walmart state grant

State Giving Program Logout Confirmation of Application Receipt: Your proposal was successfully submitted to the Walmart Foundation. No further action on your part is required. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided during registration. To print a copy of this completed application go to 'File', then 'Print' on your browser toolbar. Click here to return to the homepage when you are finished. Contact Information * First Name Sheryl * Last Name Verhulst * Contact Title Client Services * Address 2221 Corporation Blvd * City Naples * State Florida * Zip 34109 * Telephone 800-985-7698 * E-mail Address [email protected] * Contact Type Grant Preparer * Contact's Role Employee Organization Profile Official Name MEALS OF HOPE INC * Legal Name Meals of Hope AKA Name Kids Against Hunger of SW Florida * Organization Address 2221 Corporation Blvd * Organization City Naples * Organization State Florida * Organization Zip 34109 * Telephone 800-985-7698 * Organization Mission Meals of Hope's mission is to alleviate hunger utilizing a hands on approach where volunteers come together to pack highly nutritious meals that are then distributed via Food Banks and School Systems. Meals of Hope has helped feed millions of people by packing over 27 million meals and counting. Meals of Hope's hands-on approach combats hunger in your community by bringing food packing events to churches, schools, associations & organizations. * Organization's Facebook Site * Organization's Twitter Handle * Organization's Website Address Request History * Previous Funding No Program Information * Program Title Kids Deserve Better – Weekend Meal Packs * Focus Area Hunger Relief and Healthy Eating Walmart Corporate - Apply For Grants 1 of 4 7/15/2015 9:21 AM

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State Giving Program


Confirmation of Application Receipt:

Your proposal was successfully submitted to the Walmart Foundation. No further action on your part is required. A confirmation email will

be sent to the email address provided during registration. To print a copy of this completed application go to 'File', then 'Print' on your

browser toolbar. Click here to return to the homepage when you are finished.

Contact Information

* First Name Sheryl

* Last Name Verhulst

* Contact Title Client Services

* Address 2221 Corporation Blvd

* City Naples

* State Florida

* Zip 34109

* Telephone 800-985-7698

* E-mail Address [email protected]

* Contact Type Grant Preparer

* Contact's Role Employee

Organization Profile


* Legal Name Meals of Hope

AKA Name Kids Against Hunger of SW Florida

* Organization Address 2221 Corporation Blvd

* Organization City Naples

* Organization State Florida

* Organization Zip 34109

* Telephone 800-985-7698

* Organization Mission Meals of Hope's mission is to alleviate hunger utilizing a hands on approach wherevolunteers come together to pack highly nutritious meals that are then distributed via FoodBanks and School Systems. Meals of Hope has helped feed millions of people by packingover 27 million meals and counting. Meals of Hope's hands-on approach combats hungerin your community by bringing food packing events to churches, schools, associations &organizations.

* Organization's Facebook Site

* Organization's Twitter Handle

* Organization's Website Address

Request History

* Previous Funding No

Program Information

* Program Title Kids Deserve Better – Weekend Meal Packs

* Focus Area Hunger Relief and Healthy Eating

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* Program Focus Category ----Charitable Meals

* Program Subcategory ----Food Distribution

* Fund Use The $65,000 investment into the Kids Deserve Better Program with Weekends Meal Bagswill be split into 97% of funding for bagged food costs ($4.65 per bag) and a 3% logisticalexpenses.

* Unmet Need/Problem Statement Florida children ages 5 to 12 years old are enduring 68 hours of food insecurity over aweekend, from the time school is released on Friday afternoon until Monday morning. TheKids Deserve Better Program with Weekends Meal Bags program is designed to addressthis issue head on: For just $4.65 per Weekend Meal Bag (compared to the average $5-$6for most backpack programs), the Kids Deserve Better Program with Weekend Meals isefficient, effective and delivers nutrition right to source of the problem - the empty kitchencupboards at home for local children suffering 68 hours of food insecurity on weekendsduring the school year.

