a a .. ► .Y E A IU O L D S. i - H -B U C K L A M B a - .’ ' . . J - tr«m tn p v r tF d E n slU h B am . U l

l la e l is f rv B - tA M o t- tk « :B i* t t lU n a j i l l l J w J ie ld a t J t t n i d a r b«>_ _ I b f be id ta- aales paTilloa, r a la o ri l l r lB»Jted._ . . . J ■,/RA!S,. Own^r

---------r — ------------- ----______1 • *J 1

• ' ' T l

Page 9: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

a i *

i p a i i i i i i: M a in ta iiji '0 ^ f i a n t Attitude; . '• '• 'Aa Poiice, m H is'P resence ’ . R e a d X o n g Cwifea#i6H~of

. Crime: WIiicK * H e Freely ;Adm its; iViS>yift PunisK* m eo tW iU .B e;M etedO ut.„

■.■■•'• . - a y l^ a J U d » » » • ’ • ■'. ■ » 'E X ic o ‘dk T y ,~ jo ir s i —a imic,

.• . BunkeB-pyed. ’ yonnBr rtranjrhJs.- tnan.VJoMO de Leuii TArai, today , nw alled ( rla lM n r l r l l coarix (or th e * nuNi^nlnniion uf.: ( ien . Al>

• • t a rn OJireffflni n tr ln l n l wlilch he* -will oHen>no HoroiiHtr ;—

• ••-ToHil w pH .given (o coKlJiily of ' (ho c iv il cnurtw ' Inlo yostonliiy .

■ h(ipr1ie'Iuijl.N tood fo r th ree Iraun nil poIice 'ItcaiiH ’read hln con(M>

Ncere ot-nen iiiu iporn icn . T he con* fexMlon ' NCTcrur tliooNand

■ ' -troM* l i t Icflfrih nnd (all! o^ how

to 8au Aiifcoln w here (he n iu i^ e r 'J ___nccurroiT. «■__________________ _

" I nm KlvlnR m y llfo fo r hiK," Toral

’ tiaved .liocauaa O hroson .van a cood ’ m o n " ■. ‘

. 'T hd .youpR'oaiAiiaiR v o ro a 'h e a v y board, llo 'd id no t a p p ea r ne rvous and w a i do tion t na llio coMOMlbii was

■, rood;'.-;v'-,->-:;. ..........i ‘' TorAVi.odnfosstoD M iid.lhat lio wont t io 46bfn«r9h '4o ':F dttior'7oio.-J im lD ox■ tho{m w nInc;beforo .U io nauH lnaM oo.> ‘'f - r< n d : ,^ > ^ e n » o i fn iy .ln tc n U o n 't6

i-c o D M M i^ t a ^ : p r to s i doon-not con- ^BlaUonLlenihgiwiuU-you-Hiiond-to-<io,; bu tf< irilj ':w lj»t,';haro .«lono.- No V p'cri«M [:<ul(I.'no.rprloiit plannud Ihla r crlm«>, O tber th a n myi^olt.' ItellRlon , w ni m y o n ly im o lly e .'' ■

P e llo o i' how ovor. contlnuo to liotil a ,n u m b e r o( T o ra j's rolatlvofl und IS

: niitiVTrftm • n n iinnprv nr.'RtilciI M cr BirpSfiOT

bodo do la U a lo . T h ey nro HccklnR r n ih e r Jlm lncs. i la n u c l T rcJ» ond ono o r iw o oiUorn.

• T re jo Is tho m an wlio- kovc Torfll (ho pisto l w ith wHIcli OITrckon woji' k illed oUhouffh T o ra l tn«Intca , (liut

' T re jo wall-I acciMod o t Ixnntilntf tlii* cham tw r of. deputies hiilldinx sev-

;..cmL-we«kfl a g o . _ : _______ ___ _____w*a hellavod Ohrogon w as tl^ j^ntol-

d irflcu ltlos'w iU i'C alles h is tool.theiifi^• fo re I -w as-do term lned (o -assosslnale

ObrcKon. U o waa a cood m an a l heart" a n d ' l h o p o '^ o d has fortilven. him. ; 3 | j r (ntenU oos w ore kooU and 1 ox- r ^ 'e c u d . to '^ u so red .. I f I h a re .commit*. ted" » Tjrcal' c rim o-O od w ill (orslVe

m o." Tot»l*» confession s ttJd ;.■He th#(i "(Old how ho TiaU Rono to

• confession .and he ard m ass, tbo day o t .lho..c rim o.. ,110.':a a ld .a t noon ho ^ e n t lo (bo hom o;ot O onoral O breson

: a n d w a tth ed tbo presldcn t-o loct's ■mo­la r e a r . d e p art low nrds San Aneelo. T o n i followed. “ •

. .r i l e en tered U>o Membllla resU u*

.-.rani nnd w o n t 't a a .c o r n c r w hero he ; released tho sa fe ty .c a tc h ‘on b is pistol.

T U eo 'he 'toV I.'o f d raw ing ske tches.Q t i

w alked': to th e O bregon (ab le / >n* th o prosldent«'olect In n . brief

c p D v e m tto a and tben fired th e fire I foU l-SlloU .,,

*T bera w aa no Indication of rem orse . th ro u fh tho'docamoD L L_LNam«iDU—olhek-.-d&cumcnl(L-^vx£e^ ; r ^ d b r pollce.'A m onK (hem w as a , . s f l o f -n p te s w hich pollco sa id had ' bean fonnd bn T o ra l. T hey w ere In '

sh o rth a n d a s d . Included ancb note* . a s : (' :~ Sbo(a-'and . Im m ediate death.**

r u o y r u i e r o o t m e a l l r e a ad brand ’ m e an mMMsIn and executo m ? T "

i 'T n e s d u '. c o n fm lo s r a th e r Jiml*. sex . W haT ahali w e.d o . K ill ObroKon.'*- ;-8 ea JIm Jne t."- ' “ Say rr>0d b y o ;to my-famlly.**--.-. .. . . .“ H a T t^ m r b ro th e r anbsU tate .fo r I ; rae.“. '■ < I - - M ra tie t ' 'a n d Jo rg e , send them i ‘ awsi>*.“; . T h e U tte r . lwo lu m w .a r e believed i

7 G M lM o ^ tr t» o d * o r 'th « u a a s s tn who I

w o » B E » I. . . j-.?V ,O ai»s*.*T i» •.

31—Diallaa a n - { to S ^ p t^ ^ ^ l» y ,1 ^ b T lc o p td ly . 'A Buib i

tA m o W l^ t^ th a W n e « a 'd ts ( r ic t w heo i ftls h i t t t e w o ( t la to tlM s tre e t. |'I 'S tw uului lU a«ar. b« lenped -trom 'tho -I V a n d 4 U I (b .th e c o fb ta .re tr te w ^ l U a - ^ j 'W 1 iA - - k e - r « tn n M d b te e a r . i

■ -:h■'y ■■


f R E S ^ ^New N aval . A greem ent U

A nnounced .in . H ouse ^< • of Gommons.

; S y V altea P n i s .J u l r 'i U — A. new n l.

(i'Hi|ii fll' un {iit4-niu(io.-ioi >aTul U K rri'n .rut. II Ni'fiiip] tu (hi' |in »

__I«iw il«_(kil (i^JIcil lu .Ull* ( I'HPVu__. dlsiiriniiuieiTT riinfenTiirr Yn Ki'li*. r in ir r . I" u n d r r wny no« n ifh

I 'm u m nud Kuffluiid nlrendy In iirciiril.

S ir Ansfcii Clininliertnln^ (hc fori'lKn Ki'cri-(iir), in . (lie llonxi*

: nf CommonH la iit niKhI uunuuitred ' llcri ( ;tvu( ilrllnlii Imd ren ch n l u

- in u tu l.^ itn -P in t 'n l iitKli Kruiipe.--------’‘I nu t nlim it to co iiim unlcate the

cbnipronilfio. lo tho o ihe f p rincipal' navul -i>owor«," S ir; A nuten. s n l d . " I '<m lioplnv It mny. bo ucccptablo to them." I

riiu eUlll'a'"Ci>ll;lllfllftt HCSFKnTHnir bcuu itcvotcil lo a d iscussion of pooco timu niovi's w ith thn forolcn sccrotory ctpruHHlnK’ llin nrlllMli roH-''oii» for o

ccjitancn 01 tlio /vo^Ickk autl*w nrj puct. l ir lta ln hnil ruiicrvitil, tho r lp h t '

"O och (lio’body th ink lho Cnitod T uiiug .-lif ' jim iHimni; ' ilio -pnct. muana

iibollKli o r clianco tliu imllcy of '.ho .Monroo iloclrinu? CIcitrly n o t.’ in ovcry n rb ltro tion troo iy tho .Unit* ed Htntcfl. haH-MlKnwI (hoy hnvo ox- p rw ily rcsnrvoil a ll onostlons re la t- i ^UK-lo lho M onroo doctflhe,". S ir A us-,'.on s a i d . ____ . '. Ii^'VWo aro n o t unreasonnblo w lie n ^ o iloto th e re o r o . p a rts o f . 'tbp* w orld whoro w e;-V ’o> havo a M onroo doc* trine . H U nnt a ilne frlno ,n f n»»ron .' tion n o r -a d c s iro -fo r turrltoVlnUak*- oatislon. bu t n m e asu re , o f so lt-de-' fcnse nccessllftted b y , tho •Roonraphy. ■Jf tho e m p i r e , ‘ I

Ho p o ln le d -o u t tb n t th o -n n tl-w n r, ?act mlRhl nianii m uch o r llt tio in tho ■nffairs o f tho world.

" ir A morlenn iiplnlau—CfiUccLi t)0* hind th e tre a ty , <hon tho pnct Is a n ' 5x ijy u o fu 4 = w id = £ i)rm id « W e= ^ ^ to .w nr. Thin Is f th o t w e 'b cpo . w horrforo wv a ro d u d lo co-oporatc to hrlnR tho proposal to fru ition ," hd •nid.

Slr 'AiiKton concluded hy say ing ho h6pcil~(o 'i;o (o .Porls bcforo ih e 'e n d I f A ugust lo hIkp th o prcposo l In be* tinlf of th e -n r ltix h em pire.

T iie ' K overnmont today : tecolvcd KrnncA'n Inv li|it lo ii'to nlfsn tho U nited ' S tales ‘nn tl-w nr Ixea ty~ n f P i t r l s Au'»

..... — ~ ■ ■!— =:r|:l .K \f iT J ( i : .N K 0 0 T IA T I 0 ? J 8 ., . I

PA RIS, Ju ly 3J—P ra n ce and O rcot ' n n ta lo . a fte r (wo montbs, o f secrot neiiotlatlons. have rcached ag reem en t ' roi;nrdibi; niii'nl s tre n g th , ll wns of* ' flclnily announced loday. 'F i r s t w ord : of tho ngreem enl cam e y e s te rd a y .' from n r e a t B rita in . .

I t » :.8 sa id ln -(he F rench announce­ment th n t thn oK roem enl'w as consld-, ered 'e sse n lln l to -d isnnhom en t w 6rk .| l l vras understood th n t th s agreem ent dealt prlnclpn lljr w ith a tn tllla rx War* | ■hips sucii’ os c ru is e rs and .destroy* ‘ e rs and -p ia t F h ineo w as n u c c e n fu l ‘ In iie r a rgum en( (h a t sh ip s ought t(> be llmiteil by to ln l nnvsl tnnnago ' nnd no t by llm llntlon of Ihe lounago I oT indlvlduai ships.; • • ]

■ ;•' W ? ^ t T r f n u * h H h » ' ^- By V alted VMss

. C IT V ,'N lch .. J t t l y '.11—W henChnrlM llodda becam e peeved o l h is < wlfOrJi* burneit h e r hom e a s tr 'm eans j of re tn lls tlon . Doddn confeaied (n ■' the c rim e n fte r She riff Hrown had ' Ic sm ed '- lh a t'R o d d a-b o jJB h t- tirs -g B l- '^ tons o f gaso line . '<

‘fflerb” Having T y j y Lu(Ain p j l |

..W O W N -S ^ C A U P a ^ ‘ f lBROOK. CaU J u l r S l . ^ e r b e r t H o o v - t i i t Is hav ing tlabBrm an'a inck . iw b ld in Ul f i s h a r a c kstfw is &et-i«Klc-kt^a1Lfl

In abo n t five b o n n o t . c a s t i n g '. te '*

kU lhe pC fle lal'.flsb tng '«zIilU U oB i.« t11 » r e m ln e n t^ e a -k a o w t l u t tke tr publish ' th e . o fdclid .u ito sn ca tM B tf* )f th e c a tc h , even IbongM' Ibiiri haT «[ai{ longno in A a l r ebe«1r « h l le i i r r l t tB K .} i

H oover teiT . s ^ pw fe et.7 U lb t;3 U * i ;ho«glt. s ^ 'F i r s t r i k bi r a tt i e 'p h o ta g n p h e r i . jn s« r--tn id g * d lc t few fee t tM blikr& ln jw k a long tb e R o g a e ,r tr< r BMr- ' 6 ^ O r« .'R T 'b « e aa ie ao e x a a p e n ltfd » it 'f lM l l r 1 o ld * th e jn . - K t ib e r - i r n i t i e f t io n e ' o r go bom*. T beT * ;a t*M a r t « s w a iK m ltl ; b» ob i* to d»

' r . ■ . 'v ; V"......■ T T ~ T ^

fflNMIIIlONrilS lR liI W I W

C o n t r a c t o r s o n ’ J o b a t W e l J j t o C p m p l ' ^ t e ' . L i n e C o n '

~ H r » e c t a n g “ ^ U n i o n — P a c i f i c * ! O r e g o n S h o r t L i n e W i t t W e s t e r n P a c i f i c R a i l w a y ;

___ . O p e r a t i b n ^ t o - B e r P u a h e d f

^ e ti in ri 'o n n tn ir iin n 'w ork ims hppn cnnihiunccd on Ih r conncclinK link of rnllwny tim t wlii noon llu k up ili<' O rnann .S hn ri l.Init'K Tw in • Fiillii to Wulln lino w llh lhi> W rHiprn I’acirk- iliiiiwftj- n t WoIIh: •

Ou'ttiilH m ucitrninR oprrnlionK np> -p ca rln lniir-Pridny’s Isnne or.-tbM Vriin llc ru ld w hich wnys: .. . . •

"W ork- .nroHinlnnry_to liio actiinj conn tn ic litin 'o f lhe. overhond connec­tion Of lhc W csiem P acific w ith ihu OroKon S h o r t-U n e n t W uils wtiH Mnrt- 0(1 th is week i-y. ihe iu tte r compniiV. w h e n 'n force of men x inrted njichi* lionn on IniitalilnR the Hwltrhes und

jra ijm _ffnm ilip.iiiiilii ,llnp tn tln -.ii iff

*Tt Is iixpeeted th n t w ork on Hi-- sw itch will hu com plotrd lom orrownlKfiT------------- ----- =------ =----- ----, .-.'A imrly..of.UthtL ConaiructUui.Qan'.- pnny con trnc lo rs woro on tho Krouml th is .week innkluK nrrnnKCnienis for ■vurlnus k inds o f m nlerlnl tb a t wlii l>o lined in the conatructiorj w ork. An­o the r c o n tra c to r from San Frunoisco wns nlno on hnnd to m nko arranne* m ents. for thfi H tnriing o f w ork." A o n r ty .'o f cng ipee rs n n d e r the

iood6ri>hll» o f Mr. .Tnylor h rriv ed froui tho coast lua l ovsrilnK. and will bn sfntlaned t i r o u n til tho constn ic tion:w ork :is tifflsmnr;-------- :--------- ----------- r -

“A s wns..8lnlo«l p rc v io u s iy jn Jh e sp : colum ns tho niulerliil hn s been Arditr- cd nnd sii'ouid Jirrivo he rn ,v«-ry aoon

Air Mail Route “^ a l t “M r C i ^ = =

And Great FallsBy t^ i tZ a V re s s ' '

SALT L ^K B CITY,. Ju ly 31^T lie N ational P n rk s A irw ays. Inc.. will llCBln reRu^ar mnJI. -and passenger H y 4 H (^ -b e tw e « fr^ lt- l in lte—O lty -aowt- c m r r a l i s . Mont.. •W edncsday m om - ing. F o r ty 'tb re e ibousovd f irs t filRbt envelopes h a v e 'b e en 'I jisu e d a n d It Is- expected a g r u n t 'p a r t of these w lllj be moiled (o r lhe moiden tr ip on the new airline. Ogden nnnouncod It has.) 10.000 plecca of m ail rondy for lhe- r i n t fligbt. I

Tbe -schedule ca lls fo r p la n s to i leave S a lt L ake a l 10:20 daily , a rr iv ­ing a t G reat P a lis a t 4;30 In th e of- ;ern«>n. ' Sow bbdund Tiiijnes leavo 3 rea t Kails a t B'.o^elock iln U>e morn- ng a n d .n r f lv e .^ t 'B a t t i ' lA k e CUy n t M O.’ ln ' t h o a fternoon; i^Thls mwins llre c t ccnnect^D 'W ith th fr tram -c o n - lin c n tn l'm o li etCcli dayP T ho w eit- Bound thm s*«enU nentil1 ' ' a rr iv e s In Salt LakffTtt 10 o'c lock In’ th e m ora- ing o n e eaa^bound le a v e s 'a ( 3:1S In -lhe a fte rq d b iu ' '■ ■ 'yo '. , .

■ AnAXDONH-jr. A-IlKflRKE • ' RtPON. Wl*.. .Ju ty . 31—RIpon Col-'

lege w lii'n o t g ra n t m a ate i' o f d rt* Ae- tree s the e n s u in g .y e a r , . I ^ s ld e n t .Si- la s-livans reveals , fo llow ing th e ten* lency in a ll sm n iler cn ileges to con*

ja ien work.

JFisfesnpir^iornlaT njtt^H f^^f ^ T J ^ i l i ^ o o T o r . W h o b * d 'to .|n > ; lo m « .r \h M ? .^ o (> re r a b u d o ^ e d 'tbe Jogt!*.;*:!**.. heL c*;w>»d by m M r

>t-tti« lodg« ‘q t ; h U ; t r l n d , ^ I t a n ' 'B a - M r g .v 8 a 'b .F r u c l s o o 'b a a la r .* n s d ^

D (b a ‘np iw t« tw .) |g d jo p « a M 'iU -« p til* ^ a r a ^ r a l M ^ i n s U u . t d r Ui« dtT-

Id u d ho

R * g M d J « f -d t -hi*' m i i ta * io e k . 'th a


' .^io l l b d .d u r :f . . M A O D lU ), .Ih!.v . : n ^ L i i* n l ( ‘n

u v in io iv W 'fW 'l'illi'il w ill'll lii.s K ok ilruiiit* l i i 'f i 'l o d a y n£l«T u iio h -hI o

. O O O L ID O E O N HIJ .S i:j>B irJO Jf, \V k . J i / l v ; i l — , . l ii lc il nny. p lnnn f o r lu irtii.ijH ilitm

i t \v«H iiiu io i in o e d 'o ff ic ia lly lic iV 1 ■ f’l u ^ l ’ii*}ii(i»iiit n 'j iroH cii

' siiK'i* A n m iH fJ l, lia s I hm-i i i; fi>iiiitr> '. ''iinil liv ln 'lii 'v i's ihiit-riiiM n - lcM rnrfl--th fnH nnvor"i'n inp i7 lffii.

F I F T Y m L A G E S D EilK H L lN ’, .Ju ly : n — KI.uxIh : i 1i

.*>!» ,vill;ipi.*ji, a ‘M(w«'o\v «UK|iati!li lo Aviililni.'be.s j i f i '. p liu if 'i i i i ; l , . 'd

,tlii> S i 'j i i \r li i 'f i> ^ i 'l r a i i i I 'li tiln itiiii t; l iT . ilii> tlihpu li 'h t 'o m im n 'il. <‘oiiii re p o r t t 'i l c iil o ff.

. B B E M E N B A R O I]{ B H L lK .';J iily : n — B n ro ii vo i

-»\iIaM lic;-«irpitltte -H ri? inrnr^vnH 7 «i}i iio i i l iu la y n f to r n ii-o iK tfiition f o r )i

i^ itiiila riiin i o fficia lH Kmd V on m u . iil ilu iiiltlt iiK .yuluifULUiry iiw .i

: .

------. - O E B M A N T E A IN C O L_____ A K O S U m O - ( j f n n i in v .h i lyp o r io d 'k i l i iH l - ^ i l 20 H oriouijly in ji (■iiliidi'd lu'iilh n fr(-i(;lit be 'hvi-i'ii 1)

’ N iO A B A a U A N S 0W A .S H IN (lT pN ’, .Tilly :i l r -K c ii

mniuliu* .of llu* hp c ciu l hV rvicc w jl ihl* n n v y th n t ‘‘ I n n d ili lio ii to th n tr itn n ) p.'cvtjiiUaws imvi> rf^ ftU tom 2 4 .' T h e '" i ‘N.tiu(.lnu'8" n ru be lji'V f (lilll), vc iu il.U sailo r. ’ H in j^oJuirlK Ki'oii’pH 'for's iiiiic 'ino iilJ iB .

B A N K R O B B E E YLO SU U B A C IL C nl.. .Tnly :i]

iiT Ull* S « f i i f i ty Ti'iiNf n n tl .Saviii) w ith n il nvaiIiihlo__cns)i a m i c i i r n 'i i

\ I J -U N IT E D S T A T E S I, N 'R \V Y O H K , J u ly : ily -U n it« '

j i n p i f o r t ln '‘ H ffon«i ( j n u r tP r V f 1! i 'o r j io m tio i i r p p n r te d . n f t iT tjn* cloi

[ I 'ln u r ti 'r ly d i \ ’i«li*i^dH{(|f ■'H.7r> n him p r e f e r r e d fltoekn;’ * . . '

C o u r t v G t P a r e n t s . D e c i d e s O n J D e a U i . ;

O f I m b e c i l e . C h i l d

l iy x r ia u e V ie s i , • .LK XIN flR.lll, J n ly a i - R a ( ( | r r

than perm it h k . !brer*year-old . son to g ro w -IIP i: bA peless.ldlnf,

V indlm lr Otlohlcy. ata gv la ier, killed tb e eiilld a n d tben sn rre b -

• dered (0 lhe')>olir«.After a Tnnpar*tlvetj>rier trtel

• OrlefsVy was found te e b n le a l l r. g n l l l f and th e ro rirt sen teneed ..; |i lm 'iA Rlx m enliis^iiaprisonhien t,• bflt ' Imnedbiteljr-'KnspeDded «>en*

;>/lcne«v .merely'rvprioubding b ln ■ pnbilelr. ■

..ijirllb w ^ r on -the b n lii ,^ n tB i )n« b r lk lly . All U ^ lr y a ra fa g s w ere

. ’? S e r f f l K S a r f ? b e M ^ - o » kTlWIng th e lr“ » o a 'v r n b ;« -» r rM p ^ r ' paren ts . w ba-asneA 4 b a t- l t 'wonld

— h ^ b H te r - lh a t> « w lM i^ lM -4 l fc -------^Tbey abM el' by 4k« d««lsloB »T

U ls e on rt o f . i i g r m ^ . . . '

MEXICO C Q T.;:Jttlr- s t—Tbo i«- gaUoas. Is. Mexico of, a re a l .JQriUia. Prance ana spats max'SOioB be'ralsed to.-om baatl^ aotordlag,-to reports In aipios«tlo..q«axurs. bara. . SltnUarly. Oia'^MezIcaB l^ lo sg lfb '.lb d M cotu- trlfr* -wcmid'be'.atavalaA.te a rtaa tiea . < ''tM lk'^and-jUsaflUnr are tba'.U teat ■ fcoggttjaa.rtprtaantad bera-l^^^raMe t n i r legations to ' ambasalaai. • Otber >t o ^ r M b a v l f tg «mbaaaiea it* <^ ♦ B u u c i ^ m i l , - ^ iT a r .M jl . flBaiiK i

"r«(K J

d ^ * l j ^ W w S £ u L M ^ l a p B f ^ - !pollcaw or |

News' Flashes 'intes—ReadersIN O NON-STOPm ilt K a s i in i r S t a in s . 1’oIInIi iirni; :k<'i‘ in iiiiop la tii ' i i'aKlicil a t ' t i x - a tt ip flitr iit ' f n u n W arsn u -.

OOVER Oa'mPAIGN~“~ " ~ “ * I ’rc.s iden f I ’oofidv '^ forH iiiI ill S t 'iT i 'ta ry lIo o v o r 'K <!aiiipaii;Mio d n y . ______ii<'d jiH ■ l‘c i'lln t{~ lirs n iliiiinistriL tlcii siiMi ll.H Ut I'om iiii'tid i ls i 'l f lo llii rd H j i f l i^ t^ I Jfw io n w litii li j .h iH .sh n n

S8TB0YED BY 'FLO dboptJ llit^ S i 'ju r i v e r hnvi* doNiroy<'i Mil' U nknl ^\iir.ii*Ki>r sn id to d a y ,

in feci, iloxvii n o n r n I tr id u i ' iu thsi .:.l')n p(>rs()ii.s iK s n r r i iiu ii li 'd l>y u)i

iniuiicnIiotiM w ilU 'C h n ln in iv sk w i-r.

NT SERlbUBY ILLII lln c iit 'fo U ) o f t h c - 0 (‘rm n n it 'an k :H -nffit;tnH >—ti i- lnv in hUI' ltiU>t, t*01iiH' li)>|M‘iuli<<ilLs a l n luun l H an ita r iiin i.I n u c i ic r t ' ld 's c o n d it io n xv’Jis “ .seri ».'u u ig>.' ..» y p itiit .iil in n t . - . . i r » »Mtv

XISION-TftKBS-TOLL -= — ■• -:> W A t..l iMi l - U pi-rxoii.s woro. n^.

t i f c f l . t o d a y w li l 't r 'i i iP o x p r i’vs tr iiiu tin k i 'lK i'l ic rb i 'i i 'n iid S \vali!a .

lIVINCf OT'PIOHT -......iir AM iniriil D iiv id K . .^ 1 lrr((,.c v o iii- l iu d ro n ill N ic o n iif im , r c j i o r t i t l ' tu ios<f n lrw id y rcp o V le d , 38 ! | (N icB ^II w itli i im rin c titu tio iiii H ince J u ly •cl t o h a v e lippn follftw erK . o f .S n ii . liT ivc -Ill'l'll siiiT cnc lP rn iir; in Hinull

AT LONG. BEACH •Iir—A lin i id i t lii 'ld lip 11 e m p lo y rs p< H a n k lii'rir to d n y n n d I'si'apW l ii-y. T ill ' h iss iK .p la i- rd n l :K1!'.<>«<)

STEEL* .DIVIDENb'•d .S i« leK -S t« 'fl C o rj> o m lio ii e a r ii- !)2f? a n io iu ito d to j}:4<;,!i:J2.!Wi;.. ilu- t'l' o f tlip m a rk i - l H jdny . H cfo ilu r iro w on* ik 'i 'ln ri 't l on cnn im n n a n d

iViedat For -Service-— : . To Hum w ity Goes .

To Herbert Hoover»y, trs itM » » s s ’

\F .W YORK. J n ly ai-=FAr l i l s " r e l i e f : w ork In Iho HlssSkslppI flood, fo r hh* w n t.a n d post-w ar* lim e reco rds * » -a irtiW ! V o rk e r - and fo r hb ij'iub ilc serv ice of hn* mao. .T^nev. S ec re tarr . o f Com* ■ m rree H erbert H oover, has been . o v n rd e d ’ik e VOJ M a jo r HnTKMn- Ixiuls, t lv lD ^ to n IB e am iu j. m e d a t

T he m edal Is 'offerM l an n o a lly hj; tho A K fr lra a V nsettm of 8 aTe (y f o r / • t h e - b e s t iw o r d - I h , Ib r huvfnr o f life In Urn n e ld o f skbl*

■ ta tinn and jK ffldeyb ." .. • ;

nAII,1lO»D PJlESniCTt DEAIl'' a r .o a iM d V m aLONO DEACH, C a i:. .^ u ly ' 81—Job

Adolphus n iso n . 78, s in c e .1906 presi* < l e n t - o f - th e - K a n s a s - d ty - S o n t h e m m llrhad . died la te la s t n igh t a f te r a .brief, illncaa.,, , , , , ---------------------------

“The Racket” T^JRe ... S o m e ^

_ • ... y —\\.l^ VMt*«_PMaa ■ i ^ ‘ •

■ H o l l y w o o d !. c a C J u ly -31- a ' s a -U on-wlde flgb t a g a lsU m snlclpal and a u to e e s ra ra h ip -o f* « t|* i'T .T > lc tu res W is th rea tened today b w a ss e o f cen ­so rsh ip -fo r " ^ l U c a l rvtaona*^ o f a' film w hleb-.reT ta lad-.B lclorca o f a i-

p n d e » y b f l4 :M d * r* - . .. r ' - .. . . ± T * ~ i a i i a 6 w C 3 ! l i L * B n 4 ^elCBAltaaca u d 'd t c M c r baa boas ac<rc«pted ,*ad aW i'o v ed iiT .v ttd n em ^b M t e an io i ^ p j <ff :a a y ;0 tb w '‘t w i » thay^

* .‘ T r S W o 'O fa a 'A a w i o n - ^ r t a d p I ^ ; ,«BPltaa ar«U ;to>U w aao^ara tao are*

! i ; » S f . iS S 5 g a S f t

C o ‘E d M in is lc r

. M iss M orgarct Rom , 19. D rake U niversity student, ipeaka from the pu lp it every Sunday. She

•, hopes ta continue In Ihe ministry ~ » b e n ^ * l« -e « n 'p l« te* ^ » » err-e o » * « a-

JAP W O R MBy V a ittd Prsks

UOtJUlAM. W osii., Ju ly 31—Whole M io doporlntlon o? Jopanesn w orkeri In tho a ru y a H arbo r ’ roslon wns be

by county niit

I t In ciuirirtMl, ih'iit rcs idon ts of nulls CroHslnc. ir. .n i l o s no rih o b rri'.; us«im i)tcir and _ |icU cd-tw lw epr

•3n-nnd-3t)\jnl»nn<i»<l nnji .riblppcii then un.l tliAIr pornouul iH-ioNKlncs lo To. oonm, Tim JnjinniiHn Wi'Vt) firoiiKhi iKirt' r irc-n tly hy Donald W. I.vtle. t wi.oti -pulp c o u ln ic to r o f Tncomn. .

Ouff truck c iirrylutf Jnt'snem* wonl n~"t~ tn i fr tnji l^'npatt^

(rrosKlnc. it is .onld; anrl tim friKliiiin-■ li OrlHntnls ieapprt to frotJrtoin nnil dlfniiiionri'd Inlo the woods.,

.Sbcriff W ..H . Ilatn tn Is condiictihj thf> InvesliKiilIou ibirt so fa r he imn

.been unable to leorn tbo nam es ol ;,ihoNc' pa rtic ipa ting , in ibe d e p o rin l lm

T *3T rom K id ^ ^' By t t ^ u o r x w

I.A,S'CASTjyi. Pn.. Ju ly 31—A 12- yenr-old l>oy w ith pinek enoush lo J u n p on tho ru n n in g b i^ n l of .a mov­ing autcmo,blle and ba ttle w iih. lhe d r iv e r-o f the vehieie fruKtraied an n t- lem p t,t< J k idnap V lfxlnin A dtre. l i . b f-A ltoona.

•T h" g ir l WAS w alk lnc w hh F rank F ra n ta . a lso 12. a t . whose home 'slii* w ns v isiting , w ljsn th e d river of u m achine on tiio lU r risb u rg pike pu ll­ed he r -into th e car. ,

F n u ik fought h is wny [Into tlie ma- «btnn ontl liio d riv e r was forced ,tn S ian ond reloosd ho lh t^ l lJ re n . -■ E ffo r ts lo iden tify tiio woult|.t>o fcM-

-KXPORTKIW ?rOTK ‘ . MANI1*A. J u l y 31—D rlneln s c igar*

to the PbU ipplnes Is i rea l "co a ls -to N ew castle* '-set.- T h e tn tn l va ine of Imported^ ^ ^ n i j o ^ r w as «5J10.

E ll Ta Please i i^ e city Politiciansaltiia tion* w b lc b .p iU h t'p rev a ii in*ony A merfSaa c ity . • ^ ■ ■ ' '- V . Kew<-ToA'AlM>'ne«Vl(lte.

- T l t lg b e a ' b t s ' boen, a-dVtood lh a t ' (b* > te * T o rk '^cebwrs- m id e ' 2 « n m ia a it lb n a - ln ib e * p i« > n < - ' ’

H arU e tt ' Cormacir; fo n a e r ' C b lc a n

n ^ S h c M T b y lb * Kew T o r» « tn i i^ 1

■ n m j r o f t U T * . l O i d i v i A ^ - e i w ^

C o n s o l i d a t i o n olF O o d f f e t h e r * - W i t h _ C h » ^ * I e r '

: p b r a t i o n P l a c e s N e W

- _ ^ ce rn Along^^With .G ehem t MoTors an d F o rd ; Capiic- ity t6 Be G reatly InctisM''-e d . ••

. ' lJy..t7utj«a J ^ s . ' • v ’t'-;•M:IV V(U(K. .In ir a i —a : u iW d '

e r,ui|.a ,n third i„

" ll/eh (he liiidl'i. c .m e m Holidnti'd Mlih th o ('hrr*ler>ci>ria'^ '‘

_ r 'l.” ' ‘'*’" '1*^ '^Valter

. The lanre^l m i'r to 'r-ln (lre i l i i i& ’; to r ) u f liic niiloniiibtlf n a n n ^ ' ' . ' riirlaB iju>.lni'»K N 'cnm e n t i w i t y 'f •

- I »Mly u f le rr -n-. n<j|iilH .tn ,y t h f t a . ' .': .• li-r. Wl r„.r r n i t o f th e l)od|re i tb e k - •

hud hiH-n depiulji-d In jtpifroTBl o r >

[ Tbr; ouliirBiiil rhrvafnr~nom pi»ny n iu k s w llil G eneral M otors aattltK eV ;

1‘nril Motor Cnnitmny a s ono;<<{C?QiO''| KinutH of the in d u s try I ta r h a o » M - ^ to ta l n'pproximutoly ll7G.OOO.OOOiitBalE’1 lied I s o .o o O iO O O 'ln 'w o rk ln s ^ i '.S i l^ w ith n cnpoclty o t 7 0 0 ;0 0 0 .- c g e r ^ a 3

: u u c lo i’n year.'U * n s estim ated, In. W all

j uny th a t ^Uie

; and 3C.000 ompIoy^Mk^.■ ,Dillon; Iteiid nriil ' (^ m iw tir> r;M n rn

IL V ork.bankors.-w ho bought D o ^ 0,>fii<^i!ih'cr* nu trigh t iliroe yeara ■ a S o lv r tr ; '

; >ilC.OU< i.noo w e r e . e s t lm a lc d /X o iih J^ ^ profited forty lo.forty'-flvo'm liilo&’d d i ^ Iars on Ih o 'd e a l . ' ' ~

T he ilne of Doilgo c a r s .w lll

cnriHinitlon us tire s ld an t O tber lo r brricla ls will extend ib k lK B e ^ w S lie s 10 Includo m a n u ta c lu re .a i ld fM H S of lho D odgo'lloo. ■ i - '-V 'JWS

_________ _____ ^>:MPRi>8 H REELS

■ay TTalted »TS«a,.;TOKYO,'. JuIy . '3 1 - r T b e 'k V m p r ii^ / i^

;^i<ian hns eh terad th e .a i l k -b u s lB e iK iKTKonally- renring 'cocoona .a ib i^ '. ^ m aIk. i.> nnnfl''g io iH n m ': 'tut; 7W jr m npror nni^ ttis emjte«IL'4 p * ^ t* rA .'S g

H er' m a je iiy ostatlifab«irtii?-iahUlH& s ilk -fnrm In the c o ra p o u s d ^ l .^ O f i 'in i^ pe rls l palace .'some m o n th i le ce n tly •collected ( h r e e f X e l r t C r B ^ tw o " 10'* o r-abou t flvft‘ b t u b d a . « t f ^ » coons, ree ling tb « a ak o -10( t i ^ H n i « :

'W hich w as sen t to th a .'T A k h i> 9 n il ||(& Pqlyjnciihlcat school

TA’v i ^ R V I t ^ V X l J o J l ^ B S e x a a iy '3 i yeara hs* w ashed Olherdone o th e r b a rd ,'w ( irk fiq 2« | l H | ^ H four ch ild ren and a tfn ^ tb iB f^ B a B M M hich school. . • ‘

Thirly -one7 b l > r n f e o 3 ^ H e l w ^ f t r n g ^ B M |!<ablea to toboom d a y i o t . t b o > , | s t | C ^ M ^ ^ ^ | kiased h is f a m U r . - g e w m M M ^ ^ H a e io tb lag . s to re faA lr.W fflB M and w as s e v e r .

