war department correspondence file: a subjective decimal


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    ROBERT E. PARKER Office of the Assistant Secretary of War

    WALTER KEETON Office of the Adjutant General

    H. M. McLARIN

    Office of the Chief, Quartermaster Corps

    R. E. DENNISON Office of thc Chief of Ordnancc

    JAN! TARY, 1914 REPRINT- JUNE, 1915 REPRINT-JULY 19, 1917





    .\pnr.'a1,1 pil)i of 1l1s1ifiet,ioh mist shlow just where t. put c:'ll 1I0',' )f ("ITITSlwidle(iwe, b(ook, or tote, with the g~r'eatpet r'pi'itv

    ;l11 wiit 1,:ssLalcet e ot'ller cases 1 ve siubject, vwille aO llthat tle "li ie i. (l (,oIlit snmilte place. HA-ioinmy of operandoii aind reductiOlt IH tie iitit ii of thie space re(pliredL for correspoiltlet1ce ,l,d doculweiit,s are most (desirable features. Thiis p)lan must be also so simple

    t,hlt it, c'n be ensil.v u1derstood. This system of decimal clfssific'at,i(on has 1bee1 frllled to neet. ,these requirements of record kee)in1.

    T he simiple alphabetical arrningement of the index, with class number referring to the exactl,place in the tables for its given subject, makes assignment of the file number easy.

    The system'icall be applied with e'ise(' to tle most, varied subjeictj." When a new toplic arises itis always closwely related to somne olther existing siubject'', 'nd(l inll colimectiing it with the most closely relatedi exislting subject, by ad(tiiig a, de(climal point, aIllple provision is made for the mwvcoitcr. The system is capable of unlimited expansion and can never break down for lack of room for growth, and such expansion can be ma(de without confusion or waste of labor, the call numhers being c1111alig'o.(nle.

    The I)ilIl1ber of eaI('lch le'ter of' file of ('ocorr'spordeiIl' ('15 ?/'/(It it iso1'0I (IM / '11l111f it is. A 1 1)l bel.+r left, bl:uik lhwws i tllli iately Hint. N-m

    1141.h1'1'". wI>ir '(' ) s1Cc ,ildhay1lvv / J of inllf rif i i v Ill,c 011Nl to0 need "loa-- r.find ,onwl .nl,llilg,for ofl )) lo ).r

    This ,systen of fililig correspolldefice call be .lpp'lied h) 1:1rge or silall, l)lsiMlt1ss 1reg(fi'lless of lthe 1t1iil('r (of suIl)bj(c(t,s carriedl or tilt

    n0111ra,iiiificat'o.tiis of tl(hese( sub)jects. ft, is specially a'(hipte(d th a. large (.(Oresotl('i((,. like liat of lthe War I)ep art.1iiewit, for the reasoti that., its tables co('ltaii all of the sul)bjects ,that,Ihave(' le!) ill use for the past(, 50 Y(eairs, a(Iid it, iS re1so,iible to suppose tHIt the, Iile sllbjec'mt' will be siflhicient, to (are for siillair coirres)poidell(ice for is (rioltilV llo(we year's to i'(ile.

    The 1lilifo)rlinii, , of l11l11b1wring l1whke it, specill\Y v,1l1able f()i" t,le, I*411iSo)0 . her o "Issigined to0 1, 1(wi,li th.11, fllllli iwe I,adocillilellnt, (':1rie",s tH mieit, vwitlout, addittiolal ium1berilelig in over\ uilea1l or lbralich through whlich itiilay pass.

  • 4

    lTie s,stemn is as readily appli,ahle I a ,a rge office as a small one, heciuse a biireau or bralnch 011\ mhers subjects assuch or je'es are needed in thie work of is n-Prespotideneo. Where the tables refeor to something not, neleded in te work of a p";1ricoilar oflice, that pI lrticiilar office slhoulld ilot 11"v thel).

    TieC s-stei,i is im dlemlrn, ecoiloMII I piacli'aii l, .an I if prperl.N per'at',ed is a great forward slep. iIn ,eel)ping correMl'I)delnce. Tlhe bhvilous aIdvalitages of this system er 'lthe one now in use a'eithe

    elnimination of duplicate records, thie recordc d, ldtheadditiolnal, tlhe received bhack, and tlhe majority of the iiindex cards; tihe gathering together in one place of all correspondience relating to one subject; the quick handling, finding, an(d filing of all papers: the ability to remove from the files records whiich riye not currently used aInd place same in storage, and the great economy in time, spaee, clerks, work,

    and effort required to operate the files, with a certainty of always finding a piece of correspondence it there is matter on file concerning it.


    The papers are filed flat in vertical drawers, separated by suitable guide cards and folders. In eachli foldecr the last paper receive(l will be filed in front of all othiers oni same subl)ject. Tlie (dec,ilili1 number to be placed on righlt mniargin I inch fromn top of the plaper in a vertical position, thus:

    The subject of a paper dletermlines its file numn- A.A0I. 0. . her, whiech nnumber wal be readil v fonlld by colonslilt- 470.:11 itig ,thealp'haht,ical index of slubjects. Aft.er the aU. , 1914.

    paper has been filed the number ,,icater the sub lect, the claskfication taking the place of inde, rards.

    Wrhen a paper cmint,a inis more than one subjet., notes or cross references shoulid be nilade giving the paper one subject number and tilie note or cross reference olther number or numbers. As many notes or cros,,s references sliould he miade as required. 'lThe lumber should he placed On tile paqper ;at tOle originating office or flie office of receipt, whilch numiber carries the paiper wioherever it may rgo,11ote.s or cross references to he made whenever a miore ex\tensive record is

    desired. Papers relating to more thlian one sublhead of a subject are filed

    under a general head. When a file becomes too large for convenient handling it should

    be subdivided, alphabetically or otherwise, and a list of papers or finding sheet provided and placed in front of the file as a ready brief of the contents of the file.

  • UE----i



    The skeleton file will be used for papers passing through an office and should conltain only so mu(c of the contents of the original paper as may be necessary for record for that office, andl should 1)be withdrawn and d,estroy(ed if tHie original paper is returned to thle file.


    A cabinet containing drawers for vertical filing sufficient to accommniodate papers for two years.

    Guide cards, heavy pasteboard, tables of five divisions. Folders, manila, with five divisions, one-half inch shorter in height

    tlhan the guide cards. Il(lCex cards, 3 by 5 light \vweight with file case to hold same. Aceo ()r o)ther fasteii,ers amid Im)nli'es.

  • (3


    Thle proposed classification of the correspoindence of thile War De-p,rtment is so devised that the arrangement of the file itself serves IlIe ipurpose of the subject index. Conversely, thile subject matter of t1he paper deltermines its file number and therefore its filing place.

    The nine general classes of the file are: ('lass 0. General. Class I. Finance and accounting. ('Chlass 2. Personnel. ('las s 3. Admi i istration. C'lass 4. Supp)lies and equipment. Class 5. Transportation. ('lass 6. Buildings and grounds. ('lass 7. Medicine, hygiene, and sanitaltion. (Class S. Rivers and harbors. Class 9. -IEi(-I of these classes is divided, according to tle decimial system,

    witil each distinct subject has its own file number. This file nunliber consists of at least thlree figures, the decimal p)oint always following tde third figure when more digits are required.

    This syste l)lpresulpposes that all subject matter to be handled can le grolped in 10 classes or less, and that each of these classes can be su)livi6ded into 10 classes or less, and so on down to the ultimate nmilber o()funit subjects required to carry the sub)ject to the greatest detnil d

  • U


    Class 200, PERSONNEL.

    This class comprises all subjects of a personal nature pertaining to officers, enlisted men, and civilian emnployees of the War Department, including their pay and moiiey allowances, discipline, and miscellaneous personal matters.

    Class 300, ADMINISTRATION.

    This class comprises all mutters of aulninistration, suchll ais lusilless miethods and proce(dure, orga(.ization of the Annrmy, mnilitary control, recruitment, elducation, emiplo*N11elit a-nd movement of troops, a11(1 war aliid peace, except (hlsciplille.


    This c(lass comprises all sutbjects pertaining to supplies, arnmamient, and equipment, suchl as building material and hardware, clothing, equipage, toilet articles, subsistence stores, medical and veterinary supplies and equipment, supplies and equipment for transportation by land, ordnance and equipments, rentals and services, and miscellaneouls suppl)lies.

    Class 500, TRANSPORTATION.

    This class comprises all subjects pertaining to transportation by land and water for the Army, War Department, and other branches of the Government, under existing laws and regulations, such as the transportation of persons, supplies, property, transportation by land, transportation by Nwateri, transportation rates, tariffs, accounts, contracts, transports and Army transport service, harbor boats, mine planters, cable steainers and otlier craft, aviation and aeronautics, :U'1iother iniscellaneolus inatters.

    Class 600, BItiLDINGS AND GROUNDS.

    Thlis class comlprises everythi ng pertaining to the acquisitioln and disposition of land for reservationls and buildings thereon, installation and conlistruction work, su(hl as gro()unds, harbors, wharfs, draining, barracks and quarters, post buildhings, minor construction, fortifications, plants and systems, andi reservations, except work done by tlie Engineer Department in the improvement of rivers and harbors.


    'lTis class comprises all subjects pertaining to health, hygiene, and sanitation.

  • 8

    Class 800, RIVERS AND HARBORS.

    This class comprises all subjects relating to the improvement supervision, inspection, and control of rivers and harbors and other navigable waters.

    Class 900, .....

    Wherever the figure 0 or subdivisions thereo)f are found, it will be tinted that thie subject matter is general, pertaining to all tile subjects in tlhat group that are more or less related. Whenever the figure 9 is found, it denotes miscellaneous matters coming within the general class of the group, but not included by any of the subclasses of the same group.

    A very convenient application of the principle that the figure 0 shall represent matters which are general to the whole group)has l)beeni w,4rked out whenever possibie to d(o so.

    Fo)r instance, all of the subdivisions between 210 and 211 relate to either all commissioned officers, or when affixed after a dash to any number under 211, the subject matter of the former will relate to tlhe subject matter of the latter. Example 210.1 is appointment of commissioned officers generally; but when it is desired to indicate the ap)pointment to a particular grade the number following the decimal point will be affixed to the number indicating the grade of thle offlicer, ais 211.13-1, "brigadier general, appointment of." Subject matters which are thus general to a group of classes or subjects have been in all cases given numbers composed of two digits followed by an 0 pre(diting the (Jecimal point.' Such subject natters hax e been in all cases design.iatedl as processes or combinations b)y which is meant the thiing which is (l()one to or with the concrete subjects following in tlhe same group. Therefore, to in(licate a thing which is done to or with any concrete subject in thie classification there should be affixed to the nuiiiiiber indicating the concrete subject the appropriate process or (1ombination number as shown in the same group at the beginiling of the group under numbers containing the figure 0.

    This arrangement has been found particularly approp)riate in the h4llowinig groups: 110, 210, 220, 230, 400, 500, 6(100, 800.

    Whelle possible to (to so advantage lhas been takei of the Decimal C(lissificatioll perfected by Ilthe State I)epartl,meit, the Pel,isylvallia lailroad Co., and the Library Bureau.



