vst 2012 summer school brochure


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Complete listing of courses, lectures, retreats and workshops at Vancouver School of Theology 2012 Summer School.



2 Updates and more information www.vst.edu/main/programs/continuing-education


Welcome to VST Summer Programs 2012Welcome to Summer School 2012! It is such a pleasure to have summer school alumni and new friends on the beautiful Vancouver School of Theology Campus. This year our theme will be leadership and everyone is included. We talked to people around the lower mainland and to those who attend summer school and what you asked for was a broad focus on leadership, both within the church and on leadership by the church in and for the world. Many of you were interested in spiritual practices for the sake of personal renewal and for the sake of the world. Some clergy asked about developing skills for leading congregational constituencies that are diverse. Others inquired about Christian discipleship in a fragmented world. And still others asked for courses on building communities of care for a time such as this. We’ve answered your interests in the broad slate of courses, lectures and retreats we’ve planned. Please have a look inside.

This year we are adding Thursday evening round tables. On the Thursday evening of each week, ( July 5 and then July 12, at 7 p.m.) we’ve planned an opportunity for all those taking courses and the general public to hear from all our instructors. All the teachers will answer questions put to them, first by a moderator and then from the floor. So if you have questions about living and leading as a Christian in this our time, you’ve got your chance to ask them. We really hope to see you in July; oh, and bring a friend. With gratitude,

The Reverend Dr. Richard R. ToppingProfessor of Studies in the Reformed Tradition, St. Andrew’s Hall, 6040 Iona Drive, Vancouver, BC

Welcome to Iona Pacific’s contribution to Summer School 2012 at VST. I am delighted to announce a public lecture and a course: Other Worlds. Other Worlds is offered in Vancouver as part of a research collaboration between Iona Pacific Inter-religious Centre at VST and the Dialogues on Cultures, Religions and Spiritualities Initiative at The University of British Columbia (Okanagan campus). The collaboration examines intersections of religion, science fiction and visual culture.We are especially excited about launching this collaboration during the Summer School, because this community gathers so many interesting people from diverse wisdom traditions and locations around the world. How we imagine ourselves and others in the world is related in interesting ways to how characters in science fiction imagine themselves and other creatures in “other worlds.” Three specialists in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, who share a deep interest in science fiction, religious literature, and our visual world, look forward to exploring connections between how we imagine the world in which we live and how we imagine other worlds, in which we might imagine ourselves living. I hope we can learn with you this summer.

Dr. Robert Daum, RabbiAssociate Professor and Director, Iona Pacific Inter-religious Centre at VST

Welcome to Vancouver and to VST!There is a rumour that it sometimes rains here in Vancouver. We who live in this lovely city on the wet coast, I mean the west coast, want to assure you that it is usually clear, sunny and warm during the summer. But even if it does rain, we trust that the carefully chosen courses and activities described in this brochure will pique your interest and awaken your thirst for further learning. Above all, we pray that, rain or no rain, these opportunities will afford light, clarity and the warmth of God’s love to all participants, including, we hope, you!

The Reverend Dr. Stephen FarrisActing Principal and Dean, Vancouver School of Theology

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July 2 - 6: Summer School WEEK ONE

Eugene Lowry, The Jazz of Preaching: the Musicality of the Sermon

Bethan Theunissen, Leading Congregations through Change

Darrell Guder, Turning Towards the World

Nancy Koyzis, Women Breaking Boundaries

July 9 - 13: Summer School WEEK TWO

Theresa Latini, Building Communities of Care

Peter Short, Connecting Vocation and Job

Tamsen Glover, The Dance: Leadership and Context

Jonathan Wilson, Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World

Dr. Francisco Peña, Dr. Hussein Keshani, Rabbi Robert Daum, Other Worlds


July 3 Lecture, Encountering Aristotle Blues: Eugene Lowry

July 5 Roundtable, Leadership for a Time Like This: featuring Week One Summer Instructors

July 6 - 8 Benedictine Spiritual Retreat, Benedictine Life as Wholeness: Martin Brokenleg

July 10 Lecture, Science Fiction & the Religious Imagination: Fransisco Peña, Hussein Keshani, and Robert Daum

July 12 Roundtable, Leadership for a Time Like This: featuring Week Two Summer Instructors

July 19 Merton Lecture, Merton’s Photography: Paul Pearson

July 20 - 22 Merton Spiritual Retreat, Practicing Paradise: Douglas Burton-Christie














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SPECIAL EVENT LECTURE SERIES AND WORKSHOPSWorkshop fees apply, registration required. Public Lectures freewill offering.

