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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam


In the English and Educational Department


113 09 025







Never lose hope, because it is the key to achieve all your


(Mario Teguh)



I hereby dedicate this graduating paper for:

● My beloved mother (Retnani Dewi) and my father (Suwarjo).

Thanks for your support and for love which are given to me.

● My beloved brother (Abriantoro Bagus Bimo.P)

● My beloved someone, thanks for your support and motivation.

● Mr. Ari Setiawan, M.M as my consultant who always gives me

guidance, suggestion and motivation to finish my graduating paper.

● My lovely friends, Maya, Upi, Aula, Oni, and Yono. Thanks for

togetherness, support, and for everything.

● The big family of KOPMA FATAWA.



Wardani, Abriavika Dita Kusuma. The Effectiveness of Using Dictogloss

Teaching Technique to Improve Students’ Listening Ability of SMK

Diponegoro Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2013/2014.

Keyword: listening ability, experimental research, dictogloss teaching technique

The purpose of this study are to describe how to use dictogloss technique

in Listening subject and how is the effectiveness of using dictogloss technique in

Listening subject. The research used experimental as the research method. The

subject of the research were students of class X2 (26 students) and class X4 (26

students) of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in academic year of 2013/2014. In order to

collect the data, the researcher gave pre test to the two classes to measure the

students listening ability before learning process. The finding showed that using

dictogloss teaching technique is effective to improve students’ listening ability.

Because the students more understand about the materials. This technique make

the students more focus on listening. By the pre test to post test of the students

listening ability of the class which are not taught with dictogloss (6.9 to 6.75).

The students listening ability of the class which are taught with dictogloss showed

improvement (7.15 to 8.88). from the t-test result, it can be seen that class which

was taught with dictogloss get higher score (8.40) than the class which is not

taught with dictogloss (3.78).



TITLE ............................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................. ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE ............................................................... iii

CERTIFICATION PAGE ................................................................................ iv

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xii


A. Background of the Problem......................................................................... 1

B. Statement of the Problems ........................................................................... 4

C. Objective of the Research ............................................................................ 5

D. Benefit of the Research ............................................................................... 5

E. Limitation of the Research........................................................................... 6

F. Definition of Key Terms .............................................................................. 6

G. Review of Previous Studies.…………………………………………….... 7

H. Outline of the Paper.……………………………………………................ 8


A. Dictogloss Teaching Technique .................................................................. 9

1. Definition of dictogloss ................................................................................ 9

2. The Advantages of dictogloss technique...................................................... 12

3. Some Step to handle the weakness dictogloss technique ............................. 14

B. Listening ...................................................................................................... 15

1. Definition of listening .................................................................................. 15

2. Kind of listening.……………………………………………... ................... 17

3. Teaching listening.……………………………………………... ................ 19

4. Principles of teaching listening .................................................................... 20

5. Listening purpose ......................................................................................... 21


6. Ways to improve our listening ability .......................................................... 22


A. General description of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga ..................................... 24

B. Method of the Research ............................................................................... 29


A. Data analysis ............................................................................................... 37

B. Discussion of the finding ............................................................................. 46


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 50

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................... 52






Figure 3.1 : Structure Organization .................................................................. 27

Table 3.1 : List of Teacher and Staff.............................................................. 28

Table 3.2 : School Facilities ........................................................................... 29

Table 3.3 : The Design of Research ............................................................... 31

Table 4.1 : Learning Process .......................................................................... 36

Table 4.2 : The Score of Experiment Class.................................................... 37

Table 4.3 : The Score of Control Class .......................................................... 38

Table 4.4 : Research Finding ......................................................................... 45




A. Background of the Problem

Listening is one of the most important language skills. According to

Feyten in Vasiljevic (2010:41) listening is used more than 45% in

communication, which clearly shows how important this skill is in overall

language ability. Traditionally, listening skills had been taught in isolation

or they were sometimes combined with speaking tasks.

Listening involves receiving of the message, identifying the language

involved (both the segmental like words, sentences, arrangement of

sentences (syntax) and meaning (semantics), and supra – segmental

features like phonetics, tone, intonation, voice, pause, silence, expressions

and body languages), processing them (language) into proper

understanding of the speaker’s intentions and retaining the message for

future use.

According to Fischer in Moulic (2012:64) “Listening is just more than

mere hearing. When the sound waves enter the ear, listening involves

understanding and interpretation of sound in hearing”. Most of the speech

scientists are of the opinion that hearing is a process of receiving sound

waves by ways of outer, middle and inner ear only.Hearing was part of the

listening process. Physical process on sound waves, but listening is a

mental process that knowingly and voluntarily or related stimuli and


analysis of information for the intended meaning. Listening requires the

utilization of both systemic and sematic knowledge. In order to interpret

the discourse, the listener must have a sufficient knowledge of the

language system as well as general knowledge of the world. At the initial

stages of language learning the primary goal of listening instruction is to

help learners understand the acoustic input. Listening activities are

designed to give the learner practice in identifying correctly different

sounds, sound-combinations and intonation patterns. As the learners’

proficiency increases, meaning based activities become more important.

Listening skills essential for learning, as it allows students to gain

insight and information and to achieve success in communicating with

others. According to Swan in Sharma (2011:13) Listening is a

communication method that requires the listener to understand, interpret,

and assess what they hear. The ability to listen actively can improve

personal interaction through reducing problems, increasing cooperation,

and fostering understanding.

According to Wajnryb in Vasiljevic(2010:41) “Dictogloss is a

classroom dictation activity where learners listen to a passage, write down

key words and then work together to create a reconstructed version of the

text. It was originally as an alternative method of teaching grammar”.

Subyakto and Nababan (1993:154) stated that “Dictogloss is a skill

that until now somewhat ignored and has not received a reasonable place

in language teaching”.


According to Wajnryb in Jacobs (2003:7) The effectiveness of

dictogloss has yet to be fully researched, in particular with respect to

young learners. There are several empirical studies to illustrate the

effectiveness of dictogloss in promoting learners’ grammatical


Dictogloss may improve listening skill. Teacher can develop listening

strategies, for instance, ask students to listen for specific information or

listen for details and write only what is necessary for the moment.

Teachers can guide students to be more aware of the different kinds of

listening strategies to reach their aim in any dictation activity which

involves listening comprehension.

According to Wajnryb in Harmer (2006:9) Dictogloss has been the

subject of numerous studies and commentaries, which have largely

supported use of the technique. One reason for this is that is integrative.

Dictogloss aims to rescue some didactic aspects of the use of

Dictation in class so that we can think over the importance of that in the

teaching practice in the language learning process. We also reflect about

the four abilities and how this technique can be used to master the reading,

listening, writing and speaking skills.

Dictogloss works better with prepared listening passages.

According to Ur in Vasiljevic (2010:42) points out, the use of authentic

unrehearsed discourse has two main drawbacks. First, the speed of such

recordings is ungraded and the language may be difficult, making the

recordings suitable only for the highest levels. Second, when listening to


recordings of natural conversations it is very difficult to understand the

situation, identify the different voices and cope with frequent overlaps.

Teachers may want to take advantage of published recordings in listening

comprehension textbooks or, if those are not available, prepare the text

themselves and read it to their students. For reasons of consistency,

however, it is preferable that students listen to a recording rather than a

teacher-read text.

However, the procurement of National Examination forces teachers to

focus more in improving students’ reading ability which detracts listening

ability. It happens because teachers want their students to be able to pass

the National Examination, where most of the questions are text-based.