    000 General. 100 Finance and accounting. 200 Personnel. 300 Administration. 400 Supplies and equipment. 500 Transportation. 600 Buildings and grounds. 700 Medicine, hygiene, and sanitation." 800 Rivers and harbors. 900



    000 General. 010 Laws and legal matters.

    020 War Department. (Powers, functions, etc.)

    030 President and Congress of the United States.

    040 Executive departments of the United States.

    050 Statistics.

    060 Maps and publications.

    070 Inventions.

    080 Societies and associations.

    090 Local affairs.

    100 Finance and accounting.

    110 Appropriations.

    120 Funds, disbursement.

    130 Accounting for funds (money).

    140 Accounting for property, supplies, etc.

    150 Claims and accounts.

    160 Contracts.




    200 Personnel.

    210 Commissioned.

    220 Enlisted.

    230 Civilian employees.

    240 Pay and allowances.

    250 Discipline.

    260 270 280 290 Miscellaneous.


  • 12

    300 Administration. 310 Business methods and procedure. 320 Organization of the Army. 330 Military control. 340 Recruitment. 350 Education. 360 370 Employment and movement of troops. 380 War and peace. 390

    400 Supplies and equipment. 410 Building material and hardware. 420 Clothing, equipage, toilet articles. 430 Subsistence stores. 440 Medical, surgical, and veterinary supplies, equipment, and

    instruments. 450 Supplies and equipment for transportation by land. 460 Other supplies. 470 Armament and ammunition. 480 Rentals and services other than personal. 490

    500 Transportation.

    510 Transportation of persons.

    520 Transportation of supplies (property).

    530 Transportation by land.

    540 Transportation by water.

    550 Transportation rates, tariffs, accounts, contracts, tickets.

    560 Harbor boats (including mine planters and cable steamers).

    570 Transports and Army transport service.

    580 Aviation and aeronautical matters.

    590 Miscellaneous.

  • 13

    600 Buildings and grounds.

    610 Grounds, harbors, wharves, drainage.

    620 Barracks and quarters.

    630 Post buildings.


    650 Minor construticion.

    660 Fortifications.

    670 Plants and systems.

    680 Reservations.


    700 Medicine, hygiene, and sanitation.

    710 Diseases.

    720 Health and prevention of disease.








    800 Rivers and harbors.

    810 Natural divisions and accessories.

    820 Artificial divisions and accessories.

    8.30 840







  • 000 GENERAL.

    000. 1 Politics. 000. 2 Political. 000. 21 Parl i10. 000. 22 (':tliipagns lll IlIIm ll M)W. 2: Eh'eet iolls aId elect io) 000. 24 (1ff01(o(lv )lutlioll ,

    (iVs, aSSa'ssilIat iOllS).

    000. 25 ('Conliscations. 000. 26 Slaves and slavery.

    tratim -s. dI v. r hebllih,M)" n,e,', ion, no i,us 'ol-pir;

    000. 27 Extradition and neutrality. 000. 3 Religion. 000. 31 Churches, (denom(ninations and sects. 000. 32 Orders and organizations. 000. 33 Ceremonies. 000. 34 Services in the Army. 000. 35 Sunday observance. 000. 36 Desecration of chur(ches. 000. 37 Clergy and clergymen. 000.4 Historical. 000. 41 Antiquities, relics and curios. 000. 42 1)eclaration of Independence. 000. 43 (C'oatsof :mar and imlseuIns. 000. 11 Northwest TeIrritolr'. 0001). r l istorial I,,iid ,rk 1( "iln. I)(000. ArcuIaolobgic:,l sit'eS.16

    (000.47 l econst ructi I periiod. 000. 4S Mass.(Icres, ,ek.

    000. 5 (Crimesand(l crimintis. 000.51 (Crimes (anarchy, briibery, collusiol, coHspirc\, CoM)uler'ei ilfg,

    felony, forgery, fraul(d, graft, illicit Irallic, imurder, mni0limy, perjiury, pirnlay, robl)ry, sniiggling, anil(d swiNll ling).

    000).52 (Crilllilals ( -rers, ana rll, iss, ,terfeilers, imposters,1advei,l .oul il)((cc diaries, oi lahws, I)irales, slitugglers).

    ()V 6 Penaiill iistitut iolls, ivil. (For mililtiary sec 252.) 000. 61 Prisons. 000. 62 PVnie ll t ialries. 000. 63 Ieforna.fories.


  • 15

    000. 1 000. 71 000. 72 000. 73 000. 74 000. 75 000. 76 000. 761 000. 77 000. 7s 000. 8 1 000. 8 1 0008.2 )00. S:4

    000. 84 000. 85 000. 86 000. 861 000. 862 000. 863




    002.1 002.11 002. 2 002.3


    003. t 003. II 003. 2

    003. 21

    Publicity and public press.

    Interviews and giving out information.

    Secret and confidential matters.


    Press agents.

    Press clippings.

    Newspapers and miagazines.

    Press syndicates. Newspaper correspondents, writers, and photographers. In aid of militia.

    IAll atiio al instituiti,ons, civil. (For military see 350.) ogislaition anid laws affecitilng.

    (Graduates of.

    luiblic and normal schools.

    Colleges and universities.

    Sectarian schools and colleges.


    In militia.

    Military training.

    As part of militia.

    Conventions and expositions, fairs, etc. Exhibits at.

    Soldiers' Homes.

    National. Admission to.

    Volunteer. Confederate.

    Weights, measures, and monetary systems. Weights and measures.

    Metric system.

    Monet systemis.try

    Coins awd coinage.

  • 16

    004 Commercial enterprises and projects.

    004.01 Addresses and names of. 004. 02 Agentls al ti powers of att.ornev. 004. 03 B lsilless standiing. 001. [ Mferchlants and merchandisinlg. )004.II Cooperative stores.

    004. 2 hianks and banking. 004. 21 Investiments. 004. 3 Loans. 004. 31 Loan sharks and( usury. 004.32 Pawnbrokers and shops. 004. 4 Factories and manufacturing establishmenis. 004. 401 Capacity or output. 004.41 Powder factories. 004.5 Photography and moving pictures. 004.6 Insurance. 004.61 Life. 004.62 Fire. 004.63 Marine. 004.7 Agencies. (See also 004.02.) 004.71 Employment agencies.

    005 Gratuity and charity.

    005. 1 Gratuities. 005. 2 Prizes. 005.3 C(ontrilutfionMs. 00.5. 4 Gifts andi prescnt.s. 005. 5 Donal,ions. 005. 6 Fansions.

    006 Holidays. 007 Fine arts.

    007. 1 Music. 007. 11 National anthemns. 007. 12 Patriotic songs. 007. 13 Miscellaneous airs. 007. 2 Portraits. 007. 3 Painting,s. 007. 4 Sculpture.


  • 010

    010. 1 010. 11 010.2 010.3 010.31 010. 32 010. 33 010. 331 010. 332 010.34 010.35 010.4 010. 41 010.42 010. 5 010.6 010. 7 010.8 010.81 010.82 010. 83


    011. I1 011.2 011. 3 011.4 011.5 011 . 6


    012. 1 012.2 012.21 012.22 012.23 012.24 012.3 012.31 012.311 012.312 012. 313 012.314 012. 315



    Constitutional law. State rights.

    International law. United States laws and statutes.

    Revised Statutes and amendments.

    Statutes at L,arge.

    Codes and codifications.

    Penal code. Civil code.

    Special public laws. Laws affecting militia.

    State and TeTrritorial laws.

    Probate laws.

    Common law.

    Municipal ordinances.

    Military laws.

    Maritime laws.


    Authority to prescribe.



    Enactment of laws, affecting.

    Organization of the War DepaitmeinLt.

    Organizal ion of the Army.

    Personnel of the Army.

    Pay of the Army.

    Civilians conemled with the Army.


    Taxation and tariff.

    Exemption from. Taxes.

    Inheritance tax. Income tax, an(l exemptions from.

    010 020 030 050 060 100 120

    140 160


    Internal-revenue tax, and stamp taxes Land tax.

    Taxation. tivleri State laws.

    (iovernment property or operatio Government agencies. Officers and soldiers. Ex-soldiers, pensioners. Militia or militia property.

    322-17-2 0

  • 18

    Taxation Co(Idt inlld. 012. :,2 [wnler l ws ,f Torrit.m.rio". 012. :83luI ' l . ldo offwsI'll I S,' l.e. 012. 34 I'l ledr folr'ili laws. 012. 4 Tnriff tuiies. 012.41 FrOe 0ntrv iuto t ulite(l Stal . 012.411 lPersolial l'propelty. 012. 412 Pubillic property.

    013 Legal instruments, persons, actions, and representatives.

    013. 1 Legal instruiieit, atld papers. 013. 11 Caveat. 013. 12 Search a'lcul olther Wrratni. 013. 13 WVrit of halwls rpus. 013. 14 Oat,hs and aflidavits.il 013. 15 Deoods alul llmortgLgres. 013. 2 Pel'rsolLs pertainingll to law all(d c'lts'. 013. 21 Judges and iustices. 013. 22 ,Juries alnd jullrors. 013. 23 (Cllll.ounsel ald alpplicat,io s for. 013. 24 Parties, plaintifflls anlld defenlaltls. 013. 25 Solicitor,s alid attorlievs.

    013. 251 Adlllisiinio ll111d dis a-riieont. 013. 26 Witnesses. 013. 27 Notaries pub)lic. 013. 28 Coroneors. 013. 3 Actions andl procedlings, trials. 013. 31 (Condelnulillatioli proceedings. 013. 32 InljuLnctionls. 013. 33 Indlieinonts anld trials. 013.34 Judgments. 013. 35 [Inquests. 013. 36 lividenco andutestiioniy. 013. 361 Depositions. 013.4 Legal representative,s. 013. 41 Hairs. 013.42 Parents. 013. 43 Guardianis anul guardilanship. 013. 44 Receivers and trustees. 013. 45 Executors. 013.46 Administrators.

  • 014

    014.1 014. 11 014. 12 014.2 014.3 014.31 014. 311 014. 32 014. 321 014. 322 014. 323 014. 324 014.33 014. 331 014. 332 014. 333 014.34 014.341 014. 342 014.343 014.35 014. 351 014.352 014. 014.4

    014.5 014.6 014.7 014. 71 014.72 014.73 014.74


    015. 1 015. 2 015. 3 015.4 015.41 015.42 015.43 015.44

    02019 030

    Civil matters. 050060 Civil government. 00

    State and Territorial authorities. I Relations between civil and military authorities. 30

    Civil life and process. 10 Civil status and relations. 1401

    Aliens, rights of. 160 Alien enemies.

    Naturalization. Persons excluded. Qualifications. Courts having jurisdiction. Procedure.

    Citizenship. Acquisition of. Loss of. Evidence of.

    Residence. Temporary. Legal residence or domicile. Change of.

    Voting. Q(iualilicat,ions prescribed by States. Disqualifications, as deserters.

    ((Civil marriages in Philippine Islands.

    C(ivil o)ligations, duties, functions, rights-as constitutional

    privilegoes, statute of limitations, franchises, freedom.

    Civil prisoners.

    Civil expenses.

    IHolding office, civil or military.

    Annointin, power.




    Courts and civil police powers.

    Supreme Court of the United States.

    Circuit courts of appeal and (listrict courts.

    'orritorial and other United States courts.

    State courts.

    Supreme courts of States.

    Appellate courts.

    Trial courts.

    Police courts.

  • -U


    Courts and civil police powers -Contimueid. 015.5 Prize courts aml court claims. 015.6 Police powers, State al( city.

    016 Decisions and opinions.

    016. 1 Attorney General. 016.2 Judge Advocate Genernl 016. 3 Comptroller of the Treasury. 016. 4 Auditor for the War D)epartmeitt. 016.5 Secretary of War andl Chief of Staffll'. 016.6 1Heads of War )Departmentbure,1ca-.

    017 Maritime matters.

    017. 1 Navigation chargos. 017.2 Navigation regulations. 017.3 Salvage.