Hla w ifa rM »lv««r M i ? S 9 ^ ^ H AUakOk a s e tb d r r - M q n n R B tb a t -wa* alL sbe oaraa tu rned b ^

c h l l d r a B - t a i M . W M i ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ HV A ■ e m sln g . w t t d i ^ g ^ g ^ ^ ^ g

v v - ; T r v - v r - r - 7 » . v , . .* r : ♦ ♦ r — , ♦ ^ --------

N 0 w A m t o

Page 10: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

r-PAQE T\ J3 ■

: w m- S p r in g e r J iv a n s...: ,S e jf e m H i -ze € l- 3

GroonVs. F.'ither, Duan (! Collepe (il‘ Ifiaiu),'

O fflc late .s .-

On<- o f th e; \w

Tiu'scliiy inon ilnn ni 11 . ttin lio m co r .Mr. iinti Mrs. I., n . I^:ii

cm 'A<l<nKOIl ilVOtlUll. I'UKt, wlK'Il III"•.IniiKhKir. M)u!< Vl.ili. ICvuii:.. K w in D. Sprln 'c.T uf, I'u.O.lo. Cr.l’.,. >< r.t Dr, nn<l M ra,‘ K*. K. S|ji lii i ; . 'r . ('.Iildwon, Milho, mnrrlt'il, ,

Dr. •aprlns itr. Jo n n 'tif ..■iluniiloii '■ (lie ro^ll•Kc of -11111111.. atul r;iili.-r

llic Krooin, nffli'liili'il,’Im m c^ittcl} ' ix'fiiv.' l iif '<nTi'tiioi

MU« Mdl-Karot. OxvrtiH •■|l.rl»v.. I t In M om."- iiccomp:(iil<'il^|.y Jli MBTjmTft’ K clclip rnrr'rJ ip -l.rIOiil 1 'iir oiii<irmUwtill<._?|l«8,,Qy>ciiit nuns

-iii'ml'H ^ j u U a w a rn fr/k ^k liJK i Ik' placttH Sjoforc n lla r

SIiiihUi "(i:ilNlcTH.S^n’'>^lilj' tiilli-; il rat)RO<l .liirroru J S ^ wliiiIoiv,< . a t'.i 'l

, wCHl m il n f tlio JlMfiiir I'lxnii.Ttio lirl<l<?.-wli>c«'liI«T<-rl nil ilii> ar

• o r lii!r'fnUic.r'r-r-Q-Vl»viinn'. u'n:i |n coil|.-<1 fiy •tiiir^.oialil o t liijiinr, Ml

• HoIon Turnur-uT Jti.iM i.. w(n'>< a irn»i»liorf cUlff(iir'< 'vnr ii<'ncli-liln» Htttln c rriie .-inn 'dn -wliti a full I'kl

—iia v in c tn» iim !W in im n]inn ;‘<nhTTiir iiieil wllli'<ilnlii(y j.Iriiij'<t nirfli'n . ;>i

■ ft nncklacu of cfyiitatM ,'. Sin* c u n l' - a lirltlit'k bouq 'ifl -.or irn 'am ni:-’''

m ic8 tliu ■vnlli-y an>l

M I"\ f u n io r WIIH urnvn.'il'fiT ii —of—>ica»grrnn-~**v«»r»<HU— Wllli—v» liU

nho w org u ulrrii;: of t.’-iirl»-nml im

pink ruoeliuilii iitiil .pink l jir: coiiihliic)]' w ltti n ialili'ii-lialr fiirii.

T llO arronii* wnn lUliimU'il liy Jali■ , I ‘omjelh>»'alt4> <.f IlolKr aA l»-«t mun____ of

5>imlca or yc'linu- am l wlillc li) I.JiMlici llcrt w lth l»iw» i>C'tulU- W.T.' »nl-.i cu lly iirrnnKocl olmiii tlw r.tcniH, In

• ji-o d ln to iy .afto r-tlm riTi'iiiniiy a twi C 'u rno .liim-lii’fln wn;i tc i'v n i,' tl Mioliofi no ro tliy Hviinii. niiU.'!' t.r tl hridp. niicl SIIkk MnrJt.ilL' N.iili-. a, nhtliiK ft» ncTvliiK.

Mr. nnrt .Mr«. l5|«rln»:.T lofi l.y m< tn r fo r.vo-fow ilayK In the SuwKxit -mount&ihii. .T h e y will n ln li tl

—#r<w»nt^WSpamot» iit'-O 'i <-. th « r e t i i r n ' t r i p to I 'n rlilo w l i r n l

th e . .S iill I-nko nml (Jram l C'anyr rou te . .TllO yoiiTiK o;iiiil(« will j in l th e ir Ifhmo In I'lict.In. • w licrr M SprlnR uf In inuniisi’r n f ih c m n i'a i)' j)a r tin c n t 4n tho C. r . A ncl^non nior T h e brlilo’ji KOltix’ hw.iy fljrtni 'wns holKo cnHi'U'Ith- iiiili-^wlth ni.ilclilr

. .a cccw orlcn . ~T -r-M rj^ -au i lilt,lil l , , - ^ K ta itna tc=af= tt

Tw Jn F i«Uh liiKh jichonl ami llic.V^t Icjte o f M alio iititl a nn-inhi-r nf .\l)t

■ T cllft cllit>; Slie wa» an Instnu 'K of'-Snnnln li nml m usic In - th i ' Jn r; h lch . nchool lust yoar.

• Mr. S nrln i:o r In a Kra-Inalc. nf tli C o llrco of .M alm. H r took p:racltiai wnrk' n i O ro tnn .\;:llr illt lltc ' odllr;- H n WU« II of th .- l!;irtM-U cUlll III tho CnlloKn'nr 'l‘jaii;».

* -h rt,(ln l--pnrly-w ^rr .Mr-.- K- lv -S |.r ii . Ror. MbKPh-Miiry anil .V orlw S|.riiiv. - o f CnIUwcll. Mr". I.. (I, - Kvann.-Mi:

A lcno ,8ual. Mins C ortriiac .Mli. L*nn n iiin lllon . MIrs ' llcriilcr. l!a'

cock. MIhV LolH Uuily o f llniMr. And Mr... 'Wllli:. G, Sampw.ii c 'H tlm H i M r.. . \ r ih u r < Pca r«on . Mm. J. T. t'raukTIn. Mr l l J’ri^ijtcr. Cllnt.-.n K vans. Cliff.n S\-nni( nnil J.»tjii-r^K\',^i?-. J r .

Camp Fire Gii-Js “ Home FrtOT^veiitful

Ou);;irlgria't:Easle:T h e T n tancrfiw i Ciimii f l r r Klrl

ncron-otlfilci! •;tiiirc'llan.''Mi;P h il .T liotnln. iitKl

^ r »ii ' i i a fe rrSn^tnanry.'TTiiiirTryTmTi:;• frnm n (*et woojtii' on line a i thi- ,\i.-il

o«U«t r ;A n . tii-nr K n rh in ii. Tin- tlm V M onjnyahly '.^in'nt in lilklni; at. nw lm m inR a t th e KaMi’v I'hinKi

T w i n F a l l sThursday Onil: AU6USJ

m iT w ii wiito««»-»Oi^A<i— to» L M - * C«« •< CmM

• Wn T * ~ . i - I

, i ( a M > / J

".dited hy T&an DinkeJacb

I- N i i p f i n i s A r e ^ sd a y -M e i -n-i-hj

Tll.^n.a-.. I!'.-.^i- Idi'h .l-T. VI’ ,;;tn :.. Dm,.,; M hyn- ................ au,l li..

.Mlnal.-l. h.'.-anw l-'ii.•uhiIk t . .lu•I lti;;.tlii- tlilfl',>i..-iil Itt .•J.mii,

A r.vtiili.r .....'-till;-, 'vai: tivhl KiM av. .Inly -J7, aiM |ilatii> for 111- rni;

III;- v.-ar >vvi'- ill'icuf/.rcl. Af u r 0

i iva-. :*i>*-iil l,n ll 'l i riln;; ,h . ;-lnri-r; iil

Irj . i;,n ii irii-l .-rrvi-il 1« ., .layi;' kit.-li. '' - ; i |t i t v Ilili-lllr.'u’ll' 'In ir at n .nu ., . Siv

IT..I tl.ii.;. till' -Irl,, .•nin>.M| a Inar^" ni..11..>. ,.,.iM .-;im l m, iln- la.-t

iiin^- r'i;!-;t fn lln w .l ii vi.rivil |ir" f ;:r,iril. 'Alilrli Inrlinlcil a jilay. Iryrn. " f ;!ml 'koiij;!i, . .Mr. ami .Mi-f>. Sicarnu

ii.m l IIOII L\1.‘ Kn.'i.h. nf Hid KlrJiy ; \V> n f aiiiii-.'-;l;.ll:in Ii>r tl..,' mrl.t. f lliv .M.-I11...IM •.•anil.'.weru ••xpr.':. kh'. .( | (.y. Aim Svv-.'.-l.'V In InOiiilf »r it ly lr a in t.f lx - jr lr lj- tn Mr. Si.-afi.A.ji, wliJ . ! . . , - , ........... IIIr'M .-tlinillM .'l .iirrlt. llml t.-iniiltir-.l i.a >.f|,->r-lhi- lim.- w l.ll.- ,1h r d r l s O.-ciiiil. Ill till'.uan.D , O /i’i'; JViilli...unil_V utiJi i-- lllill wlTir i;il.'>.tti of th .’ i;i'olll< illirll H- ih rlv ^niilir.;.

■y *

1“ P r e s i ' d o s a t B i - i d f c e

» ■ L u n c h e o n f o r O u t - .

" . Of T o w n V i s i t o i' i j __ \ tr .. ; ; W. Ihn-.i.-li- tniVihl'-a n j .

I ii.'iillv a iranu i'il l . i i d t f hm<'li'-'.ii ; " .Mrr.. Iil.-Ii.'V'.i l-.irty llnn t,,-.ln liniii

nl ,Mls. C, A. Iliirn.'li- mill Mlr'i* Will f- <li< lla '-.rrli. n f llilln ii. .Miml, llnw l» '' "■ ;-,!iiiiliii; a m i. ;:liii!lnlai. o fiitf i.'il tl ~ 'T T ~ 'ti . 'i1 - ‘7r~a!— alllrIt~:ltDn’IIPini~VV: ;'ti.<TU'.l. 'rhi- iiliK-.' ran l.j an-l tallli

I U Hf .- ' Ill ii.Ar.-iniii:' I.U.-S.—I'- M. 1.1.,..', .............. .i.,.-.„rl-„. u

hlKh r r .H -; lik ti w rn i In 'M r K. 1.. - i'nu>«-..|l .an.t .•nii.4.\lall:m ;,U ii...lo lin 'lliu vry, Th.- hnnoriM-s at

" .\h>, .ll..... ...Il 'H’a',*.';’ " '" J "

B i r t h c T a y O c c a s i o n , •

;;;| For Dinnei- Part:I l!..l.t.y'li'.. liir.'.~y«-!ir-ohl

>• in f .M r.-a m i Mn., r n iiik Tlinmoli:. Ji ll I u-'as niir!<i «.( tumor a r a lilrihiliiy tlli i r l - . - S in d n v «l iho cnniilry InnU’ ■ ,ii^,|^;>iity.H'.(#.— niiin«tf .. wiih .bucv«J_<IC' ...... Unvn. '.nml llic „ .a f to r n o o n w i>n n |irn i wlllr itanii'r.- fo r tin- rh iltlrc

nn.l a n .r la l tlm .' fo r the .ailiilt». Tt r . uuLT.tri u .T .' '.Mr. an.l .'Mrr, l-'rar I'- Tliuim-'tz, Sr., .Mr, ami ..Mn'i, l.y<l

K i-liM t.' Kr<-at u ra in lm nilirr 'o f tl n. t .n \. .MrM. .Mary MrSln-a. Mr. aiiJ'.-Mr ii: Jnlin •QiniiiLt^umL.i-l.tldi'cn'—'Mr'i ,U

Pf'niiliiut..!. ami .Mr; nml M rr. A lt.r

f. " ■

Pennsylvania Guest's '- Arc Dinner Honoree

Mr. ami .Mr I. C, II.’ 4{.'<ril:i <'nt.‘ n m - l al .Ilnm r Siinit.iv In hnn r ■

,r th.-lr .-cirlti.'M r-i. Klntlan l-n n f f at • l:iii::liii-r, K ljnor. nf .Il<'ili|.-li<-iii, I-

. lin t ui 111,- Uollati.l l-'iiuiiula i'ni*i|iil-r I h .n - . , Th.iM- iir<-“riii Ut .nhllllnti

Ih - hosl,. an .l l lir hffiiiirL-r:; wru> 11 ratiilli.M „ f It. ftini-:-.. s . an.t A.

I,'. K.:.|ii:. an.l Mr.... .Mafv Mh-kh- ai ,1, .Ml-. 1-Miia .Mar K ”" " n f .C allf.inilii

t^3UHr'»5clTTY~---------------------------------,------ --------

•Mr. ami MV-. Ilay. Ilantm ry w r iKi-i-. I., t’.r SaliM-ilav K w iiln;; rl.i)i a t a pliini;.' p arly a l thv llai

■ hiM-v m ili.tnrhim . .^rt-^ ihn nliitiir,fi.-shn„-iit:; . . . i r M-r*.;.!,

y In hni.or ..f l ay lla n n . M r-. , n . . j V Mi.ri;;.n, I 'u u .k (!i,.y and M'. IC. .' Iii

u .iiii . .f 'T » h i 'K - ill - ., « lin .-.-I'I.r,-tllin: Ihi-li I'lnhil.i.v.,' Mrs. Hal;

■. .-iii.'if..iii. .1 l-'rhl.->y -v.-iilni;, A I'liins

i'- rVi?lr” 'f . 'l lo V -V ^ iv'rri -l

,| > -y-T h.' Vhllli.-a M.iltnn.'i <if th - lla[

- TT-'i .-hm-.-h -" in ....... a .-nvrrv l .lhlllh. h. riii a . .........-liy ii-.rk TlinrMi.i:

l.v-,.-i.r..K i-a... Ill-lli..-a :ic-l

Motibh Pictures Are Taken of Snyder

Anniversary Partj. r.-l.-hr.->llns ih r lr fn rly -flflh 'wr.l .line n iin lv irnarv . M r .a m l .Mr:i, 1- A S..V.1.T. r.-«i.I<>ntH nf T w in K ulh »ln<'

.-n lrrta ln r.l at .lln n rr nl Itn-t ho inr a l iionii Snmlny. I^iK-r In th .if t-rnonn tti.- j.arlv im.tnr.-.l t.> liln- |jak.-r.^wh. rc a ..t m ..ii..n |M.-Tnrrs wer*- t.iV pn-tir“n Ron-in-titw. Jl U . l* roclnr.J2 i.i.-irti, A ril 'I'ftfirsBT-rrT c m Wrr.;- Mi«H M anila Sny.l.-r. 1^. A i.u-h-o; - li r . - a n J v M r - .- W . I - liny .I r r anil '-..n. J a y . J.-r..n i.': Mr. M.n. .Mr-i. I^-r Snvil.-r. T w in K.ill*. an.l Mr an .l M r . , -<1. I). I’roctnr an,I .-on M iirry; T r o rn lt Mr-. l*rf>rlor ^»a• lol-m rrly M l'" »lH a Sny.h-r.

* ^ M I N G EVENTS 1BAPTI.-iT ( IR C I .r

Tlic W om cnV r lrc ic «.f ih r IlaptU l will m e t w ith Mri.. TI»iin».Uy oflcrnoon. y\ll winn'-n ofUiV chn rch .a r c m rd U llv Jn\';io.l. Car* w ill Irg ro Ihc l.nnc.ih.w nt ^

—• Ir.inrK tinrnn STrrrrvr;' -r'n ic ro w ill h f a bo.ird •jncctlnc of

UlA CatWolIc WomcB’n I^-acuc In t h r g liy Pnf V T ur-g.Tty— r r m n n r - « — » Q’c ^ k . All lacm bcr* of ibc I>o»tiI a rc


I f i 'r . O f t i c p 'P h c i n p . P . E

! Ring Star oi

1 M m

'■ •<' t'' ''fli

ImT"" ■xiH■I. ' i ® '■V. . Imt '-

.1- f f la f i; '- '. :..v../Q S v- '



I.' .___________

J7T ^ K r r h r l i . i y '' l lF . l l iT T r c r r r n i i 'win-I.,..; : ,.; ...........■•r.,„r,-yu- ,f..r ,i

i 'j;'licrform liA ixa^m i. on iti. llm .iif .Kri „ |,. 'lr . 'i i ti iilarii.Mhrn Crciii TlmmiiH. t uJ-,„.flih»..tT-wl».M.i.fymii u t rcd tjm au t 'f* '1.11.1 d n rln i' n t Itin very dumc of I ■■V '»»vas iii.T-r n - i;i;- '-h- ~ .' ^ o n h — I

■ lllllr. nr tlKi jir .'t.n it m'>. nild It. V tinr.-d ilariilnK tier hIJKcii fIcNiiIln I w hil.' nwultliu: lh .‘ cnll to th .. «nii

Till- ChrlMly llr.ilh t'fn CIrciiH lit i > l.m ly clrcMx i.,f Itn niniiiiUiir'.' llm l nl

.[rc ln liiH .lIn- imriiilc ft'a tiir.! nf clrc n dny with n iw rj-inlk-h.m ; Koi'K«nii. r-iniH l l.r lllluntly iippctnciiliir m r.^ t i i i- il i .n n l tlii.t will lonvo Ilio Hlu nf Kroiindn im m unly til mmn. T h b w iu_,„„T'^.(],p.f{rf>l-vinll-i>r-lliIiL-ir.iUuim.

fiininuH nr»iniilzatlnn to HiIh. rlly "• hov.'1-al xe-arw, T lic 'c lrciiH w ill hri

"S .'lci.lianiH. .-iim.'lH and nt.irh-l !“ hy 111. ' fnmlly, x.;l.rn« anil ll.inian i!

ilraw j.'wcl.'il fhmlH In th r .ii.ciil iiuK.'ani. linil tr iiln rd Mu.rH.'!.. r.n

l':; ■th..-m lii_uur_ii.'(. tnnr.' tlmn :!i>'i m

I Dramatic Story i In Negri Pie<'S .' _______! " T h rr r Stnn.TJ.'’ h ' l l i r ' r t n r v

r- t h t— .vOi.r.r -In:, f.ilinil Ih.

'*'■ Th-V Irl.-.t t.>‘.-.iVrr Ih.-m iiji wi i!'' .-v.«n Ih.-lr ..Wl........ . iill;-lit" r l .r .tv .'il i r lr lh iil l .m '.m i (h'^filv. ff, -:w.' jll riiTOTnl.-n -lth -tT T F -T P T it-nr ' . w u llry ln .l^ T V '- .t ra m a nf ihln ;:r. V' - Inry It. lohl M'lfh ht-na.r sv;.-,-iit.;;i - - n i r - r S lim rr:..-' I*nla N.'tirVs lat.

i.tiitrlDK I 'l . l i i i . ' for I'illi.inoiuit. Ii>• iM i.iwn>w ami \V.-.lii.-;-.layI tlm -I.lain, th.-alr.-r w ilh 1‘a n l l.iik. ! •riilll.> < a rm llia ll ami O k a Il.i.-lami

+ lainiinrliliK th r faimniH Kn.oin-an r- ‘ r - .la N.^Krl play,, ir .r rn lr nf t ;.' (• iiinli-r-?. C rr.ta W all.-nllfi.' tn h: II- w ith h.-r hiit.l..’.n.l. In-r hniiir an.l -1 t.''rh il< l. In a u a y u a r .l iii.«..l n: .1

r.)iii.-ni hroiiulti xm hy h.-r ■ nr;:l.-«l. >-hr Ij'aW;. linim- lr. \V lt 'l l

'd -hit.-r. W llli.' (h - Iralii |iaiix<ii al r -- .la ll .i l i . a .f.' im'.».-n.!.'r Sn.l f.i'

'Ilv .frl.'ii.l p.-rMij.U;. h . r lo l..k r >n m otor rl.h- vvltli lilin. T i n - p i ;.-"po-.-ly .ml:.s.-r. itj.' tra in ti.-r

~**~{’hV^r'^.n*H^wTih r . - T i S ^ ' ^ ^ i i r T

I Is horrlfl.-.l i<> I. .irn lliat th.- Ira I 7 ... w r. ck.-.l an.i h iirn r.l an.l ihat ti

J ^ i i^ h a n . l h.'ll.-v.-s III r .l.-a.L

'• ! |n j : h'l-r.'i.-l: v t - l.> I n r.i .l lo i-1ln.ini 'Ih n m i- ' lill?;!,.-in.l anil child. T h r n o

i„ : 1,-r Ilf.- I- n n . 'n f Ih r n,.i-l fasriiu j In:; utii.-li i'oh. N.-.;rl I...-. Inl. ipn-t Ifo r Ih .' h lt» .r ^^I•rrn.

"T lrr.i- Slnn.r.-." lr. .Hn-ct.-.l !>y Ito- lan.l V. 1..-.', wll.l alM. .tlr.-.|.-.l l‘n

^ .\-cKrl In ••Harhc.l W l^ ,"

Nc Tariff Action Jl , At Short Sessio;, 'i D7 . O r i ; . .- . J i- ir r 'K ijio ij . w ik , ,jui> .11— fr.-T' ; l . l r n t Co.>ir.l^.' h.-li.-vr-. n .i'..C .

I la rJff 'n - . l - l -11 will l.r tiui.U' .lurli I r t h r Thort -.r—h m - « - f c p i ' \ . n l n 2 n.-vt l)-rrm h.-r,'

T h.' rr.-r.r.l.-nl « a s rciircs.-n1<-.l ; 111- «.--k1v prc^■. « -n tif.'r.^rr h r r r I.

* il..y a ■ hll.'X ins mj a c l l i \ could 1 tak.-n imI.->'. r-M i..nslM r .'rynirnt* <

, (-ach p.irty m.'^'lc an a.lvantV '.iRtci ’ lilcn l' w hirh Iw- hnhls U unllWVly.

In Ilic opinion n t Ihc -I’r c l. l c n Mich .an ak-rcrn.Viit would t . '- lm p .'!Mhir It t .i u -c n f polltlc.-vl' ac lM tl. crnl.-ririR on th c prc-.h1cnll.-il c.->rr pa lan . ;

' t i a iU .K ROM . It.VY '■ II CrniMc Holl Day wUl In’ nh^crrc. |a t-lhe_ l.« -ip< l-t c in iffh n n t S.m .la^[AiiE. 5 a t sTTS a. n<r.M r». 'ijltjl- lu rc c * a ll lia b lc ^ .o f Ih f cr«<nr roll ; w ilh \h r l r paren t* . In attend ..’ » c ■Hprrcil h f i t * ._______;____ ___________

I PAn.MA—'WorV hcsinii. OH ro aJ Jc

... .

T W D T F A L L B D A IL Y T M E B '

TUSEMi X. 38.i iJome Phone..

' Christy Circus

^ 1 imil •Woiiu-'ii '.[7..v riivn irrtrirriii-n ir-clii.... n r iiirnau 'rrl.’ anIniulH.___________ •' ,,i lluvlniT fly.” rlin:H 1» n nc.w iitct ‘" .Tliut'H I... flv.f • trnnpr* 'o f lllicrt >>” , luir>i.-H rnn h r |>nt.' tlirollKli tlicl

I,..■l_aL ........ W)iy_iYlLll .Mil,e |clc |ihiiiilH —flv r hcnlH at n c lallcr .TtET----- ------Riii Til|l mtriff-’ i 'K T P r----------l o f “Thhi iirnHon'H hiK t.iti Ih (Iio larc iH-i cut .-v-rr uuiiNtruclL-d.” niic o t lliu «»: iii.lvnn i'u nK.'jitH Halil. ' ‘I^KrulH a n nrm I ir , l . t p ftip lr luiil m.tiiitr cnn hu tako jllJi-iirc I.f nU-«ly. T lio .hlppndrom c tn ic tiHihail I n 'h c mudu wiUbr to •accommr lly «lain till- lilKh-Jiimplilit hnVjic tuimlKTi tu- uml -thu nddvd p ^ c a n t rea turcn r :.w .Vnnh nnd th e nrk . T^ow th a t wc.ercf •itl five. rliiKH down -tho .x-nicr o t ili Ih-.,.tut t l /J lh 4 ir ,> :w .} ti» t.^ ,a jfaliiiihaw 11 -li^ the I'nilH'aH th e re la near tlie cuntc UK of (he main (cn(.''' ii-ii I.Vrforniani'CK a r c . nchc.lHled fn la) t wo tn r Hi.' ntlo'rmmn and* M cht fn n c l th . ' nlithl hIiow, . Dmirn will opcnHi '.’it lh n iir I'.'irllrr ki>'H int iiK muy pay .. |t j l r l l .u r r ly viHit to Hie nicnnKcrle,

OW Ic Foind GiveTF "ij Consideration For ”‘i City Swinimjiig Poo

•‘ >1 W hil.' III.' i.\, p roh lom . w.1 KT7i:ii"iiitnnnnl~rfin«I(Jcrntton"nt“ tli

I iiiri-iliiK nf. tli.r c ity conncll laii( cv. In {nine, D<.tder vlntrd lh»L it wii

|'<i .jii ltr llkrl}* A. ..M.' S.imlu .would hav lir j; , ,Mm,i Miiltahl.- for nwlmn.-lnK n o a ll},-.,,- n .'a r Jirr.'. .Mr. Ilol.i.-r nlntc

:i,<. 'tli,.I .Mr. Sam ir (hn.lKJil Itic ]>l.l Ic v .ilp .m .l n .rth ,w r.n of town coiil.l I : .r - |( lx id ui> In in.ikr n vcry-nnllnfauto/ ll-.' -im-IirnU'd .RU linnilnir pool.'V- T h r naiiiinrlnin w jn not opened lliiI .r yrjir. i.a rtly h.'caus.- thc c ity conl I:- nol lc;;iilly t^trnl^h w ater to r nuch n I'-. 1111.1.-itakini:, ,Mr. .'Samle ntntcil. nc Ii’r ro tilinu III Mayor n.>l>lrr. Ih a t 'It h

hiitl known (Ilr nniainrliiiii wonld nr in. ll- np rn ihU ).-ar h .‘ wc^iihl hnv ';i lli .'.l ii]> III.- pom] and allnw .'d. t.«;ltn

II-. nitn;; (h rr .'. . . • -.1.' T h r nhl irf' pdil.l.'-wilh a Rlllthhl 111.(.lam ati.l'<.ih .-r wftrk. Wnnld-m a k c-n i •r.T’ tinl^TwftiTiTTlnr'Poll', :.t:in'[r^fr7=Tlo n .ljh l.-r. a - 1ti.‘ i-nnl (im| n n a tu ra l d rain .In . u r aiul roni.I l»- drolnc.l fnr clean - r Ins rar.|ly an .l then rcflllr.I w ith wa . i t e r otli.-r Ihan th a t nent (hroiiKh th

II. (i,iy fllt.-rlnK plnni.

7 F i l l i n g S t a t i o n B —

<> S h o u l d H a v e R u s h

T c F i l l G a s T a n k i

a y XTBitfd r r* « t C in C K iO . J ill) n i—T hc Sland­

urd (HI rotnpuii> gf In .llnna an* n..nniTd li.dn) (hot crtc rtlT r tc>

, im irn .« m ..m lii|; ( h c 'p r lc t-n f n i c . ^ .ilinc nnrt l.rriiNrn«. In l«» ♦■niirr U ! IcrrKof} n l i l l.f riiKcd nn r <«nt a

I cnrinn.“ ThU ad ju 'lm i-n t « f sclilnp

prii'c." n fiimiol •.lafcmcnl from - .th o .ruB^fHuv'U tid. ^ h .n a d #

«»v»ry l l ) ’ th e lni-rra«nt cool « f cn id c «ill and « Jccrcu .p in Illa tion from Ihp b idastria i pan-

-T .llI .-- ' — -S c ic ra l r n id e o i l ' m m panl^*,.

" l . i^ r nnnounc<-d a d ta n e o In th r lr ci.»Ri.Mllty reccn lly . • ,

i-.l O reat A m ericanI D.->nIcI \\> t.< tcr bora a t Sail*-

*'1 t^jry^ V, ll.. nil Ja n u ary 18. 17&L In '^1 fl. i>chis Ihc l>c*t kno«n or- , I s tn r In .\nicrIoan lil.itory. he and I lea ' j ry C la , « c rc it.,- Ica.Irn. of Ihc W his I party jlinnist.rtut lt« nntlnnal cxl«tcnc«.

Popular W U h SccU r j— A rao B w irT i tB r^ tro rc trn i t r tT i lr e t

b iscuit, t ^ a i l / c r U f l t . ^ pan- • .takca. f t la hakn l on. tap o r a t th«

*ldc nf the flf« an.l I f pcepcrly taade wlli keep foTTlajiT i l T m S r o H I * bread of im a te rx . . ________

2 9 4 ^ - - 1 - - ' '

Snappy' Dancing Revue _ -idk.a^nea_^au.dieMlle;

At Orpheum Theatei■To-Ihc .Icllcht ,of thoiiJ.rr • Konr.

Diiinty Juno and .......... will iiffrnii'e o r viiiidrvlllc'i. ciiisi.ici.t. unnppicft HonK and' .hinOf.rnVimH a t I'lit: O niheun ttilH cveiiliiK null loiiiorrnw . Thi' ac nlHo carrli'H ii HniiittcrlMK nf rniiM-d; nui!»horn tn.iidil onoimh i.irfcc and Kin Kor lo mnke if welt hah .ncr.l prodim

"TltP Thri-c I .ittic'a rs" |.rci.cnt : roinC4ly (iiirnhaiie nov rlty tinxril on Ihi

' cndcavorH Of a hriipr'cke.i iii ic le .lry ’ InR in mitmiKc t» 'o ni'lHrhlevoiin nei.h

ewH. fo r whniii he lii nlnylnx m irfu niiild. .The {ict In runiiileri! w ith com

. e»iy-«i(inillfim. tiimhllnis mul iii.-rohiit In trlRkH. X , 'J :

H elen I':ninii‘ nnd OcorKc Iloey wll o ffer u eoniedy (ii)liJnK. HlnuhiK nn. dnnclnit Kkit etiMtlcd "Sw edlrli Non Bcn»ii."' .MIkr Kvani. In ii v l'ry <-ai>aliIi coiiicdlcunci. who n o r ira jji tho pn rt o !i new ly iirrlvnil Sweillnh Klrl In 'm icl n ri'nlliitic nianm 'r ihn i It will kcci lhe audiencr In nn .iu iron r n il ihn iiial

' Um a c t. ' VolroH Hint plcaiic. romi'il; Hint hi'IPKa (tin hniKliH, an.l diincini df a flit 'c ren i im ri.iiri ' cleverly, cow c ir in to a nioH( cn ierliilulnR niim

. her. a p lly ti-rnie.l "fiwofllMlr'Noniienmx' Ttu-a and il. iw o c l« re r i-nier

ta lheri.. mil on an'iiiiiiM ihl hnm oroir net; W ith iticlr wi:ll.ton.'.l vlollnii. tlu tw o tricky nhiHlc-himi cnterHilii will eccen(rfc. Inr/ linil tr ic k .fiadllnt;. M

- -^^'tll iin mnkliiK In'iperimnnilonii. T hen ~ 1 - — iiinnr-tTOBirT:otTieilj--fldillnir-n--ilir

liKlKtiil 10 (Im perfornuinro.- . rom hlned wKh tlu> l-'ox Kllni.i Wenl ortj H irlller. " IJIark Jiiclt." nown reel

hiKhly cn trrd iin lnR lypi- o f nmuHcmentd rlm rthn~tlicntor in.otr^'rliiK.toiilKhi-uui- tom orrow , lliiok JotioH Ih th c Hlnr o (T the Tonlili’c-' lil.nllft? IIIHI lUil'I'r IIU.. h i ty luul n m ore «plenditl opporlunK y (hm lr In (hln iilctiit^: to nliow Jiln dnrini

;i , i: ^ ! 'A ; -. a s M i : ‘s_ l,„n ,U nm .._v ..nn ,-'.ln r H.JlIn glnclc „ lilTndi'.l to r Kohl loti him li>' hln fiithe;

nn.1 fo r Hio Klrl ln; Inveii. It -14 a Ire mendounly i:rlp|ihiK pVoducltnn. Jont-i In HiipiMirlod l>y nn excellen t cant. In cluilint: D arhnrn H enn tll. _ Tlicodnr.

-7 i:ori;li. Ceo'rKC IJerrell, H urry CordlnK W illiam CnrenH nn.l othcrn;•H, -

; ; P o c a t e l l o B o y H . M . A f I'- . i J . , G r a d u a t e will E n t e r ,

nr KoWrt A. Turner of rocalello, Iilsho. nr it a Kr-JduuU uf Hill Mililarv acadrmy,■" ■........- - I 'o r i l a n d . who

plant to theX ln lv c T s l ty * ut WashinR(on. II e

__ ^ M-aii appoin(rd a ca-i - ^ ^ ^ ^ « ^ B j l c L . x c a i n l _ l k i i t t n : .

- ~ ^ ^ B ^ 0 1 a ^ n r h r n ( ( . i t M r n o 7 7 -: ^ ^ B i p ^ ^ H a n d won tOr(hcr


which In 1 ' Football, tmktlball

I I ■ ■ ■ ■ M ^ B a n i l luwball, all inwatoR, clalmrd the intctcjt and cnlhu- >iaj.iic niptwrt of Cadet Turner who

------- rtadc a .t;m » nnLin-allil(;lka, . r k .an irctivetl lilr I^IU r^^^^tK ram r?“ mPTn•' he b ir 'o t thV-*m;ioln!nrf-^j-«iintntndrTl- .5 ''T.y "hK 'tn«rM tron-'for"pnst»M In hii llli Mudic». W hik-in Portland he wa» 3c-' vii (ivc'In lhe w.cbl aVwell as (he Khoot x t ah.f Mudrnl hody r.atherini:«, Oii ihc c.l tommitlre lor ihe'elaM formal. Cadet re Turner acquiKrd liimxll well. Tlic 1)0 acadcmy ollefj sradewic, military .-ind ry Mcial advanlanet itn d 'if rc u g n ije d a t

unr of (he rrpuUhlc and cfficlenl ptcp i’b 'xhooU of (he Weil., ‘n .c tchool t»aj' Id l*en vitllfd- tiy (he too»t notable fitncr-III 'aU and Cllirr .IMiniitrhed • men who c- havf-liern in (he.W cjt. T hr >l-J'j:M le .• Iwdy nnm|wr» about’KS csd.rl». *nl • ' - .

- "R ed M etaU " . * Acenrdltis lo the Ainerlcnn Soci«tj

le fpr TeM'Jnc '.M alerlrfly (lie (eriu ' ‘red in 'p r a u '' n h n ir iic u’rcd fnr. tino-copt>ct

li!T ny»=enrr^ 'IiilinBp-ffWtTf=ttTBn^ '• per cen t o f Copp«r In vrtikti ihc 9-fo r ’* .varlea from a' goldoo to a copper red J j Thia Ifl a lto known a t -red inotal."

^ P r i c ef o r o v e r 3S y ta t m / '

2 5 ounces fpr 2 5 ^UNLESS

• t h a n o f b i £ h ' _ ........................p r i c e d b r a n d s


i Another; Big D ^ c e• MUSIC .

. V A R S I T Y S > X

- j n j s R W ^TOME

: ljo N * r MLSS T rfE JT ' - -

I Spray of the Falls-. VMfiiii: A iinl-M lni. i.x>iilK(? Am‘llr diniKhliir of Mr, nnd MrN. U; AilP tin, who iimveil- tn J'ucaiellf. rereiill) Is vlhltlnK. her nnnl. '.Mrs. Cnra SU t.'U!., lit JuHlaiiier.* Jnn. , .