This kind of English teaching and learning process also happens in SMK

Diponegoro Salatiga, the teacher spends most of her teaching and learning

process in discussing reading. Based on the background above, the writer

would conduct the study about the effectiveness of using dictogloss

teaching technique through the students’ listening skill. The writer decides

to conduct a study entitled “The Effectiveness Of Using Dictogloss

Teaching Technique To Improve Students Listening Ability Of SMK

Diponegoro Salatiga In the Academic Year Of 2013/2014.“


B. Statement of the Problem

The learners’ problems in listening is included into the crucial

students’ problem in learning English, the writer want to collect, identify,

classify and analyze them by using dictogloss teaching technique. The

writer wants to know the effectiveness of using dictogloss teaching

technique to improve students’ listening skill of the first grade students of

SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in academic year of 2013/2014. Based on the

background of study, the writer formulates the following problems:

1. How to use dictogloss technique in listening subject in SMK

Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year of 2013/2014 ?

2. How is the effectiveness of using dictogloss technique in listening

subject in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year of

2013/2014 ?

C. Objective of the Research

Responding with the statement of the problems, the objectives of the

research are stated as follows:

1. To know how to use dictogloss technique in listening subject in

SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year of 2013/2014 ?

2. To know how is the effectiveness of using dictogloss technique in

listening subject in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year

of 2013/2014?


D. Benefits of the Research

The writer hopes that this study will be useful for the teachers,

students and also the readers who read the results of the study.

1. The results of this study is hoped to be useful in the English teaching

process especially in listening skill.

2. The writer hopes the students will be able to improve their listening

skill easily with dictogloss technique teaching.

E. Limitation of Study

This study is concentrated on analyzing the effectiveness of using

dictogloss technique teaching to improve the student’ listening skill of

SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year 2013/2014. The scope of

this study is the students listening skill. The writer uses a limitation in

order to give a clear description of discussion in this study.

F. Definitions of Key Term

In order to avoid misunderstanding of the concepts used in this study,

some definitions are provided as the following:

1. Listening

According to Ghanekar in Moulic (2012:85) Listening is a

communication method that requires the listener to understand,

interpret, and assess what they hear. The ability to listen actively can

improve personal interaction through reducing problems, increasing

cooperation, and fostering understanding.


2. Dictogloss

According to Wajnyrb in Vasiljevic (2010:41) Dictogloss is a

classroom dictation activity where learners listen to a passage, write

down key words and then work together to create a reconstructed

version of the text. Dictogloss are that students are encouraged to focus

some of their attention on form and that all four language skills.

Dictogloss is a big change from the traditional dictation. Dictogloss

embody the principles of language teaching which include : learner

autonomy, cooperation among learners, curricular integration, focus on

meaning, diversity, thinking skills, alternative assessment, and teachers

as co learners.

According to Wajnryb in Tedick (2001:20) Dictogloss has been

proposed that encourages students to reflect on their own output.

G. Review of Previous Studies

In this study, the researcher reviews three studies made by other

researchers as comparison. The first review related to this research entitled

“Improving Listening Skill Through Storytelling” by Uswatun Khasanah

in 2011. The second related research is “The Influence of Pronunciation

Toward Listening Ability” by Alfiq Hoedaruati in 2009 and the third is

“The Use of Video to Improve Listening Skills” by Nike Listiana

Puspitasari in 2009.

This research is related with those three researches in analyzing

learners’ listening and the differences are the subjects and objects of


research. The first research by Uswatun Khasanah Listening is a creative

skill. In order to comprehend to sounds falling on out ears, we take the raw

material of words, arrangement of words, and the rise and fall of the voice,

and from this material we create significant. The second research by Alfiq

Hoendaruati Listening is the ability to hear, give attention and to

understand oral language. In the English subject, listening is the subject

which was studied alone. Listening cannot be separated with the other

component of the English subject such as reading, writing, and speaking.

The third research by Nike Listiana Puspitasari Listening is an active

process by which students receive, construct meaning from, and respond

the spoken and or nonverbal messages.

H. Outline of Paper

Chapter I is the Introduction which consist of the explanation of

the background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the

study, limitation of the study, definition of key term, review of previous

studies and outline of paper. Chapter II describes the literature review

which contain of the explanation based on the theory of students’ listening

skill and dictogloss teaching technique. Chapter III contains the research

report which includes general description of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga,

population, subject of study, method of collecting data, data presentation.

Chapter IV presents the data analysis which contains discussion and result

of the research. Chapter V is the conclusions and the suggestions which

carry the explanation about the conclusion and the suggestion from the





In this chapter, the writer attempts to explain the theoretical foundation

which consist of definition of dictogloss teaching technique, the advantages of

dictogloss teaching technique, some step to handle the weaknesses in the use of

dictogloss technique, definition of listening, the kind of listening, teaching

listening, principles of teaching listening, and ways to improve our listening


A. Dictogloss Teaching Technique

1. Definition of Dictogloss

Dictogloss from the English language, and composed of

words, namely dictation or dictate and gloss, which means

interpretation. This technique is a combination of two techniques,

dictation and interpretation.

According to Wajnryb in Vasiljevic (2010:41) Dictogloss is a

classroom dictation activity where learners listen to a passage, write

down key words and then work together to create a reconstructed

version of the text. It was originally as an alternative method of

teaching grammar. The “Dictogloss” has been proposed as a

procedure that encourages students to reflect on their own output.


This technique, train students to listen, understand, interpret

and respond the given information.

The method requires learners in the classroom to interact with

each other in small groups so as to reconstruct the text as a co-

operative endeavor. Learners working in self-study are required to

bring their own grammatical resources into play with the notes taken

during the dictation so as to create a text. Both in the classroom and in

self-study, learners are actively engaged in the learning process.

According to Wajnryb in Nunan (1991:28) there are four

stages in the dictoglossapproach :

a. Preparation, the teachers prepare students for the text they will

be hearing by asking question and discussing a stimulus picture,

by discussing vocabulary, by ensuring that students know what

they are supposed to do, and by ensuring that the students are in

the appropriate groups.

b. Dictation, learners hear the dictation twice. First, they listen

only and get a general feeling for the text. Second, they take

down notes, being encouraged to listen for content words which

will assist them in reconstructing the text. For the reasons of

consistency, it is preferable that students listen a cassette

recording rather than teacher-read text.

c. Reconstruction, at the conclusion of the dictation, learners pool

notes and produce their version of the text. During this stage it is

important that the teacher does not provide any language input.


d. Analysis and correction, there are various ways of dealing with

this stage. The small group versions can be reproduced on the

board or overhead projector, the texts can be photocopied and

distributed, or the students can compare their version with the

original, sentence by sentence.

According to Wajnryb in Nunan (1991:28) The dictogloss

technique provided a useful bridge between bottom-up and top-down

listening. The learners are primarily concerned with identifying

individual elements in the text-a bottom-up strategy. However, during

the small group discussions, some or all of the following top-down

strategies might be employed. In all of these, the listener will integrate

background, ‘inside the head knowledge with the clues picked up

during the dictation.

1. Listeners will make predictions.

2. Listeners will make inferences about things not directly

stated in the text.

3. Listeners will identify the topic of the text.

4. Listeners will identify the text type (whether it is a

narrative, descriptive, anecdote etc.).

5. Listeners will identify various sorts of semantic

relationships in the text.

Dictogloss exploits the principle that two heads are better than

one. Students are able to pool their resources, and even low-level


learners are able, through collaborative action, to ‘outperform their


According to Anderson and Lynch in Nunan (1991:29) have

also developed a technique for making listening tasks more

interactive. The teacher plays a recorded text to which the students

listen and complete an activity such as tracing a route on a map. The

teacher pauses at certain key points, and the students are able to

discuss the task. The students can also request that the teacher stop the

tape at any point so they can discuss the task. The teacher only

provides information on demand from the students. A number of

problem points are built into the task which are designed to increase

the processing demands on the learners and to encourage students to


2. The Advantages of Dictogloss Technique

According to Thornton in Vasiljevic (2010:46) Dictogloss has

some advantages over other models of teaching listening


1) The dictogloss method is an effective way of combining individual

and group activities. Students listen and take notes individually

and then work together to reconstruct the texts. The

reconstruction task gives students focus and a clear objective,

which is a pre-condition for effective group work. Students are

actively involved in the learning process and there are multiple


opportunities for peer learning and peer teaching. After the

teacher provides a framework for understanding the passage by

explaining the background information, cooperative groups can

develop more appropriate comparisons or examples that will

assist learners with their comprehension.

