vowkb&. tuesday, november 28, 1922 no. 11 frienos,...

\ I ) ·· ·"11-' f; < i . VOWKB&. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 No. 11 FRIENOS, ALUMNI, AND VISITORS, M. C. WELCOMES YOU! Skri.ln.s Makee Two To11Cbdowu Dr TaJd"I t.t Ill,. O. F'am- LOSE DA. T'liiC'iiY 19-G AOORR Carter Ia Star Gardner, fr>'O. a ad 6to 1' er Feat.Ure F or WoodY-• Eleven I THANKS CIV IN C Dean H. J. tl un.I) ' I am thankful that I am hunsrr and that I am liinr in world environmen t U. which my hun,ry body, mmd, ud spirit findo abundant food; ev ery thiua that body, mind, and •pirit c.n poHibly n eed Cor life, s towth, and developme nl ROOMS TO VARIOUS cLAZ FOR RF.ST tF W1N111t ()f H .. tOr)·, And Pine Aria Are LocatM la 8-1) HAU lHim) · Cluo l.((e,_ Arc Oroa,st;at .t.bo•ll la Ar1·au•ge111cnc. of J)epuimeat In Shnrp Dutltl laa. I am thankful for the tena of thouaando of oenranta who from thia bounti· fut environment miniater to my everr need. I am tha nkful that it ia my privileae to reciprocate in thi1 aervice and thu1 help to maintain thia won· T he Bulldog ' derful toeial orraniam. ' The v1rtoua dcparl m&nl• or lll• tailed to llQP the wlanln1.1,trlde of college havo at l•l!lt round the ir new St.erllo1'• "wonder team" ldl Thur •· I ain thankful that I may, per b.ae1 dimly • • throu1h a 1l aaa darkly , viaual· bome ror the wfoter In Hu I · _llall day In • fle reely contHted gr idiron ize God lhrouah Chriat creatia.11' and mai ntain inr tbia wonderful l if e &iv. The Mualc battle ola1ed before latter' inc environment and that all tbeM •• rva. nta .of- · min e are more and more l'Oke. 1>la no. and mu11c 1tudlet wu homecomlnr crowd. The team• rieualizinc thia life siTin1 conatructi ve aoc.ia liatic Ja w of " aervice and l oYe . movC!d tn Saturday. Practlcally all were rat.he r eYtDIT matched ' . but ( am aho thankful for th e new Science Ha ll. lhf! claues are except tbOH Sterllnr, twice t aki ng adnntaae ot ot Ptoreuor Yoder . He hH betD .o Balldo1 urort, prod.aced the r.. bo.1y flndln1 bomt:1 tor th• rfft ot qatred puneb to pu1h tbe o•al onr the teachen tht he rorcot to pro- - the goal Une and won whb & Kore Tide tor hlmll@lf. ot u.o. Tbe flnt floor of t.be new b•tld· Coach Wood1'1 Oa rr elmaken were ===== ==;r=== =""" =,=,= ,=.=. =, =,=,=.=,=,=.= •• 'C" l'l = Ul.' == ST =AR=T = IS = =U= 1 = nE == ":. : Ing I• occupied br tbe Cbtmllltr aa• at their belt, dtepla1ln1 all the clau Dl'VIVAL BROUGHT TO fll1(, mAU' Hl11t or1 Department.a. On tlle MC• tpt bu c1rrttd them tbrouch three IUi•t•. AtteacJea AU 'r ti ond floor arti found tbe Pb1ilcl aad 'Pf'9\'IOGl•tctorlu. Captain Oardaer . •· Aod shoot.ft. or Me a ·· ON 1923 QUlnDIUME" )lathe m•tlcs Dep.rlmeall, •llill• oa. FrJt. and Sto.-er, t.be latter a K. U. lll1l\.llA\ILr. t.be third floor are t.be Dtpartm"tt: recruit; coml)Oted a tbf'ee6man of· -- ·- >lak e tbOM aaPf .oa. of A&rlculture. O.Olosr. Pb)'ltoto17, foal•• lbal WU al t tmee bard to S PLEP.. 'DID OO-OPERA! l'! :ON SJI OWN I•em la the Ana.a.a.I. \!'Oil PHOTOOllAPKER IS KEPT Bl ' $\' •nd Blolosr; Had OD lb• ta.rtlla atop. Captain Carter or the Bait- DUBISG L4&T PA.RT OF wt1I e -.tor ahowt .. rJ\em &o &he TAKI SO PIOTUREE( FOR rlOor are localed lhe Ptae ArU ••doc•. wllb bl• •bitty run.aln,1, ,,.. ICEE'l'l. "iGS home f olb allll ou.r t riMd•. YEAR-BOOK "' e AfUIM!um. tlle ontatudl.a& tt&r of the pme a.nd __ YOW" 1&ap9 wllJ be a ipeclaJ Maay lbde repeatedlr pluosect tbroash tbe Atter two wee.kl ot earoeet ea- • fOMare ot oar AA.aaa.I th.I• The UU Quadun11te •Hb lt.1 ll•nY cba.ng11 ban bMo made la SterHDI flnl Une def enae 4 for bll dea'Tor the rerint meeUog:a came to • JeiU°• Of'C. bMy and pc. )'OIU'll no•el 11nd orl1tnal teaturet1 la the Sharp Bulldlog. Tbe Bibi• O.,.rt• &a.in•. Clark allo reata«- u a a ctoae aundar eveo.ta 1 Tbe l.nler· • lD mOll lmportanl acLIT'llJ' occapylns ml!!nt under Proftuor l>Mttr la Uo i •Df: Ja.IDt.r. ' OW. eat. a. U aplrU •_ .... _._.,,,_. th&. ...,. l he tnlad• of Ua i !!ldf al prettent Prot. fond.,.. Nanr"lld-u..- .,. ii. 0. LIDe ll ol41 lt· mat growth. Tbe rlnt tew day• beeplacad la th• .outb Ka.II. Work la prog-re1111lag: nicely on lhl• acade my clallaff In Prote11or Norrt1• Alllloull 1J1g:btt1 oatwel&bed M. tbowt!d a lack of aupport aod co- ,Look rw t &-y .. caa't nab h . • book. NeceHary 4uppUe• Are cum- former ,. r oom occu py lh flr1t floor. C.'1 llne held ttl owo apinll t be operation but wltb the strong, .-put- • .8MJdt a p oa film.a aa d fn1 froin the Engra•t11g Hou&e In Tbe former Cheml1try and rh11tce St.erllng: rorward wa1I and at limb" pit me1&ag:ea, muatc nd other •Pe· f or the good cla1"· Yot1r 1\ansu Cll1 who&e trantllnJt rep · labor1u.orlc1 11ro unoccupied but ruarl 0 f clal reatur tt , together wltb lhe 1up· 8nape-pt 'em ln tlH) 1928 r eAentllve bu m1de freque nt trJpa he uwed u 'i'ltore room• lator. Oa Le 110 ° 0 '. •,b· 0 •,.•. 7 4 woll ln b!a tlr&t con- port of t he ba nd, the reeulU • · Quadrangle. to 1he cnmpu1 for the purpo11e or co· tha second floor uot many cbt.nlN ... b b ur:vina 011,.ratlon with the Staff. havo bccu made. l'roff?IJIOr Btud reronco football. 8ar1e'-t played a. uep •• rln .,.· '- £! 1 l u GI brt ker·,, Olble cl aa11m1. Ibo fJn • ll1b 1l ell1r roto at end, making many owe "" NC 'l:n."U i•nt Id ._,,.opor• . on \'Mt " brllUant tacklee tor Sterling loa1e1. Rev, Rlchard.e blmaelf at "'' .. ' "" DE T" Tl \"O"iT f Under the able manag '1ment ot Sterling'• rtrat counter followed a able an eva ngelist u be 11 a. paator. C.'OLl •™E< JJA r.. .. "' Clyde RUl)Jl lbo Robb Studio 11 1 kept ., .,, ,. t umble In the tlnt quarltr by lbe WUb unhesitating courage he -.truck wn.L 11• .:t .d> TO) fOIUtQW 1 1ul!lllY occunled. Ruth Cripe 1 111 th(!- Jty of tho ft.irmer pllano room belor t di the Sfi yard deep Into the problema or life and arll tl hu lnl<lreatlnr ldeu to E'Ul used H o. roceptlon rool)l. Tbt1 ta ?olePheraon ta Glf nr kl d 1 troth. Ht s 1 8 tbe s pl.r ll or the proph- Sb-tcc11 Coat4'tlt• n'-* Have >; n1en'!tl To on paprr which will lend charm and ao111et hlnJt that lho Coll eae hAI not Uoe. A terlet of of ·Uc O r •e1 0 1 Compete For P lace.. On 1 h A 1 "S'" h ad heretoture and ll wil l be a •Plea• brou1bt the ball lQ tbe aeno ya rd et. He baa a neat , oape menage . f'lnit TeAm dl11llnct veness to L e nnua . ' did thlnf!; It- c1t rrled out. There b&1 Uae and Oa:rdner went o•er. Pon· tbat bu a appeal Crom the . . S.ra:tnt. 1ho Sport Edllor, 11 been no place 10 lalc:e friend•. 'Tia.I· llui ratted lo acore the odd point standpolot of rea and logic. awake a nd Is holdtna: up his • har..-: with 11.n attempted <illropltlck. Pny«"r Blind ed. The Coll<?IO dchalo tr11u.t will be of &be work•nobly. Aaaoc:latea t..aura tor •. or r:ha()tll apeaken when tb•r .. 1: on tbe fourth down wu tackled 00 r eal earnestneu In luterceasory pell· w1U be lbe 1&mo one will ht or11nl11llon work. Room J O. 11111 mMl• - Cha t S M r1 R I ed Tb h U I ed S 1 da.uee In ltoo .m U; The Spect.alor .be 11 , ard Une ud tt wu Bt t r llni'• Uoa. The aplrlt of the meetlD11 wu debated by &be t.earue tblt 1ear-l o u..-lnt'M At Work 1.!' ;.· tbe :.: e:d ab"::,; .. bl net 0 :! : ::: .. '!, malntni d.litaate. Jn the openlns IP«lal numbers of mullc and· 1on1 tSTJ a11te1n of go Terameat. S..nger Crumpacker. wbo with bl1 main• u before. period tollowt oc SttrUnl'• Ont 1Ude1 we re important f eatu res. The Tboee wbo wlll de.rend t.be lfflf#i· aet h'P a nd' compe&e at t.t:1l1tant. E1'· Since tbe Colles e now bu •n OP"' acore lbe Balldoga we,.. 'POlhlns tor- &tortes ror t.be chlldre.o also held no atlYe •re ()I.car l..anllrord, Leonard t"rett Oramme11, l•. dolag bl• bnt to ward ' wtth a a.erlet of line -pl&Jt In· am.all part In the meellag•. A num· Dlrkln, beraldlne.Ct m. D. F . Waas. the Annual a &e1l f·1apporllog •: cladlng a 20 r Jrd caln by ,Can er ber of persou mad.f the great COLeoaard Timmons . P. R. Lange, VI•· activi ty this ye.ar. ll la uealer ertfclcncy wlll bf att.afoed. tC-d_.., .. P ... t..) feaJoa to tak.e as their S.•lor. Ian Spllmao, and Pearl Rblne. ThOM lmpoH lble to do tbl1 wUhout the co· A• a whole the re•hal i! H bee _n nrJ" who •Ill argtu .1 f or lb• uega&he are o}>crallon of 1b,e atudeol body, alum· DB. KURTZ 18 DPl' BUSY bene.Uclal In bulldl.ng up Chrl1lla.n F. E. Baller ; llam Burgin, C'•I· nl and friend• of the ln1lltullon. FlLLINO APl10INl'M.Jr:!\"'DJ character. •lo Dogge, J ... O. Templ eton. fauc The opportunttr la •tlll here f or Somo atu.den ... thtnk that ther are - Tert bu.at, bot could ucU.a 1e The BlolorY I claa 1 9t Soutbweat· , 1ace1 with Dr. K81'll tor a while ern baa placed pe rmanent labels up· tbeT woold d:LtooHr tllal their pre- on t.be repre1e:at.aUn 1 or all trees TIO•• wort. 1'&1 c:ll.ll4'• pla y. Dr. and tbr o.b1 on H UI. A metal K•r ts l.ddrMMCl l bt Llacola coa otr plate beartn1 the common name a.ad 'l' eacben' A.Moc:laUon at VMS*'/ ec1 .. u r1c n a me It p l&ced OD & ata k.e JC.uaaa, Ba turda 7. Sonday a.fteraoou at the bale or the pl aoL Tbl 1 a.Jett pn lb dedi cat ory addreu f or lite loHn of nature Jn ld:entlf1ln1 tl••• U00,000 h i.ah eehool baUd .. n r!oUI l reef a nd ahraba or tbe com· t•( ' at Atl'Uta, Kan• •· Yooclay mun lt7. Dirk•, C&rr oU IUll•, W. E. 818',uv. nbacrlpllona to be recel•ed- Order and .Ralpb Ll!bwat:a. your Annual aOw! The tour con101t.a.nte who place hl. shest IQ. tbe trrout wlll con1tl tute tbe c0Ue1e team. Two altern1te1 The llalemeot wu made in Amer· wlll 'be cbo1en 1lto. Tbert will be DO admlt41 on cbtrlM at tbe tr1out and en rr on 11 to attend. lean Hl1tor1 cl&H th. at Qn the com· mon •cboolt bt Connecticut the b071 and strlt alt toaetber aa "a step la pro1re1s." Robert Blou1b oo hear· Inc the remar k, esclalmed : "8011. let'• ro Eaet." In the h1hire. 8PX'TAT0tt 8 TA.• 'F 0 1\l'K .S P RJtHAN'Jo:!'la "T H OME AT l..AAT After tolllna f attbfullr t or ele•tll weeb wllbout a. plaee tbat ml1bl bl called "home" the 8peet1tor Start wu at lnt .i;l•eo Room U In 8btrp Uulldlo1 to be u1 ed u a permaotat otllce. tor the paper. Tb.la room wtll comptu:iute for tbt om ce la U lt baaernent or Faba."toek Hall wlllctl wu u1ed lllt 1prl o1 to ta1 1rae lbt 1paco of tbe Manu al Tra la.101 Depart .. atiht be apoke at lbe dedlcall oa. or tbi: p•-..,... ValltT 8Cb.ool attoat 11. c. we lcomM 10u to Lbe home. Dr meao1 of radio lbe 1tuden11 of Ot tawa bord t be ,...dertoa or the " Me11lab" br tbe wor&d: -t amed Lind•· bore c:borut w blcb. a.-pear.d lo Kao· ua Cltr Sua daf, No"1Db4r u. meot. Altbousb the number U car· It rou are a boolter set la. tbe rltt wltb lt. a 1uper1tlt1011 elem111t, etp t mUee IO•tb of Ca aton. comtaa ena, tl. Boo1ten' Hcll H. Tlaundar. nevertbele11, tbe Staff fHla 'HIT totuoate Indeed to ban a perasuHt OLVB DrOVI' , abode 11110. TO u BELi> D11C1111B11B 11 Gridiron Battl e With South 'We$terta ThurMlay The por aoberoaua that 11o10;,p to AU •b- .. .;;;;:-; .. ,_ 1a .,,. And of Harnly Hall Friday to be !':.c':';:_.;;: . 7 m:;:" ,:: :: .::; Main (faturu of Second Annual :: :;i:; . .. .. !': ':u ": nMT " Decea ber I. TM tJ7'09t Wllea ;Coee tl f&Tortt.e wJt.b • 10·• •lctorr ner S.U.,•r Wt eo a lnc ena.tl. A NUer Ume tor u tollow1: Wedo.... ,. •• n.,.. ..._..._ Will ._ oa tba t liq elp .. a&l'elMe• 08 Use cri4J.roa w.U: ue det ermtc .. to wta lu t d.Nk:allD.1 tbia be a• U1"1t aa4 1tatel)' dar. 1; 10-S:IO P. II., J"rtUr, l :H - l :H lo l :H P. M. 1o t.-t IM - of tilt- ·-"'" ' all odU. Ull coal4 aot u .. l>Mllj ••· lllaor -:It P. 11 •• BolarU)' , l: tt A. II. Del ' •, ..... , m..a W U' t.M4ope 1Met eiqaat t otbotb a lamal eaa come to tbe bom .. --a:ae P, M. Al l eoff" a u& k.... A ....... __,. ....... Ina UF lotofWtn. Ille - - - el II. iM... t ootMl l lo '- - .. -•"'4 - ·ca- .. ... - - eltb• - la belore 1 -F - llloF. It llllall ,_.... .... _. -1 _.,.. w1ll a.-- - · tC Ille •.,W ol4 Mrer• or an. tlla& - to lo un .... aa.. ____ _.w........ .• ' H .. a_ WU. _twe ,bla_ ....... - ·- ---- - - _____ .._.. .... - - ... .. ::.: .. a - - ... . ..! ........ .................... ,., - ,,... ...... .... ... - .. -7'_ • -- r-,' ·.· - ,.., ........