- ( ;u . l i iu>l 'r r li ' i - rj r . 'u m l ' Mi.v l li v■ CloHctii-k. ncconitianlc.l t.y . Hie

ni'phrwH, Charlos and lli 'tiry Ciilne' and Iholr nluce. Oladyrt Coiner, aii |rii.vlnK ........... . on a in o tn r .tr '

'o Sun I''nincl.HCO und I’orilaii.l,

fn r KnsI— Ufeni.,, arj:,Qiinij1»[y'l ,VM l»i» -ll»'"V,-l't

J. It, .Scnv.'r. left Monday on ^ im.t. , ir l|i to WiiKhiiiKlou. I). <^. .Vow Vor

City, lloftion and nlti'er en 'itcrn |Hilnt . I.l.iiK(.nani.-S«avur will to to.,O h .: nha u t’.AuKiiHl-yii.lo ii t io n d .a meeiiv I al- .fa h ii . Terry. T hey idiin t-i I J, awny Mix or Keven wookH.

I.rJU e' •S tnle—Word hnn- hoen ,r c.-lvvd hero hy frlrndn (hat .'Mr. nt

_ Mi-ti ('liiirli'M Vi-.'h-v nf Unlitr. fortii..' •‘ l ly o f Tw in Knlln. have move.“ '' U i.'ii.hilr, Val. - ' _

N ehn^ kn ' I'Irtilc I 'l i iu iird -P o rn ; '• re-slilo iiu 'o t Nobninkn, will n;ei't f.* ilii-ir next uniiiinl picnic thc Iniit Sn■ day in Ju ly . th c a ffa ir in f,

ji NO.NOTTONITE■■■' 'b u t'' '

e! . w e d . nig h t0[^n.Air f’avilion at

; KIMBERLYi{ N o t - th c B e s t '.I. B u t g o o d a s t h o r e s t ." .A N H O W E

I. • - • .

— J r H E X Q O L E S X

Forget About-■~-11),Dim r t i h t f i-'i-t-i o l. i-i-oKii

------- jiy-f?iT r-A T tT iti Nii-'. \ i r . ' t


■ H ■ n I

IT lO - r i i in z i n j r . (Ic _ 1 . I’tilii .N'efrri. 1

"ffom life , hi'iu lii ; nrliHl.s.

i t s 's u u is iii ti^ .Irti

: ■ - L A s ^ r n M E S 'T O N i T i r

. LON CHANEY in" L A U a H , .C L O W N , L A U Q I A lao Ncv<« - O om eiJy - C a r lo

— r — ^ a c k e r w

= = ;§ ^ L = = = v A tu

B C o i n e d :

MusicT • D A n r r y j u n

_______ “ _____ ....VnudM lllM *,. <1 3 . S in iln ir. TiU I’r e lly K lr ls S|

A E V A N ST h e S«tMli«h ]

E D D IEr Air h

T H E T H R E E A Co

T H E A i P r i w n l rO ’ O N T H

■ - " T h e S t o r y i

B u c k :

L A C l. W illG ii

THRILL of— ^ X B i f s t o r y

T W O .B B m . l M lftR P C T T T W m ttiH V A -i-M f - - 1

---- ------- ■ ' - t;

Tt.’ESDAT.'-TT'nV ':iirl928.' ' ♦"

K' hol.l lit F iler fn lr uroiiniii*.'atxprjllnii I lo urranKemoiii.'* made Siindiiy.. >I com m lttcc cmiip.iued nf F. 1), W u m cr ► JllllltiJutl_-I>m‘' ' ' ' ' a nd tn rro-l.'B - Ilrfdcr- «. wood w nn'ninnT T 'finm 'rt'npn-nhn-flo- '• lalln, . " „* ' •

.Tlmcii W ant Alin jiriiit; ,ronultK:, _

: T H E R E l»: n o th W evertaken Ihc placc of Bayer-Aspirin as. an'.anlidotc Ior pain. Safe,, or; physi-.

I!’,' ciani wouldn't u tc it. and endorse jUI I (ist hy -o ihcrt., S u r ;,.o r aevcral m_il U lion' iiscrj.woidd In^c turned -lo ;o m ^

thine else. B uF tc t real .Bayer Asiurin (at any druKslorc) witfi Bayer on the box', and (he word flcn'uiVif prmled tn

• r o l : ' • .■ . .' ’


t Summer’s Heat” A lr 'Ts" .•^ll|.|.Jl.‘il 1‘lVi‘l‘yUHii I— E ii . i » .v i itr-< -^oM 4rrC T tst • -


>iniiinHn>r pi'V jimijilit.v. ' f lniriiin liiii-hl.s fo r l l i in - H ' '• ‘ jinisi(‘ri)iVi'i’ i ' iUIimI f lIK n lin l l i i in l <'iis( o f ■ f l. \ (In in in riti[»-l')> i|i ' f l

I lir tiln .'s s . ■ ' ’

'■on - iv h e w BIr r i c l n m . r i a j ' ’ .

Today-Tomprrow Jr Matinee-Evening

IAN HARRIS —----- —5 E \a U L E = ^ . = u 5 = -y, Novelly, n, Dancing ' DE A N D C O M P A N Y — TnasHlei.1. Snapi>!r«t_________ ±____l a h c Ih lfU m ie | 2 .pi-rlal .^eenlc KffccU UA N D H O E Y ‘ ■ . : ,

Hold nnd Ihc Sheik A1 M U R P H Y ".y IIImM'ir P

L I T T L E D E A R S , : m rdy Itlot ' ' T\N D B E R N I *fe .’WiwtriaiiH ' - ' QE S C R E E N Oo f a L o s t M in e . ' ■■ ■ ■ '

^ J a c kre You the

a LIFETIME '^ a -B iff C O I '........ . '»KRTAT. COMTOY

Page 11: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

tg ijssD a y ; .niJA” n i,

M C A N S i mi S i F E C M M

E x t r a o r d i n a ^ . ; • S e s s i o n o ----------- i £ g a g r e » : t 9 R e v i e w

VEXI(M) r iT V , JitJy 3 1 - J««c doX con T om i;.- 4«M S K lm f I’m *

iHirMfon. ■ Iilti>nilpil '■ inttHM, mill flicnt lo confCfmloTj ix

-------n f f r ~ CTmiin n ing - Hii ' " « r »iiig, ' t m.« n iw nuotcil.ox Kiirliiir in (I lontr

. e o d fm lo n VubllxIiCil *'r H"-' JiuHfo tOltOr. • •

T h o ' c^nnfciiKliiii, Kcvenil (hnii. finnil w onts lonift rriiil lo

• itewHpnpcrmon. iil iiollri*. iicml- i i a a r le n In vTfnU '" p rcsencc. .

JlKXICAX'coNHnKSS JIKKTS■ MEXICO CITV. Ju ly n i-i'im li.1

^irTotii (o r Jouu <lo TflrntTTntnnioil ninyor o f. Pri'Klilciil-eloct Alvui O brefton,vproljBlJy- -.will liu ilo.elUi Hodn; . . ’i •

T ornl. w llh nil tlie otIicrH wlm wei• n r rc n tc il'n f le r Olif’fKOn wftH annaMli

__jiVctl.'JtllU)i:J.«r)"Ml pv9r.A9.tliu civil 'c o tiru ro d a y hy llio pullc■ ■ W hllo pollco IrivcBllKttllii;!. c t ll OltroRon m u rd er la coniliiK to u ctoit BolMtlon of tlio nuV prc»lilciit i

. Mcxleo, to Bcrvo ftft«.T Dcc. 1.- ^vlit I’lu la rco Guiles' torm exjilren, BllU cnu«lnF5. coiwldornblfl • illftlciilty,• Tlio oxtrnnqainory. nfflpfoH o t Coi (troHd.-,calle<r-80m«fliuj'.liotoro Obr Kon’i.- uimiin{j|oUQlf.- > a i niuet tiiiln

• i i i i r i i i s j i o e g n a i j ^ ^ ' i i o a p O T ^ I n to ' tlia;.prc^d(i;rt(lal .nlUiallun.

T ho ConKrM»»HB In lled lo rocoh ... tho foBulU J tr^ ld sltla tlvo votlnR i

conotlttU loa fetofniH tlm l Imil Ixu ' BUffKOUCed'b/Gonnrnl Obrocim. Thoi . roform a lnclHtle reiiliictlon of tbcnun

bor o t deputloB -nna-clinnBeH Iti ni m orous Ju'dRMblpx. ■ *'

DcclBinn aRttlliHi Imvln*; ConKrci — a ii« 5 r if iT lirM T n o n n in -fll lir |- .l im -i

th la tlm o prolmbly wiut liuHed on I m l lc t- th a t poBtponomeiit. wmilil .iil

— In— roUoviiiK— Ihl!__ iir£»i.nl__ ICMll!’ hrouKhl nl>oiK liy ilcmands of tho Sol

■ y O nm a fac ifo ii'o t lhc ObroRon piirt;------- »rtiiy7rn-<ar«'n-iiiur-rti'wiinTimt-HnThT,

Ixiborllct) • 1)0 ouKtcd from Kovcn• m ental nffnirN iinil tho Kroup Iit^

fiuiied Ihu Ijv b w 'p u rty . o f wlilch-f.iil• T^tgroncfl Ib hond, o t piiyrholnKtcnl lr

fluonpo ' lli connoctlod w uli ihtJ nf

• F rlondn . of-1 'ccsM onl Cnilcu roll o rnlcd th n l lie wa« Itclormlnud to rf

■’ Uro from pub lic .o tflco Dcc. 1. hn ' Ihoflo frleno il' hcllerdd ho 'nilRht biiI: . a i l l ta bclnK drnfletl for unotlior tcfr

im W s B B -

i i i i f f in i o bhB!3ic.‘U Jr}dB. n k a ii m h o

l-'ORD. Oro.% Ju ly 31—UP wlt1» tlj min. H nrb iirt. Hoovnr pu t on ntnv

— bornrRxU-htir'imnUi-jnn!-*Peni=n-J»tn! In lho ' HOrXio rUcc.-carl>-yt'» liT.lti: fo r slcol-hoaill l^oJil.. Tho Ropubllenn prculdcntlal nomi

- noo w as TOSlCtl n fto r bin two dny/i 'nulom oblle.Journey when hc 'n ro je .

H oover liken xoUtudc. Ho bollevei lho fu tu re o f, real omnie vnluen wll l ie In th e ir ’ romblohcmi fron-.' clvlllw

— Uon.— O n ^ i l » —Uieor)-—b e -a n d _ lih ••rrn o n da tmnRhc- t riiLVu5' lu thu — nU K <rviilcnrcnn~lH f-.roaclieironfrb3

18 f lillcinof. inu lobnck 'travel. .■ Arr^nRoiueiitn w ire inndc for hitt \o Blop fll a ■holpl/lD.Mcdfonl nnd f ilw o-room suHo’ '.wa«’ re*ervcd. Ter m llon -M tt h o -w a n 'm e l hy W. P linnc* . M edford 'e lo tlilo r nnd ownei fer niK C rork Jq ilse ..n hew cabin or th e • t^oDlu ;of»1nfel.<p8uo. *

UaocA wftvcil 10 the Hoo.vor cnw to follow, h lm u n d th n enodldnte sud­den ly founxl' htmm>lf- to bo lia ae s Ruent. W hen lie Irnrncd ihn Innnci Knd no te lopb 'unc .Jjo nrcepteit tlielt In rlla llcn to 'rerfiWh* nil nlitlil ami c in ce lcd U ie -ho te l. tCRCnnlVon*.

»A fter t i' nidfnJif^r caMlnR In the Blroanr. ho planned lo move on lo jin

’ eVen m oro rcm nie'nn<a owned by-hl* friend, Milton Tjil>cfK. Snn l-'i;ancliie(i b$nkor. T hb (>beri;» flnh ln i: cnn.r

'•djolni* tho famouA nrow n cnm p on =TlK=^«hraT>F^wfi=lf=<ho-ctnnjfc*tt

ninn lnR bo. m ar- rem ain ihere unlil W edncndar-'n lcb t beforu catrJiInu-ii tffiTfti lo Snn FrancldCO. Tho trip from Creek loJco lo Rubers cnmp will reciulro ih r d e 'h o u m more ol

-cllm blne. Into ihq m ounta ln i. Tbe -^ ta r t- la -ec h ed a le ilifo r 13:3ft' p.-nr.—

T H lk T f K f i® ^ANDHUNDREDS

T M T l N B t A Z EW ARSAW, in la n d . JOly 31—T h lr tj

p c raon i were*..klUed nnd rrttre lhan^ ■ i f htfm.; ’ • w a

.- lf ltb » - la B e r fc ia A n « llU o h . 'J a ,* '« r* tU it 4 w r o M l c x |e a t .leB e^C sl-d l» t r te iy >4 d8,»m T ifw n c kacw ^ today. ‘ p u t e n n v s i a v ^ ' lKen - ttountlns

,hourly . « • ' victlma w ere 4titever»4 nor) t^ ken to bott>ltAl> ','V— T he- t ir# k U |M Bunday m om lns w hen a s re ra U b ln ifc a u n k t «iptr>de<l.

Pollco & s i i ; t r e S w e re ' moblllte^ to ^ r o l iM D o fla tio B . w iU cam o pa& fck^U lyM e;nre4U e tkraW b the t«a*m 4at' bu lfd lnn - M any-reat* i!eot4 laap*^ frcm 'a p p ti' atorlea of tha bo lid ls iis . ' - '

Onr s w i q i t p n m '<inm61«a o t ie do MI klsOk o t mtU v o r i i - u d Um b « t et Oxtar* v e r)u « M iU ' e t e t r a e t l u

' * a i body vorfc. ^ ^ T t f i l n g S I U : T h lrt-liT O . w ro l^ ra<Hi«

• • ' . :■ » •’ • tT T • \ V

' ilf--

I s a y f M t t t s

To Visit .H o ri '-M r. T u c k e r-o f lh;i Farm iJ ibor divittiOii 'n f llio -U nited SlniOH pepn rliiicn t o f I jibor, Ih cx-

f I'coted .In Twin- Knllti mn|ii lo coiifiT I -iriili-(\-l/r-H..rl:.mfiitiirefr;^<)iT»ho-fnl- ‘ e n il 'e n ip to y p icn l n«uuey here . .

r n l l for J len —A call hnn a rrived nt lii.e •ft'ilerai om ploym eiii aBciicy hen for mlnern lo w ork In thi» Jiirlilils'.

■ iiieh for Burfiice work.

Tiiki- Vnpjilliiri'—M r.'nnd Mr«. Oi’r .‘iHh nnd fnm ily |inve K<iite fo r n tw< w eeks' vncntlon • In ilm Sinvlooll

_ ninjiiitnliiii m.'ur Mimli.y iiiiriniiii.

” J;i»Uiir.s lli;r*— Mr. iinrl<.MrH,Johniioii. fnrnierly atii:(icliilcd.wltli th> miKiir .'iieiiiry lioroj lii.;’vlhi'r, \v[ih .Mi' .lohnnim 'ii iiitlier nre ii]i<’mliu(; a fiJv ilnj-n v ialllnc Dr.-1)._ II. .lolinnon'. ,

IteliiniH r n .n i V unifliiii-M l.,« Tl'iel nia Wilndii" r r lu n iv d ' .‘>un<h>y (riiiii i •weelt’d VHcnlion In .Monlpellor .ii;i

, b liier Rear I.nko Kiwnii, ll- _ _ _^ ~ f i i ' I'nrk otr-V uratluii-.M r. nii-l .NfT? ,,l Mirx 1liu-hcnlln<! am i fam ily l<‘ri Sun

dny mornlnK oli ii (wd w rckn ' vnonlloi .g t r l p ' t g Yollowntoiin .National piirlc.

On Ciillfiirnhi T r ip —Mr. nhil Slrn. F ^ .‘<.-Hoii-iin<l-«liiiiKht<ir.— MI«b— Ma r

I'Vunc-lH K oii. U'fi by m oior Siindn. . morniti;; for Cnlirornlii ^vhci'o tlio J, w ill vlnll lh e nex t iw o w eekn.'

f .T n lin i 't i i Moiiiiinhm—The nil<i>- «ili torn le tl Sundny ■iminiinj: fo r ihol cab in on W iirm .SprlD rs crceli wher thoy will roiimln until.'M im i .Stoll

^ Rli(!y;ii h eallh I# .benefiled. > ,

^ H en**rrl.m SuiiUuiM ktilii—Mr. nn Mr»." ChnrlcH C o x ' nwd: non i Kcllli ii

'■“ •rurt'onN . .S'. D.. a rrived overlnnd Sun day 10 v isit w ith .Mr. und M rn.,!:. li Sherniiin ut tfio Jtlm rock coll-iKi-. Mi Cox ill Mm. Sherm nn'n bro ther. _

'• ■ V isits in I 'i.ra l.'ll .i-M lsH A lK oJotin tinn. dniiKhnir.ot'M rn. 1*. It. Thompnon ro lurned Sundny from a brief Irlji t'

«■ l-^iT tello-wliW rTiinrvinitciJ-Tr-fDrme; cla.BHiiinto, on rou te to Texan;

n f Sn ii,-M r. nm'l .Mrf, hYiiill “ lla c h o t Huhl nrn lhe paren ln .o f.n noi

’ iHim Jn ly :!3. Mra. Hach wnn fom ierl;

l-l . . . . . . . i—> \f» v Vork I'ien ic—T he Now YorJ

RUUci »ocle.l^- o f Idaho will hold Itn an1' nuiil hnsKct p icnic nl Ju iln P nvin pnrk

-irg-nl.|puLs of_tli'nt_iHan> u tid_lhclr fnm I '.ii lc ii and frlendn imlnK Invited. Al '• plnnuInK 10 u llo n d 'tlie picnic and ch it pecia lly .ihoiKMWho cniitiut i>e preneni I* n t th o .Mnndny oven lnc mcetliiK ’n t llit p office of I., J . Akor., ESI Idaho Ilnild'

luK. Oolflc, n ra reaUQMed U> notify Mr Akoi* liuniedlnicly of tho n u m b e r’ d

, th e ir party .

W omen C n n r lu d e ^ r ip - M r s . J . D Tucker.-M m . C. D. H nrvfy. Mrn. 0 . I'". Adnmn nnd U tra:-EIIdoV. DoIiWIC wliT

_ >inv;;''Ti;;;a'v»pnirrtnTmr-nt-4;aaiBv--Htii .j SprlnRB^ hnvo reliVrncU lo 'I 'w ln •I'bIIk

k- 'lU -htm From Ki«iiKn«-Dr. II. 8 . Siii. j 'c l i r f ntui fnmily.Jm vc re ti ira ld from i

I r l p . io Kiir>Hn» nnd , o the r cniltcrn pnliUB. ■

0 ■ On-Cjillfiiniln T r lp -M r. nnd Mrs, W. e 0 .. S m iiir nnil non •Hilly anil ilnuRhter s=atary=l»lll«m =Jelt= tadny=ett= tt=m «l‘}t ( 'y tH ji-ttrO nU fom lnT -T npy-expQ ct'lo .pc - Bone nboul th ree weekn.

' | HnM I 'lnh Onest»~Mri<. KlUniictli lnihbard-.lH cntorinlnInK Mr. find Mf.s.

* LudwlK nnd dauKhter, D nrbani. of Salt> Lake C4ly.

* — R eliin t-F r«n i-T rl|»—M r-anU -M riU O . T . Koi'uV nntl ch ild ren HrerHiriiio i»7ii\

’ n tr ip throfiRh liortliH rnT la iro, wn'hlT , InKton nnil OreKon. • • ,

[ .ShH-p lirTimTH .Mei-I— All Kht-epni.'n ‘ a n d the n latn ndvlnory bcsinl o f-th e j ld a h o Wool Crow orn ' ll!^^oclatlon will , ‘ m eet AuRii»l,8 1n connection w ith the1 nnnuni Slalo Rnm nale. It lian been

.Ideelrted.' Tho meetInK of the nMocln- , I tion w ill lie n t th e Turk holel In Twiu* P\illn a t 7:30 ji. in. foIlowlnK-tho Ilnm , nnld u t I-'ller durinK lhe dny.

I C nnnl D rill ro iljw fiw l—'n ie .local' un it o : thu nnlionnl cu ard w ill not

. 'd r i l l lUlti e rfn ln * bui hna poirtponrd J lh e meellnK u n til Tuenday nlKhl n« I 'lh h Jc ffernnn .c lub in .lo une th e hall.

Ihe urniory. fo r a m'-etlnK, tonicht.' , , “ ' • , •

Klitht Film S lm n ii:—'<}ntcl»2rielltm.-jil«ilur0r003v»-rcel_ii6TyrIce in noled by the liiiowltrc n t ’ ^ i " ' Idnho .Ibeairo o t porllw H of tho mem­orab le T iinney-H eeney fiRht in .Sow

jY ork Insl T hunu lay nlRht. A Pnra-

A cid Stom ach^ ' B e t t e r t l i a n S o d a V

H cM a firt. Instead c f soda U ke » lltUe “ P h illip s Millt of M a s n e a l» ^ » w ater nny Ume fnr iBdijresUoil o r toU r. « * ra ;-a a to r aftmac*!,' a iid '-M llet wi)l>coDo-lD>tftDtly. c

F o r fif ty ye ara e«naln» “PhtltlpaM llk-or-Uajntaala~.bft».betA -pr«s«rUWed by p h n ic la a a btfcank* lt_over-‘

(com ei th reft^ tlm aa aa 'x n n eb i S A ttt [ the, a to tta ch a s a sa tu ra te d aoUUoa iflJ'JllearbO Bale of «od a .-)M V ls« -lb *

s:onw oh awe«t 'a n d f rN trom all raaoa. U iieutrallxea a d d te m an ta*

.' UoDt la Ihe bm reU aod f tn t ly tirfoa -th e a o a r ln ? w asia ffom th a f r s ta m w lU un t purcloK- D « s td e f.J t la ^ r « p le a n ta t to ta k e thdn soda , lo a tjt upon TWUIprf* T w aa lr-flva cbb i aad t t n r ' c ^ . 'b o tO u . u i r 'd m s tta i* . ' 'U U k 0 ( V t g a n l ^ r hka bMO t h t U S. rac iat< ;rM lV tnd« tm a r k o t t b t C b ^ a a H. p b tli ip a C bfsilea] Oo. a a « lia -p rM M « * aer.'C b ar1 es IL ^ I t l l Q ^

rilbjiaTf7n-» i :r ..

.TWm fA L L^.J

f f i r a i i t "MAKE.RAID.ON

: t;n ;K N K , o re .. Illlly :i t-;S o u n i.! ern I’lie llle 'ln iln Nn. HI n a s held

d lls lion- Sunday.Tin* ntlilii-r>i no rkcd ranldl)’ ns

llio Iniiii* uV«ri-d liii* «-Ily. ru»»en»• ;.vrH salil they look only m oiny I nail Ih i'lr lont « jis nol hir>«>7TlM-y- ■n'emi-it. llie < id ln is haiil. In in-

r ; Till-} di'iiniiHi III/ t a r 'ln i l l i a s i r ) ins n iiiiliic n r a r (lie uiiiierNily

}■ *’’no'jrner* of Ihi-iu hnll ........ (imiiilenrly linliiy. .

F rnnk llo iils . lilnm alh Fnlls. oii(> of Ilie paxxenv^-rs, hnlil loiluy

' ilm l Uie Iwo >;umlilH «nnli-d mon- I . i-y on ly nnd refuw il lo Inki-

i\n lc ii“s o r olhi-r .V ueiry. Only n • feiv, dollacs n its olilalm 'il. -

_ — a.They„.;etjlll'll III■ .sotni-'imrUeiiiiir !»i'n>iiii." Mollis

- wild, “n a .l w ere sun irlsed .when" . li..,f«Ilt(M o line UP iiHh U n -o liiir

pHsseiiKerN." * ' • ., • A fter linlnic llie !inssenKrr!.Mi|i : , unit niiiiiiutf Iheni lhe nn ir ‘lr»l'-

> - - lK " it - f rn n r n ie " C n itf i - t i r th lf r r l t} T ^ ienVEnif t l nen r Mie .l,iil»eri<lly nl

Oretfiin rruiimis. .1 Jm«f .'« r fJiem fdnrled lit oaee '; Irnre-of Uie

' iljilr h as been fnnnd.T h e 'jnnililK n re deserl'-od uh In -

la^ medium sixetl m en, nbnut fin- „ le e t fl Ineh rs I w . . '. Kueit W ire diirX riuUtes, n niiixk

nnd n enji. __ __^,, Most,f hiiiiliip Biiod o u ln red l). T hen- nns .1 no pnnle. ! ' “I.'' ■ I— r '

EXPERT DIETITIAN IN- 'd a m a g e s u it o v e r t o .

; ' ' n y y a h e iv P re is‘' I.OS A.VC'EI.,B.S.,'JtiIy n i—M |ii.-M;it

l‘ri»nce:i Howo 'ItrniiRlil »ult loila

Utlnn. fo r jno.lH:! Ldniims.jH. for alfeRe m ni prnetleo. ’ . ^

S. _ fip „_ H o w ^ill« K < “^ l>e-w *.|it-» .M l. ’ pbyRlelnn wlille nnfferlnK from

“ v '^ ! ‘i'’.'!iCoy. It wna.Klnicil Hull Jbo’ treaiiam i

'I wnn fo r ' ft ehronle nllm eni nnd Ihr• .Mrv. Howo had . n e t eon.mllcd hli ' nliiml her, loe. ■ _________

' m nunt-“ 't ra lle r" w an, iirenenti-il liir• nlR lil-anil will bo conllnued on Ih ‘ Idnho p m rra tn by Jo e 1C lo n id it nn• neyoral dnyn lliin weelir . - -


■f Boll , ■ Bearing Pum pins

• ScnIeH, M eiers, Anlomnllc I're.Miure Synlems fcir tleep n e iis 'n n d c is­

tern*, . t - — ,

V IEH W EG BROS.Aulhorlxcil llenlent,

■ F a i r b a n k s : M o f 5 ^ P r o 3 u c t sEte'ry L ine u 'l /p n d c r

phono 1CC5. 132 T lilrd Avc. North ,0pponllo .MnRel -Automobllu Co.

* ^ . b a r g a T n s I N U S E D C A R S

lO SriOiilninnblle Coupo lK O ‘! to d « -I Iloor Sednn ttlodehakcr “ (.liam nl)’: Jlendnlcr io sa t 'o a liao Conch ■Ilhffi ITIIIFB KnlRht 'Sedan l « l O nklnrid.H nnrt Tourlttk*-. lO a I lu lik r o i i? ‘X‘|tirInB - '

HEFFLZIR-NASH'MOTOR CO. H 9 Main A»e; Woit.- •

' 101 •

A . E . T O N E Y : 'C u tl^ o rd Blacksmith

Cnndidale (or .Sheriff on Ihe Jlepnb lJean . lIckeL .Sobjeet lo Ihe P r in a r r K lrrUon, Taeodayw

■ .lu jra iil 7; B te B 'In ’ liBilnMi»‘W .y n m , JO -y ea n a t C uU eford .Hi am loo bn«f a t w ork lo stepo a i to u t e t a l l T on b»y> 'bat-

. J * n i appracla lc );OBr la p p o il. '

F o r I - E P See S T E P 'I f i i >

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a r t»Bitod r r e i i• DliTKOlT. Ju ly ;U -C o l. ClN.rJe:i‘A, MndtierKh Im flyluK iieroim tlio cfiii- tin c n l from Kanlii- Ilarlinrn, Cnl.. . l . i |

I lie lro ll. lo K eljilii .ow a alnilaiie, now ' ,a t_U ii:_ l- 'o rjl_n ln io ri.- It—wJi» .-iin<l.‘i'-i-, Slood hero. .. •. t

IJndUerRh'H iiliip, jvliUOi ri-]ilnei.|l Uu>' fnniouM ••Splrll of Ki. I.ouIh." mnde n toreocl hinOliii; Hi.yrral iiKo n e n r ' I'nli'ilii, wliva Iu- ,aml ihi'

|1nl» AlfVlriin a ir li,.i ..-r i.j.i 'CnrraiiKi. w ore i>'n Mn'lr way to Hi- Iro ll f n r the m in t of Uu? .Vailinyjl n ir (our.. The’ m otor o f iii<. iilaiic wan idilp- |ied Imek In ihi- fu'i-iory fnr ovi.rliaut- Ini: and ll 'J in s now hi'ni n.lnxlallcd.

i t e i

_ _ — -Saveas-Yqi^-ve-N t ern 'Auto^i” greattSave 01) thi^igs; ever

- Buy any of thesePricQ, and w ill gi

■ . LU TELY F R E E , . . !

E very m otorist can sa purpose of which is tc

• comm unily with the r E from ;“W estem A uto”

need a ll these articles y m ake i t worth while tcy _____ . ■ ■■ .__________ .

d / E v e n t a r t i c l r i s - f r o j t i• i f>U o i i r Iro n -'C ln tl G un

•p— : — f - r s ^ n w ^ s i m n r tJ . _____ '■ u i t y t h a l b r o u o h l tnoU)-,


II O N L Y O N E S ii

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I ' " “'‘irtirtrrial? Aisto'PoHr___ i n r T-wcquer Poliah'

B u y o n e b o t t l e ' S * | t

C e r O n e Hqitie RnEE!I . ir» n-ort;i Itir loM .to ll',

liir'rll’ .c f IiiijM-flnl 1'i.Ui‘i, :ii >!ailr lac'i.i'rr nn.l'f

■ M : ? p j . ™

.“Im peria l” ClotB u y one fo r . . ; , , .C f l

' C .I O ne FREEI. Q U A 'mnncr-MvIn* .opiwirtunlly 0: m r . ou-iifrn will llppw l« l^ «

• tahn (iilx-nntner. nf, TliU cintli rli«ml<>lty irrniM tn nhHorb i> hold III" WUI Bol ncr«lienit 1n'i>ni»1I>- wo*li«l. TaeltM Imndy lln bnx. Lt«H e f on i *< eo d fUMiumrr.

'"Simoniz*'_ C leaner an____ PolU bui:-__ A Q

B a y either fo r . . .' O il lh« Och«r FR EEI ' Tou «a*-..«le OB tMi llb*ral off»

. 2>*rrona* knewi SImm'a Stmei —Ul* p«it» poUth U ut lu w I a n r flnltii. ^U ndJd -far MUr and lae^Mr. ’n>e «l»«n»r Ihal w

^ makB j-oor ear,- Isek Ilk* ne l.tmtt 0f »■« n l« t9 a nutow fr,

■ 'o nBiQr eiw fo r.. 'i . w .U Crt OM.ntEEI.


» r T R A l N S ~ l IN : READINESS - .F O I l^ M I G N

'n y Unltod P mhb „ •HAMI"I‘ON l!AV. !.V; ' V.. J i l l y ' ' : ! l -

<!..v, .MfrM I-:,. Si.illltN I'foi-c:.:; of l:ar>k'nliiu. IiIk |>Ii.v<u|iH' iikiiiiipi iim- rIyorN of bin r'linliiK o;in;vnl!:ii for till- [iresldriiey iilri'mly li»;i hroiiKlii n lii;i<lthy <nn lo ihi-- enmildiili-'n fare .'inii iitioulilen'. - ' -

. l i e iiii|ii.-ani to 1)0 In exeellen t eon-l lilllna a ii'l enlorii Into tlie .Hjmrtn o(>■ihi«-f>.M>u-,«iUi-ihe..yeiii; ymirh.... {.

" V ^ f e s t e E i

ever-Saved-Beforet-^urm est. annual economy offer•y m otorist constantly needs J a r tic le s 'a t our R e ^ a r Low ive you ANOTHER’. ABSO-> ! . ■

w e durini? th is g re a t s^ len^nr D acquain t new arriv;rf§ in this many ad v an tag es o f. buying ' . . ; Even though you m ay not 5' now, th e G R EAT'SAV IN GS 3 buy them now fo r fu tu re use.

onr rcfuiiai- ftlock', Inn. hackr,(!\ ^ya3l(cr.. and m ir CUSTO^fhJH \ })a/ti;y . . . Uk : rujuc h J i / i r q w ^ j T riitlK nnckiiift lo our stores f a t t ff _

^iLE O F E A C H I T U A T:; V —

ah --------------------------------------------- --

0 0 B a y o re , t w F o r ' , K f l th ree a t, cach . . , , i

G e t’ Sam e N um ber ?REE!

^ E x tra Q uality W edgeI® C ushionti»i B u y 'o n e fo r .............. S i

c . t Ono T R E E i 3. . . nn'l r»t>'r}- molnrli'l rnn n

j} M<ni rrartlrBl mM'.rltin'i‘itihloi\ . . . < JfirlnWn tnr Ufly i1r1vff.."5n‘)

, »ons. Durnhlr mmlff wuli flc’irf.l w« t>n>nf Cfirrrlne . . . r i t r » qtlulllr. t .1 o f one (flltf lu n CMIIonirr,

‘Cigii______B a y

I t s J w 1^0 '

id s x10 J E S r r S S J ' L . S s r .9 l» a r

»r! ■ - - -"™ “Spring-Eez” , t ^ n nl! B i ^ o n e c a a t o r . . . 1

____ C r t O a . C « a FREEI* \ Jo a t lliteti to th i« an<l rou ^rtm

T h®*i- a n r vprtnc-wjUMka fer lonr. lonK (tmel Tltia «up»e.|ubr ean l Mnvtrale*. otooa nolM. ar

............» H g ^ ta « .tM t.- J la m iaM to m^talpaint. -ra n iU h .. enam*t, >(*lh*r < fiSrte. V m Sprlnc-BM aad u i r«oe ear. buy ihl* w*«k a»d ia i

1 moi>«r. Xilmu o f c* t toU to a cm

'• ,.'Np .Telephone o

I!’ ■ i i o n '^ I S O B to c e s i

—Tm-i;—\m{nrrT(-y ^ ! i ri 'Tunon -*tfrrI'CIIIK'I - u llli . I ll:. -r-aiuititirn ’- ilirv rto r.!.lolikml, itil..I.l.11. (Ir. Uii'ii w ltl ri'i iira ,' ;o Albhri} ■{.'.• n i.i'Ii III.- nii;irr<-:iilnn)......... «liivtl lil- " III il.i'l ''' '''’ ^ ’l*:

V.'lIlJ;iii'i ,\1I,-n U 'lilli'. l lif Kiinsii'i' - iIIIm: « I io li;i;. I....I. a ll ;i( I; iliir-Siall li'ii'

.'M ifir.iuiill \\.,ni.-..ili.y lo ilnswer lils. ;nle<l a ttiirl:, W hlli' Ml;lr!;l^ llm t; will'll SiiilI^i—'x i-i 'il Sliili' n ;''i''li/lily-1 .mat; li... ■'jtnui.i-it In Hi.,- rrin 'l; nl tlivi 'l '»:inii;iny''w Iili." a n d . atw.ij-:; vot.-d; :ir. ilTi»l 'la»n to n irh ill ,lli.- laloiiii ur

Ihlilii^:. 111.-’ ViUMll.>li Ik-i .' l lif•I'llliir l-.-fiiM-.l U. \Vlilrc-|i lit- lac-li Ol- nny <.ili.-r llll;l .■r; of Ihl.

lUAIlO l-'AI.I-.-5 . ,n '..h .h .iiiian r■ of. \: 'H '.ir il haril;

i , A u t o i s ' _

i d o f i

— La3LDjiy,_S.aturda

O A C U S T O M E R . i '

P o ld in p 'C a m n S t o o f " ^ y for , ......... (Q ftc ' i

C s l O no FR EE! i:«nv^ rrr.l I'riiiirc.I Hint j-oii'll ^

mlm->-""‘*j''iu" tn ’ .'.‘.?r''’ n'r.;. i"lMii> fi'MXIr •DfpiirliTif'it . . . TJirnr .In I;iu-ti ................... Ittr« with >ri.-rhiI1v wrii'ri, ,,r»vV ' •*< r<.|il i-i.uvrr»|.-nlU' ni.1 p• lllll<> »ri«-.. nn n .r, M'.ilt <./ ' B u


Focusing F lash ligh t • *o n e f o r ! $ 4 2 5

' C e t O ae PR E E I - B

-I-T nt «i>r , . . t>„r,i.|r fUTK c ,.« , 'B u "tl trlin'nli>t;i>. -|>'.«crlMI .r>rii.ln/;.T.

idy C lm p * O n E l e c t r i c .. 1 i r L i g h t e r . ’ ^ S ^ f l 5 - %o n e f o r ................ |— -^C»f=0»iy-yftEfcl :— ~ ’ = .ht lhr*« evarantM^I rWirlc- d n r J'w ia t^ i r 'h thr"r!-«r*' *'fof r."C-' InatallM w"l«l.0Ht. lU lp pm -rnt for**t nr*a. tivolcl _

O nj.ra aM clntliln* . . . Hpllt Olrou r-n tlthbo r... /.laax .n /-a»«-.*Q to-___

. a s

C ; O . .D . ' O r d ^ ' .

n d i e l i f c e t - ^ L ; ^

! . ■: J '- -''V

- s t O M A C M - t R O y B t E ^‘"rhen- n rr'iiiany H^niploniirof ulcorn

ol lliu liloniach.-iniiae uf .w h ich ',n rb . a (yiilOiii._i:lfn»iik paiu .jvh lch-occura .. from 'on i' <o lliroi. o r four bourn foi-

vIhuUm; Ilm mi'al. It. Ik n nhurp. cul- lliiK < '\enicl:itln;; typ u u if pain,, prcti- rn i 'a i . .-ionn a:i Ilm iitmunrh hun enip-

•tjrii~ iti:rir“orTnof>:^— ~ r — •I'licnilr-iULj- ll la u:iu:illy illip to a

: ljyii.-i-a.-id'i-i-crriUin: \V«. alHO find ft ; i;i.'jii ili-ai of Kaxeonn itliitenlion. n '. fi-i'lliir..'llf. illtii-miitori.. nnd I M.iiii'iiiii.'?* iiiiiiix-n wlilch. In ehnm ete r- ' i;illc- of ilil'i a lln 'irni." T tio atioVo In nn

friMit-*»lll,.»fl»l l.y lUilll lp ,! I.(ivi ll, .V. I).; i ' i : i : i t i , i ; s s sro .iiA C A i, k k m k d v;iiiih nffordi-d 'llioniiaiidH of people re- I llrf fio)n IlyiK 'racldliy o f llie S lom ach. ICiiii oil fit.niiaeb. Ilea rlliu rn , u n t Cns- 'I ll l- IHkIh 'h:! iIho to lly |icrncld lty . On .JuulxI-:iiiaiJu.aiiim^uimfcon-Ur4iHM-nm>- ] iilJiiT (lllllll ilruK .itorea.—adv.

t r t l a i

lyj Augtist 4th

K l M s y v ' s t e b P l a t e * ;ry one fo r . . . . . . - S i 4 5

C e tO n o F R E n i , . l l [>»lr ('>r ll;« o f.opet Toil ' - -r ir.% nil n j« lr «)f t!i»** «p|,>n. • lnililx;r rrn lrrM itliimlnum »lep ' . .

infc-. Tlriii' ■»»—liatwlm ma, an j ■nlll", wllli hl.-l<-p1ile . ,jnud»_.. niirr ni>a.’<trap nioia. .l[« su iir ' ,II'I. nn'l n llm rllr^ rnoush far flnrjrl i.-w-. i-Imlt 0/ ono «ot« lo Mifomer.

