w d chiefs ';f · 2019. 1. 31. · t d. denney m. i)., physician and surgeon. oefick;ml...

Pv :ir t& - -j.- vl-wyt'K - - .jsl, tk .. . . -- s .a1 Tsir o . '53. - - JS ' - R wt. . ' -- v. . -. ."- - .. !?; r 1 " J. A "V? - i" ':2 ." ?...- - v.t- - " iSA S ,. .f- -- W ' - Lir E, vS'-lji- -; ,J'jr iJ i. '"'J ii 2i5i iVaaaaaaaaaaaf L " r3; jt vi .i k .t ..- . -- ..r,. is.'4i-- , -- a r a a t fijm " ij ay y 0- iMSMasiBSSJSSHSS-ssjsjssiBSBs- sjH j. j: r r.imjo vk Lunl .?. I . , -- ' - 3 ", lO 1 115 1 A 01 ' a Ki ,. ? -- - tfSti 9t. - j-- . CHIEFS IIS . D ';f I "j- - j .y ' j8i? "" St '' '""" "J"- --. '" ' - - ii iwijf r.i jptnwiM'."wwl lilt .(-- - UliWHiaii1 fiy" jiT i AL VIGILAKCE ..p. IS THE PRICE OFOBERTY;, il.50 A YEAR IS TH E PRICE OFTHECHI EF. iifSr lpMVMVWVuMIMr- T i ED CLOUD, WEBST$ COUTYlffcB., FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 4884.. CjUlintt OM IKK TK CH41t mmu At 1W- Ktmm WnU aim nwuiffwr Jt j M fci S r ? iXm AftitiftHL 1. U $et r4 Jji 4 Ui Heductii 8i earing Apparel! it &?& y t&ljt E; Hi, its Out? CVevL HF - U fcfei ii Jti Lf fH I1'. rrjfe -- r ri.- -' Lf . "'& jtyAz-- - M'JZtf-i-- ' J "V , One Price, "; - LU.-- ;- t i - " ; i ' r .. j-- - t.. 's. x ,"fc-N- - " 'J . ' . t" i t ' i r Si lc :"v ,?;, " 'CLOUD CHIEF ' EVERYFIUDAY BY A. C. HOSMER. KATES OF SCBSCIITION: 0e eopr. ee yr, - - - 81 50 0b eopjr. rix montbi, - 75. 0a Mjr. fsar raoBtht, ... . Sktcrcd the PoiWfflco Red. Cloud as mat-t- it "of tk second clan. COUXTY OFFICFliS. Jbvfc P. Bavha, County Clerk. Chaa. Cnihow, County Treasurer. 3ed. O. Ycfaer, County Judge. 1. W. Witfhm, Sheriil. ChM.,W-- . Springer, Superintendent of: . liblic Instruction. J v. F. RVuker, County Swrvcyot-- . &.&.. Moseno. Cotthtv (3uroncrv Smith, 1 acobJwMiHef, County Com. ) ' Business Directory. EDWIN a HAWLE Y, attorney At Law, rep cloud. - - neb. -- Gi E McKEEBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, t. U v ? M in Owen. Y(rt door west of Cook's druj: store. rice hours Irom s to t'J a. in., 1 to 4. audi to 8 irt, 'KexIdenueJWocks west of court house. KDCLOUI); - - - NEiUtASKA. T D. DENNEY M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oefick ;ml sleeping room over Coolc's fu store. jto DAMERELL, M. D.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Red Cloud, Nobraskn. 0ricr-O- rr tat new postoffico. J S. .EMIGH, DENTIST. y l8pormnentJy locjited in Red Cloud ftXeb., orer State Bank. lT-3- m . y. : Frank R. Gump, &? ' K8D CLOUD. NEB. Colttetleai reeetVe Propt atteatian. Omcir.Ont taew:po8toffloe baildinr. R W. Kalkt. J. L. Kalky. Kalby Bros. AJCXOmNEYS AT LAA7. ii Tvn nr.OTTn NEB. gente forltfic B. & M. R.iR. Lands O.CCM4. J as. McNeny 3se & McNeny, A COUNSELORS AT EA W. ATTORNEYS all the Courts of this State . Collection? as well u lit- - 'li&.M 5 Al CLOUD. NEB. 1 S5 i. &- -- iS. -r ". vbm. v 1 Bv L ?Si AT THE i and Goods . i . i. ' .?' tr " X. .' i Reliable Furifture and Undertaking Opposite Postofflce, the LARGEST and the Repi; blican rfS4; rcs5 r 'W w Af FINE CARRIAGES Of Evory'DoscpiptifTt The Red Callage "a Sleeper, "Yo ilsp onlv the best material til, narket afronls In ami thereby have uhined a w di spread repubitio a llle-um- e at ine ousmess. ve leei warrantee fuetlou. e at - ilso prepared to Job Work and Re Horse-shoein- g, "ve.. a the most reasonable prices. All work wirrnw employed. Your orders art respq r? We are now lorated in OUIt NKW ItKICKBUJ see all our mentis ami patrons. IDS. UOK, Dealer In Fresh Meats, Lard, IPOWM'ISy , Ked Cloud, Nek. Cash paid for hides & pelts Nebraska RED CLOUD, DrwY LUIBER A SFECTALTY, SOLO AT THE .jae.A.