  • 020 21 030


    TION, AI)MINISTRATION). 060 020. I Secref,tarY's oflice. 100 020. 2 Assistant Secret rv's ollice. M 020.3 Assistl ant l (Chief Cle(rk's ollice. 020. 4 Divisi01s. 140 020. 411 1)ishursin,". 60 020. 42 A\ppointillent. 020. 13 Mlail andii Record 020. 44 Supply. 020. -15 k,eylisit iol :111d Accoillits.0 020. 1C6 ( orrespf)O1enve. 020. 47 Telegrapil. 020. 48 .\Advertisin&,. 020. 5 Shops ant1 sthables. 020.51 (anrpellter slhop. 020. 52 1inlery. 020. 53 St ables. 020.6 Nationil imilitaryipark oommnlissions. 020. 7 Pananma (Canal. 020. S Bureau of Insular Affairs.

    021 Adjutant General's Office. 021. 1 Of()lfhie organlizationl and adiiillistration.

    022 Office, Chief, Quartermaster Corps. 022. 1 (Of)lice or~al1iza tion afld a ilm inist'ratlion. 023 Office, Chief of Ordnance.

    01 Iton023. 1 O l e or(r',li a, aI ', l i11 istration.

    024 Office Surgeon General.

    Office and 021. 1 organizatin administration.

    025 Office Chief Engineers.

    025. 1 Ollice organization and administention.

    026 Office Chief Signal Officer. 026. 1 ()Ilice or-anization and adinistIration. I 027 Office Inspector General. 027. 1 Offlice organization a ad ministration.

    028 Office Judge Advocate General. 028. 1 Oflice organizatim nand ad(ministration. 029 Miscellaneous. 029. 1 O(licer il clar.,,e of Putiblio 1iiilings an,id Grounds. 0129.2 Superin,toldeliit of Sltate, War, and Navy Departments Building. 029.21 Assign(mlilent otlice roomvs.

  • 22


    031 The President (The White House).

    031.01 Veto power.

    031.1 The Presi(lent as (Cominauler it (Clief of Arnmv mal, Nav V.

    031.2 The Presidlent person.lMy.

    031.3 The Secretary to the President.

    031.4 The P'resident's commissions and boaIrds.

    031.41 The Keep ('ommission.

    031.42 The Ecoiomnv and Kllicieiy (Comllis.-i,IO.

    032 Congress.

    032.01 Acts of.

    032. 02 Joint resolutions. 032.03 Thanks of.

    032.04 Congressional action.

    032.05 Congressmen.

    032.06 Library of C(ongress.

    032.07 Capitol.

    032.08 Joint committees and repo,rts o(f.

    032. 1 House of Representatives. 032.11 Speaker.

    032. 12 Officers of. 032. 13 Repres(nrttives 032. 14 Resolution,s. 032. 15 Bills. 032. 16 Documen ts. 032. 17 Coimmittees ai(l rep)ort,S of. 032.18 Office bulil(ing.

    032.2 Senate.

    032.21 Vice PresideIit or presildig oli,iie.

    032.22 Officers of.

    032.23 Senators.

    032.24 Resolutions.

    032.25 Bills.

    032. 26 Documents. 032.27 Committees and reports of.

    032.28 Office building.

  • 23


    STATES. 050 040. I ( ,verjmi)1enIt 'IPI1linti( ( )lie. 0600o0. I I PlL)li rintcr. 1004 040. 12 Silperiiitlei,nt of )docum'1ents. 040. 2 (9ivilService (1mmfissi,n.130 040. 21 l)istriet civil-service 1)boards. 140040.3 lIter'state (ComnIner'e (nunissi"n. 040. 4 Smithsonian Inst it ut 101. 040. 41 Natlio(al Miusein. 040. 5 General Supply 01m(iitit te. 20. 040. 51 Boar(d of awards. 040. 6 Bureau of American lIepublics. 0040.7 United States (,eographic Bmiard. 040. 8 Hall of Rleeords. 041 The Department of State. 041. 1 Officers. 041. 2 Bureaus. 041. 21 Consular. 041. 211 (1Consular Servic,e. 041. 22 N)ipl(ouatic. 041. 221 A11bassad(ors an ministers. 041. 23 Citizenship. 041. 231 Passports. 042 Treasury Department. 042. I1)ficers. 042. 11 Prensurer of lhe (ilted States. 042. 12 (Gmiptroller. 042. 13 Audit or for the War i )epartmentl, anll(I (({,tIher Depar f'tmn.ts. 042. 14 Supervising ArchLitl(ect.. 042. 15 Director of Mints. 042. 2 lireaiis. 042.21 Bureau of Public Health. 04999 2 . .i.

    .. . . .r- II L 1 " ' 1 M in g r a v n .042. 23 Life-Saving Service. 042. 24 R evewnue-Ciutter Service. 042. 25 Secret-Service D)ivision, iandSection Surety Bonds. 042.26 Internal Revenue. 042. 261 Revenue officers. 042. 262 Revenue stamps. 042.27 Customs service. 042.271 Custonmhouse. 042.272 (G)lectors and officers. 042. 273 'Port,dues and port charges. 042. 274 Tonnage dues.


  • 24

    043 Post Office Department.

    043. 1 Officers. 043. 11 Postinaster General. 043. 12 Postmasters. 043.2 Bureaus. 043.21 Dead-letter office. 043.22 Parcel Post System. 043.23 Rural Free 1)Delivery. 043.24 Postal Savings System. 043.25 Postal convlventioln. 043.26 Postal Union. 043.28 Post offices.

    044 Department of Justice.

    044. 1 Officers. 044. 11 Attorney General and Solicitor General. 044.12 Attorneys, agents, :ijn1 solicitors. 044. 2 Bureaus. 044.21 (See 015. 5.)

    045 Navy Department.

    045. 1 Officers. 045. 2 Bureaus. 045. 21 Navigation. 045. 22 Constructionm and Repair. 045.23 Steam EnginiieerinIg. 045. 24 Yards and Docks. 045. 25 Hydrographic Office. 045.26 Bureau of Ordnance. 045. 3 Marine Corps. 045. 31 Marine band. 045. 32 Marine cadets. 045.33 Marine artillery. 045. 35 Marine brigades. 045.4 Fleets, squadrons, convoys, ard stations. 045. 41 Fleets, Navy. 045. 42 Squadrons, naval. 045.43 Convoys, naval. 045.44 Stations, naval. 045. 5 Officers of the Navy. 045.6 Enlisted men or sailors. 045. 7 Naval forces. 045. 71 Reserves. 045.72 Militia. 045.73 Patrols and patrol systems. 045. 731 Regulations.

  • 25

    045.8 Naval schools. 050 045.81 War College. ON045.82 Naval Academy. 100045.83 Naval cadets. 4045.9 Miscellaneous. 045.91 Naval reviews. 40 045. 92 Vessels. 60 U40. 93 Naval construction and defense. 045. 931 Mines. 045. 932 D)istricts.

    04-5. 933 Baases.

    045. 94 Naval records. 045.941 Wair records. 0 045. 95 Naval warfare. 045. 96 Naval war games.045. 97 Naval badges. 045. 98 Naval hospitals. 046 Interior Department. 046. 1 Officers. OA 6U.2 Bureaus. 046. 21 Returns office.

    046. 22 General Land Office.

    046. 221 Land offices.

    046. 23 Patent Office.

    046. 24 Pension Office.

    046. 241 Commissioner of.

    046. 242 Records.

    046. 25 Indian Affairs.

    046. 251 Indian Tribes.

    046. 252 Agencies.

    U04. 253 Schools. M

    046. 254 Prisoners.

    046. 255 Esquimos and Alaskans.

    046. 26 Bureau of Mines.

    046. 261 Tests of coal.

    046. 27 Geological Survey.

    MU4t,. 28 Reclamation Service. 046.3 Government Hospital for the Insane. 046. 31 Admission of civilians. 046. 311 Civilian employees. I046. 312 Ex-regular officers and sol(diers.046. 313 Ex-volunteer officers and soldiers. 046. 32 Admission of enlisted men, Begilar Armiiy.046. 33 Admission of volunteers.

  • 26

    G(ovemiont, lhospital for the In1m" ,Ifc ntinu,l. 046..34 Admissionll of filippille Slcoclts. 046.35 AdInmission of Anrmyv dicer's. 016.351 (Contractsurge()os. 046.352 Pay clerks. 046.39 Miscellaneous. 046. 391 Escorts f)or insane. 046. 392 Rep)orts of ('lang,es.

    047 Department of Agriculture.

    047. 1 Officers. 047. 2 Bureaus. 047.21 Weather Bureau. 047. 211 Meteorological observat iIns. 047. 212 Rainfall. 047.22 Forest Service, and Pl1'h]0i11 )(I,st rY. 047.23 llure,au of Animal hnhistry. 047.24 IIIreaul of (1hemiistry.

    048 Department of Commerce.

    048. 1 Offiicers. 048. 2 Bureaus. 048. 21 Bureau of Standards. 048. 22 11ure,au of Lighthouses. 048.23 Bureau of the Census. 048. 21 ('onst, a1d(GIeoletic S I1rvo v. 048.25 SSeanbVoa0t-Inspe,ti a S,rvi. 048.26 1iureau of Navigation. 048. 261 Statistihcal inter(hl)rIIi ntal coInnIilt et. 049 Department of Labor.

    049. 1 Officers. 049.2 Bureaus. 049.21 Immigration. 049.22 Naturalization. 049. 23 Labor Statistics. 049.24 C(hildIren's.

  • 27


    051 Armies of the Civil War.

    051. 1 Union. 051.2 Confederat c. 052 Battles and battle reports.40

    .. ChroIIIoloW1 11SI.

    053 Vital.

    053. 1 Losses. 053.2 Mortality. 053.3 Insanity. 053.4 Health. 054 Prisoners of War.

    054. 1 Union. 054.2 Confederate.

    055 Wars. 055. 1 Colonial and Indian. 055.2 Revolutionary War and War of 1812. 055. 3 Memcmn axorr 055.4 Civil War or War of the Rebe(llion. 055. 41 Union. 055. 42 Confederate. 055.5 Spanish War amnI Philippine insurrection 055. 6 Foreign wars. 055. 7 Whisky rebellion aniid insurrection. nr6a

    Army Statistics. 056. 1 Regular. 056.2 Volunteer. 056. 3 Foreign. 056.4 Militia.

    059 Miscellaneous.

    059. 1 Military.059. 11 Fighting men. 059.2 Civil. 059.3 Fiscal or cost as to various subjects.


    1 100




  • 28


    061 Maps.

    061.01 MNapping "ll(l 1n' p1work, nit p)repr lut l ilo). 061. 02 Scale of. 061. 03 Drawings, traci gs, ani ske,t ches. 061.04 D)istributiotanwi sale of. 061. 1 Battlefield, muanIteuver, an Nia r l1p-. 061.2 Conifident ial limalps. 061.3 Progressive miliitary matps. 061.4 Lake surveys. 061.5 ( Office.Geneiral Lil(d 061. 6 (Geological Survey. 061.7 Coast ani. d (Geodetl i Silrvev. 061. 8 Post route. 061.81 Parvel post. 061. 9 Miscellaneous.

    GrealIt :li ainIi'lii061.91 Ordnance Survey, ( BrIt1 d itd. 061. 92 Topographic or relief.

    062 Publications.

    062.001 D)istril)ution, aln1 re'(fel'ts for. 062.1 War Department publintiiclion-. ((Soci:i ii>kt, 1"111'1iographs,

    bureau pamphlets, price lis1s, spec(il (.-ceillIar. 'and biilletil"s4 rebellion records.)