> T n v ft '• . . ^s K 6 ! p ~ - r - s ^ —y one f o r ............ L'

C ; tO n e T R E E I ir!y r jv lrc ^ ir th"r» e r»r -a-ara •. . . «hal f-vrr.r ra r c«n«r

J* fnr r;niili»r ditvlnc. and , . riitrn'n iiB fr"« for the oUier ;.t f.rnt! Tool and. M illarr . ,' kerp "Joihm d ra iu 'a a d rrom . ' .<lnR la Draw, llvavr woven ' w maltlna. wati »KS«ii.l. LImU !•J1C. »o/e fo o nu!ojB»r.', ,

F o r F o r d O w r i w '• N e r e r b u n i ” T r a l u - r . - <■ »

l u t a i o n L i n i n g V . ' I ay on« a a t. C«< On« -5M •

0 M 5 . - , . . . . . ; $ i : ^ i J ; V i ; 126-27 .... l ; I• rhatt*r)Mta. ■ •'i

I heaC and-ab«nrtn , aBa< ^ ‘- - ^ . for perfM lobriratM . C e ai< .^ l-V '• witl) rlTvta. Two aaia ( w •! 1

Page 12: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

PA SB roU B -. ' ~

: T ^ , F A L L S D A I L Y T IM E SW ein K r; U aJted Prima Xa«MlAtJoa ' - ,

7 - - - - - - - - -- - P H O N E ^ F l T x ' - M - i ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !__ _ _ _ _ _ _ L.------- B n ta r e d - M a e e o n d c l n a B - o s t t 8 r - A p r l l H r l 9 l 8 r a t - T w ! a - F » U a - p o a t « I O O '• l u H e r a c t o t M a r e h . l . 1879. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ,

P o b U th e d Q v e rr o ro D ln E tx c o p t S d n d a y a t Z66 M a la A t b d o * S u t , T m i I i l l a , I d a h o , b ; -

__ _ _ T E W R 8 P U U L IS n iN O C O JIP A N T , D ie .0 . B . C o l U B i .^ o a t d e n t H . . O ^ t a . f i f l c r o ta r r - T r a a in r c i

L . 0 . C olllD *. V lc o E r c a l d w j t v - H n r r y - D r o w n . E d i t o r- . l H T i t r » . l n g _ M a n f . [ ; n r ----- ----- • - ..... .. ........ P -' P l a n t S o o a rln U jn d o D t •,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — .... !.. . . O e o rg e 0 . C a rla o .

' N A T IO N A L H E P R E S JC N T A T IY B , p . C . T b o la C o .. 420 L o x ln j to n At c o u i N c w Y o r J c - a ty . 30 N o r th M ic h ig a n A v c n u o . C h lc a e o . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. - . . , 8 0 D o < 7 n iP T I0 N R A T E S —C h » -m o B t l t r 'l - ; f lO r - t l i r e o - iB q T > th f t r~ < t : f l5 T - i tn n o p th B r t8 ;1 8 r -o n « - T W r t f c "*

■ B I B L E v e r s e s T ^ d p r a y e r : ; . .

G O O D N’K W .S ^ A s - H7f(<-I-S-Jn' a ( l i i r s f y f io tii; ^<I Js c O o i l fu ruv f r o m n T n r u im i i l r y r — P r o v . J . ') l i ’r). , / • '

P H A Y K H — O T l i n i i (W nl n f lo v c . w .- I . l . 's s T li . 'i- f ( , r t l i u f j n o r n e w s ,c a l l e d i l i e f i o s p c l . . '

■ T H E C O U N T R Y . . ■T h o s o 'W h o b a v c h a d o c c a s i o n l o t r a v e l t i i r o u g l u m t t i n

c o u n t r y h a v e ■ r e t i n * n c ( l - t 'o th ( * u * h o m e s ^ ‘ w l i e i - e v e r t l i o s i ' h o m e s t t i a y b e , i m i > r c i S ( j i l ~ W l l l n 1 i F l l n ^ t h i r r i h l ? n ) ^ ^ ^

t h e ' l J h i t e d S t a t e s a i - e o n t i i e m o v e a n d t h a t i n o n e y n i u s • b e p l e n t i f u l . . .

• ' N o t ' o n l y t h a t , b u t m i l e - l o r i g f r e i g h t t n u n s v i e w i t l t t v c h t y » c a i H i i i s s c n g o ' r U v a i n s - i n - i n ( l i c u t i n g - L h a t _ l I n c h L S i m _ i s o n t h e J o b , a t t e n d m p t n b u s i n e s s . .

■" ■ • W e s t b o u n d Q ^ i i n s a r o c a r r y i n g h u n d r e d s o f t h o u s a n t l ' o f - p a s 8 c n g ^ i t o P a c i f i c c p o i J t a n d i n t e r - m o u n t a i n p o i n t f r o m B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a t o . L o w e r C a l i f o r n i a . E a s t b o u n c t r a i n s a r e l o a ' d e d w i t h b u s i n e s s m e n a n i l w o m e n h a v i n g , e r r a n ^ i n t h e M i d d l e . W e s t a n d E a s t . ,

; L o n g f r e i g h t t r a m s a r e c a r r y i n g U i e p r ' o c h i c t s o f I d a h o W a s h i n g t o n , O r e g o n , C a l i f o m i a , N e v a d a a n d U t a h f a r m : a n d . r a n c h e s t o t h e g r e a t m a r k e t s o f - t h e A t l a n t i c s e a b o a r ta n d ' t h e ' M i s s i s s i p p i v a l l e y r f r e i g h t r c a r ' i o a d i n g s ^ s h o w i n g - J -s t e a d y - i n c K e a s o - a s - t h e * 6 u m m e r w a n e s a n d t h e a u t u m n s e aS o n ' a p p r o a c h e s . ' • -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

N o r i s t h e r e t a k e n i n t o c o n s i d e r a t i o n t h e m u l t i t u d e o

l o b a l h i g h w a y s — h u n d r e d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f t h e i i i I n ^ m F l e s s - p r e c e s s i o n / e a c l v c a r r y i n g i t s l o a d n f h u m a n i t y e i t h e o i T p l e i i a u r d ’-o i ' i J u a l i r cf s y b u n t . I t - < i s - a r e s t l e s s a g e , - a n - a g ^ o t T r o ^ l ^ % b . a l | d ^ : g n ^ g t f • o f - g o • s o m e w h e r : Q r ^ i l - o f ^ w ^ l l r h i n , V o l v e s u r i t o i d m i U f o n s i n t h e m a t t e r o f e x p e n s e . T h e m o n e ; c o m e s f r o m s o m e w h e r e — f e w p o s s i b l y k n o w .

B y w a y o f v e r i f i c a t i o n o f t h e s e s t a t e m e n t s , a l o n g c o m e - A . W . S h a w , w r i t i n g ' o f t h e ' U n d e r l y i n g T r e n d o f B u s i n e s i n “ T h e M a g a z i n e ' o f B u s i n e s s ” a n d c i t i n g s i x f a c t s c o n c e m i n g b u s i n e s s t h u s f a r i n 1 9 2 8 ,a s i n d i c a t i o n s f o r c o n t i n u e d p r o s p e r i t y t h r o u g h o u t ^ t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e y e a rT h e s e s i x t e t s . ' a r e : •

T h c - n e f c - i n c o m e - o f - o v e r - 2 0 0 - g c n e t a l J 3 u s m e s s e - .^ 7 % g r e a t e r d u r i n g t h e f i r s t q u a r t e r o f t h i s y e a r u : o m n a r i s o n . w i t h t h e s a m e p e r i o d i n - 1 9 2 7 . ' .

“ 2 C a r l o a d i n g s — ^ w e e k l y — a r e a g a i n a t t h e - 1 , 0 0 0 .3 0 0 J e v e l ------------------ --------- :---------------- r -------------

“ 3 . C o p p e r c o n s u m p t i o n , . g a s o n n e a n d l e i t i n z e ; a t o Q ' n n f ! f i n t n m n h l l p a h d s t c c l u r o d u c t i o h , l u i v c a l l m a d l e w h i g h r e c o r d s . a g a i n t i n s y e a r . •« / ' '

“ 4 , T h ( / n a t i o n a l d e b t h a s b e e n i - e d u c e d $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . ) 0 0 w i t h i n ] 2 m o n t h s . „

« 5 . F a r m , p r o d u c t s a r c a t m o r e f a v o r a b l e l e v e l s t h a n a m y t i m e f o r t h r e e y e a ; ^ . , _ . ,

“ 6 . T h e g o u n t r y ^ h o w n i t c ; i n a b a o i : b ^ D . 0 0 ( > . 0 0 0 » ’ : )O O TTT T n ? ' ' : ^ r * ’ U r t* < « * ^ - in - l 4 ^ ^ m o n th K .- j t n d - A ,v - e i * l t ly I t n n k c l o a r ;; n g s h a v T T ^ i ) t o 5 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . ( ) 0 ^ . ■ “

W H A T P R O G R E S S H A S D O N E F O R \ G R I C U L T U R E . •

T i - a v e l e r e b y a u t o m o b i l e ( i r r a i C i J a s s m g a c r o s s t l u • o u n t r j ' a t t h i s s e a s o n o f t h c y e a r , m u s t b e i m p r e s s e d b j h e u p t o d > t e m e t h o d s e m i ) l o y e d b y t h e f a n n e r s i n t h ( j m * v e s t i n g o f ‘t h e ^ r o j ) ? . ' / . , i- , , '

M o d e m i n v e n t i o n h a s . l ) e c n b u s y , o n b e h a l f o l . t l u j a , r m e r a s i t I r i S - i n . t h e w o r l d o f i n d u s t i y . I n . m a n y w h e i t t i e l d s t h e r e c a n b e s e e n a c o m b i n a t i o n , r e a p e r a n d t h r e s h - ■ T g a r n e r i n g t h e g i ' a i n w i t h t h e i < l r a w a n d s e i ^ i i r a t i n g e a c r . '0 r - f u i t ] i e r ; d i s i ) 0 s i t i 0 n l \ v t h o o w n e r , , t h u s p e u f n r m m K e r v i c e t h a t f o r m e r l y r e q u i t e d t l i e i a h n r o f s c o i-e s ^ f f a n n ^l a n c l s r ' • ■ • ’ ^ ^

A g r i c u l t u r e h a s u n d e r g o n e a i - f V o h i t K m . ,S t a t i s t i c s s h o w t h a l i n 1 8 5 ." ) t l i r e e h o u i ’s a n d f i R v n u n -

i t e s \ s ; . e r e r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e r a l i u s h e l o f w h e a t , w i s i n - o r m a t i o n ^ b e i n g - g i v e n b y t h e A n t u - e r | > , O h i n , A r g u ^ T o - , l a y s o i t i s s a i d , l e s s t h a n t e n m i n u t e s a r e n e c e s s a i y n c - a u w o f t h e u t i l i z a t i o n o f t h e t r a c t o r a n d o l h e r l a b o r - s a v - a g m a c h i n e r y - . , , \

A l l t h a t t h e f a r m e r n o w n e e d s i s s o i n e n l e p r e e o f c e r - a i n t y t o c r o p d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d ^ a f a i r r e t u m f o r t h e h a r d i r o r k a n d w o r r j * i n c i d e n t a l t o r a i s i n g f a r m j j r c d u c L s a n d ^2t t i n g t h o s e n f o d u c t s r e a d y f n r m a r k e t .

U n q u e s t i o n a b l y h e h a s t h e s y m i i a t h y , o f t h e g e n e r a l . l U b l i c a n d t h e e a r o f g o v e m n i e n t . T h c f a n n e r d e s e r v e s o c o g n i t i o n - t i n d ^ w i l l n i n d o u h t c d l y . i , b M : i v £ ^ i i ^ ^ - f ‘i » - ^ ^ » ’ ' ^ „ l o n g w i t l ^ o t h e r i n d u s t r i e s u p o n w l i i ^ h t h e h a p p i n e s s a n J r e l f a r o - o f t h e c o u n t i y a r e d e p e n d e n t , . ' . ?

A v i s i t o r f r o m a c r o s s t h e ^ e a s . u p o n r e a d i n g i n t h e i a p e r ' t h a t a m a n h a d l > e e n k i l l e d b y a . r e v o l v i n g c n i n o . r e - \ l i k e d , “ I t ’s a ’ W o a d e r y o u r g o y e m i n e n t d o c s n o t e x t e n u - - i a t e s u c h f e r o c i o u s b i r d s . ”

- - - - - - - - - :------ - t.T h e r x J i s m u c h t r u t h i n t h f ' o b s e n ’a t i o n t h a t i n t l i e s e

a y s i t s e e m s t o t a k - e a l o t j r i o r e n e i - v e t o V i o l a t e c u s t o m s l a n t o v i o l a t e l a w s . . ~ . • }'

T h e S h o e a n d L e a t h e r ' R e p b r t e r s a > - s a m o u t h f u l w h e n ' n o t e s t h a t a m a n i s k n o w p - b y t h e c o m p a n y h e k e e p s i a n d c o m p a n y i s k n o w * n “h y " i h e m e n ^ r l i e e p s . * . . ^

: A O t h e r .■ : V i e w p o i n t s

K TILi; ?UH)K,ST..<1<IUII<J Kiilla T'ont)'

I . A indril'li » tie r u Tcxuii wrUnrKiil I oil .1 ininH iuiry'' iiollti; W iicgiiiii liiivltiK <lwl<>iiftl- I

“ IiIk lli-ail." llio colonol iirrlvoil ii Jh S i . f i i j i t 'aii<l uiimiiiiic

. ,* > ^ _ o tU i;la l-w lr« - ltnc|-tr,Vii»cil- i

' tlm t witliuiii nninc liilr, luclfuii tie u -n u li l Ijc ri-K.' r<|i:(l nu *i

> IntriKliT.U m iy , liirfii'i cliiiiiKi il muoli. tlx

II tliu year hIiici> Iiii flew ou t of tl alRlil liiKi l.(;jluri;('t nnd tinid tn ll 'Irnl o f-tho c n iw ir lo rviitli liiM plnn '1 am .Cliiirli'ii MndborKli.” LItvnil

• mllo.'i o f wur<l« linvn liri-u w rilli itjiiiil lllill mill JiIh fnce liuiV nOorm

;nr<l« Jjlfjint'lr *«(* a lost of fllOrii. K Ik yiticii liul uniniiK n iriiu 'ii. n illllftry niiU nil

' ^mvlHc. tliiTu In n ciirloiiii corpn iiiilrl fn Mnillii'rKirii cmor- tliero In vvliloi .Ilin roi'lliV ' Hint lii Ini: ]m n of tl

“ T w iy ' iiHoir .H)iifi-r»“ u-t.iiffrin<‘Tir-iir lincllon. . ’

,\JoiJ.'i5«y (d IUI nn- of si'ifMM-iiloitiiIon In-II p i'arl iif Krcnl jirtoi.. u ’lill.t

.-nonontriiiovlo ncior licriiU'ii I th .iirm j}:<-ni foj- no t Imvlm: tncB i.'iiihikIi t

•rliirii from nhrouil. lln- coliiiicl I 'I'liiili; tlic- otflclnl o t n fiyliii; fli-l

.'(I .SC. I'.’Kil (lint hill nnrnp hi U iul XTKli. l)on1;llcii>i ' It Ik, iIiIh rL-ciir -in« I'iintrnKt .ImtwiTii ’ lilniHclf nii'i lio Kt iH’i'nllly o f tlioHc nuicli lu Hi irwfi wlilrll liiiM iiinilu Iilin'HO' (liiriilil I f illin '. In .(lie A t;aTlcan hitiip ,

H O i^ /irK A iiT r ii .r n i ( n i s ,(llblllO milK I'UNO'

■ Otifi CriinrloH M urray of KiiRoiie ,)ri‘Rnii._t^nii nri-oHtoil on a clinrKn n Irlvliii: an ' aiilornorjili' wlilli! in'toxl ?nti‘il , . At lllll tr lii l Hio Jnry cotilil no u:roe,- IIi‘ -wart (IlHelmrKCil, A f«'V •yceUii.lal.i;r lilt» i'nr vfillltlnl ii l ic r ciiif. loniieil ‘onto a nltloWalU itrnck tw o iiciloiHrliiiiK nnil crliHlii'i

Ihi'iti Miir.--.t- II...;orrllilK to tlin teBllmony. nliiiiyliJiiL-i 'lln c n r nml ftcit to 'l i ln iin m c . T hen 'iu wok nrri'iitod on ri-cMurK" of ninn- .•■lanr.h u r Il iTra g . a llunnil t liat oiu-r; iKiilii I lf hllll hocn ilrlv lny nhJJt

Who in lo hliiini? fo r tlip ilm ih -if tho Inrioi'oiit pfilim trlnii? A t leiUt \ p a rt of (Iiu rcii|iui>Nllillliy Ik.n on •hi’ nlioiililern. nf the Hoft-henriiiiljnry •lint tu rned h im Iooko on tlio flr»U rhnrsc. Tho prX-o offfccM nml tlic irotfi.cntnrK illil th e ir du ly ; th e Jury­men' uhJrkcd -'ihclrH. T he rceklcH^i Irlver wnH condrm ud In liln liU-a

I’liut hi> eoiihl go t nwny w ltli IL Ton ■nany of them do .R o t nwny w lili H. l.c t n* liopo th o rocUlcKK <lrlvnr 'will

, If lorcO Kiipport th e rnmUlcM .of Mioao, Ite J<ill>i,

- —D E c r l y - p o e m “

f wniilil not w o rry If I wrj-e you:Thc <liiyji»wlU rom o and llic dnyn

• will KO. . . . •\iiil anon till- t'iky v l l l in- cray. n r.hhii'.

Anil Ihe rartli.lif* rovrrc-d w ith How- • or« o r ^no\>•.

.r jjc «iin ii’JJJ or, Jh t ruin u llJ---------full—______________ _____________*nnt' Goil jitandH ovor iiml iindiii:.all.

Soinc (Inyit will he ilark, \(ll!t ;.c ;irc ly :u I'lKli

Tliiit Rod r v r r . c:ii-<' yijii a lovlaK Ihoiitfhi; *

'.lm( Jf<:! f.-.i:r- «-»{ he fihf With /ovt Ivn leii. '

Anil jo ii r soul lie i.rom- w ltli a tlF:iil 111 foiiutif.

,VmI Ilfl- will ! .rnu i-iaiily of rv rryjo y -

\ worlhliMi_ tiaulili’, a 'l i r o k ' n t’oy.

n m I wpnlil nm w orry if f w.-r«. jtu i - U will nli cnnn- riKli'i |>retiy noun, ilr-

TIii: rain « 'lil erahe umt th e »k’v ku .w Iitm-.

And f:oil 10 j o n r lu a r i wUi_Lladly iipinl. . ' • .

Mis' m.-M.a-i- hT lovi' -an d -h y am i liy Von w ill w on ilfr wli. - you sliiinlil bi-

HM.- elnvr lo th - r.itln r. l< l io 'hk' wh.-it miiv:

IliMfli out fo r 1H« hand In rain or

H f «‘J» m rn >i)ijr n);;hi In to sw pi-i.ri d;-y.

Anil I'lliirr Iltn lioiiiily o f luvi .11- vtnf--.

I l f n .'v r r fo r« r |« fi.r a ..Inch- <lay - Why n-'i'd, ! lu n , to fre t am i <»ony

Lighter-Side^-( iro n n l't>'n Uo Iil» oldi-r h ro llic r) .—r, cijn i.7 .irr.- • "

Jftmr*—No. >on're nvU S tan d f!lr Slid nrr.* .There., you* only eom r. up lo my miuiHi.

Stejiheu—W ell. 1 ilon'i m r r . Tm ft;' m il n» yon urc- l}n> o th r r w ay. My t i r t KO dow n us fa r a s voum do.— noyV Life. ,

. . 'I p l i r r .V i^cnrf.A wnman Runrdlan IiaiI u rranced

:nr a irc.-»t fo r tlie old neopki lo the workhouse, h u t wa* prevented from Uti-ndlnc or. Bi-elni; to ll h r r* e tf ..

••Well, m atroth;’ nhc tnqnired . a fte r he affa ir, -h o w l l ld th e p a rty bo o ff:

linpfl-yoa_K »tT th«in a Sood 'd fn*

-O h. yes. J lr» . MfifinlnR. a ' ’ rery rood d inner.” rep1ie<t the m a tro n ..- I -entnrcd to s e t them ' Ihc biRKett ,tx»B H u r 'WM - t P ' tT trad I n -y o a r- .hsenee.’*—T lt-B lr '.

• T W m F A l I . I 8 , ’p a l L T T O i

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■ jr to s u b s c r ib ei m a i l 0 1 - b r in e-I ^ i t t- tiie order'anc

„ you.I - H order

, Tickets y>

^ ilDRRY-S

s - i s 3 “ ' ’ *

*lbb d£p — rcffttla;

L j f i l -■ ^ 9 '

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» ^ - R I N iM s ^n d g i i 'L u n d e y IG y e a r s o f

f o r t l i e T w i n F a l l s D a i l y ' j ^ t l i e b l a n k t o th e . T w i n P

J a s s o o n a s i t i r a s 'U e c n I v i ;

■8 m u s t b e v e r i f i e d . V e r i f : s rill .b e g o o d a t , a n y t o w i l


b v e J b e ^ B I a n k ^ e lo K

Mail to thfe Circulati The Twin Falls

I W ant to d o~ to lhe CtfcugllYoui

scription Orderlie not l>cfn n ouhsrrlher t o The Twin frcwJfli »nb>erl6e ami neree (o fiibe (Ji' atp;and 1hertafjfT,-Bn1t»< othMTTlw nrtc ir snbsrripUoB rale. (V)c acenmpanlc<i «

KT AnJ>nK{^ ..,r..„:'.. . ... .t X liew snli»rrihcr I'^ncjy. i>hntn fho . dayA pa'«1. A rhanirr In name al (bc, t enal Is not a nen »aii«crlp(lnn.

R TAKEX l i t .....___.......... ...............

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TICK!l y s - a n t f c

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age can go. Simply get Times, have tKe order be ''alls Times and you will

vif ied 'youi' Lickel, W'llT'E

ication takes “two days.I .where tlje. circus plays.


Jign e4-an 4:^ g.()E on Department of Daily Times

r Subscription Wfll Talto Me.

•Twin Falls Daily Tim<FnlU Dnlly Time* fn r ih e pax t IS da

e p npcr for n iwrioU of 3 la o o tb i fp •T i'd 'hyT nrrI~ n lllT jay yonr c o tlc r to r 1 h is o rder. -

.......... ......... rinlc, .......;__________. . t»

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l A M e r y E

Page 13: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

, i W l B S |A l l l E aM idiron T ourney to Be H eld - “ -N ex t S unday r .E titr ie l ",:. • . ' Cloae Friday .

FlDul flsurliiK of Htniiillncii lii - Mix hnnillciip KOlt loiiriiunicni liolil iiiiiKliiy nbow J im l U K. ncnkiT , 0 . H unt uml f-W Ja tc tlio ln r.. liail.. lhi? ..tlinK^JnmLaL Kcoron n n d lo tlioiii will li<- nwiinlRiI llio fibir liiillH pifrcliniicil Iiy lhc-, <mV irnnco /ociNcliflrKUil In tho U iiirncr.

Tlio’ huhdlcnii uiuriinm ciit wiik wnll iltom lcil nud rr,Kiill<iil liv ita- iiliiyliic Df jwrno KOO<I KOlf. •>—N « st siin ilny-till- Country vliih .w lll loru t> iiililtron hanillcni) inurtium rni. rho on tm iilii Id UHh icium cy wlll-jiltO' hc full niim bcr'D r IioIch, uhIhk ji mlil* ro a only- A ll oiU cr c]«hn wiiiii hi' ur)<q(t,ne tho .cliih house bcfoi'o i>lay ito rlsU -IS n trle ii^n -ih tiu l-xou rnum cuC .. m int ho lumlo 'U’Kh Um pri-onn ,iiltlne Jw fo ro ' Frhliiy cvcuJiik n i hK , I'clock. toROthcr w lih lh c Ocposili ii( r. ct-mn 10 purehitiio Kolf Imllii fo r tin- rlnnerx of ihc tourniinicni.,'!lnnillcii|)ii o r th e p lnyors cn ioreil in iho tou rney i iiinilny. will he uiinounccc: Snlurdny . , io ODO can en ter w ho hnii. nn i . fUi'tlI l t l l 't l ic Krocnn conimlHcu l)ororc llio • o t H itfo^m dRy, ,Sco res fo r tho i>lny SilncUiy w cro;

.* J ■ ' . • 1

-------- ,—s.- —w ■r 2 8 ■i’ -s • 3i i j i

• . ' n M * I '..... ' .......... . ji- ; f f ‘

K. .... .............. ‘t'" ■“ CO/in to tlio lc r . J .................. — <7 2R GP

u ]

:ilmun(li),'11. C..................... SI 4C 71 ^Olinnuii, Diiucmi ....... .. Hil t3 1I 'urnor. li- l«. — .... • 8’1 J - 7->Dim. I 'rcil, J r . ................ ....................."2w cctoy. E . M. ......... ..... »» 15 73;an*; Geo.......................••..... 20 7^ (tniUy. ,C. A. .................... ;a s 14 74iloa,- L. .......... .................... 114 ,4 0 . / I 1hlpm an. W. G; - ...........;,... a i r 3 » 77 4ifltnindciN ■ E. U. JOS -0 .0m iliiin n o n ^ ll.„ .........8C . JO 7c thinnutn: W. G .................. IJC 3K 77 'J K T w . \ v : ..... - .......... m a s 77 ^l u » t r . n . U . .........* I

IS ? =rm otvl. H- ......................... J ^ - Ic im ln iJ ii.-U u rry ............ .:ort)i. a 'A . - ..............12a 40 . k tICAIOC, y . y . ............. ....... S 2 . ys s j ^Olwcll A. D. ,..........X?-:: U J , 25 «« IablDndn. IU 1*............;v... }03. J» « *

i i o . - ..................n » S— ~ ■ I


, ,____ ^— ,--------- -Hy u bI M » « • * - ; -------------- I-YoilcrUA'y'ii lic ro : Mlckoy_Cochr;\nc, f hoHO alORld scorcit Ulnhop In -U 'o imU InrilnB. ciiabllnf? lho Plillnclol. J Illn AthlctlcH td ilc tcu t lh o S t. Loulu <■ rowim; C to ‘ , ,T ho Clorcliinil iDilIonn jifovcU. th n t ‘ le lr win ove r tho New Yorlc Y nnktcs unday w M -tjo nccldcn l by ilownlnj; 10 Jcadcra. I to - r . cSnm G ray opiioxoil hi* fo rm er team ^ Ale*, lh e AUiletlcB. on lh c m ouim ‘ ir tho S t. 1.0UIB Urowft*. G ray wan - , Rood form ; bu t loni J»oo«-bren ti. j.

B to 4. ' . , rT ho PlttaburR li P lrn lcn took bo th j, Ida' o f a double header from tho p rav in , wlnuJnit th o flm l 2 to I «nd ,0n o e o n d .e . lo B. Kd U rnndfn w ild . ^ '(IH coRt 'Xho n ravcn . Uio oponlnR i unc, the. .U o s tb n p llc h e r w alklnB u r and iliowfnic fou r tiltfi. H u ^ ^ C e w A 'o r k - G J n n t n . m n d o J l i It o t T o u r^ 'h V irU ify -d o re .-r tc d -in o ' '«tcaK0-Cub#..4 to 1, ond advanced

th ird place , nhoTinK tho Cubii tnto u r th . place;:'- , ,,Jc#B P a tty had lh o b e tte r o t Kppa ixoy ln ft p ltch ln* duel, tho nrooV- ' n K obtns OefeatlnK iho n « l» 2 .to 1. ic h h u r tc r allow ed oU h t htUuII r e q u i r e — JnnInK* and fon r lun t a n d t im m inu to i fo r tho Phil*■s to de fea t th e SU Loul* C ard lnstn ^ lo 7. T lilrty -flvc player# took p a rt th o c o n to a i . Ir

m c 4 ‘« hOBo ru n In th e n in th In- rnr broX* up a p ltc h ln s duel ^ ^

IT to Rlre. D c lro ll » 5 to I r l r to ry

Ai T horaoa had « B rcat d v . b lan k - - e th e Bonator* 6_ to 0. T ho m i t o ,r bunched h iu o ff B rax ton la lho


• H O X E BU:< LF.ADEBS ' A m e ric aa L w ff«e •

iU u J fa n k * iu .a _ :-----------^ .-...,;,.._ 4 1 •_ihrfe. V in k o o i ------------------------- i ’iw e r , A U UeU 4«---------------------- - 18" - 5 i t l b u l

U too . • Cuba, ----------------------- 24rttom ley. Card* — ..............»* « j a e l W ; ^ b l M — J -------»»

lU o u I . l « i n « _ L C i-------<01aerleoB I t o f B o ------------:---------j

S W T O ^r-teU l -

■ F M C e t i i d a l .ib n v tt 'C j iC T r;

m a ti^ » * « m * e p w tJ e U E D s lU h it» d . ' ^ e e A m ^ c t r *olL -


yAT»oxAi.'i.KA(a'i:Klim..:- I t - i r . i : .

I'litiiburKli ....:..................... ......... :■ -i ftDonton .................... .... ............... I. li, 0;, - Ilniicrlim : K roiiifr iiml ^url.•rl•llv<•!l^ ISriiixK .'('iiulw i'll lllld Tiiyliir'. '(

Srcond siiiuc; . » . U . K,'I'lttnburKli ....... .................. ...... n 12 ’1lJo«ioti ,.,;....................................... fi :i 1

IJhllcrloH: m il . Grliiion nml U ur-, cri'iivoii; (•roctiM'^ld. Ciintwi^ll, liuriio/i and S|iohror'. ^

A t New Y orlc ■ u .‘n . t : .(UilcnKO ..... .-.................................. 1 .4 1Ni'W York ................................. - -I’l l 2[

lliiUL-rlrii: Miilotir, lin llcy iiiiil l l i ir tiiu li; iliu'l llocun . ‘

Al n rooklyn : ‘ R. H .K .CUnclnniill ...•................................ 1* K I ,Drcmktyn 2 K 1

nii'tloric:i: lUxoy. i.m .u,. luul H:iv- 1 K rav t; Pc({y nnd Hcftntic.

-A t-l>hJlartrlp tT hr---------- ;------- I tr ltr l? :U )u!m 7 h ; 0

Phlliulirllihla .............. ................ X l!i .(15 luiilnRM), . . . • • DiitlorioH: U elnliart. Johnnon. •

I'ninkliouKo. Hiilil.'UiiIiivh iind Wllnoii, Sm ith: I'VrKUn'Hi. * McGraw. Wnluli, ill;iK mid •lcrlnn ,. Dnvlii. •, j

A 3 n :iii rA .v 'u :A tu .'K :l

At Clevclft'nd: '• It. If. K. JN'ow- oV rk - ..'............................... 2 n ■Jlevelaud .....-'......................... r...... 4 10 0-J la ttc r lo u l— I’lpK raa-aad '.G rabou'skl;- - M lllcr-iind Sewoll.

A l St. I.OII1R.- ' 'U . It'. !•:. i’h lln d c lp h lii .................................. r. !i 1» . r n i .1.1 . ■ •____ .. .. \ ir> 1 ,

U iillcrlcii: llo inm cl, W nlbcrtf ancf . :'»S>inn)c; Oriiy unit-.Schan?.-: ^

At D etro il: ' . • - I t . l l . lv . 'JoBton ......... :........................... 1 ■> 0^otro lt ......................... .... - ........ Z fi .1 ■■JjMttrioii: .Mol’riii am i . • iicvu ij;, "1

lliMl..u.’nv nuil nurgroiivc. ..