2) The dictogloss procedure facilitates the development of the

learners’ communicative competence. Furthermore, unlike in a

typical discussion class where students are presented with a list

of topics or discussion questions and communication activities

often have a simple question-and-answer format, in a dictogloss

class, students’ interaction is much more natural. A

collaborative reconstruction task gives learners the opportunities

to practice and use all modes of language and to become

engaged in authentic communication. There is more turn-taking

and students are more likely to use confirmation and

clarification strategies. The variety of interaction was found to

be more productive in terms of language development than the

actual linguistic forms used. Point out, people learn languages

best not by treating them as an object of study, but by

experiencing them as a medium of communication.

3) The reconstruction stage helps students try out their hypotheses

and subsequently to identify their strengths and weaknesses. A


reconstruction task encourages students to consider the input

more closely. Noticing is known to be one of the crucial

elements of the language learning process.

3. Some Step to Handle the Weakness in the Use of Dictogloss


a. Teacher have to prepare everything well, both technically

and practically, written or unwritten. Begin from prepare

students, media and resource, situations that support the

implementation of this listening.

b. In using the media to be precise so that no verbal, effective,

and efficient.

c. On reconstruction, the teacher should give students the

freedom to express the ideas, and opinions.

d. In analyzing and correcting, any results of students'

opinions more valued and assessed objectively so as not to

drop students.

e. With this technique, the teacher can give the proper way to

absorb other information.


B. Listening

1. Definition of Listening

Listening is one of the most important language skills.

Listening skills have been taught in isolation or they were sometimes

combined with speaking tasks.

According to Wilga in Khasanah (2011:35) stated that

“Listening is not a passive skill, nor even, as has traditionally been

believed, a receptive skill. Listening is a creative skill. In order to

comprehend the sounds falling on our ears, we take the raw material

of words, arrangement of words, and the rise and fall of the voice,

and from this material we create significant”. Listening is a skill and

any help we can give students in performing that skill will help them

to be better listeners”. In the English subject, listening is the subject

which is studied alone. Listening cannot be separated to the other

component of the English subject such as speaking, reading and

writing. Teaching listening is one of the most difficult tasks for any

ESL teacher. This is because successful listening skills are acquired

over time and lots of practice.

According to Widdowson in Vasiljevic (2010:42) Listening

comprehension is one of the hardest skills to learn in a foreign

language. Listening involves a sender (a person, radio, and

television), a message and a receiver (the listener). Listener often

must process message as they come, if they are still processing what

they have just heard, without backtracking or looking ahead. Listener


must cope with the sender’s choice of vocabulary, structure, and rate

of delivery. The complexity of the listening process is magnified in

second language contexts, where the receiver also has incomplete

control of the language.

According to Woodward in Khasanah (2011:42) when

listening, one has to be able to:

a. Recognize sounds, words and phrases.

b. Get the general idea, remember salient points and predict

what’s coming next.

c. Understand the discourse type or genre you are listening to.

d. Get used to listening to difficult type of people for differing

lengths of time.

e. Screen out what you are not interested in and focus on what

you are interested in.

f. Deal with accents and dialect.

g. Interpret a message against a background of expectations

and respond accordingly.

2. Kinds of Listening

a. Intensive listening

Intensive listening is the live listening, where the teacher or

visitor come to the class to talk to the students. Harmer (1998:231).

Some examples of the live listening are :

1. Reading aloud


Reading aloud is an enjoyable activity, when done

with conviction and style, is teacher reading aloud to a

class. The teacher can also read/ act out dialogues either by

playing two parts or by inviting a colleague into the


2. Storytelling

Teachers are ideally placed to tell stories which, in

turn, provide excellent listening material. At any stage of

the story, the students can be asked to predict what is

coming next, or be asked to describe people in the story or

pass comment on it in some other way.

3. Interviews

One of the most motivating listening activities is the

live interview, especially where students themselves dream

up the questions. Where possible we should have strangers

visit our class to be interviewed, but we can also be the

subject of interviews ourselves. In such circumstances we

might want, though, to set the subject or to take on a

different person for the activity.

4. Conversation

If we can persuade a colleague to come to our class

we can hold conversations with them about English or any

other subject. Than students have the chance to watch the


interaction as well as listen to it. We can also extend story-

telling possibilities by role-playing.

b. Extensive listening

Extensive listening is a kind of listening activity with the

more general free for some statement, and not need certain

instruction or guiding. These kinds of listening :

1. Remind the materials what was known by using new


2. Given opportunity to the students to hear and listens the

new vocabulary and structure.

Extensive listening divides into four kinds as follows :

a. Social listening

This is usually happen in the social place, where are people

talking each other freely about the certain interesting topic.

b. Secondary listening is kind of casual listening activity.

Such as studying by listening music.

c. Aesthetic listening or appreciation listening is the end level

of casual listening from listening music until in the level

enjoying the music.

d. Passive listening understands some of material listening

without unconscious efforts such as listening language

lesson while lying down.


3. Teaching Listening

Listening skills are vital for your learners. Of the “four

skills”, listening is by far the most frequently used. Listening and

speaking are often taught together, but beginners, especially non-

literate ones should be given more listening than speaking practice.

Teaching listening is it helps students to acquire language

subconsciously even if teachers do not draw attention to its special

features. Listening to appropriate tapes provides such exposure and

students get vital information not only about grammar and

vocabulary but also about pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, pitch,

and stress.

Listening is a skills and any help we can give students in

performing that skill will help them to be better listeners.

4. Principles of Teaching Listening

a. The tape recorder is just as important as the tape

However good your tape is, it will be useless if the tape

recorder has a poor speaker or if the motor speed keeps

changing and the tape goes faster or slower. You need to be

sure that the tape recorder can be heard all round the


b. Preparation is vital

Teachers and students need to be prepared for listening

because of the special features we discussed above.


Teachers need to listen to the tape all the way through

before they take it into class. So that, they will be prepared

for any problems, noises, accents etc. Students need to be

made ready to listen. This means that they will need to look

at pictures, discuss the topic, or read the questions first.

c. Once will not be enough

There are almost no occasions when the teacher will play a

tape only once. Students will want to hear it again to pick

up the things they missed the first time.

d. Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of

a listening, not just to the language as with reading, the

most important part of listening practice is to draw out the

meaning, what is intended, what impression it makes on the


e. Different listening stages demand different listening tasks

Because there are different things we want to do with a

listening text, we need to set different tasks for different

listening stages. This means that, for a first listening, the

task needs to be fairly straightforward and general.

f. Good teachers exploit listening texts to the full

If teachers ask students to invest time and emotional energy

in a listening task- and if they themselves have spent time

choosing and preparing the listening- then it makes sense to

use the tape for as many different applications as possible.