    062. 11 Manuals. 062. 12 Re(gulationts. 062. 13 Professionail arid technictal bookl. 062. 14 Directories and( regist (r's. 062. 18 Reports of isslue of pub)li)iiici i,l. 062.2 Other thani War DIepart mwi pilublalit iois. (Rtoere-sional Re

    ord, postal guides, St ates,rini', Yea,Irbook. Navy I)eplpart lient, publicat iolls.)

    062.21 D)irectories alnd registers. (jlieil,iai. Navy R(,,ist els, (Congre*ssiomtii l)irect ory.)

    062.22 Foreignli pul)liea ions. 062.23 Service journals.

  • I


    070 072

    072. 1 072. 2 072. 3 072.31 072. 32 072.4 072. 5 072. 6

    073 073. 1 073. 2 073. 3 073. 4 073. 5 073.6 073. 7 073.8 074

    074. 1 074. 2 074. 3 074. 4 080


    082 083 084

    085 090

    091 092 093

    093. 1 093. 2 093.3 093. 4 093.5 094





    l'ru(Sn e('ntitled to.

    l,rEffect of letters patent.

    I s' f at(Itented(1 art ices by (Governmeniiutii.

    n1nler contract. T(nder license.

    hovalties on.-


    Aosigllelit of.


    P('rsons e,utitled to.

    Eff(ect of.

    oyalt ie(s (on.


    AssignIIl(Int of.

    Books and pamphlets.

    Pictures i(nd illst rations.



    Persionis (lit it led to. Effect of.


    Assigniiieint of.


    Patriotic, veteran, historical.

    Secret, fraternal.

    Religious, moral, charitable.

    Commercial, political, engineering.

    Labor unions.



    States and Territories.

    Insular possessions, colonies.

    1insular armny.

    Insular poli('e.

    Insular (constal)ulary.

    Ilh('np ports. Policios and future goverment.

    Cities and towns. (Arranged first under States alphabetically and uinder a('nch State alphabetically by names of cities or towns.)

    Individuals. (File alphiabetically under this head cross cards for names of persons.)



  • 30

    100 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING. 101 Accounting systems.

    102 Accountability, questions as to.


    110. 1 Current. 110. 11 Ankmal. 110. 12 Continuous. 110. 2 Recurrent. 110.3:Pernanent. 110. 31 Spocific' 1unn11al. 110.32 Speciftic cltt1111011S. 110. 33 In(lefinlite unlimite(l. 110.34 Trust and special.

    111 Estimates for appropriations.

    111. 01 Laws relating to, and rules. 111. 02 Methods and forms of. 111. 03 Data for. 111. 04 D)ir,eclions rFegarin1g anll submlission of. 111. 05 ,11(arings est iuates, ad1111(1oil (diata for. 111 (16ivil all( Loegislative (includlling Salaries, (iOttirigent Expenses). 111. 2 Military (iil'h(llding A tlny, Military Acadleny, Militia). 1ll. 3 Military Publdic \VOrks (includting Fortifications, Arsendi-,

    Military Posts). 111.4 Civil Public Works (including Military and National Parks,

    Pulblie Buildings and Grounds, monuments by names, andi Rivers 1anh Harbors).

    111.9 Miscellaneous (including cemeteries, battlefields, soldiers' and sailors' hoines, surveys, war claims, relief acts).

    112 Appropriations proper.

    112.01 Laws governing. 112.02 Construction or interpretation of. 112. 021 By Comptroller. 112. 022 By Attorney General. 112. 023 By Jud(ge Advocate General. 112. 024 1yl bureaus of the War Department. 112.03 Method(s of making appropriations. 112. 04 Allotment or assignment of. 112. 05 Apportionment of. 112.06 Warrants for. 112.07 Balances of appropriations. 112. 08 Reports and statements as to appropriations.

  • 31

    112. 1 112. 2 112. 3


    112. 9


    113. 01 113.02 113.03 113. 04 113. 1 113.2 113. 3 113. 4 113. 9

    Appropriations proper-Continued.

    (ivil at ILx~Miativd e (in'ludilg Sa1rie,s, (C'ontingent Expenses). Militarv (ineludig Army, Military Academy, Militia). Military ulic W (,rks(including ,'ortifications, Arsenals, Mili-

    tary Posts). (Civil Public Works (including Military and National Parks,

    Public Buildings and Grounds, monuments by names of same,

    livers and Harbors). .lis(cella1olius (including cemeteries, Imttlefields, soldiers' and

    stilors' homes, surveys, war claims, relief acts).

    Reimbursemnents and transfers. (Make cross-references to matters for

    which reimbursement or transfer is made.)

    Miethods and procedure. OBetwe('en War Department appropriations.

    To or from appropriations of other departments. To or from militia appropriations.

    Civil or legislative. Military. Military public works. Civil public works. Miscellaneous.


    30 140 160





  • I



    120. 1 120. 2


    121. 1 121. 11 121. 12 121. 13 121. 14 121. 15 121. 16 121. 17 121. 18 121. 2 121. 21 121 22 121. 23 121.24 121.25 121.26 121. 27 121.28 121.3 121.31 121. 32 121. 33 121.34 121.4 121.41 121. 42 121. 43 121. 44 121. 5 121. 51 121. 52 121. 53 121. 54 121. 55 121.6 121.61 121.62 121.63 121.64


    Ltws alnd regulatiolns as to.

    Systems and methods, station numbers.

    Apportionment and supply of funds.

    Letters of apportionment.

    Issue, method( and time of.

    Data on which based.

    Instruct ions regarding.

    D)eposits to (coveroverdrafts, reductionls. Ite(piests and estimates for apportionmenls. Si(cre,tasts anld decre('1as1(s.

    (haliges, corre(tionis, withflrawals, cancellations. Aptportionment accounlits anid reports.

    Letters of allotment of apportionments. Issue, method and time of. Data on which based. Instructions regarding. D)eposits to cover overdrafts, reductions. Iteqluests anrd estimates for allotments. Incr(eases aln([ decreiases. Changes, correc tions, witlidrawals, cancellations. Allotmenlt, a(ccomnts anl reports.

    Invmoices antid lists of, showing supplies transferred. Methods and procedure, instructions. Lists submittedl. Invoices returne(d to be listed. Charges andl deposits to cover.

    Estimat(es for funds and requisitions on Trreasury. Method(s, procedure, instructions. Estimates for funds submitted. Requisitions on Treasury. Advice of deposit by Treasury to meet requisitions.

    Report of savings and losses. Forms and metho(ds of handling. Re)ports of savings. Reports of unallotted balances Reports of savings on rations. RIteports of losses.

    Cost records and reports. Forms an([ methods of handling. Cost reports. (Cost accounts and records. (Consolidated cost reports.

  • I

    121.8 121.81 121. S2 121. 83 121.84 121.9 121.91


    122. 01 122. 1 122. 11 122. 12 122. 13 122. 14 122. 15 122. 151 122. 16 122. 17 122. 18S 122. 181 122. 182 122. 19 122.2 122.21 122. 22


    123. 01 123. 02 123. 03 123.04 123. 05 123.06 123. 07 123. 1 123. 11 123.2 123.3 123. 4 123. 5 123.6 123.61 123.62 123.63


    Reports, miscellaneous. Reports of transportation liabilities. Reports of transportation charges paid. Reports of telegraph accounts paid. Reports of outstanding liabilities.

    Miscellaneous. Financial statements.

    120 130 140 160

    120 130 140

    Checks and depositaries.

    Laws and regulations as to Checks, money orders, drafts,

    209160 200 '220

    Forms and methods of handling, numerical symbol. Supply and transfer of blanks. Questions as to payment or nonpayment. Cancellations. Duplicate checks, and second originals. T0

    Indemnity bonds covering. Lost, stolen, destroyed. Forgeries, alterations. no Reports of outstanding checks.

    On relief of disbursing officer. Outstanding three years or more.

    Miscellaneous checks. Depositaries, Treasury and other.

    Designations and changes in. Deposits and transfers funds between, balanc es an


    Funds, money.

    Laws and regulations as to. Methods of supplying. Safekeeping of. 60 In personal possession. Shortages, lost, stolen, misplaced. Transfers between officors. Exchange of foreign money.

    Public. Special.

    Contributed. Conscience. Contingent. Working balances. Post funds.

    Post exchange funds. Laundry funds. Hospital funds.


  • Post funds -Continued. 123. 61 Bakery funds, and savings. 123. 65 Prison funds. 123. 66 Slush funds. 123. 67 leeruiting funds. 123. 69 Mi-eollalmous post funds. 123. 7 Company ai(tl regimental funds. 123. 71 Hand funds. 128.72 Mess funds. 12:. 78 Rlation fulnds. 123. 74 Subsistence savings.

  • 35

    130 ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS, MONEY. 130. 1 Laws and regulations as to. 130.2 Forms and methods.

    130.3 Forms approved(l by Comptroller.

    130. 4 Disbursing officers (including acting disbursing officers). 130 130.41 Powers, duties, obligations. 140

    131 Funds received, deposited. 160 131.01 Certificates or reports of deposit. 200

    131.02 Cash transactions, and cash on hand. 220

    131.1 Proceeds of sales.

    131.11 Supplies and stores. 0

    131. 12 Services. 131.13 Real property, etc.

    131. 2 Receipts from rents and right of way. 131.3 Receipts from daminages and losses. No

    131.4 Refunds of overpayminents, erroneous payments.

    131. 5 Mileage deductions. 131.6 Proceeds of laundries, ice plants.

    131.7 Fares and freight to Guam on transports.

    131.8 Unexpended balances, funds in hands of dis)bursing officers.

    131.81 Outstanding three years or more.

    131.9 Miscellaneous receipts.

    132 Accounts of funds, money, and special deposit accounts.

    132.01 Laws and regulations relating to.

    132.1 Rendition of.

    132. 11 Delinquency in, by disbursing officers. 132. 12 Delinquency in, by administrative officers. 132. 13 Waiver or extension of time limit. 132. 2 Administrative examination, and analysis. 60 132.3 Auditing.

    132.4 Vouchers, abstracts, and other parts of accounts.

    132.5 Errors and irregularities.

    132.6 Statements of differences or difference sheets.

    132.61 Suspensions of accounts.

    132.62 Disallowances of accounts.

    132. 63 Revisions of suspensions and disallowances. 0 132. 631 By Auditor. 132.632 By Comptroller.

    132.7 Reports of open-market purchases.

    132. 9 Reports, miscellaneous, as to accounts.



  • 36


    110. 1 Laws and regulations, as to. 140. 2 Property accounting systems. 140.3 Methods and forms of systems in use.

    141 Post and field property accounts.

    141.1 Property accounts of posts. 111. 2 Field property accounts. 141. 3 Vouchers and other papers. 1 1.4 Correcting, numnbering, posting. 111. 5 Memorandum receipts and accounts. 141. 6 D)ropping andl taking up property.

    1! 1. 61 Expeondab)le and nonexpendal)le articles.

    111. 7 Shortages, losses, (dai aged, (estroyed. 141. 71 Personal charges for. 111. S Reports of survey. 141. 81 Inventory and inspection reports.

    142 Property on hand, transferred.

    112. 1 Inventories of property, stores, suppl)lies. 112.2 Statements of lalances on hand. 112. :) Lists of property stores, supplies, transferred to other account-

    al)e officer. 1-12. 4 Maximum and minimum quantities.