-- f i Ve"B IIHM ? EAGLE ted Represented. Full line cs Slz and hand YOUR GOODS ! A.T' THS bLD Houf y stock Furniture and Mortuary Ais Glood Works, OST COMPLETE Jley and my prices can L L. p I0AD WAGONS factured bw lager, That htaHufactureof our rchlclci. and ,i r jjood work. Having worked an uii:nuueeu;n entire saus-- l ( kinds of in tiring ! low Work ! None but the best workman telly solicited. 1NG, where wc will be glad to RED KU THE BEST OF Ol M alvays on Hand. ? ber Co, 4?c NEBRASKA 330Ne THE M.UIKET AND las. MW IBICES. iPiaK K '84. link U. ';$M&?$ MimBiffiiHaKfli&WBaim. iI? DEjiEERSWN LUMBERLAT1I, SHIXGLMg&A.SIOOBS, BLINDS' AC.": (HB;rK B s JSuljV' : at'" - f 7 r - r lrflBaiiiiBMiiiiiiiiiB ,-- , . - ' J ;i ?fec3?BMB t "i. r I "HPL. Ill SfTffL kkaiiiiiiHaVaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH aiHErSf I aaHVkjaiaiiiiiiiiiiiM ". "T ' ''liiilS ' feii''i'"E' cSR i'i)BaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH: SE WINC M Aflpf :aHaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKaBaiiiiiav-v-'-'.- v c 4'?s?''c3-z- . , .x. iit-iiB- e as Boots Shoes on ' - w w By ' Ejiife Tireless and Sleepfesl I IfcAf ', i.:f , fi l) a ever brought to thcP not fail to please. n wwww.-- . 9 lliMJliL.g of Goods fi Patroni ze Hol- - ii, i Patronizing Home yoli can always get j Better Buggies At Same Prices ! you willhave to pay fo inferior article shinned It from the east. All of SI our Buggies are Warranted. CLOUD CARRIAGE WORK! lK. Jtfoero. Pres't Joha Moo c V. Pres't E. II. Ambler. Cashier First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, - 50,000. Trawact a ireneral!br.c!nr bnninw, bay and Coanty wrrBU. Alo Cos sty. Pre-ciR- et nnd School District boad. Bay aad sell Foreign Excbance. DIKECTOIIS: R. . Moore, John Jfoore. C W. Mwher. K. C. Outcalt ff. N Richardson. LevlSIoorc. rrwldeut. Sllaa Garbcr. lco-rr- v Robt. V.Bhlrcy, Cashier, Jno. B. Shlrey, Assistant Cashier. Bsi Qoni NaUoaal Bank. REDZCLOUD, NEB. Capital, $50,000 Special Attention Civon t Cllo tion. DIIIECIQSS: Silas Oarbr. Lct Msjer. K. D. Jq. F. K. QehU. Robt. V.SHrT. . Buy and sell Exchange. Mnke col-cctio- ns. Discount 3ote$. nd do a 3eneral Banking Business. Interest allowad on all time deposiU i Wf9Si'lx cental for postfie. andcre-- m fflWfc'eivi Ire?,a mttrr box oCotLi wkkk will l&lp all. of lujcres, to more in6iy rfsAt away than any uiincf Lm; 1b- - this worW. For- - luiurs awaii uie MrorKen( atsoi-4:jy- . At eMcad-dreslBGK&.C- o AassOu. Maice. G.W. ow. ," j i ar MjtoiiHicta!- - . -- Of W4,a- 4- , ii g. T ' J . 4$K&? 'u. - i . .bSk c mHk. HBB U- - c'W. JlBiBBiiJI ft .K'.V? l .VflV. L. 1 . HB'.a e JV S. r4f W m? : at i s,- - " - - MXX-KM:.U'&.l.2..- ?.FU? zxsA '&; aaPWi "iitiiira: j-- - - -- ' - - r- - - - . -- j.tv, :.-- -.' bi WNtaMPalaWli 'FF : "1-- 1? ---- t. '? -- aHBsstJiyBMMMBkMi - auMkssk' - aaaaiMM - ". 'JI'J aSMMk fljsjMflSjl MSfBM Kmmk JSJHVHI'BBUHaBl - - - - - yapaBWB iawpiili aiwr WstafatPPpKviawJBaaaaWaV jaaaaaaMaaaaawaaaaaMlaMsaaaaai ' '"- --, '' r - vt alfctlaiAJa-llat-aaaEaraar?