G. PETER KAYE LECTURE SERIES & WORKSHOP: DR. ROBERT ALTERApril 30–May 1, 2012Dr. Robert Alter has been Professor of Hebrew and Comparative Literature at the University of California in Berkeley since 1967. He has published widely on the modern European and American novel, on modern Hebrew Literature, and on literary aspects of the Bible. The author of two prize winning volumes on literary aspects of the Bible, Dr. Alter’s works include Necessary Angels: Tradition and Modernity in Kafka, Benjamin, and Scholem (1991), The World of Biblical Literature (1992) and Hebrew and Modernity (1994). His most recent works are Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing, the Authority of Scripture (2000) and Imagined Cities (2005), The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary (2007), The Book of Genesis, translation by Robert Alter (2009), Pen of Iron: American Prose and the King James Bible (2010), and The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation with Commentary (2010). This event is co-sponsored by Vancouver School of Theology and the Iona Pacific Inter-religious Centre.Workshop: Translating the Hebrew Bible: Monday, April 30, 9:30 am–3:30 pm (fees and registration required)Evening lecture: Form and Meaning in the Book of Job: Monday, April 30, 7 pm (Public lecture - freewill offering)Noon lecture: Reading Biblical Narrative: Tuesday, May 1, 12 pm (Public lecture - freewill offering)All events will take place at the Chapel of the Epiphany, 6030 Chancellor Blvd on the UBC campus.To register for the workshop, please visit www.vst.edu

STUDENT CONFERENCE WITH KAREN ARMSTRONGIn March of 2012, thanks to a generous invitation from SFU’s Centre for Dialogue, internationally renowned author and humanitarian Dr. Karen Armstrong, winner of the TED Prize, founder of the Charter for Compassion movement, and designee for the prestigious Jack P. Blaney Award at SFU, will be featured at an extraordinary Conference on Compassion in Religion hosted by Iona Pacific at VST on the UBC Campus on Thursday, March 29. Pre-registration is required. The conference is principally for postsecondary students (undergraduate and graduate students). Invitations for registration will be issued in January. For those unable to participate in this event, there will be several other events in the area, including large capacity venues. This conference is part of a larger Karen Armstrong 12 Days of Compassion, visit principally sponsored by Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue.For more information about these events, see www.sfu.ca/armstrong.

VISITING DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR: DR. SALLIE MCFAGUEDr. Sallie McFague is Distinguished Theologian in Residence at the Vancouver School of Theology in British Columbia, Canada. For thirty years she taught at the Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Nashville, TN where she was the Carpenter Professor of Theology and for five years Dean of the School. She was born in Boston, educated at Smith College (B.A.) and Yale University (B.D., M.A., Ph.D) and has taught at Yale Divinity School and Harvard Divinity School, in addition to her years at Vanderbilt. She is the author of eight books and numerous articles, most of them focused on the importance of the models and metaphors with which we interpret the relationship between God, the world, and ourselves. In her latest book, A New Climate for Theology: God, the World, and Global Warming (2008), Dr. McFague claims that the twin crises of economic meltdown and global warming are indications of the need for a new paradigm for human living on the planet, one that criticizes the dominant economic market model of excessive riches for privileged individuals and supports a model that acknowledges the radical interdependence of all.

