waddell folder 3

THE N~&U~ND FAMILY OF WADJiELL 1739 1950 Prepared by Oharl~a WIlkln Wadde11,131~7 Midvale Ave,,Los Angeles 24,Californin. (Note. For much •f the data concerning his branch of the family and my own up to the year l~24,Iam indebted to the late W.fl.Weddell, who at that time,lived at 52~. 111th Street, New York City and who was then in business at 58 Church Street in tnat city ) Charles Wilkin Waddell ~TPODUCTORY From material compiled by ‘~TI~ MEDIA R~E~CH BUREAUS’ Washington D.C. a fe~ matters of interest about the name Weddell are herewith presented. The first Iaiown bearer of the name Waddell seems to have acauired it fram th parish of 0~LL,Bodfordshire, England in which he lived~ In ancient records many variant~ of the name have been found among which aro the following : Wadhu,, Wadhu11e~Wodohull, Waddle, Wodell, Wodol, Wadel, Wadoll, Waddil, Waddill and thc most widely amd generafly,accopted form in America today * Waddoll, Families beariug the name were found very early in four Counties of ~gland, a well as in various parts of Scotland and Ireland. For the most part they were aa the 1and~d gentry and yeomanry of Groat Britain. It is the general belief that all Wadd~1ls were originally of common anceatny though it is not certain from which of the rn~nerous lines the first emigrants wui~ descended. It is believed that the first family was probably that of William Waddell of Warwick, who is 1~iown to hat.rø bean in America somet~rioprior to 1643 faa on that date he was imprisoned,on account of his religious beliefs, at Watertown. Massachusetts. He later migrated to Portsmouth ~.I as did many othera who were persecuted for religious beliefs. Sometime prior to l6~9 one 3ohn Waddell emigrated to Row Kent County, ICe. ~t ni~norous later dates other members of the Weddell family emigrated to a number of other localities in America. According to this source of information (MEDIA) “The descendants of these en~ probably other branches of the family in America have spread to practically ovca~ State of the Union and have aided as much in the growth of the country as their an-- cestors aided in the founding of the nation. They h~e been noted for their en- orgy, industry, ambition,integrity, piety, persov~ronce, fortitude and courage. G~EOIDGY OF CEHTAfl’T BRANCEES 0? TIlS WADDELL’ S FAMILY IN AMEBICA Our data carries u~ back to a certain WIlLIAM WADDELL who lived in County Down, in the north of Ireland. He was the father of three sons who are lewwn to have emigrated togothor,in 1739, to America and are believed to have settled first in south eastern Pennsylvania at White Clay Crook. There was a belief, among some members of the family that there was a fourth brother who came at the san~time but we have never had any authentic infonim-tien to verify such a f~ct. Such meagre data as is evailabo regarding the three brothers,whom we shall dosi~iate Generation I in Americn,is hare presented as it came to us. In the order of their respective ages their names ware THOM’S WADDEIL, WILLIh2vI WADDELL dND 3OIf~ WADDEIL, ~, TH0M~ WADDELL , the oldest of the three brothers settled , it is believed, with the others at White Clay Crock in 1739. Little further information about him is available. Ho is believed to have remained in Pennsy1m~nia and to have died there. However, W,R.Waadell has this to say further. “From his doscennonts, now living mainly in Virginia, I have never boon abJr to gat the facts as to his residence, time or place of death, or where buried. Recently, while at Carlisle, I went through some old books and records and found reference to T~MASWADDELL then living in the southern part of Camberland County (now Franklin Co.) in 1756. He is men— tionod~, or rather his “place” is mentioned as one• of the relays in a p1~ n of forts for the protection of the white settier8 from the Indians.”

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Page 1: Waddell Folder 3


Preparedby Oharl~a WIlkln Wadde11,131~7Midvale Ave,,Los Angeles 24,Californin.

(Note. For much •f the data concerning his branch of the family and my own up tothe year l~24,I am indebted to the late W.fl.Weddell, who at that time,lived at 52~.111th Street, New York City and who was then in business at 58 Church Street in tnatcity ) Charles Wilkin Waddell


From material compiled by ‘~TI~MEDIA R~E~CHBUREAUS’ Washington D.C. a fe~matters of interest about the name Weddell are herewith presented.

The first Iaiown bearer of the name Waddell seemsto have acauired it fram thparish of 0~LL, Bodfordshire, England in which he lived~ In ancient recordsmany variant~ of the name have been found among which aro the following : Wadhu,,Wadhu11e~Wodohull, Waddle, Wodell, Wodol, Wadel, Wadoll, Waddil, Waddill and thcmost widely amd generafly,accopted form in America today * Waddoll,

Families beariug the name were found very early in four Counties of ~gland, awell as in various parts of Scotland and Ireland. For the most part they were aathe 1and~dgentry and yeomanry of Groat Britain.

