wanaka sun | 17 -23 dec 2015 | edition 744

GLENDA TURNBULL Wanaka Sun he Queenstown Lakes District Council is asking for public feedback about the new 30 Year Wanaka Lakefront Concept Plan. The WLCP covers six areas in Roys Bay from Pembroke Park to the Wanaka Yacht Club and includes six town centre plan options for residents to consider. The plans look at options to alter car parking, traffic management and green space in the future. Initial feedback on the Wanaka Sun’s Facebook page indicates people want less parking on the lakefront and more green space. Several have commented the lakefront is perfect as it is and to keep the current parking and green space. The Wanaka Lakefront Reserves Management Plan was adopted in October 2014 and one of the policies was to produce a concept plan and detailed design for the Roys Bay reserves. The concept was expanded to include the Ardmore Street frontage which provides the link between the town centre and the lakefront. The Wanaka Town Centre Plan, completed in 2009, sets out guiding principles for future development. These principles have been incorporated into the concept plans. Auckland landscape architect Garth Falconer has designed the six options in the concept plan for the council. QLDC parks and reserves planning manager Stephen Quin said the concept plan was an opportunity to get feedback from the community on the different options available. “It is not like the flag referendum where we chose one of the options. It is just giving people different ideas and then ideas from each of the options can be put together depending on funding,” Stephen said. Senior QLDC parks and reserves planner Jeannie Galavazi said it would be good to start work on the feedback as soon as possible. “We want to work out the most simple and effective way of getting the feedback,” Jeannie said. PAGE 11 EDITION: 744 sun views THUR 17.12.15 - WED 23.12.15 DELIVERED AND FREE PAGE 4 Hawea track PAGE 6 PAGE 15 John retires Jossi podiums Story continues page 3... T WANAKA’S INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER CALL JAE carpet & upholstery cleaning speciality rug cleaning 03 443 1150 M: 027 4391 675 0800 225 552 we’ll take care of it Four air forces to fly at Warbirds SUN NEWS PAGE 7 Public feedback wanted on Roys Bay Layout options considered for the future of lakefront Wanaka’s Paul Tamati (pictured), gave a beautiful rendition of “How Great Thou Art” on a cold, wet night at the Shotover Jet Christmas Cracker show at the Queenstown Events Centre last Saturday. Local singing teacher Jenn Shelton also took twenty of her students over and led them through a series of performances which stole the show. PHOTO: DAVID BAKER

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Wanaka's community newspaper. Over 15,000 copies of the Wanaka Sun are circulated each week.


Page 1: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


he Queenstown Lakes District Council is asking for public feedback about the

new 30 Year Wanaka Lakefront Concept Plan. The WLCP covers six areas in Roys Bay from Pembroke Park to the Wanaka Yacht Club and includes six town centre plan options for residents to consider. The plans look at options to alter car parking, traffic management and green space in the future.

Initial feedback on the Wanaka

Sun’s Facebook page indicates people want less parking on the lakefront and more green space. Several have commented the lakefront is perfect as it is and to keep the current parking and green space.

The Wanaka Lakefront Reserves Management Plan was adopted in October 2014 and one of the policies was to produce a concept plan and detailed design for the Roys Bay reserves.

The concept was expanded to include the Ardmore Street frontage which provides the link

between the town centre and the lakefront.

The Wanaka Town Centre Plan, completed in 2009, sets out guiding principles for future development. These principles have been incorporated into the concept plans. Auckland landscape architect Garth Falconer has designed the six options in the concept plan for the council.

QLDC parks and reserves planning manager Stephen Quin said the concept plan was an opportunity to get feedback from the community on the different

options available.“It is not like the flag referendum

where we chose one of the options. It is just giving people different ideas and then ideas from each of the options can be put together depending on funding,” Stephen said.

Senior QLDC parks and reserves planner Jeannie Galavazi said it would be good to start work on the feedback as soon as possible.

“We want to work out the most simple and effective way of getting the feedback,” Jeannie said.



sun views

THUR 17.12.15 - WED 23.12.15 DELIVERED AND FREE


Hawea track



John retires


Story continues page 3...




carpet & upholstery cleaning speciality rug cleaning03 443 1150 M: 027 4391 675 0800 225 552

we’lltakecareof it

Four air forces to fly at WarbirdsSUN NEWS PAGE 7

Public feedback wanted on Roys Bay Layout options considered for the future of lakefront

Wanaka’s Paul Tamati (pictured), gave a beautiful rendition of “How Great Thou Art” on a cold, wet night at the Shotover Jet Christmas Cracker show at the Queenstown Events Centre last Saturday. Local singing teacher Jenn Shelton also took twenty of her students over and led them through a series of performances which stole the show.


Page 2: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


SUN NEWS thewanakasun.co.nz

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Lake Hawea, Maungawera and Hawea Flat collections from 3pm.Wanaka and Luggate collections begin at 5pm.


The eighth annual Wanaka Sun Christmas Food Bank Drive will be held this Sunday December 20, so listen out for the emergency services sirens.

Each year fantastic local volun-teer collectors and drivers lend a hand; for some, the annual food bank drive has become a family tradition. The emergency services, including Wanaka Police, Wanaka St John, St John cadets and the fire crews from Wanaka, Luggate and Hawea have also been a huge help each year.

Organiser Nikki Heath said she’s had an incredible response to last week’s story in the Wanaka Sun asking for volunteers. “I’ve got lots of collectors, sorters and vehicles now.”

“A reminder to everyone who has volunteered to help with the Wanaka collection: All emergency service vehicles, collectors, col-lection vehicles and food sorters please meet outside Mount Aspir-ing College on Plantation Road at

4.30pm this Sunday.”This will be the fifth year that

Robyn Millar and her family have volunteered for the Wanaka Sun Christmas Food Bank Drive. Robyn is a long term resident of Wanaka and has three children aged nine, six and three. This will be the first year that all her children have participated.

Robyn said that community is very important to her.

“I feel that if we are able to give back in some way then we should. It’s a gift of our time. Our kids are old enough now to help. It is important that they see what we do and hopefully we create a whole new community of volunteers for the future,” Robyn said.

Community Networks Wanaka uses the donations to make up Christmas hampers, which they deliver to local families in need. The donations also help top up the community food bank.

Collections around Wanaka and Luggate will begin at 5pm and collections around Lake Hawea, Maungawera and Hawea Flat will begin at 3pm.

Countdown to food bank driveMADDY HARKERWanaka Sun

Queenstown Lakes District ratepayers are being left an estimated $300,000 out of pocket each year as a result of unpaid freedom camping fines.

Although Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) patrols net an average of 30 unlawful campers each week, more than half these people leave the district without paying the $200 fine.

The council currently has no legal means of recovering the money and rental companies have been reluctant to chase their clients for the fines.

The government has recognised this is a national issue, identified in its Rules Reduction Taskforce earlier this year.

As a result, QLDC is now looking to intro-duce clamping to offending vehicles, a move which will stop people leaving town without paying their fines.

There would be a $200 fee to have the clamps removed (additional to the existing $200 fine for breaching the Freedom Camping Bylaw).

QLDC regulatory manager Lee Webster said freedom camping is an increasingly popular way to see the country, and there were plenty of places where visitors with self-contained vehicles (those with toilet and water supply)

could spend the night. Problems arise, Lee said, when people stay overnight in vehicles which are not self-contained, or in places where freedom camping is not allowed.

Provided the plan is approved, signs warning of clamping will be placed in problems areas, with enforcement starting before Christmas.

Clamp down on freedom camping


Both Spark and Vodafone are boosting cellphone coverage in Wanaka over the summer period with the supply of Cellular-on-Wheels (COW) telecom-munications towers in Wanaka.

Spark obtained permission from the Queens-town Lakes District Council to erect a COW at Mt Iron, Wanaka, which was erected this week. The 15m-high tower will improve call and data capac-ity in the area from December 1 to February 10 for the next five years.

Vodafone communications specialist Bailey Tebbut said, “We know how popular Wanaka is as a holiday destination, in fact, over the 2014 Christmas period we saw an increase of 192% in data usage in Wanaka. That’s close to three times more than what was used in early December that year.”