AL ClilcnKo: • -i • If. H. H-.VnnblnKton ........................... ....... 0 7 0ihltnKO J.-..-....... V........................6 - 8 0

Dntlorlon: .I} rh \to » und tUiol; rhao ias nntl flcfg. • . ; ■

' c l u b s t a n d i n g s * °t,---------------------------- ------------------------ ♦ J

UTAH-IDAIIO I.KA(JUK ‘:ijii)! ; ' Y.: ^ D

5?lt U k o ....... ................... J 2 10'. .tl4B,>’ec-nlello ...... l - . - . - r ...........U - 11 .liOO >Jolho .... ........... ........8 14- .364 I

IV U 'JFli; r U ^ - I .K A < i r K :iuMir w . I.: I’d . “lollywooit- .;........... - ............20 -9 . .R90 nlucrnm rnto ..........................20 0 .f.OO « KrnnclHPo _________;-17 12 .586 rn n n n n f l - ^ - .T - - — ..' i—AW AUKolch ........._....... I5 .-14 .C17 li.Ilsnlonn ...'.......... ................. 12 15 .448 B’o rtlund ...............- ............- 0 20 .310 «jca ltlo .'-41 I

A.)lkitH 'A X I.KAtJI-K.■liilisf W, I„, IVICow York ........................... fill n i .B!>ti’hllHdolphlu--------------------- 133_.3C_..'j3(; _;u i> i i i i« .............-'................S2 fil .cnr.:icve]afrirv....-:..v...;„.;'....... 47 r.4 .4fi.-.ViiHhintston -r......... .’. .:.;,:.:...4R r.fl • Hfii >-mlr-iKO ...................... ...........44 f.<5)e lrn ll .................................. 41 r.l A nlOBlOll . .......-■■■"■................... S8 :.'J .T502

• NATIONAL I .K A O f E '- ' nni:»: -w . I - . l 'c t .It. /.niifii ............ ........ .......M .7C .C.'U .Iliiclnnali ................ ....... r.n 41 ;r,9n •:«w York .............................r a .to ,.r.7CIhlcaKO ......... ,•-----------------r.7 .43 .r.70’lllnliiirRb ...... .....................48 4« .tSllIrooklyn ..............................M 4S .510lonton .............................. ....27 CJ M S'hllndollilila — .......... ...... -U _C5 .270

WHAT THE s t a r s '! DID y e s t e r d a y i ^

Bnlw R u th ; H it hl» 41iit homb run f lhe ficaxon and doubled In fou'- m w w il- lint. Dnllod In one run and :o red ono run.I.OU O chrlB: W ent, h lttcn s ou t o t

>iir lim e* n t hat. —H nrry H rilm nnn : S In e lo l In four

m ra n t l>nu Dati^d In ono run. Ty-CoWJ: N ol In tlneup. - -Ilack /W JlB on: No- h its • tn thi^fO bi n i ^ a t hat.noK cni Kortinby: m t tw o slnRlcH jj

I nine tim e* i l b a t. Scorwl one m n . P au l W aner: Doubled tw tco -nnd neleit tw ice Id aeven tlrnea a t ba t.corMTTiMfi - ITF ra n k m f c h : N ot In lineup.

’ 10

needs id o p e . 1

U E D io t o w i s r s

. G A S P U N E

■ ■ ^ tT M M B M t Jjj

;* y — :------------- — — — r

— T WI

€lerks-TakeJLead__ In Twilight League

I T liij .^Idulio U cpiii'lmciit |

■ » I 111 llti'-Tw lllK hl k-n>:iiu IiihL i'vi-> Ilinn nud lonk um llxiuitnl lond i>vcr IIk-. o lhor toiiiiiii ill Mil-'>Ciit:iii) iilUud- iHKn. Tlio I. I).' ctoi-kii Kiitliori'd li) M tfo 'h llll ' Itnd niailo lU runn nu t nf I hnm. Tho 1.. I). S. Kalhored four liliti b ill wori' ubii) to nciiro liiii onco. Hotli (c.-imii mndo. an uiiuirl uuiiibur o f errorfl.

I. :l>. s i i i r i ' .... ..................... ..;.io lo nI.. I ) . .S. . T o i i i n . ............... 1 .| ::. ItilltcrloH: Krazollfl nud I'n iliili;

t’arliili uml •V'myl. . TivillKlil lifiiKiiH Stiiiidliifr!!

T e a m . \V. i.. p , | , r. r^. S lo ro-- ----- 1. „ o i.oiii)wltichcHturH .......... ........... 2 1 .CfiTL. I), S .........................I , r .501)iJloctrtfttnnn ........................ I i .CDUrr» y .................. •> 2, .»»”I’oiitofflcn .....0 .3 , . , , .Olid


NRW- Y O nk, Ju ly : t l -^ U o UinHltl 'f A berdeen. -.Wimli.. . 17X^i/_j\;oil. u :oelinlcnl knocUoui. In . -lho .fcu rlh niiiid over f:di)lB C lark of Atliiuilc

- lly , 170. iij Ucxler Park nrenn. Ja -J iiiilcn. - Thv lioui, Hrhcdulcd for- ill w in d n .'w n s »10|i|H'(I by Uk- referoo.

’____________ ? l .7f> ' _ ___ _T« llolse uud ifc iu rii ','

. ' ■ . #.'.10To .NiinijMi lllld .lli tu ru

ifrom—T w ln-f^ tU H -vlii-O resou—S lio il U ne naUnwid,- Tlckciii, uood only. In ;onf;hpic nnrl c tialr ptirx (itul J» ii» for I'Uirn lo homo ili'Kiln|iiUin h tio re mlii* ' ilR hl of.AUKiml Ctli. _

Sation’sJ iusm essJls . Id ah o M teS

^t'ASfl/NCTO.V. J iity /s r -^ s tfn iiil 'u t- il by w urm wt-alher und ilio vncn- tou urRc, buHliicHH pickod u|,i lu une, brinRhiH lho firm huU of tlio year0 n cluKO w ith m any tln u i itbowluKII Improycm cut ove r ih^ im m e period

lonn In Niillon'a II iihIiiohh MniM<ln<T lubllHhoil by the Clinmhor o t i^TiV* ne rc i' o f the liiiltod SlaloH..

"lU 'lnll trnilc In .June ." hV wrlii-ji. expanded oyur May i tu d 'o w r 'Juuo.1 yenr oro. Miilt o rd e r luii(lni-KH ooinod lo H lep.oiit lie lle r i i a ‘com- larud w llh M.-iy aud June . 1H37. lhan ;jrt5*ttatn7»txjro=salt=i=rtht=laiua=3jofc K UHunI loadlnt; In perovnlnce of :uln. ■ ThcHC Kalnn ovor Mny ’nro. Irnilflcant bccniiKo Ilia i' m onth prof- tcU by KClllng' Dome delayed Atiril

T hia m ap rcp re ten ta b usine ta eo b c r .o f . n * T{atloii*k B a iin e ta , o

unlness. '••The tflialii ntorca -ln '3uno Rained •;1.8 p e r c en t and fo r tho half year u1.8 p e r c e n t Tho tw o leadl]L<t m all ’d«r houaea . italnod 24.4 p f r ccn t d i I _ 3 .3 j « j _ c c i i t _ r c y j « l l y o j : ^ T t i j t 10 com bined ealned 20.4 p e r cenT n :* Ju n o abd 13.1 p e r c e n t fo r a lx l onilis. p 'T l ie departm en t s lo res Rained 2 * >r cen t (o r June w hercaa_ fo r t i r e H ontha th la y e a r ' tho lo ia from n e

« o '- w a » - a f * * t* B lb a - o t^ .p e r a n t. . • ?“T iim tn s to the tndualrloh. tlie r ls h t J;

th e Ilna. M l l w ere. Is be ld by *’ F ’anTo5bbT T rtrado~w iU i-M »r‘ p™- - ictlon th e - U rs e a t In a n y m onth a nee. A pril. 1926. aod lho la rs e a l o ■or fo r. May. Tho rea ero J Im prea- i on ta th a t June fu lly eflnaled May tl id* waa th e la rg e s t 6n rcco rd fo r I< M m on th a lto . • - • n“Far nra laejsUs* a p to on ipu t w »» tJ i p e r c e n t ahead of I t n bn t 8.4 c T c e n t below ( » 2t .v lth th e .co in 1< •e» la a t year e n tire ly Ip p o aaensar t '

m 'f t o m l a a l . f e a r . . ' ribrisIUaat-’.apo t In th la t r i d a n

« < a a .ta ' bo la th e e x p o r t 'b n ia c h . c<

I 'la aaW ta lU T < * :b « a f l6c :o f m ; ‘ led .o r d tn o t I d m w ' a tn . T h f «

» ?A L 13 g A H Y W t a s ~* - .

& O R T S '. : . m SRQRTS ;

,• WAii.snW; ii/ij,, .Jul; ; ; ;—»«»»(/' '/|il:i}ci;i w i-niJ;;iiin.r|iiK iii-n; i.Klay ii.r u llio lwo,Hc..U,.i no'l'Uiiil liiiinuuiii'iii aiWluiina la lu ' of <hi- Auu'rli’iiii Uniiiii- nlOlIKU^

. l.OS ANI51;1. i ;k, .inly :il- i:;iiM ,\l;i,i- i iro , .Mllwaiil;.'.' li;i»Utiii<'I'lulil. \il ll /

Hiih:illliilhii: fur S:inilii-.:i> /u rillii. wlm. wan hiiilly r ill In ii Him IViUii'ii oo l,oin IIVlcliiy. . ________ _■ 1i

.— r - . ; : ." • . . ' J,

(•iinahiiii Illlll r.Ti'iv.'.! »>II|-1 iic in IT iir i' lUiiliaKi'V. IMilli- ti.-HV!., Iliul ll niiili'ai'l 1' liaK l/ci-ii i>li;iii'il Illl- h im 1<> di fi ilil lil.«Jiiuli>r w i'h rnvo lnb r T t i Y r t T i r 'I lU'AliKlli'l ;ii:allisl lliil.y. (Iiil.lnlvlil, • "

PAN' rtCANC'l.sri). Ju ly Ill—Tlio f i i rfuiiul 1.0111 Ui'Uvrc'li N'ldi r . N e w V«.rk wi'U itwi'IkIiI. anrl m.iiik: I 'n i- ' Ill'll of r rc iin . , M;)ii'iliil.'il lo r I'Vl.lay

ivcolis l.oraiiin' o t all Injury lo '*

■ ■ • 11

Oppose Irrigation i’'District on Salmon.. ' ■ . s- ;\|

• .Hulnwit l l h r r (.'iiiial i niiniaijy- illfi-r- lo rK .yyi'iii i.ii n i 'i .n l ^iMKTilay ''vo -. »j

ll.'.n nr till- Sniilhrrii l'l:tlin IrrlKall'iu h!.IlHlrlrl. Tho l..'rlMoil Ini'. aii ............. Ito'Oiiiiililliili Iho. illiiirlc'i iH uiift-.vvlih ;lio wiuuiy ( ‘'m 'llsnlnai'r:. ami A,u- ,,| Miiii 11 luu; li(-i<n->iot till- (liiK- for r a j.iilillo hcarlni.'. ,|;

TIlo forii'alloM (it tin- hrlcii'llou iITm- '.rlri woiitii aui'iii'.n iipnlly lln away w.llli .lIio .Salm oH Klvi-r. ru n a l '. nun - i , J';iJiy. Tlil' il)rcc)or;< (if Hn-I'nmjiaiiy, i', iiicollnu a t lho nr(ic(-!< nf iholr nitor- noyn laxl ovoiiImk |.:isi'i‘i| a ronuhi- llon arKiilUK tlial llu- i.icniiliallon of , an IrrlKiill'.u iliiitrlcl iii llio iin-m-ut llm o—w nuld-'tm -nf-no-iK ’nr.flt tn~ iiio ' w ater UKoni on ibe. iiniji'ct o r l<i the i,i |.iil)Uc a l laruo. , ,.

Tho (llroctor.t roimri-'d tha t many „( BliiteinontM . had bi-on' rori'lvori from | , , varlmiii Ki-ctli>iiM^f Ilio l>r<iJf“ol,_onin_- nKtX'lllii: Hie niaiinuL-mout of i'lio uiTni>'i,, jiimy fo r- ilio e[fjcli-ni_ ii.;iiiii(-r liil^^.

I’u a r..' Thii illrocKirs al.-o Innlicd a tto r "!lOllllUU bllJlilU-MU, .

igazjrie-tliyes- pot On Business Map

7 . T ^ ~ “ <tii:ut In - l ire prlccn. ftyeniRliiK 10 per oluuiK. Kllmiilated KnluK V. , “Of lhe <ild-linio te^iliui; InduHlrloH.Nlni-1 hiKol ou tpu t w ith a ciiln ol mfi.Ifi por conl fo r Juno nnd o t n.Ji c' li(-r_i'cni fo r Um tmtf year, ^unllyro n ies" - T F tirt .^x c i'r ilin n o liiili “vi><fr of I93G; ih o 'litl lic rlo peak yi'tir. Iuby th re c - io n ltii i 'o f • I per ren t. I’Ir InIro n .'o n thn o ilio rn iand , tout ■> firili olof I pnr oont for Juno nud ' per Iticont fn r till- ImJf y.-nr’ from J027. cluiaklmc tin; 192H o iil|iu t tho HimillcHi .M nluuc 1924. ' .• . a t ' ".Sofl ijffal oulpul roi- ib'i hulf yoar b ^ ‘J=inaiiituil:™ £fc*w iclaat=3xas3tnd: J ia iillirno lu r'roK i !i.< 'itiur ooiil Iosh. P'C uria llm out of sott lumtiur ou lpu l. I"whllo* helpfu l to .[irli'i'H, tm?i n a tu ra l- “Ily m ndc ,fo r imtnllcr producliun. I ln rd .

m d itiona'in every a ta te iiT uiirU nion a s 'i tnelol pub lication .o f th e Cham ber o f Cot

rood* a ro no l ita well ntliiated an c ro ft-w oodn e ith e r fn p r lc i o r pro- tinluctlon. » wl

••Petroleum , one of the, heavy In- :uatcle«.-to._«lowlr. w inning oo l fromho aw am p of o»-cr-producltoo. ~ IVi- ^ icn ilc p ro ifnclio iT fe ll' tw ^ tcn i lw _ 0 l. ”

p e r cen t to r five raonlha aa com- >arcd w ith a year aRo w hile Con-um pilon m in e d 9.6 por cen t. G aso- ^Ino o u tp u t on May rose IS p e r cen t ^ ve r a y e a r a co and w aa tho>ccortl w er» «xpor» .J3aa - ° ilino produc{foh a a rd ilta e « t f f dem and J T3T ftro m on ths exceeded Moat , y o a f “ Iy 7 J and 9-,7 'p e r ceo t re iiec U fe ly . *•* -••AmouK- Uie. i®*UIea_Ta*_4llk .coo:.umptioii hon a e t ub a new h i tb rec> „rd tht* ye a r , esceedln* th e peak of „927 by B p e r cenL Tbla. too., desp ite ^tie la rg e o u tp n t o t royqiL G enera lly .gjw price* fo r th e raw m k t< t(a l-b tre u .o dooBt a ided th is Indoatrr > h e ru u i ^ ke c o t to n ' taduatry . a s a m a l t ot.o rta llm en l. r e p o r t» l AcUre sp lad lea „ ) May a a tlM sn ia llM t tn B s s b e r ta >ar .y e a r* w llh a ahutdow n o rv r'

educe -coaaam pU oa w hich fo r 11 lontha ahow ed a decllae o r : I J . p « r ^ t a t from a y e a r ago. while expo rts ^

-B ttild ia * a f bo» « ^ o W c T l S r i K H ^ In ic tn re a . pe n a ltlg d foe la ^ |n « tm

■ r . . . ■

Interesting News ^ Notes From Buhl K

............ ...Ml-. Illlll ■'Ntl^ ■\ViIlh;Vv"Yni;i-r a in l'l t:

ilaitKhti'r;i.“\ ’. 'ra ainl A’.i^n.i. and inn m n-iiinti-il Tlmr.nUiv [rain :i'n >"

llllo. lour nl Colnradn. I' Mi:^ (;.nr;:i; rliaplnM f;»i1u-r (.ml ii

innllii'i-. .Ml*, aud .Mrn. Clmiil.i c f i:!- Kii ;;lii.'. Ni'lt.. Mr.i. f lia id ii’ii diinnlHi'r. in Mm. .\li!i'u . UonM-i', t'l.ln .; ( ^lin'iiir <• pi ;'liaiilil. Ii-'uvi'i-. and a I I k t i W orili'ii.'lo ,\ll.l^l. haVi' ii.'iii .I'riitn;- Ill'll__

Tli<- aiinn.'il im‘iiil»'r.'-lilr) ......lln;: nl wiDll' M.,•lh<..ll l .Mlh-iin.iiiry .'.n<-loty u til ,,ri'liJ!i'ld.;iL.UlL..L]uti:li ■Am:u:!t_2.i-Mia.___IJiirfK- r.:iiV » oi Kiiut,<;ir. '■■r i>-iuni- 'd' inl«-‘li-n:iry rr<i:» Iviircn. will lio

I 'n l l ' ' ,M i r y , l^ii-iin and H anilinian.'.Mlii. I.'i'h'i Kmim ' was lal;i'ii Id I 'u - . . .

rw lir l'*:ill'! cnuiii.v hn::iiHal- Krldnv.-*.,' n h n .- :4 -' iin.lonvi iil n niiijn r-m icr.,

Mr! and Mm. J ia n i ‘ T ^ W.'lls, U w !'* ,\iii:i'li-;., nri' \i^m ll|; Mr, and Mr'i. J';' VVIItlani llniiid.'.. in ro 'i i - .( i . C a n a d a .;"

•Mr:i, l.llly l.;i»- of Ni.tlli llnwdi'i.:

.inlMi'r, II. II. Taylor. • 'I':Mrii. Kri'd I'aiMni In a |iiiilrii1 nt'

ilir Twill. K ail,.'n fu iiiy «<-ni'i'aI iio^iil- "li

' MI.'iM's'Vi'-l'Ua ainl Vi'ia Vnu«-1 wMo I'n iiitlalod liith llio ll.'I.i'Uali I'-rU:lay (-v/'iitiiK. • • . -Illl

The . flir ln tlan -.MlasiliiiiaryJ ^OLlciy._ivJ .vlll tni'ot T h iiriilay w iili .Mr:i-. Itonry tu inyor. Mr.'i. l*a)nii-r wilt In- Ifjiilcr. Al iIIm.i'M Hntn-. .Maiy and Diirnthy Conk lUJ (jlio (ijH-WnI ftittKic’ fii(fiil«TK. .Mr«.'((y

Ico," a u d ' M rs, (.•haiiil'orlalli w'llli ; lavc cbarKP of llio m a |. !>tinlv,- I a i

Mr. and..Mrii. ita ll c f .'ilnbc vhd;c<r'rv Coiltionday,aud T.liiirKilay at tlio lio iiii'lj.,. r tlio U-'v. and Mrn! A. C. I.atlircip. i',f :'lii‘y wi-K- arriuifiiank'il hy lliolr aiiKlilor. Ml.iS .H all, n loacluir l i \ .a r.lHKliin tichoii! In Moxloo CUy.

Mr. auil .Mrs. C. it. Moor-' of Oali- iinil, Cnl,, ar<' v ls ltliii ;-h er paroiitn.Ir. Hint J . }', CWHoJIciiw.

A m R D A M EiAJISTKIIDAM. Ju ly 31—I'M Pantonr

a» puri^iuHod a now ' n .m hlno har- oitlliiK wiiloh wiiii niilondcd l thill polut lhl;i wook. Mr, Pimloor ax .a liii'Ko iicronKc of w hoat ou lil:i ry -farm -w hlo li hu will •boKlu. c y t t iu t i .a r nllll w ith tlio uow c-omhino. which 1 In; ■III one nml Hirowli ■ (fio n 'r l 'ii (ii i t , on iiK-li tiotllT ailvaniaKO lliiiM. Ilm old •ny of culllm ; and ilii-n wnliluK fnr _

liim nr a ,'i''m iu.-iran l i r .May over a . i:.(j Th<- In tli'o ^aiii. hn ir^vrr.ri'Hlr: lo liavo,ht-i.ri a t Now York Uty. UM llio calri for Juuu o\'i-r ii year KO. 1.^. |i(?r oi-iil, .Included i{ 19.7 lor ooiiL Kiilu a l , .Vcw' Y ork fiut •» :ocrcaMO of I por .cont outsldo-tborn- t. Kor hIv monllix ihu Kntii tit . New•ork wnil M .t por .. ...... llio doorcaHoI 'a l l 'o t h e r ritlOH «vn» lo.r. p r r oont nd lh c .dccro.iHi' a i a ll ri'porllm ; itIoA wnH (I nniiill fiwcilon of 1 |ii-r opt. >»~~T iiM iiua^y. e v-’ii "cii'LoHin v c T n tffg : :— lavo th e ir K oo^ im ln lif will probably m tcHtlflcd lo ro y th[ ■ prodiiccrii ot loctrlcliy und tlio crow oni n t whuut It tlio SoulhwoHt. May pFonftnimi o f '• Icc trW ty KBliK-rl s , {H'c c e n t . ovor lfty .'ia27 , luil.,w hiit WUH nlHO proh- h ly •Itnporlan l lo ' liydro-oloctric .•orkM. Ihn pnropniaco prnduirod hy i'ulcE--?Tua!;=:llteHllnl---nwilMl- - l<> '<|i» — calc of , 15 tie r cont nn'nm iliiHl -ll • e r ceu i n yonr .iii;o; jiluo n niqnth f llbn ra l vnlufalt,'•Kytitciico o t llio tniprovc'tni-'iil Ij^ _ .

. ”

- f G o w { .

^ ' 0 ®*el fo rth ’ iiT th e 'A u fu st'n u m - m m erce of th e U nited S u u a _______

■ops In Juno Is found s p e c ia l ly In 10 cain (n th e e stim a te o f w ln lcr heal, the outlook on Ju ly 1 tn d /a t- g ao incrcaao of 32.000.000 bunhctn , rcr June . Spring w heal IndlcatlonK ive no l Kreatly changed becaime. j r s r a n i i n in n in r n T c m n i c i t t—rep o rr — ' J u ly 10. lho prospect l.i to r 62.- 10,000 bu tbe ia less lb a a .a year aso . hu lo ta l w heat p ro spec t w ith an K),000.000 bushel ( o u l Is fo r 73.000.*10 bushels le ss th a n a y e a r aRo. lightly lean com la indicated lhan a iar-ajw . w hld i.aeem a-odd la . f J ^ / .^ S -..-r e 8-polnl g a in .tn condition And (he 6 p e r cen t ga la In a^ea. M ore oat*, hlto pou toea . tobacco and ba riey . ' ait.-«ap«eU U )t.«U rss-aorts.-*aeli~aa ■angea a n d g r a p e tn l t , apples, ^ ch e a , p w L H ^ d - la a t b u t n o t least 01 s r a ^ i c ^ r e Ib rtab a d o w e d . T b e . - . lly In p o H a n t crape d e c reoslngare i r , ' ^ peaauta. A tfecU nc‘th e proe-

A m e r i( « , w bea t r to p m a r- ^ n # .J i , b lsb ctw dlU oa ob a lan te rreojce e f C a n ^ la n ip r ln s w hea t • bleh m ay eosUy exoecd la a t r e a r s to] o f 440,000.000 baabaU .T rb a ' Terenw of th i»T aT orab l« ' p l£ » -----f ' f j B tb a f a c t th a t p rice* of aew b p W a r e a o f f b e a t e o ra a s d ooU

------- - •

o i'liirru r'‘a ''M rrrii!iluS 'it'inv 'inn iir i'f in7 j

'.Mr. aud Mr-., l''ri'd .W -.t.-'hin.iu'^ 'ind, mlly Mii'iii Hiitidny in'iir Tw in; . iiIlK, vlnltlin; Mr. nml Mr.i. ll. <M ’ nlluivay. . ' .1MtvnnirMrK. c , I-. KuuHol aud' .r 'n tld - M 1;>:>-Marram - IV I .- , i . . . .! .- n 1 - - o li.r^drlM ' to Alliii'tl .Slati- .N'nrmnlii,, ' .'yilii'hiy. j II, Ml-i. N, II. .‘?r|l;,iiUl,l, wl... h.ri I.....■ liattont. Ill llu- Im-ldlal iil Twin ; u- tlbi, IiillowJiii: :iii'.>|ioi’ath .n , r.'liin i.'.l ri. ,l |o r lionii' on .Sninrdiiy, ainl i-. .n - . irli'd tl. ll.' •lual,^]!^ r.<i|il-l in o r t ' '. ' '•! ward.i ri'onv i'l'l ’ ‘ Hi

Ina llulltii.iil ilinl Arlii.. Indtiiiaii i' iTo ..SuiiiliiV vl;i|l'.i:. al 111.' .\. |.‘ll.ll l-l■ raiKli II.'ai- Kiilil.. s ' " '|..M ,'-*-.— 1*»-I-An-Ir-'— K no:-----ti'iido'd tho tiall K.iliio in i.n .l jj|

I>al- I). Kniik.-i i.ti.l •i.n. S n .tt. '• III M i-.'an.l -Mr-i. a iIi' K lln liiifin i'> i-f.'..Miiinr.y lui'dii.'-s In Hi.niil'c Cl'iy..Ml.oi..1. 'a J’.'i.Tr. u lm ha'- l.n'ii 1.I1I111: ii'b liv .-:. hi T u ll’ F.ilhi dll' i>l l.-ii day:!.' r.-liirii. il I.'. Ip-r In.Ni" n-iiday.Mr. nnd .Mf'. C i«" C''i<maniir <111.1

Oliii "co-'l.-, wlm Inn. h.-.'ii Worlilnj;'1 Mil' C.-rrtl J'l'I. ri.-iaii.-U. Ii;i i )-..ii.' ,

111.- I''lli'r vl.-liiiiv 1.1 I'.'i-li f.’.r Ui.i-- *i.' W allirrr '.

I'l. SnilMi mill Mf- .l..lin?...ii .aio lai’dllii; at ilio ll.'iy l Kuul,. 1 lunln-.

•o.'ii ' (lie KiiliU.'l I.r..111.-.Is a m ;,ili.'rt lIohiuiuK r laii. lii'ii...Mr, a-inl Mra. • l-:d 'ra-.lnm ' aiid-f.iin “ '.iv iT c ,s'((ndaj', (ifI.-nMoti ;i.'

Mr. lllld .Mi«, .li'i'ii I'liriii. r -ami. lo.', atll'lidod oJini'.'li M 'rvh.-i In v lll' l-'nIlH .Snmlay iim niln:: au.l vii- d wllli Mri'. Kiiiuia Kiiliii.i.niid Mi<.. iv.t \Vlilti’ and i lilldr''ii. ,Auu.iii; tlnoi.- from ihln vliliilty r.i.idm: <n Twill ['“a ll'i SaiiinI.iy • ■ro..Mr. and .Mra. .MIo'rl ll.dmiinj'.i , d (hn;KliliT.« Crai-.', , \ r io ; ; and ('2, MJ-. aiid Jilrs. C.'rrK IM .'rs .mil ' nil J li irc a ro t ' I’.'(rr;i, Mln:'.-.'i ,IiiI)a d JodKi K unk.'l. Aiithouy K. U;ird.III. Mr. uud Mr-i. Cuy Co.-i.mmnr d fam ily. C lay tuu, i.i.wo aud .Mi»:. _ rn‘'I..oM‘c ' _ .

T h e H o n o r R o l lOuRliini: l.n d y -» ’'li, Mr.',», wo j o.oollofllUk'' funds to liolji. ilio utarv |R lii-«it'i('-u. 'Mii.v I 'li i;! y.iiir'm im i'^. iho'-BUCi-rtr l/.st?—C7irK»»'fi » o f li |

J \

F a r e sto Calii

• • o n 'a n d after

■ w o rld - fa m o u s p la y g r o u t

N o w plan vacation trips ro so rt ccntcrs a lon/i tlic blue P; cisco—at no added fa rc r- in y

__________ C alifornia. Y ou s o and rwTstcrn m etropolis if you wIsH

TravcJ w cinvafj[ovcr tlic di Lake T ahoe Line. Trom T ru t T alioc Iiigh in jh c Sierra. T hen daily from (here to Los A n n !

--------------- v i a a n y ^ l ie^WH eK ovefcjbT-

V r o m W t l h t: L o s A s g e l M

'boihw ayjT u

8 « i i F r a n d s c o '. ' a i i f a v i i ^ ^

RenotW irU m Jt.

* $ 2 9 . 0 0«tfc<tn«Aa(a?7A'

X aW arc^O M

■ ■ ■ PAQF;;rnT!!~^

i^elMarOffiters Arrest Seven-Men^

'. i trn n M i:,- Jiri)—-r:i—-xovon-^iT nm n” .'•|.li' u .;ii ' rdai-.-d U lidor'a lrt’Kl. Kat-

fill’ III” .Ji/.i:iiif;irliin- iilii) milO- 'I iiiln\(.-iiiii|j- ir.iiior, Thi' a rr(.itii 'VI- It,nil- 1i\- I..|i;m1 tllC>h!lllllon o f - ' i-i-r*.. , •.Thi' ' . v.-ii , ,i‘oral;.-ni.d-auil >lx

llli III .'III. r. d |do:ri ot i;iillly In I. ihini-,.', inrf.Tii-.l ai-.iiliifl Ihom; rrc-t.-i:-T-^»rTi|,-,( ,mi rtm iy.-l.iM -tt.--

ilii»ii:;lil Ml.' id.-n will 1.0 ohauci-d I '- r . Tlt.'v will rwi'U". H 'liirnco nt !,i;i r .1:.»... ' . •.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —

111 Jrroniv _i lllllll y /i>r’ i-m.f l.l'.'.' \(.ditilnii siiioi' Jaiiiiar}' 1

i!i;.\i) TiMi:s- r:f«\ssiKif:D' a ds '•

Poultry ProducersWc havu II eood supply o f

, . ] ) o t i n d .^ T"Wc nlso puy, the; liieli6st,'prices' -if-

. i'or Poultry :ind E/jgs. ' ‘ y St'Q Ui; .Before S’cirpig’

MeritJian ProtJuce Co\:-- -------------------l.'.i) W u l l .<<1. Phnn-^'lTfi

Lrarn to FlyTHE ,

TOIVDVTY THOMPSOK'WAY * ‘rwo cotirscs now open-with nc. live 'cl.'iis—eleven and fifty

hours.. - ,■“ ALL OURSTUDENirS

_____LEARN TO FLY”»•

W rite.'wirc or phoneTHOMPSON FLYING SEE-

•VICK. m e ..-- -Airporti, Suit Lake Oity

'Phono Wnsatch,. 5755

' »• , .4 11

~ 0

6 o m i a■ May 1 5 ' . . \

y J i c C o a s r ( S 7 e s ^ d ~ ' • ■ id s g r e a t l y re d u ce d , •' ‘ :

the cool, rcfcrshinfi fc- , icific. Include San F ian.,•our journey to so u th c f tt ' ' ; ' * ecurn v ia th is co lo r tu t ___ __ _I. ' ■ ' . “irca’OvKBUiNDllotn^,iccc. >-isit jeweled Lake ' :San Ffandsco; lOtnicaIes. Return same way or . 'foHgwinsieduLcdfiio. ' '

i a O g d c t f

L M A n g c l M J . .coewijryiiSaaPnaeiKa;'- ' ’ t

mutnTisLttVejta* • _

« * n » r t o M i U e ».d tcu tiriaPonU aa . j ; ; ;5 jy ; - ’. i ;

Page 14: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

■ “““r: . T O m s i x . • ' '


: ■ ' ., B r TTaiua p r * i i ,1 , CHICAGO. J u ly !ll.—HclKlnK prcii-

Miro nml tnvornbld r«j)oriii from ilio■ . . ' wlwint -linU u.'lil U'lipnt Ins^-pr

nil Iho Ronril o t Trnilo todny. aiiorti* III J.uly co rn birt llm l <lollvcry, nliani-

. . . . •-.1 ly -h lk licr, b u i Uio duforrcd ilcllvorli'ii w i'cr w eaker. 6 a l« loul lrrci?ulni-ly.

, W hoai cloKcl- % « 2Vic off: c m '.rn n so d from % c off lo 4MiC up nnil

■ nnui wan low er, rrovinlotm toM a torr centM. . ■

W hoal IrmlcrH for llio tnoul pnrt’............... wtV'u win tmt? ‘rs r T o i s ^ m i mT trm ii 'o r

llio w ny boforo Rtm ln. c iilorinj; > tlto m arkot. RocclptK w ere :!o: oirH wlili

,• " . ', 4 l i o caoli .m a rk e t'H tv m ly hihI im - c liniwed. • • • ' ■

■ t:a r ly co rn iloflvorlcii on Ju ly c im - Irnclti wort) l ’,3ri0,000 litinlii'lH. Arriv-" a ls w oro . •surprlNlnttly Hnmll nml

— r-lrudor»-took-UiliMHM»H-lM«llcaUoM thul. Iicavy dn'llverlrii nro over. Ono cmih f iia rkct.u -aii ,34«?Io (ifKiicr. Rcceipt-i

: . • . w cro 32B;cari». ', S h o rt covoHnK by. belnlccl uhorlii

--V bto 8on)o stre iiR lli to Ju ly ofitH. Ro- ootpta w tro 2G earn w llli cnali frlcertj V&Olc low er. . iI

■ ’W H E A T S . 0^«n '" lIlK U J-<i«v CUmo ■July . . i : . j i ''a i8 % -IISW, 117M, 117'S. •Sept. .-H)i;!ICli^- I S l '^ I20>A. isnfs.

' ■ : n o c . ......- j;.i2 6 % 12C%' isK-fc n s v .• ,conN—.. ,

Ju ly ____-..111V4 315% 111 JlSVj- .S o p t o m ' 57 [fiTfc

ncc . 77% 78. •"6% . 77 OATS— .

• T— r ^ T u i y r ' 6 i a ~ 4 2 — - - an -;*'• JiUy-.noW .. 43^4' 3«T(. • nn

■ S o i i f . - 3 0 V 4

■ CIUCAOO- e . i s i i f ilU IX CHICAQO, Ju ly ; 31.— No. 1 iinnl

•___ ' . ,4U >l© 1.2JV i;, K a 2 Iw ril »1.2HV4« _______.1^114;- No. n Im rd -J l .lO iifcM iS O ^;,■ I . So. 2 m lxeil »1.20tfH.21.T '.— ' V tfrn i No.' l yo llo v n n i t l ’ r M L 2

.y e llow ,I1.10C1.13: No. 3 , yellow »1.07 'i d .U : No. A yoliow t l^ l.O C ; No. G

------------ r» l luw t >BqiPn»| ^?n.' C !. .Vo. 2 m U ed ll .o O M ty M iU : X s , 3 ,

— - ..... Vi'i i!03n~'H .u < ^ g j . J tn &; - N u- i i- mllCTe-.'18011: No. 0 .m ixed occ: No, l wlilio:, 1=1.10Vil No. 3 w lilt? I l . i o f ^ l . l l : No., ;i, w hllo « .0 7 H ® 1 ;1 0 % ;. No. ,4 w blio ( t t Na. S wJilto B8c; No. 8 £>8c; inm p lo Krodo DGQiOUc. I,

A nU ; No. 2 w hlto( tiow M 3^€>4& e: :;o . a .w h l lo ■40O42V4c: No. i whltu 370 3 9 c ; No. s: rod 41c.' B orloy :. OGOBGc. ’: T im o thy :; H 0 4 .2 5 .

--------- V r « r u r r - |$ t » t o — --------------------; -

C H IC A O O -ilT E S T O C K . CHIPAQO. Ju ly 31.—H or8 rocclptn

- 18.000! n iiirkc t tno» lly ,10© IC c -hlKli- , c r Umn M onday's nvornRo: top Sll.iO paid l o r choico '18B to 210 pound , wolRhta: butehcrfl. m edium to cholcc,f 250 lo 360 Ib*. J10.40Ci)41.2C:^200 lo ,

»1 0© n .40 ; 13ft to 160 ll.i .T » 9 :C 0 V , 11.2G; PfltfklnK. «owH J0.3r.OJ0.25; , piga. m eaium . lo cliolco, 00‘ to 130 ,

' Ibfl. 10.2GQ10.7C. . • •■ ' . _ Cn tlle . rfcclTitH SOOf): c.tlvofl 2000: \

m a rk e t alow on. a ll .clannva; slitpi^cr , dem and n a rro w ; s tr ic tly cUolco u rn ln , fed Bteera nnd yenrllnRii Ht'eady, a ll , o th e ra .o n catch*ns>catch-can bnalA: { n la u sh te r claaaes> a leom . Rood nnd /

...... - - ch 6lC c .~ ja 0 0 - to - ia 0 0 -> b n r^ H t^ l0.-95;- -• ' 'H0B“ lo"4300 lM . 114® ltrCl»7~5Ijmir>~--------J .1 0 0 lb 8 ..U 4 0 W .7 6 : cpm m on an ij.m c? -

dtum.-SGQ Ibfl. UP.S8.75014; fed year** lln s s . Rood a n d cholcc. 750 to OCO Um. , $1401<I.7C: he lfon i; Kood nod cholcc . ' SSO lha . down fMOlG.CO; common

. nild me'dlum t8 .269 ;i4 ; cowh. ^ood nnd ^

Local Miarkets• . JtIA ‘.-.l!____ 1,

BUUAU I' Suffar. liool -------:................ -■•-Ji’-':'’ fi

B u ll* rfa l ......... ............ '■<*D u lle r, rn iich .............................- .......... "!ERCa, a tandaritn ............. .................... .20

CH1CKKN8 AM> F0W I.8 »HeaTy. h c a s , 4V4 ll>"- uP.........- ............ 1>L igh t hena. u n d e r 4V4 lb"..._.............14 R'L egho rn i i e c a -------- ----- ------------------ "

— . C o e k a __________________ __ _______ f---------- SjFTtaBCTf; cD to rcd rnp to 4 lb».....— :!» —

S p rln g cra . L ephornB------------------- .168 m (le r» , cotorctl. 2 16*.----------i — .20Turkey* . No. I --------------------------- .19T orkeya . No. 3 --------------------------- .11

(QnouU o&a on d r w ie d tu rkcya

GeeM — .071 “Ducka ---------------------------------- --------- OT

^ Capon*. No. 1 ---------—--------------------19Cnposa, No. 1 ______ ---------------- - .14

• • LITESTOC K *• M ogt, b u t c h e r ----------------- - I

• H o fK -J ia a v r— ----------------------- -OTHl' II ......... I- <-ow a;.___ ______: . ------- i.o 1 e J)S . ;

. . M uttoa ^ ---------------------------------- .OS I• • i ^ b -------------------:i3«4l

I " S E tE r r o T R I C E S — j; ------ -------------:--------- -- .lo ;

K lrJola a tca k ------------------- --— .32.-llottiM B teak-................... ■--------------- - S i

• V -boae a l e a k ___________ :------------ .■ l U n ----- ------------------:---------- - -2«l .