It is the general belief that all Wadd~1lswere originally of common anceatnythough it is not certain from which of the rn~nerouslines the first emigrants wui~descended. It is believed that the first family was probably that of WilliamWaddell of Warwick, who is 1~iownto hat.rø bean in America somet~rioprior to 1643 faaon that date he was imprisoned,on account of his religious beliefs, at Watertown.Massachusetts. He later migrated to Portsmouth ~.I as did many othera who werepersecuted for religious beliefs.

Sometime prior to l6~9 one 3ohn Waddell emigrated to Row Kent County, ICe. ~tni~norous later dates other members of the Weddell family emigrated to a number ofother localities in America.

According to this source of information (MEDIA) “The descendants of these en~probably other branches of the family in America have spread to practically ovca~State of the Union and have aided as much in the growth of the country as their an--cestors aided in the founding of the nation. They h~e been noted for their en-orgy, industry, ambition,integrity, piety, persov~ronce, fortitude and courage.


Our data carries u~back to a certain WIlLIAM WADDELL who lived in County Down,in the north of Ireland. He was the father of three sons who are lewwn to haveemigrated togothor,in 1739, to America and are believed to have settled first insouth eastern Pennsylvania at White Clay Crook. There was a belief, among somemembers of the family that there was a fourth brother who came at the san~ time butwe have never had any authentic infonim-tien to verify such a f~ct. Such meagredata as is evailabo regarding the three brothers,whom we shall dosi~iateGenerationI in Americn,is hare presented as it came to us. In the order of their respectiveages their names ware THOM’S WADDEIL, WILLIh2vI WADDELLdND 3OIf~WADDEIL,

~, TH0M~WADDELL , the oldest of the three brothers settled , it is believed, withthe others at White Clay Crock in 1739. Little further information about him isavailable. Ho is believed to have remainedin Pennsy1m~niaand to have died there.However, W,R.Waadell has this to say further. “From his doscennonts, now livingmainly in Virginia, I have never boon abJr to gat the facts as to his residence,time or place of death, or where buried. Recently, while at Carlisle, I wentthrough some old books and records and found reference to T~MASWADDELL then livingin the southern part of CamberlandCounty (now Franklin Co.) in 1756. He is men—tionod~,or rather his “place” is mentioned as one• of the relays in a p1~n of fortsfor the protection of the white settier8 from the Indians.”

Page 2: Waddell Folder 3


While incomplete date is available for some forty of the descendants of TH0M~AS,extending to the fifth and sixth generation in America, we shall list only a few ofthe more notable niemb~rsof his family. In this record we are to be concerned in

the main with the descendantsof his briSther JOHN. Descendedfrom THOMAS were ~

“flTJBE~’ WADDEIL, the famous “south—paw” baseball pitcher, still rememberedasof baseball’s great player~,wes a fourth generationmember of this line.

JJ~I~~WA~DELL, son of TH0MA~,taught school in Virginia and later became aPresbytt~rianMinister, After becoming blind from cataracts he b~oamequite Lemonsin that region as “THE BLIND PREACHER” whose story was published by Wirt, an EngliaL..writer of the period.

JAMES WADDEIL AI~ANDEB , recently connectedwith one of the large life insaa -

ance companies, was descendedfrom one of THOMAS’ granddanghtors, 3~NE’TTAand hewhusband,1k • ARCHIBALD A11DCANDER.

lAMES ~.WADDEIL, son of”The BLIND PREACHER, was Principal at one time ofStaunton Academy in Virginia.

JO~HADDISON WADDELL (Fourth generation from THOMAS) was born about 1824. h~was an Attorney-at—I~was well as quite a historian and writer. Among other th~L,.,ho wrote “The Annals of Agusta County” which contains a great deal of infoniiatic oi:intercat to any member of the Waddell family. Ho was the last HIGH SHERIFF ofAgusta County and is said to hare lived to about the age of 90.

I,WIILIAd WADDELL, the secondbrothor,who camo with THOMAS to White Clay Crook,latcrownod land in Peters Township, Cumborland County, Pa. which is now the southernpart of Franklin County (formed from part of CunborlandCo.in 1784) which the roe--ords show that he sold about 1774. Ho had owned it as early as 1751. There ~no positive record of his placo of abode from 1774 to 1782. At the lattor datehis name appears as on~of the Elders of a Proebutorian Church at,or noar, Moreors-~burg,Pa, One unauthonticatod report has it that he was later Coroner of Wont—moreland Co. , also that ho was married and that ho has n~nerousdescendantsinvarious parts of the countyy. W.RJaddoll was unable to verify the fact that hehad any do~oond~nt~.