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Page 1: VOWKB&. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 No. 11 FRIENOS, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v6-11r.pdf · T he McPben~lc1e Bulldog• 'derful toeial orraniam. ' • The

\ I


···"11-' f; < i

. VOWKB&. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 No. 11


Skri.ln.s Makee Two To11Cbdowu Dr TaJd"I A.dHD~ t.t

Ill,. O. F'am-


Carter I a Star 7r0un~ Gardner, fr>'O. aad 6to1'er Feat.Ure

F or WoodY-• Eleven

I THANKS CIV IN C Dean H. J . tlun.I)'

I am thankful that I am hunsrr and that I am li• inr in • world environment U. which my hun,ry body, mmd, ud spirit findo abundant food; every thiua that body, mind, and •pirit c.n poHibly n eed Co r life, s towth, and developmenl


FOR RF.ST tF W1N111t IHPArfm~n1" ()f H .. tOr)·, 8cl~

And Pine Aria Are LocatM l a 8-1)• HAU

lHim)· Cluol.((e,_ Arc Oroa,st;at .t.bo•ll la Ar1·au•ge111cnc. of J)epuimeat•

In Shnrp Dutltllaa. I am thankful for the tena of thouaando of oenranta who from thia bounti· fut environment miniater to my everr need. I am thankful tha t it ia my privileae to reciprocate in thi1 aervice and thu1 help to maintain thia won·

T he McPben~lc1e Bulldog• 'derful toeial orraniam. ' • The v1rtoua dcparlm&nl• or lll• tailed to llQP the wlanln1.1,trld e of college havo at l•l!lt round the ir new St.erllo1'• "wonder team" ldl Thur•· I ain thankful that I may, per b.ae1 dimly • • throu1h a 1laaa darkly, viaual· bome ror the wfoter In Hu I · _llall day In • fle reely contHted gr idiron ize God lhrouah Chriat creatia.11' and maintain inr tbia wonderful life &iv . The Mualc ~partmcnt l~:ludla~ battle ola1ed before t'l.I~ latter'• inc environment and that all tbeM • • rva.nta .of- · mine a r e more and more l'Oke. 1>la no. and mu11c 1tudlet wu homecomlnr crowd. The team• rieualizinc thia life siTin1 conatructive aoc.ia liatic Ja w of" aervice and loYe . movC!d tn Saturday. Practlcally all were rat.he r eYtDIT matched ' . but ( am aho thankful for the new Science Ha ll. lhf! claues are l~ated except tbOH Sterllnr, twice taking adnntaae ot ot Ptoreuor Yoder. He hH betD .o Balldo1 urort, prod.aced the r.. bo.1y flndln1 bomt:1 tor th• rfft ot qatred puneb to pu1h tbe o•al onr the teachen tht he rorcot to pro-

- the goal Une and won whb & Kore Tide tor hlmll@lf. ot u.o. Tbe flnt floor of t.be new b•tld·