Vodafone upgraded their Wanaka Central site in October 2015 with new 4G capable equipment, which almost doubled pre-existing capacity, to ensure the best possible coverage for Wanaka residents and holiday makers.

“In fact we now have two cell sites serving the

region and have also enhanced the capability on each of the towers using carrier aggregation technology,” Bailey said.

A Vodafone COW will also be deployed to support the increased mobile demand during Warbirds Over Wanaka in March 2016.

Additional cellphone coverage for holidays


Queenstown Lakes District Council has extended the deadline for its Proposed District Plan submissions by two days, an extension time described as “laughable” by Julian Haworth, Upper Clutha Environ-mental Society secretary and treasurer.

“Allowing only two working days to digest hundreds of submissions amounting to thousands of pages is an impossible task. The deadline needs to be extended to at least 20 working days and, if possible, more.”

The submission deadline was changed from Wednesday Decem-ber 16 to Friday December 18.

Tony Avery, interim general man-ager of planning and development,

said the date change had been made in light of the large number of original submissions, and the short ten day time frame specified in the Resource Management Act for making further submissions.

“This will assist people in digest-ing the large number of rezoning requests, which took longer than expected to map accurately, and which are now easily viewable online,” he said.

But Julian strongly believed that this isn’t enough.

In a letter to District Plan Administrator, Julia Chalmers, he said:“While the [Upper Clutha Environmental] Society realises that this will delay the timetable for the District Plan a little, the current situ-ation is anti-democratic and will not result in a District Plan that reflects the view of the wider community.”

Mixed views on length of extension for district plan submissions

Page 3: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


SUN NEWSthewanakasun.co.nz

Continued from page 1...

Labour skills survey extended



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Three banded dotterels have flown away after hatching on the banks of the Clutha River.

The chicks were spotted by photographer Gilbert van Reenen for the second year in a row.

Dotterels are a threatened species due to predators and breeding habitat loss, and these are the only two reported sightings that have occurred in Upper Clutha in the last 20 years.

“I’m quite sure that the two parent birds are the exact same ones that I saw last year. They have come to the exact same spot,” Gilbert said.

Nationwide, dotterel numbers are rapidly declining and to have banded dotterels hatching here for a second year in a row is quite incredible.

Gilbert set traps to protect this years’ chicks from pests, although he was still concerned predators (particularly stoats, feral cats and hedgehogs) could be a problem this year given the open air location of the nest. Dotterels approachable nature makes them especially vulnerable to predators.

However, Gilbert spotted the chicks flying on December 6, and by

December 8 they were gone.Gilbert suspects this will be the

last we see of the dotterels until they return as breeding adults.

“We can’t know for sure, but the birds are likely to have gone to one of the big inland rivers and to spend the summer there. In March or April they will probably fly over to the east coast of Australia for the winter.”

They were about five and a half weeks old at the time of migration.

Gilbert hopes the dotterels will return again next year for further breeding.

“They are an incredible bird. It’s very tough to get a good shot of them because as soon as they are out of the egg they are out and running around. They don’t get fed by their parents at all and are forever looking for insects and bugs,” Gilbert said.

Increases in farming and predators are endangering dotterels chances of survival, and their nests are usually unprotected out in the open.

Banded dotterels can be identified by their narrow black band on the neck, wide chestnut band on the breast and fawn-coloured back and wings.They can live for up to ten years.Pictured: Two of the three dotterel chicks spotted in flight on December 6, at about five and a half weeks old.

Rare dotterels have flown the nestPHOTO: GILBERT VAN REENEN

The Queenstown Chamber of Commerce is undertaking a labour skills and accommodation short-age survey on behalf of the Queenstown Lakes District Council and its business community.Business owners from Wanaka and Queenstown have been urged to complete the survey so the chamber can fully understand the make-up of the current labour market and the issues it faces.Employers, managers, human resources representatives and any people responsible for employ-ing staff will now have until December 21 to complete the survey (found on www.surveymonkey.com/r/53C523H), which takes about 15 minutes.

Feedback will be sought from the public over January and February via a combination of drop-in sessions, online information, notice board displays and feedback forms. The drop-in sessions will be spaced to capture holiday visi-tors and locals who are away over the holiday season.

Deputy Mayor Lyal Cocks asked whether it was really worth having so many options.

“I’ve already had some pretty interesting comments,” he said.

Councillor Ella Lawton said the concept plan gave people a good spectrum.

“This is a 30 year plan. If we decide that we want to move the road, it doesn’t mean that it will happen tomorrow. It will cost money but that is why we have long term plans. We have to have the conversation,” she said.

In the public forum, Lakeland Adventures Wa-naka owner Simon Stewart said as an affected party he had received no assurance from the council regarding the continued existence of the log cabin on the waterfront. The lease for the log cabin expires in October, 2017 and Simon has

not received any information past that date.“The first thing I noted is the log cabin is only

on plan six. Is the writing on the wall for the log cabin? I have been kept in the dark,” he said.

Simon was also concerned about some of the concept plans showing the jetty being moved to an area near Bullock Creek. He said it could cause issues with both shelter and depth and urged the council to keep an open mind about the plans.

Wanaka Community Board chairwoman Rachel Brown said, “It comes down to com-munication. It is not necessarily this one or that one, but combining different options and ideas.”

The concept plans do not include costings or phasing options. This will be addressed once a single concept plan that encompasses the lakefront area is adopted. Following feedback a final development plan will be produced and presented to the community board then the council for adoption.

Pictured: One of the six options proposed for the town centre in the 30 Year Wanaka Lakefront Concept Plan.

Future lakefront layouts considered

Page 4: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


SUN NEWS thewanakasun.co.nz

Being next to the Turnkey Homes show home and surrounded by other exceptional homes, this site will give value to the home you build on the nicely contoured section with good site dimensions.

This well priced section is one of the very few quality sections available for sale in Peninsula Bay.

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A celebration last Friday marked the opening of the new Hawea Flat Track, linking Lake Hawea and Hawea Flat School.

After the official opening ceremony at 2.30pm, at-tendees were invited to bike or walk along the new track, with activities along the way, finishing at the Lake Hawea Community Centre for games, dinner and a visit from Santa.

The track creates a safe route for Hawea Flat School pupils to get to and from school.

Kirsty Barr, Queenstown Lakes District Council school travel plan coordinator, is organising a “cycle train” for students, starting next year. There are currently 15 families interested at so far - the high-est levels of interest in the area for the initiative.

The completion of the track is a huge success for the Hawea community. The 6km track has been in the pipeline for 12 years, after the need for the track was first formally

identified in the council’s 20/20 meetings in 2003. Route options were stalled by private property issues, but a land swap finally made the building of a safe walking and cycling

route possible.Pictured: Dick Cotter (left)

was once a student at Hawea Flat School and is thrilled that young students will now be able to cycle to school safely.

New school track celebrated


On its second last stop of a whirl-wind New Zealand tour, The Frank Burkitt Band will perform at Gin and Rasberry this Sunday (December 20).

Heavily influenced by blues, coun-try, bluegrass, swing and Frank’s love of his native Scottish folk, the music is good old-fashioned original songwriting backed up by a band that understands perfectly how to add infectious rhythm and groove.

After moving to New Zealand in 2014, Frank Burkitt formed The Frank. Burkitt Band which includes Cameron Dusty Burnell, Krissy Jack-son, Kara Filbey and James Geluk.

Frank has been performing as a singer-songwriter and guitarist for more than ten years and has previ-ously toured New Zealand, Australia, the USA and the UK.

He learned his craft in the late night pub sessions in his native Edinburgh. Heavily influenced by Scottish folk in his younger days, his music now draws influence from contemporary bluegrass and Americana.

The tour introduces the band’s debut album, “Fools and Kings”.

Pictured: Band members from left to right: Kara Filbey (backing vocals), James Geluk (double bass), Frank Burkitt (guitar and vocals), Krissy Jackson (fiddle), Cameron Dusty Burnell (mandolin).