I, JOHN WADDELL , with whose descendants we are to be chiefly concerned,was thethird and youngost brother. Like the others ho is boliovod to have sottlod firstat White Clay Oreok in 173g. How long he remained in this locality or just whoreho lived between 1739 and 1753. r ~ins uncertain • However, in 1751 his name ap-pears Ca a taxpayer in tho newly formed Cumborlond County, Pa. (formed out of partLanca8tor County in 175O~; and there are various other rocords of his residence

in ~mberland County up to 1795. In 1795 lOBtI sold his land there, about 243acres, for 980 Pounds, This was in the northern part of the county not far fromCarlisle. It was than that he movod, with all his family (except Margarot,who wasthen marriod) to Ohio County, Va. (now Woat Virginia)

Ho mado a will in 1737 (while still living in Middloton Township, Cumborland Co.,)in which ho nanod his brother William and his son William as Executers. No evidencehas boon as to whether this will was in effect at the time of JOIN’S death (1812)or whether his brother William was then living.

The iTmnediato family of JOHN WADD&L ( 1729—1812) of GenerationI in Americaconsisted of six children — three sons and three daughters, Our data with respectto -them is meagre except f or the fa~iliea of WILLIAM (the eldest) and IOSFFH (thethird son whose line will be traced from this point on. Generation II were

Page 3: Waddell Folder 3


II 1) WILLIAM WADJEIL (l’18’/,—1829) Married Elizabeth Nelson. His line is aparallel one with that of JOIN. W.R.VIADDELL (who furnisho~the data for this rec-ord up to 1923)bolongs to this line and supplied records listing well over 1C( I~--scondants of WIlLIAM at that date, a number of them in the VI generation. Tri~slimo is cnmiittod from our record from this point on.

II 2) JOHN WADj~IL ( ? ) ‘~Aarriod Miss Stuart. Lr~t one son.” 7 7~* II 3) JOSEPHWDDELL (1778—1863) Married Jane Brown (1?1~1 ? ) in lhel

Dotailod record to follow.II 4) ELIZ~BH~HWADDEIL C ) Married lamesNelson.II ~) MARGAB~’WAD~LL ( ? ) Marr~od ? Mo Connoll.II 6) MARY WADflEIL ( ? ) Married Bonjamin Pratt.

Prom this point on we present the descendantsof lOIN WAD~EIL (1729-1812) throuFhhis third son II 3) JOSEPHWADDEIL (l77R~.1863) and the letters seventh son III “~

LAMES 7AD~L (l~l8—1879) Only very partial data is included for other branches ofthe family who doubtless comprizo several htndrod individuals.

Roman numerals I through VII will be used to designatethe gonor~tions.

I. 3) JOHN WAD~IL (1729 — 153.2) vies the third son of WILLIAM WADflELL of County DownIreland. Mc omigrated with his two brothers in 1739 to southwestern Pennsylva-nia as indicatod above. Best information is that ho died in Ohio County Va.(now West Virginia) Married,In Cumberland County,Pa. to Mary Dickcy ( ?His six children are listed at tha top of this page. The order of their birthmay be in error since birth dates have boon established in only two cases.

II 3) 1OS~HWADfl~a~L(1778 — 3.863) Married Lane Brown (1781 — ) in 1881 (?)It seems certain that ho wa~born in the northern mart of Oumberland County,Pa. not far from Carlisle cud that he~moved with his father to Ohio Co~rt~V’~.(now West Virgini~j in 1795. He is believed to have lived, married and c~Io4in this same locality. His ft~niily consisted of eight sons and three daugh-ters.III 1) JOHN WA~DML( 18C3—1889) Married -Anne E. Morgan, They had five

sonis and three daughters.III 2) JOSIAH WADOPILL ( l8~4— ) Married Elizabeth HalL. Both are

deceased. They left no children.III 3) WILLIAM WLDDEIL (l8~6— ) M~’rriedMaria Mc Mahon. They had. three

sons and five daughters.

III 4) ELIZA WJ~DELL(1807 * ) Married Rev. Joseph Clokey. They hadfour Sons and one daughter, the latter being Mrs. Mary Clokoy Porter wholived and died in Pittsburg ~a• and who was an aunt of Joseph WaddellClokey now of Oberlin College School of Music.

III 5) 10SEP11 WADDELL (1810) B-~c~aicr.III 6) SAMUEL 7J~D~LL(1812— ) Married Scm Morrison. One son,decersed,III V) MARY JL~TE‘JADDEIL (1814— ) Married a Mr • Hodges.~ 8) M~CI~i~7~DDELL(1316 — ) Mcrrio( a Miss ~tkinson. They had

3 sons ~d three daughters.*** III 9) L~ESWADDELL (1818 — 1879) (Completerecord begins below.

III 10) ELIJAH ~7ADDEIL(l82C’~— ) Married e Miss Bogga. They had twocams and two daughters.

III ll) SUSAM WADDEIL C 1823 — ) Never married.