5. Listening Purpose

Another important consideration in listening concerns the

listener’s purpose. Course books for teaching listening sometimes

seem to imply that listeners grimly focus on every word. When

listening to television or radio news broadcasts, we usually tune in

to certain items and exclude others. An important factor in

interactive listening is whether or not we are taking part in the

interaction. Conversation is very different from actually

participating in one. Because of this, it may seem a waste of time to

involve learners in classroom tasks in which they are involved in

listening to conversation among other people. However, tasks can

be justified on at least two groups. First, providing the conversation

are authentic ( they were are not specifically created for the purpose

of illustrating or teaching features of the language), they can

provide learners with insights into ways in which conversation


6. Ways to Improve Our Listening Ability

a. Maintain eye contact with the instructor. Of course you will

need to look at your notebook to write your notes, but eye

contact keeps you focused on the job at hand and keeps you

involved in the lecture.


b. Focus on content, not delivery. Have you ever counted the

number of times a teacher clears his/her throat in a fifteen

minute period? So, you weren’t focusing on content.

c. Avoid emotional involvement. When you are too emotionally

involved in listening, you tend to hear what you want to hear-

not what is actually being said. Try to remain objective and


d. Avoid distractions. Don’t let your mind wander or be

distracted by the person shuffling papers near you. If the

classroom is too hot or too cold try to remedy that situation if

you can. The solution may require that you dress more

appropriately to the room temperature.

e. Treat listening as a challenging mental task. Listening to an

academic lecture is not a passive act-at least it shouldn’t be.

You need to concentrate on what is said so that you can

process the information into your notes.

f. Use the gap between the rate of speech and your rate of

thought. You can think faster than the lecturer can talk.




In this chapter, the several data will be presented by writer dealing with

the research such as the profile of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga, vision mission,

structure organization, list of the teacher and staffs, the situation of the students

and the infrastructures.

Meanwhile, the methods of the research which includes population,

subject of the study, method of data collection, and method of data analysis will

be described by the writer.

A. General Description of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga

1. The Profile of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga

Based on the writer’s research, the profile of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga is

as follows:

a. School name : SMK Diponegoro Salatiga

b. School main number : 342036204007

c. Accreditation : Admitted

d. Address : Jl.Kartini No.2

e. Telephone : (0298) 324255

f. Post code : 50711

g. Village : SidorejoLor

h. Subdistrict : Sidorejo

i. City : Salatiga

j. Province : Central Java


k. Founded : 1997

2. Vision, Mission and School Objective

a) Vision

Preparing a skillful workforce, competitive, independent,

ready to work and has good character.

b) Mission

To actualize the vision SMK Diponegoro Salatiga has mission

as follows:

• Develop an attitude off aith and devotion to God.

• Built a professional attitude, honest and responsible.

• Implement training programs as appropriate to the needs of the

work force, including normative aspects, adaptive, and


• Built the principle of business.

• Optimize the role of the community, the environment and the

potential for production units.

3. Structure Organization Draft of the School

In order to manage and organize the educational activities

appropriately, every school needs academic administration system that

consists of school organization draft, teachers, and staffs. It is expected

that every activities related to educational management is performed


efficiently and well, so the aims of learning can be achieved. Structure

Organization, Teachers and Staffs are as follows:

Figure 3.1 Structure Organization

Source: The Archives of SMK Diponegoro in Academic Year 2013/2014


Managemen Vice Principal


Administration Coordinator


Curriculum Vice

Principal WIDY MARYONO, S.Pd

Student Vice



Infrastructure Vice



Society Relation and

Cooperation Coordinator


Head of Library Staff


Head of Guidance and Counseling Staff


Head of Accounting


Head of Marketing



4. List of the Teacher and Staffs in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga

The staffs who work in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga are generally state

officials and certificated. Here list the list of educator staff as follows:

Table 3.1 List of Teacher and Staffs


1 Drs. JokoAnisSuwantoro, M.PdI Civic

2 WidyMaryono, S.Pd Business

3 Suwanto, S.Pd Accounting

4 Saderi, M.PdI Islamic Education

5 Dra. AmrihSusilaswati Marketing

6 SitiFaizah, S.Pd Accounting

7 HenyKristiana Basic of Accounting

8 Ahmad Marfui, S.Pd Guidance and counseling

9 Sutari, S.Pd Marketing

10 SuryoSuwanditho, S.Pd Business

11 Ahmad setyohadi, A.Md Japan language

12 DwiSusantiNugrahaningtyas, SE KKPI

13 DwiAntariUtamiDewi, S.Pd Indonesian

14 Rohzi, SE Accounting

15 Fajar Umar Haryono, S.PdI English

16 MurnitaRahmawati, S.Pd Marketing

17 Sri Nurhayati, S.Pd Sport

18 EndangGuritnoDwi S, S.Pd English

19 PujiSetyorini, S.Pd English

20 DwiSusanti, S.Pd Business Communication

21 DwiAdiPrasetya, S.Pd Sport

22 Fuad Ari Yadi, S.Pd.Ek KKPI

23 WahyuHidayati, S.Pd Civic

24 Jarwadi, S.Pd Mathematics

25 KholifatuzZahroh, S.Pd Guidance and counseling

26 Budi Santoso, S.PdI Islamic Education

27 LilisSuryani, S.Pd History

28 AndiYani, A.Md Art

29 Sri Muryani, S.Si Mathematics

30 M. Abdul Gafur, S.PdI English

31 Rif’atiSetyarini, S.Pd Science

32 SantiRahayu, S.Pd Indonesian, NU

33 DesyShintaEdiana P, S.Pd Mathematics

Source: The Archives of SMK Diponegoro in Academic Year 2013/2014


5. School Facilities of SMK DiponegoroSalatiga

Tool and infrastructure of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga 2013/2014.

Here list the list of tools and infrastructure as follows:

Table 3.2 School Facilities

No Room Total

1 Student room 18

2 Teacher room 1

3 Head of Master room 1

4 Administration room 1

5 Guidance and counseling room 1

6 Laboratorium room 1

7 Library room 1

8 Students Organization room 1

9 Skill room 1

10 Students health unit 1

11 Auditorium 1

12 Cooperation 1

13 Rest room for teacher 3

14 Rest room for students 7

15 Mosque 1

16 Storehouse 1

17 Security house 1

B. Method of the Research

According to Suryabrata (1995:29) The Goal of Experimental research

is to identify the relationship between cause effect possibility and how to use

this research for one or more experimental groups and comparing the result of

one or more control groups which is not get a treatment. The experiment class

used dictogloss teaching technique and the control class does not used

dictogloss teaching technique.


According to Arikunto (1990:272) “Experiment research is a research

method used for finding the effects of treatments towards another in a

controlled condition”.

1. Essential Characteristics of Experimental Research

According to Slavin Creswell (2008:300) stated that there are

several keys ideas or characteristic to involving experiment research

that individuals. That key ideas as follow:

a) Random assignment

Random assignment is the process of assigning individuals

at random to group or to different group in an experiment.

Random assignment helps increase in the personal characteristics.

So they have to learn and confident on his skill. Random

assignment helps increase the likelihood that any personal

characteristic that could bias a study’s outcome are evenly

distributed among groups of participants. The process of evenly

distributing potential bias is referred to as equating the groups.

It is important to note that random assignment and random

selection do not refer to the same process. Rather, random selection

refers to the process of selecting individuals so each individual has

an equal chance of being selected.


b) Manipulation of treatment

True experimental research differ all other method of

research in that experimental research requires the manipulation of

at least one independent variable. This basically means that

researchers decide which variable will serve as the independent

variable to be manipulated and which group of participants will

receive this treatment”.

2. The Strategies and Steps in Conducting Experiment Research

Table 3.3 The Design of Research

Group Pre test Treatment Post test

D Y1 X Y2

B Y1 - Y2

Source Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E Wallen (2008: 266)


D : experiment class

B : control class

Y1 : pre test

Y2 : post test

X : treatment

- : no treatment

1. Population

According to Arikunto (1990:173) “Population is the totality of

the research subject”. The population that the writer selects of SMK

Diponegoro Salatiga in academic year 2013/2014, because most of

them have the difficulties in their listening ability.