PROF. SALLIE MCFAGUE WITH THE REVEREND JANET GEAREvening lecture: No Religion Says ‘Blessed are the greedy’: Self-emptying (Kenosis) and Climate Change

Friday, June 15, 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s, Kerrisdale (Public lecture - freewill offering)Workshop: Four Steps toward a Self-emptying (Kenotic) Practice for Abundant Living (Workshop builds on the lecture)

Saturday, June 16, 9:30-3:30 (Lunch Included) at VST, Epiphany Chapel (fees and registration required)To register for the workshop, please visit www.vst.edu

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SUMMER SCHOOL INTENSIVE COURSES 2011Registration required. For faculty offering a public lecture, see the Public lecture page for their lecture description.

Summer School Week One: July 2–6

DR. EUGENE LOWRYHOM5/712—The Jazz of PreachingJuly 2-6, 9 am–12 pmCourse available for: Audit/Certificate Credit/Degree Credit: Basic/AdvancedThis course will explore the consequences for preaching of H. Grady Davis’ claim that “a sermon is like music, not music in the score but in the live performance, where bar is heard after bar, theme after theme, and never all at once. A sermon is like a play, not the printed book but the action on a stage, which moves from a first act through a second to a third, and the drama is never seen all at once.” H. Grady Davis, Design for Preaching (Fortress Press, 1958 pp 163-164)Rev. Dr. Eugene L. Lowry obtained a PhD (Education) from the University of Kansas. He served as professor of preaching for over 30 years at Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, MO. He was Senior Scholar in Residence at Drew University Theological School and has been the guest professor at Princeton Theological Seminary. Lowry has been featured in the Great Preachers series on the Odyssey Television Channel. His writings include six books on narrative preaching. His keyboard lecture/concerts relating jazz and Christianity have resulted in four recordings in the blues/jazz mode.

THE REV. BETHAN THEUNISSENPT514—Leading Congregations through ChangeJuly 2-6, 9 am–12 pmCourse available for: Audit/Certificate Credit; Degree credit: BasicSome change happens to us, and some change we choose in order to respond faithfully to new realities. Change is both natural and difficult. This course is for those who actively lead change in congregations. It will address types of change, various approaches to change, the changing world around us, assessing congregational readiness for change, and most importantly, yourself as change agent.Rev. Bethan Theunissen is a United Church minister who enjoys leading congregations into and through change. She is currently completing a PhD in leadership studies at the University of San Diego.

DR. DARRELL GUDERPT/TH5/710—Turning Towards the WorldJuly 2-6, 2 pm–5 pmCourse available for: Audit/Certificate Credit/Degree Credit: Basic and Advanced.“Conversion,” whether personal or corporate, is a work of the Holy Spirit and not subject to human planning. On the assumption that the missional transformation of a congregation is necessarily such a Spirit-empowered conversion, then what can the leadership of a congregation, regardless of its particular polity, actually do if such conversion is earnestly sought after. This course will consider the ways in which congregational leaders can guide the community to understand the challenges of missional faithfulness and especially to grapple with the obstacles to such a conversion.Dr. Darrell Guder is the Henry Winters Luce Professor of Missional and Ecumenical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he also served five years as academic dean. He is author of Be My Witnesses; The Church’s Mission, Message, and Messengers and The Continuing Conversion of the Church. He holds the Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and is an ordained teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

DR. NANCY CALVERT-KOYzISNT5/710—Women Breaking BoundariesJuly 2-6, 2 pm–5 pmCourse available for: Audit/Certificate Credit/Degree Credit: Basic/AdvancedChristian women in the first and nineteenth centuries lived in societies in which they were often consigned to the private sphere–their homes and families. In the first century when Christians met primarily in house churches, women like Phoebe, Lydia, Chloe, Priscilla and probably Junia functioned as leaders in churches that met in their homes and in the nascent early Christian movement. Although Christian women in the nineteenth century found ministry opportunities in their homes they were usually barred from having influence in the Church because it was public and institutional. But many, such as Harriet Beecher Stowe, Elizabeth Baxter and Antoinette Brown Blackwell found ways to influence the Church through writing, preaching, and being ordained to church office. In this course we will be studying women Christian leaders from the first and nineteenth centuries with the view to understand the rich contributions women have made to the Church and what both men and women can learn from their examples.