~ ~DDi~LL (Iii 9 above) was born in Ohio County, West Virginia at Short Creek.In 1856 he and his oldest brother LOIf moved with their families to ftrms some sixmiles east and one north of Taylervill,, Illinois in May Township. He e he livedthe rest of his life on the farm and ~aa~buried in the cemetery in Tay1c~viilosThe follewiiw p-ages g~ive a pretty campl~t~ list of his .lescendants d~ to 19~O.

Page 4: Waddell Folder 3



III ~) LA~S WADDDLL (Jan. 23, 1818— Jon.l3,l879) Occuyation, Farmer See p. 3.Married en Oct 17,1839 in Ohio County 7. Va. to (1) Ru~hMorrison (1820-1870)Married (2) on Sept. 16, 1873 at Washington,Iowato Adalino 711km (May 17,

1835 4Iov~l4~ 1918• Graduate of Westminster College, Pennsylvania in 1-~’a8.

IV. 1) ~ILLL~d It~LPHWjtDD~LL (July 2,lC4l—Oct.2?,1659) Born Ohio County 7~7-,Died from Typhoid while a student at Monmouth College in Illinois.

IV 2) JOSEPHMORRISON ‘kIDDELL (De~,9,1843 -Mch. 18, 1910) was born at ShortCreek, 7. Va. and at the time of’ his death vies living at Loveland, Co1e~Married on March 8,1868 at West Alexander, Pa. to Margaret Louisa Te~c 1(Aug. 11, 1846- Juno 19, 1906) Occupation. Farmer in Illinois andNot: ~a1aand during his last years owner of a bakery at Loveland, Cob.

V. 1) Ralph Terrill Waddoll ( Oct.3, 1870 — Oct 30, 1897) Born near TaylcrvillcIll. Died at his Lather’s fern near Pawnee City, Nebr.

V 2) ~nmaMaude VJaddell (July 15,1874 — ) Born near Tay1orv1lle,Il1~Married on ~Tune14,1900 at Pa-mice City, Nebr. to David William Osborn(Doe. 9, 1970— ) His Occupation. Farmer Roe], estate and Insur—anco


Atlanta Gee,

VT.1)Mcrgarot Olive Osborn (Aug 10, 1907— ) at PawneeCity,Nebr.Occupation. Teacher of Hame Economics, George WashingtonUniversityWashington, D.C.

VI. 2) Mary Evelyn Osbomn (July 1, 1915— ) ~awnee City, Nobr.Occupation. Social Welfare Worker, A H C, recently at Fort s-~I:oua—ton, San ntonio, Texas.

VI. 3) JeannottoOsborn (Jan 1, 191?— ) Born at Pawneo City~N~~~brMarried on March 28, 1942 at PewneoCity to ~‘, Harry George haawiel( ) who was born at Plymouth, Nebr, His Occip~4aLen~Peditricien at Vallojo, Calif. Mane. 258 Viewniont Itve.,Ve11ojo?Ca1~VII. 1) Claudia loon L~imio1(Jan. 18,1946— ) at New 1-~ven,Conn~VIII. 2) David George Lomniol ( Feb. 24,1948— ) at Vallejo,Calif.

V. 3) J.Clydo Waddell, M.D. (July 14,1876— ) Born near TaylorvilleIll. Moved with his family to Pawnee City. Gr’~duateof Modical Sch-ool of University of Nobraska. Settled at Beatrice, Nobr. wherehe is a specialist in Internal Medecine and head of the Beatrice Olin-io’~1Group. Married on Dec. 25,1901at Lincoln, Nebr-~skato ~imioJosephineGif ford (Jrn.5,l880 — ) Born near Lowiston, Nebr.

1) Margaret Elizabeth Viaddell (Aug.3, 1904 ) Born at PewneeCity, Nobr, Married on Sept. 14,1929 at Chatenooga,Tenn. toRichard Henry Peters ( Apr.26,1905— ) who was born at KingCity, Mo. Occupation. Lawyor cud Business men. Residenco(L9503680 Cleimniont Hoed N.E. Atlanta, Georgia.VII. 1) Richard ~kddel1 Peters( Nov. 11, 1932—

VI, 2) Wi1li-~i Wayne Waddell, M.D. (Aug. 22,1906— ) Born,Lincoln.Nobr. Married on Feb. 7, 1930 at ~amont, Nobr to Joan WrgcrotRathbun ( Apr. 13,1908 — ) who was born at Belle Fourcho So.

VII. 1) Mar~Josephine Weddoll (~pr.lO,193~ — ) Cleveland, Ohio.VII. 2) Virginia Ann ~1addo1l (March 14, 1939— ) Beatrice, Nebr.VII. 3) •illian Wayne Wrddoll, Jr. (April 14, 19:1 — ) Beatrice.