. ■ ItoeoB. allced ----- -------------------------.CO'I .* a b e b o p * ___________ ________ .40'Crvam ebe«*« ----------------------------- J 0 |

— ^ ^ i h f = = = r i S l -O nloas. d r r / pe r l b . ----------------- .0£ ‘

. C u « im b « ra / each ------------ i _ _ _ .OS:A M « r» cw , S lb*. Io r ---------------- .

------ B ««g— II, ....... — — x t

-------------- M

/ - - t ■ I ' .1' i ' . ~

Market aiKfE W Y D F

.(CtOllOK (

•Allied CUnn. and Dyo !............:.l"r>9i-A tite-(Jliullilt' J« Mfu. t i l . ............. i - i; ~(A m er. AKrl. Chem.............................. ll»M.I AHic;'.. P/’H S iiM r Co....... ............' Ainoi'. Cnn Co............ ................... .....■ti1~'•Anioi'. C ar nml l-'oiindry ..............Do

Amer. nn.1 ForolKn l’<>wer 31%

A m ei-.^m olt. nnd Uof. ..................203%Amor. SuKar K«f. ............... ........... 70

• Amei-. Tel. and Tni. ..J„................ I73^i' Am6r. Tolmct‘0 H.....................- ...... 103

Amer. AVooloii Cu, ......... ............... 17U• Amor. .Zinc ......................................... W n. A>inconda C opper ..............................07'A tclifnon, Topukn * .Snntn Fo..... J««U

Ilnldw in L orainni^Vf'H ^r,n.Ilnlilm oro St Olilo ...........r.'............... 107nolhltilicm S teel ..................... ......... CCTiC nllf'irnln I’n c k ln R .... ............... 71

jC nliim cl nnd A rU on ii'1....,.............. U8'/iCnnndn D ry ..... .%.............................. 73%

.C anndlnn I 'n tlfli: ..... ............... 207T1,Cnuo Tlirm ri. (J I) ........................ 325C erro do W hco C o p p e r .................. 74%

•CheBnpeftkfr-&-t)lilo-..r=., .............. _186V4ChlcdRo (Iren l W eiilcrn ................ J3Clll.; W Jl.,.St. P. & r n c . ......... i7'A'ClilqiiKo unit NorihwoNterii .......... H3r ill , n . I. & r o c . ’ ifcChllo' Copper ............................ 4GChryiiler Motorit ...........V,......v..-77%Clllen Servlco (curli) ................Colorado Kuul nnd I r o n ................ ,C2%^UonKolldnlcd tinn ............................ 146

.C onlliienlnl. Can .......... ..........1039,Corn ProdnclM .......................... ........ «C%C ruclblo SJccI ,...•.................. .'..-..I... 72%nodfto A ................................................ 15%

JJu I’o n t ileNemnurrt , Co.......... 372 iRrle U nllrond ........................K lcclrlc Pow or and L l«h t ............34%noi)oral A inorlcnn T nnk -...............69%R onenil AHphnll .............. .............. 72%(lenern l ClKnr ...................... .......... 02"Ccncrnl .K lcclrlc ......................... 14K%U vnernl -Molorn ...............................193%iJc n em l O utdoor Adv. c|^h. ‘ . . . ..... 30Olmhlo nrolhcrw •....... .... .............. S-tU(lo o d r lc h '............................... !............70%fJm bnin .Pnlse M o to m '.................. 32- ,O rc tit* -N qrthcrn^ fd .-;.....

do c lfn .- .......... ............ 21 'l !reen.i (;;ir . . . . ............'..........llott-o S o u n d ....................................... r>7 In'ndHoii 'M otorn ............. .................S2.}» |„ol>-C«.nU -nl-; _________LL!_LInland Slcul ...................... ............ r.7%'.rnHp irn tin n - 'C iiitH- c n p p e r 'l i i ^In tornnlloiint Harv.cator ..............207%Ih tcrnu llona l N ickel ..... - .............In lern a tlo n al-P o p o r ...... .................. 70% .J o rd an M otora ............. .................. .' 10%Konaau' C ity Coiitliern .......47%KeW i Albeo Orplioum ........18%, 'K elly Sprlnfiflold ............ ..............20% ■

choice |9.10®I2.GO: com m on^nnil-m cj

choice,-.boor, |5.40© m ,7C: c u tte r tn liiodlura' $7.M O9.40: :.*vculorii, •m ilk fo.l,-Bood nnd choico |l4O 10 .C 0 : m e­dium |12C2)14: cull com m on $S({iI2; Rlockor nnd feeder a lee rs . ^:ood • nnd ' choico n tl w ctehtii )11.7Cfpl.rC0; conU mon nnd modlum |9 .S 0 » 1 1 .7 0 ,.. , !

Sheep, receip ts 11.000; m u rk c l . 'fu t inmbH nctlve, stronE . Improvod 'iim l- • llji_4iniim(rc-rtjtl-*—iti lo b ti- lil lto - ljiK n e rr^ recrlvcd ntendy hldfl oh rnnKi-rn. tlicop iftid focdlnK lifmbK, unchnuRcd: - nmbii, Kood nnd cholcc. 92 Ihn.Mlown « H3.75©1C,36:* m edlnm »12.C0f(in.75: l :u ll .jind -«> m m oa-J3 .C 0& iiC 0 : jcw .cf. .. medium to choice, 92 to 1 0 0 ,Um mb iiod lu n rlo choico. ICO lb*, down $4.2C i?T.25: cnll and common J1.7C«rc.2T.: ei'der liinihn.. Rood nnd choico J13.25' « gl3.7G. __________ J______ ^ '

-sA W ~ F iiA i^ c rsc o rT T iT r3 i:-C A ttio . nurkui nicndy: Hii'i'r*. kooM J ll ff f ( 1.7C: COWH.'Kood J8.25ffa. iC alves, jnnvket ntendy: iilodlum tp •

■lirilcf J!i.:5«ni.C 0: Vi-hlern, modlum . , ;..o<l flnil choice $ll,25(frl3.2r... ' .

KoRH. nm rkcl 16c Jtinc-r; Mk IU 12,2i»frl2.7C: mrtllunl *11.00042,20, 'S heep and InmhH, m arke t hIow; ’ ,mh« J12,25«T'13: ow es J3,75^5 .75 : M'lhcrs j7.50fta.rv0. [

iu»f<T«N > yom , . ^ I nOSTON'. Ju ly a i .—Thv murk«4; In |

le f im r K radr fli'cco wo«l« Imn.becn , ilr ly nc tiv r w hile th c mr<lliim , rad ri' w ore very hIou’. Ohio C4n luid , ner «lVlnlm.H’fudil n t 4R1M!'o In th r ,

e rr .If. filJr viiliimc. ifnlf.l.lnod •ts;. ' 1(1 fill* nirlcMy comlHnir Ohio wn.O, r rn nnl'i*- "irooK nnd rrnd lly f iil '-1 )le n t COi; In thf< t;renn<‘ w ilh oc rn -r (inal lot* lirlnKlnK n e<'nt. In iho -rnfo. hlKlier. •* . • " j «

n v .w Y O K iT r i to n rc K ! » .v ia \U X U K -Ju b L JU .= l- :iu u r_ q u k li- f l xl cnr.y. I’o rk d u ll: nicft* m t d . i ti

-----v j n t r r ’S T H e - ’

C H E S T £ l^ ?



i j y - * I“ ~//\

ad FinaiicLK S T O C K S)U0 ln ll0DS> • • '

K ennei’tii t • 'KrosRo ............................. ....... ............ 71U iinherl ....................... ......................lOH

-UhlHll • VnII<>y-.-:T-.-7Trr:T:fr«r.^;-.-aH--LonlHvlllo and NnHhvlli« ........... ; mMuck- TnickB ' .... ........................ Dl'

■Mnrlnnil .b l l— .^.........,..,^-.’............. 3Ci.!Mlnml Copper ....................,'..... 20»i.Mlsiiour.', Knil*nH & T cx n ii'.......... 37=KMlsnoiirt Pnclflc ..................... ......... 61s io n i ;iiu 'T o w o r .............icsi^MonR»omory ^Vnrd .r ..................... IK4 ,Nnnh M otoni .......... :.......................... RlK ntloiuil-niH cull Co.......................sIS3i{N atlujinl DepL Sc6 ren„.......27H

Ncvadii Conii. C o p p e r '.................... 22',iNcw V ork C cntrn l .... .............. ...,.lC.-;?iN. V., .V; H. & .H artfo rd ...........*,..'57%.•Nnrtherii Pnclflc , ................... ' 06 H,Packard Motora .............. !............... 7.1V.Pacific Cnn nud K lcctrlc ............ 47%Pnil A iucrlcnu n . ....................... 42%Pnrnm oin it KninouH M>»hy ...... ;..134Pcnnsylvm iln Hnllrond ....... "C4TiI'eoiiU'n Gaft .................................,... lf \%P cro M nniuetto ....... .........................12SPhlllipn PctrolBunI ....................... 3HWI'uro’ O l l_______________________'■ 2314'nhdlo Corp, of A m erica ........ :.;17'1%UeadliiK .................... .........................101 ■Hepnbllc Iro n nnd .Steel ....... COUeynoldii Tohncco B ....;...............134Seam lUiebnck •...................... ....... 12oT;S J ie ll.U itlon 'O ll ....................... ..... 20%SlmmonH Co. ......................... (iO%Sincla ir Consolldnted .................... 25 'S onthorn pnclffc ........ ..............',,...120'/,Southern lln ihvny ...... ................. 140',',S tandard Can mid K lc c tr lc .......... fi3%S tandard OII o t Cntlf. ...... ............ G7 .S tnndartl OU o t N .-J ..................... 4&S tan d a rd OII of N. Y ......S ............ 31%Sludobnlter C orp ................................ 71T exas Corp. ...................................fin%Toxaft’ a iid Pacific .................. ........175Tim kon U ollor llonrlnK ........... ,..p jr.Tohncco I’roduclll .......................... •!}«■/,I tulon Car. und Cnr. ...................t i n sH n lon -O fm r t a l l l . ........ , ..... ......' 'co%Union .Pacific .................................. 104 •

United Stnle'ii l l u b h o r ..... ,12'4Tlnlted S tn lcs Steel. .............. .........M2*-4

■ •'!» nfd......... ..................H IUnlvcrHal P lp o ........................... ....... 19%

Wnl>a»h. ...... ........................• 73%W e*tlni!nou«o............................. .... RC•White Motor«f..-,.................... ......:...... 37U.WIllyB-.OVDrlniJd ............................... 21%W oolworth .........................................182i>iVVrlKht A ero. ............... .................. 1CH%fo llow T ru ck and Coach ......... 32%

L ard -^ te n d y : nildw cht sp o t $12.CCfi>• ----------------------------------------

S uR ar,-raw q u lc H .n p o t 00 len t de­livered du ty paid J4.1104.14; re ­fined' q n lo t:. irranulatod Ifi.CEf iKOO.

Coffee. l» o 7n on iipol lc 4 ic : -S an - tQn,4n*23Vj«ll34c.•Tnllnw . Hteady; specinl - lo cxlra

liny nu lot; -No. 1. »I.2;,<M,30: No.\ 80gt‘J1.05; .c lover $7r.f^$i,20,_______ ;

LlVKItPOOi; W UK.\T~CI,0}rK . MVKUPOOL. Ju ly 3 I .- .\v iie a l fn- ■ iircn cloned ns follow s: O cl. Jl.39% : llcc. J l .40%. ________ ___ , '

H ig h e tt A p p ro va l ■All tlie w orh rs u si» i:f, but n lol

j f IIS muFt 'w n rk behind the w .iie t kV«,‘ 'nil5* the nppliin ro 'iif the crowd.

l l l l ly “do iiui~iniaHnuireii7—Jflen II* rondy with th e ir Inindiliip iliiR w hen n tjlojvn |»!rfopin» an. when m nrtlut cnjU-avor* to ehnrm them, riie |ii‘Kt kind of npproi-al'i* the xen*e m hnvlnR dono- well- a worih-whllo Hi«k.—Kxchnnce.

. P reterv itis Neu.^paperaThe paper upon w bleliSnodern news-

mpeni n re p rlo ted becom rs lirlttln ' vhen Pxpo*«l to n lr for n Ions '•'Tne llhm rle* hnve *olTi*d i|;e prol>-' Om of pre»erv lns new spaper nin'il by nounilns ' eaeii sheet beiw«;rn Jw<> ihcelfi n t thin JiipHnoie iUi^ue. ThU. ; |^nl» Ilie paper from Ihc nlr. reduflnc tg.}gj;ll/»»f..PUUtllgl»ty-and j l r c j i r ili:— •liTnK'ilTe psRO.’ . ' . . . , ' ••

Anim als Con Be “ D yed" ;Il iK wc-ll known IiIoIorIvI* thal :

vine iinliiinls m n he d je d nrtlllclnlty '•lilTiiiit InJiirlnE them . T he two dye» 'U.1.I frt‘i|iienily tKcil fu r tlil> t>nn>o»'' re <-n»<-rl inetliylene blue nn d ..n e ir ■ rul red,

I - ------------------ X * C T H Vi t o l e m o m V S o 6 ^ 0A F 1 8 T W S L I « o a u ' < i

^ p S

•; ■'J ■ ; - - •

• ' ~ T W P T FALLB

f e l r M e W S -

B R i M o u r

•N K W n ’o m c .- .i n iy - :3 1 -n e n c r lb ln 5Ill'll nm rki'! W all K tie!l .I'ourn'nl’M (Innncliif revlrnv loilny na l'l: '

^ — Inlnn-Mi.. lo thr- flniinclnl mm^helr.1 toduy. coiiverKi’d larRely on n m onth I’ ond f lu r ry 'ln will money. D nnltsfound j l l necfsic iry to w lihdrnw betw een IfiO,-

1 OoitTOnO nn.l. ?fi0>«)0^000 In •connteUon I 'w lth th e AiiKtlnl I 'H elllcmenlii,' .So luenHlilvo In tho itjjiiinnd n iarko l to ijud-

I 'd c n rcrjiiitiltlofni of th is c h a rac te r thn t , i |h i! rn te advnncrd n trad lly u n l l l . a

2:30 o 'clock com onred w ith th o 'rc * newnl churce .of fi p e r. ccnt.

M nrkei .closed IrrcKUlnr.

I - Mountain View ]Tl-e Coniinilnlly cbureh held church

.Horvlii(uk_SaQday_uuautiiii;__(oU<WLli}£Sunday acliool. The Rev. Mr; W ukem | « r lhe JJiipIIiil tl fiislou ilellverJ'd. the yu'rinvn. A fter the tuirvlces ii- com- m iinliy dlrincr wnii' cinjoyed hy th e COr oiilu p rciirnt.

Mr, uml M rs. A, II. Cullcy from Iliiiiert were Stmilay culler:i n t llicf J . W. M cllow ell Home.

Or. ntid M rs. 4low ard M ldcley of Yaklinii. ,\Vnsh,‘. filo|.ia>d lo call on th e ir aun t, M rs. U. J . D lttcr. T h u rs -1 <lnyi T hey a re on th e ir wny homo a fte r vliiltlnK In Salt U ike Clly.

Mr. and Afrs. Krfs't n( Sitrrbiiry. Nell., cnllcd on lhe J . , \V . McDowell fnmlly a f t e r 't lnlllnR th e ir »o»v B e r- nhrd Kri»!;i. n t Pnyello. .T h ey lire on Ih elr way home hy way oJ Ulnh points . ■*

.JImmlfi W llUnn',' . f rn i r S tanford . Cnl.. Is boro on liH vacnllon vIsltlnK a l llie'hr.m '.- of Mr; nud Mrs. K. A. O ilfrin . JImmIo l i a fo rm er residen t nf IhlK MlKtrlct, liavluK. lived, here u n til novi'ti y tiurs ii;:o. • __

.Mr. linil >trn. J . ‘ W.- M ePowell. is ipendlii); n few weeks w ith h e r p.-\r-,-

Mhtii Iti'iih lllrd fiim n riflnrnnd S un -; lay from a iwfi w tcks’ v is i t ,w lih 'h e r .

* (H k t^ lr ji ..J , M, M anon.of Ivinilit;tb’*_ . J d n > ^ l l l h ( i n and nmrtll^ ho f r o i ^

w«>eks w ith h e r uncle nnd nunl, M r.' •and Mrn, J . W. McDowell. I- Mrs. \y . D . 'O r liin 'a r o f Ynmn. Colo.,

who h a s boB«i .vli'lllnS he r s h tc r , M rs.! 0 . C. Paulson.Creiitl-ned to lior heme Monday. - ‘ I

airs , l lo b e r t iw yl- and dniiBhlers M u ra n n d - W le n retu rned Siindny.i from nnlso.--whero H elen w as o p e r- , Meil on for .m astoid .trouble. I^■Mi':~Biin ~l t^ Twl- T iln in tT -n f-K ttn^ i berly callcil on MP. nnd Mr.t. H. W. Ileldcm nn Sunday. .'

Mr. and Mrs. J ; H. (llandon and i fam ily.■ ttended the M;\sonlc p icn ic a t i K ller Sunday. " . |i

Miss', neu litlr Chrfsilun lii-i^ Jsm n r- i h e r s is ter . Mrs. I lcn ry S ta r o '. Ihls week. • I• Aiiioni; tit-sn n tlend lnc Ihe K a n sa s - , ' -N phm B kS^lcrrtu ' a i I'llei iro m --tntn - .Ib lr le t wer.i Mr. nnd M rs. L, J . Ilnn- Icii. Mr, and W rs. H enry W ise. Mr. , and Mrn.* OUol Wolf, nnd Ihe Mlsntfs ! Mllllccnl ICllne and Itm h Hadley. ^

EM afefl Trains ‘ i Crash jm New York ;

Dy na lU d'NK W Y o n k '. Ju ly 31— InvesllRatlotis ”

o f ' th e Sixth A venue e levated tra in colirsloiT yesl'-rday In w hich npproxl- ina lcly <!4 perronn-w orc l i r t tir t rf.- th re e ;* iierloUi'ly. ri-ntercil loduj^''. oA Ihe ' whctoa>ioutii-or-Jnm en KllelinV.n nto- . (o /m an. on ime o f fho foi^r IraJps In ‘ ih f w r e c k . . '< ' ”. PasnenRcrs tc itlf le d EUehs hnd run '

from Ihft'. jip llntercd cab, tram pllnB [' rn iliV hoilleri h f nmny of tho InJureil.M : Mrs,"TVlvini' Itoceo. a passenK cr. s a id l" Kllchs fled tliroiiKh a door w hich l ia d ; r lionn forccd ii|ieni . *

Tlu: nccJdciii occlfrreil w hen a lienv- n lly loaded tr.iln stnliei! n l n mld-low n 1 Maiinn und th ree succccUlnK train;* n ;

B arly A m eriean C itm ni f ritic lfl-A » lm ry wns hom nt Hn'tidi. .j.

ivortb. SialTor.Ishlre. K nclnnd. AuruM ,| X { '.in ). 174:., Ho w as the Hr*,! hUhop ^ >f Ihe Meihncllst Kplscopal ehurCIi In it lhe Unlle .1 S la te s . Me w as «cnl by it Wesley na a iidsslonnry to the Atnerl- h -an eolonles In 1771. H is death oe- cir-iirred a t !?potiiylrnnln.'V a=-M nreh-81, !■ifii a ____ ___________________^

w o r A y------------ -----------Vi r Y O O 't l E / v o E tL . lM \FO R \ T I I S o t a a y P o t t i t }

P* ------- -------------------- ----------— ;

rroag . 7

Campers Afoot Conipr “ TT".' Army , on Jo

L itr e o f ( j r c c n T r a i l s B c ch o n ■ .' M a n y ' L o v e r s o f O a r -o f-

r D o o ra to .S cc lu d cc l T pocs .

TT •S UMMKll poderirhwi eaioper*

-are-«ow <ii-fhe-f*ill-«w«(if:,-«f

th e ir annnal .|illijrlma:;ui» ,of ecKtany tn lhi.- hiiliri ot Mnilii'r Nn-

v 'i~ ;n ri nT.rT..r.O.';orn 'a';.l.JF.'l.-WiureampiT»'^n::e ni „heli. ina ichei In w aicrproof r.iainn'. iir hauily'poelict

’ ilnlitnr ar,alliil>lc. Ihl’ TOiii'cump^r a'wlnss nlor.R, ih j .Ki'oin tr.Tlls. pl.VntH'hlfl t.fot lu'woiidp.'ci>p.i«. or open Idnln. hy nurr^llr.:; ::lrea!ns'»r

. jihre.1*;' ihe ))Jj)p^M^;;.i;l iiummlts

ronils w here ibe moit.rinK ernwdn riinii hy. Kcuii.eyedi surofnoieil. (io ofimi kSowH uvery foot of ihc tsrriiln ho . irnveVtcii’. '.for . he ^lar followed for years the .co u aio ' he l8 now Ih. .H ow ever, to nihiiy.'tills

aoabOB.'w lU 'bn .Iho llrstr Um.&. Uioy . b a ro p ltch o d ' camp. Tho la tte r

— gmaa- in fy a -gU cti to i w n . b a t 'i t



^By VaH«4 T x n a . ' ' | • NBW YOIUC. Ju iily J l - WiHlam AI- 1 •len—W Utcp^Repnbll(ain“T?flttur ui liht* t p o r ln .. K ans., tfltlay..'jvJO idrcur..._U u * charseii ORiilnnl tho .leBlalaliVo ;p«Conl li, of Oov. -Alfred I-:. Sm ith ''In so f a r l i n;i Ihoy a ffec l hlH;voton on Rnm iilln;;!. and priiM ltulInn bu t no t hln po'ultlon i i n to-K ie-sa lnon ." ' ]

•'G overnor Sm llh certa in ly , i a _ c n ; I Iilled to fa lr llre n tm e n t." W hite said, r

n ii 'a f U fiJie KiiyK. ^T he K tinsaH.'edltor'n nla tem enl fol- ^

low»: • . . C"Y t'slerdny. InlklnK to W alte r IJpp-

m an. o f iho W orld, n friend pf Gov-ecnu 'r..Sm ith nnd o f m ine .fo r. Jiwny - years . I learned Ihnl fiovnrupr Smllhwas deeply nKKrloved thnlf i , jihoul.l 'chacRP nim w ith p r6lecttn jn ;nn ih linK ‘and proM ltullon lu hln 'nsiienihly rcc- ‘-)rd. I cun underMat^d a fte r consider- «l_nR_wMt_Mr.;-I-lppntiaiii-aaid-£luil_Uiu. _l

BKniiinl^ihose S^for1S ^uJ!'m 'lB hl hon- 'ciitly havo fe lt ibflV.ttie blllii w ere uo - - conslltnllonnl o r w ere nol ehfofrab ioOt In frlhced u>ioh p e rso n a r lliierly ' nr *encouraKcd i>olico hlnekm ail. r

"Tiimir; h ills did not so linprens o lh- ne ra w ho voted for th e bllln bn i qiiV- tnm or SniHh cerln llily ■ Is enlllled lo ofnlr trcn tm ent. I a lw nys have tried ji ;o fU h t fair.. I have, nev;;!- consclm is- ly queslinneti nny m an 's mbliven and <0 Ibis. inorninK liefore llie mornln.? napcnt linvc come nml before I knowwhnt. If. nny. r e p ly G overnor .Smllh «!»..< mnde to my sin tem cni ycsTerd.iy. *1 desire to w lihdrnw lhe c h n rccs fo r- ..m ll iy - in l .o .r« r ns Ihey a ffec t •|ils •roteii on Kai.nbtlnc'' and proslltu tio :i, ‘1

ratpm any ■ nnd ’ o f G overnor Sm ltirs rammany^ record for iho-open snlooii' lie w hole Inmie of Ihe caliinnlKn. Is rom'loK. O rR anlznl p raiected pm nii- u llon l» u'llcW y nahnlni; ou t of A m rr- enn llfo. nnd lh a l iwiue in nol vllul.>111 v llni o r no l. 1 eould nol In KOOd rnntclencn pres* ih ls IsKue re n li iln s m hnl Q ovcm or-Sm lU j w hom -I grwitly. A iduilre for hl» m any hlch q u a llllrs Jl

' ............................ ... •' - - f

G O A W O T E U L ^/ H E Q . a b o u t T H E 'P lB C A l I A U D VM S O f^ E S H E 'L L a KT' V F o f a c i o c V o o V G (W

i p m

isTGreal'MlB-SuininSr, yojis Ques|f^T ^ ^ "

tlii-y will connuli w ith Jrxparleneei) .. c:i‘mpors. many' po'ientlnl ndvornltlcn,' >'.'111 hit spa red 'them , . ' ,

llQRid'cH a il 'a x e nnd mnlcheir. tlio cam per nhotild ahvays carry u

4n«itkfti-«tvr-til«iipliti':-purtH>nM>rontli— uf, eouruiv u (IniibllKhL A hand /IsshliRht la IniUnpunsnhlu' lo the liiil-of-doura Journeyvr.' • Such ^ ll.’ih t will L-av(i many a ntumlile an<l o ften 'ita . beam w llU fflicover .fu r. • biddlnk or ireachvrouO dcprcaslonu . ' lu th e wny. . , ' .

How ta r’-fluhi; a ru th e boundnrloa (if'llie. vast a rm y r t mimmiir hlkeni.•1* boot reaiU ud i>y tho vlnitor* to x u c h 'c l lle a na N ow 'Y ork o r Siin rranclBco.' • Trom thoso cllloo Uaily m urch wholo comiiaijlos of youiiR and, mlddlo atted mon and women, • c ru u ln R tho biiyo on -llio M arket tllrool' terricfl o t- th o w estern c ity and tho Dy.ckman and K on Luo for* r le a o t M anhattan .. Svilh llio Joy o t nn ilc Ipatlon -lD ih o lr h o a ru ilnd Iho llc h t o t conquoBt In .ih e lr eyes.' • ' they , aaily - to rth , ncokinR relcaao ■ from cUy caroa In ih o freedom o t t tbo opoB:roart_gnd tbq .iloop' « |w p ’ ot a te h l uodor Clio c lo trfoe ntart. .

^ e l ihn’l m y clinr«eii cuirnuon ini^ »nii- Ity o f Ills molivon w hich nlwnyn siiniild Iru crn n led l n \ a n y ' Dolltlcill con lro- vtrny. So tho t#n o r a iioznn vnteir on iwuubUni; nnd-prnH tlliiilnn_m m e..n iik , ;)f Hie rcconl. , i

‘•I hopo now Amoricfln nowspaperMl ind pn rllcu ln rly llepuV ilcnn now spa-j [icrs wUI rIvo' tho iuimo.coniildcr{ilioh :» thin s ta lom cl\ umL thoy Rnvu niy itntcm cnt ycBterdny." . . ■'

W hile in h la a ltn ck laa l nlK hi cited iinlUrB v'oten na n .yonnB BBseinbly* nnn n t A lbnny a acoro of y e a rs nso n a n e ffo rt to provo h is c h a rge thu».

iew iop” to T n m m n n y In prdlcctinR 'lU ej m iobhl' th c 'r> ro siliu l6 '‘nhd 'th c l tn m b - j ler.

W hile 's nc tlv liy h n a 's ti rr e d up con- ddernb lo o xc llem rn l In th o rival po- Itical cam ps h e re . T ho e*H(nr. who n know n n lso )in a TiinRnr.inii -w riler md n rfnvelbtl h u l j .rc fo rs tho tit io of

bU «>nH>nientg. rmii' tho flu le t seclusion o ; th e ^ n • lonal A rm clnh . iiionR lh e wIro qf jrnm inerey pu,rk.^

■ P lants Jind O xygsn - I^-<^lre^•fr"A ''lU"<^.vdu^alB^lylnnt^- lhsorb ox*son 'encrR etli:ally -rr?ta thettraosphero 'H irouK li-tJieJr lon»«n nniJlecompoBO U. ft##lmllallnc the ta rbon ind rclB m Inc n iP tt o f Uio oxycca lo L h ttjJ t. . • ,

Good fa r fAe T eethl . 'e w kn“o«v ilfnt'saRO leave* a rc cx- rellent for iho le e ih .. T he len t can bo uhhed on. if f cliuppcd very line and med w ilh n hruWi.. T he effeci Is as- oi'ilHhliifj. A lltile lemon Ju ic e 'is an- Iher Rood M oih .ionic. Ihoiigb It need*0 he U!jed b u t occaslonnlly ..

MaatiaehuMetlB L ed . 'T ho cn rllest inw ORnloat crucKy to

nlmiilji w os p n u e d by th e 'S Ia n o - . huselta colrttiy 'I f f 1041, p rod d lo g lh a l no m aa flliaU exerelae ony tymn- li' o r cruelty low anU any b ru lo crco., iires-w hich n'r« usually , k ep t /o r th* s y ^ T - m tn.'.’ . V ------

■ f i r i t Envolopka .finveloiiea w m o Into use In tho

n ited S in tes ond In KnRland between <40 nnd ISW. T he first practical inn- . nine to r liiuliliiR eiivelnpc* n’n* pat* nted In KnRlnnd In 1844 and th e flrsl iiierleun i« t« n i-W M taU ca-O U l.Ja-- -n o : ^ , . • -

T h fe W ftiO T , I ^ V f0 * T 6 0 ; . C A W ’T l (I .t e l l ' e r , V v o u / / M -“• ^ P A . X ~ - _ — / L v I

c a v i i c f . ■


' '‘ ~ ' T u A a v . j U L V . U 1 8 2 ^

CaiprFlH)tograj|hy^Boqsts^tw kX ist

." n y '^ s f t id 'J W ir * ■•~ N B W 7 T O n i^ * J i i ly -« J ’ n n o n n c c - m rn l from IlochPBtcr . lh a l tn o ^ '^ a i f mnn Kodak hnd perfocled a co lo r mo­tion lirhcosa •w hlch-m lKhtTovolullon- Izo tho"rridu* lry h ro u sh l o u t liBavy hii:;lnR,in i:n8lma>v atook on .tbo Block: UxchanKo in'caM y'doalln 'Ka. .T h o Ib-; -lie rMich.»i tlio iilclieai level In h is­tory n l 134, iir«l,u-ol-3,%-(KJinia rrom Salurdny'B closn:*'

Kasimnn opoiiod'-at.'393% '. ^ftCRCd j».-152 ni)i)-;il)en 'pn-lh^^p’nouoceiaent: of-tho dom aaiira tlo ii o t-th e .tn o w 'fllm '(ofor'c a body,', o'f ;fi61cnlJM»,''at,-.'gl?uit- naii'B. homo loday,.•tho lBBiio Bbot nl)

4 o ,w ^« ld in ifh { in r iU i! it.lo > -m . .Trnil:. inir In th e nlock 'wau nctlve,

: C r a n tt la ta d .^ ^ a B < tr • '' I t U no ttknow n .who .waa. th o 'f l r t i dlacoTorer o f the! a r t ro t boiling r e g t r lo a cryaiaIiln«::,or -fraooJ“ f "I***- S tic lt ' ImotrJotTiM 'U known lo ' h w o «!sic-d f W lT iC rT i^ T T iin r ira tirn F early, u s ihci Seronl'h c c o lu ry ., Ioz,!!!# r ittc c n ih contnry-a phoen ldnn c llh en - rccelved an aw ard of 100,000 cMwiJ^ fo r'lh e InvMtloQ .9f tbo a rt-o f m a k in g - loaf augnr. <

CAM, FOIl n i i)S KOII t'lT V HKAT-L \ ( f . r i . . \ S T r ^ .

'Snnltid'nropoaalH''wl11 bo rec'clvcd'iip'.10 KiRhi o'clocli;P;'M - Monday, A iigust. 13, 1028. n i illG o lf lf tin f .tho C ity Clerk o f-T w in l-U In .Jo n U io lnnUlltttloR .<i(,11 Slenm l4M tin5,?y8W 'm Ini.lho Clly 'Uuiidlnff. ucc^'rdlnK to p lnns and apec-- IficntloMs ;iropitrcd by B urton K. Morse.' A rch ite fl.'.'iP lnn ii' nnd npocifl* cntlons cnn bo .u ecu rcd 'fro m Hid C lly ' C lerk upon nppllciiUon.

A dopdsii'oC .SlO.OO lo .RuarnntOf) n lionii fldo hid .and re tu rn of p lana nhd' Hiieclflcatlons, w ill ho required . , - .

Kiich proposal muat be nccompanlcd by n certified chock fo r Ono K undrod D ollars (»100,00). SnIcC check to iio mndo in fnvoE 'ot^lho Clly of.- Twin n il l s , Idaho , The*o chccka a ro ro- (lUir'ed a s ri Riiaraniee th a t the, bidder, ir nwitrded ihn^con tm ct, w ill entor inlo Ifn nRroemeni nnd fum iah n Imnd for SO'/r nf th e am oun t of th e con» in ic l. vviuim len.Uiiya n iie r aw uru oi tho con tract Isiiin ilo ; auld chcck to bJ5 forfeited to th e Clly of Twin; Pa lls , it

nu6li n K reem en t^ r to furnish th o -ro - ijulred bond. •• • . '- -'A itr-Gdnlraclbp-.H luU l-atalo-U L-hlii. hid tho tim e roouircd by him lo com>iTntiii r n n f ^ 'orit. " ' ------------— :------------- ^

KxpQrlonco'Juid-.responHlblllty o f Iho bidder 'w ill bo-consldorcd in m aking iho-aw nrd in nddlUon to tb o ’p rlco nnd tlfflo lo r compleiloD; aUitod In^tho bid;

•PropoaalB . w m bo public ly openod-- and read a t iv-iheo tlns o f th e Tw in l''’ulia C ity Co'mnilBilon, 8 o'cioclc P . M. AURUflt 13,' J028. '• ;.U ld)i;m u*t b b jo la ia fy m arked , “Bid

l a . M.-.Ha»r eil>“ d o r k . : . "' T ho Oommlnalon reatvyea. ,tho

to re je c t nny o r nil liliin offorbd. 7, '' 'T W IN l-*AU;S’CITV:.C.OMMI8aiON.

R. I3.'BODI13R, Mnyor.(J.'M . H A Ll^ Clerk.

' Dnled Ju ly 31, 1938..

C l a s s i n B d ; i d t e r l l s e i r i e i i l s

.Tip l a l t , .For C la s sH lc a l lo n -•W ANTED—‘ro T b U Y AN OLD WORK

horiiQ. K red H agR nrdt. 1 m llo So. S outh ph rk . " ., ', , !

NKW F u n s i T u n t : . l i v i n o . r o o m . ' d lnlnE_room nnd bc<j

AURuai. , C n r 'w il l bo a h lp p ^ ; In Septem her. >Vc can sa v e 'y o u . aion-

■ey ond Rtv,o-you roo<I p rlco fo r your, old fum li'u re , ncfa lon iu i if you wlah. C nir o r v,'M to.r..8w oet'8 F u m ltu ro S tore . I»hondti205. ' ■ ■• ■ :

yes of-Sin. . ....... :S H E A n --------

:a u g h t —

Page 15: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

t f e - Q u i c k t e4 B n i i h e 8 s l ) u M t b i 7

, M I B O E L I .A K E 0 U 8 !■

■TOC--omr . , A ll makea. ■ DDalcrp ta


UOOBRN WOODMKN O P AMERICA m oot a t I. O. O. F .ib a ll 'f lv o ry . Snd

afonday.^ ■ . • " . , ■

TWIN- FA L L S JU N K H O U S E J-^ M ^' a la ;'ru b b o r, b ld n . p e lu -fto d lu rs .