    143 Returns of property and supplies.

    143. 1 Returns, mnonthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually. 143. 3 Vouchers and other 1)apers. 143. 4 Correcting, numbering. 143. 5 Memorandum receipts and accounts. 143. 6 Dropping and taking up property. 143. 61 Expondahle and nonoxpendable articles. 143. 62 Dropping allowances. 143. 7 Shortages, losses, damaged, destroyed. 143. 71 Personal chargos for. 143. 8 Reports of survey. 143. 81 Inventory and inspection reports.

  • 37


    (Claims are uncertain, out of date, and often unliquidated; accounts are certain, recent, liquidated.)

    150. 1 Methods of presenting. 150.2 Laws and regulations affecting. 150.3 Assignmnent. 150.4 Assignment of funds arising from. 140 150.5 Calls for evidence. 160 150.6 Records of services. 200

    150. 7 Reports of boards. 220

    151 Claims on account of wars.

    152 Claims for personal injuies, disease. 40A

    153 Damage claims (other than 151). (Act Mar. 3, 1885.)

    154 Claims for pay, wages, salaries, mileage.

    155 Reimbursement traveling expenses.

    156 Reimbursement for charges and expenses paid.

    157 Burial expenses.

    158 Miscellaneous accounts against Army, except transportation accounts.

    158.1 For supplies. 70 15S. 2 For services, as reporters, etc. 158.21 Telegraph. 15S. 22 Telephone. 158. 23 Advertising. 158. 24 Job printing.

    159 Miscellaneous accounts and claims in favor of the United States against others (except transportation matters).

  • 160

    160.01 160. 011 160. 012 160. 013 160. 1 160. 11 160. 12 160. 13 160. 14 160. 15


    161. 1 161.2 161.3 161.4 161.41 161.42 161. 421 161. 422 161. 423 161. 424 161. 43 161.44 161.45 161.46 161.5 161.51 161.52 161.6 161.7 161.8 161.81 161. 811 161.82 161.83 161.84



    Authority of Congress.


    Im p liIed fron azppropriation.


    Laws relating to. Convict labor, and protection Inbor and material men. Ei'ht-hour law. l)istinct and sel)arate contracts for each work. (R. S. 3717.) Written contracts. (I. S. 3744.) In excess of npproprintions. (I. S. 1136.)


    Oral agreement.

    Written proposal and acceptance.

    Written contracts.

    Parties and agents.

    Contracting officer. Contractors.


    Personal representatives.



    Congress, interest of Membl)ers of.

    With persons in Government service.

    Agents, authority of, powers of atto(rney.

    Interest of contracting officers.

    Preparation and execution of contracts.

    Method of signing.

    Forms and instructions.

    Changes and corrections.

    Approval or accept,nco.

    Distribution of contracnts and copies.

    Filing in returns oflice. Delinquencies.

    Filing in auditor's office.

    Copies of.

    Lists of.

  • 162

    162. 1 162.2 162.21 162.22 162.23 162.24 162. 25 162. 26 162. 27 162. 28

    163 163. 01 163.02 163.03:3 163.04 163. 05 163.06 163. 1 163. 20 163. 3 163. 4 163. 41 163. 42 163. 5 163. 6 163. 7 163.8 163. 81 163. 82


    164. 1 164. 11 164. 12 164.2 164.3 164.4 164. 5 164.51 164.52 164.6


    Advertisements for proposals.

    Advertisements required. (Sec. 3709 R. S.) Exceptions.

    Personal services. Emergency purchases. Purchases of limited amounts. Competition useless. Previous advertising without resuit. Purchases from another department. Extras uider existing contract. Contract following default.




    Received after time set for opening.

    Returned unopenlled.


    Equal prices in.

    Instructions and regulations.

    Error as groundl for relief.

    Award to lowest biddler.

    Waiver of irregumarities.

    Delay in mails. Other irregularities.







    Performance or nonperformance.

    Time of perforimance. Delays. Suspension of work.

    Defaults. Annulment, abandonment. Termination. Deliveries under, and calls oni (oIIl It (,((oI.s.

    Increase or decrease. Waivers.


    160 20






  • 40

    16 1.7 Transfer of contract. 164. 71 Involu Itary assi~Hments. 164. 72 Volnitarv assignnmeiits. 164. 73 Sublettinr.

    165 Classes of contracts.

    165. 1 Supplemental contracts. 165. 11 Extenrsioli of time. 165. 12 Other miodi(fictiaions. 165. 2 11enewa1I contrancts. 165. 3 Co('nl iI I ng rco tra'cts. 165. 4 lExecutorv c(ontracts. 165. 5 ForeiglIlers' contrancts.

    an, ecortracts.165. 6 ElmergeIlvv exigency

    166 Damages, penalties.

    166. 1 IPenatvy. 166. 2 Liqlli(dated danmages. 166.3 Actual damages.

    167 Settlements and claims.

    167. 01 Bills, checks, and vouchiers. 167. 02 Certificat,es of inspection and receipts. 167. 1 Authority to collect payments. 167. 2 Partia1 p)aymeIits. 167. 3 Advance payments. 167. 4 Deferred or suspended paymnents. 167. 5 Withhetld paymnents. 167.6 Retained percenltages. 167. 7 Set-offs.

    168 Bonds, Contract. 168. 01 Date. 168. 02 Sea l. 168. 03 By partnerships.

    16S. 04 By corporations.

    168. 05 Aiithloritv to officer or agent. 168. 1 Official and duties requiring bonds. 168. 11 Examination and approval. 168. 12 Examination as to sufliciency of sureties and amounts. 168. 13 Renewal. 168. 2 Contract. 168. 21 Examination and approval. 168. 22 For supplies, an(d services other thani public works. 168.221 Waiver.

  • 16S. 23

    168. 231

    168. 232

    168.3 168. 31


    16S. 41

    168. 42

    168. 5

    168. 6

    168. 7

    168. 71

    168. 72

    168.8 168. 81



    Bonds, Contract-Continued.

    For public works.

    Clause for payment of labor and material men.

    Copy of contract and bond.

    Bidder's guaranties.

    Certified checks.

    To secure loans and property.

    To colleges and schools.

    Other loans. 20

    Indemnity bonds.

    Annual bonds or guaranties.

    Individual sureties.


    Persons disqualified.

    Surety companies.

    Release of sureties.

    Modification of contract, with and without consent.

  • 42

    200 PERSONNEL.

    201 Personal records.

    201. 1 Methods and forms of keeping. 201. 2 Commendations, and complaints, debt and other. 201.3 Individual histories, descriptive lists, historical records. 201.4 Distinguihed, services. 201. 5 Physical tests. 201.51 Riding. 201.52 Walking. 201.53 Obstacle and other exercises. 201.6 Efficiency, mental and phlysical. 201.61 Efficiency reports, personal reports. 201.7 Change of name and addresses, records of.


    210. 1 Appointments. 210.11 Eligibility and qualifications. 210.12 Examination, pi)hysical and limental. 210. 121 Papers and questions. 210.13 Disqualifying defects. 210. 131 Temperamental peculiarities. 210. 132 Deafness. 210. 133 Vision. 210. 134 Age. 210. 135 Height and chest measurement. 210. 136 Corpuleney. 210. 14 Commissions and contracts. 210. 141 Nomination and confirmation. 210. 142 Acceptance and oath. 210. 143 Recess. 210. 144 Duplicate. 210. 2 Promotions. 210.21 Eligibility and qualifications. 210. 22 Examination, physical and mental. 210. 221 Papers and questions. 210.23 Disqualifying defects. 210. 231 Temperamental peculiarities. 210. 232 Deafness. 210. 233 Vision. 210. 234 Age. 210. 235 Height and chest measurement. 210. 236 Corpulency. 210. 237 Insanity.

  • 43

    Promotions-Continued. 210. 21 Commissions. 210.241 Nomination and confirmation. 210. 242 210. 2,13

    Acceptance and oath. Recess.

    210. 25 p ,. ,quspension from promotion. n1W' Assignment, change station, transfer.

    210.31 Assignment. 210. 311 210. 312

    Department and division commanders. Staff officers. 20

    210. 313 Line officers. 210. 314 Ofricers of native troops. 210. 32 Change of station.

    210.33 (Divide as 210.331 to 210.334.)

    Transfer. 210. 331 Staff corps and department. 210. 332 210. 334

    Line of the Army and officers native troops. On account of ill health.

    210. 335 210.4

    Detached officers' permanent list. Duties and service.

    210. 41 210. 42

    Employment by corporations and others, and as U. S. agents Examinations for civil office.

    210. 43 Acceptance of civil office. 210. 44 Commission in the militia. 210. 45 Duty tours and status. 210. 46 Line of duty. 210. 47 Mounted duty. 210. 48 Detached service. 210. 481 Foreign. 210. 482 Travel duty. 210.5 Rewards. 210. 51 Badges. 210. 511 China. 210. 512 Civil War. 210. 513 Corps. 210.514 Foreign decorations. 210. 515 Indian. 210. 516 Philippine. 210. 517 Spanish. 210. 52 Medals. 210. 521 Army Cuban Pacification. 210. 522 Congressional. 210. 523 Honor. 210. 5231 Replacing old with new.

  • 44

    Ro%wards-Modals-Continued. 210. 524 Lifo-saving. 210. 525 Philippine Insurrection. 210. 526 Small-arms target practice. 210. 527 Other target-practice competitions. 210.6 Details. 210.61 Staff corps and departments. 210.62 Recruiting service, active and retired. 210.63 Army service schools, instructors and students. 210.64 Schools and colleges, civil. 210.65 Militia, active and retired. 210. 651 Inspector instructors. 210. 6511 Duties andl status. 210. 6512 Expenses (other than paid by United States). 210.66 For technical instruction at civil colleges. 210.67 Camps of instruction, target practice and ranges. 210.68 Foreign. 210. 681 Military attach6s. 210. 682 Envoys. 210. 683 Coronations. 210. 684 Observers at maneuvers and wars. 210. 685' Military and civil schools. 210.69 Miscellaneous. 210. 691 Inspections and investigation of various kinds. 210. 692 Surveying officers. 210. 693 Conventions, expositions. 210. 694 Aids. 210. 7 Absence, rank, and command. 210.71 Absence. 210. 711 With leave. 210. 712 Without leave. 210. 713 Sick leave. 210. 714 Hunting leave. 210. 715 Passes, and witness duty. 210. 716 Permission to go beyond the sea. 210. 72 Rank and command and precedence. 210. 721 Conflict of authority. 210. 722 Intermediate commanders. 210. 723 Brevet rank. 210. 724 Lineal rank. 210. 725 Relative rank. 210. 726 Between regular and militia officers. 210. 727 Assignment to command other than rank.

  • 211


    210.8 210. 81 210. 82 210.83 210. 84 210. 85 210. 851 210.86 210. 87 210. 871 210. 872 210. 873

    211. 11 211. 12 211. 13 211. 14 211. 15 211. 16 211. 17 211. 18 211. 19 211.21 211.22 211.23 211.24 211.25 211.26 211.27 211. 28 211.29 211.31

    Soparations. Dismissals. Eliminations. Rosigrnations and annuhnent of contr.ets. Restorations. Rlotirement.

    Retired officers.


    Effects and estates.

    Effects and funds.


    Wills, testaments.

    Titles and grades.

    Lieutenant generals. Major generals. Brigadier generals. Colonels. Lieutenant colonels. Majors. Captains. First lieutenants. Second lieutenants. Chaplains. Veterinarians. Medical Reserve Corps. Pay clerks. Dental surgeons. Contract surgeons. Candidates, civilian. Superintendent of nurses. Chief nurses. Nurses.