- gf ,vV ' TBSS-fc-H- aaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaW- - - - NG HOUSE WIENER, Clothier of Bed JfcA-E- j ,; DEA.L vii una r iciinn T0 SABA I! n .G.IIia vi . J .. ... Calicoes, u-ingna- f IN O LIUllb, XlUitJI , XVluuuno, ji tu. i -- -. m- -. wr-- . -- yT m. rvrr A T"- -' ' ! Ataykeeprnlinul;ifut!:i d wmpletelincrti tlieattiei:l.andlii.uiiim -- trr -- uTvi 4 TTTh i s : a f l r rii a i; l?"V 'i i j A V I. r & oiN piiaraiiteed a r'priHitui r Mhey ft'ire you bu't !ii 3&KATJ mSiTATE ANS! Qn Farm Property ! ithorn Xcbra.ka and Northern ECattus, at Si ami 0 iter cent, intercut i t.j t Without Commission ! I APPLY TO f MWL SHE, 'Sis lED CLOUD, NEB. M. GATES, DEALER IN .1 STOCK s? PID CLOUD. NEB. 5 blow fully prepared iolbuy CATTLE and OS, for winch te will pay the EST PRICES! kini In'forv yo H'H. It will iay jfa. IfTlco and Yards-"ca- tr soi SMJ; SE,S!GN, AND ler.tal Painter. illauger. milner, auier, leorater, fci ' Etc., 3Etc. CLCUD. ited. Priccj? rpiunitiKin. ill work cuarantetd. GIL HAM, w pD COtJ5SiXR AT LAW. UDf XEBRAS5L. ALKER. dJEf. lHkJM' hrtcrest - ,' B umo . f lira 1WII L rti to an !!. c &otkr,iisst Cloud, Nebraska. 'v weswBioxrsm fedflWV Goods - m-- T"I- - 1 jviusixns, nainourgs,, IjaCGS, nnlo arft Jw auMcl WuJla Hr . ....... ,,. Al t TT tl M SSk Til Ly.i.jJk yliVO reluiideU. O al ctiimtw tin cK before UpKJte M,ii' Uttnk a m 4 Clough's Patent WROUGHT IROIT PUMPS Are conroflcd by stll to ptarul w;thotit 11 rival for ClH'iipncs?, tinplicily, Uurabilttv ami J'orffct Workinc "Laj- - aside Ibo nlrl r;offilcu jmmp tbet boloiiK to toe : of wocxlen plows, woo!on forkfl and wooden jboc, nnd get nit-o- . lirht and bandy iron pump, tbat will compare vftb tho plows nnd otbor implonienu ofonr time Cloagh's Patent Wrought Iron I'limn, ii not only perfect in in working, but need no repair, and will lat as long a a erot? bar. Ixk at Sample ot on Wcl- - fctcr strt'pt. in Public woll. For p&la by D. C WALKER. It ED CLOUD, NEB., Sole Agent for Webster Ctmnty, Xeb Cr Set? tbe pump beforo you buy. Home Bakery S. F. Spokesfleld, Prop., We an prrjiaral to furnlta KIIEVD, BUM, Etc., Will aLv ko?p a iteacral lice of oufi;etionery, Cigar, Etc. Oinntnl Fruit-- ; Ice Cream, Lemonade and everything kept in a first-cU-ss bakery. Order? can be leftat tbe tore or with! tbe bread xragon and promptly attend- - ed to. lour patronage respectfully solicited. S. F.SPOKFSKJELD. NewHarne ss SHOP. :o: W. MOSENTHIKN. Maautactsrcret arf lr fa j Saddles, . Harness, Bridles; . Collars, 1 Brushes, , Combs, .' ,w:mps iau ciito. ivr liiS. tll 4 s j jpffrt UtWi. llw Jl1 Ii 4ftj Iwkrtr, 4 A to tftr Ay J15e Nftwrj fr G4 5usu i Dat Ct ms Ji,n rrr A IVtr !Wn t iUnJ frSa:4 ) tM kr f tt? iCiJ Sr ryijl 4rxrK. A libi:jf lkA. kU tr for ik? t- - x ' i - i ef?j.-- . ..-- . . t I! v. ih c&r.;. n?r'? c.i i,t f Mc& t tfc r v & srj l um ffni Mrf Um , i-- . "A Slcli Dt SlrTi fiHT IW Si I an. brilh ani ttf Ha UIlM V1 r i lUrt&Yr W,L i4V MajjMen tir lii nxfe of HabU lrloae4j. "A SImii Rims! i Ujs ltU 1 cjuMlcr tirtHi'is Un Tut fcf V. , t .t VWIMOU Ml "CnimlM iff i tnJrt f iif t C Tp- ca of U Uirrnt. tir Chicken of lha Cureawit. d vlih tUd Wat?r ol Divtaa Lotc, 'Kt Yo Rh.I JSiJ." -J- ii-u hccd Hlnt Dwarf kt4 l!on,ie,4 t; ... ...--- - nv. v twtwrr.