Fools and kings for koha gig

Page 5: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744



Life can be stressful enough in the weeks before Christmas, without wor-rying about how your celebrations are going to impact on the environment. The (lazy person’s) Green Guide to Christmas to the rescue! Cutting corners for the environment will make your life easier, plus you’ve got the perfect excuse if anyone accuses you of being lazy: “I’m doing it (or should that be not doing it) for a stable climate.” Anything you can do to avoid waste is a positive act. If you have your own lazy green tips, share them on the Waste-busters facebook page.

1. Drop people off the present listIf you’re daunted by having 20

people on your Christmas shopping list, chances are everyone on the list feels the same. Try a Secret Santa for adults (meaning you buy for one adult in your extended family, not that you buy R18 gifts for your in-laws) or swap food and drink treats that you can all enjoy together. You not only free up heaps of time and cash, it also means you’re less likely to get one of those presents that goes straight to Wastebusters (like the keep-in-the-freezer chilled sports head-band I got one year).

2. Go for quality not quantityTrain your kids to be happy with one

quality gift instead of lots of little ones. Losing the remote so they can’t watch television in the lead-up to Christmas

helps to keep their expectations low. And avoid those cheap crappy toys that are destined for the rubbish bin. You’ll reduce waste and you won’t have to deal with tears over why Santa’s present got broken before the end of Christmas Day. It’s hard to go past those old stand-ards like legos and bikes for enjoyment per dollar spent.

3. Make them eat left-overs,I don’t know about every other

woman out there, but I’m totally cooked out by Boxing Day. It’s the perfect time to go on strike when there’s so many left-overs in the house. Who cares if they eat pavlova for breakfast? We’re saving the planet from the methane emissions the pavlova would have emitted in the landfill (yes, food waste breaking down in landfill causes ‘farts’ which harm the climate).

4. Clear out the old stuff before Christmas.

Invest a few minutes in encouraging your kids (and other adults) to let go of old stuff and drop it all down at Waste-busters before Christmas. New things are more likely to be put away if there’s space on the shelves, meaning you can save the nagging for more important things (like getting the dishwasher loaded or the dirty clothes put in the laundry basket).

5. Don’t buy wrapping paper,A couple of crazy stats for you - half

of the paper used in the USA is used for wrapping and packaging. In the

UK alone, enough wrapping paper is thrown away every Christmas to stretch around the world nine times. Admit-tedly I haven’t verified these stats, but you get the picture – trees die to make wrapping paper. The easiest way to avoid buying new wrapping paper is to reuse old wrapping paper (it’s more fun if you can give it back to the same per-son). Other reuse options are kids art, old wall-paper or magazines, or finding some scarves/material at Wastebusters and googling Furoshiki for Japanese cloth wrapping techniques.

Pictured: Lego is never thrown away and is played with for years, unlike some cheap toys which break before Christmas Day is finished.

The (lazy person’s) Green Guide to Christmas


SUN NEWSthewanakasun.co.nz


Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season.

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Both the medical centres are open 8.30 – 6pm Monday to Friday. Throughout the public holiday period the practices take turns at providing urgent clinics in the weekends and on public holidays. The hours for these clinics are 9am – 6pm. "After hours", which is from 6pm until the clinics reopen in the morning, there is always a doctor on call for emergencies. If you have a problem overnight, please phone the usual phone number for your GP. This is 443 0725 for Aspiring Medical Centre. You will be divert-ed to a group of registered nurses based in Auckland, who are trained at assessing prob-lems over the phone. It can take a few minutes for your call to be answered if they are busy, so please be patient. They provide helpful advice about what you should do next and can refer you to the duty doctor if required. If you feel you need urgent help then you should always call 111 in the first instance. If the nurse thinks that your problem requires a doctor’s assessment, they will refer you to the on call doctor and arrange for you to be seen at the medical centre. Please note that this local GP service is privately operated and so is not funded in the same way as a city hospital Emergency Department. You need to pay for the service and payment is expected at the time of your visit. A publicly funded alternative for overnight care is the Emergency Department at Lakes District Hospital in Queenstown. In an emergency you can call 111 to access our excellent local ambulance service.

Have a safe and healthy summer!

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Page 6: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


New villas available to move into now

Open this weekend

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Come in and check out our Show Homes at 14 Golf Course Road in Wanaka. Open weekdays: 10am - 4pm & this weekend 11am - 3pm. Or call Jennie on 443 6660

It’s been a busy winter at the Aspiring Lifestyle Retirement Village – over 125 people have now chosen to make the village their home. They enjoy an enviable lifestyle – with a heated indoor swimming pool, spa, gym, cinema, bar, library, petanque, croquet, café bar, library, chip and putt and so much more on their doorstep.

They also have more time to enjoy that lifestyle while we take care of all the hard work mowing lawns and looking after the maintenance on their homes. If you’re looking to move into the village between now and June next year – we currently have only 7 villas available. Be quick and come and visit our brand new fully furnished Show Home.

SUN NEWS thewanakasun.co.nz


Students at Mount Aspiring College will remem-ber John Turnbull for his stories, jokes and sense of humour. John is retiring this week after teaching at the college since it opened in 1987.

In his farewell speech at prize-giving recently he summarised some of the important things he had observed over the years at MAC. John said you should make the most of all your opportuni-ties, have awareness of world events, have a good attitude towards others, have a sense of humour and always keep learning.

As the news has spread of his retirement, mes-sages and cards have been flowing in.

“A colleague of mine told me to check my Facebook page because he had noticed quite a few posts. I don’t often go on Facebook and was amazed at the amount of lovely messages from past pupils from all around the world,” John said.

John started his teaching career in Taranaki where he taught for four years. He moved to Wa-naka in 1978 to teach at the Wanaka Area School. He taught year-2 right up to sixth form kids.

“I really enjoyed the seniors; you could have discussions with them,” John said.

As a new arrival to town he was invited to the tramping club and met his wife-to-be Cherie at the first meeting he attended. They married and had five children with four now living in Christch-urch and one in Wanaka.

When MAC opened in 1987 he was given the opportunity to move from the primary school and has been at the college ever since. This year he has taught geography, social studies, tourism

and financial literacy. John has also been involved with running the 40 Hour Famine at the college for the past 28 years and in that time the students have raised more than $100,000.

John has taught all of his own children over the years and this year he has had one grandson in his Whanau class and one grandson in year-8.

John’s wife has been unwell for some time. “The time is right for spending a bit of quality time with her. I still look forward to coming to school every day. I just love the kids at school. I am going to miss that,” John said.

John has no major plans for his retirement, but he will be staying in Wanaka and doing a bit of fishing.


“Thanks for all the memories”GLENDA TURNBULLWanaka Sun

A Cardrona-based winter car testing facility, renowned as a world leader in winter car testing, has won two international awards.

The Southern Hemisphere Proving Ground (SHPG), based high on the Pisa Range in the Cardrona, has been named Proving Ground of the Year and won the supreme prize of Automotive Testing Technology Company of the Year.

Winning the Automotive Testing Technology International Awards, the New Zealand facility came up against companies from as far away as the UK and China.

The company has been operating for nearly 11 years and has grown from offering 12 facilities to 16, each facility offering individual areas that can be hired by customers.

SHPG covers 400ha of privately-owned land open from June to September each year and attracts car manufacturers from around the world seeking a secure facility in which to test new vehicles in winter conditions.

SHPG general manager Shaun Gilbertson said winning the awards was testament to the hard work and dedication of the operation’s staff, mainly drawn from Wanaka and

Queenstown, and suppliers.“When we open we’re all go for a

relatively short period of time, so it’s all hands on deck on a daily basis and everyone goes above and beyond to make it happen,” Shaun said.

Managing director Tom Elworthy said SHPG had invested more than $40 million to move the company to the forefront of winter testing globally.

“In recent years we’ve invested heavily in new technology, ma-chinery, snowmaking equipment and most importantly our people, meaning we now have a very diverse array of facilities and tracks to ac-commodate our clients from around the globe,” Tom said.

This year SHPG has hosted more than 45 companies and more than 500 engineers and supporting staff between mid-June and early Sep-tember from the original equipment manufacturer, supplier and tyre sectors.

The company is planning to install hydrogen refuelling in the near future and are working with the New Zealand government to facilitate testing of autonomous and assisted-driving vehicles.