VI, 3) Lenoro JosephineWaddell (Feb 20, 1913 ) P~:’neeCity,Nob.A.B. University of Nebraska, Class of ; M.S.M et Union The-ological Seam ry, New York, 1942. Occupation, Minister ofSacred Music, Organist and Choir Diroctor,Wostminstor Presbyter-ian Church, Lincoln, IMor. Ld’Ir~w ~. 13d0 ,St, Presidort Apts.Liwoaln, N~br.

Page 5: Waddell Folder 3


V. 4) Ella Ovorholt Waddell (Feb,21,18’?8 — Fob. 23,1909) Born ne~rTaylorville,Illinois. Married on Dee. 19, 190? to Luther Burt BlrirThey had no children.

V 5) Martha Mary Waddell (Feb 11, 1881 — ) Born nearT~y1orvi11o,Ill.Married on Sept. ~0,l9l6 at Loveland, Cole. to Henry Green (Sept.10, 1833 *

who w’m born at Wahoo, Nebn. Occupation. Insurance, Lovo1and~Co1o,V. 6) Alonzo L~iarWaddell (Scpt. 12,l~3 — ) Born at Pawnee City, Nobr~

Married on at to Eva M~yStevens ( March 31,1~8?~who vros born at Adcir,Iovir, Occupation. Baker. Lovelrnd.Co1o~

VI. 1) James Morrison Waddoll ( Juno 21, 1909 - ) born at Lovo1~nd,

Cob. Occupation. Ckiomist~.

IV. 3) J~~SMc C0HN~L~AD~LL cMOY 1l,1~—June 4,1864) Drowned in Flat Branch,

LV. ‘~) LOS1M~~LONZ0W~DDELL(Oct.29,l848~-April 18,1889) Born at Short Creek WestVirginia. Died near Pawnee City,Neb~4. Married on Oct.2’7,1870 to (1) ElizaJane Honry ( ) (2) noar Tay1~rville,I11. on Feb. 4,1875 to Rhoda AnneFultori ( 1854 — 1888) Farmer. First with his father ; then on a near by farm ;and in the early 1880’s near Pawnee City, Nebr. Ho and his second wife bothwere victimo of Tuberculosis.

* V. 1) Ruth Poet Waddell ( March 3, 1876 — ) Born near Taylorvillo, Ill.M~rriod at Topeka, Kansason Nov. 29,1900 to Herbort A. Stewart (Au~w8,1874—

who was born at Olatha,L~nsas. His occupation was Salesman~VI. 1) Anna Louisa Stewart (Sept.20, 1904 - ) born at

Married on Aug 4, 1929 at to Donald B. Hartung (Nov. 22,1905 - ) Mr. Hartung is Principal of the Puyallup High School inthe state of Washington~

VII. 1) Carolyn Louise Hartung ( July 21.1934 —

VI. 2) Ruth Prances Stewart ( April 8,1906 - ) Married on July 7,1930to Charles Francis S~tvago (Feb 22,1906 — ) Electrical Engineerwith G.E. at Marblehead, Mass.VII. 1) Ruth Janet Savage (Mareh~2~,1~35-

VII. 2) Edward Stewart Savage (Nov.5,1941-VI. 3) Margaret Lois Stewart (June 22,1913 —

Occupation. Accountant in San Francisco in 1949.V. 2) James Knox Waddell,( Jan. 6, 1881 — ) born near Teylorville, Ill.

Married on July 2, 1902 at Pavinco City Nobr. to Ze]ina B. Butler (Aug. 261883 — )also of Pawnee City. Occupation. Business man. Living in.1950 at 1111 Eleventh Street, Gre~1oy,Colorado.

VI. i) Mildred Waidell (April 7,1906 — ) Born at Parnee City, Nebr.Married on June 11, 1932 to Hay Kerr (Scpt.1,19O4 - ) who wasborn at Eaton, Co1or~do. Occupation, Thigineor

VII. 1) JamesWaddoll Kerr (lan., 18,1934 - ) Born at Groeley,Co?o.VI. 2) Ruth ;7adaou (Sept, 29,1908— ) Born at Pawnee City, Nebr.

Occupation. ~ocretary The Home Gas and Electric Go,. Greeloy, Cole.

V. 3) Charles A3.on.zo Waddell (Nov. 13,1883 — June 5, 1939) Born at PawneeCityNobr. Died at Portland Oregon whore he had been a Police Officer for

2? years at the time ho passed away with a heart attack at the ago of 56.Married (1) at Pownoe City on To Nellie Cornell C ? - Doc.1906 at Portland Oro.)VI. 1) Infant. (2) On March 23 married to Anne Crven Murphy (March 8,1883 — Oct. 20,1938) at Portlcnd,Oregon.VI. 2) Charles Edward Waddell (Juno 16,191? — ) Born at Portland,Ore.

(* Herbert and Ruth Stewart live at 126 N.E. Graham S-troet, Portland, Oregon.)