- - m iSl ..reil Sob fpr .irniwfl 5vf Sin: or ih Soveti iVuttUA.i l'i!4i n...l ..i ii.. i . ! - uanuiui oi JienpvtixcKie mi iw Godly end I'Ubj Diujc, aw MHty au-ujon- tuu. j "bptritu&l M1V for IUli!. JN out of tbo breu of Uoib TtAtf! M for tbrir souls' eourUhtaont; a W- - clilstn." r. Tlt Hank of Faith." Th ChriiUan So4a!ltri or.CK Hire of nocc. bucklajf th lloIi tho Clitirchc. Prayer from the p noms of tho Word of (Jod. blown 4jt ! upistbm and gujJ of tbe Jitl btft- - Ico throughout thi yeari &At&4' by tho puny be; of all thi hlrp, eoi wfUiy to to named otbrru than Vy fawn olamenu of bu nawii. K, P, r "Tho (ium of Patleacai." ' Tho InQocrat Lo; r tk Hftty Knight; a dp-rrlpll- oa of la t4tri:l iialnt for tha Vlrgla." f "fh Shop of thi Spiritual AsiH-car- y; or. a collection of pagtlWiM the fatbem." Tbfl SUpcaayworth I IHviM SplrlL" The Snnffr of !!! lo?sv,? Tlie Sound of tH Tntmful; mhttk on the day of Judgment,' Tito Spiritual MHstard Pot, UtMik tb Soul Snenw with Dtnrotioa." Tho Thrco Dzuzhten t Mi a ircaimo on pa;jeBw. xorwiW nalo." Tobacco JUUrrcJ. md haltorod about their cari taat U ir'te Ire 0 Ioathsota a raaltr, by a : llr of holy shot UiuNdermf from (Mat ilflllcoa; a pom gaJn t U9 ihM fif tobaco, by Juhua bylytr.M ! Tbe !ato Chadn Kesao HflTMa't Insanity for twenty yrr kt b quiet ana htrminxcpt ditriar t dcrurro. wha bo faS4 f WM attacked or lnl!as, aim df In a potltlon of dirfiHi, OUrn Smith, tha -- Waady kla if Sweden, ha 4UcoTerd a aatttusi f taking th f ttil oil out f 4eW. ! leg a"purs sad karnili l)w)l ataahaL lie baa intzoduc4 Um lMftaii al bol la tho mark:, aad a yrgat laaf im a diitH rat nu iuituM Wolfrftit Wrfwr c&4 U om maafj-t- l gBH which wat to 1mj en Mardb i &rt, xnd did not wak an tillMaai 7 1850. It mm!i taai Uil nm1 wu picked ep la tha Kgy Wt, m4 m hadretir4 toU Wyai .,;, ces of Ik arfceri of lSa afeatt W - gttausad o a 4c of rttaf a though dd. laW4 wila Omi tetu and at 10 U &ritbii winarn H iqn tocefaedIy fanr a-i- ry tvm yean, wke, ?wiar a ! llfa, Umi athoriUKaV44fd alaftakyU h.ik. 1 at Um fell iwmi W tW whalaaotat svowtarc th st wk 4 fortk U Wad very lha eoanswawd to walk t Hw tM ! tk bwls. Tha wait Ariat aa4sfc aSbrda asothr iauawa Iwif m tiasd xSatM9 la ft W lttMstv I'hk Ili-k- nra aa Uw Ualslaatrw lira aaa Um & m Hw rittr GaaabU. wkldi a ylaiajy atiy dariagth tropical Jtafc lap fora t drswcht oaaax ti aanslflaai St' wlwaoBgh wkUm f 4m im tt aoft clay at, tka tot ff tls pMlf. aa4 taara ft K ia a tnU KKi mmv soatka toft, wk llCTii -- lag atad aria Uo ft ak, WWm wtUaaUU tha aatiw. ttem asldUaiftt ft grtfti nigwa ta ikal. That Im & &? Mt krsaihia tha dlsA pMVasjW iMTJftfft HMtl a4f f:afMiiMil li iMdiasr Urtwcii taw iMi akfat '., tha ffsar fc ilak JH " jf f?K 3i BiT aai fill J E ' T. RMta4 fett: .. "iJ nrt 2 :t:.i5 Vvlaaar aaak H sHWnaaaaaWkjHHt ' T. ,jS3S Si r S3 S- 6- V, :w - v. '.afj 'ife &'; Pk -- y i W . . -- 1 - 1 J.1JJ ,iV-- -- ifJ i r fr aTBMahaai aaaaasiBBaaatjaaaaaaaBaaanB aaaaPaat jBlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanB' OsMdhalami afiwa kM- - laii aaMaT '" lr ssMkhasp ft MsaaaT-sftaftf- ll "- '4 IMajMajc a ftay aaJr-4y'!- : 't ' ' MaajMHraKt awaaaaaaB.aasapmasa waaapsw ;. v j- - 4 ' ki b ' imms saf smsfrasss siisssai ' fi Bmaaaaaap aaaBjaBsBa'ssiB jpssb papjaiaaaaaa. oaal '