“All-in all, it’s been a great ten years and the future is looking very bright and very interesting,” Tom said.

Proving ground wins awards

Page 7: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


SUN NEWSthewanakasun.co.nz

In an ideal world I would love if everyone could have a massage once a month for optimum health and vitality. So from now until December 24 I am offering 30% off 5 and 10 session treatment

cards. One of the best presents you could give yourself or a loved one this Christmas.

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Wanaka midwife Justine Quirke has had some interesting experiences in her 11 years as a midwife, but recently she became a paramedic for the day, helping out at the scene of an accident.

After accompanying a newborn and mum post-birth to Invercargill hospital, Justine was returning to Wanaka in the ambulance with the paramedic when he was called to a tanker near Winton that had rolled into a ditch.

“The paramedic said: ‘Right. You’re coming with me.’ Sirens on, overtaking fire engines and police cars. So here I am at the crash scene right in there helping out,” Justine said.

Oil was leaking into the stream and the farmer was there with his crew trying to stop the oil from going into the stream. The man was removed from the truck.

“If you’d seen the vehicle you wouldn’t have thought anyone could have survived, but thank-fully he did,” Justine said.

She finally made it back to Wanaka nine hours after she had left.

“I needed a stiff drink that night,” Justine said.There are currently six practicing midwives

in Wanaka and there are 120-150 babies born in Wanaka each year. The NZ College of Midwives employ Justine to mentor new graduate midwives and those moving from city to rural areas.

Another local midwife, Emma Bilous, facilitates the Bachelor of Midwifery degree at the Cromwell

Otago Polytechnic campus.“The course is based in Dunedin but is run as a

satellite course. Students meet me once a week for face to face teaching and travel to Dunedin for five week block course during the year,” Emma said.

“We are hearing from rural women who want to become midwives, but do not want to move away to do their study.”

Most of the theoretical learning is done online.Justine said, “The new initiatives that are coming

out are really good for new graduates. Midwives are really well supported in rural areas now.”

A day in the life of a rural midwife



A record four air forces will attend next Easter’s Warbirds Over Wanaka International Airshow. The Royal New Zealand Airforce (RNZAF) will be joined by aircraft and crews from the United States Air Force (USAF), Royal Australian Air Force (RAF) and French Air Force (FAF).

Airshow general manager Ed Taylor said over the years various regional air forces have supported the event but this is the first time four will be taking part in the flying display at the one airshow.

The USAF is bringing a C-17 Globemaster III to Wanaka. This will be the first time a USAF aircraft has been part of the flying display at Wanaka. The FAF debuted at Wanaka at the 2014 airshow when it had a CASA transport aircraft on static display.

“This time the CASA will put on a flying display on both days of the airshow – this is another first. The Australians have confirmed

their participation and are looking to bring back their Hawk Jets to perform after debuting at the 2014 airshow. These aircraft are fast and noisy and put on a great display of the pilot’s skills,” Ed said.

Meanwhile, the RNZAF has announced the first visit to Warbirds Over Wanaka by the new Texan aircraft which make up the airforce’s new display team – the Black Falcons.

“The RNZAF has yet to get the team up to full display status. But we will get a good look at these aircraft with one on static display and a second Texan part of the flying display,” Ed said.

Ed has acknowledged the assistance of the RNZAF in helping secure the other airforces for Wanaka.

The 2016 Warbirds Over Wanaka Interna-tional Airshow is being held at Wanaka Airport on March 25 to 27 with the rides day on March 28.

Pictured: An RAAF Hawk pilot takes a selfie above Wanaka Airport.

Four air forces to fly at WOW


Wanaka Beats will be celebrating its relaunch with a party at Gin and Raspberry this Friday.

There will be live music from 7pm and the official launch will begin at 9pm, with free entry.

The relaunch has been in the works for more than a year now, revived by a group of local DJs and music lovers.

They are DJ and Heartland print and design manager Jon Griffiths, DJ and Wastebusters reuse manager Matthew (Bif) Smith, La La Land mixologist Dave Dooley and musi-cian Danny Fairley (Civilian Sol and

half of Arma Del Amor).“We are primarily launching online

and looking to launch on an FM transmission in the very near

future,” Bif (pictured) said.The station will feature

live shows from between 4pm and 6pm until 10pm each day.

The music style is “a mixed bag of everything,” Bif said.

“The station is about giv-ing people an opportunity to let others hear their passion and influences.”

“It will be a great outlet for local and visiting musicians,” Bif said. “We want to make people aware of what good music there is out there - not just commercial music.”

Listen to Wanaka Beats online (www.wanakabeats.co.nz) from Friday.

Bringing the beat back to Wanaka

Page 8: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


SUN NEWS thewanakasun.co.nz

Buying a Weber® Q? Do your homework

The standard model baby Q™ as seen on TV has piezo ignition and a lower roasting lid which takes up less space. Comes complete with full colour cooking manual, POL hose and regulator. Feeds up to 6.

The precision built-in thermometer, a higher roasting lid (for taller roasts) and electronic ignition make this the stand out baby Q. Comes complete with full colour cooking manual, POL hose and regulator. Feeds up to 6.

The one that started it all, the medium sized standard model Q™ with sleek styled roasting lid. This is the Q™ that revolutionised the way we think about cooking outdoors forever. It has foldaway work tables and piezo ignition. Comes complete with full colour cooking manual, POL hose and regulator. Feeds up to 10.

The precision built-in thermometer, a higher roasting lid (for taller roasts) and electronic ignition. If you are wanting a medium sized Q™ this is the one to own. Comes complete with foldaway work tables, full colour cooking manual, POL hose and regulator. Feeds up to 10.

The Family Q cooks sensational barbecues and just like the Weber kettle, caters for huge roasts using natural convection. The cooking system is incredible, so when it comes to the best food there’s simply no match for the Family Q. Comes complete with full colour cooking manual, POL hose and regulator. Feeds up to 15.

The Family Q cooks sensational barbecues and just like the Weber kettle, caters for huge roasts using natural convection. The cooking system is incredible, so when it comes to the best food there’s simply no match for the Family Q. This model has a precision built-in thermometer, a higher roasting lid (for taller roasts) and electronic ignition that the standard model doesn’t have. Comes complete with full colour cooking manual, POL hose and regulator. Feeds up to 15.







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Pembroke Wines & Spirits is an independent wine shop and wine bar located at 24 Dungravon Street, Wanaka. Ph: 03 443 7818www.pembrokewines.co.nz Email: [email protected]

The Pembroke Swill Wine highlights by John Hallum


In British culture, port has become synonymous with Christmas. The great Victorian writer Charles Dickens concludes his famous novel, A Christmas Carol, with Scrooge celebrating his new friend-ships over a “Christmas bowl of smoking bishop,” a fruity and spiced mulled port wine punch. For those committed to a traditional Dickensian-style Christmas the Smoking Bishop is the perfect accompaniment to a lip-smacking hearty dinner, but if you want to adapt to the warmer climate, we have the perfect alternative for you!

White port and tonic is a popular drink throughout Portugal. Lighter in alcohol than its gin and tonic equivalent, it’s a refreshing cocktail that still has something a little Christmasy about it.

Ideal as a gift or as part of the

Christmas day menu, you can pick up a bottle of Burmester White Porto this month for $35. Or, take a break from Christmas shopping and pop by Pembroke Wines & Spirits

and enjoy a white port cocktail lovingly prepared by John, Karen or Krish.

We’re open right through the festive season, apart from Christmas day. Thanks for your support in 2015. Have a safe and merry Christmas!

Burmester White PortoPortugal, $35Produced exclusively from white grapes, this fortified wine is obtained by blending different harvests. Initially aged in stainless steel vats, it is very exotic, fresh and delicate. An unforgettable experience on a sunny and balmy summer afternoon.

More than eighty percent of submissions made for the proposed Upper Clutha Community House have been in support of the project according to a preliminary listing.

A total of 213 submissions were made, with only 39 in opposition and a further two both opposing and supporting the proposal.

The need for a community house - a managed facility for community agencies to provide support services in a co-operative environment - has been identified in the region for about

ten years.“A huge amount of work has taken place over

the last six to seven years by a lot of people who have recognised the ongoing issues for a the service provides in this sector,” Dame Sukhi Turner, trust chair, said.