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Rev. Dr. Nancy Calvert-Koyzis has taught for twenty years at colleges, universities and theological schools. She is an ordained Presbyterian Church in Canada minister and academic who has published three books, including Strangely Familiar: Protofeminist Interpretations of Patriarchal Biblical Texts (2009). She lives in Hamilton with her husband and daughter.

Summer School Week Two, July 9–13

DR. THERESA LATINIPT5/711—Building Communities of CareJuly 9-13, 9 am–12 pmCourse available for: Audit/Certificate Credit/Degree Credit: Basic/AdvancedThis course presents basic and advanced skills for transforming the conflict that exists at many levels of the church’s existence today. Drawing upon the practice of compassionate communication, new advances in interpersonal neurobiology, and an ecclesiology of koinonia, it teaches ways of connecting to God, self, and others in the midst of difference and disagreement. Specifically, it seeks to enhance capacities in building authentic community marked by empathy and honesty; in transforming criticism into opportunities for mutual understanding; in staying in dialogue; and, in healing pain from unresolved conflict, regret, and shame. Experientially based; includes role-plays, journalizing, and case studies. Rev. Theresa F. Latini, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Congregational and Community Care Leadership at Luther Seminary (Saint Paul, MN) and Parish Associate at Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church (Minneapolis, MN). She is the author of The Church and the Crisis of Community: A Practical Theology of Small-Group Ministry (Eerdmans, 2011) and co-author of Transforming Church Conflict: Compassionate Leadership Action (Westminster John Knox, forthcoming).

THE REV. PETER SHORTPT114—Connecting Vocation and JobJuly 9-13, 9 am–12 pmCourse available for: Audit/CertificateThis course is designed for working ministers who, in the course of their busy lives, recognize the need to put gospel back in touch with the demands of church work. It may also be of interest to anyone who is aware of a need for connection between “soul and role” (Parker Palmer). It’s about loss and blessing; clarity of purpose and the risk of faith. We will read texts, tell stories, explore paths in leadership and encourage

one another. The church is many generations old but it is only one generation deep. What the church always wants of leaders is character. Character is a spiritual phenomenon which cannot be inherited, stored or possessed. It can only be enacted. This course will be a character based experience in learning for ministry.Rev. Peter Short, 38th Moderator of the United Church of Canada and Honourary Chief in the First Nations Communities of the United Church of Canada, has 35 years of leading congregations in life and mission. He has taught in the areas of leadership and ministry in universities and education centres. Rev. Short holds a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity (honouris causa) from Victoria University.

DR. TAMSEN GLOVERPT115—The Dance: Leadership and ContextJuly 9-13, 2 pm–5 pmCourse available for: Audit/Certificate At last count there were over 2000 books on leadership published last year. No wonder we are confused! What I know for sure is that who we are and what we do as leaders need to be deeply shaped by the contexts in which we find ourselves. Therefore we will spend the week together exploring your leadership and your context and giving you tools and practices to continue the dance between the two. You will be asked to bring information about your community context and to complete a personal profile that will highlight your leadership and team work gifts. The rest we will “workshop” together.Rev. Thomi Glover has over 25 years in the private, public and non-profit sectors. In addition to her certification as Professional Certified Coach and Spiritual Coach, Thomi has Master’s Degrees in Arts and Divinity and is a Certified Management Consultant. Since 2001 she has been an Associate Faculty member at Royal Roads University School of Leadership.