2. Subject of the study

There are 6 classes of the first grade of SMK Diponegoro

Salatiga. The writer takes two classes X 4 (26 students) as the

experiment class and X 2 (26 students) as the control class. In

experiment class the researcher apply the dictogloss teaching technique

in learning process, and in control class the researcher not apply the

dictogloss teaching technique.

3. Method of collecting data

a) Test

According to Arikunto (1990:193) “Test is any series of

question or exercise of the other means of measuring skill,

knowledge, intelligence, capacities of aptitudes or an individual or

group”. The writer used two kinds of test. Those are:

● Pre-test

Pre- test is used to know how far is the students

ability to listening skill before used dictogloss teaching


● Post-test

Post-test is used to know how far the students’

ability to listening skill after using dictogloss teaching



b) Recording

Recording is important thing for this experiment. Recording

is to save data from students behavior and learning process. The

researcher take the data on visual and no visual. In this experiment

the researcher using digital camera to record the subject of


3. Technique of the data analysis

The purpose of the data analysis is to know the

effectiveness of using dictogloss teaching technique to improve

students’ listening ability of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in

academic year 2013/2014.

To analyze the data from the test, researcher conducts some steps:

a) To find out the rate of average of pre test (x) and the rate of

post test (y) the researcher uses formula:



∑𝒙 : total score of pre test

∑y : total score of post test

N : total number of respondent (students)

b) To find out the deviation standart the researcher uses a formula


SD =

SD = Standard Deviation


D = difference between pre test and post test

N = the number of sample

c) To find out the significance between x and y by calculate t

hitung (uji-t), the researcher uses this formula, in order to

analyze the effectiveness of the method used in the learning

process, the formula is:

to =


to = T test

SD = SD for one sample t test

D = difference between pre test and post test

N = the number of observation in one sample.

d) To examine the hypothesis by determine the significant

differences between two variables with criteria:

Working hypothesis (Hk) t calculates t table if there is

significant differences between pre test score and post test


Null hypothesis (Ho) t calculates t table if there is no

significant differences between pre test score and post test





In this chapter, the researcher has done the process of pre test,

experimental treatment, and post test. Pre test was given to both of control

and experiment class, in order to measure how the condition of two classes

before treatment. Both of classes got some pre test, namely dictogloss a

story. After doing the pre test, the researcher conducts the experiment

treatment. The teacher taught the experiment class by using dictogloss

(The three little pigs) and taught control class without dictogloss. At the

end of learning process, the teacher gave post test to the two classes. They

have to listen the story. Understand content of the story. The research was

carried out during a month from February 03rd to 01st March 2014.

The learning process can be seen as the table follow:

Table 4.1 Learning Process


1. Pre test

• The teacher gave a story in

listening of pre test, the title was

The Three Little Pigs.

• Without any explanation the

student were given some

question about the story line.

1. Pre test

• The teacher gave a story in

listening of pre test,the title was

The Three Little Pigs.

• Without any explanation the

student were given some

question about the story line.

2. Teaching Process (without


• The teacher played the story again

(without dictogloss technique)

and the students listened to the


• The teacher asked the students to

find out the difficult words from

2. Teaching Process (with


• The teacher gave a text to the

students. She played the story

again and the students listened to

the story while they were

scrutinizing the story line from

the text.


the story and discussed them.

• The teacher asked the students to

underline the difficult word and

discussed them.

3. Post test

• The students were given a test

again about the story (The three

little pigs).

• The students had to answered

some question about the story


• The teacher evaluated the

students’ post test result by

assessing their tasks.

3. Post test

• The students were given a test

again about the story (The three

little pigs).

• The students had to answered

some question about the story


• The teacher evaluated the

students’ post test result by

assessing their tasks.

A. Data Analysis

After completing the teaching learning process, the researcher

measures the effectiveness of dictogloss teaching technique to improve

students’ listening skill by calculating rates of average of pre test and post

test and find out the significance between pre test and post test of two


Table 4.2 The Score of Experiment Class

No Name Pre test Score Post test Score D

1 Alifiani 7.5 9 1.5 2.25

2 Alvina 8 9.5 1.5 2.25

3 Citra Utami 7.5 8 0.5 0.25

4 DesiKurniawati 7 8 1 1

5 Devi Oktaviani 9.5 9 0.5 0.25

6 Dila Nita 7.5 8 0.5 0.25

7 DwiSusanti 9 9.5 0.5 0.25

8 EkaYulianti 9 9.5 0.5 0.25

9 FebianaFransiska 6 7 1 1

10 FitriAdelia 6 8 2 4

11 FuriKristianningsih 7 9.5 2.5 6.25

12 Hartanti 7 9 2 4

13 Indah Karilina 6 9 3 9

14 Julita 7.5 9 1.5 2.25

15 Kristin 7 9.5 2.5 6.25

16 Laras. E 6 10 4 16


17 Lucky Iqsan 6 9 3 9

18 M. Khalimul Aziz 6 9 3 9

19 M. Risky 9 9.5 0.5 0.25

20 May Utari 7 8.5 1.5 2.25

21 Melya Tri Nanda 6 8 2 4

22 Noviyanti 6.5 8 1.5 2.25

23 SitiWulandari 6 7.5 1.5 2.25

24 UnikSeptiani 9 9.5 0.5 0.25

25 Vita Kristiana 6.5 10 3.5 12.25

26 Winda 7 10 3 9

Total 186 231 45 106

In experiment class the result of pre test is 186, and the result of post test is 231.

Students were able to increase the value. This is evident from the result when pre

test and post test with the same materials.

Table 4.3 The Score of Control Class

No Name Pre test score Post test score D

1 AgusSetyadi 7.5 9 1.5 2.25

2 AriniLussytasari 7 4 -3 9

3 AtikChuinul. H 5 5 0 0

4 Desy. W 7.5 7 -0.5 0.25

5 DewiFatmasari 5 5 0 0

6 DikaAyu. H 9 9 0 0

7 Eko Budi Saputra 7.5 7 -0.5 0.25

8 Fajar Tri 5 5 0 0

9 Figiyanti 6 6.5 0.5 0.25

10 Indri Agustin 6 6 0 0

11 Inarotur 8 7 -1 1

12 Jaya YantiNur 7 6.5 -0.5 0.25

13 Khoirotul 8 7 -1 1

14 Kumaedah 7.5 7 -0.5 0.25

15 Lilik Rosita 7 6 -1 1

16 M. Ridwan 8 8 0 0

17 NoviaArdani 7.5 6 -1.5 2.25

18 NurulJannah 6 6 0 0

19 PutriWidyaningsih 7 8.5 1.5 2.25

20 PrameswariCandra 7.5 7.5 0 0

21 RiaIslamiaty 7 7.5 0.5 0.25

22 Risky 5 5 0 0

23 Romadhon Abdul 8 8 0 0

24 Savika 7.5 7 -0.5 0.25

25 Sixtia. M 7 7 0 0


26 Yanuar Kristin 8 8 0 0

Total 181.5 175.5 14 20.5

In control class the result of pre test is 181.5 and the result of post test is 175.5. In

the control class students are no table to provide an increase, we can see from the

results of the pre test and post test showed a decrease.

1. Mean

a) Pre test of experiment class


7.15 is the result of experiment class. 186 is total of pre test score

and 26 is total the students.

b) Pre test of control class


6.9 is the result of control class. 181.5 is total of pre test score

and 26 is total the students



c) Post test of experiment class


8.88 is the result of experiment class. 231 is total of pre test score

and 26 is total the students.

d) Post test of control class


6.75 is the result of experiment class. 175.5 is total of pre test

score and 26 is total the students.

Mean is average score from some of the data. The score can be

determined by dividing the total of data to the number of data.

2. Deviation Standard

a) Experiment class

According to the data from the table, the writer calculates Standard

Deviation of pre-test and post-test of experiment class.