  • 46

    220 ENLISTED. 220.1 Appointment. 220.11 Eligibility and qualification. 220.12 Examination, mental and physical. 220.121 Papers and questions. 220.13 Disqualifying defects. 220. 131 Temperamental peculiarities. 220. 132 Deafness. 220. 133 Vision. 220. 134 Age. 220. 135 Hieight and chest measurement. 220. 136 Corpulency. 220.14 Warrants. 220. 142 Acceptance or declination. 220.2 Promotion. 220.21 Eligibility and qualifications. 220.22 Examination, mental and physical. 220.221 Papers and questions. 220.23 Disqualifying defects. 220.231 Temperamental peculiarities. 220. 232 Deafness. 220. 233 Vision. 220. 234 Age. 220.235 Height and chest measurement. 220. 236 Corpulency. 220.237 Insanity. 220.24 Warrants. 220. 242 Acceptance or declination. 220.25 Suspension from promotion. 220.26 Reductions. 220.27 Change in grade. 220.271 Rating and disrating. 220.3 Assignment, change of station, transfer. 220.31 Assignment. 220.311 Noncommissioned and noncommissioned staff offlicers. 220. 312 Privates and rated men. 220.32 Change of station. 220.321 Noncommissioned and noncommissioned staff officers. 220.322 Privates and rated men. 220.33 Transfers. 220. 331 Staff corps and departments. 220.332 Line of the Army. 220. 333 Service-school detachments. 220.334 On account of ill health. 220. 335 Torpedo and mine companies.

  • 47

    220.4 220.41 220.42 220.43 220. 44 220. 45 220.46 220.47 220. 48 220. 481 220. 482 220.5 220. 51 220. 511 220. 512 220. 513 220. 514 220. 515 220.516 220. 517 220. 52 220. 521 220. 522 220. 523 220. 5231 220. 524 220. 525 220. 526 220. 527 220. 53 220. 54 220. 541 220. 6 220. 61 220. 62 220. 63 220.64 220. 65 220. 651 220. 6511 220. 6512 220. 66 220. 67 220. 68

    Duties and service.

    Employment by corporations or others.

    Examination for civil office.

    Acceptance of civil office.

    Commissions in militia.

    D)uty tours and status.

    Line of duty.

    Mounted duty.

    Detached service.


    Travel duty.




    Civil War.


    Foreign decorations.





    Army Cuban Pacification.



    Replacing old with new. Life-saving.

    Philippine Insurrection.

    Small-arms practice competitions.

    Other target practice competitions.

    Good conduct badges and lists. Certificate of merit.

    Badges. Details.

    Staff corps and departments.

    Recruiting service, active and retired.

    Army service schools.

    Schools and colleges, civil, and exposition.



    Duties and status.

    Expenses (other than paid by United States).

    For technical instruction at civil colleges. Camps of instruction, target practice and ranges. Foreign.


  • 48

    Details-Continued.AC ll 220. 691 Extra duty. 220. 692 Daily and special duty. 220. 693 Mine planters. 220. 7 Absence, rank and precedence. 220.71 Absence. (Furlough.) 220. 711 With leave. 220. 712 Without leave. 220. 713 Sick leave. 220. 714 Hunting leave. 220. 715 Passes and witness duty. 220. 716 Permission to go beyond the sea. 220. 72 Rank and precedence. 220. 721 Noncommissioned officers. 220. 722 Privates and rated men. 220. 726 Between regular and militia noncommissioned officers. 220. 727 Assignment to command other than rank 220. 8 Separations. 220.81 Discharge, honorable. 220. 811 Disability, insanity. 220. 812 Favor. 220. 813 Three years' service. 220. 814 Purchase. 220. 815 Recruits, rejected. 220.816 When ordered by the Secretary of War. 220. 82 Discharge, dishonorable.

    P220. 821 By court-martial sentence. 220. 822 By sentence military commission. 220.83 Discharge, without honor. 220.831 Fraudulent enlistment. 220. 832 Imprisonment under sentence civil court. 220. 833 Disqualification by misconduct. 220. 834 Service not honest and faithful. 220. 835 Worthlessness. 220. 836 Minority. 220. 837 When ordered by Secretary of War. 220.84 Certificates of service. 220. 841 Certificate in lieu of lost discharge. 220.842 Character on discharge. 220. 85 Retirement. 220. 851 Retired enlisted men. 220. 86 Death.

  • I


    Separations-Continued. 220. 87 Effects and estates. 220. 871 Effects and funds. 220. 872 Estates. 220. 873 Wills and testaments.

    221 Titles and grades. 221. 11 Sergeant major, regimental. 221. 12 Sergeant major, senior grade, Coast Artillery Corps. 221. 13 Master electrician, Coast Artillery Corps. 221. 14 Master signal electrician. 221. 15 Chief musician. 221. 16 Engineer, Coast Artillery Corps. 221. 17 Ordnance sergeant. 221. 18 Quartermaster sergeant, Quartermaster Corps. 221. 19 Sergeant, first class, Hospital Corps. 221.21 Signal sergeant, first class. 221. 22 Electrician sergeant, first class, Coast Artillery Corps and 320

    Quartermaster Corps. 221.23 Quartermaster sergeant, regimental. 221.24 Commissary sergeant, regimental. 221. 25 Electrician sergeant, second class, Coast Artillery Corps

    and Quartermaster Corps. 7 221.26 Master gunner. 80 221.27 Sergeant major, squadron and battalion. 400 221.28 Sergeant major, junior grade, Coast Artillery Corps. 221. 29 Color sergeant. 221.31 Battalion quartermaster sergeant, engineers. 221.32 First sergeant. 221.33 Drum major. 221.34 Principal musician. 450 221.35 Chief trumpeter. 221. 36 Sergeant. 221.37 Company quartermaster sergeant. 221.38 Stable sergeant. 221.39 Mess sergeant. 221.41 Corporal. 221.42 Fireman, Coast Artillery Corps.221.43 Artificers. 221.44 Bakers. 221.45 Barbers. 221.46 Blacksmiths. 221. 47 Chief loaders. 221.48 Chief planters. 221.49 Cooks and acting cooks.


  • 50

    Titles and grades-Continued.

    221.51 Company clerks. 221.52 Dental assistants. 221.53 Electricians, casemate. 221.54 Expert riflemen. 221.55 Farriers. 221.56 Gun commanders. 221.57 Gunners, first class. 221.58 Gunners, second class. 221.59 Gun pointers. 221. 61 HIorseshoers. 221. 62 Marksmen. 221. 63 Mechanics. 221.64 Musicians. 221. 65 Observers, first class. 221.66 Observers, second class. 221.67 Orderlies. 221.68 Plotters. 221.69 Privates, of the line, staff departments, first and second


    Engineers. IHospital Corps. Ordnance. Quarterm s ter (Corps. Signal Corps.

    221.71 Saddlers. 221.72 School-teachers. 221. 73 Sharpshooters. 221.74 Switchboard operators. 221. 75 Tailors. 221. 76 Trumpeters. 221.77 Wagoners. 221. 78 Candidates for appointmenlt se(o1n1 lieutenants.

  • 51

    230 CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. 230. 01 Designation of positions. 230.02 Applications and recommendations. 230. 021 In outlying places and far distant stations. 230. 03 Requests for information in regard positions. 230. 031 In outlying places and far distant stations. 230. 04 Legislation and laws. 230. 041 Civil-service act. 230. 042 Preference laws. 230. 05 Rules, regulations and practices. 230. 051 General civil-service rules. 230. 052 Labor regulations of Civil Service Commission.2 230. 053 Special rules and regulations of the War Department. 230. 06 Civil-service systems and methods. 230. 061 Apportionment by States. 230. 062 The district system. 230. 1 Entrance into service. 230. 11 Register of eligibles. 230. 111 Establishment and maintenance. 230. 112 Examnination. 230. 1121 Questions and tests, including samples. 230. 1122 Standardizing. 230. 1123 Boards of examiners. 230. 113 C.ndidates for examinations. 230. 1131 Physical qualifications. 230. 1132 Moral qualifications. 230. 1133 Age qualifications.

    2W 300


    230. 1134 Graduation from approved colleges and schools. 230. 1135 License qualifications. 230. 1137 Willingness for foreign service. 450230. 12 Announcements of examinations. 230. 121 Reports of results of examinations. 430 230. 122 Requests for information as to. 40 230. 123 Positions excepted from. 230. 13 Certificates of eligibles. 230. 131 Miethods of certifying and obtaining certifications. 230. 132 Lists of eligibles called for and returned. 230. 133 Positions offered to eligibles, acceptances or declina

    tions. 230. 134 Examination papers called for, furnished, and returned. 404170230. 1341 Receipts for examination papers. 230. 135 Reports of action on lists of eligibles. ,8600



  • 230. 14 230. 1401 230. 1402 230. 1403 230. 1404 230. 1405 230. 141 230. 1411 230. 1412 230. 1413 230. 1414 230. 142 230. 143 230. 1431 230. 144 230. 145 230. 146

    230. 147 230.2 230. 21 230. 211 230. 212 230. 213 230. 214 230. 2141 230. 2142 230. 215 230. 216 230. 217 230. 2171 230. 2172 230.219 230.2191 230.2192 230.22 230. 221 230.2211 230. 2212 230. 2213 230. 2214 230.2215

    230. 2216


    Entrance into service-Continued. Hire of employees.

    Laws and legislation as to.

    Child labor.

    Convict labor.

    Strikers and strikebreakers.

    Union labor.

    Temporary. Substitutes for, sick, absent, susl)ended. In emergency. Pending certification of eligibles. Reports of hire.


    To fill vacancy.

    Report of vacancy not to be filled. Contract for hire of. Employment local labor and hired labor, generally. Employees for camp, maneuvers, joint instruction

    camps. Employees for target ranges.

    Appointments. Methods of appointing.

    Oath of office.

    Antedating appointments.

    Declaration of appointees.

    Notice of appointments.

    Acceptance or declination. Canceled or recalled.

    Appointment by Executive orders. Appointment through Civil Service Commission. Probational appointments.

    Certificates of.

    Reports of.

    Miscellaneous. Irregular appointments. Temporary appointments, and to excepted positions.

    Qualifications and status. Personal status.


    Married or single.

    Married women.

    Members of family in service.


    Whether of proper age, i. e., not children, involv

    ing employment child labor.

  • 53

    Appointments-Qualifications and status-Continued. 230. 222 Race. 230. 2221 Negroes or colored. 230. 2222 Filipinos. 230. 2223 Japanese. 230. 2224 Chinese. 230. 2225 Indians or Eskimos. 230. 223 Nationality. 230. 2231 Foreigners. 230. 2232 Representatives of foreign Governments. 230. 224 Veterans and enlisted men. 230. 225 Mental, moral, and physical status. 230. 23 Reinstatement. 240j230. 231 Requests and applications for. 230. 232 Nominal reinstatements. 230. 233 Aft~a rfrTnrmnin milifjtr servif.A 230. 234 Certificates of. 30' 230. 24 Transfer to War Department from other departments. 230. 241 Applications for. 230. 242 Requests for, from other departments. 230. 243 Reports of absence. 330 230. 3 Status, changes, transfers, within service. 230. 301 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230.31 Status of employees. 230. 311 Civil or military. 400230. 312 Jurisdiction civil authorities over.