Meals of Hope and the Pan Florida Challenge for Hungry Kids plan to address the

staggering numbers of food insecure children with these bags: 1:4 local kids living in Lee,

Collier, and Palm Beach County and 1:3 in Hendry County lack enough food to eat. This

affects our local children by preventing them from growing up into responsible students,

industrious workers and productive citizens when they can only focus on where their next

meal is coming from. By providing meals in bags that get into the hands, mouths and

homes of local hungry children, we can provide them with vital nutrients needed to be a

strong future for America.

* Program Description At the very low cost of $4.65 per bag, a child can be fed for an entire weekend via the KidsDeserve Better Program with Weekend Meal Bags. 400 local children residing in Collier,Lee, Hendry and Palm Beach Counties will be fed during the school year with kitsdesigned and distributed by Meals of Hope (meals in bags producer and deliverymechanism) and the Pan-Florida Challenge (as the school distribution relationshipmanager responsible for the results, outcomes stats, and stories tracking). The bagsconsist of 6 meals and 1 milk in a sealed plastic bag branded with "Kids Deserve Better-Weekend Meal Bags" on the outside. Inside are 2 dinners, 2 lunches, 2 breakfasts, and 1milk. Detailed menus available upon request. Nutritional value is critical to our success,thus overly processed, high sugar content foods are not on the menus. Menus rotate every4 weeks, so no two weekends in a row are the same. A sample bag may contain ToastedOats, Apple Juice, Applesauce, Mixed Fruit, Mac O's, Chili, and Milk. Each meal bagweighs roughly 3lbs and will go into a child's backpack on the bus or on their walk homeafter school on Friday afternoon. Additionally, one of Meals of Hope's four fortified meals(Beans and Rice Casserole, Macaroni and Cheese meal, Soy Chicken Vegetable and RiceDinner, or Cinnamon, Sugar, Diced Apple Oatmeal) will be given to the children so thattheir family will benefit from this program by having enough food for at least one meal thatthe whole family will enjoy. Meals of Hope was secondary recipient of a grant issued to theBoys and Girls Club of Boward County; Meals of Hope has a demonstrated track record ofworking well in a cross functional team and therefore, is an ideal candidate for othersimilarly like-minded organizations to partner with.

* Primary Target Population 1. The Primary Target Population are children living in poverty and going hungry on theweekends. During the weekdays at school, breakfast and lunches are provided for mostunderserved children living in poverty. Leaving school on Friday afternoon, a child venturesaway from nutritious food provided in the cafeteria into a home with empty cupboards,fridges without food and empty pantries. School Teachers know the truth - children comeinto school Monday morning having not eaten all weekend. That is 68 hours of hungerendured by children- the same children going through growth spurts who need food togrow, develop and learn.

2. The Kids Deserve Better Program with the Weekends Meal Bags targets Title 1 schools

in Collier, Lee, Hendry and Palm Beach County with 90-95% free and reduced lunch rates.

Additional data used to hone selection criteria include high SNAP program penetration

rates and higher homeless school children population identified.

3. The Weekends Meal Bags target elementary schools first. Middle schools and Head

Start Programs will likely follow in future years.

What state is this request for? Florida

* Area Served Lee



Palm Beach

* Desired Results 1. Major goals - 1:4 children are currently food insecure in these 4 counties. Our goal is tobring these numbers down in the 4 schools and after care programs we are targeting to 0:4being food insecure on the weekends. Eliminate food insecurity during the school year

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entirely for our children.

2. Outcomes - Children no longer need to quietly suffer through 68 hours of hunger and

shame on the weekends.

3. Anticipated benefits- Better school attendance records, less illness due to poor nutrition,

better ability to pay attention in school, resulting in better grades, increased self-esteem,

better reading and math grade level testing outcomes, all around happier higher

functioning children.,

4. Impact expected to achieve as a result of the proposed Weekend Meal Bags program -

Impact is to stop children from the pain and shame of having to go hungry. With food in the

home, from their own backpack, children no longer need to suffer through 68 hours of

hunger. Children can help themselves, regardless of parents who may be unable to feed

their children for whatever reason.