Coach Wood1'1 Oarrelmaken were =======;r===="""=,=,=,=.=.=, =,=,=.=,=,=.= •• 'C"l'l=Ul.'==ST=AR=T= IS= =U= 1= nE==":. : Ing I• occupied br tbe Cbtmllltr aa•

a t their belt, dtepla1ln1 all the clau Dl'VIVAL BROUGHT TO fll1(, mAU' Hl11tor1 Department.a. On tlle MC• tpt bu c1rrttd them tbrouch three IUi•t•. AtteacJea AU 'rti "Kocbk~nl ond floor arti found tbe Pb1ilcl aad 'Pf'9\'IOGl•tctorlu. Captain Oardaer. ASlJ"l'r"~"CLOSE ••· Aod shoot.ft. o r Mea·· ON 1923 QUlnDIUME" )lathem•tlcs Dep.rlmeall, •llill• oa. FrJt. and Sto.-er, t.be latter a K. U. ~UL lll1l\.llA\ILr. t.be third floor are t.be Dtpartm"tt: recruit; coml)Oted a tbf'ee6man of· --·- • >lake tbOM • aaPf U\'~ .oa. of A&rlculture. O.Olosr. Pb)'ltoto17, foal•• lbal WU al t tmee bard to S PLEP..'DID OO-OPERA!l'!:ON SJIOWN • IG« •em la the Ana.a.a.I. \!'Oil PHOTOOllAPKE R IS KEPT Bl'$\' •nd Blolosr; Had OD lb• ta.rtlla atop. Captain Carter or the Bait- DUBISG L4&T PA.RT OF wt1I e-.tor ahowt .. rJ\em &o &he TAKI SO PIOTUREE( FOR rlOor are localed lhe Ptae ArU ••• doc•. wllb bl• •bitty run.aln,1, ,,.. ICEE'l'l."iGS home folb allll )·ou.r t riMd•. YEAR-BOOK "'e AfUIM!um. tlle ontatudl.a& tt&r of the pme a.nd __ 1· YOW" • 1&ap9 wllJ be a ipeclaJ Maay (.._~ Are lbde repeatedlr pluosect tbroash tbe Atter two wee.kl ot earoeet ea- • fOMare ot oar AA.aaa.I th.I• The UU Quadun11te •Hb lt.1 ll•nY cba.ng11 ban bMo made la SterHDI flnl Une d efenae

4for bll dea'Tor the rerint meeUog:a came to • JeiU°• Of'C. bMy and pc. )'OIU'll no•el 11nd orl1tnal t eaturet1 la the Sharp Bulldlog. Tbe Bibi• O.,.rt•

&a.in•. Clark allo reata«- u a a ctoae aundar eveo.ta1• Tbe l.nler· • lD ~lJ". mOll lmportanl acLIT'llJ' occapylns ml!!nt under Proftuor l>Mttr la Uoi•Df: Ja.IDt.r. ' OW. • eat. a.U aplrU ~..a~..aor- • _ .... _._.,,,_.th&. ~ ...,. • l he tnlad• of Uai !!ldf al prettent Prot. Mohlf1r~ fond.,.. Nanr"lld-u..-

.,. ii. 0. LIDe llol41 lt• · mat growth. Tbe rlnt tew day• bee• placad la th• .outb Ka.II. Work la prog-re1111lag: nicely on lhl• acade my clallaff In Prote11or Norrt1• Alllloull 1J1g:btt1 oatwel&bed M. tbowt!d a lack of aupport aod co- • ,Look rw t&-y .. caa't nab• h . • book. NeceHary 4uppUe• Are cum- former,. room occu py lh flr1t floor.

C.'1 llne held ttl owo apinll tbe operation but wltb the strong, .-put- • .8MJdt a p oa film.a aad tta~h fn1 froin the Engra•t11g Hou&e In Tbe forme r Che ml1try and rh11tce St.erllng: rorward wa1I and at limb" pit me1&ag:ea, muatc a·nd other •Pe· • for t h e good cla1"· Yot1r 1\ansu Cll1 who&e t rantllnJt rep· labor1u.orlc1 11ro unoccupied but ruarl opene~ 0f ~=II ~~~d~~. ~::~~~ ~~1~ clal reaturtt, together wltb lhe 1up· • 8nape-pt 'em ln tlH) 1928 reAent• llve bu m1de frequent trJpa he uwed u 'i'ltore room• lator. Oa Le110

°0'. •,b·


4 u~ woll ln b!a tlr&t con- port of the pran~ ba nd, th e reeulU • · Quadrangle. to 1he cnmpu1 for the purpo11e or co· tha second floor uot many cbt.nlN

... b b ur:vina 011,.ratlon with the Staff. havo bccu made. l'roff?IJIOr Btud e· reronco football. 8ar1e'-t played a. u ep ••rln -~raM"" .,.· DeJJ,,-~.• • • ' ~ '- ~. • • £! 1 l ~ u GI brtker·,, Olble claa11m1. Ibo fJn• ll1b 1lell1r roto at end , mak ing m any owe "" NC 'l:n."U ~p i•nt Id ._,,.opor• . on • \'Mt "

brllUant tacklee tor Sterling loa1e1. Rev, Rlchard.e pr~ved blmaelf at "'' .. ' "" DE T" T l\"O"iT f Under the able manag'1ment ot ~1::~~e:·8 ~~:or~:r. ;~~;~1~1 c!a~~ea011b,.ll: Sterling'• rtrat counter followed a a ble a n eva ngelist u be 11 a. paator. C.'OLl•™E< JJA r.. .. "' Clyde RUl)Jl lbo Robb Studio 111 kept ., .,, ,. t um ble In the tlnt quarltr by lbe WUb unhesitating courage h e -.truck wn.L n•~ 11•.:t .d> TO)fOIUtQW 11ul!lllY occunled. Ruth Cripe 1111 th(!- Jty of tho ft.irmer pllano room belor

t di the Sfi yard deep Into the problema or life and arllt l hu lnl<lreatlnr ldeu to E'Ul used H o. roceptlon rool)l. Tbt1 ta ?olePheraon t a Glf nr • kl d 1 troth. Hts 18 tbe spl.r ll or the proph- Sb-tcc11 Coat4'tlt• n'-* Have >; n1en'!tl To on paprr which will lend charm and ao111ethlnJt that lho Colleae hAI not Uoe. A terlet of of ·Uc O r •e1 • 0 1 Compete For P lace.. On 1 h A 1 "S' " h ad heretoture a nd ll will be a •Plea• brou1bt the b all lQ tbe aeno ya rd et. He baa a neat , oape menage . f'lnit TeAm dl11llnct veness to L e nnua . ' did thlnf!; It- c1trrled out. There b&1 Uae and Oa:rdner went o•er. Pon· tbat bu a wonder~tu.I appeal Crom the . . S.ra:tnt. 1ho Sport Edllor, 11 wld~ been no place

10 lalc:e friend•. 'Tia.I·

llui ratted lo acore the odd point standpolot of rea and logic. • awake and Is holdtna: up his • har..-: with 11.n attempted <illropltlck. • Pny«"r Blind ed. The Coll<?I O dcha lo tr11u.t will be of &be work•nobly. Aaaoc:latea t..aura tor•. or r:ha()tll apeaken when tb•r

.. ~:r-=::!~£=.r~~~:~:: ~:::~=~::.{·~::~7::·::~:=::.~:·: ~~:~~:;~:··I~f::~~ti~ d:=~~==: ~~~~::··:r::::~f:~·:~:~.::r::~~·i r~~[~;:~~p~~~~~:1:f ~:f 1: on tbe fourth down wu tackled 00 r eal earnestneu In luterceasory pell· w1U be lbe 1&mo one wbld~ will ht or11nl11llon work. Room JO. ~ti•

11111 mMl• -

Cha t S M r1 R I ed Tb h U I ed S 1 da.uee In ltoo.m U ; The Spect.alor .be 11 , ard Une ud tt wu Bt t rllni'• Uoa. The aplrlt of the meetlD11 wu debated by &be t.earue tblt 1ear-l o u..-lnt'M ~t•a-.:erw At Work

:~~· ,.~:·::,:.:::• .~~ ~:, d:~':': ~~I~ 1.!';.· tbe :.: ~"':: e:d •;~= ab"::,; a~opl :~~ ~ .. b lnet0 ~•rll•::e:'. !al~•":;:: :!: "';:~:.::·~~:!:~~':'. ::: 1,~:·~:m':::..~:1'0~.'; .. ~:=, '!, malntni d.litaate. Jn the openlns IP«lal numbers of mullc and· 1on1 tSTJ a11te1n of goTerameat. S..nger Crumpacke r . wbo with bl1 main• u before.

period tollowtoc SttrUnl'• Ont 1Ude1 we re important features. The Tboee wbo wlll de.rend t.be lfflf#i· aeth'P and' compe&eat t.t:1l1tant. E1'· Since tbe Collese now bu •n OP"' acore lbe Balldoga we,.. 'POlhlns tor- &tortes ror t.be chlldre.o also held no atlYe •re ()I.car l..anllrord, Leonard t"rett Oramme11, l•. dolag bl• bnt to

• ward ' wtth a a.erlet of line -pl&Jt In· am.all part In the meellag•. A num· Dlrkln, beraldlne .Ct m. D. F . Waas. taak~ the Annual a &e1lf·1apporllog =~~;~!~t •: ~:a=bn~:r:da:~::t:b: cladlng a 20 r Jrd caln by ,Can er ber of persou mad.f the great COD· Leoaard Timmons. P. R. Lange, VI•· activi ty this ye.ar. Hown~r, ll la ueale r ertfclcncy wlll bf att.afoed.

• tC-d_.., .. P ... t..) feaJoa to tak.e Chr~t as their S.•lor. Ian Spllmao, and Pearl Rblne. ThOM lmpoH lble to do tbl1 wUhout the co· A• a whole the re•hal i!H bee_n nrJ" who •Ill argtu.1 for lb• uega&he are o}>crallon of 1b,e atudeol body, alum·

DB. KURTZ 18 DPl' BUSY bene.Uclal In bulldl.n g up Chrl1lla.n F. E. Baller; W~ llam Burgin, C'•I· nl and friend• of the ln1lltullon. FlLLINO APl10INl'M.Jr:!\"'DJ characte r. •lo Dogge, J ... O. Templeton. fauc The opportunttr la •tlll here for

Somo atu.den ... thtnk that ther are -Tert bu.at, bot could tb~y ucU.a1e The BlolorY I claa1 9 t Soutbweat· , 1ace1 with Dr. K81'll tor a while ern baa placed permanent labels up· tbeT woold d:LtooHr tllal their pre - on t.be repre1e:at.aUn1 or all t rees TIO•• wort. 1'&1 c:ll.ll4'• play. Dr. a nd tbr o.b1 on Colle~e H UI. A metal K•rts l.ddrMMCl lbt Llacola coa otr plate beartn1 the common n ame a.ad 'l'eacben' A.Moc:laUon a t VMS*'/ ec1 .. u r1c n a me It p l&ced OD & atak.e JC.uaaa, Baturda7. Sonday a.fteraoou at th e bale or t he plaoL Tbl1 a.Jett • pn lb• dedicatory addreu for lite loHn of nature Jn ld:entlf1ln1 tl• ••• U00,000 h i.ah eehool baUd .. n r !oUI l reef a nd ahraba or tbe com· t•( 'at Atl'Uta, Kan••· Yooclay mun lt7.