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Page 1: W D CHIEFS ';f · 2019. 1. 31. · T D. DENNEY M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oefick;ml sleeping room over Coolc's fu store. ... nnd School District boad. Bay aad sell Foreign Excbance


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TK CH41t mmu At 1W-Ktmm WnU

aim nwuiffwr Jt j


fci S r ? iXm AftitiftHL1. U $et r4 Jji 4 UiHeductii 8i earing Apparel! it &?& y t&ljt E;

Hi, its Out? CVevLHF - U fcfei ii Jti Lf fH


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0e eopr. ee yr, - - - 81 500b eopjr. rix montbi, - 75.0a Mjr. fsar raoBtht, ... .

Sktcrcd the PoiWfflco Red. Cloud as mat-t- it

"of tk second clan.


Jbvfc P. Bavha, County Clerk.Chaa. Cnihow, County Treasurer.3ed. O. Ycfaer, County Judge.1. W. Witfhm, Sheriil.ChM.,W--. Springer, Superintendent of:

. liblic Instruction. J

v. F. RVuker, County Swrvcyot-- .

&.&.. Moseno. Cotthtv (3uroncrvSmith, 1

acobJwMiHef, County Com.

) ' Business Directory.EDWIN a HAWLE Y,

attorney At Law,rep cloud. - - neb.

--Gi E McKEEBY, M. D.,






M in

Owen. Y(rt door west of Cook's druj: store.rice hours Irom s to t'J a. in., 1 to 4. audi to 8irt, 'KexIdenueJWocks west of court house.



PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.Oefick ;ml sleeping room over

Coolc's fu store.

jto DAMERELL, M. D.f


Red Cloud, Nobraskn.0ricr-O-rr tat new postoffico.


DENTIST.y l8pormnentJy locjited in Red Cloud

ftXeb., orer State Bank. lT-3- m

. y. :

Frank R. Gump,


Colttetleai reeetVe Propt atteatian.Omcir.Ont taew:po8toffloe baildinr.

R W. Kalkt. J. L. Kalky.


ii Tvn nr.OTTn NEB.gente forltfic B. & M. R.iR. Lands

O.CCM4. J as. McNeny


ATTORNEYS all the Courts of this State. Collection? as well u lit--

'li&.M 5 Al CLOUD. NEB. 1

S5 i.&- -- iS.

-r ". vbm.v 1 BvL ?Si


and Goods

. i . i. '

.?' tr"



Reliable Furifture and UndertakingOpposite Postofflce,

the LARGEST andthe Repi; blican


rcs5 r



Of Evory'DoscpiptifTt

The Red Callage"a Sleeper,

"Yo ilsp onlv the best material til, narket afronls Inami thereby have uhined a w di spread repubitio

a llle-um- e at ine ousmess. ve leei warranteefuetlou. e at - ilso prepared to

Job Work and ReHorse-shoein-g,

"ve.. a the most reasonable prices. All work wirrnwemployed. Your orders art respq

r? We are now lorated in OUIt NKW ItKICKBUJsee all our mentis ami patrons.

IDS. UOK,Dealer In

Fresh Meats,Lard,


Ked Cloud, Nek.

