voyage presentation

Voyage DP3 Hollie Ferguson

Upload: sarahandhollie

Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Voyage Presentation


DP3Hollie Ferguson

Page 2: Voyage Presentation


DP3Hollie Ferguson

My brief was to create a 5 page website, validated to WC3 standards and includes at least 3 interactive JavaScript routines that enhance the interactive experience.

Page 3: Voyage Presentation


DP3Hollie Ferguson

I brainstormed a few ideas together for a theme; learning to drive, Thailand, birth to adult, theme park trip, Zante. Decided to go with the voyage of my trip to Thailand from September 2011 for 2 weeks as I personally found it the most exciting and thought I could portray this well into the task set.

Page 4: Voyage Presentation

5 pages & javascript.

DP3Hollie Ferguson

Have 5 pages on my website, we visited a few places – Phuket, Bangkok & Phi Phi Islands so based each page on one of these as well as the home page & one on ladyboys.

I did struggle with using JavaScript and didn’t manage to create as much interactivity as I wanted – such as games to play for the user as I worry it is to image & text based & becomes boring after a while.

I added JavaScript on ladyboy page where the user has to guess if the image is a ladyboy or woman.

Page 5: Voyage Presentation


DP3Hollie Ferguson

Page 6: Voyage Presentation


DP3Hollie Ferguson

The audience being friends and family, as I could keep the page quite informal and more about my holiday than if it was targeted at travellers and students looking to travel.

I received feedback from my family and friends – friends being the same age as me and no skills in web design at all said it was very good & informative without being formal and boring.

Family varies in age young twin brother aged 8 weren’t particular intersted in it at all, whilst my parents said it was very good for them to look at to see my holiday.

Grandparents said the images on ladyboy page were crude but I ignored this as I wanted the images there as they were part of the experience.

At first the colours used were very pink & feminine but I changed this as people said neutral colours would look better.

Page 7: Voyage Presentation


DP3Hollie Ferguson

Personally, I am happy with the final design of this project. However compared to other people in the class I am disappointed with it. I find coding very hard and wish I had skills such as illustrations so I could draw more images and put them into the webpage to make it look more creative. I would like to have another go at this project in my own time to make improvements and would like to change it so it’s a scroll down website, which I think is becoming more popular to use on the web now.