Dirk•, C&rroU IUll•, W. E. 8 18',uv. nbacrlpllona to be recel•ed- Order and .Ralpb Ll!bwat:a. your Annual aOw!

The tour con101t.a.nte who place hl.shest IQ. tbe trrout wlll con1tltute tbe c0Ue1e team. Two altern1te1 The llalemeot wu made in Amer· wlll ' be cbo1en 1lto. Tbert will be DO admlt41on cbtrlM at t be tr1out and en rr on 11 111'\t~itd to attend.

lean Hl1tor1 cl&H th.at Qn the com· mon •cboolt bt Connecticut the b071 and strlt alt toaetber aa "a step la pro1re1s." Robert Blou1b oo hear· Inc the remar k, esclalmed : "8011. let'• ro Eaet."

In the h1hire.

8P•X'TAT0tt 8 TA.•'F 0 1\l'K .S P RJtHAN'Jo:!'la"T H OME AT l..AAT

After tolllna fattbfullr tor ele•tll weeb wllbout a. plaee tbat ml1bl bl called "home" the 8peet1tor Start wu at lnt .i;l•eo Room U In 8btrp Uulldlo1 to be u1ed u a permaotat otllce. tor the paper. Tb.la room wtll comptu:iute for tbt omce la Ult baaernent or Faba."toek Hall wlllctl wu u1ed lllt 1prlo1 to ta11rae l bt 1paco of tb e Manu al T ra la.101 Depart ..

atiht be apoke a t lbe dedlcalloa. or tbi: p•• -..,... ValltT 8Cb.ool attoat 11. c. we lcomM 10u to Lbe home.

Dr meao1 of radio lbe 1t uden11 of Ottawa bord t be ,...dertoa or the " Me11lab " br tbe wor&d:-t amed Lind•· bore c:borut wblcb. a.-pear.d lo Kao· ua Cltr Suadaf, No"1Db4r u .

meot. Altbousb the number U car· It rou are a boolter set la. tbe rltt wlt b lt. a 1uper1tlt1011 elem111t,

etp t mUee IO•tb of Caaton . comtaa ena,tl. Boo1ten' HcllH. Tlaundar. nevertbele11, tbe Staff fHla 'HIT tor· tuoate Indeed to ban a perasuHt

~ OLVB DrOVI' • , abode 11110. • TO u BELi> D11C1111B11B 11 Gridiron Battle With South'We$terta ThurMlay The poraoberoaua that 11o10;,p to

AU •b- .. .;;;;:-; .. ,_ 1a .,,. And Dedka~ of Harnly Hall Friday to be ~~: !':.c':';:_.;;:.7m:;:" ,:::: .::; =-·~::' ~: ::!~1: Main (faturu of Second Annual H~omitia :: :;i:; ~~;~ ... ';;~u:: ~~ .. !':':u ": nMT " Deceaber I . TM tJ7'09t Wllea ;Coeetl d..oabocI'~ f&Tortt.e wJt.b • 10·• •lctorr ner S.U.,•r Wt eoa lnc ena.tl. A NUer Ume tor u t ollow1: Wedo....,. • •• n.,.. ..._..._ Will ._ oa tbat liq elp .. a&l'elMe• 08 Use cri4J.roa w.U: u e determtc .. to wta ~ lu t d.Nk:allD.1 tbia bea•U1"1taa4 1tatel)' dar. 1 ;10-S:IO P. II., J"rtUr, l :H - l :H lo l :H P . M. la~ Tit~ ~ 1o t.-t IM - of tilt-·-"'"' all odU. Ull coal4 aot u .. l>Mllj ••· lllaor -:It P . 11 •• BolarU)', l :tt A. II. Del'•,....., m..a .,~._..__...._Mood~ WU' t.M4ope 1Met eiqaat totbotb a lamal tr~ eaa come to tbe bom .. --a:ae P, M. All eoff" a u& k....

A ....... __,. ....... Ina UF lotofWtn. Ille - - - el II. iM... t ootMll lo'- - .. -•"'4 - ·ca-..... - - eltb• - la belore 1 o·doe~ -F - llloF. It llllall ,_.... ~ .... _. -1 _.,.. w1ll a.--- · tC Ille •.,W ol4 Mrer• or an. tlla& - to lo u n ....aa.. ____ _.w........ .• ' H .. a_ WU. _twe ,bla_ ....... - ·- ----- -_____ .._.. .... - - ... ~=--..-..;.....,,, .. ::.: ~ -'::.:..~..: .. a - - ... . ..! ........ .:-~ .................... ,., -,,... ...... ·~.. .... ... - .. -7'_ -· • - - ~' r-,' ----.~,---....---· ·.· - ,.., [··~..,..~!'""-,._"' ~~- - .~--.: ........

Page 2: VOWKB&. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 No. 11 FRIENOS, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v6-11r.pdf · T he McPben~lc1e Bulldog• 'derful toeial orraniam. ' • The

The Spectator \ tblns wortb wbJle. 1 .. tca Carter 1": II. c . .A. OOlfVX!l'ftQll JM dHOllODI • •tb .. 8crlptQrt J'ed.. WAii GBZAT 'Uni DOTY

~b11ah.cl .. GT WMk at McPber- IDS taken tram the tOG.rtb cbapter ot • - CoUoor• bJ' _tho Blldaat Couell. ProT..,.., · ;1o1ui L _., - s. ~· ~

::. i:. ·:= .... '::· ~ ''"· .,.....nua.a maela wtt, ~or. u4 pkli-pby. n. pnipam ·win beclD at el~bt o'clock. Mmlootoa bJ' 8ta4ut ActlYlty Uc.ket OI' '°

___ __ ._ ______ •1· Tb• wbole procnm wu bued 01t .....,. IL ~ w ... 11eec. •tend u MCCUUl clua mattv tbe real and fmJl&UOD in Art. Marte O.........._ 8~ ln orde r to esoedtte tlMl an._. meat.a.for PrtdaJ t.be .lolknrlai-.... been appolDted u cha.Inn.ea of com. m1u ... to ... ann tb• nMda of U.. Ylalton Wbo wUI come to W'ftaee.-~ dedJc&UOa of th• Sclace Ball:

Jroft.Mr JO. 1117, at Ult PGttotflce Collen rendered a be&atUa.l •oeal fiolo a t MePJaeqNJD, Kaua.I, aader tbe act after wbtcb Ursala Flory p ·Ye 10111• e t 1(&rcla I, llt7. Hrt Ylfld UluatraUona ot th• trae

and fal1e In ArL Tbe Art toda7 la • 811b1CJ"frtfon $1.H per year lD ad- ror trutb In e1'er'7 phaae or lt-U'4N­TUte.. ture, mualc, and bome-balldlna. Tile

aoul m"\11t be fed H properly u tbe EJlr:r<lllUL 8TAFF body.

__ Bii Sliter• and Little Sl•ter• ontue D. Pote.. .....•..... Edltor .. Jo-Oblet It you mlued tbl1 meeting tben don't E1ic!C! S • .A.Jmeu .... -A11oclate Editor b e cullty or detracting from- the rlcb­

"' J:Yerett M. Brubaker At1oc:lale Bdltor nta.1 or your eol1qe ute by mlHlng Dale StTlekler ......•..•• .Athletic lldUor tbe ~ext one. Re......... . - ---- -t.an. ?afcOaltey Earl Llabolm TANDY MAC'ltENZIE WILL SdW&J"d lAtner Mabel Hottman SING THtJRSDAl~ NIGHT Jleetba BtadelMlll:er Ralph OlllOD

Oo•trtbat.on. Tandy Mscll:ensle, the younc Haw-Dr. HarnlJ Dr. CJ"alk, Ealella En- atlao tenor, wlll a ppear at Lbe Opera

cle, Enrett Brammell. LUUan AD• Jfoote Thursday nl&ht .. tbe teeood drew•, Clarence Showalter, ROM number of tbe McPherson Concert Turcotte, Ould Brubaker, Anna Seriff. Mr. Mackenzie, wbo waa di•· ltd•ecomb, Arno Rodt!a, Ethel Hll1, coYered bf John M'CCormac1r:, the ROJ' Hylton~ Ada Kurtz. and Ira greateet o( llvlna tenon, poueuea BrammeU. nn unuauslly t ine tenor "Joice ~nd tbo

BUSINESS STAFF program wblch be will ghe wlU be VUH D. Dettl- •...•• Bualneee Mon11er Paut Sar1ent ... ~.A11't, Bu1lne11 Mrr.

FAOIJLTV ADVIJlER8 Prof. McGatre1 Dr. Cra!k

Addreu all corl'ftponde6Ce tO' Tbe lpect.ator. NcPbenoo, Kanaaa.

Wllb eTerytblng In r eadineo tor tbo celebra tion of tbe eecond ITe&t B omeeomtng Day ll. a. extend• a 1:DOlt cordlal ln•ltaUon to lhf" alumni and trtendt ot tbe ln•lltullon to be preaent for the occatlon. The ennll of this rea.r'11 homecoming nro coins to he high water 1narkll Jn tbo blatory Of your Alma Mater BO YOU eaunot afford to lot the opportunity ot aoelng them pasa by' without your

• mo1t caretul coa.tlderaUon.

one that mu~tc Jo•en c&n 'Well atrord to auend. "'° The program begin• at 8:3 P. M.

Y, M . C. A.


Or. W. c. Hea.aton, an alumoua or PJ. C. and one or the prominenL J1.lu'­dctaD1 or tbe city, could not rm bis appointment at the meeting ot the \'. M. C. A. Wedneaday morning ao f)r . Harnly waa called upon Lo gl•e a talk. Taking " Hun1er and Food" u bit aubJect Dr. HarnJJ then. In h la own inlereallng way. proceeded to' disclose a wealth or Jmow1ed1e nbout the dlfre rent organh1m1 and ror1D1 of llfe and how they secure thotr food. · Thu lbe talk wos greatly enjoyed was ovtdenl from the hearty apptauae which Dr. Harnly ""H 1Jven at tbe cloae or the period.