DR. JONATHAN WILSONSP/TH5/713—Living Faithfully in a Fragmented WorldJuly 9-13, 2 pm–5 pmCourse available for: Audit/Certificate Credit; Degree Credit: Basic/AdvancedTo lead faithfully, we must understand the times in which we live and discern the reality of God’s work of redeeming creation through Christ in our times. This course will pursue those aims by bringing together two resources: (1) the rising new monastic network of communities (2)analyses of our times by Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor. We will not assume that faithful leadership must always take place

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in or lead to new monastic communities, but we will learn from them how MacIntyre’s and Taylor’s analyses help us discern God’s work, participate in that work ourselves, and lead others into the reality of the redemption of creation. The central feature of the course will be the practices and virtues of leadership in community.After a six-year career in the music industry, Dr. Jonathan Wilson studied at Regent College, earning an M.C.S. and M.Div, and then a PhD from Duke University. Dr. Wilson is on the faculty at Carey Theological College and has taught at Westmount College, Acadia Divinity College, and has been in pastoral leadership for several congregations. He has written or edited several books. His most recent book is Why Church Matters; in 2012 Baker Academic Press will publish his book God’s World: A Christian Doctrine of Creation.

DR. FRANCISCO PEñA, DR. HUSSEIN KESHANI, AND RABBI DR. ROBERT DAUMIPT5/710—Other Worlds: Religion, Science Fiction and the Problem of “Evil”July 9-13, 2 pm–5 pmBoth religions and Science Fiction literature wrestle with ultimate questions concerning human existence. Among these questions are what is the origin of “evil”, what is its nature, how is it imagined and how can it be overcome. This course will explore how various religious traditions and science fiction literatures confront the problem of evil by looking at the topics of Orthodoxies, Otherness, Utopias and real and imagined worlds.Dr. Francisco Peña is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Critical Studies at the University of British Columbia (Okanagan campus). With a background in Religious Studies, Hebrew Literature, and Spanish Literature, his research interests include the influence of the Bible on literature, particularly medieval and early modern Spanish Literature. He also studies modern rewriting of Apocryphal and Pseudoepigraphic Literature in the genre of Science Fiction.Dr. Hussein Keshani is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Critical Studies at UBC (Okanagan campus). He works on the art and architectural histories of South Asian and Islamic cultures and their religious traditions. He is interested in the relationship between religious beliefs and practices and material culture, in particular the way scripture is deployed in the architectural environs. 

Rabbi Dr. Robert Daum is Director of Iona Pacific Inter-religious Centre and Associate Professor of Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Thought at VST. He is an Honorary Associate Professor in Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies at UBC’s Vancouver campus, where he is also a Faculty Associate in the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies. At Simon Fraser University he serves on the Steering Committee of the Centre for Dialogue. His research interests include literary, rhetorical, and cultural studies of biblical and classical rabbinic texts; religious authority and interpretation; representations of gender and sexuality in religious cultures; and interreligious and intercultural dialogue.Other Worlds is offered as part of a research collaboration between Iona Pacific Inter-Religious Centre (VST) and the Dialogues on Cultures, Religions and Spiritualities Initiative (UBC Okanagan campus). The collaboration is examining the intersections that take place between religion, science fiction and visual culture.

To register online for these courses, visit www.vst.edu

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PUBLIC LECTURES, ROUNDTABLES AND RETREATSPublic Lectures freewill offering. Retreats require fees and registration. Register online at www.vst.edu

PUBLIC LECTURE: TUES. JULY 3, 7 PMEncountering the Aristotle BluesDr. Eugene Lowry

Location: West Point Grey United Church

PUBLIC ROUNDTABLE: TUES. JULY 5, 7 PMLeadership for a Time Like This Featuring Week One Summer Instructors

Location: VST Epiphany Chapel

SPIRITUAL RETREAT: FRI.–SUN. JULY 6-8PT5/717—Benedictine: Life as Wholenesswith The Rev. Dr. Martin BrokenlegFor 1400 years, more Christians have followed a Benedictine lifestyle than any other, as a way to live the Gospel. Throughout history, Benedictine life has a proven durability and popularity in diverse locations, cultures, and circumstances. As contemporary Christians seek an effective and satisfying life, the way of St. Benedict, although old in years, is forever new and deep. This retreat-format class will didactically explore the balanced lifestyle set out in The Rule of St. Benedict. The use of Benedictine “chapter meetings” will consider the tools of a Benedictine life. The retreat format of the weekend will allow participants to learn experientially the practices of a wholesome Christian life through a practice of liturgical and personal prayer, work, lectio, and rest. This balanced and communal life has long been the norm for Christians.