There are more than 60 not-for-proft organi-sations and groups that indicated interest in tenancy at the house. These include health, social, education, music and cultural groups and organisations.

Majority of submissions for Upper Clutha Community House


Mayors and Chair of the six Otago local authori-ties (Central Otago District Council, Clutha District Council, Dunedin City Council, Queens-town Lakes District Council, Waitaki District Council and Otago Regional Council) have agreed to collaboratively promote a review of existing services.

As part of the Local Government Act reforms, all councils are now required to periodically review the cost-effectiveness of public services and regulatory functions and potential col-laboration with other councils. Over the next few months the chief executives from Otago’s local authorities will seek the support of their elected members for an investigation of opportunities for efficiency.

Spokesperson for the councils on this issue, QLDC Mayor Vanessa van Uden, said, “These will not only enable resources to be shared to make sure the reviews themselves are cost-effective, it will also help ensure that options for delivering

local government services include a whole of Otago perspective.”

“The councils in Otago have always worked in a constructive manner to ensure that our residents and ratepayers get the best possible service for the least possible cost. These reviews will provide us with an opportunity to see whether there are ways to make our services more cost effective and to better align our regulatory activities across Otago, while also learning from each other ways in which those services can be improved.”

Ms van Uden said under the Local Government Act (section 17A) a local authority must now review the cost effectiveness of infrastructure, public services and regulatory functions within two years of the expiry of contracts relating to infrastructure, service or regulatory functions or on a six-yearly basis.

“But I want to emphasise that this is just the beginning of the process, that we are only look-ing at what options may be possible”.

The Otago councils will work towards a pro-gramme for delivering efficiencies by 2017, with a six-yearly programme for review thereafter.

Councils to investigate sharing services


Page 9: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


DINING GUIDE thewanakasun.co.nz

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Design: CSB

Client: Lot3 Cafe and Artspace

Object: Business Card

Size: 90x55mm

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Signed:Changes to be made

Please check proof carefully. No resposibility is taken for any errors not noted on this proof.By signing this, you are authorising production to start and therefore associated costs to be charged to your company.

*Artwork is not to scale**Dotted lines represent border of artwork

Date: 23/09/14

Job No:

Design: CSB

Client: Lot3 Cafe and Artspace

Object: Logo Concept - Final

Size: N/A

Checked & Approved

Signed:Changes to be made

Please check proof carefully. No resposibility is taken for any errors not noted on this proof.By signing this, you are authorising production to start and therefore associated costs to be charged to your company.

*Artwork is not to scale**Dotted lines represent border of artwork


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• Central Lakes Trust• NZ Lottery Grants Board• Ministry of Social Development• Queenstown Lakes District Council• Otago Community Trust• Rotary Club of Wanaka• United Way NZ• Agape Trust• Skycity Queenstown Casino Community Trust• Graham and Olive West Charitable Trust• Crowe Horwath• The Otago Masonic Charitable Trust• Mitre 10• Paper plus• Radio Wanaka

• New World Wanaka• The Wanaka Sun• Food donations from church groups and cafe’s• Mt Aspiring College• Upper Clutha Lions• Department of Internal Affairs• Upper Clutha A&P show• Central Otago COGS• Queenstown Lakes District Creative Communities NZ• Community Post• Wanaka Ladies Golf Club• Wanaka Masonic Lodge• Community Networks Volunteers and the Alpine Community Development Trust

And the many individual members of the community who have donated funds, food and offered their time to support Community Networks Wanaka.

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Page 10: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744




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SUN NEWS thewanakasun.co.nz


Kahu Youth worker Richard Avery said he was blown away by youth in the community for the second year in a row.The second annual Kahu Youth Volunteer Awards was held last Tuesday (December 8) to celebrate Wanaka youth giving back to the community.

This year 21 young people were nominated for the awards, with ages ranging from 12 and under to 18 and under. Richard estimated 50 people from the community attended the awards ceremony.

Winners included Alice Howard (12 and under), Kilita Fouchee (14 and under), Ashleigh Cram (16 and under) , Johhny Brebner (18 and under) and Sean Dickey (Surpreme Winner).

Nominees had volunteered in myriad ways - everything from St John Youth and environmental groups to running foreign language or music classes for those younger than themselves.

Supreme Winner Sean Dickey received nominations from two people.

One nominee described him as “a fantastic role model, incredibly generous with his time and seeks to bring out the best in young people. A huge motivator.”

Sean is the lead instructor for Learn to Sail at the yacht club, a com-mitted member of the MAC Kapa Haka Crew and an active member of the St John Youth Division. He has almost 200 community hours logged towards his Community Shield.

Alice Howard (winner -12 and under) has coached trampolining to younger kids every week for almost two years. “She has shown amazing commitment to the children she helps teach and has been a wonderful role model and coach,” her nominator said.

Kilita Fouchee (winner - 14 and under) has multiple volunteer-ing roles on the go. She is a member and club secretary at Wanaka Leo’s Club, a netball umpire, is learning the foundations of coaching gymnastics and attends mentoring sessions at her local club. She also volunteers an hour a week at Little Ones.

Ashleigh Cram (winner - 16 and under) single-handedly got Girl Guides going again in Wanaka. “Girl Guiding in Wanaka had ceased to exist until Ashleigh helped re-invigorate the local community,” her nominator said.

As a member of “Team Green” Johnny Brebner (winner - 18 and Under) years, has promoted solar panel installation, fair trade, recy-cling and tree planting. He is also a student representative on the MAC Board of Trustees. “He has high work ethic and great listening and speaking skills,” his nominator said.

The awards ceremony was held at Amigos Bar and Grill, with judging by the newly formed Upper Clutha Youth Council.


The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust is looking for some additional Trustees to help us continue to develop and improve our track network.

Interested? Send brief details about yourself and how you can help us to Upper Clutha Tracks Trust, Checketts McKay Law, PO Box 263 Wanaka 9343, or email [email protected]. Applications close 30/01/16

Kahu Youth recognises supreme effort by young volunteers Following the success of the BURP (Breastfeed-

ing’s Ultimate Refuel Place) website and android app which promotes public places in Otago and Southland where women are supported to breastfeed, a free iPhone app has been created.

WellSouth Primary Health Network and Public Health South launched the BURP website www.burpapp.co.nz earlier this year. The app is designed to help mothers feel confident feeding when they are out. It lists more than 240 cafes, restaurants and venues across Otago and South-land which are breastfeeding-friendly. The only requirement for venues to be listed on BURP is to

have staff who support breastfeeding by providing a glass of water, showing mums a couch where they can feed or standing up for them if other patrons take offence.

“Mums are connected to the community and they should be able to enjoy the things they did before having a baby like meeting friends for cof-fee,” WellSouth’s health promotion and projects coordinator Sophie Carty said.

BURP uses map icons to display the nearest breastfeeding friendly venue. The free app also contains other information, such as whether a business has a change table or play area.

Smartphone app for breastfeeding mums

Page 11: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744



Phone: 03 443 5252 Fax: 03 443 5250 Editor: Ruth Blunt [email protected]: Caroline Harker [email protected] Turnbull [email protected] Design: Damian Foster [email protected]: Brooke Woodrow 0278 277 113 [email protected]: Terri Allan [email protected] Office: 5 Gordon Road, Wanaka Mail: PO Box 697, Wanaka

Free delivery to Wanaka, Cromwell and surrounds, PO boxes in Makarora, Cromwell, Haast, Wanaka, Albert Town and Hawea. Also distributed to businesses in the Wanaka business district Average circulation: 15,000 weekly.


Deadlines: Display Advertising 4pm Friday prior to publication. Classified Advertising 5pm Monday priorSubscriptions: $175 within NZ (including GST) per year. Overseas rates on request. Remittances to PO Box 697, Wanaka, NZ


While every care is taken in the publication of advertisements, Wanaka Sun (2003) Ltd cannot be held responsible for errors or their subsequent effects. The right is reserved to alter, abbreviate, omit or reclassify advertisements for any reason. No portion of the content of the Wanaka Sun may be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the publishers.