• /


LeR01 Doq, • delttate ot tb• lo. cat.a. • ... cal Y. M,, C. ·A. ot llcPbenoa Col· l•s• w\o attended lbe Fortt-llnt So m&D7 t.bJap to 11Ye thanb fOT! lnternallon.al CoJlnnUon or tbe Oar blNliDP,. t.bey aeem. wttll.oat Young Mea'1 Cbrtauan A•odaUoa at ead-Atlan.Uc Cltr, N~ JerMJ, Nol'ember Bat r11 not tor1et to ghe thank& tor lf•lt, returned WeOnMda:t m.orn- Tbe dear, bleued Ion of a friend. tns with a " .. •r:t ta•orable lmp~U11oo ot the meetlnc. This con'fentlon waa held Jn the Con'fenUon Hall c.r Youo1'1 Mlllloo Dollar Pier on ct.be Boardwalk. Tbe number of act\1al

P'unkbouaer (in one of the down town catet:) "Do you ha•e any pie without a topf "

•otlnc delecatn and aaoclate dele- Sit fn tbe Dooetera' section Tbun-cate- wa1 nearlr t•·o lhotuaad. day.

Lodctq: .,_, B. B. Ebel: Res· f.U.tloa, 0. N. Boone: Banqaet aapemetoa, Mlle Edltll 11eO.tr.,:; A.hamnl lnepecUon ot Betldlap ud. Campu1, Dr. It Lo. CraJll:. It U arc­ed lbal 1tudentA1 and fac'llltJ' co­operate wltb tb•e penona to th• i tuUest extent ln matdn1 au Tlltton. ' feel a.t bome tbroacbout the day.

Tbe outatandtng apeaken on tbe ~~==========k===========::.. ~:::~m&~:~~·.!:~!.~:~ D~: ••••••••••••••••••••••••4!••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fcedlck. Tho lbeme of the conen- Free For All! Turkey!

Booct lbe BaUdop.

Uoo centered around lbe subject ot <bo U•lled El!on or <be AMoctouoo Wedne.ciay noon at 12 o'clock from our ::~tba•;!O:;,d:•1;u'r;1:i!:".::i,:::. store with worken I• lodoatry, wltb ool· we will throw into the street below about a dozen dlert1 and ullo,., with college aod LIVE FOWLS unlvoralty 11udenu. and wtth creal Catch who catch can. Perhaps you are the lucky man. racial groupa. Otber Important 111b· ~eh fowl will haTe in ill crop a sreea pilJ l•••• dl1cu11ed were: The Can or In this pill will be a slip of paper giving credit in our store la.tluence of Chr;leUaolty tn lbe Bo· on merchandise, from the amount of

~;~0•0~~~~;::·~·~~:::~;:~·n:r· ~~! Fifty Cent. to Twenty Dollars DrGUaarbood. CommlHlou rePoned The guinea may get the twenty dollar one. The Tur-on Ibo occupalloo or the fleld, 1bo key may get the fifty cent one. Be on hand and join the approac.h to the churchea and •oc::a~ fun.

• . • . . : . .

tlonal tralnlnc. · Tbe atadent aeaioo at the con­

Ytntlon ltd by n adent councUa (al&tt, reclonal, a.ad naUona.l) wort­~ out a untrorm bula or pu.rpoae

CITY NEWS AND MUSIC SHOP : : D. C. STEEL&, Prop. : ....... ...•.•.............•.......•.•.••........•••• :

:>~~=;::~~fpa17~~c: .7::.e:;n:;.-:,: :•• • • • • ••••• • ••••••• •••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••

clallono. An unuaual •olrlt ol co- : IF YOU READ OUR AD. . s : operation Wat manUesled. The ef- : :

~::~~J~e~~ :,~r~~:~~ntto &8~:!!:u!!: : : Into on• great unfllod moyement for : LISTEN. TO THIS- : Uvlng t?!e Chrl•tlan Ute. A comml11- : . • 1ton w11 aoPolnted to mak~ a study • :

ol tbe n~Uon•i.:"••ll~n ot •tud~nl : We handle all men's furn' h' Th' : ~11~~.:.~lc wou touc everr u10- . : 1$ ings. lS :

The reoolullo•• adopted aJ>d t~• : cold weather calls for wool hose. We have : undertakln1• ot tbla coonaU.oo will : •

A,lons with the bomecomlnc eYont1 there will be score. and eeoree ot friend• bere· tbal you wlU be 1lad to tee once more. You w111 alao ban the prlYIJece of aeelo1 tor .70Dnalt the ma.o71chan1u In your Alma Mater-tbe oae place thal 1'H been btld dear In your memorr since )'OU left.

10:00 o'clodt. A. M .. (Chapel) Prelldeol D. W . Kurlt., ~- If., D. D .•


.. doubledly 10 d.,.n .. a ,, .. t • a complete line of inter-woven hose that will : •l>OCb In tbe b.istory or the ChrtaUan : SUit the taste- • : world. McPbenon Collece 114• beca : :

l!•cu7 effort bh beea. put forth LO make tbla 1eeond homecomla.1 an Hent wblcb wm be ben&Uclal and Ions remembered. It bH bean pro­p.ared oepeclally for you 10 M. 0. a1aln extflnda her mol!lt cordlial ln­TitaUon fo1" you to attend.

We welcome you to tbo aotond sreat Homecomlnc!


Proc6Mlonal- Marche RelWeun (OU1ette), Miu Jeufe Brown. 8. 111.

ln•ocaUon- Rn. c. E. Sayre, A. M., Ph. 0., Putor Coogregatlonal Church.

(a) Canto Amoroe.a, (Sarnmartlnl· Alman),

(b) Mln\1et Jn E., (Czerwon'ky) . Proteuor A. R. Lauer. A. 8., B. N.

Addrl!ld-- "Wbat Science Does

::r~b~:rt;~:~e !:n:~::: ~0~e•::: : :. - FAT. good •111 reault from ft. : • . : • • E:cchaiagea : :

ed T~:r!•k:: •• ~~:m:i:;. c1:,~::::::;: i Guarantee . Clothing Co. i November U tor tbe benefit of the : : Student R eller Fund. • •

··························•••·············•······•··· Fallb," Re•. Edward Franta, Tbe Glee Chtb ot Park Colle&e la ============~============ ~·c:b~!~··~~:.~a~:t:~t :! planotns a trio to Chlc&co between ·-•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •••• ••••• •••• .. •••••• ..

Qoa~:~oopel 111 .... ager. ••m .. 1ort1. Concerto •IU be clff• : DO YOU KNOW : :l.~i!~~~:;i~:~; (a) In lbe Gloaml•c~~~m- :;~:;::; .. :;~;;~;:;11 ~. THAT YOU HA VE THE LARGEST !

. wta41 .. otreams. Ho carpeted It 1~:.X.~!;';.:o ::::~:,~•o Tbee, hrs Manual Train! .. Normal ocbool : MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY IN : wt~ aott-romnr pratrtea aa.d col· t1 completlnc plau ror a new •taJ· : : am•OCI It with tbUDdorlllc moun· ~:;,•.~· .:~·;.:::.";:: Kort•, Sbo- dlum to be bullt on Ibo football • KANSAS RIGHT AT HOME? •

• :J.!'"10~::,oe1anl~ ;:,i:.i. ~::::; Plano Solo-Hunculan Rbap1odte. 11014

' __ : , 2. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AND SUPPORT : with ooag. No. I, (Liiia), 111111 Elalo Kii•· so .. ral claue1 In reductloa ezor : HOME INSTITUTIONS? :

Tben Ho called unto a lbou1and kermaa, B. Ill. 01" 1 are belac • llarted at KA• ... : IF SO AND Tl.I£ BEST JS YOUR CHOICE : The care\erta at 12:SO will be In Unl•ertltJ' and alre•d1 more tban • ·~· •

:::: ,::~. iu~::;n::m~b~r!~""',e;! c:barce ot Mfta Walten and tbe tUt1 women hue alped '1p. Wal- : CHOOSE : tDdl or tbe earth. each bearlnr " Hom~ EconomJc11 department. lace red\1ctlon record.a will be uaed =: FARMERS AWANCE •:• rttt a.ad • bope Tbe ·clow ol ad- a:oo 0 doek, P. K., ({)bapel) u well aa cl&11 exereJ•· venture wu In· the.Ir eJe., and In Profe1tor J. J . Yoder, A. B., Pre1ldent tbetr hurt1 the 1lorr or tallb. or tbe Board ot Tru1teea. PTelld· Tbe tlrat lllt!:P toQl'd sa•la• ID : INSURANCE COMPANY :

And oat of the boantJ ot earth Inc. DNd\lctlon 11 lo find.in& out where : •

u4 the labor ot meio, out ot the laYocatlon- Re• . F . J. Hjelm, A. B., tb.co"rred"". DteeaTbltarc1an•rpebe •d-ooo aoroel• lbn; :. : loll&'IDS ol bearta aad p..,.or ol Putor Swedish Mlslloa Cb•rcb. , , McPherson, Kamu ·: eoala, out or the memorJ of aiu Naming of the Balldlna:- -Prealde~t keepln1 can1tul et:PtAM aocoanta.- : RESOURCES $

750 000 00 •

aa4 lbt bo- ol tbo world, Oad D. W. Karu, A. Ill .. D. D., aud K• .... l nduotrlallol. • • • t • •

luloloDOCI a naUoa la IOYO, bl....S Doan H. J. Hornly, A. M., Pb. D. < : POLICIES IN FOR~~J.~,000.00 : It wllll PDl1>0tt aubllme, aad o:alled Coraot 8oto-Kl•c Kat11IYal, (KTJI), Tbore It a ..-1bllllJ' of Ibo for• : FIRE LIGHTENING, .W mDSTORM : tt AVllR.IOA. • B. A. · Mr. A. E. Sao RomanL maUon or a women't deb&Ung tea.m • . • . , • •