SD =


b) Control class

SD =

The higher the standard deviation, the greater the deviation from

the average of data counted, so that the data is have a high variability.

Conversely, the lower the deviation standard, the lower the deviation from

the average of data counted, so that the data is have a low variability.


3. T- test Calculation

After the writer calculates Standard Deviation, t-test calculation are:

a) Experiment class

to =

b) Control class

to =


4. Giving Interpretation to

a) Calculate of df of experimental class

df = n – 1

df = 26 – 1

df = 25

The concept of degrees of freedom is central to the principle of

estimating statistics of population from samples of them. “Degrees of

freedom” is commonly abbreviated to df .

df as a mathematical restriction that needs to be put inplace when

estimating one statistic from a estimate of another.

b) Consult with t-table value

With df = 25,the value of t-table with level of significant 5% is 2.06

c) Comparing t-test with t-table

T-test = 8.40 therefore t-test is greater than t-table with level of

significance 5%.

If t-test similar of greater than t-table, so null hypothesis (Ho) is

rejected. Ho is no significance between pre test and post test, t-table with

n= 26 is, 2.06. The result of t-test is Therefore, 8.40 > 2.06. So, t-test


calculating is greater than t-table. Therefore, Ho is rejected, it means that

there is a significant difference between pre test and post test.

From the research finding, using dictogloss teaching technique

motivated the students. The score of the experiment class was better than

the control class. This technique can make the students were easier to do

the test.

B. Discussion

The finding show that experimental class is students interested and

understand this technique. When the teacher explains and applies this

technique, students were very enthusiastic, students can also understand

what is explained by the teacher, they also exchanged with the other

students. They also explain again the story in front of the class. Than

control class, the students not interested and not understand this technique.

They can’t answer the question from the teacher. When the teacher asked

one of them to explain again the material, no one of them can explain the


There is no significant differences in pre test score of the two classes.

Table 4.4 Research Finding

No Result Experiment Class Control Class

1 Mean of

a) Pre test

b) Post test





2 Standart Deviation 1.03 0.71

3 T- Test 8.40 3.78


After the teacher applied with dictogloss technique, there is

significant improvement from pre test to post test mean of experiment

class (7.15 to 8.88). Moreover, there is no significant improvement from

pre test to post test mean of control class (6.9 to 6.75), it could happen

because the students were not understand about the story explained by the

teacher. In experiment class any students get the high score (9.5) and the

control class any students get low score (4.0). So, from the research

finding any different score from experiment and control class. In

experiment class the students more enjoy and familiar with this technique.

But in control class the students not interested, because there are have

difficulty in learning without this technique.

From the T-test result, it can be seen that the experiment class get

higher score (8.40) than the control class (3.78). There is a significant

difference between the two classes. The dictogloss teaching technique is

effective to improve students’ listening ability. With the dictogloss

teaching technique, the students could understand well the vocabularies by

listening radio, recorder without any mistakes.

Dictogloss technique is effective to improve students’ listening

skill it can be proved by the improvement of student’s attention to the

materials given. But the students have to work hard to get higher score. If

the teacher always apply this technique and students accustomed to

practice, students will be able to improve their ability and not only develop

the listening ability.Students can develop on the other ability.


Some of the students confused with the test before the teacher give

the technique. But after the teacher give this technique the students were

easier to do the task. And some of them could answer the test correctly.

They could answer or explain about the story which was played in the


According to Buck in Vasiljevic (2010:42) said dictogloss exploits

the principles that two heads are better that one. Students are able to pool

their resources, and even low-level learners are able, through collaborative

action, to out perform their competence. It means the students more

understand the materials with group activities the students can exchange

the ideas or their opinions ,it will facilitate students in learning process.

Students are required to be more focused, the students will be

easier to learn this technique. So that students can explain what has been

applied by this technique with individual or in group. Students also can

explain and develop their ideas with other students. The students in

Experiment Class were familiar with the concept of Dictogloss, were not

as affected by the novelty of the task.

From the research, it can be concluded that using dictogloss

teaching technique can motivate students in learning process. This

technique helps the students focus and help students become more

interactive, it looks when the students can explain or give conclusion about

the materials.




After conducting the research, doing the analysis, and presenting the

results, the conclusion and suggestion of this study will be presented in this


A. Conclusion

1. Appliying dictogloss on teaching technique is effective. Because

the students more understand the materials. This technique make

the students more focus on listening. Moreover the advantages of

dictogloss for students such as making the prediction, inferences

about things not directly stated in the text, identifying the topic of

the text, the text type, and various sorts of semantics. On the other

hand the students can develop this method. When the teacher

explain the materials and use dictogloss technique, the students feel

comfortable. This method can be seen during the learning process.

Students were more understand, they were able to answer the

question given orally by the teacher. They also can tell or explain

the content of the storyplayed in front of the class.

The students in experiment class more interested in learning

process, and they are get more vocabularies.

2. a) The researcher finds that there is no significant improvement of

students’ listening skill in class which is not taught by using

dictogloss (control class). It can be proved by pre test to post test


mean of control class (6.9 to 6.75). It could happen because the

teacher uses traditional method when she is explaining the

materials, such as reading loudly, so that most of students are in

their own business because they feel bored in the classroom. The

students are not enthusiastic in learning process.

b) The students’ listening skill of class which is taught by using

dictogloss (experiment class) shows improvement. As the finding

result shows in pre test to post test mean of experiment class (7.15

to 8.88). In experiment class the students more interest beacause

the students can understand what they are listen if the teacher

teach with dictogloss technique. They get new vocabularies and

the students can answer the question from the teacher with true

and without the difficulty.

c) The using of dictogloss teaching technique is effective to improve

students’ listening ability. It can be seen from T – test result of the

two classes. The class which is taught by using dictogloss

(experiment class) get higher score (8.40) than the class which is

not taught by using dictogloss (control class) (3.78). In the two

classes have significant difference. The using of dictogloss

teaching technique make students learns English easily and the

students can more understand.


B. Suggestions

Based on the above explanation, the writer would like to suggest:

1. For students

Most of students have difficulties in listening skill. They can not listen

and understand about what they are listen to. Most of students can not

explain about something they hear because they are not confidence,

they are afraid of making mistake so when they explain the content of

the materials.

2. For teacher

The teacher should give or prepare good materials. He should give

support to the students, so the students can be more confidence to

share their ideas give the interesting materials, she or he can use the

dictogloss teaching teachnique to improve listening skill. So that the

students are intersted in and comfortable.

3. For researcher

The dictogloss teaching technique is not the only one method to

improve students listening skill. There are other methods which can

use to improve students listening skill. And the result of this research

can be a reference for another researcher who wants to conduct a

research about teaching listening skill.



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Name : Abriavika Dita Kusuma Wardani

Place and Date of Birth : Salatiga, January 10 th 1991

Address : Jln Srikandi RT 02 Rw 04 Grogol Salatiga

Email / Phone Number : [email protected]/085786562075

Educational Background :

1. TK Kartika graduated in 1997

2. SDN Tegalrejo 01 Salatiga, graduated in 2003

3. SMPN 07 Salatiga, graduated in 2006

4. SMK Diponegoro graduated in 2009



Lesson Plan

The Result of the Students’ Tests

Research Documentation

Surat Keterangan Melakukan Penelitian di SMK Diponegoro Salatiga

Surat Ijin Penelitian

Surat Tugas Pembimbing dan Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi

Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

Daftar SKK (Satuan Kredit Kegiatan)




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas, Semester : X / 1 (Satu)

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi :


Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog

sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima

dalam teks yang berbentuk: recount, narrative dan procedure.



Mendengarkan teks monolog dengan bantuan audio.

Melengkapi teks monolog dengan kata yang didengar.

Menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan teks yang didengar.

Melengkapi lirik lagu yang didengar.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :

Siswa dapat mendengarkan dan merespon teks monolog dengan

bantuan audio.