Cash paid for hides & pelts




SOLO AT THE.jae.A.-- f i




ted Represented. Full line cs Slz and hand



Houfy stock Furniture and Mortuary Ais

Glood Works,

OST COMPLETEJley and my prices can

L L.


factured bw

lager, ThathtaHufactureof our rchlclci. and

,i r jjood work. Having worked anuii:nuueeu;n entire saus-- l( kinds of intiring !

low Work !

None but the best workmantelly solicited.1NG, where wc will be glad to RED


Ol Malvays on Hand.


ber Co,4?c



'84.linkU. ';$M&?$




(HB;rK Bs JSuljV' :

at'" - f7 r - r lrflBaiiiiBMiiiiiiiiiB ,--, . - ' J;i ?fec3?BMB t "i. r I "HPL. Ill

SfTffL kkaiiiiiiHaVaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH aiHErSf I

aaHVkjaiaiiiiiiiiiiiM ". "T ' ''liiilS '

feii''i'"E' cSR i'i)BaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH:SE WINC M Aflpf

:aHaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKaBaiiiiiav-v-'-'.- v c 4'?s?''c3-z- . , .x. iit-iiB- e

as Boots Shoes on







Tireless and SleepfeslI IfcAf

', i.:f ,




ever brought to thcPnot fail to please. n

wwww.--. 9lliMJliL.g

of Goods


Patroni ze Hol- -


Patronizing Home yolican always get j

Better BuggiesAt Same Prices !

you willhave to pay foinferior article shinned It

from the east. All of SI

our Buggies areWarranted.


lK. Jtfoero. Pres't Joha Moo c V. Pres'tE. II. Ambler. Cashier

First National BankRED CLOUD, NEB.

Capital, - 50,000.Trawact a ireneral!br.c!nr bnninw, bay and

Coanty wrrBU. Alo Cos sty. Pre-ciR- et

nnd School District boad. Bay aad sellForeign Excbance.

DIKECTOIIS:R. . Moore, John Jfoore.

C W. Mwher. K. C. Outcaltff. N Richardson.

LevlSIoorc. rrwldeut. Sllaa Garbcr. lco-rr- v

Robt. V.Bhlrcy, Cashier,Jno. B. Shlrey, Assistant Cashier.

Bsi Qoni NaUoaal Bank.


Capital, $50,000Special Attention Civon t Cllotion.

DIIIECIQSS:Silas Oarbr. Lct Msjer.

K. D. Jq. F. K. QehU.Robt. V.SHrT.

. Buy and sell Exchange. Mnke col-cctio- ns.

Discount 3ote$. nd do a3eneral Banking Business.

Interest allowad on all time deposiU

i Wf9Si'lx cental for postfie. andcre--m

fflWfc'eivi Ire?,a mttrr box oCotLi wkkkwill l&lp all. of lujcres, to more in6iy rfsAtaway than any uiincfLm; 1b- - this worW. For--luiurs awaii uie MrorKen( atsoi-4:jy- . At eMcad-dreslBGK&.C- o

AassOu. Maice.

G.W. ow.," j i ar

MjtoiiHicta!--. --Of W4,a- 4- , iig.

T ' J . 4$K&?'u. -i ..bSk cmHk. HBB U- - c'W. JlBiBBiiJI

ft .K'.V?l .VflV. L. 1 . HB'.a e JV S. r4f Wm? : at i s,-- " - -

MXX-KM:.U'&.l.2..- ?.FU? zxsA '&; aaPWi"iitiiira: j-- - - -- ' - - r-- - - . -- j.tv, :.-- -.' biWNtaMPalaWli 'FF :

"1--1? ----

t. '? --aHBsstJiyBMMMBkMi - auMkssk' - aaaaiMM -

". 'JI'J aSMMk fljsjMflSjl MSfBM Kmmk JSJHVHI'BBUHaBl - - -

- - yapaBWB iawpiili aiwr WstafatPPpKviawJBaaaaWaV jaaaaaaMaaaaawaaaaaMlaMsaaaaai' '"- --, ''r - vt alfctlaiAJa-llat-aaaEaraar?- gf

,vV ' TBSS-fc-H-aaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaW- - - -


WIENER,Clothier of Bed

JfcA-E- j ,;DEA.L

vii una riciinnT0 SABA I! n.G.IIiavi . J .. ...Calicoes, u-ingna-

f IN O LIUllb, XlUitJI , XVluuuno, ji tu.i ---. m- -. wr-- . --yT m. rvrr A

T"- -' '!