Page 6: Waddell Folder 3


VI. z) Charles Edward Waddelb continued.Married (1) Audrey Lee on Nov. 26,1937 at Portland Orogon~

VII. 1) Charles Lee Waddefl ( Tune II, 1939 —

Married (2) JosephineMaloy (June 1, 1915 —

VI. 3) Rhoda Anna Waddell (July 5,1918—Married W7nn Wittchc (Nov. 9,1918 — )VII. 1) Dennis Wynn Vlittcko ( Jan. 23,1943 —

VII. 2) Dianne Cheryl Wittcke ( Jan.5, 1946 *

VI. 4) Mary JeanWaddeil ( Nov.3, 1919 —

Married on Dec. 7, 1946 at Medford, Ore. towho is an Accountant, living(jn i95o) at 1CC

VII. 1) Vickie Jo Weld ( Nove. 19,1947 —

VII, 2) Susan Kay Wold ( Feb. 28, 1949 —

Vi, 2) Juanita Ellen Weddell ( Dec,19,1909 —

Married on July 4, 1935 to Fred Findonsen Care living at 5944 Park ~ve., Richmond, Calif.

VI, 3) Mary Lorotha W~ddell C Aug. 13,1924 —

Married on Oct. 4, 1943 at Los Angobos,Calif. to( ) With Western Electric in Oakland

Born Portland.Fob, 12, 1944.

Born at Portland,Oro.

Firemen , Portland, Ore.

Born at Port1ond~ Ore.Don WeldK Street, Grant’s Pass,Ore~

IV. ~) S~UELI~vi~RWA~EIJ~(Sept.4,1852 - May 19,1935 ) Born at Honey’s Point,W Va.Moved with his father’s family to the farm nearTaylorville, Ill. in 1856.Married at Washington, Iowa on Aug. lC,l876 to Mary Ellen ~ilkin (April 14,1848— Nov. 5, l9OO~Mary was born at Londonderry,Ohio and died at Olethe,Kan.(She wwas a cousin of Adaline V~1ilkin Waddoll, second wife o~’ James Waddell,~emuo1’s father.)

V. 1) Dana Loretha VIaddell ( Aug. 29,1897 — ) Born at Keota, Iowa~Married (1) on Nov, 16, 1905, in. Denver, Cob, to Frank Bowan Beckett (?

— Do c. 8,1929) He was a Newspaperman with the Tomes Mirror in LosAngeles at the time of his death in Glendale, Califonia.(1) On Aug, 26,1934 to S. Weaver Von Kirtboy at Los Angeles California.He passedaway on Dcc, 12,1935 at Glendale. (5) On Nov. 29, 1943 atRiehmond,Calif. to Melvin James Borryhill (Aug. 7,1~83 — ) Ho w~sborn at Little River, California. Living at 521 West Streot,F’b,Bragg,~a1ifornio in 1950.

V. 2) Jamos Leroy (Fob 7, 1879— Oct 28,1884) Born at Keota, Iowa ; died atPawnee City Nebraska.

V. 3) William Blakeley W~ddefl(Jan 20,1881 — July 6, 1881) at Keota, Iowa.V. 4) Ralph Morrison Waddell (May 19, 1885— July 3, 1948) Born at Vormillion,

Kansas ; died at Berkeley, California hospital. Married on Oct 0,1906,in Denver,Colorado to Henrietta Marie Gill ( June 24, ~‘1886—Ralph was a long time in the Tin Shop business in Denver ; during theWorld War II he worked in the ship yards and lived at Richmond, Calif. atthe tfre of his death.VI, 1) Herman Lamer Weddell (March 25,1908 — ) Born in Denver,Colo.Married on Oct 28,1829 in Denver to Janice Caroline Vaugh (Newspaper Man with the Sacrament o Union, living in 1950 at 4541 V Street,Sacramexto,Galifoniie,

VII, 1) John Lamar Vladdell C Oct. 0, 1930 ) Born In Denver, Cole.VII. 2) Carl Ralph Wadcldfl ( Oct.30, 1933— ) Born in Denver.VII, 3) George Arthur Waddell (J~, 24, 1935— ) Born in Denver,VII, 4) Gary Vaugh Waddell ( July 30,1940 — ) Born in Denver.VII. 5) Rose Marie ~addoU ( June 5, 1949 — ) Born in Sacramento.

Born in Donver,Colo.

In 1950 they

Richard N, Heckler,Calif. Living in

1049 at 41 Four Court, Harbor Gate, Richmond,CaliP~

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at Borkeley,Cal,Richmond, C-~1if.

Born ~t Okoto, Ken.

)at Okoto, Ken.

) Okota, Ken,

at Be~ttio, Ken.