* Program Sustainability The Kids Deserve Better Program with Sponsored Weekends Meal Bags will be sustainedor integrated into the funding steam of another sponsoring organization should decide tonot continue support the subsequent year.

* Organizational Budget $1,082,000.00

* Program Budget $65,000.00

* Requested Grant Amount $65,000.00

Budget Breakdown

* Budget Items (for this request only) $0.00 Personnel Costs$63,000.00 Materials and Supplies$2,100.00 Other Direct Costs$65,100.00 Total

* Explanation of Personnel Costs N/A

* Explanation of Materials and Supplies Backpack with 6 meals, + one Meals of Hope fortified meal = $4.50 per backpack, $63,000total 400 kids x 35 weeks

* Explanation of Other Direct Costs Gas & Shipping expenses = $0.15 per backpack, $2,100 total 400 kids x 35 weeks

* Explanation of Indirect Costs N/A


* People Served 400

* Gender 200.00 Male200.00 Female400.00 Total

* Age Group 400.00 Children (0-12)400.00 Total

* Ethnic Background 100.00 African American or Black240.00 Hispanic or Latino60.00 White400.00 Total

Veterans No

Program Metrics

Service Type Grocery or Food Distribution

Number of people served 400.00 Children (0-17)0.00 Adults (18-59)0.00 Seniors (60+)0.00 Unknown/Unreported400.00 Total

Pounds of Food Distributed 52500

Backpacks Distributed 28000

Average meals per pack 12

Average Pounds per pack 3.75

Number of Sites 6

Vehicle Purchase? No

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Donor Recognition

* Donor Recognition plan We will compile a messaging strategy & communications plan for outreach both statewideand local level to schools, volunteer and teacher communities. Communications outreachwould begin at program launch & continue ongoing each month over the annual term ofthe grant, ending in an annual program "report card" with a robust set of positive outcomesin photos, stories & statistics related to the program. Strategic outreach form part of agreater communications strategy including but not limited to email newsletters ande-blasts. Distribution of program literature by school for the local constituencies of theschools & surrounding communities. A single website would contain core information onthe program. The website will host information on all 6 schools selected, presenting theunified program under the Walmart Foundation name. Facebook pages would be createdfor each school community within the program. Each social media page would providelocal listing pick up times, the week's meal menu, fun or volunteer events, recipes formeal-planning to enhance the meal packs, & artwork in support of each location to buildlocal fan following. The "Kids Deserve Better" Program also allows Walmart Foundation toexperience branding opportunities including owning the program Title Sponsor name, theLogo-branded bags which go home each weekend with into family homes for recycling andre-use, & the dedicated school locations will be attributed to Walmart Foundation asdistribution locations for the program. The Walmart Foundation will be supported withoutreach campaigns, Press releases, Press events with local politicians & local celebrities(TV Anchors etc.), & supported with press/blog posts each month. Local & social mediawill be updated with stories of children redeeming the benefits of food coming home eachweekend & other positive outcomes reported by school faculty by testimonial.

Additional Information

* Other Potential Funders We are working with other funders outside of the 6 distribution locations requested ofWalmart. Each funder will fund 100% of a school. Each funder will cross off 100 more foodinsecure children from having to endure 68 hours of hunger today, one school at a time.

* IRS 990 Form Not-Encrypted US Tax Return '15.pdf (492.04 K), uploaded by Sheryl Verhulst on


* IRS Determination Letter Tax Exempt letter.pdf (414.57 K), uploaded by Sheryl Verhulst on 07/15/2015

* Board of Directors William Schweikhardt

Jacques Groentemann

Rev. Richard Kirschner

Rabbi Adam Miller

Dawn Montecalvo

Charles Popper

Cindi Hewitt

Associate Involvement N/A

Need Support?

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