SUN VIEWSthewanakasun.co.nz

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Talking about boating, when is some of the money collected at the boat ramp going to be spent on ramp upkeep? Main ramp is in poor condition.

Thanks to all those that put together the Santa grotto at the rugby clubs. Was really cute and very much appreciated!

Rowers will be privileged and proud if they get their way. What about the vast majority of locals and visitors whose enjoyment and appreciation of Roys Bay would be forever tarnished? Who needs to work with who?

The litter alongside the Riverside develop-ment on Albert Town-Lake Hawea Rd is a shamefully poor welcome for our summer season visitors. Councillors &/or developers - please deal with it before Christmas

Well said Rachel. Work together Wanaka because by taking sides you’re all only bashing your head against brick wall (so to speak).

” Listen to the peopleIn response to the Letter to the Editor,

“Let’s work together”, I would agree with working together with regards to the Wanaka Water Sports Facility. But what Rachel Brown is proposing is not working together as a whole community, it is working for the cause of one small group, and it is certainly not working for our precious, pristine environment and landscape.The purpose of a community board is to repre-sent and act as an advocate for the interests of the community. The Wanaka Community Board (WCB) is not listening to or advocating for the whole of the community. If the WCB and the council had gone out into the community and “listened” to the people, as I and many others have done, they would have heard an overwhelming majority of residents who do not want the south west-ern end of Roys Bay foreshore built on, and want to leave it in its natural state for all to enjoy, for the present and the future. Since there are plans to develop the eastern side of the lakefront opposite the town centre with “plazas, promenades, piers and gardens” it is more important than ever to keep this south western part of Roys Bay in a natural state, without large buildings, which has nothing to do with a disregard or disrespect for rowers and water sports. It’s time for the Wanaka council and commu-nity board to show some solid and balanced leadership.


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That was my second choice. Next vote will be to keep the flag we’ve got.

Bring on the next round so NZ can finally cut mummy’s apron strings and get rid of that foreign flag.

Love it! I have no disrespect for our soldiers who served in the wars (my Dad was one who did so) but in today’s world we need to have our own statement on the world stage (sports being just one) so my vote sticks with this flag as I feel it says it all.

It’s ok we can vote to keep our flag in the next round.

John Key loves it... National Party voters will love it... National party colours... what about the rest of us?

Perfect for an apple sticker for heading to China! Cheap and tacky.

Bad unbalanced design. We are not the all blacks.

New Zealand...brought to you by its corpo-rate sponsorsLove this flag! hope it’s our new one.

Change it, get rid of that foreign flag.It looks bland and insipid. Therefore, it says who we are.

Reaction to the first referendum on The New Zealand flag

David Jongsma(Abridged)

Write to the editorLet the community know your views.

Page 12: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744



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BOOK & Literature Event Manager. The NZ Mountain Film Festival is looking for someone to help with planning and managing it’s new Mountain Book & Literature Event. It’s part time work leading up to the Festival in July. Please email [email protected].


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ANGEL AND De Lorenzo Christmas packs in store. Fantastic value. Three Chairs Hair Salon 1/12 Frederick Street. Ph 443 5898

CHRISTMAS VOUCHERS MAKE GREAT GIFTS! Choose from nurturing modalities, childminding for nights out or weekends away and more! Jennifer 022 097 4596

CHILD’S BOOSTER car seat Suit 14 to 26kg $10 Phone 4438196 or 021375684

FRIDGE/FREEZER SIMPSON 340 litre. Complete, everything works, very clean, goes well. $300. Ph 0220 194600

NISSAN CEFIRO ‘95 auto 250kms wof rego excellent condition..phone 0223119113

TV SONY Bravia 40 inch full HD 100 Hz. As new and in perfect working condition $495. Call 021 170 3207.

AWESOME STAG Head Wallhangings made from vintage wool blankets right here in Wanaka are in Ritual Espresso Cafe this month. Great gift idea for boys of all ages!

EPSON 73/73N INK cartridges. New 4 col-our pack. $80. Free Epson multifunction. Scans and sends fax only. Ph 443 6463, 021 1101160


ASPIRING BEGINNINGS ELC thanks the community for supporting “Let’s Play”. Was a neat night.

WANAKA SALVATION Army Family Store. Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9.30am – 4pm. We look for-ward to seeing you here!

DONATIONS KINDLY received. Please drop then in to the Salvation Army Family store or ph 443 5068 to book a pick up.

WHO’S BEEN to Archangel or Bannock Brae? There are lots of fabulous local wine stories that we want to share with you! www.wa-nakawinetours.com WINETRAIL (946387)

WANAKAMedical Centre23 Cardrona Valley Rd



Commercial For Sale

37 Reece Cres Showroom 2 x 185m2 By Negotiation

9 Cliff Wilson Street Various $100.00 per sqm/pa

Spencer House Mall 1 Tennancy Left $200 .00 per sqm/pa

28 Reece Cres Showroom 270m2 By Negotiation

Unit 13/12 Frederick Street 60m2 $7000 + gst & outgoings

Lot 2 Frederick Street 2500m2 $499,000 + gst (if any)

Connell Terrace 9.385ha By Negotiation

Commercial For Lease

Industrial Land

Call our commercial team todayRay White Wanaka 03 443 8912 1 Helwick Street, [email protected] Wanaka Real Estate Ltd (Licensed REAA (2008) Duncan Good Anna Findlay Harry Briggs

Businesses For SaleLuggate Hotel (Freehold) 60 Main Road $1,950,000+ gst (if any)

Wanaka Education Centre Kings Drive $150,000 + gst (if any)

The Brooklyn Barber 31 Dunmore St $179,000+ gst (if any)

Lakeview Motel 60 Lismore Street Price on Application

Video Ezy 7/31 Dunmore St Deadline Sale 29 Jan 16

1 Cliff Wilson Street 663m2 $1,300,000 + gst (if any)

Unit 3/12 Frederick Street 120m2 $295,000 + gst (if any)

Wanaka Tennis TournamentsJanuary 2016

Stonewood Homes Open Singles & Doubles Sat 2nd -Mon 4th Jan

Fendalton Capital Junior Open10&U and 14&U Tues 5th-Wed 6th Jan12&U and 16&U Thur 7th-Fri 8th Jan

Quartz Reef Wines Senior 35+ Men’s & Women’s Doubles Sat 9th Jan, Mixed Doubles Sun 10th Jan

Food and refreshments available throughout.Prize-giving at the end of each Tournament.

Entry fees: Singles $25, Doubles $15 per player Junior and Open, Senior Vets 35+$25 per player per event

Entry Forms available at clubrooms or www.wanaka-tennis.net.nzEntries Close: Open 27thDec 2015, Junior’s 27thDec 2015, Senior 35+ 6th Jan 2016

Enquiries: Open: Perry Crockett 021 294 2677 Junior’s: Oliver Reid 027 292 2766

Senior Vets 35+ John Lyness 03 443 7500 or 021 260 0491

Generously Sponsored by: Stonewood Homes, Head, Quartz Reef Wines, New World, Wanaka Beerworks, Mediterranean Market, Central Lakes Physiotherapy, Westpac,

For an obligation free quote call Kris today 022 135 6997. Email: [email protected] www.doubleglazeit.co.nz


Thought about upgrading your original windows to double glazing?• A warmer home in Winter, cooler in Summer.• Reduction in condensation.• External noise reduction.• Significantly reduces heat loss.