    230. 3121 Liability to public duty, road work, witnesses, jury 410 duty. II

    230. 3122 Government defense of suits against employees. 430 230. 313 Classified or unclassified under civil-service rules. 44 230. 3131 Application for classification. 450230. 3132 Recommendations and requests for classification. 460230. 3133 Reclassification of employees. 230. 314 Apportionment by States. 230. 315 Relations with Civil Service Commission. 480 230. 32 Promotions. 230. 321 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230. 322 Recommendations and applications for. 230. 323 Recommendations from authorities for. $30 230. 324 Reports of promotions. 230. 325 Jumping grades in promotions. 230. 326 Promotions from subclerical grades. n0o230. 33 Demotions or reductions. 230. 331 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230. 332 Preferring charges in making demotions. $100)


  • 230. 333 230. 334 230. 34 230. 341 230. 3411 230. 342 230. 343 230. 344 230. 3441 230. 3442 230. 345 230. 3451 230. 3452 230. 346 230. 3461 230. 3462 230. 3463 230. 3464 230. 347 230. 35 230.351

    230. 352 230. 353 230. 354 230. 36 230. 3601 230. 361 230. 362 230. 363 230. 364 230. 365 230. 366 230. 3661 230. 367 230. 3671 230. 368

    230. 37 230. 38 230. 381 230. 382 230. 383


    Status, changes, transfers, within service--Demotions or reductions-Continued.

    Recommendations from authorities for reductions. Reports of reductions.

    Efficiency. Efficiency systems.

    Methods of keeping records and reports. Efficiency boards. Rules and regulations as to. Data as to.

    Ability to perform tropical service. Reports of qualifications.

    Examinations and tests. Examination for promotion from subclerical grade. Reports of.

    Reports of efficiency.





    Complaints and protests against ratings. Details.

    Between War Department and other Government establishments.

    Between bureaus of War Department. From departmental to field service. From field to departmental service.

    Transfers and changes of station.

    Applications for.

    Between bureaus of the War Department.

    Departmental to field.

    Field to departmental.

    Between Army and civilian employees.

    From United States to far-distant stations.

    From far-distant stations to United States.

    Assignment upon return to United States. Change of stations within United States.

    Exchange of positions within service. Assignment and allotment of employees to offices and


    Changes in designations.

    Reports and returns.

    Reports of changes to bureaus.

    Reports of changes to Secretary of War.

    Reports of changes to Civil Service Commission.

  • 230. 384 230. 385 230. 386 230.4 230. 41 230. 411 230. 4111 230. 4112 230. 412 230. 413 230. 414 230. 415 230. 416 230. 4161 230. 417 230. 42 230. 421 230. 422 230. 423 230. 424 230. 425 230. 428 230. 43 230. 431 230. 432 230. 4321 230. 4322 230. 433 230. 434 230. 435 230. 436 230. 437 230. 44 230. 441 230. 4411 230. 4412 230. 4413 230. 442 230. 4421 230. 4422 230. 4423 230. 443 230. 4431 230. 444


    Status, changes, transfers, within service-Reports and returns-Continued.

    To the Auditor for War Department. Returns of crews and employees. Lists of employees.

    Duties and service. Duties of employees.

    Assignment of duties. Instruction as to duties. Inquiries as to duties.

    Unusual or additional duties. Duties outside regular hours. Notarial duties or functions. 240 Witnesses for United States. M5 Duties requiring bonds. 2

    Bonds. Reports and statements as to duties and assignments.

    Temporary duty involving travel. Laws and legislation. MI Rules and regulations. 330.q Travel orders. Absent on duty. Unusual trips. Reports of travel by employees.

    Conduct of offices, depots, factories. Regulations of the War Department. Office rules and regulations.

    Use of elevators. Employees performing work at home.

    Labor regulations. Canvassing and circulating subscription lists, collecting. Circulating information, printed matter. Allotment of room space and office rooms. Scientific management, "Taylor System."

    Hours of labor. Laws and legislation.

    Enforcement and violation. Exceptions and exemptions. Interpretation of.

    Eight-hour law. Enforcement and violation. Exceptions and exemptions. Interpretation of.

    Departmental rules and regulations. Office hours.

    Complaints, protests and inquiries as to.

  • 56

    Duties and service-Continued. 230. 45 Overtime and Sunday work. 230. 451 Laws and legislation. 230. 452 Departmental rules and regulations. 230. 4521 Overtime. 230. 4522 Sunday worK. 230. 453 Reports of overtime. 230. 46 Holidays and early closing. 230. 461 Laws and legislation. 230. 462 Departmental rules and regulations. 230. 463 State holidays. 230. 464 Legal holidays. 230. 4641 New holidays proposed. 230. 465 Observance of Mondays after holidays. 230. 466 Saturday afternoons. 230. 467 Eve of regular holidays. 230. 468 Special holidays by Executive orders. 230. 4681 For deaths and funerals. 230. 5 Absence. 230. 51 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230. 511 Departmental rules and regulations. 230. 512 Field service rules and regulations. 230. 513 Methods of calculating. 230. 514 Absence on Sundays and holidays, when calculating

    leave. 230. 52 Statistics, statements. 230. 521 Records of leaves. 230. 522 Statistical statements as to. 230. 53 Reports as to leaves. 230. 531 Daily reports. 230. 532 Weekly reports. 230. 533 Monthly reports. 230. 534 Sixty-day reports. 230. 535 Semiannual reports. 230. 536 Annual reports. 230. 54 Annual leave of absence. 230. 541 Application for. 230. 542 Complaints and inquiries as to. 230. 543 Cumulative or accrued. 230. 544 Eve of resignation. 230. 545 Transport and harbor boat employees. 230. 546 Per diem employees. 230. 547 Temporary employees. 230. 548 Arsenal employees.

  • 57

    Absence-Annual leave of absence-Continued. 230. 549 Miscellaneous. 230. 5491 Involving the employment of substitutes. 230. 5492 Employees outlying stations. 230. 55 Sick leave. 230. 551 Applications for. 230. 552 Complaints and inquiries as to. 230. 553 On account of contagious diseases or quarantine. 230. 554 Transport and harbor boat employees. 230. 555 Per diem employees. 230. 556 Temporary employees. 230. 557 Arsenal employees. 230. 558 Involving the employment of substitutes. 240.J] 230.56 Without pay, furloughs, without leave. 2 230. 561 Applications for. 2" 9q20 r6C2 1 i iV

    . ComAlIlill8Illll(l'U t uk01lp anLS anti nqu res as LO.230. 563 Extended periods. 230. 564 Furloughed or "laid off." z3003M"230. 565 Without leave. 230. 57 Absence for public duties. 230. 571 National Guard or Militia duty. 37. 230. 572 For voting. 34230. 573 For jury duty. 230. 574 For witness duty. 230. 58 Absence for special events or classes of employees 230. 581 Religious celebrations. 230. 582 Deaths and funerals. 230. 583 Unveiling statues. 230. 584 On account of weather conditions. 230. 585 Patriotic events and celebrations. $350 230. 6 Privileges and welfare. S~o230.61 Safeguarding health. 230. 611 Sanitation places of employment. 230. 613 Care of consumptives. 400230.615 Luncheon facilities. 230. 62 Burials and funerals. (10j230. 63 Effects and estates, and property of. 230. 64 Retirement, pensions, superannuations. 230. 65 Unions, associations, societies, clubs. 460 230. 651 Labor unions. 230. 652 War Department Beneficial Association. 230. 653 Civil Service Retirement Association. 230. 66 Statements and reports. 230. 661 To President. 230. 662 To Congress.

    i I

  • 58

    Privileges and welfareo-Statements and reports-Continued. 230. 663 To Congressmen. 230. 664 To Civil Service Commission. 230. 665 To Secretary of War and other Dopartiment Officials. 230.67 Attendance at conventions, exhibitions, expositions. 230. 7 Personal records, affairs, and. relations. 230.71 Personal record files. 230. 711 Historical records. 230. 712 Records of addresses. 230. 713 Names and addresses of nearest relatives. 230. 714 Requests for records of service, addresses, etc., of em

    ployees and former employees. 230. 7141 From bonding or surety companies. 230. 7142 From Pension Office. 230. 7143 From Department of Justice. 230. 7144 From Congress or Congressmen. 230. 7145 Mail to be forwarded. 230. 715 Certificates of service. 230. 716 Voter's certificates. 230. 717 Changes in name. 230.72 Commendations, recommendations, testimonials. 230. 721 By War Department officials. 230.722 By Army Officers. 230. 723 By civilian employees. 230. 724 Commendations for bravery. 230. 7241 By War Department officials. 230. 7242 By Army officers. 230. 7243 By civilian employees. 230.73 Influence, congressional and other. 230. 731 For legislation. 230. 732 For appointment or employment. 230. 733 For promotion or increase of pay. 230. 734 Reprimands for use of. 230.74 Complaints, charges, and reprimands. 230. 741 Complaint by or on behalf of. 230. 742 Complaints against. 230. 743 Complaints of indebtedness. 230. 7431 Measures to enforce payments. 230. 744 Charges preferred against. 230. 745 Reprimands. 230. 746 Suspensions. 230. 7461 Reports of. 230. 7462 Remission of unexpired portion of term. 230. 7463 Under charges. 230. 747 Other punishments.

  • 59

    Personal records, affairs, and relations-Continued. 230.76 Business affairs of. 230. 761 Money lending. 230. 762 Holding municipal or similar offices. 230. 763 Coaching for civil-service examinations. 230. 764 Contracts by, with United States Government. 230. 765 Engaging in outside business. 230. 766 Agents for concerns doing business with Government. 230. 767 Using letter heads showing connection with United

    States Government. 230. 77 Politics. 230. 771 Political activity. 230. 772 Political contributions. 230. 78 Incapacitated employees. 230. 8 Separations. 230. 801 Inquiries as to. 230. 81 Resignations.30 920 W2 .k TDih dUsc8"ar. di inLJL ! 1 230. 821 Authority to discharge. 230. 822 Discharge for desertion. 230. 823 Discharge as punishment. 230. 824 Discharge for good of service. 230. 825 Discharge without prejudice. 230. 826 Protests against. 230. 827 Reports as to cause of. 230. 828 Discharge certificates. 230.83 Reduction in forces. 230.84 Retention in service. 230. 841 Application and requests for. 230. 842 Temnporary employees. 230.843 Recommendations from authorities for. 230.85 Deaths from injuries, reports of. 230. 86 Deaths from natural causes, reports of. 230.87 Replacing by enlisted men. 230.88 Annulment of contract for services.

    231 Titles and grades.

    231.1 Officials appointed by commission of the President. 231.11 Commissioners of National Parks and Cemeteries. 231. 12 Officials of the War Department. 231.2 Technical or professional. 231. 21 Engineers. 231. 211 Civil. 231. 212 Superintendents of construction. 231. 213 Electrical and mechanical.

    240J 2




    m 4OO



    [ 0




  • 60

    Technical or professional-Engineers-Continued.

    231. 214 Marine. 231.215 Superintendents, marine construction.

    231.216 Aviators, aeronauts.

    231.22 Inspectors.

    231. 221 Clothing and materials.

    231. 222 Wagons, tableware, band instruments, and other miscellaneous supplies.

    231. 223 Electrical. 231. 224 Marine. 231. 225 Boilers. 231. 226 Subsistence stores and ordnance.

    231. 227 Examiners and assistant inspectors.

    231. 228 Animals. 231.23 Medical.

    231.231 Physicians.

    231. 232 Veterinarians. 231. 233 Clinical experts. 231. 234 Medical experts. 231. 235 Pharmacists. 231. 236 Chemists. 231.24 Architects, draftsmen, surveyors.

    231.241 Architects.

    231.242 Draftsmen.

    231. 243 Surveyors. 231. 244 Rodmen and assistants.