Siswa dapat melengkapi teks monolog dengan kata yang didengar.

Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan teks yang


Siswa dapat melengkapi lirik lagu yang didengar.


A. Materi Pembelajaran

Materi Pokok

Teks recount

Three little pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One morning, the mother

pigs said, “You must go into the world and make your own way.” So the

three little pigs set out into the world. The first little pig met a carrying a

bundle of straw and said, “Please may I have some of your straw to build

a house with.” The man gave him some straw and the little pig built

himself a fine straw house to live in.

Soon, a hungry wolf came along. He knocked at the door and

said,”Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” ‘No..no..by the hair of my

chinny chin chin. I won’t let you in.”

“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in .” So he huffed

and he puffed and he blew the house in and ate up the first little pig. The

second little pig met a man with a bundle of sticks. “Please may I have

some of your sticks to build a house with?” The man gave him some

sticks and the little pig built himself a fine stick house to live in.

Soon a hungry wolf came along. He knocked at the door and said,”

Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”

“No..no..by the hair of my chinny chin chin. I won’t let you in.” “Then

I’ll haff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in.” So he huffed and he

puffed and he blew pig. The third little pig met a man with a bundle of

bricks. “Please may I have some of your bricks to build a house with?”

The man gave him some bricks and the little pig built himself a fine

bricks house to live in.

Soon, a hungry wolf came along. He knocked at the door and said,”

Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” ‘No..no..by the hair of my chinny

chin chin. I won’t let you in.” “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow

your house in .” “You may huff and you may puff, but you can not blow

my house in ,”said the little pig. So he huffed and he puffed and he huffed


and he puffed, but he could not blow the house in. Then the angry wolf

said,”Little pig, you cannot hide. I will climb on the roof and come down

the chimney.” So the little pig made a big fire in the fireplace and he hung

a pot of water over it. As soon as he heard the wolf coming down he

snatched the lid off and the wolf fell right into the boiling water. And that

little pig had a very good supper.

B. Metode Pembelajaran

Tree phase technique

C. kegiatan Pembelajaran

Tingkatan Aktivitas Waktu

Pembukaan a. Membuka dengan salam dan


b. Perkenalan

c. Mengabsen peserta didik

d. Memberikan gambaran

kompetensi yang dicapai

5 Menit

Kegiatan Inti a. Guru memperdengarkan teks

recount kepada peserta didik.

b. Peserta didik menebak apa isi

dari teks recount yang


c. Guru memberikan pertanyaan

mengenai teks yang


d. Peserta didik diperdengarkan

lagi teks recount tersebut dan

mengisi pertanyaan .

e. Guru membahas jawaban dari

pertanyaan tersebut.

f. Peserta didik menjawab

80 menit


pertanyaan yang berhubungan

dengan teks tersebut.

a. Mengulang kembali poin-poin

seputar materi tersebut.

b. Memberikan motivasi siswa

dan menyuruh siswa berlatih

di rumah.

c. Penugasan

d. Menutup dengan salam

5 menit

D. Sumber Belajar

1. Alat Pembelajaran

Kertas karton



Alat tulis

2. Sumber Pembelajaran

a. www.britishcouncil.org/learningenglishkids (recount text audio)

G. penilaian

1. Teknik : Tes lisan

2. Bentuk : - Tanya jawab

- uraian


Contoh butir soal 1 :

Teks recount

Answer the questions below!

Pre test questions :

1. Please mention who are actors in the story above ?

2. How many pigs were there ?

3. In this story, who is become antagonist character?

4. What is the materials has used to built the house of the first little pig?

5. What happen with a wolf when he blow a house that made from of sticks?

6. Who is fal into the boiling water ?

7. Who is has been eaten by the wolf ?

8. The third little pig built a house with ?

9. What is little pig say to the man who is carrying a bundle of straw ?

10. Whether wolves can blow the third little pig ?

Jawaban :

1. Three little pigs and a wolf

2. Three ( 3 )

3. A wolf

4. Straw

5. The third pig was also blown

6. Wolf

7. The first little pig

8. Made from bricks

9. Please may I have some of your sticks to build a house with ?

10. No, he can’t


Post test question :

1. In this story, which pigs succesfully escape from the wolf ?

2. The second little pig build a house with ?

3. From where wolves can get into the third pig ?

4. Who said to three little pigs to go into to the world dan make his own way ?

5. The third little pig build a house with ?

6. Why a wolf hunt of three little pigs ?

7. Why a wolf can’t blow the house of third little pig ?

8. Who is hung pot of water on the fireplace ?

9. What is the materials has used to built the house of the three little pigs ?

10. What happen with the third little pig after a wolf fell into the boiling water ?

Jawaban :

1. The third little pig

2. Sticks

3. Climb on the roof and come down the chimmey

4. Mother’s pigs

5. Bricks

6. Because, a wolf is hungry

7. Because, the third pig make the house from bricks

8. Third little pigs

9. Straw, Sticks, and Bricks

10. Third little pig had a very good supper


Pedoman Penilaian :

Jawaban benar nilai skor 1.

Pre test 10 soal, benar semua nilai 10.

Post test 10 soal, benar semua nilai 10


Benar semua : = 10


Salatiga, 6 Februari 2014


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Fajar Umar Haryono Abriavika Dita




























Nama : Abriavika Dita Kusuma.W

NIM : 11309025

Progdi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)

PA : Hanung Triyoko, SS., M.Hum., M.Ed

No Jenis Kegiatan Tanggal Jabatan Nilai

1. Piagam Penghargaan Orientasi Pengenalan

Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (OPAK)

18-20 Agustus 2009 Peserta 3

2. Sertifikat Pelatihan Emotional Spiritual

Intelligence Quotientient (ESIQ)

21 Agustus 2009 Peserta 3

3. Sertifikat UPT Perpustakaan 25-29 Agustus 2009 Peserta 3

4. Sertifikat Sarasehan Pendidikan Keagamaan

“Peran Pendidikan Keagamaan Dalam

Meningkatkan Spiritualitas,Intelektual,&Moralitas


9 September 2009 Peserta 3

5. Piagam Penghargaan Pemilihan Umum Anggota

DPR, DPD, dan DPRD Tahun 2009 Dan

Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden

Tahun 2009

21 Oktober 2009 Anggota



6. Sertifikat “Praktikum Kepramukaan” 22-24 Februari 2010 Peserta 3

7. Piagam Penghargaan Atas Partisipasi Dalam Acara

Parade Band Komunitas Se-Salatiga, STAIN

Music Club (SMC) Salatiga di GRAHA KORPRI


26-28 Juli 2010 Peserta 3

8. Certificate of Praktikum Program of Intensive

Course, Pronounciation, Magezine Writing and

Public Speaking

1 September 2010 Peserta 2


9. Piagam Penghargaan Atas Partisipasi Dalam Acara

Music in CAMPUS (MIC) di Auditorium STAIN


22 Oktober 2010 Peserta 3

10. Certificate of Practicum program “Book Resume” 1 Maret 2011 Peserta 2

11. Piagam Penghargaan Seminar Keperempuanan

dengan tema “Menumbuhkan Kembali Jiwa

Kekartinian dalam Ranah Kampus”

17 Mei 2011 Panitia 3

12. Piagam Penghargaan English is Fun 4. 8 Juni 2011 Juri 3

13. Piagam Penghargaan Music Competition (SMC)


17 Juli 2011 Peserta 3

14. Sertifikat Seminar Entrepreneurship dan Koperasi 25 Agustus 2011 Peserta 3

15. Certificate of Practicum Program “Drama” 21 September 2011 Peserta 2

16. Certificate of Practicum Program “Discourse


28 April 2012 Peserta 2

17. Sertifikat Pendidikan Dasar Perkoperasian dengan

tema “Optimalisasi Peran Koperasi Dalam Dunia


29 April 2012 Peserta 3

18. Piagam Penghargaan Seminar Regional Dengan

Tema “Peran Mahasiswa Dalam Mengawal BLSM

(BLT) Tepat Sasaran"