Page 13: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


SUN CLASSIFIEDSthewanakasun.co.nz

CHRISTMAS CHURCH SERVICES in WANAKAEveryone welcome to join with any of the following

ANGLICAN St Columba’s Church, cnr McDougall & Upton St Christmas Eve 11:00pm Carols and Midnight EucharistChristmas Eve 7:00pm Carols and Readings, Tarras ChurchChristmas Day 8.00am & 10.00am, Festive Family Eucharist

BAPTIST Wanaka Lake Centre. Sunday 20 Dec 5:30pm Joining Presbyterian services Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

CATHOLIC Holy Family Church, 154 Aubrey Rd Christmas Eve Mass 10:30pm Christmas Day Mass 9:00am

NEW LIFE Spencer House Mall, Dunmore St Christmas Service 10:00am Sunday 20 December

PRESBYTERIAN 91 Tenby St, WanakaChristmas Eve 11:30pm "Carols for Christmas" in Wanaka Christmas Eve 9:00pm Family Service at St Ninians, Hawea Flat Christmas Day 9:30am Family Service in Wanaka

THE LIGHTHOUSE 28 Reece Cres, Wanaka Sunday 20th Dec 5:00pm Joining Presbyterian services Christmas Eve and Christmas Day


BUSINESS NETWORKING International. The Wanaka chapter of BNI meets weekly at 7am Tuesday morning. Great networking op-portunity to grow your business. Contact Rudy for information 027 703 4037

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone from the staff and volunteers at The Salvation Army family store. We have our Christmas decorations out in store now for you to purchase, so come in and see us.WANAKA PRIMARY School ‘Op Shop’ open Tues & Thurs - 12 midday to 4pm. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps.

KIDS CAN sell their handmade arts and crafts for free at the Sunday Craft Markets! For info call 0274249441 or [email protected]

NEW YEAR’S Eve plans? Check out Hawea Nu Yeah @ Lake Hawea Hotel, loads of awe-some music, family-friendly on-site camping, info & tickets at haweanuyeah.co.nz (-: Let the good times roll!

COMMUNITY NETWORKS will be closed 25 December - 5 January 2016

GOOD ROTATIONS Bicycle Shop Summer opening hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11am-6pm, or by appointment 03.443.4349. www.goodrotations.co. 34 Anderson Road.


WANAKA GUN CLUB. Xmas trophy and picnic shoot 12 noon, 27th December. Visitors welcome. SOAP MAKING Classes. Learn to make wonderfully conditioning soaps at home. $40 443-9114 Deb

CRAFT MARKET this Sunday! Pembroke Park from 10, awesome handmade N.Z arts and crafts. The farmers market are joining us this week too.

WANAKA SUN FOOD DRIVE is on this Sunday 20 December! Community Networks uses the donations to make up Christmas hampers, which are delivered to local families in need.

JP SERVICES are available at Community Networks every Tuesday from 1pm and Friday from 10.30am. Please book your appoint-ment by ringing Community Networks 03 443 7799.



*NEW* Brushless carwash


Laurdromat - shower - LPG - carwash - ATM. Redeem your FUELUP supermarket fuel discount vouchers at Caltex Wanaka. Free WiFi for laundromat customers. Large convenience store with groceries, hot food, flowers, party ice, snow chains, automotive supplies. Open 6am - 11 pm daily.

A 19 Ardmore Street, WanakaP +64 3 443 7868 F +64 3 443 1600 E [email protected] www.caltex.com/nz


Laurdromat - shower - LPG - carwash - ATM. Redeem your FUELUP supermarket fuel discount vouchers at Caltex Wanaka. Free WiFi for laundromat customers. Large convenience store with groceries, hot food, flowers, party ice, snow chains, automotive supplies. Open 6am - 11 pm daily.

A 19 Ardmore Street, WanakaP +64 3 443 7868 F +64 3 443 1600 E [email protected] www.caltex.com/nz

61CBD Map

Redeem your New World FUELUP fuel discount vouchers or use your AA Smartfuel card.

Open 6am- 11pm dailyLaundromatShower LPG Brushless CarwashATM Convenience store

ALPINE PADDLEBOARDS have some amazing deals for the summer! Boards, Paddles & accessories . Call 0211858001

ELECTRICITY/WATER NEED a line under an Existing Building/Driveway, NO disruption use the Trenchless Way. Registered Drainlayer. Ph Callum 021447393

WANAKA PHARMACY is your local pharmacy. We’re the big pharmacy at the top of Helwick Street - open until 7pm every single day. Ph 443 8000

NEED A portable chiller trailer for your function or wedding? Come and speak to us at Wanaka Liquor Centre. 1 Ardmore Street. Ph 03 443 1466

BRA PROFESSIONALLY fitted 200 sizes so you will get a per-fect fit - Beautiful design NO underwire private appointment ph 443 9425

WHEELS TO DUNSTAN - the free shuttle service to Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra specialist appointments, also linking with the shuttle to Dunedin Hospital. For bookings please call Community Networks on 03 443 7799 before 3pm the day before.PROSTHESIS (BREAST form) local fitter Registered with Ministry of Health and will take care of your claim Appointment phone 443 9425

WANT YOUR colours done? Always look your best? Book an appointment with experienced Colour Consultant 4439425

MINI MUSCLES Indoor Movement, Music and Play at Proactive Gym. Every Friday. 9.30am for crawlers & walkers under 2 years, 10.30am for 2, 3 & 4 year olds & 11am for babies. Everyone welcome. $5 p/hr, $1 for extra children.

VASECTOMYS AVAILABLE here in Wanaka with Dr Simon Brebner at Aspiring Medical Centre. Ph 443 0725 for an ap-pointment to discuss.

14 AND KEEN! Hire me for wood cutting or stacking ($5 per cubic metre) lawn mowing or other jobs. Nicholas 027 470 3170.

ADVENTURE CARAVANS restores, repairs and custom builds caravans, motorhomes, slide-ons. Be ready for Summer! 25 years’ experience. Great references. 027 222 6600

BIG BUBBLES, Bubble Tornadoes, Workshops, Catch-a-Bubble or get inside one! For parties, events, celebrations of all ages. Wands & bubble juice also for sale. Call/text 021

400857 Thanks!

BOBCATS MAKE short work of your OUTDOOR PROJECTS! Call TERRA SERVICES for good, fast, efficient performance. Rave reviews! Steve Rumore 027 222 6600

GIVE PARTNERS & friends a CHRISTMAS BREAK: hire me (age 14) to help! Kitchen? Garden? Or give a VOUCHER pressie! Nicholas 027 470 3170.

AWESOME CHRISTMAS presents for bicycle-lovers! Stylish helmets, baskets, leather saddles, bikepacking frame-bags, bells! Good Rotations, 34 Anderson Rd, www.goodrotations.co, 034434349.

FREE BUDGET ADVICE available at Community Networks. Please call Community Networks on 443 7799 to make an appointment.

HOME CLEANING VOUCHERS FOR CHRISTMAS, or pre-Christmas! Get by with a little help. $25/hour of AAAH, THANKS!! 022 097 4596


CARAVAN WANTED for week long rental over New Year. Phone 0226 971 911

CARPET WANTED for event, can pick up. Phone 0226 971 911

VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED at The Salvation Army Family store if you have some free time and would like to be part of a team which makes a difference, come and see us.

Page 14: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


Phone: 03 443 8000 Top of Helwick Street, Wanaka

/ WanakaPharmacy



SUN SPORT thewanakasun.co.nz

Closure of Streets to Ordinary Vehicular TrafficPURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1974, notice is hereby given that the following road will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the purpose of holding the New Years Eve Celebrations - Wanaka:

Road to be Closed: Ardmore Street Layby

Period of Closure: 1430 Thursday 31 December 2015 to 0300 Friday 1 January 2016

Road to be Closed: Ardmore Street from Dungarvon Street to Lakeside Road, Helwick Street from Ardmore Street to Dunmore Street

Period of Closure: 1700 Thursday 31 December 2015 to 0300 Friday 1 January 2016

Fireworks Display

Road to be Closed: Ardmore Street from 200 metres south west of Dungarvon Street intersection parallel to Pembroke Park for the duration of the fireworks display

Period of Closure: Midnight Thursday 31 December 2015 to 0015 Friday 1 January 2016

It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised permit to use the roads for ordinary vehicular traffic during the period of closure.

P r i v a t e B a g 5 0 0 7 2 | 4 7 A r d m o r e S t r e e t W a n a k a | P h o n e 0 3 4 4 3 0 0 2 4



Email: [email protected] Wanaka 03 443 5229 | Hayley 027 383 3024 | Alastair 021 662 222

Wanaka & Cromwell

At Stonewood Homes what is important to you is important to us

Talk to us today, our Wanaka show homes are open by appointment or Saturday and Sunday

11am-1pm at 1 Old Station Avenue, and 2pm-4pm 574 Aubrey Road.