Acldreu ot AppreclaUon to tbe Ctt:y at F'alrmount to compete •Ith teams :•••••••••••••••••••••••;•••••••••••••••••••••••••••= :~~~ ~od~~~ A~;.oq-ProfMHr !~~~r 1!::!,~~ta1:· ~:ua4':9~~:::. •:!!========================== Y. W. 0. A.

ft• dH0Uon1 tor Y. W. WednM· R~p;~:~K~B~~. Krebblel •nd ::~~~a~~= ,:~:::.~tno~e:~e •=.:.; :••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••"•••••: =. ::::::. ':! 1.:,~d':~":b ,:: Trio In lil ll'ltt Mtlor tor Violin. Vlola w'I"'""· : FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER : nad WU U.e Utb Ptahq. Follow· " and Plano, (Moaa.rt), 1i1 .. ra. • . : ... a piano aolo by Beralce P .. lt. Laaer, Gaw aad Marlt. l. 8XITR DAMRON TO GIVE • REMEMBER : ....... Beletrom told 90111.• ... f'7 ID· RMPGDMI from Atumaf-J'. o. bL DlitllO...~flTB&BD LSOrUa& • .__.... w..- about the y, w. HI, M. S.. and C. 11". OutahoD, ( : ..... .,..lluope. All ,., lllrlt p...,.. M. 8., aad -lbl1 otherw. "Tllo Pouor aa4 the Cl&J'," an OCI- We h ave a full line of F:reah Fruita and Veptablea, Can-• & ..,. talea llll'Oas• the qu.Jnt Collec• Sona. ll91UOaal demoaatr&Ud art enter-elllatl or a....., Gllat, aa4 8 ,..... IJUopeelloa or the BaU4111&' u4 Cut· lalaaut wtll M 111_ la tho cbapal dh and Nata, Staple and Fancy Groceries. - • llJoa Balatrom ,alated wo'I. llU. eoaducteol by ••• Alamal oa tllo analq ol -- I bJ' J . £vU7ilWI&' good to eat. Get the habit, call ,...._ ol - ol\7. ft• • clrlo "-latloa. S..lill Dam.-. Ibo - erattamaa. - -.. T. W. lOla Ill _...t. ' ....... "- Mr. Daa"'• lo a p...ueal polJ>lr,•MY· ........ - B- OD. the "A7 t :lt o'eiool<-Baa•ut bl ArMl4 Ball taa worked at tho - for ,_,.; • - - told - er th T. w. .iai .. ,_ r ... .f.1._t, -· too 1o .., .._ w1t1a lllo "°" 0. ;&. ..... Ill ........ • tr .... 'fldtorw. tor.. - .... la r.o Yle• -· - ''" ·--ca.e.n • Lile ,.... or ' ... - - .._ .._ _.

""" -. (Ollapal) - "-'" iC *' aa ... ......... ~ - ~.....,

S~ollli-. Grocery Co •

Page 3: VOWKB&. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 No. 11 FRIENOS, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v6-11r.pdf · T he McPben~lc1e Bulldog• 'derful toeial orraniam. ' • The

• -,~. P~. . , ,.,_~N•. br"."8";..baker, MrL Mtuer Sodal Euenu 63 ON u.vmoa !Tom u .oe ··- o•• u o.oeo. Pa11bl1 cull

... daqlattt. caUed oa ltrt. Bro•n Acadeta.J ae.Jora Al'e Eiatfttal.ae4 or tom'PCMIJldlld. lfla Marpe.rlte Mue. A.""B .• •11. -nancta,.. U:.::-~

waa a eollese •l11tcr W..taeed.&7 ------ )llu ETt!1Jll L7ou dltllniUlabed aonilor. AOADKKY DD&ftll8 TO bertelt as a hott- ot rtre abllltr Pie-s..-.. l Lou lua'a.,

Mluea Lucille ffoon~ Dorl• I.etch· .... Dl8COf.WI OOAL QUESTION • •hen abe entertat11ed the u.alor claq =§§~A~M~cft~~-~IO~~·~I~u~tl~ta~Uoa~§g j t,y, a.a.d !lar' Wblteneck al.leocled a In her home on '221 E. Marlin Street, ; Ml: eod&l at tll•1 .:tool tau1bt b7 de!~~:.0.~::r a~:!::. 0~e~c:i: lut Monday t•tnlu. Many Jnt•f""' SJh&a 'Wb.lhioedr. near C.otoa, PTl· d M non Mtla1 pma wue Pl•Jed, but the Dr. H. S. Carlsen dar .,..eatac. Cntrt.I, Tabor, •~ cPbt -b.u most enlllnc t.l~e •at •ben eacb O th p

Ill..._ Selma Kllnkerman and Opal cbo1en It.a debate qyeatlon . tor tbe new member retelnd his hUUaUon steopa ic hyelcian

McPlaenoD a.m.. ShOp

E. Adamoon, Prop.

Special Ba1YainA In Orlord1, Travellnr Bap, Etc.

See us before buying ··~•neon, ot Canton vllited with K.111 comlnr .euon. Tbe QUMltlOn reads: amid tbe ibout.t and laugbttir or the Phone 192

1'1• k KJtn_ll:ermaa FrlC•1 e .enlnc. RMOhed: That the conrnme.nt olhe.n of th• clus. Aller a mott de. Over Son~ahl'a Cafe ! l~§§§§§§§§§§g Coaeb Lonborc refereed the foot· •boald take onr the maa.a.ctment or 11cfous lane.h ... ae"@d HtrJ' o11e l~§§§§§§§§§§§g 1

baU game betwffn Pntt a od Oreeit&* control of the eoe.t lnduitrr. went awa7 teeltn1 tbat lb& ttme b ad I; burs at Prall Friday afternoon. , .McPberaon pro•pecti ieem fH·o~- been r;r too 1hort.

Opal .Eao1 a nd Thelma' Nouen1eb· able. Three memMrs or '"' year • Ihrig' I Jib:iey L.ine WALKER STUDIO 120 Soatb Maia St. wuder •pent the wee.k~nd at MW team t.tld aeveral other 1cademJ •UI- Hamb~ F'ry

Neae.nKhwander'• home at Coli on. de·11ta are prtpra.rlng tor the t l'J'oat Day and Night Line LOia Muter a-n4 ETerett Bram melt December U . Lut J'Hr tbere we.re A J.olly group or 11r11, donned la

1pent tbe week--end •Ith Mr. an .. Mr1. tbrHI •Pt"•kere on each • Ide but tbli nm btoomen nd k.nlckera s tarte d Pho,ne 52P Red Portraita. Kodak Fiaidi.s.

Paut~Patr at St. John. nar the number has ~D reduced lo to the sa.od pit east of town Thur.day l~§§§§§§§§§§§gl Yr. w. E. Bt1bop or SterUn.1. came two. Proraaor Heu fa n "tn1 11 e•ealnc tor a hamburger rrr. Upon); r------------

tn J"rld•J' ennln1 to be here for the coach a1aJn tbla year. Conalderia.& arrl•ta1 a bla z.lc-c fire waa eoon 4 eb&te IJ'}'Out WednM41ay. Mr. Billa· tbe pep of tbe u-plr&Dt.s for ibe tea.q made, and the hamburger• fried. B. J . ALLEN op wm be 1chool In M. C. the 1econd and tbe remarkable :teal or the After lhe reut naahlil;:ht v1cture1 aemeiter. . coach g reat tbtncs n;ia1 be expe-cted were ta-ken. The party then hlked

)Ir. aod ~n. Folta Hoo•er a nd thll year from the acadt:mY debat_ bacll: to town llrtd but happy. TboH

CIBIROl'l!.AO'roR Ottkc, Old 8-ltal S.U4la1.

You are ini-ted in ic­au - Surel Thea :r-'11 want - of !he

PBONENOeL Ruth King• were at Windom F"rtday ert. who enjoyed Lbll out.Ing were : Dorla afte rnoon where· Mr. Hoo•e r rt.fer- Ring-, .JuUa Joou, lbyme Matson. ~§§§§§§§§§§§:!

"Smoky Valley'' Booka

eed tbe Canton-Windom high ecbool " M .. CLUB 'E'O HOLD SOCl.U Ocie McAvoy. Loretta 7.on'ke r. Der· ;: game. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice re- nlco Peck. Mary Ando. nonnle Hou1-tu.rne d with them tor a t borl vlall Al a meeun1 of the "ll" Club last ton, Laura Hammann. ~la.ttle Rini. DR. G. R. DEAN at

wltb Mr. and Mrt. Roo•er. Tuesday It ,. .. dedded to hawe • '°" FloJe Rbodet. Anna Edr;t'COiub. Della Ur. and Mn. Kttrt:, Ada Kurtz, elal OYe.nt. of aome eort Co11owlug l.be Dar. and setma Enplrom.

Pbyei~ .;.cl Sw-seo.:a

Phone 49.

SMALLEY'S and Mr. and :Mt•· Sii:dalr motored ci101e ot tbe *"ball eeuon. A !in­to Wichita Friday. ~fr. Slnclalr, a nc.lal ...c;pmmltt.e, comPolecl ot Fos­and Mn. Sinclair, wbo II a. al1ter te r Hoo't'i~. cbl.lrman, Wiiiiam Rld­ot Mrt. Kurll. tian been •laltlng dlebarger. and Rl~ard Ke lm and a at tbe l.::orU home, ao:1 are now r &- aocla l committee •. coml)OM(I of Ray t.arnlng 10 t.belr bomie. tn Connectl- ~lark, cba lrman, Paul Sar1ent, and

t Stanley Keim were appointed by cu Mr. Frank Gree n of San Fran~aco Clorence SbowaHe r. Pre11ldent of the caUed on tbe Strlc:kler brotbua Club. These t wo commtueu are Tbund.ay. )Ir. Oreeu was aummoned working: ta conjunction whb each be.re by tbe death or bl• mother. other to set the time and decide on

Miii Edith McOaUer wo.tt n g-ueat the oarllcular 1ype ot event. or MIH Troatlo a t dinner wedneaday IL was also aua:gested In the meet-ennlng. lnr that the Club elect ae•eral or Jta

A number o f itudeota ... the mem" rs to aid the cheer .leaders lo game at sterling ThuradlJ after· getUng the crowd •rranged at the noon. It would b~ well to At.ate that g-ame• la ordor to1 pro<luco the mo9t

11 81nral faculty memben went, too. ert ectlve yernnr. It might be that Hiking wu pqpular l aa& week u tho boys and &Iris w111 b ave to be

w .. e•ldenced bJ' t.be numbn or separated. Mpet.latly lboae who ban aroups iee.n " on the road." . an "aUlnJt1'" for ea.eh other.