HOMB PL U tlB tK Q &' H B A T lN a CO. Now ■ Io c a tl6 n r i8 5 “ T h lr d ' Ato. / H: P feonu 263. ‘ ~ -

■ T R A N 8 P I E V ,

CROZIER T R A N SrB U COSIPANY—• P hone 3«8.- S torago o o d cratlBg.

-M cN I0 U 0 L 8 -T R A N B ? |B IV ^ * -8 T 0 n ^ ' a g e .Co. O arbnso b&uled dolly-

•P h o n o .to o . ■ • " ’W ARBERO .-TRA NSFER'ftrSTO RA G B

. Co: BlorUso ond ‘ apecJol carJoad ahlpm entB to: Callfornlft. P hona 1,4?

; S H O E B B P A I E l N a ~ :

ROYAt. SH O B R EPA IRIN G . F . MBY-■ e ra , P ro p . 330 2nd 8 t . . B . ^ ~ ,

ID A ^O . SH O B ttB PA IR IN O . JO B W o«ner, P ro p . 218 M ain N.’ Ph . 00.

TW IN FA L L S » I O B RBPAIRZNO— 183 Sboshoao w ost.' Phono 898.

«■ S erT lco .and Q uallty gnnrantcod. .

yo u r ' Ktinrnntool SuUb to ordu r sz'n u p .' ’Ladlea’ w (»k our. npcclaUy.

, ‘Qobbol tho Tnllcfti. Ov.«r Idaho Dopt.• Bloro. Phono C34W .... .

• A O T O R N E y ^ 7 ^

0.' C H i^ L . ' . OVER C L 03 BOOK

0. P . DUVALL. LAW O F F IC a ROOM -,7 , B ank f t - T tn r t- B ld s i -K io n o - M?.

T a a e r t t r B pthw rtl-»>frr-OrT-€hapn>»& BO TH W ELL f t CHAPMAN

. ,• •■■■ .•Wooda Bldg.- -

BWBELE7. tc ' S ^ ^ B iI e Y .’ ATTOR- n«7a. Id ah o P o w e r’ buU dlns. _

W ..L . DUNN—l X w Q F F IC ra ..8 a n d 4, S a lth -Rlce.-buM dinc.: ,

■ Q g in c iA irsBYB SP E C lA L T aiV -D K ^ l t ; R E Y r "n o ld « :" '2 0 8 .'M a lB , -N ext doo r to

X C, P e n n w Co. • •


In T w in F a lis k lih Claudo Brow n M qalo com pany. PhoniLpoS o r 88iW .

- I f f Q l i S Y T O - ~

I T H IN K I HAVH T H B B E gT LOAfi o tte red In T w in Polla on c ity re s l- dencea a n d buslnesa bloeksi.A lso n d a o (^ ' (a rm loan . J . B. >Vhlto.

-p h o h e s n : ; . ~ ~ ; • ••'

HONEY TO LOAN ON FARM AND d ty - 'p ro p er ty . C om pany and p rivate money. C. B. P o t te r ;,r c 6a :eata te , Tw fn ■ . , ' •

T w in F a lla TUlo a n d A b s tn w t Co.

T O B g a T .y — H » > r : £ 8 T A T Z .p 6 a 'T C 2 : ^ 3 5 S ' ‘' '^ 'S S o j r ~ H 6 S f f i. o lose la . bnU t by fo rm er lom berm an

e f (hla e lty . 'M o d em , hardw ood floora, iB foo t lo t w ith g a ra fe . P a rt- , l y f u m i t l ie d . . T elephone 22S . to r p a rtlen la ra .

PO R SA LE^xW BLL IMPROVED 160 a c r e s , , tlno, noil rarm,'/ 'br>*,owDer.

' W ith o r w U houl oro;p.' Pjjt^p w ell, m odern a n d otoctrIcal;£onveD{ottccs. 4 ^ mill!* sou th B uhrvhftrd 'surfaC A r o a d .,0 ;J>‘. B,. Pnon ionv .

f i : : r . i ■ . =, 1- r t , _ •

l% -’i-- . -U S E T t 'Bl

" ^ U n d e T V ^ a t~ " r ~ ''... Heading

' - i •> •

■ Date fo Start" NA]

Date to Stop

'■ ■ V v i

: In the Blife-or

In any bat - goes with’

— or j jfiose ■ — •' ■ bend- ^thg

— - . ■ to-their* er . r—!^n.e.6d onl]

y ou rsi^ lf great poW'

____ your 8har<this m ed i

. ' g e t , or s•......... ^ your'

• theV Hvorldl

The TWant

F O B B A L E > - U 1 S 0 E L L A N E 0 D 8s X i ^ ^ A T BARGAlN P m C E S ,

flceond lum d V en tu ra B ean I lu llc ro rcconilltloncd in o iir nhop. A ll work* Inc partfl kooJ n s new. G et o u r p riccs nna lormo before biiym c. it. W. Steelo & Son. 121 3rd n,vc. w est.

-J.hnnn-lfl.1S.-L- _______________

K oit sA r. i ^ u cN R R A i;'~ H t;i:c T in t;fou r I16I0 riinRu, w i th ' oven unit

. w armliiB rnck , f iru t c lass nImpo..JiiS. TcrmA 't o roxponalblR people. Froil

, K0B8 Company. Phono 7BW.

PO R SALE— HAY IN r iE L D ,» |8 A ton. S% milex caiit‘on tho l i l^ w a y . U O. Jei\oa. Phono CC4JI1.

POR-SAIjB—W O R bD S 'S T A R -P A IN T r _ O uiB ldo.W hU e.. *2.2C - 4)or- jcnllon.

G uarontcod by mftUem: Moon'ii Pn ln i Store . _________. -

POR' SA L R -D IN IN G ROOM SUITI';. period dOHlKn. C all S8II. .__________

FOR SALE—C bO ir-,B T O V i:, , JARS,■ bargain.'24G Snd nvc. Noi

■Fpn“RENT=l(rTO ~Bi)*SnX RES~W A “lor. A rth u r U Sw im & Co. . ,

BURO. S IL K FO R TREATING -SILK Iioso a n d llncec le .to mnko them r(ih- proof nnd fnde proof.' Phoho lOIOW.

PIANO BARGAINS: R A RE TRA D E IN b a rsa ln a In up rlgb ta . s ra n d s and p la y e rs; a tandnrd m akes. Som e like new . .Bold anyw here . E a s y term s.

■ W rlto today. B aldw in Plrfho Co..

PLA Y ER PFA N O .-IN E X ^ L I ^ N T ‘ condition, boautU ul w alnu t case,

w ith ro lls and bench. W arbers • T ransfer.

F O B T B A D E i^

FOR T RA D B-^W IL L TRA D E EQUITY in E ssex .coaeh fo r Fo rd tourlnR. C all I21S 8th ave. >:.'AIso T im es of­fice a fte r 4 p . ni. ,_____________

WANTIBD-TtO T ltA D E FO R 8 ^:VRI^ a l KOOd used llisht tru ck s . Phone 4SS. In q u ire 140 Snd St. west.


X T A S W l fT W I N F A l l s 1

. , Idaho’s FMlett,Gp

y f f i

ADDRESS____________V W BITB o r a W OI

Bt What Yoi

a t^ for Dollars

tie, victorythe strong. .......1 who ca nr-to e ftg th ----------------ids.— You_. . ,IT to avail^^______

of th e ir ■ ■ er to reap

ConsultUlii— arid* iell profit-“iiS are o f ~ ~ y g b o d s:. '

IMES^Ads ]

• P O E - E B M T '1•■ziuuh:iis

houiie. C20 4lh cant.^Pliono 46C..



' noulh. Qlmrlcg O h i)ij^_

ROOM AND RO A Itb CLOSi: IN. 31Cand ftvc. No,______________________

FQR REN’P—FU RNISHED .T im L > : room ajw rtm cnt. Phono S37J3,

FO R-REN T—T H R E E ROQJI* FURN- Ished npa rtm en t. B unsnlow A pts. 2nd gye. ennt. • -

™ ^ r tm w ^ y - ^ -o o in p ? w « y '' /u i^ l i i f d -for Ught -hou8« keep lnc .'T w o aad th ree room s, ploae Ui. and low rates, hy weelt o r m on th . Tho Oxford, 428M o la N _____________ • .

POR RENT— FU RNISHED APART^ m ent. C a ll ‘4S8 forenoooa. Justo> m ere Inn.

ba rsa ln . C all B4C 2nd avc. no. a fte rS o'clock.- . ___________

TOR S^L I> -O N U TON REO TRUCK^ Phono 1585J' ovenlnt;*.. ~

FO R SA L E -^H E V U O L E T ROAD- slc r . ~.1926-inodol. Good condition. Call n t C21 Mnln w est '

YOUNG MAN " " s f I W O G R A n U ^ Muiit Imvp hiKh BCliool ediicntlon. Apply u t T rln lJnd Bean & ElevrttorCom pany. _________ . ■

F B U IT 8 A K D T Z O E T A B U S I I'O R "^L I 'f-^ C n E riR IE S . 8W EE T “ 4 |

flcm;-aweet. Phono 08CJ. J . D.-Wlso-' >71 tin ' ■ . • I

8 TRAW BRRRIF.S. YOU PICK . GOc] callon . PhQne C37J3. , ' I

FOR S A L E ^ A P m c O T ^ T "C E N Ti on' tree . Ce dollvorcil. K eith ranch. 4 m iles no rth east o f H ansen . Phone

' 88J2 K imburly. . •


D ~ l ) R D E i rOAILY TIM ES

N ew ipa^er

5 ) n r £ 8 P I C B '

■ • > - . • • ^ . - - ■ J ' '

. . y x n a p a i e t t e b

r Want k :t0,E O O M a T O B H T T ’ |ii

TOR itr ;.v f—^ IT o v ^ ' II hIho KJiniKi.’, r.lO ’n i rril nVr. ^

J.or-houHclnH-iiliif; lit iii 'lvmo li<iim-.i^ po rrh mill liiwti. MO Uiliv.i' '

•nivd. Sn. • _________ ij

FOR n iC N T - l .lb l lT JIOL-.^KKKKr- . InK rooms. ■'><H -ith i(v<!iiut! wcmi. I

tiulu ,R. !>■ W riKlu. ICnull, Iiltiho.

MObERN ROO.M ^011 R ^ T . PHONE 417.' <21 2nd nTCOUO w e s t_________ .

L T V E S T O O K A N II P O U L T B Y .W A N T E D ^n6l7sT Ici?T 7\^1) GUERNS

il'riiVv n”'• ovoiiinKii. 1230. ■ , _________] 1

FOR SAI.K— I'URH HUKI) mrUOC i j •.bow-2 ypiiTH o]il-wlih-M*n |ili;K,-j>ur>iL

lirt^il, -10 dnyH cilil. Vl Il’ll '’ north . U , weHl of Klinhorly._______________ |

TWO' F ftE P ir'n aW .S t o biilchur !ili>»;lir*5 -'A. l-'lyiiu, I’Mihh:

--.C02J-1. ............ ■ ____ .■» ■ I

W R COW. l-MONi: 55IU5, F. A. llt>lniKi'«'»-________ ' '

w a n ^ : d - v o u i , t u \ 7 ' ' l l . ' r . - n v i x - 1lur. ‘Phonti* f)03\V. , 1

• L O S T A N D F O U W D . !l.o sa “- A 'a A R N i:T n e c k i . iMie o .v '

Illo Blrrciii o r,lti nomo «ioro4ii Tn-lnF alln "Moiirlny. KliiiU-r .............. . ,Mn<. K. C. M oiiuoinnry, Ed<'n,, | Row-iiril.. [


sheep. Pliono'3118. T w in FuUn Sliot‘ i \ Ropiilrlnc.

llIO H i':ST PR ICES PA IIl l-'OU J«Ei:-j^ onil hiinil fu rn liu ri ': Go nny p liio . ,

■ Phono COI.____________________ ■ • I.nA T iir.; r c il l a t T in : 'u A ii r . i i i -- Rooms. 418 Soulh .Miun. . •

F O B B A IX — M IS O E L L A W E O P S \n r n f f T f r n r t h a i .E tiY u rST R A U C li. I

i{0 fo r nir.stom nch. KKinoy. oowoi j nnd live r troubles nnd nil rboum atlc,

—jind^blood-troublo,— Bold-A t_S outi- Pn rk O roccry, n v o Poin t Storo nnii-,

~~'Ccorg'o~Rtch'«>'il'^ 732C-SoattT-i<l3inrfTw m Fa lls , Idaho; . _________ ,

New York State Society’s Picnic

T :^ t-B o is^ S u n # ynO lSR . Ju ly 31—The'-iNow .York

Slalo Hcclctj* by l^Nllo J . Aker, chhlnnnn -of llie cxecutlvcr cnmmlltnii n i l ' p icnic lirnineumi-ntii. ahnnjince ihc t they w ilt hnid ihblr an n u al hnn- kpt Iilcnlc ut Ju lia PavlB pa rk . Poiiio.

II a* nt. nnil th n l a ll former.rcMtlPiitp of New York s liite anil ilielr fam ilies anil frlcnils a re c o rd ia lly .In r itr iU o a t- tcnil. Due lo tho courlotiy of .Mayor H an se n 'o f Bolhp. thu.llsriio inunleliw l hand Will! fiirn lsh m tislc’ fo r tlie oc: canlon. nnd m nny prom inent offjclnln nml o the r persons will ho Invited ns RUCHtJi, IncludlnK Senniora B orah and | TIvomnA.; G overnor* Baldrldeo, Unw- loy anil A lexander, ^Attorney Goncrnls R.,...*.nn nn .l-F rank M arlin, and Mny-Iors liiiniif'n orT^olKir-Tinil—Pocatello, niKl w ill ho callea upon for appropH ato rc tna rk s on llw occn-,

Tho cxecullvo eommlitce h a s called II mecMnR of n il form er New Y orkers ,vho m ay ho rtt>lo to a ttend a t lha

'o rtlce c f U - J . ,A k e r . clialrm an, 524 'l ila h o bulldlnR, Boise, o n .Monday levcDlnK, Ju ly 30. a l 7:30 p. m’.. to Ipcrfect nn oricanliatlon and p lans | [for Oio nnnual p icnic nnd o tho r nc*i !llvltles. All form er New -, Y orkers I who m ay be unable to a tten d such mootlnc a rc requested to ROt In toucJi I wiih L. J . A ker, chairm an, o r J . J . . M cC ue.. secretary ; Paclfle N ational:

^NT-ADs ■ ■ ■' . 1

N o . W o r ^ ■

— A m o u n t

• ■ ■ '

b g.v . - ' . ' .

: R e a d a i l d 1 liulhllii^'.-IlolKi-. .mil ii(lvl)ii) l i 'iv v jf I'ltili.v. llf »ui;h |iuixiji» may li'! i'Xiii'cI-1 Ii-il III iili'inil .If)*', i* |riii^ ,-pn 'tn iif I-r aixOTTllltnitrtTliinK’ atiil o llnn' iii'-! i ii.ii'itn fiih . miiv'lM. titiil.. l l i - l r i u'lili'rlaliuix.'iit. Tills sjotlL'iy In tiM li-i tvldi- 111 11 I'hiiriiciur n in l- i i ' it-- >’X-' jircli'il-th.U there will .In- ;i ill- lriiil<ni<!'’ Illl IhiH occimlii i i . ___

Idaho Producing » Vast Quantities i;

Of Alfalfa Seed i• ' • • I

n i i i l l .KV. Illy : i l - - h i . rouni-ctloii 1-

w ill' I).'* !ii!hl ii^*K!k.r.'1Il'ih^^^^^^^^(hei'ii ivill 1>|- a 'n v o iiii;; >if ;ill[v

Hhf!Cliiii>'ii [irriii'iil allll tli<' nlal<' ii't-;<i Tlr.crj’ linnrifn r tln^ Jia ttn 'W o n l .fTrrni'-: ••V'l' iiHHiicliillnu: lu'coriiliij; lo :ii i- jj' nniiniM'mciit nf Socioinry M. C. i 'li(iir,;c Thill mi'elliii:. will lu> lii.|<| itiirinv-itl))-.! 11 'liLT iit 7;30 |i. iw rtir tllL' .iVrllMirf a ll.T >f ihii mill?' Ill tln> I’n ik lititcl. . 'r u in • i' KallH, • r

>li-mhi*rs from all pnilH of tli>' «i:ilr' »’ ivlli <!;ii iiri'sunt fn r Ihn Kiilframl llili: mi'i'iliiK, Thl»-arfim lii tlmm thi‘ oti- " licii-liinlOror ViMilnS ii7[nV'*i.i'liA-ffvii‘‘iir lhc hi'Ht rjM-H frniji sniii<'' <if tlu- J rlu)lcc:il- rineliH of Ihi: Iiliihn l>ri»'<l«rK and lo allviiil ll» ' nilil-ycar m<'>-ilii\ of III'' ashorU lioii In th e rvn iliii:. ThU>\ iMK'tliii: In duvoti'd ii> thv rvixiri of a ihl- ns.iorlnli/in'.i actlvlii.rx for lli^ } Tlml nix monlli!i cf ihi’ yi'iir nml th i' ‘ outllnliiK of tinlli'lc.s' nml gibtis for iMi- Imlani'i! o f lhi> year. Many rn . i' ports will hi' Kivfii-'on th« cnndliloii j =* llf -lho Khci'ji. IniliiKlry ovor Miiho. >’ nliin 'iill ri'coimnondaiirmH of iiii-mlx’rti I' w ill lie inkcu up ami illnciiHHod, Thi-ro *- will lm hovural cnnd iipfalci'r.i. n rrn l “ •ttriiK'r. flm> mu:ilc nml immo <*nti‘r- ruliiiMi'nt. • . .

Ifor Com iherrliil P rln tln if .-call 38. i

ProfessThe Daily Times is pl<

—Biiaines&e&.and-Erofess you will find them pr nesses and that , they w entire satisfaction. .

= - = B u s i n e s s e s =AUTO BOOU GLA83

' W ind

W indow G lass '. r , -Sctlhjff F rc o '


f -p ip T I N Gprom pt, Cflrefol nnd • E conom ical Serrloo

• T I M E S P U B L I S H I N a 0 0 ,■ . P h o n e 3 8

Cham ber o f Com merce ’d Jrec tors: Flrst^ M onday o r m onlh . 7:30 p.

.A m erican’LoRlon: T u e id ap i. lunch ­eon, P e rrin o ho te l; second Tues* day, 8 p . m ., d a b room s..

' B ika: T hursday , 8 p . m - clnh • rooms.

~ =OW=T^eT!ows7~*l'Iuir»aa:^;'-’8 p . ■club ;room s. • . '

Colfax B ncam pm cht No. 20. L 0 . 0 . F .: Bvory second a n d fourth Tuesday.

Colfax, Tw in P all* N a 13: B ra ry fourth PYlday.

P rim rose R ebekah Lodeo N o. 78: .------- F i r s t a n d -th twl T uesdayr8~p.~Tn.-"

Masonic Bodies a t M asonic t e a z le : . Blue L odes N a 4S, f ir s t W ednes-

day. 7:30 p. m .Royal ‘A rch c hap te r, th in ! T noa.

' ■ day e ren lnc .Com mandery. f ir s t F r id a y e i ^

_ - Blnr. fi-00 n. m . ' -_________

T w in F a l l s .W e l l s , N e v .,S ta g o

I.T. B a lly .«xeeU S B iu 7 tS 0 B .n .' CoBBectlBX a t W ells W ltb P lck - w k k SU g«t. u d 8 . P . T n O ai

STA€E!L]. T m O P 8 T I 6 B S '

'ilerMB*L ea ro . -,ArrlT« ,

l.-M pkO . J- -

• l :« O a .a .- . - a :O O p .tB .-S :M p .m , • . . . ■

•: Y;tO«:ia.’-A rrt»^^a>Pr

Jse Times’ G]i orbidden Cigaret

X ost Three L ives,- f " : r

Hr yiut«(1 Fr«»lIlO i% ST o:^4it> irt..,-4ui«-;:i.-T Jit:oii. -

illivl.'lH wrll- Il.-ail ti.iliiy un<l .•v■.•ll iinri' w ell' in ^i>'iiiin:i cniitllilon lii Intlr-titll luiiipilai:-! afU-V f.ii liK’li oil , im.-. 1!HI1:.--]I'11IIII1 ■!:i r m r v'n.- r n 'jiT i’ ; ‘ rapjii'il III a llv- tiurlni'. 11 wci'k-i'nil '

.Ill Ihl' farm . .W lliiiiiii K<'V. 1.. II. ('lliiI:i«-al<->‘ ami

'lo>il'i'liiM iii ill.-il In ilDUrfiou lioMil- I Ills Snmlay.

Till' M.i-lru:-ly Inirn.-il ar.,' Jnii.uih . liilliv. Jl..' IllvhTa, A rrh i.' Havu.'. W. '

lia ll. F rank M.inni.'. E arl Dciivcr

M ill' mi'M. 1-sii Hi;rl<ni!ily lu jiiri'd . ; I'lTir 111 Ih '' hoiipltal al iiiijuTliil prli.- ^

E if n rr ^ r : :n T T n a r ir —n p rn ’Tnn—linit- • ui.( fliihilli'cl- Ull' lUli'd rci'i o r a ' onic'rtr wlii.n a trn rk , ilrivcr . fi-oni .nuilM'r priMiii farm . 11 vUliiir. I ll a ! orhlildon clKarcttc. The inaVi.'h.iiiia])- Il’ll. Ih r Itiiniini; licail -fljaliu Inlo a ■ail w hich c«iiialui'il ili<> (ilm. T lU 'rr ' ia:i an <-x|il<Kl'Hi ami ih<' luirnlnK <-"l- ulof.l wiiM niK'wu alioiK Um nm m ivcr th t' f-orivlr:^ Ki.fvlaKirs. |


O r Unl(«a rr«a«IsA I.T I.AK'e (•rTV.-.Jiily-.".|—.loUii .1 •. I\III.T , Kovi n io r of r ia l i fj«m/ IlnH II illi'il III il Icical lin^iiltai alKion toilay <>r a cuhnlmt Wonml. | i n - iimi.01y x>'IMiini>-l<rii. Ii>' wail yz viii-s o ia . i.axt xvi'rk Cii.thT d isap- I 'a ii'd from lihi liunm f.-.r’i in re lluin

ilay hm liiHT iilieiwrd ii|i nayiiiu h*' ad liirrn :'iifrt.'rlrii:-fii)iih iHT'v<ni>.n<‘>.« - ml had ' li-fi IilH offlri- and frli'iidu llf a Illlll- i-.':il.

III' hail IK'I'M pr<-.‘»ldi'lll nf tlii- Di'i;- r .‘t N ntional liank lior.> for tli>i (laM. fl yi'av;:. r ii i l . .r wan In ihi. iinii-i'Hii|

ills Busin ional Diisased to recommend to

in thiia 1oiFiciexit and capable! in ill serve you in'a mannc

=Clubs=Lodg^JiraAUTO, WINDOW AND I

PLATE GLASS—A M U tz M -------- P rices R ight— -

No ChnrRO foc-S e ltln i;W . MONTOOTH & SONS

.340 Shoshone SC W. P honc SeSJ -

AUTO BEPAIBINb' Valve Grlailing’, P is to n P in s, '

R ings, B carlnck '.and . B rako Linine.

W. ?i. SKITfNER R E P A IR SHOP 320 Se». Ato. 8 . p h o n e 42B

CLDBS-LODGES-.OrdeV E as te rn S lar. aecond and „

fou rth T tjosday. 8 p . m . * T w in F alla O r a n n : , Secaad and

fo u rth F riday . . 8 p.. m .. B t o l a w k __a ^ P rofessional WomeB*a club

lUUlUJU . I.T w en tie th . C en tury ' C lub: B l r s t B;

T uesday; 1 p .- in .. R oe*raoh~ho- te l : th ird T uesday. 2 :30 p. m .. Jua tam ero In n . . JTi

D. A. R .; Second M onday, 1 p.w ith m em bera. •

Mooao: _ T u a a d a y , .« _ p . j n . . .L .O ^ - i ^ F . ha ll

M odem W oodmen o t A m erica: Sec­ond a n d fou rth M onday. S p. xSn 1. 0 . O. P . h a l t . ff,

K nlch ta o f Colnmbosr- Second a s d , fo u rth W ednesday. S p . m ., L O. I o F- Mill-_________________________ _

L xTl a b b |- <A nto . W ladon: and PlaU) <

A ay th in c in t t e G laas L lae * . S e t t lo r D m * F t— ■ . ^

[NES-rJUlUtOAD :. N«

A rr in i .- ; ,-S :1 5 p .m . ■

B offin* ■ • . ' 1** U tr n itO B ^ w « u , >*«^ g ^ T B ^ T b p f i . , a a L a i ! a p.-b.-.*No

. ^ rAnKPKVEN " .

lassified Adsw S w i i l B ^

New Gooding GanalTil.' Ilaz-'lioii .\V1VK nr Friday nny#: .

tv ifh i 1' Vmiiiiim” '‘'°!f.\liam;i|iiiM>. Mii-<'<’f*ntiir lilddom on llio I'liM; worli iin tlir ^lr^l ih ri'c .a iid onu* liiilf mili'.i >'f lho lii'W tioiidliiK'cunal. rinl>,"il ll) JJ;izi')lnji i)i)il Hi'i'If, Ollll 1« , liuriy iinapiiliiK fen- (hii .('on»inictlon ■ If ib i l r I'aniy. f<ir wlih-li thn hiiiilx'i’ I'i lii'iim hiiiiU'il out today.

•'.\lr. Sinim ln!; jiiiiiinl 'lh a i Ihn i-:imii will I unyl-t 'o f nlx'.liimlt hounirH am l7iiii' c iiiiii~ .im l mIoii- roSii.-. 'Ait” lllllll ,l^ 'tIl•- I'amp litilIdlnK» <-'ati -ho rn n ^ li iiitn l acll%<-.wurk nil Ihu canal

lh i' ni-xi ;:*i day:;, • . ' ••'H. nii' ^»-nji1i; ri.'pjTMrlllinK Ulr? r t-

oltinuihni i.m a Ii'o w<-n> lii'llaX '.'Uoii Ihls wcrk (oiiklm: frn 'huuslni: ni:ciiiii- moilaUrin s . which, if il i i '/ can bo .io* <'iirc;d, will trM ilt In tlie ri'clum.itlim li':ail<|iiail<'rs hi'Uu; liiiali'd hero, a i thi. ri'<-:amaili>n (ii'iijdi' :itat.<< Ihnt llilx.1:. il)i- liiKh-al placi- fo r Ih clr offlci-ii ;a d hi-^id(inari'-r.i.

"The work her*' will rofjiiir.! Kovor* il 'y -a r :.. 11 1> :-lal<'d.';

Official Bench Mark*Till! }:< <ili>;:lcal Niirvi-y Knyn th a t the

hfncli markH. iisi'd l>y lho su rrey di'K- ip iiiie III.'' clcviitUni iiliiive locuu *ira Icvi'l. TIk' Uii>! ll laWi'H from n pr*'"t aiaii.v phii-<'<i iitiinu ' the .A tiantlo und . I'ncmc. i.cci.n« ami tin; Oiil'f rousl.

of (>l(i»im: nut a |ii-lvatc. im tcrpriiic. n otiiilihiK-tiioro hurc, whun Iiu wnn h it- ' hy Illn ficrvoiiH a ttack.■ Wlilli' h<- .wan }:iiv-irriicr of .U luh b t ; , i i;:iv<> illi^ S lain whnl hax niton" hi>«n n fcrrc-iV i” i»'-' clujic-fiHU'd. s ir ic ily • liiinlm'Kii admiuiKiratlnii,"

ess an d rectoryyou, our readers^ the

d i r e c to r y . W e b e l ie v e _ their respective busi-

ir that will be to your ;

f l g p n r f a f i n n ^

W G naranfeed. _G rnninoD neo ■

TH B b u p o k t snop.420 M ain .X tp. & ^ u « t BeU nd

Farmem * Anto Supply Co.

p rv E POINT Q p A a S " ' *’ ",Csed T ru ck n t h a m iin p r le r ; a ll

I rrcondU iuncd and f ir s t o a u . shnpo .' .

la o A Jdlson Vt\ Phone 1M9-W

. l b ' I’oodmon o t tho W orld: F i r s t and la s t F riday , 7:30 p.' in.i,BmlDftsa and P ro fess ional w <u»ui‘a d o b room s. • . ,

o ta ry c lub : P i n t W ednesday.T om 's Cafe, C :30 ..p . m . O lher W ednesdays. Tom’s Cafe. nooa. ' Iw anls , cl,uh; TWrd Tharatfay,,

a iln o fs . .tfnd Profesa lonal '.Wfr> ' m en ’s - c ln b : T oeaday, einb room s, noon . ■alted. Spanlab W ar V e ta n a a : n r a t M onday, 7:90 p. b u I b - son lo tem ple . *i.« Jo 5 :____8 p. m ., w ith membera. idlea o r tho O. A. R .: swood W edaesday, S:00 p. t a , L a a - P . U ll .slhbors o t W oodcraft, t i r s t a a d • th ird T nesdaya k t 8 -o'.eloek' l a ­th e B a s in e ts and P ro leaa ieaa l_W on»n>_clob_foom a. _

3errUh*s Ind iana S p tnaa r,::olorado S p ln n s n . aU. a lS M j l S i S ; : ts T ro n t FUea. a ll k t B d i 'S ^ W relescop^ S tee l Jtods, « c S l U T S ' ' '

Page 16: voto-xu'.aitniBEB-la.- . ^ Z ' kali s 'ii. ', ^ ' ^ i kh k · ’'re!paae^',nie aafoly«atch on hl|\p'litol

. ' '

y ’ ^ t> A q i^ Q n T ' .


A ppeal 'on 'Service ' .S.tatii W o rk to H eard "Soon

---------- 1 ,. Sava AttomeViTho zonliiK onlliiniicc nf llio c ity

Tw in FtillK WOH iiliK'Ml on Um Til

w ithou t chimKun.. S iv cn il <'liiini; -wcro ',iiUKK<'»ii'il J m t ..C ity A lion i Swculoy ailvlHOil tliiti. ilip UNlliiimcu-

an il' ll|Ol uny rllnnKoti ilccineil iidv. : nlilo bo ntitilc liiCi'V III llir rrii'iii or aiiiuoilniunt. , ' . ciiiinK('M wi'irii nn ly ti-iiltiiU ))-. flilKebfltcil. T>i<! t'OHHlbllliy ri( iTvi InK loiirliii caljlNH nn Him- Uiki-s l>rn tv n rd dotitlfwuij wmHf.IiTcd.Jilr. Swii uftcordlnR (n C<iiiitnlnHlon<ir ■Cliiiiil

— tt.rileuUol <lli«trlc( In ilin nihiHi icirt tow n w hprn .llio , I'liliico Siiml ui O rovol Cninniiny Th-iiqw IticiUcrl ('•liUn cd to nn IniliiAtrial dim rli t- .Mr. Swi

. ownst'inOHt o l th<i liind iIht.c :ii ; WQuld' bc.'thfl onn cliiedy iifri-ctiMl I ‘ n n r ■iich oIinnKC.'

•>Clty- A U onicy. Hwcoloy iilmi Riivn r e p o r t on iIiu ucUon liclnii liiki’i'i cin c6m ln jr tho< oreellon o( tlic lutrvli u ln tlo M -in IIjp proIii»>Jii»l flrniii n

'-ghoiihona oiicl liliiu I^ikc.i limilcvun jrhB;*npiienl Ih now ^bernri! tin; ,snii

nuprcniQ uniirl on Uic niiiv ii(i>ilnHi il: rC o n tla o n ta i: t il l-co m p a n y luul w ill I,. li««rd ' In n H h o r l ilmo. 'riii> rl,i

Jirau*h f ac tion ’to jirrv* 'iu ilio lom im n rraini^ullillnSiU ic Hcrvlcc Mii(i»>i u iti

,-.Ja!600;ffleb,oI.iii Krlii.oI, I.uIIiIIuk .m ' Ui.ot|icboo)'i)lN irlci Miiiiint an^ln jiin i ,lloh |< b 'ju ;evcn tM lii‘ • ci»mi>iiny fnn . ti(ill>Uois^. Judtto Itaki-r hi>lrl for ili M>hpi<QyiOn boili h n ir |n p i In ih r illii

- tW ci.c o u rt nnd I«>th nro <in aiipi'nl. .'TlJofcUy thon iihhhciI h hpccIuI /nn

liHc'-ordlnancii nnil tho Idnlm Kn-Mrlt 66A lpany 'began coiiHiritctlon of ' lli *ervtc« BtftUon n t .Sh(iiili»tii>.iinil NhiD

' w hich ^UH’iirohlbliod l>y tlii! c tly . Tli • c U t U VfOltJna tlm ili'Clnlon of thn im

cou rt J n lh« flrn t i-uHu bcfon nklDK-abUijn In ilie »nconit, AlihoiiKi ha cMto* a ri> no l i^xitctly,nlmllnr, niiii

” a~ Mr.~ aVtcdlp y n i iC P ItT—m n — tin-n , hdniethlriif dcrin lte to w o rk 'o n w h ti

th e declHlon Ih riicvlvcd In ilu- fll'^

wftrk. . • .T he comtnlimtono'rH di'Olilcil In con

-^ntt«-4d-iiiAln(44<v-iJwa^HUu>-(o-U>j• po w w bUc h t AuKor fiillH._________

m uD itipol hcattnK i>Iiint w rrii cnnnld Bred nnd w orn-H cccntid , A cu lt foi blilM wait nuthorlxRd. ihcHu lililH to he opened AuKxiHt 13.. U lllA .w erc allow ed uud tha nprlnk- lin t; ordltulRCO wnn piiHm-d wItlTini: a ritum «nl. UulldInK imrijiIlH u iT t x ra n le d to lil A. Moon fo r ll.CTO. t«i W . C; B allnntynii fo r >1.0(hi and to ll. F. H oover for H.GOO. ' ___


- T0 ^nw<*lrn In t jlff I *'*p r im a ry u lcctlon . tlckci. ’ BCVDrnl namcH wcr« BuLmlttcd nnd luxeptL-d

• by tJio-T w Jn Fnlln County Jc fforf^n Olub, w hich m c l laHt cvcnlnK a t Titr- l lh hn ll, A lvin UnrlHiur. vruiililpnl. proB ldlntf.''.T ho 'naT ncH -to bo w rtitcn Id w ero accoptcd by th e '70 nviuu- crhtii prciion t su h je c t to tho nrcopt- nn c o .o f the o f f f r by thono nuu»-il.

T lio io rocom tncndod w ore: prubnfO Judge, J . M. SIm nk. H uhl: nuillior,

pe rln teiid«u t. Mm. O frtn id o Hlnis. I(uh l:,ftu rveyar, W. A. Mlnnlck., Tw in P a lls ; t'eprenonlAllvcH, Knrl Munyon and a u y K inney. T w in F'nlln.

Of thlu Tiumher only .tw o w rn - tircBent, Judgi^' Shank niul Mr. -Finch. T h e ro ’U ii^mo queiitlou ycl w heth­e r thoBO nam ed for plnccH on tho !«•«• U lnilTo llc k e t will he nble tn nccept th e nom ination . O lher nnmcii nmy In w rltloW ln 'a t th e w ill o f th e Votom. 'DHtlDC tU e 'n ifC lInc tnlkn w.-n- r Iv-

e tt- to iA aU a r H. WIIboii, W. O rrC hnp- m s f t 'fu id .T. J . Moy>l- Mr, Wllnon to ld ioctlnK H nC, th i' n.iilcunil co ip ra lttapvaud iifBcd nil l)«'mocnil-i to iro rlc fo r the pa rty . Ilo tol.l nf bln ImpreaBionB oC Cov.'. A lfm l K. Sniliti ona .urKCil the \o to rn to nupiw rt Mr.

