wake county human services board

1 of 2 www.wakegov.com Wake County Human Rights & Consumer Affairs Committee October 22, 2012 AGENDA Human Services Center 220 Swinburne Street, Rm. 5032 Standing Time: 12:45pm – 2:00pm 12:45 Call to Order/Introductions 12:55 Approval of Minutes 1:00 Chair's Report 1:20 Human Services Board Funding Request: Holiday Assistance for Adult Guardianship Wards 1:35 Human Research Proposal: Clinic A 1:50 Immigrant Diet Study at the Northern Regional Center 2:00 Handicap Parking Update 2:10 Good of Order/Announcements 2:15 Adjourn Next Meeting Date: 11-19-2012, 3rd Monday

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Wake County Human Rights & Consumer Affairs Committee

October 22, 2012 AGENDA

Human Services Center 220 Swinburne Street, Rm. 5032 Standing Time: 12:45pm – 2:00pm

12:45 Call to Order/Introductions

12:55 Approval of Minutes

1:00 Chair's Report

1:20 Human Services Board Funding Request: Holiday Assistance for Adult Guardianship Wards

1:35 Human Research Proposal: Clinic A

1:50 Immigrant Diet Study at the Northern Regional Center

2:00 Handicap Parking Update

2:10 Good of Order/Announcements

2:15 Adjourn

Next Meeting Date: 11-19-2012, 3rd Monday

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Minutes of the Human Rights-Consumer Affairs Committee

Of the Wake County Human Services Board Monday, September, 24 2012 – 12:45pm


Members Present: Pablo Escobar, Chair Martha Pitts Don Wiseman Fioerella Horna-Guerra Naima Moussa

Executive Staff: Brian Gunter, Consumer Affairs Leticia Mendez, Consumer Affairs Cindy Barnier, Consumer Affairs Guests: Trisha Grady, NCSU observer Liz Scott, Deputy Director, WCHS Martha Crowley, Division Director, WCHS Kathleen Nilsson, Customer Service, WCHS Ross Yeager, Regional Center Director, WCHS

Members Absent: Dr. Kent Earnhardt Laura Goddard Dr. Osama H. Said Rebecca Brigham Olivia Simons

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Agenda Item

Discussion, Conclusions, Recommendations Action, Follow-up Responsible

Party Due Date

I. Lunch/Welcome/Call to Order/Adoption of Agenda

Mr. Pablo Escobar, Chair of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. Mr. Escobar welcomed and asked everyone to introduce themselves. Adoption of the Agenda By general consensus, the Agenda for today’s meeting was adopted. Revision/Adoption of the Minutes The Committee reviewed the minutes of the 8/27/2012 meeting. Upon motion made by Mr. Escobar and agreed by all the minutes were accepted with the correction of Naima’s name being made.


II. Remarks from the Chair

Mr. Pablo Escobar, Chair of the Committee gave an overview of the work done by the Human Rights-Consumer Affairs committee. He also provided information on the reorganization of the Human Services Board, and potential effects on the committee of the Board’s reorganization.


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III. Customer Service Survey IV. Martha Crowley and Liz Scott

Ross Yeager and Kathleen Nilsson reported on the results of the 2011 Agency Wide Customer Service Survey. The results were summarized in an on-screen powerpoint presentation. This was the first time that the survey was done since the consolidation of the agency. (Please see agenda packet) For the 2012 survey the scale was changed to a five point scale. 1 to 5, 5-being excellent. Ross and Kathleen are planning a meeting with the Program Managers to identify what the issues are and what can be done. It was suggested to exclude the top and bottom scores and take a median. Also, try to get an equal amount of surveys from English and Spanish consumers. They are presenting the survey to the Human Services Board and Senior Management. Martha Crowley, DSS Division Director, reported on DSS complaints. She gave a history of the Division’s and agency’s responses to the substantial number of complaints in Food and Nutrition services over the past 3+ years. Those include staffing of a telephone team for customer support, and a training emphasis on behavior associated with good customer service. Supervisors will also receive training for having difficult conversations with employees who require intervention. It is expected that staff respond 100% of the time with courtesy, kindness, and respect. She also emphasized that there will be challenges in keeping complaints down with the implementation of two new technology systems – PRIME for document imaging and NCFAST-a new, online system of applying for and approving public assistance. It is complicated technology to learn, but it will provide automation of eligibility, and will be faster, more accurate and more assessible. Clients will be able to apply for benefits anywhere. This technology will hold all the clients information so that workers throughout ESS will have access to the information and the client will not be asked the same questions over and over.