V. 3) Sarah Margaret Wilson (Dec. 25, l~8? — ) born at Pawnee City,Married on June 25,1913 at Pawnea Nobr. to Sidney 1, ~rtt (Carpenter. Roaidonce in 1948, 1630 Dolores St. Goand Junction, Cole.VI. 1) Marjorie Helene Wrtt ( Lug, 31, l9l.~ — ) Born at Read, Cob.

Married on Fob. 19,1938 at Grand Junction, Cole. to Cecil CheviorCrvos ( ) Radio Enwineer. Re~Iding in 1950 at 2951Fainnount Ave., La Croacenta,Calif.VII, 1) Infant Cavs. Born and died Apri’ 9, 1939.VII, 2) Cccii Thomas Caves ( Jan. 12, 1941 —

VII. 3) Timothy Charles Caves (March 31, 1947 —

Grand Junction,at Price Ut h,Glendale, Calif.

VI, 2) K~th~r~nArbone ~irtt (Sept. 8,1916 — ) ~t Austin, Cole.Married en June ~‘8, 1941 it Mo’ B, Ut”h to Robert B. Hogge ( —

Oecup~~tion— Butcher, Monte Vist~, Colorado in l9~8.ihomas William Ho0gc (Nov.10, 1944 — ) Grnd Junction.debtor D~’vid Hoggc (Dcc, 25, 1948— ) Grand Junction.Gordon James Hoggc (Apr.22, 1948 - ) Grand Junction.

VI. 3) Sidney ffohn Wrtt, Jr. C Fob, 6, 1920— ) at Austin, Cole.MarrI44 on Dec. 9~1945 at Lincoln, flobr, to Betty Je~nKingdom

In 19~8he s r student t the University ofebr’ aMa resi4jw~ ~t 1211 D. at, Lincoln, HoUr.

VI. 3) Mary Loretha Vleddell Continued from P 6.

VII. 1) CandaceLea Heckler ( Dcc. 2’?, l9~5 —

6) VII. 2) Heckler (IV. S~RL1I ~I5~ WaDDELL (Oet,18,1856 — April 22, 1872 ) Born on the farm near Taylor—

yule, Ill. Died at the c~. of 1~yrs, 6 rae. from tuberculosis less than twoyears after her mother passed away with the same afd~1iction.

IV, ?)ABRI~ iJAD~IL(Oct.24, 1859- Jan, 6,1860) Died early in hie second year.

IV, 8)IMRYIDL WADDEIIJ (Oct.?, 1D62 — Sept. 9,1939) Born or, thc farm near TaylorvilloIll. Lived m&S~od her iuerri44 life at Pairne,~ City whore she died at justa few days less than 77. Married on Aug. 29, 1883 in Illinois to Fi]noreScott Wilson ( ) who vies a. fanner, rural mailman and later anews agont at Pawn ~o City Nebr. The had five sons an~three daughters.

V. 1) Lola May Wilson (Oct 10,1884 — June 20, 1935) Born ‘~t Pawnoc City, Nebr.Married on Fob 1, 1922 at Pounce City, Mebr, to Arthur L. Tyrl ( —

Was living at Jymore,Nebr. whenshe passed away.

VI. Robert Tyrl ( ) Stop-son.V. 2) Wilma Irene Wilson ( July 5, 1886 ) Born at Pawnce City, HoUr,

Married on June 1?, 1908 at Pounce City to Elias Herman Copewho was a fanner residing at Burchard, Nebraska ( in 1948)

VI, 1) Gertrude Irene Cope (Jan. 3, 1911— ) born near PcwneoCity, Nobr.Married on Jan. 30, 1935 at Surnmorflaid, Kansas,to Louis EJtn~ois4?Living at PounceCity In. 1948. FarmerVII 1) Marilyn Irene rindcis (June 2’7,1940

VI. 2)Mild.rod. EvelynMarried on Fob.Schneider

Washington.VII. 1)Vii. 2)VII. 3)VII. 4)

) at Pounce City

Cope ( Oct. 3, 1912 — ) Born at Pav!nee City.3, 1937 at S~nmorfie1d,Kansas to Cecil William

) Farmer Living (1948) Route 2, Sunnysido,

Gerald Dean Schnaid~r(Nov. 14, 1937 —

Cecil WillIam Schneider Jr. (Nov. 14, 1939—Robert LeRoy Scheoidor C May 3, 1042 —

Ruth Louise Schneider ( Nov. 25, 1943—

VII. 1)qii, 2)VII, 3)

Page 8: Waddell Folder 3


VI. 4) Tho~maLoulsü Lrtt (Sept. 23, 1921 —A~ril 26, 193?) Born at Austin,Cob, m.d died at Delta, Colorado.

VI. 5) ~iI1licm Wilson Ant (Nov. 6, 1922— ) born at Austin, Cole.In 1948 was Clerk, Missouri— Pacific Mailroed and Living a.t 1330Dolores Street, Gr’~n1 Junction, Cole.