    231.25 Lawyers and law clerks.

    231.26 Chaplains.

    231.3 Clerical.

    231.31 Clerks.

    231.32 Stenographers, typewriters, reporters.

    231.33 Accountants, appraisers, statisticians.

    231.34 Agents, purchasing, disbursing, transportation, quarter

    master, horse buying, dispatch.

    231.35 Teachers, instructors, interpreters, translators.

    231.36 Undertakers, embalmers, disinterring corps.

    231.37 Telephone, telegraph, and wireless operators.

    231.4 Superintendents, caretakers, guards, guides, laborers.

    231.41 Superintendents of parks, cemeteries, grounds.

    231.42 Caretakers, custodians, farmers, gardeners, foresters, forest


    231.43 Guards, policemen, detectives, watchmen.

    231.44 Guides, scouts, spies.

    231.45 Messengers, mail carriers, dispatch bearers.

    231.46 Janitors, scrubbers, charwomen.

  • 61

    Superintendents, caretakers, guards, guides, laborers--Contd. 231.47 Laborers. 231. 471 Foremen of laborers. 231.48 Chauffeurs, elevator conductors. 231.49 Miscellaneous. 231.491 Scorers, spotters, markers. 231.5 Mechanical trades. 231.51 Engineers, firemen, enginemen for locomotives, bridge,

    trains, and stationary engines. 231.52 Printers, photographers. 231. 53 Electricians, linemen. 231.54 Armorers, molders, machinists. 231.55 231.56

    Mechanics, plumbers, steam fitters, tinners. Carpenters, masons, painters, wheelwrights.

    240U 250

    231.57 Saddlers, farriers, blacksmiths, harness makers, horseshoers. 231.6 Depot, factory, and shop employees. 231.61 Storekeepers, warehousemen. 231.62 Packrs shinnprs chckers. 231.63 Clothiers, tailors, cutters. 33. 231.64 Seamstresses, folders, trimmers, spongers. 231. 65 231.66

    Other operatives. Foremen.

    350 231. 67 Matrons. 231. 68 231.7

    Tentmakers and skilled workmen making equipage. Post, pack and wagon train employees. 400

    231.71 Packers and pack masters. 231.72 Forage masters, cargadors, train masters. 231.73 Wagon masters, wagoners, teamsters. 231.74 Superintendents of corrals, horse trainers, wranglers. 231.75 231.77

    Stablemen, scavengers, hostlers. Cooks and bakers.

    41@ 231. 8 231.81

    Transport and harbor boat employees. Masters, mates, and other officers. 430

    46047.t, 231.82 Pilots, (livers. 231.83 Deck department, transport service (yeomen, boatswains,

    carpenters, masters - at - arms, storekeepers, wheelmen, deck hands, seamen, deck boys).

    231.84 Engine department, transport service (coal passers, elec

    tricians, firemen, oilers, plumbers, machinists, store 040keepers, water tenders, engineers).

    231.85 Harbor-boat service (engineers, assistant engineers, oilers, ,5o 231.86

    firemen, deck hands, cooks). Stevedores, wharf employees. 6"


    a U1

  • 240

    240.1 240.2 240.21 240.3 240.4 240. 5 240. 6


    241.01 241.02 241.03 241.04 241. 1 241. 11 241. 12 241. 13 241. 14 241. 15 241. 16 241. 17 241. 18 241.2 241. 21 241. 22 241. 23 241. 24 241.25

    241. 26 241.28 241.3 241. 31 241.311 241. 312 241. 313 241.32 241. 33 241.34 241. 35 241.36 241. 37 241.38


    PAY AND ALLOWANCES. Systems of paying. Methods of paying.

    At encampments and maneuvers. Places of paying. Times of paying. Paying officers. Pay Federal employees as militiamen.

    Officers, pay clerks, veterinarians.

    Methods alnd(1 forms used in payinjg. Advance of pay. Partial payments before settlement of accounts. Payment on dtuplicate papers.

    Kinds and rates of pay entitled to. Base pay of grade. Longevity. Foreign service. lligyher or increased communand. Pay for mounts. Extra for aids. Staff details. Retired pay and( allowances, and on active duty.

    Correcting payments, stoppages, and dedc(l(tionls. Short I)aymIents, credit for. Overpayments. D)ouble paymeilts. Absence from duty, misconduct. Absence without leave.

    Excess leave. Stoppage circular, data for and issuance of.

    Collecting charges against officers. nd(lebtedness an(d dues.

    Hospital Idues, and income tax. To p)rivate parties. To United States (other than specified herein).

    Iines and forfeitures. Errors inii paying. Errors in authorizing expenditures.

    Errors in disbursing funds (not pay).

    Damages to or loss of property. Alimony. Exceeding allowances.

  • I 63 241. 4 Pay accounts proper. 241. 41 Assignment or transfer of. 241. 42 Indorsed for deposit. 241.43 Where or by whomn paid. 241.44 Suspension by the auditor. 241.5 Final pay. 241.6 Certificates of nonindebtedness. 241.8 Reports regarding pay of officers.

    242 Pay of enlisted men and nurses. 242.01 Methods, forms, times, and places for payment of troops. 242.02 D)ate of commencement. 242.03 Increases and decreases. 210_ 242.04 Pay after expiration term of enlistment. 242.05 Payments while residing al)rroad. 2W 242.06 Payments on descriptive lists. 242. 1 Kinds and rates of pay entitled to. 3W 24.2. 11 Base pay of grade. 242. 12 Service pay, foreign war. 242. 121 Eidistmentvc eriods, various. 242. 122 Prior service other than Army. 3WO 242. 13 Extra-(ti yvpay. 242. 14 Additioll pay. 242. 141 ('ertificate of merit, badges. 242. 142 Marksmanship of gunners. 242. 143 Special details, mess sergeants, plotters. 242. 15 Pay and bonus on reenlistment. 430 242. 16 Oni promotion or reduction. 242. 17 On dislcharge. 242. 18 Retired pay and allowances. 44242. 2 Pay withheld, delayed, or paid to others. 450 .) C0 i T Il il

    It". 21 In arrears. 242. 22 When in hanIs of civil authorities. 242. 23 D)uring absence, furlough or otherwise. 242.24 UndrawNi or partial payments. 242.25 Delay or nonreceipt of. 242. 26 To others for, paid. 242. 261 Commanlding officers. 242. 27 Prisoners or conivicts. 242. 28 Deserters. 242.3 Correctiing paviyments, stop)pages or deductions. 242. 31 Short payments, credit for. 242. 32 Overpayments. 242. 33 Double p)ayments. 242. 34 Absence from duty, misconduct.

  • 64

    Correcting payments, stoppages or deductions-Continued. 242.35 Absence without leave. 242.36 Absence in excess of furlough allowance. 242.37 Erroneous deductions of allotments. 242.38 Returned pay. 242. 4 Collecting charges and dues. 242. 41 Indebtedness and dues. 242. 411 Post-exchange dues. 242. 412 Laundry dues. 242. 413 Subsistence charges. 242. 414 To company or regimental funds. 242. 415 To private parties. 242. 416 To United States (other than specified herein). 242.42 Fines, forfeitures, and reward for apprehension. 242. 43 Retained or detained. 242.46 Damages to or loss of property. 242.47 Alimony. 242.48 Exceeding allowances, clothing. 242.5 Pay rolls and muster rolls. 242.51 Amendments and corrections. 242.6 Final pay. 242.61 Data for, methods of settlement. 242.62 Final statements forwarded for settlement. 242.63 Irregular or lost final statements. 242.64 Assigned final statements. 242. 65 Charges and deductions. 242.66 Purchase of discharge. 242.67 Overpayments on final statements. 242.68 Short payments on final statements. 242.7 Pay and checks of deceased soldiers. 242.8 Reports regarding pay enlisted men.

    243 Allotments of pay.

    243.1 Original and duplicate. 243.2 Changes and corrections. 243.21 Corrections. 243.22 Increases or decreases. 243.23 Address of allottees. 243.24 Names of allottees. 243.25 Dates of allotments. 243.3 Charging allotments on pay rolls. 243.31 Correction of record. 243. 32 Nondeduction noted. 243.33 Overdeduction noted. 243.34 Refundment of overpaid allotments.

  • now_


    2 1:). I Norimlpaynvit, (of allot mlenits.

    2 1;. 5 Dis')cot itln,ari(e of allotmenits.

    2 1,. 51 leoiluests for.

    2 1:3. 52 Rjeports of.

    2 1:.5:; D)eclile(d or reifused.

    2 1:'. -1 l)ischarge or desertio)n.

    2 1:;. 55 D)eatll of allottee.

    21 '. 56 l)eath of allot ter.

    2 .;. 4, SIsperisioris.

    2 1:. G1 To pav fine,:.

    24:;. G2P I'end(lir trial.

    2 1:;. 68 Abserbe, Ini'collduc(t.

    2 1;. 7 Validit v of allot lmenits.

    2-. N Set tlements of allot entts ad char-ges.

    244 D)eposits of enlisted men.

    2 11 . 1 'ec(f,(1s and report of'.o 2 11. 11iLost. deposit, bIoo. 211. 2 lItest' oil.

    1 Ieert2 1.s ) er1s. 211. I 1)is-onllorabl y (ldisch('lar'ed ie1 i. 2414. .5 ('lairns for unpaid.

    245 Allowances of officers.

    2 45. M1 Aeouints aind v(ouclher'. 2.15. (02 AdVIlACeS; (0' pirtiial lpaymlliet. 2415. Y)) ()Overlparyments or slhorl IpaIyments. 215. (04 Ord'ers or autlthority for. 215. , lutlies, (liStaces, places. 21 5. 06 Special Servi(e or',joIurneWY. 2-15. ()7 Special coldit i()loIs, as ol (is'lare. 2 15. Os Special Ieal s. 2 15. I Q lart er's. 215. 2 Hleat anid l lhtt, i'cl(' di'lg fuel. 2.15. lorage. 215. 6 M1ilea(ge(,, travel pay. or 'actual expelnses. 2-15. Corm111rtati'oris of allowarles.

    012 1.3. NoI Accounts and VOl('cher's. 2145. 8(02 Advances or parti al paynrienits. 215. 8(0: ( )ver'pa .vientes oir short paymlent,. 2 15. (I (O)rder's or ' ait Ilonrity for. 215. 805 Houte(s, distanceS, places. 215.806 Special se'rvice or joiurnley. 245. 807 Special con(dlitiorrs,71 oiln (lischlarng. 2-15. 80S Special mIneals.

    :.22 17 5







    530 040550


  • 245. St 245. 82 245. S:3 2415. 86


    2 16. 0 1 2 1. 102 246. 0):

    216. 04 216. 05 246. 016 216. 0)7 246. I1 246. 2 246. 4 246. 5 246. 6 246. 8

    246. 801) 246. 802 246. 803 246. 80)4 246. 805 246. 806 246. 807 246. 81 246. 82 246. 84

    246.85 246. 86


    247. 1 247.2 247.3 247.4 247. 5 247.6

    9A9 248. 111

    248. 1 248. 11 248. 12


    'Commut,ationsof allowances (-Contimnued.


    Hleat andl light, inolding fuel.


    Milenge or travel pay.

    Allowances of enlisted men and nurses.

    Accounts and v(ochers.

    Advances or 1wrtial 'enlts.lpam ()%verpayvienits or sitort paYments.

    Orders or autihoritv for.

    Houtes, distan,es, plae.s.

    Special serNICes (or c(ulitI I to s.

    S(pec(ill classes of troops.

    Quarters. Ilent ul lid It, including fue1l. lattions or sli