Fr. Martin has been an Oblate of Blue Cloud Abbey for 30 years and is the superior of the Anglican Benedictine Canons(www.osbcn.net ). He has been an Anglican priest for 40 years.

PUBLIC LECTURE: TUES. JULY 10, 7 PMScience Fiction and the Religious ImaginationDr. Francisco Peña, Dr. Hussein Keshani and Rabbi Dr. Robert Daum

Location:VST Epiphany Chapel

PUBLIC ROUNDTABLE: THURS. JULY 12, 7 PMLeadership for a Time Like This Featuring Week Two Summer Instructors

Location: VST Epiphany Chapel

RECEPTION AND MERTON PUBLIC LECTURE: THURS. JULY 19, 6 PMMerton’s PhotographyCo-sponsored with The Thomas Merton Society of Canada

Dr. Paul PearsonReception: 6 pm: VST Library

Lecture: 7 pm–9 pm: VST Epiphany Chapel

SPIRITUAL RETREAT: FRI.–SUN. JULY 20-22PT511 – Practicing ParadiseCo-sponsored with The Thomas Merton Society of Canada

with Dr. Douglas Burton-ChristieAt the heart of this retreat is the question of how a retrieval of paradise can inspire us to participate more fully in the work of tending to and healing our broken world. The retreat will search out the ancient Christian contemplative and theological traditions as well as contemporary sources to ask: what might it mean for us to learn to practice paradise? What might it mean for us to live with hope for paradise that does not push that hope into a distant and unknowable future, but calls it forth in our own present existence? How might we learn to cultivate a sense of living against the horizon of eternity?

Dr. Douglas Burton-Christie teaches at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Author of The Word in the Desert: Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism and has written extensively in the areas of in Early-Christian and Desert Spirituality. He is editor of Spiritus, the journal of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality.

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IMPORTANT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS!REGISTRATION AND TUITION SUMMARYAudit: Summer courses are open to all interested participants, at the fees listed. There are no prerequisites or theological training needed to audit a course. Auditors attend and participate in the course but are not required to submit any assignments for grading. Please view the full course outline for required readings on our website.Certificate in Theological Studies Credit: This program requires an accepted application prior to registration. Work expectations: requires preparation and reading before the start of the course with a graded paper following. Students pay auditing rates along with an additional certificate administration fee per course, which is included in the fees on the Registration Form. For information on the Certificate in Theological Studies, please see the Program page on the VST website.Graduate Degree Credit: Basic and Advanced: Degree students will be charged the regular VST degree tuition rates. Contact the Registrar for more information and to register at [email protected]

REGISTRATION FOR AUDIT AND CERTIFICATEFULL Payment must be submitted with your registration for ALL courses. Registration can be completed online. Please see the registration ‘link’ at the bottom of each of the course descriptions, or mail to VST using the registration page in this brochure. Send to the attention of VST’s Registrar, Summer Programs.


DEADLINES AND POLICIESCancellation Policy: You will receive a full refund of tuition fees if VST cancels a course. In order to avoid the cancellation of courses due to low enrolment, please register by June 1st.Withdrawal Policy: If you withdraw from a course, notification must be received in writing to the Registrar by the dates below, $25/course will be non-refundable. There is no refund for withdrawal notification received less than 7 days prior to Day One of the course. Registration and Withdrawal Deadlines: Registration Deadlines Withdrawal DeadlinesAudit 7 days prior to Day One of course 7 days prior to Day One of courseCertificate Credit 7 days prior to Day One of course 7 days prior to Day One of courseDegree Credit June 15th 7 days prior to Day One of course

ACCOMMODATIONCarey Centre: www.careycentre.com Phone: 604-224-4308Next door to VST and a good option for couples. Single or queen rooms with ensuite bathrooms and linen service. Also a limited number of fully furnished apartments.St. Andrew’s Hall: www.standrews.edu Phone: 604-822-9720 or e-mail [email protected] Apartments: four single, private bedrooms, two shared

baths, and shared kitchen and common area, including a limited number of fully disabled-accessible.VST: Enquiries 604-822-6398 or [email protected]: West Coast Suites and Walter Gage Towers: Phone 604-822-1000; Email [email protected]. Website: www.ubcconferences.com/TRIUMF House: Phone (604) 222-7633; Email: [email protected]; Website: www. triumfhouse.ca