A quality unique home tailored to your requirements.

Great service from concept to completion and beyond.

A high quality finish and value for money.

Wanaka freeskier Janina Kuzma has been nominated for the Halberg Award High Performance Sport New Zealand Sportswoman of the Year.The Halberg disability Sport Foundation has announced 63 nominations for six categories at the 53rd Hallberg Awards – the nation’s pre-eminent event to honour and celebrate sporting achievements by New Zealand teams and athletes in 2015. Janina has been nominated alongside Lydia Ko, Sarah Walker, Lisa Carrington and Lauren Boyle.Ten awards will be presented at the 53rd Halberg Awards which will be held on Thursday, February 18, 2016 at Vector Arena in Auckland.

Freeskier nominated for Halberg AwardsINBRIEF


1 Ardmore Street, Wanaka | Ph 443 1466Open seven days from 10am to 9pm

Tui, Export Gold, DB Draught 15 packs

Talisker 10 year old single malt

Corona 12 packs

Steinlager Classic 24 pack

Seagers gin 1 litre



Available from Tuesday 15th to Saturday 19th





The Electoral Commission has released the official result for the first referendum on the New Zealand Flag. The referendum asked the question:“If the New Zealand flag changes, which flag would you prefer?”

The most preferred alternative flag design cho-sen (pictured) was Option A: Silver Fern (Black,

White and Blue) designed by Kyle Lockwood. Voter turnout was 48.78 percent, with 1,546,734

votes received. Almost 59 percent of the Waitaki electorate voted, with 29,147 votes recorded.

The second binding referendum on the New Zealand flag will be held from March 3 to 24, 2016. Voters will be asked to choose between Silver Fern (Black, White and Blue), and the current flag. The flag that receives the most votes will be the official flag of New Zealand.

Official results of first referendum on NZ flag

Page 15: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744


SUN SPORTthewanakasun.co.nz

Wanaka Progressive Bowls 11:12:15Skips: 1st: George Russell 2nd: Jon Barron 3rd: Glad CrossThirds: 1st: Beaton Marr 2nd: Bernie Kane 3rd: Iain FletcherLeads: 1st: Rick McLean 2nd: Bruce Thor-burn 3rd: Sandy MorrisWanaka Bridge Club Results.

Christmas Pairs 3. North/South:- Ena Leckie, Ken Roberts 66.07% 1. Lynne Fegan, Laraine Shepherd 65.77% 2. Ken Saxby, Martin Unwin 60.27% 3. East/West:- Jan Anderson, Gerarda Herlihy 62.18% 1. Errol Kelly, Jan Lyness 61.86% 2. Freda Ryder, Terry Wilson 57.21% 3. Fri-day Bridge 11 December. North/ South:-

Josey McKenzie, Daphne Stewart 59.66% 1. Ken Saxby, Michael Chapman-Smith 59.28% 2.  Noeline Goldsbrough, Deirdre Lynch 58.14% 3. East/West:- Ena Leckie, Jenny Turnbull 60.42% 1. Errol Kelly, Jan Lyness 59.47% 2. Sherril Harries, Maggie Stratford 58.71% 3.




Book your summer advertising before 20th December, save up to 20% and recieve a free bottle of Veuve Clicquot!*

DON’T DELAY CALL BROOKE NOW 03 443 5252 | 027 827 7113

* For terms and conditions


IN THE WANAKA SUN facebook/WanakaSunperiscope @WanakaSun thewanakasun.co.nz


The local Wanaka Tennis competi-tion has wound up for the year with an exceptional turnout for the Aspiring Tennis Academy coach-ing. More than 50 players com-peted in the last round. Players of the day were Xander Macguire, Lois Nelson and Sam Porter with most improved awards going to Hunter Tuck, Henry Obrien, Lyla Craig and Cameron Shore.

Wanaka players also featured in the Queenstown Junior Open played recently. Martha Toghill played exceptional tennis to win

the under-12 girls singles and doubles, while Holly Gibson was runner up in the under-12 doubles and fourth in the singles.

In the boys’ competition Sam Porter finished third in the under 12 singles and combined with Thomas Begg to finish runner-up in the doubles final.

Organiser Grant Porter said, “We had a number of other players, some having their first tournament and they all came away better for the experience and match time against some stiff opposition.

Pictured: Members of the Aspir-ing Tennis Academy.


Wanaka freeskier Jossi Wells has finished second in men’s freeski slopestyle at the Dew Tour in Breckenridge, USA, while his brother Beau-James Wells achieved a career-best placing second in the men’s superpipe. Byron Wells, who has been recovering from injury since April this year, finished fifth place in superpipe.

Meanwhile Janina Kuzma finished fourth in the women’s superpipe.

Having qualified in second place two days earlier Jossi was feeling well rested. On his first run he smoothly landed the exact run he had qualified with, knowing he had additional tricks to add to his final run.

“My goal was to look as good as possible and after the first run I knew I had to put down the switch 14, a trick I had only ever completed in a big air comp, not slopestyle. I had been working

hard on this in training and at the Cardrona Spring Camp in October. I put down all four doubles and aimed to tackle the last jump when I got to it and with such a heavy finals, I knew it had to look really good,” Jossi said.

“This was the heaviest final I have ever competed in. The level

of skiing was amazing with all the competitors putting down podium level runs. I am so stoked with the result and I feel set up for the rest of the season and my next comp in a month’s time,” Jossi said.Pictured: Jossi Wells (left ) on the podium after finishing second at the Dew Tour.


Wells brothers excel at Dew Tour

Junior Tennis wraps up

Page 16: Wanaka Sun | 17 -23 Dec 2015 | Edition 744





30 & 31 JAN





3O - 31 JANUARY 2O16



Wanaka athlete Braden Currie has taken out first place in Ironman 70.3 Taupo, a great finish to a stunning off-road season.

With a time of three hours, 51 minutes and 48 seconds, Currie made it home 50 seconds before runner-up Callum Millward. In third place was Dylan McNeice.

“I’m so stoked. I have proved that I can go fast on-road and it was just really cool to pull this one off,” Braden said

Last month Braden announced his bid to gain New Zealand triathlon team selection and this week he has been named on the official long list for Olympic selection in Rio 2016.

Pictured: Braden Currie during the running leg of theb Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Ironman Taupo 70.3 which he won last Sunday.


Sovereign Tri Series Wanaka is coming up fast, with the race schedule for January 9 next year.

One of the many benefits of Wanaka hosting one of the Series is that it gives young Wanaka athletes an opportunity to shine in a home event.

Janus Staufenberg is one of the youth likely to do Wanaka proud.

He won the youth race in Wanaka last summer, and this year is hoping to win the Junior (16 to 19-year-old) short distance race.

“I’d love to be able to win here again at my home race and this year it will be a lot more interesting and fun as we get the chance to experience riding in a pack in a competitive event,” he said.

Janus has been training year-long for multiple events.

“I’ve been training throughout the winter, just in general for triathlon and I’ve also been doing a lot of swimming over the colder months to get my swim-ming back up.”

Janus will compete in a three-day, multi-discipline event in Taupo before Christmas, followed by the Tri Series, and then he may head up to the Takapuna Tri Series event in February. He was second in the Youth boys’ category at the Oceania Continental Cup at the North

Shore race at the start of this year. With a goal to one day represent New

Zealand at the Olympics, triathlon’s a big deal for Janus.

He is coached by one of the country’s top elite triathletes, Nicky Samuels - Olympian and 2013 XTERRA world champion.

The Tri Series will be a family affair this year for Janus, with two of his younger brothers also competing.

Sovereign CEO, Symon Brewis-Weston, said the Series is an inspiring event help-

ing young kids to get into good habits for life.

“The Sovereign Tri Series is the perfect opportunity for Kiwis of all ages to get active and healthy. It’s fantastic to see a growing number of young New Zealanders getting involved – training for events like a triathlon is a great way to establish lifelong healthy behaviour,” he said.

Pictured: Janus Staufenberg competing in the South Island Secondary School Champs earlier this year.

Young athlete set to shine at Sovereign Tri Series Wanaka


First place for Currie