A party coo1l1tlng of Marie Cul~ ien, Mt1tre11e1 Oaw, Kelm. Boone, aud Dteler motored to Wichita Sat· urday.

Ml.Ilea Amanda llt &OUIOD aa.d Adella . Swent oD from lAlnd.aborg .,tilted Mfl!IS Drown Friday.

14111 Edith McOa Uey le.ft Sunda7 noon for ee.•eral cla n •lalt with be.r puent•. Mr. and Mn. F . o. McGat·

Se-0 \be Bulldogs and the Mound· bullden clash ' at .lbe F a tr1r0Wlldl Tburadaf . Qam8 called at 2 P. M.

M. C. ~"elcomes you to tbe home­conilng evente.

See the Bulldogs plar rbelr l .. l &r1dlroa batUe.

····················h······························ • . • . • • :

So•ething New Has Arrived : All over the land the collere spirit is : irrowing-You an · proud of "McPherson : Colleire". Show thla pride by wearing the • new "Vanity Belts" with "McPherson" : cast In Bronze In the buckle. :· It'• a fine belt to wear while a student • and will wear a life tillle. Makes a won-: derful memento and reminder of your Alma : Mater after you have completed your : coune. •

. i =-~i! :'~..:~ ....... ,_ ......... $2.00 i • • . . . . . . . . • • . . • • . .

·: : .. . . . . . t ~····················································

A member of

. North Central AssociatiOn of Colleges ~~in:

Liberil Arb Bible Art

"Old Time II a Har! \\'e're- nreoty r--------- --- , I tonight." Tbe sentiment or 1hia m­tlo bit or H'olm~•· ~try wae the 11rcvalllng atmoapbere In thf' home of Professor and MN!. J. J . Yoder Prt-

DR.A. ENGBERG Eye. Ear, Noee, and Tltro•r~

$(14,'ntUle m .... Ftttlng

lbrig'a Cub~ 1~1,.~rte. at 10 a . m. aDd a p. -.

Ph-e314. • 8peclaltf.

d1)' u enlns •·be.n a four cou~ McPbenon, Kan.aa.t. !'~§§§§§§§§§§~ 11.J:.o·c1oc.k dinner wu eencd by Mls- 1~§§§§§§§§§§§~1 .ea GeTtrude W~tmore and Lore.Lia I, Yoder tn honor or the pror .. sor·o Sunflower Barber :!~~-~:~'~,b~~=~~~. ~:;:;; b:~:: W. E. ~J;fORY Shop old scbool .. mate1 or Proreuor Yoder'• Phone 87~. :v. P. ALMQl118T. Prop. \ when be w11 a atudent In McPhe r- ~ad Floor F.armcnri Alllaaoe Se.,.'!~ ~adJoe. .,on College. F<Jrgellinfl' ag-e, bu•I· l n11arance Dul.ldJ.D«. 1 ':;;::;;;;;;:::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;; neu. and othe r ca.re11or1hl1 life the '-------------'1' guegta barked bade to lhe "good old Ir---- --------. d•r•" with 1belr rood memorte. or ------------ McPherson Jfat Joy ••d oadneP, or pl..,••• ••d DR. W. C. HEASTON Worlu and Shine ~:~=~• .• ~~~ne~ln•:;"' .::~ob:~ .:~ Phyaician a nd Surreon Parlor mu1lc. , Rooms l aa4" o ... -~ Hau Cl-.! and 8lodseoL

Those wbo •nf~y~ 1be oeculon ker 810t'e. McP'benoa. .:-.... we re: Mr. C. A. V1ntma n, M.1 .. 1'-------------'1 Kalle Reber, Mr. end Mrs. Jo". A. Van· ,......------------.

RICHARD MILLER man, Or. and Mn. Heatilon, Prof. and Mn. J. J. Yoder, lln. Anna Clark. Mrs. Amanda Fahnestodt, Dr. and Mf'I. Rarnl7, )Ir; Ray Strobm, and Mu. EUa Sharp .tll of thla city, and Mr. and Mn. E. B. Yoder and Mr. J . O. Yoder from CO•way. Ka naas .

E. L. HODGE ,.,,. -.i. ..... Rt.-. DEJO."l'IJIT Book., Sta~, Co..a.lia

Office o•er McPbe..- Citi- Fountain P- IE~ Ottlco l'bo:'':!ank.Reo.2Ul6. 11'----'-' _P_e_n_cil_· .. ____ __.


(0.~ath Ph1aldaa) OHlce OYft' XUJ ... I Booll &tore.

~- .... ---M& Patronize The

Royal Barber Shop Colleire Trade Our Specialty

Four Chain The Oratorical Soc:Jetr met "Thun.

d&J enniD• at C:45. A sood attea· dance wu preeent. which 1oe. to

pron that Interest la orll.oJ'J ia belnR t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-=-~t: I:============ furthere d. After selecµoc th$ nec-1 ~

eu&rJ' number o( Jt1ds " required b1 tt:i:e State Orselz.atloa, Dr. Kurts addreued lb~etr. Ht. talk wa.a ebort but Qoact1e ud clear.

"One or the prtncll)lM or ora· tor,-;• be a11d, "fl to ha•• a rtal

G. H. Matchette, M. D. O...r Ann.abil-Almen

Drue St-.

McPbenon Steam Laundry

Earl Monil, Acftt. Baaket in ao,..• o-;a.,..

flTOblem and to brlPI It to the aud· l~§§§§§§§§§§§g IODOO u a pl"Oblms. a 1lda5" Yitai I; ~h~1~!v:~!cb,,:u:·~:..~e'~th 0:::; A. J . McKINNEY !,------------.., whole ooul. DellTOr 11 not oo 1b11 Printer and Optician IDEAL BAKERY J'OUr bearer• may belle•e but tb&.L S.U.factJon ln ._...,.ttJ' Item tber mut bellne . 0 ....... 1...i. FREsH PIES

One law o f 1ucteutul oratory 11: Farmen A.lllaACe 1 .... ;uoe Bl.41'. AND CAKES.

u1e no word unlet.11 ll 1dd1. A "t-e· l~§§§§§§§§§§~g1::=========== ood I• uao few, • lmplti. and aalura1 lj se•••uea. u .. . atro•• band-oem DR. QUANTIUS a Weak or be.11lng: attitude. The bftll PBY8JCIA.!lf A.ND 8UROBO~ r•tu.re.a are thoM which< portray <HtJce !loan: more ru111 tho peower or mind nnd 10 co 19 a. m. 8 to e p. m, aoul bebtod tho on.tlon. u 10, they 10 to 11 .. .,:,uda7rr. 3 to 8 p. m. wlJI oot attract alleotlon.

Keep aenteocn fbort &ad conc1 ... 1:;::::::::::::::::::::::::I ID order to &IYe pawer, and abo'fO h all belle•e In 7ounelt and your me•· use.

THE Up-to-Date Method

Photos taken at night, bet­ter than day time. Make iour appointment for" eve~ ngs. '

Page 4: VOWKB&. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 No. 11 FRIENOS, …archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v6-11r.pdf · T he McPben~lc1e Bulldog• 'derful toeial orraniam. ' • The


TO 8TOP Ol'll!LAUGRI' OP • f I, l!ter~~ = ~d a .,..t un1 ~-::-~~ ... wt:NND'G ~ duel foltow"1. Clark made nrda1e · • --

. but an error gan the ball to 8terl- Onerof Uae most tnte~tlng ac-(c.etlDMd from r..- f) tog on their 45 7ard mark. Here tJTitiff•fn llcPheraoD Collece Ill put

•be n ,an Inte rcepted pau alOPIM!d tbe th6 Barrelmaken stari.ed a nother JN1'1 hu be91l the Jnter<I .... buket .tea4J advance. severl1 hu'ndTed mareb tor • touchdown usin,- center ball tournament. For the past three IOJ&l a4here nt11 O[ the Bulldog• 1ma• bea and carried tbe ball to tbe :tean tbe aopbomores baTe take n tbe

~Joarneyed. to the Woody camp and • rni:I line. The »ulido1• ~r.-eed tournament. wm bl1tory repeat u,. tocetheT with a record crowd •·It· and received the ba ll on dowot. Bar- Hu or will t..be Jinx be broken thJ• Deaed the conteat. ton punted , 46 ya-rd.Ii e.rter a teu. year! The funlort, who we.91 wln-

f'JMJt. Quart~,. . .rard gain by Carter-. nens of Jut _ year's tournament, are The curtain opened with McPber· Fourth Qo.rte-r 1bowlnc op 1troilg again tbta rear.

IOn klc1dn1 to tho north. Sterling The i\tcPh~f'fl~D line was holding The fre1Shmen h a ve a wealth of ma·


~ ' . .t\.: ~ 1 p tr

~' I "' .Off.er This Week For Cash .