Photo courtesy J. Evan Kreider

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PLEASE NOTE:COURSE OUTLINES AND REqUIRED READINGSReading assigned materials is important for all participants. The course outline and required reading texts will be posted online. Please see the ‘link’ at the bottom of each course description. If you do not have access to the Internet please contact the Program office at 604-822-0824 .

TExTBOOKSPlease make your own arrangements for acquisition of the Required Texts for your course through your local bookstores. Online bookstores such as Indigo.ca or Amazon.ca have competitive prices with fast shipping to your neighbourhood.

CONTACT INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCEFor more information about VST’s Summer Programs and registration please visit the VST website or contact the Program Office at [email protected] or phone: 604-822-0824 .To register for Graduate Degree Credit: Basic and Advanced, and for course withdrawals, please contact the VST Registrar at [email protected] or phone: 604-822-9563.

Native Ministries Consortium

Summer School

[email protected]


July 9–20, 2012

Photo courtesy J. Evan Kreider

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FULL Payment: $ Donation = $ Total = $ Cheque MasterCard Visa FULL AMOUNT DUE WITH REGISTRATIONName:Card No.: Expiry No.:Signature:Please make cheques payable to VST. All fees are payable in Canadian funds. US credit card users are billed in Canadian dollars; the US dollar equivalent will appear on credit card statement.Donations: For a tax-receiptable gift to support VST’s programming please note amount with your final payment information. Thank you!

Summer Programs 2012Registration for Audit and Certificate CreditPARTICIPANT INFORMATION: PLEASE USE ONE FORM PER PERSON. YOU MAY COPY THIS FORM.NOTE: Do not use this form for Graduate Degree Credit status. Please contact VST’s Registrar, [email protected] Title: Name: Address:City: Province: Postal Code: Country:Phone: Email: Cell/Fax:Dietary Concerns: Mobility Needs: How did you hear about VST’s Summer Courses? Poster Word of Mouth Church Email Website

Register online at: www.vst.edu/main/programs/continuing-education ORMail completed form and payment to:Vancouver School of TheologyATTN: Registrar, Summer Programs6000 Iona DriveVancouver, BC V6T 1L4ORFAX: 604-822-9212


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July 2-6 WEEK ONEHOM5/712: Dr. Eugene lowry “The Jazz of Preaching” $240 $75

PT514: The Rev. BethanTheunissen “leading Congregations Through Change” $240 $75

PT/TH5/710: Dr. Darrell Guder ”Turning Toward the World” $240 $75

NT5/710: Dr. Nancy Calvert-Koyzis ”Women Breaking Boundaries” $240 $75

July 6-8 RETREaTThe Rev. Dr. Martin Brokenleg ”Benedictine life as Wholeness” $275 (meals included) $75

July 9-13 WEEK TWO PT5/711: Dr. Teresa latini ”Building Communities of Care” $240 $75

PT114: Rev. Peter Short ”Connecting Vocation and Job” $240 $75

PT115: Rev. Thomi Glover ”The Dance: leadership and Context” $240 $75

SP/TH5/713: Dr. Jonathon Wilson ”leading Faithfully in a Fragmented World” $240 $75

IPT5/710: Dr. Francesco Pena, Dr. Hussein Keshani, Rabbi Dr. Robert Daum “Other Worlds”

$240 $75

July 20-22 RETREaT Dr. Douglas Burton-Christie “Practicing Paradise” $200.00 (Saturday lunch included) $50 (limited enrollment)

TOTal TuITION (see Payment Information page)

Certificate Admin. Fee Course Title audit Fees for CTS credit, add: Subtotal

Photo courtesy J. Evan Kreider

To register online for these courses, visit www.vst.edu