Ataykeeprnlinul;ifut!:i d wmpletelincrti tlieattiei:l.andlii.uiiim--trr --uTvi 4 TTThi s : a f l rrii a i;

l?"V 'i i j A V I.r& oiN piiaraiiteed a r'priHitui r Mhey

ft'ire you bu't!ii


ANS!Qn Farm Property !

ithorn Xcbra.ka and Northern

ECattus, at Si ami 0 iter cent, intercuti t.jt Without Commission !


f MWL SHE,'Sis



.1 STOCKs?

PID CLOUD. NEB.5 blow fully prepared

iolbuy CATTLE andOS, for winch

te will pay theEST PRICES!

kini In'forv yo H'H. It will iay jfa.IfTlco and Yards-"ca- tr soi



ler.tal Painter.illauger.milner,auier,leorater,

fci ' Etc., 3Etc.CLCUD.

ited. Priccj? rpiunitiKin.ill work cuarantetd.



ALKER.dJEf. lHkJM' hrtcrest- ,' B umo . f

lira1WII Lrti to an !!. c&otkr,iisst

Cloud, Nebraska.




- m-- T"I-- 1

jviusixns, nainourgs,,IjaCGS,

nnlo arft Jw auMcl WuJla Hr. .......

,,. Al t TTtl M SSk TilLy.i.jJk yliVOreluiideU. O al ctiimtw tin cK beforeUpKJte M,ii' Uttnk

a m

4Clough's Patent

WROUGHT IROIT PUMPSAre conroflcd by stll to ptarul w;thotit

11 rival for ClH'iipncs?, tinplicily,Uurabilttv ami J'orffct Workinc

"Laj-- aside Ibo nlrl r;offilcu jmmp tbetboloiiK to toe : of wocxlen plows,woo!on forkfl and wooden jboc, nndget nit-o- . lirht and bandy iron pump,tbat will compare vftb tho plows nndotbor implonienu ofonr time Cloagh'sPatent Wrought Iron I'limn, ii notonly perfect in in working, but needno repair, and will lat as long a aerot? bar. Ixk at Sample ot on Wcl- -fctcr strt'pt. in Public woll. For p&la by


Sole Agent for Webster Ctmnty, XebCr Set? tbe pump beforo you buy.

Home BakeryS. F. Spokesfleld, Prop.,

We an prrjiaral to furnlta


Will aLv ko?p a iteacral lice of

oufi;etionery,Cigar, Etc.

Oinntnl Fruit--; Ice Cream, Lemonadeand everything kept in a first-cU-ss

bakery.Order? can be leftat tbe tore or with!

tbe bread xragon and promptly attend- -ed to. lour patronage respectfullysolicited.




W. MOSENTHIKN.Maautactsrcret arf lr fa j

Saddles, .Harness,

Bridles; .Collars,

1 Brushes,, Combs,

.' ,w:mps

iau ciito. ivr liiS.tll 4 s j jpffrt

UtWi. llw Jl1 Ii 4ftj Iwkrtr, 4

A to tftr Ay J15e

Nftwrj fr G4 5usu i

Dat Ct ms Ji,n rrrA IVtr !Wn t iUnJ

frSa:4 ) tM kr f tt?iCiJ Sr ryijl 4rxrK.

A libi:jf lkA. kU trfor ik? t- - x ' i - i

ef?j.--. ..--. . t I! v. ihc&r.;. n?r'? c.i i,t

f Mc& t tfc r v & srjl um ffni Mrf Um , i-- .

"A Slcli Dt SlrTi fiHT IW SiI an. brilh ani ttf Ha UIlMV1 r i lUrt&Yr W,L i4V

MajjMen tir lii nxfe of HabU

lrloae4j."A SImii Rims! i Ujs ltU

1 cjuMlcr tirtHi'is Un Tut fcfV. , t . t


"CnimlM iff i tnJrt fiif t CTp-ca of U Uirrnt.

tirChicken of lha Cureawit. dvlih tUd Wat?r ol Divtaa Lotc, 'KtYo Rh.I JSiJ."

-J- ii-u hccd Hlnt Dwarf kt4l!on,ie,4 t;

......--- - nv. v twtwrr.--miSl

..reil Sob fpr .irniwfl 5vfSin: or ih Soveti iVuttUA.i l'i!4i

n...l ..i ii.. i . ! -uanuiui oi JienpvtixcKie mi iwGodly end I'Ubj Diujc, aw MHtyau-ujon- tuu. j

"bptritu&l M1V for IUli!. JNout of tbo breu of Uoib TtAtf!Mfor tbrir souls' eourUhtaont; a W--clilstn." r.