3 Mei 2012 Peserta 3

19. Sertifikat PDP (Pendidikan Dasar Perkoperasian)

Koperasi Mahasiswa “FATAWA”

6-7 Mei 2012 Peserta 3

20. Sertifikat SARASEHAN dengan tema “PERAN



12 Mei 2012 Peserta 3


21.. Sertifikat Seminar Nasional Dengan Tema

“Mewaspadai Gerakan Islam Garis Keras di

Perguruan Tinggi”

23 Juni 2012 Peserta 6

22. Piagam Penghargaan Atas Partisipasinya dalam


(SMC) Salatiga

8 Juli 2012 Peserta 3

23. Sertifikat Praktikum Pelatihan TOEFL 30 Juli-15 Agustus


Peserta 2

24. Sertifikat Praktikum Pelatihan Ikhtibar al-lughah

al-arabiyah Ka Lughah Ajnabiyah(ILAIK)

30 Juli-15 Agustus


Peserta 2

25. Certificate has satisfactorily on training as

“TUTOR” of Faussa Collage

21 September 2012 Pengajar 3

26. Sertifikat Seminar Nasional “Urgensi Media

Dalam Pergulatan Politik”

29 September 2012 Peserta 6

27. Sertifikat Dalam Acara Pendidikan Lanjutan

Perkoperasian (PLP) se-Jateng dengan tema

“Membentuk Karakter Entrepreneur Yang Berjiwa


30 November -

2 Desember 2012

Peserta 3

28. Sertifikat Hijab & Beauty class with Oriflame

&Hijabers Salatiga

25 Mei 2013 Peserta 2

29. Sertifikat “The Meaning of Beauty” Beauty class

& Hijab style bersama AVAIL dan ORIFLAME

23 Juni 2013 Peserta 3

30. Sertifikat MAPABA dengan tema Menemukan Jati

Diri Menuju Mahasiswa yang Peka dan Peduli

4-6 Oktober 2013 Panitia 3

31. Sertifikat Seminar Nasional dengan tema

“Mendetakkan Jantung Bangsa dengan

Jurnalisme” STAIN Salatiga

7 Oktober 2013 Peserta 6

32. Sertifikat Dalam Rangka “Dance Competition”

bersama Kedai Kopi Merah Putih Salatiga

13 Oktober 2013 Panitia 3


33. Sertifikat Hijab and Beauty Class with Hijabers

USA dan BP Photography

9 Maret 2014 Peserta 3

34. Sertifikat Dalam Acara Seminar Nasional LPM

Dinamika “Idealisme Mahasiswa” di Auditorium

Kampus II STAIN Salatiga

3 Juni 2014 Peserta 6

Jumlah Nilai 107






YEAR OF 2013/2014

Statement of the Problem

1. How to use dictogloss technique in listening subject in SMK

Diponegoro Salatiga in the academic year 2013/2014?

2. How is the effectiveness of using dictogloss technique in

listening subject in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga in the

academic year 2013/2014?


Listening is one of the most important language skill. A

communication method that requires the listeners to understand,

interpret, and assess what they hear. Listening is a skill and help we

can give students in performing that skill will help them to be better


Listening ability can improve personal interaction to reduce the

problems, increase cooperation, and more understanding.

According to Ruth (1990) “Dictogloss is a classroom dictation activity where learners listen

to a passage, write down key words and work together to create a reconstructed version of

the text.

Four stages in the dictogloss approach :

a. Preparation,

The teachers prepare the text to the students by ask the question, discussion, and

make teamwork(group).

b. Dictation,

Only listen and get a general feeling for the text. Take down notes, be support to

listen for content which will assist them in reconstruction the text.

c. Reconstruction,

For the conclusion, learners pool notes and produce their version of the text it is

important that the teacher does not provide any language input.

d. Analysis and Correction,

Small group can be reproduced on the board, the texts can be photocopied and

distributed, and the students can compare their version with the original sentence.


Some Step to Handle the Weakness

a. The teacher prepare everything well (Students, Media, and


b. Using media with effective and efficient.

c. On reconstruction, the teacher give the freedom to express

the ideas and opinions.

d. In analyzing and correcting, the results of students’ opinion

more valued and assessed objectively.

Advantages of Dictogloss Technique

The dictogloss method is an effective way of combining individual

and group activities. Students are actively involved in the learning

process and there are multiple opportunities for peer learning and

peer teaching. The dictogloss procedure facilities the development of

the learners’ communicative competence. A collaborative

reconstruction task given learners the opportunities to practice and

use all modes of language and to become engaged in authentic

communication. The reconstruction stage helps students try out their

hypotheses and subsequently to identify their strengths and



Kinds of Listening

Intensive Listening :

1. Reading aloud

2. Storytelling

3. Interview

4. Conversation

● Extensive Listening is a kind of listening activity with the general

for the statement,

1. Remind the materials

2. Give opportunity to the students to hear and listens the new


I do the Research on SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. For the method I use

experimental research.

Experimental Research is a research method used for finding the effects of treatment

towards another in a controlled condition.

For the sample, I use two classes. Any 26 students on the class. First class I use

the dictogloss teaching technique (experiment class), and second class I don’t use the

dictogloss teaching technique (control class).

For the research, for the first time is Pre test. In Experiment class, the teacher gave

a story in listening of pre test, the title was The Three Little Pigs. Without any explanation

the students were given some question about the story line. Teaching process with

treatment, the teacher gave a text to the students. Played the story and the students listened

the story while they were scrutinizing the story line from the text. And the teacher asked the

students to underline the difficult word and discussed them.

For the post test, The students were given a test again about the story and the students had to

answered some question about the story line. The teacher evaluated the students’ post test

result by assessing their tasks.


For the Research in Control Class, the teacher gave a story in

listening of pre test with same story. Without any explanation the

students were given some question about the story line. On the

teaching process (without treatment), the teacher played the story

again and the students listened to the story. And than, the teacher

asked the students to find out the difficult words from the story and

discussed them.

For the Post test, the students were given a test again about

the story. The students had to answered some question about the

story line. And the teacher evaluated the students’ post test result by

assessing their tasks.

After completing the teaching learning process, the researcher

measure the effectiveness of dictogloss teaching technique to

improve students’ listening skill by calculating rates of average of

pre test and post test. And find out the significant between pre test

and post test of two classes.

Mean the pre test of experiment class is 7.15 and pre test of control

class is 6.9. The result post test of experiment class is 8.88 and post

test of control class is 6.75.

→ Mean is average score from some of the data. The score can be

determined by dividing the total of data to the number of data.


T- Test Calculation

The T-test calculation of Experiment Class is 8.40 and the T-test of

Control Class is 3.78.

Comparing t-test and t-table:

T-test is 8.40 therefore t-test is greater than t-table with level of

significant 5%. If the t-test similar of greater than t-table, so null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Ho is no significance between pre test

and post test, t-table with n=26 is 2.06. The result of t-test is

therefore 8.40> 2.06. So, t-test calculating is greater than t-table.

Therefore Ho is rejected.

The conclusion of the research, that using the dictogloss teaching

technique is effective. The students more interested, understand and

comfortable. With this technique, students can make the prediction,

inferences about things not directly stated in the text, identifying the

topic, the text type, and various sorts. So, the students can answer the

questions from the teacher by oral. They also explain the content of

the story. The students in control class interested when the teacher

mix listening process with played the interested story. But the

experiment class more interested in listening process with dictogloss

teaching technique. They are get more vocabularies, and enjoy with

this technique.