walking differently (ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people...


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Page 1: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness
Page 2: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness
Page 3: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Walking Differently(Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20)



3)reactions to difficult people

4)sexual purity

5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

6)appropriate confrontation of sin

Page 4: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Kindness, Compassion, and Forgiveness

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Page 5: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Kindness, Compassion, and Forgiveness

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

aphiemi (50X): send away, release, let go, disregard, leave behind (Matthew 6:12-15)

charizomai (10X): to do a favor to; to graciously pardon (Ephesians 4:32)

Page 6: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Walking Differently



3)reactions to difficult people

4)sexual purity

5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

6)appropriate confrontation of sin

Page 7: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Appropriately confronting sin

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them.

Ephesians 5:11

Expose: confront, refute, find fault with, chide.

Page 8: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Appropriately confronting sin

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them.

Ephesians 5:11

Expose: confront, refute, find fault with, chide.

Is it wrong to “judge” someone else’s behavior? Is it wrong to say to someone, “What you’re doing is wrong…”?

Page 9: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Appropriately confronting sin

1)Have you “looked in the mirror” at your own heart?

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will bejudged…. First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matthew 7:1-2, 5

Page 10: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Appropriately confronting sin

1)Have you “looked in the mirror” at your own heart?

2)Where are they at with Christ?

To the religious, Jesus said: “You hypocrites…!” (Matthew 23)

To the irreligious (far from God), Jesus said:“Go and sin no more” (John 8); “Believe in me” (John 4)

Page 11: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Appropriately confronting sin

3)Have you prayed for wisdom to know how you should confront them?

Harsh (1 Corinthians 5:12-13)

Middle of the road (Matthew 18:15-17)

Gentle (Galatians 6:1)

Page 12: Walking Differently (Ephesians 4:17 – 5:20) 1)mouth 2)money 3)reactions to difficult people 4)sexual purity 5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

Walking Differently



3)reactions to difficult people

4)sexual purity

5)kindness, compassion, and forgiveness

6)appropriate confrontation of sin