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IV. Continued

Mr. Escobar asked if there were any barriers to specific populations. Yes. There are barriers to the disabled, elderly, illiterate, or just someone who is uncomfortable using technology. There will be case workers to assist these individuals. The Swinburne first floor renovations should address some of these concerns. Martha Crowley and Liz Scott are also meeting with our community partners to educate them on the new technology and the process of applying for benefits. They are encouraging them to experiment with the system. They are asking them to have their clients go on “EPASS” and see if they can pre-qualify themselves. There will be a kiosk on the first floor (Swinburne) where clients can scan their documents. Unfortunately they were not given any more positions to provide assistance here. There is concern that productivity will be lower in the beginning while staff transitions to these two new systems are made.


V. Duke Study Brian Gunter reported an information item regarding a Foster Care study sponsored by the Duke Endowment. This study does not require additional administrative review and approval. Pablo requested that the item be reported to the HS Board as an information item as well. .

Agenda Item for Executive Committee and HS Board

Brian Gunter 10/2/12

VII. Good of the Order/Announcements/Public Comment

Mr. Escobar gave an additional update on the Human Services Board. The Board has been working to recruit and secure new members, but is still short seven members. He encouraged interested committee members to consider applying for remaining positions, or to help recruit from the community. Mr. Wiseman requested an update at the next meeting on handicap parking.

Update at next Meeting Brian Gunter 10/22/12

VII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.


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Example of a Structure of the New Human Services Board - Fall 2013

HS Board Goals:

• Comply With the Law and Perform Statutory Social

Services and Public Health Functions

• Incorporate Feedback from Board Members

• Maintain/Enhance Community Participation

• Strengthen Relationships with BOC and Management

• Align Board Work with WCHS Strategic Plan

• Provide Board Members Opportunities to Work on Areas of Their Choice

• Provide Venues to Carry Necessary Activities

• Manage Time Effectively and Prevent Burnout

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Board Structure Example

Wake County Human Services Board

Statutory Committees Advisory Groups Ad-Hoc & Work Groups

Social Services

Public Health

• Child & Family Matters • Youth Development • Aging Services • Adult Protection • Safety Net • Crisis Assistance • Self-Sufficiency • Child Protection • Foster Care • Adoption • Child Support • Employment • Transportation • Human Capital Dev.

• 10 PH Essential Services • Communicable Diseases • Immunization • Health Care Access • Epidemiology • Environmental Health • PH Preparedness • HIV-AIDS • Maternal & Child Health • Pre-Natal Care • Women’s Health • Nutrition • Health Safety

Consumer Rights

Advisory Groups Functions: Provide Advise to Administration Quarterly Reports Presented to the HS Board Include 1-2 Board Members and Community members


Regional Networks

Environmental Services

Board Operations

Advocacy Group

Issue-Specific Workgroups

Functions: Assist the Board in the Performance of its statutory Social Services & Public Health Functions. Review critical issues and bring recommendations to the full board. Meets Monthly Include at least 6 Board Members who are Voting Members Can include non-voting community members as needed

Workgroups Functions: Linked to strategic plan. Staff responsible to work on specific indicators. E.g. Obesity- Child Abuse Includes staff and Partners Optional 1-2 Board Members Bi-Annual reports presented to the Board

Functions: To plan and organize Board Activities Replaces Executive Committee. Includes Chair and Co-Chair & Director and Board Staff – Other Board members optional. Meets Monthly

Functions: To plan advocacy activities Includes 2-3 Board members Meets as needed. Presents reports to the full Board

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HUMAN SERVICES BOARD AGENDA ITEM Agenda Date: October 22, 2012 – HRC November 15, 2012 HS Board

Committee/Item: Human Rights-Consumer Affairs Specific Action Requested: Participate in Holiday Cheer by designating a contribution from the Human Services Board Fund to purchase, wrap, and deliver personalized holiday gifts and cards to wards served by Wake County. The Board Executive Committee recommends $ . Item Summary: The Human Services Board Fund is a fund created and funded voluntarily by WCHS Board members to support Board and community initiatives. Throughout the year, the Board considers funding special requests or projects with its fund. Since 2001, the Board has supported the Adult Guardianship Program for Holiday Cheer. The agency serves as legal guardian for over 435. The Court appoints a public guardian when no one else is available to fulfill this vital function. Most wards lack the resources for recognition of the holidays. The Adult Guardianship staff has utilized the Board’s contributions for the last 11 years to ensure that every ward of the county received personalized gifts for the holiday season. Contribution History 2011: $1,600 2010: $1,600 2009: $1,200 2008: $2,100 2007: $1,800 2006: Individual Board Member Contributions 2005: $1,800 2004: $1,750 2003: $2,000 2002: $1,500 2001: $1,500 Current Board Fund Balance: $1,686.04 Next Deposit: December 31, 2011. **(Individual donations are also accepted.

Make Checks Payable to: Wake County Human Services Opportunities for Advocacy, Policy or Advisory: Connections to Other Committees:

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