* ^ « V ^ U o y d ^ ld o^Thi* ^ ^ irk 'n f tho couDty coiitra l c o m m itto r . nnd ni>- jte a la d 'td the . ncm ocm ln to vome out a n d 'T o to a t both oloctlonn.

W . O rr'C hopm nti Kavc n b rief tnlk of bi> tr ip to IfoiiHlnn nml mailu ii fsnfB H t-D em ocriiUc - cauipnlKU jp c c i J i in w h k h h e com pared bto plutformn of th e tw o parilc», polnlliiK out nil- vanlauBB In th r D em ocratic pnrty p la tform . -He em p lian ltn l fnrm rrllo f and nrRued ih a l Mr. Sm ith wa* n dry. H e alno Dialed Ih a t G iivrrnor Sm ith had ne v er illncrlm lnatcd alone r*ll«lnuw I tn e i nn g<ivrrni)r nml Ihat lie w ould n o t a* president.

~ P U nty o f W ater A sp rin g o f thP nm t tnopiUtido. ne-

rO rdlD c'lo Ihe U nited S tn tm c.-.ilui:l. Ml m rv ey . 1* one ll.n t tia« un nvom ce lischBrve of tn llc n - n .u .v -

rest. ' ■

A l w a y s C ood ■ - r i s f e l y ‘T l'lfed n very dull lo « n . Ke POe in th e sto rM . exenvt lo«frr ■ e n 'f U r t ln i w itli ti.o kIH m»lii.T».; . , l»n»lne*« I* <>f«on- .lull. Imt B lrU oe ' Defer- Is.—J l \V. •Il.iw.--- UoBtl^ljr.

:------ -F fm o tu N a v ig a to r -------d s (Jam a. »-l'..r«usue»J>. In

| 4D T<ft-^«n tbe n f l f « n v li» l . . r to Salf C«(ft>pe to Indiu vl.t llio fnix* of

BnBg -HOp f.- ■L'l'rii.lli iA tu SB Lllwrt/'.

- B e l t o n Man Kills / Self Because of UI “ Health Mtl WorrM

; JKRO.MI-i Ju ry .3 1 - f i . iy A. Hall.' of I{i.zeltnn.' altrrniDtod lo ntrnn

o n hlf. wlfu (inil 'thun klllod .hlniflHf ’.w :. hiillfi. froin - .22 ' cnUhrn' ropcnti I Ifio lit biH riini'Ii huiriu onn nnd

-■ liiilf M':i<r- oaKi of riazoltnii v .-n rr .im iinlnff about 11 o'clock. Tho ii

of tiv .' wnj. llioiiKht ti. hc‘ in, health ii i:il w nrry,- 1, M r.'I la ll oniure.l tlio llvlni:. room

hliT—h iin i i'-n b o itr ll-n 'R to c k —n i r i f Vy lackoil hlH wlfu. Ho Ihon wont It 1, . thv kllchon Iind »hnt hlinwtif th rou ■,t, jU ia .. Iwud- wl»>—4b*—flfj.S—ilyltiic-^ l \ . KtaiUly.

,, T lli' boily wan lakcn l . r th o « ro i m an njiiii.ituaiy iit .T w in Fnlln. . T i^ ^ f f o r ’n Jiii;y rclurncil is vonllci ilnrciiMC r.r liulclile u h li.. tuni|n«n<r

.Mr. 'anil Mw. Ilall havo rosl.joil • UnzclTnn for oluht yo.irH. conil

,i_" [ wail In .Mli-hluan. Thoy huvo no Vh

dren . • , . ' .Ci . — fcUlnoral_«<.rvlccB -w ill h i^arnm K

ill ____•, .• •


r i m RAISER!JV •

- AcrcAge o f W ine F ru it Ha Show n Y early Increase

. Since 1919.»y uSiM a”p r t« i .

y .SA(;JlAMi:.S"rO, Ju ly ni-f|rnw or>* o «vln» j'raiinn a ro proHliiTlm:'uiiclor pro

II hlbltlon. • . ■.‘llnpo. l ! i |‘». tho ncroHKo ilovotoil li

• crapo ii-fo r wlno makhiK purpniioiijiaj ‘ Inci'oiiKfil nenrly-'l.ilOi) |io r ci-nt, m; ' cordln>: tn thu f 'lillfornlii S tato Do- piirtm ont of A K rlciiltnro,’________^ _■I ».i>poriH.poinpll.-.l fo r l!i:js fndlaili ' th a t th lrh iy Amorlcnnii no liinKor looV ' J l l I'V nne^ Itn ly and tho IhilknuH-foi

lionio proiluot In hlaKcr and hoti.'i iliiiintllloji.

, -)tho_roMiiH_thaLjitutLV iirc ^oll1■ln■r in I tho lr raliiln nml tahio t r a p o c iopa nnil

■ jl»lantln»-w luo rrop«. Ottiorn an* wal»- .IfnK .iinill. Uie tnhlo apil ralnln Varlnlli!; |u ru nn liiniiiT licnrlnK anil ihnn nrn iplnnthiK wlno Jnloo nlock.

, I All coimtlOH In lihn Hinlo, w ith twn ; n r Ihrc.- ..■xci-pllnnH. a r c Krowlni: ' K rnpi'H .ror nlilpinwn lo onstorn wlno

ninrkotii. Sljilocii' co.intlon Krow nn ’ o tho r vnrlotlcH.

O rnno t^ow orn In Cnllfo rn ln fouKlit zofliii am i nun nKninniHnTIBni anienil- iiiont, d r c la r ln R th a t It nioani n llo r r u in 't o Ihcm. w hen It dhl ko Into pffocl, nint^y of Ilioni I!^vl• ii|i Iholr

, v in ryn rds lmtncill«loly.“ nin:in who hnd faith. Ihnt llio nm ondin.'iil w ould hi- I'opi-alcil iiODir. iitiii'i; by •lholr"oropii. and Ihoy piOHtiorod k(> nn ia /lnu ly thnl. Ihoy .lorv'i caro now If l l ’ uv rr In ro-

; pgaied---------- -------- ’ ■•T ho rnphl oxpannlOn o f tho, Krnpo

luiluf'try In California nit rom pnrcd w ith tho roM of,llu- llnllo.! Sinion ban -l.onn iirlu inrlly 'tho ivi'ult of prohlhl- llon." (l.'olaroH ll iVnoil of tlio D .'part- mont of AKt-rcultnro, In oxfil.t'Inins, Hm tiniiHiial Krnwth nf ilio wlno ' yrapi-KrowliiK IndUHli'y. ■ ___

"Iioforo in if. iirao tlru lly .nnnc nf iht. iiriipcH i^tilpprd from llu- -nlate woi.

iil.mlK.nod for w lnc-mnUIUK. lly 1!<2 I

Juiro MciVk-woro nhl'ppcil. uml In 1!UT nn avcraijo gf *r.,000 (•arlnniln. o r ap- p rox lnm ti 'ly 'fio p o r , ccnt of <’allfo r-

in la 'n Krapo xlilpmontii have- hc.'n wine Jiilco iitrckn."

.In i;nr. Ihoro u o ro .liHM than i:.nn,) ja'crcH of wlno uraiioti KmwlnK unili’T I ll>c.California nan, bul th o ’r»lImut<-t nVroaKi- of 1!I2S l«'187.ri:0 acri*r. 'i .f Julco niock. w ith nn Incn-aso of 6,8:17 acrcn. W hllo tnhlo nml ralnin srapon have ilicllnoil noniowhat, wlno jtrapoa har.- lnor.-aiu'.l onoi un .un lyoyor) yonr nlnro lltHi. ih.v roiioit irvonlh,

"T he R acket” Too Realto Please PpHticians

Vork r . n«oriihlp il.-»ir.»y.'d th .-c i-n lia : Iclra of tho ntory. tak lu i: oui »uih linrn nn I't n 'lw rtor'TTriilnnH lU iii thai the nn.l.Tw oiI.I Iwi.i:. in iho- plcHiro havo horn shot "i-i. tho KovornuKUl

ami for tlio profonnlmialn nliall nol l>.-rUh from tho cnrlh ."

Tho 1‘o n la m l. Oro.. hii.ii.l o f ron- nornhlp tmiinoil ilio jilotnro onllroly. HUKhrn wnn ndvliioil, Ilo r.'ii.l fnm i ;nT nrtlclo ^ihloh aiipoar.'il In tho OroKoti Jo n rn al nuylni::

."T h is »n-> m .paronily a i.o litioal .lo- rM on . Iho chU-r lonMin oITcr.-.l li>-in>; Itinl llio film ahowoil c ity o fllrlaln ai> if.Hikn, r a r o iiilnd-il I’ortlunil nni^l nover Rce an official o n tho n rr.o u who wan mil honrn t; . l l hoKln-. Ml*- portln?; iho lioine folkn."

•'Tho rouilno action of tbo 1>oar.l of c.-n«or»hlp In I’o rtland otflcl.illy Ul>hol-t_}!l- -thr.-CHy . ro u n 'il , _ t j io ro .,( i .ig h o ^ ^ - ia lBf.imiVtL. :_______'

W ilh tho t« o r w » iH'fore him . tltr yJuUhlijI I'ltH luctr (toftnrort thn t ho w-rmlil find o u l 'h o w u i.lo^p rta.I llio ••pollllcor: <-rnnor*tilj. y n j ^ i j i l j h a l ho Wfuild nook Iho nuiiport of W ill H.i}n. hoad of ^hi- p rm lufern o rcu n l/a tlo n . { and unitertako Ior.-)! moann nf oitf.o-.- lOK tho- conMirntilp If ru rlho r t f f .u t: ! to m op tho p lc tnre a re mu.lo. j

Confining F lam e —T he {larrati o f ' atafl-dnrd* u y * that

t f n na m e Ism tlrrJy-TO TToom tnt tiy-a-r n«e w ire ta u w K m -rn..nt w rh 'n *1I» .' lance th a t ihi- w ire Itnclf Jik-k nut tnr. j, n>m» reilJi.-t. l l .r fluiiio will mit len lie ,

tloe v a p o r'u u ts ld e .the sc re ru . ’*^*"'1

, " \M a g a r a




0.1 - •

^ ' 1 ^ 1

B G litto rln i; In tin rntcn«u-JtRlu t moaimrcfl 2r..000.0 ti0 camtlrimv Shoshonu .I’n lb . "N in i;un i fi/ W o jif , hns lukun 'o ii n nov.' lion' Hint clniuicii i t amonjc th e .u'o \vomlor3 b f thli country . F o r yot

, . thfrni> fnlln, w ith tbo ir wllil ' In tho c n n y o h 'o f thu .Snuko, hi

<ittriict(-(l thononiKtit'.nf vlailom th o ir rncky brink .

■n • Uoccnlly, Uio M aho I’otvcr C.; niiMv In n ta l lc i l'n Inrfic .frroup

I To Stop C utting 9 f Latera B anks fo r Irrig a tio n of

G arden Plots. •

' lICHi.IcniH of Iho ailillilnna to ''lh d ry - . f Tw in rn lh . who an- uiiliii tra v l ty nijrfaco w ntor fr.-:m tho cit: llnoH for irrlKatliin purponon muni iia; for tho w alor nux* ,yoar;VIi - wan. ilo

mlnalonopi Innt n lsh l.iti ir io n -K m lth o f . t h o Tw in Fall

Canal ooinpan'y appi-jiroil. boforo ih< coinulHHlnnvrii ami Nialoil thn t ro-tl ilontH of tho (i[.lili>n Hi.I.Cailillllon ha. loon c u ttin g till- bnnkK of tli.i lal.-ra Ilioro to f.i.tain A at.-r for ih o lr «ar ili'.-i plot.i. 11,0 tiad Klvi'ii ooiHoni fm thlu l» . lu. rlntir , |n r l -' -11,^ i n i r r i H n n r iT>‘ yo.-ii%- Av~ nian'.v -o llli! caritouH. aru.iioiv.. WI'II nm lor wnj am i' cn tlln i: o lf tho w alor ivoul. cauKO conHldcrahIo ilaipuuo,- ilic |i.‘i ' |ilo h n iv ,111-011-.allow.Ml to c iu lliim Ihln yonr. I lo ni.l;i*di(li.-,c(iminl-*

('•i« ID lino lh a l tlio rcslili iltn wi-r* |-fiirnlslii'it w ith iMit.'r- noxt yoar h.: Ithat Iho hank:i ..f 111.-'illtcli wntilil. uot I'M PUI. urf ltil.'i cutilni; In c nn trn ry tr

D A i S r ^(Complied t>r Dnllrd Prtu i

_______ AITfMtST I

WCONtlinAVli DCHT I'KATtfil:)! -■l->ln<rM lds"--OIIb-*il JH OuUlfsn t*-

^oriu. piTJciitrd br th» N»Uon»l U tm Oprn Oomp»nr iweAr ort-

i , " K tj a itm y-Tlilrd p»tfatm»nr*' .of Ihf »riitm?1 vridiu IWOUI..

J K«liwr UcMO^i t.-oai>ar>T>l'i>mmi|

! ram * llnsi—UuUcal csmrdr tr il» l i . iw « crKorkj,

* ' .D.TIHM U y n t llmg- in flm .colmnn .fl«ur/* dciiplr tling utlrr. UlDmint.l



I.OO_T ■wnAU n.*LTla)°iar!^u.&-)eM t.

. 1 so « jn-WTlAL Oinntr Muuc. k M e o«-rr.'.erim« trom W Jf

. to ee S oo-Coiorfd n»nd10 J9 I «i»ie no*.

• HITI. nolTOV—-100 »:0* - 0 lnftfr muuc; turwiu.t on 1 no- I'jetr.nV Itoo Hew York.

- -- WNAC.^' OSTON— . 1- I !e *

WMAX. m-rrALA-Utvw4Mik—>—« » S:i:- Camo OrcI>rtlr»-(13 1 JO--MAdilf»I Qiinilft.

mire, nvi'rALO—cwsji^esak.^i w i BJ -I-I0»r»a« lum wcai*.

I] 49 Crchrt.rk «^ w u * . c i> c im u n -o iL a —W k .

. tl.e* . »,0*-V»rt«l-pt»«r»n.». • tl.aS U Jl-'O aiKr.crM m m i.1 « ” '<i

JI.15 ia »»-Con'rr lil*nl Or«tw»U»WTO*. c».t»r.i-»xt>—

T eO «:oo—C>»»lirrs, Cpetu.• Wl 1 M-WTAU Ir»urr>I eo tfam wtAP.

1 1 ^ IB crC-Viira. ,•w w . P trrso rr—ai7.5-*M k. . -

• ra 1 BO-Of?<r »4>ani ' t 00 * oo~ rr r t ta n t Unn WTAP.

wnr . j vj K. - - nmt oTr — -t oc-uuuc. i:r;v3rii. ru

» M I (O-Iloar trpm.WJiSCO »-o*-r«5:»-» llout, Tr»rpr/».

• w r.iir. t> « tto rr—r rr-s-jw a k.S0« U.Wfl.-iVUnO TTmT— ■

• ».M i.eo -w -av** ^


h n t iload Uffhts th a t illum lnnlo th c ftrlln .-or. from (loi'lc \m tll midnlRhc.’— In- the tfhuleil In' th e llftlitini; syntem In a lity color diaplay w hid i, w hen tilnynl nic on tho whltu v/m^'in ,o f tho falln. r. . rlvaln, tin.- rainbow In licaiity. 'flio

Injt lliilitlnB nyiitcm w as ilifflcatod op m - the ovoninjr o f Mny when M bs

to b-nn Muilonin' I’hilllti.-i. national nn-:ili!ont o f tho Iliininoii.n nml I’m-

irii- f.-ii,'iional.\Vomon'i:olulw. tifrnoii tho o f sv.'itcli w hich th rew tJic jMwcr nf

S f f W S E O F ^iARDEN-I R R M l ON

Till.' cinnililBRiimora. In nn, Infoni.ul • ;II:ioi;3iilon .o f Iho m nltor. found that

a Koodly xliaro lif Iho o lty w ator wnn holiiK iiHcd In thu varloiin nililliiana ^or surfaco Irrlnnllon nml ‘wnx not

.. hohiu paid tor. Al proH onl.tho filte r.■ in t i,.liiut III riinninf; fui" hoyond rea-

lajiiaiilc ciipacliy.’ Al firnt, w hnn 'Ilw o ltv wn» youm:. . sii.fnro-IrrlM H l'ni V n ir r w m nllnwrfl

H iinanhnni iho c ity ,, hu l w ith tho cutiilnj! of -pavumcnl th is usii of wn-

:i lo r lias hocn cri.w.loil ou t to- tho iid- u iltllona. T hi' onumlnslon.-rii folt Ihnf -[.illl;niij;h ihcy illil nol iiavo to -n im liiir I ' Ihln »'utL-i' I t U'AJ a onii.iiiciiilahio pol- I loy. I.UI riioy aliio. wor.' of. Iho opinion• tliV .iHors (If Iho w ator idi..irhl■ jiity fi»r. ll. H y lay lns plpo lo thvso L !ii1r1ItJ,^T-;i ^iiriiikhlnu.—XjTlwrti.iuiv.

->viii.'r ^i*j>oui llin^i.K - flioy WilVmivc'• nmrr' i:f tho fllioroil w ater for theI f iiv , !(. wnn .h.clilo;:. . - |

lla ilo y K iiyhnrn. .Niyiorlniomlont o f '• watii»-riiiiH. toM 1I-.0 i:..iiim:nnlniiors• t 'in i iliirliiK Ju n o Ihan IS ii;-;|.' lloii Kalliinr. 'r t ' w ntor w en t .thrnuKli i,:)i>' fllt.T p lan t, which wan n uow . K.rnnl. ;iai| th a l thin liumtli'.i line of i-M-aior woul.l .-xoi'i-il Innl .month,-Alioiit

g ^ P l OWTIC, KAKTrOBt)—aM.<-KOk.___.

7i9~e:l!>-Aiic Ml-Anolhrr.1:09 T;00- w n 0 niudio J*«nr. 1:1>.M WEAf. t;

ID.'ia *:)(.—nond Oaocr OrclwiiliB. II:<'Kerr>coNTnKAi>-ii#.:—no k .

t o« 7 oo -Mt. nor»i iioiri orcik'iirs. « l:M T:33~4.a(onl«ln< l-ark n>nd. 7.

*;J0. Cllrt*-- •U.OJ 1:00—Thf Open fl»«. • J9:30 « jn -unllfd Muiurr n«nd. ’ •

IB:Og B.Os-Kelil<r Uim Ootra llBur,>0:» B »o-Nr>i; t>mn» tm»iR orfin . ?•'

w, SKW Y oaK -4»i.2-« io k. ■■■'■ « 04 t:oo-w«Mort dinner muue.

•«:JJ l*»rM MMbail MOfn. I.'

1.00 1 00-.K.Uon»l XIUrd-Qtj.tUt. 10.1• JO ::30.-Vrncll»o Suiilt.P 30 •: 5~J-»*moll« IlDUT.” '*’ M

10:0 B O-OprrrtU, " I'nnrru 11*,“ la^ll:M 10 3 -.Wkldor( D*nc<' Orchrm*. 1,

i 3a * )o-Brlr*nlk Porrturii. S> 00 1:00 -rtuJeo u m i Owr* tloiit. . *1

in to » o»-o«oaotlni; Wajud* lun. to i11 00 10 eo~tnambrr Muuc. »> 1

Wir. rm t.ADCi.niu—3UL«-tce k. >:<w n . riiiLADn.'niiA—«i£s—KOk.' n

« «> i:<»-Aporu: w m hrr rrpoit. 11H u r. ruiMDCLriiiA—4 a u -t4 0 k . lo :

IJO t.JO—Of»»m OaddyuoOrL______ H;<KDKA. r tm n i;s c » -^ i& .* -(M k. , ,

eoo ».M-K«poiu; KUKA CnMBbl*. ,1;;: «s froBi WJ2 . }?.:

■ -lOfla B.oa..McTrT UiyUc lum bun, . !IC.J9 B ss-rawf> IVnod. ;v .

WCA*. r r m a u s o n —w t j - c o k .e 00 s TO—Wildoff dinntr ma»!«.« »» ^min^cyniv

irE"iiiE=IErE ^—19 oe tl oo-IlAcr a^rdm Orchntr*.- • J J

WHAM. A O cgsSTU-X «J.lB79K . 1] l ! 5 .« j o - s i « y ;^si^^io j

J»«o > oa-on w uiit o( OoD«.WOT. KCSSNSCTADT-aTiJ-WOk. *

i s ;!»t a s ;:jo~Mkdnr*i VIM l Qu4rt>t.B M I.O^rrecTmmi traa WKAF. | e

traz. kr>L<<cnEU>—asLi-B U k. Jc Bd x tm n t music. . ^SM ' J i

CKCU TOSOVTO—tl i ^ U S k . ’ ®to e tM -Ttr* Canrf tap i. 7 9« 39 )'*9-nSklluift * 0

WSC, WAAllLHOTONXOLl-^tt C. >0 >«w - ‘i*:

u '.» ~ im - s ^ u s s f r v u u tnnm ua . ■ T.eOIP

T DONS . : / ■V ■ ' . 'I-''

•.ifi.OOO.OOO camllc.s nKUUiHi Uio.'wnll n f w ntcr'trunnform liiK i t into m il- , lioni. of b rillian tly iltu in lnaloJ piir- licMn. Thn .fnlJn nrc GO fee t higher Ihiiii N intrnrr n nd 'u rc locaCcd on tha Olil O rc«on T rnil tllrouKh sou tho rn . Idaho. A nhort side tr ip o f Inwn ‘ . thnn 10 'm ile s -f ro m T w in . Fnllfl,Idaho.- b rin |(ft-ono~ to -tho -b rlnk -4>t-------tho cnnyon nnd In full view of the f.'Uli*. f l'lio lo . CopyriR ht by John- fion & 'i)on. lini.KC)

KUOii Kalloiin .-an h c u r iH -hoInc uaeJ !>>’■ tho nirocl nprlhklors.

" J f the c liy i;row.i, In Iho nox t ionf yi'arw an ll~ him In Ihi- nnni Iho. cltv

HIU 11.-0.1 II non- t-orvlcu lint- to iiup. ply w ator.". s ta lc il .Mr. Rnyhurn.

Throu plann woro iironcniod con- - '. i - ih l i i j j lliu .proiioaoii croHulnK of tliu

l'f'.-2';UHtUiiiJIiii! uL.-»f»rk_f;rixli-Tao " (w o n - iierm anont and onp tioml-pQrmn- , iii'ni, Mr. M orrltt. civil o n d n e o r, ad- •;vlnoil Iho iixlni; o f .tho soml.-pprma'* M nont ono n« tho InH lallInK 'of now " iilpo. lino In comlnK yuars would J . cniino 'tho I’ tlru .cxponso of h pormn- ‘ .'.m-nl. crnnnlnK l i ho wnntod.

• T he m n tto r wn'n ’heM uvcr lo Ihn nex t nieollnB nn Ilnlpli Snillh, .w ater con-iilmilonor. irir.i no t pronont n t Innt n ish t'ii inoi'tlni:.

Luy Aiioinpy - ^ wcol py-i{iivi}-ft- ri!r . po rt concornInK . Ibo ' lo ltu r of Mr.. l.'arrlco rofcrrcil lo him n t the Innt. , mooihiK of .Uiu cuunell. Mr. C iyrlco ' Ini'iallcil !UH) fool of ■')« Inch plpo 'from

tho c lly lliiilln to hln rcHlilcnco. I‘'our o tho r iiHorn w ore nllowod to hook on to Ihln lino anil nu a roiiuli .M r.'C ar- rlco 1.1 nol K otllns m uch ivnlcr on iho oml nf Jlln tirl^-nic line?- Tho c lly ilo-

^ I t l c i f 111 imtify—Ihr—other* u iiorB~t>ir 'th in lino tkn t llii'y 'w onld liiiv 'i- io nco jM r. l^lrrll-I>, an the e lty had Jurlsdlc- ;tliin i.v.-r tlio wnli-r In the c lly IlmllH nnly.

Lo g R A M ~


wsn.-ATI.A?fTA— t :M « «o-Dlnnrt orehcHtai. iOO 7:oo-t*io«f«mi Ttom Mair y»ffc.*

KVW.KFKX. c iiic A 0 0 -» is-i;ek ..00 »:w -oiotlri; Dinnrr iDuilc.;0o (:0<^-l-^o(nBl• Irom WJ2.:00 »;ca-MuMc.l pn»mn>,

WMA^wgj. c iucA «:o-ii:.j—«Tsk.rlS « :tS -0 )lnt»>lll>U]rietl'si>c|tt7..09 7roo—Clauiueia tirlved ,.00 t.DO—Thr 10 o'clock Uuilealr..00 J0 ;0 ^ ^ r« i 0«t>et Orrii^itrs..

s= -iiS g s ff iK ,ir« !s r* -= = = '= " ‘.00 »:a»~K*ir(: Ou>u (r*iun«.'„ YK- «UC*GO-»«.S-«70 t «« B'Oa-aupprrbrU Irstorr*.

« .5 :£ S S 7 '(E 3 :r’~ ^ ------- ------x o lu couMciL DLurrs—a i» -« u k . to 7:D0-Catumhl» Nrlveik.00 *;»o-.|*opuUr iru tu .2 i'*®—“ • “ * U »»n OrehriUk •* »;o*-Miaiiif6» o n in Rm iu i. •

w o e D A rU rO K T -K U -M tk .00 r S l r r M * n«n«i.JJ ».jiN-a.k/»Bd aii'kTOQ lB BO-t>»itt» ________________

HOA. OMVRS-*SV»-»»a».M I *7” *“ *BO•WHO. o u MoMcs—s u .i..u o k .l i t 13—H ro : KDC

M ? O'chrttrt.

u i s t s r ^ j i , ? '

* XrAB. UNCOLN—S t i- M kl

ao loreo-noar or Mu'tu. • • 1

•ws*. * w m r i r —T7H ------

S ;S tS ,S .'„ 'T K r^ ... •_________>« I S»-Co^;kM# t n a Mrv. 01^ . “ ............

• -V '- .y

p E R A L S FOR - r T R M m rO F


t-ry of .n inincrnl tron tm iin l-fo r-d l . holes w ns bailed by cIiomlstB. -.mci

thu oalntnudinK modlcnl udvnnco tho dny. Tho Ironfnionl, dlacovor hy .D r. H crtrnnd of. F rnucc, coiinlH

. of tho nso of c o b a lt nnd nlckul In n ' -nniu tiunntliJuH.' ,

Ur. Jncoh Llpm on. donn of tho C: ICKo- of AKflculturu n t ItulKorH Ui

■lTers ltyr »ilrt~nnnnPurH- of ' ih n ' Aniiii cnn Chcmlcnl Society InHtltuto nt tl F rench doc to r's oxpcNmi-nt. • •

“I lr . lio rtrand 'n iron ln ic itl Iti nt li t tho cxpi-rlmvnlnl slnKo horo," I doclarod. “Only n smnll- nm oiin t.

- n ickol. nnd c o h n U 'c n n 'h u adnilnl tc rcd and lhe tcchnhiuo munt ho fu th itr roflneil.

____ "F iirtlin r kt(ou-lnil|{a-^f-4»lnnt—utnnlm al nn iritlon proinlncii to opi now und intorontlui; chniilnrn to mo<

_ ,}chuiJj)_D Stlciilljice_«iuU ii_c)iJunii; InduHtrluH." ,

Alcor.lluK to- tho theory , iho Ibniil ' trontm rnt- fo r . dlnhoten tuny owo I . .vlrlucH tn llioTacL tb n t Iniiulln. p r

pnrud froni tlio pamj-onn of UnlmnI contlilnH tioha lt nnd -illckel. l lo anilyzudjinm plcH nf It.....Iln . nml. diflco'crcd ItiCNo tiro nifiit>n<lN. Uo O wn In i:nn uhIiik them illrcclly In tho Iron n>ent o f dlnbotOH n u d 'o h ia ln o d bon.

'T T einPrcfltrtiB .' • • ‘


.B y VDltfil i ; r s i t WASiriNdTO.S-. Ju ly - I ll-F u c lh c

rovlnlpii of tho Chlnqse-Amorlcn trontlon. pn rtlc iila rly n s IJiuy nffc<

' ex tra lo rrlin rla llty , munt av 'n lt mot I Mnhio In tcrnn l condltlonn In Chlni

It. wfiB Tiald n l tho ■Slato D epnrtm ert iilny. Tho sln tom ont wnn prom pte

y N anklue'n annnnnconiont th n l Di .■l<V'- C.'- >S*Ti-hirrt- h c r ii' ap |iu liim i~ X ttliTTi

nllnl dolcKnto. to a . l r o n l y rovlnlo . conferoncii horc.: — Offlclttln—iloclnrcd Ihry illil Vai, ' pnilcrntand" tho ' .Vnnkint; announce ‘ » i™ eT vhlc l,T ,-m I m l jc fun .l i.f ii .»

ply tn .Seerolhry o t S la le K cllo ss ' nnio o f lJu ly 111 liron'lK lnc tn iloitotl nto a new in rlff trca iy a t. onco., 1 wnn nnhl ihnt- wlth.' iho ta riff irffill; nlitnoil Iho Unllcil StnlcH wnn no propnreiV "to iindcrlnko liny | fu rthc noKoiintlona for lhe tln^o holns. ..• In hlH . ropjy, how ever. ForolRi

M lnlnior C. T . W nnc nnlil: " I i is tm hopo < r thfl N’a lln n n lln t' Kovommon tha t . th e noam lnllnns n n n n - tn -en m . mcnco hctw cen .C hina nnd iho .U n lle i StnloA .w ill, ri-flult In a p roper sc ltio ' m ont of nil (iiiosilnns which n ro lr neod of Imn'jidlnto nolutlon.” ;

I l wnn thouKht probnblo by somr iifflclalH Ihnl Wnm; hnd m lslniurpret'. Cll the KoIIokk. ncio. nlihouKh ihc con.itnnun wan thn l Hie .Vatlonnllnlii h e lloved .lt poBnlhIo 6 y m eans of ihln p a rlay t o ■Ic iu M l i ^ n U g d ^ l u lg td i i l o a - dlMiiin»lon— o f - ex tn i-tp rrlto rln llO ' a n d ^ th o r quonllotiH. ' '

T lmea-^Vant A d*,brlii;: rc»iiltl(.


— Independen t School D istr ic t No, 2 V-lll .recolvo hhlK up tn firfJO n : m.- f tn CTBt;.C, '1ff:il, u ir IlltHallnimn o f U o (2> nchool •biiniios for Iram iporia tlon o rnchnol chlhiron to nnd Jrom ncfjiooln, fo r th ree year period b tR lnnlnjr Sep­tem ber 10. 192S.

PlHU nce o f nm nniie.l roilto nnnrox.-. I lh a lo iy tw enty-five ( 26)- mllcn, com- IH-nnatlon nround J 200.flr) por m onlh. Conit-aclor reeolVhiK thin nw nrd . to furn ish ntnndnrd ty | ie f l» t j J a S 4 i!cbool hnnscH, w ith a ll lalciit c o .n lp in t^ Mnp' of prni>oiied rou to iin flio a t Clerlt'a office. IlUhlcrn on th is Invited lo m eet w ith Ilonrd n l h lc lr Hc.hool building, 8:00 p. iiu AuKiint C.

Tlfli Board rcnervos tho rlKht to re jec t lih y nnd a ll' h ldn.X /

P a le d n t Klmla-rly. Idiiho. th is the 2Htiivdny;of Ju ly 182B. • IN D .'SC nO O L .U lST . .SO.,2. K lilB E R -

I CAR AWNINGS^--------------------------- . W h i l e - T l

FOLDING TYPE FANCY STEPAm ....... ..................... ......... ............

' ROLLEB n?PE AET LEATHE PAIR .......... ............................


_ H a n ) p s h i r e. . U lL L SE L L JLI

. : 2 2 5 H I G H r C LFrnm pn re Jirrd and r« rf« te r» J +w t T n ln F a lls . Idaho, on T o e s d a j, Ai a t S p. m . uliarpl


EXaHTY-FIVE ! T h ir ty head K eR ls lr r t^ 'iln ia * #W i n l i f r n - lU m s a r« f r u u T t^ I« tere« prom lneiit b r re d e r s 'I a th e s ta te , ' ^

- fo rr sa le f<>r iB sperliea. S a le s will . -slilac. • Good TM*st% L a i l a e t p ^ l i


7 - 7 ' — — ~ ^ d o £ ^ 8 $nroi

■ ■ *i'Ul-j§n7VT;

■ Violin Satfed'/ZiniA .iIlMi'inKulsbod vlplintm vBnriirtbt

ho w';)illti bo n crlm lnnl wcro lils-di —< -nlre-fri-pIftnsMpprcBDedi-niid-U-mBr'h

n d d e d 'Ih a t fa ilu re to K upprcu snip __ o f tint-olhe r v iolinists f l In llw l f a

Elndui' ' crlw.e.—Uoslon .T ra :

O beying Golden R a te ■ -t\'~ Tho iium wrtn rcftlKes-<0, ■ dO-.DUl l“ * o thers u b 'i io .w o u ld 'tlic y .BhooltJ'.il

unto Illni" harm s him self m are .tha •nnyninr<-TKffr-vrnn»lOii- &r ' t n ir q otim

®‘- IluIo unia lly onuses bu t. lltllerBBOo; ®'l 1111111 lu ilKi ollior fcll0W.:t)0 t Jrropa

iihio Injury to j r o u ^ f . - r O r l t . ,

>i- . . • • ■ ri-l‘« ' . ' •i,i‘ M r . D e l l C . K e t ^ . 8 p n

“ I ■ fa iid ld a le fiir S IIK n iP P —

Twill F a lls Connijr,^ ---------------ind-' ' Subject to tho 'R opubU can. Pri« nl marloii. Ang iis t 7. 1928.. ’ _ .

In I-iinvo lived in-T w in F ulls coHSty, fn r Hvvonlocit yenrv (inHt. W as. a

Q. fnVlncr fo r uovorni yoara. T ho pu t^ I,, olovon years hnvo b o o n - a p e n t 'a t

viirlouR kinilu of w urk. F o r th r e a oC *. tliom, I w n il.if p o llco ,o fflco r for p. Iho i:i ty o t Tw in F a lls . , ,

M Ih ln K liio Uuty of; ovary, mnn nnil -woman to vote, If o llgjble? fo r th e cnndlduto th a t h o 'U ilo k ^ In' d io b e lt qualltloi) for. (ho oiflce. Ito Is-stfokln'ic. ' ■ - '

' ! j Htauil ftir Kcftitomr. Jiis tlce ond^ 'F iil r VeulInK'- tb a ll «!oncorDaa,iui(l( It elecled. I w ill .onforco .tlio :iatr'-

• to .th o hout o f 'm y ab ility . ; . •

E‘ - ’o u r vuio will bo Krcnlly oppre^/'

- -— T H A N K ^ f6 u 4 ^)r • • ' •n ' ■ .’I.;t

l i " r _______ '■ '• '•


'1 'h n i-ooI-RJifl iio m fo H o b lo .w ilh 'f li W E S T IN G E O U B E E L E O l lU O '

. ,FAir,»tarl)y.‘. ^ .i

v ^ s o 't V :Am ericanElet.£o.U B M a in . A y e '. E . ' P h o M ,8 2 '

'• WATCH ■; R ^ A IR IN G

F a a ity -B h n p c d cryA iaU :• •w hile y o u w n i t , $ 1.00 . •

A U W e r k . Q n a m t e e d - . '


1 2 1 M a ta A T K i iw B M tf !

-At Bargam Pricesb e y - 4 ^ s t - ------ -------- ------ -4 -

......_ $ 2 ^ 0 ^ i :

^ .. . .. .. M M \ .9SS Cft _ .

, PHOME ij

t - E UBUC- AUCXI OS — -.Sj

TT-mB TEAELniaS ■. ii ’ f c j i ^ ^ L D a ............................... :j

[ re n In p f l r iH 'S B f f lb li Baau- ^ Ita eV < .tra ia 'M B i> e t (ke b m I 4 ItaDK-wOl U keU a t B a n d a r h t - i I be held In 'U Ie * i«Tnieii;-TBla*«r k l ly - I m I M . ' ' V -< ' .

/RAS, ..Owner ila ,' i P A n o . . ■ •!■ •S rX n c S ^ w ■' - ”

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