Tlt Hank of Faith."Th ChriiUan So4a!ltri or.CK

Hire of nocc. bucklajf th lloIitho Clitirchc. Prayer from the pnoms of tho Word of (Jod. blown 4jt !upistbm and gujJ of tbe Jitl btft- -

Ico throughout thi yeari &At&4' bytho puny be; of all thi hlrp, eoi wfUiyto to named otbrru than Vy fawnolamenu of bu nawii. K, P, r

"Tho (ium of Patleacai." 'Tho InQocrat Lo; r tk Hftty

Knight; a dp-rrlpll- oa of la t4tri:liialnt for tha Vlrgla." f

"fh Shop of thi Spiritual AsiH-car- y;

or. a collection of pagtlWiMthe fatbem."

Tbfl SUpcaayworth I IHviMSplrlL"

The Snnffr of !!! lo?sv,?Tlie Sound of tH Tntmful; mhttk

on the day of Judgment,'Tito Spiritual MHstard Pot, UtMik

tb Soul Snenw with Dtnrotioa."Tho Thrco Dzuzhten t Mi a

ircaimo on pa;jeBw. xorwiWnalo."

Tobacco JUUrrcJ. mdhaltorod about their cari taat Uir'te

Ire 0 Ioathsota a raaltr, by a : llrof holy shot UiuNdermf from (Matilflllcoa; a pom gaJn t U9 ihM fiftobaco, by Juhua bylytr.M !

Tbe !ato Chadn Kesao HflTMa'tInsanity for twenty yrr kt bquiet ana htrminxcpt ditriar tdcrurro. wha bo faS4 f WMattacked or lnl!as, aimdf In a potltlon of dirfiHi,

OUrn Smith, tha --Waady kla ifSweden, ha 4UcoTerd a aatttusi ftaking th fttil oil out f 4eW. !leg a"purs sad karnili l)w)l ataahaLlie baa intzoduc4 Um lMftaii albol la tho mark:, aad a yrgat laafima diitH rat nu iuituM

Wolfrftit Wrfwrc&4 U om maafj-t- l

gBH which wat to 1mj en Mardb i&rt, xnd did not wak an tillMaai 7

1850. It mm!i taai Uil nm1 wupicked ep la tha Kgy Wt, m4m hadretir4 toU Wyai .,;,ces of Ik arfceri of lSa afeatt W -

gttausad o a 4c of rttaf athough dd. laW4 wila Omi tetuand at 10 U &ritbii winarn Hiqn tocefaedIy fanr a-i-ry tvm

yean, wke, ?wiar a !llfa, Umi athoriUKaV44fd alaftakyUh.ik. 1 at Um fell iwmi W tWwhalaaotat svowtarc th st wk 4fortk U Wad verylha eoanswawd to walk t Hw tM !tk bwls. Tha wait Ariat aa4sfcaSbrda asothr iauawa Iwif mtiasd xSatM9 la ft W lttMstvI'hk Ili-k- nra aa Uw Ualslaatrwlira aaa Um & m Hw rittrGaaabU. wkldi a ylaiajy atiydariagth tropical Jtafc lapfora t drswcht oaaax ti aanslflaai St'wlwaoBgh wkUm f 4m im ttaoft clay at, tka tot ff tls pMlf.aa4 taara ft K ia a tnU KKi mmv

soatka toft, wk llCTii --

lag atad aria Uo ft ak, WWm

wtUaaUU tha aatiw. ttemasldUaiftt ft grtfti nigwata ikal. That Im & &?

Mt krsaihia tha dlsA pMVasjWiMTJftfft HMtl a4f f:afMiiMil

li iMdiasr Urtwcii taw iMi akfat'.,tha ffsar fc ilak

JH " jf f?K 3i BiT aaifill J E' T.RMta4

fett:.. "iJnrt 2

:t:.i5 Vvlaaar aaak H sHWnaaaaaWkjHHt 'T.

,jS3SSi r


S- 6-



- v.


Pk -- yi W ..-- 1 - 1J.1JJ

,iV---- ifJ

ir fraTBMahaai aaaaasiBBaaatjaaaaaaaBaaanB aaaaPaat jBlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanB'

OsMdhalami afiwa kM- - laii aaMaT '"

lr ssMkhasp ft MsaaaT-sftaftf-ll "- '4

IMajMajc a ftay aaJr-4y'!- : 't ' '

MaajMHraKt awaaaaaaB.aasapmasa waaapsw ;. v j-- 4'

ki b ' imms saf smsfrasss siisssai ' fiBmaaaaaap aaaBjaBsBa'ssiB jpssb papjaiaaaaaa. oaal