VI. 8) Roberta Lucille Lrtt ( Dec. 30, 1924 — ) Born. ‘~t Delta, Cole.Married on Oct 21, 1945, at Grand Junction, Cole to Dan Crockor Porter

In 1948 was Firemen on Railroad, Residence at177 Grassy Trail, ~gorton, Utah.VII. 1) Dan Crocker Porter, Jr. ( L~pril 22, 194?— ) ~agcrton,Uteh

V. 4) Hugh Claire Wilson ( Jun., 24, 1890 — July 6, 1948) Born at Peanec City hedied at Dc~vcr, Cobor.do. Married on June 15, 1918, at Lincoln, HoUr.

to Merle Irene Mosaman ( ) At the time of his de~’th ho waswith the Prudential Lifc Ins. Co. and lived at 1248 Columbine St. Donvar.

VI, 1) James Martin Wilson C Sept. II, 192],— ) Bern at Donver,Colo.In 1948 ho was with United Air Lines Reservation Dept. and a part timestudent at Donvor University. 124~Columbine St. Denvo., Cole.

V. 5) James Everett Wilson ((Nov. 5,1892 — ) Born ~t Pounce City, HoUr.Married on Oct 12, 1921 a.t Lincoln, Ncbr. to Lydia Louise Carter ( —

His occupation is ConstructionMechanic. Rosidonco,Clirnex, Cole.VI. 1) Shirley Irene Wilson ( Sept. 21,1922 — ) Born at Pounce City

Married on June 30, 1943 at Leadvillo, Cole. to Elmer Lug~noHainesIn 1948 he wan. manager 01 the Fox Theatre, Sidney,Nob.

V. 6) Elmer Ernest Wilson ( June 17, 1885 — ) Bern at Pavinoc City,Nebr,Married on 1920, at Lincoln,Nebr. to Eva Barr

Clerk—Buyer Eon Simon Clothing Co. In 1948 was living at 1501 CheyenneSt. Lincoln, Nebraska.

VI. 1) Richard Barr Wilson ( Apr.21, 1921 — ) Born ~t Lincoln, Nobr.Married on Jan. 31, 1948 at Waukegan, Ill, to Charlotte Adell Brown

) Physician , Lincoln, Nobr.VI. 2) Robert Scott Wilson ( Fob. 26, 1923 — ) Bern at Lincoln,Ncbr.

Married on Oct 20, 1944 at lincoln, Nebr, to Eleiso Fricko ( —

Corcnnereialnrtist. Living 1948 Tiiivorsity Place, Lincoln,Nebr,VII. 1) L11~n Scott •Jilson ( May 30,108— ) Born at Lincoln.

~~CharIos Floyd Wilson ( L~r, 1, 1899— ) Born at Pavmoe City, Nebr.Married on July 16,1956 at Lincoln, HoUr. to Lenorc Huld” Hardt ( -

Occupation, Salesman residing in 1548 at 1332 CheyenneSt.Lincoln.VI. 1) Charles Floyd Wilson, Jr. ( PI’y 22,122? — ) Born at Mitchol,

Nebr. Married on Hey, 23, 1927, at Lincoln HoUr. to M~xincDitter(Occupation, ComracrcialArtist, Residing in 1948 at Lincoln.

VI. 2) William Donald Wilson C Fob 12, 1929 - ) Born in Lincoln,Nob.Student in. 1948 Living at his father’s hone in 1548.

IV. 91 CH~LES‘7IlX~ WaDD~IL(March 6, 1875- ~ Born noar Taylorville ,Iil,Married (1) Viola Belle McCloskoy (Sept, 29,1878- )Born at ColoradoSprings,Colorado, ( Graduate of the Coloado State Normal School, Greoley,Cole., l9Ol4ui August 27,1932 at Colorado, Sprin~s.

V, 1) Eliot James NaddcU ( July 6, 190?— ) Porn ‘~t Greeley, Cob.Married ~n. J’o1~ 4~1919 a~’ 8c~in~1~Cal~rnIa tp ‘Mrs, Ruth AdolIn Edons,

* fo~’m.~1~Ruth Setisler ( ) Born at Fort dayno, Ind~ Artist.Ocou~a,tjon, ~nrDcntor, Address 1927 Lombardy a’., La Crescenta,Calif.

Married (2) Lilies ~Taq~uinsFranklin (Dee, 18,L56— Larch 30,194?) Artist inoil painting.V. 2) Philln,J,Franklin. (Oct.27,lgOS — ) Steu—son. Head of the OrdI-

nance Lochanios Section, U,5,Burean o~ Stendaras, iiashington D.C.Married July 1947 to Lillian Miles at Mansfield, Ohio,

ITI, ~Tose1ynPranklin( Jan 3, 1947— ) Bore in Washington, D.C.