~:~~d;~f;~;;~~~;~:.~:~~ s24.15. ,. ~~~~~'N~;~~ .. ~~~~: .. ~11

.. ~.0~~.-~-~~.~~'-- $19 .75 All New Coab - Correct Styles . Ju.t Received By Espreu ' ' made t'tr•t downs on a _fake. A p.;,n- the gterllng cb11rge1J and fprced"' tbe terl•I and the aophomores and sen­

all1 for holding forced them to Barrelmakera to punt. A pass, Bar- lors .can be considered as "d1uk punt, Gardner llfltng a high one to ton to . i:bor.ncon, nelte.d G yards. boris~e." 1-;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;===;:::=:::;;:;;:;:; Ca.Her who returned fifteen ya rds. On the rourtb down a Sterling tac1de Lut year the freeihrnen girl• were I 1 - ·----i~-- ----The Dillldoga punted and Gardner tore through and downed Barton be· winners among tho glrl•' teams. Thie Oas NoTIJn. Mood1'1'9owJm. • returned with a kJolt. Here the core he wns able 10 punt and It wa& year again the freahmen girl• can NorJin.V -'o•··l-• AnnabJl-AJmen tatcs were decidedly with Sterling Sterling's bG.11 within tlte 20 yard be counted on to ehow atrong comM n...n " ~ Dru ,...,_ whe n c arter tailed to hold tho pig- line. Stove r annexed 8 . yard• pc.tlllon to t-he other teams. Reata'urant · . g "''-"• • k'o and a n ooponent covered lt on lbrourh an Orr~tackle • play. · Each Se.feral elua teams, both bon and FOR HBAIB. SHO~ ORDERS, Parker Foaa.ta.in Pena. McPher&0n's 35 yard line. Sar.cent side was charged with an otfMtide girls, alread:r have been oµ.t pra.c· OANDY. CIGARS. stopped three Jlne vlaJIJ, 'displaying: penalty and Frye took tho ba ll O\·er tlalng and picking theft teams fol" '-----------­a wondertul detenao but ll complet· for the aeco·nd counter. Sargent the tournament which will be played!~=========== ec:t pu1, Gardner to Stover, "'on tho blocked the attempted place kick. before the Christmas vac.allon. Gel neceaa&-l"J' yardago. Ce.rdner made McPberaon rccblTed the kick.off and behind your team. If YOU can't play. For. All Kinda Of

~~ll !::-:c::e t:;,::1r:8;t:,~:l a~~~~ ~e;:r~~~ t:~:; ::~!~~~~1~nsi;:ew:::~ boost your team. MEAT took tb<t ball over tor a touchdown. in this period was about e•en al- ON OX:HER GBlDIBOXS See

Save Money Buy Suit or OW.rcolat of

HULTQVIST PonUua faUed 'to kick tor the odd though tbe aetion iook place In Me· ·Maple Tree Meat Market. point. McPherson received lhe Pherson terfttory and tho bi.ttte Fatrmount defeated Ha ys Normal!'-------------'!~~~~~~~~~~§§~ ldck..oU and camO back with a rush. ended with the ball mld"'ar .betweeo 7-0 on the Westett'neu' grldtrOn l,,,,============I Carter made • Cine ga.ln or 20 yarda the poste. wheo a WJcbtta back Intercepted a tr---'---------'~ t!lroa1b the Ste..rltng lino. A couple The Hneup.: pa88 and ran t))gbty yarde. tor a touch· ""- • J . E. GUSTAFSON

< moreJlne pJara ,.,oo tlret downs and STERLING McPHERSON down. Tb& game was featured by J"l.o_mtl~ P.,nk .Diamonds, Watcbea, and tho quarter ended with 'the ball on Pontius ' L.£. Ellwood· the efense of bolh tea.me. This was Jewelry. , the ~o 7ud mark. WUbur L.T. J. Len.gel tho Norma1s• "'1aet game and gin• ~A~ YOUR Fine Watch Repairinc a

haoDd Quarter Greenlee L.O. Colburn them a percentage or .S33 tor tbe BUSINf;SS. Specialty. SJmp&0n, Sterltp.g center, lnterce.pt- Simpson C Crofoot season. fL.-----------'---ll 214 N. Main, McPberaon

ed •u altempted pau but the Bull· Dayll R.O. 0 . Kelm The "Flgb.tlng Cat.hoUu" deleata ,___..,_;.,;,;..,;;:;="-==:.::==:.....; dop aoon re.covered \fhen Storllng N'ordruft R.'1'. S. Kelm ed ·w -asbburo. College 32M 7 00 the 'st. tambied. A pa_,, Carter to Stansel, W,aodllnr R.E. Sargent ..-----.,...-------•I.--'----------~ wbioll neUed 10 yarda waa tbe bt1t Gardner (e) Q. Thornton Mary's .field last Tbunday. The I &el'ial atunt of tbe da.y; An u:chanre Frye L.H. .' Clark lrJ1hmen used an aerial attack IUC· THE w F '

d , b d Stover R.H. Carter (c) cosafully. Bre"·ater for Washburn e . . ram·e :.!e ~~:!' i::1~0_":1~ 0~~;kyu~' b:t MeM11ao F.D. 81.rton ran eighty yards tpllowlng a kick· McPheraon &. Citizens ~ ,.

15 &rd. . pe:alty forced another • Subst1tutlocs-Sterllng: Baker tor otf. Pittsburg Is lh& Turkey day &t- State Bank, Anytl..;~;.t•

7.. • Nordruff. lilordrutr. for Bator, Tay- traction at Topeka. \ &&&"'59 ei:cllaniJ.e o t p'tlnts and the hall eod- . r tor Frre, Young for Poattus. Mc-1ct with Stp ver tntereeptJng o Do.rton Nulty for Simpson; McPherson- Bethany College put up a brilliant tllp. Brubaker tor Kelm Stansel for Sa r· tlg-bt against Southwestern at Win-

• 1ent, H easton. for Thornton, Hoover field but the Moundbutlders won 10-

of McPherson, Kanas . Capital and Surplus $1t5,-000.00. We are pleued to

be of u.ae to any otudenL

Over one hun...red different jesigns of moulding from which to select.

==========:::;= tor Heaston, Thofnton tor Hoover, $. The Swedes had the ball up to the Sargent tor Stanael, Hahn ' !or Bar- !itethodltta' 7 yard ltne when tho t l­

DR. A. A. FREEBURG ton, Kurtz !or Croroot. Hoover ror nal whlotte oounded. Re.tor . d , P • Tborntoc., Holloway for Sargent, Next Tllunda.y some of tho lea.ding

Expert workmanship, best ;iuallty material, and quick senice .. ·

atiTe an , reventallve Enn1 ror .Ellwood, Cotton for Lengel. attracUona ot tbe aeMOll , WITT be l=:!===========°"I DENTISTRY

--· Ret!:. 011 Green..

>' =======

t------------~1 $t11ed and as they will ln most caaee , be the Jlq'll cu~taln to~ tho football

LLOYDS aeaaon wlll cauoe considerable allen-c.t.-.-...i CMdy Kltdlen. uon. JIOT W ~1:o=.CHES Frleoda and Fairmount meet tor

BOMB MAJ>E OAN'Dl'E8. the annual city cbamplonthlp battle.


ua ~th Malo St. Tbe teams will be.evenly matched in ,..._...-... __ ....,.!.' - .----~ :....--------- ----' weight and speed atul tbe game may "HO.. *;;J Good Furnitu.re

0 I============== !:'o:e:d t::e •Hair Ju t year- to •

Studenb WolC'ome.

}dAL TJ1Y'S One ol the 1mPortont Turkey du ~M. •N ftb M' • S games ts the clu b between,, the other

SeeV~for Life Sa~ga Plan.

. _.. o am t. FA IR PLA y • city rln la-College ol Emporia and Kan.ea• Norma l a. It wm dectde the I

' ' ~ · Ec:bo· Restaurant SuVJCE OUR M01TO.

, Meai. ~Jn Beat Style'.

YOU BACK US State 'Cbamptoooblp although dop•· ============'! ten gh& tt i.i-oreaenedlY to the -. ------------''--

WE BACK YOU Teachera. 'An up&et of the dope Clothes '~leaning, -would pt'obabtr «lH the cbamplon· I

OKERLIN:D &: ASPEGREN, oblp to»a'l<or wbo 1001111 fll111 SaP!e Guaranteed . Clothe1 Cleanen to.~ .... ~·~~:!:;, ·Valley, Kan•aa u. Satisfaction

S. A. ,Mauat. Colleire Aient a nd Mluonrl a re working out ror RA y V ANIMAN, AirL



-=====;========'",,,-,,,"",,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,.,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,-,,,,,--'l!:!'n!20:~r:~~~r~~~ ~= :1°~;~·.~:~ Boya Donn. Room 1.7 - aon rrom their Ttewpolnt. MODEL CLEANING •••••••••••••••••" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · WORKS BETTER CANDY· , J · • !UGH si;Iu>oL WINS u..o Quality candy has come : ._ F.umiture, Ruga, Picture Framing, Etc. : VIOTORY FROM LINDSBORG Over Crary Hd:,,,. Phone 247 back . . Quality i1 better

,_ : YOUR TRADE APPRECIATED : than ever now~ 'Only • • The MePheroon ' Hlgb SChool won • the best candies in the : Upshaw Furniture and Undertakin.r Co. · : bard conteoted ga me from Ltodoborg ,...------------•ll'-l worl!l are sold here. •••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••: High 1ast Thursday U·6 on th& \ HUBBl:I I 'S ======"""===================l:~~d~~ef';".~"d~~r;·~.'.;: r;::,.:·~ Maple Tree Barber DRUG iTb"RE, ~ y totichdown In the <:losin-1 mlnulet .~Shop " - """' ~·,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• of play with a forward: PH•lnl al· i ~ < • ' • t.aclr:. Crumpae'Ker and Harrt1on '! PIB8T OLA88 WORK ... ' :'' 'c«; T .M.! _ 'Ex ] • : 1tarred tor th• local.. "Ltndobore Bair ON --------811! : me ' .0 "I nu, c ua1ve Shoe Store. : outpl•re4 the Maroon an~ Wbll• - .. - ____ ,,.,...

•: • Fl'"' .tbe ~µtea'\ In F-.Oear. ' ' • 1&¥orlteo tn the flnt"<!uarter but the 8-!'llla ._.. _,...Ilk

: latter camo bade with • pawertul at~ Harri<ll. s.-,., Prop. i: : No F-Too Hard 'To Fit. C..11 A.,d See Oar Line : tac~. Nut 'Wednee4ay L7<>•• Rish 1.._" ~.JI.la a. : Of Wool HOH. • SCbool• 1'UI come to decide hooora

1._ ___ ,_ ___ _._.,..._.;si1

• -~ l ' ' : wltb tbe Ultrlaub ere• ao.d 1bould ·

Sheaffer Fountain·· .,, ' Pena and • · E~P~j

' ............. At? i · The. Fred Ellis SJra Store~· ! l1•• the 1 ... ,, • hard battle. 1.!1c;.. ':! ~~:,;:;-~!:~ 4:!.=

'-.! ' "."\..;• ~ . .- : Jt...M Co&fereaoe 8~ morntn.c when E•~tto;iud Lola *..._,

·····~··············································= .ttu:ned from. st. Job.a., , {. ~ -HUL~~ )

• 1 w A.tteod t\e bomecomtaa l•••i;:.. ' - ' .....--.c-

:··········••,•··~ .. ·································~ Christmas Gi~· i : • • •
